HomeMy WebLinkAbout04_Dove Street Comprehensive Sign Program MD2013-008 - 1301 Dove St_PA2013-063�EWPOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 (949) 644 -3200 Fax: (949) 644 -3229 11FOVL www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT August 15, 2013 Agenda Item No. 4 SUBJECT: Dove Street Comprehensive Sign Program (PA2013 -063) 1301 Dove Street • Modification Permit No. MD2013 -008 • Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2013 -003 APPLICANT: JB3D PLANNER: Rosalinh Ung, Associate Planner (949) 644 -3208, rung @newportbeach.ca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN • Zoning District: Professional & Business Office Site 1 & 2 of the Newport Place Planned Community (PC -11) General Plan: Mixed Use Horizontal 2 (MU -1-12) PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant proposes a Comprehensive Sign Program approval to establish sign standards for the subject property and an approval of a modification permit to allow the increase in the number, size and height of the proposed new signs. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. 2013 -_, approving Comprehensive Sign Program Amendment No. CS2013 -003 and Modification Permit No. MD2013 -008 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 2 Dove Street Comprehensive Sign Program Zoning Administrator Hearing - August 15, 2013 Page 2 DISCUSSION • The subject property is currently improved with a ten -story office building and located within the Newport Place Planned Community which comprises of professional business office complexes and general commercial retail centers. • In 1983, a modification permit was approved to allow two primary wall signs, each of which has a total of 234 square feet in area. This sign type is labeled as Sign Type 4 (Primary On- Building Identification) in the proposed Comprehensive Sign Program. • In 2001 and 2004, separate modification permits were approved to allow two secondary wall signs, each with a total sign area of 60 square feet. This sign type is labeled as Sign Type 5 (Secondary On- Building Identification) in the proposed Comprehensive Sign Program. • The existing building currently has one monument sign, two primary wall signs, two secondary wall signs, and five directional signs. The existing monument and directional signs will be replaced with the proposed new signs as part of the Comprehensive Sign Program package. • A comprehensive sign program is required whenever: 1) there are three or more separate tenant spaces on the same property and 2) the wall signs are proposed to be located on or above the second level on a multiple -story building. The building has a total of 34 tenants and tenant identification wall signs (Sign Types 4 and 5) are proposed at the parapet (10th story) level. The applicant is requesting an approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program (Attachment as ZA 3) in order to incorporate: • Existing wall signs: • Two (2) primary wall sign (Sign Type 4) and • Two (2) secondary wall signs (Sign Type 5) • New signs: • Two (2) monument signs (Sign Type 1), • One address sign (Sign Type 2), • Five (5) directional signs (Sign Type 3), • Two (2) additional secondary wall signs (Sign Type 5), and • One windscreen sign (Sign Type 6). Pursuant to Section 20.42.120 (Comprehensive Sign Program) of the Zoning Code, deviations from the sign standards are allowed for the sign area (an increase of up to 30 %), and for the total number, location, and /or height of signs (an increase of up to 20 %) to the extent that the comprehensive sign program will enhance the overall development and will more fully accomplish the purpose and intent of the Sign Chapter. Any greater deviations would require a modification Tmplt:01 -05 -12 ?J Dove Street Comprehensive Sign Program Zoning Administrator Hearing - August 15, 2013 Page 3 permit approval. The Sign Program as submitted by the applicant includes deviations in the sign area, height, and the number of wall signs and freestanding signs. A modification permit is being requested in order to allow the following deviations that exceed the sign allowance allowed by the adoption of comprehensive sign program pursuant to Section of the Zoning Code and the Newport Place Planned Community Development Plan (PC Text): o To allow two monument signs (Sign Type 1) to increase in the sign height by one foot. The maximum sign height allowed by the PC Text is four feet. Each of the proposed monument signs will be 34 square feet in size with a logo area of 3.25 square feet to be mounted on a five - foot -high wall element. The purpose of the request is to provide motorists better visibility in identifying the subject property from Dove Street. o To allow one address sign (Sign Type 2) to increase in the sign area of 46 square feet (6 ft x 7.66 ft) to be mounted onto the building canopy. The type and size of the proposed sign are not specifically regulated by the PC Text; however, they are limited to a maximum of 72 square inches and 8 inches in height for letters and individual numbers pursuant to the Zoning Code. The purpose of the request is to provide patrons better visibility in identifying the building address and entry point to the building. o To allow five directional signs (Sign Type 3) to increase the sign height to 6 feet. These new signs will be located within the existing landscaped planters throughout the parking lot. The directional signs are limited to 6 square feet in size per the PC Text. The sign height is limited to a maximum of 4 feet per the Zoning Code; however, the sign height could be higher with an approval of a comprehensive sign program. The purpose of these signs is to improve internal traffic circulation within the property. o To allow two additional secondary wall signs (Sign Type 5). The subject property currently has two of these signs which were approved in 2001 and 2004 by modification permits. The applicant is requesting to have two additional signs for a total of four, each having a total sign area of 60 