HomeMy WebLinkAbout2a_Correspondence_Oberman_PA2012-179Item No. 2a: Additional Materials Received Planning Commission January 17, 2013 Zoning Code Amendment (PA2012 -179) PLEASE DISTRIBUTE AND ENTER INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD To: City of Newport Beach - Planning Commission From: Denys Oberman, Subject: COMMENT - JANUARY 17,2013 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING ITEM #2- ZONING CODE AMENDMENT TO ALLOW SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCY RESIDENTIAL HOTELS(SRO) and PARKING FOR EMERGENCY SHELTERS City staff proposes to include a parking element for emergency shelters. We believe that this recommendation is acceptable. SROs- City staff proposes that the Zoning Code be Amended to include a definition of SROs, and allow SROs within commercial and office zoning distincts, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit(CUP). We understand that SROs can serve a purpose as one solution to satisfy affordable housing goals. However, the SRO can also serve to facilitate the introduction of increased transient population, parolees and other boarding -house type facilities that the city currently does not permit . We object to across the board zoning permitting SROs in any commercial or office zoned districts. In many commercial, zoning or mixed use districts, an SRO would be inappropriate and incompatible with planning objectives for the area, or be adverse to the social and economic integrity of the area. For example, SROs could be located in a specific radius near the airport, but should NOT be permitted in any area proximite to dense residential neighborhoods, schools, parks and beaches. Furthermore, an SRO would have an environmental impact on the area(parking, noise,air quality particularly with smoking), so it should be required to establish environmental compliance. We object to the establishment of SROs ,as there is no practical means of distinguishing the use from boarding house or parolee uses.There is no legal requirement mandating that the City allow SROs.In any event,SROs should ONLY be allowed in specifically- designated commercial /industrial areas, and NOT in any coastal or other dense residential or mixed use area. Additionally, they should not be permitted in coastal areas such as Balboa Penninsula, Lido and Balboa Islands, Corona del Mar and West Newport where there is high sensitivity to density and impact on neighborhood integrity. Thank you for your consideration.