HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 - Acceptance of DUI Enforcement and Awareness Program GrantsCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report Agenda Item No. 16 September 10, 2013 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Police Department Jay R. Johnson, Chief of Police 949 - 644- 3701,JJohnson @nbpd.org APPROVED: Jeff Lu, Lieutenant 949 - 644- 3740..d#;g TITLE: cceptanc&�of 2013/2014 State of California, Office of Traffic Safety, DUI Enforcement and Awareness Program Grants #PT1409 and #SC14284 ABSTRACT: The Police Department seeks acceptance of two grants totaling $358,410, both granted from the State of California, Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to fund a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Enforcement and Awareness Program, traffic safety enforcement, and DUI Sobriety Checkpoints. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Authorize the City Council to accept a $282,910 "Selective Traffic Enforcement Program" (STEP) award granted to the Newport Beach Police Department by the OTS per Council Policies F -3 and F -25. Therefore, to comply with Council Policy F -3, City Council must formally accept the award of $282,910 and create a new appropriation to expend the money. 2. Approve a Budget Amendment increasing Police revenue estimates and expenditure appropriations by $282,910. 3. Authorize the City Council to accept a $75,500 "Sobriety Checkpoint Grant Program" award granted to the Newport Beach Police Department by the OTS per Council Policies F -3 and F -25. Therefore, to comply with Council Policy F -3, City Council must formally accept the award of $75,500 and create a new appropriation to expend the money. 4. Approve a Budget Amendment increasing Police revenue estimates and expenditure appropriations by $75,500. Acceptance of 2013/2014 State of California, Office of Traffic Safety, DUI Enforcement and Awareness Program Grants #PT1409 and #SC14284 September 10, 2013 Page 2 FUNDING AVAILABILITY: The first Budget Amendment records and appropriates $282,910 in additional revenue from the OTS STEP grant and $282,910 in increased expenditure appropriations. The revenue will be posted to the OTS STEP FY 14 account, 127 -492A, and the expenditure appropriations will be posted to the various expenditure accounts in division 1276 of the OTS Fund, according the following breakdown: 1276 -7041 Overtime: Safety $ 255,300 1276 -7425 Medicare Fringes $ 3,769 1276 -8100 Travel & Meetings $ 3,841 1276 -9100 Rolling Equipment $ 20,000 Total FY 14 STEP Grant The second Budget Amendment records and appropriates $75,500 in additional revenue from the OTS Sobriety Checkpoint grant and $75,500 in increased expenditure appropriations. The revenue will be posted to the OTS Sobriety Checkpoint FY 14 account, 127 -4928, and the expenditure appropriations will be posted to the various expenditure accounts in division 1277 of the OTS Fund, according to the following estimated breakdown: 1277 -7041 Overtime: Safety $ 73,900 1277 -7425 Medicare Fringes $ 1,100 1277 -8250 Special Dept Expense, NOC $ 500 Total FY 14 Sobriety Checkpoint Grant DISCUSSION: Background: The City of Newport Beach has been awarded two grants from the State of California, OTS, to increase DUI Enforcement and Awareness and to fund additional traffic safety enforcement, in the City of Newport Beach. Grant number PT1409 ( "Selective Traffic Enforcement Program ") and grant number SC14284 ( "Sobriety Checkpoint Grant Program ") will both become effective October 1, 2013, and expire September 30, 2014. This combined $358,410 in grant funds will pay for overtime costs for officers specifically assigned to DUI enforcement and awareness programs, including six DUI checkpoint operations, additional traffic safety saturation patrols, and the purchase of a new Changeable Message Sign Trailer with Speed Radar. Acceptance of 2013/2014 State of California, Office of Traffic Safety, DUI Enforcement and Awareness Program Grants #PT1409 and #SC14284 September 10, 2013 Page 3 In 2010, the latest OTS statistics available, OTS rated 103 California cities with population in the 50,000 to 100,000 range. At that time Newport Beach ranked as follows: Category Rankin Persons killed or injured in alcohol - involved collisions 6 Total alcohol - involved collisions 1 Alcohol - involved collisions with drivers between the ages of 21 and 34 21 Alcohol - involved collision with drivers under 21 48 The Police Department, in an effort to improve our DUI programs, and to reduce the number of deaths and injuries involving alcohol - related driving, speed, red -light running and other primary collisions factors, applied for and was awarded two OTS grants in the total amount of $358,410, pending approval of the City Council. Both are reimbursable grants, in that funds are repaid after the City incurs the overtime expense. Claims for reimbursement are made quarterly, and payments are processed by the State thereafter. The "Selective Traffic Enforcement Program" grant ($282,910) allows for the funding of overtime associated with 125 DUI saturation patrols, 20 primary collision factor saturation patrols, 5 distracted driving saturation patrols, 3 motorcycle safety saturation patrols, and a Warrant Service operation, Stakeout operation and Court Sting operation, all three of which target multiple or repeat DUI offenders. This STEP grant also provides funding ($20,000.00) for the purchase of a new speed radar trailer, to supplement those already in- service in the City. The "Sobriety Checkpoint Grant Program" grant ($75,500) allows for the funding of overtime associated with six DUI checkpoint operations and $500.00 for the purchase of OTS- approved checkpoint supplies. This year, OTS has, again, separated the "Selective Traffic Enforcement Program" grant funds from the "Sobriety Checkpoint Grant Program" funds and that is the reason for two separate OTS grants for the upcoming FY. Prior to last year, one OTS grant funded both programs. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. 