HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 - Dove Street Modification,,.. ok COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. oY I F, PLANNING DIVISION �'i\ n 3300 Newport Boulevard, Building C, Newport Beach, CA 92663 '� 'rt° �; (949) 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 ''�����`'�` www.newportbeachca.goy CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT March 28, 2012 Agenda Item No. 2 SUBJECT: Dove Street Sign Modification - (PA2012 -007) 1801 Dove Street a Modification Permit No. MD2012 -003 APPLICANT: David Lewis - Blake Signs PLANNER: Rosalinh Ung, Associate Planner (949) 644 -3208, rung @newportbeach.ca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN Zoning District: Professional & Business Office Site 9 of the Newport Place Planned Community (PC -11) General Plan: General Commercial Office PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant proposes a modification permit to amend the comprehensive sign program for the Hangers to allow Building #18 to have three (3) new wall signs that will exceed the permitted letter /logo height and maximum square footage. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. 2012 -_, approving Modification Permit No. MD2012 -003 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION U The subject property is located within the Hangers, formaly known as Newport Commerce. The 17 -acre, multi- business complex consists of 18 individual buildings and is bounded by Birch Street to the north, Westerly Place to the south, Dove Street to the east, and Quail Street to the west. The applicant owns and occupies Building #18 which is located at the northern part of the complex. o Signage for the Hangers complex is governed by a comprehensive sign program that was approved on September 25; 2008. Wall sign (labeled as Type A in the sign program) allowance is limited to 24 inches in height and 12 square feet in size with a maximum of two signs per building elevation. Before the comprehensive sign program approval, the complex was improved and occupied with industrial uses. According to the Newport Place Planned Community Development Plan, wall sign allowance for the industrial sites is limited to a maximum of ten (10) percent of the area of the elevation upon which the sign is located. For multi- tenant buildings, each individual industry shall be limited to a four -inch letter sign. On September 14, 2010, the complex was re- designated from Industrial Site 4 to Professional and Business Office Site 9. This action includes the revision of the Land Use Plan, permitted uses and development standards to allow the complex to develop as a professional and business office complex. The comprehensive sign program for the entire complex stays in place with no changes proposed. In September 2012, the applicant purchased the subject property and conducted a complete renovation of the 2 -story, 12,000 square -foot building. As the subject property is now occupied by a professional office use, the strict application of the sign standards governed by the sign program would result in inadequate signage for the subject property. The applicant is, therefore, requesting the approval of a modification permit to the comprehensive sign program to increase the size and height of the wall sign only applicable to their property (Building #18) as follows: Sign Type Existing (Permitted by Sign Program Proposed Wall Sign Building 18 Building 18 (Type A) o Letter or Logo: 24 inches o Sign Area: 12 sq. ft. One wall sign to be located on the East, 0 2 signs per building elevation North and South elevations: • East Elevation: Maximum letter or logo height: 38 inches and maximum sign area: 38 sq. ft. • North and South Elevations: Maximum letter or logo height: 24 inches and maximum sign area: 15 sq. ft. for each wall sign. Tmp11:0 1 -05- 12 0 The granting of a modification is necessary to allow larger and visible signage on the east; north and south elevations. The comprehensive sign program was originally created to provide signage for the light industrial uses with limited general public /customer interaction and access. As the complex slowly evolves into a more business -like environment with corporate offices and professional uses as permitted by the Newport Place Planned Community, wall sign allowance for these tenants is no longer adequate. The larger wall signs will provide greater convenience to patrons and motorists in locating the subject property. The proposed wall signs are a logical design solution to identify main business tenants occupying the subject property. The wall signs will be in scale with the existing development and complement its surroundings and will not be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood or to the general public. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project qualifies for a Class 11 (Accessory Structures) categorical exemption of the California Environmental Quality Act because it involves the construction of wall signs which is incidental and accessory to the principal office use of the property and does not intensify or alter the use. