HomeMy WebLinkAbout18 - SLBTS Annual Review_PA2010-150TO: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report Agenda Item No. 18 October 22, 2013 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Community Development Department Kimberly Brandt, AICP, Director 949-644-3226, kbrandt@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Melinda Whelan, Assistant Planner APPROVED:, A V /� TITLE: Annual Review of Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement for Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. (PA2010-150) 505 29th Street, 126 44th Street Units A and B (closed), 5004 Neptune Avenue Units A and B, 5101 River Avenue Unit B, 3980 Seashore Drive (closed), 4711 and 4711 '/z Seashore Drive, 4800 Seashore Drive Units A and B, 6111 Seashore Drive, 6110 W. Ocean Front, 4138 Patrice Road, 2809 Villa Way, 2800 Lafayette Avenue ABSTRACT: This is the fourth annual periodic review of the Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement ("Zoning Agreement") between the City and Sober Living by the Sea (SLBTS). Staff has conducted a thorough review of SLBTS's operations and the requirements of the Zoning Agreement. Staff is of the opinion that SLBTS is in compliance with all requirements. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Conduct a public hearing; 2. Find this review exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Section 15321 (Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because this review enforces an entitlement for use adopted by the City and has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 1 Annual Review of Zoning Implementation for Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. (PA2010-150) October 22, 2013 Page 2 3. Find that Sober Living by the Sea has demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of the Zoning Implementation and Benefit Agreement; and 4. Receive and file documents submitted by Sober Living by the Sea (Attachment A) to demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of the Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: There is no fiscal impact related to this item and no specific funding is necessary to take action on this matter. DISCUSSION: Introduction This is the fourth annual periodic review of the Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement ("Zoning Agreement") between the City and Sober Living by the Sea (SLBTS). Staff has conducted a thorough review of SLBTS's operations and the requirements of the Zoning Agreement (Attachment B). Staff's review indicates that SLBTS is in compliance with all requirements. The Zoning Agreement establishes the duties of both the City and SLBTS, and requires that the City and SLBTS each comply in good faith with its terms. The Zoning Agreement includes a provision that a periodic review be conducted at least once every 12 months, consistent with California Government Code Section 65865. 1, and Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Section 15.45.080. If the City Council finds that the applicant has not complied in good faith with the terms or conditions of the agreement, the City Council may pursue remedies. The third annual periodic review occurred in October 2012 (Attachment C - City Council Minutes). At that public hearing, the City Council determined that SLBTS had demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of the Zoning Agreement. Terms and Conditions of the Zoning Agreement Villa Way Facility In February 2013, SLBTS requested a relocation of their administrative offices at 2811, and 2813 Villa Way to 2800 Lafayette Avenue. 2809 Villa Way remains as a meeting facility per Exhibit C in the Zoning Agreement. The operational conditions related to the meeting facility are specified in a letter from the City to SLBTS dated August 25, 2006, (Determination Letter) and incorporated by reference as Exhibit C in the Zoning Agreement (Attachment B). The conditions set forth in the Determination Letter are 2 Annual Review of Zoning Implementation for Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. (PA2010-150) October 22, 2013 Page 3 summarized in the "Condition Category" column Villa Way/Lafayette Facility Matrix, included as Attachment E of this report. The relocation of the offices was reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director (Attachment F). The new office location includes the parking lot at 2805 Villa Way, which provides the permanent off-street parking required by the Zoning Agreement. The parking lot has been improved with landscaping and provides the minimum required 13 -parking spaces exclusively for the SLBTS vehicles. Compliance Review and Applicable Regulations of the Zoning Agreement The Zoning Agreement requires SLBTS to submit a Compliance Review Report on or before December 31 and June 30 of each year. The new management of SLBTS submitted its Compliance Review Reports within approximately two weeks of the deadlines and Code Enforcement issued warnings found in Table 4 (Attachment G). The Zoning Agreement limits the number of client beds permitted in SLBTS' sober living homes and licensed treatment facilities to 204 beds citywide. SLBTS reported a total of 70 client beds as of September 1, 2013. Compared to September 2012, 15 beds have been eliminated with the closure of two facilities and 10 new beds created in one new facility. There has been a 66 percent decrease in reported client beds between May 2008 and September 2013. (See Attachment H for an inventory of client beds listed by address and Attachment I for a map of all open SLBTS facilities as well as closed facilities.) The latest Compliance Review Report provides current information regarding facility locations and bed counts. The accuracy of the information has been verified through on- site inspections conducted by Code Enforcement. Code Enforcement has also verified that each facility is in compliance with the "Applicable Regulations' as delineated in Exhibit B of the Zoning Agreement. A summary of the "Applicable Regulations" are provided in the matrices attached to this report (Attachment J), and in Table 1: Table 1 — Applicable Reaulations Regulation Specific Requirement Status _ Number and Location No more than 204 client beds citywide, no more In compliance. 70 of Facilities than 156 in Peninsula zone, including 12 maximum client beds citywide on Lido Isle. reported as of 9/1/13. New Facilities after One facility per block, or across bordering street In compliance. effective date of (block is area bounded by 4 streets, not alleys). Zoning Agreement Dispersal: 1 facility No new facility established outside Peninsula Zone Dispersal completed per block within 30 until dispersal complete 12/27/10. months of effective In compliance. date (4 exceptions 3 Annual Review of Zoning Implementation for Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. (PA2010-150) October 22, 2013 Page 4 Regulation Specific Requirement s specified in Zoning Agreement may remain within same block). Proximity to schools, No facility within 1,000 feet of NMUSD elementary In compliance. large day care school or large day care facility, or adjacent to 36 facilities, parks Street tot lot or Marina Park tot lot. Parolees/ SLBST shall not provide services to or house any In compliance. Government parolee from CA Dept. of Corrections or equivalent. SLBTS reports it Referrals Other parolee/probationers-1 per dwelling unit does not provide allowed. services or housing to Note: Effective Feb. 2011, NBPD requests they be parolees. asked to supply this information only for criminal law enforcement purposes. Medical Waste Must be disposed of in accordance with law and In compliance. Disposal best practices Other Waste Disposal Must comply with NBMC requirements for trash In compliance. enclosure provisions Smoking and Good faith effort to prevent secondhand smoke In compliance with Tobacco Products affecting neighboring properties; direct clients not to action taken to litter w/ tobacco products or violate smoking address complaints prohibitions received regarding 4711 Seashore - SLBTS Action Plan Attachment A). Off -Street Parking Comply with NBMC requirements for off-street In compliance. parking in residential zones. SLBTS addressed complaints minor in nature with no further action required. 24 -Hour Hotline Continuously operate 24-hour hotline for receiving In compliance. inquires and/or complaints re: its operation of Hotline: (949) 554 - facilities. 1147 Quiet Hours All residents to be inside during quiet hours: In compliance. Sun.-Thurs.: 10 p.m. — 7 a.m.; Fri. -Sat.: 11 p.m. — 7 a.m. Route Plans Good faith efforts to adhere to required route plans In compliance. Route for transport of clients. map provided by SLBTS for new location at 112 39th Street. Deliveries of Goods Accept deliveries during customary times in In compliance. and Services residential areas Clients per bedroom 2 clients per bedroom unless size of structure In compliance. warrants more for any single bedroom. 4 Annual Review of Zoning Implementation for Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. (PA2010-150) October 22, 2013 Page 5 Code Enforcement conducted on-site interior inspections of eight SLBTS facilities in March and September this year, and exterior inspections of all SLBTS facilities on the same dates. A copy of the inspection reports are provided in Attachment K, and a summary of dates and locations of facility inspections are provided in Table 2: Table 2 — SLBTS Facility Inspections Ins ection Date F Facility Address Inspection Results March 21, 2013 6110W. Ocean Front sliding door. Arrested. Internal Inspection 5101 River Ave. #B In Compliance Internal Inspection 4711 & 4711 Yz Seashore Dr. In Compliance Internal Inspection 4800 Seashore Dr. In Compliance Internal Inspection 3980 Seashore Dr. In Compliance March 21 and September 19, 2013 8 to 10 subjects from the sober living house smoking on the beach. 4800 Seashore Dr. External Inspection of all facilities In Compliance September 19, 2013 112 40th St. Ado Internal Inspection 112391nSt. In Compliance Internal Inspection 5101 River Ave. #B In Compliance Internal Inspection 4711 & 4711 '/2 Seashore Dr. In Compliance but staff will continue to monitor. Internal Inspection 4138 Patrice Rd. In Compliance Calls for Service and Other Complaints The Newport Beach Police Department (NBPD) reviewed calls -for -service related to the SLBTS facilities between September 1, 2012, and August 31, 2013 (Table 3). The calls were minor in nature and did not raise concern with the NBPD regarding facility operations. Table 3 — Calls for Service Date & Location =1L Complaint 10/21/12 Suspicious person. Intoxicated male subject banging on the rear glass 6110W. Ocean Front sliding door. Arrested. 10/26/12 Theft of wallet from location. Report taken. 505 29th St. 11/12/12 Medical aide to resident. Report taken. 505 291h St. 12/20/12 Suspicious person. Male transient acting suspicious on property. 6110 W. Ocean Front Unable to locate. 3/17/13 8 to 10 subjects from the sober living house smoking on the beach. 4800 Seashore Dr. Gone on arrival and unfounded. 4/13/13 Noise disturbance. Male and female screaming and using profanity. 112 40th St. Advised. 5/24/13 Residential Burglary report. Someone broke into bedroom and 4800 Seashore Dr ransacked interior. Report taken. 5 Annual Review of Zoning Implementation for Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. (PA2010-150) October 22, 2013 Page 6 Code Enforcement has responded to approximately 13 complaints filed with the City during this time period, as summarized in Table 4. All of these complaints were addressed immediately by SLBTS and did not require warning notices or administrative citations. The violations for the parking at 4711 Seashore Drive and 5101 River Avenue were minor in nature and do not warrant further enforcement action. Additionally, staff has not been able to independently verify the source of the second hand smoke. However, since these have been reoccurring complaints at 4711 Seashore Drive, SLBTS has created an action plan to specifically address these issues. The action plan is found under #4 in Attachment A which includes designating the garage as the only smoking area. In response to the most recent complaint regarding parking at 5101 River Avenue, SLBTS issued an email reminding their drivers not to block the public sidewalks and personally addressed the responsible driver in this incident. Table 4 — Other Complaints Received by the City Date & Location Complaint Resolution 11/28/2012 Parking on and obstructing public Addressed with SLBTS on 11/28/12 4711 Seashore Dr right-of-way 01/16/2013 Submitted Compliance Review Wamed/advised Report late 03/25/2013 Secondhand smoke Addressed with SLBTS on 3/25/13 4711 Seashore Dr 04/13/2013 Parking on and obstructing public Email to SLBTS on 4/15/13 4711 Seashore Dr right-of-way 06/14/2013 Work without permits, compliance Staff inspected and unfounded 112 39th St with ZA 07/03/2013 Failure to follow route plan No violation, Route plan established 112 39th St 07/11/2013 Submitted Compliance Review Warned/advised Report late 08/18/2013 Parking on and obstructing public Verbal warning to Jeff Hamilton 4711 Seashore Dr right-of-way 08/29/2013 Parking on and obstructing public Addressed with SLBTS on 9/13/13 4711 Seashore Dr right-of-way 09/07/2013 Secondhand smoke Addressed with SLBTS on 9/13113 4711 Seashore Dr 09/08/2013 Parking on and obstructing public Addressed with SLBTS on 9/13/13 4711 Seashore Dr right-of-way, 09/14/2013 Secondhand smoke Addressed with SLBTS on 9/19/13 4711 Seashore Dr 09/18/2013 Parking on and obstructing public Under investigation 5101 River Ave right-of-way 0 Annual Review of Zoning Implementation for Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. (PA2010-150) October 22, 2013 Page 7 Parking or Moving Violations Although not required by the Zoning Agreement, staff also reviewed the City's parking and moving citation records for SLBTS transport vehicles holding Master Parking Permits. A total of two parking citations and no moving citations were issued between September 2012, and September 2013, as summarized in Table 5. Table 5 — Parkinq Citations Vehicle Parking Citation General Location Date Honda SUV Excess 18" from curb 2807 Lafayette9/18/12 Chevy SUV Street Sweeping Seashore Dr.- 48 St. 12/12/12 Conclusion: Staff is of the opinion that SLBTS has made good faith efforts to comply with the terms of the Zoning Agreement, including securing off-site parking for the Villa Way facility and Lafayette offices. Based on the information and attachments provided in this report, staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Find SLBTS has demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of the Zoning Agreement; and 2. Receive and file the documents submitted by SLBTS to demonstrate good faith efforts and compliance with the Zoning Agreement. The next annual review will be presented to the City Council for consideration in October 2014. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Section 15321 (Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. This section exempts actions by regulatory agencies to enforce or revoke a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement for use issued, adopted, or prescribed by the regulatory agency or enforcement of a law, general rule, standard, or objective, administered or adopted by the regulatory agency. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). 7 Annual Review of Zoning Implementation for Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. (PA2010-150) October 22, 2013 Page 8 Notice of this hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners and occupants of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of each of the property locations, and mailed to the applicant at least 10 days prior to this hearing, consistent with the provisions of the NBMC. Notice of this hearing was also posted at each property location at least 10 days prior to this hearing. Submitted by: d0,C Director ` Attachments: A. SLBTS Documents Demonstrating Compliance B. Zoning Agreement C. October 9, 2012, City Council Minutes D. Zoning Agreement Administrative Protocol Memorandum E. Villa Way Facility and Lafayette Offices Matrix F. Zoning Clearance Letter for Office Relocation G. SLBTS Compliance Reports H. Inventory of SLBTS Client Beds as of September 2013 I. Map of SLBTS Facilities — Open and Closed as of September 2013 J. SLBTS Compliance Matrices: Overall Compliance Matrix and Individual Facilities Matrices K. Code Enforcement Inspection Reports MA Attachment A SLBTS Documents Demonstrating Compliance I 10 Sober Living by the Sea Annual Report to City of Newport Beach September 19, 2013 Exhibit B — Applicable Regulations In accordance to the Zoning Agreement there shall be no more than 204 beds occupied in the City at any time by persons who are patients, clients or customers of Sober Living by the Sea and there shall be no more than 156 beds occupied in total in those parts of the City referred to as the Peninsula Zone. As of Sept 1, 2013 Sober Living by the Sea (SLBTS) managed or controlled the following facilities in Newport Beach: SLBTS FACILITIES Property Address Peninsula Zone (Y c N) Treatment Bed Count ADP License (Y or N) Peninsula Off Peninsula 4138 Patrice N 6 Pending 4711 Seashore Y 6 Y 4711 '/2 Seashore Y 2 N 505291h Street Y 6 Y 11239th Street Y 10 N 4800 Seashore, units A & B Y 10 Y 5004 Neptune, unit Y 6 N 5004 Neptune, unit B Y 6 N 5101 River, unit B Y 6 Y 6110 West Ocean Front Y 6 Y 6111 Seashore Y 6 Y Total Client Bed Count: 70 beds — Since the last annual report (September 2012) SLBTS has closed: • 3980 Seashore and 126 44ih St (units A&B) have closed Sober Living is in compliance with this requirement #9 of Applicable Regulations: SLBTS is not operating a Facility that is within 1,000 feet of any NMUSD elementary school or the large commercial State -licensed day care facility 11 #10 of Applicable Regulations: Sober Living has not established or operating a facility at any location which is adjacent to the 36a' Street Tot Lot or Marina Park Tot Lot. Operational Regulations — Exhibit B #1 of Operational Regulations_ No parolee or parolees from the California Department of Corrections or its equivalent in any other State or the Federal Bureau of Prisons in any of its Facilities located in the City #2 of Operational Regulations: SLBTS is in complete compliance with disposal of medical waste if indeed this is necessary. SLBTS is not a medical facility and does not deal with medical waste issues. #3 of Operational Regulations: SLBTS makes great efforts to comply with "trash lid coverage" regulation. No complaints filed 44 of Operational Regulations: Sober Living makes good faith efforts to prevent second hand smoke from leaving the facility. We have received complaints for this issue on 3/25/13 at 4711 Seashore Dr. Action Plan Objective Action/Activity Target dates Status 1. Develop and support Began effort at September 19, 2013 9/19/13 — indefinite Ongoing action plan for eliminating smoking issues at 4711 Seashore Drive A. Identity current A. SLBTS management to 9/20/2013- indefinite Ongoing & present SMOKING educate all clients and staff behaviors of staff and on the smoking policy clients, whereabouts, moved to garage only. time of day, and B. Implement smoking policy disposal of cigarettes and repercussions for non- adherence. 2. Develop and A. SLBTS management to 9/20/2013- indefinite Ongoing support action plan educate all clients and staff for eliminating on the parking policy parking issues at B. Implement parking policy 4711 Seashore and repercussions for non - Drive adherence. A. Identity current & present PARKING behaviors of staff 3. Develop assessment to To be measured by: measure effectiveness & a. Documenting actions and 9/20/2013- indefinite impact of smoking and accomplishments of Objective 1, parking policies 2. 12 4. Develop ongoing Documented by activities and supportive environment accomplishments from Objectives 1 9/20/13 — indefinite Ongoing between SLBTS and City and 2. of Ne on Beach #5 of Operational Regulations: Sober Living complies with all City code provisions requiring of street parking in residential zones. We have received complaints for parking on and obstructing public right of way on 11/28/12, 4/15/13, 8/18/13, 8/29/13, and 9/14/13. All of them occurred at 4711 Seashore Dr. except for the last one which occurred at 5101 River Ave. These issues have been addressed and staff is aware that they may receive disciplinary action up to and including termination if their vehicles are found to be obstructing the public right of way. See action plan above for 4711 Seashore Dr. and see email sent out below regarding 5101 River Ave.: Dear Matt and Melinda, In response to the picture taken of our vehicle parked in front of the garage at 5101 River on 9/14/13, we put out this email to all of our drivers, and I personally addressed the responsible driver to be sure this type of parking incident does not happen again. Sincerely, Jeff Hamilton Operations Director SLBTS (949)279-1490 From: Eric Vandennoort, Newport Beach, CA Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 11:41 AM To: SLBTS - Client Issues Subject: Parking Notice 1) Reminder to all SLBTS drivers to please follow all city rules. Do not EVER block any sidewalk when parking any of our vehicles. Eric van den Noort LAADC, CADC-II, ICADC Health and Safety Officer Sober Living by the Sea Treatment Centers A Division of CRC Health Group,lnc. #6 of Operational Regulations: Sober Living continuously operates a 24 hour per day hotline for receiving inquiries and/or complaints. The number is 949.554.1147. No complaints received #7 of Operational Regulations: Quiet hours have been observed as outlined in the Zoning Agreement. These hours are Sunday through Thursdayl0 pm to 7 am and Friday through Saturday 11 pm to 7 am. No complaints have been received. # 8 of the Operational Regulations: SLBTS's staff comply with all of the rules surrounding the routes that vans drive. No complaints received 13 #9 of the Operational Regulations: SLBTS is in compliance with the regulations related to deliveries of goods and services. No complaints received #10 of the Operational Regulations: SLBTS willing participates in activities of any stake holder committee or group established by the City to address complaints and concerns of residents of the City. To date no such participation has been requested. #11 of the Operational Regulations: SLBTS strictly adheres to the regulation which does not allow for no more then two (2) clients are in any bedroom in the Facilities. Operations for Villa Way Facility (now 2800 Lafayette), Newport Beach The office at 2811 Villa Way was relocated to 2800 Lafayette on May 1, 2013. We met with the City of Newport and received permission to relocate our administrative services to that building. Attached to this report is the zoning clearance dated March 5, 2013. Below are the conditions set forth in the zoning agreement: 1. The use of 2800 Lafayette Avenue is limited to only office uses for Sober Living, client check-in, and a small ancillary computer lab (5-7 stations). Client group meetings, client picking up and/or consuming prescriptions, or client consulting with a nurse shall not occur at 2800 Lafayette Avenue. Sober Living is in compliance with this condition. 2. Client check-in shall be limited to 7:OOam to 5:OOpm. — Sober Living is in compliance with this condition. 3. Client use of the computer lab shall be limited to 9:OOam to 4:OOpm. Sober Living is in compliance with this condition. 4. Clients may use the building entrance facing 28h Street, but should neighborhood concerns result, the client entrance shall be relocated to the Lafayette Avenue entrance. Sober Living is in compliance with this condition. 5. Outside congregation is prohibited at 2800 Lafayette Avenue. Sober Living is in compliance with this condition. 6. The outdoor upstairs patio at 2800 Lafayette Avenue shall be used by employees only and not be used as a client congregation area. Smoking is prohibited on the public boardwalk adjacent to 2800 Lafayette Avenue pursuant to Municipal Code Section 11.04.080. Sober Living is in compliance with this condition. 7. Provide a revised set of floor plans for 2800 Lafayette Avenue showing the uses for each area for review and approval by the Community Development Director. Sober Living complied with this condition. 8. Clients will not be allowed to assemble at 2800 Lafayette Avenue for the purpose of being transported to another location. Sober Living is in compliance with this condition. In addition to these conditions we have also transitioned our hotline to the new facility at 2800 Lafayette. We also continue to hold meetings for the clients at 2809 14 Villa Way and the nurses office for prescription pick-up continues to be located at 2810 Villa Way (as it has been for a number of years). The parking lot that was provided to us as part of the lease for 2800 Lafayette is located at 2805 Villa Way. Newport City has given permission to use this lot under the following conditions: 1. Provide 13 off-site parking spaces at 2805 Villa Way which will be used for vehicle parking and storage by Sober Living staff and transport vans. All vehicles associated with Sober Living shall be parked at this lot rather than on City streets or public parking lots. For instance Sober Living vans shall be parked on the lot rather than on City streets in the surrounding neighborhood or the City parking lot. Sober Living is in compliance with this condition. 2. Screen re -located bike racks within a secured enclosure. Sober Living was able to keep the bike racks and bikes at the current location behind 2811 Villa Way and no change was needed. This was approved by Newport City. 3. Re -strip parking lot subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department (Building Permit required). Sober Living complied with this condition and the work is complete. 