HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 - Kirkowski Residence Modification - PA2013-152COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 (949) 644 -3200 Fax: (949) 644 -3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT October 10, 2013 Agenda Item No. 3: SUBJECT: Kirkowski Residence Modification - (PA2013 -152) 310 Driftwood Road Modification Permit No. MD2013- 012 APPLICANT: John and Liz Kirkowski PLANNER: Makana Nova, Assistant Planner (949) 644 -3249, mnova @newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN • Zone: R -1 -6,000 (Single Unit Residential) • General Plan: RS -D (Single -Unit Residential Detached) PROJECT SUMMARY A modification permit to allow a second story addition to project 7.2 inches into the required 6 -foot left side setback, in -line with the existing, nonconforming single - family residence at the first floor level. The proposed project is a 1,135- square -foot (37 percent) second floor addition to an existing, nonconforming 3,081- square -foot single - family residence. The structure is nonconforming because the existing residence projects a maximum of 7.2 inches into the required 6 -foot left side setback, 1 -foot 4 inches into the right side setback, and 2 feet 6 inches into the required 25 -foot front setback. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Modification Permit No. MD2013- 012 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 Kirkowski Residence Modification Permit Zoning Administrator October 10, 2013 Page 2 • The subject property is located within the Shore Cliffs single - family community. The community is characterized by a mix of single -story and two -story structures where the adjacent properties are currently two story. The property is 6,946 square feet (approximately 0.16 acres) in area. • The property is currently developed with a 3,081- square -foot nonconforming single - family residence that was constructed in 1951 with additions in 1969 and in 1998 with the approval of Modification Permit No. MD4728. The maximum lot coverage for the property is 5,368 square feet (60 percent). The applicant's proposed addition of 1,135 square feet at the second floor level would create a residence with a total of 4,216 square feet. The result would be a residence that is comparable in size and scale to other dwellings in the neighborhood. • The existing lot and other lots in the subdivision were developed in the early 1950's with side setbacks that are less than the six feet required when the side setbacks were changed for the R -1 -13 (Single Family Residential — B Overlay) Zoning District in 1958. Under the provisions of the former B Overlay District, additions to the principal building were allowed to be constructed to the side setback line in effect at the time the principal building was constructed. Numerous additions in the Shore Cliffs community have been constructed under this standard. This code provision was removed when the Zoning District for the subdivision was changed to R -1 -6,000 in 2010. • The proposed second -story addition consists of three new bedrooms and two new bathrooms located above the existing first -floor level. The additional floor area will not increase the number of dwelling units within the existing residence. • A 7.2 -inch encroachment into the side setback is necessary to build the proposed addition in -line with the existing structure at the first floor level. The encroachment is two- stories -high. The location of the encroachment is a minimum of 28 feet 6 inches back from the street and approximately 44 feet back from the rear property line, which will reduce the visibility of the encroachment from Driftwood Road and adjacent properties to the rear. The 7.2 -inch encroachment at the left side is not significant in relation to the abutting neighbor. • The resulting 5 -foot 4.8 -inch left side setback provides adequate access around the building for emergency personnel. • Section 20.52.050 (Modification Permits) of the Zoning Code allows deviations of 10 percent of the required setback area with the approval of a modification permit. This code section recognizes that relief from specified development standards, including minimal setback projections, may be appropriate when doing so is consistent with TmpIt:07 -18 -13 N Kirkowski Residence Modification Permit Zoning Administrator October 10, 2013 Page 3 the purposes of the Zoning Code and the General Plan, and does not negatively impact the community at large or in the neighborhood of the specified development. • The alternative would be to require the proposed second -story addition to be constructed in compliance with the required 6 -foot side setback, which would result in an off -set from the first floor level and would require additional engineering above and beyond the current scope of work. The only other alternative is to maintain the existing residence in its current condition. • The existing structure is nonconforming because the existing residence projects 2 feet 6 inches into the required 25 -foot front setback, a maximum of 7.2 inches into the left side setback, and a maximum of 1 -foot 4- inches into the right side setback. Pursuant to Section 20.38.040 (Nonconforming Structures) of the Zoning Code, nonconforming structures are limited to a 50 percent addition of the existing gross floor area. The approximate 37 percent addition (1,135 sq. ft.) proposed for the existing residence falls within this limitation and is thus, permitted by right. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project qualifies for a Class 1 (Existing Facilities) categorical exemption per Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act. This exemption includes additions to the existing structure up to 50 percent of the existing floor area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is less and the proposed scope of work is below these limits. