HomeMy WebLinkAbout5924 - Acquisition of PropertyWWC:mec 3/6/64 0 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE I ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT, PUBLIC STREETS,•AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING.EMINENT DOMAIN PRO- CEEDINGS THEREFOR BEACH: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT SECTION 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the public interest and necessity require the construction and completion by the City of Newport Beach of a public improvement consisting of street improvements along Balboa Boulevard between 23rd Street and 32nd Street in the City of Newport Beach. SECTION 2. The City Council hereby further finds and determines that the public interest and necessity require, for the construction and completion of said improvement, the acquisition by the City of Newport Beach of the fee simple title in.all that certain real property situated in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows, to wit- Parcel 1. All that portion of Coast Boulevard •ari 1.iCn the said City described as beginning at the intersection of the Southeasterly line of lnirt.e *„h Street and the Northeasterly. line of Coast 3oulevt:xd; thence Sonthe.:eterly along the ITortheasterly line of Coact Bo,.aevard to its intersection with the Northeasterly prolongation of the 1_ne of rl�renty- nint.t Street; thence Southwesterly alonC the I?o_theasterly „role: -ation of the ITo.°th- toesterly line of Twenty-ninth Street, a itistan e of 23.13 fact to a point; thence Northwesterly along a line vhich line i, 42 feet A;ortheaster:y of and parallel with the Southwesterl;r line of Coast Boulevard to its ..ntersec- tion with the Southeasterly line of `Zairciet -h ;;tree-.; thence ITorthe- iste-rly along the Southeasterly line of kiMeth Street, a distance of 23.11 feet to the place of beginning, said portion being abandoned by Resoluti:rn of the Board of Trustees of the City of Iewport Beach on September 1, 1924, a certified copy of which 'eras 'recorded January 10, 1955 in Book 2919, page 226 of Official Records. Parcel 2. BzLinning at the intersection of wie ITor'theasterly prolo': "-ation of the Southeasterly line of TtTenty -ninth Street and the Eo'r'theastocly line. of Coast Boulevard; thence Southeasterly 21org the 17w:thevs erlf li.1e of Coast Boulevard to its intersection with the ;ort:ieasterlg prolonga-.4on of the NorthweStorl,y.line of Twenty- eighth S''neeu; thence Southwesterly along the ITorcheasterly prolongation of the y line of Tcrenty- eighth Northzr�acer Street, a distance of 23.13 fee-:, to a point; ' :a r:. Horthwesterly s'Long a line which line is 42 feet Northea- Ftcrly of 4hd = ::11 ^ ^ <1 with the S_)uth- westerly line of Coast D3ulevard to its �:1 ;�UC't�.:u ;'dth the Nor;.h:asterly prolongation of the Southcastemiy line oi'�A'7 n iGtl Street; then.:e North- . easterly along; the .•,ortheasterly prolo- 1 -ation :7" 1,Q Soiz' easterly line of Twenty -ninth Street, a distance oJ." 2' 11 fc­t ' c tk_e p1 5e of beginai.ng, said portion beinZ abandoned by RCzoluticn_ of ?iG' Board of Trustees of the City of Newport B-_aeh on September 1, 1924, a certified copy of which was recorded Januar�j 10, 1955 in .Boor: 2919, page 226 of Official Record:,. Parcel 3. Beni -ning at the inter. : :_c".ion of the ?o rtheaste-rly prolongation of the Southeasterly line of Tvezz_vy -arich S'crOet and the Northeasterly line of Coast Boulevard; thence SO- xuhea::;terly along the Uorthea£terly line