4. Upgrade existing landscaping subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director. Sober Living complied with this condition and the work is complete. 5. Provide plan of parking lot and bike racks with enclosure as conditioned above for plan check. Sober Living was able to keep bike racks in the same place that was approved. 6. Clients will not be allowed to assemble at the parking lot for the purpose of being transported to another location. Sober Living is in compliance with this condition. 115 Group Size/Frequency Compliance Report: SLBTS is in compliance with the numbers of groups and clients permitted to attend meetings at 2809 Villa Way. SLBTS maintains a calendar of meetings and an attendance data for each group. SLBTS then summarizes this information into a tracking report that outlines the exact number of clients that have attended the meetings scheduled at Villa Way. The numbers are well within the permitted limits. 10 SLUTS Attendance Tracking Form September 2012 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 03 -Sept 18 10 -Sept 15 17 -Sept 15 03 -Sept 18 10 -Sept 19 17 -Sept 15 04 -Sept 211 11 -Sept 19 18 -Sept 19 04 -Sept 15 11 -Sept 10 18 -Sept 19 05 -Sept III 12 -Sept 16 19 -Sept 19 05 -Sept 18 12 -Sept 20 19 -Sept 17 06 -Sept 211 13 -Sept 20 20 -Sept 20 06 -Sept 1!I 13 -Sept 17 20 -Sept 20 07 -Sept 19 14 -Sept 20 21 -Sept 19 07 -Sept 211 14 -Sept 20 21 -Sept 20 Attendee Attendee 17.7 Attendee 17.6 Attendee 18.3 Meetings Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Week 5 Week 6 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 24 -Sept 20 24 -Sept 20 25 -Sept 19 25 -Sept 15 26 -Sept 15 26 -Sept 15 27 -Sept 17 27 -Sept 17 28 -Sept 20 28 -Sept 20 Attendee 17.8 Attendee Meetings 10 Meetings 17 SLBTS Attendance Tracking Form October 2012 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 01 -Oct 20 08 -Oct 15 15 -Oct 19 22 -Oct 19 01 -Oct 19 08.Oct 15 15-0et 16 22 -Oct 19 02 -Oct 20 09 -Oct 18 16 -Oct 19 23 -Oct 19 02.Oet 20 09 -Oct 18 16 -Oct 171 23 -Oct 15 03.0ct 18 10.Oct 20 17 -Oct 171 24 -Oct 19 03 -Oct 18 10 -Oct 20 17.0ct 15 24 -Oct 19 04 -Oct 19 11 -Oct 18 18 -Oct 17 25 -Oct 18 04 -Oct 19 11 -Oct 19 18 -Oct 11i 25 -Oct 15 05.Ocl 20 12.0ct 18 19 -Oct 171 26 -Oct 19 05 -Oct 20 12 -Oct 15 19 -Oct 18 26 -Oct 19 Attendee 19.3 Attendee 17.6 Attendee 17.6 Attendee 18.1 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Week 5 Week 6 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 29 -Oct 17 29 -Oct 17 30 -Oct 17 30 -Oct 17 31 -Oct 17 31 -Oct 17 Attendee 17.0 Attendee Meetings 6 Meetings WfA SLBTS Attendance Tracking Form November 2012 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 01 -Nov 17 05 -Nov 13 12 -Nov 13 19 -Nov 16 01 -Nov 17 05 -Nov 13 12 -Nov 13 19 -Nov 16 02 -Nov 15 06 -Nov 15 13 -Nov 15 20 -Nov 16 02 -Nov 17 06 -Nov is 13 -Nov 15 20 -Nov t6 07 -Nov 14 14 -Nov 14 21 -Nov 15 07 -Nov 14 14 -Nov 12 21 -Nov 17 08 -Nov 13 15 -Nov 16 22 -Nov 17 08 -Nov 13 15 -Nov 16 22 -Nov 14 09 -Nov 13 16 -Nov 14 23 -Nov 13 09 -Nov 13 16 -Nov 16 23 -Nov 17 Attendee 16.5 Attendee 13.6 Attendee 14.4 Attendee 15.7 Meetings 4 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Week 5 Week 6 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 26 -Nov 12 26 -Nov 17 27 -Nov 17 27 -Nov 16 28 -Nov 17 28 -Nov 17 29 -Nov 17 29 -Nov 15 30 -Nov 15 30 -Nov 17 Attendee 16.0 Attendee Meetings 10 Meetings 19 SLBTS Attendance Tracking Form December 2012 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 03 -Dee 15 10 -Dee 15 17 -Dee 18 03 -Dee 15 10 -Dee 15 17 -Dee 18 04 -Dec 17 11 -Dee 17 18 -Dee 19 04 -Dee 17 11 -Dec 17 18 -Dec 19 05 -Dee 14 12 -Dec 18 19 -Dec 18 05 -Dee 17 12 -Dee 18 19 -Dee 18 06 -Dec 17 13 -Dee 19 20 -Dec 18 06 -Dec 17 13 -Dee 14 20 -Dec 18 07 -Dec 18 14 -Dee 19 21 -Dec 16 07 -Dee 18 14 -Dee 19 21 -Dee 18 Attendee Attendee 16.5 Attendee 17.1 Attendee 18.0 Meetings Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Week 5 Week 6 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 24 -Dee 10 31 -Dec 19 24 -Dec 10 31 -Dec 19 25 -Dec 10 25 -Dec 10 26 -Dec 10 26 -Dec 10 27 -Dee 10 27 -Dee 10 28 -Dec 13 28 -Dee 13 Attendee 10.6 Attendee 19.0 Meetings 10 Meetings 2 20 SLBTS Attendance Tracking Forimi January 2013 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 01 -Jan 19 07 -Jan 16 14 -Jan 11 21 -Jan 18 01 -Jan 19 07 -Jan 18 14 -Jan 17 21 -Jan 16 02 -Jan 18 08 -Jan 16 15 -Jan 19 22 -Jun 18 02 -Jan 16 08 -Jan 16 15 -Jan 19 22 -Jan 15 03 -Jan 18 09 -Jan 19 16 -Jan 20 23 -Jan 17 03 -Jan 14 09 -Jan 17 16 -Jan 15 23 -.Ian 16 04-.lan 19 10 -Ann 15 17 -Jan 17 21 -.lam 19 04-.lan 16 111 -Ann 17 17 -Jan 19 21 -.lam 16 11 -Jan 17 18 -Jan 12 25 -Jan 18 11 -Jan 17 18 -Jan 19 25 -Jan 19 Attendee 17.3 Attendee 16.8 Attendee 16.8 Attendee 17.2 Meetings 8 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Week 5 Week 6 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 28 -Jan 15 28 -Jan 15 29 -Jan 15 29 -Jan 17 30 -Jan 18 30 -Jan 16 31 -Jan 16 31 -Jan 16 Attendee 16.0 Attendee Meetings 8 Meetings 21 SLBTS Attendance Tracking Form February 2013 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 01 -Feb 12 04 -Feb 11 I1 -Feb 7 18 -Feb 9 01 -Feb 15 04 -Feb 12 11 -Feb 7 18 -Feb 9 05 -Feb 17 12 -Feb 7 19-Felr 7 05 -Feb 14 12 -Feb 8 19 -Feb 8 06 -Feb 16 13 -Feb it 20 -Feb 10 06 -Feb 12 13 -Feb 12 20 -Feb 5 07 -Feb 12 14 -Feb it 21 -Feb 7 07 -Feb 8 14 -Feb 9 21 -Feb 8 08 -Feb 12 15 -Feb 11 22 -Feb 9 08 -Feb it 15 -Feb 10 22 -Feb 7 Attendee 13.5 Attendee 12.5 Attendee 8.7 Attendee 7.9 Meetings 2 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Week 5 Week 6 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 25 -Feb 8 25 -Feb 6 26 -Feb 5 26 -Feb 5 27 -Feb 7 27 -Feb 5 28 -Feb 4 28 -Feb 5 Attendee 5.6 Attendee Meetings 8 Meetings 22 SLUTS Attendance Tracking Form March 2013 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 01 -Mar 6 04 -Mar 4 I1 -Mar 5 18 -Mar 3 01 -Mar 4 04 -Mar 4 11 -Mar 4 18 -Mar 3 05 -Mar 2 12 -Mar 4 19 -Mar 3 05 -Mar 4 12 -Mar 4 19 -Mar 4 06 -Mar 4 13 -Mar S 20 -Mar 2 06-1,W1ar 3 13 -Mar 5 20 -Mar 14 07 -Mar 3 14 -Mar 4 21 -Mar 3 07 -Mar 3 14 -Mar 5 21 -Mar 3 08.11ar 5 15 -Mar 5 22 -Mar 3 08 -Mar 4 15 -Mar 5 22 -Mar 3 Attendee 5.0 Attendee 3.6 Attendee 4.6 Attendee 4.1 Meetings 2 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Week 5 Week 6 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 25 -Mar 4 25 -Mar 4 26 -Mar 3 26 -Mar 2 27 -Mar 4 27 -Mar 3 28 -Mar 3 28 -Mar 4 29 -Mar 12 29 -Mar 5 Attendee 4.4 Attendee Meetings 10 Meetings 23, SLBTS Attendance Tracking Form April 2013 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 01 -April 4 08 -April 6 15 -April 13 22 -April 10 01 -April 5 08 -April 7 15 -April 7 22 -April 12 02 -April 3 09 -April 8 16 -April 8 23 -April 15 02 -April 5 09 -April 7 16 -April 16 23 -April 12 03 -April 4 10 -April 5 17 -April 9 24 -April 15 03 -April 2 10 -April 7 17 -April 14 24 -April 10 04 -April 4 11 -April 6 18 -April 12 25 -April 14 04 -April 5 11 -April 11 18 -April 9 25 -April 16 05 -April 7 12 -April 9 19 -April 10 26 -April 10 05 -April 6 12 -April 9 19 -April 16 26 -April 14 Attendee 4.5 Attendee 7.5 Attendee 11_4 Attendee 12.8 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Week 5 Week 6 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 29 -April 9 29 -April 13 30 -April 15 30 -April 11 Attendee 12.0 Attendee Meetings 4 Meetings 24 SLBTS Attendance Tracking Form May 2013 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 01 -May 14 06 -May 11 13 -May 20 20 -May 8 01 -May 10 06 -May 14 13 -May 19 20 -May 17 02 -May 9 07 -May 16 14 -May 17 21 -May 16 02 -May 13 07 -May 15 14 -May 12 21 -May t6 03 -May 17 08 -May 18 15 -May 17 22 -May 14 03 -May 13 08 -May 19 15 -May 12 22 -May IS 09 -May 11 16 -May 15 23 -May 19 09 -May 13 16 -May 20 23 -May 17 10 -May 13 17 -May 18 24 -May 17 10 -May 17 17 -May 20 24 -May 17 Attendee 12.6 Attendee 14.7 Attendee 17.0 Attendee 15.9 Meetings 6 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Week 5 Week 6 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 27 -May 19 27 -May 15 28 -May 17 28 -May 20 29 -May 19 29 -May 19 30 -May 20 30 -May 19 31 -May 18 31 -May 18 Attendee 18.4 Attendee Meetings 10 Meetings 25 SLBTS Attendance Tracking Form June 2013 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 03 -June 17 10 -June 10 17 -June 10 03 -June 11 10 -June 15 17 -June 16 04 -June 20 11 -June 20 18 -June 18 04 -June 18 11 -June 19 18 -June 17 05 -June 19 12 -June 14 19 -June 14 05 -June 15 12 -June 14 19 -.hue 15 06 -June 17 13 lune 16 20 -.lune 12 06 -June 12 13 lune 9 20 -Jane 17 07 -June 19 14 -June 17 21.Jnne 20 07 -June 19 14 -.lune 17 21 -.lune 18 Attendee Attendee 16.7 Attendee 15.1 Attendee 15.7 Meetings Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Week 5 Week 6 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 24 -June 7 24 lune 10 25 lune 18 25 -June 18 26-.1 une 8 26-.1 ume 16 27 -June 17 27 -June 17 28 -June 15 28-J ume 18 Attendee 14.4 Attendee Meetings 10 Meetings 20 SLBTS Attendance Tracking Form July 2013 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 01 -July 20 08 -July 17 15 -July 9 22 -July 6 01 -Judy 10 08 -July 17 15 -July 12 22 -July 12 02 -July 17 09 -July 20 16 -July 17 23 -July 18 02 -July 14 09 -July 16 16 -July 16 23 -July 16 03 -July 20 10 -July 20 17 -July 16 24 -July 16 03 -Judy is 10 -July 18 17 -July 15 24 -Judy 16 04-.lnly 1 11 July 7 18 -July 15 25 -July 12 04lnly 1 11 July 14 18 -July 8 25 -July 17 05 -July 20 12 -July 18 19 -July 16 26 -Judy 17 05 -Judy 20 12Judy 16 19 -July 11 26 -July 18 Attendee 13.8 Attendee 16.3 Attendee 13.5 Attendee 14.8 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Week 5 Week 6 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 29-J my 10 29 lulu 16 30 -.lulu 16 30 -Judy 14 31 -.ludo 11 31 -July 17 Attendee 14.0 Attendee Meetings 6 Meetings 27 SLBTS Attendance Tracking Form August 2013 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 01 -Aug 8 05 -Aug 9 12 -Aug 7 19 -Aug 6 01 -Aug 18 05 -Aug 13 12 -Aug 12 19 -Aug 18 02 -Aug 16 06 -Aug 14 13 -Aug 12 20-Aog 10 02 -Aug 18 06 -Aug 15 13 -Aug 8 20 -Aug 12 07 -Aug 14 14 -Aug 11 21 -Aug 9 07 -Aug 14 14 -Aug 11 21 -Aug 12 08 -Aug 7 15-Ang 8 22-Aog 6 08 -Aug 10 15-Ang 11 22 -Aug 7 09 -Aug 11 16 -Aug 10 23 -Aug 7 09 -Aug 12 16 -Aug 9 23 -Aug 12 Attendee 15.0 Attendee 11.9 Attendee 9.9 Attendee 9.9 Meetings 4 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Meetings 10 Week 5 Week 6 Meeting Attendee Meeting Attendee 26 -Aug 8 26 -Aug 11 27 -Aug 10 27-Ang 5 28 -Aug 9 28 -Aug 8 29 -Aug 5 29-Ang 5 30-Ang 10 30 -Aug 10 Attendee 8.1 Attendee Meetings 10 Meetings ON Attachment B Zoning Agreement 29 30 RECORDING REQUESTED AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Office of the City Attorney City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA, 92658 Recorded In official. Recorde, Orange County ` Tom Daly, Clork•R000rdor IIIINIdIiIIIII�IIIPIIl�l11111111111191111111.�IIIIIII�IIIIINO FEE = 2009000577878 01:49pm 10123109 219 28 Al2 31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0,00 0.99 9.00 0.00 [Exempt from Recordation Fee per Government Code Section 27383 No Co pare with original ZONING IMPLEMENTATION 1 PUBLIC BENEFIT AGREEMENT �2 Zoning Agreement ZONING IMPLEMENTATION AND PUBLIC BENEFIT AGREEMENT (Pursuant to Callfornla Government Code §§65864-65869:5) This Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement (the "Zoning Agreement") Is entered into on September 30. 2009, by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a charter city("City') and SOBER LIVING BY THE SEA, INC., a CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, COMPREHENSIVE ADDICTION PROGRAMS, INC., a Delaware Corporation, CRC HEALTH CORPORATION, a Delaware Corporation, CRC HEALTH GROUP, INC., a Delaware Corporation (collectively referred to as "Operator'). City and Operator and Operator's Affiliates as herein defined, are sometimes collectively referred to in the Zoning Agreement as the "Parties" and Individually as a "Party." RECITALS A. The City Council Hereby finds this Zoning Agreement is consistent with provisions of California Government Code §65867, and the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15,45 and the City's General Plan. B. On November 20, 2008, City's Planning Commission held a public hearing on this Zoning Agreement, made findings and determinations with respect to this Zoning Agreement, and recommended to the City Council that the City Council approve this Zoning Agreement. C, On January 27, 2009, the City Council also held a public hearing on this, Zoning Agreement and considered the Planning Commission's recommendations and the testimony and information submitted by City staff, Operator and members of the public. On February 10, 2009, pursuant to the applicable state law (California Government Code §§65864-65869.5) and local law (City of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45), the City Council passed Its Ordinance No..0� finding this Zoning Agreement to be consistent with the City of Newport Beacft-Ge ral Pian and approving this Zoning Agreement, D. This Zoning Agreement allows Sober Living a vested right to: (1) operate 156 beds of recovery facilities within the area they are currently operating, and as more particularly defined in Exhibit D attached (the "Peninsula Zone"); and (iq up to an additional 48 beds outside -of the Peninsula Zone and within zones accommodating multi -family residential uses, In compliance with the terms of this Zoning Agreement, E. This Zoning Agreement also memorializes uses granted to and conditions agreed to by Sober Living on August 25, 2006 regarding Its administrative offices at 2811 Villa Way (Exhibit C attached hereto), — AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, City and Operator agree as follows; I Definitions. The following terms when used In this Zoning Agreement shall have the meanings set forth bellow; 32 Zoning Agreement A. "Affiliate" shall mean a person or entity that is directly or indirectly controlled by Operator. B. "City Council" shall mean the governing body of City. C. "Control" (Including the terms "controlling," "controlled by." and "under common control with") shall mean the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause .the direction of the management and policies of a person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise. D. "Facility' (or "Facilities") is a residential unit used or occupied by persons In recovery from alcoholism and or drug abuse. Facilities may be "Licensed Facilities" or "Sober Living Homes." As used in this Agreement, all Facilities constitute "residential care facility" uses within the context of the City's zoning ordinance, E. "General Plan" shall mean City's 2006 General Plan adopted by the City Council on July 25, 2006, by Resolution No. 2006-76. The Land Use Plan of the Land Use Element of the General Plan was approved by City voters in a general election on November 7, 2000. F. "Licensed Facilities" shall mean alcoholism and drug abuse recovery facilities licensed by the California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs ("ADP"). G. "Party or "Partles" shall mean either City or Operator or any of Operator's Affiliates or both, as determined by the context. H. "Property' is described in Exhibit A and consists of a list of addresses of properties currently operated by Operator as Licensed Facilities and Sober Living, Homes in R- 1, R-1 %: , R-2 and multi -family residential ("MFR") and certain Specific Plan District zones within City. "Property' Includes the rights to operate all of those properties as well as other properties not presently identifiable which may be utilized by Operator as Facilities hereunder„ I. "Sober Living Homes" shall mean alcoholism and drug abuse recovery facilities not licensed by ADP. J. "Term° shall have the meaning ascribed In Section 11 of this Zoning Agreement. 2. Significant Public Benefits, The significant public benefits that this Zoning Agreement provides Include, but are not limited to: A. Settlement and avoidance of costs of a pending lawsuit, including attorneys fees; B. Preservation of the regulatory ordinance which was the subject matter of the lawsuit, C. Requested termination of a related federal administrative proceeding, D. A reduction of and Ilmitation on the size of a residential care operation In the City, Including a limitation on 6 or under Licensed Facilitles, E. Dispersal of Licensed Facilities and Sober Living Homes to reduce the concentration thereof; 2 3S Zoning Agreement F. The placement of operational controls on said facllllies to reduce perceived negative Impacts on residential neighborhoods. 3. General Plan Consistency and Zoning implementation. This Zoning Agreement and the regulations applied herein to the Property ("Applicable Regulations" hereinafter) will cause City's zoning and other land use regulations for the Property to remain consistent with the General Plan.. 4. Warranties and Reoresentations. Both parties represent that they have legal authority to enter Into this Zoning Agreement and the remainder of the agreements and documents that comprise the settlement documents herein, and that the necessary authorizations have been obtained, by resolution or other action, and that the ,persons whose names appear as signatories below were aufhorized to accept, this Zoning Agreement on behalf of the Party under whose name theysigned. A. Each Party specifically represents and warrants that It has the legal authority to enter Into a Zoning Agreement of the type and kind herein, and, B. The City represents and warrants that this Zoning Agreement and the regulations applied to the Property (°The Applicable Regulations") are: I. Consistent with (he General Plan for the City and any Specific Plans that apply to the area In which any portion of the Property Is located, and ft. Consistent with the Local Coastal Land Use Plan ("CLUP) for the City of Newport Beach and that the CLUP has been approved by the California Coastal Commission, 5. Operation of Property: Applicable Regulations, Other than as expressly set forth In this Zoning Agreement, during the Term of this Zoning Agreement, the terms and conditions concerning the operation of the Property, including but not limited to the permitted uses and density and Intensity of use and the location of buildings Involved shall be those set forth in the "Applicable Regulations" delineated in Exhibit Band asset forth in Section 6 below. During the term of this Zoning Agreement, City shall not prevent operation of the Properly that is In compliance with the Applicable Regulations and all other applicable laws and regulations specified In Section 9 hereof: 6. Operator's Vested Rights. During the Term of this Zoning Agreement, except to the extent City reserves its discretion as expressly set forth in this Zoning Agreement or In the Applicable Regulations and all other applicable laws and regulations specified in Section 9 hereof, Operator shall have the vested right, within the limits and constraints of the Applicable Regulations, to conduct its operation of Licensed Facilities and Sober Living Homes on the Property. The letter from City to Operator dated August 25, 2006 regarding Operator's leased office and meeting facility at 2811 Villa Way ("Villa Way") is incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit C. City acknowledges that Operator has compiled with all conditionsset out In Exhibit C except for Paragraph 12 relating to parking, City acknowledges Operator has been exercising due diligence to complete the parking lot which Is unfinished due to circumstances beyond Operator's control. Operator agrees to use good faith efforts to get the parking lot at. Villa Way completed. In the event meetings are no longer held at Villa Way, the currently permitted non- conforming right to use said property as an office use shall continue until termination of this Zoning Agreement. The Operator's leased property at 606 291" Street, commonly known as Zoning Agreement "The Victorian," is a legal nonconforming single family residence and shall be treated as a Licensed Facility. In the event Ordinance No. 2008.5 is repealed by action of the City Council or the electorate or if said Ordinance 1s declared invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent Jurisdiction, then the Operator will no longer be bound by the provision of Paragraph 6 of Exhibit B as to the limit of one Licensed Facility or Sober Living Home per block in the event other operators open facilities on the same block, 7. Police Power. In all respects not provided for In this Zoning Agreement, City shall retain full rights to exercise City's police power to regulate the operation of Residential Care Facilities on the Property provided such powers are applied consistently with the provisions of state law and Section 02 of Exhibit B to this Zoning Agreement. 8. No Conflicting Enactments. During the Term of this Zoning Agreement City shall not apply to the Property any City -adopted ordinance, policy, rule, regulation, or other measure relating to the operation of Facilities on the Property to the extent It conflicts with this Zoning Agreement, 9. Reservations of Authority. Notwithstanding any provisions set forth In this Zoning Agreement to the contrary, the laws, rules, regulations, and official policies set forth In this Section 9 shall apply to and govdin the development and operations of the Property: A. Procedural Regulations, Then current procedural regulations relating to hearing bodies, petitions, applications; notices, findings, records, hearings; reports, recommendations, appeals, and any other matter of procedure shall apply to the Property, provided that they are adopted and applied City-wide or to all other properties consistent with the provision of Section 02 of Exhibit B. B, Consistent City Regulations, City ordinances, resolutions, regulations, and official policies governing development and building which do not conflict with the Applicable Regulations, or with the provisions of Section 02 of Exhibit B where Operator has consented in writing to the regulations, shall apply to the Property. C. Public Health and Safety. Any City ordinance, regulation, rule, regulation, program, or official policy, that Is necessary to protect persons on the Property or in the Immediate community from conditions dangerous to their health or safety shall apply to the Property, consistent with Section C2 of Exhibit B. 10. No A e c . Neither Party Is acting as the agent of the other In any respect, and each Party Is an independent contracting entity with respect to the terms, covenants, and conditions contained in this Zoning Agreement, This Zoning. Agreement forms no partnership,. Joint venture, or other association of any kind. The only relationship between the Parties is that of a government entity regulating the operation of private properly by the owner or lessee of the property. 11. Effective Date: Tenn, This Zoning Agreement shall not become effective, and except as set forth In Subsection C of this Section 11, neither party shall have any rights or obligations hereunder; until the "Effective, Date:" A. Effective Date of This Zoning Agreement : This Zoning Agreement shall become effective on; 0 _;1�15 Zoning Agreement 1. The 91stday following Me City Council's passage of the ordinance approving this Zoning Agreement, or It. If a referendum or other elective challenge to the ordinance approving this Zoning Agreement qualifies to be placed on the ballot, then on the 31st day after the City Clerk certifies that the referendurn or other elective challenge has felled to pass, or Ill. If litigation is Instituted to challenge this Zoning Agreement prior to the Effective Date established in accordance with Section 11 A. 1. and Il above, then on the 31st day after the litigation is terminated, the time for appeal has expired, and the legal challenge has been unsuccessful. B. Term, The term of this Zoning Agreement (the "Term") shall commence on the Effective Date and shall expire at the conclusion of the 25th year ihereafter. However In no event shall the term of this Zoning Agreement exceed thirty (30) years after Its execution, C. Stay of -Ordinance 2008.05 Pending Effective Date. Prior to the effective date of the ordinance adopting this Zoning Agreement, or that date upon which It becomes clear that there shall be no Effective Date, whichever Is later, the Operator's use permit process shall be tolled, and the City shall not otherwise is the provisions of Ordinance 2008-5. 12. Amendment or Cancellation of Zoning Agreement. Other than modifications of this Zoning Agreement under Section 9C of this Zoning Agreement, this Zoning Agreement may be amended or canceled In whole or in part only by mutual written and executed consent of the Parties in compliance with California Government Code §65868 and City of Newport Beach Municipal Code §15.45.060. 13. Enforcement. Unless amended or canceled as provided In Section 12 of this Zoning Agreement; or modified or suspended pursuant to 'California Government Code §65869.5, this Zoning Agreement Is enforceable by either Party despite any change in any applicable general or specific pian, zoning, subdivision, or building regulation or other applicable ordinance or regulation adopted by City (including by City's electorate) that purports to apply to any or all of the Property. 14. Periodic Review of Compliance. City and Operator shall each comply In good faith with the terms of this Zoning Agreement. The Parties shall review this Zoning Agreement at least once every 12 months from the Effective Date for good faith compliance with Its terms consistent with California Government Code §65866 and §65866.1 and City of Newport Beach Municipal Code §15.45.070. At the reviews, Operator shall demonstrate Its good faith compliance with this Zoning Agreement and shall document the current status of Its operation. Operator also agrees to furnish evidence of good faith compliance as City may require in the reasonable exercise of Its discretion and after reasonable notice to Operator. On or before December 31 and June 30 of each year during the Term of this Zoning Agreement, Sober Living shall submit a Compliance Review Report, whose template Is attached as Exhibit G. The requirement of good faith compliance shall be met upon the submittal to the City of an accurate form showing Information relating, to facility locations and bed counts. City shall have the right to audit the accuracy of the form through on-site Inspections of the Facllllles at mu(uaity- agreeable tines and during regular business hours. 