square feet. The number and size of the proposed signs are not specifically permitted by the PC Text. The purpose of these additional signs is to provide identification for up to four major tenants within the ten -story building that would be visible from Dove Street and the parking lot. o To allow one windscreen sign (Sign Type 6) of 1.5 square feet to be mounted on the windscreen at the entrance of the existing caf6. The type and size of the proposed sign are not specifically permitted by the PC Text. The purpose of the windscreen sign is to provide identification and point of entry to the cafe. Tmplt:01 -05 -12 4 Dove Street Comprehensive Sign Program Zoning Administrator Hearing - August 15, 2013 Page 4 • The granting of a modification permit is necessary to allow for future growth and management of the property as well as allowing flexibility to future tenants. Due to the building's unique orientation and setback from Dove Street, additional signage requested with the adoption of comprehensive sign program and modification permit will clearly identify the building entry and tenant locations, to provide correct directions to patrons, and to improve vehicular circulation within the subject property. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project qualifies for a Class 11 (Accessory Structures) categorical exemption of the California Environmental Quality Act because it involves the construction of wall and free - standing signs which is incidental and accessory to the principal office use of the property and does not intensify or alter the use. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of -way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development or City Clerk, as applicable, within fourteen (14) days following the date the action or decision was rendered unless a different period of time is specified by the Municipal Code (e.g., Title 19 allows ten (10) day appeal period for tentative parcel and tract maps, lot line adjustments, or lot mergers). For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949 644 -3200. Prepared by: o alinh Ung As ociate Planner GRAMIREZ/ru Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Comprehensive Sign Program Tmplt:01 -05 -12 15 11 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution FIA ►a RESOLUTION NO. ZA2013 - ## A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM NO. CS2013 -003 AND MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. MD2013 -008 FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1301 DOVE STREET (PA2013 -063) THE ZONING ADMINSTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. An application was filed by JB3D, with respect to property located at 1301 Dove Street, and legally described as Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map 120 -27, requesting approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program and Modification Permit. 2. The applicant requests a Comprehensive Sign Program for the existing ten -story multiple- tenant office building as follow: • Existing wall signs: • Two (2) primary wall signs (Sign Type 4) and • Two (2) secondary wall signs (Sign Type 5) • New signs: • Two (2) monument signs (Sign Type 1), • One address sign (Sign Type 2), • Five (5) directional signs (Sign Type 3), • Two (2) additional secondary wall signs (Sign Type 5), and • One windscreen signs (Sign Type 6). 3. A comprehensive sign program is required whenever there are three or more separate tenant spaces on the same property and signs (Sign Types 4 and 5) are proposed to be located on or above the second level on a multiple -story building. The building has a total of 34 tenants and tenant identification signs are proposed at the parapet (10th story) level. 4. A modification permit is being requested in order to allow the following signs to exceed the sign deviation allowance per the Comprehensive Sign Program criteria, and from the sign allowance per the Newport Place Planned Community Development Plan (PC Text) and /or the Zoning Code: a. To allow two monument signs (Sign Type 1) to increase in the sign height by one foot. The maximum sign height allowed by the PC Text is four feet. Each of the proposed monument signs will be 34 square feet in size with a logo area of 3.25 square feet to be mounted on a five - foot -high wall element. The purpose of the request is to provide motorists better visibility in identifyng the subject property from Dove Street. 0 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 - ## Page 2 of 11 b. To allow one address sign (Sign Type 2) to increase in the sign area of 46 square feet (6 ft x 7.66 ft) to be mounted onto the building canopy. The type and size of the proposed sign are not specifically permitted by the PC Text; however, they are limited to a maximum of 72 square inches and 8 inches in height for letters and individual numbers pursuant to the Zoning Code. The purpose of the request is to provide patrons better visibility in identifies the building address and entry point to the building. C. To allow five directional signs (Sign Type 3) to increase the sign height by 2 feet for a total of 6 feet. These new signs will be located within the existing landscaped planters throughout the parking lot. The directional signs are limited to 6 square feet in size for each, per the PC Text. The sign height is limited to a maximum of 4 feet per the Zoning Code; however, the sign height could be higher with an approval of a comprehensive sign program. The purpose of these signs is to improve internal traffic circulation within the property. d. To allow two additional secondary wall signs (Sign Type 5). The subject property currently has two of these signs which were approved in 2001 and 2004 by modification permits. The applicant is requesting to have two additional signs for a total of four, each with a total sign area of 60 square feet. The number and size of the proposed signs are not specifically permitted by the PC Text or Zoning Code. The purpose of these additional signs is to provide identification for up to four major tents within the ten -story building that would be visible from Dove Street and parking lot. e. To allow one windscreen sign (Sign Type 6) of 1.5 square feet to be mounted on the windscreen at the entrance of the existing cafe. The type and size of the proposed sign are not specifically permitted by the PC Text or Zoning Code. The purpose of the windscreen sign is to provide the identification and point of entry to the cafe. 5. The subject property is located within the PC -11 Zoning District (Newport Place Planned Community, Professional & Business Office Site 1 & 2) and the General Plan Land Use Element category is MU -H2 (Mixed -Use Horizontal). 