HomeMy WebLinkAbout267 - Ocean Boulevard & Other ImprovementsT E �, P,F8�IL�JTI�Id 1311. Z A Rci.olutiu n of the Bo:.rd of Truitee= of the Oity of Newrort Bci:ch er;e,rdinL the ccptr�ct 'or cert.air. rfork oil ()tern Boulew.rd and cert:.in other mtreeta5, k.vc::uch. ^.d ;-llcyb ii. Tr,ct Nu. 513 rer thcreof recorded in uiEcclloneout. l:i..rL Book 17, Ph�Lat 33, 34, 35 x.'.d 36, Pecordr of rr .zLe ^ounty, rc:liforniz., ^ithin .,.•.id city. The Roa,rd of Trui,teey.of the Pity of 7cwFOrt Be_.cL- do re6olve m.z follo?^z: 8F(' I()N 1. Thc,t / this Borrd hereby find: i,::d decLrei tilz�t Cp i tr /o it: tiie lo% e,t, rk; ulwr, reoponsible bidder for the ,,o-xk herainofter ddeVCribed ,..0 this nwrd hereby ;_Warde- the contr, -ct for ;,,.id riork to t?,c :,a.id 4���arrr /d airafivcf ior7 � r/y r.t the price-­ .:used i~ pile//'_ ti d, t''o77 -tit; Far 6 inch cloy c-rd curfucc includi,t; r,.dinLL, rer Eq. ft . ......... ............................... ....... O. /0 For 5 inch concrete p:,ved;er.t i,,cl;zdin_ r;:dis.L, °cr Lq. ft . O. 2 For 6 inch concrete. ir.clvdin,•. Tcr .sq.ft. ror 8 inch coxcrete pa For concrete curb, For For concrete r.Ade^,ak, r. ves,ert ix.ciudin grc.di,:6, Ter eq•ft. 0•_T ILLL iin. ft . .......................... n �•_.L_. -.._ Ter cc . ft. ... O. 7-0 For 3/4 inch diuixter :,:ieridized iron conduit rith one l;o. 6 lcod covered ca'--le inLt: lied on tho i-r ide ci ctid cor-- duit, complete, r,er lin. ft . ........................... • For 1 1/Z iuch diuxnetar s.heridized iron cc _duit ^ith two : ?o. 6 le_,d covered ccble i,iEtc,lled on the ili.idc of sr:id con- . cotduit) conclete, rer.liix. it. A2 4 For ;r,..,itc .concrete or-:.mcntF.i li;;ht roAt: toLothor rith concrete b ;t . ;.i:d oti.er : rpurtci.c.ncec;, coxnTlete, each 0 Z0 0 For concrete h_.scs 0-1- tol;'e'l er Haiti: c.- purtex:_:x:ce�_ com- llcte, each .............. ............:.................. w, DO For 6 inch di ncter i tzt -.durd ..tool nine, rer li ;. ft. .... r.2. Z 5— - .1 - • i • 0 tom, jh Gs � For 10 inch diameter s.t,nidrrd EtGel pi Pe, per lir..ft. . $ 5Z 2S-- For 6 inch i :tc:Ldl.rd &,.,tc. w lvcik, co2Yipletc T:iti, mc; huler, CLch ............................ ,..................... For 5 inch fire i.ydrv-nt ;_ to uthcr pit: cppurten�..icec , com- pletee�_ch ............ ............................... . For 8 iach di;:meter cement Fire sanitt.ry :,ewer , per 11-r.. ft. ................ ..............................a For bti ndard junction ch.•.m4er, Type A, complete each ... N"- O. 0O For at €.ndurd m�.nhole, Type D, complete each ....... ... 0. For i�t:,nd�rd drop manhole, Type complete eech ........ 010 O For ;t€;nd;.rd manhole, Type F, complete ecch ` X30,00 Fur Lti- ld,:rd lr:mp hole, Type F, complete e€.ch .......... S-50,00 For r,t,;nd:,rd mh€.11or: flubh tank, complete each ,,, ........ T'ZO 0100 Foeaitwndwrd drop for houae cu r. ctior. ,. Type G, complete 3 S7 00 For 6 inch diar..eter cei,.ent sire :.ovf,e connectio,, cevrcrk, per lira. ft. ..........................10.10 E All other bids for Laid work are hereby rejected ,nd the (ity Clcrk i6 hereby directed to return to the re.rective bidder;. :.11 checki. wecomp;_i:yiaZ said rejected bidb. The work herainbefore referred to ie de.cribed ,.e follosre,: the _ra.divl; .