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512 - Via Lido & Other Improvements
h A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR THE 1J PROVE ,11Z;gT OF VIA LIDO AND CERTAIN OTHER STREETS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY WITHIN SAID CITY. BE''IT RESOLVED by the City Council of 'the City of Newport Beach, that the following Instructions to Bidders, Special Provisions and Specifications -nor the improvement of Via Lido and certain other streets, easements and rights of . way in the City of Newport Beach, be and the same are hereby �.'. adopted: Instructions to Bidders. Special Provisions ' Standard Specifications No. 50 for General Requirements.. Standard Snecificat•ions No% &l. for Cement Concrete ' "rMaterials AnA Reinforcing Ste-].. Standard' Specifications No. 52 for. Cement,Concrete y sideblks, curbs and gutters. Standard Specifications No, 54 for the Installation :.. of Water.Mains, Fire Hydrants and Appurtenances:. Standard Saecifi.cations.No. 55 for Centrifugally Cast Iro,nopipe . Standard Specifications No.. 55 for Cast Irin Pipe "., American. Water Works Association, for cast iron pipe and i special castings, Adopted May 12, 1908. Standard Specifications No. 57 for the Construction of Sanitary Sewers. t Standard Specifications No. 59 for the Construction of `. Concrete Catch Basins, Concrete Curb Inlets and appur- ' tenances, Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts, Reinforced 'Concrete,Pipe and Concrete Culvert Pipe. ' Standard Specifications No. 60 for the Constructtion of Zead Joints in Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings.' ` Standard Specifications No- 61 for the Installation of'' Co5per Pine' Water Services.. ,:. "Yafo.i .til .nr i I ' Standard Specifications No. 62 for Pumping Plant and Appurtenances thereto for Sanitary Sewer System. Standard Specifications No. 63 for the Construction of Disintegrated Granite Roadway. Special Specifications No. 3 for the Construction of Timber Piers with Cement Concrete Pilep, Floats and Appurtenances. Special Specifications No. 4 for the Construction of Steel Plate Girder B-rid&e covered with Cement Gunite on Concrete Abutments, Piers, Appurtenances and Approaches thereto. Special Specifications No. b for the Construction of Ornamental Street Lighting System and Appurtenances. Special Specifications No. 7 for Warrenite— Bitulithic Pavement. • INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS • 1. PROPOSAL:. The bid must be made on the form provided for that purpose. A copes* of the advertisement calling for bids shall be attached to the Proposal. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a chock pay- able to the City of ITewport Beach, certified by a rosponsiblo bank, for an amount , 7hich shall not be less than ton (10) per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or by a bond for the said amount and so payable, signed by the bidder and two (2) sureties who shall justify boforo any officer competent to administer an oath in double the said amount, and over and above all statutory oxomptions. The bidder must state in words and figures the unit prices or specified sums, as the case may be, for which he proposes to supply all the materials and perform all the work required by the Plans, Specifications and Contract. Blank spaces in the proposal must be properly filled in, and the phraseology thereof must not be changed. Additions must not be made to the items mentioned therein. Any unauthorized limitations or provisions attached to a proposal will be liable to render it in- formal and may cause its rejection. Alterations by erasure or inter - lineations must be explained or noted in the proposal over the sig.- nature of the bidder. If the bid is made by an individual, it must be signed with the full name of the bidder, whose address must be given; if it is made by a firm, it must be signed with the co- partnership name by a member of the firm, and the name and full address and name of each member must be given, and if it is made by a corporation, it must be signed by an officer in the corporate name and the corporate seal must be attached to such signature. 2. CERTIFIED CHECK OR BOND: The certified check or bond accompanying the bid and the proeeeus thereof will become the prop- erty of the City of Newport Beach if the bidder fails or refuses to execute the required contract and bonds within the time prescribed by the "Street Improvement Act of 1911" and amendments thereto. The bond or check accompanying the successful bid will be returned upon the execution of the contract. Bonds or checks accompanying the rejected bids will be returned upon the awarding of the contract. 3. AFFIDAVIT: Each proposal must have thereon or attached thereto the affidavit of the bidder that such proposal is genuine, • and not sham or collusive, or made in the interest or in behalf of any person not therein named, and that the bidder has not directly, or indirectly, induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a sham bid, or any other person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding and that the bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion, to secure for himself an advantage over any other bidder. 4. WITHDRA WAL OF BID{ If a bidder wishes posal, he may do so before the expiration of the proposals may be submitted, without prejudice to eating his purpose in writing to the City Clerk Newport Beach. -1- to withdraw his pro- time during which himself, by communi- of the City of I I • 5. LICENSE TO LAY WARRENITE- BITULITHIC WEARING SURFACE: The • lowest bidder who contract shall secure is found to be responsible and entitled to from Wearren the Brothers Company of Boston, Mass. a license to lay Vrarrenite- Bitulithic Wearing Surface. The said license shall be submitted to the City Council for inspection before the awarding of the contract. • 6. ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION: No bid received after the adver- tised time of opening bids will be considered. No bid will be con- sidered unless accompanied by the required certified check or bond and affidavit, and no bid which the City Council believes has been made in violation of the spirit of said affidavit will be considered. If the price of any item appears to be abnormally high or low it may lead to the rejection of the bid containing such price. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach reserves the right to accept any bid, to waive any defects and informalities in the proposals, and to reject any and all bids. 7. The bidder to whom the award is made will be required to ex- ecute a written contract with the Superintendent of Streets and to furnish good and approved bonds as provided for by the "Street Improve- ment Act of 191111 and amendments thereto. 8. ���'3I ?CE: "Bidders must, if required, present satisfactory evidence that.•the,r are -full, �re.)ardft with the necessary experience, capital, machinery and material to furnish the articles called for or to conduct the work as required by the specifications. 9. PERSONAL EXAMINATION: Bidders are requested to carefully examine the plans and read the specifications, and are required to personally satisfy themselves of all local conditions affecting the work, or delivery of the articles. The accuracy of the interpret- ation of facts disclosed by borings or other preliminary invest- igation is not guaranteed. 10. OPENING OF BIDS: Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of proposals. For the purpose of comparing the bide. the City Engineer's estimate of approximate quantities will be used. 11. DRAWINGS: The detailed drawings covering the work speci- fied herein are on file in the office of the City Engineer. The drawings are the property of the City, but sets of blue prints may be obtained by bidders upon depositing a sufficient amount er set to insure their return. Bidders will be allowed thirty (303 days from the date of opening the bids to return the plans and receipt, and receive their deposit. 12. INVESTIGATION: Bidders should visit the site and satisfy themselves as to existing conditions and the degree of accessibility. -2- IN y 14 SPECIAL PROVISIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS • 1. CONTENTS. The following general conditions shall obtain where practicable; as determined by the Engineer in the work to be performed under this contract, except where such general conditions may contradict the special provisions of a particular specification. 2. Thrno sets of specifications and blueprinted plans will be furnished the Contractor. The plans and specifications are the property of the City of Newport Beach and shall be returned to the City Engineer upon completion of the work. Where additional copies are desired, the same may be procured upon making the usual deposit to insure their return. 3. DUTIES OF THE CONTRACTOR: The Contractor shall personally see that the requirements of the contract, of the plans, and of the specifications are fully and faithfully complied with by all his sub - contractors, materialmen and workmen at all times; that all the work is prosecuted with the utmost diligence and that all materials are provided as promptly and in sufficient quantities to avoid delay in the progress of the work. He shall become thoroughly familiar with the plans and specifications and shall promptly report to the Engineer all errors, discrepancies or omissions which he may discover therein. 4. SUBLETTING: The Contractor shall employ such sub - contractors as are acceptable to the City Engineer who shall have a right to a full and complete lisp thereof at any time on demand. No sub - contracts shall be let for any portion of the work except with the written approval of the City Engineer. No sub - contractor will be recognized as such and all persons engaged in the work of construction will be considered as employeos of the contractor, and their work shall be subjected to the provisions of the contract and specifications. Where the whole or a portion of the work which has been-sub-let by the Con- tractor is not being prosecuted in a manner satisfactory to the Engin- eer, the sub - contractor shall be removed by the contractor immediately on written notice of the City Engineer, and shall not again be em- ployed on the work. Should the Contractor thereafter accept and use on the job work or labor furnished by such unacceptable sub - contractor, then such material sup ?lied or work performed is subjection to re- jection. b. CONVENIENCES FOR WOMIEN: The Contractor shall provide suit- able convenience for the workmen, and, on the completion of the work, or when directed by the City Engineer, shall remove same and leave the premises clean and free from nuisance. 6. WORK TO PROCEED AS ORDERED: The work shall be commenced and carried on at such points ana in such order or procedure as may from time to time be directed by the Oity Engineer, and all work shall be in every respect executed in a thorough and a workmanlike manner. In general, the work shall proceed in the following order: Rough Grading. Bridge Construction. Pier Construction. Sanitary Sewer Construction. Fill for Approaches to Bridge. Installation of 'Water Mains. Ornamental T,ighting System. Curbs and Sidewalks Construction. Pavement Construction -1- n LA ' EXCESS EXCAVATION: Excess excavated materials shall be re- L:oved�from the streets and uniformly deposited on lots adjacent to the streets according to the dixecti.on of the City Engineer. • 8. HARBOR WATERS: Tae Contractor shall at all times keep the waters of Newport HarbcT free from lumber, blocking, chips, loose piles and rubbish. He snal7. not allow any material to be deposited in the Harbor waters, tut should any such material be found floating near the site or submerged, which might detrimentally affect navi- gation it shall be immodiatoly removed by the Contractor at his eTC- ponso. 11 • 94 .SALT WATER: Salt water shall not be used in the work with- out the consent of the Cicv Engineer except for use in jetting equip- ment. 10. FRESH 17ATER: Fresh water will be supplied by the City of Newport Beach Rater Department to the Contractor, the contractor to pay all charges for any water necessary for the prosecution of the work, the furnishing and laying of temporary pipes that may be re- quired and shall on completion remove all such temporary piping from the work. The ,Water Department will install a meter as near as possible to the work. 11. SOURCE OF SUPPLY AND-QUALITY OF MATERIAL: Within ten (10) days after the execution of tha contract, the Contractor shall notify the City Engineer, in writing, of the proposed source of supply of all materials to be furnishoe by him and the firm that will furnish such materials, the case of concrete materials, the Contractor shall, at the same time submit to the Ci_t -Y Engineer for approval samples of all aggregates to bo used in the concrete work., and no such materials shall be delivered to the site of the work without first having ob- tained such approval. Aggregates for use in concrete work must be dolivorod on the site of the work at least three (3) days prior to mixing concrete to alloy; time for sampling and testing. Representative preliminary samples of the character and quality prescribed shall be submitted by the Contractor or producer, without charge, for examination and test in accordance with the methods referred tc in the specifications. Only materials con- forming to the requirements and approved by the City Engineer shall be used in the work. No material which after ap ?roval, has in any way become unfit for use, shall be used in the work. —2— • CITY OF ==PORT BEACH • CALIFORNIA STANDARD SPECIFIC_iTIONS NO. 60. FOR GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. �- SECTION 1. WORK AND PLAXS .................. ......... 1 SECTION 2. EXAMINATION OF GROUND ..................... 1 SECTION 3. SUITABLE APPLIANCES ....................... 1 SECTION4. SETTING STA KES ............................ 1 SECTION5. INSPECTORS . ............................... 1 SECTION 6, MltTERI.US AND 8.*J PLES ..................... 1 SECTION % LABOR ..................................... 2 SECTION 8. PR,SERVATION Or NiONUTAENTS ................. 2 SECTION 9. REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS ..................... 2 SECTION 1J• HEL DERS .... ............................... 2 SECTION 11. OBSLRVIKG CITY ORDIII�,NCES ................0 2 SECTION 12. CROSS STREETS ............................. 2 SECTION 13. BARRIERS, LIGHTS, TEMPORARY BRIDGES, ETC., 2 SECTION 14, PUBLIC UTILITIES ........................... 2 SECTION 15. NOTICE TO CONT FUCTOR..... ................. 3 SECTION 16. DEFECTIVE WORK ........................ ... 3 SECTION 17. LOSS GZ DAMAGE..... .... .. .................. 3 SECTION 18. VARIANCE OF QUANTITIES .................... 3 SECTION 19. RESTORATION OF STREETS AND SIDEWALKS #..... 3 SECTION 20. PROTECTION OF WORK AIND CLEANING UP........ 3 • SECTION 21. ALL0V7,31E V:',RIiTION ....................... 3 SECTION 22. FINAL INSPEC'TION ........................... 3 SECTION 23. FEES AND ROYALTIES.. .... .,. ....... ....... 4 SECTION 24. DEFINITIONS. ......... ................:..... 4 L CITY OF N3WPORT B?ACH CALIFORtTIA . STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS NO. 50. FOR uENIsRAL REQUIR ;BENTS SECTION 1. WORK AND PLANS: The Contractor shall for the prise bid, furnish all labor, materials and equi;Dment necessary to exeute the work in every respect in a thorough workmanlike manner in accordance with the plans, profiles and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets. All work shall, cluring its progress and to its completion, conform to the lines, elevations and grades shown on said plans and pro- files. A copy of the plans and specifications furnished by the City Engineer shall be kept upon the t-ork at all times during its progress and access ther -to shall at all times be accorded the City Enginee.r or the Superintendent of Streets. SECTION 2. Eidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the location of the proposed work the nature of the excavation to be made and the work to be' done. The plans for the work will show conditions as they are supposed, or believed by the City Engineer to exist but it is neither intended nor to be inferred that the conditions'as shown thereon constitute a representation by'the city or its officers that such conditions are actually existent nor shall the city or any of its officers be liable for any loss sustained by the Contractor as a result of any variance between conditions as shown on the plans and the ac- tual conditions revealed dt;rin the progress of the work or other- wise. SECTION 3. SUITABLE AP M ANC?S: The - Contractor shall use s".ch methods and appliances for the performance ol the work er4braced under these specifications as will secure a satisfactory cuality of work and rate of progress. SECTION 4. S TTIN:` STAK?S: The Contractor shall ;ive twenty -four 24 hours° notice in writin,, when he will require the service of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. The Contractor shall dig all holes necessary for line and'grade stakes, and shall preserve all stakes set for line 5rades or measurements of the work in their proper places until authorized to remove them by the City Engineer. Any expense incurred in replacing said stakes which the Contractor may have failed to preserve, shall be borne by the Contractor. MOTION 5. INSP7CTO S: The Contractor shall prosecute the work only in the presence of an inspector authorized by the Super- intendent of Streets and any work done in the absence of said inspector shall be subject to rejection. The Contractor shall furbish the inspector the City Engineer and the Superintendent of Streets reasonable fac.ilities for obtaining full information respecting the progress and manner of the work and character of the materials. SECTION 6. ;y:hT3 ,IALS 4N7- SAULIS: All materials must be of specified quality and fully equal to samples where samples are reouired. The Contractoi shall furnish to tie City Engineer for test, whenever requested and. free of charge samples of all materials proposed to be used in the York. Rejected material must be immediately removed from the work by the Contractor and shall not be brought again upon the work. -1- • • 4 SECTION 7: LABOR; person employed on to perform the wor k charged immediately the work. lt4_ shy superintendent, foreman, laborer or other the work by the Contractor, who fails or refuses in the manner specified herein, shall be dis— and such person shall not again be employed on SECTION S: PRESERVATION OF biONUhENTS: The Contractor shall not dis- turb any monuments or stakes found on the line of the improvements without permission from the City Enginoor, and he shall bear the expense of resetting_ any monuments or stakes which may be disturbed without permission SECTION 9: RE&OVING OBSTRUCTIONS: The Contractor shall remove trees where required by the plans of or where the proper completion of the work requires their removal. The Contractor shall also remove all stone, debris or other obstructions, of whatever kind or char- acter, encountered in making the improvements. SECTION 10: HEADERS: Whenever thepavement to be laid does not terminate against a curb, gutter or other pavement, the Contractor shall provide and set upon the line of termination a healer of sound plank, two (2) inches in thickness and of a width not less than the thickness of the pavement. The top edge of the plank shall conform to the cross — section of the finished street. Sail healers shall be considered a necessary past of the pavement and shall regain in place when the work is completed and accepted. SECTION 11: OBSERVING MYY ORDIN `YCES: The Dontractor shall observe all the ordinances of the City of Ne-port Beach in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passageways and protecting the same where they are exposes and would be dangerous to travel, SECTION 12: CROSS STREETS: No two consecutive cross streets shall be closed at any one time. SECTION 13: BARRIERS, LIGHTS, TEMPORARY BRIDGES, ETC.: The Contractor shall erect and keep erected, by night and day, a fence or proper barrier along the line of the work and across the ends of the same in orier to guard the public effectively from danger of falling into trenches or from upsetting their vehicles against the earth thrown up during the progress of the work, and he shall post all proper notices and signals to the public of the state of the streets while the work is in progress. A red light must be maintained at night at each end of the barrier from sunset until sunrise. He shall provide and maintain all necessary detours and temporary bridges. SECTION 14: PUBLIC UTILITIES: In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility or franchise, such owner will, upon .proper application by the Contractor, be notified by the Superintendent of Streets to move such property within a specified reasonable time, and the Contractor shall not intorfero with said property until after the expiration of the time specified. The ri, -ht is reserved to the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or changes of their property made necessary by the work. The City of Newport Beach shall also have the privilege of onterine.. upon the street for the purpose of.repairing sewers, and water pipes, or making house connections therewith, or repairing culverts or storm drains. —2— IN • 0Mr c.. a SECTION lb: NOTICE-TO CONTRACTOR: .Notice of any imperfections in the work to any foreman or agent in charge of any portion of the Work, in the absence of the Contractor, shall be considered as notice to the Contractor. SECTION 16:,DEFECTIVE WORK:, No work which is defective in its construction or deficient.in any of the requirements of these specifications will be considered as accopted-in consequence of the failure of any officer of the city or inspector.connected with the work, to point out said defects or deficiency during construction. The Contractor shall correct any imperfect work; whenever discovered, before the final acceptance of the work. SECTION 17: LOSS OR DAMAGE; All loss or damage arising from any unforseen obstruction or difficulties which may be encountered. in the prosecution of the work or from any action of the elements prior to the acceptance of the work,.or from any act or omission not authorized by these specifications, on the part of the Con —, tractor or any agent or person employed by him, shall be sustained by tho Contractor. SECTION 18; VARIANCE OF QUANTITIES; The Contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation or statement of amounts of quantities necessary to complete the work required by the contract and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and.materials to fully. complete said work in accordance with "the plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets. SECTION 19: RESMORATION OF STREETS AND SIDEWALKS• where trenches are excavated in streets which are paved, macadamized, oiled or otherwise improved, the pavement or surface thus removed shall be replaced by the Contractor in a.workmanlike manner and in ac- cordance with the specifications under which the street was originally improved. Unless.otherwise provided, the Contractor shall re- place and repair any damage to sidewalks, cross — walks, curbs and gutters resulting from trench excavation prior to the acceptance of the work. SECTION 20; PROTECTION OF WORK AND CLEANING UP; The Contractor shall for all work until final completion and acceptance of the whole. All damage done to existing improvements by the Con- tractor shall be repaired by him. He shall remove all.surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion and be- fore he makes application for the acceptance of the work, SECTION 21; ALLOWABLE VARIATION; when, in these specifications, a maximum.of minimum, either in size, percentage or thickness, or relating to quality or character or other matter, is.allowed • or proscribed, the work shall be accepted as in compliance there- with if within such maximum or minimum so allowed. SECTION 22: FINAL INSPECTION:. The Contractor shall.notify the Superintendent of Streets when he desires a final inspection of the work. The Superintendent of Streets will as soon thereafter as possible make the necessary examination.. If the work is found to be in compliance.with these specifications, the Superintendent of Streets will furnish the Contractor with a certificate to that effect. —0— l • C� r� r SECTION 23: FEES AND ROYALTIES. All fees or royalties for any patentei invention, article or arrangement in any manner connected with the work, or with those specifications, shall be included in the price stated in the proposal, and the Contractor shall protect and hold the City harmless against any and all demands or claims for such fees or royalties, whether such demands or claimsare filed luring the life of the contract or after its completion. SECTION 24: DEFINITIONS: rihenever the word "City" is usoi in the specifications, it refers to the Cite of Newport Beach, California. Whenovor the word "Contractor" is used in the specifi- cations, it rufers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified• Whenever the words "Superintendent of Streets" and "City Engineer" are used in the specifications, they refer, rospectively, to the Superintendent of Streets and the City En— . gineer of the City of Newport Beach, California, or thoir authorized agents or inspectors. —4— • CI'P °. CF lIE'UORT BEACH CALIFUNIA STAND,-'RD SPEC IFrC.�LTIONS NO. 51. VOR CE190T CONCRETE ieATERIALS AND REINFORCING STEEL • i PAGE SECTIOi', 1. PORTLAND CEMENT .....................•... 1 & 2. SECTION 2. SAiZ ..... ............................... 2. SEGZION 3. ROCK ..... ............................... 0. SECTION 4. PEA GRiVEL FOR CONCRETE ................. 3. SECTION 5. METHOD OF DET Rivili:ING FINENESS bODULUS•• 3. SEC210111 6. RATTLER TEST.... .' ...................... ... 3 & 4. SECTIOFd 7. WiiTER .... ............................... 4. SECTIOid 8. JOINT FILLER ........................... 44 SECTION 9. REINFO4CIbiG STEEL ....................... 4. SECTION 10. STORING MATERIALS ...................... 4. • i •� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA ;'. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS NO. 51. • E • SECTION 1. C LENT AND PORTLAND CEMENT: FOR CONCRETE MATERIALS REINFORCING STEEL (a) All cement used shall be Portland Cement and must conform to the following requirements and be subject to the follow- ing test which will be open to the Contractor. Samples for test may be taken from every package delivered or proposed to be used upon the work, and unless they meet the requirements herein speci- fied, such package or packages of cement will be rejected. All cement shall be true.Portland Cement. No cement will be accepted, tested or permitted to be used unless delivered in the original unopened packages, filled at the cement mill and with the manufacturer's name and the brand of the cement plainly marked thereon. If delivered in sacks, each sack must contain not less than ninety -four (94) pounds net of cement. Such sacks of cement rust be uniform in weight and the sacks shall be whole and untorn. If delivered in wooden or metal barrels, the content must be three hundred and seventy -six (376) pounds net of cement. The cement must be dry and free from lumps. No cement shall be used which has been mixed in any way with any other brand or quality of cement or which has been tam- pered with in any way after having been placed in the original package of the manufacturer, nog shall any cement be used from reground. To prevent sifting or loss of weight, and for pro- tection from moisture, all cement that has been transported by water must be in paper lined cloth sacks, or in barrels made of wood or metal. The paper liners used inside the sacks :must be stout and damp- proof, and mail be either open mouthoft or of the sealed type with valves for filling. All cement shall meet the specifications and be tested in accordance with. "Standa.rd Specifications and Tests for Port- land Cement ", Serial Designation C9 -26, adopted and revised by the American Society for Testing Material and on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, and when tested as above shall meet the following requirements. (b) FINENESS: The residue on a 200 -mesh screen shall not exceed twenty -two (22) per cent. by weight. (c) SOUNDNESS: A pat of cement paste about three (3) inches in diameter and one -half (1) inch in thickness at the center, tapering to a thin edge, stored in moist air for twenty - four (24) hours, and then kept in.an atmosphere of steam at ninety -eight (99) to one hundred (100)'"degrees Centigrade, for five (5) hours, shall show no signs of distortion, cracking, check- ing or disintegration. (d) TIME OF SETTING: The cement shall not develop initial set in less than forty -five (45) minutes when tested with a Vicat needle, nor in less than sixty (60) minutes when tested with a Gilmore needle. Final set shall be attained within ten (10) hours. (e) TENSILE STRENGTH: The average tensile strength in pounds per square inch of not less than three (3) mortar Yriquettes, composed of one (1) part, by weight, of cement and three (3) parts, -1- by weight, of standard Ottft'Ra sand, s'.-,all not be less than the • following: lie at Test Storago of Brigucttos Pounds per SQ. In: 7 days. 1 day in moist air, 6 days in water. 225 28 days. 1 day in ::foist air, 27 days in water. 325 When the cement is of a brand not previously tested or where previous tests have fallen below the requirements herein sat forth, such cement shall be hold in storage until the 29 days test can be completed. 'Mork in which cement has been used which subsequent test show to be not in conformity with the require- ments herein sat forth, shall be reconstructed. Cement shall be received on tha job in sacks filled at the cement factory and each containing not less than ninety - four (94) pounds net weight of cement. SECTION 2. SAND: Sand shall be a natural sand having clean, hard, durable, uncoated grains, and shall be free from shale, oil, organic matter, alkali, or other deleterious substances. Sand shall be thoroughly and uniformly washed.. Sand must not contain more than three `3) per cent. by weight, of clay or silt and shall not con- tain more than three (3) per cent., by weight, of mica. Sand must have a fineness modulus of not less than 2.50 nor more than 3.20 when determined as hereinafter specified, and shall meet the following requirements as to size: Passing 1/4 inch screen .......... 95 to 100 %. Passing 30 mesh screen ........... 15 to 30%. Passing 100 mesh scre:.n .......... 0 to 6 %. Screens to have square openings and percentages are by weight of dry material. Sand shall be tested for organic matter in the follow- ing manner: A 12 -ounce graduated prescription bottle is filled to the 47-ounce mark with the sand to be tested: then there is poured into the bottle a three (3) per cent. solution of Sodium Hydrox- ide until .the volume of sand and solution, after shaking amounts to seven ounces. The bottle is then shaken - thoroughly and allowed to stand for twelve (12) hours. If at the end of this time the liquid above the sand is darker than a light yellow color, the sand will not be permitted to be used in the concrete. An average of three (3) briquettes, one (1) inch square in cross - section, made of one (1) part Portland Cement, conforming to the specifications and three (3) parts of sand, shall attain a ;minimum tensile strength in seven (7) days equal to ninety (90) per cent. of the average tensile strength of three (3) like briquettes of the same proportions,.made with the same cement and Standard Ottawa sand. • SAND TO BE USED FOR CEMENT MORTAR FINISH: Not more than six (6) per cent. minus the per cent. of silt, loam, clay, • etc. determined by test for Organic Impurities shall pass a No. 100 sieve. Not less than seventeen (17) per cent. and not more than forty -two (42) per cent. shall pass a No. 30 sieve. All shall pass a No. 4 sieve. -2- � t SECTION 3, ROCK: Rock shall consist of sound crushed rock or • washed gravel, or a combination of both. It shall be free from dirt, mud, stone, dust, organic- mauter, oil, or other deleterious substances. It shall contain no soft, flat, or elongated pieces. Rock shall be sound, clean, hard, tough, durable material and shall not contn.in ::iore than one (1) per conk. by weight, of clay or silt. Rock shall be uniformly graded between the maximum and minimum sizes specified. i'ot more than two (2) per cent. by weight of the rock shall have a maximum dimension more than fifty (50) per cent. greater than the largest screen size specified therefor and shall have a specific gravity of not less than 2.60 nor more than 2.70. SECTION 4. PEA GRAVEL FOR CONCRETE: Pea gravel shall be sound, washed gravel,,clean, hard., tough, durable material free from vegetable or other deleterious substances. It shall be free from dirt, mud or stone dust. Pea gravel as furnished shall be uniformly graded frox the largest.to the smallest screen or sieve sizes given below, and in addition shall conform to the following screen tests: (a.) All shall pass a screen having z in. square openings. (b) Not less than 95 per cent by weight, shall pass a screen having 318 inch square openings. (c) Not less than 40 per cent and not more than 60 per cent by weight, shall be retained on a 4 -mesh sieve having square openings. (d) Not more than 10 per cent., by weight, shall pass a 14 -mesh sieve with square openings. Pea gravel shall not show a loss of more than thirty - two (32) per cent, when subjected to the rattler test hereinafter specified. SECTION 5. METHOD OF DETERMINING FINENESS MODULUS- The fineness modulus of the sand or rock shall be determined by a, sieve anal- ysis, using the following sizes of standard sieves: : 100 mesh, 48 mesh 28 mesh, 14 mesh, 8 mesh, 4 mesh, 3/8 inch mesh, 3/4 inch, and lZ inch mesh, screens to have square openings. The sum of the percentages, byveight, of the material retained on each of the above standard size sieves divided by 100 is the fineness modulus of the material. SECTION 6. RATTLER TEST: At least thirty (30) pounds of the mater- ial to be tested shall be available for the test. Each sample • when ready for the rattler shall consist of five (5).kilograrns (eleven pounds) of said dry material; all shall pass a 2 -inch screen, sixty (60) per cent. by weight shall be retained on a. 3/4- inch screen, and all shall be retained on a -21-inch screen. The said sample shall be tested in a rattler, consisting of a metal cylinder twenty -eight (28) inches in diameter, and twenty (20) • inches in length, longitudinally mounted on a horizontal Aaft and having a shelf four (4) inches wide extending from end to end. During the test the rattler shall be revolved at a rate of between twenty -eight (28) and thirty (30) revolutions per minute. A charge for the rattler shall consist of the said five (5) kilo- gram sample and fourteen (14) cubical blocks of cast iron measur- ing about one and one -half (11) inches in each dimension, and having a weight of five (5) kilograms. After receiving the charge the rattler shall be given five hundred (500) revolutions. The -3- M • sample shall then be screened and the portion will pass a 10 -mesh screen shall be considered the loss. SECTION 7. Wk TER: Water shall be clean, free alkali or vegetable matter. If the Contractor city water, arrangements must be made with the dent. ,y weight which and designated as from oil, acid, elects to use Water Superinten- SECTION S. JOINT FILLER: Tie filler for all expansion and contraction joints shall consist of composition board made of two layers of paper or felt and a filler of asphalt or composition board made of fibre permeated with asphalt. The thickness of the composition board shall be as hereinafter specified or as shown on plans. The quality of the asphalt shall be such that it will not become soft in warm weather or brittle in cold weather. When it is necessary to splice the joint filler it shall be laced or clipped together in a workmanlike and effective manner: When in storage on the work, all joint material shall be 'laid flat.on plank. SECTION 9. REINFORCING STEEL: Steel shall be made by the open hearth process and shall be of uniform quality. It shall contain not more than five- hundredths (.05) per cent.sulphur; if made by the acid process it shall contain not more than six - hundredths (.05) per cent. phosphorus, and if made by the basic process not more than four - hundredths (.04) per cent. phosphorus. When tested in specimens of standard form, or full sized pieces of the same length; it shall have an ultimate tensile strength of fifty -five thousand (55,000). to seventy thousand (70,000) pounds per square inch; an elastic limit of not less than one -half (1) the ultimate strength, and a minimum percentage of elongation in eight (L ) inches of one million, two hundred and fifty thousand (1,250,000) divided by the ultimate strength. Test specimens shall bend cold through one hundred and eighty (180) degrees around a pin without cracking on the outside of the bent portion, the diameter of the pin being equal to the thickness of the specimen-if less than three - quarter (j /4) inch, and being twice the thickness of the specimen if three- quarter (314) inch or larger. Reinforcing bass shall be free from flaws, cracks, mill scale, oil or paint. All reinforcing bars shall be square deformed bars unless otherwise specified. SECTION 10. STORING MATERIALS When cement is stored on the work it shall be suitably protected at all times from exposure to moisture until used. Sand and rock shall not be stored on the subgrade. -4- I CIT's OF NEUTPORT BEACH CZTirQRNIA STAiQDARD SPECIFICATIONS N0. 52. • CEUZI: T CONCRETE SIDE"ALKS, CURBS A0 GUTTERS. Pie SECTION 1. PLANS ... ....................... 1 ........ SECTIOA 2. WORK .... ............................... 1 SECTION 3. GENERAL REQUIRF31ENTS I ................. 1 SECTION 4. GRADING ......................... 1 ..... a GRADING AREA ....:................. 1 b SUBGRz0E 1 .......................... c FILLS .............................. 2 SECTION 5• FORMS ... ............................... 2 SECTION 6. CEMENT CONCRETE ........................ a ......................... 2 PROPORTIONING MATERIALS ........... 2A IflMATERIALS fl &MIXING A:M kEASURING .............. 3 PLACIliG 0; CONCRETE ............... 4 SECTION 7. JOINT FILLER ........................... 4 SECTION 8. CONCRETE CURB .......................... 4 a DIN, ENSIONS 4 b FOPuS . ........................ 5 c PLASTERING AND FINISHING.. ... 5 d EK?ANSION JOINTS. ................. 5 e PROTECTION AND CURING ............. 5 SECTION 9. UNPLASTERED CURB ....................... 5 SECTION 10. CONCRETE GUTTER AND CROSS- GUTTER .•...• 6 DIMENSIONS ........................ 6 bFOR &S ............................. jal 6 c PINISF.I14G ......................... 6 d E72AJSION JOINTS ......... 6 . ...... (e PROTECTION AND CURING............. 6 SECTION 11. COZ13INATION CONCRETE. CURB AATD GUTTER, 7 SECTION 12.. TWO COURSE SIDEWALK ................... 7 a DIMENSIONS... 7 b FORMS ............................ 7 ` c PLACING CEMENT MORTAR.. 7 U d EXPAi`ISIOid JOINTS ................. 8 e PROTECTION AND CURING ........... 8 SECTION 13. COLOR COAT FINISH OF SIDE17ALK......... 9 SECTION 14.. CONTRACTOR'S NAIME ON WORK ............ 4 9 CITY OF NEWPORT BYlCH OALIFOR :iIA STANbARD SPTCIFICATIONS N0. 52. CENTNT CONCRTT s SID, "'AL %S CURES AND GUTTERS. S,CTIOn 1. LANS• The detailed location of the work to be done, together with grades cross- sections and special construction, is illustrated on the maps profiles cross - sections and plans adopted therefor by the City Council' and on file in the office of the-City Engineer. These maps pans profiles and cross - sections are to be considered a part of these specifications, and any notations appearing thereon shall be considered as though incorporated as a part of these specifications. All dis- tances and measurements'given are in a horizontal plane. All work shall .during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may from tike to time be given by the City Engineer. SECTION 2, WORK: The work to be done consists of the following: (a) Preparing the foundation for the sidewalk and gutter, and digging the trench for the curb. (b) Constructing, and laying the sidee-s,1k , curb, and gutter dhows upon the plans, dravvrinss and typical cross- sections, according to the following specifications. (c) Furnishing of material and labor necessary to per - fo\: said wor'_:, and to complete saire. (d) Removing from the street and sidewalk adjacent to the work, all surplus material or debris. SECTION u N?nAL fiEyliI;.3:,NT5: The general requirements shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 50 -for "General Require- ments ". .7d SECTION 4. ADINO: (a) G ADING A.RTA: The grading area for sidewalk, curb, and gutter shall be as follows: FOR CURB AND GUTT'3R: Such portion of the street. shall be graded as is necessary to provide a foundation for the proposed construction and to enable the work to be properly finished. When sidewalks are not 'to be constructed, the remain - ing area between the curb line and the property line shall be graded on a slope up from the curb at a rate of one - quarter (u) inch per foot. FOR SIDEWALKS: When sidewalks are to be constructed; the area to be occupied by the sidewalk shall be brought to • subgrade and unless otherwise specified the remaining area between the curb lines and. property lines'Ishall be graded even with the surface of the sidewalk. (b) SUBGRADT: The foundation upon which the sidewalk, curb and gutter is to rest shall be brought to the required grade and cross - section, and. shall be thoroughly tamped and rolled until solid. If the subgrade consists of sand, the rolling thereof will not be required but it shall be compacted by wetting down thoroughly and smoothed , to conform to grade and cross - section. Whenever soft or spongy material is encountered in making the sub - 9arade such material shall be remove; to a depth of at least six N inches below subgrade and filled with good sound earth or sand, which shall be thoroughly tamped and rolled, as above speci- fied. -I- The subgrade, shall be thoraughly.dXgnaed frith water before any concrete is placed on the subgrede. (c) FILLS: whenever sidewalk, curb or gutter is to be constructed on a fill, said fill shall be built up of good earth in layers not to exceed one (1) foot in thickness. Each layer shall be thoroughly dampened, tamped, and rolled until solid. SECTION 5. FORMS: FOR ALL WORK: Before placing forms the earth beneath them shall be excavated to the proper grade, and shall be hard and com- pact. Forms shall have full bearing upon the earth throughout their length. The top edges of all forms shall conform to the grades and cross - sections of the surface of the work. Side forms of timber or steel must be used. They shall be so supported during the entire operation of placing, tamping, and finishing the work that they will not at any time deviate laterally nor at any time deviate vertically more than one - quarter (4) inch from the proper line. When side forms are used more than once, only straight forms shall be used, and all warped forms and split timber forms shall be discarded. Before being placed, all forms shall be thoroughly clean. Timber side forms shall be No. 1, common Oregon pine or white fir. They shall be not less than two (2) inches thick, and at least twelve (12) feet long, and their depth shall be at least equal to the specified depth of the edge of the work. They shall have square top edges, square butt joints, and shall not con- tain enough knots or other imperfections to impair their strength. They shall have no wane on the edge to be placed uppermost, and shall be straight. SECTION 6 CEMENT CONCRETE: (a) MSATERIALS: Cement, sand, gravel and rock shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 51 for "Portland Cement ", "Sand," "Gravel" and "Rock" respectively. WATER: or vegetable matter 'Hater shall be clean; free from oil, acid, alkali GRADING OF FO CK: Rock shall be graded between the max- imum and the minimum sizes and must have a fineness modulus of not less than 7.00 or more than 8.00 when determined as hereinafter specified. The rock shall not show a loss of more than thirty (30) per cent when subjected to the rattler test as hereinafter specified and shall meet the following requirements asto size: Passing 1 " screen ..........., 90% to 100°%. • Passing 31411 screen ........... M5% to 65 %. Passing 1/4" screen Op to 10 %. Not more than two (2) per cent, by weight, of the rock shall have a maximum dimension more than fifty (50) per cent greater than the largest screen size specified for, and shall have a specific gravity of not less than 2.60 nor-more than 2.70. Screens to have square openings and percentages are by weight of dry material. Method of determining fineness modulus and rattler test shall be as specified in Standard Specifications Not 51: -2- (b) PROPORTIONING MATERIALS- All cement concrete to be used in construction under these specifications shall be composed of materials as follows unless otherwise specified on the plans, to -writ: Nork i Plastered Curie (Two- course Sidewalk One- course sidew&lk ,unpla.stered Curb (Gutters ?_ Cross - gutters ' _Qeasured arts by Vol_ maximum amount of (Portland Sa.nd`rRock & ;water per sack of Cement Gravel j cement in pounds. 1 3 1 50 I 1 2 ` 3 5o 1 2 3 � 50 Should there not be enough mortar to completely fill the voids in the concrete, the deficiency shall be remedied by reducing the portion of rock used in the mixture and not by add- ing a greater portion of sand. The amount of water specified includes water already in the concrete materials, and in measuring water, allowance shall be made for water contained in said materials. • • -2A- 0 The cuantity of water. used to addition to conform- ing to the above requirements 5hail be such that the slump shall not be less than eight (8) per cent, ncr more than twenty (20) per cent when subje,ted to th- slmm� teat. The slump test shall be made in the following manner ;. Tho test con:; to be used in making the slump test shai). have an inside diameter of eight (v) inches at the base and an inside diameter of four (I4) inches at the top; and a perpend- icular height of twelve (12) inches. Immediately after the con - crete has been mixed and deposited on the subg.-ade, a sufficient quantity thereof shall be placed in four layers in the tapered Pest cone until the concrete is flush with the top of the cone; each layer shall be thoroughly settled by working with a pointed iron rod. Then the test cone shall be lif�:ed, allowing the con- crete to settle or slump. After the pile of concrete has set one (1) minute, its height shall be measured and subtracted from the original height of twelve (12) inches, which difference in height .s the amount of the slump in inches. CEMENT MORTAR: The cement mortar to be used in finishing Class •A' and Class "B" curbs, and to be used for finishing sidewalks, shall be composed of the following materials: 1. Portl' +nd Cement 2. Sand - --- - --- -- 1 part by volume. 12 parts by volume. A sufficient quantity of lamp black shall be mixed with the finishin coat to give it a dark slate color; not more than one - quarter 4) pound of lamp black shall be used to each sack of cement. (c) MIXING AND MEASURING: - 2 ASURING: All sand and rock shall be measured loose without shaking or compacting. For machine mixing, sand and rock shall be measured either at a central proportioning plan; or in wheelbarrows on the work. (Wheelbarrows, if used for measuring sand and rock, shall be such that when struck with a straight edge or rodded off with a gauge resting upon the sides they shall have the capacity necessary -to maintain the reouired proportions. For hand mixing, the sand and rock shall be measured in boxes having a capacity necessary to maintain the proportions specified. Every wheelbarrow load or box full of material used _mst be struck with a straight edge or gauge as above-specified. IdiAMI -INE 11XING: The concrete shall be -mixed with mechanical batch mixers only when concrete mixers are used. • The water tan's on the mixer shall be so arranged that the amount of water required for each batch of concrete can be positively and accurately measured and while the water tank is discharging, the inlet supply shall be automatically cut off. The drum of the mixer shall revolve at a rate of spped not to exceed the rated speed specified by the maker of the mixer, provided, however, that the ?rum shall make not less than ten (10) air more than eighteen (1&) revolutions per minute.. Every batch of concrete shall be mixed in the drumtof the mixer.not less than ,31xty (50) seconds before any portion of the batch is discharged from $he said drum. The drum shall not be charged while mixer is discharging. l • Tho contractor tity of material as will be spilling, based on the w - case shall.the amount mixed rated capacity. shall iii th.° otrc 1. cxceed Y• ix 1.11 ` the mixer orly such ouan- the caosoity of the mixer without cp,paoity of ',he drum, but in no �hte nl= �lufaoturer's oatalog HAND 14IXIP:G: Hand :s:ix n; :x111- only be allowed when the quantities of the work to be. done are less than the following: Curb ---------- - - -- -- - -... 71G^ 1 ?.neal feet. Gutter. ------ -• - - -- --- -... - -..- 1 G square feet: Cross - Gutter --- - - - - -- •••- -• 100 sollare feet. Sidewalk -------------------- 25G Rquare feet. In mixing concrete by hand, a tig!nt, level platform shall be used on which the rock, sand and cement in the roportions stated herein shall be spread in layers not over twelve M) inches each in thickness, in the order named. The batch: shall then be turned with shovels at least three (j) times dry and two (2) times wet, shoveling from the bottom of the pile. Water shall be supplied in a spray during the wet turns. The inspector shall be given the opportunity to cheek the number of sacks of cement on each batch before the sacks are opened. No concrete shall be used which has partially set�and no concrete shall be rete=ered or remixed. (d) PLACING OF COITCRETE: All surfaces on or against which concrete is to be laid shall be thoroughly watered just previous to placing the concrete. Concrete, after the addition of water 10 the mix, shall be handled rapi�aly in as small masses as is pract: (,al from, the place of mixing to the place of final deposit, and shall be deposited in layers not to exceed six (6) inches in thickness. Each layer of corcrete so plaoed shall be tamped and ran.med until it is thoroughly compact and until free water appears on the surface. Care shall be taken that the concrete is sufficient- 1'r t- e�i:ned to prevent any sagging or bulging upon the removal of the frOnt fcr.w. SEnTION 7. JCINT FILL;::: The filler for all expansion and con - tract--or joints shall consist of composition board made of two layers of paper or felt and a filler of asphalt or composition board made of fibre permeated with asphalt. The thickness of the com- position board. shall be as hereinafter specified or as shown on plans. The qu.ality of the asphalt shall be such that it will not become soft in warm weather or brittle in cold weather. When it is nedec -:ary to splice the joint filler, it shall be laced or clipped together in a.workmanlike and effective manner. ilTien in storage on the work, all joint material shall be laid flat on plank. KCTIOC8. CONCH I'i CJR,B: (PLASTERED) Cement concrete curbs shall be placed upon a sugra3e as specified in Section 4,.and thoroughly dampener and conipo6ed of cement concrete as specified in Section 6. (a) DIsiiE`'S'IONSi All. curb shall be of the size and shape • detailed on the plans or of standard sines 3osignated as Class "A" or Clai-,s "B °; ha ing dimensions a3 follows: Top Bottom Depth wont Back Width `Ki.dtl: T.nohtie natter Batter In.Cr.eE Tnc'iee ':r_ohes Inches 2 2 Class F y 7S 1 1'� J The di*:iens;.unh 5 :' von ie:: '.n case or plastered curb to tl e size of the curb before.. :.-.a:; been applied to the face, brit not to the top. Thal of all ;u: ^b returns shall be fifteen (15) feet at street ir,terse ^`.`_or..a ax:6 P.oe (5) feet at alley intersections• unless ct;,erw?af, saowr, )n plane. (b) FORa`_S: Front and back forms shall alrira,ys be used. :Rigid outside forms shall be provided for curb returns having radii of four (=4), �,i;ht (8), ten (10), twelve (12) or fifteen (15) felt. B -nders or thin plank forms, rigidly placed, may be used for curb return having a radius not specified above and for • curb or other curves. All curb forms must be carefully set to prop--r alignment and grades. The curb forms shall be rigidly held in place by the use of not l,;ss than seven (7) pairs of iron st<,.kcs to ca-.h tvicnty -one (21) foot section of curb, and other sections in propoxtion. Claxaps, spreaders and braces shall be freely user'- where requirsd. Curb forms must be trued up and maintained to the re- quired line :and grade in advance of pla.cin�, concrete. fox a distance of 100 -fact when the end of the work is more than 100 feet in advance of placing concrete. (c) PLAST3 ING AND FI1ISHING: After the concrete body of the curb has been thoroughly rammed, the top shall be plastered with a finish mortar, ;nixed in the manner and proportions as specified in Section 6 hereof, to a depth of one -half (1:) inch. After removing the front form, the face of the curb shall be plastered with a cement mortar finish to a depth of not less than three (3) inches below the gutter line. The back of the curb shall be plastered with a. one - quarter (1) inch coat of cement mortar finish to a depth of approximately three (3) inches from the ton of the curb. The surface of the finishing coat shall be well floated and thoroughly troweled into the body of the concrete, and shall then be marked off with vertical joints'in blocks of uniform length of not less than two and one -half (217) or more than three and one -half (32) feet in length. The finished curb must show a true straight face and tops -of uniform width, free from lumps, sags, or other defects. The front and back edges of the top of the curb shall be rounded to a radius of approximately three - quarte•s (3/4) inch. The concrete body shall not be allowed to become dry prior to placing the finishing coat. No more concrete body shall be placed at any one time than is to be covered and completed at one practically continuous operation in the same day. Forms shall in no case be removed more than 100 feet in advance of Plastering. (d) EXPANSION JOINTS: At all returns an expansion joint shall be placed at the end of the straight curb and twenty (20) feet therefrom and thereafter at twenty -one (21) foot intervals along straight curbs unless otherwise shown on the plans. This joifbt shall consist of not less than one (1) inch composition board at curb returns, and one -half (1) of an inch composition board on straight curb between returns, the composition board to be made as specified in Section ]. The composition board shall be shaped.to the cross - section of the curb and placed at right angles to the curb grade. • (e) PROTECTION AND CURING: • CURING: Curbs s -all be completely covered with earth as soon as the curb is sufficiently set. The earth behind and on top of the curb shall be kept thoroughly dampened for ten (10) days ,after the curb has been completed. SECTION 9. UNPUSTERED CURB: Unplastered cement concrete curb shall be constructed the same as plastered curb, described in Section I hereof, with the following changes: The proportioning and mixing of materials for concrete shall be as specified in Section 6. -5- • f. All forms shall be thoroughly cleaned each day and coated wits a light oil as often as iieceesa_y to prevent the con- crete adhea:irE to them. Forms shall ae either metal or of acceptable _alan.ed and matched lu_mbez and of such construction that a smooth surface ^:•ill be pro uoed. The concrete shall be thoroughly spaded away with a spare or siaiila: tapping tool, until there are no rock pockets at either form. The forms shall not be removed in less than two (2) :tours or ;ore than sit. (6) :.ours. Immediately aftev strip ins the forms the curb shall be tiowaled. Grout composed of one part of cement , to one part of : plaster . sand shall be applied to the face of the curb by mean; of a brush. The curb shall then be troweled smooth and jointed. SECTIOR 10. COXCRETE G IT3n. AND C:= ASS- GUTTra_: Cement concrete gutters shall be constru :ted upon a dampened subgrade prepared as specified in Section 4.'