HomeMy WebLinkAbout18 - Development Agreement 14 - Newport Coast _PA2011-030= CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, City Council Staff Report Agenda Item No. 18 September 10, 2013 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Community Development Department Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Deputy Director 949 - 644 -3297, bwisneski @newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Benjamin M. � ' Assistant Planner APPROVED: TITLE: A u Monitoring Review of Development Agreement No. 14: ewport Coast (PA2011 -030) ABSTRACT: Annual Monitoring Review of Development Agreement No, 14 (Annexation and Development Agreement between the City of Newport Beach, the Irvine Company, and the Irvine Community Development Company concerning the Newport Coast Planned Community and Adjacent Properties). As specified in the Development Agreement, the review shall be conducted by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Find that the applicant has demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of the Development Agreement; and 3) Receive and file an annual report of the Annexation and Development Agreement (Attachment CC 1) FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: There is no fiscal impact related to this item 2 Annual Monitoring Review of Development Agreement No. 14: Newport Coast (PA2011 -030) September 10, 2013 Page 2 DISCUSSION: Introduction In 1988, the Irvine Company and the County entered into a Development Agreement for the development of the Newport Coast Planned Community. One of the provisions required that the Irvine Company prepare an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) to be submitted to the County so that the County could determine that the development was proceeding according to the requirements and provisions of the development agreement. The actual development of Newport Coast did not begin until after the Coastal Commission certified a Second Amendment to the Newport LCP in 1996, and the first AMR was submitted in 1998 for the year 1997. The last AMR was submitted to the County in March 2005 for the year 2004. In March 2006, the County informed the Irvine Company that no further AMRs would be required since all of the obligations required in the agreement had been met. In 2001, the Newport Coast Planned Community was annexed to the City of Newport Beach (City) with the execution of Development Agreement No. 14 (DA) between the City, the Irvine Company, and the Irvine Development Company. Pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 15.45 of the Municipal Code and Section 6.1 (Review For Compliance Following Annexation, Periodic Review) of the DA, an AMR was submitted to the City Council in October 2011 for the years 2002 -2010. The report provided information to determine the following: although the County approved numerous discretionary approvals for the time period, there was not any substantive change to the development density or intensity established in the County certified LCP; all of the obligations required had been met; and some residential and tourist commercial entitlement (approximately 1,000 hotel rooms) allowed under the certified LCP had not yet been developed. On October 25, 2011, the Council found that the owners were in substantial compliance with the terms of the agreement. In 2012, the City requested and received a comprehensive report covering the period of January 1, 2011, through December 31, 2011. The report provided information to determine that, during this period, no substantive changes to the development density or intensity originally approved by the County have occurred. Additionally, no new, fully - improved Planning Areas within the Newport Coast Planned Community were transferred to the jurisdiction of the City. Although the Newport Coast Planned Community is virtually built -out, some residential and tourist commercial entitlements allowed still remain to be developed. For Planning Areas not fully built -out and transferred to the City, the County continues to retain jurisdiction for all discretionary and ministerial permits processed. Additionally, all coastal development permits or waivers continue to be reviewed by the County. This year, a letter was submitted by CAA Planning, Inc. on behalf of the Irvine Company which references the AMR prepared in 2012 for 2011 and confirms there have been no further substantive changes to the development (Attachment CC 1). 2 Annual Monitoring Review of Development Agreement No. 14: Newport Coast (PA2011 -030) September 10, 2013 Page 3 After reviewing the documentation submitted, staff believes that the Irvine Company and the Irvine Community Development Company have complied in good faith with the terms and conditions of the Development Agreement related to the annexation and development of the Newport Coast Planned Community and adjacent properties. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15321 (Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. This section exempts actions by regulatory agencies to enforce or revoke a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement for use issued, adopted, or prescribed by the regulatory agency or enforcement of a law, general rule, standard, or objective, administered or adopted by the regulatory agency. The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). Notice of this hearing was published in the Daily Pilot and the item was shown on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. Submitted by: , Deputy Director Attachments: CC 1: Letter from CAA Planning, Inc. RE: Newport Coast Annual Monitoring Report - Year 2012 3 4 Attachment CC 1 Letter from CAA Planning, Inc. RE: Newport Coast Annual Monitoring Report — Year 2012 15 0 ft CAA PLANNING August 5, 2013 Mr. Benjamin M. Zdeba Assistant Planner Community Development/Planning Division City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Newport Coast Annual Monitoring Report - Year 2012 Dear Mr. 7_deba: OCEIVED 6y COMMUNITY AUG 0 5 2013 n DEVELOPMENT Z G P Op NEyyPW 0 Pursuant to the request by the City of Newport Beach (City) and on behalf of Irvine Company, CAA