-_: d concur cticii of cuncretc pp.veme:Lt, concrete :- ider„lk, concrete curb, ,;r .nite concrete or::_meit,,l li,;htin8 poate, coLduit6, wet: crd €*.rurtena.ncee for the = vcccr;rful orer;.tion of cn orn,-r.ent 1 lidhtiag eyHtem,, e aurfxe of clay and dre.vel, Fire:;, hydrantr .nd other c.ppLi�Ycea €.nd r.rpurte.4�. ^.cec for auprlyinL tnd di�tributin ;; doirxe,tic mater :.:id for fire protcotion, .:nd ccnert pipe as.nitary %ewerr•, to;;cther with ma,nholea, junction ch, n:bere, c-,_�,t iron fr:�JT,ec a:nd cover., 1,,,iphul::.y flusih t €::ik:, ;.and other :rpurtcnc:..ceu and otherni_:e improvir.,-, rortion;, of flei:tr.l Av:aue, Plaza Del vortc, Plsz€: Del Sur, Miramar rrive, ice: n - 2 - • 0 • Roulev,rd, C— Street, I— Street, L— Street, ii— Street, 9hanncl Ro,.d ;.nd the ;alleyw ir. Rlockb R. C, r, F., F, G, H, I, J, K, L and 0 m:.id :treat:. z,: d z,lley, <..re laid out and upon :iUF of '"react 7710. 51rs �_r: reoorded in miecellaaeoua i4ars Book 17, Pe:des 33, 34, 35 a;il 36, RecordL. of Ora.nte County, Cali °orni;t, -Loll uL more rLrticvlrrly de;,- cribed in ReLolution of Intention No. 253, c,e r_dopted by the Ro: rd of Truwtoes, of c -.aid Oity on, the 10th day of Sertember, 1923, and on file in th:; o Mce of the ^it;; clerk of Enid City. For further ps.rticul «rb refore ice is: he reby made to Laid re: olution of Intention Yo. 253, ..--d to the pl.r.6, pro -files, dr;acringi and Cron:'— ,section„ on file in the office of t;ie Oity ^n`ineir of Laid City and eccordir.G to tine treCifi- e4t ion;, c.n file ir, the officQ of the ^. ity Clerk of >.,i id City, Lad cs11 Of L :id rl, a rrofilea, drawings, cro;:c— aection :,rd recifi CE.tior.6 heretofore ;,rproved by kLid Board of Tru!- :tees, L,.rc ircorpor<cted herein tnd n.de a.. r;•rt Hereof c.nd reference is hereby made thereto f,.r .-. more pr:rticul;.r dekcripti! n of Laid work. SF.CTI0N 2. The iii id Ro «rd of TruLtec:b a.16o determined ; nd dec4xad tYLt aeriul bond,; :.hL.11 be ih :ued to represent each -L:.. <e•_;re : :t of T^,ert,= five rollz rs. or more unraid for 20 d,.y�, .; :ft,:r the d- to of vi,rro.iit. For; particul�;.r de„oription c:= t:Fdd bo -.e <_ refcrencc is aurecy i�r.d.l, tc cz.id Fe,_olutici; of Intention. SECTION 3. The said. Do[-rd of Trutt: eo ;.:1_,o determined ar:d decla.red th;:t the euntempl .ted r=ork „nd improvement hLreinb< :'ore r,;entioned ra %.6 in the opinion of ,paid Ro, :rd of Trur :teeu of more ti::..: loC..l or ordilu.ry rublie benefit ;...d the :;xpenee of ra.id ^pork and iuproverent hay, been i:.e;de Ci,<rLCLble uron is district. For ;iL particular doscrirtioi_of tc -id di---- — 3 — 0 E trict rof:;resice is hereby aide to :.r.id Re;oluyjca; of Intention. eFrTInN 4. The Clerk of thie, :'oard i2 hereby dirFctt:d to rubli*h � -- .Ad notice Mice in the Ne7,port Nowk,, e_ rraekly nerz.relper r i__`: i, abli, ih- ed �-:id circuleted jr. iL id City of Nerport Lie, ch and hereby de2ib i:.ted for that I:urpohe there bein6 no daily nu; r�.p -r in .-.t,id City, L, ced by the Roard of Truc•tceo of t1.e lity of .Te),rort Reach this z� d' ?y of October, 1923, BTATR OF rALMIRMA } rnLl - ^y CF nrANGF ) S8 CITY nF ',717PCPT RFACH} Pre i nof tho Rourd of Trunteee. ATTEST: City Clcrk. Aho/" I hereby certify,,the forei;oi.6 Pc ,-olution Ti,.e duly E.dopted ;:nd p�-, —od by the Roz_rd of Trui,tceo of the City of Ne^rort R<i ch rt their adjourned regular rrectinC held oa the 2�?d day of P- ctobcr, 1923 by the follo ^ink vote, to-rit: A. YFS: Trud c. tce, 1l/ c Nr) Fq: Tru�.te; • ABSF'NT; Truutee+ • City Clerk of the lity of Neryort Reach.