HomeMy WebLinkAbout4126 - Alley Improvements• s •�;r 1' • q' 1: M" Ii 1 1 oil MI, / tlh � 'al i : ♦ i 9I'.. 1� 1. 1' ' I -� - 5,_ /A4c 1� 40, '• I C9tl'IIC . t11 1 :':. • ►: iaf :IC r f. • : :ILA 1�(F cr is ►' :+ � Ot.' iIl " ►, h'1 lirl 1 ilI to the provisions of the "Improvement Aot of 1111", beirg Division 7 Of as foll+ms requires and it is the intention of the City Council of the City of 1111111 POOR iiiiiiiiiiii��ilill 171!11 f. . 11• f eonstroction and lastailation of sever and eater service connections► conereto apron, aW appurtenant work in ca¢mection therewith) in the first IYW Southwesterly of Coast Boulevard and the Nortbrmaterly extension of said alley.. between the Southeasterly curb line of Avocado Avenue aid the Nortbeesterly line of Acaoitla Avenue, as shown on Sheet 3 of tbo plops and profiles hereinafter referred too oonstruction and installation of setter and vator service commtimmp Y r 7 % . L S a M mL 77 =' • IJ ..: l Y r 17, . x ) a f _ ieork in connection therannrith; in the first .1. 11 .. - 74 ALLEY . lying Southwesterly of Coast Boulevard between the Southeasterly line of Acacia Aveuuus and the Northeasterly - probation of the Southeasterly line of the first all ey lying Southeasterly of Acacia Avonae, and between the Southeasterly line of Begonia Avenue and the first alley lying South - easterly of Begonia Avenue, and between the Southeasterly line of Goldenrod Ave= and the first alley lying Southeasterly of Goldenrod Avemuo, aad between the Southeaster><q Line of Jasmine Avenue and the first alley lying Southeasterly of Jasmine Aveuuue, and botmon tho Morthwestorly line of Harcissue Avenue and a line 160 Peet Northmesterly from and parallel with said Northwesterly line, and between the Southeasterly lies of Narcissus Avenue and a line 185 feet Southeasteriy from and parallel with said Southeasterly line, and bvtwem Poinsettia Avenue and Poppy Avenne, an shown on Sheets 59 8, 9s 23, l5 and lb of said plansf and in the first ALLEY lying Southeasterly of Dahlia Avenue and the. extensions of sold alley between the Southwesterly curb line of First Avenue and the Northwesterly prolongation of the Southwesterly line of Lot 3, Block 332, Corona Del Filar Tract, as per map recorded in Miscel]anecue Naps Book 4, Page 67r Records of Orange County, California, and between the Northeasterly curb line of First_ Avenue and the Southemsterly curb line of Second Avenue, and between the Northeasterly curb line of Second Avenue and the Southwesterly curb line of Third Avenus, and between the Northeasterly curb lino of Sleets 6 and 7 of said pleuef and in the first ALLEY • lying Southeasterly of Goldenrod Avenue and extensions of said allay : between Balrview Drive and the first alley lying Southwesterly of Bayviow Drive, and between the Northeasterly line of Seavise Avenue and a line 250 Peet Northeasterly from and parallel with said Northeasterly 11mj and between the Southmactorly curb line of First Avenue mad a line 225 feet Southwesterly from and parallel with the Southwesterly line of said First Avenue, and between the Northeasterly curb line of First Avemm and the Southwesterly .2- vI • curb line of Second Avenue, and between the Northeasterly curb line of Second Avenue and tho first a'lleV lying Northeastorly of Second Avenue* as shown on Sheets 8 and lA of said planes and in the first ALLEY lying Southeasterly of Jasmine Avenue and the wctension of said alley between the Northeasterly line of Seavica Avenue and the Southeastorly curb line of Baysids Drive, and between* the Northeasterly line of BVuide Drive and the first alley lying Northeasterly of Bayside Drive and aztonding into Salyside Dive approximtely 1011 feet, connecting vith the pavement in said Baysids Drive* as shown on Sheets 9 and 12 of said plans] and in the first lying Southeaster 2y of Larhapur Avenue and the extonsion of said alley between the Southeasterly line of Seaview Avenue and a line 260 feat Southwesterly frtm and parallel with said Southwesterly line, and between the Nortbmstorly line of Seaview, Avenue and the Southwesterly cuzb line of Bquide Drive* as shown on Sheets 12 and 23 of said plans; and in the first ALLEY 1• 1. a- i� n- F`:+ ro ? 1 c r 1 0 1 c a 11 r, r a LAI i 1 '> i'• ♦ M ¢' i 1 3 Il Y11 M i7 7.ino of Seavden Avenue and a line 360 feet Northeasterly Prom and parallel with said Northeasterly line, as.shaan on Shaet. 