HomeMy WebLinkAbout05_Spade Day Spa MUP_PA2013-140COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 (949) 644 -3200 Fax: (949) 644 -3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT August 15, 2013 Agenda Item No. 5 SUBJECT: Spade Day Spa - (PA2013 -140) 1220 Bison Avenue, Suite A6 Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -011 APPLICANT: Saeed Kamkar. Associate AIA PLANNER: Benjamin M. Zdeba, Assistant Planner (949) 644 -3253, bzdeba @newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN • Zone: PC -5 (North Ford Planned Community) • General Plan: CG (General Commercial) PROJECT SUMMARY A minor use permit for the conversion of a vacant 1,195- square -foot retail tenant space to a day spa (Personal Service, Restricted) use. The applicant proposes to improve the space with five private rooms for consultation and procedures including makeup and skin treatments as well as general wellness and weight management. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -011 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 2 Spade Day Spa MUP Zoning Administrator August 15, 2013 Page 2 DISCUSSION • The subject tenant space is located within the Newport North Shopping Center. Adjacent uses include residential apartments to the north, office and industrial uses to the west, the Bluffs Shopping Center to the east, and single - family residential properties to the south across Bison Avenue. • Spade Day Spa will occupy a vacant tenant space in the westerly in -line multi- tenant building of the shopping center. Access to the center is obtained through driveways along Bison Avenue and Camelback Street. The area of the subject property is 4.84 acres. The shopping center is developed with two in -line multi- tenant buildings, two pad buildings, and a service station totaling approximately 47,800 square feet. • The General Plan designates this site as General Commercial (CG). The CG land use category is intended to provide for a wide variety of commercial activities oriented primarily to serve citywide or regional needs. These may include professional and medical offices, restaurant, retail, and service uses. The proposed day spa is a commercial use designed to serve the surrounding community as well as the general public. Thus, it is consistent with this land use category. • The site is located within Commercial, Area 3 of the PC -5 (North Ford Planned Community) Zoning District. This district is intended to allow the location of light general commercial activities engaged in the sale of products to the general public. Section VI.B (Commercial, Area 3 — Permitted Uses) of the PC -5 Text allows services of a convenience nature. Since said services are not further defined, the Zoning Code is used to better classify the use. In this case, staff believes the use is that of a day spa which is considered a Personal Services, Restricted use under Zoning Code Chapter 20.70 (Definitions) and requires the approval of a Minor Use Permit in all commercial zoning districts. Although the requested hours of operation are from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., staff recommends allowing the establishment to operate between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. to allow for greater flexibility. • Pursuant to Section VI.H (Commercial, Area 3 - Parking) of the PC -5 Text, commercial uses require a parking ratio of one parking space per 250 square feet of gross floor area and one loading space for each 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. Since the change in use from retail to personal service (both commercial uses) will not increase the parking requirement/demand, additional parking spaces will not be required. • The project is compatible with existing and allowed uses within the shopping center, which include retail sales, personal services, restaurants, and a service station. TmpIt:05 -24 -13 Spade Day Spa MUP Zoning Administrator August 15, 2013 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project qualifies for a Class 1 (Existing Structures) categorical exemption per Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act because the proposed project involves interior improvements to an existing retail tenant space to establish a day spa which is a negligible expansion of use. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of- way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development within fourteen (14) days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644 -3200. Prepared by: Be ja i M. eba As-' tant Planner GR/bmz Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Description ZA 4 Project Plans TmpIt:05 -24 -13 4 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 0 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2013- A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MINOR USE PERMIT NO. UP2013 -011 FOR A DAY SPA (PERSONAL SERVICES, RESTRICTED) USE LOCATED AT 1220 BISON AVENUE, SUITE A -6 (PA2013 -140) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Saeed Kamkar, Associate AIA on behalf of Beau Visage, Inc., with respect to property located at 1220 Bison Avenue, Suite A -6, and legally described as Lot 6 of Tract Number 12309 requesting approval of a minor use permit. 2. The applicant proposes to convert a vacant 1,195- square -foot retail tenant space to a day spa (Personal Services, Restricted) use. The appli t proposes to improve the space with five private rooms for consultation and procedures including makeup and skin treatments as well as general wellness and weight management. 3. The subject property is located within the North Ford Planned Community (PC -5) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is General Commercial (CG). 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on August 15, 2013 in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). The Class 1 exemption includes the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. 2. The proposed project involves interior improvements to an existing retail tenant space to establish a day spa which is a negligible expansion of use. Therefore, the project qualifies for a categorical exemption under Class 1. rW, Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Pape 2 of 5 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.020 (F) (Findings and decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC), the following findings and facts in support of the minor use permit are set forth: Finding: A. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The General Plan land use designation for this site is CG (General Commercial). The CG designation is intended to provide for a wide variety of commercial activities oriented primarily to serve citywide or regional needs. These may include professional and medical offices, restaurant, retail, and service uses. The day spa with beauty procedures and consultation is consistent with this land use designation. 2. The subject property is not part of a specific plan area. Finding: -X B. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The site is located in Commercial, Area 3 of the North Ford Planned Community (PC- 5) Zoning District. This area of the PC -5 Zoning District is intended to allow the location of light general commercial activities engaged in the sale of products to the general public. The proposed personal services, restricted use is ancillary to the retail sale of products and further provides a service to the neighboring residential areas as well as commuters and visitors traveling along MacArthur Boulevard and SR -73 freeway. 2. Section VI.B (Commercial, Area 3 — Permitted Uses) of the PC -5 Text allows services of a convenience nature; however, there is no definition provided for this use classification. As such, the Zoning Code is utilized to better classify the use. Under Section 20.70.020 (Definitions of Specialized Terms and Phrases), a day spa is classified as a "personal services, restricted land use." 3. The day spa use is consistent with the legislative intent of Section VI (Commercial, Area 3) of the PC -5 Text; however, it is not explicitly listed as a permitted use. The Zoning Code indicates that the personal services, restricted land uses have the possibility of having a blighting and /or deteriorating effect upon surrounding areas; therefore, the location of these land uses should be dispersed from other similar uses in order to minimize adverse impacts. Thus, a Minor Use Permit is required in all 04 -24 -2013 2 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Page 3 of 5 commercial zoning districts in which a personal services, restricted use is permissible. Other personal services, restricted land uses include healing arts, tanning salons, and tattoo services and body piercing studios. Nearby uses include residential, restaurants, retail stores, personal services, a service station, and two fitness facilities. The proposed project will not create an over abundance of personal services, restricted land uses in the area. 4. Pursuant to Section VI.H (Commercial, Area 3 - Parking) of the PC -5 Text, commercial uses require a parking ratio of one parking space per 250 square feet of gross floor area and one loading space for each 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. 5. The previous retail use of the tenant space required one parking space per 250 square feet of gross floor area. Since the change in use from retail to personal service will not increase the parking requirement/deman"dditional parking spaces will not be required. Finding: C. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The day spa will occupy an existing 1,195- square -foot tenant space within the Newport North Shopping Center. The space will be improved with five treatment rooms, a reception area, and retail /display areas. 2. The project is located within a commercial area of the North Ford Planned Community Zoning District. Nearby uses include residential, personal services, retail sales, eating and drinking establishments, and a service station. The operational characteristics of the project are that of a typical day spa with retail sales, and are compatible with the residential and commercial uses in the vicinity. 3. As conditioned, the allowed hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., daily, thereby limiting the likelihood of late night/early morning land use conflicts with nearby residences and businesses. Finding: D. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access and public services and utilities. 04 -24 -2013 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Page 4 of 5 Facts in Support of Finding: The Newport North Shopping Center is 4.84 acres and is developed with approximately 47,800 square feet comprised of two in -line multi- tenant buildings, two pad buildings, a service station, and a parking lot area. The existing building and parking lot have functioned satisfactorily with the current configuration which allows vehicular access from Bison Avenue and Camelback Street. 2. Adequate public and emergency vehicle access, public services, and utilities are provided within the existing property and the proposed project will not negatively affect emergency access. Finding: E. Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, or endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, a safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The use will serve the surrounding commerc�nd residential community, as well as visitors to the area. 2. The operation has been conditioned with limited hours of operation to minimize any potential detriment to the area. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -011, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective fourteen days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 15th DAY OF AUGUST, 2013. Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator 04 -24 -2013 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013- Pape 5 of 5 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development of the day spa shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan and floor plan. 2. A copy of the approved resolution shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits, if permits are deemed necessary. 3. Any change in operational characteristics, hours of operation, expansion in area, or other modification to the approved plans, may require an amendment to this minor use permit or the processing of a new use permit. 4. The hours of operation shall be limited to between 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., daily. 5. The maximum number of employees working onsite at any given time shall be no more than four. 6. Massage services are not allowed unless an amendment to this use permit is first approved. 7. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City Building Division. Construction plans must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code, and must comply with all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. 8. The Zoning Administrator may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Minor Use Permit, or revoke this permit upon a determination that the operation that is the subject of this approval causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 9. This approval shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the end of the appeal period, in accordance with Section 20.54.060 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 10. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of Spade Day Spa Minor Use Permit including, but not limited to, Minor Use Permit No. UP 2013 -011 (PA2013 -140). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 04 -24 -2013 11 12 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 13 VICINITY MAP Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -140 PA2013 -140 1220 Bison Avenue, Suite A6 14 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Description 1.5 10 S PADE Skin Care & More BELIEVE ! REFRESH . RADIATE Spade Skin Care & More company main office is located in Redondo Beach, CA with a new location soon to be opened in Newport Beach. The Company is committed to providing high end skin care products and Services that are natural, organic, non - invasive, FDA and US made Approved /clear. In addition the company features its own organic Product line: "M's." Our specially developed products provide added Value to our customers and showcase our continued expertise and Dedication towards creative, natural cosmetic solutions. Our business was started two years ago, when we realized we could Naturally remove wrinkles and provide skin - lifting procedures, Non - invasively, with no down time, all while offering our services at An exceptional value. Furthermore, we have developed a non - invasive and non - surgical Procedure called Derma C'. It treats patients with visible scars Caused by burns, diseases, accidents or surgical trauma. This Procedure breaks down the fibrous bands of collagen in the scar Resulting in the natural reproduction of collagen, elastin, and Melanocytes, which serve to fill in the area. Consequently, the repair Creates a softening of the scar's toughness and texture. This is a Less invasive treatment than alternative methods, such as laser Re- surfacing, which destroys the top layer of the skin and can cause Hypo - pigmentation and photosensitivity. Providing the above products and services, it will enable us to treat Our customers naturally, organically, non - invasively that is safe and Inexpensive, which should provide a unique new service to the city of Newport Beach. The Redondo Beach location has demonstrated how this New technology can benefits our customers. The customer satisfaction Has been shown in Yelp, Business Consumer Alliance and numerous email Messages. For more information, please visit www.myownspade.com Our Yelp account @ http://www.Velp.com/ biz / spade- skin - care - and - more- redondo- beach- 2 #query: spade %20skin %20care %20 %26 %2OMore Business Consumer Alliance: http://www.businessconsumeralliance.org/ Report /Day- Spas /Spade -Skin- Care - and - More -in- Redondo- Beach -CA- 100122309 sincerely; Spade Skin Care 17 12 Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 19 20 0 (l) Z Cn W D D W W Q ME O z 0 Q IV O Q Z W L� O Q n pmd ry O W I S Z W W J Q W Q U J LJ_ D W n 0 C-) W m Z J J Q V) Z Q O D C/) Z C7 C/) W D 0 W W Q (n Ii ry W n CD CD! 11 m Z c� Cn W D (f) S S'aeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T ° 949.955.0357 E • Saeed @ Saeed Design Studio Geo6ben Structural and Civil Engineering 9 9 Sljaljrokb E. Radvar PE, 66139 5 Hodgenville Irvine, CA T: 949.872 9565 E: geoboden @geobodeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 22 00 -00 -00 30 00 -00 -00 abe Skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA YI 66139 *\ 6 -30 -14 CIVIL TITLE SHEET Scale: AS NOTED A -1 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spade -i3 z 0 z w, Scale . As Noted Covet 22 SIGNS & IDENTIFICATION SHEET INDEX A TENANT IMPROVEMENT FOR: NO. SHEET DESCRIPTION 1. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL BE THE STANDARD USED TO IDENTIFY FACILITIES THAT ARE ACCESSIBLE TO AND USABLE BY PHYSICALLY DISABLED ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS PERSONS AS SET FORTH IN TITLE 24 AND AS SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED IN THIS SECTION. 1 A -1 TITLE SHEET 2 THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON ATRANSPARENT BACKGROUND. 2 A -2 INFORMATION SPADE Skin Care &More 3 A -3 SITE PLAN &DETAILS 3. LETTERS AND NUMBERS ON SIGNS SHALL HAVE A WIDTH -TO- HEIGHT RATIO OF BETWEEN 4 A -4 DEMO PLANS 3:5 AND 1:1 AND A STROKE WIDTH -TO- HEIGHT RATIO BETWEEN 1:5 AND 1:10. 5 A -5 FLOOR PLAN 6 A -6 EGRESS PLAN 4. CHARACTERS AND NUMBERS ON SIGNS SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO THE VIEWING 7 A -7 FINISH PLAN DISTANCE FROM WHICH THEY ARE TO BE READ. THE MINIMUM HEIGHT IS MEASURED USING 8 A -8 CEILING PLAN AN UPPER CASE X. LOWER CASE CHARACTERS ARE PERMITTED. FOR SIGNS SUSPENDED 9 A -9 SECTIONS LOCATED AT OR PROJECTED ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR IN COMPLIANCE, THE MINIMUM CHARACTER 10 A -10 STANDARD DETAILS . HEIGHT SHALL BE 3 ". 11 A -11 STANDARD DETAILS 12 A -12 STANDARD DETAILS 1220 BISON AVE, SUITE A- 6 5 CHARACTERS AND SYMBOLS SHALL CONTRAST WITH THEIR BACKGROUND. 6• WHEN RAISED CHARACTERS OR SYMBOLS ARE USED, THEY SHALL CONFORM TO THE - MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOLLOWING: A LETTERS AND NUMBERS ON SIGNS SHALL BE RAISED 1132" MINIMUM AND SHALL BE NEWPORT BEACH, C A 92660 SANS -SERIF UPPERCASE CHARACTERS ACCOMPANIED BY GRADE 2 BRAILLE. 13 M0.1 MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES, LEGEND, SCHEDULE &DETAILS B. RAISED CHARACTERS OR SYMBOLS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5/8" HIGH. 14 M1.0 MECHANICAL DEMOLITION & FLOOR PLAN C. AFFIXED WITH CLEAT MACTAC ADHESIVE FILM TO ENTIRE BACK OF PLAQUE TO 15 M2.0 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUSTED CRYSTAL 7725SE -314 VINYL IN MATCHING SIZE ON INTERIOR OF WINDOW GLASS. T CONTRACTED GRADE 2 BRAILLE SHALL BE USED WHEREVER BRAILLE SYMBOLS ARE GENERAL NOTES 22. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY BLOCKING, BACKING, FRAMING, HANGERS OR OTHER SUPPORT FOR ALL FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT OR CABINETRY REQUIRING FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED IN OTHER PORTIONS OF THESE REGULATIONS. DOTS SHALL BE 1/10" ON CENTER IN EACH CELL WITH 2/10" SPACE BETWEEN CELLS. DOTS SHALL BE PLUMBING DRAWINGS THE SAME. RAISED A MINIMUM OF 1/40" ABOVE THE BACKGROUND. 16 PDA PLUMBING GENERAL NOTES, LEGEND, SCHEDULE & DETAILS 17 P1.0 PLUMBING DEMOLITION & FLOOR PLAN 23. CORING OF THE CONCRETE SLAB, OR OTHER NOISY DEMOLITION IS TO BE PERFORMED -TITLE 19 EVACUATION SIGNAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED PER GOVERNING JURISDICTION. 8. WHEN PERMANENT IDENTIFICATION IS PROVIDED FOR ROOMS AND SPACES, RAISED 18 P2.0 PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS DURING NON BUSINESS HOURS. - POCKET FIRE DOOR SHALL BE SUBJECT TO FIELD TEST BY FIRE INSPECTOR. LETTERS SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY BRAILLE. SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CHECKING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, - EMERGENCY LIGHTING TO MEET MEET GOVERNING JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS. WALL ADJACENT TO THE LATCH SIDE OF THE DOOR. WHERE THERE IS NO WALL SPACE FIELD CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS FOR ACCURACY AND CONFIRMING THAT WORK CAN 24. IF CONSTRUCTION IS PHASED TWO OR MORE PHASES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE METER FOR ANY REQUESTED TESTING. ON THE LATCH SIDE, INCLUDING DOUBLE LEAF DOORS, SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED ON THE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS BE CONSTRUCTED BEFORE PROCEEDING. ANY QUESTIONS SHALL BE PRESENTED TO THE ADEQUATE PHYSICAL ISOLATION OF THE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION TO PROVIDE MINIMUM -THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO IDENTIFY ALL UTILITY ROOMS WITH EXTERIOR DOOR NEAREST ADJACENT WALL, PREFERABLY ON THE RIGHT. MOUNTING HEIGHT SHALL BE 60" ARCHITECT AND /OR TENANT CONSTRUCTION COORDINATOR FOR CLARIFICATION BEFORE DISRUPTION OF BUSINESS AND TO PROTECT THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF TENANTS AND SIGNS. ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR TO THE CENTERLINE OF THE SIGN. MOUNTING LOCATION COMMENCING WORK INVOLVED. CLIENTS. - COMMERCIAL DUMPSTERS AND CONTAINERS SHALL COMPLY WITH UFC REQUIREMENTS, SHALL BE DETERMINED SO THAT A PERSON MAY APPROACH WITHIN 3" OF THE SIGNAGE 19 E1.0 ELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTES, LEGEND & SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM WITHOUT ENCOUNTERING PROTRUDING OBJECTS OR STANDING WITHIN THE SWING OF A 20 E2.0 ELECTRICAL PLAN & PANEL SCHEDULE 2. THE SCOPE OF WORK MAY INCLUDE DEMOLITION, OR REMOVAL & REINSTALLATION OF 25. PROVIDE COMPLETE SHOP DRAWINGS AND /OR MANUFACTURER'S DATA SHEETS FOR ALL SIGNS: DOOR, 21 E3.0 ELECTRICAL TITLE 24 FORMS MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT. REMOVE, REVISE RELOCATE AND REINSTALL AS REQUIRED. MILLWORK, ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING DEVICES, HN.A.C. EQUIPMENT AND DIFFUSERS. -EXIT LIGHTING AND SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO TITLE 24 AND CBC REQUIREMENTS AND ITEMS REMOVED ARE TO BE STORED FOR POSSIBLE REUSE AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PROVIDE PHYSICAL SAMPLES OF ALL NON BUILDING STANDARD HARDWARE AND SHALL HAVE 6" HIGH STROKE LETTERING ON CONTRASTING BACKGROUND, LOCATED AS 9. ALL BUILDING ENTRANCES THAT ARE ACCESSIBLE TO AND USABLE BY PERSONS WITH TENANT CONSTRUCTION COORDINATOR, OR DISPOSED OF OFF SITE, IF SO DIRECTED. FINISHES FOR APPROVAL. INDICATED ON THE PLANS. DISABILITIES AND AT EVERY MAJOR JUNCTION ALONG OR LEADING TO AN ACCESSIBLE DEMOLITION MATERIALS ARE TO DISPOSED OF OFF SITE ON A DAILY BASIS. IN ORDER -EXIT SIGNS WILL BE LIGHTED SO THAT THEY ARE CLEARLY VISIBLE. ROUTE OF TRAVEL SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH A SIGN DISPLAYING THE INTERNATIONAL TO MINIMIZE THE IMPACT TO EXISTING OPERATING TENANTS AND NEARBY RESIDENTS, 26. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE RECORD DOCUMENTS AND SHALL PROVIDE SAID -EXIT SIGNS WILL BE ELECTRICALLY ILLUMINATED AND THE TWO LAMPS WILL BE SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY AND ADDITIONAL DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, AS REQUIRED, TO BE LOUD /NOISY WORK WILL BE RESTRICTED TO 7AM -10AM. DOCUMENTATION TO KILROY REALTY L.P. TENANT CONSTRUCTION COORDINATOR UPON ENERGIZED FROM SEPARATE CIRCUITS. ILLUMINATION SHALL NORMALLY BE PROVIDED VISIBLE TO PERSONS ALONG APPROACHING PEDESTRIAN WAYS. COMPLETION OF TENANT CONSTRUCTION. THERE IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS REQUIREMENT. BY PREMISES WIRING SYSTEM. IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE OF THIS SYSTEM, ILLUMINATION BUILDING DATA AND CODES 3. THE CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL PURCHASE AND MAINTAIN WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY PROVIDED FROM AN EMERGENCY SYSTEM. CERTIFICATIONS OF INSURANCE WITH RESPECT TO WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION, PUBLIC - EMERGENCY LIGHTING SHALL BE PROVIDED TO GIVE A LEVEL OF 1 FOOT CANDLE TO LIABILITY, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE FOR THE LIMITS REQUIRED BY LAW. THE CONSTRUCTION NOTES EXITWAY AT FLOOR LEVEL, PROJECT SCOPE: TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF EXISTING SHELL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INITIATING, MAINTAINING AND SUPERVISING - SIGN'THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS" TO BE POSTED OVER FINISH NOTES BLDG. FOR A NEW SKIN CARE ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK. MAIN ENTRANCE. TOTAL AREA : ±1,195 S.F. GROSS LEASABLE AREA: 1,195 S.F. 4. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY FOR AND OBTAIN, AT THE CONTRACTOR'S THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VISITING THE JOBSITE AND BEING AWARE CORRIDORS, OPENINGS AND EXITS BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE: C.B.C. (2010) EDITION EXPENSE, ALL NECESSARY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS REQUIRED BY ALL APPLICABLE OF ALL ITEMS TO BE DEMOLISHED AND REMOVED INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO - MAINTAIN 44" CLEAR MINIMUM AISLE WIDTH TO REQUIRED EXITS. A FLOOR THAT IS CONTINUOUS IN DESIGN EXTENDING AT LEAST FOUR (4) INCHES UP C.M.C. (2010) EDITION BUILDING CODES AND GOVERNING AGENCIES. PLUMBING FIXTURES, CONDUIT, MILLWORK AND FLOOR FINISHES, WHETHER SPECIFICALLY -EVERY EXIT DOOR SHALL BE OPERABLE FROM THE INSIDE WITHOUT USE OF A KEY OR 3 WALLS AND TOE KICKS IN A SEAMLESS MANNER, FORMING A MINIMUM " RADIUS COVE C.P.C. (2010) EDITION INDICATED OR NOT. ANY SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT; SPECIAL LOCKING DEVICES SHALL BE OF AN AS AN INTEGRAL UNIT IS REQUIRED IN THE RESTROOM, THE WALK -IN COOLER, THE C.E.C. (2010) EDITION 5. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL WORK AND MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL REGULATORY AGENCIES AND APPLICABLE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REFINISH ANY BLEMISHED DOOR, OR REPLACE SAID DOOR IF APPROVED TYPE. DOORS ARE TO BE OPERABLE BY A SINGLE EFFORT. FLUSH BOLTS STORAGE ( WITH SINKS ) AND WORK SERVICE COUNTER AREAS. ' ( ) C.F.0 (2010) EDITION BUILDING CODES OR REQUIREMENTS. NOT ABLE TO PROPERLY FINISH. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO SURVEY AND REPAIR ALL WALL SURFACES AND TAPE AND OR SURFACE BOLTS ARE PROHIBITED. -EXIT DOORS SHALL SWING IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL WHEN SERVING A HAZARDOUS INSTALL ME TYPE' TRANSITION STRIP WHERE CARPET TERMINATES AT OCCUPANCY GROUP: "B" 6. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT NO CONFLICT EXISTS IN THE LOCATIONS SAND ANY DAMAGES TO DRYWALL OR EXISTING EXTERIOR OR INTERIOR DRYWALL AREA I R WHEN SERVING RI AREA HAVING A OCCUPANT LOAD OF 50 OR MORE. -ALL FIRE RATED EXIT CORRIDOR DOORS SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH A SMOKE OR T FLOORING. RESILIENT FLOORING. EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TYPE: "TYPE V -B" OF ALL MECHANICAL, TELEPHONE, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING EQUIPMENT (INCLUDING PARTITION ERECTED UNDER BASE BUILDING. PREPARE TO RECEIVE FINISHES AS SCHEDULED. DRAFT STOP FIRE ASSEMBLY HAVING A 20 MINUTE RATING AND SHALL HAVE A SELF CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE SURFACES SCHEDULED TO RECEIVE FINISHES ARE CLEAN, TRUE, SPRINKLERED: YES CONDUIT AND PIPING) AND THAT REQUIRED CLEARANCES FOR ACCESS AND EQUIPMENT CLOSING DEVICE. AND FREE OF IRREGULARITIES. DO NOT PROCEED WITH WORK UNTIL UNSATISFACTORY NUMBER OF STORIES: ONE (EXISTING) MAINTENANCE ARE PROVIDED. VERIFY "ROUGH -IN" REQUIREMENTS WITH ALL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS BEFORE -FIRE DAMPERS OR DOORS SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE AIR DUCTS PENETRATE FIRE CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. STARTING OF WORK SHALL INDICATE TOTAL BUILDING AREA: 10,433 S.F. PROCEEDING. RATED WALLS OR CEILINGS. ACCEPTANCE BY THE INSTALLER OF THE SUBSTRATE. APN #: 442 - 042 -10 7. MATERIALS ARE SPECIFIED BY BRAND NAME TO ESTABLISH STANDARDS OF QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE. ANY REQUEST FOR SUBSTITUTION IS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE DESIGNER AND /OR TENANT CONSTRUCTION COORDINATOR FOR REVIEW A MINIMUM OF WHERE NEW CONSTRUCTION ABUTS EXISTING, SURFACES SHALL BE ALIGNED TRUE AND INTERIOR FINISHES/FLAME RETARDANT - TYPICAL INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES SHALL NOT EXCEED FLAME SPREAD OF WHERE DEMOLITION AFFECTS WALL, CEILING, CARPET, ETC. TO REMAIN, PATCH AND REFINISH TO PROVIDE'LIKE NEW' APPEARANCE. CODE ANALYSIS TEN WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE LATEST REASONABLE DATE FOR ORDER OF FLUSH TO THE DESIGNER'S SATISFACTION. 200. INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES AT EXIT CORRIDORS SHALL NOT EXCEED MATERIALS TO MAINTAIN THE AGREED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. ALL MILLWORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS FOR "CUSTOM FLAME SPREAD OF 75. -ANY DECORATIONS USED SHALL BE NONCOMBUSTIBLE OR FLAME PROOFED IN A UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE PROVIDE A MINIMUM THREE COAT PAINT SYSTEM AS 8. NOTIFY THE DESIGNER OF AVAILABILITY OF SPECIFIED MATERIALS AT THE TIME OF GRADE "PER THE WIC "MANUAL OF MILLWORK" OR COMPARABLE AWI STANDARDS, MANNER APPROVED BY THE GOVERNING JURISDICTION. SPECIFIED FOR EACH SUBSTRATE. REFER TO FINISH SCHEDULE FOR COLORS AND USE: AREA LOAD FACTOR OCCUPANTS BIDDING. SHOULD NO NOTIFICATION BE GIVEN, IT SHALL BE ASSUMED THAT ALL LATEST EDITION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SHEENS. MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE IN A TIME FRAME TO ALLOW COMPLETION OF ALL WORK FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT ALL WALLS SCHEDULED TO RECEIVE WALLCOVERING SHALL BE PREPARED WITH ONE OFFICE 1,096 S.F. 100 11 WITHIN THE AGREED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE MILLWORK ARE TO BE FIELD MEASURED PRIOR TO - PROVIDE A PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER, SEE PLAN. LOCATE ALL FIRE STORAGE 43 S.F. 300 1 FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION. EXTINGUISHERS IN RECESSED OR SEMI - RECESSED CABINETS, MOUNTED AT +48". COAT OF SEALER AND /OR PRIMER IN A FLAT FINISH AND PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE RESTROOM 56 S.F. 200 1 WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INSTALLATION. 9. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PROTECTIVE COVERING FOR BOTH NEW AND EXISTING FINISHES DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND SHALL REPAIR ANY DAMAGES CAUSED BY THEIR FORCES OR THOSE OF ANY SUBCONTRACTOR. ENTRANCES GENERAL NOTES 1- LOCATIONS AND CLASSIFICATION OF FIRE EXTINGUISHER SHALL BE ACCORDANCE WITH ALL MILLWORK AND DOORS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SHOP FINISH TO MATCH TOTAL ±1,195S.F. (NO CHANGE OF SQUARE FT.) 13 1. HAND ACTIVATED DOOR OPENING HARDWARE IS TO BE MOUNTED 30" TO 34" ABOVE THE THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE STANDARD 10 -1 AND PLACEMENT IS SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFICATIONS NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. 