HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 - Krisp Fresh Living Minor Use Permit - 1651 Westcliff Drive - PA2013-205COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 (949) 644 -3200 Fax: (949) 644 -3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT November 27, 2013 Agenda Item No. 5 SUBJECT: Krisp Fresh Living - PA2013 -205 1651 Westcliff Drive Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -022 APPLICANT: Krisp Fresh Living PLANNER: Fern Nueno, Associate Planner (949) 644 -3227, fnueno @newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN • Zone: CG (Commercial General) • General Plan: CG (General Commercial) PROJECT SUMMARY A Minor Use Permit application for a take -out service, limited eating and drinking establishment with six seats. The applicant proposes to convert the existing retail sales suite into a juice bar. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -022 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION • The subject property is located on Westcliff Drive between Irvine Avenue and Dover Drive. • The subject property and adjacent parcels are developed with multiple- tenant commercial buildings and shared surface parking in the front and rear of the buildings along Westcliff Drive and Sherington Place. 1 2 Krisp Fresh Living (PA2013 -205) Zoning Administrator November 27, 2013 Page 2 • The subject property is not located in the coastal zone. • The suite is currently vacant and the previous use was retail sales. • The subject suite is 920 square feet in gross floor area with 356 square feet proposed as net public (customer serving) area. • Pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.20.020 (Commercial Zoning Districts Land Uses and Permit Requirements), a minor use permit is required for a take -out service, limited eating and drinking establishment if the subject property is located within 500 feet of any residential zoning district. The subject property is located within 500 feet of residential zoning districts, which are located on the opposite side of Westcliff Drive to the north and Sherington Place to the south. • No late hours (after 11:00 p.m.) or alcohol sales are proposed as part of this application. The anticipated hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. However, staff recommends the hours of operation be limited to between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. to allow more operational flexibility in the future while not allowing late hours. • Pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.40.030 (Requirements for Off - Street Parking), take -out service, limited eating and drinking establishments are required to provide one parking space for every 250 square feet of gross floor area (1/250). Retail sales use requires the same 1/250 parking standard, and therefore, parking demand is not expected to increase and the proposed use is consistent with the parking requirements. • As demonstrated in the attached draft resolution, staff believes the proposed project meets the requirements of the Zoning Code and the findings for approval can be made. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301, of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 1 (Existing Facilities). Class 1 exempts minor alterations to existing facilities involving negligible expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. The subject project is for a change of use in an existing building. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of- Tmp1t10 -15 -13 S Krisp Fresh Living (PA2013 -205) Zoning Administrator November 27, 2013 Page 3 way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644 -3200. Prepared by: �if,?/vkf F&6 N eno, Associate Planner JC /fn Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description ZA 4 Project Plans Tmp1t10 -15 -13 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 0 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2013 -0## A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MINOR USE PERMIT NO. UP2013 -022 FOR A TAKE -OUT SERVICE, LIMITED EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT LOCATED AT 1651 WESTCLIFF DRIVE PA2013 -205 THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: 6014" 1 Is] 0 EIIIIIIII&I IFTA 1ra�•Ala.rr•»y_T"1601 An application was filed by Krisp Fresh Living, with respect to property located at 1651 Westcliff Drive, and legally described as Parcel 1 of Resubdivision 0153, requesting approval of a Minor Use Permit. 2. The applicant requests a Minor Use Permit for a take -out service, limited eating and drinking establishment with six seats. The applicant proposes to convert the existing retail sales suite into a juice bar. No late hours (after 11:00 p.m.) or alcohol sales are proposed as part of this application. 3. The subject property is located within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is General Commercial (CG). 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on November 27, 2013, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place, and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to the State California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). 2. Class 1 exempts minor alterations to existing facilities involving negligible expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. The subject project is for a change of use in an existing building. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.020 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Page 2 of 6 Findinq: A. