HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - Mitchell Residence Condominium Conversion - PA2013-126COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 (949) 644 -3200 Fax: (949) 644 -3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT September 12, 2013 Agenda Item No. 1: SUBJECT: Mitchell Residence Condominium Conversion - (PA2013 -126) 512 and 512'/2 Avocado Avenue • Condominium Conversion No. CC2013 -001 • Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2013 -015 County Tentative Parcel Map No. 2008 -151 /t1 »�[Ht1. iii: 7G7iF1TF 7iTa1- f�7iTiiat�ll[ia�Te711 PLANNER: Makana Nova, Assistant Planner (949) 644 -3249, mnova @newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN • Zone: R -2 (Two - Family Residential) • General Plan: RT (Two -Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY A condominium conversion and parcel map to convert an existing duplex into a condominium project. The code required two -car parking per unit is provided and no waivers of Title 19 development standards are proposed with this application. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Condominium Conversion No. CC2013 -001 Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2013 -015 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 2 Mitchell Residence Condominium Conversion Zoning Administrator «HearingDATE» Page 2 DISCUSSION • The site is located in Corona del Mar, south of Third Avenue and north of Second Avenue, in the R -2 zoning district. The adjacent properties are also zoned for residential use. The area of the lot is approximately 3,540 square feet (30' X 118'), which is typical in this neighborhood. • The site is developed with a duplex built to condominium standards with separate utility connections for each unit. The building permit was issued in December 2005 and construction was completed October 2007. • The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site as Two -Unit Residential (RT), and the current development is consistent with this designation. • The Coastal Land Use Plan designates this site as Two -Unit Residential (RT -D), which is intended to provide for two - family residential development, and the current development is consistent with this designation. • This property is now exempt from park and housing in -lieu fees since the new unit was finaled more than five years ago on October 25, 2007. Exemptions apply per Section 19.54.030 (Inclusionary Housing, Applicability) and (Park Fee, Applicability). • One garage parking space and one tandem carport parking space are provided for each dwelling unit, which satisfies the off - street parking requirements of Chapter 20.40 (Off- Street Parking) of the Municipal Code. • A tentative parcel map for two -unit condominium purposes has been submitted in conjunction with the condominium conversion application for the purpose of creating two separate ownership units. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15315, of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines - Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions). The division of property in urbanized areas zoned for residential, commercial, or industrial use into four or fewer parcels is exempt when the division is in conformance with the General Plan and zoning, no variances or exceptions are required, all services and access to the proposed parcels to local standards are available, the parcel was not involved in a division of a larger parcel within the previous 2 years, and the parcel does not have an average slope greater than 20 percent. TmpIt:05 -24 -13 Mitchell Residence Condominium Conversion Zoning Administrator «HearingDATE» Page 3 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of- way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal of the Parcel Map and Condominium Conversion may be filed with the Director of Community Development within fourteen (14) days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644 -3200. Prepared by: C-� Ma ana VOva Assistant Planner GR/mkn Attachments: ZA 1 ZA 2 ZA 3 ZA 4 ZA 5 Tmpit:05 -24 -13 Draft Resolution Vicinity Map Site Photos Project Plans County Tentative Parcel Map No. 2008 -151 4 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 0 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2013 -0 ## A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION NO. CC2013 -001 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. NP2013 -015 FOR A TWO -UNIT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT LOCATED AT 512 AND 512 1/2 AVOCADO AVENUE (PA2013 -126) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Richard and Jeanne Mitchell, with respect to property located at 512 and 512 '/z Avocado Avenue, and legally described as Lot 28 of Tract 682, in the City of Newport Beach, as per map thereof recorded in Book 20, Page 19 of miscellaneous maps in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County, requesting approval of a condominium conversion and parcel map. 2. The applicant proposes a condominium conversion and parcel map to convert an existing duplex into a condominium project. The code required two -car parking per unit is provided and no waivers of Title 19 development standards are proposed with this application. 3. The subject property is located within the RT (Two -Unit Residential) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is RT (Two -Unit Residential). 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is RT -D (Two -Unit Residential). 