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of -way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days prior to the decision date, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared upon the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development or City Clerk, as applicable, within fourteen (14) days following the date the action or decision was rendered unless a different period of time is specified by the Municipal Code (e.g., Title 19 allows ten (10) day appeal period for tentative parcel and tract maps, lot line adjustments, or lot. mergers). For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949 644 -3200. TmpIC0.1- 05 -12' Prepared by: o alinh Ung, Associat6 PI nner G\ JIMIREZ/ru Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans Tnip11 :01 -05 -12 Attachment No. 1. A I Dr-A VesolLifia-ii •n pli:oi.os -iz RESOLUTION NO. ZA 2012 -OXX A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, APPROVING MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. MD2012 -003 TO AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM TO ALLOW BUILDING #18 TO CONSTRUCT THREE WALL SIGNS LOCATED AT 1801 DOVE STREET (PA2012 -007) THE ZONING ADMINSTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Blake Signs, with respect to property located at 1801 Dove Street, and legally described as Parcel No. 14 of Page 1, Parcel Map Book 364, requesting approval of a modification permit. 2. The applicant proposes a modification permit to amend the existing comprehensive sign program (MD2008 -030) for the Hangers business complex to allow Building #18 to have three (3) new wall signs that will exceed the permitted letter /logo height and maximum square footage. 3. The subject property is located within the Professional & Business Office Site 9 of the Newport Place Planned Community and the General Plan Land Use Element category is General Commercial Office (CO -G). 4. The subject property is not located in the Coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on March 28, 2012, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. The project has been reviewed, and it qualifies for a categorical exemption pursuant to Section 15311 of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 11 (Accessory Structures) of the Implementing Guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act. 2. Class 11 includes construction or replacement of minor structures such as on- premise signs accessory to (appurtenant to) existing professional and commercial facilities. The proposed wall signs are incidental and accessory to the principal use of the property and does not intensify or alter the use. Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2012 -_ Page 2 of 6 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Modification Permit In accordance with Section 20.52.050 E. (Required Findings, Modification Permits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC), the following findings and facts in support of the finding for a Modification Permit are set forth: Finding A. The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Fact in Support of Finding 1. The subject property is located within the Professional & Business Office Site 9 of the Newport Place Planned Community and the General Plan Land Use Element category is CO -G (General Commercial Office). Professional & Business Office Site 9 is intended to provide administrative, professional, and medical offices with limited accessory retail and service uses. The existing professional and business office complex is consistent with this land use designation. The proposed signage is accessory to the primary use. 2. The proposed walls signs are designed to be proportional to the dimensions of the building elevations and are compatible in size and design with other wall signs on the commercial- designated neighboring properties and in the surrounding commercial area. 3. The proposed wall signs do not constitute or contribute to a significant proliferation of signs which would be inconsistent with the neighborhood character. Finding B. The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s) of the property and /or structure, and /or characteristics of the use. Fact in Support of Findinq 1. The granting of the modification is necessary due to the physical improvements made to the building elevations. The applicant is requesting slighter larger signage on the east, north and south elevations in order for the new signage to be proportional with the newly renovated building. Tmplt: 03/08/11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2012 -_ Page 3 of 6 Finding C. The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Fact in Support of Finding 1. The granting of a modification is necessary in this case to allow larger and more visible signage on the east, north and south elevations. The comprehensive sign program was originally created to provide signage for the light industrial uses located within the entire complex. As the complex is slowly evolving into a more business -like environment with corporate offices and professional uses as permitted by