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan. Facts in Support of Findinq: A -1. The proposed use is designated as CG (General Commercial) within the Land Use Element of the General Plan, which is intended to provide a wide variety of commercial activities oriented primarily to serve citywide or regional needs. An eating and drinking establishment is a commercial use that serves local and regional needs and is consistent with the CG designation. A -2. The subject property is not located within a Specific Plan area. Finding: B. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 4 '40 B -1. The proposed use is located in the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District, which is intended to provide a wide variety of commercial activities oriented primarily to serve citywide or regional needs. Approval of a Minor Use Permit is required for a take -out service, limited eating and drinking establishment if the subject property is located within 500 feet of any residential zoning district, otherwise it is allowed by right. The subject property is located within 500 feet of residential zoning districts, which are located on the opposite side of Westcliff Drive to the north and Sherington Place to the south. B -2. Pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.40.030 (Requirements for Off - Street Parking), take -out service, limited eating and drinking establishments are required to provide one parking space for every 250 square feet of gross floor area, which is the standard parking rate that applies to the previous retail sales use and the proposed use. The parking demand is not increasing and the proposed use is consistent with the parking requirements. B -3. The proposed project is subject to and would operate in compliance with Section 20.48.090 (Eating and Drinking Establishments). No outdoor activities, late operations, alcohol sales, or outdoor dining are proposed as part of this application, but future changes would be required to be consistent with the Municipal Code. Finding: C. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity. 10 -15 -2013 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Page 3 of 6 Facts in Support of Finding: C -1. Commercial and residential uses are allowed in the vicinity, including retail sales, service, restaurant, office, and multiple residential uses. The subject suite is located among other commercial uses along Westcliff Drive, and residential uses are located nearby on Westcliff Drive to the north and Sherington Place to the south. C -2. The existing multiple- tenant commercial building is not changing as a result of this project. The existing building design, location, and size previously used for commercial uses have not proven detrimental to the nearby residential uses. The site is developed with adequate shared parking and trash storage facilities. The subject suite is 920 square feet in gross floor area with 356 square feet proposed as net public (customer serving) area. The proposed project would include a patron restroom and a maximum of six (6) seats. C -3. The operational characteristics of the proposed establishment would be that of a typical take -out service eating and drinking establishment that would serve residents, visitors, and employees. The proposed use would not increase the parking demand, have late hours of operation, include alcohol sales, nor create any adverse noise impacts outside of the establishment. The abutting properties are commercial and the abutting streets and parking areas provide adequate separation to residential uses. Therefore, the operating characteristics would be compatible with the allowed commercial and residential uses in the vicinity. Finding: D. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access and public services and utilities. Facts in Support of Finding: D -1 The lot is 23,040 square feet in area (80' X 288'), rectangular in shape, located in a commercial area, and is developed with a multiple- tenant building and surface parking lot. The site has street access from the front along Westcliff Drive and the rear along Sherington Place, and the streets provide added separation from residential uses. A walkway corridor is provided from the front of the building and parking area to the rear of the building and parking area. D -2 The site is developed with an existing multiple- tenant building that is not changing as a result of this project. The design, location, shape, and size have been suitable for the commercial uses on site and would continue the existing provision of emergency vehicle access, public services, and utilities. 10 -15 -2013 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Page 4 of 6 D -3 The Public Works Department, Building Division, and Fire Department have reviewed the application. The project is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City Building and Fire Departments and must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. Finding: E. Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, nor endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding: E -1. The proposed use is similar to and compatible with other commercial uses in the vicinity, and complements the retail sales and service uses in the immediate area. The use will serve nearby residents, employees, and visitors to the area. E -2. The proposed use would sell food and beverages for primarily off -site consumption with up to six (6) seats provided. E -3. The proposed use would not increase the parking demand, have late hours of operation, include alcohol sales, nor create any adverse noise impacts outside the establishment. E -4. Compliance with the Municipal Code proposed use will not be detrimental. SECTION 4. DECISI-Ilk NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: is required and will further ensure that the The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -022, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2013. Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator 10 -15 -2013 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval, except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -022 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.91.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 3. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 4. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Minor Use Permit. 5. This Minor Use Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 6. The hours of operation shall be limited to between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., daily. 7. The project shall be limited to a maximum of six (6) seats. 8. Any change in operational characteristics, expansion in area, or other modification to the approved plans, shall require an amendment to this Minor Use Permit or the processing of a new Minor Use Permit. 9. A copy of this Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit "A" shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 10. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 11. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner or the leasing agent. 12. No outside paging system shall be utilized in conjunction with this establishment. 10 -15 -2013 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2013 -0 ## Page 6 of 6 13. All trash shall be stored within the building or within dumpsters stored in the trash enclosure (three walls and a self - latching gate) or otherwise screened from view of neighboring properties, except when placed for pick -up by refuse collection agencies. The trash enclosure shall have a decorative solid roof for aesthetic and screening purposes. 14. The trash dumpsters and /or receptacles shall be maintained to control odors. This may include the provision of either fully self- contained dumpsters or periodic steam cleaning of the dumpsters, if deemed necessary by the Planning Division. Cleaning and maintenance of trash dumpsters shall be done in compliance with the provisions of Title 14, including all future amendments (including Water Quality related requirements). 15. Trash receptacles for patrons shall be conveniently located both inside and outside of the establishment, however, not located on or within any public property or right -of- way. 16. Deliveries and refuse collection for the facility shall be prohibited between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., daily, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Community Development, and may require an amendment to this Minor Use Permit. 17. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within 24 months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 18. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Krisp Fresh Living including, but not limited to, the Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -022. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 10 -15 -2013 12 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 13 10► VICINITY MAP h_�i ,/i Minor Use Permit No. UP2013 -022 PA2013 -205 1651 Westcliff Drive M Attachment No. ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description 15 PA2013.205 for UP2013 -022 1651 Westcliff Drive Krisp Fresh Living LISP FRESH LIVING KRISP Fresh Living is a Southern California based premium juice bar that will be offering organic pressed juices, raw smoothies, acai bowls and vegan ice cream. Our mission is to revolutionize the juice industry and make fresh pressed juices the drink of choice while educating and introducing the public to a healthier way of living. To extend the wellness concept, the store will also offer various detoxification programs developed by a certified nutritionist. Our grab and go service will allow a steady stream of customers to pre-order their drinks on line, and receive them by delivery or pick up. Please note, that the designated space for KRISP was previously a retail facility that will be converted into a 6 seat juice bar, which is consistent with the zoning fabric within the Westcliff center. Westcliff Court is a mix of small upscale dining, retail boutiques and personal grooming services in a tight knit shopping plaza. The size of our space is 920 all and it's located in the southern courtyard where the shopping center's specific niche of clientele is consistent with KRISP's brand image. KRISP will be a nice compliment to the surrounding Westcliff businesses, where customers can drop by after their facial, haircut or shopping for a healthy drink or desert. Ultimately, KRISP's aim is to be a resource in the community by educating our customers the benefits of prevention and healing through all types of juices. We truly believe that by offering the Newport community this healthy alternative, we can enhance the overall well being of the local residents. The hours of operation will be 7am to 7pm, and the menu along with pricing is attached. SITE DATA (EXISTING TO REMAIN) -LOT AREA 109,440SF -LOT W I DTH 380' -LOT DEPTH 288' - SETBACKS (FROM PL) -FRONT 72' -SOUTH (SIDE) 6" -NORTH (SIDE) 11' -REAR 70' -GROSS FLOOR AREA 39,838SF -FLOOR AREA RATIO .364 -BLDG/LOT COVERAGE 34.3% - BUILDING HEIGHT 9' -10' 1ST FLR 18' MAX AT 2ND FLR - LANDSCAPING % 5% - PAVING A 60% - PARKING 155 TOTAL (7 ACC.) -# OF EMPLOYEES 4 (OUR SUITE) - NUMBER OF SEATS 6 (VERIFY) -HOURS OF OPERATION 7A -7P -USE JUICE BAR ir�' Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 17 TENANT IMPROVEMENT FOR FRESH LIVING GENERAL NOTES I ERE DEPARTMENT I STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES I PROJECT TEAM 1. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2010 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, BASED ON THE 2010 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC), AND SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS, AND ORDINANCES HAVING JURISDICTION. 2. THE TERM "DESIGNER" AS USED IN THESE DOCUMENTS REFERS TO: LABORATORY FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN. INTERIOR / EXTERIOR: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK AND VERIFY SIZE AND LOCATION OF DUCT OPENINGS AND PLUMBING RUNS WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR BEFORE FRAMING WALLS, FLOORS, ETC. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND LOCATE WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR ACCESS PANELS AS REQUIRED FOR MECHANICAL DUCTS, PLUMBING RUNS, ETC. ACCESS PANEL LOCATIONS ARE TO BE APPROVED BY DESIGNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 3. EXTEND ALL STUDS AND WALL MATERIALS TO CONSTRUCTION ABOVE, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 3, THE DESIGNER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE COMPLETENESS OF PLANS FOR BID PURPOSES BUILDING CODE 2010 CBC, 2010 CIVIC, 2010 CPC, 2010 CEC, TITLE 24 PRIOR THE ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL 4. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL GYPSUM BOARD SURFACES, WALLS, AND CEILINGS SHALL BE TAPED JOB SITE ADDRESS SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB SITE PRIOR TO THE AND FEATHERED SMOOTH TO RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF ONE COAT SEALER AND ONE COAT OF PAINT TO TENANT BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPORT IMMEDIATELY ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE DEIGNER. BUSINESS COVER. q CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EXAMINING ALL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, FIELD CONDITIONS, AND 5. WHERE OCCURS, CONTRACTOR SHALL PATCH ANY EXISTING WALLS AND /OR CEILINGS AS NEED TO EXISTING BUILDING: CONFIRMING THAT WORK IS ABLE TO BE BUILT AS SHOWN BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. NUMBER OF STORIES REFURBISH THE LEASE SPACE AND REPAIR ALL DAMAGES CAUSED BY CONTRACTOR. PROPOSED SUITE: IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THESE OR OTHER COORDINATION ITEMS, THE CONTRACTOR OCCUPANT LOAD: SEE AO.5 IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING CLARIFICATION FROM THE DEIGNER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK 6. INTERIOR WALL AND CEILINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE TO THE CBC, INCLUDING IN QUESTION OR RELATED WORK. REQUIREMENTS FOR FLAME SPREAD AND SMOKE DENSITY RATINGS FOR FINISH MATERIALS. 5, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE TO COORDINATE WITH ALL SUBCONTRACTORS PER 7. ALL GLASS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 24 OF THE CBC. REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY OWNER, TENANT, OR BOTH, WHICH ARE UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACT M- N� " ,fl WITH THE OWNER, OR TENANT, OR BOTH. 8. WHEN USED, ALL NOISE BARRIER BAITS (SOUND INSULATION) AND INSULATION BAITS SHALL BE yaxaeb NON- COMBUSTIBLE AND SHALL NOT CONTAIN OR UTILIZE OZONE DEPLETING COMPOUNDS. g THE STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, OTHER DRAWINGS, AND JOB SPECIFICATIONS Sy xea "c"uee . p . N, ARE SUPPLEMENTARY TO DEIGNER'S CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE BACKING 0 ALL PARTITIONS THAT REQUIRE MILLWORK INSTALLATION. ` rpvtlrtalmenlsPlmwns. THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE DEIGNER FOR ca F�� By /o CLARIFICATION. can rNC Nevmon 7, THE INTENT OF DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS IS TO INCLUDE ALL LICENSED LABOR, COMMERCIAL GRADE MATERIALS AND SERVICES NECESSARY FOR THE COMPLETION OF ALL WORK SHOWN, DESCRIBED DOORS AND EXITS: a „� OR REASONABLY IMPLIED, BUT NOT UMITED TO THAT EXPLICITLY INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT e /6jh.o P' s•, r }�Yi DOCUMENTS. 1. PER CBC SECTION 2406, GLASS DOORS, ADJACENT GLAZING PANELS AND ALL GLAZED OPENINGS I,aum w WITHIN 18 INCHES OF THE ADJACENT FLOOR SHALL BE OF GLASS APPROVED FOR IMPACT 8, CONTRACTOR FOR THE PROJECT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED BUILDING HAZARDS. PERMITS. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT, THE APPLICANT SHALL HAVE EVIDENCE OF CURRENT WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE ON FILE WITH THE DEPARTMENT IN /� >,ane�art PePnINa COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 3800 OF THE CALIFORNIA LABOR CODE. 2. EXIT DOORS SHALL SWING IN THE DIRECTION OF EXIT TRAVEL WHEN SERVING ANY HAZARDOUS %D sduane AREA OR WHEN THE AREA SERVED HAS AN OCCUPANT LOAD OF 50 OR MORE PEOPLE. 9, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DESIGNER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY SPECIFIED MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT WHICH ARE OTHER UNAVAILABLE OR THAT WILL CAUSE A DELAY IN THE CONSTRUCTION 3, ALL EXITS ARE TO BE OPENABLE FROM THE INSIDE WITHOUT THE USE OF A KEY OR SPECIAL P.ry J COMPLETION SCHEDULE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CONFIRMATIONS OF DELIVERY DATES FOR KNOWLEDGE. PROVIDE A SIGN ON OR NEAR THE MAIN EXIT DOOR READING, "THIS DOOR TO ORDERS OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT. Nt 0 lip REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS ". 