� The gutter shall be constructed of cement concrete as specified in Section 6. (a) DIE?NSIOV: The dimensions shall be as shown on the plans, drawings-a& typical cross- sections. The minimum thickness after thoroughly compacted shall not be less than six (6) inches. i Where the gutter is built n connection with any pavement the minimum thickness shall be equal to the total thickness off' the pavement, but not less than six 16) inches.. (b) FOUS: Forms for outer face of gutter shall be placed true to line and grade, and shall be held rigidly in place. Forms shall not be removed in less than twelve (12) hours after the concrete is placed. (c) FINIMING: The concrete shall be tamped until the mortar is flushed to the surface. During the tamping of the concrete, gauges or tem- pl.cts. shall be used to determine the elevation of the surface. The finished surface shall be free from humps and depressions. The surface of the concrete shall be finished with a wooden float. The gutter shall then be marked off in blocks made to conform to the Vertical lines already made on the adjacent curb. (d) MXPAYSION JOINTS: Mpansion joints shall be plavea in gutters opposite expansion_ joints in adjacent curb. Expansion joints will also be placed at end of gutters where same connect with cross-gutters. The joint filler shall be placed so that the upper edge will be one- cuartar (w) of an inch below the finished surface. The eeges of tho concrete next to the joint shall be rounded off to a radius of thre.a- eighths (3/6) of an inch, The joint filler shall be a composition bo.rd made as hereinbe :o_e specified, and havin_, a thickness of one -half (;) of an inch: (e) PRO M07ION AYD CURING: Concrete gutter shall be cured as provided under two course sideTal:; in Section 9 hereof. No bituminous pavement shall be placed against con- crete gutter until the same is at least fourteen (14) days old. -6- • Ll SECTION 11. COM BINATION CONCRETE CUPB AND GUF•'TER: Combination ,cment concrete curb and gutter shall be composed of the same material and proportions as unpla.stercd curb. The dimensions shall be as shown upon toe plans. The back form fox the curb and the outer form for t.e gu'"ter shall'be placed to true line and grad:;. The forms shall be held in ple.ce by suita nl3 clamps to prevent bulEing. All forms shall be thoroughly cleaned each day and coated with a light oil as often as necessary to prevcnt,tihe concrete adhearing to them. Forms shall be of either metal or of acceptable planed or matched lumber and of such construction that a smooth surface will be produced. The forms shall not be removed in less than two (2) or more than six (6) hours. X The concrete shall be thoroughly tamped and spaded until there axe no rock pockets showing when the forms are removed. Grout composed of one part of cement to one part of plaster sand shall be applied to the face and surface of the curb and gutter by means of a brush. The curb and gutter shall then be troweled and then jointed as hereinbofore specified for curb and gutter. Expansion joints shall be placed as herainbefore specified for curb and gutter. Protection and curing shall be as hereinbefore speci- fied fox curb and gutter. SECTION 12. T'.Y0 COURS' SIDE'.ALXi Unless otherwise specified on the plans or ordinances, the two course type sidewalk shall be constructed. be placed Section 4 The cement concrete for the base of the sidewalk shall upon a thoroughly dampened subgrade as specified in and composed of cement concrete as specified in Section 6. (a) DIMENSIONS: Two course sidewalk shall be constructed with a concrete base not less than three (3) inches in thickness after compacting, and covered with cement mortar finish one. -half () inch thick, making a total finished thickness of three and one -half (3;) inches, unless otherwise shown on the plans. Unless otherwise specified, the finished surface of the cement sidewalk shall lie in a plane sloping up from the established grade at the curb line at the rate of one- quarter (4) of an inch in one (1) foot. All sidewalk shall be of the width and constructed at the locations shown upon the plans, drawings and typical cross sections of the proposed work. (b) FOKKS: Strips used as side forms shall be not less than three and one -half (3) inches in depth and shall have a smooth, straight uppper edge. Forms shall be placed true to line and grade and sha1P not be removed in less than twelve (12) hours after the concrete is placed. (c) PLACING CEMENT iORTAR: Immediately after the ,concrete in the base has been placed; the ccmant mortar, as specified in Section 6, shall be applied and Thoroughly troweled in. Sufficient mortar shall be used so that its thickness shall not ba less than one -half (2) inch. The surface shall then be troweled with a steel trowel, floated and smoothly polished and evenly marked off into blocks. -7- The blocks shall not be less than thirty (30) inches or ; -,ore than thirty -six (36) inches square, the grooves to be coat not loss than one - quarter (4) of an inch in depth. When specified on the plans, spzcial markin -s of the surfac-n of the sidowalk shall be mad-, as shown on the plans. The edge of the :calk shall b3 finished -�rith an edgim_ .tool made for that purpose. x (d) 3XPANSIO JOINTS: There shall be constructed at the beginning of all street and allay returns or at the prolongation of the property ine of the intersecting street or alley; also twenty -one (21) feet therefrom; than at intervals of not less than twantgy -one (21) nor more than sixty (60) feet open expansion joints or filled oxpan.sion joints as indicated on thb plans. Open expansion joints shall be constructed as follows: A ono -half (z) inch steel plate the width and depth of the side - walk, shall be placed at right angles with the sidewalk prior to the placing of concrete. The concrete base shall be irrell tamped on both sides of the steal plate and the finish coat placed and rodded. A split float extending one foot on each side of the steel plate sh$11 then b3 used to insure a level joint. After the first troweling of the finish coat the steel plate shall be carefully removed and the edges of the- oponing rounded with an odging tool having a radius of threa- eights•(3 /E) of an inch. expansion joints shall be constructed as follows: The position of the transverse joints shall be marked on the forms on each side of the sidewalk at' the locations called for on said plans or these specifications. A metal holder or wooden bulkhead cut to the cross - section of th- side-malk shall be securely staked in place normal to the center lino of .tho sidewalk, and perpen- dicular to tho,finished surface of the sidewalk. The joint filler one -half () inch in thickness shall then be.placed in the holder or against the bulkhead and hold firmly in.place with stirrups, angles, pins outstanding lugs or any other means that will not interfere with the removal of the holder or bulkhead nor cause the oxpansion ::,atorial to be pulled out of place when the holder or bulkhead is removed. After the joint filler has been securely staked in place the concrete shall be deposited on both sides of the section and struck off , °;ith the templet before the holder or bulkhead is removed. The holder or bulkhead shall not be removed until after the tamping templet has passed over the section. The holder or bulkhead shall be removed by slowly lifting from one end and re- placing with concrete as it is lifted so that the joint filler will be left with the lower edge resting on the subgrade and the uppar edge one - auarter (I.) inch below the finished surface of the side- walk. After the sidewalk has been finally finished, the finish coat shall be out through with a jointer or other tool the joint filler.exposed.for its total length and thickness. The joint thus opened shall be straight and any stones encountered shall be removed and new finish zortar tro-eled into place, leaving a clean open joint. The slabs on both sides of an expansion joint shall �e finished with an edging tool to a radius of three - eights (v /8) of an inch. True surface alignment of concrete on both sides of the joint must be maintained. ° (e) PROTTCTION AND CURING: Sidewalk shall be covered with earth or sand to a depth of two 2) inchos as soon as the work has become sufficiently set. This covering shall be kept thoroughly damp for ten (10) days. The work shall also be protected from the sun, prior to covering sand or earth by the use of clean burlap or canvas. /y S70TION 13. COLON COAT FINISH Or SID TALK: When specified on the plans the cement mortar finish on the sidewalk shall be colored by ad ino dry mincral coloring; pig;-,ont as manufactured by Lammens Process Company or equal. Only dry r.- An-ral coloring shall be used. Tha co --ent :,ortar to be us:d in finishing th,; sidewalk shall be compos.;d of the follo ~ing materials: 1. Portland Cem::nt......... 1 part by volume. 2. Sand . ................... 2 parts by volume. The might of the coloring material to be added shall not exceed four (4) per cent of the weight of thz cement used in the mortar, unless otherwise specified. on the plans. The cement and coloring material shall first be thoroughly mixed dry on the job.. Proper care shall be taken to prevent addition of any foreign matter while ;nixing. S3CTION 14. CONTRACTORS NAY. .ON WORK: The Contractor shall stamp his name and the year built on all cork done by him at least once in every 100 lineal feet of work and at each end of all work. The letters shall not be smaller than tree- ouartare of an inch in height and impressed to a depth of one - uarter (w) of an inch. WE CITY OF N&PORT BEACH CALIFORNIA STANDARD SP& IFICATIONS NO. 64. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS, FIRE HYDRANTS AND APPURTENANCES. �= T Page SECTION 1. PLANS ... ............................... 1. SECTION 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .................... 1. SECTION 3. W ORK ..... ............................... 1. SECTION 4. EXCAVATION .............................. 1. (a TRENCHES AND TUNNELS ............... 1. (b; VALVE CHAMBERS AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 2. (e) RZKOVING SOFT & SPONGY MATERIAL r... 2. d BRACING TRENCHES ............... 2. AROCK ............................... 2. SPOIL BANKS ........................ 2. SECTION 6. CEMENT CONCRETE ......................... 2. a ) PROPORTIONING MATERIALS............ 2. b ) CONCRETE bATERIALS ........... ...... 3. C MORTAR..... ......4........ 3. d MEASURING MATERIALS.., ............. 3. e MIXING CONCRETE .. ..... ..... .... S. f COi4SISTENCY OF CONCRETE............ 3. gFORM WORK.. .. .................. 4.. hPLACING CONCRETE ................... 4. SECTION 6. CAST IRON PIPE & SPECIAL CASTINGS....... 4. SECTION 7. LAYING PIPE ............................. 4. SECTION S. BACKFILLING ............................. 6. jai TUNNELS.. ... 6. b SURPLUS MATERIAL ................... 6. SECTION9. GATE VALVES.... 7 ........................ 6. SECTION10. FIRE HYDRAi ,ITS ........................... 6. SECTION11. FITTINGS . ............................... 71. SECTION 12. TESTING PIPE & FITTINGS FOR LEAKAGE..... 7.' SECTION13. UNGRADED STREETS ....................... 7. SECTION 14. RESTORATION OF SURFACE OVER PIPES....... 7. 0 /.. CITY OF r;EwPnRT R AOH . CALIFORNIA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS NO. 54. • FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS FIRE HYDRANTS AND APPURT^NANCtS. SECTION 1. PLANS: The detailed location of the work to be done3 together with grades cross - sections and special construction is illustrated on the maps profiles cross- sections and plans adopted therefor by the City Council and on file in the office of t e City Engine2.�L These maps plans: profiles and cross- sections are to be considered a part of these specifications and any notations appeai- ing thereon shall be considered as though' incorporated as a part of these specifications. All distances and measurements given are in a horizontal plane. All work shall during its progress and on its completion, confor:;: to the lines and levels which may from time to time be gien by the �� Engineer. /SEG�iON 2. GENERAL REB.UIREMENTS: The General Requirements shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 50 for "General Requirements ": S70TION WORK: The work to be done consists of the following! (a) To excavate or fill in to such an extent and in such a manner as may be required b the plans, profiles and cross - sections and these specificati ns3 the area in which the improvement is pro- vided for on the plans�3 (b) To furnish all materials as hereinafter provided for and required for the construction and completion of the improvement in accordance with the plans and specifications and all labor, tools and equipment necessary for the performance of said work. (c) To lay and install the pipe pipe fittings hydrants and valves and other appurtenances as hereinafter specified. 3 SECTION-ir: EXCAVATION: The subgrade for all water pipe shall be the exterior bottom of the pipe and the alignment shall be 4n a 3 aaca*d- &�' , he a449*4&d-jlane- sk ,.s VlaHs (a) TRENCHES AND TUNNELS: When, so indicated on the plan or profile, the pipe shall be laid in an open trench, or in tunnels. When open trenches or tunnels are not so indicated the pipe may be laid in sections of open trenches connected by tunnels the length of which tunnels shall not exceed one -half (2) the dept of the subgrade below the surface of the ground, provided however that the tunnel length shall in no case be more than eight (8) feet. The width of excavation for pipe in trenches and tunnels shall be six (6) inches wider on both sides or a total width of twelve (12) inches more than the exterior diameter of the pipe. All As bell holes shall be not less.than fifteen (15) inches greater in width on each side and eight (8) inches in depth on the bottom than the outside diameter of the bell of the pipe to be laid. The length of the bell hole measured along the trench shall be not less than three (3) feet. Where tunnels are made they shall be cut to a height of at least eighteen (18) inches above the crown of the pipe. Unless otherwise shown on the plans toe depth of the bottom of all water mains and pipes below the finished grade of the street shall be as follows: -1- { : CITY OF r;EwPnRT R AOH . CALIFORNIA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS NO. 54. • FOR THE INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS FIRE HYDRANTS AND APPURT^NANCtS. SECTION 1. PLANS: The detailed location of the work to be done3 together with grades cross - sections and special construction is illustrated on the maps profiles cross- sections and plans adopted therefor by the City Council and on file in the office of t e City Engine2.�L These maps plans: profiles and cross- sections are to be considered a part of these specifications and any notations appeai- ing thereon shall be considered as though' incorporated as a part of these specifications. All distances and measurements given are in a horizontal plane. All work shall during its progress and on its completion, confor:;: to the lines and levels which may from time to time be gien by the �� Engineer. /SEG�iON 2. GENERAL REB.UIREMENTS: The General Requirements shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 50 for "General Requirements ": S70TION WORK: The work to be done consists of the following! (a) To excavate or fill in to such an extent and in such a manner as may be required b the plans, profiles and cross - sections and these specificati ns3 the area in which the improvement is pro- vided for on the plans�3 (b) To furnish all materials as hereinafter provided for and required for the construction and completion of the improvement in accordance with the plans and specifications and all labor, tools and equipment necessary for the performance of said work. (c) To lay and install the pipe pipe fittings hydrants and valves and other appurtenances as hereinafter specified. 3 SECTION-ir: EXCAVATION: The subgrade for all water pipe shall be the exterior bottom of the pipe and the alignment shall be 4n a 3 aaca*d- &�' , he a449*4&d-jlane- sk ,.s VlaHs (a) TRENCHES AND TUNNELS: When, so indicated on the plan or profile, the pipe shall be laid in an open trench, or in tunnels. When open trenches or tunnels are not so indicated the pipe may be laid in sections of open trenches connected by tunnels the length of which tunnels shall not exceed one -half (2) the dept of the subgrade below the surface of the ground, provided however that the tunnel length shall in no case be more than eight (8) feet. The width of excavation for pipe in trenches and tunnels shall be six (6) inches wider on both sides or a total width of twelve (12) inches more than the exterior diameter of the pipe. All As bell holes shall be not less.than fifteen (15) inches greater in width on each side and eight (8) inches in depth on the bottom than the outside diameter of the bell of the pipe to be laid. The length of the bell hole measured along the trench shall be not less than three (3) feet. Where tunnels are made they shall be cut to a height of at least eighteen (18) inches above the crown of the pipe. Unless otherwise shown on the plans toe depth of the bottom of all water mains and pipes below the finished grade of the street shall be as follows: -1- 0 • • Size of Pipe, Depth 4 ".....• ..... ...21 611 11.... ... 21 811 811 ................31 311 10 " ................3' 5" 12 11 ................4' 2" Whenever water occurs shall be removed by the Contractor for the proper installation of the laid across street intersectionsor they shall be laid on a uniform gr profiles. in the bottom of the trench it and a firm foundation provided pipe. Where water mains are public easements or rights -of -way, ide unless shown otherwise by The trench shall not be opened more than five hundred (500) feet in advance of the pipe laying nor left unfilled for more than six hundred (600) feet in the rear thereof, unless other- wise specified. (b) -VALVE CHAMBERS AND OTHER STRUCTURES: The excavation for all valve chambers and other structures where so indicated on the plans profiles cross - sections etc., shall be sufficient to leave at least six (6) inches in the clear between their outer surface and the embankments or timbering which may be used to protect them. (c) REMOVING SOFT AND SPONGY MATERIAL: All soft and s spongy earth or material below subgrade, not to exceed a depth of two (2) feet, unless otherwise shown on aid plans and profiles shall be removed by the Contractor and replaced with good earth or gravel of a quality which will pack when moistened and tamped, and which shall be so moistened and tamped until solid. (d) BRACING TRENCHES: Whenever the ground Will not stand unsupported the sides of the excavation shall be supported with sheet planking and bracing; and all tunnels shall be'timbered, and in all cases the sheet piling or timbers shall be drawn as the work progresses in such manner as to prevent the caving in of the sides of the trench. All openings caused by the removal of the sheet piling or timbers shall be filled with good earth which shall be com- pacted by flooding, where sufficient water is in any manner avail- . able; where water i.s.not available, said openings shall be thoroughly tamped. (e) ROCK: If the bottom of the trench is found to consist of rock the rock shall be removed to four (4) inches below subgrade and the , trench refilled with four (4) inches of good earth or gravel of a quality which will pack when ;moistened and.tamped and shall be so moistened and. tamped until solid. In case any rock'is blasted, the blast shall be covered with heavy timbers. Where a line of water, gas, sewer or other main pipe or conduit intersects the line of the trench no blast shall be made closer than five (5) feet to the same but , the rock shall be removed :'ithout blasting. No blast- ing shall be allowed except by special,.permission in writing from the proper municipal , officers. (f) SPOIL BANKS: The materials excavated shall be laid com- pactly along the side of the trench, and kept trimmed up so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the public travel. In case the street is not wide enough to hold the earth without stopping the passageway on the sidevalk the Contractor shall erect a board fence and keep.a passageway six (6) feet wide open on sidewalk. Free access must be left to all fire hydrants'and water gates. SECTION. CEMENT CONCRETE: Cc^^P °sib -tc.n . (a)40—em-e- _nf 'concrete for valve chamber foundations-and en- casing of pipe, valves -and fittings, shall be composed of the following materials: -2- a 1. ForLland.. I,u .. .... 1 part by measure. 2. Sand or store screenings.. 3 par Le by rzoas>>.r,h. i Gravel or broken stone . 6 parts by measure. 4. ',later ..................... Not more than 50 pounds per sack of cement. F. sack of cement weighing ninety -four (84) pounds net shall be considered as having a volume of one (1) cubic foot. �1 (b) CONCRETE MATERIALS: The materials for cement concrete shall conform to Standard. Specifications No. 51 for "Portland Cement% , "Sand" "Stone Screenings" "Gravel" "Water" "Broken Stone" and "Reinforcing Steel ". ------ (c) LORTAR: Should there not be enough mortar to completely <and ll the voids in the concrete the deficiency shall be remedied by ducing the portion of gravel or broken stone used in the mixture not by adding a greater portion of sand or stone screenings: -- (.kr MEASURING MATERIALS: The sand or stone screenings and the gravel or broken stone shall be measured in wheelbarrows which struck with a straight edge resting upon the sides Shall have the capacity necessary to accurately maintain the above proportions: Every wheelbarrow load of material must be struck with a straight edge as above described. Said material shall be measured loose, without shaking or compacting. Cement in sacks as above specified shall be dumped directly into the mixer. The water necessary for every batch shall be accurately.measured with an apparatus which will prevent the use of more water than above specified.. No mixer shall be used which is not provided with anxaccurate water measuring device or apparatus. (e) MIXING CONCRETE: All mixing of concrete shall be done in a batch mixer. The mixer shall be charged with cement and sufficient sand or stone screenings and gravel or broken stone to conform to the proportions hereinbefore stated. Sufficient water, not in excess of the quantity above specified shall be added to pro- duce a plastic or quaking concrete which can Se handled without causing a separating of the coarse aggregate from the mortar. The mixer drum shall have a speed of not less than 13 revolutions per minute, and every oatch of concrete shall be mixed in the drum of the mixer not less than sixty (60) seconds before any portion of the batch is discharged from the said drum. At least 75 seconds must elapse between the placing of successive batches in the mixer. ((B9 (�) OONSIST`s'NCf OF CONCRETE: The concrete after being mixed as hereinbefore specified shall when sub ecred to the.follow- ing test have a slump of not less than eight (8� per cent. nor more than twenty -five (25) per cent. The slump test shall be made in the following manner; 1 The test tube to be used in making the slump test shall have an inside diameter of eight (8) inches at the base and an in- side diameter of four (4) inches at the top, and a perpendicular •y , height of twelve (12) inches. Immediately after the concrete has �`i been ,;nixed and deposited on the subgrade' a sufficient quantity thereof shall be placed in four (4) layers in the tapered test tube until the concrete is flush with the top of the tube. Each layer shall be thoroughly settled by working with a pointed iron rod. Then the test tube shall be lifted allowing the concrete to settle or slump After the pile of concrete has set one minute its height shall be measured and subtracted from the original height of twelve (12) inches, which difference in height is the amourlt of the slump in inches fom which the percentage of slump shall be determined. -3- • • r J f v N (g} FORM NORK: The forms shall be smooth tight true to the required lines and grade � and-of sufficient strength to resist springing out of shape during the placing of the concrete. All dirt chips sawdust etc. shall be thoroughly removed from forms before any concrete is deposited therein. All mortar and dirt shall be removed from forms previously used. The forms shall be thoroughly soaked with water inside and outside immediately before.concrete is placed against them. They shall remain in place until the engineer authcrizes their removal. During the setting of the concrete and before the removal of the forms no extraneous loads shall be placed upon the concrete or the forma.' ( PL,,XING CONCRETT: Mixed concrete shall immediately be placed in position and tamped and rammed until it is thoroughly com- pacted and free mortar appears on the surface. Work shall be carried along the greater possible length so as to avoid concentrated shrink- age and formation or cracks. Wall work, shall be thoroughly spaded until all cavities are filled and the material next to the surface of the forms is all mortar. All necessary cast iron frames shall be placed and fastened securely in place as shov7n on the plans and every precaution must be taken to not disturb or move the frames while the concrete is being poured and tamped firmly around it. Floor concrete shall be placed between forms and on well wet and tamped earth, brought to a true surface. It shall be thorough- ly tamped and struck off to a true smooth surface. The surface shall be floated smooth. Joints are to to left clean and clear for asphalt filler. In all places where water is encountered either in the found- ation or in any other part of the structure the Contractor crust pro- vide suitable means to kaep the work free from such water for a period of twelve (12) hours after the concrete has been placed. Old work must be brushed clean and free of all deposits - before starting new work and if necessary, must be chiseled to pre- sent a roughened surface and an ample amount of neat cement must be sprinkled over the previous work before the new work is joined on. All concrete shall be kept wet for a period of seven (7) days after being placed. SECTION rcr CAST IRON PIPE AND SPECIAL CASTINGS: All special castings t shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 56 for "Special Castings "' \ American Water Works Association Standard. All special castings shall be Class "D" pattern American 'hater Works Standard. All cast iron pipe shall conform to Standard Speci- fications No. 55 for centrifugally cast iron pipe or to Standard Specifications No. 56 for cast iron pipe, American Water Works Stand- ard. The diameters and class or ::eight of the pipe shall be as shown on the plans zaps profiles and detail drawings. b SECTION Dl: LAYING PIP:: After the trench has been brought0 o the proper line and grade in the manner specified in Section-4 hereof, the pipe shall be laid thereon in the following manner: Before any pipe is put into place the trench bottom shall be prepared so that each pipe shall have 'a firm and uniform bearing over its entire length. All adjustments to line and grade mv.st be made -by scraping array and filling in the earth under the body of the pipe and not wedging or blocking up the ends. All pipe must be laid to line and grade and according to stakes set by the Engineer. All pipes specials and fittings shall be carefully swept out and cleaned just prior to laying. The bell hole shall be free from water and dirt while the joint is being prepared. ME Every opening in the pipe line shall be carefully plugged before leavinc the work at night. All unconrlected openings in cast iron pipe and specials shall be plugged with metal caps or plugs, and no wooden plugs will be allrni-ed, except il. temporary work only. • oin CEMENT JOINTS: Cement joints shall be made at all jts, unless other se specified on the plans profiles and detailed drawings. Where lead joints are specified on the plans, they shall conform, to Standard Specifications No. 60 of the City of Newport Beach, California Before placing the oakum, and cement in the joint, the pipe and the sockets and all contact parts shall be scraped cleaned and wiped out. The joint shall be made by competent mechanics and in such a manner to secure a tight joint without straining the , iron of the hub or socket. The oak= shall be rolled tightly and of a size suitable for the joint. The nu^ber of rims of oa'_.um for the different sizes of pipe shall be as follows: 4 inch diameter to 12 inch diameter .:::. 2 rings. 14 inch diameter to 24 inch diameter . 4 rings. ;_V Untarred oakum shall. be used. Tha cement shall conform to Standard Specific t' No. 51 of the City of N3-!nort Beach. for "Portland Cement". The cement shall be mixed with water sdficiant to, be damp, and then sifted through a 3/16 inch ;:nosh screen to r�:nove all lumps and in- sure an equal dampness throughout. The cement shall b placed in the joint and calked with suitable calking irons until the cement is flush with the .face of the bell. The depth of cement in the joint shall not be less than two and one -half (22) inches. Joints on pipes ten (10) inches or larger must be covered .1,ith plaster of neat cement. All cement joints after being calked and finished as specified, shall, for protection and curing be covered with earth and kept wet for not less than forty -eight (48) hours before in- spection and permission for backfilling is granted. 'l SECTIOiu 8. BACKFILLINC; Backfilling of the trench shall not be undertaken until after the test of the pipo line is made. After a section of water pipe has been laid, good earth, sand or gravel free from large stones or hard lumps, shall b carefully deposited. in tha trench so as to fill it up to a lavel four (4) inches above the top of the pipe, in such a manner that the filling; placed on each side of the pipe shall bo equa,Z. After the above mentioned test is made the trench shall be backfillad and thoroughly settled. by being flooded with water. No material that is liable to injure the pipe or coating thereon • will be allowed in the trench. The trench shall be filled to 'a point at least two (2) inches above the subgrada of th:; stre3t. (a) TUNNELS: Before the trenches are backfillad as above specified, the earth above all short tunnels connecting sections of open trenhes shall be cut through to the surface of tho ground for - the full ;;,idth of the trench where so indicated on the plan and profile. Where not so indicated the earth above all said short tunnels shall be cut to a 'V' shape, having the point of the 'V' at the center of the top of the tunol and the slope of the 'V' making an angle of not less than 45 degrees with the horizontal.. -5- (b), SURPLUS MATERIAL: Surplus material not required in refilling the trench shall be. promptly removed by the Contractor as the backfilling progresses, and disposed of by him. SECTIOA GATE PELVES: The valves furnished under these speci- fications shall be iron body brass mounted, wedge ga'e valves or doublb disc side wedging type for pipe up to and including eight (8) inches in diameter and double disc valves for pipe ten (10) inches or larger in diameter.. The valves shall have non - rising stems and shall open V to the left. They shall be suitable for working pressure up to 175 pounds per square inch and shall be subject to a test of 300 pounds hydraulic pressure. They shall be furnished without hand wheels and c with a nut for operating with a wrench. Wedge gate valves shall be Crane Company's No. 462 or equal or of the type shown on the plans. Double disc valves shall be Crane Company's No. 4801 valves or equal.iQ All gate valves shall meet the requirements for Valves$'` adopted by the American Water Works Association June 24, 1913, arA Q) r9v1,sed_Zune =9y- 191-6; Fann file in the office of the City Engineer -of the City of, Newporach. CAST IRON VALVE BORES; All valves except those in- closed in valve chambers shall be protected with a cast iron valve box, cover frame and cover Fu per Standard Plans No. 1026 and No. 1027 of the City of Newport Beach, California, l SECTION ie FIRE HYDRANTSr. I (a) Fire Hydrants shall be "Kennedy Newtype Fire Hydrants" or equal Typo "A" and "B" as per Standard Plans No. 1015 and No. 1016 of the City of Newport Beach. Their location shall be as shown on the plans and profiles. (b) :INSPECTION: All hydrants shall be inspected by an authorized representative of the City of Newport Beach before acceptance. Any defect in castings, workmanship or material shall be reasonable ground for the rejection of the part or piece found defeotive. (c) NOZZLE CAPS:.. Each hydrant shall be furnished with one water tight cast iron nozzle cap on each hose nozzle. Said nozzle caps are to be attached to the hydrant body by means of a swivel and chain as shown on the Standard Plans. (d) THREADS: The threads on all hydrant nozzles shall con- form in all respects to the Standard fire hose of the Fire Department of the City of Newport Beach, California.. (e)- COATING: After final inspection, the hydrant shall be thoroughly coati the inside with a coal -tar pitch varnish., The v�r varnish shall be made from coal -tar, with sufficient oil added to make a smooth coating, tough and tenacious when cold,. and not brittle nor with any tendency to scale off. The oil used in the preparation of this varnish shall be a heavy oil obtained in the • distillation of coal -tar., (f) TESTING: Hydrants shall be tested with a hydrostatic pressure of 160 pounds per square inch', held for 30 minutes, and any hydrant showing any flaw or defect when subjected to such test shall be rejected. (g) SETTING HYDILUM : The bottom of the hydrant shall be set flush with the top of the curb or sidewalk and be in a vertical posit - ion. i (h) PAINTING: All fire hydrants after being installed shall be painted white with a paint of standard quality composed of white 1 7paA and Linseed oil and a surface coat of aluminum paint. The manner of painting shall Superintendent of Streets SECTION I-r. FITTINGS: be conducted to the satisfaction of the VALVE CHAMBERS: Vq•1ve.chambers / on all water mains ter. 10 �) be constructed of the mater CEN iron frames and covers and which are shown on Standard Beach. • inches diameter ial and fitted ae other fixtures Plans No. 1035" TE V. shall be constructed and over. They shall required with cast full details for all of of the City of Newport All castings for frame and cover must be tough gray iron free from cracks, holes swells and cold shuts, and be of vorkmanlike finish and must conform to the plans. The qality shall be such that a bloc from a hammer will produce an indentation on a rectangular edge of the casting without flaking the metal. Before leaving the foundry all castings shall be thoroughly cleaned and subject to a hammer in- spection after which they shall be dipped twice in a preparation of asphalt or coal -tar and oil applied at a temperature of not less than 290 degrees Fahrenheit nor greater than 310 degrees Fahrenheit in such a manner as to form a firm and tenacious coating. SECTION fit' T STING PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR LEAKAGE: After the pipe has been laid it will be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test of 150 pounds per square inch I s held for 30 minute during which time no portion of the pipe or fittings laid shall show percolation. Any pipe which exhibits any defects shall be taken out and replaced by sound pipe. All pumps gauges plugs, and other appliances required for the above test shall be furnished by the Contractor. 0 SECTION 1-3" UQGRADED STREETS: Whenever the pipe is built in any ungraded street, the trench shall be refilled to the original sur- face of the stret; provided however that there shall not be less than t,o and one -half (22) feet of e ith over the pipe; ands pro- vided further that where a fill is required on which to construct the pipe, the fill shall be made of good, sound earthy built up in layers not more than one (1) foot thick, and the layers thoroughly compacted by rolling or tamping. Where the trenches do not supply sufficient material of the proper quality for making the fill the Contractor shall supply the deficiency. - 1� ' SECTION kir RESTORATION OF SURFACE OVER PIPES: In all public streets alleys or other public places and. in pipe rights -of -way the sur- face over and adjacent to the sides of the trenches shall after being backfilled and prepared as specified in these specitications, be restored by the Contractor without delay in a workmanlike manner with the same class of :materials and constructed in the same manner as the surfacing or paving that was in place before the construction of the pipes was commenced. -7- I IL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C.ILIFORNIA STA710,iRD SPECIFFICI'dIONS NO. 55. FOR CENTRIFUGALLY CAST IRON WATER PIPE. Page SECTION 1. TI E, CLASSES AND SI M S............sT.. 1 SECTION 2. LATERIAL A141) ViVORS.1L i4SHIP ............ . .. 1 a CzSTILNG ........................ b CH..�NiICisL :ud:�LYSIS C !NNEALING.. 1.: 1 1 1 d LENGTHS.. .............. e TOLERANCES IN DIADM TEFi......... :f TOLERANCES IN THICKNESS........;.. g TOLERANCE IN NiEIGHT ............... h CLEANING ................. ......�.. ,.. 1 _ 1 2 2 i) PHYSICAL YinQUIRENIENTS .......... JCOATING ........................ k) WEIGHING ...................... 1.. T.. 2 2. 2. 1 HA V4DLING .......................... (m Wi rt KING ........................1.. 2 2 SECTION 3. DETAIL REQUIREMENTS .................... 2 SECTION 4. INSPECTION n111) TESTS ................... 2 & 3. SECTION 5. PIPE TO BE SOUND AND PERFECT........,.. 4. CITY OF NEWPORT BzACY. CALIFORNIA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS NO. 55. FOR CENTRIFUGALLY CAST IRON WATER PIPE SECTION 1. TYPE CLASS °S AND SIZES.: (a) Pipe shall be furnished in bell and spigot type, with or without bead unless otherwise specified with lead groove in bell. The joint shall be self cantering and in tie following classes: Class 1 ................. 150 pound pressure. Class 2 250 pound pressure. (b) This specification covers sizes 4.to 12 inches inclusive. (c) Pipe shall be furnished coated unless ptherwise.spec- ified. SECTION 2. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP: All pipe shall be made of oast iron of good quality and of 'such character as shall make the pipe strong tough and of'even grain and soft enough to satisfactor- ily admit of drilling and cutting. tach pipe shall be smooth free from cold shuts scale lumps blisters sand holes and defects of gvery nature which unfit it for the use intended. It shall be straight, and shall be true circles in section with its inner and outer surfaces concentric. No plugging, filling, or burning in will be °allowed. (a) CASTING: All pipe shall be cast centrifugally in machines. A record of the melting and pouring temperatures of the iron shall be furnished the inspector, when requested. (b) Chemical analysis shall be made by the manufacturer from aach heat to determine graphitic and combined carbon or total carbon if the separate determinations are not available manganese, phosphorus, sulphur and silicon I and duplicate'eopies off' test reports shall be furnished the inspector. Sulphur shall not exceed 0.10 per Cent. and phosphorus 0.90 pay cent. in either ladle or inspection analysis. (c) ANNEALING: Pipe cast in metal contact molds after withdrawing from machines shall be annealed to meet the hardness limits designated under "inspection and Tests ". Pipe cast in sand lined molds and stripped while showing color of heat, shall be pl5ced in an oven and shall not be removed therefrom until cooled to 500 Fahrenheit'or under. (d) LENGTHS: Pipe shall have a nominal laying length of 12 feet or 16 feet. Not more than ten (10) per cent of cut pipe shall be accepted. Such cut pipe shall be no more than one (1) foot under nominal laying length. (e) TOLERANCES IN DIAMETER: The inside diameters of the bells and the outside diameters of the spigot ends of pipe exclusive of bead, shallvnot, vary plus or minus from the tabulated dimensions • by more than 0.06 inch for pipe twelve (12) inches and less in nom- inal. diameter. (f) TOLERANCES IN THICKNESS: The tolerances in thickness, plus or minus, shall not exceed thoselisted below. Nominal diameter in inches 4 6 8 10 12 Tolerance plus or minus- inch. 0.04 .045 .05 .055 .06 :'cr all sizes of pipe tol�ra_cc.e not cxc ^edin :- U.02 inch additional • to above will be allowed for spaces not exccedinb eight (8) inches in length in any diroctton. (g) TOLEFA 07 IN 1,01IrHT: The weight of no single pipe shall be less than the nominal t:,bulated weight by more than five (5) per • cent. (h) OL7111Y IG. Xil pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned and any rough spots in bells or on Ppi,3ot ends shall be removad by grinding before coatin.g or lining. (i) PHYSICAL REQ.01. -PEY,N S: ripe shall conform to physical requirements as given in Soction 4 paragraphs e, f, and g. (j) COATING: unless otherwise specified all pipe shall be completely coatod inside and out with coal -tar pitch varnish to which sufficient oil shall be added to make a smooth coating: tough and tenacious when cold, not "tacky" and, not brittle. (k) WEIGHING; Lath length of pipe shall be weighed and the weight plainly marked on the. pipe. (1) HAWDLING: Cara shall be taken in handling the pipes not to injure the coating and no pipes or other material shall be placed in the pipes during transportation, or at any time after they have been coated. (m) HARKING; Evory pipe shall have distinctly cast on the face of the boll or on the outsido surface of tho pipes as the manu- facturer may elect tha manufacturer's initials and the year in which it was cast and a number si.;nifving the order in point of time which the pipe ':vas cast. All pipe shall wither have marked upon it with whito paint or by a label .pasted on it or cast upon the outside of the pipe the class to w..ich the pil)c telongs. SECTION 33. DITATL R3ZUTREIK"I TS: The pipe shall accurately conform to the diriensions given in table 1 for the respective classes. SECTION 4. IeSPECTIOiv AND TESTS: (a) The Contractor shall fur_Zish the inspector free of cost. facilities as may be necessary for the performance of his work. (b) The_i.nspector shall have free access at all times to all parts of any manufacturing plant which concern the manu'fac'ture of the material ordered. (c) All hamdlin.o of material sar..pling� preparation of test, specimens and testing thereof, except purchaser's chemical analysis by the City of Ne7,port Beach shall be performed or furnished by the Contractor arithou: expense to thn City of Nen!port Beach. Where the manufacturer has , facilitieec fo_• ma'cir_,- toots or analysis required, they will be made at some euiiablo place in the vicinity, at the contractor's; expense and is the presence of the inspector. • (d) hli pipe small bo subjected to a careful surface in- spection_ and hammer anc_ rolling Tests. All bells shall be tested by circular tau.ges and no p_pc will, be accepted which is deficient in joint room. (e) T1STS OF = .ATERIAL. ^ran each 300 lengths of pipe or fraction thereof or each size in the contract or order one (i) length of pipe shall be sal1cted by the inspector before coating. From each sasple pipe them 'r. sa11 be cut and machined one (1) test strip twelve (12) inches lons; 0.50 inch deep and the full thick- ness-of the shell in 1midth. This shall be tested as a beam (with machined surfaces toil and botuoin) or supports ten (10) inches apart with load applied at two points 3 1/3 inches from the supports. s :'cr all sizes of pipe tol�ra_cc.e not cxc ^edin :- U.02 inch additional • to above will be allowed for spaces not exccedinb eight (8) inches in length in any diroctton. (g) TOLEFA 07 IN 1,01IrHT: The weight of no single pipe shall be less than the nominal t:,bulated weight by more than five (5) per • cent. (h) OL7111Y IG. Xil pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned and any rough spots in bells or on Ppi,3ot ends shall be removad by grinding before coatin.g or lining. (i) PHYSICAL REQ.01. -PEY,N S: ripe shall conform to physical requirements as given in Soction 4 paragraphs e, f, and g. (j) COATING: unless otherwise specified all pipe shall be completely coatod inside and out with coal -tar pitch varnish to which sufficient oil shall be added to make a smooth coating: tough and tenacious when cold, not "tacky" and, not brittle. (k) WEIGHING; Lath length of pipe shall be weighed and the weight plainly marked on the. pipe. (1) HAWDLING: Cara shall be taken in handling the pipes not to injure the coating and no pipes or other material shall be placed in the pipes during transportation, or at any time after they have been coated. (m) HARKING; Evory pipe shall have distinctly cast on the face of the boll or on the outsido surface of tho pipes as the manu- facturer may elect tha manufacturer's initials and the year in which it was cast and a number si.;nifving the order in point of time which the pipe ':vas cast. All pipe shall wither have marked upon it with whito paint or by a label .pasted on it or cast upon the outside of the pipe the class to w..ich the pil)c telongs. SECTION 33. DITATL R3ZUTREIK"I TS: The pipe shall accurately conform to the diriensions given in table 1 for the respective classes. SECTION 4. IeSPECTIOiv AND TESTS: (a) The Contractor shall fur_Zish the inspector free of cost. facilities as may be necessary for the performance of his work. (b) The_i.nspector shall have free access at all times to all parts of any manufacturing plant which concern the manu'fac'ture of the material ordered. (c) All hamdlin.o of material sar..pling� preparation of test, specimens and testing thereof, except purchaser's chemical analysis by the City of Ne7,port Beach shall be performed or furnished by the Contractor arithou: expense to thn City of Nen!port Beach. Where the manufacturer has , facilitieec fo_• ma'cir_,- toots or analysis required, they will be made at some euiiablo place in the vicinity, at the contractor's; expense and is the presence of the inspector. • (d) hli pipe small bo subjected to a careful surface in- spection_ and hammer anc_ rolling Tests. All bells shall be tested by circular tau.ges and no p_pc will, be accepted which is deficient in joint room. (e) T1STS OF = .ATERIAL. ^ran each 300 lengths of pipe or fraction thereof or each size in the contract or order one (i) length of pipe shall be sal1cted by the inspector before coating. From each sasple pipe them 'r. sa11 be cut and machined one (1) test strip twelve (12) inches lons; 0.50 inch deep and the full thick- ness-of the shell in 1midth. This shall be tested as a beam (with machined surfaces toil and botuoin) or supports ten (10) inches apart with load applied at two points 3 1/3 inches from the supports. • i, J The strip shall be accurately calipered at point of rupture and stress calculated by the formula S = PW 6 The secant modulus of elasticity at the breaking load, shall be cal- culated by the formula In these formulas 3 E = 23P1 1296Iy S _ Modulus of Rupture. E = Modulus of Elasticity. P = Total Load. 1 = Length of Span. c = Distance to Extreme Fibre. I a Moment of Inertia. y Center of Deflection at Load. P. For pipe cast in metal contact machines the secant mod- ulus of elasticity shall not exceed 15 000,000 pounds per square inch with the corresponding modulus of rupture riot less than 40,000 pounds per square inch. For pipe cast in sand contact machines the secant mod- ulus of elasticity shall not exceed 10 000000 pounds per square inch with the corresponding modulus of rupture not less than 35,000 pounds per square inch. (f) HYDROSTATIC T STS! Each length of pipe shall be subject- ed to a hydrostatic pressure of 300 pounds per square inch. The pipe shall be under this pressure at least one -half (J) minute and while under pressure shall. be subjected to a hammer test. Any pipes show- ing defects by leaking, sweating, or otherwise, shall be rejected. (g) ROCKWELL TESTS: Upon the machined edges of each test strip there shall be made at well distributed points not less than three determinations using a 1.59 mm (1 /16)inch) ball and 100 kg load. The average Rock;rell number shall not exceed 95. An additional determination shall also be made for pipe cast in metal contact machines upon the outside of each pipe, using a portable type machine. The equivalent Rockwell number for the exterior shall not exceed 95. (h) CREMiICAL AtiALYSIS: In addition to such analysis as are required to be made by the Contractor the inspector may obtain samples for chemical analysis fro;.: finished material representing each melt. The inspector may have samples for chemical analysis taken from test strips, or from any part or parts of the material concerned provided the serviceability of the part of parts is not destroyed. The sample taken for chemical analysis shall be of sufficient size to permit five (5) analyses to be made. Table 1. Standard Dimensions and Weights. Nom- Actual i;,iensions of bells inside Class 1 150 pounds pressure Class 2. 250 pounds pressure final outsid 346 feet head 576 feet head. Inside diam- Dias. _ Depth Thick-NOM. weight lbs. hick-Rom. wei ht b ti. diam. eter Inche Inche ness ness Inches Inches long long Inche3 lona lonw- _Inches 4.80 5.60 3.50 .34 200 260 .37 215 280 6 6.90 7.70 3.50 .36 310 400 .40 340 440 8 9.05 9.85 4.00 .38 435 565 .46 515 670 10 11.10 11.90 4.00 .42 585 760 .52 705 920 12 13.20 14.00 4.00 .46 765 990 .58 935 1220 -3- T, SECTION 5. PIP7 TO B? DELIVER ^L SOIND AND p Rrror. All tho pipe must bo dolivored sound and conf6rmab30 tb these specifications. • The insp„ction at the foundry shall out relieve the contractor of any of his obligations in this respect and any defective pipe r;hich may have passed the Engineer at the 7oiks or olsawhere shall be at all times liable to rejection when discovered until the final com- pletion and adjustment of the'contract. 0 • -4- • CITY OF NE1` ;PORT BEACH CALIFORNIA STANDARD SPECIFICATI0NS NO. 56. FOR CAST IROT PIPE AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CAST IRON PIPE AND SPECIAL CASTINGS ..DOPTED TvIAY 12, 1908. ;page SECTION 1. DESCRIPTION OF PIPES ......................... 1 SECTION 2. iJLLOVI.sME Vi;RIATION IN DIiMTER OF PIPES iiND SOCKETS ............................. 1 SECTION 3. ALLOWABLE VixRIATION IN THICKNESS.............. 2 SECTION 4. DEFECTIVZ SPIGOTS MAY BE CUT .................. 2 SECTION 5. SPECIAL C4 STINGS .............................. 2 SECTION6. P+> RKING . ............................... .. . 2 SECTION 7. ALLOiiBLE PERCENT "GE OF VARI41TION IN WEIGHT... 2 SECTION S. QUALITY OF IRON ................................ 3 SECTION9. TESTS OF YIAT RIi 'iL ............................. 3. SECTION10. CASTING OF PIPE .......... ................... . 3 SECTION 11. QUiiLLTI' OF C" sSTINGS ........................... 3 SECTION 12. CLE:iNING lITD INSPECTION ......... .............. 3 SECTION 19. COATING ........ ............................... 3 SECTION 14. HYDROST M C TEST .............................. 4 SECTION 15. WEIGHING ...................................... 4. SECTION 16. CONT%ICTOR TO FURNISH MEN AND N,ATERIAL........ 4 SECT 1011 17. POWER OF ENGINEER TO INSPECT .................. 4 SECTION 18. INSPECTOR TO REPORT ........................... 5 SECTION 19. CASTINGS TO BE DELIVERED SOUND AND PERFECT.... 5 SECTION 20. DEFINITION OF THE WORD ENGINEER ............... 5 7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA • STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS NO. 56. FOR CAST IRON PIPE A,! IC;1.� WAT °R WORKS AS OCIATION STANDARD SPTCIFICATIOi-S ?C.= OAST I'.'CT PIP °. AFT) SPECIAL CASTINSS = ADOPT,D ::AY 12 1906. SECTION 1. DE CIPTIvti OF PIPES: The pipe shall be made with hub and spigot joints and shall accurately conform: to the dimensions given in tables 1 and 2. The,- shall be straight and shall be true circles in section with their inner and outer surfaces concentric and shall be of the specified dimensions in outside diameter. Whey shall'be at least 12 feet in length, exclusive of socket. Pipes with thickness and weight intermediate between the classes in table 2 shall be made of the same outside diameter as the next heavier class. Pipes with thickness and weight less than shown by table 2 shall be made of the same outside diameter as the Class A pipe; and pipes with thickness and weight more than shown by table 2 shall be made of the same outside diameter as the Class D pipe. All pipes having the same outside diameter shall have the same inside diameter at both ends. The inside diameter of the lighter pipes of each standard outside diameter shall be gradually increased for a distance of about six (6) inches from each end of the pipe so as to obtain the required standard thick- ness and meight for each size and class of pipe. For pipes of each size from 4- to 24 -inch inclusive, there shall be two standards of outside diameter, and for _pipes from 30- to 60 -inch inclusive there shall be four standards of outside diameter. as shown by , table 1. For pipes 4- to 12 -inch inclusive one class of special castings shall be furnished made from , Class D pattern. Those having spigot ends shall have outside diameters of spigot ends midwav between the two standards of outside diameter as shown by table 1, and shall be tapered back for a distance of six (6) inches. For pipes from 14- to 24 -inch inclusive two classes of special castings shall be furnished; Class B special castings with Classes A and B pipes and Class D special castings with Classes C and D pipes; the former shall have cast on them the letters "AB" and the latter "CD ". Tor pipes 30- to 60 -inch inclusive four classes of special castings shall be furnished one for each class of pipe and shall have cast on them the letter of the class to which they ' belong. • SECTION 2. ALLOWABLE VARIATION IN DIAksT = OF PIPES AND SOCKETS. Especial care shall be takeii to have the sockets of the required size. The sockets and spigots will be tested by circular gauges, and no pipe will be received which is defective in joint—room from • any cause. The diameters of the sockets and the outside diameters of the spigot ends of the pipes shall not vary from the standard dimensions by more than 0.06 inch for pipes 16 inches or less in diameter; 0.68 inch for 18 -� 20- and 24 -inch pipes; 0.10 inch for 30- 36- and 42 -inch pipes; 0.12 inch.for 48 -inch, and 0.15 inch for 54- and 60 -inch pipes. -1- SECTION 3. ALLOTABLE V,.FIATION IN TFICKN?SS: For pipes whose • standard thickness is less than 1 inch the thickness of metal in the body of the pipe shall not b-, more than 0.08 inch less than the standard thickness and for pipes whose standard thickness is 1 inch or more, the variation shall not exceed 0.10 inch except that for spaces not exceeding 8 inches in length in any direction, variations from the standard, thickness of 0.02 inch in excess of the allowance above given shall be permitted. For special cast- ings of standard patterns a'varia.tion of 50 per cent greater than allowed for straight pipes shall be permitted. SECTION 4. D, C IVY SPIGOTS "AY 37! OUT: Defective spigot ends on pipes 12 inches or more in tiametar may be cut off in a lathe and a half round wrought -iron band shrunk into a groove cut in the end of the pipe. Not more than 12 per cent of the total number of accepted pipes of each size shall be cut and banded and no pipe shall be ',)ended which is less than 11 fl-et in length,'ex- clusive of the socket. In case the length of a pipe differs from 12 feet the standard vieight of the pipe given in table 2 shall be modikied in accordance therewith. SECTION 5. SPECIAL CASTINGS: All special castings shall be made in accordance with the cuts and the dimensions given in the tables forming a part of these specifications. .The diameters of the sockets and the external diam- eters of the spigot ends of the special castings shall not vary from the standard dimensions by more than 0.12 inch for castings 16 inches or less in diameter; 0.15 inch for 18- 20- and 24 -inch• 0.20 inch for 30 -� 36- and 42 -inch and 0.24 inch foT 48 -� 54 -sand 60 -inch. These variations apply only to special castings made from standard patterns. The flanges on all manhole castings and manhole covers shall be faced true and smooth and drilled to receive bolts of the sizes given in the tables.' The manufacturer shall furnish and deliver all bolts for bolting on the manhole covers the bolts to be of the sizes shown on plans and made of the best ouality of mild steel with hexagonal heads and nuts and sound, well - fitting threa$s. SECTION 6. MAnKI:,G: Every pipe and special casting shall have distinctly cast upon it the initials of the maker's name. When cast especially to order each pipe larger than 4 -inch may also have cast upon it figures showing the year in which it was cast and a number signifying the order in point of time in which it was cast the figures denoting the.year being above and the number balow) thus: . 1908 1908 1908 1 2 3 etc. also any initials not exceeding four which may be required by tie purchaser. The fetters and figures shall be cast on the outside and shall rot be less than 2 inches in length and 1/8 inch in relief for pipes 8 inches in diameter and larger. For smaller sizes of pipes the letters may be 1 inch in length. The weight • and tho class letter shall be conspicuously painted in white in the inside of each pipe and special casting after the coating has become hard.' SECTION 7. ALLOWABLE PTROTNTAGE OF VA= IATION IN WEIGHT: No pipe shall be accepted the weight of which shall be less than the standard weight by more than 5 per cent for pipes 16 inches or less in diameter, and 4 per cent for pipes more than 16 inches in diameter and no excess above the standard weight of more than the given percentage for the several sizes shall be paid for. The total weight to be paid for shall not exceed for each size and class of -2- pipo roceivod tho suit. of the standard. vvoiohts of the eamo numbor • of pi.aces of the given size e..nd clas^ by : ~yore than 2 per cent. No spacial uastinc, shall be accepted the -eight of which saa,ll. be lass than the standard -: oight by more than 10 Par cant for pipes 12 inches or loss in diametor and S per cent crrvt Y- pieces ad larg; r sizes the n breeches pipe may be 12 par cent standard weight, and no excess above tho standard , ; ight of :._arc. than the above percentages for the several siz; s will be pal (I. for. Those variations apply only to castings made from the s. tFtridao patttrns. SsCTIC' ?d L xL1T'?_U? 1 iQA : 1.11 pipes and special castings shall be mado of cast iron of zood {uality and of such character as shall 1;:ako the metal of tho castings 'strong, tough and of oven .