5. A public hearing was held on September 12, 2013 in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions) 2. The division of property in urbanized areas zoned for residential, commercial, or industrial use into four or fewer parcels is exempt when the division is in conformance with the General Plan and zoning, no variances or exceptions are required, all services and access to the proposed parcels to local standards are available, the parcel was not involved in a division of a larger parcel within the previous 2 years, and the parcel does not have an average slope greater than 20 percent. rW, Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 2 of 11 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Condominium Conversion In accordance with Section 19.64.070 (Standards for Condominium Conversions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following finding is set forth: Finding A. The minimum number, and the design and location of off - street parking spaces shall be provided in conformance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time of approval of the conversion. Facts in Support of Finding A -1. The existing duplex consists of 3,521 square feet including two, single -car garages and two covered spaces. A -2. The four spaces provided meet the number of spaces required (2 per unit) per Chapter 20.40 (Off- Street Parking) of the Zoning Ordinance. Finding B. Each dwelling unit within a building shall have a separate sewer connection to the City sewer. Facts in Support of Finding B -1. The duplex has two separate sewer connections to the City sewer. Finding C. Each sewer lateral shall be retrofitted /fitted with a cleanout at the property line. Facts in Support of Finding C -1. The duplex has two separate sewer cleanouts located at the property line. Finding D. Each unit shall maintain a separate water meter and water meter connection. Facts in Support of Finding D -1. The duplex has two separate water meters and water meter connections. Finding 04 -24 -2013 2 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 3 of 11 E. The electrical service connection shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 15.32 (Underground Utilities) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding E -1. The duplex complies with the requirements of Chapter 15.32. Finding F. The applicant for a condominium conversion shall request a special inspection from the Building Division for the purpose of identifying any building safety violations. The applicant shall correct all identified safety violations prior to approval of a final map for the condominium conversion. Facts in Support of Finding F -1. A special inspection was completed by the Building Division on August 6, 2013, and no violations were identified. Finding G. Permanent lot stakes and tags shall be installed at all lot corners by a licensed surveyor or civil engineer unless otherwise required by the City Engineer. Facts in Support of Finding G -1. As conditioned, the project will comply with this requirement prior to recordation of the final parcel map. Finding H. For residential conversions, the project shall be consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan, particularly with regard to the balance and dispersion of housing types within the City. Facts in Support of Finding H -1. The project is consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the Land Use Element and other Elements of the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan. The project site is designated as RT (Two -Unit Residential) by the Land Use Element of the General Plan and as RT -D (Two -Unit Residential) by the Coastal Land Use Plan (CLUP). The proposed project is consistent with the RT land use category, which is intended to provide for a range of two- family dwelling units such as duplexes and townhomes. H -2. An existing, remodeled two -unit dwelling rental will be converted into a two -unit condominium project. The residential density on the site will remain the same. 04 -24 -2013 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 4 of 11 Finding 1. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for shall not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Facts in Support of Finding 1 -1. The application of the project conditions will ensure the health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood and the City. 1 -2. The proposed project is to convert an existing, remodeled duplex into two condominiums on property located within the R -2 zoning district. 1 -3. Public improvements will be required of the Applicant per the Municipal Code and the Subdivision Map Act. Tentative Parcel map The Zoning Administrator determined in this case, that the proposed parcel map is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and is approved based on the following findings per Section 19.12.070 (Required Findings for Action on Tentative Maps) of Title 19 (Subdivision Code): Finding: A. The proposed map and the design or improvements of the subdivision are consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan, and with applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this Subdivision Code. Facts in Support of Finding: A -1. The proposed parcel map is for two -unit condominium purposes. The existing duplex was remodeled in 2011 to condominium standards. The residential density on the site (two- units) will remain the same. The proposed subdivision and improvements are consistent with the density of the R -2 Zoning District and the "Two -Unit Residential' General Plan Land Use designation. A -2 The proposed parcel map does not apply to any specific plan area. Finding: B. The site is physically suitable for the type and density of development. Facts in Support of Finding: 04 -24 -2013 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 5 of 11 B -1. The lot is physically suitable for two -unit development because it is regular in shape and has a slope of less than 20 percent. Finding: C. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, the decision making body may nevertheless approve such a subdivision if an environmental impact report was prepared for the project and a finding was made pursuant to Section 21081 of the California Environmental Quality Act that specific economic, social or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the environmental impact report. Facts in Support of Finding: C -1. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it qualifies for a Class 15 categorical exemption pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15315, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act). Under Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions), the division of property in urbanized areas zoned for residential, commercial, or industrial use into four or fewer parcels is exempt when the division is in conformance with the General Plan and zoning, no variances or exceptions are required, all services and access to the proposed parcels to local standards are available, the parcel was not involved in a division of a larger parcel within the previous 2 years, and the parcel does not have an average slope greater than 20 percent. Finding: D. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. Facts in Support of Finding: D -1. The proposed parcel map is for residential condominium purposes. The development will comply with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes, which are in place to prevent serious public health problems. Public improvements will be required of the developer per Section 19.28.010 (General Improvement Requirements) of the Municipal Code and Section 66411 of the Subdivision Map Act. All ordinances of the City and all Conditions of Approval will be complied with. Finding: E. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. In this connection, the decision making body may approve a map if it finds that alternate easements, for access or for use, will be provided and that these easements will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This finding shall apply only to easements of record or to 04 -24 -2013 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 6 of 11 easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction and no authority is hereby granted to the City Council to determine that the public at large has acquired easements for access through or use of property within a subdivision. Facts in Support of Finding: E -1. The design of the development will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of property within the proposed development, because there are no public easements located on the property. Finding: F. That, subject to the detailed provisions of Section 66474.4 of the Subdivision Map Act, if the land is subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 (Williamson Act), the resulting parcels following a subdivision of the land would not be too small to sustain their agricultural use or the subdivision will result in residential development incidental to the commercial agricultural use of the land. Facts in Support of Finding: F -1. The property is not subject to the Williamson Act because the subject property is not designated as an agricultural preserve and is less than 100 acres in area. F -2. The site, which is developed for residential use, lies in a residentially zoned area. Finding: G. That, in the case of a "land project' as defined in Section 11000.5 of the California Business and Professions Code: (1) There is an adopted specific plan for the area to be included within the land project, and (2) the decision making body finds that the proposed land project is consistent with the specific plan for the area. Facts in Support of Finding: G -1. The property is not a "land project' as previously defined in Section 11000.5 of the California Business and Professions Code because the existing subdivision does not contain 50 or more parcels. G -2. The project is not located within a specific plan area. Finding: H. That solar access and passive heating and cooling design requirements have been satisfied in accordance with Sections 66473.1 and 66475.3 of the Subdivision Map Act. Facts in Support of Finding: 04 -24 -2013 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 7 of 11 H -1. The proposed parcel map and improvements are subject to Title 24 of the California Building Code that requires new construction to meet minimum heating and cooling efficiency standards depending on location and climate. The Newport Beach Building Division enforces Title 24 compliance through the plan check and inspection process. The existing duplex was constructed in compliance with Title 24. Finding: The subdivision is consistent with Section 66412.3 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 65584 of the California Government Code regarding the City's share of the regional housing need and that it balances the housing needs of the region against the public service needs of the City's residents and available fiscal and environmental resources. Facts in Support of Finding: 1 -1. The proposed parcel map is consistent with Section 66412.3 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 65584 of the California Government Code regarding the City's share of the regional housing need. The residential density on the site will remain the same, which allows two units in the R -2 Zoning District. Therefore, the parcel map for condominium purposes will not affect the City in meeting its regional housing need. Finding: J. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into the existing sewer system will not result in a violation of existing requirements prescribed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Facts in Support of Finding: J -1. Wastewater discharge into the existing sewer system will remain the same and does not violate Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements. Finding: K. For subdivisions lying partly or wholly within the Coastal Zone, that the subdivision conforms with the certified Local Coastal Program and, where applicable, with public access and recreation policies of Chapter Three of the Coastal Act. Facts in Support of Finding: K -1. The proposed parcel map is for two -unit condominium purposes. The proposed subdivision and improvements are consistent with the Coastal Land Use Plan designation RT -D (Two -Unit Residential). K -2. The subject property is not adjacent to coastal access points therefore, the coastal access and recreation policies do not apply. 04 -24 -2013 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 8 of 11 K -3 Recreation policies contained within Chapter Three of the Coastal Act are not applicable to the subject property. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Parcel Map No. NP2013 -015 and Condominium Conversion No. CC2013 -001 (PA2013 -126), subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. The Condominium Conversion action shall become final and effective fourteen days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 121" DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2013. Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator 04 -24 -2013 14 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Page 9 of 11 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Parcel Map and Condominium Conversion. 3. No more than two- dwelling units shall be permitted on the site. 4. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code or other applicable section or chapter, additional street trees may be required and existing street trees shall be protected in place during construction of the subject project, unless otherwise approved by the General Services Department and the Public Works Department through an encroachment permit or agreement. 5. Two -car parking, including one enclosed garage space and one covered or enclosed parking space, shall be provided on site for each dwelling unit per requirements of the Zoning code. All parking spaces shall be maintained clear of obstructions for the parking of vehicles at all times. 6. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 7. Prior to the recordation of the parcel map, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 8. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Condominium Conversion and Parcel Map including, but not limited to, Condominium Conversion No. CC2013 -001 and Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2013 -015 (PA2013- 126). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount 04 -24 -2013 1,5 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 10 of 11 owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 9. The parcel map shall expire if the map has not been recorded within 24 months of the date of approval, unless an extension is granted by the Planning Director in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.16 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Building Division Conditions 10. The project shall comply with the CRC or CBC 2010 code for construction type, fire rating, egress requirements and sound attenuation. 11. The sprinkler system shall provide a separate riser, one for each dwelling unit. 12. Separate utilities and electrical, mechanical, and plumbing shall be provided for each dwelling unit. 13. Separate forced air units and air conditioning units shall be provided for each dwelling units. Sound attenuation will apply. 14. The dwelling units shall comply with fire separation and sound attenuation requirements. 15. Prior to the recordation of the parcel map, the applicant shall apply for a building permit for description change of the subject project development from "duplex" to "condominium." The development will not be condominiums until this permit is finaled. The building permit for the new construction shall not be finaled until after recordation of the parcel map. Public Works Conditions 16. A parcel map shall be recorded. The map shall be prepared on the California coordinate system (NAD88). Prior to recordation of the map, the surveyor /engineer preparing the map shall submit to the County Surveyor and the City of Newport Beach a digital - graphic file of said map in a manner described in Section 7 -9 -330 and 7 -9 -337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. The map to be submitted to the City of Newport Beach shall comply with the City's CADD Standards. Scanned images will not be accepted. 