HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 - PSA with GMU for Marina Park— CITY OF EWPOR , ` BEACH ;P �a City Couincil 'Beef IRepart Agenda Item Mo- 51 Oclober 212, 2.0113 R TO! HONORABLE MKYO�S�-ETCTY COUNICLL FROM: Public Works Department ,avid A. Webb,PubMe Warks, Director 941 @ - l--4- 33311, dawebb@newportbeachsa.gov IPREPAIR'E'D 1113Y Ilrie'JLie% Seinior Civil Engineer 9419L(344-33'223, Plea APPROMF11 TITLE: Frofesa`rornal Services Agiree:i'namt w?rhhv GMIU Gectechi,nlcal, inc,'lor' Manna Parrk Speciailt Ilnsps ion And Mal -real Testing Services The Mefina Park IPF- 0—fa;ct wvhlI be und;esr ounEi'truction soon. IDue to th,e spa bi�lty�'Vade wro'rk In udlodl in the Ipm- fect. t'taff ib m4uesling Cott' oundil approvial of a IProk.-ssional ensipes Agreement With, GMUI !Geotechnicai, Ilnc. (GM0.U),, try provide rneoessary' sperlalitV inspection and malerfal festIng,'services du ing construction. Approve a Prafeasiona —'I 8ervices Aglrearrnent with GIMIJI Geate.c_'hiniiw , :Inc. of Rancho Santa Wgganta, California,,, for the specialty Inspecti on and material tea ing serwicas nued'ed for the r�'arina Park P'ro -jeet al' a cast not to exaeed'S1186,51111 00 and! aulhorilz -@ the tl ayo!r and Litt+!i leek to execlute 19te seerment_ There are strfcle'nt'WndsinProject Account !No.+41I11- C4002002for'this+d irk. The 'dust phase of Marina Park, cons'trudon is; schadlw'ledl to begin in December 2011, As thuis. Panlastic projeot incicrdez; cm le buildings and site connEructialn, a nonstrr�cUon materials testing and 'Inspectforr load with egperianue ,eindl ficensees 11a lest and irlspe4 speciiattyr trestle work is required to assist My and contract staff in ansruring the IPioject is built in amord',ance with the applicable Cafts and IProjeclt' $,pecilieattorms'_ In September 2013, stafif' ossued a Regitiesl;'lbr Proposals, to Inspection and Testing forms that imight The Interested in the Marina (Park Prioject. 'GMU Gea'technica'l, line and Kwrhr Engineering,, 11 me'. submi edl proposal's far the w ork. GM'Lt Geolechnical is one �of'the City's I d'3j Professional Services Agreement with GMU Geotechnical, Inc. for Marina Park Specially Inspection And Material Testing Services CW- ,tober 22, 2013 Page 2 on -call Inspection farms assisting staff with various Capital Improvement Projects- Koury Engineering was the specialty inspection firm retained for the Civic Center & Park Protect_ Upon independent evaluation of the proposals submitted, staff and Griffin Structures (Marina Park contract construction manager) selected GMU as the most qualified based on their understanding of the project, ability to provide comprehensive imape -ction services and previous experience with stone column snit densification_ GMU's scope of services includes the following: • Geotechnical material testing and inspection; Slone column and seawall construction material testing and inspection; Deputy inspection services (i_e., concrete, steel, welding, masonry); and Comprehensive inspection report. Complete details of GMU's services are detailed in the attached Professional Services Agreement. Staff negotiated a not to exceed fee of $186,511.130 witty GMU to provide specialty inspection and material testing services for the duration of Marina Park construction. The negotiated fees are consistent with market rates for the proposed services. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recornmends the City Council rind this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to 'Sections 15060(cK2) (the activity will not renull in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 1 ;4$0 {cX3j (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 153713) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Cafe of Regulations. Title 14. Chapter 3. The Final Environmental Impact Report for the Marina Park Project was adopted by City Council on May 11, 2010. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). Submitted by J� Davl . Webb Public Works director Attachment: A. Professional Services Agreement with GMU Geotechnical. Inc. 2 431 Attachment A, PROPE'S MOIf1IAL SERVICES AGREEMENT_ WITH: GMIU GECTECHNICAL,, MC !FOR MARINA IPARK _ IINIISIPIE'CTION+I AND TESTING TI HIS PROFESSIONAL SE!RVI' ES „AURFIEMIENaT it grc merW) is madai and enturediplol as lot thila 91h day of I=]olbber, 20 3 C'E1 care and @ etwra'an tho CITY OF NEWPORT REACH, a CallEramla rmunI ilpal ccsMomm 'Lbn and rhmdalR ciI rEltyP , andi GMU GIBOTECHNIGAL, INC, a Ckli -f a rrmia corporatian �” arwsull�nl° : ase.sddlress is 23241 Arroyo Vista, Rmnctacr Santa Margarita, C-A 926ilfl, and Is madle. %mlh reference Let Me, FalloWing., RECITALS A_ City its e municipal corpwaGon iduly organized and validly existing iunder ' khe is of tine State of Callfornis With Me porwar to cany can its fsuslness es it Is now being conducted sunder the statutes of the Slade dr' California and Ebe Chartior of City. _ iE. Ei4, deslres P,d engage i n Ullant to parldrm geotechnii@lo speeWty, and irIs'lered s��cl�ll 6ns�e�Iidn s�rmrl�es f�r ll�hie IN�1€�run� IF"�� F'i�rJ�� i "�'r�]eek " }, G;. Consultant possesses the s:Itili, expenlenoe, ,a;h lily. background, Ertl icablan and kni io, Ipmdde'the profasdonal smites dieserlbed Id hens greement. 10� CRY bas solicited and rec6rmedi a proposal Ifroni Cens!ultant, has mfe ed 'the p us exporiance and liavatua1led 'Ma expe.rtBse of onsUR@-nL arod desires Utz eta:irn Conrulkant-tio miander Iprafession2l serVaces undler''the Ilermnis rrnd cianditl6m self forth in this AgpearneriL NtO'klyt, THEREFORE, It is mu'tuall'y aigieed by' and belween iLhe 'undersigned pamtlee as:follows: 1, TIERMI The terms ail 'Ifils Agmerment, thall commence on the Ef aeUve Itl.aie, and shall: Iasrrafnate on .AugmsE 31.2010, u-niess tramm.inatnad martfer ps sat lloail himnalry,. SERArCEE'TO BE PiERB°O If?fI',Ell7 Gmsultant z'hall iffiNgerifly Iperform , e0 Me services descAbed rh the 3cdpe of Senrlues gillachad Kerala as Exhibit A end Irmorporated hareln by Ireforence (OSerVicee or More). pity n i elect.ter delble er`:,rAn Se c-es,uul"t'hin flee Swipe of Svrwt s ai Rs wile discrat1ba. 3. Tlft!IE 0Ii PER1FO175i111IANCE 3.1 ifilrme is of the lessence to l'he paiforrnanoel of Sarvices under this Agreement and Consultant styatl Ipprfemm I he 'Se 7P 3n cox r Nan ce, 'wtf� IIMe schedule Im Pucted lin Exhibit X. In the phserara of a spedfic whedlci'se, 'llho Services shell be 3dy performed; 10 cal In a dlilt!elny and t'Il imanner. Tha fallutre by ComsuMarnt to stri lid adhere to the aeh edule aet'forth in Ekh[bit id;„ if amy„ or periarm the 5el in s; dtl'acgen't a:nd tlrlmely'nnanner may rres!uk In term Miation of this Agreemeir l Ciky'. 12 C+lolwr .ffiat®ndlUdg :toil foregoing,, Co,n'sutfant shaill na be resknp',n bie for delays due''tm caucus beyond', Consultant's: reasonable, ontrel. IH'owave— N tru'th's use gf any such dletey in they ServIcesto Ibe'prinvil ]edl'Ill 1iie Protec,., ©ach parka herabyi'.agri to Provide no tice vAl-hiri two (2) calendarAdayys at the wGurrence cauasing'lhe delay to ]he other party so thal all details an be addressed. 