�rain� and soft enough to sa.tisfactorilg adL.it of drilling and cutting. The ie.tal shall be mae.c without any admixture of cinder iron or other inferior ;natall and shall be remelted in a cupola or air furnace. The contractor shall hav -: the right to wake and b;:eak throe bar;; fro---, each heat or ri.n of : retal and the test shall be b_�sed upon the av ra_.a results of the three bars. Should the dimensions of The ta.7::c bars differ from those givon belor7 a proper a.11o:-,-anco therefor shall be trade in tho results of the tests. STOTION 5. TESTS OF Y.ATT:;TA_: Specimen bars of the metal used each being 26 inches 'long by 11 inchas pride and 1 inch thicl shall be :nada without char:,. as often as the engineer may direct, 'and in default of definite iastructicns the contractor shall atte and test at least ono bar jio:v e;e.cb'hea.t or run of metal. The bars when placed fla.tn•ia-, upon supports 24 inchas apart and loaded in the center shall support a load of 2000 pounds and Ishow a deflection of not less than 0.30 inch before breaking, or if pre - ferred, tansil;: bars eball be made which ;will show breaking point of not less than 20,000 pounds per sQuare inch. SECTION 10. CASTING 0: PIPS': The straight pipes shall be cast in dry sand ^olds in a vertical position. Pipes 16 inches or less in dianrat.r shall bs cast 7,1th the hub end up or down as specified in the proposals. Pipes 12 inchas or :Wore in diameter shall be cast with the hub end down. Th;; pipes shall not be stripped or taken from the pit :zhile showing color of heat but sba.11 he left in the flasks for a sufficie:rt length of titre to prati-ent unequal contraction by subsequent exposarc. SECTION li. G?tir'.LITY Or CAST'IN-S:. The pipes and special castings shall be smooth. frezz iron scai -is lureps blisters sand ;roles and S defects of every nature which unfit the:; _or the use for ,Which they are intender'. No plu.,gin, or fillin will be allowed • 7CTI0iv 12 CL AP ?I I AIQ '1 SP7CTIO': All pipes and spacial castings shall b;; thoa ou; liiy cl.-a,ned and subjected to a. careful harrarer inspection. No cast nn shall be coated Curless entirely clean and.fr;e fro:, rust and approved in these respects by • the engineer i„rediately'bofcre being dipped. S70TI2N 1;3: COA'TTN;'-: wv',i9 pipe and spacial casting shall be coated inside anc. out rit coal -tar pitch varnish. The va,rr.isl- shall be :naca fro;:, coal tax. To this matoria.l suffi -ier_t oil shall be added to :naive a smooth coatin3 touh and tenacious when cold, and not brittl = nor 'mith any tondoncv to soa.lc off. -3- o o Each casting shall be heated to a temperature of . 300 F. immediately before it is dipped; and shall possess not less than this tcmiporature at the time it is put in the vat. The ovens in which the pipes are heated shall be so arranged that all portions of the pipe shall be heated to an even temperature. Tach casting shall remain in the bath at least five minutes. • The varnish shall be heated to a temperature of 3000 F. (or less if the engineer shall so order) and shall be maintained at this temperature during the time the casting is immersed. Fresh pitch and oil shall be added when necessary to keep the mixture at the proper consistency and the vat shall be emptied of its contents and refilled with Fresh pitch when doomed necessary by the engineer. After being coated the pipe shall be carefully drained of the surplus varnish. Any pipe or special casting that is to be racoatod shall first be thoroughly scraped and cleaned. SECTION 14. HYD'ROSTAIC TEST: When the coating has become hard tha straight pipes shall be subjected to a proof by hgdrostatic pressure and if rcquirad by the engineer, they• shall also be subjected to a ham:or test under this pressure. The pressure to Thich the different sizes and classes of pipes shall be subjected are as foliovs: 20 -inch diamc er-1 ess than 20 -i j an ?lar r— er r?a pcmd.dias a pee t pr.s. c pounds ps 'Class A pipe ...................1 150 f 300 ;Class B pipe ...................1 200 I 300 ;Class C pipe ................... 250 { 300 (Class D pi e .................. 500 I 300 SECTION 15. "TIGHINI: The pipes and spacial castings shall W weighed for payment under the supervision of the engineer after the application of the coal -tar pitch varnish. If desired by the engineer the pipes and special castings shall be weighed after their deiivery and the weights so ascertained shall be used in the final sotAcment provided such weighing is done by a legalized waighmaster. Bids shall be submitted and a final settlement made upon the basis of a ton of 2000 pounds. SECTION 16. CONTRACT03 TO FURNISH MAN AND YATT IAb: The con- tractor shall provide all tools testing machines materials and men necessary for the required testing' inspection and weighing at the foundry of the pipe and special castings; and should the purchaser have no inspector at the works the contractor shall if required by the engineer furnish a. sworn statement that alb of the tests have beer, made as specified this statement to con- . tain the results of the tests upon the test bars. SECTION 17. PO ";7R OF NGINWn TO INSP_TCT: The engineer shall be at liberty at all times to inspect the material at the foundrir • and the moldinos� castings and coating of the pipes and special fo castings. The rums sizes uniformity and conditions of all pipes and other castings hoh in referred to shall ba subject to his inspection and approval and he may rojec d without proving, any pipe or other casting Aich is not in conformity with the specifications or drawings. < y r SECTION 18. I_'SPECTOR TO REPORT: The inspector at the foundry • ,shall report daily to th, foundry office all pipes and special castings rejected, � -ith the causes for rejection. SECTION 19. CASTIN'aS TO B� DTLIVr =ED SOUND AND PEcr CT: All the pipes and other ca tings m;:ust be delivered in all respects sound and conform.ablo to thes•; specifications. The inspection shall not relieve the contractor of any of his obllga.tions in this respect and any defective pipes or othor castings which my have passed the anginaor at the works or elsawhere shall be at all timres liable to rejection -hen discovered, until the final com- pletion and adjustment of the contract; povided howcvar that the contractor shall not be `_--ld liable for pipe's or spacial castings found to be cracked after they have been acc.,ptad at the agreed point of delivery. Care shall b:, taken in handling the pipes not to injure the coating and no pipes or other material of any kind shall ba placed in the pipes during traftsportation at or any time oftox they Nava received the coating. S70TICN 20. DT INITIOY OF TH7 WORD °7,NGIN -3R ". Wherever tho word "angineer° is used herein it shall be understood to refer to the enginaer or inspector acting for the purchaser and to his properly authorized agents, lir.ited by the particular duties intrusted to the:r�. • -5- Table No. 1 - • Standard 'Dimensions of Pipe Classes A, 5, C, D. Nom- inal Diam- eter; inches 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 I 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 4. 6 8 G 2 a 6 i- L7 -1 . / _- x = 3/4" on Z" to 6" v = b/161, " u u c� x = 1" n 8u a 84:1 .5 =C+ -L incl. n " Classes Actual! Outsid' Dian, eter Diameter of �- Snr.rc #�_ Depth Socke-s - ;Specia Pipe p ,,Oast- of A B C Pipe pocial � p Qa�sstts- - - -i inche s iiic5e` f inches inc s' inc he - -- 158.3'1900 - -- A 480; 5.601 5..70 3.50 1 4..00 1.5 1.30 •65 B -C -D 5..00i 5.80! 5.70 3.50 4.00 1.5 1.30 .65 A 6.901 7.70' 7.80 3.50 4.00 1.5 1.40 .7C B -C -D 7.10; 7.90! 7.80. 3.50 4.00 1.5 1.40 .7C A -B 9.051 9.85' 10.001 4.00 ! 4.00 1.6 1.50 .7E C -D 9.30! 10.101 10.00 4.00 4.00 1.5 1.50 .7E A -B 11.10 11.901 12.10 4.00 4.00 1.5 1.50 C -D 11.40! 12.20( 12.101 400 1 4.00 1.5 1.60 .8( A_3 13.201 14.00: 14.20 4..00 1 4.00 1.5 1.60 •8( O -D 1.. 501 14.30 ! 14.20 4.00 ' 4.00 1.5 1.70 .8: ! ' -B 15..30! 16.10:1 16.10 4.00 4.00 1.5 1.70 •8( C -D 15.65; 16.45! 16.45 4.00 4.00 1.5 1.80 .9( A -B 17.401 18.40; 18.40 4.00ttti 4.00 1.75 1.80 .9( C -D 17.801 18.801 18.80 4.0'0 I 4.00 1.75 1.90 1.0( 19.501 20.501 20.50 4.00 i 4.00 1.75 1.90 .91 C -D 19.921 20.9211 20.92; 4.301 4.00 1.75 2.10 1.01 A -B 21.601 22.60: 22-601 4.00 ! 4.00 1.75 2.00 1.01 _D 22.061 23.Nli 23.06 4.00 4.00 1.751 2.30 1 1.1 Table No. 2. Standard Thickness and Weights of Cast Iron Pipe. Class A 100 -Foet Head 43 pounds pressure CO !ZOi ht per 4� bD .7.n. i 0.421 20.0 240 0.44 3G.8 370 0.46, 42.9 515 0.50 57.1 685 0.54 72.5 870 0.:57 89.6L075 0.60 1083 300 0.64 129:2L550 0.67!15G.0L800 i Classes A, B, C, D. Class B Class C Class D 200 -Feet Head I 300 -Feet Head 400 -Feet Head 86 -) ounds 130 pounds 173 pounds 'Id pressure I pressure pressure 'H - N -- - -- -- ._ .... . H 44 E Weight per to + Weight per j CO Weight per � O 1 O 40 0.. I O h0 O bD � •.•i rc in. - ..._.._ -- r- in.� -- - - in. - -r -- ir_7 0.45 21. 260 10.48.� 23.5 280 0.52 25.01 300 1 4 0.48 33.. 400 0,51 35.8 430 0.55 38.31 460 6 0.51 4'7. 570`0.56` 52.1 625 0.60 55.8 670 8 0.57 63. 76510.62 70.8 850 0.68 76.7 920 0 0.62` 82.I 98510.681 91.7 1100 0.75 100.0,1200 2 b.661 102. 123010.74'116.711400 0.82 129.21 1550 114 0.7 125. 15000.80 143.8 1725 0.89 158.3'1900 16 0.7 150. 180010 :87I175.0�2100 0.96 191.7 2300 18 0.8G 175. 210010.92 208.3 2500 I 11.03 1, 229.2 2750120 � CITY Or NEWPORT BEACH CALi ORNIA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS NO. 57. FOP, CONSTRUCTICN OF SANITARY SEWERS page_ SECTION 1. GENERAI, RLQUIREQNTS .......................... 1 SECTI0N 2. PLA NS .......... .........................f..... 1 SECTION 3. WORK ........... ............................... 1 SECTION 4. EXCAVATION AND SUBGR ,IDE ....................... 1 (a b c d 21IGN ^NT AND G"ADE .......:........I..,.. OPEN EXC TATION AND TUNNELLING.....,...,. WIDTH AND DEPTH OF TRENCH ......... CLEARANCE FOR STRUCTURES........... .... 1 1 2 2 ie (f 46 SOFT GROUND.. iUMPING ... ....................... .f. BQCI_vG T3 :.&HES ......................... } .... 2 2 2 h DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS .................... SEWER CONNECTIONS 3 SECTION 5. WORX OF CONSTRUCTION ....................1..... 3 a PIPE CRYING .............................. 3 b NT�'iNHOLE, FLUSHT_,NKS AND L_'INTPHOLES.. , ..... 4 c ) BRICK MASONRY ......................:..... 4 d SEWER CONNECTIONS 4 e .............. FORMS .............................. 4 If) PLACING REINFORCING STEEL ................ 5 CONCRETE ......................... 5 APLACING CURING AND FINISH 6 i) ........................ BiCKPILLING ................ .......:..... b lh j RESTORATION OF SURFACE OVER PIPES..'...... 6 k) LAYING COST IRON SEW£R MAINS..........., 6 SECTION 6. MATERIALS ...... ............................... 7 a b c 8. ePIPE f CEytENT CONCRETE... .................... PROPORTIODING MATERIALS ............t..... MIXING AND MEASURING.......... ..f..... Ivi0fiTAn .... .........................T..... ...... .........................:..... IMPErFEC' TIONS ......................I..... 7 7 8 9 9 9 gCAPS h ...... ......................... CASTINGS ........................... ..... .... 10 10 i j MANHOLE STEPS ...................... CAST IRON PIPE AND SPECIAL CASTINGS!..... ..... 10 10 k) BRICK.......... I ................... :..... 10 SECTION 7. TESTS ................................... :..... 11 jai HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST ................ 11 b S.',ND BERING CRUSHING TEST ............... 12 mmmw c TESTS FOR LEAKAGE ........................ 13 d TESTS FOR INFILTRATION .............f..... 13 e TEST FOR ZE_.KAG^ IN CAST IRON SEWER hAIN. 14 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • CALIFORNIA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS NO. 57. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS • SECTION 1. GEAERAL REQUIREIZENTS: The general requirements shall conform to Standard Specifications No, 50 for "General Require- ments". SECTION 2. PLANS: The detailed location of the work to be done, together with grades, cross - sections and special construction, is illustrated on the maps profiles cross - sections and plans adopted therefor by the Ciry Council' and on file in the office of the City Engineer. These maps, pans profiles and cross - sections are to be considered a part of these specifications and any notations appearing thereon shall be considered as thoug{ incorporated as a part of these specifications. All distances and measurements given are in a horizontal plane. All work shall� during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may from time to time begiven by the City Engineer. SECTION 3. 'WORK: The work to be done consists of the following: i (a) Excavating the trenches for the sewers and preparing the subgrade. (b) Constructing and laying sewers, manholes flushtanks house connections, lampholes and appurtenances, as shown ,on the pians, drawings, and typical cross - sections, according to the following specifications. (c) Furnishing of material and labor necessary to per- form said work, and to complete same. (d) Backfilling trenches and removing from the street and sidewalk adjacent to the work, all surplus material or debris. SECTION 4. EXCAVATION AND SUBGRADE: (a) ALIGNMENT AND GRADE: The alignment and grade shall be as shown on the plans and profiles. The subgrade shall be the exterior bottom of the pipe. The grade line shown on the profile is the invert or interior bottom of the pipe. The excavation shall be made a sufficient distance below the grade line to allow for the placing of the sewer invert. (b) OPEN - EXCAVATION AND TUNNELING: The Contractor shall make all necessary excavation to construct all work shown upon the plans. Excavation shall.include the removal of all water and • materials or obstructions of any nature that would interfere with the execution of the work. Unless otherwise indicated on the plans or in these specifications, excavation for the construction of pipe lines shall be in open tenches. • Wherever possible, bottom of the trench shall be excavated to conform to the arc of the lower 90 degrees of the outside circumference of the barrel of the pipe. Except as indicated be permitted only when necessary structures and with the consent first obtained. upon the plans, tunneling will to lay the pipe under existing of the Superintendent of Streets Where tunneling is permitted, unless otherwise shown on the plans and if the location of existing structures permit, open trenches between tunnels shall not be less than eight (8) -1- feet lon Tunnels shall not be less than four (4) feet high and two2) feet wide, nor shall any tunnel be less than one (1) . foot wider than the external diameter of the sewer pipe. Unless by special permission of the Superintendent of Streets, the trench shall not be excavated more than 300 feet in advance of sewer pipe laying, nor left unfilled for more than 700 feet where pipe has been laid. (c) WIDTH AND DEPTH OF TRENCH. The minimum width of pipe trenches measured at the crown of the pipe shall not be less than twelve (12) inches greater than the exterior diameter of the pipe, exclusive of bells, and such minimum width shall be exclusive of all trench timbers. The maximum allowable width for pipe trenches measured at the crown of the pipe shall be the outside diameter of the pipe exclusive of bells plus sixteen (16) inches and such maximum allowable width shall be inclusive of all trench timbers. Wherever such maximum allowable width of pipe trench is exceeded for any reason except as provided in these specifications or by the written directions of the Superintendent of Streets, the Contractor shall at his own expense for all material and labor, imbed the pipe in concrete in a manner sc,tisfactory to the Super- intendent of Streets. If any trench, through neglect of the Contractor, be excavated below the bottom grade as required by the plans, it shell be refilled to gr:.de ct the Contr..ctor's expense for all material and labor with gr -vel or broken rock well tcmped in place. (d) CLEARANCE FOR STRUCTURES: The excavation for all manholes and other structures sliail be sufficient to leave at least six (6) inches in the clear between their outer surfaces and the embankments or timbering which may be used to protect them. Wherever in the opinion of the Superintendent of Streets, the nature of the earth will.permit, the lines . of the excavation may be made to conform to the exterior lines of concrete structures and the surfaces of the excavation may be used as the exterior forms for said concrete structures. (e) SOFT GROUND: Wherever, in the opinion of the Super- intendent of Streets, the ground does not afford a sufficiently solid foundation, the Contractor shall excavate the trench to such increased depth as the Street Superintendent may decide to be necessary, and shall then bring it up to the required level and form with sound earth, gravel or broken rock, and in such manner as the Superintendent of Streets may direct. (f) PUMPING: The Contractor at all times shall have on the work sufficient pumping machinery for immediate use. The trenches and other excavations shall be kept • entirely free of water while concrete or pipe is being laid and until the concrete or mortar has set hard. Water shall be disposed of in such a manner as will not cause injury to public or private property, nor be a menace to the public health. (g) BRACI;TG TRENCHES- All excavation shall be supported in the manneP..�ket forth in tie rules, orders and regulations pre- scribed by the Industrial Accident Commission of the Stt.te of California. Sheet piling and other timbers shall be drawn in such a manner as to prevent caving of the walls of the excavation.. -2- (h) DISPOSAL OF iATERIALS• Material exoavated in streets and roadways shall 'Fe-laid alongside of the trench, cnd kept trimmed up so as to cause ^s little inconvenience as possible to public travel. Free access must be provided to all fire hydrants and water gates, and meters. =e shall b� )rovidad. rher„blr storm and .,aete *rater can flo--- in thu o.tt rs unint,�ruptedly. All material excavated in streets and roadways not required for backfilling shall be immediately removed and disposed of by the Contractor. SECTION 5. SORK OF CONSTRUCTION: VITRIFIED CLAY PI1P.E SEWERS: (a) PIPE,j,AYING: A11'pipe shall be laid without break from structure to structure, with the socket ends of.the pipe up grade. Pipe shall be laid on an unyielding foundation, truz to line and grade with a uniform bearing under the full length of the barrel of the pipe. and suitable excavation shall lie made to re- ceive the bell of the pipe, 'All adjustments to line and grade must be made by scraping,away or tamping earth landeT the body of the pipe and not by wedging or blocking up thei,hub;. Joints shall not be completed,until sufficient pipe has been laid in advance to insure against injuring the finished joint. Water must not be: allowed to rise around the'pipe until the mortar in the joints has set hard. Walking on or disturbing the pipe in any mapn(�r, after the joints have been made will not be permitted. At the close of each day's work, and at such other• times when pipe is not being laid, the end of the pipe shall be protected ti =:ith a close fitting stopper. Whenever the work ceases for any reason or when the pipe is constructed c *.ith an end not joined to an existing pipe or structure, it shall be closed by a cap of the same material as the pipe tightly sealed in place with mortar. Mortar for filling the joints shall be fresh for the work in hand. No mortar which has begun to set shall be used and no re- tempering will be allowed. The entire annular space in all pipe joints between the exterior of the spigot and the interior of the socket shall be completely cnd carefully filled with cement mortar. Special care must be taken to secure a perfect filling of the aforese.id annular space at the bottom sides of the pipes, as well as the top-, and previous to the introduction of the mortar, said space together with the surfaces of the pipe bounding the same shall be completely freed of all dust, sand, earth, small stones and water. • In making the joints, r, trowel full of mortar shall be placed in the bottom of the hub of the pipe, then two thoroughly wet, sound, herd wood blocks cut to the thickness of the annular space and about one (1) inch square shell be placed in the mortar in the hub and the annull.r space shell be completely and compactly filled with mortar. The mortar shall then be beveled off on about a 1 to 1 slope from the outer edge of the hub, and the interior of the pipe cleaned of surplus mortar or other foreign material. All joints shall be neatly wiped on the inside. When water is found in the trench, a narrow gasket of oakum or hemp shall be properly caulked into each joint, after which the mtortar shall be introduced therein, but no additional compensation for the use / The trench shall. be maintained in a dry coridition until the ^.,invent in the joint has taken its Initial set. Proper pre- cautions shall be taken to obtain a watertight joint. (b) MANHOLES, FLUUHTANKS AND LAkPHOLES: These structures shall be of the materials as designated on the plans and shall be built into the server at the places shot =n on the plans and shall be of the material and conform in size, shape and details as shown on the standard plans of the 0ity of Nerjort Beach. In the case of flush tanks, the flushing device shall be placed in position together with sufficient length of three - quarter (3/4) inch coprfer service pipe to project not less than two (2) feet beyond the outer face of the tank. Manhole steps shall be set into the structures as specified. Pipe branches for lateral sewers shall be built into the structures as shown on the plans, the outer ends to be closed as specified. . In laying pipe up to structures, no pipe shall be allowed to 'project beyond the inside,of the trail of the sturcture and in no case shall the bell of a }pipe be built into the wall of a structure. (c) $LICK ;MASONRY: The thickness of brick wal]sshail be as shown on the standard plans of the City of Newpoit Beach. No biickwoik.shall be laid upon the,concrete found- a74 oris tithir thre8,(3) days after said concrete foundation has been poured.. A11 brick shall be .clean and thoroughly wet . imrned = iately before. laying. Each brick shall be laid with fu!1Y mortar joints on its bed, end and szde.at one oR.e.r ,etion, Slushing or grouting of joists will not. be ,allb. ed, -nor shall jbi;hts be .mEde by working. in the mor.tkr 'kfter bricks are. laid. Pia brialt ,glo, laid i•n grater and no :water shall be allowed to `rb'�cnd 6r'1 n uptin bri&*oA until after the mortar has set hard.' - 'The &4ickrark sh_.11 be wel1646nded. Unless the plans o•thei.wise specify, the maximum width o`i' joints, the, is between bricks on the inside of structur!p..sha_ll not exce.ea See- eighths, (j /S) ' of an inch. Al 1 joints on the insf# of str..uctures.shall be neatly struck and pointed where glistering i:s not specified on the plans. The outside of all brick structures shall be neatly plaster- ed with rr.'ort_r one -hClf (2) of in- inch, thick. ('d) SEWER COPiZ1ECTI0N5: The Qontractor shall place as many uYu branches for house connection sb;cers crids,'sY}. ^.11 construct s .id house connection sewers as shown on the, pia -nT;; and i c.e'cordonce with the atc.nda:rd plans of the City of ;NeV�por `':;Bg.ch.. (e) FORMS Forms for concrete structure:@. 441 be con- structed of such material, and be so braced in ;i?5ce gnat they will remain rigid and unyielding during the proCes of placing and tamping concrete. Where . wooden forms are used to form exterior exposed faces of concrete, the sheeting shall be of planed and sized lumber. -4- Before use end each time prior to use, all portions • of the forms which will come in contact with the concrete to be placed therein, shall be coated with a thin coat of grease or neutral oil, to prevent adhesion of the concrete to forms. All forms shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of cement and mortaF. • (f) PLACING REINFORCING ST9EL. All reinforcing steel shall be accurately placed in the position shown on the plans and carefully fastened in place with iron wire sufficiently strong for the purpose. Where splicing is necessary, it may be done by welding, or by lapping bars forty times their diameter or thickness.. Splices shall not be made at points of maximum stress. (g) PLACING CONCRETE. Concrete shall be carefully de- posited in the work, and in such a manner as not to separate the various ingredients. Concrete shall be placed in horizontal layers, not to exceed twelve (12) inches in depth, and shall be thoroughly rammed, agitated, or spad ea until free from voids, air bubbles, and rock or water pockets. On unexposed surfaces, or except where a special sur- face finish is required, a spading tool shall be worked between the concrete and the form so as to produce a mortar Finish. Floor .sur•fa_ces shall . be struck with a straight edge and given a float and steel troti,'ei finish. Where fresh 'concrete: is to be 00 ced on or against concrete which has set, the sui.face of the i Nter sh,-�hl be roughened, cleaned, thoroughly wet and then covered wilh.-a thin .layer of neat cement mortar. No concrete shail'l:be deposited under or in water; nor shall any water be Allowed to run over or on concrete before it has set. (h) CURING AND FINISH: All exposed co•rncrete shall be pro-, tected from the.sun and win and all concrete shall be,kept wet for seven (7) days after it has been poured. Immediately after the forms are r.* -bled, all irregular- ities shall be corrected by filling depressions with mortar and by carefully cutting down projecting portions. The end of all tie wired shall be cut off, and neatly plastered over with mortar. (i) BACKFILLING- All backfilling shall be done in such a manner as not to— isturU the pipe or other structure. In all cases the backfilling around pipe shall be carried up to a depth of one (1) foot above the top of the pipe by. hand with good earth or send free from lc±ge. _etones or lumps, and thoroughly compe.cted by flooding before additione.l bcckfilling is • placed thereon. If the material with which the trench is being back- filled is other than adobe or clay, the trench shall be backfilled to the surface of the ground, after which it shall be thoroughly flooded., The water shall be allowed to flow slowly into the trench from the upper end, and shall be worked down to the bottom of the trench` by "poling ". Care must be taken not to have such a large quantity of water that it will flow over the top of the dirt before it has penetrated down to the sewer. -5- Poles shall be -long enough to roach down to the sewer. They shall be forced down through the dirt to the sewer and the water allowed to flow do %-,n when the pole is withdrawn. A channel formed with the pole shall be kept open and the water running in it until the dirt has settled. fthe trench must be thoroug_ly settled in each place before proceeding with the flooding lower down and must be filled t to the street level with dirt before the water has run out. Special care must be taken to thoroughly pole around all structures. If the material 1ith which the backfill is being made is adobe or clay, the trench shall be back- filled to a depth of one (1) foot above the top of the pipe with good earth or sand, free from large stonts or lumps, and thoroughly compacted by flood- ing before additional back - filling is placed. The adobe or clay may then be carefully deposited in the trench in layers which shall not exceed six (6) inches in thick- ness, and each shall be carefully and solidly tamped with appropri- ate tools in such a manner as to avoid injuring or disturbing the completed sewer. Where sheeting is drawn, all cavities remaining in or adjoining the trench shall be solidly filled. Where sheeting is left in place, all cavities behind such sheeting shall be solidly filled. After the trench in all streets and roadways has been back - filled and dried out sufficiently., the surface shall be leveled and rolled until unyielding with a roller weighing not less than twelve (12) tons or with the wheels of one side of a loaded truck of five (5) tons or more capacity. If the subgrade of the street consists of sand, rolling will not'be required. s(j) In alleys, othedamized, oiled or otherwise im- proved , y , public ways, the surface .over the trench shall be finished, without delay, by the contractor, with the same quality of roadway material that was removed in excavating the trench, placed to the same thickness as the original work. All cement curb, drain spouts, pipe lines, gutters, sprinkler systems, pavements and sidewalks, or any and all other improvements which are broken.into'or damaged by the installation of the improvement, shall be reconstructed by the Contractor, of the same kind of material as the original work, and in accordance with the following additional requirements namely: the curb, gutter and sidewalk., shall be removed and replaced to the next joint • beyond the excavation required by said installation. (k) LAYING CAST IRON SEWER MAINS: The bontractor shall con- struct cast iron mains as shown on the plans. The pipe shall be of the sizes shown on said plans and shall conform to the requirements for cast iron pipe and fittings, specified iL Section 6, Clause "j" of these specifications. The subgrade for all cast iron" sewer main shall be the exterior bottom of the pipe' and the alignment shall be in accord - axce with the plans. -6- I E 9 9 When so indicated on the plan or profile, the pipe shall be laid in an open trench or in tunnels. When open trenches or tunnels are not so indicated the pipe may be laid. in sections of omen trenches connected by tunnels the length of which tunnels shall not exceed one -half (2) the depth of the sub�rade below, the surface of the &round provided, however that the tunnel length shall in no case be more khan eitiht (�) feet. The width of excavation for pipe in trenches and tunnels shall be six (6) inches wider on both sides or a total of twelve (12) inches more than the exterior diameter of the pipe. All bell holes shall not be less than fifteen (15) inches greater in width on each side and eight (81 inches in depth on the bottom than the outside diameter of the bell of the pipe to be laid. The length of the bell hole measured along the trench shall not be less than three (3) feet. Where tunnels are made they shall be cut to a height of at least eighteen (18) inches above the crown of the pipe. All joints shall be of lead and shall be made to conform to Standard Specifications No. 60 of the City of Newport Beach. SECTION 6. MATTRIALS: (a) CTMTNT CONCRETE: Cement, sand, gravel and rock and reinforcin,S steel shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 51 of the City of Newport Beach for "Portland Cement" "Sand" "Gravel ", "Rock" and "Reinforcing Steel" respectively.. WATER: Water shall be clean, free from oil, acid, alkali or vegetable matter. COAaSE AGGREGATE: Coarse aggregate shall consist of sound, crushed rock or washed gravel or a combination of both and shall conform to the requirements of Standard Specifications No. 51. Above mentioned coarse aggregate shall conform to the follow- ing sieve analysis: Maximum Size of Percentage of weight passing through &,gregate in Inches standard sieves with square openings 1111 111 3/41� 111 100 40 -75 0 -5 100 55 -85 0 -5 (b) PROPORTIONING MATTnIALS: All cement concrete to be used in the construction of the Sanitary Sewer System under these specifications shall. be composed of materials as follows unless otherwise specified in the plans, to -wit:- Portland Cement ........... 1 part by volume. Sand ...................... 2 parts by volume. Rock and Gravel ............ 4 parts by volume. Water, a,:naximum amount of 50 pounds per sack of cement. Should there not be enough mortar to completely fill the voids in the concrete the deficiency shall be remedied by re- ducing the portion of roci us0d in the mixture, and not by adding a greater portion of sand.. -7- c � g The amount of water specified includes water already in the concrete inatarials and in measuring water allowance shall be ;mad.a for watax contained in said mat -sials. The quantity of iJat x ased in addition to conforming to above recuires.ents shall be such that the slump shall not be less than ei,ht (6) per cant. nor =:.ore than twenty (20) per cent. when subjected to the slump test. The slump test shall be made in the following manner: The test cone to be used in making the slump test shall have an in is diameter of eight (8) inches at the base and an inside diam- eter of four (4) inches at the top and a corpendicv.lar height of twelve (12) inches. Im:;:ediataly after tlio concrete has been mixed and deposit-,e., a sufficient quantity thereof shall be placed in four (4) lavos in ./the tapare:' test cone until the concrete is flush with the top of the cone; each layer should be thorouE;hly settled by working with a pointed iron rod. Then the test cone shall be lifted allowing the concrete to settle or slump. After the pile of concrete has set one minute' its height shall be measured and subtracted from the original height of t?relve (12) inch;;s, which difference in height is the amount of the slump in inches. (c) MIXING AND Y7ASURING: HTA7URING: All sand and rock shall be measured loose without shaking or compacting. For machine mixing sand and rock shall be measured either at a central proportioning plant or in wheelbarrows on the work. Wheelbarrows if used for measuring sand and rock shall be such that when struck with a straight edge or rodded off with a gauze resting upon the sides they shall have the capacity necessary to maintain the required proportions. For hand mixing, the sand and rock shall be measured in boxes having a capacit,- necessary to maintain the proportions specified_. Every wheelbarrow load or box full of material used must be struck with a straight edge or gauge as specified. 1ACHINE MIXING: The concrete shall be mixod with a mechanical batch :mixer only when concrete :mixers are used. The water tank on the -mixer shall be so arranged that the amount of water required for each batch of concrete can be pgsitively and accurately measured and while the water tank is discharging the inlet supply shall be automatically cut off. The drum of the mixer shall revolve at a rate of speed npt to exceed the rate of speed specified by the maker of the mixer provided however that the drum shall make not less than ten (�0 nor more . than eighteen (18) revolutions per minute. Every batch of concrete shall be mixed in the drum of the mixer not less than sixty (60) seconds before any portion of the batch is discharged from the said drum. The drum shall not be charged while the mixer is discharging. The Contractor shall mix in the mixer only such quan- tity of material as will be within the capacity of the mixer with- out spilling based on the water level capacity of the drum but in no case shall the amount mixed exceed the manufacturer's cat- alog rated capacity. HAND MIXING: Hand mixing will be allowed only when the quantity of concrete to be mixed is less than five.(5) cubic yards. In mixing concrete by hand a tight level platform shall be used on which the rock, sand ana cement in the proportions n // stated herein shall be spread in layers not over t�,clve (12) inches each in thickness in the order named.. The batch shall then be • turned with shov -A s at least three (3) tires dry and two (2) times wet shoveling from the bottom of the pile. Nat,-.,r shall be supplied in a spray during the wet turns. 'The Inspector shall be given the opportunity to chock the nu;ber of sacks of cement on each batch before the sacks are opened. No concrete shall be used which has partially sCt, and no concrete shall be retempercd or remixed. . (d) :ORTAR: For pipe joints the mortar shall be composed of one (1) part by volume of cement and. two (2) parts by volume of fine aggregate. For laying bricks or for plastering, mortar shall consist of one (1) part by vole. -e of cement and one and one -half (11) parts by voltamo of fine aggregate. The mortar shall be mixed in a suitable mixer or in a water tight mixing box. The materials must bo thoroughly mixed dry until the mass assumes a uniform color and then sufficient water added to dive the x..ixture a proper consistency. No mortar which has begun to set shall be used and no retcrnpering thereof will be permitted. (e) PIPE: Except as otherwise designated on the plans all pipe shall be vitrified salt glazed clay sewer pipe. The pipe must be smooth and its interior surface must be thoroughly salt glazed. All pipes shall be socket pips with sockets true circular and concentric with the bore of the pip -,. All sockets must be of sufficient diameter to receive to the full depth the spigot end of the next following pipe or special, without any chipping whatever of either and also to leave an annular space as specified in Standard Plans of the City of Newport Beach. DI :tiENSIONS: The dimensions of all sizes of straight pipe shall be as shown on Standard Plans of the City of Newport Beach. (f) INPTZFECTIONS. All pipe and specials must be fr@p from injurious cracks, checks blisters broken extremities or other imperfections. The following imperfections in a pipe or special will be considered injurious and cause for rejection. (1) A single crack in the body of the pipe extending through the entire thickness regardless of the extent of such crack. A single fire crack which extends one -half (!) of the - thickness and over throe (3) inches long. (2) Two or more fire cracks in the body of a pipe of a less length than three (3) inches and extending through one -half (2) of the thickness. Any fire crack which is more than ona- sixteenth (1/16) of an inch wide at its widest point. (3) Lumps blisters or flakes on the interior surface of a pipe or specials. M (4) Two or snore breaks in the socket of a pipe unless they •can be placed in the upper half of the sewer. (5) When the bore or socket of the pipe varies from a true circle more than three (3) per cent of its normal diameter. (6) When a pipe or special designed to be straight exhibits • a deviation of more than three- eighths (3/8) of an inch from a straight line. (7) A piece broken socket or longer than one - (8) A piece broken into the body of the pipe, the diameter of the pipe. from the spigot end deeper than the third (1/3) the diameter of "the pipe. from the bell end if the fracture extends or is longer than one -third (1/3) of (g) CAPS! Caps shall be furnished for each house connect- ion sewer and shall consist of a disc of vitrified clay, three - fourths (3/4) of an inch thick fitting snugly the socket of the house connection sewer pipe. (h) CASTINGS; All castings for manholes, frames covers, and other purposes must be of tough gray iron free from cracks holes, swells and cold shuts and be of workmanlike finish and must conform to the Standard Flans of the City of Newport Beach. The quality shall be such that a blow from a hammer will produce an indentation on a rectangular edge of the casting without flaking the metal. Before leaving the foundry all castings shall be thoroughly cleaned and subjected to a hammer inspection after which they shall be dipped twice in a preparation of asphalt 'or coal tar, and oil applied at a temperature of not less than 290 degrees Fahrenheit nor greater than 310 degrees Fahrenheit, in such a manner as to form a firm and tenacious coating. �) MIANHOLT STEPS: Manhole steps shall be made of threa- quarter 3/4) inch round iron bars heavily coated with asphaltum paint and of the dimensions as shown on Standard Plans of the City of Newport Beach, and shall be placed in accordance xith said plans. (j) CAST IRON.,PIP. AND SPTCIAL CASTINGS: All cast iron pipe to be used in the construction of the sanitary sewer system under these specifications shall be regular Standard Class 'B' cast iron pipe of the hub and spigot type and shall conform to Standard Spec- ifications lo. 56 for "Cast Iron Pipe ", American Water Works Assoc- iation Standard for cast iron pipe, on file. All special castings shall conform-to Class 11' pattern, American Water Works Association Standard. (k) BRICK: All brick shall be common brick and shall con- form to the following: They shall be whole, sound hard burned clay with straight,. edges and must give a clear rining sound when struck together. They shall be uniform in quality and shall be culled or sorted before delivery on the ground. They shall have rectangular surfaces and shall not be less than 8 1/8 inches nor ;:,ore than 8 3/8 inches in length, not less than 3 5/8 inches nor more than 3 4/8 inches in width, and not less than 2 1/4 inches nor more than 2 3/8 inches in thickness. .All brick shall be subject to the following test made by the Superintendent of Streets or wider the direction of the Supei- intandent of Streets,by a reputable testing laboratory, at the expense -19- of th- Contractor on brick sampled at the brick yard or on the job, as he may elect. Three or raorc bricks salcctee at random from a given lot shall be broken in half and th;, separate pieces placed on edge faced top and bottom 7ith piastar of Paris and crushed. The average maximum load shall be not l:;ss than 2,000 pounds per sgliarc inch and no indiq•idual load shall be less than 1 000 pounds pet square inch. Failing • to satisfy the test, brick lro:n which the sarplas for the test 'vote selected, shall be rejected. SECTION 7. T SSTS: The tests for vitrified clay pipe shall include the following: 1. Hydrostatic Test. -� 2. Sand Bearing Crushing Test. For pipe to be used in sanitary sewers the hydro- static pressure test shall precede the sand bcaring'crushing by not less than one (1) hour, nor more than three (3) hours. The Superintendent of Streets shall select at random and test as herein specified one length of pipe for each four hundred (400) feat or fraction thereof of each size of pipe to be laid, the minimum number of specimens to be tested to be three (3) for each size of pipe. The pipe selected for testing purposes shall be de- livered by the Contractor when and where directed. If in making either of the tests above mentioned eighty (80) par cent. or more of the specimens tested meet the requirements imposed by that test, all of the pipe in the shipment or delivery corresponding to the sizes so tested shall be considered as complying with that test. If however, more than twenty (20) per cent. of the specimens tested fail to meet the requirements of either test a second selection of pipe shall be made for that test. The nui;lber of pipe to b tested in the second selection of pipe shall be five (5) for each pipe that failed to meet the rcauiramcnts of the first selection: If eighty (80) per cl-nt including those first selected meet all of the pipe corresponding to the sidered as complying with that test, sizes shall be re•j ctad. or more of the pipe selected the requirements of that test: sizes so tested shall be con - otherwise all pipe of those Unless other!-ise specified herein, the specimens of pipe shall be sound pipe having dimensions consistent rith these specifications. • (a) HYI)RO- ST'kT]1C PRESSLnF TEST: Sound full size pipe in each size shall be tested for leakage under internal hydrostatic pressure. Water.pressures ,as.measured by the standardized gauge attached to the delivery pipe" close to the specimens shall be internally applied to the specimens as follows: 10 pounds per square inch for seven (7) minutes. At the end of the final period, the pipe shall be in- spected and the specimen shall show no leakage under this pressure. Moisture appearing on form of patches or beads, adhearing considered leakage. -11- the surface of the pipe in the to the surface shall not be The testing machine shall be substantial and rigid throughout, so that the distribution of the load will not be affect-ld by the deformation or yielding of any part. The bearings and the specimens shall be accurately centered so as to secure a sym:rnetrical distribution of the loading on each side of the center of the pipe in every direction. The pipe to be tested shall be carefully bedded above and below in sand for one- fourth (4) of the circumference of the pipe, measured on the middle line of the shell. The depth of bedding above and below: the pipe at the thinnest points shall be not less than one -half (2) the radius of the middle line of the shell. The sand used shall be clean and shall be such as will pass a one - fourth (4) inch screen. The top bearing frame shall not be allowed to come in contact with the pipe nor with the top of the bearing plate. The upper surface of the sand in the top bearing shall be struck level with a straight edge and shall be covered with a rigid top bearing plate the length of which plate shall be the total length of the pipe and the ridth of which plate shall be not less than one -half ( ) inch less than the inside width of the top bearing frame. The Yower surface of the top bearing plate shall be a true plane made of heavy timbers or other rigid material, capable of distributing the test load uniformly rithout bending. The test load shall be applied at the exact center of this top bearing plate in such a man,er as to permit a free motion of the plate in all directions. For this purpose a spherical bearing, is preferred, but two rollers at right anslas may be used. The test may be made without the use of a testing machine by piling weights directly on a platform resting on the top bearing plate provided however that the ,-eights shall be piled symmetrically'about a vertical line through the center of the pipe and that the platform shall not be allowed to touch the top bearing frame. The frames of the top and bottom bearings shall be made of timbers so heavy as to avoid bending by the side pressure of the sand. The interior surface of the frames shall be dressed. No frame shall come in contact with the pipe during the test. A strip of cloth may be attached to the inside of the upper frame on each side, along the lower edge, to prevent the escape of sand between the frame and the pipe. -12- J (b) SAND BTARING CRUSHING TsST: All pipe tested shall be submerged in rater for t;^enty -four 24 hours immediately before • sand bearing crushing test is made. The load shall be applied at a uniform rate of about two thousand (2 000) pounds per minute or in increments of not more than one hundred (100) pounds at the same rate. The pipe shall not be allo -cd to stand under the load longer than it is required to apply the load and to observe and record it. The testing machine shall be substantial and rigid throughout, so that the distribution of the load will not be affect-ld by the deformation or yielding of any part. The bearings and the specimens shall be accurately centered so as to secure a sym:rnetrical distribution of the loading on each side of the center of the pipe in every direction. The pipe to be tested shall be carefully bedded above and below in sand for one- fourth (4) of the circumference of the pipe, measured on the middle line of the shell. The depth of bedding above and below: the pipe at the thinnest points shall be not less than one -half (2) the radius of the middle line of the shell. The sand used shall be clean and shall be such as will pass a one - fourth (4) inch screen. The top bearing frame shall not be allowed to come in contact with the pipe nor with the top of the bearing plate. The upper surface of the sand in the top bearing shall be struck level with a straight edge and shall be covered with a rigid top bearing plate the length of which plate shall be the total length of the pipe and the ridth of which plate shall be not less than one -half ( ) inch less than the inside width of the top bearing frame. The Yower surface of the top bearing plate shall be a true plane made of heavy timbers or other rigid material, capable of distributing the test load uniformly rithout bending. The test load shall be applied at the exact center of this top bearing plate in such a man,er as to permit a free motion of the plate in all directions. For this purpose a spherical bearing, is preferred, but two rollers at right anslas may be used. The test may be made without the use of a testing machine by piling weights directly on a platform resting on the top bearing plate provided however that the ,-eights shall be piled symmetrically'about a vertical line through the center of the pipe and that the platform shall not be allowed to touch the top bearing frame. The frames of the top and bottom bearings shall be made of timbers so heavy as to avoid bending by the side pressure of the sand. The interior surface of the frames shall be dressed. No frame shall come in contact with the pipe during the test. A strip of cloth may be attached to the inside of the upper frame on each side, along the lower edge, to prevent the escape of sand between the frame and the pipe. -12- v, • G E The load shall be applied to each specimen urrtil -the amount specified in the following table for the minimum crushing strength, has baen reached. No additional pressure is required but may, be applied for record purposes. . The various siz,-s of pipes shall withstand the following pressures: Size. l nimum crushing str:)b4t � Po„nds ^r lineal foot 6" 1430 S" 1430 10" 1570 12" 1710 15" 1960 The net inside length of the pipe from the bottom of the socket to the spigot end of the pipe is to be used as the divisor in obtaining the amount of the crushing strength per lineal foot, (c) TESTS FOR LEAKAGE: Unless other;^ise shown on the drawings each section of sanitary serer constructed of pipe twenty - four (24) inchas.and less in diameter between two successive man- holes shall be tested by closing the lower end of the sewer to be tested, and the inlet se ^ter of the upper manhole with stoppers, and filling the pipe and manhole with water to a point four (4J feet above the invert of the open sewer in the upper manhole. Tests for leakage shall be conducted after the pipe has been backfilled to a depth of one (1) foot as provided in Paragraph 1' Section No. 5 (1) of these specifications and before the balance of the .backfill has been placed. The allowable leakage will be computed by the formula D =LVh x—' 7MM in which D is the allowable drop in feet per minute in height of the water in the upper manhole. L is the length in feet of the sewer tested ' and does not include the length of house connections entering the section being tested. H is the difference in elevation in feet between the invert of the closed sewer in the lower manhole and'the surface of the water in the upper marr- hole, or the head of water on the invert at closed end of sewer.. If the leakage as shown by the test is greater than allowed by the.formula the pipe shall be overhauled and if necessary relaid until'the joints shall hold satisfactorily under this test. The Contractor shall at his own expense furnish all materials for making the test required under the dir6ction of the Superintendent of Streets. (d) TESTS FOR IPFIL'T:ATION: On completion of each section of the sewer between manholes if excessive ground water is en- d countere the test described'above shall not be used but the end of the sewer at the upper manhole shall be closed sufficiently to pre- vent the entrance of water and the section tested for infiltration. The infiltration shall not exceed two (2) gallons per minute per inch of diameter per thousand feet of main line sewer being'tested and does not include the length of house connections entering that section. Where any infiltration in excess of this amount is dis- covered before completion and acceptance of the sewer the sewer shall be immediately uncovered and the amount of infiltration re- duced to a Quantity within the specified amount before the sewer is accepted. Should, however, the infiltration be less than the spec- ified amount the contractor shall stop any individual leaks that may be observed when ordered to do so by the Superintendent of Streets. -13- The Contractor shall at his own expenses furnish all materials for making the tests requited under the direction of the Superintendent of Streets. (e) TEST FOR LSAKAGF IN CAST IRON S WTR LAIN: After the pipe has been laid it will be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure • test of 150 pounds per square inch held for thirty (30) minutes during which time no portion of the pipe or fittings laid shall shgw percolation. u 0 Any pipe which exhibits any defects shall be taken out and replaced by sound pipe. All pumps gauges, and other appliances required for the above test'shall be furnished by the Contractor. -14- CITY OF NDWORT BEACH CaLIFORNII ST:,11)..RD SPECIFICATION NO. 59. FOR THE COUSTRUCTION OP CONCRETE CATCH BASINS, CONCRETE CURB INLETS ,d,-,;D ;�?PURTMANCES, RE- • IMEMCED CONCR:"TB BOX CULVERTS, RrINFORCED CON- Cc.ET^ PI'rE ,M CONCRETE CULVERT PIPE, Pie SECTION 1. PLAIDS ...... ............................... 1 SE CPIOTv 2. GENERAL REQUIREMMTTS ...................... 1 SECTION 3. i fIORK ...................................... 1 SECTION 4. EXCAVATION . ............................... 1 a TRENCHING ............................ 1 b REMOVING SOFT AND SPONGY P,TATEI.I:.L .... 1 �cROCK ................................. 1 d SPOIL BANKS .......................... 2 SECTIOZ 5. CEN NT CONCRETE ........................... 2 a PROPORTIONING Iv1.ATERIALS .............. 2 b COIvC:iETE MATMALS ........... . ....... 2 c MORTAR ............................... 2 d Tv1 .1SURING NATEIIALS .................. 2 e ICXING CONCRETE ...................... 2 3 COITSISTENCY Or CONCRETE .............. 3 g) FORM WORE ............................ 3 h) PLACING CONC E91E ...................... 3 i) COIcSTRUCTION JOINTS .................. 4 j FINISHING CONCRETE ................... 4 SECTION 6. PLYCIiiG REINX-ORCIiTG STEM ................. 4 SECTION 7. CASTIOGS ... ............................... 4 SECTIOE 8. COITCRETE CULVERT PIPE ..................... 4 • (a) QUALITY .............................. 4 SECTION (b SIZE AND SHAPE ....................... 4 SECTION 9. MATERIALS .. ............................... 4 SECTION 10. MANUFACTURE ............................... 5 SECTION 11. IId: PLR%' ECTIONS ............................. 5 SECTION 12. TEST ...... ............................... 6 SECTION 18. RESTORATION OT SURFACE OVER PIPES....,.... 10 (a) SAND BEARIiVG CRUSHING TEST........... 6 • (b P=YDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST............ 7 SECTION 13. REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE .................. 8 • SECTION 14. LAYING PIPE ............................... 9 SECTION 15. BA WILLING ............................... 9 SECTION 16. SURPLUS MATERIAL ....., .................... 9 SECTION 17. UNGRADED STREETS .......................... 9 SECTION 18. RESTORATION OT SURFACE OVER PIPES....,.... 10 CIT_' o ;a;4'poR'i a aCF' GAf,,:FCRN1A S'P.ixrARn. snclFIC9T .ONS No. 59. FOR THE COJSTRUCTICIN CEO' CONCRTTT CATCF BASINS, • CONC:(;T'. CJRb IZ TS ADD APPURT71�A \CTS RTC' -• INFCRC"D CO_ (;-hE -P? ECX CUL'JTriTS REINFOR67D CON - CRTT3 PIP^ aP'D COA:C_-rvV, PIPT. ?_ __ .— ' 1. Pi,ANS: The detailed location of the wor'.S to be done Together with �,ra.des cros .- sections and special construction is illustrated on the maps profiles cross- sections and plans adopted therefor by the City Council and'on file in the office of the City Engineer. These maps ps lan profiles and. cross- sections are to be considered a part of these specifications and any notations appearing thereon shall be considered as though'incorpora.ted as a part of these specifications. all distances and .easurem_ -nts given are in a horizontal plane. All vror: <_ shall during its progress and on its comppletion confor,n to the lines and levels u^hich may from time to tine be given by the City Engineer. STI'CTION 2. GSNTRAL RTQUIR7,1YTNTS: The general requirements shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 50 for "General Reouire.zents" SECTION 3. WORK: The wor'.c to be done consists of the folloring: (a) To excavate or fill in to such an extent and in such a manner as may be ::eq uired by the plans profiles and cross- sections . and these specifiea:tions the area in which the improvement is pro- vided for on the plar_s. (b) To furnish all materials as hereinafter provided for and required for the construction and completion of the improvement in accordance »rith the plans and specifications and all labor, tools and equipment necessary for the porformance of said work. (c) To construct concrete catch basins concrete curb inlets concrete gutter reinforced concrete box culverts furnish and instal conereto culvert pipe reinforced concrete pipe• outlet structures and other appurtcnanc,�s, as specifie' on plane profiles, cross - sections and Standard Plans. SECTION 4. EXCAV:MON: (a) i'RTNCHING: The Contractor shall make sufficient ex- cavatioz to construct all worn shop +n on plans. Excavation shall in- clude the removal of al_ water and all materi.c.le or obstructions of any nature that :mould interfar with the execution of the wor:i. The bottom of excavation shall be free from all loose :raterial at the ti.n3 concleta is dopositod.. (b) KTUO'.:_l'G SOFT A &D SPONGY 21ATTRI.kr All soft and sfongy earth or imatorial b: i.ow ci=bgrad3 not to excied a dopth of two 2) feet, unloos otherwise shown on the plans end profiles, shall b;> romovcd by th- Contractor and replaced with good earth or gravel of a quality which will pack ashen .moistened and tapped, and which shall be so moistoned and tamped until solid. (c) ROCK: If the: bottom of the trench is found to consist of rock the rock shall b;. removed to four (4) inchep belo:~ subgrade and tho' trench r--filled with four (4) inches of good earth or gravel of a quality which will pack when moistoned and, ta.rped and. shall be s6 mcisten;;d and tamnped until solid. In case any rock , is blasted tl blast shall be covered with heavy timbers. Where a line of water, gas sower or other main pipe or conduit intersects the line of the trCrcr, no blast shall be mada closer than five (5) feet to tho same ` ^ ?r t the rock shall be removed ithout blasting. No blasting shall ht; all. >wcd, except by special permission in writing from the proper n:a <<ipel officers. F dw .!1 CIT_' o ;a;4'poR'i a aCF' GAf,,:FCRN1A S'P.ixrARn. snclFIC9T .ONS No. 59. FOR THE COJSTRUCTICIN CEO' CONCRTTT CATCF BASINS, • CONC:(;T'. CJRb IZ TS ADD APPURT71�A \CTS RTC' -• INFCRC"D CO_ (;-hE -P? ECX CUL'JTriTS REINFOR67D CON - CRTT3 PIP^ aP'D COA:C_-rvV, PIPT. ?