6. A public hearing was held on August 15, 2013, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1St Floor), 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 15311 (Class 11 - Accessory Structures). Tmplt: 03/08/11 _D Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 - ## Page 3 of 11 2. Class 11 exempts construction, or placement of minor structures accessory to (appurtenant to) existing commercial, industrial, or institutional facilities, including but not limited to on- premise signs. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Modification Permit to allow a deviation in sign area (above 30%), and height and number of wall and free - standing signs (above 20%) as limited by the provisions of the Newport Place Planned Community District Regulations (PC Text) and the Zoning Code authority in conjunction with an adoption of a comprehensive sign program. In accordance with Section 20.52.050.E (Findings and decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a Modification Permit are set forth: Finding A. The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding The subject property is located in the PC -11 (Newport Place Planed Community, Professional & Business Sites 1 & 2) and is designated MU -H2 (Mixed -Use Horizontal) by the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Sites 1 & 2 are intended to provide for areas appropriate for professional and business offices and commercial uses. The existing property is currently improved with a ten -story, multiple- tenant office building and proposed signage is consistent with this land use designation. 2. The requested modification permit in conjunction with the proposed sign program would allow the existing property to have adequate signage that is more comparable to other current multiple- tenant office buildings located within the Newport Place Planned Community. The existing sign standards in the PC Text were adopted in the early 1970's and have less flexibility for developments that have multiple tenants. The approval of the modification permit with the following restrictions would allow the subject property to have up -to -date sign standards that are compatible with the existing developments in the Newport Place Planned Community. a. The monument signs (Sign Type 1), as proposed, are in scale with the building frontages in that the maximum permissible height for each sign, as denoted in the sign program matrix (Exhibit B), does not exceed five square feet. The purpose of the request is to provide motorist better visibility in identifying the subject property from Dove Street. b. The address sign (Sign Type 2) is to be mounted onto the building canopy as a part of the building entry element and is limited to 46 square feet in size. The Tmplt: 03/08/11 -- Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 - ## Page 4 of 11 purpose of this request is to provide patrons better visibility in identifying the building address and entry point to the building. C. The increased height of the directional signs (Sign Type 3) is necessary to provide improved traffic circulation within the subject property and shall be limited to 6 square feet in size and 6 feet in height. The purpose of the request is to improve internal traffic circulation within the subject property. d. The additional secondary wall signs (Sign Type 5), for a total of four, are limited to 60 square feet in size. These signs would be visible from Dove Street and parking lot. The purpose of this request is to provide identification for up to four (4) major tenants within the ten -story building that would be visible from Dove Street and the parking lot. e. The windscreen sign (Sign Type 6) is limited to 1.5 square feet in size to provide identification and entry point to the existing cafe. The purpose of this request is to provide identification and point of entry to the existing cafe. Finding B. The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s) of the property and /or structure, and /or characteristics of the use. Facts in Support of Finding The existing building is situated approximately 170 feet from Dove Street. The lack of clear orientation of building entryways and the parking configurations limit the ability to identify the subject property from Dove Street; to determine the building address and entry points to the building; and to follow vehicular direction to appropriate parking location. Finding C. The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding The modification permit will allow additional signage to clearly identify the subject property, building entry points, building tenants, and to improve internal traffic circulation. Tmplt: 03/08/11 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 - ## Page 5 of 11 Finding D. There are no alternatives to the modification permit that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or to the general public. Facts in Support of Finding The granting of a modification permit allows the increased height, size and number of the signs to facilitate identification of the multiple- tenant building and to improve the overall internal traffic circulation. No similar provision could be granted within the parameters of Section 20.42.120 (Comprehensive Sign Program) of the Zoning Code. 2. No foreseeable detriment will result from the approval of the