3.3 Conaultsnt shall submit all requests for extensions of'til pexfamance in writing', to tha 'Fi oij -,a t Administrator as, dedln,ed he,raln not later than tern (1 0) calendar days after true! s'lart of the oondlition that purportedty? , causes; a dele3r. The Project Administrator slant raMew alll such niquests and rnay, +'hart reaisonahip 1.tr m 0XIAnslons fafunfairesesablh rd'alays that are beyond a!rtsruktent's donlroll. 3.4 For all tlu'me periods not spec_�°lically 'set forth haireln,, Consultant shall! mspcndl In the mast esu:,yaedleril and appyl manner iind'rstr t6te circulrnmanom,, by hand-delivery or imiail. C, COMPENISM ICIM TO CONSULTANT 44.1 City 's]mafl pays' GansuAt'ant fo;r t_Itie Services on a Urmei;end' exapense rnct-tc- exceed basis in a rdlance with the ,plrovi ions scat' Iklhis Se,ok can and the Sch:edudre' cf Eltlinu motes attached Ihere'to as Exhlbil IE and! incorproraled heirein by referen cu. Cons,ulta n,f'is compensation for all, Work, Iperfo!rmned liin accord!airi VAIth'Phis, Agreemerr indWIng all items, a,rad'sUbcorwsuultant fees, shall nol accused One Hundred) E uhty six Thousand IFilW Hundli l IEleven Dollars Pils'aAlidf1'o)L, Without IRrie,r tllterr aattFuom�,ticary from ' Iy, No bilirng rate changes shall as rnedd duAng' th g4!Pnri of this Agrearneini tarfthout the Ipriar mmdtin3n appl of Cl 41 Consultant shall! submit rrmravVthty invuailces to City des'cribMgl the Wovk; perfo need the Preceding rmonikh. Consuhtant's 'bills; shall include! the rake of lthe persrmni who perfon -ned Ma Work, a Ib',def description of the Services pefformed anWor the speckfic lta;sk Ih the Scope uhf Services ter ,wrhich It relates, the (d ate= the Ser°Ams, ware perforil the number of hours spent on dill Work blil'adl on an hourly balls, am a duascni,pton off any reirnbu!mbl'e expenditures;. City sha ill pay Comsultent no, later than ilti dy (3a) cwtendeir, rays att'er approval 611 ![he mmonthly invoice by oit'.y staff: 41.2 City shalt refrrulburse Consra'Itant only lrar ilhrnse coos or exfuctrn . specriirally identifiied In Exhibit IE, loo this A -iea nermt or;spaci slly appPd i wriflingi in, advance by.Cft'y. 4A Coin:sualiant shat] not receive any oo mper fflon'for E Are "fork parfurrmledl without The prior YwIften aUft6zabon, of Cityr. As used h rreini 'Txka WWWo,eW' irn!eaims' any W't''ark ]hat is determined ib,yr City 'lc, bei necessary fear the proper com plelicn of the Project, Wt which Is not Included w vthfn the SoDpe of Services andl Which tha parties dldl not reasonably aintidpate vmvukl be necessary at th:e execublan car' this Agreerneinil GMU Gectechrnical ''Inc. Page 2 A'a,a, Compensation for any authorized (Extra 'i orK stall he paid !in aDcordance with the Schedule or Ruling Rates as set forth im E-Abibilt. eo 51. PIROJFCT Ih9,� NIF GE — 5.1 Consultant shall designate a. (Poled IManager, who, shall coordinate alll pyhases ®l''l_Ihe Proje This IProjarit Manager .shaill be,avral'tabla'to City et atl rmwna .blm Orrnas'during the Agreement i,arrri', Consultant has designated 'Dr, AD Basfani tai be lts Project Manager. Unsultamt shell) not remove or rea!ssIgn the Project Manager or any pemonnell li &4ted in Exhlbft A or assign any 'new or replacement Ipersatrinet to the IProject wilfirout the prior vM-Man ca!mani of 'City. iCiitVs approval whall not be ainrensonably+ xu hold: respect to (the isunoye'I' oir essi9rrmemt of nan -key per nn dh, 5.2 Consultant, at Ghn sole 'discretlion of arty, shall remove barn the ProjerA, e,rry of ft Ip rsetn!rbe;l sin vol ith!o peniomilance of Serdws, upon wittlen request oif C4. eonaulf!rut'w^marrerris, th -al. it Will co nti'nu:mrnstyr f mishi tine necassaryr Iparsrnrvnell to cornplele ''the jest aria timely (basis as oonlemolated b!y thfs Agreement. 5. If CensUlanit, is pefforming 'inspe lion serNloes for 'Ciity. the IProjevtl Manager and any athar ,assigned' staff : shalll :bei equi1ppeul m4kh a cellular (phone to GDFnM.Un lC3kQ1 With City ' SW ff. ThQi Project Manegairs col ldler phone number shall be pmWded to City; 6. A91MINISTRA1111ON This Aweement VAAI tae adrminiseemed bry'tha Publib Works IDe,partinen't_ city's; Senior Civil Engineer or designee sharl be the Profoeft Adrnirdstrator and shall 'have the audlorttyr W aet fubr Celyr underfthis eriient. The Project d'Im'irtlstra:ler s'Ytalll pa seolt City in al I (matters padalining W the SerVices 10 be rendered (pursuant tai this ftireerm,ent. 7'. CRY'S IRESP!iON18ll13,plLI IE To asses) !IConsul"an!Jn the eat; cation of its responsdbilalies render This A greemerlt, Oily agrta:es' to praVilde iaccess to and upon request, OF Consultani, an.e ca,pyr of All e xistin,p rele vaint informie on: ran 'fie at City. City' will pmvide 8111 such: rmateriats in iii Um,i ely+ manner so as not to, curse delays !in Consutta;nl's 'Work schedule. GUI0MT_NM *QUNT1d4 5.1 All a'r the BeFYIcus shajll be pelar mad by Gons!ultent or tinder Consultarirs superveiS an. Gonsu tent repress Grills that Iil ipossowes the ,praresMonai end ItechnIrcal per+sgrinall required to perform the 'SeMices required Ib+W ihls Agree mi en , and that ft Will Perform alll Servibus in 8 mu nnar inDm e nsrars:ty' wwilth thm Ughast prat "aNionel standwds. For purimses of this Agreement, the IpDyrarv® `highast pruFassion,al sland'€arda"' shat) rneanthase standards of PMUtine necuonked by one! (1I) or more fiirsk- clm fines perribnnin,g'similar wwouk wander si-Mliar olrcurnslances, Gmu Gewechnl ll„ Inc, Page 3 5851 8,2 Allf Servicas sbal] be parram- ed'Ibyquallified and ex ' perienjoed personnell E 'Who are not employed by Qfty, By derlywy oil campletedWork, Consultiont cerlitries that jip P [C- -fa tfi-e-Wa conforms: to the require mian1s Of is ree rnlanl "01 _aW .6�, at 1,61 and liacall 1�vrs, and the Ihiglh est prolessio-nal standard. 8,3 Consl represents and! warrams'le Cfty,thatfthas„ shall obtaln, and shall, ke�p WNW IFame .and, effert during the term hereof. at Us sole cost stud expenbe, sill licenses, peands,, quagirocotions., inuumaince and appravals of'wh21,130amer nRtwe; that is �le profession, ConsultanikhaN maintafn aCity . gailly it of to, practice Its of: Newport Beach builainass Incense Junlilig, the: is of th"15 Agmern, Rint, 8.4 Consuhant ohe'll rmt W respoinsible 10'r delay, inor shall Consultant be responsibI le fear damages or be! -En diffFaull air deeMrad ta 'be in devatift by reason Of at r] ik,@-q,. lockmits:j accidlenles,, accts of God, , Cir Ithe Wlum- of'Cfty t o furnish Time information or tai approve or disapprove ConsFultant'sWoM prompl$ly or delay orfaully performance by CHy, wntractors, orgovennmerital agendeca, HOLD IhIAF#MILESS �e 91.11 To fh Fullest extent ; permllied by low, Conatiltarit shall) iindarnn de(elrld' ry. and! hold harrinless CRyi 15 CHV CDulndl, boards and commiss'Ons, officers, agenK valiunkners ia dl n amp layees (anllbcfive.ly,, the 1ndlernnified Parties , Fiurn and aka ing and and all icia'Mns (inufuding, vAhnut Urrilladoni. dallms For bodFly in,lury, dleathi ordbulaUp- it, propedy),, diemandls,, obUgations, darnages, arAlonsi, cau&es of action,, suhs, to b,,, judrgirnent% flne% penaffire% PabiflUes, costs and expeftses anctuding, withaut OmIllaillon., alliorneys' Fees, dilsbu ".mants Andccrud costs) clf wory Grind and nature 'Whatsoever (IndIvidually, a Cialra: col.lecUvely. ')CIffirnsn), which may arise under Oils Agreement or In any, manner relate (directily or Indirectly) to the negligence, reaMessness, or Willfull rniscondual df the Gansul:iantor ills principals, afficers,j agents, ernplayeea, vendlors,, suppliers,, suboonsuiltants,, subicantractors., anyone employed d1redV Dr Indireeft Lary any of 11hern air forWhose acts they may be ulable, or any or all oftham. 