the Newport Place Planned Community, wall sign allowance for these tenants is no longer adequate. The larger wall signs will provide greater convenience to patrons and motorists in locating the subject property. Finding D. There are no altematives to the Modification Permit that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or to the general public. Fact in Support of Finding 1. An alternative to the modification permit would require an amendment to the Newport Place Planned Community Development Plan. However, the proposed wall signs are consistent with the intent of the Planning Community and Zoning Code, which is to promote the commercial development of the site by providing adequate wall signage for building identification purposes and improving way- finding to this location. 2. The proposed wall signs are a logical design solution to identify main business tenants occupying the subject property. The wall signs will be in scale with the existing development, complement its surroundings and will not be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood or to the general public. Finding E. The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change in density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. Tmplt: 03/08/11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2012 -_ Page 4 of 6 Fact in Support of Finding The wall signs will be constructed on private property and will neither change the density or intensity of the existing commercial use nor affect the flow of light or air to adjoining properties. 2. The wall signs are not excessive in height, area, or length and they will not significantly diminish the individual building elevations to which they will be located on. The wall signs are adequately designed to promote public convenience by making the building identification more visible to motorists driving on Dove Street and within the Newport Commerce complex. 69:1019 W 0EMR0 0169NL1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Modification Permit No. MD2012 -003, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. Comprehensive sign program (MD2008 -030) for the Hangers shall be amended as provided in Exhibit "B ", with all other provisions of the existing sign program remaining unchanged and in full force and effect. 3. Modification Permit applications do not become effective until 14 days following the date of action. Prior to the effective date, the applicant or any interested party may appeal the decision of the Zoning Administrator to the Planning Commission by submitting a written appeal application to the Community Development Director. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949)644 -3200. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF MARCH, 2012. In Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator Tmplt: 03/08/11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2012 -_ Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The number, size and location of the wall signs shall comply with the limitations specified in the Sign Program Matrix included in Exhibit "B ". 2. The building address sign shall not exceed eight (8) inches in height. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Department an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Modification Permit file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Modification Permit and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 4. A building permit shall be obtained prior to commencement of the construction and /or installation of the signs. 5. A copy of this approved resolution shall be incorporated into the Building Department and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 6. This approval shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.54.060.A (Time limits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is approved prior to the expiration date of this approval, in accordance with Section 20.54.060.B (Extensions of time) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 7. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Dove Street Sign including, but not limited to, Modification Permit No. MD2012 -003 (PA2012 -007). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Tmplt: 03/08/11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2012- Page 6 of 6 1W1:11- 1kM01111 Table Matrix COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM (MD2008 -030) PA2008 -110 1800 — 1900 Quail Street 3900 — 4120 Birch Street 3901 —4121 Westerly Place 1801 -1901 Dove Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 TABLE 1: Includes Frontage Designation and Size Limitations SIGN TYPE DESIGNATION 0 Wall Sign 0 Directional Sign C Tenant Identification Sign at Entry Project Identification Signs SIGN LOCATION AND LIMITATIONS BUILDINGS 1 THRU 17 Maximum Letter or Logo Height: 24- inches Maximum Area: 12 -sq. ft. Maximum of two signs per building elevation. BUILDING 18 One wall sign per each elevation (East, North and South) • East Elevation: Maximum letter or logo height: 38 inches and maximum sign area: 38 sq. ft. North and South Elevations: Maximum letter or logo height: 