of Coast Boulevard to its intersection vrith the Ii0 �heasterly prole ��'ation of the iTorthvlesterly line of Twenty- saven't�h Stres-'V; thence Southvlecterly along the Northeasterly prolongation of the Fcrth-1asterly line of Twenty- ' seveax,h Street, a distance of 23.07 feet to a. point; thcucs iorthwescerly along a line which line is 42 feet P?ortheastexly of and parallel vr_th the Soutmieste-rly line of Coast Boulevard to its intercection *lith the sIerth- easterly prolongation of the Sou.t.eastexly line of 'Ter - eighth S neat; thence Northeasterly along the No_hca.sterly prolongation of the Southeast - / erly line of Twenty-eighth Street, a distance of 31.50 feet to the place of beginning, said portion being abandoned by Resolution Of the Board of Trustees of the City of Nevapoxt Peach on September 1, 1924, a certified copy of which was recorded January 10, 1955 in Book 2919, page 226 of Official Records. —� i Parcel 4. Beginning at the intersection of the Northeasterly prolonvation Of the Southeasterly line of Twenty- seventh Stx'eet and the Nor'thea.s':.e-rly line of Coast Boulevard; thence Southeasterly along the Yortheaster:ty line of said Coast Boulevard to its intersection wills the Northeaaterly prolonga- tion of the ATorthvlestexly line of Twenty -sixth S'craet; thence Southeasterly alonr. lane Northeasterly prolongation of the For'ecterly line of T ent daw y- si.,th Street, 23 feet to a point; thence PForch : *aste'rly along a line which line is 42 feet Northeasterly of and.parallel erith the Southwesterl; -' line of Coast Boulevard to its interrsection with t1hc9 I�or'theaoterly pxolo��rgation of the Southeasterly line of Twenty- seventh St.reat; thence Northeasterly ' alonm the Northeasterly prolcl�ation of, the Sou't'heasterly line of T,lenty- seventh $treat, a distance of 23 feet to t'he place of beginning, Be!--.d por- tion being abandoned by Resolution of the 3oard of Trustees of the �.ity of Rewport Beach on September 1, 1924, a certifie :-1 copy of which Sras recorded January 10, 1955 in Book 2919, psEc 226 of Official Records. Parcel 5. Beginning at the intersection of 'ch•a Northeasterly pxolo..igation Of the Southeasterly line of Twenty -si_th Street and the Woruheaste.'ly line of Coast Boulevard; thence Southeasterly along the U"sortheasterly liiae of Coast Boulevard to its intersection trit'r_ the _itrtheastexly prolongation of the lorthwesterly line of Twenty - fifth Street; 'th,:nce SoucNiueaterly along the Yortheasterly prolongation of the iJU= chideaceray line of 1t-;enty -2i_ch Street, a distance of 23 feet to a point, tiien.e i- o:r'claVesterly alon;; a line 4ihich line is 42 feet Northeasterly Of and pax•allc:l with the Southv isterly line O -° Coast Pi_UleVard to its intersection with the iiortheasterly �')rolonga- tion of the Southeasterly line of l enty -sixth Street; thence North :acterly along the Northeasterly prolongation 'of the Souc;hcasterly line of Tlenty- siacch Street, a distance of 23 'act to the place of beginnis';, said portion beiLg abandoned by resolution o the 3o02?d Of 'i -U.itees of the City of Nevraort Beach on September 12 1924., a certified copy of ;1%W was recorded : tnuary 10, 1955 in Book 29192 page 226 of Official Records. Parcel 6. Beginning at the intersection of tha I?orcheasterly prole :.1gation of the Southeasterly line of T77enty -fifth S'creet and the Northeasterrly line of Coast Boulevard; thence Southeasterly alo:ag the };ortheacterly 11ue of Coast Boulevard to .s intersection