3 Acceptance of 2013/2014 State of California, Office of Traffic Safety, DUI Enforcement and Awareness Program Grants #PT1409 and #SC14284 September 10, 2013 Page 4 NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). Submitted by: (240�'- Jay nso Chid6f of Police Attachments: OTS Award Letter, STEP Grant OTS Award Letter, Sobriety Checkpoint Grant Budget Amendments a STATE. OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY 2208 KAUSEN DRIVE. SUITE 300 ELK GROVE, CA 95758 www.ots.ca.gov (916) 509 -3030 (800) 735 -2929 (TTITDD- Referral) (916) 509 -3055 (FAX) May 16, 2013 Jeff Lu, Lieutenant Newport Beach Police Department 870 Santa Barbara Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Lieutenant Lu: EDMUND G. BROWN JR., GOVERNOR r- „ r A,, C o erne) Or Tl IC MIITT Grant No. PT 1409 Congratulations! Through a competitive process, the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) has tentatively approved your funding request for the proposal titled "Selective Traffic Enforcement Program" in the amount of approximately $282,910.00. Your OTS Coordinator will contact you, to discuss your proposal and explain the Grant Agreement process. It is our goal to have all new grants start no later than October 1, 2013. If approval from a City Council or the Board of Supervisors is required, you should begin that process now. Do not incur grant reimbursable costs prior to the receipt of your official approval packet from OTS or before your grant start date. OTS will initiate a statewide media news release regarding 2014 proposals selected for funding. Your agency should not publically announce this tentative award until the grant agreement is fully negotiated and signed by OTS. Again, congratulations on the success of your proposal. If you have any questions, please contact Julie Schilling, Regional Coordinator, at (916) 509 -3018 or a -mail at julie.schilling @ots.ca.gov. Sincerely, 4'`w(; CHRISTOPHER J. MURPHY Director JS:kn STATE OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF TRAFFIC S"ETY 2208 KAUSEN DRIVE. SURE 300 ELK GROVE. CA 95758 www.ots.ca.gov (918) 509 -3030 (800) 735 -2929 (TTITDD- Relemal) (918) 509 -3055 (FAX) May 24, 20,13 Jeffrey Lu, Lieutenant Newport Beach Police Department 870 Santa Barbara Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Lieutenant Lu: EDMUND G. BROWN JR., GOVERNOR �rf cw urowx1• ornr er rewrn< urrr<♦ Grant No. SC14284 Congratulations! Through a competitive process, the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) has tentatively approved your funding request for the application titled "Sobriety Checkpoint Grant Program" for the amount of $75,500.00. This award includes a maximum of $500.00 for the purchase of OTS- approved checkpoint supplies. The approval is for the operation of six checkpoints in Newport Beach in the period, October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014. The maximum allowed cost per checkpoint is $12,500.00. The University of California Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeT.REC), who is administering the grant funds for OTS, will e-mail a grant contract to the contact listed on the application. Please have the Authorizing Official and any additional individuals authorized to sign claims sign the contract. Send the contract to SafeTREC no later than September 3, 2013. It is our goal to have all new grants start no later than October I, 2013. The SafeTREC will issue you a copy of the signed, fully executed grant contract. If approval from your City Council or Board of Supervisors is required, you should begin that process now. Do not incur costs prior to the date of the signed, fully executed contract from SafeTREC. Again, congratulations on the success of your application. If you have any questions, please contact Shar Rauch, SafeTREC Program Coordinator at (5 10) 643 -1774 or by e-mail at checkpoint@berkelev.edu. Sincerely, A OL CHRISTOPHER J. MURPHY Director CM:kn cc: Shar Rauch City of Newport Beach BUDGET AMENDMENT 2013 -14 EFFECT ON BUDGETARY FUND BALANCE: �X Increase Revenue Estimates X Increase Expenditure Appropriations AND Transfer Budget Appropriations SOURCE: from existing budget appropriations X from additional estimated revenues from unappropriated fund balance EXPLANATION: NO. BA- 14BA -012 AMOUNT: 535e,a1o.00 Increase in Budgetary Fund Balance Decrease in Budgetary Fund Balance Ij No effect on Budgetary Fund Balance This budget amendment is requested to provide for the following: To increase revenue estimates and expenditure appropriations to accept two State of California, Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Grants (PT1409 & SC14284) for increasing DUI Enforcement and Awareness and funding additional traffic safety enforcement. Funds will be used to pay for overtime costs for officers specifically assigned to these programs, related travel & training costs, as well as a new radar trailer for program use. ACCOUNTING ENTRY: BUDGETARY FUND BALANCE Amount Fund Account Description Debit Credit REVENUE ESTIMATES (3601) Fund /Division Account Description 127 492A OTS Grants - FY 14 OTS Selct Traffic Enfrc $282,910.00 127 492B OTS Grants - FY 14 OTS Sobriety Chckpt $75,500.00 EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATIONS (3603) Division Number 1276 Account Number 7041 Division Number 1276 Account Number 7425 Division Number 1276 Account Number 8100 Division Number 1276 Account Number 9100 Division Number 1277 Account Number 7041 Division Number 1277 Account Number 7425 Division Number 1277 Account Number 8250 Signed: anci I e m Signed: 6t mii strative Approval, Description FY14 OTS Select Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Overtime, Safety & 1/2 Time $255,300.00 FY14 OTS Select Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Medicare Fringes $3,769.00 FY14 OTS Select Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Travel & Meetings NOC $3,841.00 FY14 OTS Select Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Rolling Equipment $20,000.00 FY14 OTS Sobriety Checkpoint Program Overtime, Safety & 1/2 Time $73,900.00 FY14 OTS Sobriety Checkpoint Program Medicare Fringes $1,100.00 FY14 OTS Sobriety Checkpoint Program Special Dept Expense, NOC $500.00 Autmatic System Entry. �g /3 in rector Date City Manager at� City Council Approval: City Clerk Date