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of- way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644 -3200. TmpIt:07 -18 -13 S Prepared by: o^ �� Makana Vova Assistant Planner GR /mkn Attachments TmpIt:07 -18 -13 ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Site Photos ZA 4 Project Plans Kirkowski Residence Modification Permit Zoning Administrator October 10, 2013 Page 4 21 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 w RESOLUTION NO. ZA2013 -0## A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. MD2013 -012 TO ALLOW A SECOND -STORY ADDITION TO ENCROACH 7.2 INCHES INTO THE REQUIRED 6- FOOT SIDE SETBACK OF A SINGLE - FAMILY RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 310 DRIFTWOOD ROAD (PA2013 -152). THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by John and Liz Kirkowski, property owners, with respect to property located at 310 Driftwood Road, and legally described as Lot 27 of Tract 1116, being a subdivision of a portion of Block 95 of the Irvine Subdivision as shown on a map recorded in Book 1 Page 88 of Miscellaneous Records of Orange County, requesting approval of a modification permit. 2. The applicant proposes a modification permit to allow a second story addition to project 7.2 inches into the required 6 -foot side left side setback, consistent with the existing nonconforming single - family residence at the first floor level. The proposed project is a 1,135- square -foot (37 percent) second floor addition to an existing nonconforming 3,081- square -foot single - family residence. The structure is nonconforming because the existing residence projects a maximum of 7.2 inches into the required 6 -foot left side setback, 1 -foot 4 inches into the right side setback, and 2 feet 6 inches into the required 25 -foot front setback. 3. The subject property is located within the Single -Unit Residential (R -1- 6,000) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Single -Unit Residential Detached (RS -D). 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is Single Unit Residential Detached (RSD -A). 5. A public hearing was held on October 10, 2013, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 2 of 8 2. This exemption includes additions to the existing structure up to 50 percent of the existing floor area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is less and the proposed scope of work is below these limits. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.050.E (Required Findings, Modification Permits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC), the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a Modification Permit are set forth: Finding: A. The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The neighborhood is comprised of a development pattern of one- and two -level single - unit dwellings. 2. The proposed addition will result in a residence that is similar in bulk and scale to others in the Shore Cliffs community. Finding: B. The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The lot ranges in width from 40 feet to 75 feet and the Zoning Code requires 6 -foot side setbacks. The lot was permitted to be developed with a single - family residence with a side setback equal to 10 percent of the lot width in 1951, consistent with the Zoning provisions at that time. Therefore, the structure is considered legal nonconforming. 2. Strict application of the side setback standard would not allow the exterior wall of the proposed addition to be supported by the existing building wall and foundation directly below. From a structural standpoint, additional framing and foundation elements would be necessary to properly support the addition in compliance with the required setbacks. The walls and foundation below would need to be reconstructed or replaced, which is a departure from the desired scope of construction. Additions and two -story construction are allowed in the R -1 -6,000 Zoning District and approval of the Modification Permit is necessary to preserve that right without significant added construction and cost to comply with the setback standard. 08 -09 -2013 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 3 of 8 3. The existing and proposed development will comply with the height limit, open volume, and residential design criteria as shown on the proposed plans. Finding: C. The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s) of the property andlor structure, and /or characteristics of the use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The previous Zoning Code allowed additions in the R -1 -13 Zoning District to the side setback line in effect at the time the principal building was constructed. The current Zoning Code does not provide a provision that allows additions in -line with existing nonconforming structures that project into the side setback within the R -1 -6,000 zoning district. 2. Strict application of the setback standard would not allow the exterior wall of the proposed addition to be supported by the existing building wall and foundation directly below. From a structural standpoint, additional framing and foundation elements would be necessary to properly support the addition in compliance with the required setbacks. The walls and foundation below would need to be reconstructed or replaced, which is a departure from the desired scope of construction. Additions and two -story construction are allowed in the R -1 -6,000 Zoning District and approval of the Modification Permit is necessary to preserve that right without significant added construction and cost to comply with the setback standard. Finding: D. There are no alternatives to the Modification Permit that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or to the general public. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. Without this approval, the applicant would be required to design the second -story addition to conform to the 6 -foot side setback requirement, which would involve additional engineering above and beyond the current scope of work. 2. The only other alternative is to maintain the existing residence without constructing the proposed addition. 3. The granting of the Modification Permit would not constitute a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties zoned R -1 -6,000 as it allows the property owner to maintain equity with other homes in the Shore Cliffs Community, where similar additions have occurred. The proposed project is consistent with historic development in the neighborhood. Neighboring homes in the Shore Cliffs Community 08 -09 -2013 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 4 of 8 are non - conforming and many were allowed additions in -line with non - conforming side setbacks pursuant to the previous Zoning Code standards. 4. The granting of the Modification Permit does not relieve the applicant of the requirement to obtain required Building Permits and any corrective work deemed necessary by the Building Official. 5. Strict compliance with the side setback standard given the unique circumstances identified in the facts significantly limits the ability of the property owner to create a two -story home thereby depriving a substantial property right afforded by other R -1- 6,000 lots in the Shore Cliffs community. Finding E. The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change in density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. Fact in Support of Findin 1. The resulting 5 -foot 4.8 -inch setback over a 54 -foot 7 -inch wide portion of the side provides adequate access for emergency personnel since a minimum setback of 5 feet is provided. 2. The spatial relationships between existing development and the adjacent property suggest that the light, air, and privacy of the abutting home and property will not be negatively affected. The proposed addition is approximately 24 feet high at its highest point. The height complies with the 24 -foot height limit for flat roof structures and is well below the 29 -foot height limit for sloped rooflines. 3. The location of the encroachment is a minimum of 28 feet back from the street and approximately 44 feet back from the rear property line, which will reduce the visibility of the encroachment from Driftwood Road and adjacent properties to the rear. 4. The existing development on the property is a single - family residence. As such, there is no change to the density or intensity under the proposed remodel and addition. 5. The approval of this Modification Permit is conditioned such that the applicant is required to obtain all necessary permits in accordance with the Building Code and other applicable Codes. The applicant/owner is required to obtain a building permit. The construction will then be inspected prior to final of building permits. 08 -09 -2013 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 5 of 8 SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Modification Permit No. MD2013 -012 (PA2013 -152), subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2013. Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator 08 -09 -2013 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 6 of 8 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLANNING The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. Modification Permit No. MD2013 -012 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 3. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 4. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Use Permit. 5. The Zoning Administrator may add to or modify the conditions of approval to this Modification Permit or revoke this Modification Permit upon a determination that the operation, which is the subject of this Modification Permit, causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 6. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit "A" shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 7. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Modification Permit file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Modification Permit and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 8. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner or the leasing agent. 9. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise - generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through 08 -09 -2013 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 7 of 8 Friday and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Noise - generating construction activities are not allowed on Sundays or Holidays. 10. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within 24 months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 11. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Kirkowski Residence Modification including, but not limited to, the Modification Permit No. MD2013 -012 (PA2013 -152). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Buildinq Division Conditions 12. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City's Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City - adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. Approval from the Orange County Health Department is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. 13. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the eave projections shall satisfy the requirements of one hour fire resistive construction. 14. A fire sprinkler system to the entire structure shall be provided if the addition and reconstruction exceeds 2000 sq ft and 50 percent of the area of the existing structure. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with this requirement to the satisfaction of the Building Division. Public Works Conditions 15. Prior to final of building permits, the applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit and encroachment agreement for the existing decorative drive approach within the right -of- way. 08 -09 -2013 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Paqe 8 of 8 16. Prior to issuance of building permits, the project plans shall be revised to reflect the installation of a minimum 36 -inch box Lagerstroemia Indica Natchez, or "Crepe Myrtle" street tree along the Driftwood Road frontage. The street tree shall be installed prior to the final of building permits. 17. County Sanitation District fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of any building permits. 08 -09 -2013 7 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 15 10 Attachment No. ZA 3 Site Photos 17 Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 19 20 Z H p Z N m Q Q K Z N pW O Z Nw�ir��7w ON UllU' N- h•Uj�2OZppd NjU FNS NZQ)K WOX�F r a�zwxzwzxw K K -ttU ¢>U'�w WS ¢��a��ozow�rdtt 1.W A<0 p OUp F� ,¢ p � d W� J W¢ m Q? L = p p 0 3: O ¢ Z dz� O N QQ a p O W S K K U� p H� 0 X ¢w 21 w W x0 ¢ 00 K zxr U ¢ } 0 U 0 Z rn H � U Q w U) O U Q ; 0 Lri = w 0i _ Q C..i °� rn w W loc I l;t 10( IAJ is loc I l;t is EE 11) EE t4 EE O j o Q = � � a U 94<q Q W D Q CORONA D MAR C A IFORNIA Z Q W V LO z c0 W "' (n Q U W 0 0� VICINITY MAP DEFERRED SUBMITTALS CODE COMPLIANCE PROJECT DATA PROJECT DESCRIPTION ° THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2010 CBC, CMC, CPC, & CEC, CRC, • 1ST FLOOR INTERIOR REMODEL ( 205 S.F.) O J °161 "Z "e� �; 0: \ `,,�� 4 CAL- GREEN, CALIFORNIA TITLE 24 ACCESSIBILITY REGULATIONS, 2008 TITLE 24 APN: 052 - 201 -13 > W o`er v° oP .� ,jasmine ENERGY REGUATIONS, CITY ORDINANCES, AND STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS • 2ND FLOOR ADDITION (1,135 S.F.) >� ° °' t�q */_"� \ J. Ave ^ AND REGULATIONS TRACT: 1116 O"r rP !� LOT: 27 • 2ND FLOOR BALCONY ADDITIOON (85 S.F.) Q O \ O z �Cy ' % , • ROOF DECK ADDITION (225 S.F.) O da , ZONE: R -1 -6000 i ° % OC CUPANCY: R -3 / U •ROOF DECK ACCESS STAIR ADDITION (68 S.F.) O * .lt �U k r~ Z ��, ,e`O tp O ` v � % CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB NON SPRINKLED 140 1� P�O Lrl1 PROJE 1 1 N� GENERAL NOTES PROJECT DIRECTORY SQUARE FOOTAGES SHEET INDEX W W PROPERTY OWNER: ARCHITECT: EXISTING: PROPOSED: TOTAL: ARCHITECTURAL: JOHN & LIZ KIRKOWSKI ANDRADE ARCHITECTS, INC. 1ST FLOOR: 2,222 S.F. 0 S.F. 2,222 S.F. G.001 COVER SHEET 310 DRIFTWOOD ROAD 2880 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY 2ND FLOOR: 393 S.F. 1,135 S.F. 1,528 S.F. CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 TOTAL: 2,615 S.F. 1,135 S.F. 3,750 S.F. G.002 GENERAL NOTES r/ PHONE: 949 - 715 -7474 W FAX: 949- 715 -7475 GARAGE: 466 S.F. 0 S.F. 466 S.F. A.001 SITE PLAN PLANS SIGNED BY: STANLEY ANDRADE A.002 1 ST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN 0 BALCONY: 0 S.F. 85 S.F. 85 S.F. U A.003 2ND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN ROOF DECK: 0 S.F. 225 S.F. 225 S.F. A.100 SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATION ROOF DECK ACCESS STAIR: 0 S.F. 68 S.F. 68 S.F. A.101 1ST FLOOR PLAN 1ST FLOOR REMODEL: 205 S.F. A.102 2ND FLOOR PLAN A.103 ROOF PLAN LOT COVERAGE: 42% SITE AREA: 6,946 S.F. A.201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS BUILDING AREA: (DRIPLINE & BALCONY) 2,974 S.F. A.202 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ALLOWABLE BLDG AREA: REVISIONS LOT AREA MINUS SETBACKS: 4,072 S.F. A.501 SCHEDULES ALLOWABLE AREA: 1.5 x 4,072= 6,108 S.F. PROPOSED AREA: 4,216 S.F. 1 OF 1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OPEN VOLUME AREA: REQUIRED: .15 x 4,072= 610 S.F. PROVIDED: 26,372 S.F. TOTAL EXISTING STRUCTURE: 3,081 S.F. TOTAL PROPOSED ADDITION: 1,135 S.F. =37% No. C- 018971 DRAWN BY: RH CHECKED BY: SA DATE: 09/10/13 JOB #: 1310 SHEET: G.001 �1 3CN33 N3000M ,9- N6 /• ssd�I�) o ' '�O ten. \ \ 00� N-ivm ONO3 CD e' \ 7 v 7� 7 / � BALCONY L CONY { i� - - _ —> —� - - -_ �4 i a� N —---- - - - - -- 7 / 50, / - - — — — — - — _ -- aoor oNlOns� 28 �/ / - / - / N M. BED El / 7 ❑ ❑ / / n / / V. 4. 7 ROOF BELOW M. CL OS. � X' i/ TRACT N0. 1 11 M. ATH / C / STORY O / DEN CE 3CN3R NNOOOM ,9 ;,3NAIH6 D1d0 N3000M 096'Z / / / / / / / ssv/ io > 7 O NP L D I_ VIE EF =�3.6) 7 El 7 BATH z BATH 1\ 1� G / _______________ N BED BN ua � NI (HALL 7, , 7 > 3N7 U IL I�N� 7 / > > 7 � 1 1 / _ > 7 _ 1 )AN ONO3 d 7 > > s > d_ 4 33 _ adno 7> / 7 I�TOn•38 08 -_- -_ \� > ssdd0 \`CDR /FTW 53� L9C� l 0odd3d0L Z26 � l UD c r� '� \ \6 I r I I j 5.4' 1 4.7' 1 <i -S3ndE I 1 I I 1 I Z I 10 1 II I L �r I I 7 1 /I I I 30N3� N3000M ,9 I 1�1 I > I I� I 1 o ; 1• I 0-) I I> I II z I > I 7 I ;IIAIVn 4.6' ROOF BELOW 7 > 7 7 7 7- '01 1 > ro 7 N > 7 } 7 7 7 �x x� d 33zL 1 rvTddLO wd�d �tg3r > 7 I 7 i ��=75-5- - - -- - -- - > y R =l 75.OpoNV3_13 ssdds 7 d3M3s� / u n > )'inIln 2i311n0 (INV Hi nm „8 ROAD SLC'd v - - - - -- IN HEIGHT 8. ALL STRUCTURES ALLOWED IN FRONT YARD SETBACK ARE LIMITED TO 42" IN HEIGHT AVERAGE GRADE ELEVATION CALCULATION GRADE POINTS AVERAGE GRADE ELEVATION 1Q 14.04 Q2 13.92 14.04 +13.92 +13.52 +14.12= 55.60/4= 13.90 Q3 13.52 ®14.12 SLOPE CALCULATION HIGHEST & LOWEST POINT ®14.12 Q3 13.52 14.12- 13.52= 0.60/56.25= SLOPE 1.06% W bwnzwwfL W�FOLLb Z�z 00xZ0.0Z ywm wWX F°Wd�OLL WON SITE Lo z PLAN NOTES U¢�U' O- 0_•Ujp ZOLLZp7d OjU CV ~N i'ZW SZ— Zw wH �- ZKdll- fGUa >O� -WBWj2 � ''TOda NW'0'�F w W K 1. SUBMIT SEPARATE PLANS, CALCULATIONS AND PERMITS FOR ALL FENCES POOLS AND W l.<m 'O' Z U Q W Z F W a z W w ¢ 0 0 0 a 4 ¢ RETAINING WALLS zzwzz�woa Ow i�m� Oz a oo ww z=oo a 2. THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS TO ANY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM IS PROHIBITED. U a Z NO SOLID WASTE, PETROLEUM BYPRODUCTS, SOIL PARTICULATE, CONSTRUCTION C J WASTE MATERIALS, OR WASTEWATER GENERATED ON CONSTRUCTION SITES OR BY > CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE PLACED, CONVEYED OR DISCHARGED INTO THE U 3 STREET, GUTTER OR STORM DRAIN SYSTEM z U 3. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS BEFORE COMMENCING ANY ~ U v w U) WORK a ti o = =i O = La L6 Q U 4. HOUSE NUMBER WILL BE VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET o a o W c = w rn zo 5. FINISH GRADE AROUND THE NEW STRUCTURE/ ADDITION SHALL BE SLOPED AWAY °D = < o — FROM THE BUILDING FOR DRAINAGE PURPOSES Oo a ¢ Z = co < a < = U U 6. SEPARATE PLANS AND PLAN REVIEW ARE REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING: Q • MASONRY OR CONCRETE FENCES OVER 3' -6" HIGH LU • RETAINING WALLS OVER 4' HEIGHT FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE FOUNDATION TO THE Q TOP OF THE WALL. OR ANY COMBINATION OF RETAINING WALL/ FOUNDATION WITH A � FENCE ABOVE, SUCH THAT THE TOTAL HEIGHT EXCEEDS 4' AS NOTED ABOVE. p Z 7. ALL PROPOSED PLANTING MATERIAL IN PUBLIC RIGHT -OF -WAY SHALL NOT EXCEED 36" Q IN HEIGHT 8. ALL STRUCTURES ALLOWED IN FRONT YARD SETBACK ARE LIMITED TO 42" IN HEIGHT AVERAGE GRADE ELEVATION CALCULATION GRADE POINTS AVERAGE GRADE ELEVATION 1Q 14.04 Q2 13.92 14.04 +13.92 +13.52 +14.12= 55.60/4= 13.90 Q3 13.52 ®14.12 SLOPE CALCULATION HIGHEST & LOWEST POINT ®14.12 Q3 13.52 14.12- 13.52= 0.60/56.25= SLOPE 1.06% W Lo z CN CV 0 1 � U w Oa 0 a C) C J O Lu � LL a O 0 ° o c) U J w U) REVISIONS 0 _ \ \ D R ' F �D J A /VD TF 7-wOO vcP 9a� D R _ L9CZl __ ROAD D Ro.30,890715 - H F \F0 SITE PLAN / DRAWN BY: RH (� CHECKED BY: SA SCALE: 1/8 "= 1' -0" DATE: 09/10/13 JOB #: 1310 SHEET: 0odd�dOL X A.001 Z96 Z l 22 bwn ZwwfL W�F0LL6 Z�Z-0.00xzo.c, f/-0 ZFOciz LLWON D KEYNOTES W -wig,N0� 'wo, =zwz�w�x x�a�- rcv¢ >c�t wwx a z o a5 vw w z ww��za W!.<awzl_Q W wz W 1. EXISTING WALL TO BE REMOVED TYPICAL ¢ W z¢ w¢ p .HT, OxC[h'O�� -OF�O 2~ w W w 2 O G 2. EXISTING WATER HEATER TO BE REMOVED 00 T z m Z 3. EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED 3 � U Z rn H U F Q w Q O n H U) O U Q L6 of °� rn w W z of 04q O Q n z w rn m Q = Q Z = U Q W (E) WIN. (E) DRS. (E) DRS. Q Z Q 2 E LIVING z W O E BED 5 � w U Liz z N W \ Q (� U \� W O - -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � � �. I Q W o0 o Ir o O 0 w oo J (E) KITCHEN LEI ° ® CLOSET 5 w o Q (E) DINING w LL O O w(E) BATH 5 0 O cy U — — — — — — — — — — — (E) DR. _ E HALL �E)LAUNDRY w 2 Z w CC@[ Q E 4 POWDER (Fj pR o UP w Z 0 L on 1 O w W (E) ENTRY ° (E) BED 0 n _O n u LL � u u (E) GARAGE Z x w ° z w � w REVISIONS 1 (E) BATH 5 on z (E) OFFICE (Fj pR w (E) WIN. (E) DRS. (E) DRS. �D ARC� T� v y P 90�nj No. C- 018971 R .3- 1 -20 5 1 ST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN I T9TF PC SCALE: 1/4 " =1 -0 1v WALL LEGEND DRAWN BY: RH CHECKED BY: SA DATE: 09/10/13 EXISTING WALL TO BE DEMOLISHED JOB #: 1310 SHEET: EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN A.002 2s bwnzwwO_' w�FOLLb Z�Z-0.00xzowOZ f/1wFx,Ow,wo -,ON D KEYNOTES -wig,N°= 0� 'wo, =zwz�w�x x�a�- rcv¢ >c�twwx Q�Uw Sa m`n��za w!.<mwzl -Qwwz 1. EXISTING WALL TO BE REMOVED TYPICAL < a z a ,, .H W xCL�O w'~�F�w Q w 2~ w w w 2 O G 2. EXISTING WATER HEATER TO BE REMOVED 00 T z m Z 3. EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED 3 � U Z rn H U F Q w Q O n H U) O U Q L6 D °� rn w LD z of O Q n z w rn m Q = Q Z = U Q LU —I Q z li, Q / I W / LO / z / W CNI / /—J Iii � O U I' W W L Q ! z ---------------- - - - - -- ------------------- - -i -', Q p ° O 3. M U / I I� I Z ll 1 2 BATH 4 �- J I � i (E) Lij DN 0 ` I I I� J (E) LL I ` Z Iv, N BED 4 3 REVISIONS / I I I I 0 I �D ARC� T� v y P 90�nj No. C- 018971 R .3- 1 -20 5 2ND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN zL T9TF Fcp, 0��\ SCALE: 1/4 " =1 -0 1v WALL LEGEND DRAWN BY: RH CHECKED BY: SA DATE: 09/10/13 EXISTING WALL TO BE DEMOLISHED JOB #: 1310 SHEET: EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN A.003 24 38' -3" 1 ST FLOOR PLAN OVERLAY SCALE: 1/4 "= 1' -0" i� cV 0 15' -5" 13' -0" J ROOF DECK OVERLAY SCALE: 1/4 "= 1' -0" I M 11' -9" f 16' -11" (N) ROOF DECK= 225 S.F. (N) ROOF DECK ACCESS STAIRS= J 85 S.F. 1,135 S.F. cV 5' -5" 19' -4" 3' -8" 11' -9" 13' -0" J ROOF DECK OVERLAY SCALE: 1/4 "= 1' -0" I M 11' -9" f 16' -11" I 0 a OP 2ND FLOOR PLAN OVERLAY SCALE: 1/4 "= 1' -0" b wn z w w w w� F O LL b z� z m W m O O x z u w O z f/1w Fx,Ow,Wo -WOm 0MOEEOCZOLLZpnd OU ~ m�� Z w m Z W z 2 W�� ZKQw GUa>O�wWS R'U Np>0y�Fa R' W N30p Z, aF U'WW pw�awz�w ¢wtt zip a m�,Exm d H< ¢aza M¢ : o ¢rcR p K O w 2 CL R O R p F 3 p zwzwm 0R a o0 wm z=oo a U ¢� Z } � U z U F Q w Q O n H U) O U Q Lri of °� rn w W O Q n z w rn of H ZO X 0 m Q = Q Z = U w 0 0 04q z Q W Lo z W N � 0 � cl) Q U W 0 � o a 0> J LU � LL a 00 ° O c) U U) z O H Q J U J Q U w C� Q H O O ILL w Q C� U) REVISIONS A �D AR,D T� v y P 90�nj No. C- 018971 R .3- 1 -20 5 9TF F CAS \FOQ - DRAWN BY: RH CHECKED BY: SA DATE: 09/10/13 JOB #: 1310 SHEET: A.100 215 (N) 2ND FLOOR BALCONY= 85 S.F. J (N) 2ND FLOOR LIVING= 1,135 S.F. 13' -11" 5' -5" 19' -4" I 0 a OP 2ND FLOOR PLAN OVERLAY SCALE: 1/4 "= 1' -0" b wn z w w w w� F O LL b z� z m W m O O x z u w O z f/1w Fx,Ow,Wo -WOm 0MOEEOCZOLLZpnd OU ~ m�� Z w m Z W z 2 W�� ZKQw GUa>O�wWS R'U Np>0y�Fa R' W N30p Z, aF U'WW pw�awz�w ¢wtt zip a m�,Exm d H< ¢aza M¢ : o ¢rcR p K O w 2 CL R O R p F 3 p zwzwm 0R a o0 wm z=oo a U ¢� Z } � U z U F Q w Q O n H U) O U Q Lri of °� rn w W O Q n z w rn of H ZO X 0 m Q = Q Z = U w 0 0 04q z Q W Lo z W N � 0 � cl) Q U W 0 � o a 0> J LU � LL a 00 ° O c) U U) z O H Q J U J Q U w C� Q H O O ILL w Q C� U) REVISIONS A �D AR,D T� v y P 90�nj No. C- 018971 R .3- 1 -20 5 9TF F CAS \FOQ - DRAWN BY: RH CHECKED BY: SA DATE: 09/10/13 JOB #: 1310 SHEET: A.100 215 (E) WIN. (E) DRS. LINE OF (N) BALCONY ABOVE r— — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — LINE OF (N) 2ND FLOOR ADDITION ABOVE 1 ST FLOOR PLAN I SCALE: 1/4 "= 1' -0" T D KEYNOTES 1. LAVATORY 2. TOILET 3. WASHER- PROVIDE CURB AND DRAIN 4. DRYER 5. SHOWER- PROVIDE CURB/ MAX. TEMP. SHALL BE 1200 PROVIDED BY THE USE OF PRESSURE BALANCE OR THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVES/ PROVIDE 70" HIGH NON ABSORBENT WALL ADJACENT TO SHOWER/ WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD IS NOT PERMITTED FOR TILE BACKING @ SHOWER/ WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE CEMENT PLASTER, TILE OR APPROVED EQUAL TO 70" ABOVE DRAIN/ MATERIALS OTHER THAN STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS TO BE MOISTURE RESISTANT 6. TUB- MAX. TEMP. SHALL BE 120° PROVIDED BY THE USE OF PRESSURE BALANCE OR THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVES/ PROVIDE 70" HIGH NON ABSORBENT WALL ADJACENT TO TUB/ ALL GLAZING LESS THAN 60" ABOVE FLOOR SHALL BE SAFETY GLAZING. CBC 2406.6, ITEM 5/ WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD IS NOT PERMITTED FOR TILE BACKING @ TUB/ WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE CEMENT PLASTER, TILE OR APPROVED EQUAL TO 70" ABOVE DRAIN/ MATERIALS OTHER THAN STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS TO BE MOISTURE RESISTANT bwpzwwwwwL� OLLU z� z w W m O O w z w W O z w w� x' O w w w o w W O w wwi O�VIO ZOw ZO70w. wjw ~w��ZW SZW ZSw�� xKdll- wUQ >O�WW= w WpTVI 0<OaOw gdmwv O� Wp'a 0xwm ya� ?' rw W�a p ' w <wwz�p <wazw¢OOo ¢ww ="uwF F3p zKwzx ,pa W Q z 00 ww z=,o a U Q 0 o x rn H U F ¢ '� w O U Q Lri of = w a Q m w 0 ¢ ° 0 m z u 0 X 0 m Q = Q Z U z U) H- U W 2 U Q W Q z Q 7. PROPOSED CHIMNEY EXTENTION 8. TANKLESS WATER HEATER W/ 195,000 BTU RATING 9. CLASS "A" POLYCOAT PRODUCTS WALKING DECK SYSTEM O/ WATER PROOF MEMBRANE- ICC REPORT# ESR -2785/ INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS W 10. 42" HIGH WOOD & GLASS GUARDRAIL N z W � � o cl) a U W 0 C) a 0> J Lu � LL a 00 ° o m U GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL GLAZING IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS MUST BE IDENTIFIED BY A VISIBLE ETCH, AS SAFELY GLAZING 2. PROVIDE LANDINGS @ ALL EXTERIOR OPENINGS PER CRC 3. EXTERIOR LATH: PROVIDE 2 LAYERS OF GRADE D PAPER OVER ALL WOOD BASE SHEETING 4. ALL BEDROOMS, BASEMENTS OR ROOMS USED FOR SLEEPING SHALL HAVE EMERGENCY RESCUE WINDOWS OR DOORS: A. MINIMUM NET CLEAR OPENING OF 5.7 SQUARE FEET B. MINIMUM NET CLEAR OPENING WIDTH OF 20 INCHES C. MINIMUM NET CLEAR HEIGHT OF 24 INCHES D. WINDOWSILL HEIGHT OF NOT MORE THAN 44 INCHES 5. EXTERIOR COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS SHALL BE LISTED COMPONENTS OF THE FIREPLACE, AND INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE FIREPLACE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS 6. FACTORY -BUILT FIREPLACES, CHIMNEYS, AND ALL OTHER COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR LISTING AND MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS 7. DECORATIVE SHROUDS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED AT THE TERMINATION OF FACTORY BUILT CHIMNEYS EXCEPT WHERE SUCH SHROUDS ARE LISTED AND LABELED FOR USE WITH THE SPECIFIC FACTORY -BUILT CHIMNEY SYSTEMS AND ARE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 8. WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS, INCLUDING WOOD SHEATHING, THAT REST ON EXTERIOR FOUNDATION WALLS AND ARE LESS THAN 8" ABOVE EXPOSED EARTH, OR LESS THAN 4" ABOVE HARDSCAPE, SHALL BE OF NATURALLY DURABLE OR PRESSURE - TREATED WOOD 9. THE LOAD RESISTANCE OF GLASS UNDER UNIFORM LOAD SHALL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E1300 WALL LEGEND EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN 1 NEW 2x WOOD STUD WALL Z Q J IZ Of 0 0 J IL U) T_ REVISIONS J. No. C- 018971 DRAWN BY: RH CHECKED BY: SA DATE: 09/10/13 JOB #: 1310 SHEET: A.101 20 32' -4" 2ND FLOOR PLAN I SCALE: 1/4 "= 1' -0" T D KEYNOTES 1. LAVATORY 2. TOILET 3. WASHER- PROVIDE CURB AND DRAIN 4. DRYER 5. SHOWER- PROVIDE CURB/ MAX. TEMP. SHALL BE 1200 PROVIDED BY THE USE OF PRESSURE BALANCE OR THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVES/ PROVIDE 70" HIGH NON ABSORBENT WALL ADJACENT TO SHOWER/ WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD IS NOT PERMITTED FOR TILE BACKING @ SHOWER/ WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE CEMENT PLASTER, TILE OR APPROVED EQUAL TO 70" ABOVE DRAIN/ MATERIALS OTHER THAN STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS TO BE MOISTURE RESISTANT 6. TUB- MAX. TEMP. SHALL BE 120° PROVIDED BY THE USE OF PRESSURE BALANCE OR THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVES/ PROVIDE 70" HIGH NON ABSORBENT WALL ADJACENT TO TUB/ ALL GLAZING LESS THAN 60" ABOVE FLOOR SHALL BE SAFETY GLAZING. CBC 2406.6, ITEM 5/ WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD IS NOT PERMITTED FOR TILE BACKING @ TUB/ WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE CEMENT PLASTER, TILE OR APPROVED EQUAL TO 70" ABOVE DRAIN/ MATERIALS OTHER THAN STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS TO BE MOISTURE RESISTANT bwn ZwwwwwL� 0LL6 Z�zm WmOOwzNwOZ w w� x' O w w w o w W O N wwi O�VIO ZOw ZO70w. Njw ~N��ZW SZW ZSw�� xKdll- wUQ >O�WW= a�0a Sa W�a pw p N3O0wmw No � wUppa ' mxN m ya� ?' rw �w <wwz�p < Owazw¢Oo ¢ww ="uwF F3p zKwzx ,pa w Q z 00 ww z=,o a U Q 0 o = rn H U F ¢ '� w O U Q of = w G m w O Q m z W 0 X 0 m Q = Q Z U z U) H- U W 2 U Q W Q z Q 7. PROPOSED CHIMNEY EXTENTION 8. TANKLESS WATER HEATER W/ 195,000 BTU RATING 9. CLASS "A" POLYCOAT PRODUCTS WALKING DECK SYSTEM O/ WATER PROOF MEMBRANE- ICC REPORT# ESR -2785/ INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS W 10. 