oli.th- the tdaatexly line of the S'tut'hern Pacific Railroad Company's right of way; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's right of vlay to its inter- section with the northeasterly prolongation of the I�oxthraesterly li :ae of Twenty- fovxth Street; thence Seutl:z•lester_y alcng the Northeasterly grolonga- ti-on of the Norchuesterly line Of ;o-enty -f DiLrth v„raet to i.tS i.nterzection with a line vlaicL line is 42 feet North astexly o' and parallel vita that portion of the Sou't'swesterly line of Coast Loulev rd lyizg Idox-chwesterly of _T1entry''- fourth Street; thence Northeasterly along a line v1„ich line :t6 42 feet !Yo-- leasterly of and parallel With the SOutlToeste:rlf line of cJa.3t 3GU-1 vard tO its intersection viti1 the Portheasterly prolongation cL the Sou'theasterly line of Tlwanty - fifth Street; thence Northeasterly alca„ the Yor heasterly prolongation of the SoutLeastcrly l ne of liten'ty -fiftx Street, a diOta.nce of 23 feet to the place of be3imain , said portion being abordoned by Resolution of the Board of Trusters of the City of Eau *)ort Boach on September 1, 1924, a certified copy of which was recorded January 10, 1955. in Book 2919, page 226 of Official Recox^ds. . 2. Parcel 7. Beginning at the intersection of th iyo_•theasterly prolongation of the Southeasterly line of T'ianty- foaxth Street and a line hO feet Forth- ea; terly of and parallel with the ?outLt'Testerly lane Of that part o.° Coast Boulevard lying Southeasterly of T- wanty- fourth Street; thence South= aIIterly along a line iffiich line is 40 feet Northeasterly of and parallel wi:;h the Southwesterly line of that part of Coast Boulevard lyir,^; immediately South- . easterly Of Ti•Tenty- fourth Street to its intersection with the Westerly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's rizht of we.y; thence T4o_- 'hwest- erl,y along the WL3terly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Conpc:ny's right of rTay to its intersection with the Northcaster?.y prolongation of the S.OL''theasterly, line of TsTenty- f0',rth Street; thence Southwesterly along the Northeasterly prolongation of the Southeasterly line of Twenty- foar-,*h Street to the place of beginning, said portion being abandoned by Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Nawport Beach on September 1, 1924, a certified copy of which was recorded January 10, 1955 in Book 2919, page 226 of Official Records. Parcel 8. chat portion of that certain strip of "land, 60 .feet in width, described "F7t'.ST" in the deed to the Los An eles Inter -Urban RailwaOr Company, recorded 12ay 26, 190+ in Book 103, page 356 of Daa;ds, described as, :_'011o,rs: Beginning at the point of intersection ex" tee ;3eucheasterly line of Thirtieth Street, 50 feet vide,'a.s shoti'Tn on the map of s'.1[e Tract, -recorded 'pa Book 4. page 13 of ihiscellaneoua flaps, record;, of 0ran;e County, Califor ia, with the Fortheasterly boundary of said certain strip of land, 60 feet In width; thenCE: Nox hwez'erly along said _Vo theavte-rly aoundary 't0 the iL'ter „ection thereof with the Idortheaste-rIj line of Bay Ave:a ze, as shown on the : °iDp of 1'ewpoxt Beach, recorded in Boos 32 _pa a 26 of :'.;isc:ellaneous ilap:s, r,�.:cords of Orange County, California; 'thence SOutheas'torlp along said NOriheau'.erly line to a 1loint in the SOiitli4T2ater prolOtiation of Said Southeasterly line of `I rtieth Street; thence Nortneast --r1y alon; said Southeasterly prolongation to the point of beginning. Parcel 9. That portion of tha-t CCi " "Ga:iL" strip J "1' '?aL "dy 60 feet in t','rdth, described "FIERST" in the deed to the Los '.n;;elss ::cater -Urban Railwa;! Company, recorded May 26y 1904 in Boo_c 103, pa.