24 inches and maximum sign area: 15 sq. ft. for each building elevation VARIOUS LOCATIONS TO INCLUDE ENTRANCES FROM STREET Maximum Height: 3 -ft Maximum Width: 4 -ft One single or double -sided sign per driveway entrance from public street, interior project directional signs may be permitted, subject to review and approval by the Planning Division and Public Works Department. BUILDINGS 1 THRU 18 MAXIMUM: Vertical Dimension - 12 inches, Area - 3 square feet Letter Height - 6 inches. Logo Height - 10 inches Number - One per tenant only, located at or near the main tenant entrance only. Various locations as previously approved by Modification Permit No. 2001 -096 (PA2001 -168), Which permitted installation of four project identification signs, may be continued in accordance with that approval. NOTES: • Amendments to this program may be conducted by a written staff approval, unless otherwise required by the Zoning Administrator. Tmplt: 03/08111 Attachment No. ZA Vicinity Map Tniplt:01 -05 -12 Modification Permit No. MD2012 -003 PA2012 -007 1801 Dove Street Tmplt01 -05 -12 Project Plans TmpIC01 -05 -12 EQ. EQ. EAST ELEVATION / Partial 12'- 0" 3' 2.. EXHIBIT A.I This sign will consist of 3" deep LED "Halo' illuminated aluminum channel letters as shown. Letter faces and edges will be painted Matthews MP46305 Medium Bronze. The logo face and edges will be painted Matthews MP46305 Medium Bronze painted with white painted graphics on front as shown. The overall size of this sign will be 3 feet 2 inches tall by 12 feet wide The overall square footage of this sign will be 38 square feet. One of these signs will be made and installed. Sign Specialists C o r p o r a t 1 0 n I Interior & Exterior Sign Systems ProudYS^n+nc Mrfa'JalttnMa i�roupnau[Seuunrn Glamla CLIENT Compak Assett Management EQ. 1801 Dove St. Irvine CA 92660 CONTACT EQ Feroz Anscri 949.679.2500 SALES PERSON Rick Batt Rick.Bafl@signspecialists.com JOB NUMBER 816935 ITEM: Building Elevation STATUS Permit Documentation DATE 2.09.12 version 4.0 DESIGNER Donicl Chappell doniel .choppell @signspecialists.com SCAU 714 Approx. 1 "Spacing from wall to allow for halo 3 "Aluminum Returns Class 2 LED lighting Aluminum 1/8" set screws thru aluminum return into metal clip drain holes (min. 2 per letter) (outdoor only) 3/16" x 3" long stainless steel screws and expansion sleeves and /or toggles depending on conditions. (min. 4 qty per letter) -All penetrations sealed with RTV silicone /Building Fascia 2 low voltage wire Class low voltage wire (letter to transformer box) 12volt power pack with disconnect switch UL listed Dedicated Power Supply Approved Fasteners Ground (to permanent set screw) Interior ceiling structure Side Elevation Note: Signs are intended to be installed in accordance with the installation instructions provided with the sign sections and the NEC. Authorities Having Jurisdiction are responsible for the ultimate decision to approve an installation Sin ecialists C o r p o rat i o n Interior &Exterior Sign Systems PmuLN^°^Mn� 0.ne 12;A Ie[n4[nn • m'0�[u: 9arNnen Glu[min CLIENT Compok Assett Management 1801 Dove St. Irvine CA 92660 CONTACT Feroz Ansari 949.679.2500 SALES PERSON Rick Batt RickBcH@signspociolists.com JOB NUMBER 816935 ITEM: Building Elevation STATUS Pcrmit Docvmcntofion DATE 2.09.12 version 4.0 DESIGNER Daniel Chappell doniel.chopp lI @signspecioli:-,.cam K E 2:. rc. ro. EXHIBIT A2 NORTH ELEVATION / Partial Co. M. EXHIBIT A-3 SOUTH ELEVATION/ Partial 7'- 3° ........... Ri®1® P AK ................... ............................... 5 2 �® ASSET ................................ ................. ............................... ...............................15............ MANAGEMENT ....................... 5.. BUILDING SIGN / SPECIFICATIONS I inch thkk toad d cell foam lettersand logo with 1/16" thkk aluminum fao. and edges painted Matthews NP46305 Nedium Bran-c. Two of them signs will be made and inns lod. one at the North Elevation and one at the South Elevation. Each sign measures 11 -12 square feet. Si ' "Ciali,,s C o r p o r a r 1 o n Interior & Fxteriar Sign Systems NvuPmgm'n Pnr �2aa LOUwn nnwtnuom..n mm Compok Assett Management 1801 Dove St. Irvine CA 92660 CONTACT Feroz Anson 949.679.2500 SALES PERSON Rick Batt Rick.Bon @signspociolists.com JOB NUMBER 816935 ITEM: Building Elevation STATUS Perm11 Documontalion DATE 2.09.12 version 4.0 DESIGNER Daniel Chappell doniel.chappell @signspadolists.com SGLE 1 -1/2" Foam Rei with 1/16" aluminum f 3/16" x 4" long aluminum studs with V embedment into foam. (min. 3 qty per letter) *All penetrations sealed with RN silicone Building Fascia Side Elevation Si n Speci a""! _ C o r p o r t i o n Interior S Fisena, Sign Systems CLIENT Compok Assett Management 1801 Dove St. Irvine CA 92660 CONTACT Feroz Ansari 949.679.2500 SALES PERSON Rick Batt RickOan @signspecial ists.com JOB NUMBER 816935 ITEM: Building Elevation STATUS Pcrmit Docamontatfon DATE 2.09.12 version 4.0 DESIGNER Daniel Chappell do nieLchappell@signspeciolia.com z:. @ - Channel Letter Sign O - Foam Sign & - Foam Sign Birch Street Westerly Place EXHIBIT A. 5 :J Y /J d a 0 MY