modification permit as conditioned. Finding E. The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare, to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change in density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The proposed modification for signage will not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City. The location, number, and size of the proposed signs will not cause and /or generate safety issues to motorists. Comprehensive Sign Program Pursuant to Section 20.42.120 of the Zoning Code, approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program is required whenever there are three or more separate tenant spaces on the same property and signs (Sign Types 4 and 5) are proposed to be located on or above the second level on a multiple -story building. The building has a total of 34 tenants and tenant identification signs are proposed at the parapet (10th story) level. In accordance with Section 20.42.120.E, a Comprehensive Sign Program shall comply with a number of standards. The following standards and facts in support of such standards are set forth: Standard: A. The proposed sign program shall comply with the purpose and intent of this Chapter [Chapter 20.42: Signs], any adopted sign design guidelines and the overall purpose and intent of this Section [Section 20.42.120]. Tmplt: 03/08/11 -s Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 - ## Page 6 of 11 Facts in Support of Standard: The application of the Comprehensive Sign Program is appropriate in order to allow flexibility of signage regulations for projects that require multiple signs. This application is allowed by the Zoning Code provisions and takes the place of the Newport Place Planned Community District Regulations. It applies to the proposed and existing signs on the subject property. In doing so, the purpose of the PC Text and Zoning Code is achieved and allows incentive and latitude in the design and display of multiple signs. 2. The proposed Sign Program provides the uses with adequate identification without excessive proliferation of signage. Furthermore, it preserves community appearance by regulating the type, number, and general design of signage. The proposed sign program would be more applicable and comparable to other multiple- tenant office buildings located within the Newport Place Planned Community. Standard: B. The proposed signs shall enhance the overall relate visually to other signs included in the structures and /or developments they identify, applicable. Facts in Support of Standard: development, be in harmony with, and Comprehensive Sign Program, to the and to surrounding development when The site is for use by multiple tenants and the signage has been designed to be integral with the design and character of the building. 2. The size, number and location of the proposed signs will ensure that adequate visibility is provided, and are proportional in size with the building. Standard: C. The sign program shall address all signs, including permanent, temporary, and exempt signs. Facts in Support of Standard: The proposed sign program submitted for the project addresses all project signage. Temporary and exempt signs not specifically addressed in the program shall be regulated by the provisions of Chapter 20.42. Standard: D. The sign program shall accommodate future revisions that may be required because of changes in use or tenants. Tmplt: 03/08/11 _-4- Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 - ## Page 7 of 11 Facts in Support of Standard: 1. The project site is for the use of multiple commercial tenants and has been designed to be effective for such uses. 2. Consistent with Chapter 20.42, the Community Development Director [or his /her designee] may approve minor revisions to the Sign Program if the intent of the original approval is not affected. Standard: E. The program shall comply with the standards of this Chapter, except that deviations are allowed with regard to sign area, total number, location, and /or height of signs to the extent that the Comprehensive Sign Program will enhance the overall development and will more fully accomplish the purposes and intent of this Chapter. Facts in Support of Standard: 1. The Sign Program requests deviation in the sign height of up to 30 percent and 20 percent for the number, location and height of the proposed signs aid and enhance the identification and visibility of the commercial tenants from the public roadway. Standard: F. The approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not authorize the use of signs prohibited by this Chapter. Facts in Support of Standard: 1. The program does not authorize the use of prohibited signs. Standard: G. Review and approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not consider the signs' proposed message content. Facts in Support of Standard: 1. The program contains no regulations affecting sign message or content. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2013 -003 and Modification Permit No. MD2013 -008, subject to the Tmplt: 03/08/11 -5 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 - ## Page 8 of 11 conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which are attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective fourteen (14) days after adoption of this Resolution unless within the same time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of the Title 20 of the Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 15th DAY OF AUGUST, 2013. Tmplt: 03/08/11 -0 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 - ## Page 9 of 11 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved Comprehensive Sign Program, details, and elevations, except as noted in the following conditions. 2. Upon demolition or substantial structural and nonstructural changes to the exterior of the development on which this approval is based, this Comprehensive Sign Program and Modification Permit shall be rendered nullified and a new Comprehensive Sign Program shall be obtained for the new or altered development in accordance with the Newport Place Planned Community District Regulations and the Zoning Code Provisions in effect at the time the new development is approved. 