9.2 NOWAthiStandihig. 11he fry gained, nothing herain shall be cons"ied to, mqui re Cons laint to I n - , enniFy t- he ind =Aed Parties any Ch1m MI sing, th sinle negHgance, adi've riegligencei or willrut mliamnduot of the Indemn1fied Pgruigs., Nothing In This Fndff minkyshaR be construed as au1hmd7JTig1wiy award olfafiarniglylal' fees In .any, action an orto einfomethe Terms Of''11111119 Agreemiant- This Indemnity Tkhafll iapply b all Clai M3 and Ilatillity less Of whatheir any Insurance pUlicles are appficabl'o. The pollcyll Its do not arl ias a 11rallation!ikipon the a on F if in _M U to'LrideiiinnifiGationtabe provided by the GQnsuolant. 1110, ill-ND�EPIEN:D!E:NT,C-ONTRMTORI It 11.5 und'ur,51bod That City, rdlWna; Consullant on an independent contraclor basis and Cansultank I$ n[A an agant or grriplayeB of ORL gi manner' m of and eanu y. ThL canduull. ng Me Mirk are iund arlih a conLral of Cansullant, except !to the indent they are linnited lby sUgWle, rule or regulliAlion and the expressed it-anns or this Agmement. No GMU GeDtochiMG-4111. lnc. Page 4 155'a Yq civil sendlce status ior gather NinG of rmpOoyrnernt shall accrue to Consulilant or its employees. NothIng do this Agra.emenit sha01 be dimmedl tie consi approval for Gansultant or any mf' iConawitant's a_mployets or age:nw, to log the asems or apirkp!loyaoe of City, Co,msu,ltanti sfrall kua9�e offnel ir�sprornsL011l -Y ros and control aver the means of pe rfar ling IJ1e Work, provided that C4nsuftnt is in ;compliance 01h Ihoi tars of, thils Agreement. AnYthing in Nis Agpeemim,rit that may ii to g;[a Cily like right to direct Consultant as to the del'at,1 ear live pairformance of ,the .IN. x or to ch mm . Esal a mrasaure of conlrun over Cunsultani shall mean ainl.y tbait. CQnsulitant abail fallaxv the idealiras of ,City- wfth raspecitt to lire r uhs of tha Services. 11,_ COOPERATION Wnsurl -Li t ;agrees to, woffk Cibsety and coopcfi,e alslly wllln Chysi dmignaW lFr 'Jecl 4 i'trfuirnOStraitarand) ae�r ocher agenCiEs ithimt may have juHEMCA -lon or hrnteralst an tihe .Warn to tae Iparf6mRned. City agrees to cooperate viniim the Con lka nt an the Praject. '12. C: r Y POLACY Consultant shill di Uss• •find rre1rwl all maker re'lt tgi'to policy and Projea direction with City's Proj'ecl Adminisaator in ad "`vanes al all! cdtiml dleCition points tn order to e'nsu m thto Projer�t proceaft fn in maru_nor aonsistant with City ,quay alnd policies, 13; PROGRESS nsulilan't 'is responsible for leeepinag the Pm -]cl AdImi'•nrmmlair intramed on a. regular (basis ragarding than status and progl' ss of the Profect; actlividus, perionned and planned. •anti anymeati ngs that have )seer) scheduled or are desired. % INSURANCE W91 oust Oimiling Consu'ltanVs i'ndemnl!Runtfan ofCity, in nd gAor to Commencement of o.Tk, Consultmnt; shall obl311n, provide and maintain at its owin ex-pi during She tarmi of this; Agnearne±nt or for oOlier p ricads as spedllfl:edl IBS. Ithis ftmerment, policies of insurance of Me tiyepa, amounts, Terms and condllleons descmbed !in the Insurance .Raquimrm,ents aunrhed here'ta as Exlhiibit! C, and incorpaora'te d 'l erein lbyv reWen . il�Irais�•�I:II �lii�> Z�d�llr��► all�l�lli�m! �IpJ12�Ih�i�wYl1��HP '�i:]I3!�f��ll Ex pi as lspeciUcalle autFcriz under i ls ree tho Siervices roe be provl€ed under tniis Agmemant .shall) neat 'be a;sslgrled, "insaWMd UUMMICAUd or subcontract out %Ati>lolat lire prior %wilten approvall ar Chy. Any inf beat rall'bvil ngl sholl be; cornslruod im, are assignment, rhe sala, aisslagnmeunt, bwmlhur a,r cifier dispaahtion a'r any of tlhei issued and oarstanding capltal aita;.bit or Co;nsull'ant,, or of ifte inlet st': of any giu neral partner ar jaunt verilluver or syndicale member ar eralenant',if Gonsultant is a pajinerafitp or jolauldventuTe,mr syndEc to or m-itenianpyi which dull iresult In cFuii,U- tae commll of Consuftanl,- Contral mesins fifty percent Qta'a 'D' r, mare of the vatrng. G'Nd U Geolechniical,, Idea Page 5 Ni power or twenty-five puement (25 %) c r rnore of the a'sset's of the wrporai!Di a, papi¢namshiip olr,Jloint-Venture, Mu SUIS-CONVIRAIGMING The sulxr anlr dtcrs authorized by City, iit an r', to per, rarm Work on thin IPraf's ; are idlentlfledl in IExhlbl't A. Gonaul'tant shall[ The 'fully responsible, In City ''fnr ,ali ,acts and omissions of any subcontractor, Nothing In tlryds agreement shall create any, Mnhartual'. rolawionship Diatuvean, City and any subcontractor nor ishall,lit create any obligation on the part of City 'to Ipay or to sea to the payrrnent of any monies d,ue toi any such sulbco(ntraotor othor than as otherwilse required by Ilatiw. City !Is an intended (beneficiary of any Wo* Perlibir ed by the suibcontrectarfor purposes of establishing a chat of care. belwai-3n 'Ilse subcontractor .and[ City_ Except as Pecifi l!ly authori hereln„ thue SejNiloes to be provided) sunder linS Agreement shall not be cthervrise assigned, transferred, ccrilraeted or subconlracted nut without tho priorwwnit'a:n approval of City. 17i OWNERSHM Of DOCIUMENTS 17.1 Each and every re iprort, draft':, map, ccrdj, plan, document and other wrlling produuod ((hereinafter TocurrIe rtsP ). (prepared or caused toi be prepared by consullant;. its offirbers, amplayees. agents and sUbcontractors, in the couirse o'f Imipfernent ng INS Agreemerli, s'hafl become the exch ivy 1 p rope rty+ of City, and City Mall have the sole right to use such Materials In Its d'iscrati€ n: vokho!ut further compensaUion to G4nsunitaunt or any offier party. Oonsudii Shaul, at Consultant; e'xpe'nse, provide such) Docurtio its to Gliy Lr,ponl prior vidlite i request, 17.2 Documents, including drauui'ngs and Speciftations, prepared by Consultant pursuant in this A.greernent are not Into ndisj or reprosern -d t o the suitabEe for reuse by Clly or others on any ether praject_ Any use of corn0latedl l omments for b1her projects and' any use or ' Incomplete Documents wi f'rout slpecifc wurifkran au anzatir_iln from Consultant 'wl-11I one al Chy's sole ufslu', and without, I a:bllity to Consultant. Further. any and all fakoalay ariarng out of coanges al',ade Ito Consultant's deliverables under this ,Agraamsra oy Ctty or