13 of. said plena' and in the first ALLEY lying Southeasterly of Marigold Avenue between Seaviow Avonuo and the first alley hying Southwesterly of Seaview Avemue, end bot—.e= Seaview Avenue and • the first alley lying Northeasterly of Seaview Avenues as shown on Shoot 14 of said plans. 3 • Thirds Tho grate, paying with Pmt mixed material, Construction and installation of sewer and mater Service connections,, reconstruction of manhole to grades. construction of concrete aprons and appurtenant Work in connection therewith; in the first ti-V between the Northwesterly curb Liao of Poinsettia Avenue and the Southeasterly line of Orchid Avenue, as sham on Sheet 15 of said plane. Fourths The grading, paving with pleat mixed materials - • IK 11 • I Y II .1 •J � 1 � i I tl 1 I�� -2 :11 •AI and appurtenant work in connection tharewithl in the first Lying Souttnroater]y of Seavisw Avenue and the extension of said alleV between the Northwesterly, curb lino of Orchid Avenue and the Southeasterly line of Narcissus Avenue, as shosm on Sheet 14 of said plans. Fifths The grading, paving with plant mixed material, construction and installation of sewer and water service counections, reconstruction of sewer law holes to grade, and appurtenant work in connection therorriths in the fire$ lying Southeasterly of Avocado Avemne and the extension of said a11ey bets the first alloy lying Northeasterly of Pacific Drive and the second alley Lying. Northeasterly of Pacific Drive, and between the Southwesterly curb line of second Avenue and a line 90 feet Southwesterly from and parallel with the Southwesterly line of Second Avenue, and between, the Northeasterly curb line of Second Avenue and the Southwesterly Curb line of Third Avenue, and between the Northeasterly ourb line of Third Avenue and the Southwesterly • Curb Line of Fourth Avenue, and between the first alley lying Southwesterly from Coast Boulevard and a Line 75 feet Northeasterly from and parallel with the center Line of Fourth Avenue, as shown on Sheets 3 and 4 of said plans; and in the first 4 I- v3 .i -.z S • urx: .m line of Seaview Avenue, and between the Southmster]y curb line of First Avenue and a line 220 feet Southmestoriy, fsnm and parallel with tha southmmterly line of First Avenue, and be", en tho Hortheaaterly curb line of First Avenue and the Southwesterly curb lino of Second Avenue, and between. the Nortbeaster3,v curb lino of Second. Avnnu9 and the first alley lying Northeasterly of Second Avenue, as shown on Sheets 7, 8 and 3.0 of said pl.anaj and in the first AMY lying Southeasterly of Wli.otrope Avemro and the extension of said alloy bet2ean Beyvview Drive and the first alloy lying Southwesterly of Baydau Drive, and betmem Bayvim Drivo and Beat= Avoauo, and between Seaview Avenue and the Northw,estm2y prolongation of the Northeasterly line of Lot 190, Me& 235 of said Corona Dal Mar Tract, and botweon tbo Southmr,sterly curb line of First Avenue and a line 150 feot Southmsterly -41,m and pa %llel with tbo Southwesterly lane of First Avenue, and between the Northeasterly curb lisle of First Ave= and a Live 23D feet Northeasterly from and parallel with the Northeasterly line of First Avenue, as show on Sheets 92 10 asd 71 of said planes and in the first 34ing Southeasterly of Iris Avenue between Seaview Avmm and. the first alley lying Southwesterly of Seaview Avenue, aW between Seaviev Avenue and a Line 325 feet Northeasterly from and parallol with the NortbaasterV line of Seaview Avesus, as shown on Sliest 32 of said piers j and in the first .� ALLEY hying southeasterly of Narcissus Avenue between Seavlou Avenue and the first alley 3ying Southmsterly of Seavioiw Avenue, and botween Seaview Avam end the first allay lying Northeasterly of Seaviv.7 Avenue, as shown on Shoots lit and 15 of said plans; and in the first - 5 - ALUM lying southeasterly of Crcbid Avsnuo botpesn Soaviea Avenue and the first 0110y lying Soatbwesterly of Soavieea Avomxo, =6 bots;een Soaviea Avenue and the first alley, lying T:ortimasterl.y of Seaview Avoixne, as shown on Sheet 1' of said plans] and in the second ALLY lying Southeasterly of Second Av3nus in MoI of said Cortina Del mar Tract, betieen Acacia Avenue and the lfertheasteOy prolomatiori of the 1+Iorthmaterly lino of the first alley lying Xbrtmostorly of Acacia Avm=p i.' a Y'pr •ri 's a � • 2 s - • i ' 'I .Y "•'iall• t •T •' •a 2. - -• Q1 •s- a•a17 { •a IO9 rst A 1 i Noriimoter3y from and parallel with the