10. ANY REVISIONS OR ADDITIONAL WORK REQUIRED BY TENANT, FIELD CONDITIONS OR FLOOR AND BE OPERABLE WITH A SINGLE EFFORT BY LEVER TYPE HARDWARE. APPROVAL OF THE FIRE INSPECTOR. LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE DESIGNER 2- STORAGE, DISPENSING OR USE OF ANY FLAMMABLE COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS, FLAMMABLE SUBMIT SAMPLES OF ALL FINISHES FOR ARCHITECT'S REVIEW PRIOR TO PROCEEDING, TOTAL EXIT REQ. 1 AND /OR TENANT CONSTRUCTION COORDINATOR BEFORE PROCEEDING REGARDLESS OF 2• LATCHING AND LOCKING DOORS THAT ARE HAND ACTIVATED AND WHICH ARE IN A PATH AND COMPRESSED GASES, AND OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALSSHALL COMPLY WITH ALLOWING TIME FOR SUBMITTAL REVIEW AND FOR RESUBM17ALS AS REQUIRED: TOTAL EXIT PROVIDED 2 COST, TIME, OR MATERIALS REQUIRED. OF TRAVEL, SHALL BE OPERABLE WITH A SINGLE EFFORT BY LEVER TYPE HARDWARE, UNIFORM FIRE CODE REGULATION. STORAGE AND USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL PAINT: (3) 81/2" X 11" BRUSHOUT SAMPLES OF ACTUAL FINISH PANIC BARS, PUSH -PULL ACTIVATING BARS, OR OTHER HARDWARE DESIGNED AND BE APPROVED BY THE OFCA PRIOR TO ANY MATERIALS BEING STORED OR USED FLOORING: (3) SAMPLES OF EACH MATERIAL TO BE USED 11. ANY AND ALL REVISIONS ARE TO BE IN WRITTEN CHANGE ORDER FORM, APPROVED AND APPROVED FOR PASSAGE WITHOUT REQUIRING THE ABILITY TO GRASP THE OPENING ON -SITE. A SEPARATE PLAN SUBMITTAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE STORAGE & USE OF AUTHORIZED BY THE TENANT CONSTRUCTION COORDINATORIBUILDING OWNER BEFORE HARDWARE. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 3- BUILDINGS NOT APPROVED FOR HIGH -PILED STORAGE (MATERIALS IN CLOSELY N P D ES NOTES DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ANY WORK IS BEGUN. 3. MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE DOORS SHALL NOT EXCEED 5.0 POUNDS FOR EXTERIOR DOORS AND 5 POUNDS FOR INTERIOR DOORS, SUCH PULL OR PUSH EFFORTS BEING PACKED PILES OR ON PALLETS, OR IN RACKS WHERE THE TOP OF STORAGE EXCEEDS 12' 12. DIMENSIONS NOTED "CUR." ARE CLEAR DIMENSIONS AND ARE NOT ADJUSTABLE WITHOUT APPLIED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO HINGED DOORS AND AT THE CENTER PANE OF SLIDING OF IN HEIGHT, AND 6'FOR GROUP A PLASTICS AND CERTAIN OTHER HIGH - HAZARD THE APPROVAL OF THE DESIGNER ANDIOR TENANT CONSTRUCTION COORDINATOR. FOLDING DOORS. COMPENSATING DEVICES OR AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS MAY BE COMMODITIES). HIGH PILED STORAGE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OCFA PRIOR TO UTILIZED TO MEET THE ABOVE STANDARDS. WHEN FIRE DOORS ARE REQUIRED, THE MATERIALS BEING STORED ON -SITE. A SEPARATE PLAN SUBMITTAL IS REQUIRED FOR STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION DEVICES AND PRACTICES SHALL BE INSTALLED 1. SPRINKLER SYSTEM 13. BEFORE ACCEPTANCE BY THE TENANT CONSTRUCTION COORDINATOR, THE COMPLETED MAXIMUM EFFORTS TO OPERATE THE DOOR MAY BE INCREASED NOT TO EXCEED 15 LBS. HIGH PILED STORAGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, ARTICLE 81. AND /OR INSTITUTED AS NECESSARY TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE TO THE CITY OF FULLERTON CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE CLEARED, ANY APPLICABLE LABELS REMOVED, AND ANY 4 -ALL WEATHER FIRE ACCESS ROADS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE AHJ & IN PLACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS CONTAINED IN CHAPTER 3. WATER, OF DIVISION 8 OF TITLE 2. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM REQUIRED TOUCH -UP COMPLETED. 4. THE BOTTOM 10" OF ALL DOORS EXCEPT SLIDING AND AUTOMATIC SHALL HAVE A DOORS ( EXCEPT BEFORE ANY COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS ARE PLACED ON THE SITE. ACCESS ROADS 6 OF THE IRVINE MUNICIPAL CODE AND ANY EROSION PLAN ASSOCIATED WITH THIS SHALL BE MAINTAINED CLEAR OF OBSTRUCTIONS. PROJECT. ALL SUCH DEVICES AND PRACTICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED, INSPECTED 3. SIGNAGE PACKAGE 14. UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A SMOOTH UNINTERRUPTED SURFACE TO ALLOW THE DOOR OPENED BY A 5- ACCESS GATES SHALL BE INCOMPLIANCE WITH UNIFORM FIRE CODE, SECTION 902 AND AND /OR MONITORED TO ENSURE ADEQUACY AND PROPER FUNCTION THROUGHOUT THE FINALIZED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TO THE BUILDING OWNER. WHEELCHAIR FOOTREST WITHOUT CREATING A TRAP OR HAZARDOUS CONDITION. WHERE AHJ GUIDELINES. A SEPARATE PLAN SUBMITTAL AND APPROVAL BY AHJ IS REQUIRED. DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. NARROW FRAME DOORS ARE USED, A 10 INCH HIGH SMOOTH PANEL SHALL BE INSTALLED 6 -PLANS OF NEW OF MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING FIRE PROTECTION, DETECTION, ALARM COMPLIANCE TO THE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS AND ANY EROSION CONTROL PLAN 15. DIMENSIONS ARE NOT ADJUSTABLE WITHOUT REVIEW OF THE DESIGNER AND /OR TENANT ON THE PUSH SIDE OF THE DOOR, WHICH WILL ALLOW THE DOOR TO BE OPENED BY A OR MONITORING SYSTEM(S) SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OCFA PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION COORDINATOR UNLESS NOTED ( +/ -), WHEELCHAIR FOOTREST WITHOUT CREATING A TRAP OR HAZARDOUS CONDITION. A SEPARATE PLAN SUBMITTAL & APPROVAL BY THE OCFA IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE REQUIREMENTS: 16. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS, GIVEN DIMENSIONS GOVERN. LARGER SCALE DRAWINGS 5. EVERY REQUIRED ENTRANCE OR PASSAGE DOORWAY SHALL BE OF A SIZE AS TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. 7 -THE FIRE INSPECTOR MAY REQUIRE A LETTER OF INTENDED USE OF STRUCTURE(S) 1. SEDIMENTS AND OTHER POLLUTANT SHALL BE RETAINED ON SITE UNTIL PROPERLY GOVERN OVER SMALLER SCALE DRAWINGS. PERMIT THE INSTALLATION OF A DOOR NOT LESS THAN THREE FEET IN WIDTH AND NOT 8 -PRIOR TO THE APPROVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, PROJECTS WITH NEW DISPOSED OF, AND MAY NOT BE TRANSPORTED FROM THIS SITE VIA SHEET FLOW, LESS THAN SIX FEET EIGHT INCHES IN HEIGHT. DOORS SHALL BE CAPABLE OF OPENING CONSTRUCTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO EXISTING STRUCTURE, PLANS AND DOCUMENTATION SWALES, AREA DRAINS, NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSES OR WIND. 17. "TYPICAL" MEANS IDENTICAL FOR ALL SIMILAR CONDITIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. AT LEAST NINETY DEGREES AND SHALL BE MOUNTED SO THAT THE CLEAR WIDTH OF THE DOORWAY IS NOT LESS THAN 32 INCHES. WITH THE DOOR AT 90 DEGREES TO THE FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS, HYDRANT LOCATIONS, WATER AVAILABILITY AND FIRE CLOSED POSITION. ONE DOOR OF A PAIR Of DOORS SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM WIDTH LANE MARKINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED THE AHJ. AN AHJ 2. STOCKPILES OF EARTH AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION RELATED MATERIALS SHALL BE 18, ALL HEIGHTS ARE GIVEN FROM THE TOP OF THE EXISTING LOWER LEVEL SLAB UNLESS REQUIREMENTS. APPROVED SITE PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. PROTECTED FROM BEING TRANSPORTED FROM THE SITE BY THE FORCES OF WIND NOTED "AFF" (ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR) AT LOCAL CONDITIONS. 9 -IN STRUCTURES OF UNDETERMINED USE, THE MIN. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN DENSITY AND WATER FLOW. 19. 6. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF THRESHOLD TO BE 1/2 ". MAXIMUM VERTICAL CHANGE AT EDGE IS 1/4" REQUIRED SHALL BE ORDINARY HAZARD (GROUP 2) WITH A DESIGN AREA OF 3000 3. FUELS, OILS, SOLVENTS AND OTHER TOXIC MATERIALS SHALL BE STORED IN VICINITY MAP ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN ARE FROM FACE OF FINISH OF PARTITIONS OR OTHER WITH A MAXIMUM BEVEL OF 22 DEGREES. SQUARE FEET. ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR LISTING AND ARE NOT CONTAMINATE THE SOIL AND CONSTRUCTION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 10 -AN AUTOMATIC EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM SHALL BE PROVIDED TO PROTECT SURFACE WATERS. ALL APPROVED STORAGE CONTAINERS ARE TO BE PROTECTED _ "N.I.C." "NOT 7. THE WIDTH OF THE LEVEL AND CLEAR AREA ON THE SIDE TO WHICH THE DOOR SWINGS COMMERCIAL -TYPE FOOD HEAT PROCESSING EQUIPMENT THAT PRODUCES FROM THE WEATHER. SPILLS MUST BE CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY AND DISPOSED OF 20. ALL WORK NOTED OR IN CONTRACT" IS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED BY A CONTRACTOR OTHER THAN THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND IS NOT TO BE A PART OF SHALL EXTEND 18 INCHES PAST THE STRIKE EDGE FOR INTERIOR DOORS. GREASE -LADEN VAPORS. A SEPARATE PLAN SUBMITTAL IS REQUIRED FOR THE`O' IN A PROPER MANNER. SPILLS MAY NOT BE WASHED INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM, a a m+"" "`ark Park E ate, a °tea° x ° ° p°' INSTALLATION OF SYSTEM AND SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CFC ARTICLE 10, NFPA NOR BE ALLOWED TO SETTLE OR INFILTRATE INTO SOIL. �^�' a a 1 Pg SHALL hINSTALLATION 8. 8. 50% OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE SHALL BE RECYCLED. 17A AND 96. e. ° ° c 9 rye` FOR COORDINATING THE SCHEDULING AND OFO"NOT CON RACT"" (N'I.C.) 4 EXCESS OR WASTE CONCRETE MAY NOT BE WASHED INTO THE PUBLIC WAY OR ANY . b `� P ITEMS WITH OTHER TRADES. 9. A PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE INSPECTION DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED PRIOR BUILDING COMPLIANCE NOTES OTHER DRAINAGE SYSTEM. PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO RETAIN CONCRETE �' use ,s° r ° F �' 21. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY OPENING CLEARANCES FOR DELIVERY OF TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. CALL 000- 000 -0000 TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION. WASTES ON SITE UNTIL THEY CAN BE DISPOSED OF AS SOLID WASTES. i3 c ® P` a` - ALL PHASES OF THE WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE MINIMUM STANDARDS OF THE c „ ¢ NEW EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL. 10. A PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING HELD WITH IRVINE COMPANY (LANDLORD) PRIOR TO CURRENT EDITION OF THE FULLERTON CITY BUILDING CODE AND ALL STATE, COUNTY AND 5. TRASH AND CONSTRUCTION SOLID WASTES SHALL BE DEPOSITED INTO A COVERED o °<°j s �"• START OF CONSTRUCTION. LOCAL ORDINANCES THAT MAY APPLY. - WHEN SANITARY FACILITIES ARE LOCATED ON ACCESSIBLE FLOORS OF A BUILDING, THEY RECEPTACLE TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF RAIN WATER AND DISPERSAL BY WIND m y a o Jst P ❑n.wrsiry � DIRECTORY SHALL BE MADE ACCESSIBLE TO THE DISABLED. w a a °,,,a„ '•,a - THE CENTER OF RECEPTACLE OUTLETS SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 15 INCHES ABOVE THE FLOOR OR WORKING PLATFORM. 6. SEDIMENTS AND OTHER MATERIALS MAY NOT BE TRACKED FROM THE SITE BY VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ROADWAY MUST BE STABILIZED a n..r ` a�,e.° , oat 'aye u 96 - THE CENTER OF THE GRIP OF THE OPERATING HANDLE OF SWITCHES INTENDED TO BE SO AS TO INHIBIT SEDIMENTS FROM BEING DEPOSITED INTO THE PUBLIC WAY. "° z _ r � $$3 g OWNER TENANT DESIGNER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER MP ENGINEER ELECTRICAL ENGINEER USED BY THE OCCUPANT OF THE ROOM OR ARE TO CONTROL LIGHTING AND RECEPTACLES ACCIDENTAL DEPOSITS SHALL BE SWEPT UP IMMEDIATELY AND MAY NOT BE WASHEDn a ffi IRVINE COMPANY RETAIL SPADE SKIN CARE &MORE SAEED DESIGN STUDIO GEOBODEN ZERO &ASSOCIATE GMEP ENGINEERS OUTLETS COOLING HEA SHALL BE NO LESS THAN THREE HEATING AND VENTILATING EQUIPMENT, T DOWN BY RAIN OR OTHER MEANS. b s y m a y oe PROPERTIES 1220 BISON AVE. 2182 DUPONT DR., STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING 215 RIVERSIDE AVE., 2102 BUSINESS CTR DR., FEET AND NO MORE THAN FOUR FEET ABOVE THE FLOOR OR WORKING PLATFORM. 7. ANY SLOPES WITH DISTURBED SOILS OR REMOVED VEGETATION SHALL BE o" $ a' F VERNELLE BLACKWELL SUITE A -6 NEWPORT BEACH SUITE 5 IRVINE 5 HODGENVILLE IRVINE SUITE 105 NEWPORT BEACH SUITE 130 -THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY SHALL BE THE STANDARD USED TO 'aar 101 Innovation Dr, Irvine, CA 92660 CA 92612 CA 92620 CA 92663 RIVERSIDE, CA 92507 IDENTIFY FACILITIES THAT ARE ACCESSIBLE TO AND USEABLE BY DISABLED PERSONS AS STABILIZED TO INHIBIT EROSION BY WIND AND WATER. -- CA 92617 PHONE: 949.351.5310 PHONE: 949.955.0357 PHONE: 949.872.9565 PHONE: 949.575.4333 CONTACT: GARY ZHOU SET FORTH IN THESE BUILDING STANDARDS. THE SYMBOL SPECIFIED ABOVE SHALL CONSIST OF A WHITE FIGURE ON A BLUE BACKGROUND. THE BLUE SHALL BE EQUAL TO 6. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION DEVICES AND /OR PRACTICES SHALL BE °""h�a ,,, ° v k " w n°^G `°�° _ "^"' ° Ph: 949.720.3166 azie622 @yahoo.com weed @saeeddesignstudio.com geoboden @geobodeninc.com zeroassoc @aol.com MODIFIED AS NEEDED AS THE PROJECT PROGRESSES TO ENSURE EFFECTIVENESS. , Fax: 949.720.2218 FAX: 99.253,4.7164 FAX: 949.253.4691 COLOR N0.150901NfEDERALSTANDARD595A. vblackwell @iwinemmpany.com - IF EMERGENCY WARNING SYSTEMS ARE REQUIRED, THEY SHALL ACTIVATE A MEANS Of : a 4' •.. �.,, a mq :.° icnnnM ` -., WARNING THE HEARING IMPAIRED. FLASHING VISUAL WARNING SHALL HAVE A FREQUENCY BUILDING LOCATION OF NOT MORE THAN 60 FLASHES PER MINUTE. S'aeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T ° 949.955.0357 E • Saeed @ Saeed Design Studio Geo6ben Structural and Civil Engineering 9 9 Sljaljrokb E. Radvar PE, 66139 5 Hodgenville Irvine, CA T: 949.872 9565 E: geoboden @geobodeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 22 00 -00 -00 30 00 -00 -00 abe Skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA YI 66139 *\ 6 -30 -14 CIVIL TITLE SHEET Scale: AS NOTED A -1 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spade -i3 z 0 z w, Scale . As Noted Covet 22 Submittal Requirements for Satellite Dish Installation p Roof Top: Sled mounted with weights Cn Z CD V5 W Cn S DESIGN GUIDELINES - WATER PROOFING SYSTEM These Design Guidelines set the minimum architectural and construction standards to reduce and to the extent possible, prevent water leakage and /or mold growth in or around the Premises adjacent s aces and Shopping Center. 1 p O. PP 9 The Design Guidelines shall apply to all tenants in all areas where "wet tasks are performed." This would include all areas or tasks as described and would include all areas that have water flow into or out of the Premises. A 'Wet task' shall include, without limitation, any equipment using water or other liquid, or any space(s) that employ tanks, water containing sinks, floor sinks, mop sinks, dishwashers, fountains, restrooms, showers, tubs, water spray fixtures, steam tables, wet food preparation areas, prep kitchens, kitchens, food service stations, bars, cold or frozen storage areas, etc. Specifically, the Design Guidelines set forth the minimum standards for the interior construction at the Premises of (i) the walls and the wall systems (which include, the waterproof membrane, waterproof flashing, the fasteners, grout, wall panels, movement joints, and wall penetrations), (ii) flooring and the floor systems (same as a wall system, above), (iii) ceiling systems, (iv) plumbing, (v) electrical, (vi) kitchen equipment, (vii) water features, and (viii) vapor /moisture ventilating. A key component of a water proofing system is the waterproofing membrane. All wall and floor systems installed in areas having wet task or spaces where wet task are performed, shall have a waterproofing membrane installed beneath the wall finish. The waterproofing membrane shall be installed the height of the wall in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions and shall be continuous whenever possible. If contiguity is not possible, the waterproofing membrane should be installed in a weatherboard fashion with horizontal and vertical lap joints of at least 6 inches. In addition, a membrane flashing shall be installed at the wall -to -floor transition. This membrane flashing shall be integrated with the wall waterproofing and floor waterproofing. It shall provide a watertight barrier to prevent water migration into the adjacent floor or wall area. Tenant shall integrate the wall membrane with the floor waterproofing and ensure that the waterproofing membrane is compatible with the adhesive specked for the panel system. In certain instances to ensure compatibility with the panel installation adhesive, Tenant may be required to install the waterproofing membrane beneath the wall substrate material. P 9 All Tenant's Work in the Premises shall be performed in accordance with the "Final Plans" as defined in Exhibit C to Lease and be built in accordance with the California Building Code adopted by the local jurisdiction where the Shopping Center is located. Prior to opening for business to the public in the Premises, Tenant shall certify to Landlord, in writing, that Tenant's Work meets or exceeds the minimum standards set forth in the Design Guidelines and Tenant has performed Tenant's Work to the extent and in such a manner that all manufacturers warranty(ies) are in effect. During the Term, Tenant shall develop and implement a best management practice plan (the "Plan ") to minimize water usage for cleaning and /or sanitation, which shall include, without limitation, an equipment leak prevention and maintenance program. Tenant shall provide Landlord with a ropy of its Plan within 30 days following the Commencement Date, and during PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES (Choose one of the following installation options.) A. Installation of porcelain file using a undedayment for preslope at the substrate, a waterproof membrane, mortar bed, polymer modified thin set, and 100% solids grout. (mud bed - porcelain) A. Installation of porcelain tile using a undedayment for preslope at the substrate, a waterproof membrane, polymer modified thin set, and 100% solids grout. (thin set with slope - porcelain) A. Installation of porcelain the using a waterproof membrane, polymer modified thin set, and 100% solids grout on a pre sloped concrete substrate. (thin set with provided concrete pre sloped - porcelain) A. Installation of quarry tile using a undedayment for preslope at the substrate, a waterproof membrane, mortar bed, polymer modified thin set, and 100% solids grout. (mud bed - quarry) A. Installation of quarry file using a undedayment for preslope at the substrate, a waterproof membrane, polymer modified thin set, and 100% solids grout. (thin set with slope - quarry) A. Installation of quarry tile using a waterproof membrane, polymer modified thin set, and 100% solids grout on a pre sloped concrete substrate. (thin set with provided concrete pre sloped - quarry) 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 03 35 00 - Concrete Finishing. B. Section 09 30 00 - Tile C. Section 22 42 00 - Plumbing Fixtures 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI Al 08 Series - American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile. B. ANSI A108.1A Installation of Ceramic Tile in the Wet Set Method with Portland Cement Mortar. C. ANSI A108.1 B Installation of Ceramic Tile on a Cured Portland Cement Mortar Setting Bed with Dry-Set or Latex - Portland Cement Mortar. D. ANSI At 08.5 Installation of Ceramic Tile with Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar or Latex - Portland Cement Mortar. E. ANSI Al 08.6 Installation of Ceramic Tile with Chemical Resistant, Water Cleanable Tile Setting and Grouting Epoxy. F. ANSI A108.10 Installation of Grout in Tilework. G. ANSI Al 08.13 Installation of Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membranes for Thin -Set Ceramic Tile and Dimension Stone. H. ANSI Al 18.1 Specifications for Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar. I. ANSI At 18.3 Specifications for Chemical Resistant, Water Cleanable Tile Setting and Grouting Epoxy. J. ANSI At 18.4 Specifications for Latex- Portland Cement Mortar. K. ANSI Al 08.7 Specifications for Polymer Modified Ceramic Tile Grouts, L. ANSI At 18.10 Specif ications for Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membranes for Thin -Set Ceramic Tile And Dimension Stone Installations. M. TCA "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation "; Tile Council of America Method # F121 -07 & F122 -07. 1.04 SUBMITTALS Note: Waterproofing Consultant must review and approve products and detail drawings prior to Pre - Construction meeting and commencement of work. A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data for Mortars, Grouts, and Adhesives: 1. Submit manufacturers product data demonstrating compliance with specified requirements. 2. Submit manufacturers instructions for use. 3. Submit manufacturers certification that materials are suitable for the intended use. C. Samples: Submit samples of each type and color of grouting material and tile. D. Tile Certificates: 1. Submit Master Grade Certificates issued and signed by the manufacturer and the Contractor when the tile is shipped. State grade, kind of tile, and identification marks for tile packages. 2. Submit Certification from tile manufacturer of satisfactory performance of frost proof tile. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Mock -ups: Provide mock -up panel using materials specified for final work. Construct mock -up as directed, and of full thickness. Obtain Architect's acceptance of visual qualities of the sample panel. B Installer Qualifications: Engage an expertenced installer who has completed tile installations similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in- service performance. C Source Limitations for Tile: Obtain each color, grade, finish, type, composition, and variety of tile from one source with resources to provide products from the same production run for each contiguous area of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties without delaying the Work. D. Source Limitations for Setting and Grouting Materials: Obtain ingredients of a uniform quality for each mortar, adhesive, and grout component from a single manufacturer and each aggregate from one source or producer. E. Source Limitations for Other Products: Obtain each of the following products specified in this Section from one source and by a single manufacturer for each product. F. Mandatory Inspections: The Waterproofing Consultant and the Material Manufacturer's Representative shall attend a Pre - Construction meeting and provide one (1) field audit during installation of the waterproofing membrane. One additional inspection shall also be provided for the water test and final inspection. 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Provide heated and dry storage facilities on site. B. Deliver and store all materials on site a minimum of 24 hours before usage. C. Deliver and store tile and packaged materials in original containers with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. Prevent damage to materials such as chipping, breakage, freezing, or excessive heat. Prevent contamination by water, moisture, foreign matter, or other causes. 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain ambient and surface temperatures at not less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit during installation of cementitious materials and for 72 hours thereafter. Maintain ambient and surface temperatures between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 95 degrees Fahrenheit during installation of epoxy setting and grouting materials and for 72 hours thereafter. B. Vent temporary heaters to outside to avoid carbon dioxide damage to new tile work. C. Provide adequate lighting for good grouting and clean -up. 1.08 PRECONSTRUCTION A. A Pre - Construction meeting shall be scheduled a minimum of 2 weeks prior to commencement of work. B. Attendees at the Pre - Construction meeting shall be: Waterproofing Consultant, General Contractor, Waterproofing Subcontractor, Waterproofing Material Manufacturers Representative, The Irvine Company Representative and all other trades that will interface with the waterproofing. C. At the meeting, the project scope of work shall be reviewed along with related details that will impact the waterproofing. Each of the Subcontractors that interface with the waterproofing shall have their scope of work reviewed. Notes from the meeting shall be recorded and distributed by the Waterproofing Consultant. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 TILE Specify tile in the following paragraph, or in a schedule at the end of this specification section or on the drawings. If more than one type or color of tile, mortar or grout material, or setting method is specified, indicate which respective color, material, and method is to be used in each of the locations tile is required. Delete one of the two following paragraphs. A. Ceramic tiles shall be porcelain Style manufactured by A. Ceramic tiles shall be quarry Style manufactured by 2.02 SETTING MATERIAL MANUFACTURER A. Mer -Krete Systems ParexLahabra Inc. 800- 851 -6303 www.merkrete.com Local Representative Tim McDonald. 1. Substitutions will not be acceptable. 2.03 MORTAR BED WITH WATERPROOF MEMBRANE AND TILE A. Pre Slope and Mortar Bed 1. Mar-Krete Underlayment C; a polymer modified undedayment for pre slope of substrate at 1/4 inch per foot. 2. Mer -Krete Underlayment M; a cement based mortar bed mixture. Underlay M shall be gauged with 150 Acrylic Latex; latex admixture. B. Mer -Krete Hydro Guard 2000; a neoprene asphaltic based elastomeric waterproofing and crack isolation membrane. Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membrane For Thin -Set Ceramic Tile And Dimension Stone Installations; ANSI Al 18.10 C. Mer -Krete Thin -Set 735; a superior grade flexible latex modified Portland cement dry set mortar for demanding installations. D. Water Cleanable Tile Setting and Grouting Epoxy; ANSI Al 18.3: ProEpoxy a 100% solids epoxy grout and mortar for extra heavy performance, color 2.03 THINSET WITH WATERPROOF MEMBRANE AND TILE A. Mer -Krete Underlayment C; a polymer modified undedayment for pre slope of substrate at 1/4 inch per foot previous to waterproof membrane. A. Concrete substrate sloped 1/4 inch per foot B. Mer -Krete Hydro -Guard 2000; an asphaltic based elastomeric waterproofing and crack isolation membrane. Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membrane For Thin -Set Ceramic Tile And Dimension Stone Installations; ANSI Al 18.10. La City RR Listed 4321 ICC -ES Listed C. Mar-Krete Thin -Set 735; a superior grade flexible latex modified Portland cement dry set mortar for demanding installations. D. Water Cleanable Tile Setting and Grouting Epoxy; ANSI Al 18.3: ProEpoxy a 100% solids epoxy grout and mortar for extra heavy performance, color PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Before work commences, examine the areas to be covered and report any flaw or adverse condition in writing. Do not proceed with the tile work until surfaces and conditions comply with the requirements indicated in the manufacturer's instructions and in ANSI Al 08.5 B. Verify that slope, when required, is in subfloor. C. Protect adjoining work surfaces before tile work begins. 3.02 PREPARATION: A. Floor Flatness: Install leveling material if necessary to bring floors to required flatness. Maximum variation from plane: 1. 1/4 inch in 10 feet for installations with a thick mortar bed. 2. 1/8 inch in 10 feet for thin -set mortar 3. Leveling, when necessary, is to be accomplished using leveling materials specified in Part 2. 4. Mortar bed and waterproof membrane must be pre - sloped using leveling materials specified in Part 2. 3.03 INSTALLATION - GENERAL A. Comply with applicable ANSI 108 series of the "American National Standard Specifications for the Installation of Ceramic Tile." B. Comply with TCA installation methods indicated or, if not other otherwise indicated, as applicable to installation conditions shown. C. Coverage and Terminations: Extend tile work into recesses an under or behind equipment and fixtures, to form a complete covering without interruptions, except as otherwise shown. D. Intersections and Returns: Accurately form intersections and returns. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible surfaces . Carefully grind cut edges of tile abutting trim, finish or built-in items for straight aligned joints. E. Jointing Pattern: Unless otherwise shown, lay tile in grid pattern. Align joints when adjoining floor tile with tile, base, or trim on walls when wall tile, base or trim are same size. Layout tile work and center tile fields in both directions in each space or on each wall area. Adjust to minimize tile cutting. Provide uniform joint widths, unless otherwise shown. F. Expansion Joints: Locate expansion joints and other sealant filled joints, including control, contraction and isolation joints, where indicated, or if not indicated, at spacing and locations recommended by EJ 171 in the TCA "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation ", and approved by Architect. 1. Prepare joints and apply sealants to comply with referenced installation standards and sealant manufacturers instructions. G Waterproof Membrane: Install waterproof membrane, where required, to comply with manufacturers instructions. 1. Manufacturers Instructions: Install proprietary components to comply with manufacturers instructions at all wet floor and wet wall areas. Wet wall areas are walls behind mop sinks, dishwasher walls, shower walls, mandated washable walls, walls that are required to receive stainless steel cladding or Marlite, etc. These walls shall receive the waterproofing membrane from floor to ceiling and extend around comers beyond the width of the sinks or counters. 2. Flashing required in all changes in plane, dissimilar materials, plumbing fixtures, drains and through out the field. 3. The waterproofing membrane shall extend out through wet area doors a minimum 6 feet. 4. Prior to installation of metal stud wall bottom "C" channels, apply a layer of the waterproofing self- adhering membrane beneath the "C" channel as shown on drawings. Any and all penetrations through the "C" channel must be sealed to create a watertight condition using the waterproofing manufacturers mastic. H. Install tile to comply with referenced TCA and ANSI installation standards, using setting materials indicated. I. Curing set tile: 1. 72 hours before grouting when the temperature is low or the humidity is high. 2. 48 hours before grouting when hot, dry conditions exist. 3. Check the bond strength carefully before grouting. J. Grout the tile to comply with referenced installation standards using grouting materials indicated. 1. Chemical Resistant, Water Cleanable Grouting Epoxy; ANSI A108.6 2. Latex Portland Cement Grout ANSI A108.10 3.04 WATER TEST A. A water test shall be conducted at all horizontal waterproofing locations after the membrane has had a proper cure. The water test shall provide a minimum of 1 inch of standing water for a 4 hour period. If breaches in the membrane occur, repair the membrane in accordance with the manufacturer's criteria and retest. B. The Tenant and General Contractor shall provide a written letter to The Irvine Company that a successful water test has been conducted. 3.05 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Upon completion of setting and grouting, clean all ceramic tile surfaces so they are free of foreign matter. B. Acid Cleaning: Tile may be cleaned with sulfamic acid solutions complying with the following: 1. Only if permitted by tile and grout manufacturers printed instructions. 