�e 356 o'_° Dec:do.. bounded on the North - o +est by file Southeasterly prolog a'ticn of the oucLeac'cex]p line of Thirtieth Street, 50 feet ti'ides as'sho;;n on the map of Lake :acts recorded i.0 Book 40, page 13 of 1.T.3.£Cellane0:73 Mars, rOCO ^d O:`' county, California, and b=ldcd on the Southeast by the Ulostarly side line of that certain ;strip of lands 100 feet wide, described in the deed to the €Southern Pacific : tailroad Company, recorded October l,'', 192 in Book 405s page 250 01" Deeds - EXCept].ng therefrom that portion''tllercOf l;yi3�; .1'.0:7:iLw0-:iterly of the North- easterly line of Bay Avenues as spoor,:: on the map of Zasrpo_ t Peach, recorded in Book 3, page 26 of tascellaneoua Yspss -record„ of Orange County, California. Parcel 10. Beginning at the most Southerly carrier of .iron 1 in Bloc.: 127 of the Ziake Tract, ieiQport Beach, as oohOwn On a Zap recorded in Book 4, parse 13 of MiacelI aneous Mops., -records of Oran7a Co:alty, California, sail South- erly corner of Lot 1 being in the i'esterly lira of the strip of lanl 100 feet In x:idth conveyed by James li cFadden to Santa Ana and Ycwport Railway Company by deed recorded in BOOIi 78, page 399 of Deed.,, records of Orange County, California; thence Southerly aionz .aid i7ezterly line of 100 -foot .'trip of t h, ac; . r1 l;” e „ p land 60 lane O its Intersection S41 �n the IsOrt .c:' w�ci y line of L'a_e S'G-1 O.L feet in vidth first described in the Load from the Wevport Beach Company to Los Angeles Inter -Urban Railway Ccray-:anys recorded in Boos 1030 page 356 of Deeds, records of Orange County., California; thence Korthwesterly along the Northeasterly line of said 60 -foot strip of laud to its intersection with a line dra *.'ra at right angles to the aai.;rly line of above 'mention-cc. '.lot 1 in Block 127 Of Said L-ake Tract at a point 70 feet distar -t Northwesterly along said I';asterly line fron the most Southerly corner of said Lot 1; thence Easterly along said line draora at right angles to said Easterly ling of Lot 1 to a point in the SoLthtTCSterly line of said 'c't 1.; ''canoe Sou'theas'terly / along said Southecsterly line of Lois 1, a distance of 73.44 feety more or, less, to the point of beginningt.. 3. Parcel. 32. A portion of To-. 1 in Block 127 of Lake Tract., Newport, Beach, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 4p page 13 of NizcelIzneous Naps.. records of Orange County; California., described as follcus: 1 . Beginning at the most Southerly corner of said Let 1; thence Nortlln.ezterly along the Bast-erly line of said Lot 1, a distance of I'D feet; thence Westerly at right angles to said Eas terly,line of said Lot 12,a distance of 22.20 • feet, a little more or less., to a point In the SoYchvesterly line of said Lot 1; thence 5outheaster3,y along said line of said Lot 1,, a distance Of 75.44 feet, a little more or less,, to the point of beginning. Parcel 12. Lot I In Block 127 of �Take Tract, as ,,hoi•a on a Map recorded in Book 42 page 13 of IyUccellaneous Mapo, records of Orange County, Cclifornia. a-cepting therefrom the following.