Planning, Inc. (CAA) respectfully submits this letter response in compliance with the commitment to update the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) for Newport Coast. The 2001 Annexation and Development Agreement between the City and Irvine Company (Development Agreement No. 14) provides for the annual review of the Newport Coast AMR by the City Council. That same 2001 Agreement acknowledges that the County of Orange (County) shall continue to govern the development rights and obligations of Irvine Company following the annexation until the City has a fully certified Local Coastal Program (LCP). There have been no substantive changes to the development density or intensity established in the County certified LCP for the Newport Coast in 2012. All Development Agreement obligations established in the County /Irvine Company Development Agreement have been met as reported to the City in the AMR for the years 2002 -2010. Newport Coast is virtually built -out; however, there remains a small amount of residential and a significant amount of tourist commercial entitlement allowed under the County's certified LCP which has not been developed. Until the City of Newport Beach has a fully certified LCP, the County will retain jurisdiction for all discretionary and ministerial permits processed for the Newport Coast. For reference we have included the 2011 AMR that was approved by the Newport Beach City Council in the fall of 2012. The 2011 AMR included data and information from historic AMRs prepared on behalf of Irvine Company and related documents regarding Irvine Company's responsibilities for the development of Newport Coast as set forth in the original Irvine Coast (Newport Coast) Development Agreement between Irvine Company and the County. The 2011 AMR contained the following sections, exhibits and maps: • Background and Introduction (Section 1) - The statistical summary in this section provides an overview of the development to date. It shows that the current total of approved residential lots and tourist commercial accommodations stands at 2,599 lots and 65 Enterprise, Suite 130 • Aliso Viejo, California 92656 • (949) 581 -2888 - Fax (949) 581 -3599 7 482�i Mr. Ben Zdeba August 5, 2013 Page 2 of 3 1,108 accommodations. A footnote to these numbers states that neither the residential nor the tourist commercial categories are complete. • Discretionary Approvals (Section II) - All discretionary approvals for 2011 are listed. • Community -Wide Information and Planning Area Information (Section III) - The community -wide data provides land use (gross acreage and square footage), population, dwelling unit and employee information for the entire community for 2011. This same statistical information is also provided for individual Planning Areas that experienced changes in 2011. • Development Agreement Obligations (Section M - Irvine Company periodically reported to the County on the status of their compliance with the Exhibit D Obligations contained in the Development Agreement. All Development Agreement obligations established in the County /Irvine Company Development Agreement have been met. A table summarizing the obligations and the date the obligations were met is provided followed by supporting documentation contained in previous AMRs. • Appendix (Section V) -Appendix containing the county AMR Format, Exhibit Wand the statistical Table, 6`h Revised form the LCP, and Exhibit D from the Irvine Coast Development Agreement. 2012 AMR The information below serves to document the discretionary approvals processed and approved by the County of Orange under the Newport Coast LCP during calendar year 2012. January 17, 2012 — Changed Plan CP 110023 Changed Plan CP110023 - The County of Orange Planning Director approved Changed Plan CP110023 to Coastal Development Permit PA980101 documenting the 3m Amendment to the Crystal Cove Promenade Retail Center sign program. October 24, 2012 — Changed Plan CP 120026 Changed Plan CP120026 — The County of Orange Planning Director approved Changed Plan CP120026 to Coastal Development Permit CD89 -27P to replace panel antennas, equipment cabinets, and a GPS antenna and co -ax cables; addition of 3 RRH units, new power protection cabinet and fiber backhaul equipment and cables at the Pelican Hill Resort Maintenance Yard. MA Mr. Ben Zdeba August 5, 2013 Page 3 of 3 Conclusion Based on this level of activity, we respectfully request that this letter report be found adequate under the provisions of our Annexation and Development Agreement with the City for the 2012 calendar year. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Shawna Schaffner Chief Executive Officer c: Dan Miller, Irvine Company Attachment: 2011 Annual Monitoring Report I NEWPORT COAST Annual Monitoring Report Newport Coast Planned Community Year2011 Prepared for: City of Newport Beach Community Development Planning Division Contact: Kimberly Brandt (949) 644 -3228 Submitted by: Irvine Company 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Contact: Dan Miller (949) 720 -2000 Prepared by: CAA Planning, Inc. 65 Enterprise, Suite 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Contact: Shawna Schaffner (949) 581 -2888 Completed: August 2012 10 The Newport Coast 2011 Annual Monitoring Report Contents SectionI — Background ................................................................................. ............................... 1 A. Introduction ................................................................................. ............................... 1 B. Project Description ....................................................................... ..............................1 C. Project Status ............................................................................... ............................... 2 Section II — 2011 Discretionary Approvals ................................................... ............................... 7 Section III - Community -Wide Information .................................................. ............................... 9 Section IV — Development Agreement Obligations .................................... ............................... 