2. No sooner than 14 days after installation. 3. Protect metal surfaces, cast iron and vitreous plumbing fixtures from effects of acid cleaning. 4. Flush surface with clean water before and after cleaning. 5. Do not clean Chemical Resistant, Water Cleanable Grouting Epoxy (Al 18.3) with acid. C. Protection: When recommended by tile manufacturer, apply a protective coat of neutral protective cleaner to completed tile walls and floors. Protect installed tile work with Kraft paper or other heavy covering during construction period to prevent staining damage and wear. 1. Protective Coatings: Before final inspection, remove protective coverings and rinse neutral cleaner from tile surfaces. D. Finished Tile Work: Leave finished installation clean and free of cracked, chipped, broken, unbonded, or otherwise defective tile work. E. Protect tile installation from traffic as specified in ANSI specifications. F. Protect tile installation from traffic according to manufacturer's instructions. END OF SECTION S - aeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E • Saeed @ Saeed Design Studio . Corn G 06ben Structural and Civil Engineering 9 9 Sljaljrokb E. P advar PE, 66139 5 Hodgenville Irvine, CA T: 949.872 9565 E: geoboden @geobodeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 A2 00 -00 -00 30 00 -00 -00 abe skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 r Y_ 6-30 -14 I'Ta- CIVIL ?�P� INFORMATION Scale: AS NOTED A -2 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spade -i3 z, Scale: As Noted 22 e Drawing showing dish location on the roof relative to other equipment and location of roof I- penetration to space below. Equipment cannot be visible to the public above all parapet walls. Cn Z • The drawings will indicate dish size. CD Zn • Dish color, framework above roofline and all conduit is to match roof top equipment color Lv specification. D p • Sled mounted units are required to have two (2) %z" thick roof pads placed under them before Lv putting weight in sled on roof. Whenever possible sled is to be located above major roof W Q support beams or columns. cn • All wiring is to be in conduit (PVC or Metal), conduit mounted to wood blocks (redwood), blocks are to have same %z " thick roof pad material secured to bottom of each block, block and O pad are not to be fastened to the roof, but left to move independently. The attachment of the conduit to the block is to be with a two (2) hole strap / clamp. The blocks should be spaced to prevent sagging of the conduit. Z O • All roof penetrations, patching and repairing are to be performed by the Landlord's roofing Qcontractor. IV � . All roof damage caused during the installation process is the responsibility of the installer. O _ • The proposed vendor and installation company (if different) is required to conform to the Landlords insurance requirements (attached). Installer to coordinate with Landlord roofing consultant / contractor for all design requirements Z needed to maintain existing roofing warranties. W NEW TENANT IMPROVEMENT Iz ROOF INSTALLATION GUIDELINES 1. GENERAL CRITERIA: � a. A city permit shall be obtained for all work performed. Upon completion of work, a copy of the signed off city permit card or other form of final acceptance by the city shall be provided to The Irvine Q Company. ' Z b. Structural engineer's stamped drawings for all new framed openings Z_ within the plywood substrate shall be provided for mechanical unit installations. tY O C. Where required by the city or building owner, mechanical equipment W screens shall be provided within the improvement scope of work. Equipment screens shall be constructed of 26 gauge, prepainted, O corrugated sheet metal panels installed on flashed sleeper supports. S d. All curbs and platforms shall extend a minimum 8 inches above the roof Z membrane surface and shall be incorporated into the existing roof assembly per the standards established within the specification. W e. All abandoned, unused mechanical equipment units, penetrations, lines, supports, etc., are to be removed as part of the improvement scope of work. Unused openings in substrate are to be eliminated (to match J Q existing) and the affected membrane area is to be repaired with the materials indicated in the accompanying detail drawings. tY O f. Color of roofing materials used to incorporate roofing materials into W roofing is to match the color of the existing roof system. Q 2. NEW MECHANICAL UNIT INSTALLATIONS: U_ J t1 a. New mechanical units are to be installed on either platforms, � prefabricated metal curbs or wood sleepers. All exposed wood sleepers D are be either pressure treated lumber or redwood installed on gapped walkpad material. W b. New mechanical unit platforms are to be equipped with 22 gauge n galvanized sheet metal flashing pans with independent waterproofing � underlayments. W C. Mechanical units installed on platforms or wood sleepers are to be M equipped with independent isolator pads, minimum 4 per unit, and l__ sheet metal seismic straps, minimum 4 per unit. O Z d. Condensation drain lines are to be provided for all mechanical unit J installations. Condensation drain lines are to be connected to interior Qdrains where feasible or extended to the closest internal drain /primary = scupper. V) 3. NEW PLUMBING /ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS: Z Q a. All penetrations are to receive new lead flashings wherever feasible or galvanized sheet metal roof jacks. O p 4. MECHANICAL UNIT REPLACEMENTS: I-- C/") a. Replacement of mechanical units is to include replacement of sheet metal pan cover at existing platform or replacement of wood sleeper Z supports. CD Zn b. Replacement of unit is to include providing isolator pads and sheet W metal straps identified in Item "2 -c" above. Q C. Work for improvement is to include cleaning and resealing of all Wmechanical equipment duct work. Q (n S. MISCELLANEOUS: W O a. Sheet metal /lead flashings are to be provided at all penetrations. >_ b. Plumbing and electrical lines transversing the roof membrane surface I-- are to be equipped with wood block supports with walkpad material W bases at 5 foot on center intervals. Wood blocks are to be secured to lines n with sheet metal straps. O n Cn Z CD V5 W Cn S DESIGN GUIDELINES - WATER PROOFING SYSTEM These Design Guidelines set the minimum architectural and construction standards to reduce and to the extent possible, prevent water leakage and /or mold growth in or around the Premises adjacent s aces and Shopping Center. 1 p O. PP 9 The Design Guidelines shall apply to all tenants in all areas where "wet tasks are performed." This would include all areas or tasks as described and would include all areas that have water flow into or out of the Premises. A 'Wet task' shall include, without limitation, any equipment using water or other liquid, or any space(s) that employ tanks, water containing sinks, floor sinks, mop sinks, dishwashers, fountains, restrooms, showers, tubs, water spray fixtures, steam tables, wet food preparation areas, prep kitchens, kitchens, food service stations, bars, cold or frozen storage areas, etc. Specifically, the Design Guidelines set forth the minimum standards for the interior construction at the Premises of (i) the walls and the wall systems (which include, the waterproof membrane, waterproof flashing, the fasteners, grout, wall panels, movement joints, and wall penetrations), (ii) flooring and the floor systems (same as a wall system, above), (iii) ceiling systems, (iv) plumbing, (v) electrical, (vi) kitchen equipment, (vii) water features, and (viii) vapor /moisture ventilating. A key component of a water proofing system is the waterproofing membrane. All wall and floor systems installed in areas having wet task or spaces where wet task are performed, shall have a waterproofing membrane installed beneath the wall finish. The waterproofing membrane shall be installed the height of the wall in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions and shall be continuous whenever possible. If contiguity is not possible, the waterproofing membrane should be installed in a weatherboard fashion with horizontal and vertical lap joints of at least 6 inches. In addition, a membrane flashing shall be installed at the wall -to -floor transition. This membrane flashing shall be integrated with the wall waterproofing and floor waterproofing. It shall provide a watertight barrier to prevent water migration into the adjacent floor or wall area. Tenant shall integrate the wall membrane with the floor waterproofing and ensure that the waterproofing membrane is compatible with the adhesive specked for the panel system. In certain instances to ensure compatibility with the panel installation adhesive, Tenant may be required to install the waterproofing membrane beneath the wall substrate material. P 9 All Tenant's Work in the Premises shall be performed in accordance with the "Final Plans" as defined in Exhibit C to Lease and be built in accordance with the California Building Code adopted by the local jurisdiction where the Shopping Center is located. Prior to opening for business to the public in the Premises, Tenant shall certify to Landlord, in writing, that Tenant's Work meets or exceeds the minimum standards set forth in the Design Guidelines and Tenant has performed Tenant's Work to the extent and in such a manner that all manufacturers warranty(ies) are in effect. During the Term, Tenant shall develop and implement a best management practice plan (the "Plan ") to minimize water usage for cleaning and /or sanitation, which shall include, without limitation, an equipment leak prevention and maintenance program. Tenant shall provide Landlord with a ropy of its Plan within 30 days following the Commencement Date, and during PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES (Choose one of the following installation options.) A. Installation of porcelain file using a undedayment for preslope at the substrate, a waterproof membrane, mortar bed, polymer modified thin set, and 100% solids grout. (mud bed - porcelain) A. Installation of porcelain tile using a undedayment for preslope at the substrate, a waterproof membrane, polymer modified thin set, and 100% solids grout. (thin set with slope - porcelain) A. Installation of porcelain the using a waterproof membrane, polymer modified thin set, and 100% solids grout on a pre sloped concrete substrate. (thin set with provided concrete pre sloped - porcelain) A. Installation of quarry tile using a undedayment for preslope at the substrate, a waterproof membrane, mortar bed, polymer modified thin set, and 100% solids grout. (mud bed - quarry) A. Installation of quarry file using a undedayment for preslope at the substrate, a waterproof membrane, polymer modified thin set, and 100% solids grout. (thin set with slope - quarry) A. Installation of quarry tile using a waterproof membrane, polymer modified thin set, and 100% solids grout on a pre sloped concrete substrate. (thin set with provided concrete pre sloped - quarry) 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 03 35 00 - Concrete Finishing. B. Section 09 30 00 - Tile C. Section 22 42 00 - Plumbing Fixtures 1.03 REFERENCES A. ANSI Al 08 Series - American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile. B. ANSI A108.1A Installation of Ceramic Tile in the Wet Set Method with Portland Cement Mortar. C. ANSI A108.1 B Installation of Ceramic Tile on a Cured Portland Cement Mortar Setting Bed with Dry-Set or Latex - Portland Cement Mortar. D. ANSI At 08.5 Installation of Ceramic Tile with Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar or Latex - Portland Cement Mortar. E. ANSI Al 08.6 Installation of Ceramic Tile with Chemical Resistant, Water Cleanable Tile Setting and Grouting Epoxy. F. ANSI A108.10 Installation of Grout in Tilework. G. ANSI Al 08.13 Installation of Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membranes for Thin -Set Ceramic Tile and Dimension Stone. H. ANSI Al 18.1 Specifications for Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar. I. ANSI At 18.3 Specifications for Chemical Resistant, Water Cleanable Tile Setting and Grouting Epoxy. J. ANSI At 18.4 Specifications for Latex- Portland Cement Mortar. K. ANSI Al 08.7 Specifications for Polymer Modified Ceramic Tile Grouts, L. ANSI At 18.10 Specif ications for Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membranes for Thin -Set Ceramic Tile And Dimension Stone Installations. M. TCA "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation "; Tile Council of America Method # F121 -07 & F122 -07. 1.04 SUBMITTALS Note: Waterproofing Consultant must review and approve products and detail drawings prior to Pre - Construction meeting and commencement of work. A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Product Data for Mortars, Grouts, and Adhesives: 1. Submit manufacturers product data demonstrating compliance with specified requirements. 2. Submit manufacturers instructions for use. 3. Submit manufacturers certification that materials are suitable for the intended use. C. Samples: Submit samples of each type and color of grouting material and tile. D. Tile Certificates: 1. Submit Master Grade Certificates issued and signed by the manufacturer and the Contractor when the tile is shipped. State grade, kind of tile, and identification marks for tile packages. 2. Submit Certification from tile manufacturer of satisfactory performance of frost proof tile. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Mock -ups: Provide mock -up panel using materials specified for final work. Construct mock -up as directed, and of full thickness. Obtain Architect's acceptance of visual qualities of the sample panel. B Installer Qualifications: Engage an expertenced installer who has completed tile installations similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in- service performance. C Source Limitations for Tile: Obtain each color, grade, finish, type, composition, and variety of tile from one source with resources to provide products from the same production run for each contiguous area of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties without delaying the Work. D. Source Limitations for Setting and Grouting Materials: Obtain ingredients of a uniform quality for each mortar, adhesive, and grout component from a single manufacturer and each aggregate from one source or producer. E. Source Limitations for Other Products: Obtain each of the following products specified in this Section from one source and by a single manufacturer for each product. F. Mandatory Inspections: The Waterproofing Consultant and the Material Manufacturer's Representative shall attend a Pre - Construction meeting and provide one (1) field audit during installation of the waterproofing membrane. One additional inspection shall also be provided for the water test and final inspection. 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Provide heated and dry storage facilities on site. B. Deliver and store all materials on site a minimum of 24 hours before usage. C. Deliver and store tile and packaged materials in original containers with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. Prevent damage to materials such as chipping, breakage, freezing, or excessive heat. Prevent contamination by water, moisture, foreign matter, or other causes. 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain ambient and surface temperatures at not less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit during installation of cementitious materials and for 72 hours thereafter. Maintain ambient and surface temperatures between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 95 degrees Fahrenheit during installation of epoxy setting and grouting materials and for 72 hours thereafter. B. Vent temporary heaters to outside to avoid carbon dioxide damage to new tile work. C. Provide adequate lighting for good grouting and clean -up. 1.08 PRECONSTRUCTION A. A Pre - Construction meeting shall be scheduled a minimum of 2 weeks prior to commencement of work. B. Attendees at the Pre - Construction meeting shall be: Waterproofing Consultant, General Contractor, Waterproofing Subcontractor, Waterproofing Material Manufacturers Representative, The Irvine Company Representative and all other trades that will interface with the waterproofing. C. At the meeting, the project scope of work shall be reviewed along with related details that will impact the waterproofing. Each of the Subcontractors that interface with the waterproofing shall have their scope of work reviewed. Notes from the meeting shall be recorded and distributed by the Waterproofing Consultant. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 TILE Specify tile in the following paragraph, or in a schedule at the end of this specification section or on the drawings. If more than one type or color of tile, mortar or grout material, or setting method is specified, indicate which respective color, material, and method is to be used in each of the locations tile is required. Delete one of the two following paragraphs. A. Ceramic tiles shall be porcelain Style manufactured by A. Ceramic tiles shall be quarry Style manufactured by 2.02 SETTING MATERIAL MANUFACTURER A. Mer -Krete Systems ParexLahabra Inc. 800- 851 -6303 www.merkrete.com Local Representative Tim McDonald. 1. Substitutions will not be acceptable. 2.03 MORTAR BED WITH WATERPROOF MEMBRANE AND TILE A. Pre Slope and Mortar Bed 1. Mar-Krete Underlayment C; a polymer modified undedayment for pre slope of substrate at 1/4 inch per foot. 2. Mer -Krete Underlayment M; a cement based mortar bed mixture. Underlay M shall be gauged with 150 Acrylic Latex; latex admixture. B. Mer -Krete Hydro Guard 2000; a neoprene asphaltic based elastomeric waterproofing and crack isolation membrane. Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membrane For Thin -Set Ceramic Tile And Dimension Stone Installations; ANSI Al 18.10 C. Mer -Krete Thin -Set 735; a superior grade flexible latex modified Portland cement dry set mortar for demanding installations. D. Water Cleanable Tile Setting and Grouting Epoxy; ANSI Al 18.3: ProEpoxy a 100% solids epoxy grout and mortar for extra heavy performance, color 2.03 THINSET WITH WATERPROOF MEMBRANE AND TILE A. Mer -Krete Underlayment C; a polymer modified undedayment for pre slope of substrate at 1/4 inch per foot previous to waterproof membrane. A. Concrete substrate sloped 1/4 inch per foot B. Mer -Krete Hydro -Guard 2000; an asphaltic based elastomeric waterproofing and crack isolation membrane. Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membrane For Thin -Set Ceramic Tile And Dimension Stone Installations; ANSI Al 18.10. La City RR Listed 4321 ICC -ES Listed C. Mar-Krete Thin -Set 735; a superior grade flexible latex modified Portland cement dry set mortar for demanding installations. D. Water Cleanable Tile Setting and Grouting Epoxy; ANSI Al 18.3: ProEpoxy a 100% solids epoxy grout and mortar for extra heavy performance, color PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Before work commences, examine the areas to be covered and report any flaw or adverse condition in writing. Do not proceed with the tile work until surfaces and conditions comply with the requirements indicated in the manufacturer's instructions and in ANSI Al 08.5 B. Verify that slope, when required, is in subfloor. C. Protect adjoining work surfaces before tile work begins. 3.02 PREPARATION: A. Floor Flatness: Install leveling material if necessary to bring floors to required flatness. Maximum variation from plane: 1. 1/4 inch in 10 feet for installations with a thick mortar bed. 2. 1/8 inch in 10 feet for thin -set mortar 3. Leveling, when necessary, is to be accomplished using leveling materials specified in Part 2. 4. Mortar bed and waterproof membrane must be pre - sloped using leveling materials specified in Part 2. 3.03 INSTALLATION - GENERAL A. Comply with applicable ANSI 108 series of the "American National Standard Specifications for the Installation of Ceramic Tile." B. Comply with TCA installation methods indicated or, if not other otherwise indicated, as applicable to installation conditions shown. C. Coverage and Terminations: Extend tile work into recesses an under or behind equipment and fixtures, to form a complete covering without interruptions, except as otherwise shown. D. Intersections and Returns: Accurately form intersections and returns. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible surfaces . Carefully grind cut edges of tile abutting trim, finish or built-in items for straight aligned joints. E. Jointing Pattern: Unless otherwise shown, lay tile in grid pattern. Align joints when adjoining floor tile with tile, base, or trim on walls when wall tile, base or trim are same size. Layout tile work and center tile fields in both directions in each space or on each wall area. Adjust to minimize tile cutting. Provide uniform joint widths, unless otherwise shown. F. Expansion Joints: Locate expansion joints and other sealant filled joints, including control, contraction and isolation joints, where indicated, or if not indicated, at spacing and locations recommended by EJ 171 in the TCA "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation ", and approved by Architect. 1. Prepare joints and apply sealants to comply with referenced installation standards and sealant manufacturers instructions. G Waterproof Membrane: Install waterproof membrane, where required, to comply with manufacturers instructions. 1. Manufacturers Instructions: Install proprietary components to comply with manufacturers instructions at all wet floor and wet wall areas. Wet wall areas are walls behind mop sinks, dishwasher walls, shower walls, mandated washable walls, walls that are required to receive stainless steel cladding or Marlite, etc. These walls shall receive the waterproofing membrane from floor to ceiling and extend around comers beyond the width of the sinks or counters. 2. Flashing required in all changes in plane, dissimilar materials, plumbing fixtures, drains and through out the field. 3. The waterproofing membrane shall extend out through wet area doors a minimum 6 feet. 4. Prior to installation of metal stud wall bottom "C" channels, apply a layer of the waterproofing self- adhering membrane beneath the "C" channel as shown on drawings. Any and all penetrations through the "C" channel must be sealed to create a watertight condition using the waterproofing manufacturers mastic. H. Install tile to comply with referenced TCA and ANSI installation standards, using setting materials indicated. I. Curing set tile: 1. 72 hours before grouting when the temperature is low or the humidity is high. 2. 48 hours before grouting when hot, dry conditions exist. 3. Check the bond strength carefully before grouting. J. Grout the tile to comply with referenced installation standards using grouting materials indicated. 1. Chemical Resistant, Water Cleanable Grouting Epoxy; ANSI A108.6 2. Latex Portland Cement Grout ANSI A108.10 3.04 WATER TEST A. A water test shall be conducted at all horizontal waterproofing locations after the membrane has had a proper cure. The water test shall provide a minimum of 1 inch of standing water for a 4 hour period. If breaches in the membrane occur, repair the membrane in accordance with the manufacturer's criteria and retest. B. The Tenant and General Contractor shall provide a written letter to The Irvine Company that a successful water test has been conducted. 3.05 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Upon completion of setting and grouting, clean all ceramic tile surfaces so they are free of foreign matter. B. Acid Cleaning: Tile may be cleaned with sulfamic acid solutions complying with the following: 1. Only if permitted by tile and grout manufacturers printed instructions. 2. No sooner than 14 days after installation. 3. Protect metal surfaces, cast iron and vitreous plumbing fixtures from effects of acid cleaning. 4. Flush surface with clean water before and after cleaning. 5. Do not clean Chemical Resistant, Water Cleanable Grouting Epoxy (Al 18.3) with acid. C. Protection: When recommended by tile manufacturer, apply a protective coat of neutral protective cleaner to completed tile walls and floors. Protect installed tile work with Kraft paper or other heavy covering during construction period to prevent staining damage and wear. 1. Protective Coatings: Before final inspection, remove protective coverings and rinse neutral cleaner from tile surfaces. D. Finished Tile Work: Leave finished installation clean and free of cracked, chipped, broken, unbonded, or otherwise defective tile work. E. Protect tile installation from traffic as specified in ANSI specifications. F. Protect tile installation from traffic according to manufacturer's instructions. END OF SECTION S - aeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E • Saeed @ Saeed Design Studio . Corn G 06ben Structural and Civil Engineering 9 9 Sljaljrokb E. P advar PE, 66139 5 Hodgenville Irvine, CA T: 949.872 9565 E: geoboden @geobodeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 A2 00 -00 -00 30 00 -00 -00 abe skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 r Y_ 6-30 -14 I'Ta- CIVIL ?�P� INFORMATION Scale: AS NOTED A -2 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spade -i3 z, Scale: As Noted 22 W C/') Z CD (n W D W W Q cn ME O w Z O Q N_ O S Q z w O ry Q IZ III Iy O w O z 0 W ry w J Q O w H_ Q CJ J CZ D W_ O W m O z J Q V) D z Q O D H- z c� <n W W W (n Ii O W n O rr, W m z CD Cn W C/) S Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T - 949.955.0357 E • Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio GeoIboden Structural ana Civil Engineering sbarok� E. Rabvar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genville Irvine, CA T: 949.872 9565 E: geo6oben @geo6o6eninc.com Revisions A oo -oo -oo 0 oo -oo -oo 0 00 -00 -00 abe Skin Care & More 1220 Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 6 -30 -14 CIVIL Com SITE PLAN & DETAILS Scale: AS SHOWN A -3 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spade -13 z, Scale: As Noted 23 SCOPE OF WORK ( PROJECT LIMIT) NO CHANGES OF SQ.FT. NO CHANGES OF OCC, 1200 S.F. DISABLE SIGN @ ENTRY WINDOW VINYL SIGN IS 3M SCOTCHCAL 7725 -2 MATTE WHITE VINYL GRAPHIC APPLIED TO EXTERIOR OF WIN. GLASS A -3 ADJACENT ADJACENT 12"x18" BLUE TENANTS TENANTS EXISTING RETAIL WITH WHITE s EXISTING ACCESS PATH OF TRAVEL TO PROJECT ENTRY a NO ABRUPT CHANGES IN ELEVATION FIGURE _—WHITE BLUE PAINT v BACKGROUND ACCESS ROUTH SIGN VAN PAINT WHITE R MP SHALL NOT EXCEED 8.333% SLOPE ACCESSIBLE PERFORATED METAL 3' -0" D I D HAT CHANNEL POST TYP. EXISTING PARK _ m PROJECT ENTRANCE EXISTING PARKING , m r PATH EXISTING EXISTING —/ = «'E° /� s EXISTING ACCESSIBLE q -a VEL ACCESSIBLE TRAVEL ACCESSIBLE PARKING PARKING EXISTING PARKING DEEPCONC.FTG.TiP. -: DEEP NC,F ^ A -a PARKING I EXISTING C B A ® ACCESSIBLE C (INTERNATIONAL (POST (POST (INTERNATIONAL I T SYMBOL DECAL AT MOUNTED) MOUNTED) SYMBOL) ENTRY DOORS) � N � EXISTING °` " " "'" ACCESSIBLE _ PA RKING ACCESSIBLE SIGNS SCALE 1 1/16 " =1' -0" rn EXIST! ACCESSIBLE I I EXISTING PARKING m PARKI I EXISTING PARKING LL CHEVRON i i 3/8' 0--3- EXISTING RETAIL i i EXISTING PARKING 3/8" 0' -057 11 -EXIT ® EXISTING RETAIL 0-2- 1� II L J I 318" EXISTING PARKING — — — • •• EXISTING EXISTING ACCESSIBLE ° "° 0 • 0 04 ACCESSIBLE PARKING � ® PARKING j Place on right storefront window TOTAL PARKING EXISTING ACCESSIBLE PARKING NOTE: 16' CLEAR POTOPOLYMER PANEL WITH RAISED 32' TACTILE COPY STANDARD STALL PROVIDED 268 STALL AND GRADE 2 BRAILLE. COPY PAINTED BLACK ON FACE. PANEL AND ACCESSIBLE PARKING REQ. 7 STALL 1 ACCESSIBLE PARKING PROVIDED 8 STALL — — — — — — — DISABLE SIGN @ ENTRY BRAILLE TO REMAIN CLEAR. AFFIXED WITH CLEAR MACTAC ADHESIVE LOADING PROVIDED 5 STALL EXISTING ACCESSIBLE PATH OF FILM TO ENTIRE BACK OF PLAQUE TO DUSTED CRYSTAL 7725SE -314 TRAVEL FROM PUBLIC WINDOW GLASS. TO BE BISON STREET A -3 PLACED ON RIGHT STOREFRONT WINDOW. EXISTING SITE PLAN ( FOR REFERENCES ONLY) SCALE 6 TACTILE EXIT SIGN SCALE 2 1/16 -1 -0 N.T.S PER CIVIL DRAWINGS ��v � 1� Um `ino LEGEND: NOTES: PORCELAIN ON STEEL REFLECTORIZED SIGN, BOLTED r-01 t 1. 12' X 12' BLACK ADA -1 #FSU -3008 PRECAST TRUNCATED DOME TILE PAVERS BY WAUSAU 11 2 \P 1. SYMBOL PAINTED / TO UNISTRUT I I 000000000000 0000 0 C000006000000 000oe 00000 i� TILE. 000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 2. 1' MORTAR BERING BED. 1 0 0 0 0 0 HIGHWAY WHITE TWO 93.00° ( COATS) NOTE: SIGN TO APPEAR AT EACH ENTRANCE TO OFF STREET PARKING WITH LETTERING NOT LESS THAN 1" IN HEIGHT STATING: I I I o \ � fur 3" 2. BACKGROUND PAINTED I 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. TOOLED VISUAL WARNING GROOVES. e BLUE, EQUAL TO COLOR "UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLES NOT I I I I �� r #150901N FED. STD. PLAN a 4. EXISTING CONCRETE PAVING. Pjo„ 'o, 595A DISPLAYING DISTINGUISHING PLACARDS OR LICENSE PLATES I I 5. PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION FROM PAVER SUBBASE TO ADJACENT PAVING fi. 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE. - 1:12 MINIMUM. 68.00° �n 3. SYMBOL MEASURES T -0" ISSUED FOR PHYSICALLY DISABLED PERSONS MAY BE TOWED AWAY FIN. ACCESSIBLE ACCESSIBLE PATHWAY PATHWAY 3 5 IO 8 2 � � 7 9 8 4 SQUARE VOWNERS EXPENSE. TOWED VEHICLES GRADE 7. BUTT JOINT. MAY BE RECLAIMED AT _ \\ OR BY TELEPHONING " 8. J" WIDE BLACK GROUT JOINT. c y I - PER CA. DEPT. OF MOTOR VEHICLE CODE 9. }4 X 9" LONG STEEL DOWELS X 8' AT 24' O.C. - EPDXY -SET DOWEL 3" MIN. IN EXISTING I o ---------------------- ° CONCRETE SLAB. 6 _ W 1 11 -11 ' 1 -1 - =W L1 =1 - - Q-LIf =1I - - fl= lirll(_j)- - - - �1= III =111 -i 10. PAVING REINFORCEMENT. SYMBOL TO MATCH SHOPPING CENTER STANDARD 2" SO. IC, FT STS. UNISTRUT SET IN CONC. FTG., SLEEVED & BOLTED. -T _w„ M O O SECTION " DIA. Ir TRUNCATED DOME DETAIL SCALE 15 DISABLED SYMBOL SCALE 11 DISABLED SIGN @ENT. SCALE 7 ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SIGN SCALE 3 N.T.S. N.T.S. 1" =1' -0" N.T.S. 2'-6" BLDG. LINE OR RAMP TO COMPLY WITH 9 FACE OF CURB OR OBSTRUCTION FEDERAL, STATE AND � BLDG. LINE 16 114" WIDE GROOVES @ 314" O.C. WALKWAY EDGE LOCAL CODES AND Ip � WHERE DOUBLE FACE q -3 REGULATIONS. `o, SIGN OCCURS, USE N 11 TOP OF A.C. 12 I RE E GALVANIZED BOLTS @ 4 CORNERS PEDESTRIAN PAVING UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE ACC_ S IBL MINIM $ OFINE BLUE BACKGROUND EQUAL TO ROUTE (2) # 3 REBAR 114" WIDE GROOVES Q 314" O.C. X < APPROX. 314" EXCEPT COLOR N0.15o901N FEDERAL o CONC. CURB - 12 0 °., _ ?o! o z �o 4, � b0. APPROX. 