- Zagitninkg- at the most Southerly" corner of said lot; thence Xortlniezterly along the Eavterly line of said lot, a distance of 70 feet; thence Westerly at right angles to .. said Easterly line of said lot, a distance of 22.20 foeto a little =--a or leza, to a point il:; the So,uthiT-estarly line of said Lot 1; thence Soathheaaterly along said Southwest- erly line of said Lot 1., a distance of 73.4.4 feet, a little more or less.. to 'ale point of beginning. Jilso excepting therefrom the portion conveyed to the City of Feupoxt Beach by deed recorded Septedber 5, 1933 in Book 626, page 335 of Official Records. Parcel 13., IZ-iat portion of Lot 2 in Block 127 of peke Tract, as sh,�7,7n on, a. Map recorded in Book 4, pare 13 of Miscellaneous :maps, records of orange County, California, lying Soixtheastexl:j of 'the land conveyed to the City of WevI,=.t, Peach by deed recorded September 5, 1933 in Book 626: Page 335 of Official Records. 1 Parcel 14. Beginning 'at a point in tho steely Iiiae of Lot 1 in Block 127 of L�Ize Tracti. as shovm on a Ma�n record cd 1:1 Bcoh ` %, rOG-- 13 of I;Uz:2ellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, di-L­.. 70 feet Vorthweaterly aloe.- said EartaTly line .12= the n-ost Sozzthncrly co:ener of -aid Lot lj thence Masterly along a line dra7vin at right anL•leo to said EeSteTly line to an Intersection with the Westerly line ot' a�^_ia Lot 1, the true point o.� beUin- ninG of the land herein described; thence cent --luu.:ug alc•g said lir?, drawn at right angles to the Eaaterly line of said Let 1 to Its intersection with the U01-thaeaterly line Of the strip Of land 60, feet lia -viLith 2-frst- desc::ibed in I Rai 1, the deed from Newport Peach Comp to Los latexurban 1 .")y, Company, recorded May 26, 1904 in Hook 103; 3pa,;:a 356 of Deadr; theme rorth- westerly along tho Eortneazterla Tin of said so -';Dot strip Of land to its Intersection with the strip conveyed to the City of llcwpox-t Brach b.-..r deed rec-c-oded. September 52 1933 in 2oo.,-_ 6262 pa ge ' 335 Of Official Record:., thence , 17ort-heasterly along said :rt-rirj conveyed to the City of Hewpor-. Beac.'a to its intersection Vith the Westerly line of LOt 2 in said Ilock 1127; the=e Southeasterly along the Verterly line of said Lots 2 and I to the true point of beginning. Parcel 15. Slose portion~ of Lots .1.0/ and 20 in Block 30 of Newport Bcachy as shown on a 1,.,ap recorded in Boot 3, pa e 26 of MLccellanaous Maps, records of Orange County, California., -,;itclhin the bo=clariez of that certain strip of land, 60 feet in vldjch, described "_F2:'ST? in the deed to V­.e Los smseles Mate•-;M?ban -0ilway C=L)any, recorded, !.'ay 26$ 1904 in Book 103 page 356 of Deeds. Parcel 16. matv Dortion of that cc•' ?tain sstx-i-g of 60 feet In width, described "Sacorad" • In, the deed to the Pac-if2c _',%�nd Coikoany, reco:7ded December 20 1� of Dlc�ad*c, said cortair strip of land , 1905 in roo' 123.� _04ze 83 being; desipnatea lls.P.R.R.11 as sbomn on the nsp of 1,ievpert Beach recorded in Bool 3, page 26 of = =ii. ocellaneouz Mapa, records of Orange Ccurty., California., described as B,."ginlnizg_ alw- vlaa ;Joint of Intersection Of the Fbrt'auonter17r line of 11hirty- llrnt Street, 50 feet widc,, as cho-im On raid men of !TQuport- Beach with the SOtzthc­z,lj lize of said certain strip Of land., to feet in width; thence Past- erly along said Southerly line to 11'"s intersection with the Southwesterly line of Fay lWan7az! (now Balboa Boulevard)., as ahova on said map of Y.avport Z-uch, thence North-ocate:,2j, along said South-westerly line to its intersection with the of said 11orthwesterly line of n, ixty-iLrst Street; thence Southwesterly along said Uortheasterly prolongation to the point of be.