17. Prior to recordation of the parcel map, the surveyor /engineer preparing the map shall tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in Sections 7 -9 -330 and 7 -9 -337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. Monuments (1- inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set on each lot corner unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project. 04 -24 -2013 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 11 of 11 18. All improvements shall be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 19. Repair damaged concrete curbs along the Avocado Avenue frontage. 20. Each dwelling unit shall be served by its individual water meter and sewer lateral and cleanout. Each water meter and sewer cleanout shall be installed with a traffic -grade box and cover. Water meters and sewer cleanouts shall be located within the public right -of -way. 21. An encroachment permit is required for all work activities within the public right -of -way. 22. All improvements shall comply with the City's sight distance requirement. See City Standard 110 -L and Municipal Code Section 20.30.130. 23. In case of damage done to public improvements surrounding the development site by the private construction, additional reconstruction within the public right -of -way could be required at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. 24. All on -site drainage shall comply with the latest City Water Quality requirements. 25. All above ground improvements shall stay a minimum 5 -foot clear within the alley setback, including planting. Standard concrete driveway shall replace the planter within the 5 -foot alley setback. 26. A Public Works Department encroachment permit inspection is required before the Building Division permit final can be issued. At the time of Public Works Department inspection, if any of the existing public improvements surrounding the site are damaged, new concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, and alley /street pavement will be required and 100 percent paid by the owner. Said determination and the extent of the repair work shall be made at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. 04 -24 -2013 17 12 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 19 20 Attachment No. ZA 3 Site Photos 21 . io a Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 23 24 w L, p w w Q 0 P m 10b- ♦A� I I A!- B'0A ,, em B5 PE#FOMiep p N IW LOLAME IN FFOM SE,BA4K ONLY. 51.LPE O I% MIN. TIP. n6AVA" .. I fPW. urE 11800, 4'0I95,'AA %ERNXEw (rumixRrOAf55e �E10461$MVL 1,P. / N,CN MSVI L] \� 4 Q 11800, 4'0I95,'AA %ERNXEw (rumixRrOAf55e �E10461$MVL 1,P. / N,CN MSVI L] \� 4 Q - - -- - -- - - - - -- TOA I µt% /PEPFOPN,E I DR 4.11, 1G I, IN 1R L] •NII MY. SLGPE ®I% MN, TIP. GIIkFE2:FWP [I] ,eNGAVnng1 �__ 4•B AES, R'R%N MIRK L] Lv] aFPpP. UN, yypE91 %MIN.I)P. 5.4 A� I I 114RP4 YUY 5 �I 1 L]A15 I SITE / GRADING / DRAINAGE PLAN 15^ = P-W A:Lx ACOLISTIC.NOTES SITE NOTES PROJECT NOTES LEGEND BUILD}IIN'`GLCODE SHEET INDEX PROJECT DATA I. A°Pp0'VFDPLdYA¶ EENAMSMAU I. bRADIN6 IS I'RWIGEPcD26,PJNIFAp,ELTLNMYLEM I. /AVEWIN5LLA5FgtIM5FP0¢4T 19, NIMEGWIILN.AMJHELmW MAIFTtfi'R. M BKKaYVLK INFORMATION: BE FFOYIpfD PL01K nE YJNi 6E1NEEN OYEflELAVAIMY . 9b G91LYN05 FL9LI41NY p5 fdlO1R Xp LWFg4W9R wLLLi((A'J, AµWIN50.Y.i OlkNN65. i0 &ABT£ C1 9fEAAV. 1NE FLWRAI9IM1E YPAGnON WnLL P9tENLAVAnOX FlLI, YA.YA®5 EL£4rPlcµ lY4l,flE+bY h -]481, MLNAN- FIM'AALN bb'NSVpX IBbi'NIVDEB116YL1- 1G TLPWGMB OLGfFA,WiY. - R9M �I PROJECT DESCRIPTION- pISrAIGEF III AWN IGN. BMGi. Nm N681N5ILPfJ C0005 M1N .N LEw.MbU. - 3. ALL FfI@IRAYIOI51M0 `PJM1'p MiED ]. PLL FlNrtINSro BE ttlMMVA9IYE. ip MEP. LIRE (%1 IGLN;AbA4NrF - fL R LAE LON9,WLTGNIYIR, iYi£V. Nt C2 Sm.ORA05 PA4nn015 LFftWRLEILINS A55EMBLIA- - 15. UIO.AY pBARR[M i01XTELi MJIX.C'YER SgtIIREAEp� iN (6J7Y.i) pEKl19NFA5nM5,R'LIII@UK1WCi MJV]SifRY SNNT PSIL µfD MM AP!?OYED FLWAA- 9. ALL BYaOMMM1ENR M1NN nL'FWJLRWNL- %(b' F4YX, WN]Pi ]. EDYM CQPMY A4p4 /N I5 PEQXR ®F4R WA'rICV flUG.1 i0 BIR0A15 FANL F115nM Pi FlMWED S.PFA4P L4flE %NID ARNA ®64F/5B NENi RE51 L1fNf 3fAL4M. - LP'WITMWTR F£VIENID AIro MFWVL A< 7 MIMI'r /d) fENLE, LNgT ME,IX VKAMM FRIER iO NISiAWnd N,FRALM�GWKkO ASIA GPAVWI' L51'n LApiLCR. MANS 811XE PALK PMIK9pEPA¢M11f UM:ERA .11;R iWi/]l l:g, ffNLE q6Y SERVICE iO�BNFbROJIL IF.F'IAiAIEp INSWN LOL RRNnIGm 91N0I.� µ5 N1NR4.6R4£ D�R�.L'J$� ®MII'I'/�j GA [SCRIP 9. P1LW610cONOYIn01Gi5,fl1NB MEER 5EPA49RFEF.MIiNUMAYREWPEIIEE%- (S1RGiN5i /U LRAIFJ'1YAYILEHINSiN1fD . flflDp6 IF µy LPr1FFOLL4HH5(gIpI1WGLCLW LEGALDESCRII'TION. FWIILNWA4 EIKROK�IµEMM.'1. 9BIFvrpWi N5iYA1 WM PFLFQ6 ,O REVIEH A'ID AFPMVE fVNFE LGLIp, THIS WLLRpklf2'-0IW BY nff FS PMYAI6RAGE AIO ARLIMbE VENR IOLA,EO M'M9 i1gpE I51p WAR411¢"NAr FIMROMM- 11b`H,GFN19 ?91,4LE.RINIpEKIIriRIaE gALOAK IMR4i0R 5pfI0 AT1EWAVM IXSWN 19 ]ROflGL0.1'w`I AY£b NnWAU I6ry.A,EV FROM nE f£NR°IKKgI OX,A£SNE FlNI MLL BE M- P1IfSI pE4y,Id:p.IFIWE A'9 LNICIH iO EE OW✓"RE,EftALF'BR. ff HMiN RM?F15VATON fLEVATLR AL. ROJFPI/AN LOi]B,iRILr Itl.6B] .Ion%C 51nONBr MYm FRpypD. gr iXE PAU4 YbPK5 LEPPRMNf. CdS,W'rEVRR14435W.f.NAR.t4 AALr6VTm MTIED m53EA Is WA A9 pF.VAnOA'S P6SMM]0/:9 PF(gIDS U'taANSE GFMi'. LA. RESIIIENi SLFEVE Rnmu IB LRMRAL, 1' 3. ea I5EN5118£RNPEVIDY N0 A4RWE J MV +Sry HULK A'FRP/FD RESILIENTM4rERlµ. 4. RN✓IP�SNdRA65 Ar RwP�1T LVE5 fdt Ib. PIL URItt %0.VICf [GPELMAG GWL� F(UIDAi1LN AM 6PMVKflN5. tYAE IF1. 