1-1/2" ON SLOPING PORTION OF RAMP z N z STANDARD 5952. SYMBOL 8 MIN. 3" HIGH LETTERS TO BE HIGHWAY °° DISABLED STALL o �,� SIGN (TYP) 8 iv J v j WHITE CURB O T` 0000000 0000000 0„000 °a0. ro ¢ REFLECTORIZED SIGN (STL. & FACE A -3 1:12 MAX SLOPE AT FLARED SIDES 00000„0 0000. w5 goo° o 0000 a° Z OJ" PORCELAIN) WI BEADED TEXTURE EQ. BOLTED TO UNISTRUT. ADD OR "VAN PRECAST CONCRETE BUMPERS SECURE WI # 5 REBAR 18" LG 9 " 0000 Ni �i� 0000000 � >oo I I ACCESSIBLE "SIGNAGE AS REQUIRED PER SITE PLAN. REBAR AND EPDXY (TYP) o I z 20 DISABLED m o °o °o °o o °o °o °o ° °o ° °o ° °o° BOO FINISHED SURFACE SYMBOL A -3 000000000000000 0°0000000000000 ° °° °° °° °° °° °° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 �� 8 I I I 2" SQ. GALV. STL. UNISTRUT SET CONC. FTG. SLEEVED & BOLTED IN (TYP) KING ❑ 4" WIDE PAINTED PARK'G STRIPES ® ® 2 - COATS OF BLUE AT DISABLED 11 STALL -- SEE NOTE: 9' 0" 5' -0" 9' 0" I I EPDXY TO A.C. PAVING CURB FACE 15,�- 4' -0" 8" THIS DETAIL IS FOR SIGNS LOCATED WALKS OR BEHIND CURBS IN BLUE ACRYLIC NOW SKID 8' -0" AT VAN BACKGROUND WITH 4" WIDE 4' _ MIN. DIA. ACCESS WHITE ACRYLIC NON -SKID -0" STALL BORDER CONCRETE WHEEL STOP SCALE 20 RAMP AT CURB SCALE 16 GROOVING DETAIL SCALE 12 DISABLED SIGN SCALE 8 TYP. ACCESSIBLE STALL SCALE 4 " 1 -1 0 1/4"=V-0 N.T.S. 3/4"=V-0 118 =1' -0" Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T - 949.955.0357 E • Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio GeoIboden Structural ana Civil Engineering sbarok� E. Rabvar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genville Irvine, CA T: 949.872 9565 E: geo6oben @geo6o6eninc.com Revisions A oo -oo -oo 0 oo -oo -oo 0 00 -00 -00 abe Skin Care & More 1220 Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 6 -30 -14 CIVIL Com SITE PLAN & DETAILS Scale: AS SHOWN A -3 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spade -13 z, Scale: As Noted 23 I- (/7 Z C.7 W 0 W W Q cn 0 Li Z O Q IV O Q z W O cif Q /Z Z O W W O Z 0 W Iy W Q (Y O W Q U J W O U W m O z J W Q 0 z Q O Z Cn z c-D W W W Q Cn Li O f- Iy W n O n C/) z c� W 0 Cf) 1 (D----- LEGEND A B I III EXISTING WALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE REMOVED. LL _ _ PATCH, REPAIR AND MAKE GOOD ALL WORK AND FINISHES AS REQ'D TO SUIT NEW WORK. OVIVLI I IVIV rLVVIR rLMIN ===L)F= EXISTING DOOR TO BE RELOCATED. REFER TO PARTITION PLAN FOR EXISTING AND NEW LOCATIONS PLANNING NOTES: ANY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WILL BE STORED AND /OR USED WITHIN THE BUILDING WHICH EXCEED THE QUANTITIES 1. LISTED IN CBC TABLE 307.1 (1) & 307.2 (2).. 2. NO ON -SITE SIGNAGE IS APPROVED AS PART OF THESE CONSTRUCTION PLANS. 3. FIRE BLOCKING IS REQUIRED FOR CONCEALED SPACES OF STUD WALLS INCLUDING FURRED SPACES AT THE CEILING, ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTIONS AND ROOF SHEATHING AREAS. KEYNOTES <, > CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING EXISTING SUITE TO BE FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH ALL v MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS SERVING EXISTING SUITE TO BE RENOVATED PER ATTACHED PLAN. OEXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. OCONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL WORK AND MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL REGULATORY AGENCIES AND APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND REQUIREMENTS. 4O CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS TO REMAIN WITHIN TENANT SUITE, AND BUILDING CORRIDORILOBBY /ELEVATOR AREAS, AND TO ADHERE TO ALL BUILDING RULES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING CONSTRUCTION. OCONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ANY DEVICES TO REMAIN THAT ARE IN CONFLICT WITH DEMOLITION OF EXISTING OR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ELEMENTS OF PLAN. OEXISTING FLOORING TO BE REMOVED. G.C. TO MAKE THE FLOOR CLEAN & READY TO RECEIVE A NEW FLOORING OEXISTING WALL TO BE DEMOLISHED, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING COLUMN. EXISTING DECORATIVE MILLWORK & COUNTER TO BE REMOVED. EXISTING RESTROOM WALL TO REMAIN, EXISTING EXTERIOR DOOR TO REMAIN. EXISTING TOILET FIXTURES TO REMAIN. EXISTING DOOR TO BE REMOVED. EXISTING TENANT'S DEMISING WALL TO REMAIN, EXISTING STORE FRONT SYSTEM TO REMAIN EXISTING GRID SYSTEM AND TILES TO BE REMOVED. EXISTING ELECTRICAL PANEL TO REMAIN. " - 17 EXISTING G.B. CEILING TO REMAIN. 16 ADJACENT TENANT 13 6 SYSTEMG SUFFIT TO BE REMOVED. G.C. TO PATCH THE EXISTING TENANT WALL FOR INSTALLING NEW CEILING 19 EXISTING 2'x4' LIGHT FIXTURE TO BE REMOVED. I T, 7 T I— 7 T I— 7 R <8> EXISTING CAN LIGHT FIXTURE TO BE REMOVED. F_/ 19 \� �19 21 EXISTING EXIT SIGN FIXTURE TO REMAIN. O <8> EXISTING EXHAUST FAN TO REMAIN. 1 _I L � 1� r _ 1� 1 I — _�� I 15 II 23 EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURES IN RESTROOM TO REMAIN. — I 9�I II� II —L— �— <8> G.C. TO ADJUST EXISTING DATA & POWER CONDUIT FOR THE LOCATION OF NEW RECEPTION COUNTER. 14 15 T C I I— _L_ — — J_ — —I 2, GENERAL NOTES ,g 1- SPACE SHOULD BE LEFT IN CLEAN AND BROOM SWEPT CONDITION I—r � 2- INTENT OF THE DRAWING IS TO SHOW EXISTING SITE AND BUILDING CONDITIONS WITH INFORMATION 6 r r \ I DEVELOPED FROM THE ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, FIELD AND OWNERS RECORDS, AND TO 17- I �I I GENERALLY SHOW THE AMOUNT AND TYPE OF DEMOLITION AND REMOVALS REQUIRED TO PREPARE EXISTING 19 19 I 19 I \ 9 I I —19 I ; ��` �• n''r• ^ • F. `•.f•Y ; >;, +t, • "• t AREAS FOR WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE A DETAILED SURVEY OF EXISTING CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO L J ,J :•''.: ' °•'� "•`• THE WORK BEFORE COMMENCING DEMOLITION. REPORT DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DRAWING AND ACTUAL ,4 O ` '�"` : " ; "• Y f�' CONDITION TO THE ARCHITECT FOR INSTRUCTIONS, 20 20 I 5 I 15 I I 15 I I `� ".:. .::.• ? .X....`ty'K: '0+"'% 1 , 9 •; ;'e a, • 4 a,� .•Z• �•.`..;� +`i: '^.; 3- MAINTAIN FULLY CHARGED FIRE EXTINGUISHER READILY AVAILABLE DURING ALL DEMOLITION OPERATIONS. 4- ALL REMOVED MATERIAL OTHER THAN ITEMS TO BE SALVAGED R REUSED SHALL BECOME CONTRACTORS • . +:• y.:.:; • +,'! '� "• : s . • - 22 PROPERTY U.N.O.. ,AND SHALL BE REMOVED FROM OWNER'S PROPERTY. CLEAN UP AND DISPOSE OF DEBRIS :' ..`..'x• +•a;'F�,' ••• i,.; PROMPTLY AND CONTINUOUSLY AS THE WORK PROGRESSES. SECURE AND PAY FOR REQUIRED HAULING �....• t. .;.f —15 — "'Y,, '• 4 '. PERMITS, PAY DUMPING FEES AND CHARGES '• • • �• •� 5- G.C. TO SALVAGE AND REPAIR AND REUSE EXISTING DOORS THROUGHOUT, U.O.N. LI _ 1 — I — ' �x '� • • ` +4 • 6- PARTITIONS : DEMO PARTITIONS AS SHOWN ON DEMO PLAN. UPGRADE " • :'•• • " "•'' "•' "• •` 'x•' • EXISTING PARTITIONS SHARED WITH ADJACENT SUITES TO FULL HEIGHT IF NOT EXISTING. REMOVE ANY HOOKS AND BOLTS ON EXISTING WALLS AND PATCH. \ PAINT ALL NEW AND EXISTING PARTITIONS THRU -OUT SUITE W /BUILDING STANDARD PAINT U.O.N. REMOVE ANY EXISTING WALLCOVERING THRU -OUT U.O.N. 18 13 PREP /SKIMCOAT EXISTING PARTITIONS TO RECEIVE NEW PAINT. 7 -DOORS : EXISTING DOORS ARE TO REMAIN THRU -OUT U.O.N. DEMO OR ADJACENT TENANT RELOCATE DOORS AS SHOWN ON PLANS. PROVIDE MISSING HARDWARE & REFURBISH EXISTING AND RELOCATED DOORS FOR "AS -NEW" CONDITION THROUGH WORK AREA. PROVIDE NEW DOOR ASSEMBLIES TO MATCH EXISTING AS SHOWN ON PLAN. DEMOLITION CEILING PLAN '0 '�54 Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E • Saeea @ Saeea Design Studio . Com Geoboben Structural ad Civil Engineering sbabrokb E. Raavar PE, 66139 5 Hobgenvif fe Irvine, CA T: 949-8719565 E: geoboaen @geoboaeninc.com Revisions 0 oo -oo -oo A 00 -00 -00 00 -00 -00 abe Skin Care & More 1220 Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 I; 6 -30 -14 /* CIVIL _/_'��P� DEMO PLAN Scale: 1/4"=l'-O" A -4 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spabm3 0 Scale : As Noted 24 I I .Ti. W W Ping• �i lA 2 SWA HE MR�i a ME PIPS a 1 P� • • II W VWA W T • s ..d t 7 LJ O U W m 0 z J J Q /0 in u T T W r W 7 • �i 7 m II 1A, No '0 Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E • Saeea @Saeea Design Studio Geoboben Structural ad Civil Engineering sbabrokb E. Raavar PE, 66139 5 Hobgenvif fe Irvine, CA T: 949-8719565 E: geoboaen @geoboaeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 q- 00 -00 -00 A� 00 -00 -00 abe Skin Care & More 1220 Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 6 -30 -1 66001 I� 4 /* CIVIL FLOOR PLAN Scale: 1/4"=V-0" A -5 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spabm3 0 Scale : As Noted Com 25 LEGEND GRID LINE $ DATUM (0' -0 ") X X FACE OF STUD, p FACE OF MASONRY, DOOR SYMBOL. SEE CENTERLINE OF COL. DOOR SCHEDULE A SALES RECEPTION MAKEUP CLIENT EYELASH B y�/ xx LOBBY AREA 101 102 I STATION 103 CONSULTATION EXTENSION STORAGE 104 105 106 I _ WALL SECTION DETAIL _ ELEVATION DETAIL IDENTIFICATION I C D NO MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING DEMISING ADJACENT TENANT A -9 A -9 WALL THAT WOULD AFFECT RATING ARE I CHANGE IN 2 X 4 MTL STUDS AT 16" OC ALLOWED X-X ELEVATION AT GRADE. -H 5$' -6" EXISTING EXTERIOR INSULATED WALL FLOOR ROOM NAME SHELL WALL A A FRM# ROOM NUMBER 22 STOREFRONT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / \ 1 CENTERLINE B 7 7 ( EXIT EXIT SYMBOL. SEE 3 Cl? M 91-01, A -10 �, A -10 6, 6„ "FIRE NOTES" LIMITOFCONTRACT d 10 27 29 - KEYNOTES - - - -- -- �- F- 2 �, 6" 3'0" 14 14 23 12 N B B 1 2 3 19 4 5 D -1 D -1 O CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING EXISTING SUITE TO FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH ALL MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS SERVING EXISTING SUITE TO BE 26 B A 11 1 6 °O 6 iv z 16 18 A B O RENOVATED PER ATTACHED PLAN. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL WORK AND MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL REGULATORY AGENCIES AND APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND A -9 A -9 11 B 11 A -9 A -9 OE REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS TO REMAIN WITHIN TENANT \ 4 15 HALLWAY O SUITE, AND BUILDING CORRIDOR /LOBBY /ELEVATOR AREAS, AND TO ADHERE TO ALL BUILDING 13 107 18 CE D -1 D-1 D -1 D -1 — — — — — — — RULES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING CONSTRUCTION. C 25 B C 4 O CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ANY DEVICES TO REMAIN THAT ARE IN CONFLICT WITH 7 I CD 1 DEMOLITION OF EXISTING OR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ELEMENTS OF PLAN. 6 (`� 5' -5" 14 9,_O" 14 W -O° q -11 i / \ A O EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 0 14 7 2 _ _� _ _ _ _ _ — A -9 17 17 00 7 17 17 00 I 1 O NEW FLOORING, SEE FINISH SCHEDULE. 9 20 zo A -10 20 — — 20 21 21 21 21 I <7� NEW INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. CBC 11278.3 9' -O" S� i V ao 2 0 9 PRODUCT SHELF, SEE DET. 10/A-10 FOR INSTALLATION. RE- FINISH EXISTING STOREFRONT WITH AUTOMOTIVE PAINT FINISH. ISTING EXTERIOR A SHELL WALL A — C D 2 10 WALL MOUNTED WATER FEATURE. SEE ELECTRICAL FOR OUTLETS. A -9 A -9 ADJACENT TENANT A -11 11 NEW STEEL STUD WALL. 6" ABOVE CEILING PER SCHEDULE, SEE 14/A -5.3 NO MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING DEMISING WALL THAT WOULD AFFECT RATING ARE ALLOWED 12 G.C.TO PROVIDE NEW BUILDING STANDARD POWER RECEPTACLES & COMMUNICATION J -BOXES AS REQUIRED. MAKEUP MAKEUP MAKEUP MAKEUP 13 EXISTING RESTROOM DOOR TO REMAIN AND REFINISH. PROCEDURE PROCEDURE PROCEDURE PROCEDURE RESTROOM 112 111 110 109 108 14 PROVIDE NEW 3'- 0 "x8' -0" DOOR. 15 EXISTING ELECTRICAL PANEL TO REMAIN. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. <8> NEW FIRE EXTINGUISHER LOCATION. 17 PROVIDE B10-HAZARDOUS SMALL BOX ON THE WALL, 3' AWAY FROM THE BED. A TACTILE EXIT SIGN WITH THE WORD, "EXIT ROUTE" SHALL IDENTIFY EACH EXIT ACCESS DOOR FRAME AN 18 INTERIOR ROOM OR AREA TO CORRIDOR OR HALLWAY THAT IS REQUIRED TO HAVE A VISUAL EXIT SIGN. A SIGN WITH THE WORD, "TO EXIT" SHALL IDENTIFY EACH EXIT DOOR TROUGH A HORIZONTAL EXIT. SEE 2 /AS -1 19 NEW MILLWORK FOR CABINETS AND COUNTERS. SEE DET 4,20,16/A-5.1 20 PROVIDE PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER NEXT TO THE SINK. GENERAL NOTES WALL SCHEDULE LANDLORD NOTES 21 NEW SINK WITH TOUCH -LESS SOAP DISPENSER. 1. INSULATION TO EXISTING UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOD STRUCTURE FOR ALL DEMISING WALLS BY TENANTS 1. CEILING DROP CORDS WITH WATERPROOF TWIST LOCK RECEPTACLE. EXISTING TENANT WALL GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 22 NEW FLAT SCREEN TV. LOCATED ON THE WALL, G.C. TO PROVIDED BACKING AND J -BOX. SEE DETAIL 3/A -12, 2. WATERPROOF TWIST LOCK RECEPTACLES AND TWIST LOCK PLUGS AS NEEDED. 2. DRYWALL TO ROOF STRUCTURE ON ALL PERIMETER AND DEMISING WALLS BY TENANT'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 151A -12 AND LANDLORD NOTES ON A -2. 3. ELECT. CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH AND PULL ALL POWER AND CONTROL WIRING, REFRIGERATION CONTRACTOR WILL MAKE ALL FINAL CONNECTION FOR DEFROST AND CONTROL ONLY - EXCEPT 208V AND 440V POWER © ' NEW 4" METAL STUD WALL WITH 518" G.B.ON BOTH SIDES., 6" ABOVE CEILING 3. ANY SECURITY OR OTHER EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN THE MAIN ENTRY AREA MUST BE INSTALLED IN MANNER THAT IS CONCEALED FROM PUBLIC VIEW, ALL SECURITY DEVICES AND SYSTEMS SHALL BE INTEGRATED WITHIN THE <8> NEW POINT OF SALE COMPUTER. G.C. TO PROVIDE ELECTRICAL & DATA CONNECTION SUPPLIES AT REFRIGERATION COMPRESSORS TO BE TERMINATED BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. STOREFRONT DESIGN AND FINISHES. NEEDED. 4. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALL DUCT WORK AND FINAL CONNECTIONS. © NEW 8" METAL STUD PLUMBING WALL WITH 5 /8" WATER RESISTANCE G.B. ON 4. TENANT'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR MUST FIELD VERIFY ALL UTILITY POINTS OF CONNECTION. BOTH SIDES, 6" ABOVE CEILING. 24 EXISTING RESTROOM FIXTURES TO REMAIN. 5. ANY AND ALL CONFLICTS MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE DESIGNER AND THE OWNER FOR 5. "WET AREAS" ARE WALLS AND FLOORS THAT REQUIRE LANDLORD WATERPROOFING.SEE DETAIL 11/A -5.1 FOR WRITTEN CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO BIDDING LANDLORD WATERPROOFING GUIDELINES. THE AREAS FALL UNDER THIS CATEGORY IS RESTROOM(S), WALK -IN <8> NEW BUILT -IN CABINET WITH LOCK. SEE DET. 7 /A -11 & AT EQUIPMENT INDICATED TO HAVE HOT AND /OR COLD WATER TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, COOLER, AND ALL SINKS (FLOORS AND WALLS). THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE THE FINAL CONNECTION OF HOT AND /OR COLD WATER 26 EXISTING STOREFRONT DOOR TO REMAIN. 7. THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR IS TO PREPARE A LETTER OF JOINT RESPONBILITY TO BE SIGNED BY THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR (M.C.) AND THE H.V.A.C, SYSTEM BALANCING CONTRACTOR (B.C.). THIS DOCUMENT IS NOTE: TO STATE THAT THE INSTALLATION OF THE H.V.A.C, SYSTEM HAS BEEN JOINTLY REVIEWED BY THE ABOVE NOTED 27 WATER HEATER. SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS. CONTRACTORS (M.C., B.C.) AT THE INITIAL START UP OF THE H.V.A.C. SYSTEM AND THAT THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN - ANY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WILL BE STORED AND /OR USED WITHIN THE BUILDING, SHALL NOT EXCEED THE INSTALLED AND IS OPERATING PER THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. IN THE EVENT THAT THE H.V.A.C. IS NOT QUANTITIES LISTED IN CBC TABLES 307.1(1) AND 307.2(2) OPERATING AS DESIGNED, THE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACTOR (M.C., B.C.) WILL HAVE JOINT RESPONBILITY FOR ANY 28 NOT USED. NECESSARY ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED TO BRING THE SYSTEM INTO DESIGN COMPLIANCE. - ALL WALLS BEHIND THE EQUIPMENTS AND CEILING ABOVE COOK AREA & PREP AREA SHALL RECEIVE THE WASHABLE SURFACE PAINT. ALSO CEILING TILES SHALL BE SMOOTH, WASHABLE, NON FISSURED & NON ABSORBENT. 8. GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE BLOCKING AS REQUIRED FOR ALL MILLWORK, SHELVES OR AS NOTED - 29 NEW BUILT -IN CABINET & DISPLAY COUNTER. SEE DET. 5/A -10 & 10 /A -10 FOR INSTALLATION. COORDINATE BLOCKING INSTALLATION HEIGHT WITH MILLWORK DRAWINGS AND SHOP DRAWINGS. WOOD BLOCKING - WALL, FLOOR & CEILING SHALL NOT EXCEED THE FLAME SPREAD CLASSIFICATIONS IN CBC TABLE 803.5 TO BE MINIMUM 3/4" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD OR 2X8 BETWEEN STUDS. NO 2X BLOCKINGS IS TO BE APPLIED DIRECTLY TO FACE OF STUDS. BLOCKING TO BE FIRE TREATED WHERE INSTALLED IN U.L. RATED WALL - FLOORING TILES & STAINLESS STEEL WALLS "P -3" SHALL BE SMOOTH & WASHABLE ASSEMBLY. 9. G.C. PROVIDES CONDUIT AND WIRE FOR INTERCOM AND SPEAKER SYSTEM '0 Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E • Saeea @Saeea Design Studio Geoboben Structural ad Civil Engineering sbabrokb E. Raavar PE, 66139 5 Hobgenvif fe Irvine, CA T: 949-8719565 E: geoboaen @geoboaeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 q- 00 -00 -00 A� 00 -00 -00 abe Skin Care & More 1220 Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 6 -30 -1 66001 I� 4 /* CIVIL FLOOR PLAN Scale: 1/4"=V-0" A -5 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spabm3 0 Scale : As Noted Com 25 C/') z W D W W Q VD O Li Z O Q IV tr O _ Q z W O _ Cr Q W Z O W W O z 0 W ry W J Q O W U J 0 W_ O U W m 0 z J W Q _ Cn Z Q O C/7 z CD Cn W W W Q Cn Li O f- ry W n O ch� n C/) Z c� V) W Ln H— EXIS 0 EX B A A -9 A-9 Q_ SALES RECEPTION MAKEUP CLIENT EYELASH A LOBBY AREA STATION CONSULTATION EXTENSION STORAGE Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 DESIGN N0. U465 NONBEARING WALL RATING -1HR. NOTE: SEE 8/A -1.1 FOR DETAIL SECTION //(22)/ 3 4 5 � 4 1. FLOOR & CEILING RUNNERS -(NOT SHOWN) -16 GA. CONTINUOUS TRACK, THE SAME WIDTH OF STUD, WITH MINIMUM 1 }" LEGS, ATTACHED TO FLOOR & EXISTING STRUCTURE. 1A. AS AN ALTERNATE TO ITEM 1 CEILING RUNNER * -16 GA. CONTINUOUS TRACK, THE SAME WIDTH OF STUD, WITH 3 OR 4IN. LEGS OFFSET AT MIDPOINT 5/8 IN. TO ACCOMMODATE WALL CLADDING THICKNESS. ATTACHED TO FLOOR AND EXISTING STRUCTURE. THE WALL CLADDING SHALL OVERLAP WALLBOARD 1 -114" IN. MIN. FIRE TRACK CORP. STEEL STUDS- CHANNEL SHAPED, 3-5/8 IN. WIDE (MIN), 1-1/4 IN. LEGS, 318 IN. FOLDED BACK RETURNS. 2. METAL STUD WALL PER SCHEDULE. BATTS & BLANKETS'-(OPTIONAL)- MINERAL WOOD OR GLASS FIBER BATTS PARTIALLY OR COMPLETELY 3. FILLING STUD CAVITY. SEE BATTS & BLANKETS (BZJZ) CATEGORY FOR THE NAMES OF CLASSIFIED COMPANIES.WALLBOARD, GYPSUM * -5/8 IN. THICK, 4 FT. WIDE, ATTACHED TO STEEL STUDS & FLOOR & CEILING 4. TRACK WITH 1 IN, LONG, TYPE 2 SELF - TAPPING STEEL SCREWS SPACED 8 IN. OC ALONG EDGES OF BOARD AND 12 IN. OC IN THE FIELD OF THE BOARD. JOINTS ORIENTED VERTICALLY & STAGGERED ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE ASSEMBLY. WHEN ATTACHED TO ITEM 6 (FURRING CHANNELS), WALLBOARD IS SCREW ATTACHED TO FURRING CHANNELS WITH 1 IN. LONG, TYPE S STEEL SCREWS SPACED 12 IN. OC. BOREAL GYPSUM INC. - TYPE BG -C. CANADIAN GYPSUM CO, LTD - TYPES C, SCX, SHX, WRX. CONTINENTAL GYPSUM COMPANY - TYPE CG -C, DOMTAR GYPSUM INC. - TYPE 5 OR C. EAGLE - GYPSUM PRODUCTS - TYPE EG -C. GEORGIA - PACIFIC CORP., GYPSUM DIV. - TYPE GPFS -6 OR GPFS -C. NATIONAL GYPSUM CO., CHARLOTTE, NC - TYPE FSK -G, FSW -G. NATIONAL GYPSUM CO., RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA -TYPE FR OR WR. PABCO GYPSUM CO. - TYPE PG -C. REPUBLIC GYPSUM CO., - TYPE RG -C. STANDARD GYPSUM CORP., -TYPE SG -C. TEMPLE - INLAND FOREST PRODUCTS CORP. -TYPE TP -5. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO. - TYPE AR, C, IP -X2, SCX, SHX, WRC, OR WRX. WESTROC INDUSTRIES LTD. - TYPE WESTROC FIREBOARD. 4A. WALLBOARD, GYPSUM' -(AS AN ALTERNATE TO ITEM 4) -NOM 3/4 IN. THICK, 4 FT. WIDE, INSTALLED AS 4A. DESCRIBED IN ITEM 4 WITH SCREW LENGTH INCREASED TO 1 -114 IN. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO. - TYPE AR. 4B. WALLBOARD, GYPSUM' -(AS AN ALTERNATE TO ITEMS 4 & 4A)5/8 IN. THICK INSTALLED AS 4B. DESCRIBED IN ITEM 4. JOINT COVERING (ITEM 5) NOT REQUIRED. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO. - TYPE WSX. 5. JOINT TAPE & COMPOUND- VINYL, DRY OR PREMIXED JOINT COMPOUND, APPLIED IN TWO COATS TO 5. JOINTS & SCREW HEADS; PAPER TAPE, 2IN, WIDE, WMBEDDED IN FIRST LAYER OF COMPOUND OVER ALL JOINTS. AS AN ALTERNATE, NOMINAL 3132 IN. THICK GYPSUM VENEER PLASTER MAY BE APPLIED TO THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF CLASSIFIED VENEER BASEBOARD. JOINTS REINFORCED. 6. FURRING CHANNEL- (OPTIONAL -NOT SHOWN)- RESILIENT 25 MSG GALV STEEL FURRING CHANNELS SPACED 6. VERTICALLY MAX 24 IN. OC, FLANGE PORTION ATTACHED TO EACH INTERSECTING STUD WITH 1/2 IN. LONG TYPE S -12 PAN -HEAD STEEL SCREWS. 'BEARING THE UL CLASSIFICATION MARKING. 12 LANDLORD NOTES 1. INSULATION TO EXISTING UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOD STRUCTURE FOR ALL DEMISING WALLS BY TENANTS GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 2, DRYWALL TO ROOF STRUCTURE ON ALL PERIMETER AND DEMISING WALLS BY TENANT'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 3. ANY SECURITY OR OTHER EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN THE MAIN ENTRY AREA MUST BE INSTALLED IN MANNER THAT IS CONCEALED FROM PUBLIC VIEW. ALL SECURITY DEVICES AND SYSTEMS SHALL BE INTEGRATED WITHIN THE STOREFRONT DESIGN AND FINISHES. 4. TENANT'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR MUST FIELD VERIFY ALL UTILITY POINTS OF CONNECTION. 5. "WET AREAS" ARE WALLS AND FLOORS THAT REQUIRE LANDLORD WATERPROOFING. SEE DETAIL 111A -5.1 FOR LANDLORD WATERPROOFING GUIDELINES. THE AREAS FALL UNDER THIS CATEGORY IS RESTROOM(S), WALK -IN COOLER, AND ALL SINKS (FLOORS AND WALLS). LEGEND GRID LINE X X FACE OF STUD, FACE OF MASONRY, CENTERLINE OF COL. XX WALL SECTION DETAIL DETAIL IDENTIFICATION DATUM (0' -0 ") ODOOR SYMBOL. SEE 00 DOOR SCHEDULE ELEVATION KEYNOTES NOTE: -ANY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WILL BE STORED AND /OR USED WITHIN THE BUILDING, SHALL NOT EXCEED THE QUANTITIES LISTED IN CBC TABLES 307.1(1) AND 307.2(2) - ALL WALLS BEHIND THE EQUIPMENT'S AND CEILING ABOVE COOK AREA & PREP AREA SHALL RECEIVE THE WASHABLE SURFACE PAINT. ALSO CEILING TILES SHALL BE SMOOTH, WASHABLE, NON FISSURED & NON ABSORBENT. - WALL, FLOOR & CEILING SHALL NOT EXCEED THE FLAME SPREAD CLASSIFICATIONS IN CBC TABLE 803.5 - FLOORING TILES & STAINLESS STEEL WALLS "P -3" SHALL BE SMOOTH & WASHABLE NOTE: SEE 12 /A -6 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON U.L. NO. U465 TENAN- 1 HR TENANT DEMISING UNDERSIDE OF DECK ABOVE s " DEFLECTION GAP PAINTABLE FIRESTOP SEALANT 6" SLOTTED TACK (SLP -TRK OR EQ.) CEILING LINE R -13 INSULATION J" GYPSUM BOARD TYPE'X' ►NT SPACE FINISH PER SCHEDULE RAMSET AS REQUIRED 6" CONTINUOUS UNPUNCHED STEELTRACK FLOOR FINISH (E) CONCRETE SLAB; SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS im '0 Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E " Saeea @ Saeea Design Studio . Com Geoboben Structural ad Civil Engineering sbabrokb E. Raavar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genvif fe Irvine, CA T: 949-8719565 E: geoboaen @geoboaeninc.com Revisions 0 oo -oo -oo A oo -oo -oo A oo -oo -oo abe Skin Care & More 1220 Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 I; 6 -30 -14 /* CIVIL _/_'��P� EGRESS PLAN Scale: 1/4"=V-0" A -6 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spabm3 0 Scale : As Noted 20 CHANGE IN 2 X 4 MTL STUDS AT 16" OC ELEVATION AT GRADE. INSULATED WALL FLOOR ROOM NAME RM ROOM NUMBER STOREFRONT 66 TACTILE EXIT SIGNAGE, CENTERLINE EXIT EXIT SYMBOL. SEE "FIRE NOTES" LIMIT OF CONTRACT KEYNOTES NOTE: -ANY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WILL BE STORED AND /OR USED WITHIN THE BUILDING, SHALL NOT EXCEED THE QUANTITIES LISTED IN CBC TABLES 307.1(1) AND 307.2(2) - ALL WALLS BEHIND THE EQUIPMENT'S AND CEILING ABOVE COOK AREA & PREP AREA SHALL RECEIVE THE WASHABLE SURFACE PAINT. ALSO CEILING TILES SHALL BE SMOOTH, WASHABLE, NON FISSURED & NON ABSORBENT. - WALL, FLOOR & CEILING SHALL NOT EXCEED THE FLAME SPREAD CLASSIFICATIONS IN CBC TABLE 803.5 - FLOORING TILES & STAINLESS STEEL WALLS "P -3" SHALL BE SMOOTH & WASHABLE NOTE: SEE 12 /A -6 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON U.L. NO. U465 TENAN- 1 HR TENANT DEMISING UNDERSIDE OF DECK ABOVE s " DEFLECTION GAP PAINTABLE FIRESTOP SEALANT 6" SLOTTED TACK (SLP -TRK OR EQ.) CEILING LINE R -13 INSULATION J" GYPSUM BOARD TYPE'X' ►NT SPACE FINISH PER SCHEDULE RAMSET AS REQUIRED 6" CONTINUOUS UNPUNCHED STEELTRACK FLOOR FINISH (E) CONCRETE SLAB; SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS im '0 Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E " Saeea @ Saeea Design Studio . Com Geoboben Structural ad Civil Engineering sbabrokb E. Raavar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genvif fe Irvine, CA T: 949-8719565 E: geoboaen @geoboaeninc.com Revisions 0 oo -oo -oo A oo -oo -oo A oo -oo -oo abe Skin Care & More 1220 Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 I; 6 -30 -14 /* CIVIL _/_'��P� EGRESS PLAN Scale: 1/4"=V-0" A -6 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spabm3 0 Scale : As Noted 20 0 (/7 z CD En— W D L W Q VD O Li Z 0 Q IV tY O _ Q z w O cif _ Q W Z O W J O z 0 W ry w Q O w U 0 0 w 0 U W m 0 z w w Q Cn 0 z Q O C/7 z CD Cn W 0 0 w W Q Cn Li O f- ry W w O ch� n C/) z C7 cn W 0 cn f— B A A -9 A-9 (D_ SALES RECEPTION MAKEUP CLIENT EYELASH LOBBY AREA STATION CONSULTATION EXTENSION STORAGE # I ROOM NAME I BASE 101 SALES LOBBY TILE: METROPOLIS BLANK TILE: METROPOLIS OLIVE 102 RECEPTION AREA TILE: METROPOLIS BLANK 103 MAKE UP STATION TILE: METROPOLIS BLANK 104 CLIENT CONSULTATION TILE: METROPOLIS BLANK 105 EYELASH EXTENTION TILE: METROPOLIS BLANK 106 STORAGE TILE: METROPOLIS OLIVE 107 HALL WAY TILE: METROPOLIS OLIVE 108 RESTROOM TILE: METROPOLIS OLIVE 109 MAKE UP PROCEDURE TILE: METROPOLIS BLANK 110 MAKE UP PROCEDURE TILE: METROPOLIS BLANK 111 MAKE UP PROCEDURE TILE: METROPOLIS BLANK 112 MAKE UP PROCEDURE TILE: METROPOLIS BLANK FINISH SCHEDULE WALLS A B A -9 A -9 HALLWAY 107 FURNITURE IS SHOWN FOR FIT AND FEASIBILITY ONLY. ALL FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT IS TO BE PROVIDED BY TENANT, CEILING N S E W MATERIAL FINISH PAINT: MSL309 LIGHT PAINT: MSL309 LIGHT PAINT: MSL309 LIGHT PAINT: MSL309 LIGHT T -BAR GRIDS SYSTEM 2'x2' ACOUSTIC TILE STROKES - CHAMBRAY STROKES- CHAMBRAY STROKES - CHAMBRAY STROKES- CHAMBRAY STANDARD G.B. CEILING PAINT PAINT: GLV25 PAINT: GLV25 STOREFRONT 66 TACTILE EXIT SIGNAGE, T -BAR GRIDS SYSTEM 2'x2' ACOUSTIC TILE REGAL PURPLE REGAL PURPLE EXIT SYMBOL. SEE PAINT: MSL186 LIMIT OF CONTRACT PAINT: MSL374TIN T -BAR GRIDS SYSTEM 2'x2' ACOUSTIC TILE LAVENDER VERBENA PRECIOUS METALS PAINT: GLG01 PAINT: MSL374TIN PAINT: MSL374TIN PAINT: MSL374TIN T -BAR GRIDS SYSTEM 2'x2' ACOUSTIC TILE SAFARI GREEN PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS PAINT: GL002 PAINT: MSL374TIN PAINT: MSL374TIN PAINT: MSL374TIN T -BAR GRIDS SYSTEM 2'x2' ACOUSTIC TILE FRESH TANGERINES PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS PAINT: MSL374 TIN PAINT: MSL374 TIN PAINT: MSL374 TIN T -BAR GRIDS SYSTEM 2'x2' ACOUSTIC TILE PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS PAINT: MSL374TIN PAINT: GLV25 PAINT: MSL374TIN STANDARD G.B. CEILING PAINT PRECIOUS METALS REGAL PURPLE PRECIOUS METALS PAINT: MSL374TIN PAINT: MSL374TIN PAINT: MSL374TIN PAINT: MSL374TIN STANDARD G.B. CEILING PAINT PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS PAINT: MSL374 TIN PAINT: GLO13 PAINT: MSL374 TIN PAINT: MSL374 TIN. T -BAR GRIDS SYSTEM 2'x2' ACOUSTIC TILE PRECIOUS METALS PEACH CRAYON PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS PAINT: MSL374TIN PAINT: GLV15 PAINT: MSL374TIN PAINT: MSL374TIN T -BAR GRIDS SYSTEM 2'x2' ACOUSTIC TILE PRECIOUS METALS ICED PURPLE PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS PAINT: MSL374TIN PAINT: GLB02 PAINT: MSL374TIN PAINT: MSL374TIN T -BAR GRIDS SYSTEM 2'x2'ACOUSTIC TILE PRECIOUS METALS CARIBBEAN SEA PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS PAINT: MSL374 TIN PAINT: GLB15 PAINT: MSL374 TIN PAINT: MSL374 TIN T -BAR GRIDS SYSTEM 2'x2' ACOUSTIC TILE PRECIOUS METALS CLEAR BLUE SKY PRECIOUS METALS PRECIOUS METALS RE MARK PAINT MANUFACTURE: DUNN EDWARD PAINT MANUFACTURE : DUNN EDWARD PAINT MANUFACTURE: DUNN EDWARD PAINT MANUFACTURE: DUNN EDWARD PAINT MANUFACTURE: DUNN EDWARD PAINT MANUFACTURE, DUNN EDWARD PAINT MANUFACTURE: DUNN EDWARD PAINT MANUFACTURE: DUNN EDWARD PAINT MANUFACTURE: DUNN EDWARD PAINT MANUFACTURE : DUNN EDWARD PAINT MANUFACTURE: DUNN EDWARD PAINT MANUFACTURE: DUNN EDWARD LEGEND GRID LINE X X FACE OF STUD, FACE OF MASONRY, CENTERLINE OF COL. XX WALL SECTION DETAIL DETAIL IDENTIFICATION DATUM (0' -0 ") ODOOR SYMBOL. SEE 00 DOOR SCHEDULE ELEVATION KEYNOTES OCONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING EXISTING SUITE TO FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH ALL MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS SERVING EXISTING SUITE TO BE RENOVATED PER ATTACHED PLAN. OCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL WORK AND MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL REGULATORY AGENCIES AND APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND REQUIREMENTS. OCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS TO REMAIN WITHIN TENANT SUITE, AND BUILDING CORRIDOR/LOBBY /ELEVATOR AREAS, AND TO ADHERE TO ALL BUILDING RULES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING CONSTRUCTION, OCONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ANY DEVICES TO REMAIN THAT ARE IN CONFLICT WITH DEMOLITION OF EXISTING OR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ELEMENTS OF PLAN. OEXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OEXISTING THRESH HOLD, SEE DET. 17/A -11. G.C. TO FIELD VERIFY TRANSITION DETAIL. NOTES 1- ALL WALLS TO BE PAINTED U.N.O. 2- ALL ROOMS TO HAVE RUBBER BASE U.N.O. 3- ALL DOORS & TRIM TO BE A.F.F. OR BUILDING STANDARDS. 4- INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CODES AS FOLLOW. U.F.C. APPENDIX VI -C & U.B.C. CHAPTER 42. 5- ALL DECORATIVE MATERIALS SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A FLAME RETARDANT CONDITION. 6- ALL SAMPLES MUST BE SUBMITTED & APPROVED BY DESIGNER OR TENANT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 7- PAINT IN ALL RESTROOMS' WALL TO BE SEMI -GLOSS FINISH, HARD LID CEILING FLAT FINISH 8- ALL FINISHES SHOULD BE FLAME - SPREAD RATING. PER TABLE 8 -B U.B.C. (CODE REG., TIT.19.3.08, 3.21, CFC 2501.5) 9- COVE TILES AT ALL RESTROOM 6" AFF (U.O.N.) VERIFY W/ DESIGNER. 10- ALL FLOOR FINISH TRANSITIONS BETWEEN ROOMS TO OCCUR @ CENTER LINE OF DOOR (WHEN CLOSED). '0 Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E " Saeea @ Saeea Design Studio . Com Geoboben Structural ad Civil Engineering sbabrokb E. Raavar PE, 66139 5 Hobgenvif fe Irvine, CA T: 949-8719565 E: geoboaen @geoboaeninc.com Revisions 0 oo -oo -oo A oo -oo -oo A oo -oo -oo abe Skin Care & More mm Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 I; 6 -30 -14 /* CIVIL _/_'��P� FINISH PLAN Scale: 1 /4 " =1' -0" A�7 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spacbe-13 0 Scale : As Noted 27 CHANGE IN 2 X 4 MTL STUDS AT 16" OC ELEVATION AT GRADE. INSULATED WALL FLOOR ROOM NAME RM ROOM NUMBER STOREFRONT 66 TACTILE EXIT SIGNAGE, CENTERLINE EXIT EXIT SYMBOL. SEE "FIRE NOTES" LIMIT OF CONTRACT KEYNOTES OCONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING EXISTING SUITE TO FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH ALL MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS SERVING EXISTING SUITE TO BE RENOVATED PER ATTACHED PLAN. OCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL WORK AND MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL REGULATORY AGENCIES AND APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND REQUIREMENTS. OCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS TO REMAIN WITHIN TENANT SUITE, AND BUILDING CORRIDOR/LOBBY /ELEVATOR AREAS, AND TO ADHERE TO ALL BUILDING RULES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING CONSTRUCTION, OCONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ANY DEVICES TO REMAIN THAT ARE IN CONFLICT WITH DEMOLITION OF EXISTING OR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ELEMENTS OF PLAN. OEXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OEXISTING THRESH HOLD, SEE DET. 17/A -11. G.C. TO FIELD VERIFY TRANSITION DETAIL. NOTES 1- ALL WALLS TO BE PAINTED U.N.O. 2- ALL ROOMS TO HAVE RUBBER BASE U.N.O. 3- ALL DOORS & TRIM TO BE A.F.F. OR BUILDING STANDARDS. 4- INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH CODES AS FOLLOW. U.F.C. APPENDIX VI -C & U.B.C. CHAPTER 42. 