5 30 Zoning Agreement 15. Events of Default. A. Default by Operator. Pursuant to California Government Code §65865.1. if City determines that Operator has not complied In good faith with Operator's obligations Pursuant to this Zoning Agreement, City shall by written notice to Operator specify the manner In which Operator has failed to comply and state the steps Operator must take to bring Itself Into compliance. If Operator does not commence compliance within 30 days after receipt of the written notice from Oily specifying the manner in which Operator has failed to comply, and diligently pursue steps to achieve full compliance, then Operator shall be deemed to be in default under the terms of this Zoning Agreement. City may then seek available remedies as provided in Section 15.0 of this Zoning Agreement. B. Default by City. If City has not complied with any of Its obligations and limitations under this Zoning Agreement, Operator shall by written notice to City specify the manner in which City has failed to comply and state ilia steps necessary for City to bring Itself Into compliance. If City does not commence compliance within 30 dfays after recelpt of the written notice from Operator specifying the manner In which City has failed to comply,, and diligently pursue steps to achieve full compliance, then City shall be deemed to be In default under the terns of this Zoning Agreement. Operator may then seek a specific performance or similar equitable remedy as provided in Section IB.0 of this Zoning Agreement C. Specific Performance and Damages Remedies. The Parties acknowledge that remedies at law generally are inadequate and that specific performance is appropriate for the enforcement of this Zoning Agreement, The remedy of specific performance or, in the alternative, a writ of mandate, shall be the sole and exclusive remedy available to either Party In the event of the default or alleged default by the other. Prior to exercising such a remedy, the Party seeking to do so shall submit the matter to nonbinding arbitration through JAMS or another arbitrator mutually acceptable. D. Recovery of Legal Expenses by Prevailing Party in Any Action. In any judicial proceeding ("Action") between the Parties that seeks to enforce the provisions of this Zoning Agreement, the prevailing Party shall recover all of • Its actual and reasonable costs and expenses. These costs and expenses Include expert witness fees, attorneys' fees, and costs of Investigation and preparation before Initiation of the Action. The right to recover these costs and expenses shall accrue upon Initiation of the Action. 16. Cooperation, Each Party covenants to take all reasonable actions and execute all documents that may be necessary to achieve the purposes and objectives of this Zoning Agreement. 17. Force Maleure: Neither Party shall be deemed to be In default where failure or delay In performance of any of its obligations under this Zoning Agreement Is caused, through no fault of the Party whose performance Is prevented or delayed, by'floods, earthquakes, other acts of God, fires, war, riots or similar hostilities, strikes or other labor difficulties, state or federal. regulations, or court actions. 18. Third Party Lerial Chalienoe. if a third party brings a legal action challenging the validity or enforceability of any provision of this Zoning Agreement or the Applicable Regulations or the manner in which the ordinance approving this Zoning Agreement was processed and approved, including the application of the California Environmental Quality Act to that process, ("Third Party Legal Challenge") the parties shall defend the Third Party Legal Challenge jointly, 0 Zoning Agreement and each party shall be responsible for Its legal expenses incurred In connection with the Third Party Legal Challenge, 19. Right to Assign. Operator shall have the right to transfer or assign the rights and obligations contained herein in whole to any person, partnership, Joint venture, firm, or corporation at any time during the Term of this Zoning Agreement without the consent of City. Upon the effective date -of any such transfer or assignment of the Property, the transferor - assignor shall notify City of the name and address of the transferee. Any assignment of this Zoning Agreement must be pursuant to a sale or transfer of Operator's rights In the entirety of the Property. Any sale or transfer of the Property shall include the assignment and assumption of the rights, duties, and obligations arising from this Zoning Agreement to the transferee with respect to all of the Property. Operator shall no longer be obligated under this Zoning Agreement for the Property if Operator is not In default under this Zoning Agreement at the time of the sale or transfer, 20. Zoning Agreement Binding on Successors and Assigns. The burdens of this Zoning Agreement are binding upon, and the benefits of this Zoning Agreement shall inure to, all successors In Interest of the Parties to this Zoning Agreement. 21. Estoppel Certificate, At any tune, either Party may deliver written notice to the other Party requesting that the Party certify in writing that, to the best of its knowledge: A. This Zoning Agreement Is in full force and effect and is binding on the Party; B. This Zoning Agreement has not been amended or modified either orally or writing. If this Zoning Agreement has been amended, the Party providing the certifioatlon shall identify the amendments; and C. The requesting Party Is not in default In the performance of Its obligations under this Zoning Agreement. If the requesting Party is in default, the other Party must describe the nature of the default. The requesting party shall execute and return the certificate within. sixty (60) days following receipt. Any assignee of a Party's rights and obligations hereunder, as referred to 1n this Section 21, shall be entitled to rely on the certificate. 22, Further Actions and Instruments. Each Party shall cooperate with and provide reasonable assistance to the other Party to the extent consistent with and necessary to Implement this Zoning Agreement. Upon the request of a Party at any time, the other Party shall promptly execute, with acknowledgment or affidavit If reasonably required, and file or record the required Instruments and writings and take any actions as may be reasonably necessary to Implement this Zoning Agreement or to evidence or consummate the transactions contemplated by this Zoning Agreement. 23. Notices. Any notice or demand that shall be required or permlited by law or any provision of this Zoning Agreement shall be in writing. If the notice or demand will be served upon a Party, it either shall be personally delivered to the Party; deposited In the United States mall, certified, return receipt requested, and postage prepaid; or delivered by a reliable courier service that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery with courier charges prepaid. The notice or demand shall be addressed as follows: 3g Zoning Agreement To City: City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Post Office Box 1768 Newport Beach; California 92663-3884 Attention: City Manager Fax: 949.644-3020 With a copy for City Attorney City of Newport. Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Post Office Box 1768 Newport Beach, California 92603.3884 To Operator: Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. 2811 Villa Way Newport Beach, California 92663 Attn: Executive Director With a copy to: CRC Health Group, Inc, 2400 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 600 Cupertino, California 95014 Attn: General Counsel Fax: 416-368-8444 Elther Party may change the address stated in this Section 23 by notice to the other Party in the manner provided In this Section 23, and notices shall be addressed and submitted to the new address. Notice shall be deemed to be delivered upon the earlier of: (a) the date received; or (b) three business days after deposit in the mall as provided above. 24. Rules of Construction and Miscellaneous Terms. A. Rules of Construction. The singular Includes the plural; the masculine and neuter Include the feminine; "shall" Is mandatory; "may' Is permissive. B. Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence regarding each provision of this Zoning Agreement in which time Is an element. C. Waiver, Failure by a Party to insist upon the strict performance of any of the provisions of this Zoning Agreement by the other Party, and failure by a Party to exercise Its rights upon a default by the other Party, shall not constitute a waiver of that Party's right to demand strict compliance by the other Party In the future. D. Counterparts. This .Zoning Agreement may be executed In two or more counterparts, each of which shall be Identical and may be Introduced in evidence or used for any other purpose without any other counterpart, but all of which shall together constitute one and the same Zoning Agreement. E. Entire Agreement Except for the Settlement Agreement, this Zoning Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, both written and oral, between the Parties with respect to the subject matter addressed In this Zoning Agreement, 39 Zoning A,greemenl F. Construction. rThis Zoning Agreement has been drafted after extensive negotiation and revision. Both City and Operator are sophisticated ;parties who were represented by independent -counsel throughout the negotiations. City and Operator each agree and acknowledge (hat the terms of this Zoning Agreement are fair and reasonable, taking Into account their respective purposes, terms, and conditions. This Zoning Agreement shall therefore be construed as a whole conslstent with Its fair meaning, and no principle or presumption of contract construction or Interpretation shall be used to construe the whole or any part of this Zoning Agreement in favor of or against either party. G. No Third Party Beneficiaries. The only parties to this Zoning Agreement are City and Operator. This Zoning Agreement does not involve any third party beneficiaries, and It is not Intended and shall not be construed to benefit or be enforceable by any other person or entity, H. Applicable Law and Venue. This Zoning Agreement shall be construed and enforced consistent with the Internal laws of the State of California. Any action arising under this Zoning Agreement or brought by any Party for the purpose of enforcing, construing, or determining the validity of any provision of this Zoning Agreement shall be filed and tried in the Superior Court of the County of Orange, Stale of California, or the United States District Court for the Central: Dlstrict of California, The Parties waive all provisions of law providing for the removal or change of venue to any other court. I. Section Headings, All section headings end subheadings are Inserted for convenience only and shall not affect construction or interpretation of this Zoning Agreement. J. Authority to Execute. The persons executing this 'Zoning Agreement warrant and represent'that they have the authority to execute this Zoning Agreement on behalf of the entity for which they are executing this Zoning Agreement. They further warrant and represent that they have the authority to bind their respective Party to the performance of Its obligations under this Zoning Agreement. CITY: CITY c By: Title: MAYOR OF NEWPORT BEACH OPERATOR: . SOBER LIYMQ BY THE SEA, INC. By:. Kevin Hagge Title: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 40 Zoning Agreement By: p & d Pamela Burke Title: VICE PRESIDENT/SECRETARY' OPERATOR: COMPREH SIVE ADDICTIONS PROGRAMS, INC. By: Kevin Hogge Title: CHIEF FINANCIAL, OFFICER By: �IJII Pamela Burke Title: VICE PRESIDENT/SECRETARY OPERATOR: CRC HE CORPORATION By: Kevin Hogg Title: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER gy:rMt 1.1 r. ` ►dry� Pamela Burke Title: VICE PRESIDENUSECRETARY OPERATOR: CRC HEAGROUP, INC. By: Kevin Hogge Title: CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER By: P ela Burke Title: VICE PRESIDENT/SECRETARY 10 41 Zoning Agreement APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: David R. Hunt Title: CITY ATTORNEY, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ATTEST: &L -Q Lellani Brown CITY CLERK 'CITY OF NEW In Title: 11 42 Zoning Agreement Exhibit A List of SI -BTS Facilities 208 Vis Lido Sodd' :: ADP Licensed 100 Via Antibes ADP Licensed. 102 WAntibes-,: ADP Liconsed 505 29th'Street ADP Licensed 116 A '.B' 34th Street Sober'Llvin X: 307 1/2 34th Street Sober LIv1nq X 309 172. '- 34th Street SoberLivin X 125 +1/2 39th Street ADP Licensed X 112 A &-B, 40th Street ober. Living 118 A &-B 45th Street Sober Living X " 122 A &-B' 45th Street•• ADP: Licensed 5004 A & B Ne tune Soberiivinc 510.1 A & B : River ADP Licensed," ' 3960.80 Seashore ADP Licensed 4500704 • Seashore ADP Licensed 4711 Seashore ADP Licensed 4800" Seashore ADP< ensed X' 4816 TSeashore. Sober ivin 6111 1 IS6ashore ADP'Llcensed, 6110 JW Oceanfront ADP Licensed X"=Closed.orclosin ' 1 May not be closed If 4816 Seashore is closed 4S Zoning Agreement Exhibit B Applicable Regulations A. Number and Location of Facilities. Number and location of facilities which may be utilized as Licensed Facilities or Sober Living Homes. 1. On and after the Effective Date of the ordinance adopting this Zoning Agreement, there shall be no more than 204 beds occupied in the City at any time by persons who aro patients, clients or customers of Sober Living, whether contained within Licensed Facilities or Sober Living Homes. More than one such facility may be operated in a single building. 2. On and after the effective dale of the ordinance adopting this Agreement, there shall be no more than 156 beds occupied In total in those parts of the City referred to as the Peninsula, Lido Isle, West Newport and Newport Shores (the "Peninsula Zone") as depicted in Exhibit D at any time by persons who are patients, clients or customers of Sober Living, whether contained within Residential Care Facilities, General, Residential Care Facllilies, Small Licensed or Residential Care Facilities, Small Unlicensed as defined in §20.05.030 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 3. On and'after the effective date of the ordinance adopting this Agreement, there shall be no more then 12 beds (12 of the 156 described in Section A2 above) occupied Lido Isle at any time by persons who are patients, clients or customers of Sober Living, whether contained within Residential Care Facilities, General, Residential Care Facilities; Small Licensed or Residential Care Facilities, Small Unlicensed as defined In §20,03.030 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 4. On and after the effective date of the ordinance adopting this Agreement, all beds in the City In addition to those provided for In Sections A.2, and A3. of this Exhibit B occupied at anytime by persons who are patients, clients or customers of Sober Living, whether contained within Residential Cage Facilities, General, Residential Care Facilities, Small Licensed or Residential Care Facilities, Small Unlicensed as defined in §20.03.030 of (he Newport Beach Municipal Code shall be iodated only In zones accommodating multi -family residential uses outside of the Peninsula Zone. Sober Living shall provide the City with the address of any new Facility resulting from placing beds per this section within thirty (30) days of establishing the Facility. 5. On and after the Effective Date of the ordinance adopting this Agreement, Sober Living shall locate all of Its newly established facilities utilized as Licensed Faciilties-or Sober Living Homes so that only one building shall contain such facilities, whether operated by Sober Living or any other person or entity, is located either on a block in the City or across a bordering street. To facilitate transfers of properties to attaln or maintain this "one building per block' standard, Sober Living may, for not more than 120 days, hoid.leases for two properties on one block if the properties are Involved in a Facility transfer_ For purposes of this. Agreement, a block is an area bounded by four streets (not alleys). 6. Except as provided in Section A,7. below, wllhln thirty (30) months of the Effective Date of the ordinance adopting this Agreement, Sober Living shall relocate Its presently operating facilities as necessary to comply with the criterion set forth in Section A.S. above as to its presently operating Licensed Facilities and Sober Living Homes. All such relocations must be to sues which have no other Facility, whether operated by Sober Living or 44 Zoning Agreement any other person or entity, either on the block to which the facility is relocated or across a bordering street. 7. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section A.5 above, Sober Living may continue to operate Facilities at the following addresses during the term of this Agreement: 0 112 40th Street and 3960-3980 Seashore (on the same block); G 122 46th Street and 4500.4604 Seashore(acrossa bordering street); 0 6110 Oceanfront and 6111 Ocean Front .(across -a bordering streeNalley); and • 4711 Seashore and either 4800 Seashore or 4816 Seashore (across a bordering street and down a block). 8. Sober Living shall not establish any Facility pursuant to Section h of this Exhibit B unless and until Sober Living has fully and timely complied with the relocation requirements set forth in Section 6 of this Exhibit B. 9, Sober Living shall not establish or operate a Facility on a parcel of properly which has a lot line located within 1,00D feel of any NMUSD elementary school or the large commercial State -licensed day care facility listed on Exhibit E. 10. Sober Living shall not establish or operate a Facility at any location which Is adjacent to the 36th Street Tot Lot or the Marina. Park Tot Lot so long as those tot lots are so utilized. B. Operational Regulations. During the term hereof, Sober Living shall comply with all of the following operational criteria: 1. Sober Living shall not provide any services to or house any parolee or parolees from the California Department of Corrections or Its equivalent in any other State or the Federal Bureau of Prisons In any of Its Facilities located In the City. 2. Any and all medical waste generated through the operation of a Sober Living Homes or Licensed Facility shall be disposed of In accordance with all laws and best Industry standards and practices. 3. Sober Living shall comply with City code provisions pertaining to trash enclosures at all of its Sober Living Homes or Licensed Facilities. 4., Smoking and Tobacco Products. (a) Sober Living shall make good faith efforts to prevent second hand smoke from leaving any of Its Facilities In a manner that significantly affects occupants of neighboring residents in the use and enjoyment of their properties. These efforts may Include, but are not limited to: • The designation of a smoking area at each site, with a device to mitigate or disperse secondhand smoke; e An active smoking eessalion program made available to all clients; 45 Zoning Agreement (b) Apply a policy directing clients or residents to avoid littering cigarette butts on the ground, floor, deck, sidewalk, gutter, or street. (o) Apply a policy reminding clients not to use tobacco on beaches, boardwalks, and piers consistent with City prohibitions against smoking in those areas. 5. Sober Living shall comply with all City code provisions requiring off street parking in residential zones. 6. Sober Living shall establish, provide public notice of and continuously operate a 24 hour per day hotline for receiving Inquiries and/or complaints in reference to Its operation of Its Facilities in the City, 7. Sober Living shall apply the following Qulei Hours to Its patients, clients and customers occupying beds in all Facilities which Sober Living operates In the City. During these Quiet Hours, all residents will be Inside except during emergencies: o Sunday through Thursday -10 pm to 7 am; e Friday through Saturday -11 pm to 7 am. 8. Sober Living shall use good faith efforts to Implement the Route Pians for transport of Its staff, residents, clients and customers which Sober Living submitted to the City as part of Its applications for Use Permits on file with City's staff as of July; 2008. A true and correct copy of those Route Plans are attached as Exhibit F. Short-term Interruptions, such as medical emergencies or street maintenance which are beyond Sober Living's control, are allowable modifications to the Route Plans, 9. Sober Living shell accept deliveries of goods and services to the Residential Care Facilities which it operates In the City only during customary times for such deliveries of goods and services to occur in residential areas of the City and In accordance with any City regulation adopted which controls times for such deliveries on a citywide basis applicable to all residential properties. 10. Sober Living. shall participate in the activities of any stakeholder committee or group established by the City to address complaints and concerns of residents of the City regarding the operation of Residential Care Facilities in the City. 11, Sober Living shall maintain Its present policy not to allow more than two (2) clients per bedroom in the facilities unless the size of the structure warrants a larger occupancy for any single bedroom. C. General Constraints on Regulation. 1. Most Favorers Nation. If the City enters Into an agreement with any operator of a Sober Living Home or Licensed Facility In the City which, includes one or more of the below three provisions and provides a materially more favorable regulatory treatment to that operator than is afforded to Sober Living hereunder, the more favorable regulatory provision or provisions shall then apply to Sober Living and shall be deemed to supersede any conflicting proyision or provisions contained In this Zoning Agreement. Approvals within the Group Residential Uses 40 Zoning Agreement Ordinance's Use Permit process do not constitute agreements for the purposes of this paragraph. The three provisions are: (a) An allowance of a percentage Increase greater in bed counts greater than 30% above the number operated by the Operator at the time of the agreement; (b) Dispersion (I.e. one building per block and no facilities on streets facing each other) more concentrated than for SLBTS under the terms of this Agreement; and (c) Distancing from public elementary schools and large licensed day care that Is less than for SLBTS under the terms of this Agreement. 2. The City shall respect and adhere to the exemption in California Health and Safety Code §11834.23 that directs that the City apply the same building, fire, and other related codes to Facilities with six or fewer clients as it does for any single-family residential property provided that: (a) The exemption Is not repealed or otherwise Invalidated by an appellate court decision; (b) The exemption is being applied to a single family dwelling unit (including condominiums) or a duplex; (c) SLBTS does not place non-ambulatory residents in their facilities; and (d) SLBTS does not accept referrals or placements within a SLBTS home for protective social care and supervision services by any governmental agency. 3. This Agreement, and, more specifically, these Applicable Regulations obviate the need for and shall supersede the processing or Issuance of any Use Permit or Use Permits concerning Sober Living's operations in the City. 47 Zoning Agreement Exhibit C 2811 Villa Way Leff er CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT Patrlhla'L, Temple, Director August 25;2006 Bill Swiney Sober Living by the Sea 2811 Villa Way Newport Beach, California 92663 RE: Sober Living by the Sea — 2809, 2811, 2$13 Villa Way, Newport Beach Dear Bill:. I am In receipt of your correspondence dated July 21, 2008: In your correspondence, you discuss a proposal whereby Sober Living by the Sea ("Sober Living") would modify Its use of the property located at 2809-2813 Villa Way ("Sober Living facility") so that it is no longer designated as a social club, as defined by Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 20.05,040. I have carefully reviewed your proposal and have determined that Sober Living would not be designated as a social club if It was operated In the following manner: 1. The "large conference room," designated on the floor plans submitted on August 4, 2006 ("Plans'), must be reduced so that the maximum occupancy for thisroom is approximately 20 persons. Two cubicle type offices, the design of which will need to be approved by the Planning Director In writing, will need to be constructed in the large conference room. 2. The "small conference room," designated on the Plans, must be reduced so that the maximum occupancy for this room is approximately 20 persons. A wall will need to be constructed across the back of the small conference room, as Indicated on the marked up Plans which are attached hereto. The construction of the wail must comply with all laws and regulations Including, but not limited to, the Building Coda. 1 A revised set of plans showing the wall in the small conference room and the uses for each area, of the property will need to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Director. After approval of the plans, Sober Llving•must use each of the areas for the designated use and obtain the PlanningDirector's approval in writing prior to any change in use. 4. The area designated as the "covered patio," and other outdoor areas, designated on the Pians may not be used by Sober Living clients except as provided hereafter. Clients attending meetings scheduled at the Sober Living- Facility may assemble In the covered patio area, or other outdoor areas, 10 minutes prior to a meeting and 10 minutes after a meeting. Between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:30 a,m., clients, that attend meetings scheduled at the Sober Living Facility, may transported by van to any other location provided that they do not assemble In the covered patio area, or other 3300 Newport Boulevard - Post. 011lee aox,1768 , Newport Beach, California 92666-6916 Telephone: (949)644 -3200 -Pax; (949) 644-3229 • vmw,elty.nawport-bcaeh.ca;us 42 outdoor area, for more than 10 minutes after a meeting ("Clients Transported by Van'), Between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m„ clients that Clients Transported by Van may be dropped back off at the Sober Living Facility provided that they: (a) do not arrive at the Sober Living Facility more than 10 minutes before their next scheduled meeting; or (b) that they disperse within 10 minutes after being dropped off at the Sober Living _,.Facility.. . 