mortbmstorlp 3.ine of Acacia Avenue, as shorn on Siest 3 of said per• Sixths The gradings pavan; with plant mixed.material, contraction and installation of serer and nator service connections, raeonstruotion of 2xm H_ef •.f � l _fq yIf •I mr 1 Y 4.IY3a Nl 13f :9 ) I l7ing Southeastorly of Acacia Avenue and the extension of said C between the / 6[. carb Line First Aveme and 1 i 0 first alley lying lii^ 3 2 ♦ - First Avonuop and be C :JI the Northeasterly 1 • Y.2 Y First ! cr a and the Southwesterly 1 (♦ •. Second • YIVI and i a a 2f the 11wtheasterly curb U3 of a•• r9 Avenue and tAw SouUmesterly carb 1I of ThIrd Avomme# and between the Northeasteriv curb line of MY ♦ Avom and the Southmaterly curb line of Fourth !.c'! a and 3 a2 the NortheastaI curb lane of Fourth Aveuao and the junction to the- first 611W lying Northeaster3y IS from Fourth Avanum, as shorn on Shoot b of sakl plomi and in t1w first ALLEr lying Southeasterly of Bogonla Avenue and the extension of said al3AW between the Hortheasterly .curb Liao of First Avenue and the Southeastorly curb lies of Second Avemmp and betceen the Northeasterly curb line of Second Avenue 6 — end the Southeesterly curb Lana of Thud Avenue, and between the North•- • eastorly curb Lino of Third Avenue and the Southwesterly curb Line of Fourth Avenue, and betweon the Northeaater]y curb Liao of Fourth Avenue and Us Junction with the first allay lying Yeortboasterly of Fourth Avenue, as shown on Sheet 5 of said plans; and in tho.firtist lyia Southeasterly of Carnation Avenue aid the extension of said alley between ; eavlew Avenue and Us first .alley ]yin, Soutbwestor]y ar Seaview Avenue, and between the Southeasterly curb line of First Avenue and a line 195 feet Southwesterly from and parallel with the Southwesterly Line of First Avenue, and between the Northeasterly curb line of First Avenue and the Soutbmstorlry curb Line of Second Avenue, as shown an Sheets 6 and 9 of said plan al and in the first lying Southeasterly of poinsettia Avenue between Seaview Avenue and the first alley lyiva Southwesterly of se view Avenue, and between Seaview Avenue and the first alley lying Nntheastorly of Seaview Avenue, as shown an Sheet 26 of said plane] and in the first lying Southwesterly of Seaview Avenue between Carnation Avenue and Dahlia Avenue, and between Iris Avenue and Jasmine Avenue, and between korguorito Avenue and marigold Avenue, and between mu -Uold Avenue and Narcissus Avenue, and between Orchid Avenue and Poinsettia Avenues and between Poinsettia Avenue and Poppy.Avem, as shown on Sheets 9, 12s 13s 14 and 16 of said plane. Sevenths The gradings paving with plant mixed material, construction and installation of sewer and water service conneetiona, reconstruction, of • sewer manholes to grade, construction of concrete apron, and appurtenant Work in connection tharevdthj in the first lying Soutbmterly of BMview Drive and an extension • i betmea • Y Goldenrod •u i and Heliotrope Avenues and 1 •3 f'V O Y the/Easterly of Heliotrope Avenue and Iris Avenues as shove on Sheet 10 of said plans. 7 9-6 Eighths The construction of corrugated motal pipe storm drains concrete catch basin mid outlot, and appurtenant cork in connection therewith; • in that contain publio WFM being the Northeasterly 3 feet of lot 17, Tract 682, as per map recorded in Miscellaneous raps Book 200 Page 19, records of said County, and extending North}sesterly into Avocado Avv,- a and Southeasterly into the first v21 lying Southeasterly of Avocado Avmuos as slwm on shoots 2 and 3 of said plans. Plinths The construction of corrugated metal pipe stores drain, concrete catch basin and concrete Junction box, and appurtenant cork In connection thawith; in that certain public k IL+ beinS the Northeasterly 3 feet of Lot 10, Block 429 of said Corona Del. Mar Tract end oxten83sg Northrestorly into Acacia Avenue ani Southeasterly into the first alley lying Southowt3rly of Acacia Avurues as shown on Shoots 2 and 4 of said plans. Tenths iao construction of reinforced concrete pipe stone drains corrugated metal pipe atorm drains eoncroto catch basins and appurtenant 1 ! f i P D: Y • I 1 :+ i 1 f .I . te n R Y M i f .1 1 over and across portions of Lots 8, 90 10, n and 13s Block 431 of said Corona Del Zar Tract, and crossing the alley► at the extension of said ='t G>fl'4 1 s : Is.••. I • t l - G :• ♦ • � G) ! 