5- ALL DECORATIVE MATERIALS SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A FLAME RETARDANT CONDITION. 6- ALL SAMPLES MUST BE SUBMITTED & APPROVED BY DESIGNER OR TENANT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 7- PAINT IN ALL RESTROOMS' WALL TO BE SEMI -GLOSS FINISH, HARD LID CEILING FLAT FINISH 8- ALL FINISHES SHOULD BE FLAME - SPREAD RATING. PER TABLE 8 -B U.B.C. (CODE REG., TIT.19.3.08, 3.21, CFC 2501.5) 9- COVE TILES AT ALL RESTROOM 6" AFF (U.O.N.) VERIFY W/ DESIGNER. 10- ALL FLOOR FINISH TRANSITIONS BETWEEN ROOMS TO OCCUR @ CENTER LINE OF DOOR (WHEN CLOSED). '0 Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E " Saeea @ Saeea Design Studio . Com Geoboben Structural ad Civil Engineering sbabrokb E. Raavar PE, 66139 5 Hobgenvif fe Irvine, CA T: 949-8719565 E: geoboaen @geoboaeninc.com Revisions 0 oo -oo -oo A oo -oo -oo A oo -oo -oo abe Skin Care & More mm Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 I; 6 -30 -14 /* CIVIL _/_'��P� FINISH PLAN Scale: 1 /4 " =1' -0" A�7 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spacbe-13 0 Scale : As Noted 27 I I .Ti. W W • 11 2 SWA HE i MR PIPSa • a 114 Pi • IM • PMO W W T ..d t 7 L1 J O U w m 0 z Q in T T R W r W 7 • �i 7 m Ong No '0 Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E • Saeea @ Saeea Design Studio Geo oben Structural ad Civil Engineering sbabrokb E. Raavar PE, 66139 5 Hobgenvif fe Irvine, CA T: 949-8719565 E: geoboaen @geoboaeninc.com Revisions 0 oo -oo -oo q- oo -oo -oo A� oo -oo -oo abe Skin Care & More 1220 Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 I; 6 -30 -14 /* CIVIL CEILING PLAN Scale: 1/4"=l'-O" A -8 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spabm3 0 Scale : As Noted Com !N LEGEND GRID LINE _ ELEVATION X X FACE OF STUD, FACE OF MASONRY, A -�? CENTERLINE OF COL. A SALES LOBBY RECEPTION AREA MAKEUP STATION CLIENT CONSULTATION [� EYELASH L EXTENSION STORAGE X X 2'x2' RECESSED FLUORESCENT Fmil LIGHT FIXTURE (SECURITY LIGHT) 101 102 103 704 105 106 _ WALL SECTION DETAIL 2'x2' RECESSED FLUORESCENT vv El LIGHT FIXTURE DETAIL IDENTIFICATION 0 RECESSED SOFFIT LIGHT C A -9 A -9 ADJACENT TENANT ® HANGING LIGHT NO MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING DEMISING WALL THAT WOULD AFFECT RATING ARE FLOOR ROOM NAME ALLOWED 000 ROOM NUMBER FM AIR SUPPLY 10 9" 4' -2" 4' -2" 4' -2" 2' -9° 6' A -12 AIR RETURN CEILING HEIGHT FE 0' -0" (ABOVE DATUM, U.O.N.) -6" EMERGENCY EXIT LIGHT. SEE ELEC. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DWG'S. PROVIDE DIRECTIONAL ® - " O — — — — 7 4o­ 14 d 1 14 Cl d 14 W W W EXIT EXIT SYMBOL. SEE ARROWS AS REQUIRED. EXIT SIGN - � "FIRE NOTES" SHADED INDICATES SIGN FACE. EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE POWERED FROM E; 9' -0" 15 co I 5 15 0 o \ J EQ. EQ. EQ. EQ. EQ. Lj E O JUNCTION BOX SEPARATE 03 22 SOURCES. TITLE 24, ° ° ° ° ° ° ° KEYNOTES ° ° /� q O 11' -0" W EQ. i °o LLI CJ 10' -0" ' I o 10' -0" 10' -0" W En O ® 8 A a �pp pp 8' -6° 1 2 3 4 6 ® � 5 ® ® ® __ ��` 15 d W 5 LU 11 9. -0., A B 1 CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING EXISTING SUITE TO FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH ALL MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL: AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS SERVING EXISTING SUITE TO BE RENOVATED PER ATTACHED PLAN. �--. 2' -�„ 2' -�� 2'-4" 2'-4" 2' -6" 2' -H" �� ® ® A -9 A -9 F_ 6 0 0 ® � 9 -0 3 -Q T -0" - T -0" C3 T -0" T -0" 4' -10" T -5" A -9 A -9 O CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL WORK AND MATERIALS IN O �.;� 0 0 �� �'� p,' 9' -0" (E) ELECT. HALLWAY ACCORDANCE WITH ALL REGULATORY AGENCIES AND APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES AND ® Ui PANEL t1 707 REQUIREMENTS. O 7 Cl) 1 14 14 14 W LU LLI W 14 - .. ', t ' , s'" ,,.: .. O CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS TO REMAIN WITHIN TENANT SUITE, AND BUILDING CORRIDOR /LOBBY /ELEVATOR AREAS, AND TO ADHERE TO ALL I \ ":: EXISTIN BUILDING RULES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING CONSTRUCTION. Wco ° 0 ° 6„ 2' -0" EQ. EQ. EQ. EQ. El O EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED �i �O 9 < 5 > NEW RECESSED CAN LIGHT. to / 1 E. Q E Q I.., ;, , �E) !• '' 8 O G.C. MODIFY ALL REQUIRED FIRE LIFESAFETY EQUIPMENT TO BE CONNECTED TO EXISTING 1 6 1 -6 1-6 1'-6" ' .. BUILDING FIRE LIFESAFETY SYSTEM PER NEW LAYOUT. PROVIDE PRICE TO INCLUDE DESIGN -BUILD ENGINEERED DRAWINGS, SUBMITTAL AND APPROVAL BY GOVERNING JURISDICTIONS. lui 10' -O" t '•;':: ;:`t' „'.,;';:.. <7> NEW DECORATIVE CHANDELIER 9” 31-111.' 3' -11 " 7 EXISTING EXHAUST FAN IN RESTROOM. 11 11 10 EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE 9 EXISTING BUILDING STANDARD G.B. CEILING. C D A -12 ADJACENT TENANT <8> NEW LOW VOLTAGE L.E.D. LIGHTING IN BETWEEN THE CEILING GAP. G.C. TO PROVIDE A -9 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS. 11 EXISTING EXIT SIGN TO BE RELOCATED TO MATCH NEW LAYOUT. NO MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING DEMISING <12 > NEW 2'X2' RECESSED FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE WALL THAT WOULD AFFECT RATING ARE ALLOWED 13 NOT USED MAKEUP MAKEUP MAKEUP MAKEUP PROCEDURE PROCEDURE PROCEDURE PROCEDURE RESTROOM 14 NEW T -BAR GRIDS SYSTEM. SEE DET. 10/A -12 112 111 110 109 108 <a> NEW BUILDING STANDARD G.B. CEILING, SEE DET. 11A -12 16 NEW AIR CURTAIN DEVICE THAT DELIVERS AN AIR VELOCITY OF AT LEAST 750 FT PER MINUTE, MEASURED 3 FEET ABOVE THE FLOOR AND COVER THE ENTIRE WIDTH OF THE DOOR. SEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. 17 ALL EQUIPMENT & MATERIAL VISIBLE THROUGH THE CEILING MATERIAL AND OPENING AROUND THE LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL BE PAINTED. ALL ABANDONED ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT WILL B E REMOVED AND ANY ASSOCIATED PLATFORMS, REFLECTED CEILING NOTES LANDLORD ROOFING NOTES THE CONTRACTOR IS TO SURVEY FIELD CONDITIONS AND VERIFY THAT WORK IS FEASIBLE AS SHOWN, 1. SEE ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES ON FIXTURE TYPE AND MOUNTING VERIFY LOCATION OF FLOOR OUTLETS, AND OTHER OUTLETS IN RELATION TO STRUCTURAL AND OTHER CURBS, ETC. WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROOF DECK. ROOF TO BE PATCHED AS NECESSARY. INFORMATION TO SUSPEND "T" -BAR CEILING SYSTEM. ELEMENTS. - EQUIPMENT, EXHAUST FANS AND UTILITY VENTS CANNOT BE HIGHER THAN THE PARAPET WALL 2. FIRE SPRINKLER PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED PARALLEL TO THE SUSPENDED "T" -BAR CEILING GRID SYSTEM. ALL NEW COMMON DEDICATED OUTLETS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A RED DOT. IN THE ROOF WELL AREA. SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE CENTERED IN A.C. TILES, REMOVE ALL FLOOR MONUMENTS PRIOR TO CARPET INSTALLATION, REMOVE COVER PLATES FROM ALL - EQUIPMENT AND VENTS CAN ONLY BE INSTALLED INSIDE THE ROOF WELL AREA. 3. INSTALLATION OF MAIN RUNNERS AND CROSS RUNNERS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE PERIMETER WALL AT ONE PREVIOUSLY CAPPED OUTLETS. ALL CAPPED OUTLETS ARE TO BE FLUSH WITH FLOOR SURFACE. END OF THE RUNNERS PER DETAIL. REINSTALL AND RETRIM ALL MONUMENTS FOLLOWING CARPET INSTALLATION. - ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND CONDENSATE DRAIN LINES MUST IMMEDIATELY PENETRATE ROOF AND RUN ALONG THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF STRUCTURE. ALL CONDENSATE DRAINS MUST RUN INSIDE 4. SUSPENDED CEILING INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH PROVIDED DETAIL ALL OUTLETS ARE TO BE MOUNTED AT +15" A.F.F. TO CENTERLINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. TENANTS PREMISES AND DRAIN TO EITHER A FLOOR SINK OR MOP SINK INSIDE THE TENANT'S AND SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C636 AND SECTION 13.5.6 OF ASCE 7 -05 AND SHALL BE A HEAVY DUTY T -BAR GRID PREMISES. SYSTEM. CBC 803.9 1705.3 #4.3 AND 2506.2.1 OUTLETS OR JUNCTION BOXES ARE NOT TO BE MOUNTED BACK TO BACK WITHIN THE SAME PARTITION CAVITY, OFFSET IN DIFFERENT STUD CAVITIES WITH A MINIMUM 24 INCH SEPARATION. - FIRE SPRINKLER HEADS AT HARD LID LOCATIONS SHALL BE RECESSED WITH COVERS TO MATCH 5. EXITS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED AT ANY TIME THE BUILDING IS OCCUPIED, WITH LIGHT HAVING AN INTENSITY OF THE CEILING COLOR. NOT LESS THAN ONE FOOT CANDLE AT FLOOR LEVEL. ALL TELEPHONE AND DATA OUTLETS SHALL HAVE 3/4" CONDUIT STUB UP SIX INCHES ABOVE CEILING ONLY, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CABLING IS REQUIRED TO BE TEFLON COATED OR OTHERWISE - IF A CEILING ACCESS PANEL IS REQUIRED, TENANT IS REQUIRED TO USE THE STYLE MARK 6. G.C. TO ALLOW FOR POSSIBLE NEW SEISMIC CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING CEILING CEILING. SHIELDED FOR PLENUM USE, ALL NEW TELEPHONE AND DATA OUTLETS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH PULL DRYWALL CEILING ACCESS DOOR (WWW.INTERSOURCECO.COM). WIRES TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF CABLE BY OTHERS. SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF ALL CABLE AND EQUIPMENT IS N.I.C. BUT SHALL BE SCHEDULED AND COORDINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNDER THIS CONTRACT. '0 Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E • Saeea @ Saeea Design Studio Geo oben Structural ad Civil Engineering sbabrokb E. Raavar PE, 66139 5 Hobgenvif fe Irvine, CA T: 949-8719565 E: geoboaen @geoboaeninc.com Revisions 0 oo -oo -oo q- oo -oo -oo A� oo -oo -oo abe Skin Care & More 1220 Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 I; 6 -30 -14 /* CIVIL CEILING PLAN Scale: 1/4"=l'-O" A -8 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spabm3 0 Scale : As Noted Com !N I W W • �i s ■ n I SWA HE aMR PIPS�i MR • a 1 P� W W 1� LEI 0 W 0 U w m 0 z Q ON T W • W 7 • 7 m Ong No ELEVATIONS ELEVATION A ELEVATION B ELEVATION C 11" N CV <V CV C O V V RECEPTION DESK ELEVATIONS ELEVATION D EMBEDMENT @ FIRST FLOOR SECTION 1 LEGEND GRID LINE X X FACE OF STUD, FACE OF MASONRY, CENTERLINE OF COL. XX WALL SECTION DETAIL DETAIL IDENTIFICATION DATUM(T -W) O DOOR SYMBOL. SEE DOOR SCHEDULE ELEVATION CHANGE IN O 2 X 4 MTL STUDS AT 16" OC ELEVATION AT GRADE. FLOOR INSULATED WALL ROOM NAME RM ROOM NUMBER STOREFRONT 66 TACTILE EXIT SIGNAGE, EXIT EXIT SYMBOL. SEE "FIRE NOTES" !F -11" CENTERLINE 1 1 � LIMIT OF CONTRACT 17. • m, 2 '0 aee Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E • Saeea @ Saeea Design Studio Geoboben Structural ad Civil Engineering sbabrokb E. Raavar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genvif fe Irvine, CA T: 949-8719565 E: geoboaen @geoboaeninc.com l\evlslons 0 oo -oo -oo A oo -oo -oo A oo -oo -oo abe Skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 Iz 6-30 -14 /* CIVIL ELEVATIONS Scale: 1/4"=1'-0" A -9 Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spabe -i3 0 Scale : As Noted Com 29 z CD NOTES (/D 1. ALL STUDS SHALL BE "C" STUDS WITH STIFFENED FLANGES. W 0 2. SEE STUD SCHEDULE AND FRAMING NOTES FOR SIZE OF STUDS AND METHOD OF INSTALLATION. 14 16 W W 3. ALL STUDS ARE TO BE AS SCHEDULED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TO BE HEAVIER GA. AT DETAILS. O 4. 111J DENOTES CABINETRY (CASE-WORK), - SHELVES AND /OR LOCKER LOCATION. Li 5. FOR WINDOW WIDTH > F -0 ", USE 54 MILL TRACK C) FOR WINDOW WIDTH > 12-0 ", USE DOUBLE 54 MILL TRACK PER DETAIL 12 18D Q IV � 0 METAL STUD WALL FRAMING ELEVATION H- - Q w GENERAL COLD- FORMED NOTES: 1. METAL STUD EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES ARE: Fy- Fy =50ksi FOR 68 AND 54 MIL SECTIONS. 3�: Fy =33ksi FOR 43 AND 33 MIL SECTIONS. 2. THE STEEL STUD MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION STANDARDS ARE USED IN THIS PACKAGE. ANY MANUFACTURER WHOSE PRODUCT GEOMETRIES MEETS O OR EXCEED SSMA STANDARDS ARE ACCEPTABLE. SEE TABLES BELOW FOR = SSMA NOMENCLATURE. (ICBO ER- 4943P) ~ 362 S 162 33 LTHICKNESS(MILS) H- FLANGE SIZE If MEMBERTYPE Q WEB SIZE W z 3. ALL MISCELLANEOUS STEELS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING: 20 T018 GAUGE - 33 KSI MIN. YIELD 16 T010 GAUGE - 50 KSI MIN. YIELD O 4. ALL WELDING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY CERTIFIED LIGHT GAUGE WELDERS, J CERTIFIED FOR ALL APPROPRIATE DIRECTIONS PER LATEST EDITION OF AWS D.13 O WELDING RODS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING: = 18 GA. AND LIGHTER SHEET TO SHEET - E60XX 16 GA. AND HEAVIER SHEET TO SHEET - E70XX OR E6013 z 5. SPECIFIED FASTENERS MUST BE USED UNLESS NOTIFIED IN WRITING AS TO ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTES. SPECIAL INSPECTION SHALL BE USED WHERE � REQUIRED. IY 6. ALL CALCULATED STUD PROPERTIES, PER 1996 AISI SPECIFICATION, ARE BASED W ON THE FOLLOWING THICKNESS TABLE: 12 GA. (97 MIL)- 0.1017" 18 GA,. (43 MIL)- 0.0451" 14 GA. (68 MIL) - 0.0713" 20 GA. (33 MIL) - 0.0346" 16 GA. (54 MIL) - 0.0566" 25 GA. (18 MIL) - 0.0188" O 7. LATERAL BRIDGING FOR STEEL STUD IS REQUIRED WHEN DRYWALL OR SHEATING DOES NOT CONTINUE FULL HEIGHT OF STUDS. LATERAL BRIDGING SHALL BE Q INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS UNLESS NOTED U OTHERWISE OR SHOWN SPECIFICALLY ON PLANS. FRAMING NOTES: 1. STUD SIZE AND SPACING SHOULD BE PER STUD WALL SCHEDULE. c::) 2. UNDERSIDE OF W STUDS EXTEND TO ALL STUDS TO UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON STRUCTURE ABV. 54 MIL BOTT. OF SLAB U 4. TEMPORARY BRACING REQUIREMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE W 54 MIL CEILING LEVEL p TOP OF WALL FINISH FASTENERS FOR ALL STUD TO TRACK, STUD TO STUD OR TRACK TO TRACK (WHERE OCCURS) 16' -3" AT LOW CEILING OCONNECTIONS 6005125- (WHERE OCCURS) z V7 9a) FOR 43 MIL AND LIGHTER: MIN. #8- 18x3/4" J z CD NOTES (/D 1. ALL STUDS SHALL BE "C" STUDS WITH STIFFENED FLANGES. W 0 2. SEE STUD SCHEDULE AND FRAMING NOTES FOR SIZE OF STUDS AND METHOD OF INSTALLATION. 14 16 W W 3. ALL STUDS ARE TO BE AS SCHEDULED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TO BE HEAVIER GA. AT DETAILS. O 4. 111J DENOTES CABINETRY (CASE-WORK), - SHELVES AND /OR LOCKER LOCATION. Li 5. FOR WINDOW WIDTH > F -0 ", USE 54 MILL TRACK C) FOR WINDOW WIDTH > 12-0 ", USE DOUBLE 54 MILL TRACK PER DETAIL 12 18D Q IV � 0 METAL STUD WALL FRAMING ELEVATION H- - Q w GENERAL COLD- FORMED NOTES: 1. METAL STUD EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES ARE: Fy- Fy =50ksi FOR 68 AND 54 MIL SECTIONS. 3�: Fy =33ksi FOR 43 AND 33 MIL SECTIONS. 2. THE STEEL STUD MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION STANDARDS ARE USED IN THIS PACKAGE. ANY MANUFACTURER WHOSE PRODUCT GEOMETRIES MEETS O OR EXCEED SSMA STANDARDS ARE ACCEPTABLE. SEE TABLES BELOW FOR = SSMA NOMENCLATURE. (ICBO ER- 4943P) ~ 362 S 162 33 LTHICKNESS(MILS) H- FLANGE SIZE If MEMBERTYPE Q WEB SIZE W z 3. ALL MISCELLANEOUS STEELS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING: 20 T018 GAUGE - 33 KSI MIN. YIELD 16 T010 GAUGE - 50 KSI MIN. YIELD O 4. ALL WELDING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY CERTIFIED LIGHT GAUGE WELDERS, J CERTIFIED FOR ALL APPROPRIATE DIRECTIONS PER LATEST EDITION OF AWS D.13 O WELDING RODS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING: = 18 GA. AND LIGHTER SHEET TO SHEET - E60XX 16 GA. AND HEAVIER SHEET TO SHEET - E70XX OR E6013 z 5. SPECIFIED FASTENERS MUST BE USED UNLESS NOTIFIED IN WRITING AS TO ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTES. SPECIAL INSPECTION SHALL BE USED WHERE � REQUIRED. IY 6. ALL CALCULATED STUD PROPERTIES, PER 1996 AISI SPECIFICATION, ARE BASED W ON THE FOLLOWING THICKNESS TABLE: 12 GA. (97 MIL)- 0.1017" 18 GA,. (43 MIL)- 0.0451" 14 GA. (68 MIL) - 0.0713" 20 GA. (33 MIL) - 0.0346" 16 GA. (54 MIL) - 0.0566" 25 GA. (18 MIL) - 0.0188" O 7. LATERAL BRIDGING FOR STEEL STUD IS REQUIRED WHEN DRYWALL OR SHEATING DOES NOT CONTINUE FULL HEIGHT OF STUDS. LATERAL BRIDGING SHALL BE Q INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS UNLESS NOTED U OTHERWISE OR SHOWN SPECIFICALLY ON PLANS. FRAMING NOTES: 1. STUD SIZE AND SPACING SHOULD BE PER STUD WALL SCHEDULE. c::) 2. ALL STUDS SHALL HAVE FULL BEARING ON BOTTOM TRACK. W 3. ALL STUDS TO UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON O 54 MIL PLANS OR SHOWN ON DETAILS. U 4. TEMPORARY BRACING REQUIREMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE W 54 MIL CONTRACTOR. m 5. FASTENERS FOR ALL STUD TO TRACK, STUD TO STUD OR TRACK TO TRACK 14' -9" 16' -3" ARE HILTI KWIK -PRO SELF DRILLING SCREWS AS FOLLOW: (U.N.O.) OCONNECTIONS 6005125- (ICC -ES ESR -2196) z 30' -7" 9a) FOR 43 MIL AND LIGHTER: MIN. #8- 18x3/4" J 16" 9b) FOR 54 MIL AND HEAVIER: MIN. #10- 160/4" W 30' -0" 32' -0" Q 6. ALL STEEL STUDS, CHANNELS, AND TRACKS TO BE SAME GAUGE U.N.O. = 28'-9" 7. ALL TRACKS TO BE SAME GAUGE AS STUDS OR JOIST FRAMING TO THEM UNLESS THICKER GAUGE REQUIRED AS NOTED BELOW OR NOTED OTHERWISE: A) PERIMETER WALLS = 54 MIL MIN. z Q B) WELDED TO TUBES = 43 MIL MIN. p 8. ALL STUDS SUPPORTING DBL JOIST TO BE 54 MIL. p 9. ALL PARTITIONS SUPPORTING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHALL BE 54 MIL: A) HUNG CABINETS. B) FREE STANDING CABINETS AND EQUIPMENT TALLER THAN 36" ANCHORED TO WALL. z C D 10. DOUBLE STUDS AT SIDES OF OPENINGS SHALL NOT BE CUT FOR MECHANICAL OR (n ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. W 11. STUDS SHALL NOT BE SPLICED EXCEPT AT THE POINT OF LATERAL SUPPORTS. 12. KEEP APPROX. 1/4" GAP BETWEEN TOP OF STUDS AND TOP CONTINUOUS TRACK C:) W TO ALLOW FOR VERTICAL MOVEMENT DUE TO DEFLECTION. W 13. BOTTOM TRACK FASTENERS (UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE): N 13a) 0.145" DIA. X -DNI x 11/2" LONG HILTI POWER- DRIVEN FASTENERS (ICC -ES ESR -1663) Li C) 13b) 1/4" DIA. HILTI KWIK BOLT 3 (KB3) CONCRETE ANCHOR (ICC -ES ESR -2302) >_ 13c) SPACING: 32" O.C. MAX. AND 6" MAX. FROM ENDS. IY 13d) FASTENERS SHALL NOT BE DRIVEN OR PLACED UNTIL CONCRETE HAS W SET 14 DAYS MIN. AND SHALL NOT BE PLACED CLOSER THAN 3" TO n THE EDGE OF CONCRETE. O ch� 14. PROVIDE U.L. LISTED FIRE STOPPING MATERIAL AT ALL PENETRATIONS IN RATED IZ PARTITIONS. WORK TO BE PROVIDED BY THE TRADES REQUIRING SUCH PENETRATIONS THROUGH RATED ASSEMBLIES. C/) 15. PROVIDE LISTED FIRE STOPPING MATERIAL & SMOKE -TIGHT JOINTS AT REQUIRED FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES TERMINATING AT DECK 16. SEE WALL TYPES AND FINISH SCHEDULE FOR FIRE RATING AND SOUND (STC) LLJ REQUIREMENTS. 17. DO NOT ATTACH TOP OF STUDS TO TOP CONTINUOUS TRACK EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON DETAILS. C/7 THE PURPOSE OF THESE DETAILS IS TO ALLOW FOR VERTICAL MOVEMENT DUE TO = DEFLECTION. NOTES SCALE N.T.S. SPLICE UNPUNCHED CONT. TRACK, SEE FRAMING NOTES ALTERNATE \ � 3 MIN. STUD SIZE AND MAX. SPACING PER SCHEDULE 55 MIN. STUD SIZE AND MAX. SPACING PER SCHEDULE WINDOW �SEE NOTE #5 WINDOW ° WIDTH 1 - METAL STUD WALL PER SCHED. 1 2 - CONT. TRACK, SEE "FRAMING NOTES" 3 - L 3x3x16 GA CLIP ANGLE wl 3 #8 SMS TO TOP TRACK AND BRACE 5 4 -18 GA x 21 /2" METAL STUD BRACE @ 48" c/c STAGGERED TO ALTERNATE SIDES OF WALL 5 - WALL FINISH, SEE ARCH. NOTE: a- FOR "FRAMING NOTES" SEE DETAIL 16 b- FOR STUD WALL SCHEDULE SEE DETAIL 14 c- FOR BRACING ATTACHMENT TO EXISTING STRUCTURE SEE DETAIL e d- FOR WALL TYPE & FINISH SCHED. SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS STUD WALL W/ DIAGONAL BRACING SCALE N.T.S. B 2 MIN. "d" CLR TYP ;y PUNCH OUT 4a TYP 1- HEADER PER SCHEDULE BELOW la- UNPUNCHED TOP & BOTTOM TRACK (THE SAME SIZE OF WALL STUD) 2- DBL STUD, DOOR / WINDOW JAMB SEE METAL STUD SCHEDULE 2a- 3"x 54 MIL STRAP EA. SIDE w/ #8 SMS EA. END 4- CUT & EXTEND HEADER WEB AND ATTACH TO JAMB WITH: 3 #8 SMS TO EA. STUD FOR 6" & LARGER HDR 2 #8 SMS TO EA. STUD FOR 4" & SMALLER HDR 4a- CUT & BEND TRACK WEB AND ATTACH TO EA. JAMB w/ 2 #8 SMS 5- #8 SMS @ 12" Gc EA. LEG FOR 4" & 6" LINTEL #8 SMS @ 8" c/c EA. LEG FOR 8" & LARGER LINTEL HEADER SCHEDULE j jyay io I- M PARALLEL CONDITION m ° DOOR DOOR WIDTH TYP. EXCEPT AS FULL HEIGHT WALL DETAILED OTHERWISE 7 WALL w/ DIAG .BRACING 1 - METAL STUD WALL PER SCHED 2 - TYP. BACKING PER DETAIL 4 3 j 3 - WALL CABINET 5 4 - BASE CABINET 1 5 - ATTACH CASEWORK TO BACKING 71 w/ 2 #12 SMS @ 12" O.C. r (TYP) 6 CONT TRACK SEE "FRAMING NOTES" 2 0 4 0 4a 61 8 7 - EXISTING CONC. SLAB I J SOLID BLKG. 1 - METAL STUD PER SCHED. OR BRIDGING 2 - DBL STUD AT SIDES OF OPENING „ AT MID HEIGHT TYPE A 3 - 16 GA. UNPUNCHED BACKING, TYPE „ B OR 5' -0" MAX. CLIP FLANGES AT EA. STUD 17 4 - 2 #10 S.M.S. (FLAT HEAD) @ EACH STUD BACKING TRACK NOTES: 4a- 3 #10 S.M.S. (FLAT HEAD) @EACH STUD �J I 1. BACKING TRACK TYPE W- FOR MISCELANEOUS ITEMS i.e. SURFACE MOUNTED MIRRORS, WASTE RECEPTACLES, TOWEL DISPENSERS, ETC., (MAXIMUM WEIGHT- 50 POUNDS) 2. BACKING TRACK TYPE'B'- FOR UPPER WALL -HUNG CABINETS (UP T02 SHELVES), BASE CABINETS, FULL HEIGHT CABINETS, FILM VIEWING COUNTER, WALL -HUNG BENCHES, HANDRAILS, GUARDRAILS, GRAB BARS, WALL -HUNG EQUIPMENT, TOWEL BARS, ETC., (MAXIMUM WEIGHT 250 POUNDS) FLOOR 3, VERIFY LENGTH, HEIGHT, LOCATION OF BACKING PLATE & NUMBER REQUIRED WITH EQUIPMENT SLAB ACCESSORY MANUFACTURERS. 18C 4. USE #12 SELF TAPPING SHEET METAL SCREWS WHEN ATTACHING ITEMS TO BACKING PLATE. (U.N.O.) m (TYP U N 0) UNPUNCHED CONT. TRACK, 5. WALL STUD FLANGES ARE CONTINUOUS. a. a ° SEE FRAMING NOTES 6. BACKING TRACKS SHALL BE LONGER THAN HUNG EQUIPMENT / ACCESSORY /CABINET BY ONE STUD SPACING EA. END -ALL CONDITIONS. NCT.S. 1 BACKING TRACK NITS 4 CABINET INSTALLATION 1 - EXISTING PLYWOOD 2 - EXISTING JOIST PER PLAN 3 - 2x BLKG. @ 32" o/c ( 3 BAYS) wl SIMPSON "U" HANGER EA. END 3a - 2x BLKG. wl SIMPSON "U" HANGER EA. END 4 - CONT. 16 GA TOP TRACK 5 - CONT. TRACK, SEE "FRAMING NOTES" 6 -METAL STUD WALL PER SCHED. 7 - (2) #8 x2" WOOD SCREW TO EA. BLKG. 7a- #8 x2" WOOD SCREW @ 16" o/c «J MI GAP NOTES: 5 4 a- FOR "FRAMING NOTES" SEE DETAIL 16 PERPENDICULAR b- FOR STUD WALL SCHEDULE SEE DETAIL 14 CONDITION 6 c- FOR WALL TYPE & FINISH SCHED. SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS 7 FULL HEIGHT STUD WALL 1 - UNPUNCHED TRACK SAME SIZE OF STUD 2 - DBL STUD, DOOR / WINDOW JAMB, PER SCHED. (PROVIDE STIFFENER AT DBL STUD, TYP) 3 - 3 "x 54 MIL STRAP EA SIDE wl #8 SMS EA END 4 - 2 #12 SMS EA SIDE TO STUD FLANGE 5 - ADDITIONAL (2) 1/4" HILTI KWIK BOLT 3 (KB3) AT DOOR I WINDOW JAMB AS SHOWN (ICC -ES ESR -2302) 6 - METAL STUD WALL PER SCHEDULE 7 - EXISTING CONC SLAB 8- SEE "FRAMING NOTE #5" FOR FASTENER INFO. 9- 0.145" X -DNI HILTI FASTENERS (ICC -ES ESR -1663) WITH SPACING AS: - @ 32" dc AT GENERAL CONDITION. - @ 16" c/c AT CASE WORK & EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS. ( SEE "FRAMING NOTES" FOR ADD'L INFO.) HEADER SCHEDULE C -STUD HEADER SPAN (MAX) DEPTH THICK 4" 54 MIL 6' -0" 6" 54 MIL 8' -0" 8" 54 MIL 10' -0" 10" 54 MIL SCALE 12 N.T.S. 2 1 - METAL STUD WALL PER SCHED. 2- 1 1 /2 "x1 1/2 "x54 MIL (16 GA) CLIP ANGLE w/ (2) #10 SMS AT EA. LEG 3 - SOLID BLKG. SAME SIZE AS STUDS ALTERNATE OPTION: 54 MIL (16 GA) UNPUNCHED BRIDGING CHANNEL NOTE: a- WHERE BLKG. MATERIAL THICKNESS ALLOWS, NOTCH & BEND TRACK 90° FOR CONN. INSTEAD OF CLIPS b- FOR STUD WALL SCHEDULE SEE DETAIL 14 6 BLOCKING / BRIDGING DETAIL SCALE N.T.S. SCALE $ N.T.S. L� a 9 .• A NON- BEARING WALL B DOOR / WINDOW JAMB (ADDITIONAL ANCHORAGE) GENERAL CONDITION V -,-k IT 1 - METAL STUD WALL PER SCHED. 4 3 2 -TYP. BACKING PER DETAIL e 2 3 - FULL HEIGHT CABINET OR LOCKER 2 4 - ATTACH CASEWORK TO BACKING oil w/2 #12 SMS @12 "O.C. 5 - CONT. TRACK, SEE "FRAMING NOTES" Y 3 \ ` ° 3 6 •EXISTING CONC. SLAB X/ 1 - EXISTING PLYWOOD 4 2 - EXISTING JOIST PER PLAN PARALLEL 3 - 2x BLKG. @ 48" o/c ( 3 BAYS) CONDITION wl SIMPSON "U" HANGER EA. END 1 4 -18 GA x 2112" METAL STUD BRACE @ 48" cic wl (4) #8 x 1 1/4" WOOD SCREW q2 2 PERPENDICULAR CONDITION DIAGONAL BRACING SCALE N.T.S. MAXIMUM HEIGHT FOR NON- BEARING INTERIOR STEEL STUDS (L/240, 5PSF) TYPE GAUGE SPACING 33 MIL 43 MIL 54 MIL 50 KSI 68 MIL 50 KSI 3625125- 12" IT-1 0" 19' -7" 211-211 21'-10" 16" 16' -5" 18' -00" 19' -7" 20' -0" 24" 14' -9" 16' -3" 171-8" 1T -8" 6005125- 12" 26' -9" 30' -7" 32' -6" 34' -8" 16" 24' -6" 28' -3" 30' -0" 32' -0" 24" 211-711 25'-7" 271-01' 28'-9" ICBO ER -4943P NOTE: - FORMED NOTES" AND "FRAMING NOTES" SEE "GENERAL COLD FOR BALANCE OF INFORMATION. 16 WALL SCHEDULE SCALE N.T.S. SPLICE /\ L J A 1 ---J -� q PLAN VIEW 4 6 4. I <. SCALE 5 N.T.S. zo (TYP) II 2 C? X M 2 1 h II - 7 I I c� g 4 5 <'o a .a a d <' SCALE 9 CABINET INSTALLATION N.T.S. 10 1 - TRACK 2 - C- SHAPED INSIDE TRACK 3 - (2) ROWS OF 3 #8 SMS THROUGH WEB AT EACH SIDE OF SPLICE 14 I TRACK SPLICE 1 - METAL STUD WALL PER SCHED. 3 1 2 6 2 - CONT. TRACK, SEE "FRAMING NOTES" 9 3 - 18 GA. STUD BETWEEN VERTICAL STUDS 8 r 4 - 3 #8 SMS, TYP. EA. FLANGE OF TRACK MAX. MAX. MAX. EA. SIDE OF SPLICE 2" 2" A 2" 5 - FOR ANCHORAGE SEE DETAIL "18/ -" 16" SECTION 6 - EXISTING CONC. SLAB CASE WORK &EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS D NOTE: FOR STUD WALL SCHEDULE SEE DETAIL 14 NOTE: FOR STUD WALL SCHEDULE SEE DETAIL 14 SCALE SCALE oC \ti @\• 3g�\ Pe\ S SCALE 15 N.T.S. nP .,.,,.,JER INTERSECTION 1 - METAL STUD WALL PER SCHED. 2 - UNPUNCHED TRACK, SEE "FRAMING NOTES" 3 - BLKG. WHERE OCCURS 4 - PLYWOOD OR ARCH. FINISH 5 - UNPUNCHEDTRACKw /3#8 @30 "o /c 6 - #8 SMS @ 30" o/c NOTE: a- FOR "FRAMING NOTES" SEE DETAIL 16 b- FOR STUD WALL SCHEDULE SEE DETAIL 14 17 WALL ANCHORAGE N.T.S. 18 BOTTOM TRACK SPLICE N.T.S. 19 1 WALL CONNECTION SCALE 20 N.T.S. • O Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T" 949.955.0357 E " Saeea @ Saeea Design Studio . Com Geoboben Structural ad Civil Engineering Sb6i�Iyokb E. Raavar PE, 66139 5 Hocbgenviffe Irvine, CA " T: 949-8719565 E: geoboaen @geoboaeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 A 0o -0o -oo 33 00 -00 -00 abe Skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac�j/ CA 66139 * 6 -30 -14 CIVIL ?�P� Standard Details Scale: NTS Am 10 Date: 05-19 -13 Project No: Spabe -i3 °z Scale : As Noted a 30 ME z CD �-1 W D D w W Q O Li z 0 Q N_ O H- Q z w E- O Q 0 tY O w J O 0 0 W tY w Q O w H- Q O J tl D W_ tZ O W m I- C) z J J Q Cf) D z Q O D C/7 z w 0 D w w Q Ln II O w it O IY 0 a z CD Gn w D V-) S Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T• 949.955.0357 E . Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio Geoboben Structural anb Civil Engineering S6*46 E. Rabvar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genvi f f e Irvine, CA . T: 949.872 9565 E: geoboben @geobobeninc.com Revisions O 00 -00 -00 0 00 -00 -00 0 00 -00 -00 abe Skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 6 -30 -14 CIVIL N SITE PLAN & DETAILS Scale: AS SHOWN A -11 H 0 z a Date: 05-19 -13 Project No: Spade -13 Scale : As Noted S1 TA -1 TA -2 TA -5 TA -6 TA -7 TA -9 TA -10 GB -1 36" S.M. GB -2 42" S.M. KEYNOTES ° i O25 1/2" THRESHOLD MODEL #653 BY: National Guard Products, Inc." O NOT USED 6 m ® ® 9 } O OR SIMILAR O NOT USED m n v rn v ° O3 CONCRETE FLOORING N SEMI - RECESSED SURFACE MOUNTED TWIN MIRROR SURFACE SURFACE SURFACE GRAB O4 CERAMIC TILE TOR EL X O w d Q U D SPE WASTE PAPER TOWEL IUMBO -ROLL MOUNTED MOUNTED MOUNTED BARS OS CONC. SLAB ° 2 :2 = a RECEPTACLE DISPENSER TOILET TISSUE SOAP DEODORIZER SEAT -COVER 3 OOQ N 0 J O NOT USED DISPENSER DISPENSER DISPENSER g = m W/ SOAP DRIP is Z 5 TOILET SEAT TRAY ° FIN. °v p COVER DISPENSER RESTROOM ACCESSORIES SCALE 1 FLR. O SWITCHES . ° d ° _a c ^ 4 I Q ° a N 30" LR x48" C INSULATED DRAIN & HOT AREA WATER PIPES O RECESS ROLL PAPER 4" 3' -0" 3' -8" 1 -1/2" O.D.x36" GRAB BAR HOLDER WITHOUT G.C. SHALL INSTALL NEW ACCESSORIES IF EXISTING STOPS 1 -1/2" O.D.x42" GRAB O TOILET PARTITION ACCESSORIES TO BE REUSED ARE NOT IN BAR PROVIDE BLKG Q F[54 ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT ADA REGULATIONS ALL BRACKETS AND /OR DO NOT MEET REQUIREMENTS OF DRAWINGS. TA -t " MIN. 8 O HAND DRYER GRAB BARS SHALL NOT ROTATE AND THERE ARE TO 12" MAX? 36" MIN. 24" BE NO SHARP, OR ABRASIVE ELEMENTS ON OR ADJACENT TO THEM. EDGES ARE TO HAVE A MINIMUM TA -9 SCALE CONCRETE TO TILE DET. 24 "MIN. , "MA 1/8" RADIUS. . o GRAB BAR BACKING AND ATTACHMENT SHALL BE \ CONSTRUCTED FOR A 250 POUND POINT LOAD. / 7 INSULATE OR COVER ALL HOT WATER AND DRAIN PIPES UNDER LAVATORY. NO SHARP OR ABRASIVE ROOFING OR PLASTIC ¢ Z 8" SURFACES ALLOWED UNDER LAVATORY. CEMENT N m o N INSULATE FAUCET CONTROLS AND OPERATING MECHANISMS MUST FLASHING FELTS AND CAP RIGID CONDUIT OR PIPE PIPING 7FI BE EASILY OPERATED BY ONE HAND AND MUST NOT 0 5 SHEET FIN. a REQUIRE GRASPING, PINCHING, OR TWISTING OF THE WRIST. THE FORCE NEEDED TO ACTIVATE CONTROLS N 1' -6" CAULK @ TOP 18" MAX. SHALL NOT EXCEED 5 LBS. FOR LEVER OPERATED OR o 1 17 15 LBS. FOR PUSH TYPE. m STAINLESS STEEL HOSE ei A CLAMP PROVIDE SOLID IN WALL BLOCKING FOR ALL TOILET n ACCESSORIES. _ " LEAD FLANGE SET IN oo n FLASHING CEMENT NOTE: EXISTING TOILET TO REMAIN. DETAILS SHOWN BELOW n - MOUNTING HEIGHTS OF RESTROOM FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES. PROVIDE ARE FOR COORDINATION OF EXISTING ACCESSORIES \ BUILT -UP ROOFING BACKING OF WALL MOUNTED FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT. WITH CURRENT CODE REQUIREMENTS. ACCESSORIES ° - FLUSH CONTROL HANDLE ON WATER CLOSET TO HAVE MAXIMUM OPERATING SHALL BE RELOCATED /REPLACED /ADDED IF THEY DO 3' -0" FORCE OF 3 LBS. F. FLUSH CONTROL HANDLE TO BE LOCATED ON THE NOT MEET REQUIREMENTS SHOWN BELOW. WIDE SIDE OF THE TOILET AREA. - LAVATORY CONTROLS TO BE OPERABLE WITH ONE HAND, MAXIMUM TA -6 4X4 METAL W /HOLE FOR OPERATING FORCE of 5 Les. F. NOTE: SEE DETAIL 1/A -11 FOR HEIGHT OF RESTROOM ° CONDUIT THRU CENTER - HOT WATER SUPPLY AND DRAIN PIPING TO BE INSULATED OR COVERED. of io - PROVIDE SYMBOL MOUNTED ON WALL ADJACENT TO ENTRY DOORS ON THE ACCESSORIES. LOCKNUT (SCREW TIGHT STRIKE SIDE OF THE DOORS. 1' -6" 1' -6" TO PULL UPPER FLASHING SUPPORT CONDUIT - PROVIDE DISABLED SYMBOL MOUNTED ON WALL ADJACENT TO DOOR ON TIGHT) THE STRIKE SIDE OF DOOR. WATERPROOFING SHALL COVER ENTIRE ,i i, - CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE "J" BOX UNDER SINK FOR FUTURE HOT WATER RESTROOM AREA. -6 RUNNING THREAD HEATER (INSTANT ON) TO BE PROVIDED BY TENANT IV SCALE SCALE SCALE TYP. ROOF PENETRATION 18 TYPICAL DIMENSION FOR ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM 10 ENLARGED EXISTING RESTROOM LAYOUT 2 NTS 1/2"=V—O" —0 1/2"=V-0" PROVIDE CLEAR SILICONE SEALANT AT ALL WATERPROOFING DISSIMILAR MATERIALS 4" MAX. IF SHALL EXTEND 2 OBJECT IS HIGHER THAN 27" O /� 2" MIN. O TYP. ( 1 FEET ON THE 2 FLOOR IN WET -O NEW CEILING LINE - - - - EQ. EQ. �UpUI - SPOUT OVER SINK EDGE SPOUT OVER INK DG O O I WOMEN �— MEN RESTROOMS BLKG. FOR MIRROR PER MFR. MIRROR j �\ CABINET DOOR 3/4" WD. /P.LAM -2 o P -LAM FINISH / � COUNTERTOP, APRON & BACKSPLASH CABINET LOCK Z 12" 12' 12' \ % &WIRE PULL - - - - WD. BLKG. V ' o SYMBOL DESCRIPTION g CONT. 2x4 NOTE: m ON DOORWAYS LEADING TO MEN'S SANITARY FACILITIES, AN EQUILATERAL ° 2x4 SUBFRAME W/ 2x4 @ - /_ \ TRIANGLE 1/4 INCH THICK WITH EDGES 12 INCHES LONG AND A VERTEX o 6" O.C. PTD. TO MATCH G.C. TO SUBMIT CABINET p X POINTING UPWARD AND AT THE WOMEN'S FACILITIES A CIRCLE 1/4 INCH P.LAM -2 SHOP DRAWINGS AND COLOR Q Q ADJUSTABLE THICK AND 12 INCHES IN DIAMETER, WHERE A UNISEX RESTROOM IS LAVATORY INSUL. SAMPLES FOR APPROVAL. SHELF PROVIDED A COMBINED CIRCLE AND TRIANGLE SIGN SHALL BE USED AS ° � 3/4" WD. /P.LAM -2 N SHOWN ABOVE. THESE GEOMETRIC SYMBOLS SHALL BE CENTERED ON THE O SUPPORT @ BOTH - O DOOR AT A HEIGHT OF 60 INCHES FROM THE FINISH FLOOR AND THEIR n ENDS OF COUNTER // 6" CONCRETE COLOR AND CONTRAST SHALL BE DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT FROM THE COLOR CURB AND CONTRAST OF THE WALL. ALSO ON THE WALL ADJACENT TO STRIKE o WD. BLKG. PLANTER WHERE SIDE OF DOOR, MOUNT A GRADE 2 BRAILLE SIGN WITH LETTERING /BRAILLE FIN. INDICATED SYMBOLS RAISED 1/32 ", 5/8" - 2" HIGH AT HEIGHT OF 60 INCHES. "WET AREAS" SEE LANDLORD'S WATERPROOFING DETAIL SCALE SCALE SCALE SCALE SCALE PROTRUDING OBJECTS 19 RR DOOR DOOR SYMBOL 15 LAVATORY 11 CABINET ELEVATION 7 00 " " " 3/8" =1' -0" 1/4 =1' -0" 3/4" =1' -0" 1/4 =1' -0" x =x' DOOR 1 112 HEIGHT OF THE WALL MOUNTED SIGNAGE TO MOUNTED TACTILE SIGN, 2)/4"x BE LOCATED ON LATCH SIDE OF DOOR, CLEAR OF SIGN AGE STUD WALL, SEE 8Y4" SIGN WITH DOOR— SWING. MOUNT AT 60" PLAN 30" 24" MAX + BRAILLE CENTERED TO CENTERLINE OF SIGN DIRECTLY BELOW EE PLAEE PLA EE PLA FROM FLOOR , 1 LETTERS BASELINE O 6 1Y2' FROM TOP OF THE PLATE.