10, THE DEIGNER'S APPROVAL OF SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR DEVIATIONS FROM THE DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS 4, ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE INSTALLED 3 FEET ABOVE FINISH FLOOR, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. UNLESS HE HAS, IN WRITING, AND BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE DEIGNER SUCH DEVIATIONS CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY & MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS. AT THE TIME OF THE SUBMISSION, NOR SHALL IT RELIEVE HIM (GENERAL CONTRACTOR) FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OF ANY SORT IN THE SHOP DRAWINGS. 5. ALL HARDWARE TO BE LEVER -TYPE PER STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TITLE 24, AND THE ADA. 11, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT ONE BLUEPRINT SET AND ONE SEPIA SET OF SHOP DRAWINGS. SHOP DRAWINGS SHOULD INCLUDE 6. SPECIAL LOCKING DEVICES SHALL BE OF AN APPROVED TYPE. DETAILED DIAGRAMMATIC DRAWINGS, AND MATERIAL SCHEDULES. LOCATION AND ORIENTATION OF ALL ITEMS SHOULD BE CLEARLY INDICATED. BEGIN FABRICATION OF SHOP ITEMS AFTER RECEIVING 7. PROVIDE WEATHER SEALS ON ALL EXTERIOR DOORS PER ANSI STANDARDS. DESIGNER'S APPROVAL OF SHOP DRAWINGS. 12 ANY WORK INSTALLED IN CONFLICT WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS, WITHOUT THE PRIOR 8. MAXIMUM UNDERCUT OF ALL DOORS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/2" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR SURFACE. O i. lbss MD APPROVAL OF THE OWNER AND THE DEIGNER SHALL BE CORRECTED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. Eltlncart.lrc 9. THRESHOLDS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/2" IN HEIGHT & MUST BE FULLY ACCESSIBLE. 13. INSTALL ALL MANUFACTURED ITEMS, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE ❑ MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. F 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFINISH ANY BLEMISHED DOORS OR REPLACE SAID DOOR IF NOT ABLE TO 14 PROVIDE CONTINUOUS INSPECTION AS SET FORTH IN CBC CHAPTER 1, SECTION 110 AND PER REFINISH TO "AS NEW" CONDITION. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AS NEEDED. .� ELECTRICAL: 15. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR THIS PROJECT, THE GENERAL N4wpM Herbar PeA �'r P10em9n . E3 CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A SIGNED CERTIFICATE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY 1 WHERE EXIT SIGNS ARE REQUIRED SHALL BE ILLUMINATED PER CBC SECTION 1006. THE LOCATION SHALL BE STATING THAT ALL WORK HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND MATERIALS INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE PLANS COORDINATED WITH THE PLANER. AND SPECIFICATIONS AFFECTING NONRESIDENTIAL ENERGY. DRAWING NOTES: 2 PROVIDE BACK -UP POWER FOR EXIT SIGNS PER CBC SECTION 1006 1 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR INDICATED, ALL DIMENSIONS ON THESE DOCUMENTS SHALL BE FROM 3. EMERGENCY LIGHTING SHALL BE 2 SEPARATE SOURCES OF POWER AND SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CBC. THE CENTERLINE OF THE COLUMNS TO THE FACE OF EITHER WALL STUD OR FINISHED FACE OF EXISTING WALLS. 4, WHEN PLYWOOD BACKBOARDS ARE REQUIRED IN TELEPHONE AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ROOMS, THEY SHALL BE PAINTED TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL 2' WRITING DIMENSIONS SHALL TAKE PREFERENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND SHALL BE VERIFIED ON THE JOB SITE. ANY DISCREPANCY SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE NOTICE OF BOLE INTERNATIONAL PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. 5, THE CENTER OF SWITCHES SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 48 INCHES ABOVE THE FLOOR, VERIFY AND MATCH EXISTING. 3 ALL VERTICAL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FROM FLOOR SLAB, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. CENTERLINE OF 15, 20, AND 30 AMP RECEPTACLES SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 18 INCHES CENTERED ABOVE 4, DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN FIGURES TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER DIMENSIONS SCALED FROM DRAWINGS. FLOOR. FLOOR OUTLETS ARE ACCEPTABLE NEXT TO SUDING PANELS / WALLS AND OTHER SPECIAL LARGE SCALE DRAWINGS AND DETAILS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SMALLER SCALE DRAWINGS. CONVENIENT LOCATIONS. 5 THE TERM "ALIGN ", AS USED IN THESE DOCUMENTS, SHALL MEAN TO ACCURATELY LOCATE FINISHES IN 7 EXIT ILLUMINATION SHALL BE FROM AN EMERGENCY SYSTEM WHERE EXfONG SYSTEMS SERVES AN OCCUPANT THE SAME PLANE. LOAD OF 10D OR MORE. [CBC SECTION 10061 6. NO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL BE USED OR STORED WITHIN THE BUILDING WHICH DOES NOT COMPLY WITH CBC TABLE 307.1.(1) AND CFC, AND STATE AND COUNTY REQUIREMENTS. 1 TITLE Z4 - ENERGY COMPLIANCE: ALL APPLICABLE PERMITS (BUILDING, HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, ETC.) MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO 1. ENVELOPE COMPUANCE AND STATEMENT OF DESIGN COMPLIANCE: THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY 7, OCCUPANCY. CONSERVATION STANDARDS FOR NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDING SHALL BE REVIEWED AND COMPLIED WITH DURING THE CONSTRUCTION AND TENANT IMPROVEMENT WORK SCOPE OF THIS PROJECT. JOB SITE: 1. WHERE EXISTING TENANTS / BUSINESSES ARE ADJACENT TO THE JOB SITE / TENANT, THE VENTILATION: CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE CONSTRUCTION NOISE - EXTREME NOISE CONSTRUCTION SHALL OCCUR AT NON- TYPICAL BUSINESS HOURS. CONTRACTOR SHOULD NOTIFY BUILDING REPRESENTATIVE OF 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL ENCLOSED PORTIONS