2MI511N4Sfln. RPlS TO BE PENEVED - ;/I�� (EY.Cf('iILN.6A5PIPk5NEEDSpiBE E4O610NC4MFq.fERNBM m` MAOEWRFGFGNO, fiy,L5EH511££YMIKPfii WD URnfT E. NAl1YMALRIMBxb fl%IWES RELU RE EW 6prybEPINIM pD4,( B111EFRpQyTAYMTLRwfl- M'AIXIYS OYfNE'R: 1wwreD) Foo RIf VAVMAMLe_.... IIeREUEw WSE LF %ADMS 1115. ceRECLRn Aw eaetlFlfD PWUt rO A4 sE,R s. ENAMAR & THE %pftlAPES n. IBYWNLPFE &pEVWY. LNIB>M 6YIIfR 'FFfy/pp Np eRADIIb Aim CAPOLnX9 ro TLP LF INNw HEVAnox FM9M &FORFLANREVIm 4. AIR VENIINiIroISN l ANKI1ED P3. ILR A4RWµfP9M bE1SR45ERVIGS 1A Mw1 RNYRE RE"b RMg N9 Of 5R5RHfi PUR iOFWNN5 W1LPIlE. G. YYEINISfGMp nNinC FIRIDeS wADINC5fL1pNS PIG =MO A dfiGfi1 AIR gKiS VKAIED IN S`J.MD A`laflfl^L ES pfPA¢TMEN,. 9mEEi PAY N. RPEQV%MIME F4R OVEefW.AVAnLNA`O Pit01T/G1WN ftRI5115iNLID Ix N11LlE4AL qt Try iLP Lf f14l. ACfp By E£LMMMRN£ `II*mELNED.A11N)1Z%iE£RV- LI1T Al iNE nM WeQ$1PIGi1LN, 9A1D 'RPINSbMGNS aH1AlNM 901L5EN$IN'ER UIIGyRPAY M4ACt CGROIU.pFI. MAQ CALIFLRMA 9]b]9 INOILDN" Ii w4,,, O#N COOKING b. IPE %p4E PLiLnEO ipIXRANRO IN CEngNNngl!14Mnk Ai nE ip VER1PY CQ9456Yf °.OIL Ar E%2RLP' INV MVErsf EEVATGI r/!M1AM45LCP,,']NS WLSTi.E% FAGILITES ANp'BA¶MpOM ICED Ibi OE PMKwgT AWAWS III &1LWW SIZE IFA p15LPEi1gIQilE R&.k WRC5 W.4E4T4R fYLAVATION FRpR i09,LKFILL HO p, If PAFA LF 5111GM4L R@WL£L+ VG - LII.fO/ NFSV WSDIItl 15 CON51PWIFIJ, PGR HXILWPL PK4MIGnLN. ARJI11:R1166PUTEP IIWI µ+%LF P NIbN PoMr M9 RP C%H'LL Ibi BE WYB(1® - .. -ry C-C� g EN nW 150010. B. VIE E I6nG ftnY MflO 15 A9n @A'. IXU +W WN' PROPERTY l ADDRESS. PFgvFD A'&WIHB iIf I.CY14RIYEIMY 1 WWILE IC'YI.AiONR{W19t5 \\ FIAATEq IMO COtiflOMMiM lM15 FOR IFD VINN AY SCNmInF$'.. 1.1\ 5. M.IER4 FIBEN INSAAnON ENAL. E@ T ppApEIFEEv IX XE PMKM4Y PRDIMIib Nq+pAG115 i415nM11'tEV.AMINRLM b' EpUKMOA6PEAifA nVJ1 EILNIY PO%.DS I). FRIpiMYJ.WCE Of NM WMMS PCP^Vi6 l "� 61/)PENOPAINS SNf Ai nIF+nME IN5TN IN 41ST SPPGE5 M A MIM 12' ml Vim 5AN'.IONW Nff INMR- Anxn.DEEPRLL GWINfgKFEtf RRJ•IMRERZHWP+U. nEEY191MB Z PMFO`IDENLROILk ]%MIL ivP " tlTYRRIGL Nm W]AVG"lDO AYERE K"]TE %FEO r WENFILfiA AL PPIMLE6 CEPMfrTNiNWbN.'A031. PA,Gfl,LK 9IWI. EE Ca51PW1HJNaK MFN5 NTBN nB RA'N RI61nM4Y1T NOT `_/y.[i. ♦NUi1GVJR.S W1ML. GEI MK LµIFQLdA 9]bD FLLRR N9 PIPE. P2 UKi PEFIflRAIESA .pgpOypL FpOM bENEyAL EERNLE519 TI5 @nyp1YGN 4T,IE XFW WIVANY 5, WAWRMRW/.i RRMir5PCd4PFD BE pEVIdm F%i LGG51L'IYYMnI LItt /�Ei FIOJR CEILIIL A55EM5LYORWEPE BKH Pf{dq rFj 11E p11Lyly VyliLn[NLMD N+pRppLILryXA1 PAfGp 'PNELSIL4L FML ITILIIf£IAINIS W315.6R<plxi/ LO.MGL IgILY AM NI DY.P4KAEEM (� M.INCALf4AM YNIi PA %ES f NTh£RANE6INE KJgE iO FINAL INyLLMN. WVEL1Ep IHS0111'E%ISnM- CONf.RYE G,WWKLPAnO COhRS,fEw'E IA5 MPgM.Mf PII9Afp AW EMGl1 ®IF IRE Bwdi1, pAIE. Aa✓ 3M10(IWM1 R00R -walxb AS%Mm.rwllxwnwuL. ROPgYgr AEm wrRE,E W?lpt G1FA. RErwbN Nm PaasrxAe. IMWlMMNR A2 Farm KOE4lAWB. AREA SUMMARY: e. GMVF'Gt %ALL Mn+xtxr PRLfsLrc p� Anom[quRN. caRMRS eFSCPE ETAnMS GUnIxz,Mm w. N1. PRlvnrt laRwnox SPRVYJtR RMS b. rfw,Fwl %NroREltvnnox cmnncAlE 10, NLLNroSLAWN9Ix R+Nlc wrmmcF_rur VICINITY MAP tlV CFATAALrvOIR RPMAMMNUl04,IM1A °ARKTgiNPRFA gHALLR4V5fµLE➢Nm Po61nGNFDINA MSTKCQF.EIEOBYALILEtVD kR1kY- FPgI"FP T51R Y411 &'REPJLEp N]£R. q°L61 fR5'`{fLQ'ft IBS.II (gRNFP PEi'Rp q2 AR5LOPD OF dLRYET M4AtER TINT KL N> L.WvE IPRIbATIpI qi ND N9MI,rotO TE 9lI1DYK DEPART- Bi LTibTA'mA¢p U1Pa4Mx5M11E MCLIInCNFLL FY6i P.A"fi wlmcealacOMr RRTR ADZx'uaE %wro Rma Brown wa ae% N'ILEWP M'flLIIW SIUIJ. BE J,9nlilEpro OIE `RfRAr artO iKIVY_IC BSPAANLK ffM M'fSLTOR AFtEP. nE FIasY iIOIMS 96nEFKTVM M'11C bENEP4 YaNCF9 '. r waP rO a mAna WATER QUMM BUT NMm Nm arAr. 3 R ME T. n m 4R o0 TOT R ]441n AD2 MAN'IAC rr�CTIC� 9. GMIPMiLR MIMYE L161Lil FOR pL 19. PPGVILE RPARATE VIIIIiIEB FtlrtENM / LTnAE rpiµ µREINS - Rm. iARMI, lIK s 13'HIM 4. LOMRA410R fO 05ENNNI FiYMDItMk',: Y4FAIE9 FRKRMLµl11K ELA M1NOA- Ulli. M.A N4An '4ni �T 6AVME ]IIM bALbE 191.19 FERWifWM NELIL I'bPK5 PR101ti0 PEa. I. RPNIINE NS/5 A*9 VyE KNXflfi 11Y NN IICRLnW AM SiIGY WAIES PPC i MR KS k.i� a y . FOPHINb AW bFSNE PGRK. FOMifp wIOINE MAPIN"4A'£PANW IMLRR. 4P LgWLY Ydn1 fABIE 14-h A tlht F� .{ IWN➢AlY.1N MN 54fgf55 64A6 E.LLILMES IidA, LQAISS LOI/JbY.4AC AYAaW.Pa.VHfh9'.�{'* -� f S I PO]F C%K )O. 9b1REW.1Li O3. MAVANI265FIRT 011 PJ551%E, 10. 1EMRMNtY GbNN65PFdAREDfLR }}}}}`A,,,,, r lYa g /y 3#., y MORE IN IXPRI INTO M.AFERkMIBRC. GVAIWN YHIGI PLYO<fS iNE NRR4 /y` r 11'g .: 'J y K R� S4} FlIMNJLMNS i0IN 5MCIWE AIIOWAIDIE. W,PCO i0 KY21b Gn O0 TVA �E4fbEPAY ], AISALEpWJNASE DiQE41Ep IMO LAW PoRL PiMAM181.IL YNY p2 AM E%19TM5 °�, �lA� p ���� (iG 1 /.� JNO,3RDFLWNS )p/21B 11...40'S9A]b ]4 %9B %15 =%JBW MICR PGN n$siAR LF 4ALIPoWdA BLAB ARAN LN Fl+ORRtt M I A1N fi16- 9ALNHS FJWAVMI015 NVK5M MARE- 1 llll �� P^ - - fSM.\ wV151d10F INpbMIN 54,E1Y. NFItaM1T AMY.M15 p'w41ER pRMf C4F51R LWYNYRSIIAPf R&.ILVKAOA°f T. �j' _ 'Bf BApC r S44y �Fp SBA FlIMVMf.MNs FRIOR fO YH!NY.E ?'AMLp4lq PElWli. ^ IL FENLE9 N0 m FN LLwSuMl1NHL 11@91E0. E YAr0 9, ' NR0.Y'HFOJR OAYL SIYMI L85E51616D BYA REGISTyNfrJ V \j.�', ' rhAr.� ' I �, SOILS ENGINEER. IN R. .K INtl A`RMI GVL 6MRR °ER WALL =AS e 5 I, a bl0Vb ro Im. S/ GF6EKA nw ,Lcen FaoSw.os 11 FRgAceLOw Fllk -X MILErS PE; tOCE:1a �" p dy b. eJ `p� Ia R1ee5 Aw] wuLB Mmw MPP,W rAR, 4, IrR OP Ear vurtRCUE1+nw+PLAVIS . vm ?wuNwu. fi W Vr pS4 L gO F' Y♦V "'" '99.YIAm MNx Are. A=RrL ly utl5 RiBKYS HMLL Ibi FYGEED 9'0'0.4 NNPER IRWBAMNiFIM11PK5 N0 TIKk5 �� 'Be 5 �L'A 0.W3:.4N.fdNIA VWO MEA%RFD FR'MNA114AL pPApe. IMO w61q:R1igId YM N07¢444 GW0. 