3. The number, size, and type of the signs located on the subject property shall comply with the limitations specified in the Sign Program Matrix included in Exhibit "B ". 4. Locations of the signs are limited to the designated areas and shall comply with the limitations specified in the Sign Program Matrix included in Exhibit "B" and any applicable sight distance provisions of Chapter 20.42 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code or required by the Public Works Department (City Standard 110 -L, using S =525 feet for MacArthur Boulevard). Additionally, the applicant shall provide Sight Distance Exhibits for review and approval by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of building permits. 5. All signs shall be maintained in accordance with Section 20.42.170 (Maintenance Requirements) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Temporary and exempt signs not specifically addressed in the program shall be regulated by the provisions of Chapter 20.42 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 6. In accordance with Municipal Code Section 20.42.120.F of the Zoning Code, the Community Development Director may approve minor revisions to the Comprehensive Sign Program if the intent of the original approval is not affected. This may include deviations on the tenant configurations, such as combining or dividing suites. 7. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Planning file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this approval and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. Tmplt: 03/08/11 -17 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 - ## Page 10 of 11 8. A building permit shall be obtained prior to commencement of the construction and /or installation of the signs. 9. A copy of the approved resolution, including conditions of approval and sign matrix, shall be incorporated into the Building Department and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits for the proposed new sign installations to identify this approval as the authority for location, size and placement. 10. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the 1301 Dove Street Sign Program, including, but not limited to Modification Permit No. MD2013 -008 and Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2013 -003 (PA2013 -063) and the determination that the project is exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Tmplt: 03/08/11 -g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 - ## Page 11 of 11 EXHIBIT "B" SIGN PROGRAM MATRIX Tmplt: 03/08/11 �9 SIGN TYPE 1 - TENANT MONUMENT SIGN INTENT MONUMENT SIGN TO IDENTIFY THE PROJECT FRONTAGE DOVE STREET CONTENT PROJECT NAME AND UP TO (4) TENANT NAMES LOCATION PARALLEL TO DOVE STREET AT THE PROJECT ENTRY QUANTITY TWO SIGN SIZE TOTAL SIZE: 14' -2" X 28" SIGN AREA: 34 SF LOGO SIZE: 21 1/2" SQ. LOGO SIGN AREA: 3.25 SF MATERIAL SMOOTH, DURABLE, NON - WEATHERING SIGN. ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE OF NONFERROUS METALS. ILLUMINATION PERMITTED LETTERSTYLE PROJECT FONT COLOR DARK GREY, SILVER, & WHITE SIGN TYPE 2 - ADDRESS INTENT TO IDENTIFY THE BUILDING TO PATRONS FRONTAGE DOVE STREET CONTENT ADDRESS NUMBER LOCATION AT BUILDING ENTRY QUANTITY ONE SIGN SIZE TOTAL SIZE: 7' -8" X 6' -0" SIGN AREA: 46 SF MATERIAL SMOOTH, DURABLE, NON - WEATHERING SIGN. ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE OF NONFERROUS METALS. ILLUMINATION PERMITTED LETTERSTYLE PROJECT FONT COLOR DARK GREY, SILVER, & WHITE 1301 DOVE - SIGN MATRIX 7.8.13 SIGN PROGRAM #CS2013 -003 MODIFICATION PERMIT #182013 -008 SIGN TYPE 3 - DIRECTIONAL INTENT TO PROVIDE DIRECTIONAL INFO TO PATRONS FRONTAGE N/A CONTENT DIRECTIONAL INFO AND PROJECT LOGO LOCATION WITHIN PROJECT QUANTITY FIVE SIGN SIZE GRAPHIC AREA: 6 SF LOGO SIZE: 6" SQ. SIGN HEIGHT. 6' -0" MATERIAL SMOOTH, DURABLE, NON - WEATHERING SIGN. ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE OF NONFERROUS METALS. ILLUMINATION PROHIBITED LETTERSTYLE PROJECT FONT COLOR DARK GREY, SILVER, & WHITE SIGN TYPE 4 - PRIMARY ON- BUILDING SIGN INTENT TO IDENTIFY PRIMARY BUSINESS NAMES OCCUPYING A MULTI - OCCUPANT 10 STORY BUILDING. FRONTAGE DOVE STREET & WESTERLY CONTENT BUSINESS NAME CONSISTING OF INDIVIDUAL LETTERS AND LOGO ONLY. LOCATION AT PARAPET LEVEL WITH 1/3 THE LETTER HEIGHT OF SPACE ABOVE AND BELOW THE SIGN AND LOCATED NO MORE THAN 1/2 THE AVERAGE LETTER HEIGHT TO ANY BUILDING EDGE. QUANTITY TWO, LOCATED ON OPPOSITE ELEVATIONS SIGN SIZE TOTAL SIZE: 58' -6" X 4' -0" SIGN AREA: 234 SF LOGO SIZE: 4' -0" SQ. MATERIAL SMOOTH, DURABLE, NON - WEATHERING SIGN. ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE OF NONFERROUS METALS. ILLUMINATION PERMITTED LETTERSTYLE TENANT STANDARD LETTERING TO BE APPROVED BY BUILDING ASSOCIATION. COLOR SIGN COPY COLOR TO CONTRAST WITH BUILDING AND MUST BE APPROVED BY BUILDING ASSOCIATION. 1301 DOVE - SIGN MATRIX 7.8.13 SIGN PROGRAM #CS2013 -003 MODIFICATION PERMIT 4!�L 2013 -008 SIGN TYPE 5 - SECONDARY ON- BUILDING SIGN INTENT TO IDENTIFY SECONDARY BUSINESS NAMES OCCUPYING A MULTI - OCCUPANT 10 FRONTAGE STORY BUILDING. FRONTAGE DOVE STREET & WESTERLY CONTENT BUSINESS NAME CONSISTING OF INDIVIDUAL LETTERS AND LOGO ONLY. LOCATION ON BUILDING WALL BETWEEN ROW OF WINDOWS ON FIRST FLOOR AND ROW OF SIGN SIZE WINDOWS ON SECOND FLOOR WITH 1/3 THE LETTER HEIGHT OF SPACE ABOVE AND MATERIAL BELOW THE SIGN. QUANTITY FOUR SIGN SIZE TOTAL SIZE: 30' -5" X 20" COLOR SIGN AREA: 60 SF LETTERING & LOGO SIZE: 20" SQ. MATERIAL SMOOTH, DURABLE, NON - WEATHERING SIGN. ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE OF NONFERROUS METALS. ILLUMINATION PERMITTED LETTERSTYLE TENANT STANDARD LETTERING TO BE APPROVED BY BUILDING ASSOCIATION. COLOR SIGN COPY COLOR TO CONTRAST WITH BUILDING AND MUST BE APPROVED BY BUILDING ASSOCIATION. SIGN TYPE 6 - WINDSCREEN & GRAPHIC INTENT TO SERVE AS PRIMARY IDENTIFICATION FOR THE CAFE ENTRANCE & OCCUPANT FRONTAGE DOVE STREET CONTENT CAFE NAME LOCATION TOP LEFT CORNER OF GLASS WINDSCREEN LOCATED AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE CAFE QUANTITY ONE SIGN SIZE HEIGHT. 