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WHEREAS, by provisions of Chapter 1.5, Division 20
of Part 4 of the Education Code, State of California, public
libraries in the State of California are encouraged to form
cooperative library systems by entering into written agree-
ments to implement a plan of joint service for the agency so
contracting; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Newport
Beach, in adopting Resolution No. 6960, dated April 7, 1969,
authorized the Newport Beach Public Library to join the Orange
County Cooperative Library System, sometimes called the Santiago
Library System, and also adopted and agreed to be bound by the
Joint Powers Agreement executed by the other members of said
system; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the Plan of Service
and the Rules and Procedures for said system.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council
of the City of Newport Beach adopts and agrees to be bound by
the amendments to the Rules and Procedures of the system which
amendments consist of altering the meeting dates for said sys-
tem from the first and third Thursdays of each month to the
second and fourth Tuesdays, and also changing the name of the
system from the Orange County Cooperative Library System to the
Santiago Library System.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Council adopts and
agrees to be bound by the amended Plan of Service of the San-
tiago Library System, a copy of which amended Plan of Service
is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference as though
set out in full herein.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk
of the City of Newport Beach be and are hereby empowered to
execute any amendments to the Joint Powers Agreement on behalf
of the City of Newport Beach and the Newport Beach Public
Library which will be required in connection with the amend-
ments referred to above.
ADOPTED this 10th day of October , 1972,
City Clerk
stt .-
D-94 CO T 1 3 1979 .
DRB dm
(Revised 9 -7Z)
Public Library Services Act
A PLAN OF SERVICE, approved by the participating public agency or
agencies, must accompany the application of a library or libraries
for grants under the Public Library Services Act of 1963. The
PLAN OF SERVICE must follow the outline below as to the sequence
and numbering of topics and the scope of each.
Items 1 through 13 must be completed by all systems.
Items 14 through 16 must be completed by cooperative systems only.
Name of System:
To Be Completed By All Systems
1. Selection of Materials
Describe the manner in which selection of materials will be
consolidated or coordinated throughout the system. Attach
copies of the system's written book selection policy.
It will be the policy of the system that each member library will
continue to have sole responsibility for the materials which it
selects and purchases for its own library collection.
Staff members of.the system mamber libraries shall have access to
all review copies for examination as do the librarians of the
Orange County Library. At each meeting, consultation and
decision.as to the purchase, duplication and location of the
more expensive, scholarly and technical books, which are on the
monthly list for ordering, will be the primary objective, with
proper reporting to each Chief Librarian, as required.
Cooperative use of specialists in the initial selection committees
will be a part of the continuing pattern of book selection. Each
participating library may have the use of a copy of the County
Library's monthly available list, which will include both new
and replacement titles to be selected for order.
A substantial portion of the grant for the System will be spent
cooperatively to strengthen the collections in areas where the
study has shown need exists.
Attached hereto is a copy of the System's written book selection
-2- PLD S
(Revised 9 -72)
2. Acquisition of Materials
Describe the manner in which the acquisition of materials will
be consolidated or coordinated throughout the system.
The Orange County Library is presently utilizing the County's
centralized data processing equipment (IB1,1 360) for producing
monthly annotated "approved for order" lists (up to 1800 titles,
new and replacement), review of selections by title and branch,
print -out of vendor orders and encumbrances, and update of summary
financial reports throughout the year. Inclusion of all members
of the Santiago Library System in these procedures will greatly
help in review of selections and coordination of orders for wise
distribution of expensive and technical materials to be purchased
by -the System, as well as by the :.eparate libraries.
3. Organization and Physical Preparation of Materials
Describe the manner in which the organization and.physical
preparation of materials will be consolidated or coordinated
throughout the system. If through a processing center,
indicate the agency responsible. If processing is to be
done by a public or private agency outside the system, indicate
the contractural arrangements contemplated for each library
in the system. Where two or more centers or outside agencies
are involved, indicate the manner in which the work is to be
Cooperative efforts will be made to consolidate the lists of holdings
of system member libraries in order to produce a simplified means
of checking member libraries' collections. Member libraries may
contract with the Orange County Library for inclusion in that
library's computer assisted book catalog. Ongoing efforts will
also include investigating the feasibility of all compatible forms
of cooperative organization and physical preparation of both book and
non -book library materials.
4. Lending of Materials
Describe the lending policy which will obtain throughout the
system and any uniform regulation which may apply to the
entire system. Indicate whether a uniform borrowing card
will be provided all residents of the area served by the
system. Include a definite statement that materials borrowed
from any one service outlet (main library, branch, station,
bookmobile) may be returned without penalty to any other
service outlet in the system.