11 Elevenths The construction of corrugated metal pipe storm drains cotereto catch basins, outlets and appurtenant ver1' in connection thasc:rith; In those certain public • FASEMM • bein,- the Rortheasterly 3 foot of Lot 13 and the 17ortPr.asterly 3 feat of Lot 1,5, Block 435 of said 0orona Dal filar Tract, and es tonding Southeasterly 1 f Qf ) i f Y 3 • l / i t f11 ♦ ♦ I r G 9.P r 8 t x-11 Twelfthl The construction of corrugated metal pipe storm drains concrete anchor blocks, and appurtenant Work in connection tberOv th) in the first lying Southeasterly* of Dahlia Avenue between a point distant 30 foot North- easterly from the Northeasterly lice of Bayside Drive and extending Southwesterly through said alley and into Bayside Drive,a distance of 103 feet, as shown on Sheet 6 of said plans; and in the first lying Southeasterly of Goldenrod Avenue between a point distant 225 feet from the Southwesterly line of First Avenue and extending Southmaterly through said alley and into Bayside Drives approximately 130 feet length of pipes as shown On Sheet 8 of said plans; and in the first ALLEY lying Southeasterly of heliotrope Avenue botnoen a point 1$0 feet Soutbwestor]y from the Southwesterly line of First Avenue and extending Southwesterly through said alley end into Bsyside Drives approximately 1% feet length of pipes 98 shown on Shoot 9 of said plena; and in the first lying Southeasterly of Goldenrod Avenue botween a point distant W feet Northeasterly from the Northeasterly line of Seaview Aver and extending Northeaster]y through said alley and into Bayside Drives approximately 85 feet length of pipes as shown on Shoot 10. of said plaana; and in the first ALLEY lying Southeasterly of Heliotrope Avenue between a point distant 300 feet Northeasterly from the Northeasterly line of Soaview Avenue and extending Northsastsr%Y through a aid alley and into Beyaide Drive, approximately 67 feet length of pipes as shown on Sheet 11 of said plane; and in the first lying Southeasterly of Iris nvmm between a point distant 325 feet Northeasterly from the Northeasterly line of Seavi,ew Avenue and extending Northeasterly through said alley and into Bayside Drives approximately 68 feet length of pis as shown on Sheet ll of said plans. .9— E �q ��n Y• e r 1 2� SECTION 2. That an of the said work and improvement to be done shall be constructed upon the grades, along the lines, between the points, of the dimensions, at the places and in the manner shown on the plM, profiles and draaiMs for the construction of said Uvrovemsnts in certain alloys Southwesterly of Coast Boulevards between Avocado Avenue and Poppy Avenue, being Plan No. 438, consisting of lb sheeta, on file in Us office of the City Engineer of said city and, except as otherwise provided on said plans, in farther accordance with the specifications for the construction of said improvement, said specifications being on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city and to which plans, profiles, drawlage and specifications heretofore approved b® the City Council of said city, reference is hereby made for a further, full and more particular description of the said work and by reference thereto the same are Incorporated herein and made a part hereof. I# �.°+ 1 ` /' `y 5. Y'. 131 -' i ; • ' SECTION 3• That the said conteaxplated work and improvement, in the opinion of the said City Council, is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and the said City Council hereby makes the expensoe of the said work and improvement chargeable upon a district, which said district the said City Council bereby declares to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof and which district is described as followea All that certain territcaq of the City of Newport Beech, California, exclusive of streets and alleys, included within the exterior boundary line shown upon that certain ldsp or Plat No.. 438, consisting of five (5) sheetso heretofore approved by the C1ty Council of said city on the 28th day of January, 1953,, indicating bq said boumdary line the extent of the territory included within the proposed assessment district, and which map or plat is on file in the office of the City Engineer of said city. Reference is hereby made to said map or plat for a further, full and more particular description of the said assessment district, and the said map or plat so on file shall govern for all details as to the extent of the said assessment district. 