6" WIDTH: 26" LOGO SIZE: 1.1 SF MATERIAL SMOOTH, DURABLE, NON - WEATHERING SIGN. ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE OF NONFERROUS METALS. ILLUMINATION EXTERNAL ONLY LETTERSTYLE PROJECT FONT COLOR SILVER 1301 DOVE - SIGN MATRIX 7.8.13 SIGN PROGRAM #CS2013 -003 MODIFICATION PERMIT !y52013 -008 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 2s 24 VICINITY MAP 1_ 4 TPcl ject rProperty n mu•H2 1-,11.4`^ - MU -H_2._ Il 4 14 All 2 15 .. JA 14 MU-H2 PC 11 l� Modification Permit No. MD2013-008 & Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2013-003 (PA2013-063) 1301 Dove Street 25 20 Attachment No. ZA 3 Comprehensive Sign Program 27 m SIGN PROGRAM FOR 1301 DOVE 5.28.13 MODIFICATION PERMIT #MD2013 -008 D WWA y� Z m mv 1301 � r DOVE CDi `s� c m 0 ADDRESS: 1301 Dove, Newport Beach, CA PLANNING AREA: Newport Beach BUILDING STORIES: 10 PROPERTY OWNER: CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD 1301 DOVE ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA (949) 252.8844 CONTACT: TARAH GIESE PROGRAM DESIGNER: JB3D 731 N. MAIN STREET ORANGE, CA 92868 (714) 744 -2300 x221 (714) 744 -8061 fax SIGN PROGRAM FOR 1301 DOVE 5.28.13 MODIFICATION PERMIT #MD2013 -008 r 0 2 D I # 0.1 so 1301 DOVE - SIGN SUMMARY 1 Tenant Monument Sign Ground 2 34 SQ FT 12" r) No* Yes 2 Address Ground 1 Lu 6' -2" N/A No Yes Z Ground 5 12 SQ FT Q (D w L L Lu LU 4 Primary On Building ID Z D:f Q _ 0 Z O O uJ Yes 5 Secondary On Building ID Wall 4 60 SQ FT z d N J 6 Windscreen Graphic Ground 1 2 2 2 � X O N DESCRIPTION LOCATION 2 m O 1 Tenant Monument Sign Ground 2 34 SQ FT 12" N/A No* Yes 2 Address Ground 1 46 SQ FT 6' -2" N/A No Yes 3 Directional Ground 5 12 SQ FT 3" 6' -0" No* No 4 Primary On Building ID Wall 2 234 SQ FT 4' -0" N/A Yes Yes 5 Secondary On Building ID Wall 4 60 SQ FT 20" N/A Yes Yes 6 Windscreen Graphic Ground 1 1.5 SQ FT 6" N/A No No ** 5.28.13 * PROJECT LOGO ONLY ** EXTERNAL ILLUMINATION ONLY SIGN MODIFICATION PERMIT #MD2013 -008 10 2 D I# 0• S- NARKING UECK 1301 DOVE - SITE PLAN SIGN TYPE - SITE SIGNAGE W 1. Tenant Monument W 2. Address M 3. Directional, As Required � 4. Primary On-Building Sign W 5. Secondary On-Building Sign M 6. Windscreen Graphic Plans showing exact position of signs to be submitted along with permit application. 77' OFFICE TONER 1 r 5.28.13 0 C SIGN PROGRAM #CS2013-003 MODIFICATION PERMIT #MD2013-008 NEWP PLAT 1028 I # 0.3 S2 PURPOSE MAXIMUM NUMBER LOCATION ORIENTATION SIGN COPY SIDES MAX. SIGN AREA & SIZE LOGO SIGN CONSTRUCTION ILLUMINATION LETTERSTYLE COLORS To serve as primary identification for the 1301 Dove tenants. Two On the left and right hand sides of project entry on Dove Street. Parallel to Dove St. Up to 4 tenant names, brand names and info which makes sign appear to be an advertisement, such as ® and TM are prohibited. Single- sided. Width: 14' -2" Height: 28" Sign Area: 34 sq. ft. Width: 21 1/2" Height: 21 1/2" Area: 3.25 sq. ft. Location: See Exhibit 8' -0" Smooth, durable, non - weathering sign. All hardware shall be of nonferrous metals. Permitted Univers Condensed Dark grey, silver, & white 1301 DOVE - SIGN TYPE 1 - SPECIFICATIONS 14" 28" 5' -0° 21 1/2" Tenant Name Tenant Name 71/2" -+4211/2" 1.1 - SCALE: 1/2" = 1' -0" 1.2 - MIRROR OF IMAGE OF 1.1 5.28.13 14' -2" SIGN TYPE 1 TENANT MONUMENT SIGN WALL, BY OTHERS Tenant Name Tenant Name SIGN MODIFICATION PERMIT #MD2013 -008 10 2 D I# 1.0 3S PURPOSE To identify the address to patrons. MAXIMUM NUMBER One LOCATION At building entry ORIENTATION Parallel to building entry, mounted to existing canopy. SIGN COPY "1301" MAX. SIGN AREA & SIZE Width: 7' -8" Height: 6-0" Area: 46 sq. ft. SIGN CONSTRUCTION Smooth, durable, non - weathering sign. All hardware shall be of nonferrous metals. ILLUMINATION Permitted LOGO Prohibited LETTERSTYLE Project Font COLORS Silver 1301 DOVE - SIGN TYPE 2 - ELEVATION / SPECIFICATIONS SIGN TYPE 2 ADDRESS EQUAL T -8" EQUAL 5.28.13 SCALE: 3/16" = V -0" SIGN MODIFICATION PERMIT #MD2013 -008 10 2 D I# 2.0 S4 PURPOSE To provide directional info to patrons MAXIMUM NUMBER 5 LOCATION Within the project ORIENTATION As required SIGN COPY Various information for patrons SIDES Single or Double sided MAX. SIGN AREA & SIZE Width: 24" Overall Height: 6-0" Graphic Area Height: T -0" Graphic Area: 6 sq. ft. Overall Size: 12 sq. ft. SIGN CONSTRUCTION Smooth, durable, non - weathering sign. All hardware shall be of nonferrous metals. ILLUMINATION Prohibited LOGO Allowed, project logo only LETTERSTYLE Univers Condensed COLORS Dark grey, light grey logo watermark, & white 1301 DOVE - SIGN TYPE 3 - ELEVATION / SPECIFICATIONS SIDE VIEW SCALE: 1 " = V -0" 5.28.13 SIGN TYPE 3 PROJECT DIRECTIONAL PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = V -0" 24 ELEVATION VIEW SCALE: 1" = V -0" SIGN MODIFICATION PERMIT #MD2013 -008 10 2 D I# 3.0 35 Purpose: To identify primary business names occupying a multi- occupant 10 story building. Maximum Number: Two, located on opposite elevations Location: At parapet level with 1/3 the letter height of space above and below the sign and located no more than 1/2 the average letter height to any building edge. Orientation: Parallel to wall Sign Copy: Business name consisting of individual letters and logo only. Information which makes the sign appear to be advertisement, such as ® & TIM, are prohibited. Max. Sign & Letter Size: Letter & / or Logo (single line of copy only): Letter size: 4' -0" Logo size: 4' -0" Maximum Sign Area: Square Footage: 234 sq. ft. Overall Width: 58' -6" Overall Height: 4' -0" Sign Construction /Material: Individual letters and logos only. No cabinet signs or cloud signs. Fabricated from aluminum Illumination: Internal face illumination or halo illumination with warm white neon or LED permitted. Exposed neon and exposed raceways are prohibited. Logo: Permitted, as shown Letterstyle: Tenant standard lettering to be approved by the Building Association. Color: Sign copy color to contrast with building and must be approved by the Building Association. 