14 SectionV — Appendix ................................................................................. ............................... 27 1. 2002 Annual Monitoring Report Format (County of Orange) 2. Exhibit W, Planned Community Development Map (Newport Coast LCP) 3. Planned Community Statistical Table — 6`b Revision (Newport Coast LCP) 4. Exhibit D — Benefits to County and Its Residents (Irvine Coast Development Agreement, County of Orange) ii 11 The Newport Coast 2011 Annual Monitoring Report List of Exhibits Exhibit Planned Community Location Map Residential and Tourist Commercial Planning Areas Planned Community Statistical Summary Aerial Photograph iii 12 Section I — Background A. Introduction Section 6.1 of the Annexation and Development Agreement Between the City of Newport Beach and The Irvine Company and Irvine Community Development Company Concerning the Newport Coast and Adjacent Properties (Agreement), effective August 23, 2001, states the "City Council shall review the Agreement annually ... in order to ascertain the good faith compliance by Owner with the terms of the Agreement... " and "As part of that review, Owner shall submit an annual monitoring review statement describing its actions in compliance with this Agreement..." Pursuant to the City's request the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) which follows for the Newport Coast Planned Community (Newport Coast) covers the period January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 (2011 AMR). Previously, the responsibility for reviewing the Newport Coast AMRs rested with the County of Orange (County) as required by the Irvine Coast (Newport Coast) Development Agreement between the County and The Irvine Company, effective May 23, 1988. All AMRs for the Newport Coast, including the attached 2011 AMR have been prepared in accordance with the Annual Monitoring Report Format (Appendix 1) provided by the County. The first AMR for Newport Coast was prepared for the Year 1997 and was submitted to the County in April of 1998. Following the 1997 AMR submittal, the County Planning and Development Services Department established a baseline AMR file for Newport Coast. Subsequent AMR submittals were required to include only those pages, exhibits, and maps that changed or required updating from previous AMR submittals. Each subsequent year the AMR included an updated statistical summary, a list of discretionary approvals, compilation of community and planning area activity data, an aerial photograph, and reporting the status of compliance with Development Agreement Obligations. An AMR was submitted to the County for review each year from 1997 through 2004. In March of 2006 the County informed Irvine Company that they were no longer required to submit an AMR. On February 23, 2011 the City of Newport Beach requested the preparation of an AMR for Newport Coast covering the years 2002 -2010 which was submitted and subsequently approved by the City Council on October 25, 2011. The 2002 -2010 AMR and the 2011 AMR which follow remains consistent with the format established by County. Initially, the criteria for reporting development activity for Newport Coast was to provide data for the reporting year, and to project the activity through to the end of 2005 and also through to the end of the build -out year which was estimated to be 2010. The build -out year is now estimated to be 2015. B. Project Description All development within the Newport Coast Planned Community is located within both the Coastal Zone as defined in the California Coastal Act of 1976 and the Newport Coast Local Coastal Program, 2nd Amendment (Newport Coast LCP). The Newport Coast LCP is divided into two parts, the Land Use Plan (LUP) and the Implementing Actions Program (IAP). 13 The Newport Coast Planned Community contains 9,493 acres of formerly unincorporated land which is now in the City of Newport Beach. Newport Coast was annexed into the City of Newport Beach in 2001. However, until the City receives certification of an LCP, land use development authority remains with the County. The Planned Community is bordered on the east by unincorporated areas of the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, on the south by Crystal Cove State Park and the City of Laguna Beach and on the west by the Pacific Ocean as shown on the Planned Community Location Map (Exhibit 1). C. Project Status The Newport Coast LCP includes a Planned Community Development Map (Development Map) and a Planned Community Statistical Table (Statistical Table). The Development Map identifies Planning Areas and land uses within the Planned Community and the Statistical Table contains a statistical breakdown for each residential and non - residential Planning Area shown on the Map in terms of maximum and estimated number of dwelling units, resort accommodations, and gross commercial acreage. The Development Map and the Statistical Table are included in the Appendix for reference (Appendix 2 and Appendix 3). The 2011 AMR contains a more detailed and focused version of the Development Map and is identified here as the Newport Coast Residential and Tourist Commercial Planning Areas Map (Exhibit 2). Rather than showing the Planning Areas as vacant land, depicts the Planning Areas as subdivided residential or tourist commercial parcels surrounded open space area. Also, the community names for each planning area are included. The 2011 AMR also contains a modified Statistical Table entitled the Planned Community Statistical Summary (Exhibit 3) that provides an up to date accounting of the approved tentative maps, final maps, and building permits for the Planning Areas shown on the Newport Coast Residential and Tourist Commercial Planning Areas Map (Exhibit 2). Finally, an aerial photograph (June 2012) is provided (Exhibit 4) which shows the Newport Coast and the surrounding communities. The 2011 AMR Planned Community Statistical Summary shows that all residential Planning Areas have been subdivided and have approved Tentative Maps. However, there are approximately 189 residential units for which building permits have not been issued. It also shows that there are 2150 visitor serving accommodations (either hotel or non - individually owned) allowed under the LCP within the Tourist Commercial Planning Areas. Of this number, 700 visitor serving accommodations have been approved for the Marriott Vacation Resort (696 units built) and 408 visitor serving accommodations have been approved and built at the Pelican Hill Resort. There are 1042 visitor- serving accommodations remaining within the Planning Areas designated for Tourist Commercial land use subject to the maximum accommodations allowable for each Planning Area. For the purpose of the 2011 AMR build out of the Newport Coast Planned Community is 2015. 