(TYPICAL) 1 1/2" MIN. + '\ CLR. 3 MEN.... 2 in \ 0 1 1/4" DIA. 18 GA. METAL \ GRAB BAR W/3 -3/4" DIA. 2 6 5 3 \ X - LETTERING STAINLESS STEEL FLANGE o Q o RAISED ATTACH W/ 3 -3/8" X 3" O ad 4 c0 � 1/32" LONG R.H.W.S. Q WALL xx 18" o ° Q 4 / r1IN. 9 WINDOW / LET -IN BLOCKING OR 16 GA. 1 - EXISTING PLYWOOD / ? BACKING ® WOOD STUD co 2 -BEAM PER PLAN � � \ EN e ®® 3 - (2) 3/8" DIA. BOLT THRU. w/ NUT AND LOCK WASHER NOTE: 4 - 112" THREADED ROD GRAB BAR AND MOUNTINGS TO 5 - HEX NUT & LOCK WASHER TOP & BOTT (TYP), WITHSTAND 250 POUNDS HEIGHT OF LETTERING CORRESPONDING APPLIED IN ANY DIRECTION. TENSION LOAD 6 - L 3x3x1/4 "CLIP ANGLE, L =8.0" LONG 5/8" MIN. TO 2" MAX. GRADE II 1/8" MIN. RADIUS ON ALL 395 LBS MAX UPPERCASE BRAILLE EDGES. BAR SHALL NOT CHARACTERS ROTATE IN FITTINGS. SCALE SCALE SCALE TYPICAL DOOR SCHEDULE 20 R.R. DOOR SYMBOL 16 GRAB BAR 12 SIDE REACH ACCESSIBLTY 8 WATER HEATER SUPPORT 4 /SCALE 1 4 —1 0 1/4$'=I'— 0 /SCALE 3 4 —1 0 N.T.S. N.T.S. Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T• 949.955.0357 E . Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio Geoboben Structural anb Civil Engineering S6*46 E. Rabvar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genvi f f e Irvine, CA . T: 949.872 9565 E: geoboben @geobobeninc.com Revisions O 00 -00 -00 0 00 -00 -00 0 00 -00 -00 abe Skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 6 -30 -14 CIVIL N SITE PLAN & DETAILS Scale: AS SHOWN A -11 H 0 z a Date: 05-19 -13 Project No: Spade -13 Scale : As Noted S1 ME H— z CD V7 W D D w W Q O Li z O_ Q N_ O Q z W f— O _ ry Q W z O W J O _ z D W ry W J Q O W Q O J W D W_ O W I- C) z J Q 0 z Q O C/7 z W 0 0 W W C,> II O W r O W VO z CD cn W _ HANGER WIRE TIE W/3 TURNS IN 3 INCHES TYP. MAIN RUNNER- A-CROSS RUNNER A WIRE HANGER ISOMETRIC VIEW 6' -0" MAX. LATERAL SUPPORT POINT WITHIN 6' -0" OF EA.WALL. 8" MIN. @ ENDS. 3/4" CLR. (TYP.) 12 GA. HANGER WIRE @ 4' -0" O.C. 12 GA. BRACE WIRES TO BE ATTACHED @ MAX. OF 45', MIN. 4 TIGHT TURNS IN 1Y2" AT BOTH SIDES OF ALL BRACING TYP. WIRE, /° 45' MAX. 45' MAX. CROSS TEE w MAIN RUNNER @ 4' -0" O.C. C LATERAL SUPPORT ISOMETRIC VIEW 12' -0" O.C. EACH WAY (N.T.S.) SEE STRUCT TO LATERAL SUPPORT POINT SEISMIC POST OR SCHEDULE BULB CLIP w z N U Et wEt DO SEISMIC POST OR EMT CONDUIT PER SCHEDULE 2" MAX. FROM BRACING WIRES TO CROSS TEES 45' MAX. 12 GA. VERT. WIRE INSIDE STRUT EMT STRUT @ 12, -0" O.C. MAX. 6' -0" FROM FOR ATTACHMENT TO . EXISTING STRUCTURE 2x2xYe "" ANGLE EA. SEE DET 2 PIPE STRUT #12 MIN. EYE BOLT W/ NUT ON BOTH SIDES OF ANGLE FOR ATTACHMENT TO EXISTING STRUCTURE SEE DET 2 SLACK WIRES AT FIXTURES AS REQ'D.---t\ " ED Z\ �2x2xY8 "" ANGLE @ EA. g PIPE STRUT 45 MAX. EMT SLEEVE ONE SIZE \ 1 LARGER THAN STRUT SLOT END OF SLEEVE TO FIT OVER MAIN RUNNER RECESSED FLUORESCENT LIGHT CONNECT W./ 2 TEK FIXTURES - SEE ELEC. SCREWS DWGS. ANGLE @ EA. PIPE STRUT SPRING CLIP LATERAL STRUT REFF ECTEDL CLGE PLANE RCI, ISOMETRIC VIEW TYP. ;MIC POST SEE PENSION SYSTEM E 3 MAIN RUNNER @±ALTERTNATE - SEISMIC POST ISOMERIC VIEW SUSPENSION SYSTEM - SEE SPEC. SECTION 09510 SUSPENSION SYSTEM: DIRECT -HUNG, NON- RATED, DOUBLE WEB STEEL CROSS RUNNER SUSPENSION SYSTEM COMPLETE WITH MAIN TIES, CROSS TEES, SPLICES, SEISM STRUT, WALL MOLDINGS AND ACCESSORIES. COMPLY WITH ASTM C635. 1. DONN DX BY USG. HEAVY DUTY, 15/6" EXPOSED GRID FACE. 12' MAIN E 2 -#10 RUNNERS AND 4' CROSS -TEES, WHITE FACTORY FINISH. NO SUBSTITUTIONS. SCREWS AFTER TILE PANEL IS INSTALLED 2 SPACER BARS: 'V' SHAPED GALVANIZED STEEL BARS, NOTCHED TO FIT OVE GRID COMPONENTS. OMPRESSION STRUT SCHEDULE CROSS RUNNER MAX. LENGTH (FEET) MAIN RUNNER c DIAGONAL 3/4" H X 2" W MIN. LEG RESTRAINT SUPPORTING THE GRID WIRES ENDS 1Y4 AROUND PERIMETER 1Y2 FACE OF WALL OR 2' -0" X 4' -0" ACOUSTICAL TILE IN METAL SUSPENSION "T" DEMISING PARTITION. GRID SYSTEM.INSTALL PER CISCA GUIDELINES FOR SEISMIC RESTRAINT FOR DIRECT HUNG SUSPENDED CEILING ASSEMBLIES. NOTE: SECTION LATERAL BRACING CLUSTER OCCURS WITHIN 2" OF THE CROSS RUNNER, AS B REQUIRED BY CISCA GUIDELINES. THESE CLUSTERS NORMALLY APPEAR RIGHT AT THE INTERSECTION WHERE THE COMPRESSION STRUT IS PROVIDED LATERAL STRUT REFF ECTEDL CLGE PLANE RCI, ISOMETRIC VIEW TYP. ;MIC POST SEE PENSION SYSTEM E 3 MAIN RUNNER @±ALTERTNATE - SEISMIC POST ISOMERIC VIEW SUSPENSION SYSTEM - SEE SPEC. SECTION 09510 SUSPENSION SYSTEM: DIRECT -HUNG, NON- RATED, DOUBLE WEB STEEL CROSS RUNNER SUSPENSION SYSTEM COMPLETE WITH MAIN TIES, CROSS TEES, SPLICES, SEISM STRUT, WALL MOLDINGS AND ACCESSORIES. COMPLY WITH ASTM C635. 1. DONN DX BY USG. HEAVY DUTY, 15/6" EXPOSED GRID FACE. 12' MAIN E 2 -#10 RUNNERS AND 4' CROSS -TEES, WHITE FACTORY FINISH. NO SUBSTITUTIONS. SCREWS AFTER TILE PANEL IS INSTALLED 2 SPACER BARS: 'V' SHAPED GALVANIZED STEEL BARS, NOTCHED TO FIT OVE GRID COMPONENTS. OMPRESSION STRUT SCHEDULE NOMINAL SIZE (INCHES) MAX. LENGTH (FEET) Y2 3 3/4 5 1 7 1Y4 12 1Y2 15 2 22 3. SEISMIC STRUT (AS REQ'D BY LOCAL CODE): A. EMT STRUT @ 12' -0" O.C. MAX 6' -0" FROM EDGES PER COMPRESSION STRUT SCHEDULE B. ALTERNATE SEISMIC POST SCHEDULE 1. UP TO 8' -0" USE (1) 35/8" 25 GA. MTL. STUD @ 12' -0" O.C. 2. 8' -0" TO 10' -0" USE (2) 15/8" 25 GA. MTL. STUDS @ 12' -0" O.C. FASTENED BACK TO BACK @ EACH SIDE OF MAIN RUNNER, TYP. 3. 10' -0" TO 15' -0" USE (2) 2Y2" 25 GA. MTL. STUDS @ 12' -0" O.C. FASTENED BACK TO BACK @ EACH SIDE OF MAIN RUNNER, TYP. 4. HANGERS: 12 GA. GALV. STEEL WIRE. FOR ATTACHMENT TO EXISTING STRUCTURE SEE DET 2 WHERE FIXTURE ROW FALLS BETWEEN MAIN RUNNER, USE 4' -0" LG. MAIN @ 4' -0" O.C. AS CROSS TEE. VERTICAL STRUT AT 12' -0" O.C. E.W. MAX. - SEE SPECS. ,WIRE HANGERS @ 4' -0" O.C. EA. WAY �HVAC -AIR DIFFUSERS / WITH APPROVED CLIP OR WIRES AS REQ'D BY LOCAL CODE, TYF LATERAL SUPPORT POINT SEE DETAIL E ISOMETRIC e & e CEILING NOTES: 1. ALL HANGER WIRE SHALL BE #12 GALV. WIRE OR CODE- APPROVED EQUAL. 2. ALL HANGERS AND RUNNERS SHALL BE ACCURATELY LEVELED AND BE SPACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUF. SPECS. 3. SLACK WIRES THROUGHOUT SHALL BE CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING DESIGN LOADS REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODES. TWO #12 GALV. SLACK WIRES DIAGONAL OPPOSED PER LIGHT FIXTURE OR PER LOCAL CODE. 4. SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS AND REFLECTED CEILING PLAN RCI FOR LOCATIONS AND DIRECTIONS OF LIGHT FIXTURES. 5. GRID ENDS ON TWO ADJACENT WALLS ARE REQUIRED TO BE ATTACHED TO THE WALL ANGLE. GRID ENDS ON THE OTHER TWO WALLS ARE REQUIRED TO BE UNATTACHED AND TO HAVE A 3/4" CLEARANCE FROM THE WALL. 6. A HEAVY DUTY T -BAR GRID SYSTEM SHALL BE USED. 2 7. THE WIDTH OF THE PERIMETER SUPPORTING CLOSURE ANGLE SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 2 ". IN EACH ORTHOGONAL HORIZONTAL DIRECTION, 8. CHANGE IN CEILING ELEVATION SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH POSITIVE BRACING. 9. CABLE TRAY AND ELECTRICAL CONDUITS SHALL BE SUPPORTED INDEPENDENTLY OF THE CEILING. 10. EXCEPT WHERE RIGID BRACES ARE USED TO LIMIT LATERAL DEFLECTIONS, SPRINKLER HEADS AND OTHER PENETRATION SHALL HAVE 2" OVERSIZED RING, SLEEVES, OR ADAPTER THROUGH THE CEILING TILE TO ALLOW THE FREE MOVEMENT OF AT LEAST 1" IN ALL HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONS. 11. FOR CEILING AREA EXCEEDING 1000 SF, HORIZONTAL RESTRAINT OF THE CEILING TO THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM SHALL BE PROVIDED. THE TRIBUTARY AREAS OF THE HORIZONTAL RESTRAINTS SHALL BE APPROXIMATELY EQUAL. MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD ONE CEMENT BOARD I MOLD RESISTANT GP DENS SHIELD BOARD METAL STUD O WALL FINISH PER CODE AND /OR DESIGN EXPANSION JOINT PER TILE COUNCIL OF AMERICA GUIDELINES TILE SET OVER'MER -KRETE LATEX 200 WITH 211 FILLER OVER MEMBRANE g THINSET MER -KRETE TWO MER -KRETE HYDRO -GUARD 20DO o `.. ° CONCRETE SLAB 2 °MIN: MASTIC BENEATH "C" CHANNEL MOTES: 1. TILE INSTALLATION PER TILE COUNCIL OF AMERICA & ANSI. 2. MORTAR BED SHALL BE MER -KRETE "UNDER -LAY 134 "TWO PART SYSTEM. 3. PROVIDE FOAM FILLER IF REQUIRED AROUND PIPE PENETRATION FOR CLOSING LARGE OPENINGS. WALL -TO -FLOOR DETAIL SCALE 11 N.T.S. SEE LANDLORD'S NOTES ON t -2 AND MANUFACTURER DRAWINGS AND SPEC. SATELLITE DISH AND SUPPORT PROTECTION MATERIAL PAD EXTEND MATERIAL MIN. 4' OUT PAST BASE OF SUPPORT PAVERS CABLE PENETRATION WITH WEATHERHEAD — STRIP- IN FLANGE WITH 2 -PLIES TO MATCH EXISTING ROOF SYSTEM - PRIME FLANGE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. SATELLITE BASE SHALL NOT BE PLACED IN VALLEY WAYS, AND OR RESTRICT DRAINAGE. 2, PROTECTION MATERIAL TO BE PLACED UNDER BASE OF SATELLITE. TYP. SUSPENDED ACOUSTUCAL TILE & T -BAR CEILING SYSTEM 1/4"=11- 0„ 10 SATELLITE DISH SUPPORT XCAXE 15 NOTE: ALL VERTICAL RODS VISIBLE TO THE GENERAL EXISTING REINFORCED CONCRETE SEAR MTL. FURRING 8" MAX. PUBLIC SHALL BE PAINTED TO MATCH THE OPEN CEILING CHANNEL CLIP OR 2 1 - METAL STUD WALL PER SCHED. 4 COMPLY WITH I.C.B.O. REPORT NO. 1905 VERTICAL STRUT 5.3 STRANDS OF #18 3" MAX. 3 6' -0" WIDE SLAB RI.00KOL IT W.T.S.) GA. TIE -WIRE 8 GA. VERTICAL 1 1/2 "X16 GA. 14 2 -TYP. BACKING PER DETAIL s " SUSPENSION COLD - ROLLED 3 - LCD TV 5.3 5 ON OFS BBEYOND f. C WIRE @ 4' -0" O.C. CHANNEL @ _ X Z' 0' TOWELS @ 18PO.C. (IAP WITH SLAB 5/8" TYPE'X" 4 - TVATTACHMENT BY MANUFACTURER —� 4' -0" O.C. 5 - ATTACH CASEWORK TO BACKING / REINFORCEMENT. EMBED IMO EXISTING SAAR (5" MINIMUM) WITH HILTI RE- 500 -50 GYP. BD. w/ 2 #12 SMS @ 12" O.C. 16 (TYP) s^ T#4 fiOIPYJH OEr -1w ErOx'r - l _ES -ASR #8 GA. HGR. WIRE 5.3 NEW 04 rsnvrorscEMENr @IS'•o.C. EACH @ 4' -0" O.C. 6 - CONT. TRACK, SEE "FRAMING NOTES" 5 2 wnv ALONG CHANNEL CEILING FIN. 7 - EXISTING CONC. SLAB . SEE FIN. SCHED. �— CEILING TO WALL CORNER BEAD MTL. FURRING CLIP �,' �- - - -- ---------- -_ - - -- ,...., A 45° 1 1/2" COLD- ROLLED CHANNELS @ 4' -0" O.C. TYP. 8 GA. HANGER NOTE: ALL AUDIO AND I \ \\ \ % \i \ / / \ \% ���/ > >r •'� %�� / \` / /j \ \ / \ \ \ / \ \// WIRE @ 4' -0" O.C. VIDEO CABLES SHALL BE 7/8 "X25 GA. EA. WAY CONCEALED INSIDE THE EXISTING SE.WERLINE MTL. FURRING CHANNEL @ LATERAL BRACING CLUSTER 4 -12 WALL. r•sA ND GA. STL. WIRES SECURED TO MAIN NEW CLASS VAPOR RARRIER(ASTM E 1745) 2' -0" O.C. INSTALLED WITH 6- MINIMUM OVERLAP OVER EXISTING CEILING FIN. RUNNER & SPLAYED 90" FROM VAPOR BARRIER, SEAMS TAPED, PENETRATIONS AND EDGES SEE FIN. SCHED. EACH OTHER @ 45" MAX. ABOVE SEALED(AtTM E 1643). REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS SECHON FRAMING INTERSECTIONS O.C. . DIRECTION LACERS'. O s 97625. O.C. EA. DIRECTION &6' MAX. OR 4' 7 EXISTING CLASS VAPOR RARRIER, CONTINUOUS ACROSS B RI OCKOVi. CUT BACK LEAVING AMINIMUM OF 6 "=C ALL MIN. RESPECTIVELY FROM EACH smES. NOTE: WALL USE SELF- TAPPING ° d °' clASSZBASE ICALrRANS SeeaecAnoN SECTION Zfi). CONTRACTOR MAY USE THE ABOVE SYSTEM OR HE MAY USE STL. STUDS ISOMETRIC VI EW O SCREWS TO PREVENT SLIPPING °' A ° A d . 19mm MAXIMUM GRADING, 90% COMPACTION. a '° FRAMED HORIZONTALLY WHERE THERE IS NO INTERFERENCE WITH SEISMIC POST SCHEDULE C OF EACH CLUSTER @ RUNNER ° e ° CERTIFIED PAD AT RECOMMENDED MOISTURE CONTENT. DUCTS OR PIPING. SUBMIT SPAN TABLE FOR STUDS USED. REFER TO SOILS REPORT AND CIVIL DRAWINGS SUSPENDED GYP. BD CEILING SCALE SCALE SCALE SCALE 3 " =1' -0" 1 MONITOR INSTALLATION N.T.S. 3 CONCRETE REINSTATMNT N.T.S. 7 """""""""""""""' X " =X' 00 (E) ROOF PLYWOOD (E) 4x ROOF BEAM -\ L 3x3x3/16" CLIP ANGLE, TYP EA SIDE OF (E) BEAM t L 2x&1/8" ANGLE AT EACH PIPE STRUT EMTSTRUT PER DETAIL 100 F (2) 3/8•• DIA. BOLT THRU. w/ NUT AND LOCK WASHER (TYP) (E) 4x ROOF BEAM 1 1/2" (2) 318" CIA. BOLT THRU. w/ NUT AND LOCK WASHER / (TYP) L 300/16" CLIP ANGLE, `TYP EA SIDE OF (E) BEAM EXTEND THE ANGLE TO 3/8" DIA. BOLT wl NEXT SUPPORT IF REQUIRED NUT AND LOCK WASHER (TYP) 3/8" DIA. BOLT w/ NUT AND LOCK WASHER (TYP) SCALE I SCALE I SCALE I SCALE ATTACHMENT TO EXISTING STRUCTURE I N.T.S. 2 .............................. I N.T.S. 00 .............................. N.T.S. d 00 .............................. I X „ =X, 00 Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T- 949.955.0357 E - Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio . Com Geoboben Structural anb Civil Engineering S6*46 E. Rabvar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genvi f f e Irvine, CA - T: 949.872 9565 E: geoboben @geobobeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 A 00 -00 -00 0 00 -00 -00 Skin Spabe are & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA 66139 6 -30 -14 CIVIL SITE PLAN & DETAILS Scale: AS SHOWN A�l 2 0 z EL Date: 05 -19 -13 Project No: Spae -13 Scale : As Noted S2 MECHANICAL GENERAL NOTES MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH OTHER TRADES AND SHALL WORK HARMONIOUSLY TO MEET PROJECT COMPLETION DATE, INTERFERENCES OR OBSTRUCTIONS BETWEEN TRADES OCCURRING DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE ENGINEER AND ALL WORK SHALL CEASE IN THAT AREA UNTIL RESOLVED BY THE ENGINEER AND /OR ARCHITECT. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN A NEAT WORKMANLIKE MANNER IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES. THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR MUST VERIFY AND COORDINATE ALL FLOOR, WALL, AND ROOF OPENINGS WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT AND DUCTWORK. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. ALL OPENINGS, PATCHING, ETC., AND WATERPROOFING BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. MANUAL VOLUME DAMPERS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ALL DUCT TAKE —OFFS TO INDIVIDUAL CEILING DIFFUSERS, REGISTERS, AND GRILLES. THE AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACQUISITION AND PAYMENT OF ALL PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS REQUIRED AND RELATED FEES FOR THIS INSTALLATION. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL CODES. THESE PLANS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO REPRESENT THE ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY CONDITIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK, DO NOT SCALE THESE PLANS, REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DIMENSION AND SCALES. SHEET METAL DUCT WORK SHALL BE GALVANIZED STEEL SHEET OF THICKNESS AS RECOMMENDED, CONSTRUCTED AND DETAILED IN LATEST SMACNA CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS.. AIR OUTLET SCHEDULE DOUBLE LINE FITTING A ACCESSORIES UNIT TYPE MODEL (NECK SIZE SHALL MATCH ROUND DUCT SIZE SERVING KW KILOWATT ROUND DEVICE IN —TEAR CLG (24X24 FACE SIZE) KWH DUCT RISER C� FRAME SHALL MATCH CEILING TYPE (IE: T —BAR OR HARD RECTANGULAR ACCA PROVIDE OBD IN AIR OUTLET DEVICE WHEN INSTALLED L ANGLE ROUND DUCT DROP IN HARD CEILING. LAT LEAVING AIR TEMPERATURE A.G. ABOVE GRADE LBS POUNDS PRICE ALUMINUM, ADJUST MODULER CORE TO MATCH FLOOR CD -1 CEILING DIFFUSER SMCD PLAN. CD -2 CEILING DIFFUSER PRICE ALUMINUM WITH 4 WAY BLOW. SMCD REFRIGERATING AND AIR CD -3 CEILING DIFFUSER PRICE ALUMINUM W /OBD MA MIXED AIR ARCD ALLOWABLE CG CEILING GRILLE PRICE SERIES 630 ALUMINUM 24'x24" EG EXHAUST GRILLE PRICE ALUMINUM, SIZE PER FLOOR PLAN MECH MECHANICAL 630DAL ANALOG OUTPUT EG -4 EXHAUST GRILLE PRICE STEEL, SIZE PER FLOOR PLAN MMBH MILLION BTUS PER HOUR SGS AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MS MOTOR (MAGNETIC) STARTER PRICE AND MATERIALS RG RETURN GRILLE SE 630 ALUMINUM, SIZE PER FLOOR PLAN TG TRANSFER GRILLE PRICE SERIES 81 ALUMINUM, SIZE PER FLOOR PLAN SG SUPPLY AIR GRILLE 620E ALUMINUM, DOUBLE DFELECTION SR SUPPLY AIR REGISTER PRICE ALUMINUM, DOUBLE DEFLECTION & OBD N NORTH, NEW 620D BELOW GRADE ER -1 EXHAUST REGISTER PRICE 630DAL ALUMINUM (EIN8 ") ER -2 EXHAUST REGISTER PRICE 630DAL ALUMINUM (10 "x10 ") ER -3 EXHAUST REGISTER PRICE 630DAL ALUMINUM (14 "x14 ") ER -4 EXHAUST REGISTER PRICE 630DAL ALUMINUM (16'x12 ") NECK SIZE IS SAME AS DUCT SIZE SUPPLY A® RETURN A0 EX ®STAIR SINGLE LINE DOUBLE LINE FITTING L �--� VOLUME DAMPER c�-- D j FIRE DAMPER FD I--�� FD DAMPER 0 D MD MD 90' RECTANGULAR ELBOW WITH J TURNING VANES JJ T R -W RADIUS ELBOW SPIN -IN r RECTANGULAR FITTING / DUCT RECTANGULAR MAIN WITH ROUND ROUND BRANCH BRANCH AIR SCOOP RECTANGULAR MAIN WITH RECTANGULAR 45" DIA*EV BRANCH 15' MAX CONCENTRIC SQUARE TO ROUND EXECUTRIX ( RECTANGlLAR R ROUND) 15' MAX. 30' TRANSITION ASYMMETRICAL DOUBLE FORMED TURNING VANES B -� W SYMMETRICAL WYE DOUBLE FORMED TURNING VANES SINGLE LINE DOUBLE LINE FITTING A AMPERES, AUTO RECTANGULAR THOUSAND BTUS PER HOUR AAV DUCT RISER KW KILOWATT ROUND ANCHOR BOLT KWH DUCT RISER C� ALTERNATING CURRENT RECTANGULAR ACCA DUCT DROP L ANGLE ROUND DUCT DROP RECTANGULAR OFFSET OFFSET LESS THAN 15' RECTANGULAR OFFSET MORE THAN 15' RAND EXTRACTOR EX EX BELLMOUTH ROUND DUCT ROUND MAIN DUCT WITH ROUND ROUND BRANCH CONICAL BRANCH �E 15'15' M--AX. {C�opIU�CN�6 NTRIC E �� TRANSITION FLEXIBLE CONNECTION . S S'aee Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E • Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio . Com Geoiboben Structural anb civil Enoineerinq S�krokij E. Rabvar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genville Irvine, CA T: 949 872 9565 E: geoboben @geobobeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 0 00 -00 -00 D A 00 -00 -00 Skin Spabe are & More 1220 Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA Mechanical Zero And Associates 215 Riverside Ave, Suite 202 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Phone: (949) 515 -4333 M MECHANICAL NOTES, LEGEND SCHEDULES AND DETAILES Et z z J m0.1 Date: 05 -29 -13 Project No: Spate -i3 Scale : As Noteb SS MECHANICAL LEGEND A AMPERES, AUTO KBH THOUSAND BTUS PER HOUR AAV AUTOMATIC AIR VENT KW KILOWATT AB ANCHOR BOLT KWH KILOWATT —HOUR AC ALTERNATING CURRENT ACCA AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS L ANGLE OF AMERICA LAT LEAVING AIR TEMPERATURE A.G. ABOVE GRADE LBS POUNDS AHU AIR HANDLING UNIT LP LOW POINT Al ANALOG INPUT LWT LEAVING WATER TEMPERATURE ASHRAE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATING AND AIR M MOTOR CONDITIONING ENGINEERS MA MIXED AIR ALLOW ALLOWABLE MAX MAXIMUM ALT ALTERNATE MCC MOTOR CONTROL CENTER ALUM ALUMINUM MECH MECHANICAL AO ANALOG OUTPUT MFR MANUFACTURER AP ACCESS PANEL MMBH MILLION BTUS PER HOUR ASTM AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MS MOTOR (MAGNETIC) STARTER AND MATERIALS AWS AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY BDD BACKDRAFT DAMPER BF BLIND FLANGE BFV BUTTERFLY VALVE N NORTH, NEW B.G BELOW GRADE NFPA NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION BTU BRITISH THERMAL UNIT ASSOCIATION BTUH BRITISH THERMAL UNIT PER HOUR N.C. NORMALLY CLOSED N.O. NORMALLY OPEN C/C COILING COIL NO NUMBER CCR CALIFORNIA CODES AND REGULATIONS CCV COOLING CONTROL VALVE 0 OFF CD CEILING DIFFUSER O.C. ON CENTER CF CUBIC FEET OPER OPERATING CFM CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE OPNG OPENING CHW CHILLED WATER OSA OUTSIDE AIR CHWR CHILLED WATER RETURN CHWS CHILLED WATER SUPPLY CIRC CIRCUMFERENCE P PUMP, PRESSURE CLG COOLING PAR PARAGRAPH CLR CLEAR PD PRESSURE DROP, PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL CO CLEANOUT PDE PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL ELEMENT CONC CONCRETE PE PRESSURE ELEMENT CONST CONSTRUCTION PH PHASE CONT CONTINUATION COP COEFFICIENT OF PERFORMANCE PI PRESSURE INDICATOR (BTU OUTPUT /BTU INPUT) POC POINT OF CONNECTION CPA CONTROL POINT ADJUST. (4 -20 MA) PSF PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH CR CONDENSATE RETURN PSIG POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH GAUGE CUR CURRENT TRANSDUCER (W/ 4 -20 MA) PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE CWR CONDENSING WATER RETURN CWS CONDENSING WATER SUPPLY Q FLOW RATE D DRAIN R RADIUS DB DRY BULB RA RETURN AIR DC DIRECT CONNECT RAD RADIUS DCW DOMESTIC COLD WATER RD ROOF DRAIN DDC DIRCT DIGITAL CONTROL RED REDUCER DIET DETAIL REINF REINFORCING DHW DOMESTIC HOT WATER REQ'D REQUIRED DI DIGITAL INPUT RG RETURN GRILLE DIA DIAMETER RR REFRIGERANT RELIEF PIPING DL DEMAND LIMIT (4 -20 MA) RS REFRIGERANT SUCTION DO DIGITAL OUTPUT RLA REACTIVE LOAD AMPERES DP DIFFERENTIAL PRESS. (4 -20 MA) RPM REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE DTF DOWN THROUGH FLOOR DWG DRAWING DX DIRECT EXPANSION S SOUTH E EAST, EXISTING SA SUPPLY AIR EA EACH, EXHAUST AIR SD SANITARY DRAIN ECD ECONOMIZER CONTROL DAMPER SECT SF SECTION SUPPLY FAN EAT ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURE SHT SHEET EER ENERGY EFFICIENT RATIO SIM SIMILAR (BTU OUTPUT /WATT INPUT) SL SLOPE ELEV ELEVATION SHEET METAL AND AIR CONDITIONING EQUIP EQUIPMENT CONTRACTOR'S NATIONAL ASSOC. EWT ENTERING WATER TEMPERATURE SPEC SPECIFICATION EXIST EXISTING SPCD STATIC PRESSURE CONTROL DAMPER EXH EXHAUST SS STAINLESS STEEL EXP EXPANSION S/S START /STOP SR SUPPLY REGISTER STD STANDARD F FAN STL STEEL FD FLOOR DRAIN STM STEAM FE FLOW ELEMENT SV SOLENOID VALVE FI FLOW INDICATOR F &I FURNISH AND INSTALL FIN FINISHED FLA FULL LOAD AMPERES T TREAD, TANK, THERMOSTAT FLT FLOOR TCV TEMPERATURE CONTROL VALVE FLT FAULT TE TEMPERATURE ELEMENT FT. FOOT, FEET TI TEMPERATURE INDICATOR F DEGREES FAHRENHEIT T &PRV TEMP. & PRESS. RELIEF VALVE TT TEMP. TRANSMITTER (4 -20 MA) GA GAGE TWR TOWER GALV GALVANIZED TYP TYPICAL GEN'L GENERAL GPM GALLONS PER MINUTE UTR UP THROUGH ROOF H HAND V VOLT, VOLTAGE H/C HEATING COIL VAC VOLTS ALTERNATING CURRENT HCV HEATING CONTROL VALVE VAR VARIES HHW HEATING HOT WATER VAV VARIABLE AIR VOLUME HHWR HEATING HOT WATER RETURN VDC VOLTS DIRECT CURRENT HHWS HEATING HOT WATER SUPPLY VERT VERTICAL VFD VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE HORIZ HORIZONTAL VTR VENT THRU ROOF HP HIGH PRESSURE, HEAT PUMP, HORSEPOWER, HIGH POINT HS HAND SWITCH W WEST HT HEIGHT W/ WITH HTG HEATING WB WET BULB HVAC HEATING, VENTILATION AND WMS WIRE MESH SCREEN AIR CONDITIONING WT WATERTIGHT, WEIGHT HX HEAT EXCHANGER HZ HERTZ 0 DIAMETER FOOT, FEET ID INSIDE DIAMETER INCH, INCHES I.E. THAT IS IN INCH, INCHES IP CURRENT TO PNEUMATIC TRANSDUCER (4 -20 MA INPUT, 3 -15 PSIG OUTPUT) . S S'aee Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T • 949.955.0357 E • Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio . Com Geoiboben Structural anb civil Enoineerinq S�krokij E. Rabvar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genville Irvine, CA T: 949 872 9565 E: geoboben @geobobeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 0 00 -00 -00 D A 00 -00 -00 Skin Spabe are & More 1220 Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA Mechanical Zero And Associates 215 Riverside Ave, Suite 202 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Phone: (949) 515 -4333 M MECHANICAL NOTES, LEGEND SCHEDULES AND DETAILES Et z z J m0.1 Date: 05 -29 -13 Project No: Spate -i3 Scale : As Noteb SS G 5 CFM DEMOLITION NOTES: Oj DEMO EXISTING HVAC DUCTING, GRILLES, ETC. MECHANICAL SCALE:1 /4 " =1' -0" DEMOLITION PLAN CONSTRUCTION NOTES: Oj POC WITH EXISTING AC UNIT DROPS FROM ROOF, FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION. MECHANICAL SCALE:1 /4 " =1' -0" FLOOR PLAN Sam(� Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T 949.955.0357 E • Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio Geoboben Structural anb Civil Enoineerino s6brok� E. Rabvar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genville Irvine, CA - T: 949.872 9565 E: geoboben @geobobeninc.com Revisions A oo -oo -oo 0 oo -oo -oo 0 oo -oo -oo S abe Skip. Care & More 1220 Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA Mechanical Zero And Associates 215 Riverside Ave, Suite 202 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Phone: (949) 515 -4333 A. M Com MECHANICAL DEMOLITION & FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4 11= 1 '0" iii.., Date: 05 -29 -13 Project No: Spate -13 z Scale : As Noteb 34 HVAC SPECIFICATIONS: i*11:+li!ibY1iG1 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Basic HVAC Requirements specifically applicable to Division 15 Sections. 1.2 SCOPE OF WORK /_lm, d 5 7 7 7 I oT a l I C[r- i I 1. Coordinate the work in this Division with all trades. 2. Verify all dimensions in the field. 3. Construction drawings, coordination, and "As- Built" drawings. 4. Complete system of low pressure ductwork, flexible ducts for exhaust air system. 5. Testing and balancing of HVAC air system. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere And Provided By Others. 1. Fire smoke protection including smoke and /or fire detectors related with HVAC. 2. Concrete work of any type, and cutting and patching of roofs. 3. Fire rated walls and penetration. 4. Access panels, other than duct access panels. 5. Painting, except as specifically noted. 6. x 7. Life safety systems, coordination and design. 8. All electrical conduit. 9. All electrical wiring and connections for 11 O and above. 10. All disconnects. 1.3 ORDINANCE, CODES AND REGULATION A. The work of this Division shall be performed in accordance with the applicable requirements of all legal authorities having jurisdiction, which shall include all local ordinances and codes, safety orders, and the requirements of the local and State Fire Marshal, in force and current at the time of entering into the agreement. B. State and local taxes that are legislated at the time of entering into the agreement are included in this contract. A. Obtain all permits, (fees by owner) inspections, required by all legal authorities and agencies having jurisdiction for the work of this Division. The certificates of all such permits and inspections shall be delivered to the Job Site and posted immediately upon issuance. 1.5 DRAWINGS A. The drawings indicate HVAC work required for a complete and proper HVAC installation. Additional items may be required and shall be provided by contractor. 1. For purposes of clearness and legibility„ the construction drawings may be diagrammatic and although the size and location of the equipment shall be indicated to scale wherever possible, the Contractor shall make use of all of the data in all of the contract documents and continuously verify this information in the field as the work progresses. 2. The drawings shall indicate the required size and location of equipment, pipe and duct location, size, and points of termination and the number and size thereon, and lay out the proper routes to conform to the structure, avoid obstructions and preserve clearances and headroom. B. Verification of dimensions: The Contractor shall ascertain where all equipment rooms, shafts and equipment spaces have been planned for his use by the Architect and alert the architect prior to start of construction of any problems. C. The HVAC drawings shall be in conformance with the intent of the architectural and structural drawings in the representation of the general construction work. The HVAC Contractor shall make his shop drawings available to all other trades to coordinate the HVAC work with other work on the project. D. The construction (shop) drawings shall contain the following information: E. "As- Built" drawings: A set of HVAC prints shall be maintained at the job site during construction specifically to record all changes and deviations from the set of drawings as issued for construction. At the completion of work, the HVAC drawings will be modified to include all changes and a final issue of one set of mylar "As- Built" drawings will be turned over to the Owner's Representative. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. Reference all listing to the specification's article to which each is applicable. B. Submit on all materials and equipment, even if same is as specified, or shown on the Drawings. C. Include complete catalog information, such as construction, curves, capacities, etc., as applicable. D. Shop drawings shall be submitted in complete groups of materials as much as possible, and each item of material submitted shall be initialed by the contractor as verification that the submittal has been reviewed in detail, and is in fact the contractors choice of material. E. Copies of each submittal shall be delivered to General Contractors job office. F. See equipment specifications for individual submittal requirements. 1.7 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. At the completion of work three (3) bound sets of operating and maintenance manuals shall be turned over to the Owners Representative. These manuals shall contain, as a minimum the following: 1. Narrative description of HVAC system(s), controls and minimum maintenance requirements. 2. Manufacturer's service and maintenance instructions for each piece of equipment as listed in the original submittal. 3. Manufacturers parts list for each piece of equipment. 4. Wiring diagrams. 5. Control diagrams. 1.8 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. The following applicable standards have been used as guidelines in designing and selecting materials and equipment for the project. NAFM National Association of Fan Manufacturers NEC National Electrical Code NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NFPA National Fire Protection Association SBI Steel Boiler Institute SMACNA Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association ARI Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AGA American Gas Association AISC American Institute of Steel Construction AMCA Air Moving and Conditioning Association UL Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. 1.9 CLEAN UP A. Upon completion of the work of each section of this Division and at various times during the progress of the work when requested by the general contractor, the HVAC contractor shall remove from the building and site all surplus material, rubbish and debris resulting from the work of that section and the involved portions of the site shall be left in a neat, clean and acceptable condition. 1.10 PRELIMINARY OPERATION A. Should the Owner and /or General Contractor require that any portion of the systems or equipment be operated prior to the final scheduled dates for completion and acceptance of the work, the HVAC contractor shall consent. Such operation shall be under the direct supervision of, the HVAC contractor. Warranty on those pieces of equipment started for the benefit of the Owner will commence at start-up of each piece of equipment and all costs associated with early start-up will be the responsibility of the Owner. 1.11 ACCESS B. Architectural access doors shall be supplied by the General Contractor and installed by the General Contractor. 1.12 SLEEVES AND BLOCKOUTS A. Individual pipe sleeves shall be provided and installed by the HVAC contractor, multiple pipe and duct blackouts shall be provided by the General Contractor. 13 SUPERVISION A. The services of an experienced Foreman /General Foreman shall be provided who shall constantly be in charge of the erection of the systems in this Division and who shall have complete knowledge of the installation and operation of all machinery, apparatus and other work installed under his supervision. 1.14 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Material and equipment incorporated in the work shall be as follows: 1. New and manufactured without defect. 2. Of the size, type, capacity, quality, model and manufacturer specified. 3. In conformance to applicable standards. 