_ __ .— ' 1. Pi,ANS: The detailed location of the wor'.S to be done Together with �,ra.des cros .- sections and special construction is illustrated on the maps profiles cross- sections and plans adopted therefor by the City Council and'on file in the office of the City Engineer. These maps ps lan profiles and. cross- sections are to be considered a part of these specifications and any notations appearing thereon shall be considered as though'incorpora.ted as a part of these specifications. all distances and .easurem_ -nts given are in a horizontal plane. All vror: <_ shall during its progress and on its comppletion confor,n to the lines and levels u^hich may from time to tine be given by the City Engineer. STI'CTION 2. GSNTRAL RTQUIR7,1YTNTS: The general requirements shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 50 for "General Reouire.zents" SECTION 3. WORK: The wor'.c to be done consists of the folloring: (a) To excavate or fill in to such an extent and in such a manner as may be ::eq uired by the plans profiles and cross- sections . and these specifiea:tions the area in which the improvement is pro- vided for on the plar_s. (b) To furnish all materials as hereinafter provided for and required for the construction and completion of the improvement in accordance »rith the plans and specifications and all labor, tools and equipment necessary for the porformance of said work. (c) To construct concrete catch basins concrete curb inlets concrete gutter reinforced concrete box culverts furnish and instal conereto culvert pipe reinforced concrete pipe• outlet structures and other appurtcnanc,�s, as specifie' on plane profiles, cross - sections and Standard Plans. SECTION 4. EXCAV:MON: (a) i'RTNCHING: The Contractor shall make sufficient ex- cavatioz to construct all worn shop +n on plans. Excavation shall in- clude the removal of al_ water and all materi.c.le or obstructions of any nature that :mould interfar with the execution of the wor:i. The bottom of excavation shall be free from all loose :raterial at the ti.n3 concleta is dopositod.. (b) KTUO'.:_l'G SOFT A &D SPONGY 21ATTRI.kr All soft and sfongy earth or imatorial b: i.ow ci=bgrad3 not to excied a dopth of two 2) feet, unloos otherwise shown on the plans end profiles, shall b;> romovcd by th- Contractor and replaced with good earth or gravel of a quality which will pack ashen .moistened and tapped, and which shall be so moistoned and tamped until solid. (c) ROCK: If the: bottom of the trench is found to consist of rock the rock shall b;. removed to four (4) inchep belo:~ subgrade and tho' trench r--filled with four (4) inches of good earth or gravel of a quality which will pack when moistoned and, ta.rped and. shall be s6 mcisten;;d and tamnped until solid. In case any rock , is blasted tl blast shall be covered with heavy timbers. Where a line of water, gas sower or other main pipe or conduit intersects the line of the trCrcr, no blast shall be mada closer than five (5) feet to tho same ` ^ ?r t the rock shall be removed ithout blasting. No blasting shall ht; all. >wcd, except by special permission in writing from the proper n:a <<ipel officers. 0 • 0 /j (d) SPOIL = ? ?KS: The : at3ri<tls oxcavq.tcd shall be laid com- pactly along the side of tho trench and rapt trimmed up so as to oausa as little inconv,ni: ;ncc as possible to the public travel. In cas.; the strcct ie not wide cno %h to hold the oarth ^ithout stopping the passagc ay on th 3 the Contractor shall erect a boird fence and '.:ocp a six (6) feet wide open on sidown.lk. Free access must be left to -all fire hydrints'and water gates. SECTION 5. C Y7ZTT CONCRT,71: (a) all cement concrete to bo usod in reinforced structures shall be composod or materials as fo.l.lo -s, unless otherwise specified, 1. Portland Cement........... 2. Sand or Stone Screenings.. 3. Gr -val or Bro::en Stone.... 4. Water ..................... 1 part by measure. 2 parts by measure. 4 ports by measure. Not more than 50 lbs. per sack oI cement. All camant concrcto to be used in construction other than above specified in these specifications shall be composed of materials as follows, unless other•nise specified on the plans, tc -wit:- 1. Portland Cement........... 2. Sand or Stone Screonin.:s.. 3. Gravel or Broken Ston3.... 4. Water ..................... 1 part by measure. 3 parts by maasuro 6 parts by moasuro. Not more than 50 lbs. per sac'_, of cement. ;A sack of ce:,ient neighing ninety -Pour (94) pounds net shall be considered as having a volume of one (1) cubic foot. The amount of water specified includes rater already in the materials and in measuring water, allowance shall be made for water containe, d in said materials. (b) CONCRTT? &nT- FIALS: The materials for cement concrete shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 51 for "Portland. Cement ", "Sand Stone "Stone Screenings", "Gravel ", "Water ", "Broken Stone" and "Reinforcing Steel". (c) MORTAR: Should there not ba enough mortar to completely fill the voids in the concrete the deficiency shall pc remedied by reducing the portion of gravel'or broken stone used in the mixture, and not by aduin,� a greater portion of sand. or stone screenings. (d) MEASURING YAT?=IALS: The sand or stone pereenings and the gravel or broken stone shall be measured in wheelbarrows which struck with a straight edge restin upon the sides shall have the capacity necessary to accurately maintain the above proportions. Every wheelbarrow load of material must be struck with a straight edge as above described. Said material shall be measured loose, without shaking or compacting. Cement in sacks as above specified shall be dumped directly into the mixer. The seater necessary for every batch shall be accurately :easured with an apparatus which will prevent the use of more water than above specified. No mixer shall be used which is not provided with an accurate water measuring device or apparatus. (e) MIXING CONCRETE: Whenever the quantity of concrete to be ::,oured exceeds five 5 cubic yards it shall be machine mixed. Tha ;mixer shall be charged with cament'and sufficient sand or stone c:ecnings and gravel or broken stone to conform to the proportions hrainbafore stated. Sufficient water not in excess of the quantity aac-s specified, shall be added to produce a plastic or quaking con- c- t': ,;hich can be handled without causing a separati4g of the coarse from the n.crtar. The mixer drum shall have a speed of noti '_a ~.5 than 13 revolutions per :minute, and every batch pf concrete shall be .Ya? in the drum of the mixer not less than sixty (60) seconds -2- r. The test tube to be used In making the slump test shall have an inside diameter of eight (8) inches at the base and an in- side diameter of io-ur (z) inches aT the top, and a perpendicular height of twelve (12) ir_ehes Immediately after the concrete has beer. mixed and dapositcil or the subgrade, a sufficient quantity there- of shall be rla•ced. ir_ ":our (4) layers in the tapered test tube until the concrete is ?lush with "she tiup of the tube. Each layer shall be thoroughly settles by tiroxk ng wi,h a pointed. iron rod. Then the test t:be shall be li -Gcd, r.11owing t;zo concrete to settle or slump. After the pile of ecnc._-ete 'ias sa, one minute, its height shall be measured and subtra.c "ed from the on inal heig'"it of twelve (12) inches, which difference in height is the amoa_-t of the slump in inches from which the percentage of sluml) shall be o.etermined- (g) TGd!.'VORX: The fo. ms shall be smooth, tight, true to she requirod lines an' grace, and of .suf intent strength to resist springing out of shape during the placing of the concrete. All dirt, ch^ps, sawdust, etc., shall uc thoroughly removed from forms before an -, conorctr_ is de,,,csitcd t.'.aerein- All mortar and dirt shall be ro- moved From Torms _.rev-.or..slT r.sod- Tho forms shall be thoroughly soaked with. water in;id�. and outside immediately before concrete is placod agaiast the . T'_i4 -1 s''iall remain in place until tho engincor authorizos *,ieir removal. During tho sc;tting of the concreto and before the removal of the furras, no :xtraneous loae.s shall be placed upon the Concrete; or the terms, (h) PhA'7IiiG CUP?G_ ^ ^'TF: Mi.xod concrete shall immcdiatoly be placid in _nosi.tiun and tamncd. &:Zd rammod, until it is thoroughly com- T .ctor'_ and !°"rcc mortar ap9j,'l.rs ,;n the su.rfauo. Work shall bo carried i.cng 'she grCat:r possJ.ble ;.crgth so 1.s to avoid concontratod shrir..k- a.;c and fcr=<tion of cracks, Iiiall wo_k shall be thoroughly spaded until all ca-: i.tie:'3 are: i'i.11..c aac♦ th. materi.cl next to the surface :? the form -j is ,:11 mortar. 1.11 nucos:,ary cast iron : ramcs and angle :irons shall e, 7laced ar_d f stennd socurcl7j in place, ris shown on the :.ans, v.nd uv:r�T :arecaution must be takcn to not disturb or move the rames r"hilu the ctonc"rote 1_ Loin; poured and tamped firmly around it. • Ploor� concrete -hall be placed between forms and on well .vl —t ind tym;cd oarth, brought to t °uc surface. It shall be thorough'_ 1"�:.m od and '; iuo.'_: cff- -rc a "r.iv -o, smoot''a su "t aco. The surfacc shall r _ - l.oated smoot -' joints roc to be left clean and Gloar for asy�halt In all 'places whorl. water is encountered, cit_:cr in the found - :an or in any other part of the structuro, the Contractor must provi, iTla$ii5 �to lies "9 the woik srcc from s11Ch water 'or .a - period of ?T:� (l':) flourq a: ?tcr two concrete has boon -plL ne ed. onfore any portion of the batch is discharged from the said drum. AU least 75 seconds must elajpe bot';een the placing of successive batches it the :ni ccr. Fiand. mixing -.ill_ b- allo'red only when the quantity of concrete to be poured it los^ than fiva (5) cubic yards. In mixing concrete by hand� E. tag= t, le *ral pletfor;r. shall be used on which the • rock, sand and cemc:t in proportions stated herein shall be spread i.n layers not ever t7x!elvo (1_2) inches each in' thickness in the order :timed. The bat-.h shall. the. '.e turned -ith shovels at feast three -3) times dry and two (2) t : Cs :net shoveling from tho bottorr. of unz pile. Water shall be ap-)liCd in a spray during the wet turns. The inspector shall be given the opportunity to check the number of sacks of cement on each bp.tcli before t'_1? packs are opened. (f) COiaSIST NOY OF CONCRETE; The concrete after being ;nixed as horeinbaore speciii:ad shall when sub'ected to the folloti°,- ing testy :nave a slump of not less than eight (8)) per cent nor more than twer!ty -ii.va (25) p;;r cent. The slump test shall bo made in the following manner; The test tube to be used In making the slump test shall have an inside diameter of eight (8) inches at the base and an in- side diameter of io-ur (z) inches aT the top, and a perpendicular height of twelve (12) ir_ehes Immediately after the concrete has beer. mixed and dapositcil or the subgrade, a sufficient quantity there- of shall be rla•ced. ir_ ":our (4) layers in the tapered test tube until the concrete is ?lush with "she tiup of the tube. Each layer shall be thoroughly settles by tiroxk ng wi,h a pointed. iron rod. Then the test t:be shall be li -Gcd, r.11owing t;zo concrete to settle or slump. After the pile of ecnc._-ete 'ias sa, one minute, its height shall be measured and subtra.c "ed from the on inal heig'"it of twelve (12) inches, which difference in height is the amoa_-t of the slump in inches from which the percentage of sluml) shall be o.etermined- (g) TGd!.'VORX: The fo. ms shall be smooth, tight, true to she requirod lines an' grace, and of .suf intent strength to resist springing out of shape during the placing of the concrete. All dirt, ch^ps, sawdust, etc., shall uc thoroughly removed from forms before an -, conorctr_ is de,,,csitcd t.'.aerein- All mortar and dirt shall be ro- moved From Torms _.rev-.or..slT r.sod- Tho forms shall be thoroughly soaked with. water in;id�. and outside immediately before concrete is placod agaiast the . T'_i4 -1 s''iall remain in place until tho engincor authorizos *,ieir removal. During tho sc;tting of the concreto and before the removal of the furras, no :xtraneous loae.s shall be placed upon the Concrete; or the terms, (h) PhA'7IiiG CUP?G_ ^ ^'TF: Mi.xod concrete shall immcdiatoly be placid in _nosi.tiun and tamncd. &:Zd rammod, until it is thoroughly com- T .ctor'_ and !°"rcc mortar ap9j,'l.rs ,;n the su.rfauo. Work shall bo carried i.cng 'she grCat:r possJ.ble ;.crgth so 1.s to avoid concontratod shrir..k- a.;c and fcr=<tion of cracks, Iiiall wo_k shall be thoroughly spaded until all ca-: i.tie:'3 are: i'i.11..c aac♦ th. materi.cl next to the surface :? the form -j is ,:11 mortar. 1.11 nucos:,ary cast iron : ramcs and angle :irons shall e, 7laced ar_d f stennd socurcl7j in place, ris shown on the :.ans, v.nd uv:r�T :arecaution must be takcn to not disturb or move the rames r"hilu the ctonc"rote 1_ Loin; poured and tamped firmly around it. • Ploor� concrete -hall be placed between forms and on well .vl —t ind tym;cd oarth, brought to t °uc surface. It shall be thorough'_ 1"�:.m od and '; iuo.'_: cff- -rc a "r.iv -o, smoot''a su "t aco. The surfacc shall r _ - l.oated smoot -' joints roc to be left clean and Gloar for asy�halt In all 'places whorl. water is encountered, cit_:cr in the found - :an or in any other part of the structuro, the Contractor must provi, iTla$ii5 �to lies "9 the woik srcc from s11Ch water 'or .a - period of ?T:� (l':) flourq a: ?tcr two concrete has boon -plL ne ed. wl . i : 1 ,r .. Old work must be 'gushed clean and free of all deposits before starting new work, and If necessary;, must be chiseled to pre- sent a roughened surface, and an ample amount oi neat cement must be sprinkled over the -previous work be:oro the new work is joined on. All concrete shall be kept wet for a period of seven (7) days after being placed. • (1) CONSTRUCTIO1 JOIKS: In the construction of all con- crete catet Wins, concrete curb inlets and concrete box culverts, the bottom slab shall be poured and allowed to set for 24 hours before the sidewall and top slab is poured. Construction joints shall to made as follows; When the bqttom slab is poured and before initial set has taken place, a two l2) inch. by four (4) inch timber shall be embedded on edge to its lull depth along, each side of the bottom slab on the center lino of the sidowalls. Immodi.atoly before the sidewalls are poured, the above montionod timber shall be withdrawn and a sufficient quantity of neat cement wash shall be brushed into the construction joint. Q YKISHU G CONCRETE; The basins, concrete curb inlets and 'pox troweled and finished to a smooth and ing ,and marking of the upper surface and curb inlots shall conform to the adjacent sidewalk and curbs. bottom slab oT concrete catch culverts shall be thoroughly uniform surface. The finish - of the top slab on catch basins finishing and marking of the SEC IO_,: 6. PLACIja RKA ORCI_:G STEEL. All reinforcing stool shall be accurately placed in the position shown on the plans and carefully fastened in .dace with iron wire. Whoro splicin is necessary, it shall be done by lapping bars at least forty (405 times their thick - noss. Splices shall not be mado at points of maximum stress. SECTION 7. C;iSTINGS; All castings for frame and cover ;gust be tough grey iron, free from cracks, holes, swolls and cold shuts, and be of workmanlike finish and must conform to Standard Plan Zo. 1029 of the City- of Newport Beach. Tho quality= shall bo such that a blow from a haxmror will Produce an indentation on a roctangular edge of the casting without flaking; tho metal. Before leaving the foundry, all castings shall be thoroughly cleennod and subject to a hammer inspection, after which they shall be dipped twice in a preparation of asphalt or coal tar and oil, applied at a temperature of not less than 290 degrees Fahrenheit nor greater than 310 degrees Fahrenheit, In such a manner as to form a firm and tenacious coating. SECTION 3. CONCRETE CUZVERT PIPE: (a) UALITY: All concrete culvert pipe shall be of first quality, dense, tough and Tree from cracks or other imperfections which would le cause for rejection, as hereinafter specified. All pipe must give a metallic ring when struck with a hammer and its interior surface must be smooth. Pipe, when broken, shall appear homogeneous, and gen- orally uniform; and if containing stone, shall show pieces of fractured stone firmly imbedded in the mortar. • (b) SIZE AND SHAPE: All concrete culvert pj.pas shall have male and female ends tapered and shaped in such a manner that when laid, the thickness of the shell of the pipe through the joint is uniform and equal to its thickness between joints. SECTION 9. MATERIALS; All concrete culvert pipe shall be made of c;mcnt concrete conforming to Standard Specifications No. 61 of the Oil,, of Newport Beach for cement concrete materials, provided, that ohs size of the gravel or broken stone used must not be greater t Up. Dr, -half (Z) the thickness of the shell of the pipe. -4- The pipe shall be mad.; of a mixtv.r.n whi.ch shall bo, b'-, moasuro, not less than on, (1) part o" to throe (2) parks of aggregate, and the aggrogat.! shall b: so proportioned as to produce a p'.pc which will nompllr with the tests herein spacifi --d. • T' o. materials compcsi_zg tho aggregate shall be graded and shall bo dean and suiJ able for the work. No hydrated l:.mo, alum and soap, asphaltum, oil or othex waterprooling ccmpound or an-Y ma^.tarials other than cement, sand, stone and avatar wii'. be permitted in manu'racturing the pipe, nor shall any coating of comant wash bo added to tho inside surface. SECTION 10- 1:ANUFACTURE; The pipe shall bo made under a roof and the matorial shall be thoroughly mixod in a batch` machine mixer. Concrete culvert pipe shall bo made in collapsible moulds and thoroughly rammed. Each longth of culvert -or po twenty -four (24) inches, twont;- -sevon (27) inches or thirty (30) inches in diameter shall be rein: °orced as shown on Standard Plan No. 7.009 for concrete culvert pipe. Tho Superintendent of Streets shall at all times have freo and u.,-interrupted access to tho plant where the pipe is being manufactured, for tho purpose of inspecting the materials being used, the methods of making and the finisliod pipe. Awl pipe: sn.c.).'_ bo r_opt thoroughly wet for a period of seven (7) days, inmodiate..�., zollowing its manufacture, and then stored for an ae.ditional poriol Cf twcjnt ; r- -one (21) days before it is used. Each. pi.Pe s'iall have the date of its manufacture clearly stencilled on ite outier surface, The sizes, length-s and other climensions of concrete culvert pipe shall bo as shown on Standard Plan No. 1009 of the City oY We-:•mort Beach, for carnarete culvert pipe. SECPION 1-1- IY{PER ECTICNS: The following imperfections in a pipe will be considered injuri.ou and cause for rejection: (a) when a pipe deci.gned to be straight, exhibits a dev- iation from a str&iPub li:io c: mere -:han three -- eighths (3/8) of an inch. (bl WA-i. vhn bore or i'emale end varies from a true circle rora than three (3) per c --at of ;.ts nominal. diameter. (o) Tr,o or nr...rs _racks in the body of the pipe which extend ttroulgh oat + - =;. ,: i¢.;; t_i9.c4r_ss_- and less than three (3) inches in (f) Ono or more cre,cks which axe more than one- sixtoenth /115) of an inch- wile at tYa widest Point. (g) A pi.ac3 ',rcken from the; male end of the pip -- , that is than the socket at th.e fmalo ond., or longer than one -third /: ; 'tine diame , r o?' the piro; ox , a piece broken from. the re. -Male (c) Ona or mere cracks in the bode of the pipe whisk extend throagh its entire. tha.ckness, ro- gLrdle;•s of the length of such crack. '• (dl Ono or here %racks in the body= of the pipe which extend hrough one -hal,t (2) ;ts thickness and. more than throe (.) inches in • length .. (o) Tr,o or nr...rs _racks in the body of the pipe which extend ttroulgh oat + - =;. ,: i¢.;; t_i9.c4r_ss_- and less than three (3) inches in (f) Ono or more cre,cks which axe more than one- sixtoenth /115) of an inch- wile at tYa widest Point. (g) A pi.ac3 ',rcken from the; male end of the pip -- , that is than the socket at th.e fmalo ond., or longer than one -third /: ; 'tine diame , r o?' the piro; ox , a piece broken from. the re. -Male end, if it extends into the both of the pipe or is longer than one - third (1/3) the diameter of the pipe. (h) Two or more breaks, small than those mentioned above unless they can be placed in the upper half of the pipe when laid. • SECTION 12- TESTS: The tests for concrete culvert pipe shall in- clude the following: (a Send Bearing Crushing Test. (b Hydrostatic Pressure Test. N (c absorption- Test. The Superintendent of Streets shall select at random or testing purposes one (1) length of pipe for each two hundred 200) feet, or fraction thereof, of each size of pipe to be laid, the minimum number of specimens to be tested to be six (6) for each selection of each size of pipe. The pipe selected for testing purposes shall be deliver- ed by the Contractor for the improvanent when and where diredted. The cost of this pipe, of its transportation and of the tests as specified herein, shall be borne by the Contractor. The number of pipe to be tested for the Sand Bearing Crushing Test and the Hydrestatic Pressure Test shall be at least three (3) for each of these tests and for each size of pipe. The number of pipe to be tested for absorption shall be the same number as are tested for crushing strength,and the pipe to be used for the absorption test small be selected from those pipes which have met the requirements of the crushing test. If in making any cne u•_' the three (3) tests above mentioned, eighty (8C) per cant or more of the specimens tested meet the requirements imposoa by that test, all of the pipe in the ship- ment or delivery coriesponding to the sizes so tested shall be con- sidered as complying with that tost. If, Weve-, mor,; than twenty (20) per cent of the specimens tested fail to meet the requirements of that test, a second selection of pipe shall be mado for that test. If eighty (80) pur coat or more of the pipe selected, including those first selectee, most the requirements of that test, all of the pipe corresponding to the sizes so tested shall be con- sidered as complying with that test, othu rvise all pipe of these sizes will be rejected. (a) SAND BEARING CRifSHING TEST: The load shall be applied at a uniform rate of about Yu thousand (2,000) pounds per minute, or in increments of not more than one hundred (100) pounds at the same rate. The pipe shall not be allood to stand under the load ionger than is required to apply the loud and to observe and record • it. The testinC mackine shall be substantial and rigid t roaghout, so that the distribution of the load will not be affect- .d by the deformation or yo Wing of any part. The bearings and the specimen shell be accurately ,snijtsrod so as to secure a srmmet_ical distribution of the loading :ach side of the center of the pipe in ovory direction. -.6- The pipe to be tested Shall and below in sand, for one — fourth ( ) of • pipe measured on the middle line of the above and below the pipe at the thinnost (2) the radius o�' the middle line of the shall be clean and shall be suc, as will • (4) inch screen. J be carefully bedded above tine circumference of the shell. The depth o� bedding point shall be one —half shell. The sand used pass through a one — quarter The tog bearing frame shall not be allowed to come in contact with the pipe nor with the to-_o bearing plate. The upper surface of the sand in the top bearing shall be struck level with a straight edge, and shall be covered with a rigid to? bearing plate, the length of which plate shall be the total length of the nine, and the width of which plate shall not be less than one —half (4) inch less than the inside width of the top bearing frame. The lower surface of the top bearing plate shall be a true plane, made of heavy timber or other rigid material, capable o :( distributing the test load uniformly without bending. The test load shall be applied at the exact center of this top bearing plate, in such a manner as to permit froo motion of the plate in all direct- ions. For this purpose a spherical bearing is preferred, but two (2) rollers at right angles may be used. The test may be made without the use of a testing machine, by piling weights directly on a platform resting on the top bearing plate, provided, however, that the weights shall be piled symmetric- ally about a vertical line, through the center of the pipe, and that the platform shall not be allowed to touch the top bo6ring frame. The frames of the top and bottom bearings shall be made of timbers so heavy as to avoid bending by the side pressure of the sand. The interior surfaces of the frames shall be dressed. No frame shall come in contact with the pipe during the test. A strip of cloth may be attached to the inside of the upper frame on each side, along the lower edge, to prevent the escape of the sand between the frame and the pipe. The load shall ba applied to each specimen until the amount specified in the following; table, for the minimum crushing strength, has been reached. T'ia various sizes of pi-.)e shall withstand the following pressures: Size Wz imun Crushing Strength (Pounds per linear loot). 6 14,30 8 1430 10 1570 12 1710 15 1960 18 2200 2 2090 24 4 ,3070 27 3370 • 30 ,3690 The net laying length of the pipe shown as dimension B on Standard Plan No. 1009, is to be used as the divisor in obtain- ing the amount of the crushing strength per linear foot. (b) HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST: Sound full size pipe of each eize shall be tested for leakage under internal Hydrostatic Pressure. —7— III • LJ F_ L _ - C when :su'ic3tqu to an inturna! R drostatic Pressure C An (10) pounds per souaru in,'_,.darins a period of five (5) minutes, the exterior surface ci VaP plop shat I not show percolation which wi? cover a total orca Q th:_r" n QC) :sgnara inches at the end of the five (c) mi.nutc parin , :lox s'_all the accumulated moistuno on the exterior surf»ase of the .pipe run down the side of the pipe in such quantity that Men r.clinstad shall amount to taco (2) or more cubic centimeters during the live (h) rinutc period. (e) 411OR 010h 9EST: Val specimen shall be dr od, at a temperature between 2 G Tna 250 degrees rahrenheit, until the diff- erence between its weigh: befeie an? aster a perioa of drying of not less than five (5) hours,is not more than two - tenths (0.21 per cent of the weight before such final period. Each speeimon shall then be immersed in tap water for twent7 -Pour (24) hours, removed, drained for one (1) minute and weighed. The test result shall be calculated as a percentage of the final dr� weight, and the maximum absorption shall not be more than ten (10� per cent. The teci results shall be recorded separately for cash specimen tosted. The weighings shall be read to one -tenth (0.1) per cent of the final dry weight. S "ECTION 13. REINrURUD QVIRSTE PIPE; (a) .UALIT': The ouglity of all reinforced concrete pipe shall conform to yaragraph (a) of Section E of these spocifieations• (b) SIZE, M SHAPE: The size and shape of all reinforced concrete pipe shall conform to paragraph (b) of Section S of these specifications. (c) MATKIALS: ill reinforced concrete pipe shall be made of weveaT eoncreta conforming to Standard Specifications No. 51 of the City of Newport beach for comont concrete materials, pro- vided, that the size of the gravol or broken stone used shall not be greater than one -half (.Z) the thickness of the shell of the pipe. to -wit:- The pipe shall bo mado of tLe following materials, I. Po tla A Courant.......... 2. Sand.. ..........,........ 3. Rook .............. ....... 4. Watcr ........... ......... 1 part by measure. 2 parts by measure. 4 parts by measure. Not more than 50 lbs. por sack of cement: A sack of cement weighing ninety -four (94) pounds not shall be considered to contain ono (1) cubic foot. No 'hydrated limo, alum and soap, asphaltum oil or other water- proofing compoand or any materials other than cement, sand, stone and "Rater will bu permittod in manufacturing the pipe, A-01 shall any coating of cement wash bo added to the inside surface. (d) 1UNUP CTURN. The pine shall oe made under a roof and the materials shall be thoroughly mixed in a batch machine mixer. Reinforced concrete pipe shall bo made in collapsible molds, The Superintendent of Streets shall at all times have free and un- interrupted access to the plant where the pipe is being manufactured, ?ri the purpose of inspecting the materials being used, the methods >" anking and the finished pipe. All pipe shall be kept thoroughly wci for a period of saven (7) days, immediately following its _q- i manufacture, and then stored icr an additional period of twenty - one (21) days before it is used. Each pipe shall have the date of tts manufacture clearly stenciled on its outer surface. The sizes, length and other dimensions of reintorcod concrete pipe shall con- form to Standard Plan No. 1014 of the City of Nenport Beach- The socket may be made in any desired form, but when laid,the space between abutting ends shall not exceed one -half (Z) inch and the joints when finished shall be water- tight,.give a smooth interior surface, and have strength equal po tho body of the pipe, whon subjected to internal or external pressure. (e) 'REINFORC.^ri•iENT: Reinforcing stool shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 51 of the City of Newport Beach. It shall be accurately placed in the position as shown on Standard Plan No. 1014 of the City of Newport Beach, and carefully fastonod in place. SECTION 14. LAYING PIPE: Aftor the trench has been brought to the proper line and grade, the pipe shall be laid therein in the follow- ing manner: All pipe, previous to being lowered into the trench, shall be fitted togethor and matched so that when joined in the trench thoro shall be no shoulders or unovenoss along the lower side of the pipe. Each pipe shall also be carefully inspected for defects. The bottom of the pipe shall then be carefully shaped and graded so that each pipe will have a full solid bearing for the entire length. Any adjustment to lino and grade must be made by scraping away or filling in material under the body of the pipe and not by blocking or wedging- The pipe shall be laid uphill with the female end up grade. Before laying the pipe, the ends shall be wiped clean and the lower part or the female end shall be well covered with cement mortar. Tho pipe shall then bo prossed into place so that the inside surface shall be flush and oven with that of tho preceoding pipe. Thu joints shall then be filled with convent mortar which must be thoroughly pressed into place. All surplus mortar pro - jecting.into the pipe from the joints shall be removed. Cementing of the joints must be done not less than three (3) nor more than ten (10) pipe lengths behind the laying of the pipe. All orator encountered In the trenchos must be pumpod out and the trench kept dry for pipe laying. Water must not be allowed to rise up to, or around, the cemented joint until the mortar has set. SECTION 15. BACAFILLING: After a section of pipe hap been laid or a section of box culvert has been constructed, they shall be firmly bedded by backfilling around the same with fine earth or sand, free from stones or lumps. Such filling shall be carefully tamped so as not to injure the pipe or structure or to disturb the line or grade of same- Good earth or sand shall then be deposited in the trench to a level of one (1) foot above the top of the pipe or culvert and thoroughly compacted by tamping- The trench may then be filled to within one (1) foot of the surface of the ground, when it shall be compacted by flooding with water. The remaining portion of the trench shall be filled and compacted in the same manner. SECTION 16- SURPLUS MATERIAL: Surplus material not required in re- filling the trench shall be promptly removed by the Contractor as the backfilling progresses, and disposed of by him. SECTION 17. UNGRADED STREETS: Whenever the pipe is built-in any un- graded street, the trorch shall be refilled to the original surface Df the street; provided, however, that there shall not be less than two and one -half (2J) foot of earth over the pipe; and, provided further that where a fill is required on which to construct the pipe, the fill shall be made of good, sound earth, built up in layers not more than one (1) foot thick, and the layers thoroughly compacted by .rolling or tamping. -9 - 0 - •.qi Moro tho trurcamb do not su.,ply sufficient material of .he proper quality for nakAng Qu fill, tho Contractor shall sujp17 the dolicioncj. SE0mI0H IS RESTOD,nTIOR Q SURIACE OVER PIPES: In all public streets alleys or other public .dace;; and in pine ri;hts —of —nay, the sur- face over and adjacent 20 the sides of the trenches shall, after batng baackfilled and prepared as specified in these specifications, be restored by the Contractor rithout delay in a workmanlike manner, with the same class of moterials and constracted in the same manner as'the surfacing or paving that was in place before the construction A the pipes was commenced. —10— CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA STANDARD SP70IFICATIONS NO. 60. F0; CONSTRUCTION OF LTAD JOINTS IN CAST IRON PIPS, AND FITTIY-S. s All joints shall be carefully made true to line and grade according to stakes set by the City Engineer. The inner surface of the pipes shall conform exactly at the joints. On curves each length of pipe must be laid so that the variation in the lines of the joints will be equal. Both bell and spigot ends shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried, and all foreign material removed. All joints shall be packed with gaskets of clean sound hernp yarn or oaku:r,, tightly twisted and. drawn, and then filled with lead each point being run full at one ouring. The melting pot shall be kept within fifty (50) feet of the joints about to be poured. The joints shall be caulked by competent mechanics in such manner as to secure a tight joint v1ithout overstraining Aft` the iron of the hub. The lead after beinE calked shall be flush with the face of the societ. The amount of lead and hemp used in each joint shall not be le s than in shown in the following table: Diameter of Pipe Pounds of Lead Per Joint Pounds of Hemp Per Joint 4" 7.50 0.21 6" 10.25 0.31 all 13.25 0.44 10" 10.00 0.53 12" 19.00 0.61 14" 22.00 0.81 15" 30.00 0.94 All bell holes shall be perfectly free from water while the joint is being prepared. Every open end of pipe shall be carefully plugged before leaving the work for the night. -1- Arkk CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNL21 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS NO. 61. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF COPPER PIPE WATER SERVICES. SECTION 1. WORK TO BE DONE .............................. SECTION 2. T RENCH ........ ............................... SECTION 3. OBSTACLES ..... ............................... SECTION 4. INSTALLATION OF WATER SERVICES, ............ SECTION 5. COPPER PIPE ... ..........................T.... SECTION 6. CORPORATION COCAS AND CURB COCAS... "........... SECTION 7. BACKFILLINC ............................ ... Page 1 1 1 1 2 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS NO. 61. 0 FOR THE INSTALLATION OF COPPER PIPE 'LATER SERVICE$. SECTION 1. WORK TO BE DONE,: The work to be done under these specifications consists of the furnishing of all materials, equipment and labor for the trenching, laying, backfilling and other items of expense necessary to install water services in accordance with the attached plans, and as hereinafter more particularly specified. SECTION 2. TRENCH: (a) The bottom of the trench for water servicesshall be 2' 6" below the curb elevation of the street where said water service is to be installed, and shall be 16" in width. Whenever water pipes, sewer pipes, gas pipes or other public utilities shall be encountered, the trench shall be increased to such depth as will _. avoid such conflicts. (b) Whenever water occurs in the bottom of the trench it shall be removed by the contractor and a firm foundation provided for the proper installation of the pipe. SEOTION OBSTACLES: whenever existing sewer pipes, water pipes, cu verts or other pes or conduits are encountered in the excavating of trenches, the contractor shall be required to use proper care in preserving the same intact, and shall be held responsible for% any damage done during the progress of the work through his failure to exercise proper precautions. SECTION 4. INSTALLATION OF HATER SERVICES; All pipe shall be laid To a true line and in a manner shown on Standard Plans No. 1017, 1018, 1019 and 1020, unless otherwis-_ specified on the plans. SECTION 5. COPPER PIPE: (a) Copper pipe shall bo cold drawn to size. It shall be true, smooth and clean on both inside and outside, and free from any creeks, seams or other defects. It shall be truly cylindrice.l, of the full specified outside and inside diameters and of uniform thickness of metal and furnished in length of ten (10) to twenty (20) feet. Any pipe which varies from the standard more than two (2) per cant shall be rejected. (b) Copper pipe shall have C. purity of not less then 99.9% copper (including silver), as determined by analysis. Analysis of pipe furnished hereunder shall be made by an labora.tory named by the Superintendent of Streets of Newport Bc£..ch, California. (c) The material from which copper pipes ere me.de shall have a minimum ultimate tensile strength of 30,000 pounds per square inch, with a minimum.elonga.tion of 25% in four (4) inches. (d) A one and one -half (12) inch strip cut longitudinally r,'�from the pipe shell withst^nd being bent cold, flat back without cracking on the outside of bent portion. Full sections of pipe shall . withstznd being bent cold around a pin the diameter of which is r one -half (1) times the inside diameter of the pipe, through 180 degrees without cracking on outside of bent portion. A test specimen, not more than four (4) inches in length shall have a flknge turned over at right angles to the body of the pipe without showing flaws or cracks. The width of this -I- i flc.ngo -:s me, cured from the outoido of thv pipe sh: -21 be :.t ler.et one- qu -rter (w) of the inside di--moUr of pipe. Each pipe shc11 rithst.nd, without shoring irI_.kness or defects, c.n intern-.l hydro - st ~tic pressure to subject the mr.tcric.l to o. fibre stress of 6,000 pounds'per squ -.rc inch - d-etormined by the formula: p c -2s where p = pressure in pounds per c0u-.re inch. t = thickness of well of pipe in inches. s-= callow =.blc unit stress of =teri�.l, 6,000 pounds per square inch. d c outside di meter of pipe in inches. the City and to be pluogc gauge marks. (e) as follows: Specimens for the shell consist of i with metal plugs Stand': rd dimonsic 1:ydrost -,tic test shall be furnished full section of the pipe, the ends which shell not extend within the. no and weights for copper pipes to be Size i•rmeter - Inches T!= ickness Inches Weight per Foot -Pound Actuc.i Actucl Inside Outside - -- — 1/2 .227.. -- .625 o49 31 640 .96945 1.125 o65 .838 1Y 1.21+5 1.375 o65 1.036 if 1.495 1.625 ,o65 1.360 2 1.959 2.125 .083 2.o62 22 2.1}59 2:.625 .083 2.567 (f) All pipes which shall develop any defects under tests or which may, before testing or on delivery be found defective, or not in accords:nce with these specifications shell be rejected and removed by the contr-..ctor at his own expense, and shall be replaced by him with other pipe which sht.11 conform to these specifics.tions. (g) The cost of testing or other lc.bor performed on pipe which may prove defective, shall be charged to and paid for by the contr:.ctor. SECTION 6. CORPORATION COCKS AND CURS COCKS: (a) The corporation cocks shall be James Jones Company No. 1500 or equal with copper tubing connection and shall meet all requirements cs specified hereinafter.' A* (b) The curb cocks sha11 be James Jones Company No. 200 or equal, with copper service pipe couplings, _.nd shaall meet all requirements c.s specified hereincftcr. (c) All cocks shall heve F circular ".ter way of full diameter of design_ted size. 'All nuts and washers shall be cast brass and fac- -d to c. true fit. All keys shell bo carefully ground and show no leekage under hydroste.tic test pressure of 150 pounds per square inch. All cocks shall be finished in c. nec.t and work- manlike mamner and the thickness of the metc.l shell be eeuc.l around the ;xis of the circular wc.ter wey. All burrs on the inside of cocks shall be ce.refully removed lel-.ving a clean, smooth water way. All cocks including copper service pipe couplings and plugs shall be tested by hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch.. Any cock, coupling or plug found defective prior to the acceptance of the work roust be repl -.ced by c. perfect article c.nd all expense for _P_ l► labor and material incurred in ,Waking repair-. caused by such defect shall be paid for by the contractor. (d) The mixture of the metal in all cocks shall be as follows: New Copper ................. 85'fo Ney.: Zinc ................... 4% New Tin .................... 70 New Lead ................... 3—� New Phosphorus ............. 4�fo The Superintendent of Streets shall have the right to take one or more from each lot and have same analyzed by a competent testing laboratory. Should analysis show less than 85% copper or show tYatpercentages of other component p=xta are not substantially as specified the cocks shall be rejected, and the contractor shall pay the cost of analysis. Should it show that the metal is up to specifications the cost of analysis shall be paid by the City of kew,)ort Beach. SECTION 7. BACKrILLING: Backfilling shall follow as closely after laying and testing pipe as is practical. In refilling the trenches the earth filled into the bottom of the trench under and around the pipe and other castings shall be free from stones and carefully packed and well rammed: Special care must be taken in tamping and ramming not to injure the pipe. The earth filling above the pipe to be sufficiently packed and tamped to prevent after settlement and material used must be free from large stones. In case there is pavement to be laid, the earth used in refilling shall be thoroughly water settled and rammed in layers of from nine (9) to twelve (12) inches, each layer to have a thin covering of dry earth before ramming. —3— CITY OF IMPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA ST;XZ21) SPECIFICATIONS NO. 62. i FOR PUMPING PLANT AND APPURTENANCES THERETO FOR SANIT;,RY SEWER .SYSTEIVI. Page SECTION 1.. GENMa REQUIREMENT .......................... 1 SECTION 2. PLANS .......... ............................... 1 SECTION 3. , YORK .......... ............................... 1 SE L ION 4. EXCAVATION AND FOUND .iTION................t.... 1 SECTION 5. FORMS .......... ............:.............T.... 1 SECTION 6. CEMENT CONCRETE............., ................ 2 a WiTERI; iLS ............................ 1. b GR1DING OF ROCK........... . C PROPORTIONING M:ITERIALS............T.... d MIXING AND MEAlSpRING ............... 1. MEi;SURING...................... Z. MACHINE MIXING ...................T.. 3. HAND MIXING ......................... e PLACING OF CONCRETE ................ :.... f PLACING REINFORCING STEEL:. ... g FINISHING CONCRETE.. 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 SECTION 7. MANHOLE C;ISTINGS........ : .................... 4 SECTION 8. PUMPING MACHINERY ............................ 4 SECTION 9. VALVES ....................... ....... . .: 5 SECTION 10. PIPE AND FITTINGS. ..:......... .............. 5 SECTION 11. ELECTRICAL EQUIP ➢SENT ......................... 5 SECTION 12. WATER CONNECTIONS ........................ 6 SECTIO14 13. VENTILATING EQUIPMENT ............. :...:...., 6 SECTION14. PnINTING ............ .................... 6 SECTION15. GENERAL ................ ................ 6 l SECTION 16.. FINAL TESTS...... . +.. ... ...... .....: 6 CITY OF YU1,71 ?ORT BEACH CAG 1F ORNIA STANDARD SPECI•ICATIONS NO. 62. OR PUMPING PLANT AM ri?PURTENANCF•S THERETO :OR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM. SECTION 1. GENERAL UQIJIUMENTS: The general requirements shall conform to Standard Specifications No. Z0 for "Gen.eral Requirements ". SECTION 2. PLANS: The det&J.lecl lo.;a,•tion of the work to be done, together with grades, cross- sections and special construction, is illustrated on the maps, profiles, crass- sections and plans adopted therefor by the City Council, and on file in the of*fice of the City Engineer. These maps, plans, profiles and cross - sections are to be considered a part of these specifications, and any notations appeasing thereon shall be considered as though incorporated as a Dart of these specifications. All distances and measurements given are in a horizontal plane. Ali work shall, during its progress and on its completion_, conform to the lines and levels which may from time to time be given by the City Engineer. SECTION 3. WORK: The work to be done consistsof the following! (a) To excavate or fill in to such an extent and in such a manner as may be required by the plans, profiles and cress- sections and these specifications, the area in which the improvement is pro- vided for on the plans. (b) To furnish all materials as hereinafter provided for and required for the construction and completion of the improvoment in accordance with the plans ancl specif }cations and all labor, tools and equipment necessary for the performance of said work. (c) To construct the Pumping Plant complete including all pumping.equipment and appurtenances thereto in accordance with the plans and as hereinafter specified. SECTION 4. EXCAVATION AND FOUIMATION: The Contractor shall make all necessary excavation to construct all work, shown upon the plans. Excavation shall include the removal of all water and materials or obstructions of any nature that would interfere with the execution of the work. After the excavation for the pumping plant has been com- pleted to the lines and grade as shown on the plans, and before the bottom floor of the structure is placed, the City Engineer will determine whether additional foundation material such as piling, additional concrete or other material,is necessary to prepare the foundation to support the load to be imposed upon it. If it should _ be decided to drive piling, or place additional concrete or other material not shown on the plans, the Contractor will be paid for such additional material and labor at the unit prices bid for same. • SECTION 6. FORMS: All concrete forms shall be smooth, tight, true to the roquired lines and elevations and securely braced and tied to prevent their movement or deflection during the placing and ramming of the concrete.. Forms shall be cleaned of all mortar, dirt, shavings, etc., and shall be thoroughly wot prior to th„ placing of the con - crote. The time that must elapse between the pouring of the concrete and the removal of the forms shall be determined by the Citr Engineer. During the setting of the concrete and before the removal of the forms, no extraneous load shall be placed upon the concrete or the forms. In removing forms, extreme care must be taken neither to deface the structure nor to disturb the remaining supports. • SECTION 6. CEMLiT CONCRETE: (a) MATERIALS: Cement, sand, gravel and rock and rein- forcing steel shall conform to Standard Spocifications No. 51 2or "Portaland Cement°, "Sand ", "Gravel ", "Rock", and "Reinforcing Steel" respectively. 'WATER: Water shall be clean, free from oil, acid, alkali or vegetable matter. (b) GROING OF ROCIi: Rock shall be graded between the maximum ar_d the minimum sizes ar_3 must have a fineness modulus of not less than 7.00 or more than 6.00 when dettrminad as specified in Standard Specifications No. 51. The rock shall not show a loss of more than thirty (30) per cent when subjected to the Rattler Test, as specified in Standard Specifications No. 51 and shall meet the following re- quirements as to size: Passing a 11" screen ......... 3�4" 90� to 45so to 100%. 650• Passing a screen..:...... Passing a 1/4" screen ........ OCo to 6%. Not more than two (2) per cent, by weight, of the rock shall have a maximum dimension more than fifty (50) per cent greater than the largest screen size specified for, All rock shall have a specific gravity of not less than 2.60 or more than 2.70• Screens to have square openings and percentages are by weight of dry material. Method of determining fineness modulus and rattler test shall be as specified in Standard Specifications No. 51. (c) PROPORTIONIriG MATERIALS: All cement concrete to be used in construction of the Pumping Plant under these specifications shall be composed of materials as follows unless otherwise specified on the plans, to —wit:— Portland Cement......... Sand...................... Rock and Gravel........... Water..................... 1 part by volume. 2 parts by volume. 4 parts by volume. A maximum amount of 50 pounds Der sack of cement. Should there not be enough *.mortar to completely fill the voids in the concrete, the deficienc-Y shall be remedied by re- ducing the portion of rock used in the mixture and not by adding a greater portion of sand. The amount of water specified includes water already in the concrete materials, and in measuring water, allowance shall be made for water contained in said materials. The quantity of water used in addition to conforming to the above requirements shall be such that the s ump shall not be less than eight(8) per cent, nor more than twenty k20) per cent when subjected to the slump test. The slump test shall be made in the following,manner: The test cone to be used in making the slump test, shall have an inside diameter of eight (8) inches at the base and an inside diameter of four (4) inches at the top, and a perpendicular height of twelve (12) inches. Immediately after the concrete has been mixed and deposited, a sufficient quantity thereof shall be placed in four (4) layers in the tapered test cone until the concrete is flush with the top of the cone. Each layer shall be thoroughly settled by work- ing with a pointed iron rod. Then the test cone shall be lifted, allow- ing the concrete to settle or slump.. After the pile of concrete has set one (1) minute, its height shall be measured and subtracted from -che original height of twelve (12) inches, which difference in height IT the amount of the slump in inches. -.2— (d) MIXING AND 14BLs S RING: • 1 - P =:,SURING: ,111 sand and rock shall be measured loose .,ithout shaking or compacting. For machine mixing, sand and rock shall be measured either at a central proportioning plant or in wheelbarrows on the work: Wheelbarrows, if used for measuring sand and rock, shall be such that when struck with a straight edge or rodded off with a gauge resting upon the sides they shall have the capacity necessary to maintain the required proportioris4 For hand mixing, the sand and rock shall be measured in boxes having a capacity necessary to maintain the proportions spec- ified. Every wheelbarrow load or box full of material used must be struck with a straight edge or gauge as specified. . 2. M•,CHINE aI%ING: The concrete shall be nixed with mechanical batch mixers only when concrete mixers are used... The water tank on the mixer shall be so; arranged that the amount of water required for each batch of concrete can be pos- itively and accurately- measured and -chile the mater tank is dis- ch_arging,the inlet supply shall be automatically cut off. The drum of the mixer shall revolve at a rate of spood not to exceed the rated speed specified by the maker of the mixer. provided, howevor, that the drum shall make not less than ten (10) nor more than eighteen (18) revolutions per minute. Every batch of concrete shall be mixed in the drum of the mixer not less than one and one —half (lz) minutes before any portion of the batch is dis- charged from the said drum. The drum shall not be charged while the mixer is discharging. The Contractor shall mix in the mixer only such quantity of material as will be within the capacity of the mixer without spilling, based on the water level capacity of the drum, but in no case shall the amount mixed exceed the manufacturer's catalog rated capacity. 3. HAND MIXING: Hand mixing will be allow d only when the quantity of concrete to be mixed is less than five �6) cubic yards,.' In nixing concrete by hand, a tight level platform shall be used on which the rock, sand and cement in the proportions stated herein shall be spread in layers not over twelve (12) inches each in thickness,.in the order n med• The batch shall then be turned with shovels at least three times dry and two (2) times wet, shovelling from the bottom of the pile. Water shall be supplied in a spray during the wet turns. The inspector shall be given the oppor- tunity to check the number of sacks of cement on each batch before the sacks are opened. . No concrete shall be used which has partially set, and no concrete shall be retempered or remixed. (e) PZ:,CING OF CONCRETE: After being mixed, concrete shall be handled rapidly, in as small masses as is practical, from the place of mixing to tae place of final deposit and shall be deposited and manipulated in a manner that will insure the most thorough com- pacting and prevent voids or pockets. Care shall be taken to insure the complete coating of all parts of the reinforcement with mortar. The concrete shall be spaded in such a manner that its finer parts will be in contact with the faces of the forms, thereby leaving the surface of the structure smooth and free from pockets. No concrete shall be deposited from a height, but must be lowered or chuted into position. When joining new concrete with concrete already set, the surface of the old concrete shall be cleaned, roughened, thoroughly wet and then coated with thin neat cement mortar. The surface of concrete which is allowed to set shall be left rough so as to insura —3— a. good bond. Concrete s.'.'!all be placed in t=ie forms in uniform hori- zcntal layers not exceeding twenty —four (24) inches in thickness. ,',.il concrete shall be kelit thoroughl;i wet for a period of seven (7) Pays alter being =laced. 