1301 DOVE - SIGN TYPE 4 - SPECIFICATIONS 5.28.13 SIGN TYPE 4 PRIMARY ON- BUILDING SIGN SIGN AREA 58' -6" WIDE 4' -0 "TALL L ---- T__E_N_ A--- N_T__, Not to Scale SIGN MODIFICATION PERMIT #MD2013 -008 10 2 D I# 4.0 so MIN 1/3 LETTER HEIGHT i D-T-B\4A NT N HERE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAIL SCALE: 1/8 "= 1' ELEVATION VIEW- EAST & WEST ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/32 " - 1' 1301 DOVE - SIGN TYPE 4 - ELEVATIONS 5.28.13 SIGN PROGRAM #CS2013 -003 pD MODIFICATION PERMIT #MD2013 -008 S7 4.1 Purpose: To identify secondary business names occupying a multi- occupant 10 story building. Maximum Number: Four Location: On Building wall between row of windows on first floor and row of windows on second floor with 1/3 the letter height of space above and below the sign. No part of sign may be located within 112 the letter height to the extreme left or right of the building elevation. Orientation: Parallel to wall Sign Copy: Business name consisting of individual letters and logo only. Information which makes the sign appear to be advertisement, such as ® & TIM, are prohibited. Max. Sign & Letter Size: Letter & / or Logo (single line of copy only): Overall Height: 20" Maximum Sign Area: Square Footage: 60 sq. ft. Overall Width: 30' -5" Overall Height: 20" Sign Construction /Material: Individual letters and logos only. No cabinet signs or cloud signs. Fabricated from aluminum. Illumination: Internal face illumination or halo illumination with warm white neon or LED permitted. Exposed neon and exposed raceways are prohibited. Logo: Permitted Letterstyle: Tenant standard lettering to be approved by the Building Association. Color: Sign copy color to contrast with building and must be approved by the Building Association. 1301 DOVE - SIGN TYPE 5 - SPECIFICATIONS 5.28.13 SECONDSYON SIGN YPE 5 SIGN AREA 30' -5 "WIDE 20 "TALL TENANT Not to Scale SIGN MODIFICATION PERMIT #MD2013 -008 10 2 D I# 5.0 w7 MIN 1/3 LETTER HEIGHT QT-ENAN-- -=NAME =E- ERE QTENANT - =NAM = -ERE MIN 1/3 LETTER HEIGHT MIN 1/2 BLOWUP DETAIL LETTER HEIGHT SCALE: 1/8 "- 1' FROM EDGE ELEVATION VIEW- EAST & WEST ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/32 " - 1' 1301 DOVE - SIGN TYPE 5 - ELEVATIONS 5.28.13 MIN 1/2 LETTER HEIGHT FROM EDGE SIGN MODIFICATION PERMIT #MD2013 -008 D # 5.1 EWA PURPOSE To serve as primary identification for the Cafe entrance & occupant. MAXIMUM NUMBER One LOCATION At the entrance to the Cafe ORIENTATION Parallel to Cafe entrance SIGN COPY Up to 1 tenant name, brand names and info which makes sign appear to be an advertisement, such as ® and TM are prohibited. SIDES One Side MAX. SIGN AREA & SIZE Width: 34" Height: 6" Area: 1.5 sq. ft. Location: Attached to Windscreen. see exhibit SIGN CONSTRUCTION Smooth, durable, non - weathering sign. All hardware shall be of nonferrous metals. ILLUMINATION External Only LETTERSTYLE Univers Condensed COLORS Silver SIGN TYPE b WINDSCREEN & GRAPHIC 6" ELEVATION VIEW SCALE: 112" = 1' -0" 1301 DOVE -SIGN TYPE 6 - SPECIFICATIONS 5.28.13 MODIFICATION PERMIT #MD2013 -008 r 0 2 D I # 6.0 40 EXISTING CONDITION - EAST ELEVATION* SCALE: NTS *WEST ELEVATION MIRRORS THE EAST ELEVATION, BUT HAS NO CURRENT EYEBROW SIGNAGE 1301 DOVE ON- BUILDING SIGNAGE - EXHIBIT 12 -0333 I 7.17.13 AM M m PROPOSED CONDITION - CANOPY SCALE: NTS 1301 DOVE ON- BUILDING SIGNAGE - EXHIBIT 12 -0333 I 7.17.13 AM M 42 Additional Materials Received Mosher Comments for Items B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 August 15, 2013 Zoning Administrator agenda comments - Jim Mosher Page 3 of 5 ondition 18, requiring planting of a Southern Magnolia (Russett) tree in the public par would appear to be in conflict with NBMC Section 13.08.020. That section restricts the es that can be legally planted in the parkway to those appearing on the Official Tree List o3h44e with the City Clerk. According to that list, the Official Tree from 400 to 700 Acacia is an A �,specifically "Acacia c. 'Emerald Cascade'-- RIVER WATTLE." a. Whatever the correct species, "Chapfe4,,13 of the City Municipal Code" should read "Title 13 of the City Municipal Code." b. As far as I know there is no requirement for a 36 -inch in Title 13. I believe that is a requirement for citizen - initiated reforestation reques at is, for applicant- funded replacement of existing healthy City trees) found in Council Policy G -1. The general planting requirement for parkway trees in Council G -6 is for 24 -inch boxes. (Item 4. 1301 Dove Street Comprehensive Sign Program (PA2013 -063) For consistency of planning, I think the request being considered here would be better addressed through a proposal to change the sign standards in the Newport Place Planned Community Development Plan (PC Text), rather than through creation of individual, and possibly inconsistent, sign programs within what is supposed to be a planned community. As to the proposed Resolution: 1. In Section 1.4.a: "To allow two monument signs (Sign Type 1) to increase exceed the sign height limit by one foot." 2. In Section 1.4.b: "To allow one address sign (Sign Type 2) to inGrease in the 4n are of 46 square feet (6 ft x 7.66 ft) to be mounted onto the building canopy. The type and size of the proposed sign are not specifically permitted by the PC Text, however, they are limited to a maximum of 72 square inches and 8 inches in height for letters and individual numbers pursuant to the Zoning Code. The purpose of the request is to provide patrons better visibility in dent ies identifying the building address and entry point to the building." a. The change from 72 square inches to 46 square feet seems like a tremendous increase to me, and I'm not convinced it's justified or consistent with other buildings in the area: the address sign shown on handwritten page 30 seems grossly out of scale with the architecture of the entrance canopy, certainly from the vantage point illustrated on page 42 (that is, it seems much larger than necessary to achieve its purpose). See also comment 6d, below. 