pamons other than GonsultanUsiwaliveid eraainst Conuultant, and City a u rie5 NO respuru lbility for ;ouch changes unliami City has g1v n C onsuJtant ttnar nofice and has ire iviod frame Consultant written conserrt for such charlge& 17.3 CADD dlata !delivered to G ty shall include the Ipricifes.slanaa staimip, of the eu glrtiaer or architect In ch@rq �ei of or responslNei for the 'iri;ork. My agrees shall Consultant shakll Innk W tiattle I'br cl'ailms, liabilities or losses arising out of, or eomnecte>d with (a) The modification or rnl!'Sm€e by City, or anyona a:ulbo ized by City, of CADD datad jb'j the dlecl rte of accuracy or readabi9kiyr of QAdfm 'data due Ob inapproprlale storage cond'Iticns or duration". or (c) aniy+ use iby. Clty. or anyone alrkhon'zcd by City, of'CAOD data for srdditlons O thIs 'f'u'di the completion, oi'f'Ihois 'Proajoct by others. orfcr any otha:r Prra-jeei, exeerplfng only such use as Is authod -zo i, in writing, by Consultant,, Sy acceptance o CARD data, C sly agrees Ito iindemrr "f} Consultant for dam, ages and lfabiky resuilll'ngl ifrarn they modification or misuse of such auADD data, All odglinal dravAngs small GDAU Geotechrnical.'Inc. (Pape iG Sidal bm subm tted I'c City in the vemibn cif ulaCAD used by I_t�e city in , vg file format. on a CR and ahorddl comply with the C1: s digita_II sulhmis—sMOm requimr :rn -A p hies ,aval lable frorm the !City's - IPublic Works Deparbmanl:, Tha City wail Iprovi a Consultant , With City title chats as ALAnCAD PtaQsi in .dwg rile fanriaL Ali %w ltan d',ccunmarr'ta shall be transmil'ted to City; In fonnlats compaUbla rrAUi iMicrosoR 'offfee anftT Vie elo wfth adobe Acmwt„ 17.4 AN ifrupr,rovarne;nt and_lbr canstrucHon plalas shall die pr €Pared +a?7a`i� In dell waterfnraaf ink ar elatVastati lly pfalted an slandiard twrmnly�fiour Inch (' 47) by th'ir -six [I7dh (�S °'y t,tlyler,,�l'J� �� rnlral!niurm 17nlcknese eyf'll7r�e (�� atolls, �rrnsiuGtaitrl'l,�hlall prouid'e to City 'As -B ill" drawings and a copy of tdlgUal CoMpUer, Aid'bdl IDesign and Drafting MA 13'") and Tagged Ilmnag;e (File Formrtat (Aff) riles or ell tliinal Sheets m6thin ninety 1(00) days -after flinaalIzatio!n of the Project., For more detaiiliedl requIvern nt , a copy of Me Lily of Newport 9' each, tand.ndrd Design Requl`.rementt is auallathile flrnaaat the 'City's Prablllir Wor1ks Depad'lrmelnil. 910. CONFIDENTIALITY All Dom menu. welmling dirafla, prMEMInary tdra?. Inge of plant,, nutw and oe= rrarmeenEca$e€r that r sralf' Fr€a:rn tine €sWioea iiro 'thGs reamano shall be p' coryf,id'elntfal urde-ss City expressly authodies fn vraFdUng the release cif informatfun.. 11119. 1fwITEiLLE'CTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNITY ITY nsultont shaill defend and lndeminKy City, its agents, officers, naprresentatIv a and emplayeps apa!irist; aoy anal a'll tia blllly, lrl:ekad'irngj easts, for lnflipg�nmeM or Ml'eged Inf"genmient of any (United Stag leitlers pallen4 'tr'afdemnar4, on cgppyuiglit. liradluding casts,, loonllalnied fn 1' ons.ullant'�s Dracurnents p vided u:nd'er hfs Agrrer nienlL, Consultant shialll (keep records and invoices in oonnee-lion mgEh'thue Services to the performed under this Agme!n-rent. Consultant shin mal_n'tainu m- pl'ete and accurate records with reaped W, the Costs; Incurr€AJ tender this AgToortient and any , erWces„ expend'il, ores and disbursernants charged to City. fora: mintimurm perfrodl of three (3) years, or ter any ton er �e,rirnd rp qufT erjl by (law. fray n the data of fumall payment to C nsuU:nt, ivayder th s Agreement, ,ill guch rag rd$ and Im.ua+i9 gall be tclea-dy id'.entifidale, CcnBultant shrill allow a repr €€lalave of GIt)T to exaamino„ audi;t.a.nd imake transcripts or copin of s!ucih rewrds and inmoices during' regWar business .b aurs_ onsuttant shall" allow ins,pedtion of alll 'Wok, data, Documents,, proceedings and acllMles rellatedl to the Agmement foc a pad ,cpf three (3) years fTorin the date of final payment to 10Dnsullaftt under thkAgreerment.. 1�1�rTa¶Yitii®lM]MMM C'!ily my" wMhold payrrman.1to Consuhand of any dWptslod sums until Satusfact}on oflbG dls;pute vidth reaped to such pDayamen.`,, Such t�rillrliold'irtg Tall' not be diaemol to ¢rstilRale a F&RUT6 la pay accordhig to lho tcrrma of '€lima Agreement. Cronsuitant shall GMU iGeowchintcfit, lnc- (Page 7 SON, not disaontlnue Work as a result of !such WHhholdimg: iC =sullaint shaft have art Immmedlarbe dghIJ Ito ap,peEd to the aty Manager or desrlgnee vith respect to sudhi dispLAod suurins4 Consultant , shaD be ehtffUedl'In receG+e Irt'terest,'an aay "withheW slims atMe r of return Vii City ea med on [is IbvesUnenls during) the fte peribd,, franc the data' elf Whhholding of a.ny armoun'tsfound to Rave, been irngsmporltywiffi'haid. 22., ERRORS AND, OMISSOONS In: time event of arrors or o;rrrr:1ss €erns lf-ret are date toi the rieglWence or Prmfu :ssrunuI IIneXpedence o'fr Consultant which result In expense! to City 'glreater 'El an hat would have resulted If there were nolt errors or ormissians In, 'the, Work accoimp'lue'l ads 'by onaultaint„ tho ad'dltlo'nal design, construction andVor restoration 'expenses ahalll 'ba Larne by Consultant., Nothing In this Section Is hntended to linnit City's rights under the law or ashy alher',eectt,ons of thIsAgreqDment. 23. CITYS RIGHT TO EMPLOY OTHER CONSULTANTS Cthy ra*ups the figiht rar employ athur Cormullanw In ooriiti,e0lbn lAillm [hB IPirnjedt. 24. COINlFIL1ICTS' OF INTEREST SIT 24.1 Gonsullank or Its employees irm,ay tae' subject is the provislons od the Cafiornia Political Rerorm, Act or 11974 (the s'ki'),, whibb, (1) requires such Persons tin disclose any Anandall Interest thal rrray iforeseeably be irnalarially affdated by tho tkY,fark Performed u n e.r lltis AgreemanL, :and (2) IprDhibits such persons from making, or participating Ini mtalding, d'edslons,,ft1III foreseeably finan Grally affect such interest,- 242 If subf.W ito the Act. Consultant shall conform to all requirements of the Act. Failure to do, so conslrtut�es a rnatenlal breach and is grounds for irnmedlate t'm:rminalllon of th7S -Aglrr uniient by City. Gonsu ltarit shall Indeimniry and hold' harrnl' s. City for any and all 61aiimai for daumages resullin>g from 'ns.altaant °s Violation of this Secitiom 25. INDUCES; 25.1 ALI nabcuz. defn ands; r0queala1 or apprinvats,, nctudtrig Rny i &iange In. irnail'Ing stld'ress., 'I)a be given, und',erthe terms of RhIs Agree- nen$ shall be giVeni in iting. and canduaively 'shall) be deemed ',served when de- livered) personally, or our fte HUM busin ass day aftax the dlepowt RiereW 1n the 4lunited Staws mall, postage' prepard,; first- class rmail. addressed as provided. 