1, all plaeos where water is encountered either in the foundati.ons or in r,ny other part of the structure, the Oontra.etor must provide suiiable means to keep the work free from such water for a period o evolve (12) hours after the concrete has been nlaced. (f) PLACTEG RFIi, URGING STEET,: All reinforcing steel shall ::e accurately p =aced ir_ tae pcsiticn :;=.own on the plans and carefully fastened in ;:,lace .ri'*h iron ;*tire suf_2iciently strong for the purpose. Vaere splicing is necessarr, it may be done by welding of 'rj r -- ayjping oars .Eo::t.y (40) times their diameter or thickness. Sy.)lioes shall not be mode at points of maximum stress. (g) FINISHING CONCRETE: <',fter the Torras have been removed all prominent ridges and other irregularities on exposed surfaces of the concrete shall be rubbed down with a carborundum block or removed with a chisel. :ill projecting tie wires shall be cut beneath the surface, and the holes or depressions thus made and all other holes or depressions which show upon the removal of the forms, shall be filled with cement mortar, coLr:osed of one (1) part Portland Cement to one ana one —half (l2) parts of sand, by volume. The interior galls in the Motor Roon and Fump Roo pp shall then he given one (1) coat of cement cash composed of one ll) part Portland Cement and one (1) part of w.hite sand: by volume. The interior walls and roof slab and all rails, gratings and other fittings in the collectinj sump shall be painted ;.ith I +ituninous Paint as hereinafter specified. SECTION 7. MANHOLE CASTINGS: All castings for manhole frames, covers, and other purposes, except ripe; must be tough gray iron free from cracks, holes, swells, and cold shuts ar_d be of, workmanlike finish and must conform to the plans.. The quality sha,l.l be such that a blow from a hammer will prod-ice an inden.ation or a rectangular edge of.the casting without flaking the motal. Before leaving tha foundry, all castings shall be thor- oughly cleaned, and subjected to a hammer inspection, after which they shall be dipped twice ir, a preparation of asphalt or coal tar, ar ..d oil applied at a temperature cf not less than 2900 Fahrenheit, ncr greater than 3100 Fahrer.k:eit, in such a manner as to form a firm and tenacious coating. SECTION B. PUM=PING MACHINERY: Pumps and fittings, together with electrical and other, appurtaining equipment shall be installed in duplicate as indicated on the plans, each unit to work independently of the other. Floats, float switches, starters, etc., are to be so arranged that one pump shall start first, and if for. any reason this pump fails to operate, or if tae flow of sewage shall exceed the cap- _ acity of one pump, the second pump shall operate. The arrangement . • shall be made so that the order in which the pumps operate may be re- versed and the stage at which the pumps start may be varied. The pumps required to be furnished under these specifi- cations shall b3 ct the vertical sewage pump, two (2) part closed termer type, adapted tc handle raw sewage, unscreened. The pumps Shall be driven by direct connection to the vertical electric motors hereinafter mentioned, and shall be complete with shafts, supporting cclu:mns, valves, fittings and appurtenances as indicated on the lum1p, l. ac pump shall be provided vita an automatic oiling devico for ting of th e line shaft bearings, which causes oil to flow onhen the hump is in operation and stop,the flow of oil when the tr, ;�s sot any reason whatsoever. The oil tank of the automatic —4— < � 4 J oiler shall have a capacity of not less titan one gallon for each punp. The motor base shall be provided with a sight feed oil cup for the thrust ;,ot bearings. All pumps shall be of the type known as 4" x 12" Byron Jackson Sewage Pump or equal, as indicated on the plans, capable of delivering 500 gallons ?er minute against a static head of twentr- nine (29) feet and the 3riction in 2,000 feet of eight (S) inch cast iron pipe. SECTION 9. V:MVLS: all gate valves shall be standard wedge gate valves with non - rising stem, Iron Body, Brass Trimmings, with flanged ends, known as Crane Company* No. 461 or equal. All six (6) inch valves in Puma Room shall have an extension handle to a stand- ard twenty (20) inch floor stand with a hand wh eltt on the operating floor of the Motor Room. all two and one -half t2zI inch valves in Pump Room shall have an extension handle with wheels above the operating floor of the Motor Room, as shown on plans. SECTION 10. PIPE :*M FITTINGS: 4.111 cast iron pipe shall be Class "B ", amerioar_ Water Works Association Standard and shall have flanged ends bolted together with gaskets in such a manner that they will not leak,except the cast iron sewer main inlet pipes and the cast iron overflow pipe which pass through the walls of the Pumping Plant shall be of the Standard hub and spigot type. sill wrought iron pipe shall have flanged connections bolted with gaskets except the one ll) inch water pipe which shall have standard screwed fittings and connections. All cast iron s,eoial castings shall be Class "D" pattern, American Plater Works Association Standard. SECTION 11. ELECTRIC U EQUIPMENT: The Contractor will be required to furnish and install all electrical equipment, motors, fittings, fix- tures, conduits and wiring necessary to completely equip and operate the system as indicated on the plans and herein provided- All electrical wiring and equipment must be installed in accordance with the saecifications of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for Marine Type of Construction, and the Industrial Accident Commission's Electrical Safety Orders, The main feed wires shall be carried to the meter and service switch, and thence to the equipment. The electric sensitive typo float switch shall be of the type known as "Cutler Hammer" or equal, and shall be.installed com- plete with floats, chains and rods. A push button switch is to'be connected in parallel with each float switch. -5- The electric automatic starters shall be of the type known as "Cutler Hammer" or equal. The motors shall be vertical type, ball bearing, asbestos protected motors, known as "General Electric Company's" or equal. The motors shall be seven and one -half (71) horse power, 960 revo- lutions per minute, three (3) phase, 220 volts, 50 cycle, alternating current motors. plans, and are to Electrical outlets shall be located as shown on be controlled by push button switches. all wiring is to be enclosed in Sherardized conduits with conduit outlets for sockets and switches. The Contractor shall furnish one extension cord of superservice cord or equal, twently -five (25) feet in length, com- plete with plug and porcelain socket, and one sixty (60) watt bulb, enclosed in Type L. P. H. Crouse -Hinds heavy duty lamp guard, or equal. -5- ^OTION 12. rAT R CONAECTI02'S: Three, one (1) inch brass hose bibs stall be installad at the locations shown on the plans, and connected ., *o a one (1) in^i galvanized iron pike running to a connection with the one (1) inch co�,?e wafer service shown on the plans. SECTION 13. PENT.IL_TTNG EQUIPMFidT: A No. 4 Buffalo "Baby Conoidal° Fan, or its equal'capable of delivering, at least 750 cubic feet of air per minute shall be installed in the ,pumping plant at the location shown on the plans, and galvanized iron _'Apes and fittings shall be constructed to carry the air to the bottom of the pump room. A push button switcta shall be installed to control the operation of the ian. The men shall be, equipped.with a one -half (i) hersa power, three (3) phase, 50 cycle, 220 volts, alternating current motor, General Electric, or equal.. SECTION 14. PAINTING: The galvanized. iron_ grates, steel rails, ladder steps and other fittings, and all interior malls and the roof slab in collecting sump and floor shall be given two coats of Bitu- mastic Solution and one coat of Bitumastic Enamel. The Palls shall be cleaned and dry, and then the first coat of solution shall be applied,either sprayed or brushed, and this coat allowed to dry properly for twenty -four (24) hours, after which the second coat of the same material shall be applied in the same manner. Each coat shall completely cover all of the surface intended to be so covered, Pnd all halidays, voids, etc., sha ;l be touched up and covered as each coat is applied. Twenty -four 24) hours after the second coating of solution has been applied, or when it has properly dxi.ed, the coat of Bitumastic Enamel shall be applied, properly heated, sc that a perfect bond is obtained.. This enamel shall when finished, have a thickness of not less than one - eighth (1/8) of an inch. All Solution or enamel shall be of the quality manu- factured by the Wailes- Dove - Hermiston Corporaiian, or equal. SECTION 15. GENERAL: This pumping plant is so designed as to be an automatic plant, complete in itself and capable of handling ram sewage as it is delivered from the mains into the collecting sum-;. All pumps and automatic equipment and all other equipment, shall be installed in such a manner that replacement shall be possible with the least amount of work. The Contractor shall install suitable oiling and greasing equipment in all pumping plant equipment to insure its operation with attention at weekly intervals. If any additional anchors, braces, or fittings of any kind whatsoever are required to insure the successful operation of any of the equipment, they shall be installed under this contract, the same as if shown on plans. SECTION 16. FINAL TESTS: sYtor all the machinery and equipment called for herein or shown on the plans has been installed and the other necessary c�) urtaining work performed, and prior to the accept- ance of the work, a complete test shall be made of the entire equip- ment under working conditions of automatic operation. This test . is to consist o_° continuous operation of the plant for a period of 72 hours. In this test W11 automatic faatures of the plant shall be tested out. The operation of the pumps shall be tested and accurate records taken to see that the pumps will handle a maximum flow of 600 gallons per minute against the head specified. For purpose of making the test the Contractor shall furnish at least 50 gallons of water per minute for the period of the test. It, during the test, any structural defe ^.t or weakness, or any leakage of pipes or fittings develops, or if any of the equipment fails to deliver the required discharge under -6- .-`'e required conditions, the CitK of Newport Beach reserves the right to reject any part, or the W�iole of such equipment and demand re- �- nonstruction of same to meet the requirements of these specifications. -111 costs of such reconstruction or replacement shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall, before the acceptance of the . ;lork, file with the City Engineer a full set of blue prints of the details and assembly fiirnished. E —7— CITY OF NVTORT BEACH C.,LIFORNIA SLINMIRD SPECKICATIONS NO. 63. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DISINTEGRATED GRANITE ROADWAY. ME SECTION1.. PLANS ..... ..... ............................. 1 SECTION 2. GENEZAL REQUIREMENTS........ ................ 1 SECTION 3. WORK........ ............................... 1 SECTION 4., GRID I,vG.:......... •...• is GRO ING AREA... ................ b ROUGH GR.0IliG.............................. c SUBGRADE.. ........ d CONDITION OF STREET DURING GRADING........ e) SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS TO CHECK GRADING....,.... ..................... l 1 1 2 ,3 4' • 40 CITY OF NEWPORT MUM CALIFORNIA STANDARD SPECIFICA'T'IONS NO. 63. FOR THE CO IS'TRUCTION OF DISI NTEGRATED GRANITE RO_ADIAY. SECTION 1. PLANS: The detailed location of the work to be done, together with grades, cross - sections and special construction, is illustrated on the maps, profiles, cross-sections and plans adopted therefor by the Cite Council, and on file in the office of the City Engineer. These maps, plans, profiles and cross- sections are to le considered a part of these specifications, and any notation appearing thereon shall be considered as though incorporated as a part o- these specifications. All distances and measurements given are in a horizontal plane• all work shell, during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may from time to time be riven by the City Engineer. SECTION 2• GENERAL RE90REN:ENTS: The general requirements shall con'f'orm to Standard Specifications No. 50 for "General Requirements ". SECTION 3. WORK: The work to be done consists of the following: (a) To excavate or fill in the area upon which the dis- integrated granite roadwa;; is to be constructed, to such an extent and in such a manner as may be required by the maps, plans, profiles, cross- sections and these specifications. (b) To construct thereon the disintegrated granite roadway as provided for on the maps, plans, profiles and cross- sections. (c) To furnish all material and labor necessary to perform said work and to complete same. (d) Removing from the street and sidewalk adjacent to the work, all surplus material or debris. SEC`T'ION 4. GRADING: (a) GRADIM ARM: The street shall be graded from property line to property line, unless otherwise specified, along portions of the street upon whict disintegrated granite roadway is to bo con- structed or the roadway otherwise improved. Excepting no grading need be done between curb and property line along such portion of the street where both curb and sidewalk have already been constructed. The roadway- between the edges of gutters or between curb lines where no gutters are laid shall be thought to the grade or subgrade re- quired by the plans or specifications. Tho spaces between the curb lines and the property lines in cases where no sidewalks are to be constructed, shall be graded to a _Mane rising at a rate of one - quarter K) of an inch vertical in one (1) foot horizontal from the established grade at the curb line. Side slopes of cuts and fills shall be neatly and accurately trimmed to true cross- section. (b) ROYGH- GRADING: Rough grading shall include all filling and removal of excess earth, stone, trees, old pavements, curbs, side- walks, driveways, culverts, and any other structure or foreign mater- ials that may be encountered in preparing the street for the im- provements to be made. Plowing or excavating sound material shall not be done to a depth greater than six (6) inches below subgrado. -1- C�r . FILLS: The spa.-,o ov„r -whiar YiTls are to bo mad-o- shall . first be cleared of all brush, treos, stumps, timber, trash or debris. All filling shall be done wick good sound earth, sand or gravel, and no oil eake or other lumpy matorial, or material o:' a porishablo, spong* or otherwise improper nature shall be used in filling• Fills shall be made as the Superintendent of Streets may direct, either by flooding or rolling. For rolling, the material shall be. placed in layers not exceeding one (1) foot in depth before rolling;. Each layer, after being levelled of, shall be thoroughly dampened, and while -till moist throughout, shall be rolled with a power roller having a compression of at least four hundred (400) pounds per inch width of tire. when flooding is required, the material shall be brought up in lavers not exceeding four (4) feet in depth and each layer thoroughly flooded with water and barred. No fills shall be widened by dumtping loose material over their slopes• when a fill is to 'oo widened, the new material shall be bonded to the old by cutting steps into tho existing slope and by bringing up the layors as specified above. i.UD AND SOFT MATERIAL: when an area of mud, or other soft and sponge material is encountered, it shall be removed and the space filled with gravel or good earth or sand which shall be placed in layers and rolled as hereinbefore set forth for fills, until the surface ceases to move or creep under the roller. The Contractor will not be required in suciz cases to excavate mud or other soft or spongy material to a depth greater than two (2) feet below grade. Where suciz a soft spot is caused by a leak in water main or pine, the soft material shall be excavated down to the pipe and after the pipe has been repaired, the excavation shall be back- Pilled with rood material properly tamped or rolled• whenever any area is too area to permit of thorough rolling or tamping, the Contractor shall wait until the material has dried sufficiently and then com- plete the rolling or tamping. (c) SUBGRiDE: After the rough grading has been completed, the surface of the sub-orac_e shall ba brought to the required grade and cross- section,.and the subgrads prepared as follows: After a block or section has been graded to approximate grade, the surface of the roadway shall be thoroughly cultivated to a depth of not less than ten (10) inches, and all rocks four (4) inches in diameter or larger, and all rubbish shall be removed. During or after cultivation, water shall be applied until the moist.. ure has ponotrated to the entire dopth os cultivation. • The roadway shall then be thoroughly rolled with a power roller weighing not less than twelve (12) tons until the surface ceases to morn or creep under the roller. „ -*Ill depressions shall be filled with good earth or sand. After the first rolling, the subgrade shall be thorough- ly cultivated to a depth of not less than four (4) inches and water applied during cultivation until a uniform dampness of four (4) inches is secured. The street superintendent may require a disc cultivator for work in cla,, or adobe soils• while the subgrade is still moist, it shall be thoroughly rolled with a power roller neighing not less than twelve (12) tons until the surface is firm and unyielding and ceases to move or creep under the roller, and until it is brought to true grade and cross - section. -2- After the final rolling, as spocifiod abovo, the filling of lo`r places will not bo pormitte • Portions of the road�-,av which cannot be reached bI-7roller shall be tampod s ,)lid. Whon a grade has boon prepared and checked and found to be loa, it shall be loosened up with a harrow or disc boforo any additional layer of earth is placed thereon. . Subgrade which has been checked and approved must be re- rolled, re- checiwa and approved a -fter a rain storm. If the subrado consists of sand; the rolling thereof will not be -roquirod, but it shall oo compacted by thoroughly netting dean and smcot'hod to conform to cross- sections. (d) COIZI110F, OF S'I'REE'i DTJRIVIG GRADI JG: During the grading the surf;:,cc of the street crossings shall be maintained in a reason - ably good condition for traffic. Proper drainage must be maintainod at all times. ;:here there is a car line, suitable landing places shall be left for passengers as long as possible. (e) SUPERII.TZIvM 0 S'TRE7TS TO CFECY GRADING: The Con- tractor shall notif -Y the Su,-)erinteader_t o- Streets when a block or a section has been brought to subgrade, whereupon the latter will check the elevation and condition of same. If the work is found to be in accordance with the specs: °ications and grades given, the Contractor shall proceed as hareinafter mentioned. On the prepared subgrade shall be placed decomposed or disintegrated granite, or equal, o'_' good quality and in sufficient 'qua,.tit., ' so tliat its ultimate thicknes.^ after rolling will be not less than six (6) inches, unless otherwise specified on the plans. The decomposed or disintegrated granite shall be watered and thor- oughly rolled with a roller -weighing not less than twelve (12) tons, scarified, leveled and re- rolled until a hard surface has been obtained. The finished surface must be true to cross - section, free srom humps, saps or other inequalities. -3- :r.7, _ Off- : CITY OF %tWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA SOECIOL SPECIFICATIONS NO. 3.. • FOr. THE CONSTRUCTION OF 'TIMBER PIERS WITH CEMENT CONCRETE MILES, FLOATS, AND APPURTENANCES.. Page SECTION 1: GENERAL REQUIR2MBNTS ......................... 1 SECTION 2. PL! NS .......... ............................... 1 SECTION 3. WORK . ............................... ......... 1 — SECTION 4. EXCAVATION ...... ............................... 1 SECTION 5. BACAFTLLI a .... ............................... 1 SEC.TrON 6: TIMBER AND LUMBER ........:.................... 1 SECTION 7. CONSTRUCTION ... ...::.......................... 2 (a) BRIDGING .... :........ a...............,... 2 (b) BOLTS AND WASHERS.. ..................... 2 e ILOORING ................................. 2 (d) GUARD R:ILS AND POSTS .................... 2 (e) FRAMING .... ..............................: 2 SECTION 8. METAL HINGES, ROLIVR SUPPORTS, PILE FLOAT GUIDE, RAMP SAILS AND ROLLERS . ......................r. 2 SECTION 9• PIPE HAND RAILS ..... ........ . .............. t, 2 a ASCRIPTION ......................... .: 2 b CONSTRUCTION .............................: 3 SECTION 10. GOLD LEAF BALL.. ...... ......................... 3 SECTION 11. CONCRETE 2 ILES . ............................... 3 (a) CEMENT CONCRETE...... .................:.. 3 1. M.,TERIALS .... ...................... 3 2. GRADING OF ROCK .... .........W.... 3 3. PROPORTIONING CONCRRRE Mh1TERIALS.. 3 41 WEIGHING MATERIALS ...... .......... 4 5. MIXING CONCRETE................... 4 6t CONSISTENCY OF CONCRETE........... 5 7: PI;n CING ......:.................... 5 S. TESTS OF CONCRETE,,,,,,,,,,,,,••.. 5 91 CURING ............................ 6 • (b) FORMS ...... ............................... 6 le REINFORCEMENT .. ............. .. ........... d� DIVING 6 7 ... ............................... SECTION 12. TLOAT .......... ............................... 7 SECTION 13. LAMP POST AND MAST ............................ 7 SECTION 14. PA INTIvG ....... ............................... 6 SECTION 15. GRIT :MENTAL LIGHTS .......................... 9 0 0 • t. k CITY OF ITE17PORT BEACH CALIFORNIA SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS i40. 3. FOR FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TIMMR PIERS WITH CEMENT CONCRETE PILES, FLOATS, AND APPURTENANCES AS SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: The General Requirements shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 50 of the City of Newport Beach for "General Requirements ". SECTION 2. PLANS: The detailed location of the work to be done, t®gether with grades, cross — sections and special construction, is illustrated on the maps, profiles, cross — sections and plans adopted therefor by the City Council,. and on file in the office of the City Engineer. These maps, plans, profiles and cross — sections are to be considered a part of these specifications, and any notations a= ppearing thereon shall be considered as though incorporated as a part of these specifications. All dis- tances and measurements given are in a horizontal plane. All work shall, during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may from time to time be given by the City Engineer. SECTION 3. WORK: The work to be done consists of the following: (a) To excavate or fill in to such an extent and in such a manner as may-be required by the plans, profiles and cross — sections and these specifications, the area in which the improvement is pro- vided for on the plans. (b) To furnish all materials as hereinafter provided for and required for the construction and completion of the improvement in accordance with the plans and specifications and all labor, tools and equipment necessary for the performance of said work. (c) To construct the piers and appurtenances in accordance with the plans, and as hereinafter specified. SECTION 4. EXCAVATION: The Contractor shall make sufficient excavation for the p�.er —heads in accordance with the plans and these specifi- cations, and such excavation will include the removal of all materials and obstructions of whatever nature encountered. The excavations shall be deposited at such places as may be designated by the Super- intendent of Streets• SECTIOIvT 5. BACYPILLING: Excavated spaces remaining around the structure shall be refilled to the elevation as existed before work was commenced, unless: otherwise directed by the Superintendent of Streets. SECTION 6. TIMBER AND LULTER: All timber and lumber to be of Douglas Fir except the lar::p —posts and masts -which shall be of oak. All -timber and lumber to be well seasoned and must comply with the specifications given belows... All timber and lumber shall be sawed standard size, square edged,:close grained and solid; free from defects such as wind— shakes and crooked or cross— grainw; unsound knots, knots in groups, decay, worm holes, large pitch pockets or other defects that will materially impair its stren &th And durability. STANDARD SIZE OF SAVED TIMBER OR LIMBER: Rough timbers or lumber when sa ^ed to standard size shall mean that they shall not be over one — quarter (4) inch scant from actual size specified. i Joist shall show not less than eighty -five (88) per cent and floor beams not less than sixty (SO) per cent of heart on • each of the four (4) sides, measured across the sides anywhere in the length of the piece• Knots greater than 1" at points within 4" of the edges oY the width of the piece, knots greater than 12" • will not be permitted. Knots mast not be in groups and must be straight grained, with the grain running parallel to the edge of the piece. SECTION 7. CONSTRUCTION: All joist shall be sized at the ends to give the flooring uniform becsing, Each joist shall be bolted, each cap and each end, by 1" bolts 2' - Q" long. The bolt shall be cut so that no projecting portion shall come above the flooring. (a) BRIDGING: All bridging shall be cut true to the re- quired angle and securely nailed in place with two (2) 16d nails at each end. (b) BOLTS AND WASHERS: Holes for bolts shall be bored with an auger the exact size of the bolts unless otherwise shown on the plans. Standard cast or malleable iron ogee washers shall be used against wood. Standard S. A. E. plain lock washers shall be used against metal and the nuts screwed up so the washers will pinch hard against the wood or metal nuts may be either hexagon or square. All bolts to be standard machine bolts with square head and U. S. Standard, Thread. All bolts and nuts shall be galvanized. (c) FLOORTzJG: Flooring shall be laid with open joints of three - eighths 3 8 inch spacing, and ends of flooring sawed off so as to project Give (6) inches beyond the outer edge of stringer as shown on plan. All flooring to be sized and surfaced to a uni- form thickness of 1 7/811. (d) GUARD RAILS AND POSTS: Guard rails shall be of sizes shown on the plan, have a smooth surface and securely nailed. All posts shall be sized, surfaced and securely bolted as shown on the plans. (e) FRt,MING: All framing shall be done by experienced carpenters, and must be first class, lumber and timbers of correct length, joints properly matQhed, close- fitting square and true. Butt joints must be square and so framed as to secure true contact over the whole piece and splices must be made at the proper points. Dad framing, open joints, etc., must be remedied by using other pieces properly* framed. No shims will be allowed to make wrong length of timbers or incorrect framing. SECTION B. METAL TINGES, ROLLER SUPPORTS, PILE FLOAT GUIDE, RAJA' Ri,ILS. AND ROILERS: All metal strap iron and pile float guide shall be heated to the required temperature to suf- ficiently bend true to form without cracking, drilled and shall be then thoroughly galvanized w1th not less than two and one -half (22) ounces of zinc Spelter per square foot. • The �:alvanizing shall be free i'rom cracks, blisters or other imperfections. Rollers shall be of bronze and of a size shown on plans. SECTION 9. ?IPE H;,ND RZ;ILS: (a) DESCRIPTION: Pipe hand rails shall consist of 12" costs and rails. Pipe shall be standard galvanized or steel. The hand rail shall be fastened together with fittings or by welding. "Cf pipe is welded all burrs or lumps of metal shall be removed and the rail shall present a neat and workmanlike appearance. Fittings, '.f used, shall be ball pattern galvanized :malleable iron free from flaws. -2- (b) CONSTRUCTION: Pipe rails shall be cut to multiples of even panel lengths, so that there will be no joints in the rails between the posts. Fittings shall screw }alto all posts and both ends of each length of rail. The rails shall slide through the intermediate fittings. Threaded joints shall be coated with white lead before assembly and turned up so that no threads will be ex- posed after erection. All connections must be tight, SECTION 10• GOLD LEAP BALL: Gold leaf' balls shall be made of copper with no seams on the sphere. They shall be leafed with 14- carat gold leaves and then varnished with a coat of white varnish. SECTION 11. CONCRETE PILES: (a) CEMENT C_)ECRETE: 1. MATERIALS: Cement, sand, gravel, rock and rein - =cing staol shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 51 for "Portland Cement ", "Sand", "Gravel ", "Rock ", and "Re�nforeing Steel" respectively. Water shall be clean, free from oil, atilt alkali, or vegetable matter.. 2. GRADING OF ROCK: When analyzed by laboratory screens and sieves, coarse aggregate for use in cement concrete shall. conform to grading requirements, as follows, to -wit:+ All shall pass a screen having one and one -half (1D inch square openings. Not less than ninety -five (95) per Cent, b-y weight, shall pass a screen having one (1) inch square openings. Not less than fifty -five (55) per cent and not more than eighty -five (85) per cent by weight, shall be retained on a S? reen having three - quarter M inch square openings: Not more than 5 by weight, shall pass a screen having 3/8 inch square openings. All shall be retained on a four (41 mesh sieve. Not more than two (2) per cent, by weight, of the rock shall have a maximum dimension more than fifty (50) per cent greater than the largest screen size specified for, and shall have a specific gravity of not less than 2.60 nor more than 2.70• 3. PROPORTIONING CONCRETE MATERIALS: All cement concrete shall be composed of the following materials and in the following proportions: One (1) sack of cement weighing ninety -four (94) pounds, net, to five hundred thirty -five (535) pounds of mixed aggregate, b:r weight, except as herein otheiiiise provided, and not less than six (6) and not more than 6.3 gallons of water, which in- eludes water or moisture contained in the aggregate. The mixed aggregate shall be composed of a combination of two hundred forty (240) pounds of gravel or broken stone and 295 pounds of sand and pea gravel, except as herein otherwise provided. The percentage by weight of sand and pea gravel shall be determined by the following formulas: C o 100 (A -3.90 A -B D _ 100 -C where A is the fineness modulus of the pea gravel. -3- E is the fineness modulus of the sand. C is the percentage of sand, b., weight. D is the percentage of pea gravel, by weight. • The fineness modulus of the sand and the pea gravel shall be determined by a sieve analysis using the following sizes of Standard Sieves with square openings. 100 -mesh, 50 -mesh, 30 -mesh, 14 -mesh, 8 -mesh, 4 -mesh, 3 /81'- mesr_, 3/4" -mesh, and 1 -1/2" -mesh. The sum o the percentages of material, by weight, of the sample coarse_ than each of the respective sizes of the Stand- ard Sieves hereinbefore mentioned divided by 100 is the fineness mod- ulus of the material. The weights herein specified are for dry sand, pea gravel and gravel or broken stone. Provided any moisture is containEd in said materials, the weight thereof must be deducted in order to obtain the weights above specified for dry materials. The weights above specified for sand, pea grave_P-a�nd gravel or broken stone are based upon a minimum specific gravity of 2.67 and a maximum of 2.69. To determine the weights of aggregate ;'or the concrete mix when the specific gravity of the aggre ate is different than the values mentioned, multiply the weights of aggre- gate above specified by the value "F" given in the following Table opposite the specific gravity of the aggregate: Specific Gravity Value of of Aggregate. "r" 2.59 to 2.61 0.970 2.61 to 2.63 0.978 2.63 to 2.65 0.985 2.65 to 2.67 0.992 2.67 to 2.69 1.00 2.69 to 2.71 1.008 2.71 to 2.73 1.015 2.73 to 2.75 1.023 The volume of cement for each cubic yard of concrete in place, when proportioned as above specified, shall not be less than 5.90 cubic feet, or more than 6.10 cubic foot. A cubic foot of cement shall be considered as having a weight of 94 pounds. 4. WEIGHING MATERIALS: The sand, pea gravel and the gravel or broken stone shall be kept in separate bins, compartments or piles, and all of said materials shall be carefully weighed in the proportions specified by means of multiple beam or dial scales. The scales shall be set so that the gradings as actually obtained shall not be below the minimum nor above the maximum percentages • herein specified. Cement in sacks as above specified shall be dumped directly in the mixer. The water necessary for each batch shall be accurately measured with an apparatus which will prevent the use of more water than herein specified. No mixer shall be used which is not provided with an accurate water measuring deviee or apparatus. 5. MIXING CONCRETE: All mixing of concrete for the piles shall be done in a batch mixer, equipped with a batch meter. IM • The mixer shall bo - charged with cement and suf- ficient sand, pea gravel and gravel or broken stone to conform to the proportions hereinbefore stated. Sufficient water, not in ex- cess of the quantity above specified, shall be added to produce a • plastic or quaking concrete which can be handled without causing a separation of the coarse aggregate from the mortar. The mixer drum shall have a speed of not less than 13 revolutions per minute, and every batch of concrete shall be mixed in the drum of the mixer not less than one and one —tail minutes before any portion of the batch is discharged from tine said drum. At least seventy --five (76) seconds must elapse between the placing of successive batches in the mixer. 6. CONSISTENCY OF CONCRETE: The concrete, after being mixed as herenbefore specified, shall, when sub ected to the follow- ing test, have a slump of not less than eight (8) per cent, nor more than twenty (20) per cent. The slump test shall be made in the follow- ing manner: The test tube to be used in making the slump test shall have an inside diameter of eight (8) inches at the base and an inside diameter of four (4) inches at the top, and a perpendicular height of twelve (12) inches. Immediately after the concrete has been mixed and deposited on the subgrade, a sufficient quantity thereof shall be placed in four layers in the tapered test tube until the concrete is flush with the top of the tube; each layer shall be thoroughly settled by working with a pointed iron rod. Then the test tube shall be lifted, allowing the concrete to settle or slump. After the pile of concrete has set one (1) minute, its height shall be measured and subtracted from the original height of twelve (12) inches, which difference in height is the amount of the slump in inches from which the percentage of slump shall be determined. . 7. :s Ii ?G: .all co.zc�:cto shall be'-placed t7hile fresh and before it nas taken an initial set. Retempering, with additional water, any concrete that has partially hardened, shall not be per- mitted. Concrete shall, when practicable, be spread in hori- zontal layers.. Comparatively wet mixture shall be puddled or joggled with proper tools to remove all air bubbles and secure good contact with the reinforcement. Enough men shall be employed tamping and puddling so that each batch shall be compacted before another is dumped in the form. The portions next all outside faces shall be cut in by spades or wedge— shaped tampers to secure a smooth external surface composed of the mortar of the concrete. Special care must be taken to thoroughly remove all laitance. Concrete, when mixed, shall be immediately deposited without any separation of its ingredients and thoroughly rammed and tamped or spaded in layers not more than six (6) inches in depth, until it is thoroughly compact and until free mortar appears on the surface and all voids are filled. It shall not be permitted to fall from any considerable height. • 8. TESTS OF CONCRETE: The concrete composed of the materials, proportions, consistency, mixing, etc., provided for in these specifications, must be of such quality and character of work- manship that it will have an ultimate compressive strength of not less than 3,000 pounds per square inch, or an ultimate modulus of rupture of not less than 600 pounds per square inch. The test specimen for determining compressive strengt: shall consist of a cylinder of the concrete to be tested six (6) inche in diameter, and twelve (12) inches in height. The test specimen for determining modulus of rupture shall consist of a beam of the concrete to be tested, six 6) inches in width, six (6) inches in thickness and thirty —six (36 ) inches in length. —6 —` Samples of the concrete to ba tested s}aall.be taken immediately after the concrete has left the mixer and deposited on the subgrade and molded into the test specimens above mentioned. • The concrete shall be thoroughly rodded and care taken to remove air pockets. The freshly made test specimen shall be struck off and troweled level with the top of the mold. The test specimen, after molding, shall be covered to protect same from injury, and buried in damp sand, and at the end of forty —eight (48) hours the mold shall be removed and the test specimen covered with sand or earth and maintained in a continuous dam pp condition for a period of ten (10) days. At the end of twelve (12) days from the day of molding the specimen, it shall be uncovered and air —cured for sixteen (16) days, and tested at the end of twenty —eight (28) days. 9. CURING: Concrete piles shall be kept wet for at least fourteen (14 days after pouring and shall be allowed to harden for at least thirty (30) days before being lifted or driven. When removed from the forms, they shall present true, smooth, even surfaces, free from honeycomb and voids and shall be so straight that a line stretched from butt to tip on any face will not be more than one (1) inch from the face of the pile at any point. Concrete piles must at all times be so handled as to avoid breaking or chipping the edges. The Contractor shall provide slings at or near the ouarter points for raising or transporting long piles. (b) FORMS: Forms shall be smooth, tight, true and of sufficient strength to resist springing out of shape during the placing of the concrete. All dirt, chips, sal7dust, etc., shall be removed from forms before any concrete is deposited therein. The forms shall be oiled and thoroughly soaked with water, inside and outside immediately before concrete is placed against them. Forms for all outside Laces above the surface of the ground shall be surfaced on both edges and one side to a uniform thickness with the surfaced side against the concrete. Forms for concrete piles shall remain in place fourteen (14) days. (c) REINFORCEMENT: CLEANING: Reinforcing steel before being positioned, shall be thoroughly cleaned of mill a -nd rust scale, mortar, oil, dirt and of coatings of any character that will destroy or reduce the bond. BENDING: Reinforcing steel shall accurately conform to the dimensions shown on the plans. The radius of'bends shall be four (4) or more times the least diameter of the bar. STRAIGHTENING: Bars shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will injure the material. Bars with kinks or bends shall not be used. • PLACING: Reinforcing bars shall be accurately placed as shown on the plans and shall be firmly and securely held in position by wiring at intersections with No. 14 wire and by using concrete or metal chairs, spacers, metal hangers, supporting wires and other approved devices, furnished by and at the expense of the Contractor. Metal supports which extend to the surface of the concrete and wooden sup -ports shall not be used. Placing bars on layers of fresh concrete as the work progresses and adjusting bars during the placing of concrete will not be permitted. Bars shall be accurately spaced as shown on the plans. In no case shall the clear distance between parallel bars be less than one and one —half (lz) inches and in no case shall the embedment in concrete be less than twice the diameter of the bar. Q3•! t SPLICING; Splices of tensile reinforcement at points of maximum stress shall be avoided. Where bars are Spliced they • shall have a lap of at least forte (40) diameters. INSPECTION: No concrete shall be deposited until the Engineer has inspected the placing of the reinforcing steel and given permission to place concrete. All concrete placed in vio- lation of this provision will be rejected. (d) DRIVING: The piles shall be accurately spaced and driven or jotted vertically or on a batter as shown on the plans and according to the stakes set by the Engineer. Piles that are injured in driving and piles that are driven out of place shall be withdrawn or cut off as directed by the Engineer. A satisfactory steam hammer of ample weight shall be used for driving piles. The heads of the concrete piles shall be protected from the direct impact of the hammer by a cushion head and this cushion head shall be so arranged that the reinforcing rods projecting above the piles will not be displaced or injured in driving. Piles may be cast full length of rods, if desired, provided tops of piles are cut off to expose steel as shown on the plans, after piles have been driven. A water jet shall be used if necessary in driving the piles. Jetting apparatus of sufficient capacity must be furnished by the Contractor. A gauge shall be provided in the jet line so that the pressure may be determined at all times. After jetting piles to such a depth as the Engineer may prescribe, the use of the jet shall be discontinued and the piles driven to firm bearing with the hammer alone. Piles must be point of cut off shown on sufficient length thereof. driven to a penetration of blow with a three'thousand feet on to a sound head or jetted and driven to the depth below the plans and they shall be furnished of When no length is shown, they shall be not more than one (1) inch at the last (3000) pound hammer falling twenty (20) an equivalent penetration. SECTION 12. FLOAT. All joints must be matched and sized so as to give a water tight joint. On the joints of the 2" x 1211 and 2" x 811 bottom and side shall have a calk recess one - eighth (1/8) inch wide by three - quarters (3/4) inch deep and shall be calked with standard waterproof calking material. All lumber shall be No. 1 Common, free from knots larger than one (1) inch. Flooring shall be tongue and grooved and shall be laid with pure white lead between joints, and the metal support holding the bolts for the pile connection shall be bolted in place at time the flooring is laid at that point. After framing is completed, the bottom and sides shall be given one- eifith (1/8) inch coat of asphaltum applied at a tem- perature oqf 300 to 4000 Fahrenheit; when thoroughly cooled, a layer of three l3) ply standard tar paper shall be placed in such a • manner so as not to leave any wrinkles, bulges or voids under the paper, after which another coat of one - eighth (1/8) inch of asphal- tum shall be applied as above. When thoroughly cooled, the 1" red- wood siding shall be placed, after which the final coat of one- eighth (1/8) inch of asphaltum shall be applied as mentioned above. SECTION 13. LAMP POST AND MAST: Lamp post shall be of one piece oak and dimension as shown on the plan and shall have a recess sufficient to allow a one and one - quarter (1j) inch conduit to be placed within; a standard molding shall be secured by screws in such a manner to give a first class workmanlike appearance. Tb4=1!@bA4"g- -7- i; . :K Y. 4a The mast shall bo of one ;)ioce oak and shall be milled to dimensio. s as shown on the plar_s; the cross —arm shall be of? oak • secured by a galvanized U clip and supt3orted at the ends by No. 10 'ronze wire. SECTION 14. PmINTIi'G: • (1) PAINTIlir AT SHOPS: No material shall be painted until accepted by the inspector. All metal work exce ?t finished surfaces, before leaving the shop shall be thoroughly cleansed with wire brushes, etc., from all loose scale, rust, dirt, etc., and be given one good coating of pure boiled linseed oil, well worked into all joints and open spaces. (2) FIELD PAINTI3G: After structure is erected, all parts, trusses, bracing, flooring, rails, posts and frame structure except the mast and light standard shall be given one (1) coat of Fuller's Gray Lead mixed with pure linseed oil priming paint. All galvanized metal parts shall be given a prime coat of Fuller's Gray Galvanized Iron Primer. COLOR COATS: The following standard color coats paints shall be used: Ill Fuller's No. SL — 2028 Yellow Marine Paint. 2 Fuller's Pure Prepared Black. 3 Fuller's No. SL — 2027 Green Marine Paint. 4 Fuller's No. SL — 2026 Red Marine Paint. 5 Fuller's Pure White Marine Paint. A painting chart will be on file in the office of the City Engineer of Newport Beach. Floor, hand rails, posts, mast, lighting standard, outside of outside stringers, benches, ends of caps and all parts exposed to vision shall have two (2) coats of the color hereinafter specified for each part. Each coat must be thoroughly dry and hard before tho next coat is applied, and no painting shall be done in wet weather or unless structure is perfectly dry. The floor to have 2 coats of Fuller's No. SL — 2027 Green Marino Paint. The hand rail posts to have 2 coats of Fuller's Pure Prepared Black. The mast and lighting standard to have 2 coats of Fuller's pure white Marino Paint before erection. The outside stringers to havo 2 coats of Fuller's No. . SL — 2028 Yellow Marino Paint. The benches shall have 2 coats of Fuller's No. SL — • 2027 Groon Marine Paint. The outside of top rail to be finished as follows; Surfaces A —E and G to have two coats of SL -2026 Red Marino Paint. Surfaces B and F to have two coats of SL -2027 Green Marine Paint. Surfaces D to have two coats of SL -2028 Yellow Marine Paint. Surfaces Top and Bottom two coats of SL -2027 Green Marino Paint. -8- cl .l All parts of the -rails not mentioned above to have two (2) coats of Puller's SL -W27 Green Ma ripe Paint. 4 Tho underneath floor of pier, stringers, and bridging shall have onto (1) coat of Fuller's SL -2027 Green Marine Paint. The wooden caps shall have one (1) coat of Fuller's No. SL -2026 Red P %Iari..o Pair_t. The concrete pilin, shall have one (1) coat of Fuller's Pure Prepared Black from tho bottom of wooden_ cap down to elevation 0.0 or to top of ground. RAM?: All wooden parts of ramps to have 2 coats of Fuller's SL -2028 Yollow Marino Point. Galvanizod iron top rail and end posts to havo two coats of SL -2027 Groon Marine Paint. Galvanized center rail and contcr post to have two lr coats of SL -2028 Yellow- Marino Paint. FLOAT: The floor and dolphins shall have two (2) �s coats of Fullox SL -2027 Greer_ Marino Paint. T:o Bargo Board shall have 2 coats of Fuller's SL -2027 Green Marine Paint, for a distance of Pour (4) inches down from t.-�p of -door. SECTION 15. ORNAMENTAL LIGHTS: King Ferronito brackot design No. 1241 and King Lummtiire N -c. 20A and inch and a quaff -tor (1j) cor_duit Amk =rith lewd covor,d cablo coulplote, shall be installed on tho pier, as shove„ upon the *Mans and in accordance.with Special Specifications No. 5 s'or construction of Ornamental Lighting System'and Appurten- ancos. -9- Center rail to be finis led as £ollol ?S: •' Surface, A and B to have two coats SL -2026 Red Marine ?ai nt. urfaces B y. an D to have two coats SL -2027 Greer. • Na ari?�e Paint. Surfaces C to naTre two coe.ts SL -2028 Yellow Marine Pai:'t. Sur�aces T-p and Bottom to have t•:vo coats SL -2027 Green T.:arine Paint. .l All parts of the -rails not mentioned above to have two (2) coats of Puller's SL -W27 Green Ma ripe Paint. 4 Tho underneath floor of pier, stringers, and bridging shall have onto (1) coat of Fuller's SL -2027 Green Marine Paint. The wooden caps shall have one (1) coat of Fuller's No. SL -2026 Red P %Iari..o Pair_t. The concrete pilin, shall have one (1) coat of Fuller's Pure Prepared Black from tho bottom of wooden_ cap down to elevation 0.0 or to top of ground. RAM?: All wooden parts of ramps to have 2 coats of Fuller's SL -2028 Yollow Marino Point. Galvanizod iron top rail and end posts to havo two coats of SL -2027 Groon Marine Paint. Galvanized center rail and contcr post to have two lr coats of SL -2028 Yellow- Marino Paint. FLOAT: The floor and dolphins shall have two (2) �s coats of Fullox SL -2027 Greer_ Marino Paint. T:o Bargo Board shall have 2 coats of Fuller's SL -2027 Green Marine Paint, for a distance of Pour (4) inches down from t.-�p of -door. SECTION 15. ORNAMENTAL LIGHTS: King Ferronito brackot design No. 1241 and King Lummtiire N -c. 20A and inch and a quaff -tor (1j) cor_duit Amk =rith lewd covor,d cablo coulplote, shall be installed on tho pier, as shove„ upon the *Mans and in accordance.with Special Specifications No. 5 s'or construction of Ornamental Lighting System'and Appurten- ancos. -9- 9 CITY OF NEWPORT CALIFORNIA SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS BEACH N0. 4. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STEEL PLATE GIRDER BRIDGE COVERED WITH CEMENT GUNITE ON CONCRETE ABUTMENTS, PIERS, APPURTENANCES AND APPROACHES THERETO DIVISION 1. GENERAL SECTION 1. PLANS ......... ............................... SECTION 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ......................... SECTION 3. WORK .......... ............................... DIVISION II. MATERIALS SECTION 1. CONCRETE MATERIALS ........................... (1) COARSE AGGREGATE GRADING ..................... SECTION 2. REINFORCEMENT . ............................... (1) BAR REINFORCEMENT ............................ (2) WIRE, WIRE MESH AND EXPANDED METAL.. (3 STRUCTURAL SHAPES ............................ SECTION 3. STRUCTURAL AND RIVET STEEL ................... (1) CHARACTER 2 CH:►R�iCTER Of' FR�iCTURE........................ 3 DEFECTS IN MATERIAL .• SECTION 4. STEEL CASTINGS ............................... 11 GENERAL ....... ............................... 2 ANIII:ALIidG.. (3 STRUCTURAL DEFECTS ........................... SECTION 5. PHOSPHOR — BRONZE .............................. (1) GENERA L ....... ............................... 2 STRUCTURAL DEFECTS. SECTION 6. BITUMINOUS MATERIALS ......................... Ill METHODS OF TESTING.: ... ........... 2 PREMOLDED EXPANSION JOINT FILLERS............ SECTION 7. PILING ........ ............................... 11) GENERAL.. 2 QUALITY ............................... (33 DIMENSIONS .... ............................... 1 f� Page 1 1 1 DIVISION III. • GENERAL CONSTRUCTION • SECTION 1 EXCAVATION AND FILL ......................... 6 1 ) GENERAL. ...... ............................... 6 Q) DEPTH OF FOOTINGS ............................ 6 (3) TREATMENT OF FOUND"TION MATERIALS............ 6 (4 COFFERDAMS ........... ....................... 6 5 PUNTING ....... ............................... 7 6 A INSPECTION .... ............................... 7 17 BVCKFILLING .......................... ...... 7 SECTION Z. BEARING PILES . ............................... 7 (1) MITERIALS 7 2 .................................... PREPARATION FOR DRIV ;NG.. .................... 7 (3 METHODS OF DRIVING ..:........................ 8 (4 EQUIPMENT FOR DRIVING:.. 8 (5) ALLOWABLE VARIATION:—IT ...................... 8 (6 DETERMINATION OF BE4RIP G VALUES .............. 8 Jip � s n � 36) FIELD INSPECTION ............................. 26 37 STORAGE ....... ............................... `26 383 PREP.IRATION OF BEARING AREA • ................. 26 39 HANDLING MEMBERS ........................... 26 A LIGIdMIIENT ..... ............................... 26 . �40 41 STRAIGHTENING BENT MATERIAL .................. 26 (423 ISSEIaLING AIM RIVETING ...................... 26 43 SETTING ANCHOR BOLTS ......................... 27 SECTION 6. NAME PLATES ... ............................... '27 (1) GENFRXIL REQUIRENENTS ......................... 27 DIVISION IV. SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION SECTION 1. FOUNDATIONS AND SUB- STRUCTURES ............... 28 (1� EX CAVA TION .... ............................... 28 (2 PRESERVATION OF CHANNEL ................. ...••• 28 3 PILING REQL' IREMENTS .......................... 28 4 INSPECTION OF EXCAVATIONS .................... 28 5 CLASSES OF CONCRETE .......................... 28 OF PLACING CONCRETE ................... 28 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS ........................... .28 IflMETHOD S) DRAINAGE OF SUB - STRUCTURES ................... 29 93 SURFACE FINISH ............................... 29 10 ANCHOR BOLTS .. ............................... 29 11 BED PLATES .... ............................... 29 123 PLACING SUPER- STRUCTURE ...................... 29 SECTION 2. BRIDGE FLOORS . ............................... 29 (13 CLASS OF CONCRETE :........................... 29 l2 SWINGING THE SPAN ...........................• 29 (3) PLACING REINFORCEMENT ........................ 30 (4) PLACING CONCRETE ............................. 30 5 EXPANSION JOINTS ..................•.......... 30 6 DRAINA GE ...... ............................... 30 (7 SURFACE FINISH ............................... 30 48 SIDEWALKS ON BRIDGES ......................... 30 l9 CURING ...... ............................... . 30 SECTION 3. PARAPETS AND ORNAMENTAL CAPS ................. 31 (1 DESCRIPTION ............................. :.... 31 �Zj GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................• 31 3 GENERAL ....... ............................... 31 4 MATERIALS ..... ............................... 31 5) MEMBERS CAST. IN PLACE ........................ 31 6 PRECAST MEMBERS .............................. 31 7 EXPANSION JOINTS. ............................ 31 SECTION 4. GUNITE ........ ............................... 31 (1) GENERAL ....... ............................... 31 2 MATERIAL ..................... 32 3 CLA SSIFICATION ........................ :...... 32 43 REINFORCED GUNI TE .........................••• 32 (5) PROPORTIONING OF GUNITE...................... 33 6 EQUIPMENT . ........................ 33 7 SHOOTING ...... ............................... 33 S METHOD OF APPLIC ATION ........................ 33 9 PR. OTI, GTION ....... ............... ............. 33 . (10 CURING .................... .... .:.::......... 33 SECTION 5. WARRENITE BITULITHIC IPAVEfi' kl;,'f'.E ON BRIDGE FLOO' ......... ............................... 33 (1) PREPARATION OF SUB-FLOOR ..................... 33 SECTION 6. LIGIiTING ...... ............................... 33 (1 SCOPE OF WORK . ............................... 33 S23 IRON PIPE CONDUIT ............................ 34 l3) INSTALLATION OF IRON PIPE CONDUIT............ 34 Jip s � (5 41 INSTA ........ ............................... 5 INSTALL�iTION OF CIiBLE.. 6 FLOOD LAMP.. • (7 REFLECTOR .... ............................... DIVISION V. BRIDGE APPROACF3ES SECTION 1. E114BANKIaEAT.................................. SECTION 2. SUBGRADE ....... . ......................... SECTION 3. PAVEMENT. .. ....... ...... SECTION 4. DISINTEGRATED GRANITE ROiiDWAY... .. . SECTION 5. C2MEI4T CONCRETE SIDDiALKS AND CURBS......... DIVISION VI. WATER M;JNS AND APPURTEMINCES SECTION 1. CAST IRON WATER MAIN...... ............. DIVISION VII. 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 37 SECTION 1. CAST IRON SE17ER M,'jN ......................... 37 � ;r E A' CITY OF NEIUPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA SPECIAL SPECIFICATIgNS NO. 4. FOR THE COPSTRUCTION OF STEEL PLATE GIRDER BRIDGE COVERED SMITH CEMENT GUNITE ON CONCRETE ABUTNIMITS, PIERS, APPURTENANCES AND APPROACHES THERE—TO. DIVISION 1. GENERAL SECTION 1. PLANS: The detailed location of the work to be done, together with grades, cross — sections and special construction, is illustrated on the maps, profiles, cross — sections and plans adopted therefor by the City Council, and on file in the office of the City Engineer. These maps, plans, profiles and cross — sections are to be considered a part of these specifications, and any notations appear- ing thereon shall be considered as though incorporated as a part of these specifications. *All distances and measurements given are in a horizontal plane. All work shall, during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may from time to time be given by the City Engineer. SECTION 2. GENERAL REQVIRM.NTS: The General Requirements shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 50 for "General Requirements °. SECTION S. WORK: The work to be done consists of the following; 1. To excavate or fill in to such an extent and in such a manner as may be required by the plans, profiles and cross — sections and these specifications, the area in which the improvement iC pro- vided for on the plans. 2. To furnish all materials as hereinafter provided for and required for the construction and completion of the improvement in accordance with the plans and specifications and all labor, tools and equipment necessary for the performance of said work. ..1. To construct the Steel Plate Girder Bridge covered with cement gunite on cement concrete abutments, piers and appurtenances, and to install the ornamental lighting system and appurtenances; to excavate or dredge the channel between the bridge abutments; to construct approaches thereto consisting of embankment, Warrenite- Bitulithic Wearing Surface on Asphaltic Concrete Base, and decomposed granite shoulders,according to the Dlans and as hereinafter spec- ified. —1— s - DIVISION II. • MATERIALS SUTION 1. CONCRETE MATERIALS: Cement, sand, gravel, rock and water shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 51 for "Portland Cement ", "Sand ", "Gravel ", "Rock ", and "Water" respectively. Water proofed cement shall conform to Plastite Cement or equal. 1. COARSE AGGREGATE GRAM4: Coarse aggregate shall be uniformly grade between the limits specified and shall meet the following requirements: COARSE AGGREGATE FOR CONCRETE NOT HOSED TO ACTION OF SEA WATER: Gravel or broken stone for concrete not exposed to action of sea water, when analyzed by laboratar..:screens and sieves shall conform to the following grading requirements: (a) All shall pass a screen having two (2) inch square openings. (b) Not less than ninety -five (95) per cent, by weight, shall pass a screen having 1P square openings. (c) Not less than thirty -five (35) per cent and not more than sixty (60) per cent, by weight, shall be retained on a screen having 3/4" square openings% (d) Not more than five (5) per cent, by weight, shall pass a screen having 3/8" square openings. Coarse aggregate for concrete exposed to the action oP salt water shall conform to the following requirements: (a) All shall pass a screen having one and one -half (1•) inch square openings. ' (b) Dot less than ninety -fivo (95) per cent, by weight, shall pass a screen having one (1) inch square openings. (c) Not less than fifty-five (55) per cent and not more than eighty -five (85) ,Per cent, by weight, shall be retained on a screen having throe - fourths (3/4) inch square openings. (d) Not more than five (5) per cont, by weight, shall pass a screen having throo- eighths (3/8) inch square openings.. • (o) All shall be retained on a four (4) mash sieve, COARSE AGGREGATE FOR CONCRETE RAILING: Coarse aggregate for concrete railing shall conform to the grading requirements as follows: All shall pas$ a screen having one -half (�) inch square openings nd twenty -five 25) per cent to be retained'on a one- quarter (1) inch square ope:ling. Coarse aggregate and pea gravel shall not show a loss of pore than thirty -two (32) per cent when subjected to the rattler test -2- • SECTION 2.' R13INFTORCLVZ:'NT: • 1. Bi,R REIi ;FORCLMEI4T: Bar reinforcement metal for concrete structures shall conform to the requirements of the specifications for Billet -Steel Concrete Reinforcement Bars of the American Association of State Highway Olficials. Note: This is S. T. M. Standard S;?oc }ticationa A15-14 with the following modifications; 1. The use of cold twistod bars or bars made from hard grade steel is not pormitted. 2. All bars shall b;; of the structural -stool grade made by the opon hearth process, unless otherwise spocifiod. 