3. In Section 1.4.c: "To allow five directional signs (Sign Type 3) to intee exceed the sign height limit by 2 feet for a total of 6 feet." a. Exceeding the height limit raises concerns that these might restrict sight lines and visibility both for motorists and pedestrians. That this is a valid concern seems to be acknowledged in Condition of Approval 4. Additional Materials Received Mosher Comments for Items B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 August 15, 2013 Zoning Administrator agenda comments - Jim Mosher Page 4 of 5 b. From the illustration on handwritten page 35, 1 do not understand the need for the 6 foot height. 4. In Section 1.4.d: "The purpose of these additional signs is to provide identification for up to four major tents tenants within the ten -story building that would be visible from Dove Street and from the parking lot." 5. In Section 2.1: "This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 15311 of the Guidelines for Implementation (Class 11 — Accessory Structures)." 6. In Section 3 — Modification Permit a. Finding A: The facts fail to convince me that deviating from the cohesive vision of the PC Text is necessary to achieve compatibility. I would assume the opposite. b. Fact A.2.a: "The purpose of the request is to provide meteri-st motorists better visibility in identifying the subject property from Dove Street." c. Fact A.2.d: If the building has 34 tenants it is not entirely clear what is achieved by advertising 4 of them. d. Finding B: since there is apparently only one building at this location, an address sign closer to the street, at the actual motorist entry, would seem more useful to avoid confusion due to the 170 foot setback, and would provide more immediate identification. Why is the address text not simply integrated into the monument signs flanking the entryway (handwritten page 33)? e. Finding C: I am not convinced this property is subject to unusual hardships. f. Finding D: See B, above. I think a smaller address sign at the street would be a better alternative. g. Fact D.2: The "foreseeable detriment" of a proliferation of oversized signs is visual blight. Fact E.1: See preceding comment, and 3a, above regarding the possible hazards associated with oversized directional signs. 7. In Section 3 — Comprehensive Sign Program a. Fact A.1: "The application e# the for a Comprehensive Sign Program is appropriate in order to allow flexibility of signage regulations for projects that require multiple signs. ... In doing so, the purpose of the PC Text and Zoning Code is achieved and allows incentive and while allowing latitude in the design and display of multiple signs." It seems doubtful to me that increasing, and especially incentivizing, latitude in design furthers the purpose of the PC Text. I would have assumed the purpose of the PC Text was to limit latitude and enforce uniform design. If increased latitude is desired, the Text should be amended. Additional Materials Received Mosher Comments for Items B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 August 15, 2013 Zoning Administrator agenda comments - Jim Mosher Page 5 of 5 b. Fact A.2: "The proposed sign program would be more appliGable comparable to other multiple- tenant office buildings located within the Newport Place Planned Community." c. Finding D: I am not convinced that the decision to give special prominence to 4 of 34 tenants (up to 6 total including the even larger parapet signs, and possibly 8 more on the monument signs at the entrance) adequately forecloses the need for revision due to future changes in use or tenants. d. Fact E.1: "The Sign Program requests deviation deviations in the sign height of up to 30 percent and 20 percent for the number, location and height of the proposed signs to aid and enhance the identification and visibility of the commercial tenants from the public roadway." i. I am guessing this statement does not include the deviations allowed by the Modification Permit which, for example for the address sign, appears to allow a deviation of much more than 20 -30% (8 inch letters going to 6 foot letters). ,n 5. Spade Day Spa Minor Use Permit (PA2013 -140) 1. ection 2.1: "This project has been determined to be categorically exe t under the req ' ements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Cla 1 (Existing Faciliti in the Guidelines for Implementation." 2. Finding B.3 i of convincing that if there are already two fit ss /wellness operations and other unspe ' ied "personal services" in the center t t the approval of an additional day spa would not c to an overabundance or over ncentration of uses different from those anticipated in the Text. That would see to depend, among other things, on how many units there are in a center, which ' not specified. Item D: Public Comments on Wn- Acpenda Items I would like to suggest that in the Con 'ions of Appro I sections of Zoning Administrator resolutions, it would be useful to re clearly separate thb,,conditions that are intended to quote existing code requirements, an are included only as reminde to the applicants, from the special conditions that are i ended to waive or modify the usual uirements. This distinction is not always clear, and n lead to confusion by creating the imp res ' )n that the listing of c/"reminder" ditions im es that those that aren't listed are less important, that a slight variation i mean modification to the normal requirement is intended. I w d suggest that all tder" pe conditions be segregated in a section of their own with a hea r indicating tes of existing code requirements highlighted for the convenience of the plicant, bnded to modify those, or any other, requirements. If that exercise reveals the are sditions being added to all, or nearly all, approvals, then that might suggest those r nts should be made part of the code.