2 14 HARBOUR CHICA Pn9MG670(" OTOM BEACH SANTA ANA NEWPORT COSTA TM�T�b 9} NEWPORT RIDGE PLANNING UNIT u�docir� NEWPORT COAST PLANNING UNIT ALISO CREEK PLANNING UNIT O.&KIE dARUN& MOLLS FOREST NEWPORT BEACH EMERALD SAYJ ; BEACH i SOUTH LAGUNA bqi a i LAGUNA NIGUEL DAHA POINT CAPISTRANO 3 Bidhibl1 PLANNED COMMUNITY NEWPORT COAST PLANNED COMMUNITY AMR 1� nlol w Scale 115 NOT A PART uo w .T vopwess nw. n Ll �i nY,C'T w[E ^M C� cnrs,ucart M^ s *M w.m 'LeI.► VJS<OUMBE «,SN,. 6.7. FA X06 OO6@G f 7 I1 CAA PLANNING �.wvaf coin NR[EVNE56vMn 4A 36 a NOT APART NOT A PART ucurwcaf, wwesES vwa V41A4 <A/8, LEGEND ,'� oe vaomml ❑ Open Sc Newport Coast Residential and Tourist Commercial Planning Areas Exhibit 2 10 A. ceeneeeft 14 I! M14 W IC er,wCti a I vru wpu a ew e a I vw�mo x v.bnwpew. r,m f oeeelbr e due fAY CeNYGw MM �R e v v `eee Iv.la ve.�mw.pmuww. IK. IY. M .A—n 1Y 11 LEGEND ,'� oe vaomml ❑ Open Sc Newport Coast Residential and Tourist Commercial Planning Areas Exhibit 2 10 EXHIBIT 3 PLANNED COMMUNITY STATISTICAL SUMMARY FOR THE 2011 AMR NEWPORT COAST LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM- SECOND AMENDMENT „NUy 0RmESrtN P.n Nms IC. 20.20. U.30 p B. PspnmabbntaNetMl M.lma4pm+M�WUSOI.xrW. Npefen 17 Status as o ' J 0 tam tus ae orT ESTIMATED(T) MAXIMUM(2) DWELLING UNITS ON BUILDING PERMITS LAND USE PLANNING GROSS ACRES GROSS ACRES DWELLING UNITSI DWELLING UNITSI APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS ISSUED OR UNITS CATEGORYICODE AREA NON- COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL ACCOMMODATIONS ACCOMMODATIONS TontaOvo Ma s Final Ma s UNDER CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL: X9NX IA 25.5 - 2B 150 20 28 20 .Rd. IB 133.7 115 140 115 115 115 X9001 Ic 1296 (3) In 970 18.5 150 15S MWnmNA 2A IW.1 (3) 202 ]00 202 MI5 205 MMI= 20 2033 I3) 689 530 Am 688 ew M00iunIM 2c 2812 W3 WS 5W `AI 501 MMiuNM m 100,3 (]) In .75 128 129 120 AIMIImNA 3B 152.5 (3) 291 605 291 231 291 IAMiutNA 6A 232.6 - 200 T86 202 NO 28 AIm= 66 1000 - 100 502 109 108 51 MWi....1. 5 no - 120 300 120 171 135 .A. 6 228 - 0 25 0 0 0 L.xM1 7A 25,0 - 0 18 0 0 0 LwM1 7B 250 0 10 0 0 0 HgNN 1 357 (3) 0] 38A 98 98 N mad— LaaAl. 0 50.6 a 55 76 55 55 35 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL I.VAS IS. 13t 2,600 ;a00 2.600 2R9a 2.381 OPEN SPACERECREAPON: GOLFCOORSEIG ICA 2 &8 RS) 66 RECREATIONIR: G GU?y,Lm Tl. P S IIA 205 MWQy CalrymR.PCBCUN 118 93,5 - - - - - Wy15gg14iIINWtt 121 5773 - - - - - 12O 58,0 120 88,0 20 S`5 RE 289.6 I SlM]I 12F lay U ISEMmmlary AIIN09Nm 12G 35. 2X ]2.5 6 121 96 BCa00ceRuk nOaMtl 1L BO c,,sul COSMIC.ve SMte PoIk l8 2811]0 151 Wino Ct 16 SM0 181 PTA(5VnasS RWimal Pfau, 19 1]30161 lAtuealbn Porttls Mla'ml 208 120 Iola9laa Comm ROxl 30C 90 - - - - - CONSERVATIONIC CelunvNian Pmcgs A.jpbll to 164 IDO lapuw Lamm ROOD 169 1.6 Wn.COal Waanev 21ARI0 1.869.0(6) - - - - - ReTpAsI Pmk (51 21COID TOTAL OPEN SPACE 6 RECREATION T.333 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOURIST 13A 63 V) 666 w (a) I.Im 525 525 532 COMMERCIAUIC US 27.2 ISA (B) 600 I75 175 186 13C 56 17) 31A 700 750 IN 206 206 13D 26 M ]SA 30) 650 132 132 132 13E a60 (2) 13. 150 300 72 72 22 13F 136 (7) lA 22] 200 126 OTAL COMMERCIAL 240 201.1 2,150 2100 1100 1108 1106 ....TOTAL 9H26 211.] 131 260012150 260013160 2.601111,1118 lot 259911,108 j9t IIII. „NUy 0RmESrtN P.n Nms IC. 20.20. U.30 p B. PspnmabbntaNetMl M.lma4pm+M�WUSOI.xrW. Npefen 17 Exhibit 4 Newport Coast Planned Community 12 Section II — 2011 Discretionary Approvals This Section documents all discretionary permits approved by the County of Orange and the City of Newport Beach for 2011 and includes the type of permits approved — i.e., Coastal Development Permit, Changed Plan, Site Development Permit, or Zoning Clearance, a summary of the purpose of the permit issued and the date each was approved. 7 19 Discretionary Approvals 2011 March 16, 2011 — Changed Plan CP100019 Changed Plan CP100019 - The County of Orange Planning Director approved Changed Plan CP100019 to Coastal Development Permit PA050038 documenting the architectural changes originally approved under PA050038. July 1, 2011 — Zoning Clearance SA2011 -016 Zoning Clearance SA2011 -016 —The City of Newport Beach Planning Division Staff issued Zoning Clearance SA2011 -016 (PA2011 -127) documenting that the proposed changes at 7862 East Coast Highway located within the Crystal Cove Promenade Shopping Center were in substantial conformance with the original approving action of the Orange County Planning Commission. The proposed changes consisted of alterations to the suite formerly occupied by the restaurant Sage on the Coast to accommodate the new restaurant Tamarind of London. July 28, 2011 — Changed Plan CP110009 Changed Plan CP110009 — The County of Orange Planning Director approved Changed Plan CP110009 to Coastal Development Permit PA980101 which amended the approved sign program to expand the number and to modify the design parameters of the Primary Tenant Wall Signs (Sign Type #3) and the Directory Sign (Sign Type #8). September 15, 2011— Zoning Clearance SA2011 -020 Zoning Clearance SA2011-020 — The City of Newport Beach Planning Division Staff issued Zoning Clearance SA2011 -020 (PA2011 -160) documenting that the proposed changes at 7972 East Coast Highway located within the Crystal Cove Promenade Shopping Center were in substantial conformance with the original approval action of the Orange County Planning Commission. The proposed changes consisted of alterations to a suite formerly occupied by Red Mango Frozen Yogurt in order to accommodate the new restaurant Bear Flag Fish Company. 