25.2' Adlnnfic8s. dearands, requests, or approvalis imni C ®r nsuilant to City shatl' be'ad-dressed Ito Chy. at, ,GM ,U: Geolealthn'laal„ line. Page d 111192 3 -11 Affina Iris Lee, S'einlur iG vll Ea glirreer Public `4 Orks Dejpartmment City of Newporl. Beach 400 CiAe Center Drive, Pty IBok 11738 Newpod lBaach, GA, 92 658 26.31 All notices, demarodsi, ragraests or app walls from City to Canswltan't slualll bye, addressed! to Cons ultant at; Attn: G)f. 111113asWk IPhP, PE, GE ,Gii U Geateolnnllcal, Inc, 232411 Arroyo "distal Rancho Santai IMa,ruarite,, CA € 2688, Unless a slhaner Ilrne'ls specified elseM hire In ThIs, Agreement. before making !its ffnet request for pE!y rnent under this ,fig eei'ilent, Consultant, shall Submit It City, In writing, all clainisi for ooinipansation trader or arising out of this A;grearneflL. Cen,suallant's acceptance or the [final payment shall nstituie a walver Hof alll ollaims for co,mpencnilian unsdar or ans rng out os' this graemraant xx pt those tnrar�cusly Im a In aw,rting andl lidenti_ ;ed Iby C'ansultant fin writing as unsettled at the firne o € its Final requwl. for pa,ymn€nL Consultant and Clity expressl',y agree that in adddutlan to any claim, S filing requ Ire nent-s set forth I'ri,'the: Agreement, nsultant s_halll be required To Ifie a =ny �lari'm C'ornsultam may, havb age.insil Clty imn stria confortrianoe with the Government Claims Act (4r' ovarnmail Curie sehtlOns goo ar seq j; 27. T,ERIN9111',1ATiLPN 7A in the event that eather party falls or r5fusas la, pei ban any of this provisions of (this Agreement '.at the tune and Pni the rnanner required, that party shall be d!eernedl In ,default fn the Ipenformaunee of thl`s Agr>eeirubeft fi such default is wt cured Irwilhin a p,anlod' of tw-a (2) caPandar days, or ill' mare tMn Iwo 1(2) calendar, dayra are re.asonalbly requEred ta, Guro the default and the, de:faufflng Iparty falls to give adequate assurance of dive performance within two i(�) calendar days after recelp+t' of vifflI on notice, of default. specifying the nature of such default and the stepas necessary to cure suiph default, and tiemeafter, diligentllyf take steps to cure then dielfau% Lha anon- detauitirn,q, party may 'terminate tulle Agireo.rned forthwith by giving Ilu the deft ultang party w"e:n notlee thereof, 27.2 Notwi1histan&ng the above I mvistons, City thall haiwe'the ftht, aitlta joie and atrsolule discretion and without cause, o,f terminating this Agreement at any tIm1'te icy g;lAng no (less than seven (7) caiendar dbys' prior written notice $D Consultant. in thie event of bormina,tion winder this Section., !Ctty shalll pays Consultant for Services sallsfaotodl,y' parforrmed', and ,costs: n u"d rup to trio effibetive date dfi Iterminalldn,'ferr avrtnidh on ultant h 4 nen, been prewious9y paid, Crn Ithe a�fFecti,�re data gl tarmiin2atitrn, GM U: Ceotechnicall, Inc. Page'9 'I ,I oral Consultant sliau deliver to City all ,eeparts, Documents -arid anther inform.0 nrn de elep or accumulated In the perfbr rnernce of this AgreeJniard, whether in draft off fined fib,rm,. 2111. STMDARD PROVISIONS 28A RPO- tats. Cite and n- sauftent acknowledge 'that, [he !above R l :tals are U vie wind cormal: anud ara he:re6 y Incorporated 'by iref erence Into this Agreement. 23;2' Goriniollanrce wwlitlb ill 'Laws. Con,surllant small, at its cask and expensa, cornp'lyr' vaailih all statutes, ordlfnan s, regulations and requirements ukf dill govemlmerntal' entitles; Including Were 1, state cou -Myr or municipal,, WNther now In force or hereinafter enseledl. In addltloni, all +too& prepared by Consulliant shall conform tD applIcable DIV, county, state and fedeaall laws. ruileur regullations andl pormiil requLremerRs and be subject o a;ppraval of the PMeet Administrator and City, 2;x,3 ?a ,a ± Pe wwai er byr €rlther partf+ of en±d L�re�acpn, of arty terra, Co anan'I, a ❑Ondid n co alned Ihemin shall not be deerned in be a waWr of any suahsequent, breach f'the same fir any other te=, enMenarnt or candlibio n centalnedl' herein, whether of the same or a dlide-rent icharacter. . 286.4 lnteniratea_ lraidl TIhls Agreement reprozents We 'Eiul] amrta3 ca:rrnRte'le understanding of wry Whdi er rialluna,whatsoever beWeen Iha pau-tla;s heragn.. and ,dli rn liraiFnary inegartiatio ns and aarearrents of 'w halso r (Mind or nature are nine:rged herain, ll verbal agreemnernt ❑r impllied ra❑ven,a nt s'halll tbE, hold to 'wary lice Provisions heraini_ - 213.5 in Ilhe everdl Itheirei are any conNstts or inconsistencies belwween Wis Agmemenl end Ilhe Snolpe of Serulcas or any mt] aR attathrinenits afi,'achvd herald, thre terms ❑f Ithls' Agreement shall gover,n- 2$,l InlerlariatEdion. The 'tennis of this Agreement, shall be construed In accordance math the meanlaig of the I'anguage u&ad and: shall not be oonstrundi for or aganrsfr akhe9r 1part,y, Iby reason & Ef a authorship of tine Agireer7nent or any otheu Wle of conustrilicOun which mltphU datha Nse apply. 28.7 Arnendlm .nits. This Agreement may he irriodifiedl ar amended orally Iby a , Mftean document exeeoled'by Matte Ca nsurttanl and Cily andt alpprovedl,as to, forum by the! Caly Mornay. 28.3 v'; if arry "lermi a,r portan of this Agreement is haidl ta5 be inva l'd, Iillega 1, ar delta m +l$e urrentdr a Prl'a1, by 's, court of ❑arripeterdl f',urisdicd❑ni„ the renrrainingi p ic- isiorns of diis, Agreement shall cop trntae I`m ffull Force and effect: 28.91 Condtreillina Law and "!venue. The laves of th,e. 'State of Cali brrrila sholil govern this Agmernnenii and all tna ltterss rela.ting: W It and any action 'brought relating to this Agrearrient shall tae, adpud Ecated In a colon of coMpeteri judedlclion in Me County Bali` Clrago ,, Slate of Ca'llfornia. GMU Geolachnica , IInc. - - - Iwaig,e 10 'r210 Yq 26_10 Equal Opportunky IEombloymen .. Consuftinvil. represants giat R, an eft nil opportunity ernpl'aryer and rt shafll not discriminate agalnsd -a ny sulscoir tmator;, eri or appricarvifor employment because of trace„ relIglon. color.. nallornail originn, . h,�andl p. ancestry.sox, age or any( u other limpermisssfts -lei 14asis candler Imp+. 28.11 No AcTo og' E_em_ in it him; ii of an dIspute or legall aulani aftin;g under this Agreement. tBte prevallirng party' ,shall not be a ndfled to ottrnmi evri' Yeas., g:i 2 Cou niiameft. This Ag reernion't irmay be exeouded in two () or Iminare coutnterpacds, each of whilch slalll be dleemed an originall end all of which illogether, slhal.l consdtlute ne (11) acid the same I nstrumariL [SIGNA1P1 RE S Ohl hlEXT (PAGE] SM Geaitechni l„ Ilnc. I�.age' 1 1113 92 3.? [N MNEMS WHEREOF, the partles, have caused Lbis Agrearneint to be axecuL-don 'the dabeswHifenilbelow, APPROVED, AS TD IFORM1. C ITY A TMF IR - -E VS DIFFICE I R Sy nIVA Almn CA Harp Glby Aftomey ATTEST: wts::-- - - By: Leligni L, FBFij" City Cle&. iCITY OF NIEWPORT15FEACH, a CaMor ma mlinlelpol oWoradon loafv BY.",- Keiihi D. Cunry Mayor uONSUVAINT: r3MU'lGiwftdhrlid9l,i Inc., RuCaUbmia oorpomfion Date:_ Girepiy IP. Siliverl, M,S-op RE� GE PresIdent IDale: Gimy'Urban,., PIE. GE MOP- Fix@ Wive a in Doir FEN 0 OF IS IGNAT—URET) Machmenl&: Exhlb1t, A. -,Smile of SerAces Exhlbft B - Schedule of Billing Riles Ex titbit C - Il baurance RequiromeMs 1, GMIU Geo0ohnicoll, Mo. Pagel 2 [A'a 3.1 IEXHIB. I T QM.U,G€Dt chir;rgl Inc. - - -- o 4 wV 1 2434141 powya Yrsill A WNW GNIU IM GaBLOLOM PROPOSAL, QUALOICATIONS, ANIDI PIROPOSE, D, PROJECT ANPROACH GIENBOULAS MITACP r1l OINS X Thla ly. qjeoc:is �noc ppmeflilig; wage-- "Ji , - I B. Comte wrya estlmaLa ba%W on idme andmatenal. ]Tmassump6oms am Emceodied�, addj.Am.;�11 mntcs mmy be rcquhmd. 