10 • • • • WK 1000 SECTION la. That serial bonds# bearing interest at the sate of six per cennt (6%) per annum, shall be issued to represent each assessment of twenty,-five dollars (x.00) or mm 'remaining unpaid for thirtsy (30) days after the date of recording the warrant. Said serial bonds shall extend over a period ending airs (9) years fm the seomnd day of January next succeeding the next October 115th following their date. Payments on the principal of unpaid assessments and interest thereon shall be made lay property owners to the City Treasurer, and the same shall be disbursed by said City Treasurer, all as provided an the "Improvement Act of 1911" hereinafter referred to. SECTION 5. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the day of , 1953, at the hour of seven - thirty (700) o'clock P.if., In the ohmabere of the City Council in the City Hall, of said City of Newport Beach, arq and all persons having only' objections to the proposed work or improvement or to the extent of the assessment district, or to the proposed grades, may appear and oh0w cause why said work should not be done or carried out in accordance with this Resolution of Intention. Protests must be in writing and must be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. 11,.17; (q) 0"m nc. V SECTION 6. That all of the work herein proposed shall be done and carried through in pursuance of an act of the legislature of the State of California, designated the "lmprmommt Act of 19111t, being Division 7 of the Streets and Rlghmays Code of the State of Califorffia, 11117 A WIN alt . a G .4 a 410 Cd a#) " 00011k, to +" SECTION 7. That the "Newport -- Balboa Press ", a weekly newspaper printed, published and of general circulation in the Oity of Newport Beach, California, is hereby, designated as the newspaper in wbich this Resolution of Tatonbion shall be published by the City Clerk, in the mm nar and foam pmvidnd by' law and for making it other publications in the proceedings under tide Resolution of Ihtention. i 11 .► 3a The City Cledi is directed to mall notice$ of the adoption of this Resolution of Tsrtention to all persons OMAM real proporty proposed • to be assessed$ whose names and addresses appear on the last equalised assessmem roll for ciV taxes, all in the manner and foam provided for ender Sections 5070, 5194 and 5195 of the said nnVroove'ement Act of 1911"" of said Streets end Highsaye Code, PoSTI19ti OF NOTICE OF ntPI omm SECTION 8. That the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Newport Beach shall cause to be conspicuouWy posted along the line of said contemplated words or Uprovement and AMC all open streets within . the district liable to be assessed for said work, notices of the passage of this Resolution of Intention, in the time, form and canner provided tv add Code. Ibj'�fN. Mlk : C1 i 7 CY tl. CYS SECTION 9. That the written report of the Oity Engineer of the City of Newport Beach, filed J=W'2y 26, 1953s on the proposed iwcovemeit herein described and prepared pursuant to the provisions of the "Special Assessment Wrestigattion, Limitation and Wority Protest Act of 1931 0s being Division 4 of the street© and RWram Code, is on file in the office of the City Clerk and open to public inspection. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Rapport Beach, California, at a regular meeting thereof held this �'� day of e , 7953 by the following voto, to wits AYBSs Councilmen f4;74, 2, HOTS s Councilmen M ABSENT: Councilmen City of Newport Beach, California 'tEi7 4iC 1" i s x e r r -a • n' r r r - passed and adoptod u® tho City council of the City of No-.,port Beach, California at the time and bV the vote above stated. UiV Ujerx ox . rne 12 — City of Newport Beach, Califorsda 3/ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) • COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ) • I, MARGERY SCHROUDER, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that according to the records of the City of Newport Beach filed and maintained in my office, the foregoing Resolution No. 4126 was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the 14th day of September f 1953, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: NOES, COUNCILMEN: ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Dated this Smith, Finch, Isbell, Bennett, Miller None None 7th day of August 19 57 � City Clekrk nd Ex -0 cciClerk of the City Council, City of Newport Beach, State of California.