4. Suitable for the use in the service specified or intended B. Design, fabrication, and assembly shall conform to the best engineering and shop practice. Parts of duplicate units shall be of standard dimensions, gauges, and material and shall be interchangeable with like parts in like units. All items of similar nature shall be by the some manufacturer. C. Manufacturers of products used in the work shall be regularly engaged in and shall have a history of successful production of such items; certification of same may be required. D. Installers shall be skilled and experienced in the particular crafts involved in the work and shall be sufficient in number of prompt accomplishment of the work. They shall be directed at all times by one person having skill and experience in each particular crafts and complete familiarity with the work and methods needed for its proper accomplishment. 1.15 WARRANTY A. All apparatus and equipment furnished as part of the work of this Division shall be guaranteed to be free of defect of materials and workmanship for a period of one year after the date of equipment start-up requested by the Owner. SECTION 15890 DUCTWORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Sheet metal ductwork, steel and aluminum B. Flexible ductwork. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Steel Ducts: galvanized steel sheet, lock- forming quality having zinc coating of 1.25 oz per sq ft for each side in conformance with ASTM A90. B. Flexible ducts: For final connection to diffusers, continuous non woven, non - perforated liner, supported by helically wound high carbon spring steel wire non corrosive zinc coating outer covering of 1 -1/2 inch thick glass fiber (C 0.16) and non - combustible UL rated Class I (UL 180) vapor barrier jacket Maximum working 1.5 inches w.g. Temperature range 20 to 200 degrees F. C. Fasteners: Rivets, bolts, or sheet metal screws. D. Sealant: Non - hardening, water resistant, fire resistive, compatible with mating materials. E. Hanger Rod: Steel, galvanized; threaded one end, or continuously threaded. 2.02 SHEET METAL DUCTWORK A. Fabricate and support in accordance with Los Angeles City Mechanical code and with SMACNA Duct Construction Standards, except as indicated. Provide duct material, gages, reinforcing and sealing for operating pressures indicated. Duct tape not permitted. B. Construct T's, bends, and elbows with radius of not I than 1 -1/2 times width of duct on centerline. Where possible and; 1. Where rectangular elbows are used, provide turning vanes. 2. Where round ductwork is used provide four (4) adjustable elbows. C. Increase duct sizes gradually, not exceeding 30 degrees divergence wherever possible. D. Where rectangular ducts pass under beams with insufficient clearance, use beam boxes and transitions as recommended by SMACNA, maintaining the original duct area where more than 80 percent of the original duct height cannot be maintained. For clearances that diminish the duct height less than 20 percent, use transition fittings on top or bottom only, and maintain the horizontal duct dimension. E. Where round ducts pass under beams with insufficient clearance, but duct diameter is reduced by less than 20 percent, the round duct may be cut out on the top and a flat plate with 30 degrees transitions welded in place. In all other cases convert to rectangular and use beam boxes. F. Connect flexible ducts downstream of terminal box with duct tape. Connect flexible ducts upstream of terminal box with duct sealer, and draw bands. G. Use crimp joints with or without bead for joining round duct sizes with crimp in direction of air flow. H. Use double nuts on threaded rod supports PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Provide openings in ductwork where required to accommodate sensors and controllers. B. Locate ducts with sufficient space around equipment to allow normal operating and maintenance activities. C. At all main supply duct connections to main rectangular supply risers, provide a 45 degrees throat fitting as detailed by SMACNA. Use this same fitting wherever rectangular branch taps are made into a rectangular main. D. At all round branch take -offs in rectangular duct mains provide a straight 90 degree tap unless conical reduces taps or 5 degree laterals are indicated on the drawings. E. At all round branch take -offs in round duct mains, provide a saddle tap and a straight 90 degree take -off unless conical reducers or 45 degree laterals are indicated on the drawings. F. Wherever round ducts branch use a 45 degree lateral T -Y fitting. G. Connect terminal units on upstream side ducts directly or with high pressure glass fiber flexible duct. H. Connect diffusers or troffer boots to low pressure ducts with 6 feet maximum length of acoustical flexible duct. I. Use aluminum ductwork at showers, pitch back to register. J. No flexible connections at pool. SECTION 15936 AIR INLETS AND OUTLETS PART 1 GENERAL A. Diffusers. B. Diffuser boots. C. Registers /grilles. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS - CEILING DIFFUSERS A. Titus or approved equal. 2.02 CEILING DIFFUSERS A. Modular core with fully adjustable pattern and removable face, pool area (MCD, aluminum) B. Provide surface mount on inverted T -bar type frame. In plaster ceilings, provide plaster frame and ceiling frame. C. Fabricate of steel with steel (Air Conditioned duty). D. Diffusers shall be suitable for direct connection to round ductwork. E. Provide opposed blade damper adjustable from diffuser face, only in hard ceiling locations. 2.03 CEILING GRID CORE EXHAUST AND RETURN REGISTERS /GRILLES A. 1/2" grid, Titus 50 -F B. Fabricate margin frame with concealed mounting for hard ceilings or lay -in frame for suspended grid ceilings. C. Fabricate of steel with factory baked enamel finish. 2.04 WALL SUPPLY REGISTERS /GRILLES A. Streamlined and individually adjustable blades, with spring or other device to set blades, vertical face, double deflection Titus 350 FL. B. Fabricate margin frame with countersunk screw or concealed mounting and gasket. C. Fabricate of steel with factory prime coat finish. D. Provide integral, gang- operated opposed blade dampers with removable key operator, operable from face. 2.05 WALL EXHAUST AND RETURN REGISTERS /GRILLES A. Streamlined blades, with spring or other device to set blades, horizontal face Titus 350 FL. B. Fabricate margin frame with countersunk screw or concealed mounting. C. Fabricate of steel, with factory baked enamel finish. D. Where not individually connected to exhaust fans, provide integral, gang- operated opposed blade dampers with removable key operator, operable from face. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Check location of outlets and inlets and make necessary adjustments in position to conform with architectural features, symmetry, and lighting arrangement. B. Install diffusers to ductwork with air tight connection. C. Provide balancing dampers on duct take -off to diffusers, and grilles and registers. D. Paint unlined ductwork visible behind air outlets and inlets matte E. Where moisture is present, use aluminum construction (pool and shower areas). A. Testing, adjustment, and balancing of air and heating hot water systems by an independent NEBB or AABC air balance contractor and B. Measurement of final operating condition of HVAC systems. A. Submit reports on NEBB forms, duly signed and approved by NEBB 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work under supervision of an independant NEBB or AABC Certified Testing Balacing and Adjusting Supervisor and registered Professional Engineer. B. Total system balance shall be performed in accordance with NEBB or AABC Procedural Standards for Testing, Balancing and Adjusting of Environmental Systems. 1.04 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Sequence work to commence after completion of systems & schedule completion of work before Substantial Completion of Project. B. Schedule and provide assistance in final adjustment and test of life safety systems with Fire Authority where required. PART 2 PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Before commencing work, verify that systems are complete and operable. Ensure the following: 1. Equipment is operable and in a safe and normal operating 2. Temperature control systems are installed complete and le. 3. Prop - related electrical equipment. 4. Final filters are clean and in place. If required, install temporary media in addition to final filters. 5. Duct systems are clean of debris. 6. Correct fan rotation. 7. Volume dampers are in place and open. 8. Access doors are closed and duct end caps are in place. 9. Air outlets are installed and connected. 10. Duct system leakage has been minimized. B. Report any defects or deficiencies noted during performance of services to Architect /Engineer. C. Promptly report abnormal conditions in mechanical systems or conditions which prevent system balance. D. If, for design reasons, system cannot be properly balanced, report as soon as observed. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Provide instruments required for testing, adjusting, and balancing operations. B. Provide additional balancing devices as required. 3.03 INSTALLATION TOLERANCES A. Adjust air handling systems to + \- 10% from figures indicated. 3.04 ADJUSTING A. Permanently mark settings of valves, dampers, and other adjustment devices allowing settings to be restored. B. After adjustment, take measurements to verify balance has not been disrupted or that such disruption has been rectified. C. Leave systems in proper working order, replacing belt guards, closing access doors, closing doors to electrical switch boxes, and restoring thermostats to specified settings. 3.05 AIR SYSTEM PROCEDURE A. Adjust air handling and distribution systems to provide required or design supply, return, and exhaust air quantities. B. Make air quantity measurements in ducts by Pitot tube traverse of entire cross sectional area of duct. C. Measure air quantities at air inlets and outlets. D. Use volume control devices to regulate air quantities only to extent that adjustments do not create objectionable air motion or sound levels. Effect volume control by duct internal devices such as dampers and splitters. E. Vary total system air quantities by adjustment of fan speeds. Provide drive changes required. Vary branch air quantities by damper regulation. F. Measure static air pressure conditions on air supply units, including filter and coil pressure drops, and total pressure across the fan. Make allowances for 50 percent loading of filters. G. Adjust outside air automatic dampers, outside air, return air, and exhaust dampers for design conditions. H. Measure temperature conditions across outside air, return air, and exhaust dampers to check leakage rate. Saee(� Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T- 949 ° 955.0357 E • Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio . Com Geoboben Structural anb Civil Enoineerino Shabrok� E. P abvar PE, 66139 5 Hoboenviffe Irvine, CA T: 949.872 9565 E: geobobevn @geobobeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 0 00 -00 -00 30 00 -00 -00 S abe Skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac�j� CA Mechanical Zero And Associates 215 Riverside Ave, Suite 202 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Phone: (949) 515 -4333 n MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS V L . J Date: 05 -29 -13 Project No: Spade -z3 Z Scale: As Noted SCALE:1 /4 " =1' -0" l PLUMBING SS&V FLOOR PLAN n SCALE:1 /4 " =1' -0" L % SCALE:1 /4 " =1' -0" GENERAL NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION AND SIZES OF EXISTING PIPING PRIOR TO BID. 2• FLASH AND COUNTERFLASH ALL ROOF PENETRATIONS WITH LEAD. DEMOLITION NOTES: ODEMOLISH EXISTING PIPING THAT WILL NO LONGER BE NECESSARY BACK TO TO MAINS. FIELD VERIFY ROUTING AND SCOPE. O DEMOLISH EXISTING MECHANICAL ROOM PIPING, CAP LINES BEHIND WALL AND BELOW FLOOR WATERTIGHT. DEMOLISH PIPING THAT WILL NO LONGER BE NECESSARY BACK TO MAINS. FIELD VERIFY ROUTING AND SCOPE. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: VH -1 D O POC NEW 3"SS TO EXISTING WASTE PIPING. O 2" VENT THRU ROOF, FLASH AND COUNTER FLASH ROOF PENETRATION WATER TIGHT. O3 POC NEW 1- 1 /2 "CW TO EXISTING COLD WATER PIPING. O4 FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION OF CW LINE. O5 3 /4 "CW TO EWH -1, SEE DETAIL ON SHEET P0.1. O 3/4" HWR. O6 1 /2 "H &CW. Sam(� Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T 949.955.0357 E • Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio Geoboben Structural anb Civil Engineering sW brokb E. Rabvar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genvi f f e Irvine, CA - T: 949.872 9565 E: geoboben@geobobeninc.com Revisions 0 oo -oo -oo 0 oo -oo -oo 0 oo -oo -oo S abe Skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA Mechanical Zero And Associates 215 Riverside Ave, Suite 202 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Phone: (949) 515 -4333 PLUMBING DEMOLITION & FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4 ))= I '0" P 1 00 Date: 05 -29 -13 Project No: Spate -13 Scale : As Noteb C so PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS: 1.01 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. General Requirements: 1. Related Documents: Architectural specifications, general, special and supplementary conditions, shall form a part of these specifications. 2. Scope of Work: Provide all required labor, materials, equipment and contractor's services necessary for complete and safe installation of Plumbing Work in conformity with requirements of all Authorities having jurisdiction; as indicated on drawings and /or herein specified or described. 3. Site Cleanliness: Keep site free from this section's surplus material, tools and rubbish at all times during construction period and, upon completion, leave site in clean condition. 4. Site Security: Protect this section's materials and equipment form all damage due to fire, theft, vandalism, weather, etc. 5. Damage to Other Work: Repair any damage caused by this section to work of other sections. 6. Damage to Fireproofing: Repair any damaged fireproofing caused by this section to integrity of original construction. 7. Site Safety: Contractor covenants and agrees that he and his subcontractors and his and their agents, servants and employees will provide and maintain a sage place to work and that he and they will comply with all laws and regulations of any governmental authority having jurisdiction thereof, and Contractor agrees to idemmnify, defend and hold harmless, Engineer, Owner, and Architect form and against any liability, loss, damage or expense, including attorney's fees, arising form a failure or alleged failure on the part of Contractor, his subcontractors and his and their agents, servants and employees to provide and maintain a sage lace to work or to comply with all laws and regulations of any governmental authority having jurisdiction thereof. 8. Verification of Existing: Before submitting bid, become thoroughly familiar with actual existing conditions and systems at the building and of the present installations to which connections must be made or which must be changed or altered, and base building requirements and practices. The intent of the work is shown on the drawings and described herein, and no consideration will be granted by reason of lack of familiarity on the part of the Contractor with actual physical conditions, requirements, and practices at the site. 9. Requirements of Other Sections: Carefully check the documents of other sections to ascertain the requirements of any interfacing materials or equipment being furnished and /or installed by that section which relate to this section, and provide the proper installation and /or connection including controls. 10. Information Transfer: Transmit all information required for work being performed by other sections in ample time for the proper installation and connection, and for the provision of all openings required in floors and walls. 11. Holes and Structure: Field drilling and cutting of holes in building structure required for work under this section shall be coordinated through the General Contractor and approved by Owner and Building Structural Engineer. All such coordination, drilling, cutting and reinforcing costs shall be borne by this Contractor. 12. Sleeves: Furnish and set all sleeves for the passage of pipes through walls, roof and floors and elsewhere as will be required for the proper protection of each pipe passing through building surfaces. Coordinate this work with the General Contractor in order to properly expedite and perform this work. All floor penetrations shall be sealed watertight and or firestopped. 13. Passage of Equipment: Check the dimensional requirements of equipment of this section to ensure that such equipment can pass through site to this final location, including any dismantling or re- assembly. 14. Potential Delivery Problems: Notify the General Contractor and Engineer, in writing, within five days of award of contract, of the proposed delivery schedule of any equipment or material that may prevent the installation from being completed by the project completion date. 15. Warranty: Submit a single guarantee stating that all portions of the work are in accordance with contract requirements. Guarantee all work against q 9 faulty and improper material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of final acceptance by Owner, except that where guarantees or warranties for longer terms are specified by contract such longer term shall apply. 16. Rectification: At no additional cost to Owner, within 24 hours after notification, correct any deficiencies which occur during the guarantee period, all to the satisfaction of the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage caused by such deficiencies and repair thereof and reimburse the Owner for all costs incurred. B. Description of Work Scope 1. Sanitary drainage and vent systems including connections to existing piping, drainage connections to new plumbing fixtures. 2. Domestic water supply systems including connections to existing cold water piping to building, trenching, backfill, backflow prevention device, cold water and hot water connections to new plumbing fixtures and equipment, 3. Plumbing fixtures and equipment. 4. Insulation of hot water supply piping. C. Additional Work possibly specified in Other Sections: 1. Finished painting. 2. Installing access doors. 3. Installing underdeck insulation. 4. Trenching and backfill. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Published codes, specifications, standards, tests or recommended methods of trade, industry or governmental organizations apply to work in this Division where cited below: 1. ANSI - American National Standards Institute. 2. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 3. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials. 4. NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturer's Association. 5. NFPA - National Fire Protection Agency. 6. OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act. 7. UL - Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. 8. ETL - Electrical Testing Laboratories. 9. UBC - Uniform Building Code. 10. UMC - Uniform Mechanical Code. 11. UPC - Uniform Plumbing Code. 12. National, State, and Local Codes of all authorities having jurisdiction. 13. The State of California Codes, including California administrative Code, Title 24. E Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Stubio COm 14. Local Utility Authorities. B. In addition to complying with all other legal requirements, comply with current provisions of governing codes and regulations in effect during progress of the Work, and with the following: 1. Drawings and specification requirements shall govern where they exceed code and regulation requirements. 2. Where requirements between governing codes and regulations vary, the more restrictive provisions shall apply. 3. Nothing contained in contract documents shall be construed as authority or permission to disregard or violate legal requirements. The Contractor shall immediately draw the attention of the Architect to any such conflicts noted in the contract documents. 1.03 PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS A. The Contractor shall secure all approvals and pay all fees for all work installed. Certificate shall be delivered to Owner before final payment will be made. 1.04 DESCRIPTION A. Specifications are of simplified form and include incomplete sentences. Words or Phrases such as "The Contractor shall," and "shall be," "furnished," "provide," "a," 'an," "the," and "all" have been omitted for brevity. B. Drawings are diagrammatic and indicate general arrangement of systems and work. Follow drawings in laying out work and check drawings of other trades to verify space conditions. Maintain headroom and space conditions. C. Definitions: 1. "Furnish" or "Provide ": To supply, install and connect up compete and ready for safe and regular operation of particular work referred to unless specifically otherwise noted. 2. Install ": To erect, mount and connect complete with related accessories. 3. "Supply ": To purchase, procure, acquire and deliver complete with related accessories. 4. "Work ": Labor, materials, equipment, apparatus, controls, accessories and other items required for proper and complete installation. 5. "Piping ": Pipe, tube, fittings, flanges, valves, controls, strainers, hangers, supports, unions, traps, drains, insulation, and related items. 6. Wiring ": Raceway, fittings, wire, boxes and related items. 7. "Concealed "; embedded in masonry or other construction, installed in furred spaces, within double partitions or hung ceilings, in trenches, in crawl spaces or in enclosures. 8. "Exposed ": Not installed underground or "Concealed" as defined above. 9. Equal ": Equal in materials, weight, size, design and efficiency of specified product. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. Connections to Existing Work: 1. Install new work and connect to existing street main, existing sanitary sewer work with minimum interference to existing facilities. 2. Temporary shutdowns of existing services: a. At no additional charges. b. Only with written consent of Owner. 3. Plumbing systems: Not to be interrupted. 4. Connect new work to existing work in neat and acceptable manner. Restore existing disturbed work to original condition including maintenance of plumbing continuity as required. B. Removal and Relocation of Existing Work: 1. Disconnect, remove or relocate plumbing material, equipment and other work which is no longer serviceable and required by removal or changes in existing construction. 2. Provide new material and equipment required for relocation equipment. 3. Plug and cap with valved stub active piping flush with concrete floor or behind walls and ceilings. 4. Remove unused piping and materials. 5. Dispose of removed materials as directed. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Quality and Gauges of Materials: 1. Quality of materials: a. Published specification standards, tests or recommended methods of trade, industry or governmental organizations apply to work of this section. b. New, best of their respective kinds, and free from defects. c. Materials and equipment of similar application: Some manufacture, except as noted. d. Conform to UPC, national, state and local codes. 1.07 SUBMITTALS A. Provide six (6) copies of submittal material with descriptive data for all products and materials including, but not limited to the following. All submittals shall be highlighted to indicate specific products or materials being used. 1. Fixtures. 2. Equipment. 3. Pipe and fitting materials. 4. Valves. 5. Hangers and supports. 6. Insulation for hot water lines. 1.08 MAINTENANCE MANUALS AND AS -BUILT DRAWINGS A. Provide two (2) copies of operating and maintenance manual for Owner's use for each piece of equipment. Each item cross referenced and numbered with As -Built drawing descriptions. B. As -Built Drawings: Deliver to Owner, one set of mylar sepias and one bound set of blueprints showing work as actually installed. 1.09 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Moving of Equipment: Where necessary, ship in crated sections of size to permit passing through available spaces. B. Accessibility: 1. For operation, maintenance and repair. 2. Minor deviations: Permissible. 3. Changes of magnitude or involving extra cost: Not permissible without review. 4. Group concealed plumbing equipment requiring access with equipment freely accessible through access doors. 1.10 SEISMIC SUPPORT A. Contractor shall support and brace all new plumbing systems in accordance with code requirements. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FIXTURES A. Floor drains: J.R. Smith with flashing clamp, size as indicated on Plumbing Floor Plan and schedule sheet, location per Architectural drawings. 2.02 PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Domestic water piping: 1. Above grade a. Type "L" copper tube, seamless, hard temper, ASTM B88. b. Fittings: Wrought copper, solder -sweat type, ANSI B16.22, or brass castings, ANSI B16.18. Use where copper tubing is connected to iron pipe size brass piping. c. Joining: Lead free Solder connection, complying with Copper Development Association, Inc., copper tube handbook, Table II. 2. Below grade: (trap primers) a. Pipe: Type "k" soft copper tubing, seamless, soft temper, ASTM B88/ B. Soil, waste and vent piping: 1. Below and above grade: a. Service weight cast iron pipe, hubless with hubless cast iron fittings with type 304 stainless steel couplings,ASTM C -1277. C. Natural gas piping low pressure: NOT USED 1. Above grade a. Schedule 40, black steel. b. Fittings: Malleable iron, screwed, Class 150. 2. Provide gas seismic shut off valve on line serving building. Coordinate with gas company for service to building. Install required components, gas cock, swing joints, etc. Paint piping with two coats rust resistant primer and two coats color to match adjacent surfaces. 3. Provide 4" diameter pipe bollards, set in concrete 2 ft. cube footing, filled with concrete, painted yellow, locate on both sides of gas meter and exposed piping for protection. D. Dielectric isolation: 1. Unions: For piping 2" and smaller, use brass solder -sweat to IPS union, with ground joint. 2.03 VALVES A. Control Valves (domestic water): 1. 125 psi WWP, bronze ball valve "APOLLO" 2. Threaded ends, Stockham B -103, 3" & above. B. Backflow Prevention: 1. Provide Reduced pressure BFPD -1 on water line serving building. Provide 4" diameter pipe bollards, set in concrete 2 ft. cube footing, filled with concrete, painted yellow, locate on both sides of device to be protected when specified outdoors. A. Equal or exceed the quality of "Adjust- Crete ", with ample clearance for pipe and covering, and with chrome plated wall and floor escutcheons over the pipe in finished areas. 2.05 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Horizontal Piping: Super Strut No. C -710, clevis hanger or equal. B. Vertical Piping: Super Strut No. C720 or C -720 -F riser clamp, or equal. C. Connectors: Contractors National Association (SMACNA), and manufacturer's 1. Super Strut Series No. 700, or equal, at bolt on locations to structure. 2. Super Strut No. 452, or equal, concrete into structure. A. Shot driven anchors: 3. Super Strut continuous concrete inserts channel at multi - locations, or equal. D. Rods: Super Strut H104 cold drawn continuous threaded light oil finish, E -145 nuts, as required, or equal. E. Trapeze Hangers - Direct Mounting Hangers: 1. Super Strut Series No A -1200 slotted channel, or equal. 2. Super Strut Series No. 701 or 702 clamp, or equal. 2.06 FLASHING A. Vent flashing through the roof, equaling or exceeding the quality of "Stoneman" 9 9 q 9 9 q Y number S1010 -4 lead flashing and counter - flashing (match building method if lead flashing not appropriate). 2.07 INSULATION A. In accordance with Title 24 requirements for hot water and hot water return piping; Owens- Corning, or equal. Cover exterior pipe insulation with 0.006" thick aluminum jacket. Seal all voids watertight. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 CONCRETE CUTTING, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING A. Perform concrete cutting, trenching and patching associated with the work of this section. B. Saw cut existing concrete for installation of floor drains and sinks. 1. Dowel in per Structural Engineers /Architect's requirements match existing texture and slope of adjacent surface's. Completely waterproof installation. C. Core Drill existing concrete for installation of floor drains. 1. Dowel in per Structural Engineers /Architect's requirements match existing texture and slope of adjacent surface's. Completely waterproof installation. 3.02 INSTALLATION OF PIPING AND EQUIPMENT, GENERAL A. General: 1. Proceed as rapidly as the building construction will permit. 2. Thoroughly clean items before installation. Cap pipe and fixture drain openings to exclude dirt until fixtures are installed and final connections have been made. Cover all fixtures during construction. 3. Cut pipe accurately, work into place without springing or forcing, properly clear windows, door and other openings. Excessive cutting or other weakening of the building structure will not be permitted. 4. Provide union and shut -off valves accessibly located to facilitate maintenance and removal of equipment and apparatus. 5. Manufacturer's drawings and instructions shall be followed in all cases where the makers of devices and equipment furnish directions or details not shown on the drawings or described in the specifications. 6. Seismic design: The Contractor shall be responsible for all anchors, supports and connections of fire protection work to the building structure to prevent damage as a result of an earthquake, including manufacturer equipment, the connection and integrity of shop fabricated and field fabricated materials and equipment. All supports, equipment and connections thereto shall be designed to conform to requirements of the California Administrative Code. 7. All piping shall be properly supported from building structure and / or framing in an approved manner, independent of the ceiling support system. Where overhead construction does not permit direct fastening of supports, furnish additional framing. 8. All equipment shall be securely fastened to building construction with approved supports. B. Equipment Access: 1. Install piping, equipment, and accessories to permit access for maintenance. Relocate items as necessary to provide maintenance access, without additional cost to the Owner. 3.03 PIPE JOINTS A. Copper Tubing: 1. Cut square, remove burrs and clean inside of female fitting to a bright finish. Any solder flux with brush to tubing. Remove internal parts of solder -end valves prior to soldering. 2. Provide dielectric unions with red brass nipple at points of connection of copper tubing to ferrous piping and equipment. 3. For joining copper piping, use: a. Above grade: 95 -5 Tin - Antimony b. Below grade: Sil -Fos brazing. 