0 20 Section III - Community -Wide Information The Community-wide and Planning Area Information Update provides a summary of the changes that occurred for land use (gross acreage and square footage), population, dwelling unit, and employee information for the entire community for 2011. Following the summary, the same statistical information is provided for the individual Planning Areas that were the source for the changes for 2011. Following is a list of the Planning Areas that experienced change in 2011. • Planning Area 4A Crystal Cove • Planning Area 4B Crystal Cove • Planning Area 5 Pacific Ridge 0 21 ATTACHMENTS COMMUNITY -WIDE INFORMATION 2011 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT COMMUNITYIPROJECT NAME: Newport Coast ESTIMATED BUILDOUT YEAR: 2015 B. Residential Population 3,843 1 5,357 1 5,850 C. Dwelling Units /Accommodations AS OF 12131/02 AS OF 12/31111 AT BUILDOUT A. Developed Acres. by Land Use Attached (Including Rental) 513 513 Residential - Detached 785.6 1,439.5 1,632,6 Residential- Attached 242.2 242.2 242.2 Commercial 0.0 10.0 10.0 Commercial Square Footage 0 125.000 125,000 Industrial 0.0 0.0 0.0 Office 0.0 0.0 0.0 Other - Open Space and Recreation 7,407.8 40 7,7.8 7,407.8 Other - Tourist Commercial Resort 10.7 201.3 201.3 TOTAL DEVELOPED ACRESI 8,446.3 1 9,300.8 1 9,493.9 B. Residential Population 3,843 1 5,357 1 5,850 C. Dwelling Units /Accommodations Single - Family Detached 1,195 1,868 2.087 Attached (Including Rental) 513 513 513 Other - Tourist Commercial Resort Accommodations 117 1,104 1,104 TOTAL DWELLING UNITS 1,825 2,381 2,600 TOTAL ACCOMMODATIONS 117 1,104 1,104 D. Employees Commercial ` 0 283 .283 Industrial 0 0 0 Office 0 0 0 Other - Open Space and Recreation 75 75 75 Other - Tourist Commercial Resort ' 50 994 994 TOTAL EMPLOYEES 125 1,352 1,352 Residential population based on 2.25 PPDU Source: CA Dept of Finance and Center for Demographic Research, CSU Fullerton as of June 2001 2 The maximum allowable number of residential units is 2,600. The current number of approved residential units is 2,599 a The maximum allowable number of tourist commercial accommodations is 2,150. The current number of approved tourist commercial accommodations is 1,108 " Employees based on existing count for golf course s Employees based on 0.9 1accommodation Source: General Employment Generation Factors - County of Orange 10 22 ATTACHMENT4 PLANNING AREA INFORMATION 2011 ANNUAL :MONITORING REPORT COMMUNITY /PROJECT NAME: Newport Coast ESTIMATED BUILDOUTYEAR: 2015 PA 4A &. Residential Population' 1 0 1 230 1 457 C. Dwelling Units. AS OF 12/31/02 AS OF 12131/11 AT BUILDOUT- A. Developed Acres by Land Use Attached (lncl.ding Rental) 0 0 Residential - Detached 0!0 119.9_ 237.4 Residential - Attached 0,0 0.0 0.0 Commercial _ 0.0 0.0 _ _ 0.0 _ Commercial Square Footage 0.0 0.0 0.0. Industrial 0.0 0.0. 0.0 .Office 0.0 0.0 0.0 Other - Open Space. and Recreation 0.0 0.0 0.0 Other- Tourist Commercial Resort 0.0 0.0 0:0. TOTAL DEVELOPED ACRESI 0,0 1 119.9 1 237.4 &. Residential Population' 1 0 1 230 1 457 C. Dwelling Units. Single - Family Detached 0 78 203 Attached (lncl.ding Rental) 0 0 0 TOTAL DWELLING UNITSIACCOMMODATIONS1 0 1 78 -203 D. Employees Commercial 0 0 0 Industrial 0 0 0 Office 0 0 0 _ Other- Open Space and Recreation 0_ _ 0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Other - Tourist Commercial' Resort 9 0 0 '0 TOTAL EMPLOYEES 0 0 0 i Residential population based on 2.25 PPDU Source: CA Dept of Finance and Center for Demographic Research, CSU Fullerton as of June 2001 The maximum allowable number of residential units is 2,600. The current number, of approved residential units is 2,599 a Employees based on existing count for golf course 1.Employees based on 0.9 /accommodation 11 2S Eve 0 Ill hfd:4k1Yp[I PLANNING AREA INFORMATION 2011 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT COMMUNITY /PROJECT NAME: Newport Coast ESTIMATED BUILDOUTYEAR: 2015 PA 4B B. Residential Population' 1 0 1 115 1 243 C. Dwelling Units AS OF 12/31/02 AS OF 12/31111 AT BUILDOUT A. Developed Acres by Land Use Attached (Including Rental) 0 0 Residential - Detached 0.0 56.0 100.8 Residential - Attached 0.0 0.0 0.0 Commercial 0.0 0.0 0.0 Commercial Square Footage 0.0 0.0 0.0 Industrial 0.0 0.0 0.0 Office 0.0 0.0 0.0 Other - Open Space and Recreation 0.0 0.0 0.0. Other- Tourist Commercial Resort 0.0 0.0 0.0 TOTAL DEVELOPED ACRESI 0.0 1 56.0 1 106.8 B. Residential Population' 1 0 1 115 1 243 C. Dwelling Units Single - Family Detached 0 51 108 Attached (Including Rental) 0 0 0 TOTAL DWELLING UNITSIACCOMMODATIONS1 0 1 51 1 108 D. Employees Commercial 0 0 0 Industrial 0 0 0 Office 0 0 0 Other - Open Space and Recreation 0 0 0 Other - Tourist Commercial Resort 3 0 0 0 TOTAL EMPLOYEES 0 0 0 ' Residential population based on 2.25 PPDU Source: CA Dept of Finance and Center for Demographic Research, CSU Fullerton as of June 2001 Y The maximum allowable number of residential units is 2,600. The current number of approved residential units is 2,599 s Employees based on existing count for golf course Employees based on 0.9 /accommodation 12 24 ATTACHMENT4 PLANNING AREA INFORMATION 2011 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT COMMUNITY /PROJECT NAME: Newport Coast ESTIMATED BUILDOUT YEAR: 2015 PA 5 B. Residential Population' 1 0 1 297 1 385 C. Dwelling Units AS OF 12/31/02 AS OF 12/31/11 AT BUILDOUT A. Developed Acres by Land Use Attached (Including Rental) 0 0 Residential - Detached 0.0 104.2 135.0 Resitlential - Attached 0.0 0.0 0.0 Commercial 0.0 0.0 0.0 Commercial Square Footage 0 0 0 Industrial 0.0 0.0 0.0 Office 0.0 0,0 0.0 Other - Open Space and Recreation 0.0 0.0 0.0 Other- Tourist Commercial Resort 0.0 0,0 0.0 TOTAL DEVELOPED ACRESI 0.0 1 104.2 1 135.0 B. Residential Population' 1 0 1 297 1 385 C. Dwelling Units Single- Family Detached D 135 171 Attached (Including Rental) 0 0 0 TOTAL DWELLING UNITSIACCOMMODATlONSI 0 1 135 1 171 D. Employees Commercial 2 0 0 0 Industrial 0 0 0 Office 0 0 0 Other- Open Space and Recreation 0 0 0 Other- Tourist Commercial Resort ' 0 0 0 TOTAL EMPLOYEES 0 0 0 Residential population based on 2.25. PPDU Source: CA Dept of Finance and Center for Demographic Research, CSU Fullerton as of June 2001 2 The maximum allowable number of units is 2,600. The current number of approved residential units is 2,599 a Employees based on existing count for golf course Employees based on 0.9 /accommodation 13 215 Section IV — Development Agreement Obligations In 1988 Irvine Company and the County entered into a Development Agreement which required Irvine Company to prepare an AMR for Newport Coast. Exhibit D — Benefits to County and Its Residents (Exhibit D) of the Irvine Coast Development Agreement (Appendix 4) listed the benefits secured by the County as conditions of approval of the Development Agreement. Following is a list of these obligations. • Fire Station • Library • Parks — Irvine Coast Wilderness Open Space • Transportation • Participation in Traffic Signal Fee Program (CARITS /Traffic Signal Fees) • San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor (Fees /Offer of Dedication) • Standby commitment for 1990 Action Plan for South County Road Improvements • Enhanced Circulation Improvements Phasing Plan (San Joaquin Hills Road, Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Coast Drive) • Child Care • Sheriff Substation The obligations listed in Exhibit D were addressed in the inaugural AMR which was prepared for year 1997. Periodically, Irvine Company would include updates addressing the status of compliance with the obligations of outlined in Exhibit D. In addition, Irvine Company included in the AMR the status of park improvements for Newport Coast. Updates to the obligations in Exhibit D were provided to the County by Irvine Company in the AMR for the year 2003 and are reproduced herein. The AMR for the years 2002 -2010 documented the completion of all of the Exhibit D obligations and are reproduced herein. The following table summarizes the Exhibit D obligations and the date of compliance. 14 20 Newport Coast Development Agreement — County of Orange Exhibit D Obligations Obligations Status Date Funding Fire Station - Newport Coast Obligation met Reported 2003 AMR CFD 88 -1 CFD 92 -1 Cash Payment - $250,000 Library Obligation met Reported 1997 AMR Cash Payment - $422,500 Parks — Irvine Coast Wilderness Open Obligation met Reported 1997 AMR 2,666 Acres Space Transportation CFD 88 -1 - Road Fee Programs CFD 01 -1 CARITSITraffic Signal Fees Obligation met Reported 2003 AMR SJHTC Fees Obligation met Reported 2003 AMR SJHTC Offer of Dedication Obligation met Reported 2003 AMR San Joaquin Hills Road Obligation met Reported 2003 AMR - Other Roads Pacific Coast Highway Obligation met Reported 2003 AMR Newport Coast Drive Obligation met Reported 2003 AMR Child Care Obligation met Reported 2003 AMR Cash Payment - $52,000 Sheriff Substation Obligation met Reported 1997 AMR Cash Payment - $392,310 15 27 2003 AMR UPDATE OF OBLIGATIONS — EXHIBIT D IRVINE COAST DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The following information was submitted as part of the year 2003 AMR to provide an update of the obligations listed in Exhibit D of the Irvine Coast Development Agreement. • A letter dated March 19, 2004 from Roberta Marshall, Irvine Community Development Company, to John Buzas, County of Orange, submitting the AMR for the year 2003. The letter also identified the status of road and park improvements within Newport Coast. • A letter dated October 12, 2004 from Roberta Marshall, Irvine Community Develop- ment Company, to Alan Gamson, County of Orange, submitting an update of the obligations listed in Exhibit D. The format for reporting the update is Attachment 9, pages 1 -6 of the County's 2002 Annual Monitoring Report Format (Appendix 1). Also included at the County's request was Attachment 10 which was the Five Year General Plan Review for Development Agreements, also from the County's 2002 Annual Monitoring Report Format. 2002 — 2010 AMR UPDATE OF OBLIGATIONS — EXHIBIT D IRVINE COAST DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The following information is submitted as part of the year 2002 — 2010 AMR to provide an update of the obligations listed in Exhibit D of the Irvine Coast Development Agreement. • The AMR for year 2003 reported that the widening of Newport Coast Drive (formerly Pelican Hills Road) from San Joaquin Hills Road to the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor would begin in mid - September of 2004 and complete in mid - February, 2005. The Notice of Completion for the widening was recorded on March 10, 2006. The completion of the Newport Coast Drive widening represents the last obligation listed under Exhibit D (Item K — Enhanced Circulation Improvements Phasing Plan) of the Irvine Coast Development Agreement. • The last park in Newport Coast, Coastal Peak Park which is located in Planning Area 6, was conveyed to the City of Newport Beach on August 25, 2009. 16 WMA 0 IRVMECDMMUNMY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AsASGimyaf7HE RVMaM@IAW n4arch 19, 2004 John Mizas County of Orange 300 N. Plower St. Santo Ana. CA 92703- 5000 Re: 2003 Annual Nlonitoring Report Dear John: Attached please find the Annual Monitoring Report f'or 2003 (AMR). In addition to the materials presented in (e submittal, Irvine Community Development Company (ICDC) has prepared the following summary of accomplishments for 2003: (1) Newport Coast Drive Widening (SJH Rd. to SJIdTC1— Plans for the widening of "Newport Coast Drive are being finalized. ICDC will submit working drawings to The City, of Newport Beach by the end of this month. Pending approval from the City, we expect to begin constmclion this summer and complete construction in early 2005. (2) Los Trancos View Parks —'f he Los "rrancos View Parks were completed and turned over to Harbors. Beaches and Parks for maintenance. (3) Vista Ridge Road View Park —The Vista Ridge Road View Park was completed and turned over to the Newport Coast Community Association ror maintenance. (4) Crystal Cove — Ocean Garden Park — Ocean Garden Park was completed and turned over to the Crystal Core Community Association (CCCA) for maintenance. (5) Crystal Cove — Reel'Point Entry — "the Reef Point Entry was completed and was turned over to the CCCA in Nlarch 2004. (6) Crystal Cove —Tot Lot on Sidney Bay at Tidelines — The tot lot in PA3B was completed and turned over to the CCCA for maintenance in \•larch 2004. (7) Crystal Cove — Grading and street improvements are on -going in PA4A /413. 