HomeMy WebLinkAbout515 - Tract 907 - Strada Oporto?22 Councilman Williamson reported that the Committee would cons er $250.00 a fair price for the 1-00 square feet to be taken the _i ner of Palm and Bay Avenue, and on motion of Councilman Cl seconds by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the Committee was instructdq to negotiate for the purchase of the 100 square feet a the apnrai ed value. C ncilman Williamson also reported for two members the Committee app anted to inve;�tigate the proposed 'development o the Irvine Props rt just outside the City, andrecommending that ater be furnished them; ouncilman Hilmer, the other member of the committee, making a minority verbal report in detail. The matter w discussed at some length and n motion of Councilman Ellsworth as onded by Councilman Hilmer an carried, the written report of a committee was filed with the other rport matters. On motion of ouncilman Ellsworth second by Councilman Claire, the application Hevbert Heineman askin to be supplied with water outside the city wa denied by the follow vote: AYES; Councilmen lmer, Claire and laworth. NOES, Councilmen W liamson and Jo son. ABSENT, Councilmen e. The communications we read a acted upon as follows: The application of T. Turns for a permit to build on Lot 87, Block C, Newport Bay Tract, bei g bay front property was considered, and on motion of Counci Ellsworth seconded by Council- man 'illiZson and carried, the matt was referred to the City Attorney for a written report. The regular order of bu ness as suspended for the present to considerLido Isle pro eats.' The Clerk reported t t this was he time and place fixed for the hearing of protests o objections ag nst the work, the assessment district or grad described in Re lution of Intention No. 513 in the matter of t improvement of Via ido and certain other streets, easements and r hts -of -way in the'City f Newport Beach, ;California, adopted by a City Council of the sal city on the 10th day of June, 1929. Reference hereby made to said Resolutio of Intention on file in the office the City Clerk for particular de ription of the work to be do The C1 rk also reported that the Affidavit of blication of the Resolut n of Intention and of the posting of the N ice of Improvement a required by law had been made and were on fig in the office of t City Clerk. e clerk also reported that he had not received any ritten protests. The Layor then announced that this was the time and pla set fo hearing of protests or objections against the proposed wor or agai t the proposed district or against the proposed grades as set for in said Resolution of Intention hereinabove mentioned and asked 1 anyone present desired to file any written protest or make any oral jections against the proposed improvematt or to the extent of the The City Engineer presentee a resolution no. Dip naming ina certain Strada lying between Lots 1111 and 1112 of Tract No. 907, STRADA OPORTO, and recommended that said resolution be adopted. Whereupon it was moved by Councilman Claire that said resolution be adopted. Which motion, being duly seconded by Councilman Williamson, was adopted by the following vote: AYES, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Williamson and Johnson. NOES, Councilmen Ellsworth. Councilman clears then oxrerea ana moves the aaoption of Resolu Ordering Work No. 516 in the matter of the improvement Via Lido and Sin other streets, easements and rights -of- in the City of Newpor ch, which motion was duly sem rd y Council- man Williamson and uLon call the same was ado by the following vote, to -:vat: AYES, Councilmen Claire, n and 'Johnson. NOES, Councilmen Hilmer h. ABSENT, Councilmen 1 RESOLUTION NO. 515 Original Missing Adopted 7/1/29