3. Test specimens from the field shall be not loss than 24 inchos long. When deformed bars are indicated, the form of the bar used must be approved by the Engineer and shall be s�'zch as to pro - vido a net section at all points equivalent to that of a plain square or round bar of equal nominal size. 2. WIRE, WIRE MESH := 7uXP.L1QBD METZ: Wire, wire mesh and expanded metal, when used for concrete reinforcement, shall be of a type and quality approved by the Engineer. 3. STRUCTURAL SHiu"ES: Structural shapes used as reinforce- ment for concrete construction shall conform to the :requirements for Structural Steel as provided in these specifications. SECTION 3. STRUCTURAL AND RIVET STEEL: 1. GENERAL: all structural and rivet steel shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Structural Steel for Bridges, Serial Designation A7 -24, of the American Society for Testing Materials, with subsequent amendments and additions thereto adopted by the Society, and supplemented by the following paragraphs. 2. CHARACTER OP FR:ICTURE: Test specimens of structural and rivet steel shall show a fracture having a silky or fine gran- ular structure throughout with a bluish gray or dove color, and shall be entirely free from granular, black and brilliant specks. 3. DEFECTS IN MATERIAL: Finished rolled material shall be tree from cracks, flaws, injurious seams, laps, blisters, ragged and imperfect edges, and other detects. It shall have a smooth, uniform finish, and shall be straightened in the mill before ship- Monte Material shall be free from loose mill scale, rust pits, • 'or other defects affecting its strength and durability. SECTION 4. STEEL CASTINGS: 1• GENERAL: Steel castings shall conform to the require- ments of the Standard Specifications for Steel Castings, Serial Designation :127 -24, of the American Society for Testing Materials, with subsequent amendments and additions thereto adopted by the Society,.and supplemented by the following: Unless otherwise specified, all castings shall bo Class B, Medium Grade. -3- a � i' • 2.. aB ?fI.iLi Y .all stool castings shall be thoroughly an__oale -1 knles& ott crwiso providad. 3. WAUC U LL DEFECTS: Stool castings shall be true to :slattern in lorm and dimensions, froo from pouring faults, spooginess, cracks, blow tolls and other defects in positions affecting their strongt'__ and -reluc for the sarvico intended. Blow `poles a__c aring upon sinishod castings shall be so located Kat a straight line laid in any direction will not cut a total length K ca-. *ity greater than one (1) inch in any one foot, nor shall and sir_glo blow hole exceed one (1) inch in any dimension or have an area greator than one -half (1) square inch. Blow holes shall not have a depth injuriously affecting the strength of the casting. Minor defects which do not impair the strength may, with the approval of the Enginoor, be welded by an approved process. The defects shall be removed to solid metal by chipping, drilling or other satisfactory methods, and, aitor welding, the castings shall be annealed, if re- quired Dy the Engineer. Castings which have boor, welded without the Engineer's permission shall be rejected. Large castings, if required by the Engineer, shall be suspended and hammered all over. No cracks, flaws or other defects shall appear after such treatment. No sharp unfilleted angles or corners will be allowed. SECTION 5. PHOSPHOR- BROAZE: 1. G21Gr,RA Phosphor- bronze shall conform to the require- ments of the hard Specification for Bronze Bearing Metals for Turn - Tables and Movable Railroad Bridges, Serial Designation B22-21 of the American Society for Testing Materials, with subsequent amendments and additions thereto adopted by the Society. 2. STRUCTURAL DEFECTS: Bronze castings shall be free from inclusions of foreign material,-easting faults, injurious blo7,;-- holes or other defects rendering 'thee unsuitable for the ser- vic K intended. SECTION 6. BITUMINTOU5 Vl - TZRI,LLS: 1. M THODS OF TESTING: 0ituminous materials, except when otherwise noted, shall be sampled and tested in accordance with the Tentative Standard Methods of Sampling and Testing of the dmerican Association of State Highway Officials. 2. PP. MOLDED EXPAISION JOINT FILLERS: WERAI: The bituminous premolded joint shall be of the dimensions shown on the plans and shall be ri asphalt or tar composition of approved quality. The joint shall be of such character that it will•not be deformed by ordinary handling during the hot summer months or become hard and brittle in cold weather. Thin strips of stiffener will be allowed. The bitumen shall be unilorrly impregnated with suitable filler, to reduce its brittleness at lo,,: temperatures to a minimum. <: - - >,+�- .•ter:, -•5; (a) A3SORPTION: Nhen a specimen 2" x'6!' cut from the joint material is immersed in water for 24 hours it shall absorb not more than five (5) per cent by_Feight.. -4- v •� i ' (b) BRITTLEI RS : The bituminous premolded joint shall Pict crack or shatter when subjected to the Following tests The sample to be tested, 2" x 6 ", is clamped be- tween two aoard so t_Za,t the expansion joint cantilevers 3 °, same being hold in aay suitably suggest. A cast iron ball weighint 0.96 pound and having a diameter. ez 1.876 inches is suspended by a cord which is tied to an eyelet soldered to the ball. For samples having a thickness of A" and loss, the ball is suspended one (1) Soot above the center of the projected portion of the specimen. For samples over 2" in thickness the ball is suspended two (2) feet above the specimen. (The ball is released by burning the string above the exlet). The test is made on the sample after it has been maintained at a temperature of from 40 to 60 C. for at least two (2) hours prior to testing. (c) Q TORTIQ1S: The sample shall not show a deflect- ion from horizontal o` morn than one (1) inch when subjected to the following tost: The gam lo 2" x 6" absolutely flat and straight is clamped between two (2) blocks so that the expansion joint cant- ilevers 3.5 inches. The clamp with the expansion joint is then placed in an oven 1253 F. and loft therein for two (2) hours. SECTION 7. FILING: 1. UNUBUI : The diameter of the heartwood shall not be less than 8 /1U 02 -the reouired diameter of the pile. 2. YJALITY : All wood piling shall be cut from sound and solid trees, ;preferably during the winter season. They shall con- tain no unsound knots. Sound knots will be permitted provided the diameter of the knot does not exceed four (4) inches or 1/3 of the diameter Q the stick at the point where it occurs. Any defect or combination of defects which will impair toe strength of the pile more than the maximum allowable knot shall not be permitted. The butts shall be sawed square and the tips shall be sawed square or tapered to a point not Jess than four (4) inches in diameter as directed by the ngineer. All piles shall bark and at least Of of the remaining on the stick shall inches long, and there shall surface between any two such surface on any circumforenco )e peeled by removing all Wor bark. We strip of be over 3/4 inch wide or be at least one (1) inch strips. Not loss than S shall be clean wood. of the rough inner bark over eight (8) of clean wood Of the Piles shall be cut above the ground swell and shall tapei from butt to tip. A line drawn from the center of the tip to the - center of the butt shall not fall outside of the center of the pile at any point more than 1% of the length of the pile. Ia short bends, the distance from the center of the pile to a line stretched from the center of the pile above the bend to the center of the pile • below the bend shall not exceed 0 of the length of the bend or 2 • inches. All kruts shall be trimmed close to the body of thu pile. 3. PIlUNSIONS: Piles shall have a minimum diameter at the tip of eight 8 inch©z. The minimum diameter of piles at a section four (4) fact from the butt shall be twelve (12) inches. The aiametor of the piles at the butt shall not oxcood °ighteon (18)'inches. _5_ r: � Y DIlTiSION III MINERAL CONSTRUCTION SECTION 1. EXCAVATION AIM FILL 1. GEITERAL. Foundation excavation shall include the removal of all material of whatever nature necessary for the cons- truction of foundations and substructures in accordance with the plans or as directed by the Engineer. It shall include the fur- nishing of all necessary equipment sad the construction of all cribs, cofferdams, caissons, etc. which may be necessary for the execution of the work. It shall also include the subseauent removal of cofferdams and cribs and the placement of all necessary ba.ekfill as hereinafter specified. 2. DEPTH OF FOOTINGS. The elevations of the bottoms of. footings, as shown on the plans, shall be considered as approximate only and the Engineer may order, in writing, such changes in dimen- sions or elevations of footings as may be necessary to secure a satisfactory foundation. j. TREATMENT OF FOUNDATION MATERIALS. Special care shall be taken not to disturb the bottom- of tie excavation and the final removal of the foundation material to grade shall not be made until Just before the masonry is to be placed. 4. COFFERDAMS. CONSTRUCTION. Cofferdams or cribs for - foundation construction shall, in general, be carried well below the bottom of the footings and shall be well braced and as water - tight as practicable. In general, the interior dimensions of cofferdams shall be such as to give sufficient clearance for the construction of forms and the inspection of their exteriors, and to permit pumping outside of the forms. Cofferdams or cribs which are tilted or moved laterally during the process of sinning shall be righted or enlarged so as to provide the necessary clearance and this shall be at the sole expense of the Contractor. When conditions are encountered which, in the opinion of the Engineer, render it impracticable to unwater the faundation before placing masonry, he may require the constructions of a concrete foundation seal of such dimensions as may be necess- ary. The foundation shall then be pumped out and the balance of the masonry placed in the dry.-.when weighted cribs are employed the weight utilized to partially overcome the hydrostatic pressure acting against the bottom of the foundation.seal, specs 1 anchorage such as dowels or kcys shall be provide4 to transfer thl entire weight of the crib into the foundation seal. when a foundation seal is placed under water, the cofferdam shall be vented or portea at low water level. Cofferdams shall be constructed so as to protect green concrete against damage from tide variation and wave action and to prevent damage to the foundation by erosion. No timber or bracing shall be left in cofferdams or cribs in such a way as to extend into the substructure masonry, without written permission from the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit, upon reauest, drawings_ showing his proposed method of cofferdam. construction and, other details left open to his choice or not fully shown on the Engineer's drawings. Such drawings shall be approved by the Engineer before i n r p .;onstruction is started. 7 4 ♦ . REHOVAL. Unloss otherwise provided, cofferdams or cribs with all sheeting and bracing shall be removed by the Contractor after the connplction of the substructure. The removal shall be effected in such a manner as not to disturb or mar the finished masonry. 5. PUMPING. Pumping from the interior of any foundation enclosure shall be done in such manner as to precluc1c the possi- bility of any portion of the concrete materials being carried away. No pumping will be permitted during the placing of concrete or for a period of at least 24 hours thereafter, unless it be done front a suitable sump separated from the concrete work by a water- tight wall. Pumping to unwatcr a scaled cofferdam shall not commence until the seal has act rufficicntly to withstand the hydrostatic. pressure. 6. INSPECTION. Ater each cxcavati-on is completed, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer, and no masonry shall be placcd until after the Engineer has approved-the depth of the excavation and the character of the foundation material. 7. BACKTILLING. All material used for back -fill shall be of a quality acceptable to the Engineer and shall be free from large wood or other extraneous material. All spaces e;ccavatcd and not occupied by abutments, piers or other permanent work shall be refilled with earth up to the surface of the surrounding ground, with a sufficient allowance for settlement. All back -fill shall be thoroughly compacted and, in general, its top surface shall be neatly graded. The filling behind abutments and 71ng walls of all bridge structures shall be deposited in horizontal layers and well compacted. Special precautions eh 'all be taken to prevent any wedging action against the masonry and the slope bounding the excavation for abutments and *,ir_g walls shall be destroyed by stcpping or serrating to prevent wcdgo action. Fill placed around on both cider, to approxi;nt.tel}r time. Adeq_uatc.provision drai=re of all back - filling. wocp holes. abutn.cnt walls shall be deposited the same elevation at the-..same shall be made for the thorough Frcnch drains shall be placed at No back - filling shall be placed against any masonry abutment, or wine rrall until per - Mission shall have been given by the. 3ngineer and preferably not until the masonry has been in place 21 days. GENERAL L SECTION 2. BrARITG PILL'S 1. MATERIALS. Materials for bearing piles shall conform to the requirements specified in Division II. 2. PREPARATION FOR DRIVING. Piles shall not be driven until after the excavation is complete. Any material forced up betweon the piles shall be removed to correct elevation before masonry for the foundation is placed. f r r y 1 I I � CAPS. The heads of timber piles taken the nature of . thu driving is such as to unduly injure then, shall be protected by caps of approvod design, _preferably having a rope or other suitable cushion next to the pile head and fitting into a casting r0 ch in turn supports a timber shock block. When the area of the head of any timber pile is greater than that of the face of the hammer, a suitable cap shall be provided to distribute the blo^ of the hammer throughout the cross section of the pile and thus avoid, as far as possible, the tendency to split or shatter the pile.. f COLLARS. Collars or bands to protect timber piles against splitting and brooming shall be provided where necessary. POIdTING. Timber piles shall be pointed where soil_ conditions require it. Cohen necessary, the piles shall be shod with metal shoes of a design satisfactory to the Engineer, the points of the piles being carefully shaped to secure Rn even and uniform bearing on the shoos. 3. METHODS OF DRIVING. Pilos shall be driven with a gravity hammer, steam Manor, or a combination of mater jets and hammer. 4. EQ,UIPMZYT FOR DRIVING.. HAMMERS. Gravity hammers for driving timber piles shall weigh not less than 2000 pounds and the fall shill be so regulated as to avoid injury to the pile and in no case shall exceed 20 feet. LEADS. Pile driver leads shall be constructod in such a manner-as to afford freedom of movement to the hammer and they shall be held in position by guys or stiff braces to insure support to the pile during driving. Except where piles arc driven through water, the leads prcfcrobly shall be of sufficient length so that the use of a follower will not be necessary. WATER JETS. when water jets are used, the nuriber of jets and the volume and pressure of water at the jet nozzles shall be sufficient to freely crode..tho material adjacent to the pile. The plant shall have sufficient capacity to deliver at all tides at least 100 pounds per square inch pressure at two 3/4 inch jet nozzles. Before the desired penetration is reached the jets shall be withdrawn and the piles shall be driven with the hammer to secure the final penetration. 5. ALLOWABLE VATIATION. Pilcs shall be driven with a variation of not more than ono -cuart r inch per foot from the vertical or from the batter line indicated. 5. DETERMINATION OF BEARING VALUES. LOADING TESTS. When rcauired, the size and number of piles shall be determined by actual loading tests. In general,.. these tests shall consist of the application of a test load placed. upon a suitable platform supported by the pile, together with suit- able apparatus for accurately determining the superimposed weight and the settlement of the pile under each increment of load. The safe allowable load shall be considered as 50 per cent of that load which, after 48 hours application, causes a. permanent•scttlement, measured at the top of the pile, of not more than one = fourth inch. At least one pile for each group of one hundred piles or less shall be thus tested. In the absence of loading tests, the safe bearing values for timber piles shall be determined by the following for- -QM- 61 0 nhcrc P � 2tlrx ,9 !- 1.J P= 2',7H P: 2H f_ iR A - 4 � .l C j < for gravity har.xiers for single acting stcar., harimcre for double acting stca=i hammers P. safe bearing pone W.. weig'_:t in pounds, H= height of fall in A= area of piston in P= steam pressure in hammier in pounds of striking parts of hammer feet square inches pounds per square inch at the S= the average penetration in inches per blow for the last 5 to 10 blows for gravity hammers and the last 10 to 20 blows for steam harlmers. The above formulas are applicable only when: (a) The hammer has a free fall. (b) The head of the pile is free from l roomed or crushed rood fibre. (c) The pen.ctration is.at a reasonably quick and uniform rate. (d) There is no sensible bounce after the blow. Tricc the height of the bounce shall be deducted from "Ell to determine its true value in the formula. When conditions are unfavorable for the detcrnina- tion of capacity by formula, the piles shall be tested by loading. The bearing porors of timber piles, as determined by the foregoing formulas, shall be considered effective only vrhon they arc less than the crushingstrengths of the piles. In case eater jets are used in connection rith the,- driving, the bearing power shall be determined by the above for+ mulas fron the results of driving aftor the jets have been v-dth- drarn, or a load test may be applied. 7. TEST PILES. When required, the Contractor shall drive test piles of a length and at a location designated by the Engineer. These pilce shall be of greater length than the length assumed in the design in order to provide for any variation in soil conditions. S. STORAGE AND HANDLING. The method of storing and handling shall be such as to avoid injury to thc.pilcs. Special care.shall be tFIccn to avoid breaking the surface of piles and cant -dogs, hooks or pike poles shall not be used. 9. ELEVATION The tops of all piling shall be sawed to a true plane as shor7n on the plans and at the elevation fixed by the Engineer. Piles shall be sawed to the exact plane of the `j a c nhcrc P � 2tlrx ,9 !- 1.J P= 2',7H P: 2H f_ iR A - 4 � .l C j < for gravity har.xiers for single acting stcar., harimcre for double acting stca=i hammers P. safe bearing pone W.. weig'_:t in pounds, H= height of fall in A= area of piston in P= steam pressure in hammier in pounds of striking parts of hammer feet square inches pounds per square inch at the S= the average penetration in inches per blow for the last 5 to 10 blows for gravity hammers and the last 10 to 20 blows for steam harlmers. The above formulas are applicable only when: (a) The hammer has a free fall. (b) The head of the pile is free from l roomed or crushed rood fibre. (c) The pen.ctration is.at a reasonably quick and uniform rate. (d) There is no sensible bounce after the blow. Tricc the height of the bounce shall be deducted from "Ell to determine its true value in the formula. When conditions are unfavorable for the detcrnina- tion of capacity by formula, the piles shall be tested by loading. The bearing porors of timber piles, as determined by the foregoing formulas, shall be considered effective only vrhon they arc less than the crushingstrengths of the piles. In case eater jets are used in connection rith the,- driving, the bearing power shall be determined by the above for+ mulas fron the results of driving aftor the jets have been v-dth- drarn, or a load test may be applied. 7. TEST PILES. When required, the Contractor shall drive test piles of a length and at a location designated by the Engineer. These pilce shall be of greater length than the length assumed in the design in order to provide for any variation in soil conditions. S. STORAGE AND HANDLING. The method of storing and handling shall be such as to avoid injury to thc.pilcs. Special care.shall be tFIccn to avoid breaking the surface of piles and cant -dogs, hooks or pike poles shall not be used. 9. ELEVATION The tops of all piling shall be sawed to a true plane as shor7n on the plans and at the elevation fixed by the Engineer. Piles shall be sawed to the exact plane of the `j 0 0 0 r In at•.peri.mposcd structure and shall exactly fit it. Broken, split or 21splacod piles shall be dravrn and properly replaced. Piles driven below tho cut -off grade fixed by tho Engineer shall be withdrawn and replaced by ncT and, if nccossary, longer piles at the expense of the Contractor. All piles raised during the'procoss of driving adjacent piles shell be driven dot;n again if required by the Engineer. SECTION 3. CONCRETE MASOA?RY. 1. GENERAL. Concrete masonry shall consist of an appro- ved Portland ccnent, a fine aggregate, a coarse aggregate, and rater, ;:fixed in the proportions specified for the various classes of concrete hereinafter designated. 2. MATERIALS. The various materials entering fnto an3 composing the concrete shall be such as to,satisfy the requirements specified in Division II. 3. CARE AND STORAGE OF CONCRETE AGGREGATES. The handling and storage of concrete aggregates shall be such as to prevent segregation and the ad:iixture of foreign materials and the Engineer nay require that the aggregates be stored on suitable platforms. Coarse and fine aggregates shall be stored in separate stock piles sufficiently removed from each other to prevent the material at the edges of tho piles from becoming intcrmixot. The location of stock piles shall be satisfactory to the Engineer. 4. STORAGE OF CEMENT. All cement shall be stored in suitable 7catherproof buildings which ,-ill protect the convent from daapnoss and th-e floors of 7hich shall clear the ground a sufficient distance to prevent the absorption of moisture. These buildings shall bo placed in locations approved by the Enginoor. Provision for storage shall be ample and the shipments of cement as received shall be separately stored in such a manner as to provide easy access for the identification and inspeotion of each shipment. Storage buildings shall have a capacity for the storage of a sufficient quantity of cement to a110-7 sampling at least 12 days before the cement is to be used. 5. PROPORTIONING CONCRETE MATERIALS. All cement concrete shall be composed of the following mater als and in the following proportions:' One (1) sack of cement wcighing ninety four (94) pounds, nct,'to five hundred thirty -five 1535). pounds. of mixed aggregate, by weight except as herein otherwise provided, and not less than six (6j and not more than 6.3 gallons of dater, which includes water or moisture contained in the aggregate. The nixed aggregate shall be composed of a combination of two hundred forty (240) pounds of gravel or broken stone and 295 pounds of sand and pea gravel, except as heroin otherwise provided. The percentage by weight of sand and peel, gravel shall be determined by the following formulas: C _ 100 A- 0) A -B D = 100 - C Where A is the fineness modulus of the ,pea gravel B is the fineness modulus of the sand C is the percentage of sand, by'weight D i:s the percentage of pea gravel, by weight AF yG ,K 0 The fineness modulus of the sand and the pea gravel shall b :; cicter; fined by a sieve ^.na.lysis using the folloinr- sizes of 2 ±andard Sieves rrith squw,c_eprnings. 100- mcs'1, 50 -:;e 1,- '0- r ?c31i, 14- 1-?call, S -nesh 1. —ne�'i '��0 It_;.10s ", i /ZI_II_ ash, and 1 -1 /211 -nesh. The sum of the p.rcenta.gos of matorial, by weight, of the sample coarser than each of the respective cizos of the Standard Sieves hcrcinbeforo mentioned divided by 100 is the fineness modu- lus of the material. The vrcights herein specified arc for dry sand, pea gravel and gravel or broken stone. Provided any moisture is contained in said materials, the weight thereof rust be deducted in order to obtain the Freights above specified For dry materials. The i7eights above specified for sand, pea gravel and gravel or broken stone arc based upon a minimum specific gravity of 2.67 and a maximum of 2.69. To dctcrriine the ^eights of aggregate for the concrete mix when the specific gravity of the aggregate is different than the values mont16nod, rultiply the weights of aggregate above specified by the value 'IF" given in the feilo�ying table opposite the specific gravity of the aggregate: Specific Gravity of Aggregate Value of F 2.59 to 2:61 0:970 2.61 to 2.63 0x978 2.63 to 2165 0.985 a to j 4:992 The fineness modulus of the sand and the pea gravel shall b :; cicter; fined by a sieve ^.na.lysis using the folloinr- sizes of 2 ±andard Sieves rrith squw,c_eprnings. 100- mcs'1, 50 -:;e 1,- '0- r ?c31i, 14- 1-?call, S -nesh 1. —ne�'i '��0 It_;.10s ", i /ZI_II_ ash, and 1 -1 /211 -nesh. The sum of the p.rcenta.gos of matorial, by weight, of the sample coarser than each of the respective cizos of the Standard Sieves hcrcinbeforo mentioned divided by 100 is the fineness modu- lus of the material. The vrcights herein specified arc for dry sand, pea gravel and gravel or broken stone. Provided any moisture is contained in said materials, the weight thereof rust be deducted in order to obtain the Freights above specified For dry materials. The i7eights above specified for sand, pea gravel and gravel or broken stone arc based upon a minimum specific gravity of 2.67 and a maximum of 2.69. To dctcrriine the ^eights of aggregate for the concrete mix when the specific gravity of the aggregate is different than the values mont16nod, rultiply the weights of aggregate above specified by the value 'IF" given in the feilo�ying table opposite the specific gravity of the aggregate: Specific Gravity of Aggregate Value of F 2.59 to 2:61 0:970 2.61 to 2.63 0x978 2.63 to 2165 0.985 2.65 to 2.67 4:992 2,67 to 2.69- 1.00 2.69 to 2.71 1.008 2.71 to 2.73 1.015 2.73 to 2.75 1.023 The volume of cement for each cubig yard of concrete in piacc, i7hon proportioned ac= above specified, shall not be loss than 5.90 cubic foot, or more than 6.10 cubic feet. A cubic foot of ccncnt shall,bc considcrod as ha -wing a mciFht of 94 pounds. 6. WZIGHING MATERIALS. The sand, pea gravel and the gravel or broken stone shall be kept in separate bins, compartmcntr or piles, and all of said materials shall 1,e carefully weighed in the proportions specified 1�y means of multiple bear: or dial scales. The scalos shall be set so that the gradirgs as actually obtained Shall not be belovr the ninirnmi nor above the maximum percentages herein spccificd- Ccmcnt in sacks as above specified shall be duripcd 'irectly in the mixer. The ;vatcr ngccasary for each batch shall be accurately mcasurcd with an apparatus which rill prevent the use of more T-atcr than herein specified. No mixer shall be used 7hich is not provided with an accurate vatc�';lcasuring device or appara- tus. 7. MIXING.CONCRFTF (1) MACHINF FIXING. Concrete shall be thoroughly mixed in a batch mixer, of in approved size and 'type and one so designated as to positively insure a uniform distribution of the materials throughout the :Hass. Batches shall be proportioned on the basis of integral sacks of ccr:cnt.. All concrete shall be nixed for a period of not less than ono and one -half (1T') minutes after all natcrials,including Prater, are in the mixcr. In the case of concrete exposed to sec. f7 -titer, it shall conform. to requiro:-tents of Section 1, Division II. During the period of the Nixing, the drum shall operate at the speed for which it has been designed. Such speed, ho-ever', preferably shall. be not less than one hundred seventy -five (175) • nor greater than two hundred twenty -five (225) feet per ninute at the periphery of t_ie drug.:, and not less than fourteen (14), nor more than twenty (20) revolutions per minute. The entire contents of the mixer shall be re roved frog. the drum 1�oforc materials for the succeeding batch arc placed therein and the mixer preferably shall be equipped with mechanical means for preventing the addition of ^.;gregatcs after mixing has commenced. The mixer shall be equipped with adequate water storage and a device for accurately measurin- the amount of water uscd'in each batch and preferably shall be equipped with a batch meter, or other device for accurately recording; the number of revolutions for each batch, and an attachment for automatically locking the charging device so as to prevent the emptying of the mixer until the materials have been mixed the ninimum specified time. No mixer shall be operated above its rated capacity,and no mixer shall be used which has a rated capacity of less than a one bag.batch. The first batch of concrete materials placed in the mixer - shall contain an additional quantity of sand, ccnent end water sufficient to coat the inside surface of the drum without diminish- ing the mortar content of the mix. Upon the cessation of mixing for any considerably length of time, the mixer shall be thoroughly cleaned. (2) HAND MIXING. Hand mixing shall not be permitted, except in case of energency and under written permission from the Engineer, When permitted, it shall be done only on ratertight platforms. The sand shall be spread evenly over the platform and the cement spread upon it. The sand and cement shall then be thoroughly mixed while dry by means of shovels until the mixture is of a uniform color, after which it shall be formed into a "crater" and Tiater added in an amount necessary to produce mortar of the proper consistency. The material upon the outer portion of the "crater" ring shall then be shoveled to the center and the entire mass turned and sliced until a uniform consistency is pro - duccd. The coarse asgrogate shall then be thoroughly - wetted and added to the mortar and the entire cuss turned and re- turned at least six tines and until all of the stone particles arc thoroughly covered with mortar and the mixture is of a uniform color and appearance. Hand mixed batches shall not exceed one -half cubic yard in volume. Hsnd and xing will not be perriitted for concrete to be placed under water. (3) RETEMPERING. Concrete shall be "axed only in such quantities as arc required for immodiate use, and shall be used while fresh and before initial set has taken place. Any concrete in r*hich initial sot has begun shall be wasted and not used in the work. No rctempering of concrete shall be allowed. 8. CONSISTENCY. The quantity of mixing .7atcr to be used • sliall be determined in each case by the Engineer and no change' shall be made without his consent. In general, a mixture shall be used which contains the minimum amount o water consistent with the required workability. In general, the consistency of concrete mixtures shall be such that: 1. The mortar clings to the coarse aggregate 2. The concrete is not sufficiently fluid to segre- 40- i2 gate crhen transported to the place of U deposit. 3. Thc.concretc, when dropacd directly from the dischargo chute of the mixer shall flatten out at tho center of tho pilo but shall stand up and not floor at the edges. 4. The mortar shall shoo no free water when removed from the mixer, 5. The concrete shall settle into place when deposited in the forms and, when transported in metal chutes at an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal, it shall slide and not floor into place. 6. The upper layer of the set concrete shall show a cement film upon the surface but shall be free from laitancc. 9. TESTS OF CONCRETE. The materials, proportions, consistency, in these specifications, must be of of workmanship that it will have an of not less than 32000 pounds per sc modulus of rupture of not less than z c� concrete composed of the mixing, etc., provided for such quality and character ultimate compressive strength uare inch, or an ultimate 600 pounds per square inch. The test specimen for determining compressive stre�?,a,th shall consist of a cylinder of the concrete to be tested six (b) inches in diameter, and twelve (12) inches in height. The test specimen for determining modulus of rupture shall-consist of.a. beam of the concrete to be tcstcd,.six (6) inches in width, six (6) inches in thickness and thirty -six (16) inches in length. .. Samples of the concrete to be tested shall be taken immediately after the concrete has left the mixer and deposited on the sub -grade ^.nd moldcd into the test specimens above men- tioned. The concrete shall be thoroughly rodded and c4rc taken to remove air pockets. The freshly made test specimen shall be struck off and troweled level with the top of the mold. -The test specimen, after molding, shall be covered to protect sane from injury, and buried in damp sand, and at the end of forty -tight (45) hours the mold shall be removcd and the test specimen covered with sand or earth and maintained in a continuous damp condition fora period of ten (10) days. At the end of twelve (12) days from the day of molding the specimen, it shall be uncovered and air - cured for sixteen (16) days, and tested at the end of twenty -eight (28) days. The use of long chutes for conveying concrete from the mixing plant to the forms will be permitted only on written authority from the Engineer. If chutes are allowed and the quality of concrctc as it reaches the forms or the methods of placing or *corking it therein are not satisfactory, the Contractor shall,-upon orders frog_ the Engineer, discontinue the use of chutes and re- equip his plant for placinx the concrete in a satisfactory manner. Under no conditions shall this system be used on work exposed to the effects of salt or brackish water. /.3 10. PLACING CONCRETE. Concrete shall be placed in the forms immediately after mixing and in no case shall concrete be %.' used which does not reach its final position in the forms within.. 30 minutes after the time that *rater is first added to the mix. .The method and manner of placing shall be ouch as to avoid the possl+ bility of segregation or separation of the aggregates or the dis- placement of the reinforcement. The use of long chutes for conveying concrete from the mixing plant to the forms will be permitted only on written authority from the Engineer. If chutes are allowed and the quality of concrctc as it reaches the forms or the methods of placing or *corking it therein are not satisfactory, the Contractor shall,-upon orders frog_ the Engineer, discontinue the use of chutes and re- equip his plant for placinx the concrete in a satisfactory manner. Under no conditions shall this system be used on work exposed to the effects of salt or brackish water. /.3 • Troughs, pipes or short chutes used as aids in placing °oncroto shall be arranged and. used in such a manner that the in- grodicnts of the zoncrote are not separated. Whore stoop slopes axe reeuirod the chute shal.1 be eouippod vrith baffle boards or be in short lengths that reverse the direction of movement. When pipes axe used they shall be kept lull of concrete and have their lower ends kept buried in fresh concrete in the same manner that a tremie is used. all chutes, troughs and pipes shall be kept clean and free from coatings of hardened concrete by thoroughly flushing with water after each run. Water used gor flushing shall be discharged clear of the concrete in place. Open_ troughs and chutes shall be either Of metal or metal lined and shall extend as nearly as possible to the point o deposit. VFhen the discharge must be intermittent, a hopper or other device =or regulating the discharge shall be pro- vided. Dropping the concrete a distance of more than five (5) feet or depositing a largo quantity at any point and running or working it along the forms will not be pormittod, Placing of concrete shall be so regulated that the pressures caused by the wet concrete shall not exceed those used in the design of the forms. Special care shall be taken to fill each part of the forms by depositing concrete directly as near final position as possible, to work the coarser aggregates back from the face and to force the concrete under and around the reinforcement bars without displacing them. after the concrete has taken its initial set, care shall be exercised to avoid jarring the forms or placing any strain on the ends of projecting reinforcement. Concrete shall be compacted by continuous working with a suitable tool in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Slab and girder work, arch ribs and all thin section work shall be thorough- ly worked with a steel slicing rod. All faces shall be well spaded and the mortar flushed to the surface of the forms by continuous working with a concrete spading implement acceptable to the Engineer. In all cases where, on account of the obstructions pro- duced by,reinforcement metal, shape of forms,-or any other uncon- trollabl© condition, difficulty is encountered in puddling the con- crete adjacent to the forms, the mortar content of the mix shall be brought into proper contact with interior surfaces by vibrating the forms. The vibrations shall be produced by striking the outside surfaces of the forms with wooden mallets or by any other means satisfactory to the Engineer. • Concrete shall be placed in continuous horizontal layers, the thickness of which generally shall not exceed 10 to 12 inches. When it is necessary by reason of an emergency to place less than a complete horizontal layer at one operation, such layer shall terminate in a vertical bulkhead. In any given layer the separate batches shall follow each other so closely that each one shall be placed and com- pacted before the pi'xwceding one has taken initial set, in order that the green concrete shall not be injured and that there shall be no line oY separation between the batches. Each layer of concrete shall generally be left somewhat rough to secure efficient bonding with the ne t layer above: a succeeding layer placed before the underlying layer has become set shall be compacted in a manner that will entirely break up and obliterate the tendency to produce a con- struction joint between the layers. Layers completing a day's work or placed just prior to temporarily discontinuing operations shall generally be cleaned of all objectionable material as soon as the.surface has become suf- r'iciently firm to retain its form. To avoid visible joints as far �- , 'Z A L, ro ` rI rii as possible upon exposed faces, the top surface of the concroto ad- jaccnt to the forms shall be finished by being smoothed with a r 31astor mason's trowel. Horizontal layers so located as to produce a construction joint at a location whore a "feather edge" mig_:t be produced in the succoeding layer, shall be so formed by inset form work that the succeeding layer will end in a body of concrete having a thickness of not loss tt"n six (6) inches. In no case shall the work on any section or layer be stopped or temporarily discontinued within eighteen (18) inches below the top of any facep unless the details of the work provide for coping having a thickness of less than eighteen (18) inches, in which case, at the option of the Engineer, the construction joint may be made at the under side of the coping. After the concrete in finished surfaces has begun to seta it shall not be walked upon or other;7ise disturbed in less than forty —eight (48) hours. The method and manner of placing concrete shall be so regulated as to place all construction joints across regions of low shearing stress and in such locations as will be hidden from view to the greatest possible extent. The method and sequence of placing concrete for the various types of concrete bridge construction shall be as directed by the Engine6'r. The operation of depositing and compacting the concrete shall in general be conducted so as to form a compact, dense, imper- vious, artificial stone of uniform texture which shall show smooth faces on exposed surfaces. If any section of concrete is found to be defective, it shall be removed or repaired as directed by the Engineer. 11. DEPOSITING CONCRETE UNDER 'WATER: No concrete shall be de- posited under water except as a seal for cofferdam. In no case shall concrete so deposited be considered a portion of the finished structure. 12. BONDING 0014TRUCTION JOINTS: In joining fresh concrete to concrete that has already set, the work already in place shall have its surface cut over thoroughly with a suitable tool to remove all loose and foreign materials. This surface shall then be washed and scrubbed with wire brooms and thoroughly drenched with water until saturated. It shall remain saturated until the new concrete is placed. Immediately prior to the placing of the now concrete, all forms shall be drawn tight against the concrete already in place and the old surface shall be thoroughly coated with a very thin coating of neat Ge=nt = rtar. In order to bond successive courses, suitable keys shall �► be formed at the top of the upper layer of each day's work and at other levels where work is interrupted. These keys shall be formed by the insertion and subsequent removal of beveled wood strips which shall be thoroughly saturated with water prior to insertion. Rough stone or steel dowels may, at the discretion of the Eng1neor, be used in lieu of keys. The size and spacing of keys and owels shall be 3s determined by the Engineer. In construction joints exposed to view or in other con- struction joints where seepage of mater is particularly objectionable, a metal baffle strip, preferably of copper, zinc or sheet lead, shall be inserted. This strip shall be placed not less than 3 inches from the face of the concrete and shall extend into each section of the /S r cuncrctc a distance of not loss than two (2) inches.. 13. CONCRETMIT POSED TO SEAWATER: All materials entering into the concrete sconform to the requirements specified in Division II. Coarse aggregate shall be uniformly graded from Aft 1W coarse to line and the maximum size of particles shall not exceed that which will pass a one and one -half (1j) inch sieve. Sharp corners in concrete work exposed to sea water shall be avoided+ The concrote shall be mixed not less than two (2) minutes. The crater content shall be carefully controlled and so regulated as to produce concrete of maximum impermeability. In placing concrete, care shall be exercised to avoid the formation of stone pockets and the concrete shall be thoroughly compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The original surface as the concrete comes from the forms shall be left undisturbed. In order to secure a thick and dense surface film, the form surfaces shall be heavily coated with shellac or an approved form oil. The range of possible disintegration of the concrete from an elevation below that of extreme low tide to an elevation above that of extreme high tide shall be determined by the Engineer, and, except ,ith his special permission, no construction joints shall be located arithin this range. Concrete in sea *pater within the range as above de- termined shall, in all cases, be de,3osited in the dry. In no case shall sea water be allowed to come in direct contact with thq con- crete until it has been permitted to harden at least thirty k.3 days and preferably for a longer period. 14. FORMS. WOOD FORMS: If required, form work plans shall be sub- mitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer before being used on the work. All forms shall be built mortar tight and of material sufficient in strength to hold the concrete without bulging between supports. .forms shall be so maintained as to eliminate the formation pf joints due to shrinkage of the lumber. Forms shall be designed for a fluid pressure of 150 pounds per cubic foot and in addition thereto a live load allowance of 50, pounds per square soot on horizontal surfaces. Forms shall be filleted at all sharp corners and shall be given a bevel or draft in the case of all projections, such as girders, copings, etc., sufficient to insure easy removal. The form lumber for the exposed surfaces of all girders, copings, wing z.7alls and other faces, preferably shall be not less than 14 inches in thickness after being surfaced. This does not apply to curved or special surfaces. Ample studding and waling shall be used to effectively prevent bulging of the forms. Special attention must be paid to bracing, and where the forms appear to be insufficiently braced, or unsatisfactorily built, either before or duning the placing of concrete, the Engineer shall order work stopped until the defects have been corrected to his satisfaction. / u> • Preferably, any metal ties or anchorages which are re- 1 within the forms to hold them to correct alignment and locatio^. stall be so constructed that the metal work can be removed to a depth of at least two (2) inches from the face surface of the concrete without injury to such surface bit spalling or otherwise. In case ordinary wire ties are permitted, 11 wires, upon removal of the forms, shall be cut back at least t inch from the face of the con- crete with sharp chisels or nippers. (Nippers are necessary for green concrete). All cavities produced by the removal of metal ties shall be carefully filled with cement mortar and the surface left smooth and even and uniform in color. A11 forms shall be sot and maintained true to the line designated until the concrete is sufficiently hardened. In general, form work shall remain in place, after placing of concrete, for approximate periods hereinafter specified under "Removal Of Forms" - To facilitate finishing, side - forms, carrying no load, may be re- moved after 24.hours, if permitted by the Engineer. For narrow walls where access to the bottom of the forms is not readily attainable otherwise., the lower form boards shall be left loose so that they may be removed for cleaning out all chips, dirt, saytdust or other extraneous material immediately prior to placing concrete. The interior surfaces of all forms in contact with concrete surfaces which will be exposed in the finished work shall be of lumber dressed on one face and both edges and having mortar - tight joints, and shall be so constructed as to leave all such ex- posed concrete surfaces with a smooth, even finish. . Forms re -used shall be maintained at all times in good condition as to accuracy of shape, strength, rigidity, watertight- ness and smoothness of surface. Air warped or bulged lumber must be carefully resized before being re -used. Forms unsatisfactory in any respect shall not be used and, if condemned, shall be removed immediately from the work. All forms shall be treated with oil or thoroughly drenched and saturated with water on both faces immediately before concrete is placed therein. For rail members, and the exposed faces of girders, arch ribs, copings, etc., forms shall be treated with an approval oil to prevent the concrete adhering to them. Any other material, such as tar paper or oil, that will stick to or discolor the concretes shall not be used. METAL FORMS: The foregoing specifications for "wood Forms ", as regards design, mortar tightness, filloted corners, bevel- ed projections, bracing, alignment, removal, re -use and oiling, shall apply with equal force to Metal Forms. The metal used for forms shall be of such thickness that the forms will remain true to shape. All bolt and rivet heads shall be countersunk. Clamps, pins or other • connecting devices shall be designed to hold the forms rigidly to- gether and to allow removal without injury to the concrete. Metal forms which do not present a smooth surface or line up properly, shall not be used. Special care shall be exercised to keep metal • forms free from.rust, grease or other foreign matter such as will tend to discolor the concrete. 15. REMOVAL OF FORMS: The timed removal of forms shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The following table may be used as a guide for the mini- mum time required before the removal of forms, not counting the days in which the temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. °V 17 Centering under beams .................28 days. . Floor slabs .....................14 to 28 days. Walls .... .............................10 days. Colu.- nns .. .............................10 days. The sides o' beans, and all other • parts . .............................10 days. 16, CURING CONCRETE: Careful attention shall be given by the Contractor to the proper curing of concrete handrails, floors and finished surfaces. Such surfaces shall be protected from the sun and the whole structure shall be l.ept wet for a period of at least ten (10) days. Fresh concrete on the floor slabs shall be covered with heavy burlap laid directly on the pavement. This burlap covering stall, as soon as placed, be sprinkled with water by means of an adjustable garden hose nozzle, so adjusted that it will spray, and it shall be kept wet until removed. The Contractor shall arovide sufficient burlap to cover the maximum amount of pavement laid in one (1) day's run. This bur- lap shall be-used exclusively for covering pavement and shall be replaced by new burlap when badly deteriorated,. After the floor slab has set sufficiently so that the earth will not become incorporated in the surface of the concrete, the burla *.) mall be removed and the surface covered with at least two (2) inches of earth and earth dykes of sufficient height to hold at least two (2) inches of water over said earth covering, and the navement shall be kept flooded with ,rater for a period of four- teen (14) days and protected from traffic for at least thirty (30) days. No live loads shall be permitted upon any portion of the bridge for a period of thirty (30) days from the date the concrete is placed. 17. EX?;,W3IOK JOINTS: Expansion joints may be of t_, -e follow- ing tl>pes: Friction joints.- - Open joints. Filled compression joints. Mortise joints. Special Expansion joints. Friction joints, when o' metal, shall be composed of cast iron or bronze plates as noted on the plans. Sliding surfaces shall be planed true and smooth, the.marks of the plane paralleling the movement of the joint. Expansion plates shall be well anchored as shown on the plans. All sliding surfaces of expansion plates shall be thoroughly coated with graphite and grease just before being placed in position and special care taken to avoid placing concrete in such manner as to interfere with their free action. Open joints shall be placed at locations designated on • the plans and shall be formed by the insertion and subsequent re- moval of a templet of timber, metal or other suitable material. The method of insertion and removal of joint templets shall be such as to avoid the possibility of chipping or breaking down at the edges and the templets shall be so constructed that their removal may be readily accomplished without injury to the work. Filled compression joints shall be made with an asphalt filler or premolded filler, the materials for which.shall conform to the requirements of Divisip II: Mortise joints shall be as shown on the plans and, in g.-neral, shall consist of a tenon of concrete or metal sliding in a suitable concrete or metal socket or mortise. Concrete tenons in y7i+ concrete mortise sockets, 'crass or bronze tenons sliding in concrete • sockets or metal tenons sliding in galvalized pipe sockets may be used. In any case, the construction shall be such as to permit freedom of movement and such as to be, as far as possible, water- tight and rust proof. Special types of expansion joints may be used when so specified on the plans or otdered in writing by the Engineer. Em^ansion joints through bridge floors preferably shall be constructed with a waterproof flashing of copper or zinc to pre- vent the entrance of water into the joint. Such flashing shall be so arranged as to lead all drainage water to a point of discharge such as will avoid any staining of the exposed concrete surfaces. 18. SURFACE FINISHES: The external surface of all concrete masonry shall be thoroughly worked during the operation of placing by means of a broad -tined pork or a concrete spade of an approved type. The working shall be such as to force all coarse aggregate from the surface and thoroughly work the mortar against the forms to produce a smooth finish free from water and air pockets or honey- comb. Upon removal of forms all depressions resulting from the removal of metal ties and all other holes and rough places shall immediately be ointed with a mortar composed of three (3) parts of sand and one (1� part of cement'.. The surface film of all such pointed surface shall be carefully removed before setting occurs. Exposed surfaces shall then be finished by tho methods specified below. The surface finish shall be obtained by finishing in two (2) operations, namely, "first rub" and "second rub ". The "first rub" is a surface treatment of imperfections that are present upon the removal of forms, such as form marks, bolt holes, protruding tie wires, etc., and shall be dyqne immediately upon the rerrppoval of forms, usually within twenty -four l24) hours to forty - eight l48) hours after concrete is placed on vertical surfaces that are not supporting members. After removing any fins or projections, a mortar composed of one (1) part cement to three (3) parts of sand (screened through a 14 or 16 mesh screen) shall be applied to the entire surface, while the concrete is green so that it will become an integral part of the surface. Care shall be exercised that the mixture is not too rich to prevent checking of the surface. The "second rub" shall be done as the last operation when all other work on the structure is completed. The workmen shall start at the top and work down. The treatment shall consist of the application of water and very thorough rubbing with carborundum stones. Care shall be exercised to leave the surface without showing lines where work started and stopped. Mechanical means of surfacing may be employed if the • results obtained are of the same quality as the foregoing. When tongue and groove lumber is used and a smooth surface free from pockets or honeycomb is obtained, rubbing of exposed sur- faces will be required for the handrail only. SECTION 4. REINFORCEMENT: 1. MATERIAL: All metal used for reinforceipent shall conform to the requirements specified in Division II. 2. ORDER.LISTS: Before ordering material, all order lists and bending diagrams furnished by the Contractor shall be approved by the Engineer. -art.- ' f9 3. PROTECTION OF Ni,TERIaE: Steel reinforcement shall be protected at all times from injury and when placed in the work, shall be free from dirt, mill and rust scale, paint; oil or other foreign substance. 4. BEDDING: The reinforcement shall be bent to the shapes indicated on the plans. v7hen bars are heated for beading, they shall not be heated to a higher temperature than that producing a dark cherry red color. Only competent men shall be employed for cutting and bending, and proper appliances shall be provided °or such work. 5. PL.10I1,1G AND F,STEIvING: Steel reinforcement shall be placed in the exact positions shown on the plans and held securely during the placing oT the concrete. In general, all reinforcement shall be placed and securely wired and blocked before placing con- crete in anir section. all abrupt bends shall be avoided except where one steel member is bent around another. Vertical stirrups shall always pass around the main tension members or be securely attached thereto. All reinforcing metal shall be securely blocked from the forms by means of small mortar cubes or other approved devices. This device shall also be used to raise reinforcing at least three (3) inches above the plane of the pile cut off. Before any concrete is placed, all mortar shall be cleaned from tho reinforcement. No concrete shall be deposited until the Engineer has in- spected the placing of the reinforcing metal and given permission to place concrete. all concrete placed in violation of this provisipn shall be rejected and removed. 6. SLICES: all reinforcement shall be furnished in the full lengths indicated upon the plans. No splicing of bars, except where shown on the plans, will be permitted without the i1ritten approval of the Engineer. Splices which are permitted shall have a length of not less than 40 times the nominal diameter of the reinforcement, and shall be well distributed or else located at points of low tensile stress. No splicer, will be permitted at points wherg the section is not sufficient to provide a minimum distance of two 2) inches be- tweon the splice and the nearest adjacent bar or the surface of the concrete, TLe bars shall be rigidly clamped or wired at all splices in a manner approved by the Engineer. 7. METAL MESH: All metal mesh shall be of an approved kind and quality and in conformance with the provisions of Division II• Sheets of metal mesh shall overlap each other sufficiently to main- tain a uniform strength and shall be securely fastened at the ends and edges. SECTION 5. STEEL STRUCTURE: ' 1. MATERIAL S: All materials shall conform to the detailed requirements specified in Division II. • Except where otherwise provided, all members shall be of structural steel and rivets shall be of rivet steel. Forgings shall be of carbon steel and shall be thorough- ly annealed before machine finishing. Castings shall be of cast steel. Phospbor bronze is used in expansion bearings. Class A Metal shall be used for this purpose. O r- IL • J . i c 2. :'TORaGL OF D:„TLRI,_LS: :tracturel mat _.!, `:bliv r .3 At ;.he bridge silo» TGcG1v�riL; yard shall be stored above t;,e surfF,.Go the grot�.nu upon platfor s. c' ids or othor sup, its and shall be nrotected as sar ac; practicable s o. surface deterioration b;r o - Drmuro to COi ^:.i2.t `!:.;' J?