'W ms mpflons am uw malit ed. costs; wM be bellor"Y those mt D. ScWmIc ofCbm-gm cu'bc Ikgp i in 011auc umul =W[Won Ulf, pruJOUL, GNTU �N u - Oiqo y q-112115"ad ro PeAurm thol 6Mmodunumd Eesduag; iimiaegm. M 0 MAdmPfft pr%�!QCL 'We: bn-vr rxpm"== in '1311, fiarm or' I-bC PrUpp5ed PD-rufFRudican - firl-am- uk-W-munp ro-lum ; to, sleet, nak� and 6&mmks t® gmdM' end IR mrm&�vd p6ul rSpMdC-3 n ( 0- S Ap-pumdLix H)6 WORWMEM-DININIE L APPROAC IJ, m k A. PON - WE fm2a"uz.@Fj'm ChIM, b, j)mkmjIed id Appeftdix C, Project mmimflPmem 9L The Pu*mp 2tGM-ding purtion of die plai em Ivi H bE area by, an Assm-l-We4cod, puukmiumol sIzIT member whi o was lulolued in she Wan ,djeck rev"m I - N. L pjece&s! = Dr- AAJ` Basra-nL M. Basbammi hag E9, P". ftm UCIDOA lmphapj BUD Idmu-mea rod uaiftadke eu� ffzdqg (sgig: atmahe LIMC-)L G-Mu's Pums-id-amt, Gmg RKI%Tr; wM, also br., lrmalvW in ffic pru-3"W ims vredEd CRSMF�g c- Obse-n%dipasnIgsiffm Oil sp ; A , ediom 1. A. unIquaLly ujiflad senior fleEhmuil Each I - gm M pedad Empatu wigll ba uoiIjiud 'fur Pmckmup, -2 Mopm4mm mad %o •mftg p@HITCB of PaCkiAgO.J. TILAS hldhidlLul WM IMW ftSigad"IMML leVal Or. owpiarmEnCu wioh ffi mime of the cungtrualam an, Pbrtkm g, L? (Lo, stunedrock corium a. dc4pcNskwpiIcs. maid WaW gading) mndle .kb,M5LEr, LUCH mvpMefor. z d. zc3eqq w-fified, as requirad fiaT @M? Popired :lie VsEmadl S 'a] h3 ns Lbak Poo specdc may be needed irhuhnS fkv Park-muc Mmdl Rig % mirk_ 1L Smause of iLhe mul.fi-disciplined mparimum and pem.13 Vdit be ablo ID Perrbmu Snffml hm-perdOM 51 Our: MMLC�. i,j . i,: No 4-1(mor -m-bipi mw"R11 be0app'llied. .� _3 I; , U 1 1 b- Remisraved S=iml l0mccTrFrr.r&,bni6an L F-gr 51 a m1krd- MiSp cc 6can tmb: atrial mom ropUac, sududcomp-mmimn 'Mstm&. 11 rggisiffled weclal inspeclor IN staff'soils wch-L&I'an "411 The WEN& al . ., The mr! fur N s -9n p €eibufle�. mician Will be lcsg Iffian fbr 4he Lqffli.uu- gam�=Kpdcml tr0rdwim. Hi. No Chow minim um,mrUbr appLEad. PRO-PO&WCOST PACKAGEP.91 -01MOLMON AwAm,m--pddfti.- aL &Mior I(; M h,,r _ ISO I TechnicILM-014m4ay. Ean.-shc W knr — 4 ho-um1werk. Foy 5 vvftks - 20 iman-hurs 1;% 11:1 ty IQ, pruvidr �PmF .Tccl2Cku.s Affl in, c; GMU mp-mlAda check obauvaiamis cot SmAgnilm sz�Mo Pm[mae, I Tarml-, $2,20 , T% Mk E. -1 - TVT A JASWCONWREPMON RIM r 1.1 Stone COW am Gollstrucaan ASSLI[jupfi Onsr & Schar Gcoombn1cat Tcchmc-lufkmj=-mr on-Aw. fulfil -am e - 8 holm4dEly far 4411 %FmfJ6-j9 Drjy-s - 320 amn-bam -dQnSfkYFCj9y_ �i L Tem,Cirma ip p a-unu ichcck l.msp=6uu& R Collmelorco, balsa, imlawn QvVVQC perm=A ty ED parmiammugh avvv-_m2*_ V. s g CA am ga i ac I U d 0 In" bm U7,0@1 , m as I DA119 Ifffis aw dc d. squmbarS, 2013 2 cl-.N! majoa mwmil -3A Us; Tris Lc4 CrH-.Y Of-MIN"I OW TIZACE PMPL?-Xdf,L7r Corufmamfori abmmmmp G-rIF I b, LdblbibiamdeTosa'ng F..- Chm.k _qm[n sim A if mm rtnjOp Eis (4.) C. rMfvSZEDnA Imamgema-lic I how Par' week . -UWMORLh IL. I kla MeC Cogi Eslimave- sr 'S5a2 6. S aso P. S 2—U30 Stone CDIILLm(n Subtagill! rug S III q"..2 glool Asgumpflow ,a;. qenior Geouecfltscal ala-ske- full-tirac, - 8 hour addgy f-bT .50 Working rmyi = 400 moa-homes (Pei, sgrocammuftla The City) i. CJMJJ tO PPM sidle TURiM !MeCkM fbT CRY. 3J.; .1 CM ODSE13 It Otdb= CAW& i - — - - ui.. Cky impudmmtu pr.Qvjdorov85 gwrnliab:� 1,0 poLim— 3 ImFossIgnal Mimgmenc i; 1, Imurpex Weak I I Am uncrfin 9k rlawa h. 2- cfkgt I:tHEnr1le;. ale $44 w000 b6 1 :940 c, 9 3A 12 &n3VAI $gh3gi I ScpwlmbL 5;, L-10-03 I WIT""m 32-05-10 MI', lid 2: Lw, CLEY 0i NEvu',o!OWIT,HIZAC to Y'wanslftr cow"Joaam iNBse"raANI, rprid Ywdnn eSeirwtims. Ma7two PTA PACK 3.1 Wet '[Ad1l,tlies Asuumpt,ons; C1M'U 10 provI a 'ba,,.kfta ccn pacdon ics'tiug CR@g iscawd Special 1DopccIeTrrcr- Wcinff�} 0, 0 &Ys at el lzmuuu day ='96 Dion-hDvo L„ € ity inspe=Ts uu u9sosaarut utd appiwo udiivy Ue pk0enaeaL Baal, shading ss wcIIT as Euugh avcTsight.. b. lAb wting L C5ruipfiQ7ilULU (2) I.L. S nnd, eelu iva!l en'[. (41) !Gam ar -usruatcf b. % 900 3:3 1Damo- I71lilon P.lunw, 1 AsslJlffliphns U. hours Or Misouller .cmuun OM- binici a ll time (lWgjvr =-d SpocallM ln.TeclarffecbrA ciau) , ,Cost E;stimaw; ILL. $51592 13 IDia a^'IUIlIffle-s :{��iunmptra�er�_ C M-U lo+',pr,,v-- Qdc'b99-1rliIIl cantp, e4uni ma og' e R4sLaad Spacial, IhVccutrfT�e- 6hnkiat muB; -Siul Iroad•t•tuuutu — 4 lwuumddap thr 20 w uking hays = t9dli unem-�m- L City Lmplacloru to obwrvzi and appruuo utlllty I_im plincrguni quid ARdiAg aq Afeul as i §e li ovresu �t'. b. Lab ucsnaing i_ cell ngmailria (2) lis Samd.cqu'val!r w (4) 5cptcmbcv5, 2013 , 4;,mu rnocv. 1,3.045 -9�9 r9dal ms. his a% crry of NEiNFoRT mAm! Prq &'djw cafgaucMim 06mrVarkwa and'AHIWR Skrvk Aladmfn M-0jur ,Cost Issmiam oL $5;920 ix $ 900 Dry 3.4 Qradiiu � Assmpfions-. Sai`eloj, ampec anns m COEM MiL 13 On ffY ii. um Coma W pmvAc ch-.gk in5pcW-ans. . 3 a CiLy impe-mairsm pi ov[de rough ove mij LAL b(; Ub Tming CorMe-cHion (2) U. SICNIC, smiyaw for potradal, invon (2) 0- Gi 3. 1 hr ir pee week H. .1 sim MeGftlMomb casl EsdMate-, igi SI'71600 b, S 900 g� S' 17365 GvM3ns Sujbkt all 9,865 1-:. -5 Dernaflifliall - p tll!asm 2 - 20 Do vs Amniptlions A, �S I-MUM, OF M.H.WMEOEMMU-4 lbatlriflcian finiv: (,Re,,-sired Spec-iAl Cost Esdimmle: a- 5592 smvctdcr: � 110-15 5 am-0 Mijea MD93•g0 Moral Ms. Big Lcc� CRY Of NZI-ArFORT BEACH prroNd f6n AVi ddrir J rdricd ' r, 1 F�.8.117_CI51!fA�DJA4 d? ssun3gaC5onm. n. C,fM T'W provide f%egii5ift � SpuciP3 Inspccdams o* (Slab Subgirtdc, FolandDdon - fDolings and'Ovade Beajius, Slabs, Reimlai g Steahtad Cr ricyeua) L t e ester it Ccm=ith. :InsryLclur_ - -52 m- v-li ueta 'b6 C"on iew: cylin m (32 Fay+ e UDC Grins) Cum 'allumal¢n.: L V 1,'248 b'. S E96 rbLLtl%IiHl]1un IS biriEsh S.I.Z. 44 17 sted, Assum pLqm; a. GmUl i Tavide Iegisteredi 8-p eclat t ho5pw'don f-or bul.t'ete�, * •rrid.i.m cuDd m N ,mod, WtrRisulde i„ -ruhl aene« RcTim.wed *dW lhspmoif/Ti'cc@ak� (RegLmorrod, SncoMolding 1agimor) -4 6 rrrmtu how:-a ii',., �1 1i2a��r �ni�', P��: 3�aii ewmlloruU� .(m^paiinilii�te =�a1C�C�C'os�4� 'Cast'Esutunvare, a- i $361224 U. 54224 LS'Imtil''Suh$r,vtvl^ `%lgj MJI.s_8 P:nv0lmnEuund',,NLrPTi'S Assuirnp Carts; ri C'jNI l:l tol provi uu uOrmoRmievus insp1 w dom a5 t� questud Mcgi!si 1 'r$ppdal, fnspocnmaTrAni curin) i. TospUdions luzgd+''to be made, by CSty Bu lldl N mid SaSmy Impectiign Seal. ii., 16 amnaa; )l�tory: COSL EsnLLiinuu- 'STLUFAW 5. 1013 61 UM U 1'r4ijiscit 13.043 =110 a'1 oral Nu. IIL Lgr, Y OIf'6 >!EWPORI' MAC I' ;PAja sj-Jf&aC'ua ed-mreOL -s mdau, and TaEfffgSEWrcrs,.6lFaAna PWtW IIP1F �4G,J.