Library materials will be freely available to all residents of the
area served by the System, subject always to the rules and regula-
tions of the member libraries. Any member library may borrow
materials from any other library of the System. A resident of the
area served may borrow materials from any member library or service
-3- PLD 5
(Revised 9 -72)
outlet and may return them without penalty (except for fines and
other penalties resulting from the misuse of materials) to any
other service outlet in the System..
With the availability of the book catalog, including holdings and
locations for all member libraries, it will be possible to direct
requests promptly to the library listing that holding.
Uniform regulations will be discussed and agreed upon as the need
. becomes evident. No uniform borrower's card is planned at present
because of the difference in charging methods. Continuing studies
will be made as new systems become available at reasonable cost.
Special attention is being given now by the Orange County Library
to applications of E.D.P. systems that are being developed by IBM
and other compatiable systems, with the hope of finding a means of
centralized circulation control at reasonable cost. The sophis-
tication of the Orange County Data Processing Center's hardware
is such that investigation of feasible systems is warranted.
S. Reference and Research Service
Describe the reference and research service which will be avail -
ble throughout the system, including any central reference
facility which exists or may be planned. Indicate the policy
and method by which reference questions which cannot be
answered in any one service outlet will be referred to an
outlet with greater or more appropriate resources.
The system has two area libraries, Orange County Public Library's
Garden Grove Branch and the Sana Ana Public Library. Both libraries'
reference facilities are open to all staff patrons of all member
libraries. Member libraries use area libraries for quick action
telephone reference questions. More lengthy research questions are
relayed via teletype to the Reference Center at the Santa Ana
Public Library. There research is done or the question is refer-
red to SCAN, INFO, the Sutro Library, The California State Library
or other agencies via TWX. The Reference Center is also the central
processing agency for all members' inter library loan requests.
Those requests unanswered by other members via teletype, are
relayed to the California State Library and other library systems
and libraries via TWX.
People are being encouraged to use their local libraries by means of
a public information program, financed by grants, making them aware
of the enriched collections and cooperative service developed through
the System.
6. Interavailabilitv of Materials and INformation
Describe the method whereby each participating library may
ascertain specific holdings of all other participating
libraries. Include a definite statement that material and
information contained in any one service outlet will be
available on the same basis to all library users in the area
served by the system. Describe the method or methods by which
- 4
(Revised 9_72)
materials and information will be transferred from one
service outlet to another.
Materials and information contained in any one service outlet will -
be available on the same basis to all library users in the area
served by the System. Inquiries between libraries will be
Information from non - circulating materials will be copied at cost
for all patrons. Users who cannot go to the library holding these
materials will be served by mail.
The System has established a scheduled delivery service, based on
the County Library's delivery service, to deliver inter - library
loans and material borrowed from one library and returned to
another. Costs of initiating the service are beinv defrayed from
grant funds, and continuing costs will be paid from said funds.
7. Equal Access
Include here a definite statement that all of the services
of each library in the system will be available on the same
basis to all residents of the area served by the system.
As stated in paragraphs 3 and 5 above, all of the services and
materials of each member library in the System are available to
all residents of the area served by the System, subject to the
rules and regulations of each member library - except that non-
resident fees may not be charged by a member library to a resident
of another community which is a member of the System.
8. Extension Services
Attach a statement of each participating library's standards
for branches, stations or other extension of service beyond
its headquarters building.
It is the objective of all member libraries to meet all ALA
standards and many are currently developing standards for books,
deposit collections, delivery and bookmobile services.
9. Major Libraries
List all public libraries containing 400,000 or more volumes
which may exist within the surrounding area but are not
included in this system. Describe any agreements whereby the
resources of these libraries will be available to the system.
There is no library in this area other than Orange County Public
Library which contains over 400,000 volumes.
-5- PLD 5
(Revised 4-72)
Resources of major libraries in other areas are available primarily
through traditional inter - library loan procedures. It may be
possible in the future to work out reciprocal agreements with major
libraries in the Los Angeles -Long Beach area after thorough study
of the Lowell Martin report on the Regional Survey.
The developing college and university libraries in the Orange
County area, while not large at the present, offer an excellent
possibility of some sort of reciprocal use, if no more than that
• of the usual inter - library loan, and inter - library cooperation
with many excellent industrial and technical libraries in the
County is already a fact, on an informal basis.
10. Area -Wide Projects
Describe any services which may be planned for the entire
area or a larger portion of it than will be served by this
system and in which this system will participate. Such pro-
jects may include a processing center, deposit center, major
reference center, bibliographic center,'etc.
Area -wide projects of cooperation are already established among
Orange County libraries, including public, college and university,
and industrial and technical. These include:
1. Union list of periodicals.
2. Check -list of expensive reference and out -of -print items.
3. Cooperative central storage (public libraries only.
There is no actual contractural agreement, but the
governing boards approved cooperation under agreed
guidelines of responsibility and selection).