19. [gF1RG}I(M IIYJiinLNF @LBL SELnu1 (' /kB4'drYyGyP /Py?L t $IRS „�. n4T1k911 5PL9 AI9 `AIL 1tR'v RAMPS GWLa IDB. ���� / /// ( 4 'Y ORatt ue rO B 1`5 SD2 B, v6N A OMAN N,4% R< ..___.. . ¢v M pmafO AOmmw ow- Is, v1wL aRlnloV ♦ b h 5' °D° sIRR' H41. FlMFlI MICK15lv,MNMH , NN.IFR16An mu, 14. MNIMNN @KRAN@OFI]O4TSOEEb AT N, nE WiiLR fCIfR µ9 RT'lR CLEAIK4T nNi 5, FU14'gVeIroPOJINOY`InN LATGI N1'AWV.>9A'.9PNll Ri.TORFPO- %RVen[IC'1FBIR1YE4iPL.BE1MrA- BA511$AFB pANN lIIC54F Ct8f1A NNIZI, I G'A2`L4WE fl11A'UE ai RB MTYN il@NIeY AW WW.I NASEA TIf TAIL M %My vkL .. IRVPI46RAµ' Mx Aim LOJE0. e. O"m W. nn+ 5R'm FlUm RTH grub lN:CnP =INNWN S1 MM ro P RwL I'Ay. Nn R Rro vlvAUPSE uhL ne BA . Z u NI III 6EV: SAq � yls AT U � 2 �s ® j o d Q I/,I REVISION' j BY I DATF I m mwwY: pdw 4..1 �U {'d I rrI^j O JUB A: MIiGHF. PLOT DATE'. 12/211 � ALTARS SD4 SIR NN PA2013 -126 for CC2013 -001 NP2013 -015 UEI'ABS SD5 BAR 512 and 512'/2 Avocado Avenue �� Richard and Jeanne Mitchell H41. FlMFlI MICK15lv,MNMH , NN.IFR16An mu, 14. MNIMNN @KRAN@OFI]O4TSOEEb AT N, nE WiiLR fCIfR µ9 RT'lR CLEAIK4T nNi 5, FU14'gVeIroPOJINOY`InN LATGI N1'AWV.>9A'.9PNll Ri.TORFPO- %RVen[IC'1FBIR1YE4iPL.BE1MrA- BA511$AFB pANN lIIC54F Ct8f1A NNIZI, I G'A2`L4WE fl11A'UE ai RB MTYN il@NIeY AW WW.I NASEA TIf TAIL M %My vkL .. IRVPI46RAµ' Mx Aim LOJE0. e. O"m W. nn+ 5R'm FlUm RTH grub lN:CnP =INNWN S1 MM ro P RwL I'Ay. Nn R Rro vlvAUPSE uhL ne BA . Z u NI III 6EV: SAq � yls AT U � 2 �s ® j o d Q I/,I REVISION' j BY I DATF I m mwwY: pdw 4..1 �U {'d I rrI^j O JUB A: MIiGHF. PLOT DATE'. 12/211 � ALTARS SD4 SIR NN PA2013 -126 for CC2013 -001 NP2013 -015 UEI'ABS SD5 BAR 512 and 512'/2 Avocado Avenue �� Richard and Jeanne Mitchell Z u NI III 6EV: SAq � yls AT U � 2 �s ® j o d Q I/,I REVISION' j BY I DATF I m mwwY: pdw 4..1 �U {'d I rrI^j O JUB A: MIiGHF. PLOT DATE'. 12/211 � ALTARS SD4 SIR NN PA2013 -126 for CC2013 -001 NP2013 -015 UEI'ABS SD5 BAR 512 and 512'/2 Avocado Avenue �� Richard and Jeanne Mitchell j_____ ------------------------------------ s wpbs tm w 1 -i dl f 1 � ' wpce f I I , ROOF PLAN ROOFDECK ROOF PLAN KEYNOTES p aM a te UM'A' 5 3 M p LILITnI'rp EE3W'AI,p,E NW. .. Ab NGxM1b6WfTM %I3.roI&16W kNIIQGL159$WE'-p'V R _ � rror>xrc LIME rp of 14VN0. _ -_____ \ i � - a4:13 eWle 1 X'1118 K¢O I 1131 -316 I I I I I'� I Y-4' 0• -]• 19V• 1T -3• I I I mICAL AT6AWLE []s wwnRPas WNia4 sp.IneAblu 4'1 3' -p' _ .i s%n1re I f RWF DECK 14KURRAI®�AViI n l� PPq'IceVO'mE'k 61Y.6p.ONYW.LS 1 eeo I� -31a 4 6PAGE P¢Eft 9ipIP9 AmceExnlnncn I2 I] T IT Iz i I � Amc 34Bre mWMTAGdI ww4 Nm pLWE � I •?JI e'wN.ru/.v wprx Ar xAV=avelm. 9'MNrWADH MAT I3'. r m I lYP 4 3D' NI6N WMOIINL, wp6E 4]'N6N61NpvPAA 13 wA,�ctpir TpsE wv. w'wosrvm OI WOTAWANNM. no V 14 � ' IS � i LYER N.ASrtINR ttP. I vaNr•wzA ERPA6®•'3rsrsB IM BIP.Kx 'A' %b'Ai11LALLEb 1,. 1b^+F LPAIN YV PhPFLIYN N vl IB Wru cwrolrr Y N'wsNCaNiEn ® I OLUMEM y` IUKNN51101L4rE5 Pry if appi 14 "i110 A BY.nIR :yT %KT.LL fWEPU6F PLOTDAM 12120005 �MV�E�r&r ]p 'Y•N5N N4SMIL. 63 I CF.aw wDlos• a01 .ry 0 2, HVF IWL DNil3� NER-216 I . IIATIi RDSE — I T I B m 6 %nlre nii 4.L <rb'1¢sx 1 - 15 ROOF s .H 40 3ar ROC 4DBECK -DECK IcFp nsaa d I I O ' Y I I • 6 Al O h h n1e WALL LEGEND 2 Q3 3x4 B wroc. , . I 16W156' AT DN FAU. TIC 3xaew ^pa. I 4 14 I � wvawr �- ,�czr.'e.A's, � T"' ❑ a b5' nb'w5N Ifl �. I I PA4IY YNLL 19 yy W HKM H41 a Apl i 4 I6 VPINILi flPE9WiY5 A10 q ORVT 9iGP5 Ai IL'p'OK. 0ENT000.OW jBb'pL. Ai 0.D4 VOLUME OVER y� FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES I'� .Y.Y 9'i' Y-4' 0• -]• 19V• 1T -3• SF.1L ' mICAL AT6AWLE pW4,3t 4'1 3' -p' _ ro TSwtw.>E plwlce .Q T-1' 4'i' S'-Y � - 14KURRAI®�AViI n l� PPq'IceVO'mE'k 61Y.6p.ONYW.LS 1 ark ' 6PAGE P¢Eft 9ipIP9 QoRrin I2 I] IT Iz au eat � RCIEAQN pLWE pF wAII.AM.E •?JI e'wN.ru/.v wprx Ar xAV=avelm. 9'MNrWADH MAT I3'. NWFpy ENv 4 3D' NI6N WMOIINL, 2 4]'N6N61NpvPAA 13 wA,�ctpir TpsE wv. w'wosrvm 191. N' µPIA IN WP.IIattNLCl. m. 14 sNArnlFFlbpP F n,Ne IS r.[AWbnVwis rL a•• -o• 9 LYER N.ASrtINR ttP. 6 'A' %b'Ai11LALLEb 1,. 1b^+F LPAIN YV PhPFLIYN N vl IB Wru cwrolrr Y N'wsNCaNiEn ® I OLUMEM , IUKNN51101L4rE5 Pry if appi 14 "i110 I. %KT.LL fWEPU6F PLOTDAM 12120005 �MV�E�r&r ]p 'Y•N5N N4SMIL. 63 pLIIF CF.aw wDlos• a01 .ry 0 2, HVF IWL 1� IIATIi — T d'11C <rb'1¢sx 1 - 15 ROOF s .H 3ar ROC 4DBECK -DECK IcFp nsaa d Y I 6 Al O h n PDI n1e . I 16W156' AT DN FAU. TIC I 4 14 I � � T"' ❑ a b5' nb'w5N Ifl �. I I 5 yy W i 4 I6 q 0ENT000.OW M VOLUME OVER y� BEDROOM e MASTER OEDILCOI.1 h __ x �0� 9 rnu v' „„„�, >ZxS �,• C�%J m § <ra•wbN I6 r 16 li Bw r � Y § / 1 ' AIRYENn� xIM I �I H4L ,4• ey b' -]' 44' D' -V 14, 36'-V � IatY V. — THIRD FLOOR PLAN 4 V411= M, .................... s z �Nfn,EEAFB. PoSrs FNp rALVMiS, SF.1L ' mICAL AT6AWLE pW4,3t 1FA,R WPANAIO P.T VNM vv�p�:y N ro TSwtw.>E plwlce .Q wea Pasr.wAYRflEBIUm 14KURRAI®�AViI n l� PPq'IceVO'mE'k 61Y.6p.ONYW.LS AW 6EILINS OP FfCLp°k91p�gIHIP ' 6PAGE P¢Eft 9ipIP9 QoRrin vPxr ' xleru. EwF£LKE au eat � RCIEAQN pLWE pF wAII.AM.E to e'wN.ru/.v wprx Ar xAV=avelm. 9'MNrWADH MAT I3'. NWFpy ENv IZE 3D' NI6N WMOIINL, 2 4]'N6N61NpvPAA 13 wA,�ctpir TpsE wv. w'wosrvm 191. N' µPIA IN WP.IIattNLCl. m. 14 sNArnlFFlbpP F n,Ne IS r.[AWbnVwis rL a•• -o• DMWMBT: pclw LYER N.ASrtINR ttP. 6 'A' %b'Ai11LALLEb 1,. 