42" HIGH WOOD & GLASS GUARDRAIL N z W CNI I � � 0 cl) a U oa 0> J Lu � LL a 00 O 0 m U GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL GLAZING IN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS MUST BE IDENTIFIED BY A VISIBLE ETCH, AS SAFELY GLAZING 2. PROVIDE LANDINGS @ ALL EXTERIOR OPENINGS PER CRC 3. EXTERIOR LATH: PROVIDE 2 LAYERS OF GRADE D PAPER OVER ALL WOOD BASE SHEETING 4. ALL BEDROOMS, BASEMENTS OR ROOMS USED FOR SLEEPING SHALL HAVE EMERGENCY RESCUE WINDOWS OR DOORS: A. MINIMUM NET CLEAR OPENING OF 5.7 SQUARE FEET B. MINIMUM NET CLEAR OPENING WIDTH OF 20 INCHES C. MINIMUM NET CLEAR HEIGHT OF 24 INCHES D. WINDOWSILL HEIGHT OF NOT MORE THAN 44 INCHES 5. EXTERIOR COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS SHALL BE LISTED COMPONENTS OF THE FIREPLACE, AND INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE FIREPLACE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS 6. FACTORY -BUILT FIREPLACES, CHIMNEYS, AND ALL OTHER COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR LISTING AND MANUFACTURER INSTRUCTIONS 7. DECORATIVE SHROUDS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED AT THE TERMINATION OF FACTORY BUILT CHIMNEYS EXCEPT WHERE SUCH SHROUDS ARE LISTED AND LABELED FOR USE WITH THE SPECIFIC FACTORY -BUILT CHIMNEY SYSTEMS AND ARE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 8. WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS, INCLUDING WOOD SHEATHING, THAT REST ON EXTERIOR FOUNDATION WALLS AND ARE LESS THAN 8" ABOVE EXPOSED EARTH, OR LESS THAN 4" ABOVE HARDSCAPE, SHALL BE OF NATURALLY DURABLE OR PRESSURE - TREATED WOOD 9. THE LOAD RESISTANCE OF GLASS UNDER UNIFORM LOAD SHALL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E1300 WALL LEGEND EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN 1 NEW 2x WOOD STUD WALL Z Q J IZ ry 0 0 J IL 0 z N REVISIONS A J. No. C- 018971 DRAWN BY: RH CHECKED BY: SA DATE: 09/10/13 JOB #: 1310 SHEET: A.102 27 b wn ZwwfL W�FOLLb Zm �w� z� =U' O -d• W mp OOdz x�Z Opz ow7. W d c, m °w } KEYNOTES w F2W22w jU 'woll Q>O�wx a z ° a Gw w a W03:0001, W . < m lQ W z 1. EXISTING FLAT CONC. TILE ROOFING < W z � w p KO w2C[�Uw�pF3p z w F 0a w>.2 z 2. CLASS A FLAT CONC. TILE ROOFING: (TO MATCH EXISTING) ` 0 ° T z = � ° a • EAGLE ROOFIN Z • WEATHERED COPPER • ICC REPORT # ESR -1900 > • INSTALLATION OF ROOFING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 0 U 3 MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS z U 3. 42" HIGH WOOD & GLASS GUARDRAIL ~ v v w a ti U) o = _ 4. EXISTING CHIMNEY x w L6 � U a °� rn w W 5. PROPOSED CHIMNEY EXTENSION ? z < U iC 0 (N) 6. NEW ROOF PITCH TO MATCH EXISTING a ¢ Z = N BALCONY BELOW < a 10 U 7. CLASS "A" POLYCOAT PRODUCTS WALKING DECK SYSTEM O/ WATER _ PROOF MEMBRANE- ICC REPORT# ESR -2785/ INSTALLATION SHALL Q — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS W -------------------- - - - - -- -I 8. NEW CRICKET SLOPE 1 /4 "PER FT Q I 0-1 / I 9. CLASS A BUILT -UP COMPOSITION ROOFING: 0 • MANUFACTURER- SIPLAST z • ICC REPORT # ESR -1713 SA 4 1/2:12 �\ • INSTALLATION OF ROOFING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 10 I I MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS / I 10. EAVE OVERHANG TO MATCH EXISTING (TYP) / I I / �W9 / 5 ❑ x41/2:12 41/2:1 2 LO � GENERAL NOTES Z CN 4 1/2:12 I Z Q� W I 1. PROVIDE 26 GA GI VALLEY FLASHING I I 2. PROVIDE GUTTERS @ EAVE W/ DOWNSPOUTS CONNECTED TO J/ GROUND DRAINAGE SYSTEM V, O t.J 3 �'�" I 0 Q / I C 0 J �(b v W rb eo Q Z� N' c l) 9 (N) ROOF DECK ® Z o O 4 /2:12 0/ �� �o O / 3 -4 Q' c, y) 4 1/2:12 CJ 3 / -- c� U / � I I - - -T o / 9 13' -0" 4 1/2:12 41/2:12 (N) RIDGE IZ a cw7 4 >12:12 /,� 4 1/2:12 ILL l i 4 1/2:12 2 �R 1 41/2.1? �3 E - -T1 41/2: 12 4 O 36G�NC. / �e 4112.12MM / w V / o 10 / / z w 1`e sr 4 1/2:12 411 2 j2 / z p, F� REVISIONS 4 1/2:12 J 41 /nn2:12 jy /�� IN I I \G � �D ARC� /T� v y P 90�nj No. C- 018971 R .3- 1 -20 5 ROOF PLAN IQ 9TF F SCALE: 1/4"= 1/4 "= 1' -0" 1\T DRAWN BY: RH CHECKED BY: SA DATE: 09/10/13 JOB #: 1310 SHEET: A.103 22 - v�-- - -10 -- - - - -- 42.90 29' MAX. RIDGE HT. _ 37.90 24' MAX. HT _ (N) TOP OF GUARDRAIL 12 r 41/2 (N) TOP OF SHTG. 711 — — (E) PLATE HT. I D KEYNOTES 1. EXISTING FLAT CONC. TILE ROOFING 2. CLASS A FLAT CONC. TILE ROOFING: (TO MATCH EXISTING) • EAGLE ROOFIN •WEATHERED COPPER • ICC REPORT # ESR -1900 • INSTALLATION OF ROOFING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS 3. EXISTING CHIMNEY 4. PROPOSED CHIMNEY EXTENSION 5. NEW ROOF PITCH TO MATCH EXISTING 6. NEW EXTERIOR STUCCO O/ APPROVED BUILDING PAPER TO MATCH EXISTING 7. NEW EAVE /FASCIA DETAIL TO MATCH EXISTING 8. NEW METAL CLAD DOORS AND WINDOWS TO MATCH EXISTING 9. NEW DOOR AND WINDOW TRIM TO MATCH EXISING 10. NEW 42 "HIGH WOOD AND GLASS GUARDRAIL 11. NEW PAINTED 26 GA GI GUTTERS @ EAVE W/ DOWNSPOUTS CONNECTED TO GROUND DRAINAGE SYSTEM TO MATCH EXISTING b wn Zw WO-'0-w1L OLLU Z�Z- Wm00=zNwOZ ww xFOWd'wo -WON Uwi O�VIO ZOw ZO7d NjU ~N� � xKdll -fGU Q>O�wWS a�0a Sa mwNO�wUppa ' mxN m ya� ?' rw ,W<m �w <wwz�p <W�a O¢aza¢Oo w Q ¢wrc pKOw="uwW P3:0 zwzm, 0a wr�m z 00 wm z=,o a U 6 _ � o x rn H � U U U ^ rri U = Q In Lri of Q w m w O a m z W z of a o a z U z U) H- U LU 2 U Q LU Q z Q u� N uj 8 9 — — — — — (E) TOP SHTG. - Lo (E) PLATE HT. (V 0000 LLI 0000 cl) < 0000 LLI0a D D D D ------------- - - - - -- ° (E) TOP OF SLAB O 1_3.90 AVERAGE O J ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- w GENERAL NOTES ° NORTH ELEVATION ® `� z SCALE: 1/4 "= V -0" 1. PROVIDE 26 GA GI VALLEY FLASHING Q ON 2. PROVIDE PAINTED 26 GA GI GUTTERS @ EAVE W/ DOWNSPOUTS O LJ_ CONNECTED TO GROUND DRAINAGE SYSTEM _ fO 3. WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS, INCLUDING WOOD SHEATHING, THAT U REST ON EXTERIOR FOUNDATION WALLS AND ARE LESS THAN 8" ABOVE EXPOSED EARTH, OR LESS THAN 4" ABOVE HARDSCAPE, SHALL BE OF NATURALLY DURABLE OR PRESSURE - TREATED WOOD © �� _____© _ _____ ' ______ m • ' (N) TOP OF GUARDRAIL v /■ ���■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■� I ■ ■ ■■■■■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■� \, _ // G�/ GI■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ \�_ OP OF SHTG _ / ���/ ��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■■■■ ■■mii�- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -� Om m 0 n� WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4 "= V -0" I (E) TOP OF SHTG. (E) PLATE HT. — — — — (E) TOP OF SLAB K 42.90 29' MAX. RIDGE HT. M N 1_3.90 AVERAGE GRADE POINT Z Q w J W Of 0 ry W H X W REVISIONS 0 0 0 0 J. No. C- 018971 DRAWN BY: RH CHECKED BY: SA DATE: 09/10/13 JOB #: 1310 SHEET: A.201 ::�9 -------------------------------------------- (N) TOP OF GUARDRAIL 2 ro 12 (E) TOP OF SHTG. 4 1/2 (E) PLATE HT. 11 7 x- -- -- -- -- - -- --- — — — 4 42.90 29' MAX. RIDGE HT. --------------------------------- - - - - -- -37.90 24' MAX. HT. (E) PLATE HT. I D KEYNOTES 1. EXISTING FLAT CONC. TILE ROOFING 2. CLASS A FLAT CONC. TILE ROOFING: (TO MATCH EXISTING) • EAGLE ROOFIN •WEATHERED COPPER • ICC REPORT # ESR -1900 • INSTALLATION OF ROOFING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS 3. EXISTING CHIMNEY 4. PROPOSED CHIMNEY EXTENSION 5. NEW ROOF PITCH TO MATCH EXISTING 6. NEW EXTERIOR STUCCO O/ APPROVED BUILDING PAPER TO MATCH EXISTING 7. NEW EAVE /FASCIA DETAIL TO MATCH EXISTING 8. NEW METAL CLAD DOORS AND WINDOWS TO MATCH EXISTING 9. NEW DOOR AND WINDOW TRIM TO MATCH EXISING 10. NEW 42 "HIGH WOOD AND GLASS GUARDRAIL 11. NEW PAINTED 26 GA GI GUTTERS @ EAVE W/ DOWNSPOUTS CONNECTED TO GROUND DRAINAGE SYSTEM TO MATCH EXISTING b N p Z w w a a W� F O LL U Z�ZNwm00xzNwOZ -0 ciz f/1WFZFO waa O w WON U¢xU' O -d•Ujp ZOLLZp7d Njw ~ N�� Z W S Z W Z S W�� xKdll- aUa >O�wWx a�0a Sa W�a p �w apa Na< zO O a w N w NO < wU p 'a 0F x 'a yyw � U' W w aww z�p < 0 ao0 'Zx' x rcpa�P3 ZKw0 2 00 w zw,o a T w U a _ � o x rn H U F ¢ '� w O = �_ x U Q Lri of F- w a m � �F- Q w O a m z u 0 X 0 m Q = Q Z U z U) U LU U Q LU Q z Q Lp Ln (E) TOP OF SHTG. N (E) TOP OF SHTG. N W ------- ------ ------ --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- ♦ 9 V (E) PLATE HT. —PLATE — (V W � o � cl) Q U (E) TOP OF SLAB LLi LL.— Ll L�ll Ll (E) TOP OF SLAB � 0 ------------------ ------------------ AVERAGE --- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1---- ---- -- O J 13.90 AVERAGE GRADE POINT --------------------------------------- - - - - -- --------------- GRADE POINT w GENERAL NOTES Q SOUTH ELEVATION ® z SCALE: 1/4 "= V -0" 1. PROVIDE 26 GA GI VALLEY FLASHING Q Of ON 2. PROVIDE PAINTED 26 GA GI GUTTERS @ EAVE W/ DOWNSPOUTS O LJ_ CONNECTED TO GROUND DRAINAGE SYSTEM _ fO 3. WOOD FRAMING MEMBERS, INCLUDING WOOD SHEATHING, THAT U REST ON EXTERIOR FOUNDATION WALLS AND ARE LESS THAN 8" _ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29' 42.90 ABOVE EXPOSED EARTH, OR LESS THAN 4" ABOVE HARDSCAPE, MAX RIDGE HT. SHALL BE OF NATURALLY DURABLE OR PRESSURE - TREATED WOOD ip o 2 — 12 4 1/2 (E) ROOF HT. BO o — (E) PLATE HT. C? (E) TOP OF SLAB 4z ------ ------ — — — HN Hrxl�_ld 37.90 - --------------------------------------------------------------- __* 24'MAX.HT. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (N) TOP OF GUARDRAIL I (E) PLATE HT. 9 m (E) TOP OF SHTG. EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4 "= V -0" (E) PLATE HT. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- --- I — — — — (E) TOP OF SLAB N GRADE POINT z O Q w J Lu 0 Of W H X W REVISIONS J. No. C- 018971 DRAWN BY: RH CHECKED BY: SA DATE: 09/10/13 JOB #: 1310 SHEET: A.202 so 3i RPLS7304 FDPLPROD 11.122 CPCONCNAIL�x 11.313 DR I F T W O 0 D rFDSPKTIN X 1'112 0 — — — 1.687 O q D ACFS ACFS �r�_ - - 12.767 „ACFS 4 \ 4 13.02 \ GARAGE FF \, (41.47) y ROOF RIDGE � �\ ROOF RIDGE \I I� RR =41.47 � \ �\ \ R0OF RIDGE �\ 6' WOODEN FENCE 1� V (35.53) /ROOF RIDGE 35.44 ROOF RIDGE N\) L O T 26 \I \ EAVE' \V� 4.7 \ J BC-F \ N 22.03 EAVES I I i '9990000000.000 PL 8" CURB AND GUTTER -6' WOODEN FENCE 13.726 FDPLPROD WOODEN GATE 13.473 EG 13.94 TC 13.35 FL 6' WOODEN `BCNG BCNG FENCE ' 14.956 RBA .� 4.986 15.295 BCBAYV �BC 15.162 CGAR /ES r i III. 1 ' I XV .340 I�I'I NEXT113OTCEILNG I�I15.22 555 15.51 TI GARAGE FF 15.149 VEXT1BOTCEILNG 1ST LEVEL FF BCGAR 2- /I I S,0, 22.14 i EAVES 384 / 1EXT1 TOPCEILNG }( // �I �I L 0 T 28 MN y�yl V Y EY TOP � I Y 34.302 BCNENEX 11 8' 4' 0 8' 16' / GRAPHIC SCALE : 1° = 8' P M cyl- GrO P pRN/ LD Oa Q 9 /FGG QO\ sS'p ��q'QO O O vWi PROJECT A�pF RFpp �o SITE Q ti<v R v T GPI O ,� OHO LYON RO Z U PACIFIC RFMpNT �cTOti °�' OCEAN qM Ro � VICINITY MAP NTS OWNER: JOHN KIRKOWSKI 310 DRIFTWOOD, CORONA DEL MAR, NEWPORT BEACH, CA SITE ADDRESS: 310 DRIFTWOOD, CORONA DEL MAR, NEWPORT BEACH, CA LEGAL DESCRIPTION N TR 1116 LOT 27 APN 522 -011 -3 LOT AREA A= 6,946 SF / 0.159 ACRES (CALCULATED) DATE OF SURVEY JUNE, 2013 BENCH MARK: DESIGNATION: GPS #6199 OCS INDEX MAP: Q16 -05 ELEV.= 14.990 NAVD88 /2011 FOUND PUNCHED SQUARE HEAD SPIKE AND WASHER, DOWN 0.2 IN AC. STATIONING IS LOCATED AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY AND MORNING CANYON ROAD. (SOUTHEASTERLY) ABBREVIATION ACFS - ASPHALT CONCRETE LEGEND - -- FINISH SURFACE BC - BUILDING CORNER CL - CENTERLINE CONC - CONCRETE CPPK - CONTROL POINT PIKE CPPL - CONTROL POINT PL CPX - CONTROL POINT DI - DRAIN INLET DWY - DRIVEWAY EG - EDGE OF GUTTER FD - FOUND FF - FINISH FLOOR FL - FLOWLINE FS - FINISH SURFACE GAR - GARAGE IRR - IRRIGATION LS - LANDSCAPE NG - NATURAL GROUND PL - PROPERTY LINE PIL - PILLASTER PK - PIKE POL - POINT ON LINE SMH - SEWER MANHOLE STP - STEP TC - TOP OF CURB TBM - TEMPORARY BENCHMARK TW - TOP OF WALL TWF - TOP OF WOOD FENCE TWSTP - TOP OF WALL STEP LEGEND - -- PROPERTY LINE - CENTER LINE 1�1�1�1 BUILDING FOOTPRINT EX. BLOCK WALL CONCRETE PAVEMENT PAVERS ® BRICK T +_ SLATE X742.10 SPOT ELEVATION *n 24 T TREE /BUSH X X WOOD FENCE V - VERTICAL WF - WOODEN FENCE WM - WATER METER WI - WROUGHT IRON INV - INVERT PA - PLANTER AREA 32