- JDI7'lal�7.Pe5� IruiiT 11. GoW, scu PWVi 0 fl-3lKr.Wlji=.WLh2l uwwVM&M as reagumpd (RpEdsieuM , ',Spemial Ivsp ecou'il usbafician) u„ li spewdo ns Insgply to be' 'fie Waft l a5pt siaro staff., Cost Equm e;. ak 51,394 Option J= by Gamy B ua`ldinjg and oMy ancVar' Pbblle ps 73ense+a� . ie ter➢ Repo l C05 CESUnlare SRADO Caunsameeaft I]wnnouaernn cenupulau spa. Ci .d 1_.safirm nec Padingp.Zi 93 87';062 Numkmra 4::: Ast jCums "CUaeotn3t0'1`epard: S 3,R1i_1O- S8,601,p ARI %vdT.k is papas l rtu� Ibe bulledl iii a Wm-&aitdh•avr�iermW b-MISILB;mccordillice with the v4 NA ICoe scbadule amnl anr_c8 in Appendix A. 103sls may ary depim.dim, cla,wastmcLioar iseJag�� qual ty as r the wo ilk. pe-rCo-aened Iby, IDae oaaseecwecar me lie -_;, orris imrw bg bOaw cir above uba load �as). How mar, we hviI I keep an ongoing rcr_'md o ,cosu, and wilt sear. muted Pb,o I: taI. ON] fw any r . % an wtinlu &ups younrpsra� ouG9nur��tut�.Fn. saxcfflhE I, 103 3 7 emu Rwilwi '12N995m I'D 22,03-11 W- h-J,5 LAP, C"r OPM-M-PORT VIRAtlir and Pleim do ru 1. TCI,, 01 bm�l imlla to Call �Vyou lhm-vc; RDY qw-slions qX"g fla s hffiMpdoo jar .if yoU wauld like, to,ffl.w-uss quorqmlifi Drsjkps, in fud ic y, i d rtff 711. &pigmbgr§,2911-- — - W-spe-olih, Ili j-N C. GMUI Geotechnlca'k, IInc. page B -1: alno.a. MW I Maxina Park Sicheditile af'Char es 9 and Laboratory Testing Fees, GEUMCHNICALINC. Moral L dA of r-I Ed4-I ALiKz TKI.-AR—INA, PARK, 20J;3- 20'11'. d'tincilael ����� f}r ��ili�,c 9 2_?�.iGO;Rit?irr ,toaee I:y,�itr�r rlr, �re0!RY jy31' 3 Li4�5.i4HLlflaetve �4tiixt' �L'pLOps� r�r'C�mluGlae, 3 li$OkA,uc rrca!y'ea9 �F��ip;eror Ci�vla,gi55 $ 16OSH411fniir Staff FmDamraar (Ita m-st, 145mjliomr Dqm�sj dIDIA`.L -,t ku' $ SV.clvilt WG n hie',DOly to, �' ur? .f3 S 1,01GOAQUE Datitaa—Yi mil pre pYrnrl'um andl�a!'4 an r ala�lain;..',PiSa�esF£ n2s 5 95_0oAiwe F—LELDEN"SF°EL'1';71tV `,,' �tisi' ���shr�isal` �echnnciai�" i�d' �pgeiul' I�specirie ,e,>?',hae�,rlaPrrd`iai�uw] °' 511�,1h�iur e NUEe UM 0' year9,ClFerienea, ,v kf.gdb- lndnEd. sad amiflrA LEelmia;l'ami(Soll3,. AUamir1GJ%. mat Spc'e7Elry lrisaerugft, Spodal iraimrtg arailmpaimw wEft c �m[stGr�diag 1 Celdsea2aColwaai is Comarm o 1'u':?irnznti, iy PREN', J,tr1isuireailSi3ccael',I ��peeccrfTcrncrlel n .?p4l�o��u'n mrnra7" S 74,.00l /hapr i' fauEttsnuacnaly .A0;'DRG�iaycw'h°cultr�l,A 1b Spsda7 imspeabou Ear 'Rrinibree 9 msvim o MHWJUY ea Sicr:IfNMlding; v �,61,�'y'ree rti�p�oat9 ir:su 'BW.kFI01.CrpnpaaEIUM TC eiUr$, *Nofias: (1'S 'Item 6r�1'reiLe rt;mi�l�;,nvg9rardeasi;-Sr P�!r.6'�, artal•eslpl'�,rit�tnti toereatlri� f�n�,�raaiita NrrS r�iyry�l3i�, (Z) 0%WCiarE is ahned a 1-5 mFFies r1l€ L„sc ame- 0 ,mi icne dela ed a!s t4n,por,Lkg� oo t c prejec4', Im mss uL Diu E w �r dry anCl.0l1 aerv,r ¢r S-1w l+�ys� d ays, rnai kr,ys d,AB1v74R.+4,1'OLMI iL_fUSMIlN4S'EILTi,VICES Limmicory I.mins aal s, ,�,�_r.> �'rst ,Lnl'.It au.) PerlabRx,gabedde QuIYAdu 1 A o rwo ry Sery im (mnu ocrgrou7, mortaU,,:r&ar, cte-.) Casi+ tlsw, muck c7il-vdeo rEs m',Bmeas s- ain— aoimpbE OTEIE R Ma#:;p1ClE",S Cno mk Scrf'faa Uitul uirmll'ka CAYVI + 1.3 119N --mac fog', Si'113? 00%our Moral cml_u Marina Fark Laboratory TosVng IFmo Schedule 05 `hl a o E" p-t, cAT� 1 u N wi N D E, xfpt FtujP&�_ Til(E sy! 1,14r -lo - I MTS maiscule ID 22.0.6 11 ASSIN D, 2937 25 I ATFm Dnn yar 11 _0 AllgrM! AONDI43:1.9 11 me Urdm&k ASM D 43 Lf I Poo -agapm Paft[66 Slim - gave MV tD -9,2ma) ASIVID 4U m t�dmmswwlv ASM iD 417 I is G- Skye & RlVNm--tEr ASTM 0422 II RZ Ane cossiml #qll A". b rA = Caarse retAied ion, 01) k5TIM C ID Pas&m 0 �2M, ASIT4 DAM —OKOL, DMUT CIr 3— 'M I mmimmim A?g4t!�y dEA I Off CATEm Go —75, 1 1 7'2 DpTcATrstolqjpgrL 7's w�-M- ACONIN. �Npl'a_IrWm cwmgan!sulte.(.Om- Fie&! ity.Mgmesi 11 D_ T CA, 11 INIE -3 m I Mied shor (.7 oftraw 11 ASTM ID -%M LZM I RafrMV?.M Of' tfa.Fid 1-1 ft]TO.Mg Of Wa%MOk- (Pef IKIM C, E !Slue 11 ASTM D,M-11 --I O T dWd PMChN Q3MOKtbR PDAU E M 11 AM.1!D 698 1 Compp4ftn, M" Dena! - 4 mktw Bgpod c cl)cg* Po' t' 70 kyl 9mm parftle6 D,1710 I M- ',CQM NO -11 . -jOWDATIP W MikWUMMU�1 PdLm� fu da3 J,blezv #kv&rmv& piy & gz§a�� wh, sb-myl F.M.Accnml ASTIM ID 2435 250 -n. 4 jnL EL W�Rhuemant - [ES _ AM lb 4829 IOU SxeVWhMa: T�mt - meffiod A C* W 10 ? MMYM'l &UUMM& ll Wb,MW N7 oul CAS rW45�. i5d A US .4 - KEOad 5 oftgtq, Low 9WW ;ouppm: TE k, (6143a4 Awd aud ka, r patl A5TPj o 4545 mvJu mi 15G I cmAtbAspsg `GEsi - mdhi3d C AM04S4GMLmhcdir I 3175 c' Its 111 of I� ASTlim ib M3, so mn s (05 rat Kgbo, ASTIM, ID 2-1-34 I 1.10 Ndis� T.-Oa: 5-amPla 3-15 pwt*W samole 1 350, TnwLL311 Pmmm*ffrp In REA-WeAM Pummmunu wMi Raftressumsomrakm - at: Ong P-ffbE&--PSua--ff, EM MWAHM 01SON1 F3-'Nq HE2d Pklbcd Q Eodi Add'hkmWi F-Ra�&a Sue5s; I Cd s4wg oys: (of mufla m K davge for Langlrerim Test-. (Smna d� Sol Sal "W51 J"ar.,stiFr 9rF is rdr uruP+;i 'ii, mdt fir arr�5r ar l'�nwi e4p_cfiPatr,kc i rsk�taeyia�Ptr� Jd�rlmdthe ggov wfmEl^'.Y7JlJYl�f iPQ7�Y„ -2,- 25d3l y ��.�����S�Cd �P$��:Y9�'1.E�P-'^ �— �J_.+ A�Iksle- r�i *N4��`it�.�i'�_���:�✓Rrr�'�,. rml'�ik:.l] A5 lulk' by, [ n Min A57M R 2.1.72 I 10(7 seas lu dt tylgall5r, tom UFA WP! Ink of C-binpaCtedspe4mEropilmft, Cbilted P,ST.I%1 D MUMS ' iap F9a!efMMPenalt mamfoll'. 2Sd _ Lab "Iechnldam J-Labarabwo MarugEFI R . I wed 5n lnear R I S' 11 h= RT rabal En -Tnftr S, 225,pftiifwv J"ar.,stiFr 9rF is rdr uruP+;i 'ii, mdt fir arr�5r ar l'�nwi e4p_cfiPatr,kc i rsk�taeyia�Ptr� Jd�rlmdthe ggov wfmEl^'.Y7JlJYl�f iPQ7�Y„ -2,- 25d3l INiSURi�INCE REQUERIEMIENITS —PROFESSIONAL AL SERVICES 1. f raryisionLcoi'- Insurance. Withau li Illing Gironsul'tem s IndamnificsUo,n of G'?Y„ and prior to mr,non mont,of IfII'onrk, Cornsultaint shell obtain,, provide and maintain at Iks own expense dlujing the term of thi's Agrearneni pollcibs of Insurance of the iyfre and armeunts desor[bed, below and In a foam ssttafticioryr itui Clty, Co_n_sult rit agrees to provide Inwtance In aoccrdanee with requirements sit forth, hsre, If Consultant asses existing coverage! to comply and (that camerage does not mwett these requirements, Consultant agrees to amend, :susppIpment or endorse the. @Asiiiungl coverage, . Acceptable Insurers. All Inisurance poNdiles shall tae Issued) by an insanrarnoi company curfently authorized my, the InsuLrenre CoT rnisstoner to B!ranivact business of iinsuiance in the (State of Callromila, w.fth an assigned pol[eyholderg' Rating of A (or higher), and Financial SLza Category Class VOI (or larger) in amaPdance Valth the I!atest edition of B'est's Key Ruling Greida„ unless oilhe wu.se appwood by the Cilyrs'Riek Manage ri �. __���aa�savlranme_nt�. A. Consultant shall nmarnilainiMtiers' Corn:pensarioln Insurance, stWultory Ilirtnits and €irnplbyees Liability, Inaura'nre (units of alt fe=ast one tiilllhon dollars ($1,000,000) each nedident for bodily injury by accidont and each emplloyeefor bodii¢y linfury l y d1sease In accordan ce with the laws of the Stale of Calfromle, Section U700 of the Lamer Co de. Consultant shalll w4+mit ire City. albng wdl'th the �certilicalls of In, serance, a W2ivnr of Subroglation ondorseri ei nt In 'favor o( GIN. Its off Ic rs agent% employ eas and 'Yo[wnt,eers'. IB, Caernerdi Liability Insursanc& Consultant shall maln"ain commercial