1b^+F LPAIN YV PhPFLIYN N vl IB Wru cwrolrr 9 N'wsNCaNiEn ® IY19gY SEAT. M'ABG? INI. PLWR 2 IUKNN51101L4rE5 Pry if appi 14 2� vme rocwx wu wA %KT.LL fWEPU6F PLOTDAM 12120005 �MV�E�r&r ]p 'Y•N5N N4SMIL. 63 pLIIF CF.aw 2� LMMRGWAKN6 2, HVF IWL 1� .................... s z Oil SF.1L ' ?ili NA20jy.., SNO. 4 C 694]-4 s vv�p�:y N M n„��m 4 Q S IZE DMWMBT: pclw O� �w O 10M HETCHELL PLOTDAM 12120005 SIiE[1' OF TN- -NT -T QC- c6 q NpQ S p�F N 5 Q, 2. a FRONT ELEVATION (NORTHWEST) v4 ^ =IT" RIGHT SIDE- ELEVATION (SOUTHWEST) v4^ =IV KEYNOTES M F21 wecnsr caera<re Pne_s O4 xArw.i ewu 'Q5 FlxL41GLIR © GBMEY Ai ]9'A9JV' EN61E5i PoEP oe ros wmxiow wrx vACe A�ES>cruo kvvm ix• w.awan �w¢imw 51 nmcw . q��A� RIGHT SIDE- ELEVATION (SOUTHWEST) v4^ =IV � z b, 5 Brsb F96rt 2 m >tiD Fl az 0 6A¢46E JIB 910' -- N4N:P1 LRADE W9' REAR ELEVATION (SOUTHEAST) v4 ° =1' -o° T FMn [01 13 [0] 64 no 0 0 F m bu _ Eftb iiO.bt IONU+` — IW9B' w KEYNOTES ❑ 'AAR IbMFIW ❑F SILY<05161X5 O fFELASPGgCRER PAtFL4 ® Nq,wu. aRAce O FlNISN 6WbE © LW AT24.OB'JVE NIH6i MINI OF FLVF Mil-0N IOb' WPi WNtl: 02 O SIMWD 13. MMMn� M16HTI ttCP Q Ai11L VFNi bu _ Eftb iiO.bt IONU+` — IW9B' w so Attachment No. ZA 5 County Tentative Parcel Map No. 2008 -151 31 �2 9 4. I N 40'34'37" E ------ -- - -- 4L--- - - -- -- — - — AVOCADO AVENUE M M4 existing curb and gutter v,. • X6, 4' existing sidewaik N 40034'37P E 30.00' 199,7 700,76 Im J 41n 41± Existing M Residence ff = W38 11 " 101.39 gff= 101.24 1100.97 0, NO. 2008-151 JUNE 2008 •I PURPOSES Lot 28 Tract No. 682 Corona del Mar 512 and 512 112 Avocado Avenue Corona del Mar Ca 92625 Owner-Developer Mr. anti Mrs. Richard and Jeanne Mitchell Scale 1 "- 20' 32' I I Prepared in the Officleo A� Leonard C. Stiles PLS 5023 cu License Expires 121311201-3 4003N26" W 102.44 existing 6' mater flne IF - — — — — — — — — — — --- — - & 8,, v(;P sewer main on-ceniat Of alley - N 40`3426" E CIL ve se PC ALLEY 2209 Carrie Avenue Orange Ce 92867 714-638-4276 Fax 714-289-4442 E-mail lesfilesgearthlink.riet PA2013-126 for CC2013-001 NP2013-015 512 and 512 V2 Avocado Avenue Richard and Jeanne Mitchell Additional Materials Received Mosher Comments for Items C, 1 and 2 Sept. 12, 2013, Zoning Administrator Agenda Comments Comments submitted by: Jim Mosher ( jimmosherta'�vahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949- 548 -6229) Suggested corrections to passages in italics are shown in �• %^-i* underline format. of August 29, 2013 Page 4, Item No. 6, para he staff report identified the applicant as "Architectural Design & Signs." I am guessing "Applica " was representing "AD /S Companies' rather than "AC /S Companies," so I would suggest changing " ould also guess "Applicant Milton" might have been the "Milton Solomon" listed as a founding partner any history page at http: / /www.ad -s.com /site /history ds.html . Item 1. Mitchell Residence Condominium Conversion (PA2013 -126) Regarding the Draft Resolution (Attachment ZA 1): Section 2. (California Environmental Quality Act Determination): There is a section of the Class 1 CEQA exemption which seems more appropriate to the conversion of an existing structure, namely CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(k): "Division of existing multiple family or single- family residences into common - interest ownership and subdivision of existing commercial or industrial buildings, where no physical changes occur which are not otherwise exempt." 2. Section 3: a. Line 3: "... the following finding findings are set forth:" b. Page 5, Facts in Support of Finding C -1: see CEQA note, above, for more appropriate fact. c. Page 7, Finding K: i. Per the California Supreme Court Case of Pacific Palisades Bowl Mobile Estates, LLC v_ City of Los Angeles, 55 CalAth 783 (2012), any action in the Coastal Zone implicating the Subdivision Map Act is "development' as defined in the Coastal Act. ii. In the absence of a certified Local Coastal Program, the City lacks the authority to determine the consistency of that development with the Coastal Act. 3. Section 4: the draft resolution appears to set an effective date for the "Condominium Conversion action," but by implication not for the Parcel Map action. Is something missing? 4. Exhibit "A" (Conditions of Approval): a. Condition 4 refers to "construction' but the staff report and resolution suggest the proposed action requires no construction, since the units are already built to "condominium standards" (page 4, Fact A -1). Additional Materials Received Mosher Comments for Items C, 1 and 2 September 12, 2013 Zoning Administrator agenda comments - Jim Mosher Page 2 of 2 b. Many of the "Building Division" and "Public Works Division" conditions similarly seem construction related. Are physical improvements required for the applicant to comply with the approval? 2. Sessions Sandwiches - Minor Use Permit (PA2013 -142) 3 of the Draft Resolution (Attachment ZA 1): Finding C: I leased to see the non- conforming parking analysis is performed relative to the actua ruse rather than to what might have been theoretically possible with the zoning. However calculation seems to relate only to the former bike and soon -to -be sandwich shop unit. there additional required spaces for the dry cleaner and upper story occupants, and if so, h o they figure into the total? The applicant's letter (handwritten page 21) implies that 11 is otal number of available spaces, shared by multiple uses, which seems to be confirm the striping plan proposed on Sheet A11 (handwritten page 30). 2. Facts in Support of Finding C -5: "... and does not impede with the p spaces." (or "access to the ") 3. Condition 18: Does the trash enclosure, as well as the dumpster within it, need a cover?