4. Outreach - The Outreach Program will seek out and provide
a comprehensive resource of library materials to that segment
of the population which has in the past indicated little use
for a library.
5. Physically Handicapped - Materials will include Optiscope
enlargers for the visually handicapped; audio sets for the
hard of hearing; Masterlens systems for students with
visual problems; and Braille and talking books for the blind.
These materials will be made available in each member library
in an area easily accessible to those in wheel chairs, on
crutches, or to those visually handicapped. Materials
will be for use in the library, or arrangements will be
made for use in the home. This program is designed to
introduce a service to a group who have not been previously
served; to bring to the handicapped an exciting new world;
to broaden the horizon of those who are not able to partici-
pate in a world of sight, sound, and action.
LI. Coordination of Systems
Describe the manner 4 �n which e..-.'i7 S -7-C-f
zNrstem will be coordinated wit-_, -,Dv'
by oj.:.her systems.
at- the present time, none has 'been cc--, in
Cooperation with other systems, suc. as __ae
Long Beach, L.A. County,.and L.A. City Systems which are in a
contiguous area, will be "zxplored and may add a fruit'
12. Describe any of the following system-wide services wh--ch
will t
' 1 be provided as,�he 4_-sult- of establishing ' -he system,
and which are not describza elsevihe�e in ---11-4s plan.
a. The Orange County Public Library has a depository
collection of United,States Government publications.
T'is collection will,be available under that library's
usual rules. I
.Ies. This,col`can existed prior to -he system.
b. The Orange County Public Library has a depository
collection of Ca'lifo2lnia State publicat-ic_-.s. This
collection will`be av'alilabla under that librz.ry's
usual rules. This collection existed prior to the
c. Foreignlanguage,col ections will be expanded cooperL-_'-ive-
lly to have more;, 1":__tl�s available., These would be
in the areas oft"Spariish, French, German, Russian and
Japanese. ';11 1: ti
d. Special subject;jqollections, . such as business, music
and art will b6l,6xpaAded. i
e. A film collectio{ ha4lbeeni,4eveloped and is now in
circulation to ;the public.
i. Works of art, p�ig_in4is or�2'eproduction, will be pur-
chased coopera�ively}if ft..-_�s are available.
k. All member librariesipave pying equipment for patron
1. A microfilm program has be_�-' developed with ecual P-ocass
by ali members, of tnel syst-ar,.
n. Zt is planned t ; intensify in-service -�rain_ng ror
the benefit of ;all - "mber libraries.
Cooperative newspaper I public' concerning the system
and its services. is done through the Orange County
Public LibrarR,.i
3 i
s. Posters, disp;layp,,a;nd exhibits planned and used
cooperatively,'; by, merrier libraries.
-7- PLO 5
(Revised 9 -72) -
u. Story hours, summer reading programs and summer
intern and children's programs are done on a
Cooperative basis.
F. Participation of the member libraries and local
colleges and universities in adult education programs.
• Items 14 -16 to be completed by cooperative systems only
16. Legal Structure
Describe the legal structure within which the system will
operate. Include copies of pertinent contracts. Describe
the composition of the executive committee for the system.
The System has been established under the Public Library Services
Act of 1963 and as amended, 1966, Chapter 1.5 of Division 20 of
the Education Code of the State of California.
Agreements between the members are authorized under the Joint
Exercise of Power Act, article 1, Chapter 5, Division 71
Title 1, of the California Government Code.
With the consent of their respective governing bodies, all public
library agencies within Orange County are eligible for membership.
The Orange County Public Library is authorized by agreement to
act as the contracting agency for the System with the State of
California for the receipt, disbursement and accounting of such
funds as may be allocated by the State for System use.
An Executive Council, consisting of the head librarians of the
member libraries or their designated representatives, acts as
the governing agency of the System, drawing up rules and regula-
tions for implementing the stated purposes of this system and its
Operaticn, and authorizing expenditures from system funds. The
COuticil appoints a Chief Fiscal Officer.
15. Staffing
List all personnel who will be engaged in system activities
for more than twenty -five percent of their working time.
Indicate those on this list who will be engaged exclusively
in system activities. '
Personnel may be employed by the System fqr the purpose of administrating
and coordinating system -wide activities. The operations of the staff
Of the .-ember libraries belonging to the System will not re.uuire
any personnel devoting 25% or more of their time to System activities.
16. Ph•:sical Facilities
If some or all of the system servicbs are to be housed in a
building or buildings separate from those of the member
-8- PLD 5
(Revised 9.72)
_._.__ _ libraries, describe the proposed physical facilities.
No sTch facilities are planned.