5. An average of 10 meetings per week may be 'held at the Sober Living Facility, However, no more than 12 meetings may be held In any one week and no more than 20 people may attend any meeting, Up to two meetings may be held concurrently. The basis for determining the average number of meetings will be based on a 4 week period. On an ongoing basis, Sober Living will maintain records for the past 12 month period that document the number of meetings field per week and the number of persons in attendance. These records will be verified by a representative of Sober Living and will be made available to the planning Director upon request, 6. No client enrolled iii any of the Sober Living programs that meet at the Sober Living Facility will be allowed to operate amotor vehicle. 7. All large meetings; In excess of 20 persons, will be held at some other location (any other locations used in the City shall be approved for large assembly use). 8. The hours of operation for conducting meetings and picking up prescriptions at the Sober Living Facility will be from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Clients picking up or consuming prescription medicine at the Sober Living Facility will be required to leave the Sober Living Facility within 10 minutes after they have picked up or consumed their medication, 9. Any nurse at the Sober Living Facility shall only be on site Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm and on Saturday from 8:00 am to noon, There shall be no nurse at the sober Living Facility on Sundays, 10. Two staff employees shall be allowed to remain at the Sober Living Facility until 11:00 pm, 7 days a week to receive calls. 11. Except as provided herein, clients will not be allowed to assemble at the Sober Living Facility for the purpose of being transported to any other location. 12. Sober Living will provide and maintain 13 off-site parking spaces at the lot directly across the street from the Sober Living Facility and will park vehicles associated. with the Sober Living Facility at the lot rather than on City streets or public parking lots. For Instance, Sober Living currently uses six vans, These vans would be parked on the lot rather than on City streets in the surrounding neighborhood or the City parking lot. 13. Sober Living will direct clients and ensure that clients riding bikes to the Sober Living Facility access the facility by a route approved by the Planning Director In. writing, 14. Sober living will provide trash and cigarette disposal containers and inform their clients that they are not to dispose of litter on City streets or adjoining properties, 49 In summary, if Sober Living operated in conformance with the foregoing condhlon% It would be my determination that Sober Living would not be defined as "social club", However, please be advised that It is my opinion that any deviation from the foregoing conditions or any additional assembly at the Sober Living Facility would change the .—category of use: _ Please contact me at your earliest convenience so we can discuss a ilmeline for Sober Living to Implement the foregoing changes, Simply put, I cannot make a determination that Sober Living is operating in conformance with the Municipal Code until the above - referenced changes have been made. Further, as a condition to making my determination that a use permit is no longer required, Sober Living will need to withdraw its appeal without prejudice. I appreciate your continuing assistance in this matter. Verytruly yours, U Patricia L. Temple, Planning Director for the City of Newport Beach cc: Aaron C. Harp, Assistant City Attorney Dennis UNetl, Esq, Enclosure: Modified Plans 150 5 iS= •liijl 1 i ii I I i iiilMj , II:Nilll.I 174 T .nl i.• c ,�• i l: r11 f E , i 1 d F °•fir. ''•.,r« ;� — ;_._--�—� i T�1 STFLO01r . "SDY TII�.IS�iNAG V PLAN 9D9/21l/217 VILLAWAY NDWPCRTDDACII, CA. Exhibit D Depiction and Description of "Peninsula Zone" Depiction of Peninsula Zone: The lands within the yellow boundary as shown below. Lwim Zoning,Agreerneni m Description of Peninsula Zone: Starting at the mouth of the Santa Ana River: • The land area southerly of the Newport and Seminouk Sloughs known as Newport Shores, and • The land coastward of Pacific Coast'Hlghway to Newport Boulevard known -as Balboa Coves, West Newport Beach, Lido Sands, and Newport Island; and • The land southerly of a line extending along the Federal Navigational Channel between Newport Boulevard and the Newport Harbor Jelly, known as the Balboa Peninsula, Lido Peninsula, Lido. Isle, Bay Island, and Canno,y Village; and • Southward on Newport Boulevard about 60 feet to Lower Newport Day; and Ali lands southerly of Lower Newport Bay between Newport Boulevard down the Federal Navigational Channel within the Lower Bay, Inclusive'of Lido We end Bay Island and Inclusive of the Balboa Peninsula. 152 Zoning Agreement Exhibit E Specific Large DSS -Licensed Day Care Facllliles -- Peninsula Zone Facility No: 300600193 Capacity: 0044 CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA CHILDREN'S CENTER 1400 WEST BALBOA BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 15S Zoning Agreement Exhibit F Route Plans In the attached Route Plans, the red arrow designates arrival route, the blue arrow designates departure route. The star designates the facility location. 154 ZoningAgreement 116 30' Street, A& B The primary route of travel between Sober Living by the Sea's administrative offices In Cannery Village (2811 Villa Way) and these residential dwelling units Is 3211d St'roet, Balboa Boulevard, 341x' Street, and Seashore Drive. 50 U 04 a 505 29°i Street MST OT emz 7onfng Agreement The primary route of travel between Sober Living by the Sea's administrative offices to Cannery Village (2811 Villa Way) and these residential dwelling units is Lafayette, 29°t Street, and Villa Way. Zoning Agreement 112 4dh Street, Units A and B 39603980 Seashore Drive The primary route of travel between Sober Llving by the Sea's administrative offices in Cannery Village (2811 Villa Way) and these residential dwelling units is along Balboa Boulevard, Seashore, and 32"d Street 152 6111 Seashore 6110 West Ocean Front , 'V Zoning AgrsemenI The primary -route of travel,between Sober Living by the Sea's administrative offices in Cannery Village (2811 Villa Way) and these residential dwell(nR units Is.along Newport Boulevard, Coast Highway, Prospect, Ocean Front Alley W, 6?_ Street, and Seashore. 01 Exhlblt Q Compliance R®poit Template (Date Report Submitted) This form covers the period of (month, day) through (month, day), 20_...,,_ During the above period, Sober Living by the Bea managed or controlled the following facilities In Newport Beach: l Penlgsula Bed Cognt ADP License? Property Address Z0110(y or N) (V or N) 1 peninsula I Off Peninspta 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 s 10 11 12 13' 14 - 16 16 17 1r3 . 20 21 Tolal Bed ObVn! 02 Attachment C October 9, 2012, City Council Minutes 03 04 City COUnciI Regular Meeting Page 7 of 9 Novell Hendrickson took issue with only having one yes/no question to vote on relative to Measure EE, similar to the Charter amendments presented in 2010. She discussed the July 10 Study Session and Council meeting about the Charter amendments, believed that citizen. participation was hindered, and expressed opposition to the red light prohibition. She stated. that she will be voting no on Measure BE. Robert Hawkins provided handouts relative to the Ardort u. the City of Los Angeles case and expressed apposition to prohibiting class action lawsuits as proposed in Measure EE. He encouraged voters to vote no on Measure EE (www.no2measureee.com). In response to Council Member Daigle's questions, City Attorney Harp clarified that individuals and small groups of individuals, may file claims against the City. He stated that the proposed Charter section prohibits lawyers .from bringing forward claims in order to cause the City to incur attorney fees for themselves without allowing the real victims from receiving any benefit. Mayor Pro Tem Curry requested. and received confirmation from City Attorney Harp that the annual financial statement (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report [CAFR]) is required to be published.and is over 200 pages. City Clerk Brown indicated that the Daily Pilot estimated that it would cost between $13,000 to $18,000 to publish the annual financial statement in its entirety for a single day. NV. ORAL REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCIL ON COMMITTEE'ACTIVITIES Mayor Pro Tem Curry indicated that he spoke with San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders at a recent Association of Orange County Cities meeting and was inspired by what San. Diego is doing relative to pension reform. Council Member Daigle noted that she serves as a Trustee on the Orange County Vector Control and reported that they are actively spraying for the West Nile virus in Big Canyon Creels. She also provided the City with a DVD about actions residents can take to reduce their risk for contracting the, West Nile virus. ,WT. PUBLIC HEARING 14. ANNUAL REVIEW OF ZONING IMPLEMENTATION AND PUBLIC BENEFIT AGREEMENT FOR SOBER LIVING BY THE SEA, INC. (SLBTS) (PA2010-150) 505 29TH ST., 112 40TH ST. UNITS A AND B (CLOSED), 126 44TH STREET UNITS A AND B, 5004 NEPTUNE AVE. UNITS A AND B, 5101 RIVER AVE. UNIT B, 3980 SEASHORE DR., 4711 AND 4711% SEASHORE DR.; 4500-4504 SEASHORE DR. (CLOSED), 4800 SEASHORE DR. UNITS A AND B, 6111 SEASHORE DR.,6110 W. OCEAN FRONT, 4138 PATRICE RD., AND 2811 VILLA WAY (C-4145).[381100-20121 Staff Report Assistant Planner Whelan provided a PowerPoint presentation that displayed Sober Living by the Sea (SLBTS) facilities; discussed compliance review, code enforcement .inspections, and inspection results; highlighted various complaints received by the City; and the City's conclusions; and recommendations. She reported that the City received correspondence today which believes that SLBTS opened another facility at 3206 and 3200% Balboa Boulevard. However, she indicated that there is no evidence that the facility is related to SLBTS. She added that the addresses are on the City's website of facilities, but under a different, operator. She noted that SLBTS staff is in the audience to answer any questions. City Manager KiSf addedthat 3206 and 3206% Balboa Boulevard is unlicensed but has received reasonable accommodation. Mayor. Gardnier opened the public hearing. http;/Lnewpottbeach.granicus.coiulMinutesVi ewer..lihp7vi ew_id=44&clip_id=1640 10/#J,4013 City Council Regular Meeting Page 8 of 9 Laura Curran discussed the agreement and use permit process; and requested that this process be extended to all of the integral facilities in the City, like the Miramar facilities at 403 and 403'/ Dahlia. Hearing no further testimony; Mayor Gardner closed the public hearing. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Curry, seconded by Council Member Henn to a) find that SLBTS has demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of the Zoning Implementation and Benefit Agreement; and b) receive and file documents submitted by SLBTS to demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of the Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Hill, Council Member Rosansly, Mayor Pro Tem Curry, Mayor Gardner; Council Member Selicb, Council Member Henn, Council Member Daigle XVII. CONTINUED BUSINESS 10. COMMERCLAL LEASE TEMPLATE :1VIAR.INA INDEX. [100-20121 Staff Report Mayor Gardner stated that, due to scheduling issues, she is recommending bolding the special meeting at 4:00 p.m. on October 23, before the regular meeting. Motion by Council Member Rosanskv, seconded by Council Member Henn to continue, the item to a Special Meeting to be held on Tuesday, October 23, 201.2, at 4:00 p.m. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Hill; Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tear Curry, Mayor Gardner, Council Member Selich, Council Member Henn, Council Member Daigle -XVTII. CURRENT BUSINESS 16. OCTOBER 28, 2012 MEMORIAL BIKE RIDE, WAIVER OF FELS', BIKE SAFETY IMPROVEMENT FUND (BSIF). [100-20121 Staff Report City Manager Diff provided the staff report and highlighted the recommendations Cameron Phillips, Team Simple Green/Bike Religion Bike Club, stated that he is looking forward to being part of the Memorial Ride and for any cycling efforts done by the City in the future. Laura Curran commended the City for creating the fund but believed that the $450,000 should be the beginning of the efforts. She suggested dedicating money towards improving infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists. Mini Mosher referenced Charter Section 1113 which allows the City to create special capital improvement. funds. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Curry's question, City Attorney Harp confirmed that the City is htt,p://tiewportbeacli.granietis.com/MinutesV iewer.plip?view_id=44&cl ip_ict=`1.640 1 O/D 801'3 Attachment D Zoning Administration Protocol Memorandum dated October 29, 2010 07 02 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY DATE; October 29, 2010 TO: Janet Brown, Associate Planner Matt Cosylion, Senior Code Enforcement Officer FROM: Office of the City Attorney David R. Hunt, City Attorney MATTER: Group Homes: Code Enforcement; A09-00417 SUBJECT: Zoning Administration Protocol This memorandum sets forth the standard protocol and procedures for administering the City's zoning agreements with alcohol and drug abuse recovery and treatment facility operators ("Drug and Alcohol Recovery Facility operators"), This ,protocol will be provided to Drug and Alcohol Recovery Facility operators that have entered zoning agreements with the City, for their information. DRUG AND ALCOHOL RECOVERY FACILITIES ZONING AGREEMENT ADMINISTRATION PROTOCOL The following protocol reflects the City's compliance review, as set forth under the City's Zoning Agreements with Sober Living by the Sea ("SLBTS"), Morningside Recovery ("Morningside'); and any other Drug and Alcohol Recovery Facility operator with which such an agreement may be entered (collectively "Operators"). 1.0 Inspection Protocol 1.1 Operators shall submit to the City's Code Enforcement Division ("CED") the Compliance Review Report ("Report") shown as an exhibit to Operator's Zoning Agreement, at the limes required under Operator's Zoning Agreement. At the same time, Operators shall also submit the name, phone number, and e-mail of Its staff member(s) designated to Join any inspection ("Operator Staff Member'), 1.2 On a quarterly basis, CED shall submit the list of each Operator's facilities to the Police Department for verification that each Operator is in compliance with the terms of Operator's Zoning Agreement,that relate to parolees and probationers, and the prohibition on Parolee -Probationer. Homes as defined by Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 20.05.030. 1.3 On a quarterly basis, CED shall select up to four (4) facilities on the list to verify the client count and client bed count through an onsite inspection during,a weekday. 09 Zoning Agreement Administration Protocol October 29, 2010 Page 2 1.4 CED shall notify the Operator Staff'Member by e-mail and telephone of the time of the inspection and which facilities will be inspected. Such notification will occur a reasonable amount of time prior to the inspection,.generally four (4) but not less than two (2) hours prior to inspection. 1.5 While Inspecting each facility, CED staff shall not obtain client names nor take photos of clients and shall be respectful at all times of client privacy. CED staff shall count clients and/or client beds and verify that the client and/or client bed count at each facility does not exceed those on the reports submitted by Operator. 1.6 If, during a facility inspection, CED observes beds (assembled or unassembled) in excess of the number of client and staff beds reported by Operator, CED shall request, and Operator shall provide, an explanation of the presence of such additional beds. 1.7 An inspection report shall be made for each facility. 1.8 All inspection reports and Reports submitted,by Operator to CED shall be submitted to the Planning Department for Inclusion in the City's annual review of Operator compliance with the Zoning Agreement. 2.0 Compliance Review Protocol 2.1 The Effective Date of the Zoning Agreement and Settlement Agreement between the City and SLBTS shall be May 12, 2009. The Effective Date of the Zoning Agreement between the City and Morningside shall be December 28, 2010. The Effective Date for any other Operator with which the City may enter such an agreement, shall be as defined in the Operator's Zoning Agreement. 2.2 Annual Review of SLBTS' compliance with the Zoning Agreement shall be held, to the greatest extent possible, at the second City Council meeting in July of each year. 2.3 For public notice purposes, the properties that must be posted prior to the public hearing shall Include only those operated by Operator at the time of the Compliance Review hearing. 2,4 To prevent inadvertent dissemination of confidential business information of Operators, including the number of beds actually occupied by persons who are patients, clients or customers of Operators during City inspections, and to provide a convenient shorthand reference to housing for persons who are patients, clients or customers of Operators, the City shall refer to patients, clients and customers of Operators as "clients," and to beds occupied or potentially occupied by clients at Operators' residential facilities as "client beds." 2.5 The terms of each Zoning Agreement, (including, In the case of SLBTS, the terms of the August 25, 2006 Determination Letter from the ,Planning Director to SLBTS), shall be reviewed by staff prior to annual Compliance Review, and good faith compliance with the terms of the Zoning Agreement shall be noted in staff reports and exhibits where staff believes such good faith compliance has been demonstrated. Operator is encouraged to provide any written documentation or statement demonstrating its good faith best efforts at compliance for City Council review prior to the annual Compliance Review. 70 Zoning Agreement Administration Protocol October 29, 2010 Page: 3 2.6 When there is a difference between the procedures established in this Protocol and the language of a specific agreement, the agreement shall control. Waiver by the Operator, in any given year, of aright or procedure contained in the Operator's Zoning Agreement shall not constitute a permanent waiver of such right or procedure, 3.0 Facility Relocation City staff Is responsible for administering more than one Zoning Agreement with Drug and Alcohol Recovery Facility operators, and is also responsible for advising residential care facility operators who may apply for use permits and reasonable accommodations in the proximity of other such uses. In order to perform these functions, staff must be aware of the location of such facilities. For this reason, and to provide Operator with assurance that any new facility location they are considering is not located in the same block as any other residential care facility, Operator shall notify the City of planned relocations, and planned facility closures prior to relocating or opening any new facility. Operator shall make best efforts to notify the City of facility closures as close to the date of closure as possible: CONCLUSION This protocol shall be executed In a fair and reasonable manner calculated to preserve the residential neighborhoods in which Drug and Alcohol Recovery Facilities are located and to protect the rights of the disabled to obtain housing and recovery facilities within the community. &ki Cc: David Kiff, City Manager Jim Campbell, Planning Director f qe9-004}71- J9 R MC from DRH re 74 Admin Prolocor 71 Attachment E Villa Way Facility and Lafayette Offices Matrix �S 74 0 mE to mm ca• m `m M E ov o y a a E E Ql .0 U N O N O 4 O Ol I� N L V cy U N m E No E E Ucmt `oto �• T '• N m c E cm m o Etc oc_ co_ w m .� .s WE t> `m cm m= z rnd c 2, a°- as E m rn m E E E y ma y y v -°_ m_ m m @ m d o o o v m E E 3 u m �0 cg 5 E r f° to y y vJ O U °o Uv Utq UN UVJ NN U 0 K NQ W Utq UN ti ti ti ti ti ti U Qj ti ti m ti ti m c Q ro ti ti E E E E E E E E v E E E E E o t E E E 0 0 0 0 0 0 o v o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 E E Am Dan am a�n a Q a2 OI -26 E2 O "Q d E C 9 8 8 8 �a LL LL LL LL z n� K K K K K j p N d za m v yS n� c 2.6 m v co 6 c I > d E m E cmc° avi °c d E E y 'o d m m U `! @ c E @ E b E o c c v E `u m y v avi E E v ry ry m m y o' E'E E o EE E c z z 2 tt c c @ g- @ E L � d m a rt q a a m a D m 't E m ° v ° t m Ommodmo 0 VLdwE JE Ti:m_2a`�� 4.�'vmQw9 addo E -3vynoEan° o a E E > acEd°T m 8 mo 'm 9 u o a ofE `y2� �O 3d E AO OdN �N �N SOL �"LVNdZ Z Ky 00 V J-- u! 3 V U �m .=E CiE mE'o vm'o vi�E U @ m.=>mN 3 n'i vE viE z m ii h <E - r r r r r r r m i$ c .. > E E u o m m m m m m m m m in m m m m cx `m Eno E E E E E E E �, n o a d �2E m na �eoa cd m`� `mm `Lam mm ` Nd m m m v mm Baty `-0oU n3 °1 n3 �� mm v � �m A and t0�$ m¢c v3�a y'=`d Em and � d E v Em Em ¢ � yL m Em a maw ama wa yaw am m m� �,�a LLd am o�S e aE aua E O EaE OE S. Eyy°a °u E m m o>°110 m nuo `w o.o Z5 o o _m o _m o o o m o a0d¢ S mm d h m E 33Ec _mn o ` °- d d E E E E =' N E m m v N � E"s U E E t QUN m5 d5 m5 E 0 � @ d a 2E d �1m ry� m Cim O'er V O vb d5 EF_ v5 _° u! L° m m m m m '_° m m �' Fa i$ c t5 wr wr wm y.m mm mm �m mr �m wm g.m r am m"i` Um UN Um `T,m Um UW Um Um mn5 '° �3mm n._a m3Pa O— Um ami o N ai N ai R 6 N 6 d u N 6 N ai W ti N ai N w. N �+ N �+ N E E E E E E E E E E E E E E�dN`o ow'a'm' Da D� m�o�'— .�mm`m o `m mm ii ii N N no am V E mE2 3m rm ono �F2 d m z E E a m y m m E m V m m tj co o 3 o `u roi a N o v 5 m v d � ra (d C3 m a � c c ; m w m = c a E 5 E z T e W ; n m a m ° T L J S d 6 C w N N m t7 Attachment F Zoning Clearance Letter for Office Relocation 77 72 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Boulevard, Building C, Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949)644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 www.nMortbeachca.gov ZONING CLEARANCE Supersedes Letter dated February 11, 2013 March 5, 2013 Mr. James Bailey Executive Director Sober Living by the Sea 2811 Villa Way Newport Beach CA 92663 RE: Sober Living by the Sea —Proposed Relocation of Administrative Offices to 2800 Lafayette Avenue and Use of Parking Lot at 2805 Villa Way, Newport Beach Dear Mr. Bailey: The 2009 Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement (Zoning Agreement) between the City of Newport Beach (City) and Sober Living by the Sea (Sober Living) memorialized the use and the conditions of operation of its administrative offices and meeting facility at 2809, 2811, and 2813 Villa Way. The August 25, 2006, letter from the City's Planning Director to Sober Living described those conditions. Sober Living has recently requested zoning approval to re -locate the administrative offices from 2811 and 2813 Villa Way to 2800 Lafayette Avenue, while maintaining the existing facility at 2809 Villa Way, which includes a meeting area. As the City understands, it is also Sober Living's intent to use the existing parking lot at 2805 Villa Way for the parking of employee and transport vehicles as well as for storing bicycles that are available for client use. 79 The City's Zoning Code designates 2800 Lafayette Avenue as MU -W2 (Mixed - Use Water) in which Professional Offices are a Permitted use (Table 2-9 Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements). The proposed office use is consistent with the MU -W2 Zoning District, provided the following conditions are followed: 1. The use of 2800 Lafayette Avenue is limited to only office uses for Sober Living, client check-in, and a small ancillary computer lab (5-7 stations). Client group meetings, client picking up and/or consuming prescriptions, or client consulting with a nurse shall not occur at 2800 Lafayette Avenue. 2. Client check-in shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3. Client use of the computer lab shall be limited to 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 4. Clients may use the building entrance facing 28th Street, but should neighborhood concerns result, the client entrance shall be relocated to the Lafayette Avenue entrance. 5. Outside client congregation is prohibited at 2800 Lafayette Avenue. 6. The outdoor upstairs patio at 2800 Lafayette Avenue shall be used by employees only and not be used as a client congregation area. Smoking is prohibited on the public boardwalk adjacent to 2800 Lafayette Avenue pursuant to Municipal Code Section 11.04.080. 7. Provide a revised set of floor plans for 2800 Lafayette Avenue showing the uses for each area for review and approval by the Community Development Director. 