general' liability Insurance, and it necessary rixrbre lh liability Insunanre. writ_h coverage at Ileast as broad as provided IYy insurance Seavoees Office f❑rrun GG 100 ,01. un an arnoum not less, then one mMinn dollars (81,000,171001) par owuffence, arse ImIll.lon dell!ars (S%000,000)1 general aggregal!a. "The policy shall cover liAbility ainsinq from promMes„ opwrations, persone 11 an,d advertisling Injury, and Illa!bilily assumed undar an Insured contract (lincluding the )tort IlablEW of another assu:medl iiLn a, busint ss ,cuntraoGy With, no andcrsenneoli or modification lirnilirng the S+mp of coveragis for liability' a:ssurned under a contract. G. Automobile Liability Ilrnsu ante. Consultant shall rnalintaiti €rurto nobille insurance at (least as bead as (Insurance Servkcjes Office lean CIA 001 01 covering bodily Inyury+ a d property damage for ,ali actMilles of Consul and arising out of or In connection with 'Work tai be periommmed undier INS A,greernent„ including coverage for any owned, (hired, non -owned or rented GMU1 Geoteclaniaal„ Inc. gage C-1 29dal vehildJes;, In an amount not less than one rmilllon d!oltars ($1.00,000) mtbined1'91rgte limit eaach a !ent, D. & a7r - 99fio_asl Ilnswan . Co nsullant shall Maintain proiessional llability insluranc4 that covers tlma "eril to be performed In conneoflon with th:is Agreoment, In the maniminmurn airmant all one mmllllbn dollars (51,000,0 00) p,ar clalmv and In the! aggr°agate- Any policy lncepdora date, cr_nnflnr_ib dicta'. 'orr rr troadtl data must be ibefore the EffacEirw Date up this; Agrealnani and Consurltani agrees to maintain a: olinuous. wilem.ge through; a peril no less than thiree }year afler rorrnp 6afianelu ittne Semu na€pu9 d try'1 -his. lg�'st�?enl- 4. Othad'nsuria:nce_IRag mments. The poOdes are to cantialh. ;a,r bei endorsed to conVtat'n, We fullowing provisions; A. wolmer_o w4 anon, All inswan ce owerige maintained or prDcuredl parsuanE to this Agreemeril ,shall be tenders ta, 'waive sUbiroga'Unn aga!insl CItyF „'its elected or eplpoln -ted officers, agents„ o'lilnlals, emplovee s. and volunteers or shall specificaRy allow Consultant or olltur;rs privAdilragl Lirswrer avrjde3nea tai raamplltin,ee x*rlliai'thes raulrmrien to �.tal+ thGr right of recomary p.n;br to iowi, Co nsukant hereby waiver, ila oh"m right, of recovevr against Gilt', and shall require simlla,r weemutton express 'wra vers frmmi each ruf Ets subeonsultuants. B_ Addliflonal linsurad Blade s.= All tlabilifty ,p alEe ies lrL'd luding general Il ahl[i +,,, excess !]ability, ponuliion Iliablllltyi and autormbiile: liabi0j,, if required, but not indludinag prolessia'nall lirabilfty, shall Iprowide or lae endorsed to, provide that City and its officers, affil ernployQes, and agon,lis shall be irmi uded as Insureds under such, polil Bias_ C_ PriImEg ,r and Ton Cantribulo . All II'iabilay c- overa,wan shalt apply on a pr1maryIba,sis and shall not require crirrtalbution frrarrn any Insurance or°seffm Insurance Ililallrntairned by City. D. N lGloe of CanoollaUjon. All pollld6ea shall paroWd'e !Lily w rfflle t'rurrly (30) calendar d'ays notice of cAncelliaiti6rn (except for nonpayment for Which tern (it});cal €nd'er;days notice Is requiredl)'or nonrenewwal of coverage for eadh r+equlred covaraga. 5; Additional 6preernu en'Is Between, the Parties,. Thai P-a-las herabry a;grea Ern the fuliav an , A., Mild'e ere of Insurance. Consu'llunt shall provide ccrtifficales Y, insuraince Ec Clty as eal of the insurance atd nRge ra M hr reln, nlongl 5a .1h a waiver of subragaffanend' orsement ,hrtvl ;eampensadonand other endorr eirnents as specified herein For each, coverag:C. trvau annce: ceitifle9tes and end arse went. imust Ibe, e.pipm"vred by Ci'Ws IRisk Manager pdar ito commencement of ,pedarmance. Current cerdfizatioon, of irr l�lr3��ti6� shall be kept on iMe wvrlth Cliy at all arni lduding the term of this mu Geol- innical,'Ilmc: iPs,ge ' ,' A.gireernent.. City reserves the uig'ht too raguire cornpletep ras_ ' iedl copies of ati required Insurance',policies,,.art, anyr'llrrie, IS. Oty''s .Ftight Ic 'Rev6e B,edtiirermanig., City reserves the right at any terns dwrunag the terror mt the Agreement to change 'the: amounts and b)pes of (insurance required by gjlvimag Consultant st (130 ) cal iendar days advanpe . wdtten molice of such Oarnge„ If such change mWits to substantfail addlittorial coat, to Consiultan!t, City and Gonsufteni may rent atiata C'onsultant's e,orryponsatfom. C. EnCoircement loi Aareemen! Proyisiarm, Ganstiftapil acknowledge.- and agrees drat any actual or alleged 'IaMure on the gnarl. all City to Bain m ,Consultant of non-w rppf enre with any requirement Imposes no Additional: oltiNg;a,tions ami City nor d'rDes ilk waive any rig'ha� hereunder. D. IReaulrannan"ua nut' I=1�milfmta. Req,tuirements of sp 11 c cowafag;a 'ldatanri?s or limit's con`L'i?ned in this Section are neat I_ntandedi as a Ilmitatlon can mverage° limits or 3thar regiilmmerilts, car, a waiver ml any r`c!voillage normally torn�ided by any insumnra:. SIper tfilc ralerainca to a given, coverage 'feature is for ,purposes of da i lc -agon only as it pert'slras lb a g ivmn'I:ssaue and! is not Intended by any patty ar Insured' to, be all InclusiVe, car to th® r�;aRClttsion rafi DMIST cuveragao ar a walver rat an,y iItyrpe. Ei Self in-we Relarntia,nse &ruy s�t1,[ns rout r- eternlions must be dedared to and apjprovEd iby, City. kyr uimservus Chia righit In 'raquim Ithot r elt-insu>ired relentions be eilminated, lowered,, or rapilaced lay' a dedrudible. Se'l'f= insurumce will not lei considered to com ply w 1th ,these req;uIremenm unless approved hyr City. F. L�, - %madies for Man- mp9i n e„ ir'Consuli'amt or any subcoinsulltant Ws, to provude and analntmirp'i'risuFa nce as required h:oraln° ikon Cliky slnal:I Ihdve 'tear~ iright, bbl nat the oblggatio.n, to purclaaise, s:uuhu ansu:raigw. to ternnlnate th'Is Agreement, or to suspend) Consuk ant's nghi'u m proceed iuivtil (proper eufdence of insurance is psrroWded. Any amounts plaid by City stuaIll° at City's sole option, be deducted IIu'earra amounts payable 'to Cvnsaultaunt or t+atm'bursed by Consultant upon d;ernand. G. 70mnek if otice—olf Clalrins. ConTractar shall g1ve City prurn,pt anid tlnne'fy nadba of claims rmadle or suuts ins9illuted lftt '2n.RM inut _ of gr retsUillfrom Contractoes, p- Mbi -manse uirWer This Gontracti and that ltuvolIve or may Involve coverage unrter any of flue required tibili'tty gualicis, Cilhy assumes no oblIp.1tiorn or lialaflily by sushi notice, ut has the rog;l�It �Idui nrit th.e dn�'uy�)' to r onitor 'thee handling of any such dal'm ar, dMuns IT they aria likely W "tn;{olve City. I�., i�JS'Ifisetlltamk °s I'rkSnl,ra�GEs., �'d5ri51�[I;ent sh�lli B�Isis',jairnr�ur�e 9i�d' msinu�ln, �rtat,g own cost, and' expense, arty, addWonal hinds of'lnsuranca, vihich In it's rovwn ltidgrmen1 (may be Inecessary-for its pr -oper protection and proseculicyn qu the WcdL G MitU G60te -cT iaal" lucre.. Page 01 511W DI