HomeMy WebLinkAbout380 - Pacific Drive Vacation• .t RBSOLU:t'IoFT T30. 3 F'4. . A IMSOLUUMIT OF TM ROARD Or, `2RUS1i':? OF THE CITY OF =PORT BEACU DIXTE11I"'G VPCKIT MR 'PMLIC SlliMTT PTTHPOSPS CERTAV PC IZOUS OF P@CIFIC MUVE �I4AIV SIID CITY. ^' MMS, tho Board of Truot000 of the City of Co--rmrt Beadh, on the 26th day of Aril, 1526, at a regaler nootio„ of ccid Board geld on tl)z..t ec.te, duly pcocsd ma r_clopted a recolution, bsi -2g- Resolution P.o. 378, entitled, wA Resolution of the ':otrr.'. of Trustees of the City of Docmort Bomh deelcring their intention to vacato, close -up and Pbendon for public street purposes certain portions of Pccific Drive vitUn said City% end ;TirR?',ILS, the Street Superintnadont of the City of i7e-il;ort Beech, cuter the prooc:,,e of s•rid Resolution, caused to be conspicuously posted tlong th,? line of said contemplated improvement at not more tl= throo hundred (300) foot in diotnaee sport end not less then throe (3) In all, notices of tho nssczoo :;2 resolution, cefd r-otice being- heaflod °P.otico of Public ^or:mt) in letters not loss then one (1) Inca In length, and stating- the fact of the paocc�m of said Itocolution, its date and btiefly the -orz of icisov =oat I^;opesdd, bolaa tlmt of vrca' Vie above nmod otreet as horeinafter described, end no said notice heroin raeationed referred to said 2asolutioa far Awthor p. 3t cnloro; Gaud Stroot Su_r3rintomd.ent having- elso ca=d a notice alciler to that horoinbofore nofc rod to to be publichcd by four (IS) successive insertions in the UmTort FTava, a aeosly neamauor printod, published and circulated in no ocfdl City of "ouport Be h (th000 bolik- no Or-ily nonspL� par so printed, published end circulated. In said City), sail r.oro then ton (10) days after no oupiralon of tho tine of p blication of acid notice hcvirn alansed end m objections to tho or-Ad isprovenont have boon delivered to the City Clcr'lz of the City of F o-,Tcrt r!occh, end the said Bond of Trustees having acquired juris- diction to order the vacation of said street ao hereinafter described; ZOO, TTMIEFUAD, the Board of Trust000 of tho City of TTc -.,*rt Bosch do resolve "no folio ^s: SF.CTIOB I 4bat that portion of tIm public rtroot hereinafter described ^ithin acid City be closod -up, vacated and abandoned for public street purposes, tad. the ror- tions of said str:;ot so clooed -up, vacated as abcmdonod for public street nurposos are described as folloass 5-7--j — -2- F All that portion of Pacific Drive so acid Pacific Drive is laid of ?t cnd o_�om upon e. clap of Corona Del I_ar recorded in Viscellsneou -s Llmo Book 3, Pe zoo 41 rfl- 429 Rocords of Orange County, California, described an bo„in -4w, at point ahl.ch point is at the intersection of tho Southvoatorly lino of acid PwMa Drivo end tbo Garth ^cotorly prolongation of tho north*7asterly line of Bagonia Avenue, c a said Aeemaia. Avenue is Ak laid out cW slmrn ti^on the sofroovIA M-n of Corona Dal L:sr, thonce T'.ort1 110 dogrees Bast, 20 foot to a point; thcnoe South 63 degrooG 32 einatos Toe$. 103.50 feet to a point; thence South 26 degreaa 26 minutes West, 41.;3 feet to a /point; 1.3,1 co eouth- i7esterly around a circular curvo with a radius of 75 foot ecnccvo to tho nerthmeet a distcwe of 2.55 feet, to a point in the aaathvoatVrly lino of scv Pacific Drivo; thence Borth 78 dep=reos 47 ninutos Foot, along tho couthvostorly lino of rmi( Prnific Drive a distance of 59.28 feet to c point; thence ^orth 24 da,7eoo 59 ninutoo ^cot, along the southaosterly lino of said Pacific Privo, a distenco of 65.23 foot, to the niece of beginning.; r_tco all that portion of said Pacific Drive describod as beginning at a point in the sorthvostorly 11e of Pacific Drive, r;lich point is 212.59 foot duo South sod 359.16 foot due Uost of tho intersection of tho cantor lince of First Avonue and Carnation Lvenus, as said avenues are laid out end chova upon tho cforencid L.cp of Corona Del w?r; thence 31orth 50 d7ees Vest, clon;* tho aouthveoterly lino of G id Pacific Drive, a distcnee of 22.59 feet to a point; theneo 17arth 7E dq. erns 47 u4nutes Coat, olon; tho southeeaterly line of said f `}rivo, c distonco of 65.41 feet to c point; tgonca Borth 26 deeos 28 ninutos Lest, ..ev foot to c point; Wonca Guth 63 de,L7eoG 32 minutes East, 85.03 foot to a vint; thonto Govath. 26 6oL7cos 26 minutes r'eot, a distcaee of 20 feet, to tao place, of beginning. ST1',mrl a 'whet tsa public •_7orlt herein -iroviderl fob to tbo closirg�-p of the rortions of stroat heroin described Sa Section Is and it a?rg3sing to tbs Fete'.X of �ustoea tnat tcanro sro no coats, c'mages, or oupense oecasione3 by or orioirti; out of said t7ork, end that no asocsament is necosoary to pay tha costs, d=c7cs, or a�xnses of acid ear',.:, cad that, therefore, no cirm, istionors sl all bo gnpointad to mgcGo benefits mt! d sr ^GS. _! S?.C^aI0I7 III •The City Clerh siell certify to tho passage of this Rocolution end 01011 cruse the Dane to be publiohed by one (1) insertion on the - Immort LTom, a weekly novopcper printed, published and circulated in said City cnd nhich is horeby dosignatod for that purpoce. Adopted this day of July, 1926- (Siglad) ! Conrad Richter Prosido'7�t of the fjocri of trr t ^as. i } State of California ) County of Ormge ( SS. City of 1?o.7Tsort Bea di ) 1, Ufred aAth, City Clad: of ti o City of P:a�'Jwrt roacli. do :iaroby certify tlwGt tlio foro;;olmo Resolution, bein;; roeolution ;o. 3c0, vas introvacad cud paaood by tbo Docrcl of Truct000 ct tacir replcr ncotirg Lo1G on tno dry of July. 192G. by tho f0116 la;, vote, to --efts AYES: Trustoos, L. S. 'Uilldnson, rolis B. Eodjealra., Harry H. Uillicmson, Court --! I-Zig lter. IOC: S'pmotoas, Pone t43 Ls : Trustees. Fred ". Young. (S]lSL) i (Sit 'Aed) Alfred Smith City UlerL of tl_o city of IGe ;rt S =oech-