- Cod- u,.l.: g ru:it. It shall bC kent Aroo srora accumulation° ci i =t, oil o:: otlaar foreign matter. iabri�;ated raate:�.wl store': - ?rior to shipment shall be subject to the same, cone.itions of storage tl,s the unlabricated material in the shop rerc,I-rir_g yard• 3. 8- R_�IC- FTEi +I G u•r:r.P.Ii„: bi'. defo;cmad structural material shall be properly straightened by methods which are non - injurious prior to being laid off, punched or otherwise worked in the shop. Sharp kinks and bends shall be cause for rejection. 4. VIORKIGLiiSHIP AND EIXISH; The workmanship and finish shall be first class and equal to the best practice in modern bridge shops. Shearing and chip- shall be neatly and accurately done and all .portions of the work exposed to view shall be neatly finishedy 5. CBANOES r,ND SUBSTITUTIONS: No changes shall be made in any drawing after t has boen aoprovod except by the consent or direction of the Engineer in writing. 6. RIVET HOLES. When general reaming is not required, holes in material 3 4 i:ich or less :!n thickness may be punched full size. Holes in material more than 3/4 inch in thickness shall be sub - punched and reamed, or drilled from tho solid. 7. PUNCHED HOLES! Full size punched holes shall be one - sixteonth (1/16) inch larger than the nominal diameter of the rivet. The diameter of the die shall not exceed the diameter of the punch by more than three thirty- seconds (3/32) of an inch. Holes must be clean cut, without torn or ragied edges. If any holes must be enlarged to admit the rivets, they shall be .reamed. 8. ACCURACY OF PUNCHED HOLES: The ni:ncning of holes shall be so accurately done that, after assembling the component parts of a member,- a cylindrical lain 1/8 inch smaller^ than the nominal diam- eter of the punched hole may be passed thro•agh at Tea.st 76 of any group of 100 contiguous holes in the sane surface or in like pro- portion for any group of holes. If this requirement is not fulfilled the badly uu:iohed pieces shall be rejected. If any holes will not pass a pin r; /16 inch smaller than the nominal diameter of the punched hole, this shall be cause for rejection. 9. DRILLED HOLES: Drilled holes shall be 1/16 inch larger than the nominal diameter of the r.vet. Burrs on the outside sur- faces shall be removed with a tool producir:g a 1/16 inch fillet around the edge of the hole. 10. SUE - PUNCHED AND READIED HOLES: Sub - punched and reamed holes for rivets having diameters greater than 3/4 inch shall be punched 3/16 inch smaller than the nominal diameter of the rivet, and for rivets having diameters 3/4 inch or less the holes shall be punched 1 /16�inch less than the nominal diameter of the rivet. The punch and die shall have the same relative sizes as specified for full size punched holes. After punching the holes shall be reamed to a diameter 1/16 inch larger than the nominal diameter of the rivet. Eur:s resulting from reaming; shall be removed with a tool pro- ducing a 1/16 inch fillet around r,'_ie edge of the hole. Reaming of rivet holes shall be done with twist drills or with short taper reamers. Reamers preferably shall not be direct- ed by hand. No oil or grease shall be used as a lubricant. 11. ACCURACY OF RE M-D AIT DRILLED HOLES: Reamed or drilled holes 'shall be cylindrical and perpendicular to the member and their accuracy shall be the same as specified for punched holes except that, after reaming or drilling, 85 of any group of 100 contiguous holes in the same surface, or in like proportion for any group of holes, shall not show an offset greater than 1/32 inch between ad- jccent thicknesses of metal. 12. DRIFTING OF HOLES: The drifting, done during assembling shall be only such as to bring the parts into position, and not sufficient to enlarge the holes or distort the metal. 15. GEtTERAL REAMIWG: When general reaming is required, all rivet holes in main members shall be sub - punched and reamed or drilled from the solid. This requirement shall not apply to rivet holes in top and bottom chord lateral members, lateral hangers -, truss and girder sway bracings, and to the lateral plates, connection angles, etc'., connecting these members to the main members of the structure. Connection plates or other parts acting both as main member material and secondary (lateral, sway bracing, etc.) member material shall generally have sub - punched and reamed holes in locations engaging similar holes in main membors. Reaming shall be done after the pieces forming a built member are assembled and firmly bolted together. No interchange of reamed parts will be permitted. 14. REAMING OF FIELD CONNECTIONS: When general reaming is required, or in punched work when specifically required by the Engineer, holes for field connections, except those in lateral, long - itudinal,and sway bracing, shall be reamed or drilled. Holes for other field connections shall be reamed or drilled with the connect- ing parts assembled, or else reamed or drilled to a metaltemplet not less than one (1) inch thick. 15. SHOP ASSEMBLING: The component parts of a built member shall be assembled, drift pinned to prevent lateral movement, and firmly bolted to draw the parts into close contact before reaming, drilling or riveting is begun. Assembled parts shall be taken apart, if necessary, for the removal of burrs and shavings produced by the reaming operation. The member shall be free from twists, bends or other deformations. Preparatory to shop riveting full -size punched material, the rivet holes shall be cleared for the admission of the rivets by reaming. End connection angles, stiffener angles, etc., shall be • carefully adjusted to correct locations And rigidly bolted, clamped or otherwise firmly held in place until riveted. After shop assembly is complete, all structural steel shall bu thoroughly cleaned of dirt, grease, rust and mill scale in a satisfactory manner and shall be painted with one (1).coat of first quality commercial linseed oil. 16. MATCH- -yI,RIKING. Connecting parts assembled in the shop for the purpose of reaming or drilling holes in field connections shall be match- marked, and a diagram showing such marks shall be furnished to the Engineer. 2� • 17. RIVETS: The diameter of rivets indicated upon the plans shall be understood to mean their diameter before heating. Heads of driven rivets shall be of approved shape, con- centric with the shanks, true to size, full, neatly formed, free from fins and in full cuntact with the surface of the member. 18. FIELD RIVETS: Field rivets, for each size and length, shall be supplied in execos of the actual number to be driven to ?provide for losses due to misuse; improper driving or other con- tingencies• Rivets shall be free from furnace scale on their shanks and from fins on the under side of the machine formed heads 19. BOLTS AND BOLTED CONNECTIONS: Bolted connections shall not.be used unless specifically authorized. Where bolted con- nections are permitted the bolts furnishod shall be unfinished bolts (ordinary rough or machine bolts) or turned bolts, as specified or directed by the Engineer. UNFINISHED BOLTS: Unfinishod bolts shall be standard - bolts with hexagonal heads and nuts. The use of "button head" bolts will not be permitted. Bolts transmitting shear shall be threaded to such a length that not more than one thread will be within the grip of the metal.. The bolts shall be of lengths which will ex- tend entirely through their nuts but not more than 1/4 inch beyond them. The diameter of the bolt holes shall be 1/16 inch greater than the diameter of the bolts used. TURNED BOLTS: Holes for turned bolts shall be carefully reamed or drilled and the bolts turned to a driving fit by neing given a finishing cut. The threads shall be entirely outside of the holes and the heads and nuts shall be hexagonal. Approved nut -locks shall be used on all bolts unless permission to the contrary is secured from the Engineer. When nut -locks are not used, round washers having a thickness of 1/8 inch shall be placed under the nuts. 20. RIVETING: Rivets shall be heated uniformly to a light cherry red color and shall be driven while hot. The heating of the points of rivets more than the remainder will not be permitted. When ready for driving they shall be free from slag, scale and other ad- hering matter and when driven they shall completely fill the holes. Burned, burred or otherwise defective rivets, or rivets which throw off sparks when taken from the furnace or forge shall not be driven. Loose, burned, badly formed or otherwise defective rivets shall be cut out. Caulking and re- cupping of rivet heads will not be allowed. In cutting out defective rivets care shall be taken not to injure the adjacent metal, and, if necessary, the rivet shanks shall be removed by drilling. Countersinking shall be neatly done and countersunk rivets, shall completely fill the holes. iShop rivets shall be driven by direct - acting riveters where ptacticable. The reveting machine shall retain the pressure for a short time after the upsetting is complete. Pneumatic hammers shall be used for field riveting except when the use of other hand tools for riveting is permitted by the Engineer. 21. EDGE PLANING: Sheared edges of material more than 5/8 inch in thickness shall, when required by the Engineer, be planed to a depth of not less than 1/8 inch. Re- entrant cuts shall be filleted before cutting. 23 r a 22. PLANING OF BEARI: {G SURFACES: Ends of columns taking bearing upon base and cap plates shall be milled to true surfaces and correct bevels after the main section of these members and the end connection angles have boon fully riveted. Caps and base plates of columns and the sole plates of girdurs and trusses shall have Full contact when assembled. The plates, if warped or deformed, shall be hot - straightened, plaited or otherwise treated to secure an accurate, uniform contact. After being riveted in place the excess metal of countersunk rivet heads shall be chipped smooth and flush with the surrounding metal and the surfaces which are to come in contact with other metal sur- faces shall be planed or milled, if necessary, to secure proper contact. Correspondingly, the surfaces of base and sole plates which are to come in contact with masonry shall be rough finished, if not free from .,carps or other deformations. Surfaces of cast pedestals and shoes which are to come in contact with metal surfaces shall be planed and those which are to take bearing upon the masonry shall be rough finished. In planing the surfaces of expansion bearings the cut of the tool shall be in the direction of expansion. Surfaces of bronze bearing plates intended for sliding contact, shall be carefully milled and polish finished: 23. ABUTTING JOINTS: Abutting ends of compression members shall, i ter the members have been riveted, be accurately faced to secure an even bearing when assembled in the structure. Ends of tension members at splices shall be rough finish- ed to.secure close and neat but not contact fitting joints. 24. END CONNECTIOD ANGLES: End connection angles of floor beams and stringers shall be flush with each other and accurately set as to position and length of member. In general, end connection angles shall not be finished unless required by the terms of the contract. However, faulty assembling and riveting may be cause for requiring them to be milled, in which case their thickness shall be reduced not to exceed 1/16 inch, nor shall their rivet bearing value be reduced below design requiremonts;- 25. BUILT iviEhiBERS: The several pieces forming one built member shall be straight and close fitting. Such members shall be true to detailed dimensions and free from twists, bends, open joints or other defects resulting from faulty fabrication and workmanship. 26. PLATE GIRDERS: WEB PLATES: Web plates of girders having no cover plates ma-Y be detailed with the top edge of the web flush with the backs of the flange angles. Any portion of the plate projecting • beyond the angles shall be chipped flush with the backs of the angles.- Web.plates of girders having cover plates may be 1/2 inch • less in width than the distance back to back of flange angles. When web plates are spliced, not more than 3/8 inch clearance between ends of plates will be allowed. WEB STIFFENERS: End stiffener angles of girders and stiffener angles intended as supports for concentrated loads shall be milled or ground to secure'a uniform, even bearing against the flange angles. Intermediate stiffener angles shall fit sufficient- ly tight to exclude water after being painted. 0; WEB SPLICES AND FILLERS:. Web splice plates and fillers under stiffeners shall fit within 118 inch at each end. a 27. WELDS: i ;olding of steel shall.not be permitted except to remedy minor defects and then only with the approval of the Engineer. • 28. SCREW THREADS` Screw threads shall make close fits in the nuts and shall be U. S. Standard, except that fo diameters greater than. 12 inches, they shall be made with six 6) threads to • the inch. 29. 140TICE OF ROLLING AND FABRICATION: MILL AND SHOP INSPECTION: The Contractor shall give ample notice to the Engineer of the beginning of the work at the mill and shop, so that inspection may be provided. No material shall be rolled or fabricated before the Engineer has been notified where the orders have boon placed. 30. FACILITIES FOR INSPECTION: The Contractor shall furnish all facilities for the inspection of material and workmanship in the mill and shop and inspectors shall be allowed free access to the necessary parts of the premises. 31. I14SPECTORIS AUTHORITY: The Inspector shall have the power to reject materials or workmanship which do not fulfill the requirements of these specifications; but in cases of dispute the Contractor may appeal to the Engineer, whose decision shall be final. Inspection at the mill and shop is intended as a means of facilitating the work and avoiding errors and it is expressly understood that it will not relieve the Contractor from any re- sponsibility in regard to imperfect material or workmanship and the necessity for replacing the same. 32. MILL, ORDERS AND SHIPPING STATEA1ENTS: The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with as many copies of mill orders and shipping statements as the Engineer may direct. The weights of the individual members shall be shown. 33. COST OF T STI!iG: Unless otherwise provided, the Con- tractor shall furnish, without charge, test specimens as specified herein, and all labor, testing machines and tools necessary to prepare the specimens and 'co make the full -size tests. 34. REJECTIONS: The acceptance of any material or finished members by the Inspector shall not be a bar to their subsequent re- jection, if found defective. Rejected material and workmanship shall be replaced promptly or made good by the Contractor. 35• MARKING AND SHIPPING: Members weighing more than three (3) tons shall have the weight marked thereon. Bolts and rivets of. one length and diameter and loose nuts or washers of each size, shall be separately packed. Pins, small parts, and small packages of bolts, rivets, washers and nuts shall be shipped in boxes, crc,tes, kegs or barrels, but the gross weight of any package shall not ex- ceed 300 pounds. A list and description of the contained material shall be plainly marked on the outside of each shipping container. The weight of all tools and erection material shall be • kept se_)arate. Anchor bolts, washers, and other anchorage or grillage material, shall be shipped to suit the requirements of the masonry conbtruction. LOADING AND UNLOADING: The loading, transportation, un- loading and piling of structural material shall be so conducted that the metal will be kept clean and free from injury by rough handling. -40- P6 T )' f 1 36. FIELD INSPECTIOW • MrII ION: All work of erection shall be subject to the inspection of the Engineer who shall be given all facilities requirdi for a thorouga inspection of workmanship. Material and workmanship not areviously inspected will be inspected after its delivers to the site of the work. 37. STORAGE: All material shall be stored in such manner as to prevent deterioration by rust or loss of minor parts. No material shall be piled so as to rest upon the ground or in water but must be placed on suitable skids or platforms. 38. PRZ— OARATIOIy Or BEARI +G ARE!!: Girder pedestals and shoes shall have a full and uniform bearing upon the substructure masonry. Masonry bearing plates shall not be _placed upon the bridge seat areas of piers or abutments.which are improperl° finished, deformed or irregular. Tho shoos and pedestals of girder spans shall be rigidly and permanently located to correct alignments and elevations. Unless otherwise provided they shall be placed on a layer of canvas and red lead applied as 'follows: Thoroughly swab the to.) surface of the bridge seat bearing area with red lead _paint and ;dace upon it three (3) layers of 12 oz. to 14 oz. duck, each layer being thoroughly swabbed on its top sur- face with red lead -paint. Place in -position the suyer– structure shoes or ;pedestals while the paint is plastic. 39. IWIDLING LMMBERS: The -Meld assembling of the component parts of a structure shall involve the use of methods and appliances not likely to produce injury by twisting, bending or otherwise deform- ing the metal.. No member slightly bent or twisted shall be put in place until its defects are corrected, and members seriousli.r damaged in handling shall be rejected. 40. ALIGNMENT: Before beginning the field riveting the structure shall be adjusted to correct grade and alignment and the elevations of panel points (ends of floorbeams) properly regulated. 41. STRzJ GHTENING BENT IJiATERIAL: The straightening of bent edges o3 plates, angles and other shapes shall be done by methods not likely to produce fracture or other injury. The metal shall not be heated unless permitted by the Engineer, in which case the heating shall not be to a higher temperature than that producing a dark cherry red color. After heating the metal shall be cooled as slowly as possible. Following the completion of the straightening of a bend or buckle, the surface of the metal shall be carefully inspected for evidence of incipient or other fractures. 42. ASSEMBLING Ails RIVETING: All field connections and splices • shall be securely drift pinned and bolted before riveting. Important connections in girders, floor system, etc., shall have at least 60 per cent of the holes Pilled. An ample number of drift pins shall be lased to prevent slipping at joints and splices. The results obtained in the 'Meld assembling and riveting of the members of a structure shall conform to thg requirements for shop assembling and riveting. Field driven rivets shall be inspected and accepted before being covered. 26 0 r c r 43. "SETTING ANCHOR BOLTS: dnehor bolt holes shall be dril_p't `n correct locations vertically to the plane of the bridge seat, and ,_Ae anchor bolts set in Portland cement mortar therein. The mortar shall consist of one (1) part cement to one (1) part clean, fine grained sand mixed sufficiently wet to flow freely. Anchor bolts shall first be dropped into the dry holes to assure their proper fit after setting. They shall then be set as follows: Fill the hole about two- thirds (2/3) full of mortar and by a uniform even pressure or by light blows with a hammer, (flogging and reaming will not be permitted) force the bolt down until the mortar rises to the top of the hole and the anchor bolt nut rests firmly against the metal shoe or pedestal. Remove all excess mortar which may have flushed out of the hole, to permit proper field paint-- ing of the metal surfaces. The location of the anchor bolts in relation to the slotted holes in expansion shoes shall be varied with the prevailing temperature: 'The nuts on anchor bolts at the expansion ends of spans shall permit the free movement of the span. Anchor bolts which are to be set in the masonry prior to the erection of the super - structure shall be carefully sot to proper location and the elevation with templets or by other suitable means. SECTIO14 6. NAME PLATES: 1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor shall furnis4 and install name plates of such form, dimension, material and desig\ shown on the plans. No permanent plates or markers other than those shown on the plans or approved by the Engineer will be permitted on any structure. =27- A DIVISION IV. SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION - SECTIOI+ I. FW;`DrTIOiiS 1• EXCffATION: shall be constructed in shall be shored, braced with approved methods. 1 AND SUB — STRUCTURES: :,11 sub—structures, where practicable,. open excavation and the foundation openings or protected by cofferdams in accordance Cofferdams shall be constructed in accordance '.iith the requirements of Division III. nen footings can be placed in the dry without the use of cribs or cofferdams, backforms may be omitted at the discretion of the Engineer and the entire excavation filled with concrete to the required elevation of the top of the footing. 2. PRESERVATION OF CHiiNNEL: Unless otherwise specified, no excavations shall be made outside of caissons, cribs, cofferdams, steel piling or sheeting, and the natural stream bed adjacent to the structure shall rot be disturbed without permission from the Engineer. If any excavation or dredging is made at the site of the structure before caissons, cribs or cofferdams are sunk in place, the Contractor shall, if directed by the Engineer, after the found- ation base is in place, backfill all such excavations to the original ground surface or river bed with material satisfactory to the Engineer. Material deposited within the stream area from foundation or other excavations or from the filling of cofferdams shall be removed and the stream area freed from obstruction thereby. 8. PILII`G REQUIREMENTS: The tops of piles after all damaged wood has been removed, shall project six (6) inches into the concrete as shown on the plans. Piles shall be spaced not less than two and one —half (ED feet canter to center and shall be designed to carry the full superimposed load. 4. INSPECTION OT EXCAVATIONS: No masonry shall be placed in foundations until the depth and character of the excavation has been inspected by the Engineer and permission given to proceed. (See Division III.). 5. CLASSES OF CONCRETE; All concrete shall be as specified in Division II, and shall be made with the coarse aggregates as so specified. 6. METHOD OF PLACIiG CONCRETE: All foundation excavations shall be pumped dry and concrete deposited in the open. If it is not possible to proceed in this manner, a seal of concrete of sufficient thickness to resist any possible uplift • shall be deposited under water in accordance with the requirements specified under "Concrete masonry ", Division III. 7. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS: Concrete in sub — structures shall be placed in such manner that all construction joints will be truly horizontal and, if possible, in such locations as not to be exposed to view in the finished structure. Special care shall be taken to avoid construction joints through panelled wing walls, or other large surfaces which are to be treated architecturally. 28 t • 8. DRAINAGE OF SUB- STRUCTURES: The filling material back of abutments and wing walls shall be thoroughly and.offectively drained by means of weep holes and French drains. The drainage water shall be discharged through abutment, wing or pier walls in such manner and at such locations as to eliminate as far as possible eny objectionable discoloration of exposed masonry surfaces. Drain- age outlets shall be fittod with suitable screens and the intakes shall be protected against clogging by means of screens, gratings or French drains. 9. SURFACE FINISH: The external surface of all concrete masonry shall be thoroughly worked during the operation of placing by means of a broad -tined fork or a concrete spade of an approved type. The working shall be such as to force all coarse aggregate from the surface and thoroughly work the mortar against the forms to produce a smooth -finish from water and air pockets or honeycomb. Upon removal of forms all depressions resulting from the removal of metal ties and all other holes and rough places shall immediately be ointed with a mortar composed of three (3) parts of sand and one (1) ;Dart of cement. The surface film of all such pointed surface shall be carefully removed before setting occurs. Exposed surfaces shall then be -finished by the methods specified in Sub - section 18, Section 3, Division III. 10. ANCHOR BOLTS: All necessary anchor bolts in piers, a- butments or pedestals shall'be carefully set in Portland cement mortar in accordance with the requirements specified under "Steel Structures ", Division ICI. The holes may be drilled in accordance with the provisions of the above mentioned article or, if in concrete masonry, may be formed by the insertion in the fresh concrete of oiled wooden plugs or metal pipe sleeves which are subsequently withdrawn after the concrete has partially set. When the holes are formed by the latter method they shall be not less than four (4) inches in diameter to allow for Horizontal adjustment of the bolts. In lieu of the above methods of placing, anchor bolts in concrete masonry may be set to exact location in the'concrete when it is placed. In this case great care shall be exercised to insure the proper setting of the bolts and any inaccuracies which will be detrimental to the structure shall be corrected by suitable means. 11. BED PLATES. Girder bed plates shall be set on a layer of canvas and red lead as specified under "Steel Structures ", Division III. When bed plates are set in Portland cement mortar, no superstructure or other load shall beplaced thereon until this mortar has been allowed to set for a period of at least ninety -six (96) hours. 12. PL"CING SUPER- STRUCTURE: No superstructure load shall be placed upon finished 4ers or abutments until the Engineer directs. In general, a minimum time of twenty -one (21) days shall be allowed for tide hardening of the concrete before any superstructure load • is placed thereon. SECTION 2. BRIDGE FLOORS: CONCRETE FLOORS: 1. CLASS OF CONCRETE: The concrete used for bridge floors shall be as hereinbefore specified. 2. SWINGING THE SPAN: Before concrete floors are placed on steel spans, the centering under the bridge shall be released and the span swung free'on its supports. N a t 3. PLnCING REINFORCEMENT; All reinforcement shall be -rigidly wired or spot wslu.ed at intersections and suitable pro- vision shall be made for supporting it in position during the placing of concrete. No concrete shall be deposited until the reinforcement is in place and has been inspected and approved by the Engineer, The placing of any reinforcement during the process of placing the concrete will not be permitted. Splices, when permitted, shall be made at points of least tension in the steel. 4. PLACING CONCRETE: The operation of placing the concrete in any floor slab shall be continuous between expansion joints. On plate girder spans the concrete shall be placed sym- metrically about the center line of the span, beginning at the center and working simultaneously toward each end, or beginning at the ends and working simultaneously toward the center.. Care shall be taken to prevent the displacement of reinforcement during the placing of concrete. If for any reason it becomes necessary to introduce a construction.joint, this shall be formed by means-of a vertical bulkhead so constructed as to produce a keyed or dove - tailed joint. In concrete floors not supported by longitudinal joists, any necessary construction joints shall be located at the center of the slab span. In placing concrete around steel shapes it shall be placed only on one side of the shape until it flushes up over the bottom flange of the shapo on the opposite side, after which it shall be placed on both sides to completion. 5. EXPANSION JOINTS: Expansion joints shall be constructed as shown on the plans and in accordance with the requirements speci- fied in Division III. 6. DRAINAGE: Transverse drainage of the roadwa shall be secured by means of a suitable crown in the floor slab. Longitudinal drainage shall be secured by means of scuppers or weep holes con- structed in the gutters or curbs in accordance with the details, and at the locations, indicated on the plans. Floor drains shall be constructed so as to prevent the discharge of drainage water against any portion of the structure. They shall be placed and securely fastened in position before the concrete is placed. '7. SURFACE FINISH: After the concrete is placed it shall be struck oTf with a templet to provide the proper crown Unless other- wise specified, all concrete floors shall be hand fin�shod to a smooth, even surface by moans of wood floats, rollors'or hose. Before the concrete has taken its initial set, the surface shall be tested for irregularities or waves bl., means of a 10 foot straight edge laid parallel to the center line of roadway. Should there appear any unevenness of 4 inch or more, either above or below the general con- tour of the surface, such defect shall be immediately remedied, 8. SID RALP.S ON BRIDGES: after the concrete has been de- posited in place, it shall be thoroughly tamped in such a manner that the coarse aggregate will be forced down and a layer of free mortar about one - quarter (µ) inch thick covers the surface. The surface shall be struck off by means of a strike -board to a uniformly smooth surface after which it shall be floated with an acceptable wooden or cork float. The surface shall then be ma3*ed into uniform rectangles not less than two feet six inches (236 "), nor more th$n four feet (44) on a side. A marking small be placed across the walk.at the ends of spans where an expansion joint has been installed. When a five foot (51) straight edge is placed on the side- walk, the surface shall not vary more than one - eighth inch (1/811) from the edge of the straight edge, except at grade changes, and the finish- ed surface shall be free from blemishes. 1r4 1 t , • 9. CURING: The finished floor shall be cured and protected :From trafficin accordance with the requirements specified for "Con - ^.rete Masonry" in Division III• • SECTION 3, PiiR<iPET5 AND ORILIYLZ TAL Ct,PS: 1. DESCRIPTION: Railings, parapets and ornamental worn shown on drawings for bridges, wing walls, retaining .walls, etc• shall include all work constructed above the top of the curb for the pro- tection of traffic. 2. GENERAL REQUIREIviENTS: Unless otherwise specified, the materials used in masonry railings and parapets shall conform to and the work shall be done in accordance with, the requirements of these specifications for the particular class of work involved.. The work shall be done in accordance with the detailed plans; the workmanship shall be first class in every particular; and the finished construction shall be neat in appearance and true to line and grade. 3. GENERAL: In no case shall concrete railings be placed until the centering or falsowork for the span has been released and the span mr..ung. 4. MATERIALS: Concrete railings shall be as specified in Division II. 5. MEMBERS CAST IN PLACE: The portion of members to be cast in place shall be constructed in accordance with'the requirements of Division III for "Concrete Masonry ". Special care shall be exercised to secure smooth and tight fitting forms which can be rigidly held to line and grade and removed without injury to the concrete. All mould- ings, panel work, and bevel strips shall be straight and true with neatly mitered joints and all corners in the finished work shall be true, sharp and clean cut. 6. PRECAST MEMBERS. Precast members shall tight forms. The precast member shall be removed f soon as the concrete has set sufficiently to permit ke t covered with saturated burlap or tarpaulin for (3y days. After this the curing shall be completed water or by spraying not less than twice a dal, for less than 7 days. be cast in mortar - rom the molds as and shall then be at least three' by immersion in a period of not The method of storage and handling shall be such as to preserve true and even edges and corners, and any precast members which become chipped, marred or cracked before or during the process of placing shall be rejected and removed from the work. In the construction of cast -in -place railing caps and copings built in connection with precast balusters, the balusters shall be protected from staining and disfigurement during the process of placing concrete and finishing, and none of the mortar or pasto shall be allowed to ruin or splash against them. 7. EXPANSION JOINTS: Expansion joints shall be so con- structed as to permit absolute freedom of movement. After all bthor work is completed, all loose or thin shells of mortar likel, to shall under movement shall be care±ull77 removed from all expansion joints by means of a Fine chisel. SECTION 4. GUNITE: 1. GENERAL: This specification includes the covering of structural steel as indicated on the plans and mentioned in these specifications. For the purpose of these specifications, ,;unite shall be deemed to be a mixture of Portland Cement and sand, mixed dry con- veyed by air through a pipe o.r.flexible tube, hydrated at a nozzle at the.:ond:..o "f such conveyor and de- )osited by the air pressure in its place -of :final repose. Plain gunite shall be defined as gunite which contains mo metal reinforcement. Reinforced gunite shall be defined as gunite shot into, around and over metal reinforcement in such a manner that the-two materials will act together to resist force. • 2. VIATERIAU: CEMENT: The cement shall be Portland Cement as speci- fied in Section 1, Division II of these specifications. MATER. The mixing water shall be as specified in S'ec.ti6ft 2, Division II of these specifications. SAID: Sand for gunite shall be clean coarse sand, well graded with the following limits: All shall pass a" mesh. Not over 300 shall pass a thirty (30) mesh sieve. In all other respects, the sand shall comply with the requirements of sand in Section 3, Division II of these specifications. METAL REINFORCEMENT: Bond wires for attaching mesh to ,poured concrete shall be No. 12 and shall be spaced 8" center to center. The bond wires shall be plain steel, free from scale rust. The mesh shall be 4" x 4" plain steel wire mesh, known as American Steel and Wire Co. #.032. It shall be clean and free from oil, grease and scale rust. 3. CLASSIFICATIONt All structural steel not covered with poured concrete shall be coated with reinforced gunite, of thickness, and in a manner hereinafter specified. 4. REINFORCED GUNITE: All stizZaces to rect!.' � shall ''e eov °r r'. 14ith 'the metal rein %'orceme:'t -h4 -ch shall be securely attached to the bond wires, lapped one mesh with all adjoining reinforcement and securely wired in place. THICKNESS OF REINFORCED GUNITE: The webs, flanges and stiffeners of the main girders shall be covered with a minimum of 2" of gunite and in every case shall conform to thicknesses shown• on the plans. Floor beams, connections and stiffeining gussets shall have 12" of gunite on the webs and 2" on edges and faces of flanges and on connections. • Floor joists, with the exception of the joists immediate- ly under the curb, which is to be covered with poured concrete, shall have 12" of gunite on the webs and 2" on edges and faces of flanges. • These members may be covered with poured concrete at the option of the Contractor. Lateral system shall have a minimum of 1P of gunite on all angles, plates and other metal. The gunite shall be thick- ened to 2" where rivets occur and shall follow the surface of the rivet. 3� rff 1J . PROPORTIOuING 0 GUNITE: rill gunite shall be composed j?'. one () part Portland Cement to Four and one —hal-f (42) parts sand. it shinl contain unly enough water to insure proper application by a skilled operator. 6,UII'JYiT: All gunite shall be applied by skilled ex- perieneoE ( and ent9.xely comxotent operators. The equipment shall be modern and sufficient ±o insure steady, continuous work. Air pressure at compressors shall not be less than 40# per square inch. 7. SHOOTIP'G: The intention is to outline the stool struc- ture, but duo to t_J, ,pro }:.imity of salt air all e--,rosed roars Will be slightly roundod and all re— entrants will bo slightly filleted. Shooting strips, when used, will be constructed and maneuvered in such a manner as to produce this result. S. AZTHOD OF APPLICATION, A11 gunite shall be applied in two uniform coats of equal thickness_. At least 24 hours shall elapse between successive coats. The last coat shall be partially rodded with a steel straight —edge and shall be rubbed with burlap to pro- duce a "sacked" texture, all at the direction and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. A. PROTECTION: All surfaces not receiving gunite at the time of ap,)lying a coat, shall be _protected to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor will carefully clean spotted surfaces and will remove "rebound" and rubbish. 10, CURING: All exposed gunite shall be protected from the sun and % ^rind and all gunite shall be kept wet for a period of seven (7) days after it has been placed. SECTION 5. ARREi1IT: BITULITHIC P. V i'::a'T.ON BRIDGE :;'DOOR: The Warrenite Bitulithic P:-.voae-it on the bridge e oor shall conform to Special Specifications No. 7 of the City of Newport Beach for "Warrenite Bitulithic Favu_.:-,t- (1) PREPARATION OF SUB— FLOOR: Before placing the wearing surface material, all sharp corners and projections shall be removed. All dust, dirt, debris or Foreign material on or ad- hering to the surface shall be removed by sweeping with stiff brooms. If water is used, the slab must be allowed to become thoroughly dry before any material is applied. SECTION 6. LIGHTING: 1. SCOPE OF YORK: The work herein provided will consist of the construction and installation of a Bridge Lighting System as shown on accompanying plans. The Contractor shall furnish and supply all labor, equip- ment, implements, materials, foundations, flood lamps, lighting units, lamps, conduits, cables, wires, appurtenances, appliances and fittings and do all excavating, backfilling, bonding, grounding, bending and . all other work necessary to com-pletely and properly construct and install the lighting system, in accordance with the true intent and meaning of these si-)ecifications and attached plans; ready for serv- ice connections to be made to the terminals of each of the series circuits and read; to operate upon; being supplied at the terminals of each of said circuits with alternating current, electrical energy, at 50 cycle, single phase, six and six tenths (6.6) amperes con- stant current. Before submitting his bid, the Contractor shall inorm and satisfy himself by a careful examination of the location of the work and by such other means as he may choose, as to the nature of the excavation to be made and the work to be done and as to the cir- cumstances and conditions affecting the cost and performance of the cnn rk. • ? IR017 PIPF CONDUIT: All iron pipe conduit installed shall. ra ;,#: thc; sizes innlicat -.n on The plans and shall be either galvar_izoa or shorard.ized, • Each le.igth of conduit shall bear the label of the Insnectin.i Denartment of the, National Board of Fire Underwriters and' the maker's name or initials stamped in the metal or attached thereto in a satisfactory manner so that the Engineer can readily idontify the oox.duit.. 3. INSTAlL TION uF IRON PIPE CONDUIT: Continuous conduit runs shall be.in..sta:�Iod 3rsm .interior of flood lamp to interior of flood lamp, or from lrault to interior of flood lamp, as indicated on the plan. No obstructions of foreign material shall be allowed to remain in the conduit. Exposed conduit ends shall be capped or plugged until cable is drawn in, to prevent the entrance of foreign materials. Both ends of every length and piece of conduit including bends, shall be roamed in such manner as to remove therefrom all burrs and all sharp rough edges. Pull boxes shall be made of cast iron of a minimum wall thickness of three sixteenths (3/16) inches: shall have substantial internally threaded hubs or bosses, cast solid with the body into which the conduit shall be screwed to a depth of at least seven eighths (7 /8) inch and shall be of sufficient size to permit pulling the cable through :✓itho,i-c bending the cable to any radius of less than five (5) inches.. such pull box shall have a cast iron cover opening of at least 10 inches in length which shall be fitted with gasket and securely attached with brass machine screw$ in such manner as to make a waterproof joint. Pull boxes shall be heavily coated both inside and out with asphaltic paint. All conduit ends in pull boxes shall be provided with bushings to protect the cable from abrasion. The bushings may be cast in and integral with the boX. All joints in conduit shall be screw joints. The ends of all conduit shall. be butted when the couplings are screwed up. The male threads of all joints shall be well painted with Crane's pipe paste before screwing up. To avoid forcing it into the interior of the conduit when joints are screwed up, the compound shall not be applied to the interior threads of the coup- lings or other fittings. All joints upon completion shall be water- tight. The conduit ends in the base of each flood-lamp shall be threaded and shall be fitted with a bushing to protect the cable from abrasion.. • Conduits terminating in the base of each standard shall be electrically bonded to each other with a co per ground strap which • shall be equivalept in area to a number six (6� Brown and Sharpe Gauge bare copper wire. Conduit where ground strap is to be attached vbzd . be thoroughly cleaned and scraped immediately before strap is attached. Strap shall be securely fastened to conduit by cinching with brass bolts. The bond between conduits shall be encased in the concrete of the base for standard. Conduits shall be grounded at each and of the bridge to a water pipe. The ground connection to water pipe shall be made with a copper ground strap, equivalent in area, to a number six (6) Brown and Sharpe gauge copper wire. Both the water pipe and conduit shall be thoroughly cleaned and scraped before fastening ground strap. ., L • Uround strap shall be securely fastened to conduit and pipe by cinch- 5.ng with brass bolts. Connections to conduit and pipe shall be water - -,roofed against corrosion bSr taping the connection in the manner wbove specified for conduit connections which are not encased in • concrete. All conduits shall be so installed that the cables may be drawn in without injury. 4. CABLE: All conductor cable shall be Number 14 Brown and Sharpe gauge, solid, double copper conductor with varnished cambric insulation for 700 volts. The standard cambric insulation shall not be less than three thirty- seconds (3/32) of an inch in thickness. Tho cable shall be covered with a lead sheath having a thickness of not less than one - sixteenth (1/16) of an inch. The conductivity of the copper shall be not less than ninety -eight (98) per cent of that of pure copper. The Contractor shall furnish the Superintendent of Streets with a manufacturer's certificate of test, which certificate shall show that each length of cable has been tested. b. INSTALLATION OF CABLE: gill cables shall be installed in the conduit ir, a loop system from standard Edison socket to stand- ard Edison socket without the use of any lubricant other than powder- ed sea_) stone or graphite and be so connected as to form complete circuits as shown on plan. Bends in cable in the base of flood lamps shall not be made shorter than a radius of five (5) times its diameter. This is very necessary to insure the safety of the insulation. The cable shall not be kinked or otherwise injured be- fore or while drawing it into the conduit or at any other time before the completion of the work. Cable shall be drawn into con- duit direct from the original spool or reel. No splices shall be drawn into the conduit. All cables shall be bonded together in the base of each lamp with copper ground strap, which has a conductivity of not less than Number 6 Brown and Sharpe gauge copper wire. The copper ground strap, bonding the cable, shall in turn be grounded to the ground strap bonding the conduits, as shown on plan. Cables shall be thoroughly cleaned and scraped immediate- ly before the ground strap is attached, and all connections between ground strap and cable, or ground strap and ground strap shall be clean and tightly made. 6. FLOOD L:2: Flood Lamp shall be Wagner - Woodruff Company's Standard, No: F.1. 20 or equal. Front Glass shall be double thick- • ness free from flaws. All metal portions of box shall be No. 18 Gauge Copper - bearing steel or equivalent. All fixtures such as brackets, braces, clams and screen shall.be of copper. All bolts, ruts, wing nuts and rivets shall be brass. 7. R71LL'CTOR: Reflector shall be brass, nickel plated and chromium plated and shall have a principal focus as shown on plan with a radius of four and three - eighths (4 3/8) inches. -M- 35 iJ L ., L • Uround strap shall be securely fastened to conduit and pipe by cinch- 5.ng with brass bolts. Connections to conduit and pipe shall be water - -,roofed against corrosion bSr taping the connection in the manner wbove specified for conduit connections which are not encased in • concrete. All conduits shall be so installed that the cables may be drawn in without injury. 4. CABLE: All conductor cable shall be Number 14 Brown and Sharpe gauge, solid, double copper conductor with varnished cambric insulation for 700 volts. The standard cambric insulation shall not be less than three thirty- seconds (3/32) of an inch in thickness. Tho cable shall be covered with a lead sheath having a thickness of not less than one - sixteenth (1/16) of an inch. The conductivity of the copper shall be not less than ninety -eight (98) per cent of that of pure copper. The Contractor shall furnish the Superintendent of Streets with a manufacturer's certificate of test, which certificate shall show that each length of cable has been tested. b. INSTALLATION OF CABLE: gill cables shall be installed in the conduit ir, a loop system from standard Edison socket to stand- ard Edison socket without the use of any lubricant other than powder- ed sea_) stone or graphite and be so connected as to form complete circuits as shown on plan. Bends in cable in the base of flood lamps shall not be made shorter than a radius of five (5) times its diameter. This is very necessary to insure the safety of the insulation. The cable shall not be kinked or otherwise injured be- fore or while drawing it into the conduit or at any other time before the completion of the work. Cable shall be drawn into con- duit direct from the original spool or reel. No splices shall be drawn into the conduit. All cables shall be bonded together in the base of each lamp with copper ground strap, which has a conductivity of not less than Number 6 Brown and Sharpe gauge copper wire. The copper ground strap, bonding the cable, shall in turn be grounded to the ground strap bonding the conduits, as shown on plan. Cables shall be thoroughly cleaned and scraped immediate- ly before the ground strap is attached, and all connections between ground strap and cable, or ground strap and ground strap shall be clean and tightly made. 6. FLOOD L:2: Flood Lamp shall be Wagner - Woodruff Company's Standard, No: F.1. 20 or equal. Front Glass shall be double thick- • ness free from flaws. All metal portions of box shall be No. 18 Gauge Copper - bearing steel or equivalent. All fixtures such as brackets, braces, clams and screen shall.be of copper. All bolts, ruts, wing nuts and rivets shall be brass. 7. R71LL'CTOR: Reflector shall be brass, nickel plated and chromium plated and shall have a principal focus as shown on plan with a radius of four and three - eighths (4 3/8) inches. -M- 35 Ll 0 W DTti TSYrN 7 . 3RIDGE APPROACHES tl x 4 SECTION 1. EKBAYL112,NT, i:;e o bamkn:ent s'or the bridge approaches shall be made tith mateiai dredged from the channel shown upon the plans under ' c a':e' P:.raE L'.rdar Bridge ant from adjacent areas between the harbo.. l n ).s shown c.n •a reap on file in i,he o:1fice of 'she City Engineer. The embankment shall be constructed according to the grades and cross - sections as shown upon the plans. During construct- ion the embankment shall at all times be kept built up to a higher elevation adjacent to the bridge abutments. Impounding of water behind the bridge abutments will not be permitted. No organic matter or other unsuitable material shall be used in the embankment. The embankment shall be constructed to a sufficient additional height above the grade shown_ upon the plans to provide for shrinkage and subsidence. Aftor thirty (30) days the subgrade shall be prepared as horeinaftor specified. SECTION 2. SUBGRADE: The surface of the subgrade shall be brought to tho roquired grade and cross - suction. The subgrado shall then be thoroughly compacted by wetting down, after which it shall bo smoothed, to conform to grade and cross- section. SECTION 3. PAVEMENT:. The pavement shall consist of 6" Warrenite- Bitulithic Pavement conforming to Special Specifications No. 7 of the City of Newport Beach., SECTION 4. DISINTEGRATED GRANITE ROADWAY. Disintegrated Granite Roadway shall be constructed where shown on plans and shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 63 of the City of Newport Beach. SECTION 5. CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND CURBS: Cement concrete sidewalks and curbs shall be constructed where shown on shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 52 of the Newport Beach. -$6- plans and City of DIVISION VI. • rLITER 4:1INS AND :APPURTENANCES. SECTION 1. CAST 1ROV TIATER VUIN: Cast iron water mains shall be constructed to conform with Standard Specifications No. 54 of the City of Newport Beach, Lead joints shall be used conforming to Standard Specifications No, 60 of the City of Newport Beach. Ex- pansion joint's and :fir Rolf-ef Valve shall be installed at the locations shown on plans. All members of the bridge in contact with the mater main shall be well greased. DIVISION VII. CONSTRUCTION Or SANITARY SrWERS AND AIPPURTE ANCES j SECTION 1. CAST IRON S"DWIR MitIN: Cast iron sewer main and appur- tonancos shall bo constructed as shown on plans and shall conform to Division VI of these Specifications. -37- �. l • CITY OF' NE;-PO'RT BE:,CH C:ZT 1"CRIdA • 1_P@ 'QT i1 SQL FIC' TIO1,i5 NO. 5. rCR Oni VVIENT;L STREET LIGHTING S7STEit.: isD APPURTFIL314CES Page SEC`PION 1. GEE Ivst REQ -ii RY,IV?ENTS ..................I... 1 SECTION 2. PL ;OFS.... ...... ................. SECTION 3. WORK ....... ............................... SECTION 4. EXCA VI TIOd .............. I .......... i...... SECTION5. CONDUITS ... ............................... (a) TV,1111 FIBRE DUCTS BETWEEN :MANHOLES......... (b) LATINUiLS.................................. SECTION 6. MANHOLES ... ............................... SECTION 7.' CEMENT CONCRETE ........................... a) MATERIALS. .. .................... b PROPORTIOivIWG MATERIALS ................ c� MIXIi'4G AND MEASURING .................... d) !cIACING CONCRETE.. .... (e) CURING AND FINISHING ...................... SECTION 8. FORMS .AND CRIBBING ........................ SECTION 9. LEAD SHEATH CABLE FOR 3" "E" FIBRE DUCTS, SINGLE CONDUCTOR .......................... SSa) MATERIAL.. lb) IN STALLA' iION .............................. SECTION 10. 011E INCH AND ONE AND ONE- QUARTER INCH CONDUIT WITH CABLE '........................ a CONDUIT . b� CABLE, LIGHT STANDARD CIRCUIT........ . .. SECTION 11. LIGHTING STANDARDS ........................ a) GENERAL DESCRIPTION.. b) BASE AND COLUNOT OF STANDARDS .............. c) FOUNDATIONS......... ........... (d)) ERECTIOW OF LIGHTING STANDAP7;); ............ (e) LIGHTING UNITS ........................I... ( P. PAIi;TING SPEC IFI CAT T.ONS.. SECTION 12. REPLACKTIENT OF PAVEL'iENT, SIDEI "ALK AND OTHER IIi1FROV MEETS ........................ SECTION 13. PATENTED A RTICLES ........................ SECTION 14. TEST ..... ............................... SECTION 15. BACKFILLING................................ SECTION 16. LIGHTING STANDARDS, (Type A) .............. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 b 5 6 6 7 fl 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 � 1 I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS NUMBER 5. • FOR ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING Ank SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUIREIyENTS: The General Requirements shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 50 of the City of Newport Beach for "General Requirements ". SECTION 2. PLANS: The detailed location of the work to be done, together with grades, cross - sections and special construction, is illustrated on the maps, profiles, cross - sections and plans adopted therefor by the City Council, and on file in the office of the City Engineer. These maps, plans, profiles and cross - sections are to be considered a part of these specifications, and any notations appear- ing thereon shall be considered as though incorporated as a part of these specifications. All distances and measurements given are in a horizontal plane. All work shall, during its progress and on its can" pletion, conform to the lines and levels which may from time to time be given by the City Engineer. SECTION 3. WORK: The work to be done consists of the following: (a) To excavate or fill in to such an extent and in such a manner as may be required by the plans, profiles and cross - sections and those specifications, thearea in which the improvement is provided for on the plans. (b) To furnish all materials as hereinafter provided for and required for the construction and completion of the improvement in accordance with the plans and specifications and all labor, tools and equipment necessary for the performance of said work. (c) To lay and install the conduit, ornamental light stand- ards and "cable, and construct manholes, and cement concrete duct envelopes and all other appurtenances according to the plans and as hereinafter specified. (d) To remove existing light standards and install same in locations as shown on plans, with all necessary connections. SECTION 4. EXCAVATION: Trenches for conduits shall be excavated of ample width to permit the laying of ducts in accordance with drawings attached, and of sufficient depth so that the top of the metal conduit when completed, shall be not less than eighteen p18) inches below the surface of the street or top of curb or surface of si4ewalk. In no instance shall the top of the concrete envelope covering fibre ducts be less than twenty -four (24) inches below the surface of the street. All trenches shall be graded and straightened in such a manner that there will be no sag nor pocket between manholes. Laterals to lots shall be graded to drain into manholes. 