81051imne Center Drive, Suite 388. Irvine, California 9261 8-2902 - 19691720-2558 17 29 Mr. John 13uzas March 19, 2004 Page 2 of 2 (8) Pacific Ridae — Grading, street and landscape improvements and the entries /recreation facility are under construction in PA2C and 5. Please extend my appreciation to the County Planning Staff for their assistance in 2003! Sincerely, Roberta Rand Marshall Vice President Attachment cc: Paul Shaver, CAA (w /out att.) is IRVINE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AsubsroiM of 1HE IRVINE COMPANY October 12, 2004 County of Orange Resources & Development Management Dept. Attn: Alan Gamson, Third Floor P.O. Box 4048 Santa Ann, CA 92702 -4048 Re: 2003 Annual Monitoring Report Dear Mr. Garrison: Attached please find the addition information as requested in Jolm Buzas' June 17, 2004 letter to me. Please note that the construction schedule for Newport Coast Drive Widening is as follows: Obtain Construction Permits and CalTraus Encroachment Permit - 8/31/04 Commence Construction — 9/15/04 Construction Complete. — 2/15104 Please let me know if you require additional iofomration. Sincerely, Roberta Rand Marshall Vice President Altaclmtents: (l) Updated Discretionay Approval Summerics (2) Aerial Photo I "= 1,000 scale (3) Attachment 9 and 10 cc: Jolur Buzas (w /out altacluients) 550 Newport Canter Drive, Newport Beach, California 92900.7011 (949) 7202000 19 31 ATTACHMENT 9, PAGE, 1 2002 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT OBLIGATIONS COMMUNITY /PROJECT NAME: Nemuou: faaa planned Communitya fN't rSrfiA3 [b S HAVE EXHIBITS "D" OBLIGATIONS BEEN 6/5/90 F-1 IINIBTT? YES DATE NO Il NOT APPLICABLE WI-IICII FIRE STATION _ #54- Foothill Ranch (formerly #38) _ #57 -Aliso Viejo (formerly #39) #40 -Coto de Caza #42 - Portola Hills #45 -Santo Margarita #47 -Laguna Laurel #49- Bear Brand X #52 - Newport Coast HOW WAS THE FfRE STATION OBLIGATION MET/ Implementation and Security Agreement Security Posted: $ Z5 nn__�_n,____nOn Date Executed:/ 5190 Construction Agreement Security Posted: $ 2,500,000 Per. E Date Executed: 5/90 Community Facilities District(s) Bond issues: $ 166.7M 88 -1 $11.845M 92 -1 Cash/fees paid/subdivision fee agreement: $ 250,1000 - Fire EauIpmen cash payment 20 Bond S2 ATTACFIMENT 9, PAGE 2 2002 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT OBLIGATIONS COMMUNITY /PROJECT NAME: Newport Coast Planned Community iMER HAVE EXHIBITS "D" OBLIGATIONS BEEN MET? YES DATE WHICH LIBRARY: _Saddleback Branch _North Aliso Viejo Branch _Crown Valley Branch _South County Canyons Branch F-1 F1 NO NOT APLICABLE IIOW WAS THE LIBRARY OBLIGATION MBT? Implementation mid Security Agreement Security Posted: $ Date executed: Construction Agreement Security Posted: $ Date executed: Community Facilities Districts) Bond Issues: $ Cash/feestpaid/subdivision fee agreement 21 422,500 (cash paid) Library Payments 3S ,1 34 LEGEND 6 CaYMy OS OMY�etl Q R¢Ypen ■ CamIY OS OXmeE !.._� ■ W�.�1EBBgMn1 41 y'.°" 4� araMrx�s Y_ F s le Newport Coast Planning Communities: County of Orange Open Space ..... wY.aFml..�nrroeuaaawertmuMrlr YM.YmY9.Y.,i.�(yyb ,1 34 ATTACHMENT 9, PAGE A 2002 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT OBLIGATIONS HAVE EXHIBITS "D" OBLIGATIONS BEEN MET? a YES DATE WHICH TRANSPORTATION OBLIGATIONS HAVE BEEN MET? Road Fee Program: CARITS /Traffic Signal Fees SJH'1'C Fees SJHTC- 0f.f0r of Dedication San Joaquin Hills Road Other Roads: Pacific coast Highway Pelican Hill Road (Newport Coast Drive) Traffic Signals: Number required: Number completed Road Improvement: Bond Amt. San Joaquin Hills Road $15,927,176 Pacific Coast Highway $13,679,323 Pelican Hill Road (NCD) $47,480,760 F-1 El NO NOT APPLICABLE HOW WERE THE TRANSPORTATION 013LIGATIONS MET? Implementation and Security Agreement Security Posted;$ (see below) Date executed: Construction Agreement Security Posted: $ Dated executed: Community Facilities Dishict(s) Pond issues 166.7M 88 -1 78.7M o1 -1 Cash/fees paid/subdivision fee agreement Note: EIR 569 - Required widening of Newport Coast Drive (Pelican Hill Road) Sah Joaquin Hills Road and the San Joaquin Hills Transporta Cion Corridor. Con documents have been submitted to the City of Newport Reach for approval. Cons 23 315 ATTACHMENT 9, PAGE 5 2002 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT OBLIGATIONS COMMUNIT'Y/PROIECTNAME: Newp rr cmast Pl -nned Community CHI� HAVE EXHIBITS °D" OBLIGATIONS BEEN MET? Implementation and Security Agreement Security Posted: $ 52,000 Child Care Plan Date executed: 11 / 1 yni Caslilfees paid /subdivision fee Bond No. 087414 released on 2'/5/02 agreement: Child Care YES DATE NO NOT YES DATE NO - NOT APPLICABLE HOW WAS THE CHILD CARE OBLIGATION MET? Implementation and Security Agreement Security Posted: $ 52,000 Child Care Plan Date executed: 11 / 1 yni Caslilfees paid /subdivision fee Bond No. 087414 released on 2'/5/02 agreement: Child Care ag$52,000 HAVE EXHIBITS "D° OBLIGATIONS BEEN MET? F1 YES DATE NO - NOT APPLICABLE HOW WAS THE SHERIFF SUBSTATION OBLIGATION MET? Implementation and Security Agreement Community Facilitics Districts(s) _ Security Posted: $ 392,310 Bond Issued: $ Date executed 6/95 Cash payment of $392,310 (6/95) Bond No. 087413 ($343,875) released on 7/18/95 24 3 (o ATTACUMENT 9, PAGE 6 2002 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT OBLIGATIONS COMMUNITYIPROJECT NAME: Nr.a; o,-r ,L- M,nned CommunLiy HAVE EXHE3ITS "E" MILESTONES AND PHASING CRITERIA BEEN MET? See attached DUs RELEASED: _ CUMULATIVT DUs- NON-RES. SQ. IT: CUMULATIVE SQ.FT: DUs RELEASED CUMULATIVE DUs: NON- RES.SQ.FT: CUMULATIVE SQ.FT: MILESTONE: DUs Released: CUMULATIVE DUs: NON- RES.SQ.FT: CUMULATIVE SQ.FT: (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) WHAT ASSIGNMENTS OF RIGHTS HAVE OCCURRED SINCE THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT EXECUTED: DATE Assignee DUs and/or Square Feet 25 ATTACIiMENT 10 2002 ANNUAL MON.ITO'MG REPORT FIVE YEAR GENERAL PLAN REVIEW FOR DEVELOPMXNT AGREEMENTS COMMUNITY /PROJFCTNAME: Ne rt Cause I! d r as ., +r, The development agreements include a section (typically 5.2) requiring a five -year review ofthe General Plan As it applies to each project. 