-innin.e,. 4. • i Parcel 17• Those portions Of Lots 10, 17 and 18 in Block 31 Of 1$elr'?Ort as shorn, on a Ir.ap : ^ecordOd r_n Dook "9 page 26 oI' P`�GCellaaccas 1.;apsp records of drape Coulty, California, and t7, at p0:2'i;i0_a Of that Certain strip O " +' luildy Chi feet in w].di.L, in sa2d Ci tyy, CO't.7Ilty aL'd state dercrl'Jet: u..COnd in the deed to the Pacific rlec"c_is Lund Cc pary,_Yeeorded Dacerber 20g 1905 in Boon: 123, page 83 of Dacdry raid certain strip of land beiuS der ":mated as Sh(:am On said map 02 I'.G[vpo G Daar chp described as & I'7':.' :le as f ol'; ovs : Bogimlin& at the most &ortLerly corner Of said Lv i. 16i thence aS.ou'i.Y_.,a- sterly aloe" the 1;OrGhearte --1'ly line and its SOLithe2u Lerly pr610'lation of : -laid Lot i its t the Z r n r f s_ + 10 to �^ intersection z�r'tL c..e 17or"chea;,ter.�3 prolo:�;a i:io_ o:. the i':o"rthtles..- erly line Of Flirt y -first Strect-2 50 feat v ldv y a; sSCT ] On said may ) of Fevriport .Beach; thence Sout''li' :83terly c10"nv said Northeasterly pxolol:',ation and alo"y„ said Uortlxwesterly line Of 'T -hixty -first S'i.rEe t, a di.stanCC: Of - 25.00 fact; thence i;Ortht:es✓t;erly in &.direct line to the point Of baginninz. Parcel Is. Ulat rcrt .On Of tha" Certain alley, 10 feet ?ride, sd.joi:?ing Lot 16 La U1 oc1 3l of 1;' -uport $Sachs as Sho'':)n On a ''H' a—o recorded in Booi <- 3, page 20 Gf IT_ H S ce 7.aaeo.0 Pupe, records of Orange Cc� ty, Ce_i y° r nia,. boy.?dad on the ;O: Gheast by the Southeasterly- prolongation o2' the 1:Or`i,f_'eartcrljr line Of said Lot 16 and bounded on the Soucrir:est by the following described line: Be,riLmir,; at a point in the 1;orth;*001 erly" Bic of 2hircy- first Strc:ty 50 '_eat %7ide2 as shoiim On said 'Reap of Beach, distant. Southiert :.rly along said 1Torthiveaterly line and its l :lC= 'rhea' >" v-' 1J prolom ation 25.00 at fl "am the Solatheazt 'r1.jr prolon-,^,.,ation of the lion i ^vC'.]t'': r.{y li.ne of raid Lot 16 in - 1 -11Oc% 31; thence 71-- Xthv'e' terly in & direct _.= E "LO 'i:RG most 1sO her.1.y coiner of said Ze4 16 in :rock 31. Parcel 19. ^fat "-JOr "Lion of -ha- C rtai.. _ i ?cnf_y �0 fe in PJ1dLL, described "Second" in the deed to t7 c Pacii'ic _ ._ __ L'— 'd Company, recorded December 20, 1905 "i.n Pools 123, nape S3 G"' _ , :a"idyce_tain strip of land bein de+3ig'nated "S.P.R.R." as C:A?O:._ on 3; "t0 5 ?'_p c`G "_JO an— ch, r ]corded in Book 3y p830 26 Of 1 +11scelliln00Ll - 2 ..::Jag _f3CG_ii: O'= Or'ati+"e oun:tyy Ccclifornia, included within the boundaries o4' Day Avenue (iO '�eet wide), as shc-m on said La' of INavport Bosch. Parcel 20. h portion Of, that eerta_n Strip Ol''1 --nd '1100 -feet 'Hide) described in deed 1.0 Pacific MOCtriC ?iailWt.'y E:Cnn"' 'ny, Z'CCOrded in LOOS 7135, gaze 457 of Official Record , described as io�io ?'a: Bez l ni'ing at a point in the tt'.-.ob ?" horly l__c: of -:inCi described in -decd to the Ci "cy of F`' '.';port, D ram, recorded i a 3CCiS 332, 7 a 'c` 15 of J.°.ed52 rQcoidu Of Oran�,'e County, California, dirtent SG -__ :,� ?3' O0" S:Eat -i ?Green E0.61 fact from. its intersection t' /ith tli`�.' Lau'uc":r +.!'nc O'_ s: :id s'tr'ip Of laird :100 Peet 'vale), thence SoktLeasterly al0'% a c'.,:rvog CO'n:: =.VC l9ortheauterly, 12: Vify^y a rad1US 0f'Sco feet 'L h "lOU;' -j? S. CGnlrul a:tiie?. O:i' )„ 5Jt .'[,9" tE radial .13 t0 A_ taut :,aid cu:-ve at last - nentiOC._d -Joint be2-,s 23o:.