00 SECTION 5. CONDUITS: (a) MiAIiti FIBRE DUCTS BETWEEN MANHOLES: Conduits to be in- stalled between manholes shall consist of socket type straight joint fibre duct and shall have an internal diameter of not less than three (3) inches. Conduits for landing cables where shown pn plans ahall be constructed of 6" vitrified clay pipe. The boro shall be straight and the cross- section shall not vary at any point more than one - eighth (1/8) inch, from a true circle, and the ducts shall be free from cracks, chins and other dofects: -1- t' • Upon completion of a section of the work and before accept ante by the Superintendent of Streets, the Contractor will be required to pass through each duct from manhole to manhole an iron or iron skied mandrel conforming in shape to that of the duct and of one - quarter (w) inch smaller diameter. A #12 gauge galvanized iron pull wire shall ba installed with the mandrel operation in "T" ducts. The insulating properties of the fibre duct shall enable it to withstand a puncture test of 20,000 volts, A. C. Fibre tubes shall stand the following mechanical test: A section of duct laid on two (2) inch saddle blocks on 50 inch centers shall withstand a load of 250 lbs. applied at the center. Ali dead ends of fibre tubes shall be plugged with a turned red wood plug, which shall fit snugly in the end of the tube. A three (3) inch bed of concrete shall be leveled off and tamped to grade, a layer of ducts shall then be laid, leaving three (3) inches between the outside edge of the duct and the outside of the concrete. Concrete spacers shall be used of such dimensions to hold the ducts so that the cor_crote envelope and clearance between ducts will be as shown on the plans. The space between the ducts shall then be completely filled and tamped with cement grout free of voids. .After the conduit has been laid and surrounded with cement grout, concrete to a depth of threo (5) inches shall be placed and tamped on top of the duct. The joints of all fibre ducts, before being placed together shall be dipped in hot asphaltum for sealing the joints, and shall be used in sufficient. quantities to prevent any leakage of water into the interior of the duct. Ali ducts shall be finished clean, free from all obstruction, before the acceptance of the work. In general, the line ae conduit shall be defined as shown on the plans and drawings, and shall as nearly as practical be a straight line, or where bends are required, the radius shall be as large as possible. In no case shall the radius of fibre conduit be less than twenty -five (25) feet. (b) LATERALS: Lateral conduits shall be "Greenfielduct ", a galvanized iron conduit dipped in hot asphaltum, or equal. All wrench marks or checks to be brushed out with hot asphaltum at time of installation. The sizes of laterals shall be as shown upon the plans. The bore of the conduit shall not be less than the size shown on the plans. All laterals shall be constructed as shown on the plans from the "E" and "T" Manholes to the property line. No bend shall be less than 36 inch radius. All laterals, except in manholes, shall be threaded and covered with a metal cap, not less than eighteen (18) inches below the surface o2 the ground and shall be equiped with the marker shown in the detail drawing. All metal fittings to be of same material as metal conduit. all threads of metal conduits to be treated with read lead and linseed, oil.. The ends of all laterals at the property lines shall be capped with a pipe cap of the same material as the lateral pipe. All conduits shall be cut off flush with the inside of the manhole wall and ends shall be reamed. SECTION 6. MANHOLES: Manholes shall be constructed as shown in :?.Ptail in drawings attached. Galvanized pulling irons and steps shall be placed in manholes as shown on plans and shall be secured in place so as not 5�2c /f�c _ �_ IJz 'y - be disturbed when pouring concrete. Vent pipes shall be construct— of 6" vitrified clay pipe where shown on the plans, and in accord - aace with the detailed drawings. • Manholes shall be fitted with sound, grey, cast —iron • frames and covers which shall be graded to conform to the surface of the street. These frames and covers shall be free from defects and shall conform to details shown on drawings attached. SECTION 7. CEMENT 06NCRETE: (a) MATERIALS: Cement, sand, gravel, rock and reinforcing steel shall conform to Stn:.dard Specifications No. 51 of the City of Newport Beach for "Portland Cement ", "Sand ", "Gravel ", "Rock ", and "Reinforcing Steel ", respectively. WATER: Water shall be clean, free from oil, acid, al- kali or vegetable matter. Coarse aggregate shall consist of sound crushed roc$ or washed gravel.or a combination of both. The coarse aggregate shall conform tc,, the following sieve analysis: MANHOLES AND FOUNDATIONS: (a) All shall pass a screen having 12" square openings. (b) Not less than 40 per cent and not more than 75 per cent by weight, shall pass a screen having 3/4" square openings. (c) Not more than 5 per cent shall pass a screen having w" square openings. Gravel shall not show a loss of more than 32 per cent and broken stone shall not show a loss of more than 22 per cent when sub- jected to the rattler test. ENVELOPES FOR FIBRE DUCTS: PEA GRAVEL: (a) All shall pass a screen having 2" square openings.. (b) Not less than 95 per cent, by weight, shall pass a screen having 3/8" square openings. (c) Not less than 40 per cent and not more than 60 per cent, by weight, shall be retained on a 4 —mesh sieve having square openings. (d) Not more than 10 per cent, by weight, shall pass a 14 —mesh sieve with square openings. Pea Gravel shall not show a loss of more than 32 per cent when subjected to the rattler test. (b) PROPORTIONING MATERIALS: All cement con4rete to be used in the construction of manholes and duct lines shall consist of the following materials: Portland Cement. ............... 1 part ley volume. Sand ........................... 2 parts by volume. Gravel & Broken Rock........... ,32 part$ by volume. Water...Not more than 50 lbs• per sack of cement. One quart of Anti —Hydro or equal to each sack.of cement shall be introduced with the water for water proofing purposes in all manholes and vaults. Anti —Hydro or equal in the above proportion shall be introduced with the water in the concrete surrounding the fibre duct throughout the complete section between manholes for any section where water is encounterod in excavation. —3— E r All cement concrete to be used in the construction of foundations for Ornamental Lighting Standards shall consist of the • following materials: Portland Cement ............. 1 part by volume. Sand ........................ 2 parts by volume. Gravel and Rock ••.• •.•..... 4 parts by volume. Wanter .... 'lot more than 50 lbs. per sack of cement. Should there not be enough mortar to completely fill the voids in the concrete, the deficiency shall be remedied by reducing the portion of rock used in the mixture, and not by adding a greater portion of sand. The amount of water specified includes water already in the concrete materials, and in measuring water, allowance shall be made for water contained in said materials. The quantity of water used in addition to conforming to the above requirements shall be such that the slump shall not be less than eight (8) per cent nor more than twenty (20) per cent when sub- jected to the slump test•. The slump test shall be made in the following manner: The test cone to be used in making the slump test shall have an in- side diameter of eight (8) inches at the base and an inside diameter of four (4) inches at the top and a perpendicular height of twelve (12) inches. Immediately after the concrete has been mixed and de- posited, a sufficient quantity thereof shall be placed in four (4) layers in the tapered test cone until the concrete is flush with the top of the cone; each layer should be thoroughly settled by working with a pointed iron rod. Then the test cone shall be lifted allowing the concrete to settle or slump. After the pile of concrete has set one minute, its height shall be measured and subtracted from the original height of twelve (12) inches, which difference in height is the amount of the slump in inches. (c) PIIIXING AND MEi SURING: MEASURING: All sand and rock shall be measured loose without shaking or compacting. For machine mixing, sand and rock shall be measured either at a central proportioning plant or in wheelbarrows on the work. Wheelbarvows, if used for measuring sand and rock, shall be such that when struck with a straight edge or rodded off with a gauge resting upon the sides they shall have the capacity necessary to maintain the required proportions. For hand mixing, the sand and rock shall be measured in boxes having a capacity necessary to maintain the proportions spec- ified. Every wheelbarrow load or box full of material used must be struck with a straight edge or gauge as specified. MACHINE MIXING: The concrete shall be mixed with a mechanical batch mixer only when concrete mixers are used. The water tank on the mixer shall be so arranged that the amount of water required for each batch of concrete can be positively and accurately measured and while the water tank is discharging, the inlet supply shall be automatically.cut of-'. The drum of the mixer shall revolve at a rate of speed not to exceed the rate of speed specified by the maker of the mixer, provided, however, that the drum shall make not less than ten (10 nor more than eighteen (18) revolutions per minute. -4- 1 Every batch of concrete shall be mixed in the drum Cf • the mixer not less than sixty (60) seconds before any portion of the batch is dischal -ged from the said drum. The drum shall not be • charged while the mixer is discharging. The Contractor shall mix in the mixer only such quantity of material as will be wr thin the capacity of the mixer without spilling, based on the water level capacity of the drum, but in no case shall the amount mined exceed the manufacturer's catalog rated capac it >. RAND MI.°,ING. Hand mixing will be allowed only when the quantity of concrete to be mixed is less than five (5) cubic yards-. In mixing concrete by hand, a tight level platform shall be used on which the rock, sand and cement.in the proaortions stated herein shall be spread in :Layers not over twelve (12} inches each in thick- ness, in the order named. The batch shall th n be turned with shovels at.least three (3) times dry and two t2) times wet, shoveling from the bottom of the pile. Water shall be supplied in a spray during the wet turns. The Inspector shall be given the opportunity to check the number of .sacks of cement on each batch before the sacks are opened. No concrete shall be used which has partially set, and no concrete shall be retempered or remixed. (d) PLACING CONCRETE: Concrete shall be carefully deposited in the work, and in such a manner as not to separate the various Ingredients. Concrete shall be placed in horizontal layers, not to exceed six (6) inches in depth, and shall be thoroughly rammed, agitated or spaded until free from voids, and bubbles, and rock of water pockets. On unexposed surfaces or except where a special surface finish is required, a spading tool shall be worked between the con- crete and the form so as to produce a mortar finish. Floor surfaces shall be struck with a straight edge and given a float and steel trowel finish. Where fresh concrete is to be placed on or against concrete which has set, the surface of the latter shall be roughened, cleaned, thoroughly wet and then covered with a thin layer of neat cement mortar. No concrete shall be deposited under or in water, nor shall any water be allowed to run over or on concrete before it has set. No concrete shall be used that shows evidence of having set that has become unfit for good work from standing too long, or for any other cause, and no remixing of concrete will be allowed. (e) CURING AND FINISHING: All exposed eoncrete shall be pro- tected from the sun, wind and all concrete shall be kept ;yet for seven (7) days after it has been poured. Immediately after the forms are removed, all irregular- ities shall be corrected by filling depressions with mortar and by carefully cutting down projecting portions. The end of all tie wires shall be cut off and neatly plastered over with mortar. SECTION B. FORMS AND CRIBBING: The forms shall be smooth, tight, true to the required lines and grade and of sufficient strength to resist springing out of shape during the placing of concrete. All <'_irt, chips, sawdust, etc., shall be thoroughly removed from the forms cefore any concrete is placed therein. All mortar shall be removed rrom forms previously used. The forms shall be thorcn*ghly soaked With water inside and outside immediately before concrete is placed against them. �5— Forms and cribbing shall remain in place forte -eight �48) hours after pouring of concrete has been completed. During • -he setting of the concrete and before the removal of the forms, • ro extraneous loads shall be placed upon the concrete or the forms: SECTION 9. LEAD SHEATH CABLE FOR 3" "E° FIBRE DUCTS: SINGLE CON- DUCTOR: (a) ?'-- TERIAL: CONDUC OR: The conductor shall Consist of a minimum of strands of copper as shown in Table 1, having a conductivity of not less than 98`0 of that of pure copper. INSULATION: The insulation shall consist of impregnated paper having a thickness of not less than 5 mile or more than 8 mils, of a tough, firm, flexible quality. It must be homogeneous in qual- ity, free from holes and defects, and applied helically, evenly and tightly to the conductor. Thickness of insulation around the con- ductor shall be as shown in Table #1. SHEATH. All cable having a core diameter of less than two (2) inches, the sheath shall consist of commercially pure lead which is homogeneous in quality, free from holes and defects. All cables with a core diameter of two (2) inches or more, the sheath shall contain one per cent tin. Sheath shall fit tightlyy over the insulation and shall have a thickness as shown in Table #1, and a minimum thickness of not less than 90% of the required average thick- ness. ELECTRICAL TEST: The completed cable shall be given a 5- minute factory test between conductor and sheath. Test must be made in accordance with A. I. E. E. Standards of current date. MECHANICAL TEST: Mechanical test cal test shall be made on samples taken from e cable covered by this specification. It shall with the N. E.. L. A. Rules. These tests shall of 7500 volts or higher and shall be waived on feet or less. and subsequent electri- rery 10,000 feet of be made in accordance be made on all cables small order of 2000 REPORT OF TEST: The Manufacturer shall .submit four certified copies of all tests and mail them direct to the Test Depart- ment. The Purchaser reserves the right to have present a witness to check all factory tests. REELING INSTRUCTIONS: The ends of all cable must be sealed for shipment, and each reel must be labeled with a stamped metal tag giving the reel number, size of conductor, number of con- ductors, length, voltage rating and customer's order number. Extreme care should be taken in reeling, securing of ends and applying lagging to reel, so that cable shall not be injured in shipment. Single Conductor PAPER INSULATED, LEAD SHEATHED CABLE 1500 VOLT CLASSIFICATION (1500 volts or less) Maximum Safe Temp. Calculated) at Conductor 83.50 C. Maximum Safe Temp. By Thermometer) at Sheath 70.00 C. Size Minimum Insulation Lead Outside Weight Max. No.6 ARG 7 6`64° 6/64" .560 799 2500' No.4 X';& 7 ' " .608 929 " No.2 AWG 7 " ° .668 1104 it No.2 /O:iV* 19 " " .794 1542 2000' . - 4 /OAWG 19 " 7/64" .935 2159 It -6- (b) Ii1STXILL:',T1011: The cable shall be installed in the .3 • inch "" fibre ducts from manhole to manhhole. The cable shall be installed by coppet=nt mechanics without the use ot any lubricant •other than _)O-;Pf.ered r�oa:_7 Stone or ,rapine or other mine ,il grease. i:he 'cable shall not bo kin'_ted or othornise injured before or while r ra';ai;hg it into tho conduit or at an_* other time boFore the coapletion o:': the work. :To splices s__all bo drawn into the fibre duct. T he ca.)le shall be installed as shown on tho plans and shall confor ;r, to tho cablo combination schodulo. SECTION 10. ONE INCH AIM OUD _1ND 0113— QUARTi;R IPTCH CONDUIT WITH CABLE: (a) CONDUIT. (1) DESCRIPTIO.Ni 1 ?D C0i1DUIT BENDS; All conduit in- stalled shall be of the sizes indicated on tho plans and shall be either "Oreon°ieldt•. t" a �alvani.ze' i- :o-_: conduit dip',)ed in ',.hot asph- altum or "Si:erarduct" a saerardized iron pipe or equal. Each length of conduit shall bear the lablo of the Inspection Do_oartment of the National Board o_ Fire Undorwriters and the maker's name or initials stamped in the metal or attached there- to in a.sati.sfactorr manner so that tho Suporintondont of Streets can readily identity the conduit. (2) IYST.ZLaTION OF CONDUIT: Continuous conduit runs .shall bo installed from intorior o' baso of lighting standard to in- torior`of base of liglhtisrg standard, or from vault or manhole to interior of base o' lighting standard as indicated on play.. Conduits shall enter bases of lighting standards as nearly ac. is possible at an angle of forts -five (45) degrees, as measured---from a level line. All conduit which is installed in the sidewalk space of any street shall be laid to a minimum denti: of twelve (12), inches below curb grade. All conduit which is installed in the roadwa of any street'. shall be laid to a minimum depth of twenty-four (24 inches below street surface. 110 obstructions or foreign material shall be allow- ed to remain in the conduit. Exposed conduit ends shall be capped or plugged until cable is drawn in, to prevent the ontrance or: foreign materials. Both onds of every long•th and piece of conduit in- eluding bends, shall be reamod in such manner as to remove thore- from all burrs and all s'.harp rough edges. Pull boxes shall be made o cast iron of a minimum 'gall thicknoss of throe- sixtoonths (3/16) inch; shall have substantial internally threaded hubs or bosses, cast solid with the body, into which the conduit shall be serowod to a depth of at loast sovon- eightha (7/8) inch and shall bo of sufficient size to permit pulling the cable through without bending the cablo to any radius of loss than five (5) inches;) pull box shall have a cast iron covor opening at loast ten (10) inches in longth which shall be fitted with gaskot and so- curely attached with brass machine screws in such mannor as to mako a orator proof joint. Pull boxes shall bo heavily coatod both inside and out with asphaltic paint. All conduit onds in pull boxos shall bo provide with bushings to protect the cable from abrasion. The bush- ings may be cast in and integral with the box. -7- �l 1 �u All joints in conduit sla l ' onds of all conduit shall '.oe butted ahen the up, The male threads of all joints shall be pipe paste or equal before screwing up. To the interior of the conduit v.7hen joints are shall not be applied to the interior threads other fittings. ,M joints upon completion .1 1 be scro7 joints. Tho couplings are screwed Nell painted with Crane's avoid forcing it into screwed up, the compound of the couplings or shall be water tight. Conduits term }}nating in base of lighting standards shall extend not less than two l2) inches nor more than four (4) inches above the top of the foundation; shall enter standard nearly as is possible on an angle of forty -five (45) degrees as as measured from -a level line and shall be inclined a little outward to- ward the door side of the base of the lighting standard. Conduit ends shall be kept protected in such manner as to avoid injury to persons before lighting standards are erected. The conduit ends in the base of each lighting stand- ard shall be throadod and shall bo fitted with a bushing to protect the cable from abrasion. Conduits terminating in the base of each standard shall be electrically bonded to each other with a ggoppper ground strap which shall be equivalent in area to a Number six t6) Brown and Sharpe gauge bare copper wire. Conduit where ground strap is to be attached shall be thoroughly cleaned and scraped immediately before strap is attached. Strap shall be securely fastened to conduit by cinching with brass bolts. The bond between conduits shall be en- cased in the concrete of the base for standard. Conduits shall be grounded in each block, on each side of street, to a service pipe at a water meter. The ground Connection to water pipe shall be made on street side of the meter with a copper ground strap, equivalent in area, to a Number six (6S Brown and Sharpe gauge copper wire. Both the water pipe and con- duit shall be thoroughly cleaned and scraped before fastening ground strap. Ground strap shall be securely fastened to conduit and pipe by cinching with brass bolts. Connections to conduit and pipe, shall be water proofed against corrosion, by taping the connection in the manner above specified for conduit connections which are not encased in concrete., In the absence of water pipes or motors, the ground may be made by driving a ono (1) inch galvanized water pipe to a depth of five'(5) foot and bonding as above. All conduits shall be so installed that the cables may be drawn in without injury. (b) CAME, LIGHT STANDARD CIRCUIT: (1) DESCRIPTION: all conductor cable shall be No. S Brown and Sharpe gauge, solid, single, copper conductor with varnish- ed cambric insulation for 2,000 volts. The standard cambric in- sulation shall not be loss than throo thirty- soconds (3/32) of an inch in thicknoss. Tho cable shall be covered with a lead shoath having a thickness of not less than one- sixteonth (1/16) of an inch. The conductivity of the copper shall be not loss than ninoty -oight (98) per cont of that of pure copper. The Contractor shall furnish tho Superintendent of Streets with a manufacturerls certificate of tost, which certificate shall shova that each length of cablo has been tested and has suc- cessfully withstood five thousand (5,000) volts alternating current between the conductor and the lead shoath, said test to be contin- uous for a poriod of rot loss than five (5) minutos. Ma After the cable has boon tested as above, it shall again be tested to determine the insulation resistance in mogohms • per mile. The result o2 this test at 600 Fahrenheit shall not be lest than 1800 megohms per mile, • ( 2 ) INSTALLATION OF CABLE' All cables shall be in- stallod in the conduit in a loop systoi< from standard socket to stand- ard Socket without the use of and lubricant other than powdered soap stone or graphite or other hard mineral grease and be so connected as to form completo sorics circuits as shown on plan. Bends in cable in the base of lighting standards shall not be made shorter than a radius o-,' *five (5) tires its diam- eter. This is ver`* necessary to insure the safety of the insulation. The cable shall not be kinked or otherwise injured before or while drawing it into the conduit or at any other time be- Yore the completion of the work. Cable shall be drawn into conduit direct from the original spool or reel. No splices shall be drawn into the conduit. All cables shall be bonded together in the base of each standard with copper ground strap, which has a conductivity of not less than No. 6 Brown and Sharpe gauge copper wire. The copper ground strap, bonding the cable, shall in turn be grounded to the ground strap bonding the conduits, as shown on plan. Cables shall be thoroughly cleaned and scraped immediately before the ground strap is attached, and all connections between ground strap and cable, or ground strap and ground strap shall be clean and tightly made. SECTION 11. LIGHTING STANDARDS: (a) GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Ornamental Lighting Standards, which shall be .placed at various locations designated on plan, shall be of the design and construction known as King Ferronite Standards, Designs Numbered 1155, 1158, and 158. The design and dimensions of the Standards referred to above shall be, as shown on the accompanying plans. (b) BASE AND COLUMN OF STAND:',RDS: Standards shall be manu- factured by the Sand - Slinger process, and shall be cast of a super- strength alley of metal known as " Ferronite" free from slag and other impurities. All castings must be cast without seams or shifts at moulding joints, and joint bearings and openings shall be close and neat fitting. No composition filler of iron cement shall be used. Special care shall be exercised in the moulding, pouring and cooling, in order that the Standard shall be free from flaws, cracks and 6143W. The base and columns of Lighting Standards shall represent the high- est quality of workmanship and materials. The metal used in the casting of the Standards shall be super - strength alloy of metal having a transverse strength of not less than thirty -nine hundred (3900) pounds on a standard test bar,. which is 1�" in diameter and 14" long, and when the test is made by apply- ing pressure on the center of said test b ^,r, while it is suspended horiaontally by one (1) inch of its length at each end, leaning twelve (12) inches to take the pressure test. The tensile strength shall not be'less than forty thousand (40,000) pounds per square inch. Four (4) extra strong foundation bolt lugs shall be pro- vided on the inside of the base of standard for anchoring the same in place, as shown on the accompanying plans. -9- i • A suitable door with fastener shall be provided in each base as indicated on plan. The casting shall be carefully finished to bring out the design with all angles true and sharp. sifter the castings have been thoroughly cleaned, they shall be given a factory coat of metal priming paint, inside and out- side before leaving the factory to insure the standard reaching the point of destination in perfect condition. (c) FOUNDATIONS: The posts are to rest on a concrete found- ation of the shape and dimensions shown on plans, and when the ground is found to be soft or spongy at the required depth, the Contractor shall go to such a depth as will secure a solid footing, by boring or otherwise making at least three (3) holes, six (6) inches in diameter, the required depth, under tho foundation and the same to be filled with concrete of the same quality as that forming the foundation. When pouring the foundations, the Contractor shall be careful to see that all conduit ends are in proper position and the correct height above the sidewalk level, and that the conduits are securely bonded together with a "Security Conduit Bond" or cogpor of the strap typo, having conductivity equal to a No. 8 B. & 5. gauge copper wire. Such bond to be placed not loss than throe (3) inches below the top to reach and connect to the bond on the cable. The concrete shall be well tamped or spaded into the excavation to insure the filling of corners and all cavities, and forming a compact mass. The pothoads, standards, and anchor bolts shall be placed during the operation. Bolts for securing the posts to the foundation shall be accurately set and held in position by a tomplet taken from the "Nzster Templet" furnished by the Post Manufacturer, and shall be left in place until the concrete is sufficiently set that the bolts will not be drawn out of position. CONCRETE: The cement concrete for foundations shall consist of the mixture as specified in Section 7 hereof. (d) ERECTION OF LIGHTING STALD MS: The concrete foundation must be allowod three 3 days to sot before the standards are erect- ed thereon. Each standard shall be erected with the door in base of the Standard facing the property line. Posts must be plumb and all to the same relative height above curb grade. on The Standard upon completion shall be embedded in the mortar finish of foundation, as shown on plan. (e) LIGHTING UNITS: The Lighting Units which shall be in- stalled at locations as indicated on plan shall be King Luminaire Company's Pendant Type Lantern No. 20-a, and King Luminaire Company's Lantern No• 12 -:!, and equipped with straight series type socket and receptacle. The lighting units shall be manufactured of Silicon - Aluminum alloy and in accordance with the plans. The panels for t'ne lanterns shall be "S-enite" Glass. LAITS: The Contractor shall furnish and install one hundred candle power, 6/6 ampere series lamps on all standards, design No. 1155 and No. 1158, and 250 candle power 6/6 ampere series lamps on all standards design No. 158. -10- s - (f) PAINTING SPECIFICATION: after the standards are erected in permanent position and thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, rust or other foreign substance, apply a liberal even coat of "Kwick- . glo" aluminum metal primer, No. 109 over . the factorir priming coat, thoroughly covering all portions of the Standards. A soft brush or spray gun may be used for this application. Allow priming coat to dry and harden for 24 hours. When _priming coat is thoroughly dried, apply an even coat of "Kwickglo" Dark, Essex Green No. 47 and let dry for twenty -your (24) hours. After the coat is thoroughly dried, apply a second coat of "Kwickglo" Dark Essex Green No. 49 and let dry for 24 hours. After the second coat has thoroughly dried apply an even coat of "Kwickglo" Gray Wiping Enamel No. 48 and wipe off to leave an antique green finish. 4111 exposed metal parts of lighting units shall be painted in identically the same manner as.that specified for Stand- ards except the lighting units are not to have a factory priming coat applied. §CTION 12. REPLACEMENT OF PAVEMENT, 31DEWALK i1ND U'Thth liytrxyy-twMlria All pavement, sidewalk, curbs, gutters, monuments, drain spouts, pipe lines, or other properties which are injured or disttaltod by the Contractor in the performance of the work, herein depcYibed or shown on the plans, shall be restored by the Contractor and shall be left in as good condition as they were when the contractor entered upon the work. Pavement restored shall be constructed in a manner sim- ilar to the original pavement. SECTION 13. PATENTED ARTICLES: Prices at which any bidder can pur- chase all patented devices, articles, or materials, required by these specifications, are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach. SECTION 14. TEST: after the cable has been installed and connected to the series transformers or safety coils, as herein specified, each complete circuit shall be capable of successfully withstanding an alternating voltage of three thousand (3,000) volts applied between the conductor of the circuit and the lead sheath for a period of tiv0 (5) consecutive minutes, the two ends of the conductor of the series circuit being connected together and the sheath being grounded. If such test reveals any fault in any part of any circuit, the same shall be repaired by the Contractor and the test again repeated until no fault appears. Such high voltage test will be made by and at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor will not be required to make the service connection to the terminals of any of the circuits. , SECTION 15. BACKPILLING: Tre: passed upon bar the Inspector. it shall be flooded with water plus dirt shall be removed and the surface of the ground left fiches are to be backfiiled as soon as After the trench has been backfilled and thoroughly settled and any sur- disposed of by the Contractor, and smooth and level with the street grade. -11- i 1 CT ION 16. LIGHTING STANDARDS: %j'P e 1. Ono O namental Lighting Standard Typo A, shall be placed at tho location designated on the plans. The design and dimensions of the Standard shall be as shown on Standard Plan No. 1039 of the accompanying plans,. 2. The Dosts shall be singly light standards, of granite concrete in accordar_ce with the design and construction shown upon the plans. Single schedule series system, 100 Cg 6.6 amporo lamps. The conductor cable shall bo No. S cambric insulated lead covered cable and 3/4" conduit. The standard shall be composed of the following: CONCRETE: 1 part by measure of Standard Portland Cement. Throe(3) parts by measure of clean, washed sand and gravel, which will pass through a L, mesh screen and be retained upon a screen having 60 meshes to the lineal inch when screened dry; and said sand and gravel shall not exceed in proportion one part sand and two parts gravel. The gravel must be hard and of durable quality. REINFORCING OF STANDARDS: The standards shall be roin- forced with four ,4 µ" stool rods extending vortically.from top to bottom of standard and-be equally spaced around the shaft at least one (1) inch from the outside surface. The top of the reinforcing rods shall b© arranged so that a cast brass shade holder can be fastened thereto, and the bottom of the reinforced rods shall be arranged so that anchor lugs are fastened thereto and cast into the base of the standard for fastening the same to the foundation as shown upon the plans. CASTING OF STANDARDS: The reinforcing of standards as described, and the aggregate of cement, gravel and sand as herein specified, after having been mixed with sufficient water to permit pouring same into forms. After forms are filled the same shall be securely locked into a machine which will revolve the forms and so compact the concrete that at the end of 30 minutes the standard shall be capable of sustaining its own weight without changing shape. And the same shall contain a hollow core not less than 2t in diam- eter extending from end to end, the wall of which shall be concentric with the outside surface of the standard, No metal cores shall be allowed. REINFORCING RODS: The steel reinforcing rods shall have a tensile strength of not less than 55,000 pounds to the square inch, and an elastic limit of not less than 35,000 pounds to the square inch, and shall show no signs of fracture when bent around a rod of its own diameter. ERECTION OF STANDARDS: The foundation must be allowed three (3) days to set before the standards are erected thereon, and the base of the standards shall be sot 12" inside of the street face of the curb, unless otherwise shown upon the plans, The standards must be plumb and in line, and upon a uniform height above the plane of the sidewalk. - After the standards are plumbed upon the foundation, the base must be given a uniform bearing by grouting with mixture of one part cement and two parts sand, and the foundation bolt nuts must be protected from grout before being covered to the uniform height of the plane of the sidewalk where sidewalk is in place, and if no sidewalk is in place, to the top of the curb. -12- � I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIYORNIA rFCIAL 52TIGIFICATIONS NO. 7. for r7NRR 472E BITULITHIC PAVEMENT. Page SECTION 1. PLANS . ............................... 1 SE CS ION 2. GENERAL REQUIRIIENTS ................. 1 SECTION3. WORK 1 ... ............................... SECTION 4. GRADING .............................. 1 GR.IDING AREA 1 a ........................ b ROUGH GRADING ....................... 1 c SUBGRADE .. ....... ... .. ...... 2 d CONDITION OF STREETS DURING GRADING. 2 e CITY ENGINEER TO CHECK GRADING...... 3 SECTION 5. WARRENITE- BITULITHIC PAVEMENT........ 3 COARSE SURFACING MIXTURE............ 3 GRANULAR SURFACING MIXTURE.......... 4 BROYENSTONE ....................... 4 STONE DUST.. .................. 5 BITULITHIC CEMENT ................... 6 PENETRATION ......................... 6 ................ .. VOLATILITY... .... 5 SOLUBILITY IN CARBON BISULPHIDE..... 5 SOLUBILITY IN CARBON TETRiiCHLORIDE.. 5' SOLUBILITY IN NAPHTHA ............... 5 DUCTILITY.. ..... ............. 5 PREPARATION IIND MIXING .............. 6 METHOD OF LAYING .................... 6 ROLLING ............................. 7. I l CITY "OF NEWPORT BEACH CAMIPORNIA SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS NO. 7. FOR 't' " "Jr1RRENITE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT • • SECTION 1. PLAYS: The detailed location of the work to be done, together with grades, cross— sections and special construction, is illustrated on the maps, profiles, cross — sections and plans adopted therefor by the City Council, and on file in the office of the City Engineer. These maps, plans, profiles and cross — sections are to be considered a part of these specifications, and any notations appearing thereon shall be considered as though incorporated as a _part of these specifications.' All distances and measurements given are in a horizontal plane. "All work shall, during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may from time to time be given by the City Engineer, SECTION 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: The general requirements shall conform to Standard Specifications No. 50 for "General Requirements". SECTION 3. WORg: The work to be done consists of the following: (a) To excavate or fill in the area upon which the pavement is to be constructed, to such an extent and in such a manner as may be required by the maps, plans, profiles, cross — sections and these specifications. (o) To construct thereon the pavement' as provided for on the maps, plans, profiles, and cross — sections. (c) To:Lrnish all material and labor necessary to perform said work and -to complete same. (d) Removing from the street and sidewalk adjacent to the work, all surplus material or debris. SECTION 4.' GRADING: (a) GRADI14G AREA. The street.-shall be graded from property line to property line along portions of the street upon which pave- ment is to be constructed or the roadway otherwise improved. Except- ing no grading need be done between-curb and property line along such portion of the street where both curb and sidewalk have already been constructed. The roadway between the edges of gutters or be —. tween curb lines where no gutters are laid shall be brought to the grade or sub —grade required by the plans or specifications. The spaces between the curb lines and the property lines in cases where no sidewalks are to be constructed shall be graded to a lane rising at a rate of one — quarter W of an inch vertical in one k1) foot horizontal from the ostablished grade at, the curb line. Side slopes of cuts and fills shall be neatly and' accurately trimmed to true cross — section. (b) ROUGH GRADING: Rough grading shall include all filling • and removal of excess earth, stone, trees, old pavements, curbs, sidewalks, driveways, culverts, and any other structures or foreign materials that may be encountered in preparing the street for the improvements to be made. Plowing or excavating sound material shall not be done to a depth greater than six (6) inches below subgrade. On any street where the improvement of the roadway is specified, the rough grading in any block shall be completed and the surface leveled "up approximately to final subgrade or grade before the construction of any cement work is begun in such block. Excavated material not required for fills shall be removed from the street as soon as excavated. —1— All material removed to facilitate construction shall be replaced to grade. • FILLS: The space over which fills are to be made shall first be cleared of all brush, trees, stumps, timber, trash or debris All filling shall be done with good sound earth, sand or gravel, and • no oil cake or other lumpy material, or material of a perishable, spongy or otherwise im7roper nature shall be used in filling. Fills shall be made as the Engineer may direct, either by flooding or rolling. For rolling, the material shall be placed in layers not exceeding one (1) foot in depth before rolling. Each layer, after being leveled off, shall be thoroughly dampened, and while still moist throughout, shall be rolled with a power roller having a com- pression of at least four hundred (400) pounds per inch width of tire. When flooding is reqguired, the material shall be brought up in layers not exceeding four l4) feet in depth and each layer thoroughly flooded with water and barred. No fills shall be widened by dumping loose material over their slopes. whon a fill is to be widened, the now material shall be bonded to the old by cutting steps into the existing slope and by bringing up the layers as specified above. MUD AIM SOFT MATERIAI: when an area of mud, or other soft or spongy material is encountered, it shall be removed and the space filled with gravel or good earth, which shall be placed in layers and rolled as hereinbefore set forth for fills until the sur- face ceases to move or creep under the roller. The Contractor will not be required in such cases to excavate mud or other soft or spongy material to a depth greater than two (2) feet below grade, Where such a soft spot is caused by a leak in water main or pipe, the soft material shall be excavated down to the pipe and after the pipe has been repaired, the excavation shall be back — filled with good material properly tamped or rolled• whenever any area is too wet to permit of thorough rolling or tamping the Con- tractor shall wait until the material has dried sufficiently and then complete the rolling or tamping. (c) SUBGRADE: After the rough grading has been completed, the surface of the subgrade shall be brought to the required grade and cross — section, and the subgrade nropared as follows: 1. The subgrade shall be compacted by thoroughly wetting down and smoothed to conform to cross — section. The wetting down of the subgrade shall be done a sufficient time in advance of laying the pavement to permit the drying out of the surface of the subgrade. No warrenite Bitulithic pavement shall be laid where there is an excessive amount of water on the subgrade. The subgrade -shall be checked and approved by the inspector immediately prior to the spreading of the paving material. Protection of Sub-grade: of Subgrade: Trucks will not be permitted on the sand subgrade unless a plank track or other suitable means is used for a runway. The paving mixture shall be deposited on a sheet • petal or wooden platform and then uniformly spread upon the subgrade, In no case will the dumping of the mixture directly on the subgrade be permitted. At all times precaution shall be taken to prevent the sand from becoming incorporated with the paving mixture and to main- tain the required subgrade. (d) CONDITION OF STREET DURING GRADING:.During the grading the surface of the street crossings shall be maintained in a reasonably good condition for traffic. Proper drainage must be maintained at all times• where there is a car line, suitalbe landing places shall be left for passengers as long as possible. -2- f (e) CITY ENGINEER TO CHECK GRADING: The Contractor shall notify the City Engineer when a block or a section has been brought • to subgrade, whereupon the latter will check the elevation and con- dition of the same ""f the work is found to be in accordance with the specifications and grades given, t)Ze contractor shall proceed as • hereinafter mentioned. SECTION 5. WARRENITE- BITUhITHIC PAVEMENT: (Granular Surface Con- solidated Type): On the subgrade as specified, shall be laid the ` diarrenite- Bi.tulithic- VTearing Surface described below, which after the thorough compression shall have the thickness as indicated on the plans for said work. The completed wearing surface shall consist of a single layer composed of two bituminous mixtures of dissimilar physical characteristics, bler�lvt and bonded together by compression. The two mixtures hereinafter described and referred to as "Coarse Surfacing Mixture" and "Granular Surfacing Mixture" respectively, to be sep- arately prepared and designed i:ith special reference to the needs of tha portion of the pavement in which each is used. The coarse sur- facing mixture which forms the body of the pavement consists of dense bituminous concrete of groat stability and has its upper surface sealed to the action of the elements and protected from the abrasive action of .traffic by the relatively plastic finer surfacing mixture so fi rmly bonded to and blended therewith, that along the contiguous surfaces, particles of the coarse mixture are embedded partially in the coarse and parially in the finer mixture, on account of which, the change from the stability and relative rigidity of the lower portionto the plasticity and malleability of the upper portion, 'is not sudden but is a gradual transition. COARSE SURFACING I=TURE: The coarse wearing surface mixture shall be composed of mineral aggregate as described below, mixed with sufficient Bitulithic Cement to thoroughly coat all of the particles and to produce a mixture containing from fom,'(4) to seven (7) per cent by weight of bitumen soluble bisulphide. The mineral aggregate shall be composod of broken stone for the coarse material, combined with sand (or a mixture of sand and screenings) for the smaller sizes. The coarse aggregate shall be free from soft or disintegrated stone, dirt or other objectionable matter occurring either free or as a coating on the particles, The size of the particles of the aggregate shall vary from the maximum (about one -half (z) of the thickness of the blearing Surface) to impal- pable powder. If the aggregate does not contain. enough finely divided particles or impalpable powder to produce the screen test shown below, the deficiency shall be made up by the addition of limestone dust, Portland Cement or other suitable fine mineral matter. Iii addition to the above the mineral aggregate shall come within the following screen test Passin Retained On : 1-3/4" Screen 1 2" Screen 1/21' !' 44 Sieve 74 Sieve r10 " #10 " The coarse aggregate retained on screen shall be graded consistently with the laid in each operation, but in no case shall that will not pass a circular opening whose the depth, after compression, of the mixture MM Percentaee b:i weight. 30 - &0 15 -25 5 -15 20-35 a one-half <,(.2) inch depth of coarsen mixture it contain any particles diamoter.is one -half (i) laid., The portion of the aggregate passing 10 mesh sieve when onnsidered separa %oly from the remainder of the aggregate shall meet the following screen ta_z: Percentage by Weight_. • Passing a 200 -meah sieve 10- 181. PassinE an 20-meth sieve 30-40'. • Passing a 40-mash sieve. 60- 80`0. CRANT_.AR SUR HCING MIXTJR4: The Granular Surfacing Mix- ture shall be comncsed of .ninexal aggregate, described below, mech- anically mixed with sufficient Bitulithie Cement to thoroughly coat all of the particles and prodzce a uniform mixture containing ordin- arily six (6) to eleven (11) per cent of bitumen soluble in carbon bi.sulphlde, but more shall be used if necessary to make the surface compactafter ultimate Compression,. The mineral aggregate shall consist of stone dust, sand and rockh or equivalent material which shall be not larger "than one - quarter.A ) inch in diameter (being that material which passes the one-gaarter'(0) inch plant screen) and shall conform to the following proportions by weight: Passing 1/4 inch sieve and retained on 2Q mash sieve 45 -75p. Passing 10 mesh sieve......................,,, 25 -551. That portion of the aggregate passing ten VIA mesh sieve when considered separately from the remainder of the aggregate, shall meet the screen test specified for the fine aggregate of the coarse wearing surface mixture. BROKEN STOdE: The broken stone used in the Warrenite- Bitulithic surface shall to uniform in quality, shall not show more than two (2) per cent oz unbroken gravel larger than one - quarter (4) inch, and shall be such hard, tough material as will show a coeffic- ient of wear of not less than ten (10) after being tested in the manner hereinafter specified in the Deval Abrasion Machine. At least thirty (30) pounds of coarsely broken stone, free from any fragmonts showing rounded or waterworn surfaces, shall be available for the tests. The rock to be tested shall be broken into pieces as nearly uniform in size as possible, and a test sample shall consist of not less than forty -nine (49) tor more than fifty- one (51) pieces, The total weight of broken stone to be placed in each cylinder shall be five (5) kilograms (eleven pounds). All test pioues shall be washed and thoroughly dried before weighing. Pen Thousand (10,000) revolutions, at the rate of between thirty (0} and %hirty -three (33) to the minute shall con- stitute a test. Only the percentage of the material worn off which will pass through a one - sixteenth (1/16) inch mesh screen, shall be considered in,determiniag the amount of wear. The wear shall be expressed by a coefficient known as the coefficient of wear, which coefficient shall be obtained by the formula "C" equals four hundred (400) divided by "W ", where "Ca is • the coefficient and "Vv" the weight In grams of the detritus under • one- sixteenth (1/16) inch in size per kilogram qi rock used. The broken stone used in the tests shall be furnished by the Contractor, and shall be delivered by him at the testing machine when required by zhe 3ngineer. SAND: The sand shell be clean, hard grained and shall not contain more than five (5) per cent by weight of mica and not more than four (4) por coat by woight of loam or other earthly im- purities, and shall all pass a sieve having one - quarter (4) inch square openings. -4- , a' • ( - r( U jC E 9mp� nrr�T: If the broken stone and sand do not contain enough finely dividod particles or impalpablo powder to produce the _roportions of mi -noral abgregate,spocified;, the deficiency shall be • made up 'by the add9.ti.on of stone dust. T.he s',ome dust shall be finely powdered limestone or other • hard and durabl3':e.rock or Cortland Cement, as the Contractor elects and shall be of'.`sach fineness that all of it will pass a fifty (50� mesh to the inch screen, and at least sixty -six (66) per cent will pass a two hundred (200) mesh to the inch screen. B ITULITKIC CE'41EN .':. Bitulithic Cement is produced under the direction, laborator-, supervisiun of, and using inbredionts approv- ed by Warren Brothers Roads Company, and in addition to the above, when refined from California cri:.de liouid asphalt, shall also comply with the following standard tests, made in accordance with the methods adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials: PENETRATION: Penetration shall be determined in the manner specified by the American Society for Testing Materials, at the 1916 annual meeting and shall be not less than forty (40) nor more than fifty -five (55) hundredths centimeter, forthe Coarse Wearing Surface Mixture, and shall be not less than seventy (70) hundredths centimeter, nor more than one (1) centimeter for the Granular Sur- facing Mixture, at seventy -seven (77) degrees Fahrenheit using a No. 2 needle and under weight of one hundred (100) grams for five seconds. VOLATILITY: Twenty (20) grams of the Bitulithic Cement when heated for five 5) hours at a uniform temperature of three hundred twenty -five (325) degrees Fahrenheit in a cylindrical dish, six (6) centimeters insido diameter, in a draught freo oven, shall show not more than one (1) per cent loss in weight. The residue when penetrated at seventy -seven (77) degrees Fahrenheit shall show not less than fifty (50) per cent of the penetration of the original sample. SOLUBILITY IN CARBON BISULPHIDE: Not less than..ininety- nine (99) per cent of the Bitulithic Cement, shall be soluble in -cold carbon bisulphide. SOLUBILITY IN CARBON TETRACHLORIDE: The amount of the Bitulithic Cement soluble in carbon tetrachloride shall be not less than ninety -nine (99) per cent of the amount which is soluble in carbon bisulphide. SOLUBILITY IN NAPHTHA: Not less than seventy -eight (78) per cent of the Bitulithic Cement shall be soluble in California naphtha (gasoline) of 860 Beaume gravity. Said naphtha to 1p bf Ouch nature, that ninety (90) per cent of same will distill off between 400 C and 800 C. DUCTILITY: Bitulithic Cement at forty (40) degreen pen- etration shall show at least eighty (80) centimeters ductility at seventy -seven (77) degrees Fahrenheit, when tested by the District of Columbia method. An increase of two (2) centimeters ductility will be required for each five (5) degrees penetration ofthe cement above fifty (50) degrees. • PREPARATION AND MIXING: The Bitulithic Cement shall be heated to a temperature between the limits of 250 and .330 degrees Fahrenheit and the mineral aggregate shall be heated to a temperature not exceeding 375 degrees Fahrenheit so that when the mixtures are delivered on the work they shall be in .a su>;ficientl�r plastic con- dition for spreading and rolling (which will vary with the temperature of the air) and they shall not be heated to a sufficiently high tem- perature to injure the Bitulithic Cement'. t ■ • The mineral aggregate shall be heated in a rotary drier, ?ild while still hot separated into at least four sizes by means of a rotary screen having a minimum screen opening of about 1 /10 of an inch and a maximum opening not exceeding two (2) inches. The effective screening are of each size screen section shall be at least twenty — eight (28) square feet, and the screens shall be so arranged that the smallest mesh screen section shall not receive any portion of the aggregate except that which will pass through either the smallest mesh screen or the next larger mesh screen. The aggregate thus separated shall pass into a bin having sections or compartments corresponding to the screen sections. The combined capacity of all the compartments to be not less than 10 cubic yards. From these several compartments the aggregate shall be drawn into a weigh box, and-to desired amount of aggregate from each of the above compartments shall be accurately weighed separately and the batch dropped into a "twin pug" mixer, whore it shall be intimately associated and thoroughly commingled with a predetermined quantity of separately heated Bitulithic Cement sufficient to coat all particles of the aggregate. Each batch shall be combined and mixed as follows: That portion comprising materials retained on a one -half (2) inch and coarser screens, shall be placged in a mixer in the proper proportions and mixed for at least three l3) seconds, after which two— thirds (2/3) of the Bitulithic Cement specified to be used shall be added and the mixing continued for at least fifteen (15) seconds. The remainder of the Bitulithic Cement and the remainder of the mineral ag regate, rop- orly proportioned, shall then be added and the entire mixture shal? then be mixed for an additional sixty (60) seconds, and longer if necessary to coat all particles. Additional time shall be allowed forcharging and emptying the mixer, in no event loss than ton (10) seconds. Tho mixer paddles shall rotate not loss than seventy (70 nor more than eighty (80) revolutions per minute. An accurate timing device shall be provided for tha proper regulation of the mixing. METHOD OF LAYING. The coarse mixture shall be haulod to the street in canvas covered wagons or trucks and shall have a temperature when it roaches the street of between two hundred 0300) and three hundred —fifty (350) degrees Fahrenheit. All contact sur- faces or curbs, gutters, manholes, and all cold pavement joints shall be painted with hot Bitulithic Cement before the surface is laid. If spread by hand, at least one —third (113) of each load shall be dumped outside of the space upon which it is to be spread, and every portion of the load shall be placed and spread with hot shovels or forks, and then leveled to a uniform contour and to such a depth that after the fine surfacing mixture has been spread and rolled the completed pavement shall have the thickness hereinbefore specified. In cases where the depth after com ression of the com- pleted pavement is specified as more than four (4) inches, it will be laid in the following manner: A portion of the coarse surfacing mixture shall be spread in sufficient quantity, so that after being rolled in the manner spec- ified for granular surfacing mixture in the paragraph entitled ROLLING, • its surface will be parallel to and uniformly two and one — quarter (2w) inches below the required grade of the completed pavement when a pave- ment six (6) inches in thickness is specified, and one and one —half (12) inches below the required grade of the completed pavement when a pavement four and one —half (4g) inches in thickness is specified. Add- itional coarse surfacing mixture shall then be spread thereon in the manner horeinbefore specified and to such a depth that after being smoothed by a single rolling with a tandem roller and being covered with the granular surfacing mixture as specified in the following paragraph and rolled as hereinafter specified, the complete Warrenite- Bitulithic Granular Surface Consolidated Type Pavement shall have the depth specified on the plans for said work. —6— ILI Wh310 the above ooaroc, mixture is still in such a malleable condition that the contiguous por0tons of the fine mixture and the 3oarse mixture will be s:; bonded and blended together by compression • as to produce a unitary mass, it shall be covered with the "Granular Surfacing Mixture'', at the -rate of thirty (30) pounds per square yard, and more shall be L.dded to any areas where required to cause the sur- • fare to seal or close up. :"ae Granular Iv ?ixture when spread shall be between two hundred and forty (240) and three hundred and seventy -five (3 75) degrees Fahrenheit, ROLLING: imme.l;.atel,r after spreading the Granular Sur- facing Mixture as c-_escr'.bel Pibcve, the pavement shall be thoroughly rolled with a steam or gasol'n.e ro:1.11er giving a compression of three hundred (300) to three hundred -fifty (350) pounds per linear inch width of tire, until the surface is unyielding, true to grade and cross - section. The wearing surface when completed shall have a specific gravity of not loss than eighty -eight Z88) per cent of the specific gravity of the combined coarse aggregate, sand and stone dust, as found in the mixture. The rolling must be continuous and one roller must be provided for each twelve hundred (1200) square yards of sur- face mixture laid on any working day. Except at grade changes, the (surface after rolling shall in no place vary more than one - quarter u inch from a five (5) foot straight edge laid parallel with the r3adway. Warren Brothers Roads Company,.oxclusive licensee under the patents used in the construction of the Warrenite- Bitulithic Pavement, shall file with the proper officials or board of the State, County, or other political Subdivision, or body, which is about to receive bids for the work, hereinafter known as "party of the first -art" a�rro7erly ezeXUtPd binding agreement to furnish to any con- tractor desiring to o,;d for the work all the necessary Warrenite- Bitul%thic Surface Mixtures, mixed ready for use, in accordance with these specifications, at a definite price. Said price shall include a license to use all of the patents required in the construction of the Warrenite- Bitulithic Pavement as herein specified. The acceptance of bids for Warrenite- Bitulithic Pavement by the party of the first part and the letting of a contract for the same shall be deemed by Marren Brothers Roads Company to be an accept- ance of its proposal by the party of the first part and by the Con- tractor to whom such contract shall be awarded, and are all that shall be necessary to bind Warren Brothers Roads Company to said agreement. The filing of a bid under these specifications shall operate as an acceptance by the Contractor of the terms of said agreement. (Copyrighted 1929 by Warren Brothers Roads Company, Boston,Mass.- City and other engineers and municipal officials are given free right to copy the specifications provided they are not modified without express permission of Warren Brothers Roads Company). so 0 Passd and approved this 10d- day of ei . , 1929. Mayor of t Cr of Ne *+sport Bea -an I � ' ATTEST. City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COU17TY OF ORANGE, ss. CITY .9F NEWPORT BEACH I, City Clerk'of the City of Newport Beach, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution, being Resolution No. 3-/a2 , was adopted by the City Council of said City, signod by the Mayor of the City of Newport Beach, and attested by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting thereof, held on the /D d day of , 1929, and that the same was adopted by the follWing vote, to -wit: AYES: Trustees, 4'4t.'*W NOES; Trustees ABSENT: Trustees, City C erk of the City of Newport Beach low