3.04 PIPE SUPPORTS �` A. Support suspended piping with clevis or trapeze hangers and rods. •�n� in each pipe passing through the roof. NJ B. Space hangers and supports in accordance with Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA), and manufacturer's V recommendations. Samb C. Provide sway bracing on hangers longer than 18 ". Irvine, CA 3.05 ANCHORS FOR SUPPORTS T: 949.872 95651 A. Shot driven anchors: 1. Obtain written consent from Owner's structural engineer. Provide piping Planning layout, load ratings, and manufacturer's product data for review. Interiors fixtures equally spaced. Exteriors 3.06 SLEEVES AND OPENINGS Revisions A. Provide sleeves for each pipe passing through walls, partitions floors, and roofs. B. For uninsulated pipe, provide sleeves two pipe sizes larger than the pipe passing 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 through, or provide a minimum of 1/2" clearance between inside of sleeve and outside of pipe. Irvine, CA 92612 C. Caulk the space between sleeve and pipe or pipe- covering, using a non - combustible, T - 949.955.0357 permanently plastic, waterproof, non - staining compound; finish to a smooth Ensure floor drain, is E Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Stubio COm surface. pipe penetration, etc. sealed watertight. • . 3.07 CLEANOUTS A. Secure the Owner's approval of locations for cleanouts in finished portions of the building prior to installation. Geo 3.08 FLASHING A. Provide a four pound seamless lead flashing assembly, complete with counter flashing, oc�en Structure[ anb Civif in each pipe passing through the roof. Engrneerrno 3.09 WIRING DIAGRAMS A. Develop complete wiring diagrams showing full details of factory wiring and field S�ja(7YOk�j E. PE 661 wiring. Rac�vaY 39 5 Hobgenviffe 3.10 PLUMBING FIXTURES INSTALLATION Irvine, CA A. Installation: T: 949.872 95651 1. Comply with barrier -free requirements of the State for California, Title 24, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). E: geoboben @ge000(beninC.COM 2. Set fixtures level and in alignment with respect to walls and floors, and with fixtures equally spaced. r/ 3. Provide supplies in proper alignment with fixtures and with each other. Revisions 4. Provide water supply fixtures with stop valves. 5. Install and connect service equipment. Provide accessory devices (e.g., A oo -OC -CC pressure regulators, backflow preventers, shock absorbers, etc., in compliance with food service and code requirements. Pressure A CC -CC -CC requirements an location of devices shall be coordinated with mechanical service equipment supplier. & OO -OO -OO B. Grout wall and floor mounted fixtures watertight where fixture is in contact with walls or floors. C. Caulk deck mounted trim at the time of assembly, including fixture and casework mounted. Caulk self- rimming sinks installed in casework. 3.12 TESTS A. In accordance with the requirements of Local Codes and the Uniform Plumbing Code. abe 3.13 HOT & COLD WATER SYSTEM PIPING INSULATION l A. In accordance with the requirements of Local Codes and the Uniform Plumbing S Code. Use fiberglass insulation, 1" thick with white fsk jacket for hot water and 1/2" k in Care &More thick on cold water. i22o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA Mechanical Zero And Associates 215 Riverside Ave, Suite 202 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Phone: (949) 515 -4333 L9 PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS P2*0 Date: 05 -29 -13 PYOject No: Spae -r3 0 Scale : As Noted S7 LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE MARK LEGEND VOLT COUNT MOUNT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER LAMPS INPUT NOTES JIG CONDUIT RUN WITH ISOLATED GROUNDING CONDUCTOR, SAME 51ZE AS CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS, OR AS NOTED. —EM — CONDUIT WITH EMERGENCY CIRCUIT —X— EXISTING CONDUIT TO REMAIN. —R— EXISTING CONDUIT TO BE REMOVED. SECTION 2. EQUIPMENTS WATTS ELECTRICAL PANELBOARD, FLUSH OR SURFACE MOUNTED AS INDICATED LETTERED BALLOON INDICATES DESIGNATION 32 JUNCTION BOX, ABOVE CEILING, OR AS REQUIRED TO SUIT THE APPLICATION 120 21 RECESS 2'X2' RECESSED MOUNTED T -8 FLUORE50FNT T.B.D. T.B.D. 32TB 32 OR APPROVAL COMBINATION TELE/DATA OUTLET BOX, +IS" OR AS NOTED. SINGLE GANG OUTLET WITH 3/4" CONDUIT AND PULL WIRE TO ACCESSIBLE CEILING SPACE. 0 WALL MOUNTED 2 HOUR BY PA55 TIMER (TORK #A500 SERIES) $EXH EXHAUST FAN SWITCH, +48" OR AS NOTED ON MECHANICAL DRAWINGS LIGHT FIXTURES 0450 MINUTES EXHAUST FAN TIMER. LOCATE PER MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. 0 EXHAUST FAN, F.B.M., WIRED BY ELECTRICAL •5 MANUAL MOTOR RATED SWITCH LOCATED ® EQUIPMENT $RL PROJECTION SCREEN RAI5E /LOWER 5WITGH, F.B.O., INSTALLED BY ELECTRICAL ❑i FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH, SIZE AND FUSED AS NOTED ON PLAN $ SINGLE POLE 5WITGH, +42" OR AS NOTED WALL MOUNTED DIMMER, 1000 WATT RATING OR AS NOTED. HEIGHTMOUNTING +42" A.F.F. OR AS NOTED. ® TELEPHONE TERMINAL BACKBOARD (TTB), 3/4" THICK COX PLYWOOD 2'X8' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SAND 8 PAINT BOTH SIDES. SECTION 3. RECEPTACLES IS DUPLEX RECEPTACLE FLUSH IN FLOOR BOX WITH DUPLEX HINGE COVERS 120 32 RECESS RECESSED LIGHTING T.B.D. T.B.D. 15PPT 13 OR APPROVAL EQUAL SPECIAL RECEPTACLE NEMA TYPE AS DESIGNATED, +I8" OR AS NOTED FLUSH POKE THRU COMBINATION TELE /DATA AND DUPLEX DUPLEX PLUG RECEPTACLE, 120V, 20A, SHADED SIDE INDICATES "ISOLATED GROUND" TYPE DUPLEX ECEPTACLE. IS "A.F.F, 3" ABOVE COUNTER OR AS NOTED, DEVICE TO BE "ORANGE" IN COLOR. SUB50RIPT 'NL' DENOTES NIGHT LIGHT FIXTURE ® REFERENCE TO PLAN NOTES • UP CONDUIT STUBBED UP o ON 64 0 0 0 0 120 3 SURF CHANDELIER T.B.D T.B.D. T.B.D. 62 OR APPROVAL EQUAL 0 26 ® 120 3 SURF HANGING LIGHT T.B.D T.B.D. 15DDT 13 E uAPPROVAL E IS , 120 I RECESS RECE55ED SECURITY LIGHT FIXTURE WITH 90 MINUTE BATTERY PACK T.B.D T.B.D. 52TB 32 OR APPROVAL EQUAL 120 LINE LIGHTING ______ - - - - -- LED 3 OR APPROVAL -- SURF EQUAL �X ® 120 NEW UNIVERSAL MOUNTING L.E.D. EXIT SIGN ------ ______ LED MATCH BUILDING g 3 SURF WITH 90 MINUTES BATTERY PACK. 5 STANDARD NOTE: I. VERIFY WITH ARCHITECT /OWNER FOR LIGHTING FIXTURE MODEL BEFORE PURCHASING. SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM GENERAL NOTES a) ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER AS FOLLOWS: #12 AWG AND SMALLER - SOLID, TN #10 AWG AND LARGER - STRANDED, THWN, THHN OR XHHW ALL CONDUCTORS SIZES ARE BASED ON ?5 00 TEMPERATURE RATING (CEO. 2010 TABLE 310.16) b) ALL NEW CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FU515LE 5WITGHE5 IN MAIN5WITCHBOARD OR PANEL BOARDS SHALL BE SERIES RATED TO MATCH EXISTING AO RATING OR APPROVED EQUAL OR 65KAIC, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. c) MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTORS SHALL NOT BE A PART OF A SERIES COMBINATION INTERRUPTING RATING. d) SERIES COMBINATION AIG RATING SHALL NOT BE USED WHEN THE SECONDARY EQUIPMENT IN THE SERIES IS SUBJECTED TO A TOTAL CONNECTED FULL LOAD MOTOR CURRENT OF MORE THAN 1% OF ITS AIG RATING. e) EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURES SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED "CAUTION- SERIES RATED SYSTEM - 65KAMP5 AVAILABLE, IDENTIFIED REPLACEMENT COMPONENTS REQUIRED ", IN COMPLIANCE WITH 2010 CEO (2008 NEC) SECTION 110 -22. END USE EQUIPMENT SHALL AL50 BE MARKED WITH THE HIGHER SERIES COMBINATION INTERRUPTING RATING AS PER 2010 CEO SECTION 240 - 83(0). NO EXCEPTION. f) FUSES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH REJECTION TYPE FUSE HOLDERS. 9) ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LISTED BY THE CITY, WHERE THE PROJECT 15 LOCATED, RECOGNIZED ELECTRICAL TESTING LABORATORY OR APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT. h) NO PIPING, DUCTS OR EQUIPMENT FOREIGN TO ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE LOCATED WITHIN THE DEDICATED SPACE ABOVE THE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. 1) MAIN SERVICE WILL NOT ENERGIZED PRIOR TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S RECEIPT OF A THIRD PARTY "NRTL" TESTING LABORATORY PERFORMANCE TEST CERTIFICATION FOR THE SERVICE GROUND FAULT PROTECTION. 2010 GEG 230.95 SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM KEYED NOTES ID THE EQUIPMENT 5HOWN 15 EXISTINIG UNDER A PREVIOUS APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PERMIT, NOT A PART OF THI5 SUBMITTAL, UNLF-55 NOTED AS NEW 0 FIELD VERIFY EXISTING FEEDERS (CONDUITS AND WIRE5) AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ISSUING B105 AND INSTALLATION. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF ANY MAJOR DISCREPANCIES OCCUR. NO EXCEPTIONS. ELECTRICAL SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM 50ALE: NONE LIGHTING FIXTURE NOTES q) ALL EQUIPMENTS MUST BE U.L. LISTED. NO EXCEPTION. b) AUTO- RE5ETTING THERMAL PROTECTION MUST BE PROVIDED WHEREAS RECESSED INCANDESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURES ARE INSTALLED IN GYPBOARD CEILINGS. c) PROVIDE UL LISTED THERMAL BARRIER WHEREAS LIGHTING FIXTURES IN CONTACT WITH INSULATION. OR PROVIDE 3" MINIMUM CLEARANCE. d) WHEN LIGHTING FIXTURES ARE INSTALLED IN FIRE RATED CEILINGS OR WALL5, AN APPROVED FIRE RESISTIVE MANNAR CON515TANT WITH FIRE RATING OF CEILING OR WALL5 MUST BE PROVIDED. NO EXCEPTION. e) REFER TO LATEST ARCHITEGTRAL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN FOR EXACT LIGHTING FIXTURE LOCATIONS. f) CONFIRM WITH ARCHITECTURE FOR LIGHTING FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO ANY ORDER. NO EXCEPTION. g) ALL FLUORESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURES MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH INTERNAL 5WITGH TO DISCONNECT ALL CONDUCTORS TO BALLAST FROM THE SOURCE SIMULTANEOUSLY, INCLUDING THE GROUNDED CONDUCTOR IF ANY. h) LIGHTING STANDARDS REQUIRE A SEPARATE PERMIT. ALL SIGN REQUIRE SEPARATE PERMITS AND APPROVALS ALSO. NO EXCEPTION. (E) MAIN SNITCH GEAR OI 120 /208V- 3PHA5E -4W Oj i (E)100A BUS(Iii H w ra w w Ld (E) PANEL `A, (E)100A /3P( CAUTION GMEP ENGINEERS SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ELECTRICAL CHANGE ORDERS THAT MAY OCCUR SHOULD FINAL BIDS AND /OR CONSTRUCTION BASED ON THESE DOCUMENTS BE STARTED PRIOR TO ELECTRICAL PLAN CHECK APPROVAL. ALL WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE 2010 CBC, GPO AND GMG AND THE 2010 CEO (2008 NEC) WITH STATE AND LOCAL AMENDMENTS. ALL EQUIPMENTS SHALL BE U.L. LISTED AND INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE LISTING. CONDUCTORS: ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER AS FOLLOWS: #12 AWG AND SMALLER - SOLID, TN #10 AWG AND LARGER - STRANDED, THWN, THHN OR XHHW ALL CONDUCTORS SIZES ARE BASED ON "75 0G TEMPERATURE RATING (NEC. 2008 TABLE 310.16) MOUTINO HEIGHT FOR RECEPTACLES AND CONTROL DEVICES: a) THE BOTTOM OF ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATION RECEPTACLES INTENDED TO BE USED BY THE OCCUPANT SHALL BE LOCATED NO LE55 THAN 15 ". [ADA ACCE551BITY GUIDELINES 4.21.31 b) RECEPTACLE OUTLETS SHALL BE LOCATED ABOVE, BUT NOT MORE THAN 20 IN. ABOVE, THE COUNTERTOP. SUGGESTION HEIGHT 15 6" [NEC 2O.52.G(5)1 c) THE TOP OF SWITCHES SHALL BE INSTALLED NOT LE55 THAN 36" NOR MORE THAN 48" ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR. d) THERMOSTAT CONTROLS SHALL BE LOCATED NOT LE55 THAN 36" NOR MORE THAN 48" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR LINE. IMPORTANT BID NOTES: a) DUE TO THE SMALL SCALE OF DRAWINGS, IT IS NOT ALWAYS POSSIBLE TO SHOW ALL DEVICES WHICH MAYBE REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS BEFORE SUBMITTING HIS BID. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BE MADE FOR EXTRA DUE TO CONTRACTOR'S FALIURE TO VI51T THE JOB SITE AND /OR FAILURE TO DETERMINE ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS BEFORE SUBMITTING HIS BID. b) REFER TO COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING DRAWIN65 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES, SPECIFICATIONS, DETAILS, CONTROLS, ETC. REPORT TO ARCHITECTURE IMMEDIATELY IF ANY CONFLICTS OCCUR BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND INCLUDE ALL C05T PER ARCHITECTURE'S CLARIFICATION IN BASE BID. THIS REQUIREMENT WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. NO CHANGE ORDERS WILL BE ALLOWED IF THE CONTRACTOR FAIL5 TO PERFORM THI5 FUNCTION. DEMOLITION NOTES a) THE DRAWINGS SHOW THE WORK TO BE IN PLACE AT THE COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. MAKE NECESSARY ALTERNATIONS TO COORDINATE AND CONNECT THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL WORK WITH THE NEW SUCH THAT, WHEN THE WORK 15 DONE, THE ENTIRE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION, EXISTING AND NEW, 15 IN COMPLETE OPERATING CONDITION. b) UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THE CONTRARY, ALL EXISTING LIGHTING FIXTURES, SWITCHES, CONTROLS AND OTHER MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENTS WHICH ARE REPLACED BY NEW AND ARE NOT INDICATED TO BE REUSED SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE OWNER OR BE DISPOSED AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER. G) EXISTING MATERIAL TO REMAIN UPON COMPLETION 15 INDICATED ON DRAWINGS AS EXISTING. FEEDERS (CONDUIT AND WIRES) ARE EXISTING TO THEIR RESPECTIVE 5OURGE. ALTHOUGH NOT INDICATED ON THE DRAWIN(5S, TEMPORARY REMOVAL OR RE -ROUTE CONDUITS AND REPLACE EXISTING WIRE5 WITH NEW DURING CONSTRUCTION WORK MAYBE REQUIRED. d) PROVIDE AND INSTALL NEW COVER PLATES FOR ALL REMOVED OUTLETS, 5WITGHE5, LIGHT FIXTURES, AND OTHER ELECTRICAL DEVICES WHEN THE OUTLET BOX 15 TO REMAIN. e) REMOVE ALL EXISTING ABANDONED FEEDERS (CONDUITS AND WIRE5) BACK TO PANEL BOARDS. LABEL NEW PANEL DIRECTORY AS "SPARE" f) MAINTAIN CONTINUITY OF ALL ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, EQUIPMENT, ETC., FED BY ABANDONED OUTLET. THEY SHOULD BE IN OPERATION AFTER THE WORK 15 DONE. MAINTAINING CONTINUITY SHALL CONSIST OF RE- ROUTING OF CONDUIT AND WIRING, AS REQUIRED TO SUIT THE EXISTING CONDITIONS. g) DASHED J -BOX DENOTES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING BOXES IN ACCESSIBLE CEILING SPACE. ALL CONDUIT SHOWN FROM J -BOX 15 NEW UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE AS DASHED. REFER TO ELECTRICAL SYMBOL LIST. h) EXISTING LOADS SHOWN ON PANEL SCHEDULES ARE BASED ON ASSUMPTIONS MADE BY FIELD VISIT, ELECTRICAL BILLS OR PUBLIC RESOURCES. NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF LOADS EXCEED 16 AMPS ON ANY 20A /IF CIRCUIT. NO EXCEPTION. 1) CAREFULLY REVIEW ARCHITECT'S DEMO DRAWINGS FOR LOCATION OF WALL5 BEING REMOVED UNDER THI5 SCOPE OF THI5 WORK AND REMOVE ALL FEEDER5 (CONDUITS AND WIRE5) BACK TO LAST DEVICE LEFT IN SERVICE. DO NOT LEAVE ABANDONED. j) CAREFULLY REVIEW ARCHITECT'S DEMO DRAWINGS FOR EXISTING FLOOR BOXES BEING REMOVED UNDER THIS SCOPE OF WORK. REMOVE FLOOR BOXES AND ALL FEEDERS (CONDUITS AND WIRES) BACK TO LAST DEVICE LEFT IN SERVICE. DO NOT LEAVE ABANDONED. GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES Q) VERIFY IN FIELD. ADJUST THE LOCATIONS OF HOMERUN5 AND CIRCUIT NUMBERS ACCORDING TO EXISTING CONDITIONS IF NEEDED. COMMUNICATE WITH ENGINEER IF DESIGN SHOULD BE ALTERNATED. NO EXCEPTION. b) IDENTIFY ANY OBVIOUS EXISTING CODE VIOLATIONS THAT OCCURS AS AN EXISTING CONDITION AND PROVIDE SEPARATE PRICING TO CORRECT THE CONDITION 50 THAT IN THE END, THE ENTIRE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION COMPLIES WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND ALL OTHER LOCAL CODES. G) IF THERE 15 ANY DEVIATION FROM THE CIRCUITRY SHOWN, PROVIDE A5 -BUILT DRAWINGS INDICATING SUCH. d) AT THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION WORK, AND PRIOR TO THE FINAL REVIEW BY THE ARCHITECT, PROVIDE PANEL DIRECTORIES IN PANELBOARD FRONTS REFLECTING ALL CHANGES MADE DURING CONSTRUCTION. ELECTRICAL SYMBOL LIST SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SECTION I. 5YM5OL5 FOR CONDUITS HOMERUN TO PANEL OR EQUIPMENT AS NOTED CONDUIT RUN CONGEALED IN WALL OR ABOVE FINISHED CEILING OR AS NOTE BRANCH CIRCUIT, 2 #12 IN I /2" CONDUIT OR AS NOTED OR SYMBOLIZED A5: I 12 "C. -3 #12 314"C. -b #12 I /2 "0. -4#12 314"O.--1 #12 314 "G -5 #12 314"0.-5#12 - - -- CONDUIT IN OR UNDER SURFACE AS NOTED, 3/4" MINIMUM SIZE. CONDUIT RUN WITH EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR, SAME SIZE AS CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS, OR AS NOTED. JIG CONDUIT RUN WITH ISOLATED GROUNDING CONDUCTOR, SAME 51ZE AS CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS, OR AS NOTED. —EM — CONDUIT WITH EMERGENCY CIRCUIT —X— EXISTING CONDUIT TO REMAIN. —R— EXISTING CONDUIT TO BE REMOVED. SECTION 2. EQUIPMENTS A ELECTRICAL PANELBOARD, FLUSH OR SURFACE MOUNTED AS INDICATED LETTERED BALLOON INDICATES DESIGNATION JQ JUNCTION BOX, ABOVE CEILING, OR AS REQUIRED TO SUIT THE APPLICATION z APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING J -BOX IN ACCESSIBLE CEILING SPACE J -BOX MOUNTED TO UNDERSIDE FACE OF SLAB BELOW A TELEPHONE OUTLET IN WALL, +18" OR AS NOTED SINGLE GANG OUTLET BOX WITH 3/4" CONDUIT AND PULL WIRE TO ACCESSIBLE CEILING SPACE. DATA OUTLET IN WALL +IS" OR AS NOTED. SINGLE GANG OUTLET BOX WITH 3/4" CONDUIT AND PULL WIRE TO ACCESSIBLE CEILING SPACE. COMBINATION TELE/DATA OUTLET BOX, +IS" OR AS NOTED. SINGLE GANG OUTLET WITH 3/4" CONDUIT AND PULL WIRE TO ACCESSIBLE CEILING SPACE. 0 WALL MOUNTED 2 HOUR BY PA55 TIMER (TORK #A500 SERIES) $EXH EXHAUST FAN SWITCH, +48" OR AS NOTED ON MECHANICAL DRAWINGS Fm 0450 MINUTES EXHAUST FAN TIMER. LOCATE PER MECHANICAL DRAWINGS. 0 EXHAUST FAN, F.B.M., WIRED BY ELECTRICAL •5 MANUAL MOTOR RATED SWITCH LOCATED ® EQUIPMENT $RL PROJECTION SCREEN RAI5E /LOWER 5WITGH, F.B.O., INSTALLED BY ELECTRICAL ❑i FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH, SIZE AND FUSED AS NOTED ON PLAN $ SINGLE POLE 5WITGH, +42" OR AS NOTED WALL MOUNTED DIMMER, 1000 WATT RATING OR AS NOTED. HEIGHTMOUNTING +42" A.F.F. OR AS NOTED. ® TELEPHONE TERMINAL BACKBOARD (TTB), 3/4" THICK COX PLYWOOD 2'X8' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SAND 8 PAINT BOTH SIDES. SECTION 3. RECEPTACLES ® DUPLEX RECEPTACLE FLUSH IN FLOOR BOX WITH DUPLEX HINGE COVERS DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN WALL 12OV, 20AMP5, +18" A.F.F, 3" ABOVE COUNTER OR AS NOTED. TWO -GANG DUPLEX RECEPTACLE (QUADPLEX) IN WALL, +IS" A.F.F OR AS NOTE GFI GFI DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN WALL, +42" A.F.F OR AS NOTED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE (20 AMP) +IS" OR AS NOTED (ON A SEPARATE CIRCUIT) SPECIAL RECEPTACLE NEMA TYPE AS DESIGNATED, +I8" OR AS NOTED FLUSH POKE THRU COMBINATION TELE /DATA AND DUPLEX DUPLEX PLUG RECEPTACLE, 120V, 20A, SHADED SIDE INDICATES "ISOLATED GROUND" TYPE DUPLEX ECEPTACLE. IS "A.F.F, 3" ABOVE COUNTER OR AS NOTED, DEVICE TO BE "ORANGE" IN COLOR. SECTION 4. MISCELLANEOUS ® REFERENCE TO PLAN NOTES • UP CONDUIT STUBBED UP o ON CONDUIT STUBBED DOWN (E) DENOTES EXISTING TO REMAIN (N) DENOTES NEW TO MATCH EXISTING (R) DENOTES EXISTING RELOCATED DEVICE AT NEW LOCATION (ER) DENOTES EXISTING DEVICE TO BE RELOCATED (NL) DENOTES NIGHT LIGHT FIXTURE AND SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH 90 MINUTE BATTERY PACK, ONLE55 NOTED OTHERWISE. G"Np Engineers 2102 Business CTR. Dr. Irvine, CA. 92612 Tel: 877 - 375 -0936 Fax: 949 -2 3 -4691 Contact: Gard Z ou xioi e -mail: gzhouCgmeyie.com Saeeb Panning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine/ CA 92612 T- 949.955.0357 E • Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio . Com Geo6oben Structural anb Civil Engineering S�krA E. p6var PE, 66139 5 Hobgenvif f e Irvine, CA T: 949.872 9565 E: geoboOen @geobobeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 20 00 -00 -00 0 oo -oo -oo S abe Skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA C >ON No. 018959 Exp.12 -31 -2013 � <FCTR��P ELECTRICAL GENERAL NOTES, LEGEND & SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM Scale: AS SHOWN E -z.0 Date: 05-2-9 -13 Project No: Spabe -i3 0 IF Scale : As Noted S2 H N 120V CONTROL RECEPTION M) I (N) (12OV) ASTRONOMICAL TIME SWITCH "TO" LOCATED ADJACENT TO PANEL "A" IN A NEMA I ENCLOSURE. Qaa TO EMER&ENGY LIGHT G = — RELAY "OR -IA" N � � SPARE Z'J (TYPICAL) NOTES: OI ELECTRICALLY HELD, REMOTE CONTROL LIGHTING CONTACTOR WITH QUANTITY OF POLES INDICATED. PROVIDE 120V COIL AND MOUNT IN RELAY CABINET. A500 #91"7 SERIES OR SQUARE D #8903 SERIES, TYPICAL, U.N.O. O2 0 -2 HOUR BY -PASS TIME SWITCH (TORK #A500 SERIES). LOCATE THIS SWITCH IN THE MAIN ELECTRICAL ROOM O3 PROVIDE A WALL MOUNTED, NEMA I RELAY CABINET, SIZE AS REQUIRED, WITH HINGED AND LOCK DOOR. MOUNT CABINET ABOVE PANEL. ALL LIGHTING CONTACTORS AND RELAYS DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL MOUNT IN TH15 CABINET. CONFIRM CABINET DIMEN51ON WITH RELAY SUPPLIER PRIOR TO PRICING. ® ASTRONOMICAL TIME CLOCK AND OVERRIDE SWITCH CONTROL CIRCUIT MUST BE ON THE SAME DEDICATED CIRCUIT. NO EXCEPTION. AFTER -HOUR LIGHTING CONTROL DIAGRAM SCALE: NONE (EXISTING FEEDER; EXISTING PANEL) ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN SCALE: 1/4"=l'-O" ELECTRICAL LIGHTING KEYED NOTES DI WORK IN THIS AREA 15 EXISTING TO REMAIN UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVED PERMIT, NOT A PART OF THI5 SUBMITTAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. TAKE CARE TO MAINTAIN CIRCUIT CONTINUITY TO THESE AREAS WHERE EXISTING CIRCUITRY 15 AFFECTED BY THE DEMO. O2 DENOTES 0-2 HOUR BY PASS TIMER. 3Q DENOTE J -BOX FOR FRONT DOOR LIGHT OR SIGN WITH HOT WIRE. VERIFY IN FIELD. O N i O N U) N X LL] I Lobby Shelf uisplay Counter ✓�" \ Ll A -1 � time � a ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN SCALE: I/4 "= I' -O" 'COLLAGEN TREATMENT L�PORCEDURE (FACIAL) a_h I I I I I I I I I ELECTRICAL POWER KEYED NOTES ID WORK IN THIS AREA 15 EXISTING TO REMAIN UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVED PERMIT, NOT A PART OF THI5 SUBMITTAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. TAKE CARE TO MAINTAIN CIRCUIT CONTINUITY TO THESE AREAS WHERE EXISTING CIRCUITRY 15 AFFECTED BY THE DEMO. DENOTES SHOW WINDOW RECEPTACLES. O3 PROVIDE 30A5 /20AF/3P DISCONNECT SWITCH FOR CONNECTION TO THE NEW WATER HEATER. REFER TO PLUMBING PLAN FOR DETAIL. ® PROVIDE (oOAF /4OA5/3P DISCONNECT SWITCH FOR CONNECTION TO THE AG UNIT ON ROOF. REFER TO MECHANICAL PLAN FOR DETAIL. OS ADDITIONAL WORK NOT SHOWN 15 TO PROVIDE 3/4 "0.0 WITH PULL WIRE FOR CONTROL WIRING. COORDINATE THE WORK WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. © THE DE516N 15 BASED ON UPGRADING THE EXISTING AG TO A 4 TON UNIT PER 517E DESIGN MEETING. VERIFY WITH MECHANICAL ENGINEER/OANER BEFORE ISSUING ANY BID. COLLAGEN TREATMENT \ORCEDURE (FACIAL) TREATMENT E (FACIAL) GENERAL ELECTRICAL ROOF NOTES o) REFER TO MECHANICAL DRAAIN65 FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND REQUIREMENTS ABOALL HVAG EQUIPMENTS ON ROOF. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY ELECTRICAL DEVICES FOR A COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL SYSTEM. b) ALL EQUIPMENT AND ENCLOSURE FOR ELECTRICAL DEVICES ON ROOF MUST BE WEATHERPROOF. G) REFER TO EQUIPMENT NAME PLATE TO SIZE THE OEVRGURRENT PROTECTION. REFER TO SUPPLIER'S RECOMMENDATION BEFORE ANY INSTALLATIONS. d) ALL FEEDERS (CONDUITS AND WIRE5) TO THE EQUIPMENTS ON ROOF MUST RUN HORIZONTALLY BELOA ROOF STRGUTIIRE THROUGH ATTIC SPACE AND PENETRATE ROOF AT THE LOCATION OF THE EQUIPMENT. e) ALL ROOF PENETRATIONS MUST BE SEALED AND WEATHERPROOF. PROVIDE ROOF JACKS AT ALL PENETRATIONS. HEATER A- 18820822 Engineers 2102 Business CTR. Dr. Irvine, CA. 92612 Tel: 877 - 375 -0936 Fax: 949 -2 3 -4691 Contact: Gary Z ou xiol e -mail: gzhoR@gmepe.com Saeeb Panning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine) CA 92612 T- 949.955.0357 E • Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio Geo6oben Structural anb Civil Engineering S�kr4 E. P avar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genvif f e Irvine, CA - T: 949.872 9565 E: geoboOen @geobobeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 0 00 -00 -00 30 00 -00 -00 S abe Skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA No. 018959 Exp.12 -31 -2013 F4eCToG% Covet ELECTRICAL PLANS, & PANEL SCHEDULE Scale: AS SHOWN E -2.0 Date: 05 -2-9 -13 Project No: Spabe -i3 0 Scale : As Noted 3J° PANEL A' BUS RATING TOOA 4W VFLUS MAIN (AMP) M.L.O. MOUNTING: g DESCRIPTION VOLT AMPS T G R C I S BKR CKT "o BUS OA OB OC CKT "0 BKR i S R C i G VOLT AMPS DESCRIPTION OA OB OC OA OB OC 1 (E)BATHROOM LIGHTS ioo 20 -i 1 2 2o-1 180 (E)TELEPHONE REC (D Q LOBBY &RECEPT LTGS 533 )0 -I 3 4 2o-: 58o RECEPTION REC TREATMENT RM LTGS 672 20 -I 5 6 20 -i 200 (E)BACR ENTRY LTGS CHANDELIER LIGHTS 310 20 -i 7 8 20 -i 400 TV (E)BATHROOM REC ioo 20 -1 9 10 2o-1 300 (E)NIGHT LIGHTS TREATMENT REC io8o 20 -1 11 12 10 1852 AC UNIT 2 TREATMENT REC io8o 20 -i 13 14 1852 - - - -- OFFICE REC 580 20 -1 15 16 3 1852 - - 1 CONV REC x080 20 -i 17 18 0 867 WATER HEATER SHOW WINDOW 1200 20 -1 19 20 867 - - - -- FRONT ENTRY LTG 200 20 -i 21 22 3 867 1 - - - -- SPACE 23 24 1 SPACE SPACE I 1 1 25 261 1 1 SPACE SPACE 11 27 28 SPACE SPACE 29 30 SPACE SPACE 31 32 1 SPACE SUB —TOTAL HA= 5989VA B3 5012VA ,0'C= 5751VA TOTAL CONNECTED VA = 16752 NOTES: LCL @ 125 7 5556 = 6945 i DENOTES EXISTING CIRCUIT BREARER TO REMAIN; ALL OTHERS ARE NEW TOTAL OTHER LOAD = a TO MATCH EXISTING. PANEL LOAD = i8.1I7VA (97 REFER TO ELECTRICAL POWER IUY NOTE #6 ON THIS SHEET. FEEDER AMPS = 69.2A ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN SCALE: 1/4"=l'-O" ELECTRICAL LIGHTING KEYED NOTES DI WORK IN THIS AREA 15 EXISTING TO REMAIN UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVED PERMIT, NOT A PART OF THI5 SUBMITTAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. TAKE CARE TO MAINTAIN CIRCUIT CONTINUITY TO THESE AREAS WHERE EXISTING CIRCUITRY 15 AFFECTED BY THE DEMO. O2 DENOTES 0-2 HOUR BY PASS TIMER. 3Q DENOTE J -BOX FOR FRONT DOOR LIGHT OR SIGN WITH HOT WIRE. VERIFY IN FIELD. O N i O N U) N X LL] I Lobby Shelf uisplay Counter ✓�" \ Ll A -1 � time � a ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN SCALE: I/4 "= I' -O" 'COLLAGEN TREATMENT L�PORCEDURE (FACIAL) a_h I I I I I I I I I ELECTRICAL POWER KEYED NOTES ID WORK IN THIS AREA 15 EXISTING TO REMAIN UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVED PERMIT, NOT A PART OF THI5 SUBMITTAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. TAKE CARE TO MAINTAIN CIRCUIT CONTINUITY TO THESE AREAS WHERE EXISTING CIRCUITRY 15 AFFECTED BY THE DEMO. DENOTES SHOW WINDOW RECEPTACLES. O3 PROVIDE 30A5 /20AF/3P DISCONNECT SWITCH FOR CONNECTION TO THE NEW WATER HEATER. REFER TO PLUMBING PLAN FOR DETAIL. ® PROVIDE (oOAF /4OA5/3P DISCONNECT SWITCH FOR CONNECTION TO THE AG UNIT ON ROOF. REFER TO MECHANICAL PLAN FOR DETAIL. OS ADDITIONAL WORK NOT SHOWN 15 TO PROVIDE 3/4 "0.0 WITH PULL WIRE FOR CONTROL WIRING. COORDINATE THE WORK WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. © THE DE516N 15 BASED ON UPGRADING THE EXISTING AG TO A 4 TON UNIT PER 517E DESIGN MEETING. VERIFY WITH MECHANICAL ENGINEER/OANER BEFORE ISSUING ANY BID. COLLAGEN TREATMENT \ORCEDURE (FACIAL) TREATMENT E (FACIAL) GENERAL ELECTRICAL ROOF NOTES o) REFER TO MECHANICAL DRAAIN65 FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND REQUIREMENTS ABOALL HVAG EQUIPMENTS ON ROOF. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY ELECTRICAL DEVICES FOR A COMPLETE AND OPERATIONAL SYSTEM. b) ALL EQUIPMENT AND ENCLOSURE FOR ELECTRICAL DEVICES ON ROOF MUST BE WEATHERPROOF. G) REFER TO EQUIPMENT NAME PLATE TO SIZE THE OEVRGURRENT PROTECTION. REFER TO SUPPLIER'S RECOMMENDATION BEFORE ANY INSTALLATIONS. d) ALL FEEDERS (CONDUITS AND WIRE5) TO THE EQUIPMENTS ON ROOF MUST RUN HORIZONTALLY BELOA ROOF STRGUTIIRE THROUGH ATTIC SPACE AND PENETRATE ROOF AT THE LOCATION OF THE EQUIPMENT. e) ALL ROOF PENETRATIONS MUST BE SEALED AND WEATHERPROOF. PROVIDE ROOF JACKS AT ALL PENETRATIONS. HEATER A- 18820822 Engineers 2102 Business CTR. Dr. Irvine, CA. 92612 Tel: 877 - 375 -0936 Fax: 949 -2 3 -4691 Contact: Gary Z ou xiol e -mail: gzhoR@gmepe.com Saeeb Panning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine) CA 92612 T- 949.955.0357 E • Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio Geo6oben Structural anb Civil Engineering S�kr4 E. P avar PE, 66139 5 Ho6genvif f e Irvine, CA - T: 949.872 9565 E: geoboOen @geobobeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 0 00 -00 -00 30 00 -00 -00 S abe Skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA No. 018959 Exp.12 -31 -2013 F4eCToG% Covet ELECTRICAL PLANS, & PANEL SCHEDULE Scale: AS SHOWN E -2.0 Date: 05 -2-9 -13 Project No: Spabe -i3 0 Scale : As Noted 3J° bill Engineers 2102 Business CTR. Dr. Irvine, CA. 92612 Tel: 877 - 375 -0936 Fax: 949-2p3-4691 Contact: Garp Z 014 x101 e -mail: gZhou ®gmepe.com Saeeb Planning Interiors Exteriors 2182 Dupont Dr. Ste. 5 Irvine, CA 92612 T. 949.955.0357 E • Saeeb @ Saeeb Design Studio GeoWen Structural anb Civil Engineering s6i5rokZ E. Ravar PE, 66139 5 H06genvif f e Irvine, CA T: 949.872 9565 E: geobo6en @geobobeninc.com Revisions 0 00 -00 -00 0 00 -00 -00 00 -00 -00 S abe Skin Care & More 122o Bison Ave. Suite A -6 Newport Beac , CA No. 018959 Exp.12 -31 -2013 ��fCTR�Gj ELECTRICAL TITLE 24 FORMS Scale: AS SHOWN E-3410 Com Date: 05 -29 -13 Project No: Spabe -13 a Scale : As Noted 40 Additional Materials Received Mosher Comments for Items B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 August 15, 2013 Zoning Administrator agenda comments - Jim Mosher Page 5 of 5 b. Fact A.2: "The proposed sign program would be more apslieable and omparable to other multiple- tenant office buildings located within the Newport Pla tanned Community." c. Finding D: not convinced that the decision to give special prominence to 4 of 34 tenants (up total including the even larger parapet signs, and possibly 8 more on the monume signs at the entrance) adequately forecloses the need for revision due to future cha s in use or tenants. d. Fact E.1: "The Sign Program reques deviations in the sign height of up to 30 percent and 20 percent for the nu er, location and height of the proposed signs to aid and enhance the identific ' n and visibility of the commercial tenants from the public roadway." I am guessing this statement does not include the de ions allowed by the Modification Permit which, for example for the address appears to allow a deviation of much more than 20 -30% (8 inch letters goi to 6 foot letters). Item 5. Spade Day Spa Minor Use Permit (PA2013 -140) Section 2.1: "This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) in the Guidelines for Implementation." 2. Finding B.3 is not convincing that if there are already two fitness /wellness operations and other unspecified "personal services" in the center that the approval of an additional day spa would not create an overabundance or overconcentration of uses different from those anticipated in the PC Text. That would seem to depend, among other things, on how many units there are in the center, which is not specified. D: Public Comments on Non - Agenda Items I would o suggest that in the Conditions of Approval sections of Zoning Administrator resolutions, it w be useful to more clearly separate the conditions that are intended to quote existing code requireme nd are included only as reminders to the applicants, from the special conditions that are inten o waive or modify the usual requirements. This distinction is not always clear, and can lead to con by creating the impression that the listing of certain conditions implies that those that aren't lis re less important, or that a slight variation in phrasing means a modification to the normal requirem intended. I would suggest that all the "reminder" type conditions be segregated in a section of their with a header indicating they are quotes of existing code requirements highlighted for the convenie of the applicant, but not intended to modify those, or any other, requirements. If that exercise reve-Msthere are special conditions being added to all, or nearly all, approvals, then that might suggest requirements should be made part of the code.