8. Clients will not be allowed to assemble at 2800 Lafayette Avenue for the purpose of being transported to another location. The City's Zoning Code designates the existing parkin lot at 2805 Villa Way as MU-CV/15th Street (Mixed -Use Cannery Village and 15t Street) in which Parking Facilities are allowed by Minor Conditional Use Permit (Table 2-8 Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements). The proposed continued use of the property as a parking lot does not require any discretionary review and approval. However, the following improvements are requested: 1. Provide 13 off-site parking spaces at 2805 Villa Way which will be used for vehicle parking and storage by Sober Living staff and transport vans. All vehicles associated with Sober Living shall be parked at this lot rather than on City streets or public parking lots. For instance Sober Living vans shall be parked on the lot rather than on City streets in the surrounding neighborhood or the City parking lot. Page 2 :I 2. Screen re -located bike racks within a secured enclosure (e.g., a block wall) sufficient to screen from public view subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department (Building Permit required). 3. Re -stripe parking lot subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department (Building Permit required). 4. Upgrade existing landscaping subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director. 5. Provide plan of parking lot and bike racks with enclosure as conditioned above for plan check. 6. Clients will not be allowed to assemble at the parking lot for the purpose of being transported to another location. Please note that all conditions stated in the Zoning Agreement regarding its general operation and the use of 2809 Villa Way will remain in effect. In summary, if Sober Living operates in conformance with the foregoing conditions, it would be my determination that Sober Living's use of 2800 Lafayette Avenue and 2805 Villa Way would be in conformance with the City's Zoning Code. Please provide the plans and coordinate with staff to obtain required approvals stated above prior to occupying 2800 Lafayette Avenue. After all of the approvals are obtained, the plans along with all of the foregoing conditions will be reviewed annually by the City of Newport Beach as a part of the Zoning Agreement's Periodic Review of Compliance. Sincerely, Kimberly Brand, AICP Director cc: Aaron C. Harp, City Attorney Matt Cosylion, Code Enforcement Supervisor Page 3 22 Attachment G SLBTS Compliance Reports 2S R4 Exhibit G Bober Living By The Sea Bi -Annual Compliance Review Report Date Report Submitted: 1.16. 2013 This report covers from June 30, 2012 to December 31, 2012 During this time period Sober living By The Sea (SLBTS) made good faith efforts to manage or control the following facilities in Newport Beach In accordance with the operational regulations specified in Exhibit B of the Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement: SLBTS FACILITIES Property Address Peninsula Treatment Bed Count Zone Peninsula Off Y or N) Peninsula ADP License Y or N 4138 Patrice N 6 Pending 4711 Seashore Y 6 Y 4711 Y2 Seashore Y 2 N 505 29'h Street Y 6 Y 3980 Seashore Y 6 Y 126 44P St, units A&B Y 9 IN 4800 Seashore, units & B Y 10 Y 5004 Neptune, unit A Y 6 N 5004 Neptune, unit B Y 6 N 5101 River, unit B Y 6 Y 6110 West Ocean Front Y 6 Y 6111 Seashore Y 6 Y Total Bed Count: 81 Since last report June 30, 2012112 40(11 St Unit A and 112 401h St Unit B have closed Submitted by: James Bailey on behalf of Sober Living by the Sea 25 Exhibit G Sober Living By The Sea BI -Annual Compliance Review Report Date Report Submitted; 7.11, 2013 This report covers from Jan 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013 During this time period Sober Llving By The Sea (SLBTS) made good faith efforts to manage or control the following facilities In Newport Beach In accordance with the operational regulations specified In Exhibit B of the Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement: SLBTS FACILITIES Property Address Peninsula Treatment Bad' Count Zone Peninsula Off Y or N Peninsula ADP License (Y or N 4138 Patrice (N) 6 Pending 4711 Seashore Y 6 Y 4711 ^/ Seashore Y' 2 N 505 29,' Street Y 6 Y 112 39t" Street Y 10 . N 4800 Seashore, units A & B Y 10 Y 5004 Neptune, unit A Y 6 N 5004 Neptune, unit B Y 6 N 5101 River, unit B Y 6 Y 6110 West Ocean Front Y 6 Y 6111 Seashore Y 6 Y Total Bed Count 70 Since last report December 31&t, 2012 3980 Seashore and 126 44'h St (units A&B) have closed Submitted by: James Bailey on behalf of Sober Living by the Sea 20 Attachment H Inventory of Client Beds as of September 2013 27 22 SOBER LIVING BY THE SEA, INC. Inventory of Client Beds as of September 2013 = Closed €asillEy Street No. Unit Street # Beds May `08 # Beds Dec. '09 # Beds June '10 # Beds June'11 # Beds Sept. '12 # Beds Sept. '13 298 ViaLido6 Sew 4 4 0 400 `nenwties 6 4 4 9 402 Via A„tabeo 6 4 4 0 505 29 St. 6 1 6 6 6 1 6 6 416 A 34 t- 6 0 0 0 416 D 34 St 6 9 0 0 307 1/2 34 � 6 0 0 0 309 y434 St- 6 9 0 0 425 39 6 0 0 0 T25 V2 39 -st- 6 0 0 0 412 A 40 -St- 0 2 0* 0- 0* - 442 B 40 -St- 6 6 6 6 ** 62n- 126 126 A 44ffi St. 0 0 0 51 5 0 126 B 44 St. 0 0 0 4 4 9 431 A 43 fit- 6 0 0 0 431 B Z7 -&-T 6 0 0 0 418 A 45 -&- 6 4 0 0 418 B 45r -St- 6 2 0 0 422 A 45 -SL 6 4 0 0 422 B 46 -St- 6 6 0 0 433 A 45 � 6 0 0 0 433 6 46 6 0 0 0 5004 A Neptune St. 6 6 6 6 6 6 5004 B Neptune St. 6 6 6 6 6 6 5401 A moo. 6 4 0 0 5101 B River Ave. 6 6 6 6 6 6 3960 Seashore Dr. 6 4 4 0 3988 Spgsh r Dr 6 6 6 6 6 6 4500 c^..�D, 6 4 4 4 9 4594 Spgshnrp Dr 6 6 6 6 9 4711 Seashore Dr. 6 6 6 6 6 6 4711'/2 Seashore Dr. 0 0 0 2 2 2 4800 A Seashore Dr. 6 4 4 4 5 5 4800 B Seashore Dr. 6 6 6 5 5 5 4846 A op;;,;here Dr 6 44 0 4846 D Seashore^ 6 6 6 0 _ 6111 Seashore Dr. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6110 W. Ocean Front 6 6 6 6 6 6 4138 Patrice Rd. 0 0 0 6 6 6 112 A&B 39 St. 0 0 0 0 0 10 TOTAL CLIENT BEDS & Number of Dwelling Units (DU's): 204 34 DU's 122 25 DU's 100 22 DU's 90 17 DU's 75 14 DU's 70 13 DU's (*staff only) (**closed in July 2012) ' 126 44t' Street, Units A & B, closed 5/31/13 2 3980 Seashore Dr. closed 5/31/13 3 112 39t' St. facility opened June 1, 2013 29 90 Attachment Map of SLBTS Facilities — Open and Closed as of September 2013 9j- 92 94 Attachment J Compliance Matrices Overall Compliance Matrix and Individual Facility Matrices 95 m ' � dR 6 AH2 mtF .S4 E N O p r F o E t 'affiE a& 5 N m mE 9SNq m'EmEWa.R E`' E EN v m�=�+ - cn ° o v dom E9 �Fspb°m`d @u 'm @ E `mw o `C OdU N ia0 rQ d � o d Nm`Z F@6 ctiL wd �mN9Em O @ v '� U°N m wF 0 ._ E N Z N Z O p 0 fq 2 N �a 4l NI !O 9 5< 3 .�{p� ✓ N Z K Z a K N $cw m�i gym` Ya E' EEn UQE V�n • u�9 - • E E E E E E E E E �z _�a E E E E E E E .o — _ N� 16 16 16 aydm Cc �� .�.n my .fin N$ rcN yam 'A EM �qB:0M 15 Ap FFim °a� aNSNc r°-�w _ Nm�m CC) N r ma;= ro r AN'.E EA cNm mm yp 9m.Zy ma'yp y9 �0 [� _ �N�ry� 6m Lm �a Um- m sza s�3_m �n U � •-m��i � � yam n m5a o p L � �iEO 4 p c � '2 °.21 c — 2 z W�.m cp°o aE@ E U = U c " o m 9 o d 0 Q° a m o "eA. 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El y - a n - 8 C m 19 y j n i W pC �• �' � v 'ui " N t N° N O N O u E o 5 E e m S m and o a x m e E d a>; N E d n E m c E u m o N 2 0 N 0¢ O U o U ¢ `r Attachment K Code Enforcement Inspection Reports log 110 Memorandum CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD, BLDG. E NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 (949)644-3217 To: File From: Matt Cosylion, Code Enforcement Supervisor„.,.%r 4- —. Date: March 28, 2013 Re: Sober Living by the Sea — Zoning Agreement Compliance Inspection On March 21, 2013, I inspected the following Sober Living by the Sea ("SLBTS") facilities: 5101 River Ave., 4711 and 4711 '/z Seashore Dr., 4800 Seashore Dr., and 3980 Seashore Dr. The purpose of the inspections was to verify the accuracy of the bedcounts for the respective facilities as disclosed in the Compliance Review Report ("Report") dated January 16, 2013, and to verify that each facility is in compliance with the operational regulatlons outlined in Exhibit B to the Zoning Agreement CZA"). SLBTS is approved to have 204 client beds (total) within the City, including 156 client beds in the "Peninsula Zone." The restrictions on the total number of client beds within the City are located in Section A, Exhibit B to the ZA. According to the Report, there are 75 beds on the Balboa Peninsula and 6 beds off the Peninsula fora total of 81 beds. It should be noted that since the last Report dated June 1, 2012, 112 44h St (units A&B) has closed. As required by the Zoning Administration Protocol dated October 29, 2010, and Condition No. 14 of the ZA, SLBTS was notified approximately two hours in advance of the time of the inspection and the facilities to be inspected. 5101 River Avenue. This location is a licensed, male only facility. Bed Count: Bedroom 1: 1 bed (staff) Bedroom 2: 2 beds Bedroom 3: 2 beds Bedroom 4: 2 beds IIPage 111 Facility Total: 6 beds Medical Waster There is no medical waste generated at this facility.. Secondhand smoke/Cigarettes: No cigarette butts were observed in the street or around' the property. The City has not received complaints regarding secondhand smoke or discarded cigarette butts at this location. Off -Street Parking: There are two covered parking spaces for this property. Both spaces were clear and accessible for parking as required by NBMC section 20.40.030(B). Trash/Trash Cans: The exterior of the property was clean and well-maintained. The refuse containers for the facility were covered with lids and stored in the side yard in compliance. with NBMCsection,6.04.150('A). 4711 Seashore Drive 'This location is a licensed, male only facility. Bed Count: Unit A Bedroom 1 2 beds Bedroom 2 2. beds Bedroom 3: 2 beds Facility Total: 6 beds Unit B (4711 '7z Seashore Drive) Bedroom 1: 1 bed Bedroom 2: 1 bed Facility Total: 2 beds Medical Waste: There is no medical waste generated at this facility. Secondhand smoke/Cigarettes: No cigarette butts were observed in the street or around the property. The City has received complaints regarding secondhand smoke at this location as outlined below. 21Page �i2 Off -Street Parking: There are three covered (garage) parking spaces for this property. All three spaces were clear and accessible for parking as required by NBMG section 20.40,030(8). Trash/Trash Cans: The exterior of the property was clean and well-maintained. The refuse containers for the facility were covered with lids and stored in the garage in compliance with NBMC section 6.04.150(A). Complaints: During this review period, the City received complaints regarding secondhand smoke from the facility. According to the reporting party(s), secondhand smoke can be detected from adjacent properties when residents of this facility smoke in the front yard' and second floor deck (ocean side). SLBTS agreed to limit the number of clients smoking in the front yard and second floor deck to no more than three persons at any given time. Additionally, Cigarette disposal receptacles would be placed in the designated smoking areas. Should the City continue to receive complaints regarding secondhand smoke, the designated smoking location and smoking policy will have to be reviewed. 4800 Seashore Drive Bed Count: Unit A Bedroom 1:2 beds Bedroom 2: 2 beds Unit B Bedroom 1: 2 beds Bedroom 2: 2 beds Bedroom 3: 1 bed (staff) Bedroom 4: 2 beds Facility Total: 10 beds Medical Waste: There is no medical waste generated at this facility. Secondhand smoke/Cigarettes: No cigarette butts were observed in the street or around the property. The City has not received complaints regarding secondhand smoke or discarded cigarette butts at this location. 3 Page i13 Off -Street Parking: There are three covered (garage) parking spaces for this property. All three spaces were clear and accessible for parking as required by NBMC section 20.40.030(6). Trash/Trash Cans: The exterior of the property was clean and well-maintained. The refuse containers for the facility were covered with lids and stored in the side yard adjacent to 4804 Seashore Drive in compliance with NBMC section 6.04.150(A). 3980 Seashore Drive CLOSED 126 44`h Street CLOSED Findin-gs Overall, all the facilities were clean and free of accumulated trash and rubbish around the property. Refuse containers were stored in compliance with NBMC section 6.04.150(A): Cigarette butts were not observed in the street, alley, sidewalks or gutters near the facilities. At all of its facilities, SLBTS has posted a Good Neighbor Policy and a Code of Conduct in a public place. These policies establish a code of conduct for residents and staff and require that clients be respectful of each other and the community. Additionally, the use of inappropriate language, littering, aggressive behavior, and the improper disposal of cigarette butts is prohibited. The facility at 4711 Seashore Dr will be monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure compliance with the ZA. A copy of this report will be forwarded to the Planning Division for review. Attachments: Compliance Review Report, dated January 16, 2013 4Page 114 Memorandum CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD, BLDG. E NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3217 To: File From: Matt Cosylion, Code Enforcement Supervisor Date: September 24, 2013 Re: Sober Living by the Sea — Zoning Agreement Compliance Inspection On September 19, 2013, 1 inspected the following Sober Living by the Sea ("SLBTS") facilities: 112 39" St., 5101 River Ave., 4711 Seashore Dr., and 4138 Patrice Rd. The ,purpose of the inspections was to verify the accuracy of the bed counts for the respective facilities as disclosed in the Compliance Review Report ("Report") dated July 11, 2013, and to verify that each facility is in compliance with the operational regulations outlined in -Exhibit B to the Zoning Agreement ('2A" ). SLBTS is approved to have 204 client beds (total) within the City, including 156 client beds in the "Peninsula Zone," The restrictions on the total number of client beds within the City are located in Section A, Exhibit B to the ZA. According to the Report, there are 64 beds on the Balboa Peninsula and 6 beds off the Peninsula for a total of 70 beds. It should be noted that since the last report dated January 16, 2013, 3980 Seashore and 126 44th St (units A&B) have closed. As required by the Zoning Administration Protocol dated October 29, 2010, and Condition No. 14 of the ZA, SLBTS was notified approximately four hours in advance of the time of the inspection and the facilities to be inspected. 112 39`h Street This location is an unlicensed, male only facility. House Manager.- John anagerJohn Torres I1Page 115 Bed Count First Floor Bedroom 1: 2 beds Bedroom 1: 2 beds Second Floor Bedroom 1: 2 beds Bedroom 2: Staff bed Bedroom 3: 2 beds Bedroom 4: 2 beds Facility Total: 10 beds Medical Waste: There is no medical waste generated at this facility. Secondhand smoke/Cigarettes: No cigarette butts were observed in the street or around the property. The City has not received complaints regarding secondhand smoke or discarded cigarette butts at.this facility. Off -Street Parking: There are three covered parking spaces for this property. All the parking spaces were clear and accessible for parking as required by Newport Beach Municipal Code (" NBMC) section 20.40.030(B). Trash/Trash Cans: The exterior of the property was clean and well-maintained. However, the refuse containers for the facility were not covered with lids as required by NBMC section 6.04.090. SLBTS was advised of the issue, and an unscheduled inspection will be made to verify compliance. Complaints: This facility opened in June, 2013. The City received complaints regarding work without permits at the property and compliance with the Zoning Agreement. City staff inspected the property and determined the improvements were minor in nature and did not require a permit. Additionally, the location of the facility and the number of beds at the facility were found to be in compliance with the Zoning Agreement 5101 River Avenue This location is a licensed, male only facility. House Manager Rick Montoya 21Page 110 Bed Count: Bedroom 1: 1 bed (staff) Bedroom 2: 2 beds Bedroom 3: 2 beds Bedroom 4: 2 beds Facility Total: 6 beds Medical Waste: There is no medical waste generated at this facility. Secondhand smoke/Cigarettes: No cigarette butts were observed in the street or around the property. The City has not received complaints regarding secondhand smoke ordiscarded cigarette butts at this location. Off -Street Parking: There are two covered parking spaces for this property. Both spaces were clear and accessible for parking as required by NBMC section 20.40.030(8). Trash/Trash Cans: The exterior of the property was clean and well-maintained. The refuse containers for the facility were covered with lids and stored in the side yard in compliance with NBMC section 6.04.150(A). Complaints: The City received a complaint regarding a SLBTS transportation vehicle obstructing the public sidewalk in front of the garage for this facility on September 14, 2013. After reviewing a picture of the vehicle, SLBTS Director James Bailey confirmed the vehicle belongs to SLBTS. Mr. Bailey was asked to remind transportation drivers not to obstruct the sidewalk. City staff will continue to monitor to ensure compliance. It should be noted the City has received complaints about this violation in the past. However, City staff determined in each incident that the tenants in the lower unit were the responsible party. 4711 Seashore Drive This location is a licensed, male only facility. Program Director: Evan Miller Bed Count: 31Page 117 Unit A Bedroom 1: 2 beds Bedroom 2: 2 beds Bedroom 3: 2 beds Facility Total: 6 beds Unit B (4711 '/z Seashore Drive) Bedroom 1: 1 bed Bedroom 2: 1 bed Facility Total: 2 beds Medical Waste: There is no medical waste generated at this facility. Secondhand smoke/Cigarettes: No cigarette butts were observed in the street or around the property. The City has received complaints regarding secondhand smoke at this location as outlined below. Off -Street Parking: There are three covered (garage) parking spaces for this property. All three.spaces were clear and accessible for parking as required by NBMC section 20.40.030(6). Trash/Trash Cans: The exterior of the property was clean and well-maintained. The refuse containers for the facility were covered with lids and stored in the garage in compliance with NBMC section 6.04.150(A). Complaints: During this review period, the City received complaints regarding secondhand smoke from the facility. According to the reporting party(s), secondhand smoke can be detected from adjacent properties when residents of this facility smoke in the front yard and second floor deck (ocean side). In response to the multiple complaints filed with; the City, Program Director Evan 'Miller agreed to move the designated smoking area to the garage and has implemented an action plan to ensure that staff and residents comply with the new smoking policy. Staff will continue to monitor the facility to ensure compliance. Additionally, the City received complaints regarding SLBTS transportation vehicles obstructing the public sidewalk/right-of-way on 48`h Street. SLBTS has implemented an action plan to address this concern. It should be noted the City continues to receive complaints regarding this issue despite warnings to SLBTS to correct the violation. 4Page 112 4138 Patrice Road This location is an unlicensed, female only facility (pending license). House Manager: Jana Countryman Bed Count First Floor Bedroom 1.1 bed (staff) Second Floor Bedroom 1: 2 beds Bedroom 2: office Bedroom 3: 2 beds Bedroom 4: 2 beds Facility Total: 6 beds Medical Waste: There is no medical waste generated at this facility. Secondhand smokelCigarettes: No cigarette butts were observed in the street or around the property. The City has not received complaints regarding secondhand smoke or discarded cigarette butts at this facility. Off -Street Parking: There are two covered parking spaces for this property. All the parking spaces were clear and accessible for parking as required by Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") section 20:40.030(6). TrashlTrash Cans: The exterior of the property was clean and well-maintained. The refuse containers for the facility were covered with lids and stored in the garage in compliance with NBMC section 6.04.150(A). Complaints: There were no complaints filed with the City during this review period. Findings Overall, all the facilities were clean and free of accumulated trash and rubbish around the property. Refuse containers were stored in compliance with NBMC section 6.04.150(A). Cigarette butts were not observed in the street, alley, sidewalks or gutters near the facilities. 5 f age ��9 At all of its facilities,, SLBTS has posted a Good Neighbor Policy and a Code of Conduct in a public place. These policies establish a code of conduct for residents and staff and require that clients be respectful of'each other and the community. Additionally, the use of inappropriate language, littering; aggressive behavior, and the improper disposal of cigarette: butts is prohibited. The facilities at 4711 Seashore Dr. and 5101 River Dr. will be monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure compliance with the ZA. A copy of this report will be forwarded to the City Attorney's Office and the Planning Division. Attachments: Compliance Review Report, dated July 11, 2013 Complaint List for Review Period (January 1, 2013 to September 18, 2013) 6111a,ge 120 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, at 7:00 p.m., a public hearing will be conducted in the City Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach will consider the following application: Annual Review of Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement for Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach will conduct an annual review of Development Agreement No. DA2008-005, consisting of the Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement (Zoning Agreement) between the City and Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. and its affiliates. Pursuant to Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 15.45.080, the City Council shall periodically review the Development Agreement and the activity conducted pursuant to the agreement to determine if the applicant has complied with the terms of the agreement. The City Council will review the Zoning Agreement, activity conducted pursuant to the agreement, and Sober Living by the Sea's demonstration of good faith compliance with the terms of the agreement. The review of this Development Agreement is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Section 15321 (Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. All interested parties may appear and present testimony in regard to this application. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City, at, or prior to, the public hearing. Administrative procedures for appeals are provided in the Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20.64. The application may be continued to a specific future meeting date, and if such an action occurs additional public notice of the continuance will not be provided. Prior to the public hearing the agenda, staff report, and documents may be reviewed at the City Clerk's Office, 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California, 92660 or at the City of Newport Beach website at www.news)ortbeachea.gov on the Friday prior to the hearing. Individuals not able to attend the meeting may contact the Planning Division or access the City's website after the meeting to review the action an this application. For questions regarding details of the project please contact Melinda Whelan, Assistant Planner at 949- 644-3221. Project File No.: PA2010-150 Activity No.: Development Agreement No. DA2008- 005 Locations: 505 29'^ Street, 112 39"' Street, 5004 Neptune Avenue Units A and B, 5101 River Avenue Unit B, 4711 and 4711 Y. Seashore Drive, 4800 Seashore Drive Units A and B. 6111 Seashore Drive, 6110 W. Ocean Front, 4138 Patrice Road, 2809 Villa Way, 2800 Lafayette Avenue Closed Facilities: 126 44'h Street Units A and B, 3980 Seashore Drive Leilanl I. Brown, City Clerk "� = City of Newport Beach C9/IFO P'Fd PROOF OF RECEIVED PUBLICATION 2013 OCT 18 PM 5, 34 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) T;��IC COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County of Los Angeles; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the notice published. I am a principal clerk of the NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on September 29, 1961, case A6214, and June 11, 1963, case A24831, for the City of Costa Mesa, County of Orange, and the State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published an the following date(s): Saturday, October 12, 2013 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on October 16, 2013 at Los Angeles, California 7Jfrs Signature may appear and Prevent teatimany In regard tc this appllaatirn. If you challenge in. pm.ect In court, you may be Iloided to raising only three issues yon raised at the public hearing or written corre- spondence delivered to [he city at, ar prior to, he public hearing. Ad- ministindUe. orocedares NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, at 7:00 p.m.. a public hearing will be conducted in the City Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach w1l consider the following application: Annual Review of Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement for Sober Living by the Sea, Inc, The City Council of the City of Newport Beach will conduct an annual review of Development Agreement No. DA2008-005, consisting of the Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement (Zoning Agreement) between the City and Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. and Its affiliates. Pursuant to Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 15.45.080, the City Council shall periodimly review the Development Agreement and the activity conducted pursuant to the agreement to determine if the applicant has complied with the terms of the agreement. The City Council will review the Zoning Agreement, activity conducted pursuant to the agreement, and Sober Living by the Sea's demonstration of good faith compliance with the terns of the agreement. The review of this Development Agreement is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Section 15321 (Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. All interested parties may appear and present testimony In regard to this application. If you challenge this project In court, you may be limited to raising only these Issues you raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City, at, or prior to, the public hearing. Administrative procedures for appeals are provided In the Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20.64. The application may be continued to a specific future meeting date and If such an action occurs additional public notice of the continuance will not be grpyided. Prior to the public hearing the City of Newport Beach website at www.ri"coribeachca.aov on the Friday prior to the For questions regarding details of the pmJect please contact Melinda Whelan, Assistant Planner at 949-6443221. Project File No.: PA2010-150 Activity No.: Development Agreement No. DA2008-005 Locations: 505 296 Street, 112 396 Street, 5004 Neptune Avenue Units A and B. 5101 River Avenue Unit B, 4711 and 4711 % Seashore Drive, 4800 Seashore Drive Units A and B, 6111 Seashore Drive, 6110 W. Ocean Front, 4138 Patrice Road, 2809 Villa Way. 2800 Lafayette Avenue iwwy� d� lid., Closed Facill0es: 126446 Street Units A and B, 3980 Seashore Drive Leilani L Brown, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, at 7:00 p.m., a public hearing will be conducted in the City Council Chambers al 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, The City Council of the City of Newport Beach will consider the following application: Annual Review of Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement for Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach will ocnducl an annual review of Development Agreement No. DA2008-005, consisting of the Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement (Zoning Agreement) between the City and Sober Living by the Sea, Inc, and its affiliates. Pursuant to Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 15.45.080, the City Council shall periodically review the Development Agreement and the activity conducted pursuant to the agreement to determine if the applicant has complied Wth the terms of the agreement The City Council Will review the Zoning Agreement, activity conducted pursuant to the agreement, and Sober Living by the Sea's demonstration of good faith compliance with the terms of the agreement The review of this Development Agreement is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Section 15321 (Enforcement Actions by Regulatory Agencies) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. All interested parties may appear and present testimony in regard to this application. H you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those Issues you raised at the public hearing or In written correspondence delivered to the City, at, or prior to, the public hearing. Administrative procedures for appeals are provided in the Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20.64. The application may be continued to a specific future meeting date and ff such an action occurs additional public notice of the continuance will not be provided. Prior to the public hearing the agenda, staff report, and documents may be reviewed at file City Clerk's Office, 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California, 92660 or at the City of Newport Beach website at www.newoodbeachca ow on the Friday prior to the hearing. Individuals not able to attend the meeting may For questions regarding details of the project please contact Melinda Whelan, Assistant Planner at 949-644-3221. Project File No.: PA2010-150 Activity No.: Development Agreement No. DA2008-005 Locations: 505 296 Street. 112 396 Street, 5004 Neptune Avenue Units A and B, 5101 River Avenue Unit B, 4711 and 4711 K Seashore Drive, 4800 Seashore Drive Units A and B, 6111 Seashore Drive, 6110 W. Ocean Front, 4138 Patrice Road, 2809 Villa Way, 2800 Lafayette Avenue Closed Facilities: 126446 Street Units Aand B. 3980 Seashore Drive o` e Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach ... easy rear' to seu r A . Bend along lineto i r AVERY® 5160® i Use Avery®1Btnplate 51600 Feed Paper— expose Pop-up Edge. CANNERY VLGE MOBILE HOME PK ASSN. LIDO PENINSULA COMPANY LIDO SANDS COMMUNITY ATTN: BUD MARTIN BELLPORTGROUP ASSOCIATION 3355 VIA LIDA D ATTN: MANAGEMENT REP ATTN: NICOLAI GLAZER NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 151 SHIPYARD WAY A 5300 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PARK LIDO HOA WEST NEWPORT BEACH ASSN. DIVERSIFIED ASSOC. MGMT. CRAIG BATLEY ATTN: REP 2901 NEWPORT BLVD 180 E MAIN ST 101 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 TUSTIN, CA 92780 E DA-LAP-�e(,S C5� EUquettes fatiles A paler A gepllez a Is hachure afin de www.averymm , Utllisez le gabarit AVERY® 51600 cher9ereent reveler le rabord Pop.upTM 1-BOD-GO-AVERY Easy Feel- labels i • Send along line to ®/\��® 5160® � Use Avery® Template 51600 feed Paperer expose Pop-up EdgeTM . 045 094 03 045 094 03 045 094 06 OCCUPANT T5 PREMIER INVESTMENTS LLC PAMELA LSTILGENBAUER 6301 SEASHORE DR PO BOX 6819 6302 OCEAN FRONT W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA, CA 92878 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 045 09410 045 09410 045 09415 OCCUPANT URE GARRE17 INVESTMENT GROUP LLC 6300 OCEAN FRONT W 27810 BEN NEVIS WAY 6306 OCEAN FRONT W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 YORBA LINDA, CA 92887 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 04510105 045 10108 045 10108 OCCUPANT MARIO E ANTONINI OCCUPANT 6205 SEASHORE DR 2021 ROSEMONTAVE #1 6202 OCEAN FRONT W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PASADENA, CA 91103 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 045 10109 045 10109 045 10110 JOSEPH W MOODY OCCUPANT BERCAW 2532 DUPONT DR 6204 W OCEANFRONT 234 LUGONIA SF IRVINE, CA 92612 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 045101 30 045 101 11 045 10113 OCCUPANT G &J MEFFERD 6211 SEASHORE LLC 6208 OCEAN FRONT W 5210 OCEAN FRONT W 4790 IRVINE BLVD #105-204 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 IRVINE, CA 92620 04510113 04510114 045 10115 OCCUPANT LAWRENCE D CANCELLIERI PETER GGLADIS 6211 SEASHORE DR CANCELLIERI LESLIE A 6209 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 6206 OCEAN FRONT W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 045 10116 045 10116 045 102 01 MARIO EANTONINI OCCUPANT GARRETT SEASHORE LLC 2021 ROSEMONT AVE #1 6200 OCEAN FRONT W 6111 SEASHORE OR PASADENA, CA 91103 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 045 102 02 045 102 02 045 102 03 CHARLES E DAYJR. OCCUPANT BENEDETTATR-OF NARDON 2389 VIEJO DR 105 61ST ST UN ITED CREDIT SUB-TR LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86406 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 340 SHARON RD ARCADIA, CA 91007 045102 03 045 102 04 045 102 04 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT RANSON W WEBSTER 6100 OCEAN FRONT W 6102 OCEAN FRONT W WEBSFER NORMAJ NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 4345 EAGLE VALLEY CIR RENO, NV 89519 045102 08 045 102 08 04510211 OCCUPANT ONE FINE PROPERTY NB LLC G & L WOOTERS 6104 OCEAN FRONT W 901 N GREEN VALLEY PKWY 2482 NEWPORT BLVD #8 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HENDERSON, NV 89074 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 hiquettes faciles A peter A Repliez S la hachure aBn dei WWW.averyrn Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 51600Sens de reveler Ie rehord Pop-upTM chargement / 4800-GO-AVEfN j Easy Peel-Labels I ♦ Bend along line to AVERY&silio®' Use Avery® Template 51600 FaMPaper— "Pose Pop-up Edgelm .45 .32 -1 045102 12 04513212 -•' OCCUPANT DICK G RUSSELL OCCUPANT 6106 W OCEANGPONT PHYLLIS RENZTRUST 6110 W OCEANFRONT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 5315 BREA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BREA, CA 92821 045103 01 045 103 02 045 103 03 KRISTA E MALONEY NEWMAN NELIO C DICORPO 6011 SEASHORE OR 6009 SEASHORE DR 16 VISTA MONTEMAR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 045103 03 045 103 04 045 103 04 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT RICHARD A SELTZER 6007 SEASHORE DR 6005 SEASHORE DR 80499 SPANISH BAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 04.910305 045103 05 045 103 06 MARY M KESSLER OCCUPANT JK 6001 SEASHORE LLC 6003 SEASHORE DR 6003 SEASHORE OR 8195 E KAISER BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ANAHEIM, CA 92808 045 103 06 04511115 045 11115 OCCUPANT A JOYCE HOSKINSON OCCUPANT 6001 SEASHORE OR 6204 COAST HWYW 20762ND ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 045 11117 045 11117 045 11119 CLARKE OCCUPANT A JOYCE HOSKINSON 1300 BALBOA BLVD W 21162ND ST 6204 COAST HWY W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 045 11120 045 112 01 045112 01 CHATRISA ENTERPRISES LLC OCCUPANT WAYNE ENTERPRISES LP 6208 COAST HWYW 20662ND ST 21062ND ST#A NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 045 112 08 04511210 045 11210 CAYWOOD REALTY INC OCCUPANT RUSSELL E FLUTER 6110 COAST HWY W 20161ST ST 2025 W BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 04511211 045 11413 045 11413 CAYWOOD REALTY INC DAVIDIALAU OCCUPANT 611000ASTHWYW PO BOX 8412 6020 COAST HWYW NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 04511416 045 11416 047 010 06 OCCUPANT VICTOR G RUMBELLOW CURCI-TURNER COMPANY LLC 6030 COAST HWY W 434 VISTA GRANDE 717 LIDO PARK DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92563 fadaritAVler LtdquWilla Sensde A Replies 5 la hachure alio de I www.averyxonn le UUlisei le gebOdSAVERY® 51600 chargement rtv€ler le rehord Pop-up'"' 1-900-GO-AVERY d ",_. __"'__`—_,--m•+-, P wau ®..Illy N�eya -1... 9411 wol,Oane,w-nm i ep uye wn4le4 el Fea!Idae i salad p s 113 { uanbg3 047 010 06 047 010 09 047 010 09 OCCUPANT FIRSTAMERICAN CO OCCUPANT 2806 RHINETHE TR A 710 LIDO PARK DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 359 SAN MIGUEL DR #201 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 047 022 08 047 022 08 047 02211 OCCUPANT THOMASTSCHOCK CANNERY LOFT LLC 2904 LAFAYETTE RD 2900 LAFAYETTE RD 2912 LAFAYETTE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 02212 047 02212 047 02213 OCCUPANT ROGER GLAZER DAVID N DALTON 2910 LAFAYETTE AVE PO BOX 672 2908 LAFAYETTE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 02214 047 02214 047 023 01 DIETZ OCCUPANT OCCUPANT DIETZ ANNE L 2905 LAFAYETTE RD 2820 LAFAYETTE RD 828 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 023 01 047 023 02 047 023 02 THOMAS T & SCOTT F SCHOCK OCCUPANT THOMAS T & SCOTT F SCHOCK SCHOCK STEVEN W 2820 LAFAYETTE RD SCHOCK STEVEN W 30562ND ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 30562ND ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 023 03 047 023 03 047 023 06 DENNIS OVERSTREET OCCUPANT 2808 LAFAYETTE PROPERTY OVERSTREET CHRISTINE 2816 LAFAYETTE AVE LLC 200 VIA SAN REMO NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 126 16TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 047 023 06 047 023 07 047 02311 OCCUPANT JOHN HERLIHY TOO W RIDGEWAY 2808 LAFAYETTE AVE 2806 LAFAYETTE AVE 2804 LAFAYETTE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 02312 047 02312 047 023 14 FAINBARG OCCUPANT 126 PROP LLC 129 W WILSON ST #100 2800 LAFAYETTE RD 126 16TH ST COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 047 02314 047 023 15 047 023 15 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SEABOAT LLC 2812 LAFAYETTE AVE 2814 LAFAYETTE AVE 126 16TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 047 024 03 047 024 03 047 032 03 CANNERY LLC OCCUPANT LADORNA E EICHENBERG 1901 BAYADERE TER 3010 LAFAYETTE AVE 1 COLLINS ISLE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 v -op3 d. d.d asodxa _ /ailed paai ► 009LS a3eldwal ®AlanV asp p0915 ®/L?J3A�/ � oy sup W.I. puae ♦ i I slagel ®Iaad Asea cmy rm- .nueoer menu along ling I Feed Paperde- Pop-up Edge- r-1 AVERY® 5160® ' Use Avery®Template 51600 ` expose V 04703203 047 032 03 047 03204 047 032 05 OCCUPANT CHARLOTTE L JACKSON OCCUPANT 512 31ST ST 510 31ST ST 508 31ST ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 032 05 G47 032 06 047 032 06 RUSSELL FLUTER LEWIS OCCUPANT SEPARATE PROPERTY TR 216 VIA DIJON 50631ST ST 2025 BALBOA BLVD W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 032 07 047 032 07 047 032 08 OCCUPANT W ESTREM 31ST STREET-LIDO LLC 50231ST ST 1006 E BALBOA BLVD 4 UPPER NEWPORT PLZ#100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 047 032 08 047 032 12 047 03212 OCCUPANT MATTHEW SMITH OCCUPANT 50031ST ST 1599 SUPERIOR AVE#A3 51530TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 03219 047 032 21 047 032 22 CANNERY LLC THOMAS N BENJAMIN OCCUPANT 1901 BAYADERE TER CRESCENTTR 51730TH 5T CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 519 30TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 032 23 047 032 23 047 032 24 JAMES M PETERS JR. OCCUPANT MARK A SCHATTINGER 3 SAN JOAQUIN PLZ #215 513 30TH ST 51130TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 032 25 047 03225 047 032 26 OCCUPANT STEPHANIE A KWOCK MARK SCHATTINGER 509 30TH ST 976 HOTSPRINGS RD SD7 30TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93108 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 032 27 047 032 27 047 032 28 B EFRANCOIS OCCUPANT JOHN RUSSELLWELBOURN 4200 CHEVY CHASE DR 505 30TH ST 3301 PALOS VERDES DR N FUNTRIDGE, CA 91011 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PALOS VERDES ESTATES, CA 90274 047 032 28 047 032 29 047 032 29 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ROBERT LBEERS 503 3DTH ST 50130TH ST 310 S LINHAVEN CIR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ANAHEIM, CA 92804 047 033 02 047 033 02 047 033 05 OCCUPANT ROBERTA FEUERSTEIN OCCUPANT 510 30TH ST 2920 NEWPORT BLVD #A 50129TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Etfquette5 fariles 5 paleri 11 Repllme In hachure alio de wwN6mvet¢rpm UU11sez le gabarit AVERY® 51600 Se• de rhargement reveler le mbord Pop-upTM 14MISO-AVERY ' A tasy Yeel'O' Ld0els f ♦ ! Bend along line to I O AVERY9 5160 Use Averyg Template 51608 Feed Paper— expose Popup Edge'" 047 033 05 047 033 09 047 033 09 THOMAS T&JANE H SCHOCK MARK& DOMINIQUE KEELER OCCUPANT 2900 LAFAYETTE RD WOODS ALISON M 509 29TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92563 437 S CEDARHAVEN WAYP NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ANAHEIM, CA 92807 047 033 10 047 033 10 047 033 11 LAFAYETTE INVESTORS L P OCCUPANT LAFAYETTE INVESTORS LP 2905 LAFAYETTE AVE 51129TH ST 2905 LAFAYE17F AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 033 16 047 033 16 047 03317 MADDIE EM LLC OCCUPANT JAMES C PERSONJR. 7 CURRENTS 505 29TH ST 507 29TH ST #A NEWPORT COAST, CA 92657 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 033 18 047 03318 047 033 19 NEWPORT COAST INVESTMENTS LLC OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 22 BEACON BAY 514 30TH ST 512 30TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 033 20 047 033 21 047 033 23 ARNOLD CONSTRUCTION FRANK MCDOWELL LOUIS OROZCO COMPANY 506 30TH ST 502 30TH ST 50830TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 033 24 047 033 24 047 042 01 OCCUPANT PORT BEACH TOWNHOUSE LLLP NEW 43031ST STREET LLC 500 30TH ST 500 HOGSBACK RD 430 31ST ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 MASON, M 14985 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 042 02 047 04217 047 042 21 THOMAS DIXON 425 30TH STREET LLC C -SAND LLC 428 31ST ST 425 30TH ST 812 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 042 21 047 042 27 047 042 27 OCCUPANT MARY ANNE TURLEY-EMETT OCCUPANT 426 31ST ST TR MATE TRUST 417 30TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 25 BAY ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 047 042 28 047 042 32 047 042 32 FUNDING SOUTHERN GLE 30TH ST NEWPORT LLC OCCUPANT 419 30TH ST 2016 PALOMA DR 427 30TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 043 04 047 043 04 047 043 11 LAURIE GABRIEL OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 36 EL PASEO ST 410 30TH ST 417 29TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 EtiQuettes fa<iles a peter - Repliez a la hachure afin de; veww.avery com Utilisez le abarit AVERY 5160 9 ® ® j Sens de reveler le rebord Po -u ^^ chargement P P j 1 -000 -GO -AVERY easy feel— l 05 I A Bend along line to I n AVERY® 51608 Use AYely® Template 5160® 1 Feed Paper expose Pop-up Edge— 047 043 11 047 04312 047 04312 THERESA C MORRISON LLC OCCUPANT WESTREM PO BOX 965 400 29TH ST 1006 E BALBOA BLVD CARDIFF BYTHE SEA, CA 92007 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 047 043 21 047 043 21 047 043 23 FINE ARTS BUCK OCCUPANT HYNES 410 29TH ST 412 29TH ST DEL VALLE TRACI M NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 7TRAFALGAR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 047 043 23 D47 043 24 047 043 25 OCCUPANT 11LLSMARKOWICZ JAMES L&SUSAN 5 STINSON 415 29TH ST 413 29TH ST 25881 DESERT TRL NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 047 043 25 047 05101 047 05101 OCCUPANT MICHAEL J ROBERTS OCCUPANT 41129TH ST 1135 SW MYRTLE CT 512 29TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PORTLAND, OR 97201 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 05102 047 05102 047 05106 OCCUPANT VAN LOON ENTERPRISES INC OCCUPANT 510 29TH ST 1355 PAIGE LN 2810 VILLA WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 REDLANDS, CA 92373 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 05106 047 05107 047 05107 PATERSON KAHLE LLC OCCUPANT THOMAS T & SCOTT F SCHOCK 450 CATALINA DR 504 29TH ST SCHOCK STEVEN W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 30562ND ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 05108 047 05108 D47 052 01 DENNIS OVERSTREET OCCUPANT FINE ARTS BUCK OVERSTREET CHRISTINE 50829TH ST 41029TH ST 200 VIA SAN REMO NEW PORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 052 02 047 052 02 047 052 03 LAWRENCE C SCHNACK OCCUPANT BRIAN WESLEY RAY 3404 BRANDYWINE ST 2817 VILLA WAY 42530TH ST#10 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 052 03 047 052 04 047 052 04 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ZACH MM LLC 2815 VILLA WAY 2811 VILLA WAY 7 CURRENTS NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT COAST, CA 92657 047 052 05 047 052 05 047 052 06 OCCUPANT PATTERSON KAHLE LLC OCCUPANT 2807 VILLA WAY 450 CATALINA DR 2807 VILLA WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92653 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 EOquelfes ladlesA pe10f I A pepller b Is hachure atin tle i W W W.avery.com Utlllseat le gabadt AVEA'Y®5160® 1 9 p. p*M J the nement reveler le rebord Po u 1 -800 -G0 -AVERY � easy real— woels I A r_ Band along line to L AVERYO 51600 Use Avery®Template 51600 Ford PaPW — exposePop-upEdge- 047 052 06 047 052 07 047 052 07 PATTERSON KAHLE LLC FAINBARG OCCUPANT 450 CATALINA DR 129W WILSON ST#100 2800 VILLA WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 04705208 047 052 09 047 052 14 ER PUERTO NUEVO LLC ER PUERTO NUEVO LLC OCCUPANT 40928TH ST 2804 NEWPORT BLVD 2820 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92657 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 052 14 047 052 15 047 052 16 RONALD MILLAR KIM -YEN DANG NEWPORT PO BOX 1162 2822 NEWPORT BLVD 2824 NEWPORT BLVD#B NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 05217 047 05217 047 05220 OCCUPANT WILLIAM HANSEN OCCUPANT 2826 NEWPORT BLVD 3334 E COAST HWY#295 2828 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA DELMAR, CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 052 20 047 052 24 047 052 28 RAYMOND & M M HAWS OCCUPANT NEILJ POWERS 223 CASTELLANA N 409 28TH ST 3408 MARCUS AVE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 052 28 047 052 31 047 052 31 OCCUPANT NEILJ POWERS OCCUPANT 2814 NEWPORT BLVD 3408 MARCUS AVE 2810 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 052 32 047 052 32 047 11009 MARVIN P ADLER OCCUPANT SALVO DESIGN GROUP INC 30123 SKIPPERS WAY DR 2816 NEWPORT BLVD 2817 NEWPORT BLVD CANYON LAKE, CA 92587 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 047 110 22 047110 22 047 110 24 CATHERINE TRAN OCCUPANT OCCUPANT HUYNH-TRAN RESIDUAL 2613 NEWPORT BLVD 2819 NEWPORT BLVD 10386 WARNER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 047110 24 047 110 25 047110 25 PORT PROPERTIES INC OCCUPANT PORT PROPERTIES INC PO BOX 485 2821 NEWPORT BLVD PO BOX 485 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92652 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92652 047 110 28 047 110 29 047 110 29 WEW3 LLC KOMAL LLC OCCUPANT EDDY LISA C 9 MADISON 2627 NEWPORT BLVD 2825 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT REACH, CA 92663 6tiquettes faciles a peter A Repliez 5 la hachure An de w averycom UtiNsez le gabarit AVERY® 51600 Sens chargement ravdler le rebord Pop-upm 1-800•GO•AVERV easy re I— ♦ tttt� Rend along line io ` O /wEiiY�5160® Use Avery® Template 51600 Feed Paper exposePop-upEdo.- 047 110 36 047110 36 047110 37 MC DONALD'S CORPORATION OCCUPANT JANE PARK PO BOX 182571 2811 NEWPORT BLVD 21641 CANADA RD #14D COLUMBUS, OH 43218 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 047 110 37 114 211 14 114 211 14 OCCUPANT CONRAD SALINAS OCCUPANT 2815 NEWPORT BLVD 23048 VICTORIA ST 4919 LIDO SANDS DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 114 21115 114 21116 114 21117 LINDA BROWN H S & D TAYLOR CLIFF ATKINSON 5001 LIDO SANDS DR 5005 LIDO SANDS OR 5009 UDO SANDS DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 114 211 18 114 21119 114 21120 HALVOR L HARLEY III JOHN J RINEK ANGELA DOHENY 5015 LIDO SANDS OR 5019 LIDO SANDS DR 5023 LIDO SANDS DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 114 21121 114 21121 114 21122 LANSFORD OCCUPANT GERALD PROCCACINO 634 E NORMAN AVE 5101 UDO SANDS DR A 1 PROPERTY MGMT CO ARCADIA, CA 91006 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 5105 LIDO SANDS DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 114 21123 114 21123 114 21124 OCCUPANT SCOTT ENDSLEY CLARK 5104 RIVER AVE 12625 HIGH BLUFF DR #306 948 E STOCKER ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 GLENDALE, CA 91207 114 21124 114 21125 114 21125 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ROBERT FELTON 5100 RIVER AVE 5020 RIVER AVE 41 BALBOA COVES NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 114 21126 114 21126 114 21127 OCCUPANT WILLIAMJTONER MICHAELVOORHEES 5016 RIVER AVE TONER LESLIE A VOORHEES KATHLEEN NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 2306 MACDONALD LN 5012 RIVER AVE FLOSSMOOR, IL 60422 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 114 21128 114 21129 114 21130 JUDIE K COLLINS ERIC FOSS GEORGE J THOM 5008 RIVER AVE 5004 RIVER AVE 1763 ALEXANDER DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI 48302 114 21130 114 21131 114 21131 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ROBERT WAYNE BROWN JR. SOOD RIVER AVE 4916 RIVER AVE 507 CLUBHOUSE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Etiquettes taciles h paler AL Replies Ala hachure a6n de w averyccm Utilisez le gabarit AVERY®51600 Se de chargement reveler Is rebord Pop-upTM I 1800-GO-AVFRV Send along to i • AIRY® 5160R Use Avery& Template 51600 1 Feed Paper expose Popap Edcj' 114 21132 114 21132 114 21133 D L & Q A ROGERS OCCUPANT CRAIG DANIEL MEDICI 11020 MUIRFIELD DR 4912 RIVER AVE MEDICI TRACI LYNN RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 4908 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 114 21134 114 21138 114 21139 PAMELA MOLFETTA GREGORY M ENRIQUEZ HUGH & COURTNEY LEWIS 4904 RIVER AVE ENRIQUEZ BETHANN 120 VIA GENOA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 4824 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 114 21139 114 21140 114 21140 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT VINCENTI DAVITIF 4820 RIVER AVE 4816 RIVER AVE WALKER MONICA J TRUS NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 3620 FIGUEROA ST GLENDALE, CA 91206 114 21141 114 21141 114 21142 SHEN & MAO OCCUPANT MORRIS H ROLLINS WYETT CRISTINA 4812 RIVER AVE 4808 RIVER AVE 19952 E SKYLINE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 WALNUT, CA 91789 114 21145 114 22211 114 222 12 MATTHEW& HEATHER HANSBERGER DAVID AGOFF PETER & CINDY I JACKSON 5516 RIVER AVE SMITH JERRYJ 5208 RIVER AVE NEWPORT REACH, CA 92663 5212 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 114 22213 114 22213 114 22214 OCCUPANT PETER CASE NUDES D L& Q A ROGERS 5204 RIVER AVE 23 BAYSIDE 11020 MUIRFIELD DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 IRVINE, CA 92614 RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 114 222 14 114 222 15 114 22216 OCCUPANT ROBERT &C BLACKMAN DEBRA BRINKMAN 5200 RIVER AVE 5112 RIVER AVE 5115 LI00 SANDS DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 114 22217 114 22218 114 22219 NANCY MITCHELL RICHARD SLOCUM OCCUPANT 5201 LIDO SANDS DR BOTTEN SLOCUM CAROL 5209 LIDO SANDS DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 5205 LID0 SANDS OR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 114 22219 114 222 20 114 222 31 SALINAS ROBERT C KYSER MATTHEW & HEATHER HANSBERGER 23048 VICTORIA ST 5215 LIDO SANDS OR 5516 RIVER AVE GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 308 05 423 308 06 423 308 07 MICHAEL K O'MALLEY ANDREW LGREEN GARY R & C D KOLLER 206 39TH ST GREEN LISA 3811 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 3810 BALBOA BLVD W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 6tiquettes faciles A peter I A Repfiezb la hachurea0n de w .avery- UtilisezlegaharitAVERY®5160® d gerdmont reveler le rebonl Pop p^^ 1 -800 -60 -AVERY easy Pool- utels i ♦r_ Bend along line to i ❑ AVERY® 57600 ' Use