`l 66° b-41 OLrt aC`,;�, an arc d1 ` r ' 86-73 fee vi thence 330 ],;'�� 15tt East tan,^_",, -eb t.i said 'stznce o- ,0 ✓- s A, ✓.�.+ CuLC'Vu' J7 /`f °Lett. to a. p0 -nt., thence o0ui �ea'.1 ;.^-.!_yr c..l.O.Cj a lan_;;e;:t Ct.t1 Je con- cave t uthi mterI having a rc^ � 00 flt- t� - n )ta., g ac �,/, n °;:as cs 5�� et, c..i.t._a1 .n;,_e of 13' 29' 1:5 (a radial 1•7na to last said C1_"Ve "!t la t - entionea poir� bears SOi:: t;': 5660 1Fj Q ,,51, ?''i:st�, an =c d?,-'.+ "u':::c:: 0i 117x77 i Parcel 21. That portion of Bay Avenue (40 feet wide), now known as Balboa Boulevard, as shown on the map of Newport Beach recorded in Book 3, page 26, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, between the northeasterly prolongation of the southeasterly line of Thirty- second Street and the northeasterly prolongation of the northwesterly line of Twenty -third Street, as said streets are shown on said map, excepting therefrom all portions thereof included within Parcels Nos. 1 through 20, inclusive, hereinabove described. Parcel 22. Lots 21 and 22 of Block 27, Lots 19 and 20 of Block 24, and Lot 21 of Block 30, as shown on the map of Newport Beach recorded in Book 3, page 26, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California. SECTION 3. The public improvement to be located on the property described in Section 2 is located in a manner which is compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury. SECTION 4. The City Attorney of the City of Newport Beach is hereby authorized, empowered and directed; (a) To commence an action or actions in eminent domain in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Orange in the name of the City of Newport Beach to acquire the fee simple title in said property hereinabove declared to be necessary and to secure the right to immediate possession of said property by depositing in court such sum of money as may be re- quired pursuant to the provisions of Section 14 of Article I of the Constitution and the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of- California to entitle the City to take immediate possession there- of. (b) To incur in the name of and on behalf of the City of Newport Beach all obligations and expenses necessary to acquire said property and the immediate possession thereof. (c) To do such further acts and to take such additional steps as may be necessary or convenient in connection with said • acquisition. This resolution was adopted by at least a two - thirds vote of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach at a meeting of said Council on the 9th day of March, 1964, by the following 6. • vote, to wit: AYES . ' f COUNCILMEN: NOES, COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ATTEST: ` City G erTc 7. 6 Mayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH) %9 I, MARGERY SCHROUDER, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify -that according to the records of the City of Newport Beach filed and maintained in my office, the foregoing Resolution No. 5924 was duly and regularly adopted, passed, and approved by the City Council. of the.City of Newport Beach,. California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the regular meeting place thereof, on the 9th day of March 1964 by the following. vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Stoddard, Gruber, Cook, Hart, Lorenz, Marshall, Elder NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Dated -this 10th day of March ,> 19. 64 City C1erk.akd EJ Officio Clerk- of.the City Council, Cit of Newport B a�ch, State of California. J^