'I'Im following questions have been prepared to assist you in complying With Ibis requirement. 1. Have them been any amendments to the Orange County General Plan that have occurred since the execution of your Development Agreement which have impacted the approved uses for your property? YES x NO 2. If yes, please specify which General Plan E.ement, the date Urat the amendment was adopted and those issues which you believe are relevant to Question I. MIA 3. Have (here been any amendments to your Development Plan since your Development Agreement was executed? x YES NO 4. If so, please identify these amendments by project number, date and any issues relating to your Development Agreement. Newport Coast Local Coastal Plan - Second Amendment - Certified by Board of Supervisors on December 3, 1996, Resolution No. 96 -861 and Ort�nrin.e No. 096 -3974. (Resulted in the First AraendmenL to the Irvine Coast Development Agreemenbi recorded 99701 974/,2 97. 5. Do you have any suggested modifications to the General Plan based on your review of the General Plan as it applies to your Development Agreement and/or Development Plan? Please be specific. N/A 26 Section V — Appendix 2002 Annual Monitoring Report Format (County of Orange) 2. Exhibit W, Planned Community Development Map (Newport Coast LCP) 3. Planned Community Statistical Table — 6a' Revision (Newport Coast LCP) 4. Exhibit D — Benefits to County and Its Residents (Irvine Coast Development Agreement, County of Orange) 27 39 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, September 10, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. or soon thereafter as the matter shall be heard, a public hearing will be conducted in the Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach will consider the following application: Annual Review of Development Agreement No. 14 (PA2011 -030) - Annual Monitoring Review of Development Agreement No. 14 (Annexation and Development Agreement between the City of Newport Beach, the Irvine Company, and the Irvine Community Development Company concerning the Newport Coast Planned Community and Adjacent Properties). As specified in the Development Agreement, the review shall be conducted by the City Council. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Section 15321 (Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. This section exempts actions by regulatory agencies to enforce or revoke a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement for use issued, adopted, or prescribed by the regulatory agency or enforcement of a law, general rule, standard, or objective, administered or adopted by the regulatory agency. All interested parties may appear and present testimony in regard to this application. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City, at, or prior to, the public hearing. Administrative procedures for appeals are provided in the Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20.64 (Appeals). The application may be continued to a specific future meeting date, and if such an action occurs additional public notice of the continuance will not be provided. Prior to the public hearing the agenda, staff report, and documents may be reviewed at the Community Development Department Permit Center (Bay C -1st Floor), at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California, CA 92660 or at the City of Newport Beach website at www.newportbeachca.00v. Individuals not able to attend the meeting may contact the Planning Division or access the City's website after the meeting to review the action on this application. For questions regarding this public hearing item please contact Benjamin M. Zdeba, Assistant Planner, at (949) 644 -3253, bzdeba(anewportbeachca.gov. Project File No.: PA2011 -030 Zone: PC -52 (Newport Coast) Location: Newport Coast and Adjacent Properties Tmplt: 08/09/2013 Activity No.: DA2012 -002 Applicant: The Irvine Company 0-14 &� Cristal McDonald, Deputy City Clerk City of Newport Beach 1, -3. Rr'-;, [7I`s F[) 7013 SEP 13 hii P: O8 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) r- ) SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County of Los Angeles, I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the notice published. I am a principal clerk of the NEWPORT BEACH /COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on September 29, 1961, case A6214, and June 11, 1963, case A24831, for the City of Costa Mesa, County of Orange, and the State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Saturday, August 31, 2013 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on September 4, 2013 at Los Angeles, California eflw4t� Signature CITY' OF NEWPORT'BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC BEARING NOTICE IS�FEREBY GIVENShabonlTuesday;,September 10 2013 ,at 7:00ip.m,or soon thereaWaSr the matter shall belheard ,a public headng wllllbe.. conducted in the`Council Chambemiath1001�CwiciCenter ,Dbve, Newport . Beach TheC ty Council of tne Cilyof Newport Bead wilT1cdnsider the'following-appl'ication. Annual Revi- ew,ohDevelop_ment Agreement'No. 14,(PA201,1 030)- Ahhual Monitoring Review of Development Agreement No.14(Anhexalion and Development Agreement bet weep,thel,Clty,.ofiNewport`Beach, thellrvine Company, andithe Irvine Community Development Company conceming the Newport Coast Planned Community ; and Adjacent.. ,fo—ppyCounciLpec�ed in'the O�evelopmeneAgreemenl iheitewew,shall be conducted by For Assistant Planne as i(ig t i�pub icheadng ilemm pleaspe contact Bengtamin "M.'Zdeba, 3253, bzdeba new ortbeachca ov. Prbjed,hlblNo.: PA20-030. Zone PC- 52;(NewportCdast) /s /':Cnstal Location: Newpod Coasbadd'Adjaceht'Properties Mc D` one ld, iDeputy Activity No.: DA2012 -002 City. Clerk` ApplfcadtoiTne Irvine Company City ofrNewport:Beach