Avery® template 51608 Feed Paper expose Popup EdgeTM 423 308 07 423 308 09 423 308 09 OCCUPANT NICHOLA C GURMIN OCCUPANT 202 39TH ST 214 JACARANDA PL 205 38TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 FULLERTON, CA 92832 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 31210 423 31210 423 312 11 OCCUPANT TRACI T WARDY STEVEN J TURANSKY 109 40TH ST 3535 E COAST H WY #363 11140TH ST #A-B NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA DELMAR, CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 312 14 423 31214 423 312 15 EDWIN H VAN DEN BOSSCHE OCCUPANT LOIS M WADSWORTH 12140TH ST 12140TH ST 537 W SANTA CLARA AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SANTA ANA, CA 92706 423 312 15 423 31216 423 312 16 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT THOMAS ARNOLD 123 40TH ST 125 40TH ST ARNOLD NANCY C NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 118 VIA ITHACA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 31217 423 312 17 423 312 18 KELLY F MCDONOUGH OCCUPANT GEORGE W DEMPSEY 1R. 33821 CHULA VISTA AVE 12740TH ST 27371 E LAKEVIEW DR DANA POINT, CA 92629 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CENTENNIAL, C080016 423 312 18 423 313 07 423 313 07 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT TROVATOLMAN 129 40TH ST 4003 SEASHORE DR TOLMAN KENNETH R NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 3214 W OCEANFRONT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 313 08 423 313 08 423 32101 OCCUPANT TROY ATOLMAN OCCUPANT 4001 SEASHORE DR TOLMAN BARBARA 13040TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 3214 W OCEANFRONT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 32101 423 32102 423 32103 PATI K KAMERMAN DOUGLAS E BILLINGS OCCUPANT 8609 VINEYARD RIDGE RD NE 128 40TH ST 126 40TH ST ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87122 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 32104 423 32106 423 32106 TRISTAN L&JOANNE J ALEY ASKIN NEWPORT LLC OCCUPANT 124 40TH ST 806 WILSON SF 118 40TH SF NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 32107 423 32107 423 32108 OCCUPANT SASS MAX 20071RREV SUBTRUS7 G & S PROPERTIES 114 40TH ST 3535 E SUNSET RD HERNANDE2 JESUS NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAS VEGAS, NV 89120 2528 OAKMONT AVE SANTA ANA, CA 92706 Eti uettes facilesa Peter , ns Repliez 6 la hedlule dein de, w Averymm , Utilisez le aharit AVERVn 5160® 9 Sensde Ov4ler le rehord Po � chargement Pi'p"'' � 1-B00-GO-AVERY � easy reel— teneis I • eat Bend along line to i ® VEWO 51600 I A Use AveTemplate 5160® rye 1 Feed Paper — expose Pop-up Edge*'^ j 423 32108 423 32109 423 32109 OCCUPANT AMEN WARDY OCCUPANT 112 40TH ST WARDY TRACI 110 40TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 3535 E COAST HWY 0363 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 423 32110 423 32111 423 32112 WILLIAM G MCNAMARA DAVID F & MARLYNE J DIAMOND OCCUPANT MC NAMARA ANITA G 11139TH ST 115 39TH ST 109 39TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 32112 423 32113 423 32114 T MUTHU KUMAR WILLIAM L EBELING KIMBERLY) SANDIE 26 FINCA EBELING JULIANNE PO BOX 1744 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 119 39TH ST ORANGEVALE, CA 95662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 321 14 423 32115 423 32115 OCCUPANT LAURIE E STIEL OCCUPANT 12139TH ST 4611 SEASHORE DR 123 39TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 321 16 423 32116 423 32117 OCCUPANT RICHARD B SWINNEY OCCUPANT 125 39TH ST 2029 PORT BRISTOL CIR 127 39TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 32117 423 32119 423 322 01 ROBERT A SANDOVAL WENDYE FRANKEL OCCUPANT SANDOVAL VICTORIA 1 13139TH ST 130 39TH ST 5611 DAWES AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ALEXANDRIA, VA 22311 423 322 02 423 322 02 423 322 03 OCCUPANT T MUTHU KUMAR EDWARD JOSEPH VERGARA 128 39TH ST 26 FINCA 5931TROPHY DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 423 322 03 423 322 04 423 322 04 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT RICHARD MAGE KELLER 126 39TH ST 124 39TH ST SMITH-KELLER J ENN IFE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 9364 HAZEN DR BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 423 322 05 423 322 05 423 322 06 OCCUPANT WILLIAM P WEIR EDWARDJOHNSON 122 39TH ST 125 EMERALD BAY 120 39TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 322 07 423 322 07 423 322 08 11839TH STREET LLC OCCUPANT JUNE PARTNERSHIP 118 39TH ST 118 39TH 5T 3419 VIA LIDO #617 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 E4iquettes faciles h peler , A Replies A la hadrurs a6n del wvvvv.averysom Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 5160a' Al ehaarrgeement reveler le retard Pop-upTMr 1-800.60-AVERY easy reel Lewis i ♦ nonnone fiend along line to I AVERY@ 51600 ' Use Avery® Template 51600 ji Feed Paper — expose Pop-up Edge*M 1 123 322 08 423 322 09 423 322 09 OCCUPANT FORTE INVESTMENTS LLC OCCUPANT 114 39TH ST 1308 BEVERLY ESTATES DR 112 39TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 322 10 423 32210 423 32211 BEN E&SALLY LOFSTEDT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT GARRITY INGRA L 110 39TH ST 109 38TH ST 17440'LORI ANN LN NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CERRITOS, CA 90703 423 322 11 423 32212 423 32212 RANDAL & DEBRA GALE JULIO A BYPASS CARIAS OCCUPANT 2034 AHUACATE RD SUB -TRUST 11138TH ST - LA HABRA HEIGHTS, CA 90631 412 W LINCOLN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 MONTEBELLO, CA 90640 423 32213 423 32213 423 32214 'MICHAEL MANSER OCCUPANT CATHERINE A W ILEY 36 CASTAWAYS N 115 38TH ST 52881 WHIRUIWAY TRL NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 423 322 14 423 32215 423 32215 OCCUPANT GEORGE HALBURIAN OCCUPANT 117 38TH ST 2207 RIM RD 119 38TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BRADBURY, CA 91008 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 322 16 423 32216 423 322 17 LOREN PETER HANSEN OCCUPANT CASITAS BMV LLC 50038TH ST 12138TH ST AVILA MARYBELL NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 123 38TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 322 18 423 322 18 423 322 19 OCCUPANT SALLY ANN RIEBHOFF LOREN WAVNE BRUCKER 125 38TH ST 10211 VASSAR AVE 316 CORONADO ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 423 32219 423 322 20 423 322 20 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SUSAN HARKER 127 38TH ST 129 38TH ST 1954 MONROVIA AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 423 323 01 423 323 01 423 32304 38 STREET NEWPORT BEACH OCCUPANT CLAUDE A GAMMEL LLC 124 38TH ST PO BOX 3302 1211 PORTSIDE WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 423 323 04 423 323 05 423 323 05 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT TORYSIRKIN 3709 BALBOA BLVD W 3707 BALBOA BLVD W SIRKIN AMY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 612 11TH ST HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 EUquettes faciles 6 peler A Repliez A la hachure a0n de w .averycom UUlisei le ga6arit AVERY® 5160®I Ne gement rdvcler le reboel Pop-upT" 1.8134F130 -AVERY y Easy Feel- Labels i ♦eeeeeee Bend alongline to i ®AVE®5160®: i Use Avery®Template 5160® reed Paper. expose Pop-p Edge'"' I 423 323 03 423 323 06 c ^,23 323 09 "OCCUPANT VICIOSO MONOS LLC 3705 W-BALBOA BLVD 1211 CORONA AVE 339.5 ARDEN AVE #S NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NORCO, CA 92860 GLENDALE, CA 91203 423 323 09 423 323 10 423 323 11 OCCUPANT 118-38TH ST ULC " KEVIN BURKE KELLY 120 38TH ST 118 38TH ST 116 38TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 323 12 423 323 12 ' 423 323 13 ANNE17E O'KEEFE MARTIN OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 6910 FERNCROFT AVE 114 38TH ST 112 38TH ST SAN GABRIEL, CA 91775 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 323 13 423 323 14 423 323 15 PATRICIA P WOOD RANGER HL' PRICKETT SUB-TRUSTA 3710 SEASHORE DR 2074 PORT BRISTOL CIR 1 WITHERSPOON#238 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 IRVINE, CA 92604 423 32315 423 323 16 423 32316 "OCCUPANT KENNETH LRAWSON OCCUPANT 109 37TH ST RAWSON CARMEN M 11137TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PO BOX 1221 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 423 323 17 423 323 17 423 32318 ANNA M COOK OCCUPANT GEARY FIVE LLC 11119 EL ARCO DR 115 37TH ST PO BOX 2767 W HITTIER, CA 90604 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 423 323 18 423 323 19 423 32319 OCCUPANT EDWARDJOHNSON OCCUPANT 117 37TH ST 120 39TH ST 119 37TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 323 20 423 323 20 423 324 01 DAVID B HAKEWESSELL OCCUPANT JOFFREY LUPUL 1252 W PARK WESTERN DR #94 12137TH ST 0 36TH ST SAN PEDRO, CA 90732 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 324 01 423 324 02 423 324 02 OCCUPANT KHALDOUN S SROUJIEH OCCUPANT 3715 SEASHORE DR 1733 MELWOOD DR 3713 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 GLENDALE, CA 91207 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 324 03 423 324 03 423 32404 LOUIS GERALD MILLER OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 908 N REXFORD DR 3711 SEASHORE DR 3709 SEASHORE DR BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Etiquettes faciles A peter Replies 6 la hachure alto do www.avery.com ! Utilises le gaharit AVERY®5160® Se de chargement r60ler le rebord pop-up'v� 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel. Labels Use Avery® Template 51600 423 32404 WARREN FULMER MARSHALL DIANA 16 VIA DIAMANTE NEWPORT COAST, CA 92657 42332406 WILLIAM C Y LEE 4435 DEER RIDGE RD DANVILLE, CA 94506 423 325 01 NASIR MUSA Y 335 SHARON RD ARCADIA, CA 91007 423 325 03 SERGIO AVILA AVILA MARYBELL 3809 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 325 05 OCCUPANT 3805 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 42,332507 OCCUPANT 3801 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 326 01 OCCUPANT 3917 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 326 03 BARRY J FIELDMAN FIELDMAN AMY H 2061 TROON DR HENDERSON, NV 89074 423 326 05 MY HOUSE LLC 130 N BRAND BLVD #400 GLENDALE, CA 91203 42,332606 OCCUPANT 3905 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 i ♦ fiend along line to i ® AVEW0516001 reed Paper � expose Pap -up Edge'a 423 324 05 J 2423.324 06 +" •t KHARA AOCCUPANT 3707 SEASHORE DR '3703SEASHOR€OR,- NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 324 07 GEORGE P HAIJAR 2405 BELLEVIEW RD UPLAND, CA 91784 423 325 01 OCCUPANT 3815 SEASHORE OR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 325 04 ANITA M DORNEY DORNEY GENE E/M M TR 3807 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 325 06 OCCUPANT 3803 SEASHORE OR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 325 07 SCOTT B SHERMAN PO BOX 77337 CORONA, CA 92877 423 326 02 LEVON GUGASIAN 11 RIDGELINE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 423 326 03 OCCUPANT 3911 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 326 05 OCCUPANT 3907 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 326 07 OCCUPANT 3903 SEASHORE OR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 324 07 OCCUPANT - 3703 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 325 02 ,OCCUPANT 3811 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 325 05 MONICA S MOY 53VERNALSPG IRVINE, CA 92603 423 325 06 PIATT-BOSSERMAN BOSSERMAN LINDA D 2603 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 326 01 MARION LAURELIANE PLATO 12573 WESTMONT DR MOORPARK, CA 93021 423 326 02 OCCUPANT 3915 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 326 04 RANDY HOOD 3909 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 423 326 06 JOHN K OBRIEN HERNANDEZ-OBRIEN ANA PO BOX 3209 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 423 326 07 WILLIAM H MAY 18471 VILLA DR VILLA PARK, CA 92861 Etiquettes faciles 5 peler • RepllezA la hachure afin tlei www.averycom Utilisez le abarit AVERY®5160® i Sensdereveler lerebord Po -um 1.600 -GO -AVERY 9 chSens dent P P j Easy Pee1w Labels i! ♦ tai Rend along line to i /{�j2'�/Oa 5160® Use Avery® Template 5160® 1 Peed Paper expose Pop-up Edge*• A A 42332608 423 326 08 424 41101 OCCUPANT THEODORE O STEIN JR. OCCUPANT 3901 SEASHORE DR 16869 OAK VIEW DR 22448TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ENCINO, CA 91436 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 41102 424 41103 424 41104 SCOTT LAIDLAW OCCUPANT OCCUPANT LAI DLAW CHERYL 4715 RIVER AVE 4709 RIVER AVE 4719 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 41104 424 41105 424 41105 SCHORR DAMAVANDI OCCUPANT 19106 MARLIA CT 30402 VIA ESTORIL 4703 RIVER AVE TARZANA, CA 91356 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 41107 424 41107 424 41108 OCCUPANT RONALD H EOFF GUNTER C MAYER 133 47TH ST 1223 VIA PRESA PO BOX 3073 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 424 41108 424 41109 424 411 10 OCCUPANT STEVEN W GENTILE NEPTUNE RENTALS LLC 4700 NEPTUNE AVE 4702 NEPTUNE AVE 1848 PORT TAGGART PL NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 424 41110 424 411 11 424 41111 OCCUPANT GILES F ALLISON OCCUPANT 4704 NEPTUNE AVE 2112 FELIPE 4706 NEPTUNE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 412 07 424 412 08 424 412 08 MARIANNE TASSIO OCCUPANT SCHLOCKER PROPERTIES LLC 122 47TH ST 118 47TH ST 118 47TH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 414 01 424 414 01 424 414 03 OCCUPANT YVONNE L RICHARDS A & W LLC 4718 SEASHORE DR 1315 N PUENTE ST 6720 N SCOTTSDALE RD #130 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 BREA, CA 92821 PARADISE VALLEY, AZ 85253 424 414 03 424 41404 424 414 05 OCCUPANT JEFFREY LYSDALE LUCY HOELZEL 4710 SEASHORE DR 4704 SEASHORE DR 8726 SHANNON RIVER CIR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 424 414 05 424 415 01 424 415 01 OCCUPANT MARC ROZENBERG OCCUPANT 4700 SEASHORE DR 10181 BIRCHWOOD DR 4616 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 filquettes faciies a peter se•de Repliez S la hachure a8n de, v .averycom Utilisez le ga6arit AVERVD5160® chargement reveler le rebord Pap,upTM J, 1.800 -GO -AVERY Easy Peel's Labels I ♦ Bend along line to L � AMr®5160 ® i Use Avery® Template 51600 Feed Paper — expose Pop-up Edge- dge^42441502 42441502 424415 03 424 44101 ANTOINETTE EVERETT MATTHEW 1 HEINZ LAURIE E SPIEL 4612 SEASHORE DR 4608 SEASHORE DR 4611 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 44102 424 44103 424 44103 MELVIN L REICH NEVINE FANOUS ROFAEL OCCUPANT 4609 SEASHORE DR 3922 SIRIUS DR 4607 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 44104 424 45101 424 45102 ALLAN H STOKKE WILLIAM MEYER OCCUPANT 4605 SEASHORE DR 5011 SEASHORE DR 5009 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 45103 424 45103 424 45104 ANTHONY E STAUFFER OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5007.5 SEASHORE DR 5007 SEASHORE DR 5005 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 45104 424 45105 424 45105 TRI -GLOBAL GRP LLC OCCUPANT SAM DEKRUYF PO BOX 1284 5003 SEASHORE DR 8919 MERRILL AVE NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91614 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CHINO, CA 91710 424 45106 424 45106 424 452 01 OCCUPANT RONALD I ARAKELIAN JR. LEGACY PROPERTY HOLDINGS 5001 SEASHORE DR RON/SHELLYARAKELIAN BONIN PATTY A NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PO BOX 60009 PO BOX 60009 CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA 91716 CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA 91716 424 452 01 424 452 02 424 452 02 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT VMF 4911 SEASHORE DR 4909 SEASHORE DR 2560 E CHAPMAN AVE #173 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ORANGE, CA 92869 424 452 03 424 452 03 424 45204 EDWARD HERBST OCCUPANT GREGORY & ELLEN BSOLAAS HERBST5ANDRA 4907 SEASHORE DR 4905 SEASHORE DR 5195 LAS VEGAS BLVD S NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAS VEGAS, NV 69119 424 452 05 424 452 05 424 452 06 CYNTHIA L SIRIANI OCCUPANT MATTHEW JONES SIRIANI TERESA D 4903 SEASHORE DR PO BOX 2388 3505 CADILLAC AVE#F3 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 FULLERTON, CA 92837 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 424 452 06 424 453 01 424 453 01 OCCUPANT KIM CHARNEY OCCUPANT 4901 SEASHORE DR 214 EVENING STAR LN 4811 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Ctiquettes faciles 5 peler A Repllez a la hachure afin devvwwavMwm UBlisez le ga6arit AVERY® 5160 chaergement revdler le rebord Pop upTM1400-GO-AVERY 2 Easy PeeM Labels i A Bend along line to AVE 05180s Use Avery® Template 51600 ; seed Paper � expose Pop-up Edge ^^ 1 424 453 02 424 453 03 424 453 03 RICH MCHUGH MARTIN OCCUPANT 4809 SEASHORE DR 1939 PORT NELSON PL 4807 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 453 D4 424 453 05 424 453 05 WILLIAM BECK OCCUPANT WILLIAM BECK 4805 SEASHORE DR 4801 SEASHORE DR 700 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 454 01 424 454 01 424 454 02 CAROLWIOR OCCUPANT BEVERLY EVANS 7533 GARFIELD AVE 4711 SEASHORE DR 4709 SEASHORE DR BELL GARDENS, CA 90201 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 454 03 424 454 03 424 454 04 OCCUPANT TMS BEACH PROPERTIES LLC LEE JAY GITTLEMAN 4707 SEASHORE DR 1201 S ALMA SCHOOL RD 09500 4705 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 MESA, AZ 85210 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 454 05 424 454 06 424 454 06 ELEANOR TODD KEITH & L ALLEN OCCUPANT 4703 SEASHORE DR 13921 OLIVE VIEW DR 4701 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SYLMAR, CA 91342 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 46101 424 46102 424 46102 AVILAS BP LLC BERIT MONSRUD MITCHELL OCCUPANT 5023 RIVER AVE TR 5019 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 112 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 46103 424 46103 424 46104 BARRY SAYWITZ PROPERTY OCCUPANT BARRY SAYWITZ PROPERTIES TWO LP 5015 RIVER AVE ONE LP 4740 VON KARMAN AVE #11710 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 4740 VON KARMAN AVE#100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 424 46104 424 46105 424 46105 OCCUPANT BARRY SAYWITZ PROPERTIES OCCUPANT 5009 RIVER AVE ONE LP 5005 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 4740 VON KARMAN AVE #100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 424 46106 424 46106 424 46107 DAVID 5 WOOTERS OCCUPANT IRMGARD H YOUNG 20442 BAY VIEW AVE 5001 RIVER AVE 5000 NEPTUNE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 46108 424 46108 424 46109 OCCUPANT VICTOR 1 ZAMPARELU OCCUPANT 5002 NEPTUNE AVE LEO S MANSFIELD AVE 5004 NEPTUNE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LOS ANGELES, CA 90036 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 EtigUettes faciles5 paler i Iteplieza la hachure aRn de, Www.avery.com ; Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 51600 km de J, chargement reveler to rabord Pepap.. 1 -800 -GO -AVERY A easy reere woels i A Bend along line to 1 O AVEWS 51600 Use Awy0 Template 51600 Feed Paper — expose Pop-up EdgeT• j 424 46109 424 461 10 424 46110 TMP ENTS LLC JOHN & STEPHANIE LARSON LLC OCCUPANT 8041 OBANNON DR 8887 HIDDEN FARM RD 5006 NEPTUNE AVE LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91701 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 461 11 424 46111 424 46112 JUNE LEE O'CONNOR OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SURVIVOR'STRUST 5008 NEPTUNE AVE 5010 NEPTUNE AVE PO BOX 1942 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 424 46112 424 462 01 424 462 02 PROVIDENCE INVESTMENT WILLIAM STULZ CLINTON W SMITH PROPERTIES LLL 4923 RIVER AVE 1206 NOTTINGHAM RD 2443 COAST HWYE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 424 462 02 424 46204 424 462 04 OCCUPANT CHARLES S MANNING OCCUPANT 4919 RIVER AVE 29214 OLD WRANGLER RD 4909 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CANYON LAKE, CA 92587 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92653 424 462 05 424 462 05 424 462 07 OCCUPANT WILLIAM WORDEN BRIAN J & DIANE BOULTINGHOUSE 4905 RIVER AVE 8 WATERFORD WAY DARQUEA PATRICIA H NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92657 PO BOX 64 AVALON, CA 90704 424 462 07 424 462 08 424 462 08 OCCUPANT MULTIFAMILY HOLDINGS M2 LLC OCCUPANT 4900 NEPTUNEAVE PO BOX 4299 4902 NEPTUNE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 462 09 424 462 09 424 462 10 MULTIFAMILY HOLDINGS M2 LLC OCCUPANT OCCUPANT PO BOX 4299 4904 NEPTUNE AVE 4906 NEPTUNE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 46210 424 46211 424 462 11 S PETER SMITH DAVID CHARLES SEYLLER OCCUPANT SMITH HOLLY PO BOX 18020 4908 NEPTUNE AVE PO BOX 3004 IRVINE, CA 92623 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 424 46212 424 462 12 424 463 01 OCCUPANT SALISBURY LP OCCUPANT 4910 NEPTUNE AVE HENLEY PROPERTIES LL 4835 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 4910 NEPTUNE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 463 01 424 463 02 424 463 02 WHITE NEWPORT RIVER RE HOLDINGS LLC OCCUPANT MANSON ALLYSON TRUS 4831 RIVER AVE 4831 RIVER AVE 14 SWIFT CT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Etiquettes faciles a paler ARepllezaN hachure afln de a Www.averywm Utilisez le abarit AVERV051600 9 senede reviler le rebordPo uT•' chargereent P 1.80"O -AVERY i Easy Pee P" Labels • Bene along Ilne to AVERVO 51600 a Use Avery® Template 51600 Feed Paper — expose Pop-up EdgeTM 424 463 03 424 463 03 424 463 04 BERIT MONSRUD MITCHELL TR OCCUPANT EBBTIDE PROPERTIES LLC 112 VIA LIDO NORD 4827 RIVER AVE 1101 EBBTIDE RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 424 463 04 424 463 05 424 463 06 OCCUPANT SAYWITZ PROPS ONE BARRY MITCHELL BERIT 4823 RIVER AVE 4819 RIVER AVE PO BOX 2683 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 424 463 06 424 463 07 424 463 07 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ROBERT A & RITA E LOZOYA 4815 RIVER AVE 4809 RIVER AVE 18731 PASEO PICASSO NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 IRVINE, CA 92603 42446309 424 463 08 424 463 09 MANOUCHEHRMOSHAYEDI OCCUPANT GREGORY JOHN WIGGINS M & S MOSHAYEDI TRUS 4805 RIVER AVE 4801 RIVER AVE 2121 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 424 463 10 424 46310 424 463 11 LOUIS NARENS OCCUPANT HORGAN 4800.5 NEPTUNE AVE 4800 NEPTUNE AVE 17S PEAK NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 424 463 11 424 46312 424 463 13 OCCUPANT ERNESTJ EREDIA MARGARET MURPHYEXEMPTION 4802 NEPTUNE AVE 4804 NEPTUNE AVE TRUST BY M NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PO BOX 2115 LAKE ARROWHEAD, CA 92352 424 463 13 424 463 14 424 46314 OCCUPANT GEORGETURK OCCUPANT 4808 NEPTUNE AVE 21340TH ST 4810 NEPTUNE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 46315 424 46315 424 463 16 FRANK CHEE OCCUPANT SCOTT W ARNOLD 16922 NEW PINE DR 4812 NEPTUNE AVE 4814 NEPTUNE AVE HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 42446401 424 464 01 424 464 02 MARILYN J BRAINERD OCCUPANT OCCUPANT BRAINERD WARREN B/MA 5016 SEASHORE DR 5012 SEASHORE DR 5324 VIA VICENTE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 YORBA LINDA, CA 92887 424 464 02 424 464 03 424 464 04 RODOLMIRO MENDEZ OCCUPANT MARKPOUND 1255 HARDING AVE 5008 SEASHORE DR POUND KIM ANAHEIM, CA 92804 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 5004 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Etlque[tes fadles 3 paler I A Repllez d In hachure aflo dei vrnnumverycom Utillsez le gabarit AVERY®51fi0® chergemeot MOW le rehord Pop-up- 1.800 -GO -AVERY Easy Peer- Labels i A eaaaaENe Bend along line to i O AVERYO 51600 ' Use Avery® Template 51600 Feed Paper � expose Pop-up Edge*M 424 464 05 424 464 05 424 464 06 JERRY MORTER OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 433 W BROOKDALE PL 5000 SEASHORE DR 4916 SEASHORE DR FULLERTON, CA 92832 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 42446406 424 464 07 424 464 07 VELMA N WELTMER DENNIS BUCHANAN OCCUPANT 2900 REDWOOD CIR BUCHANAN SUZETTE 4912 SEASHORE DR FULLERTON, CA 92835 1507 RIDGEMONT CT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 FULLERTON, CA 92831 424 464 08 424 464 08 424 464 09 OCCUPANT RANDAL & DEBRA GALE DAVID BRIAN BENT 4908 SEASHORE DR PO BOX 1712 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 2034 AHUACATE RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 LA HABRA HEIGHTS, CA 90631 424 464 09 424 45412 424 46412 OCCUPANT AMEN WARDY OCCUPANT 4904 SEASHORE DR WARDY TRACI 4816 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 3535 E COAST HWY #363 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 424 46413 424 46413 424 46414 OCCUPANT SCIPIO M CARNECCHIA MEVCO LLC 4812 SEASHORE DR 2484 RAMONA ST 5 RIDGECREST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PALO ALTO, CA 94301 ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 424 46414 424 46415 424 46415 OCCUPANT KIM OCCUPANT 4808 SEASHORE DR 12001 THETA RD 4804 SEASHORE OR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 46416 424 46416 424 494 01 RONALD LLC OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 280 GARNET AVE 4800 SEASHORE DR 5111 OCEAN FRONT W NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CAO 424 494 01 424 494 02 424 494 02 STANLEY N &JACQUELYN GOTTLIEB DAVID E CARUSO JR. OCCUPANT 3374 FEDERAL AVE 5109 SEASHORE DR 5109 SEASHORE DR LOS ANGELES, CA 90066 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 494 03 424 494 03 424 494 04 OCCUPANT RUSSELL ENTERPRISES INC RICHARD STAYLOR 5107 SEASHORE DR PO BOX 1130 5105 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CEDAR GLEN, CA 92321 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 494 05 424 494 06 424 494 06 DELAPENA OCCUPANT ROBERT A ELLIOTT 5103 SEASHORE DR 5101 SEASHORE DR STERN INVESTMENTTRU NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 1 INVERNESS LN NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Etiquettes faciles 4 peter ,Repliez b la hachure aBn de, www.averymm 1 Utillsez le abarit AVERY® 5160® 9 ) Sens de rev€ler le rebord Pop -'P— dtargament) 1.800 -GO -AVERY If ` easy ree�uoels i ♦ wommism; Bend along line to I ®gVERYo sled® ' Use Avery®Template 51fi0® Feed Paper expose Popup Edger" A 424 503 02 424 503 02 424 503 03 OCCUPANT PHILIP C MLADINICH JAMES DAVID MILLER 5219 RIVER AVE PO BOX 7754 MILLER NEENA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92607 3903 MARCUS AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 503 03 424 503 04 424 503 04 OCCUPANT JEAN DAVIS OCCUPANT 5215 RIVER AVE 11754 DARLINGTON AVE 5209 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 503 05 424 503 06 424 503 06 ROBERT L RUSH OCCUPANT WILLIAM W GREEN 5205 RIVER AVE #A 5201 RIVER AVE 3419 VIA LIDO #607 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 503 07 424 503 07 424 503 08 AMEN WARDY OCCUPANT ISAACSON WARDY TRACI TOLMAN 52 NEPTUNE AVE 1832 OLD CANYON DR 3535 E COAST HWY #363 SEAL BEACH, CA 90740 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 424 503 08 424 503 09 424 503 09 OCCUPANT LORRAINE J POGGIONE OCCUPANT 5202 NEPTUNE AVE 102 VONNIE CT 5204 NEPTUNE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 FOLSOM, CA 95630 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 50310 424 504 01 424 504 02 WHITT PROPERTIES LLC CITY SURF MANAGEMENT GRP LLC LORRAINE C BERNARDY 5206 NEPTUNE AVE 5123 RIVER AVE 16 BARLOVENTO CT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 504 02 424 504 03 424 504 03 OCCUPANT J SCOTT & JULIE A HECK OCCUPANT 5119 RIVER AVE 5115 RIVER AVE#A 5115 RIVER AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 50404 424 504 04 424 504 05 GREGORY M ENRIQUEZ OCCUPANT MILLER ENRIQUEZ BETHANN 5109 RIVER AVE 5105 RIVER AVE 20 BURR SCHOOL RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 WESTPORT, CT 6880 424 504 06 424 504 06 424 504 07 OCCUPANT STEVE EMERSON WILLIAM LSPAULDING 5101 RIVER AVE 13700 ALTON PKWY#154 SPAULDING WILLIAM NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 IRVINE, CA 92618 5100 NEPTUNE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 504 08 424 504 08 424 504 09 ALLEN OCCUPANT DENNIS SEIN 3521 EMMA LN 5102 NEPTUNE AVE 3810 RIVER AVE VISTA, CA 92084 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92563 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Etiquettes faciles a peter Apepliez 5la hachure a#n de I Sens de dent a wwwaverywm Utilisez le ahari[AVERV®51fi00 9 rbveler le rebordPo u TM 1 chSens P 1-800-GO-AVERY j easy Pe'I- taaels ♦ e�� Bend along line to o AVER /O 5160m Use Avery® Template 51600 ked Paper — expose Pop-up Edge— S 424 504 09 424 50410 424 50410 OCCUPANT JOSEPH W PRICE OCCUPANT 5104 NEPTUNE AVE 116 VIA UNDINE 5106 NEPTUNE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 50411 424 50411 424 50412 ALLEN JACKEL OCCUPANT MARILYN MORE]RA JACKEL MICHAELS 5108 NEPTUNE AVE 19451 POMPANO LN N101 11368 CADENCE GROVE WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 424 504 12 424 506 08 424 506 09 OCCUPANT C SELLERS MCLAUGHLIN 5110 NEPTUNE AVE FURMAN STEVEN C 5204 SEASHORE DR #B NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 5208 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 506 10 424 50610 424 50611 OCCUPANT ROBERTJ SMITH ALAN K MIYASAKI 5200 SEASHORE DR 5935 E WILDROSE DR 5112 SEASHORE OR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ORANGE, CA 92867 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 50611 424 50612 424 50613 OCCUPANT ALAN K MIYASAKI FRANKSON 5116 SEASHORE DR 5112 SEASHORE DR FRANKSON COLETTE S NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 34 ROCKINGHAM DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 424 50613 424 50614 424 50615 OCCUPANT KEVIN N KIEU OCCUPANT 5106 SEASHORE DR 5104 SEASHORE DR 5100 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 424 506 15 425 25101 425 25102 STANTON W DAVIES II JOANNE 5 SEPARATE P CALKINS JAMES H MCKENNON DAVIES FAMILYTRUST 4238 PATRICE RD MC KENNON TAMARA B 444 TUSTIN AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 1930 PORT DUNLEIGH CIR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 425 25102 425 25103 425 25103 OCCUPANT LEFEBVRE OCCUPANT 4224 PATRICE RD 4 WEYMOUTH CT 4216 PATRICE RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 25104 425 25104 425 25105 LEFEBVRE OCCUPANT CONSTANCES MCBRIEN 4 WEYMOUTH CT 4208 PATRICE RD 1812 ANTIGUA CIR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 425 25105 425 25106 4252-5106 OCCUPANT CHRISTEN CGARRETT OCCUPANT 4206 PATRICE RD NOAH GARRETTTR 4201 HILARIA WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 1020 HUNTINGTON DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SAN MARINO, CA 91108 6tlquettes fadles A paler As de RepRez A la hatllure aRn de www.avery.ccmwm Utilisez le gabarit AVERY®5760® 1 shagrev8ler le rebord Po"p7- 1-800-GO-AVERY a Easy Peel- Labels i ♦ Send along line to l o s►vEiiv� 5768® ' Use Avery® Template 5160 1 End Paper expose Pop-up Etlgal. � � 425 25107 425 25107 425 25108 BARRY SAYWITZ PROPERTIES OCCUPANT OCCUPANT ONE LP A CA LTD PTNR 4211 HILARIA WAY 4223 HILARIA WAY 4740 VON KARMAN AVE #100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 425 25109 425 25110 425 25110 ROBERT A & ALICIA H DORMAN KLOSE OCCUPANT 4233 HILARIA WAY 132 VIA TRIESTE 4243 HILARIA WAV NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 251 11 425 251 11 425 25112 HARVEY &CAROL MENDOZA OCCUPANT OCCUPANT MENDOZA CAROL 4234 HILARIA WAY 4228 HILARIA WAY 2271 ORCHARD DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 425 251 12 425 251 13 425 25113 PROP PVC OCCUPANT THOMAS M & KATHLEEN A HAVELKA 5215 E CHAPMAN AVE 445 4216 HILARIA WAY 4632 LAURELWOOD DR ORANGE, CA 92869 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SANTA MARIA, CA 93455 425 251 14 425 251 14 425 25115 OCCUPANT PAUL D COPENBARGER OCCUPANT 4208 HILARIA WAY 4 HUTTON CENTRE OR #720 4200 HILARIA WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SANTA ANA, CA 92707 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 251 15 425 25116 425 25116 PAUL D COPENBARGER CHARLES L CASTAGNA II OCCUPANT 4 HUTTON CENTRE DR #720 14941 TROJAN CIR 4203 DANA RD SANTA ANA, CA 92707 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 26101 425 26102 425 26103 NEWPORT LIDO MEDICAL CENTER MARILYN WILLIAMS AT NEWPORT AVALON 351 HOSPITAL RD #307 351 HOSPITAL RD 23 CORPORATE PLAZA DR #190 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 425 26103 425 26104 425 26104 OCCUPANT ATNEWPORTAVALON OCCUPANT 393 HOSPITAL RD 23 CORPORATE PLAZA DR #190 351 HOSPITAL RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 26106 425 26106 425 26107 BARRY SAYWITZ PROPERTIES OCCUPANT BARRY SAYWITZ PROPERTIES ONE LP 4138 PATRICE RD ONE LP 4740 VON CARMAN AVE #100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 4740 VON KARMAN AVE #100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 425 26107 425 26108 425 26108 OCCUPANT CONSTANCES MCBRIEN OCCUPANT 4150 PATRICE RD MC BRIEN 4151 HILARIA WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 1812 ANTIGUA CIR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 6tlquettes faciles A peler o ARepllezA la hachure af(n del I www.averycom UTilisez IS abarit AVERV®5768® 9 i Pd sensd¢ revAler le rebord P¢ u ' chergement 1 -800 -GO -AVERY tory 1'281" tem i • eaaa>a Band along line to i o AVERYO s160® Use AVery® Templet! 5164® Feed Paper — expose Pap-up Edge"- J 425 26109 425 26109 425 261 10 JEAN-JACQUES BOUCHE OCCUPANT CONSTANCES MCBRIEN PO BOX 691774 4139 HILARIA WAY MCBRIEN CATHERINE A WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90059 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 1812 ANTIGUA CIR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 425 26110 425 26111 425 261 11 OCCUPANT NEELIMA DKABRE OCCUPANT 4127 HILARIA WAY 8428 DAWN LN 4115 HILARIA WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 DARIEN, IL 60561 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 26112 425 26112 425 26113 OCCUPANT TROMMALD AT NEWPORT AVALON 4101 HILARIA WAY 8055 E ROSINA ST 23 CORPORATE PLAZA DR #190 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LONG BEACH, CA 90808 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 425 26113 425 26114 425 261 14 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT TEED LLC 4000 HILARIA WAY 4100 HILARIA WAY 932 SANDCASTLE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 425 26115 425 26115 425 261 16 OCCUPANT TEED LLC LEVENTHAL 4114 HILARIA WAY 932 SANDCASTLE DR 4126 HILARIA WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 26117 425 26117 425 26118 HILARIA PROPERTIES LLC OCCUPANT HILARIA PROPERTIES LLC 1412 E OCEANFRONT 4138 HILARIA WAY 1412 E OCEANFRONT NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 425 261 18 425 26120 425 26120 OCCUPANT NEWPORT BEACH PROPERTIES LLC OCCUPANT 4150 HILARIA WAY PO BOX 1388 4100 PATRICE RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 26121 425 26121 425 37101 OCCUPANT PAUL D COPENBARGER HOAG MEM HOSP PRESBYTERIAN 4126 PATRICE RD 4 HUTTON CENTRE DR #720 500 SUPERIOR AVE#200 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SANTA ANA, CA 92707 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 37101 425 37218 425 372 19 OCCUPANT IRENE LOUISE LOUDON BENJAMIN W &JOHANNAJ PETERS 330 PLACENTIA AVE 4227 PATRICE RD 4223 PATRICE RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 20 425 372 20 425 372 21 LOUISE S GREELEY PARTNERSHIP OCCUPANT ERIC J&LISA BVEIRS 16 SWIFT CT 4219 PATRICE RD 21532 ARCHER CIR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 Etiquettes faciles A peler !! Repllez Ala hedlure afln dei wvuw.averycom Utilisez le gabarit AVERV©5160© Sens de chargement rSviler le rebord Pap•upT 1-800-GO-AVERY easy veer— Levels Use Avery® Template 5160® 425 372 21 OCCUPANT 4215 PATRICE RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 24 BENJAMIN RICHARD 4207 PATRICE RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 26 OCCUPANT 411 FLAGSHIP RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 28 JIM E GABRIEL GABRIEL INEZ N 22 BARCELONA DR RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 425 372 30 MARION J DISTEFANO 201 N ORANGE GROVE BLVD #524 PASADENA, CA 91103 425 372 32 OCCUPANT 4210 SPINDRIFT WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 34 REBECCA HOLLIMAN 4218 SPINDRIFT WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 36 DAVID LEPEER 403 ORION WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 39 LOUISE E HALL 120 RIDGEMONT RD JOHNSON CITY, TN 37601 425 373 34 ALICE RAIL PO BOX 780 WATERLOO, IA 50704 Etiquettes faciles 5 peler i Utilisez le gabarit AVERY® 51600 A . Bend along line to reed Paper � expose Pop-up Edge" 425 372 22 CORY P & MELISSA L CLASSEN GOTTIER FAMILYTRUST 4211 PATRICE RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 25 ADAM B CONNORS 415 FLAGSHIP RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 27 OCCUPANT 409 FLAGSHIP RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 28 OCCUPANT 407 FLAGSHIP RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 30 OCCUPANT 403 FLAGSHIP RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 32 PETER L MANNO 129 VIA MENTONE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 35 JOYCE 3056 CORTE MARIN NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 425 372 37 GIANFRANCO PENSO 4301 PATRICE RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 39 OCCUPANT 406 ORION WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 373 34 OCCUPANT 428 ORION WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 • Sens da RePBez i In hachure afln de chargement reveler Is rebord Pop�upm QAVERY® 51609 425 372 23 MARK LANDGAARD 4209 PATRICE RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 26 CHRISTOPHER J VALENTINE PO BOX 6254 IRVINE, CA 92616 425 372 27 R F & B L PEARCE 2556 VINEYARD RD NOVATO, CA 94947 425 372 29 NICHOLAS A HOLTZ DALEY TIMOTHY E 405 FLAGSHIP RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 31 ROSITYNAGANI 4206 SPINDRIFT RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 33 LANE P CURTIS 4214 SPINDRIFT WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 35 OCCUPANT 401 ORION WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 372 37 OCCUPANT 405 ORION WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 373 33 JOHN M TRENFIELO 4300 PATRICE RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 425 373 35 ELISABETH HALSTEEN 430 ORION WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 sys .averycvtn 1 -600 -GO -AVERY ` tasy Peep' uoels i • 0111111111111110, Bend along line to Use Avery® Template 51600 feed Paper — expose Pap -up Edge^ 425 373 36 425 373 37 JOHN M WILSON OCCUPANT 432 ORION WAY 434 ORION WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 01 DOUGLAS A & MARGARITA COHEN 700 LIDO PARK DR #1 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 03 DONNA ADELE GALLANT PFEIFER WILLIAM B TR 4722 YORBA LN YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 914 000 04 OCCUPANT 700 LIDO PARK DR #4 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 07 JOHN M MARTIN 700 LIDO PARK DR #7 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 00010 J M MARKOVICH III 700 LIDO PARK DR #10 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 02 KORT 177 RIVERSIDE AVE #F NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 03 OCCUPANT 700 LIDO PARK DR #3 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 05 BRIAN P POCOCK 700 LIDO PARK DR #5 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 08 KARL & STACY V POMEROY 700 LIDO PARK DR #8 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 00011 DONNA ADELE GALLANT IACINO ROBERTANTHON 700 LIDO PARK OR #11 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 AVERY® 51600 e 425 373 38 CANDICE KAIDEN 436 ORION WAY NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 02 OCCUPANT 700 LIDO PARK DR #2 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 04 DONNA ADELE GALLANT MOLE DANIEL S TR 5382 OHIO ST YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 914 000 06 LORRAINE RODRIGUEZ 700 LIDO PARK DR #6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 09 JOHNSON KRISLOCK ZOE 700 LIDO PARK DR #9 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 00012 DONNA ADELE GALLANT FARRELLIAMES E TR 700 LIDO PARK DR #12 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 00013 914 000 14 914 00014 OCCUPANT FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN FNMA OCCUPANT 700 LIDO PARK DR #13 PO BOX 650043 700 LIDO PARK DR #14 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 DALLAS, TX 75265 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 00015 914 00016 91400016 DONNA ADELE GALLANT DONNA ADELE GALLANT OCCUPANT VASSEGHI ROYA CURLEEJENNIFER ATR 700 LIDO PARK DR#16 700 LIDO PARK DR #15 PO BOX 2506 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 914 00017 914 00018 914 00018 BERNIE 1 & KATHLEEN A MATZKE JR. DONNA ADELE GALLANT OCCUPANT 700 LIDO PARK DR #17 HAYDEN MICHAEL JEFFR 700 LIDO PARK DR #18 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 2149 W GARVEY AVE N NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 WEST COVI NA, CA 91790 914 00019 914 000 20 914 000 21 DONNA ADELE GALLANT JOHN PMORALLY DONNAADELE GALLANT CURTIN MICHAEL CANNERY VILLAGE SMITH BRIAN H 700 LIDO PARK DR #19 700 LIDO PARK DR #20 700 LIDO PARK DR #21 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Etiquettes fadles a peler i pepllez 5la hachure afin dei WWwavery.cam Utllisez le a6arit AVERY®SifiO® , 9 Sens reveler le rebord Po.u,.1 chSens dent P P 1.800,60 -AVERY ' easy reer— ceoers { A Bend along line to IQ /\\/E�® 5160® { Use Avery® Template 51600 Feed Paper expose Pop-up Edge'"' 1 914 000 22 914 000 22 914 000 23 DONNA ADELE GALLANT OCCUPANT CHERYL MAY DOWDEN THOMAS FTR 700 LIDO PARK DR #22 700 LIDO PARK DR #23 700 LIDO PARKOR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 24 914 000 25 914 000 26 EUN 1 & MEE H JANG DONNA ADELE GALLANT GARY LJARVIS LLC LUNDBERG ALBERT R STROM ROBERTJ 42432ND ST#F 700 LIDO PARK DR #24 700 LIDO PARK DR #25 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 26 914 000 27 914 000 28 OCCUPANT DONNA ADELE GALLANT DONNA ADELE GALLANT 700 LIDO PARK DR #26 VICTER DEBORAH MEYER KATHLEEN 5 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 700 LIDO PARK DR #27 700 LIDO PARK DR #28 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 29 914 000 30 914 000 31 STEPHEN S HOLLIS J MCLEAN &ALIAS BERGERON BONNIE D GODFREY 700 LIDO PARK DR #29 700 LIDO PARK DR #30 BLOKE ERIC H NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 PO BOX 1549 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 914 000 32 914 000 32 914 000 33 DONNA ADELE GALLANT OCCUPANT LAFRANCE PHILLIPS STERLING W 700 LIDO PARK DR #32 PO BOX 2506 700 LIDO PARK DR #13 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 914 000 33 914 000 34 914 000 34 OCCUPANT GARY LJARVIS LLC OCCUPANT 700 LIDO PARK DR#33 42432ND ST#F 700 LIDO PARK DR#34 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 93061401 93061401 930 614 02 OCCUPANT STARLENE LICUDINE DAVID M THOMAS 4710 NEPTUNE AVE 1633 ARCH BAY DR 10786 N EAGLE CREST LN NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 FRESNO, CA 93730 930 614 02 930 614 39 930 614 40 OCCUPANT MICHAELJ DOMINGUEZ OCCUPANT 218 48TH ST ANDERSON LORETTA J 4900 SEASHORE DR #12 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 4900 SEASHORE DR#A NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 930 614 40 930 614 44 930 614 45 SONNY GOODMAN ARNOLD & D WENYON CHRISTOPHER 1 PARR 4900 SEASHORE DR #B 4820 SEASHORE OR #A 4820 SEASHORE DR #B NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 930 614 46 930 614 46 930 614 47 BARRY SAYWITZ PROPERTIES ONE LP OCCUPANT JEFFREY A SAYWITZ 4740 VON KARMAN AVE #100 4915 RIVER AVE 7689 HILLSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LA JOLLA, CA 92037 EUquettes fadlesA paler ! A, Repliez a la hachure a0n de { W W W.averyecm Utllisez le atraritAVERYO 51600 9 sons de revelerle re6ord PopaTe' chamement' P / 1.600-GO-AVERY 1 Easy Feet"' Labels i A ur_ Bend along line to � O AVERY® 51600 ' Use Avery® Template 51600 Feed Paper — expose Pop-up Edge- dge-93061447 93061447 930 614 52 930 614 52 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT SERGIO AVILA 4917 RIVER AVE 4901 RIVER AVE 3809 SEASHORE DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 930 614 53 930 614 53 932 840 30 OCCUPANT SERGIO AVILA FAINBARG 25549TH 3809 SEASHORE DR 129W WILSON ST#100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 932 840 30 932 840 33 932 84033 OCCUPANT 80 ELUF NIELSEN OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 1244 ANACAPA WAY 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#210 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 932 840 34 932 840 35 932 840 35 CANDACE JARRETT DENNIS P PUDDESTER OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#310 PUDDESTER MARY BETH 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#211 NEWPORT BEACH, CA92663 32 VIA EMPANADA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 RCHO STA MARG, CA 92688 932 840 37 932 840 38 932 840 38 ORAZIO SALAMONE BOHDAN DROBENKO OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#212 440 SANTA ANA AVE 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#312 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 932 840 39 932 840 39 932 84040 MICHAEL& DORINE LAM OCCUPANT NORMAN EINHORN 11465 ORANGE GROVE ST 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#213 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#313 LOMA LINDA, CA 92354 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 932 840 41 932 840 41 932 840 43 FRANK 0 & CLAIRE S FOX OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 4262 WILSHIRE BLVD#3RD 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#214 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#215 LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 932 840 44 932 84044 93294045 DAVID KATT OCCUPANT ANTHONY R DELELLIS JR. 465 CAROLINA CLUB DR 2600 NEWPORT BLVD #216 562 CAMINO VERDE SPARTANBURG, SC 29306 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SOUTH PASADENA, CA 91030 932 840 45 932 84046 932 840 47 OCCUPANT DENNIS LHALLORAN ALLAN J MACKEY 2600 NEWPORT BLVD 4316 HALLORAN LESLIE M 709 BAY HILL DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#217 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 93294047 932 840 48 932 840 48 OCCUPANT JACK 0 DUNN OCCUPANT 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#317 3718 N WOODHURST DR 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#218 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 COVINA, CA 91724 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 k uettes fatlles 8 paler Q p r RepOez Sla hachure afln de, v-800-6 erywm Utillsez le gabafit AVERY® 51600 Sens de thargement r601er le rebord Pap-epT+ 7 -800 -GO -AVERY j easy Peep uuels A . Bendelongllneto I I ® A�O 5160®i Use Avery® Template 51600' Feed Paper— expose Pop-up Edge- dge— � 93284049 932 840 49 932 840 49 93294050 GARY A DEPERINE OCCUPANT CHIN HSIEN WANG DE PERINE MARY E 2600 NEWPORT BLVD #318 WANG LI RONG 3419 VIA LIDO $343 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#219 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 932 840 51 932 840 51 932 840 52 GABRIELGHIBAUDO OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 15555 CUCAMONGA AVE 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#319 2700 NEWPORT BLVD#220 ONTARIO, CA 91751 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 932 840 52 932 840 53 932 840 54 THOMAS W REDMON RICHARD M WAGNER JR. MIGUEL GARCIA 1620 SYLVANER AVE WAGNER KAREN 26573 LA ZANJA ST#38B SAINT HELENA, CA 94574 2700 NEWPORT BLVD#320 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 932 840 54 932 840 55 93294055 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT THOMAS A MACEDO 2600 NEWPORT BLVD #221 2600 NEWPORT BLVD #321 2700 NEWPORT BLVD #321 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 932 840 56 932 840 57 932 840 58 ROGER F ETHERINGTON SCOTT RONALD HILDEBRANDT STEVENSON WEITZ 2700 NEWPORT BLVD#222 HILDEBRANDTS R/CS 2700 NEWPORT BLVD#223 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 2700 NEWPORT BLVD#322 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 932 840 59 932 840 59 932 840 60 NORMAN MEYERS OCCUPANT GENE A SMITH 8 ALTA VISTA 2700 NEWPORT BLVD #323 SMITH SHARON LT RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 978 LOCUST CT MASON, OH 45040 932 840 60 932 840 64 932 840 65 OCCUPANT LAITH EZZET DAVID S & SANDRA F BROWER 2700 NEWPORT BLVD#224 2700 NEWPORT BLVD#226 2700 NEWPORT BLVD#325 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 932 840 65 932 840 66 932 840 66 OCCUPANT BOHDAN DROBENKO OCCUPANT 2700 NEWPORT BLVD#326 440 SANTA ANA AVE 2600 NEWPORT BLVD#227 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 932 840 67 93294067 933 940 45 OCCUPANT THOMAS J DURANTJR. CAROL LYNN RIMMER 2600 NEWPORT BLVD #327 PO BOX 4092 EXEMPTION TRUST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 WEST COVINA, CA 91791 2101 YACHT GRAYLING NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 933 940 45 933 940 46 933 940 46 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT RIMMER 119 40TH ST 119.5 40TH ST 278 MORNING CANYON RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 ENquettes fadles h polar ARepllez a la hachure aFin de I a www.averycam Uglisez In abeF#. AVERY® 51fi0® 9 Pde sen. de muter le rebord Po -u chSens de., 1-800-GO-AVERY ' � __z . _. ....,o,., I A Bend along line to AVERY® 5160® Use AVery®Template 51604D Fead Paperer expose Pop-up Edge- dge-93394056 93394056 933 940 56 933 940 57 DAVID LUND OCCUPANT CHRIS SCHROEDER 3711.5 BALBOA BLVD W 3711 BALBOA BLVD W 21184 DEERPATH NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 933 940 57 933 940 60 933 940 61 OCCUPANT JOHN RAZZANO MICHAEL P THIELEN 3711 W BALBOA BLVD #B 3713 W BALBOA BLVD 2610 VANDERBILT LN #C NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 933 940 61 933 940 74 933 940 74 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT TY COASTAL PROPERTIES LLC 3713.5 BALBOA BLVD W 3703 W BALBOA BLVD #A GARCIA AMELIA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 260 NEWPORT CENTER DR#3RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 933 940 75 933 940 75 933 940 92 JEREMYDWATSON OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 5786 BERYL ST 3703 W BALBOA BLVD #B 122 40TH ST RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91737 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 933 940 92 933 940 93 933 940 94 TIMOTHY A&BARBARA ) STEHR OCCUPANT JEFFREY B CUNNINGHAM 10603 TUXFORD ST 122.5 40TH ST 129 KAREN WAY SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 ATHERTON, CA 94027 933 940 94 933 940 95 933 94103 OCCUPANT DON G SOWERS MARTIN V MARTEN 120 40TH ST 120.5 40TH ST PO BOX 287 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SPIRIT LAKE, IA 51360 933 94103 933 94104 933 94104 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT TRAN 115 40TH ST 115.5 40TH ST 7 HIBISCUS NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 IRVINE, CA 92620 933 941 07 933 94108 933 94108 LOUIS LOPEZ OCCUPANT ZAKI 129 39TH ST #A 129 39TH ST #B 8 N SLOPE LN NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 POMONA, CA 91766 939 72012 939 72012 939 72013 JERRY L COBB OCCUPANT GARY E CALACCI PO BOX 707 6304.5 OCEAN FRONT W 9 TERRAZA DR BLUE JAY, CA 92317 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92657 939 72013 OCCUPANT bwy) bccUvayt— OCEAN FRONT W NEW NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 h a bA (MI) Ittiquettes faCRes Speler ; Repliez a Is hachure afin dei www.eVcrycom Utilisez le abarit AVERY® 5160® 9 Sens de, reveler le rebortl Po -u "^ ehargemet P P / 1.800-GO-AVERY , CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING On I �� 2013, 1 posted �6 Site Nof Ge(s) of the Notice of Public Hearing regarding: Annual Review of Zoning Implementation and Public Benefit Agreement for Sober Living by the Sea, Inc. Location(s): 505 29' Street 5004 Neptune Ave. Units A & B - 6464- 5101 4DN^5101 River Avenue Unit B 4711 Seashore Drive 4711 Y: Seashore Drive 4800 Seashore Drive Units A &.B,. I) /6ev 6111 Seashore Drive 6110 W. Ocean Front 4138 Patrice Road 2809 Villa Way* 2800 Lafayette Ave. Date of City Council Public Hearing: October 22, 2013 1� iD�L� p14