OF BUILDINGS CUSTOMARILY OCCUPIED BY SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES IN ADVANCE PRIOR TO WORK. PEOPLE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH NATURAL VENTILATION BY MEANS OF OPENING EXTERIOR OPENINGS WITH AND AREA NOT LESS THAN 1/20 OF THE TOTAL FLOOR AREA, OR SHALL BE 2, THE CONTRACTOR AT HIS OWN EXPENSE, SHALL KEEP THE PROJECT AND SURROUNDING AREA FREE PROVIDED WITH A MECHANICALLY OPERATED VENTILATION SYSTEM. MECHANICALLY OPERATED FROM DUST AND DEBRIS. THE WORK SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH AIR AND WATER POLLUTION VENTILATION SYSTEM SHALL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPLYING A MIN. OF 15 CUBIC FEET PER MIN. CONTROL STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. OUTSIDE AIR PER OCCUPANT DURING SUCH TIME AS THE BUILDING IS OCCUPIED. IF THE VELOCITY 3, CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND WASTES SHALL BE DEPOSITED AT AN APPROPRIATE SITE. THE OF AIR AT A REGISTER EXCEEDS 10 FEET PER SECOND, THE REGISTER SHALL BE PLACED MORE CONTRACTOR SHALL INFORM THE BUILDING REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LOCATION OF DISPOSAL SITES. THAN 8 FEET ABOVE THE FLOOR DIRECTLY BENEATH. CBC SECTION 1203.4 4. CONTRACTORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GENERAL CLEANING OF THE JOB AFTER ITS 2, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, TOILET ROOMS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A FULLY OPENABLE EXTERIOR COMPLETION. WHERE APPLICABLE, CLEANING SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, THE EXTERIOR AND THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING, THE PATH OF TRAVEL TO THE JOB SITE, PARKING LOTS, WINDOW AT LEAST 350 SO. INCHES OR A VERTICAL DUCT NOT LESS THAN 100 SO. INCHES IN ELEVATORS, LOBBIES, AND CORRIDOR CARPETS. AREA FOR THE FIRST WATER CLOSET PLUS 50 ADDITIONAL SO. INCHES FOR EACH ADDITIONAL WATER CLOSET, OR A MECHANICALLY OPERATED EXHAUST SYSTEM CAPABLE OF PROVIDING A 5, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PEDESTRIAN PROTECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBC APROPRIATE COMPLETE AIR CHANGE EVERY 15 MINS. SUCH MECHANICALLY OPERATED EXHAUST SYSTEMS SHALL CHAPTER WHERE REQUIRED. BE CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO THE OUTSIDE, AND THE POINT OF DISCHARGE SHALL BE AT LEAST 3 6. IF TRENCHES OR EXCAVATIONS 5' OR MORE IN DEPTH ARE REQUIRED, OBTAIN NECESSARY ISSUANCE FEET FROM ANY OPENINGS WHICH ALLOWS AIR ENTRY INTO OCCUPIED PORTIONS OF THE BUILDING. OF A BUILDING OR GRADING PERMIT. CBC SECTION 1203.4.2.1 1. LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT FINAL INSPECTION MAY BE REQUIRED. SCHEDULE INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE BY PHONE TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS. ANY REQUIRED INSPECTION FEES SHALL BE REMITTED AT THE FIRE DEPARTMENT COUNTER, CITY HALL AND ARE INDEPENDENT OF FEES COLLECTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2• LOCATIONS AND CLASSIFICATIONS OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 906 AND CCR TITLE 19 AND PLACEMENT IS SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE FIRE INSPECTOR. 2A: 108:C MINIMUM FIRE EXTINGUISHERS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN 75 FEET OF TRAVEL DISTANCE FROM ALL AREAS. 3. STORAGE, DISPENSING OR USE OF ANY FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS, FLAMMABLE AND COMPRESSED GASES, AND OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH CFC REGULATIONS. THE STORAGE AND USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LOCAL HAZMAT DIVISION PRIOR TO ANY MATERIALS BEING STORED OR USED ON -SITE. A SEPARATE PLAN SUBMITTAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE STORAGE AND USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 4. ALL WEATHER ACCESS ROADS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT AND IN PLACE BEFORE ANY COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS ARE PLACED ON THE SITE. ACCESS ROADS SHALL BE MAINTAINED CLEAR OF OBSTRUCTIONS. 5. ACCESS GATES SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, SECTION 503 AND LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES. A SEPARATE PLAN SUBMITTAL AND APPROVAL BY THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION IS REQUIRED. 6. PLANS OF NEW OR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING FIRE PROTECTION, DETECTION, ALARM OR MONITORING SYSTEM(S) SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. A SEPARATE PLAN SUBMITTAL AND APPROVAL BY THE LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. 7. A LETTER OF INTENDED USE FOR THE STRUCTURE(S) MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE FIRE INSPECTOR. 8. WHEN THE PROJECT INVOLVES THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW STRUCTURE OR AN ADDITION TO AN EXISTING STRUCTURE, PLANS AND DOCUMENTATION FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS, HYDRANT LOCATIONS, WATER AVAILABILITY AND FIRE LANE MARKINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO THE APPROVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. A LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVED SITE PLAN MAY NEED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. 9. IN STRUCTURES OF UNDETERMINED USE, THE MINIMUM FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN DENSITY REQUIRED SHALL BE ORDINARY HAZARD (GROUP 2) WITH A DESIGN AREA OF 3,000 SQUARE FEET. 10, "WOOD USED IN THE SUBJECT PROJECT SHALL BE FIRE - RETARDANT- TREATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CBC SECTION 207." BUILDING DATA BUILDING DEPT. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BUILDING CODE 2010 CBC, 2010 CIVIC, 2010 CPC, 2010 CEC, TITLE 24 (ADA) , 2010 CA. ENERGY CODE & 2010 CGBSC, 2010 CA au 5u ". FIRE CODE AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF LAKE FOREST JOB SITE ADDRESS 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANT HU WELLNESS /KRISP FRESH LIVING BUSINESS JUICE BAR AND LOUNGE CONSTRUCTION TYPE TYPE V -B OCCUPANCY GROUP A, B, S NON SEPARATED EXISTING BUILDING: 920 USF (NO CHANGE) NUMBER OF STORIES 1 - NO CHANGE PROPOSED SUITE: 920 SF OCCUPANT LOAD: SEE AO.5 PARKING EXISTING BUILDING ADA COMPLIANT PARKING TO REMAIN - NO CHANGE TO BUILDING FOOTPRINT- NO CHANGE IN PARKING COUNTS SCOPE OF WORK: TENANT IMPROVEMENT OF EXISTING SPACE TO INCLUDE; NEW NON BEARING METAL STUD PARTITIONS, NEW DOORS & FRAMES, AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL PER NEW LAYOUT. NEW CEILING AND LIGHT FIXTURES. NEW EXTERIOR DOOR AND STOREFRONT. ABBREVIATIONS STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION DEVICES AND PRACTICES SHALL BE INSTALLED AND /OR INSTITUTED AS NECESSARY TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE TO THE CITY OF ALISO VIEJO WATER QUALITY STANDARDS CONTAINED IN CHAPTER 3. WATER, OF DIVISION 8 OF TITLE 6 OF THE CITY OF SD MUNICIPAL CODE AND ANY EROSION CONTROL PLAN ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT. ALL SUCH DEVICES AND PRACTICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED, INSPECTED AND /OR MONITORED TO ENSURE ADEQUACY AND PROPER FUNCTION THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. COMPLIANCE TO THE WATER QUALITY STANDARNDS AND ANY EROSION CONTROL PLAN ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 1. EFFECTIVE COMBINATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPs SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED TO PROTECT THE EXPOSED PORTIONS OF THE SITE FROM EROSION AND TO PREVENT SEDIMENT DISCHARGES. 2. SEDIMENTS AND OTHER POLLUTANTS SHALL MUST BE RETAINED ON SITE UNTIL PROPERLY DISPOSED OF, AND MAY NOT BE TRANSPORTED FROM THE SITE VIA SHEET FLOW, SWALES, AREA DRAINS, NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSES OR WIND. 3. STOCKPILES OF EARTH AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION - RELATED MATERIALS SHALL MUST BE PROTECTED FROM BEING TRANSPORTED FROM THE SITE BY THE FORCES OF WIND AND WATER FLOW. 4. FUELS, OILS, SOLVENTS, AND OTHER TOXIC MATERIALS SHALLMUST BE STORED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR LISTING AND ARE NOT TO CONTAMINATE THE SOIL AND SURFACE WATERS. ALL APPROVED STORAGE CONTAINERS ARE TO BE PROTECTED FROM THE WEATHER. SPILLS MUST BE CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY AND DISPOSED OF IN A PROPER MANNER. SPILLS MAY NOT BE WASHED INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM, NOR BE ALLOWED TO SETTLE OR INFILTRATE INTO SOIL. 5. EXCESS OR WASTE CONCRETE MAY NOT BE WASHED INTO THE PUBLIC WAY OR ANY OTHER DRAINAGE SYSTEM. PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO RETAIN CONCRETE WASTES ON SITE UNTIL THEY CAN BE DISPOSED OF AS SOLID WASTES. 6. TRASH AND CONSTRUCTION SOLID WASTES SHALL MUST BE DEPOSITED INTO A COVERED RECEPTACLE TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF RAINWATER AND DISPERSAL BY WIND. 7. SEDIMENTS AND OTHER MATERIALS MAY NOT BE TRACKED FROM THE SITE BY VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ROADWAYS MUST BE STABILIZED SO AS TO INHIBIT SEDIMENTS FROM BEING DEPOSITED INTO THE PUBLIC WAY. ACCIDENTAL DEPOSITS SHALL MUST BE SWEPT UP IMMEDIATELY AND MAY NOT BE WASHED DOWN BY RAIN OR OTHER MEANS. 8. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION DEVICES AND /OR PRACTICES SHALL BE MODIFIED AS NEEDED AS THE PROJECT PROGRESSES TO ENSURE EFFECTIVENESS. VICINITY MAP "U�r•n. •_ CV9PMMo 3 au 5u ". ays PROJECT SITE La Da re e un:9eauly� we,, '1 Wegc4n Pb4a Q - .T� Iy SMpprtp CMln 1651 WESTCLIFF M- N� " ,fl yaxaeb V NEWPORT BEACH, CA'..,,, Sy xea "c"uee . p . N, ` rpvtlrtalmenlsPlmwns. ca F�� By /o Ca'n1109wlr; can rNC Nevmon �1•, xeo � °'a,. earn amt ", • ¢ a „� "`" e /6jh.o P' s•, r }�Yi w - a�o'41iR°a I,aum w S� v /� >,ane�art PePnINa a NC corod UMe %D sduane DC nn e;w sam In Na. N. �� apartment HOrlpS F' P.ry J ` `F `Shp111g% Nt 0 lip .MD c° R7 Oa c D{b Gar. N"M M.,. O i. lbss MD _ C a" Eltlncart.lrc a Tq ❑ wre�Y F N .� ``4 N4wpM Herbar PeA �'r P10em9n . E3 Crk a pS,�y N 1 f I�` eoe eenn = c�oe q „dwn ,. N Maxry Park NewpoN r'ecec aay Neepil"I ' o a ays Lt SCALE: N.T.S. TENANT HU WELLNESS 770 ROOSEVELT IRVINE CA CONTACT: -- PHONE: -- 912y1l11111Z LABORATORY FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN 219 E. MEMORY LN. SUITE 100 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 CONTACT: MATT MCGRANE PHONE: 562 - 686 -4097 GENERAL CONTRACTOR PROJECT CONSULTANTS MECHANICAL RPM ENGINEEERS, INC. 102 DISCOVERY IRVINE, CA 92618 CONTACT: ANDREW KUGA PHONE: (949) 450 -1229 x218 ELECTRICAL RPM ENGINEEERS, INC. 102 DISCOVERY IRVINE, CA 92618 CONTACT: CHUCK YOST PHONE: (949) 450 -1229 x214 SHEET F_1:iNUS III11110 to] \2aN UJ I 191 AO.1 TITLE SHEET AO.2 SITE PLAN AO.5 EGRESS FLOOR PLAN A1.1 DEMO PLAN A2.1 PARTITION PLAN A3.1 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN A4.1 POWER AND DATA PLAN A5.1 FLOOR/ PAINT FINISH PLAN A5.2 EQUIPMENT PLAN A7.1 INTERIOR WALL SECTIONS PLUMBING RPM ENGINEEERS, INC. 102 DISCOVERY IRVINE, CA 92618 CONTACT: MIKE GALLARDO PHONE: (949) 450 -1229 x220 STRUCTURAL SHUCRI YAGHI ENGINEERS 112 E CHAPMAN AVE. STE. D ORANGE, CA 92866 CONTACT: ERNESTO NATIVIDAD PHONE: (714) 997 -9120 NDEX LEGEND AFF above finished floor BLDG building CONT continuous or continue ELEV elevator FR frame (d), (ing) HB hose bibb MFR manufacture (er) OPP opposite REG register SUS suspended WC water closet N AP access panel CAB cabinet CONTR contract (or) ENCL enclosure (ure) FUR furred (ing) INCL include (d), (ing) MATL material (s) OD outside diameter SCH schedule TEL telephone W width, wide ACT acoustical tile CPT carpet (ed) CTR counter EP electrical panel board GA gage, gauge ID inside diameter MAX maximum OH overhead SEC section THK thick (ness) WP waterproofing NORTH SYMBOL 3 ELEVATION CALLOUT ADJT adjustable CB catch basin DEMO demolish, demolition EQ equal GC general contract (or) INS insulate (d), (ing) MECH mechanic (al) PNL panel SS service sink THR threshold WDW window A/C air conditioning CLG ceiling DET detail EQP equipment GL glass, glazing KPL kickplate MED medium PART partition Sc solid core T &G tongue and groove WG wired glass ALT alternate CEM cement DIAG diagonal EXH exhaust GO grade, grading KIT kitchen MET metal PVMT pavement SIM similar TSL top of slab WM wire mess A AL aluminum CM centimeter (s) DIA diameter EX existing GYP.BD. gypsum board LAB laboratory MIN minimum PED pedestal SP soundproof TST top of steel W/O without COLUMN e AB anchor bolt CT ceramic tits DIM dimension EXP ex osed HDW hardware LB la bolt MISC. miscellaneous SPK speaker TW to of wall WD wood ,� REFERENCE 7 DETAIL CALLOUT P 9 PLAM plastic laminate P P ANOD anodized CIR circle DIV division EXT exterior HDR header J joist MOD modular PLYWD plywood SPEC specification (s) TYP typical W/ with APPROX approximate CUR clear (once) DR door FOC face of concrete HVAC heating /ventilating / LAM laminate (d) MT mount (ed), (ing) PSF pounds per square foot SCI square UC undercut ARCH architect (ural) CLS closure D drain FOM face of masonry HT height LAV lavatory NAT natural PSI pounds per square inch SST stainless steel UNF unfinished DOOR NUMBER AUTO automatic COL column DWG drawing FOS face of studs HC hollow core L length NOM nominal PL property line STD standard VB vapor barrier BLK block CONIC concrete OF drinking fountain FF finish floor HM hollow metal LT light NIC not in contract RAD radius STL steel VERT vertical O KEY NOTE REVISION INDICATOR BLKG blocking COND condition ELEC electric (al) FIN finish (ed) HM hollow metal MB machine bolt NITS not to scale REF reference STOR storage WSCT wainscot (D BOT bottom CONST construction EL elevation FTG footing HOR horizontal MH manhole OC on center (s) REFR refrigerator STRUCT structural WH wall hung Al REVISION NUMBER PROJECT: KRISP FRESH LIVING 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANTIMPROVEMENT SEAL AND STAMP: CONSULTANTS: ISSUE DATES No. DATE DESCRIPTION BY 9 -3 -13 SPACE PLANNING MM \ 9-16-13 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MM OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by THE LAB are and shall remain it's property. The are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law p,%ib'ds the reproduction, display, sale, or other dispposition of this document without the express written consent of THE LABORATORY FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN. DATE: 9 -3 -13 DRAWN: MM REVIEWED: MM PROJECT NO: KRISP SCALE: SHEET TITLE: TITLE SHEET SHEET NO AO, 1 VERIFY SIZE, COLOR, `v WORDING, ETC. W/ TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPT. 00 UU Z¢ �U O 13 vi H Z O I - M in CE U e I � �p w x 3 ACCESSIBLE METAL SIGN WITH ROUNDED CORNERS - PARKING 1/4" WIDE BORDER LINE AT ALL SIDES 48" MIN WHITE OCCUPANT ON DARK BLUE 12'MIN. BORDER BACKGROUND PERMIT ONLY ='00'00 n "s BLUE TEXT ON WHITE BACKGROUND VAN ADDITIONAL SIGN REQUIRED AT VAN ARC EDARK ACCESSIBLE SPACES -REAR 3"0 STD. STEEL PIPE COL - PAINTED da ee . a• a ° ° ' d 1' -7" DIA. ACCESSIBLE SIGN DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. i� A 70 SO. IN. ACCESSIBILITY SIGN PER SEC. 11298.5 PROVIDE WHEEL STOP IF SIDEWALK IS 4' WIDTH (WHEEL STOP NOT REQ'D FOR WALK WIDTH 6 OR GREATER) t } 6" CONC. CURBJ 3" PAINT STRIPE TYP. NOTE: MAX. SLOPE FOR SURFACE AREAS OF ACCESSIBLE PARKING AREAS, INCL ACCESS AISLES, SHALL BE 2% MAX. 3'x3' PAINTED INTL. H/C SYMBOL, PLACED SO THAT IT IS VISIBLE WHEN CAR IS PARKED. PER SEC. 11296.5 NOTE: WHEELCHAIR WITH OCCUPANT PROFILE TO BE PAINTED IN WHITE WITH BLUE BACKGROUND TYP. z m a PLi/ddd **,11:114 2 m "he PAVING OR FINISH GRADE CONCRETE,FOOTING TRUNCATED DOMES 10% MAX. SIDESLOPE 380' 48" MIN 288' 12'MIN. BORDER 0 0 0 GROOVES 72' . ;; AT 3/4" O.C. 6 6\ CONC. WALK 1' 0' -REAR 70' -GROSS FLOOR AREA BLDG. 2 -FLOOR AREA RATIO 0 47256 SF BLDG. 1 34.3% 67858 SF 67610 SF 15,575 SF z 18' MAX AT 2ND FLR FLOOR i� 12"H MIN. WHITE 60% - PARKING LETTEMNG in 4 (OUR SUITE) - NUMBER OF SEATS 6 (VERIFY) NO ® f1 -USE PARKING EQ EQ — Lj 8' -0" VAN 9' -0" (5' -0" MIN. AT TYP. ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL) TYP. ADA PARKING STALL DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. INTERNATIONAL SYMBOI:7- OF ACCESSIBILITY (WHITE SYMBOL ON BLUE BACKGROUND CONFORMING TO COLOR NO. 15090 IN FEDERAL STD. 5958) o � ti ,rO¢ t ADDITIONAL DIRECTIONA SIGNAGE AS REQUIRED NOTE: MOUNTING LOCATION SHALL BE DIRECTIONAL SO THAT A PERSON MAY APPROACH WITHIN 3" OF THE SIGN WITHOUT PROTRUDING OBJECTS OR INTRUDING IN THE SWING OF A DOOR. ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE (d DOOR SCALE: NTS S 2� 0 PARKING LOT ACCESSIBILITY SIGN PARKING LOT ACCESSIBILITY SIGN 1 SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/16 " =1' -0" H SITE DATA (EXISTING TO REMAIN): -LOT AREA 109,440SF -LOT WIDTH 380' EXISTING TRUNCATED CD DOMES. -SEE DETAIL 15/A -4. N r` 288' - SETBACKS (FROM PL) 0 0 0 -FRONT 72' -SOUTH (SIDE) 6 -NORTH (SIDE) 1' 0' -REAR 70' -GROSS FLOOR AREA BLDG. 2 -FLOOR AREA RATIO BLDG. 5 BLDG. 4 BLDG. 3 47256 SF BLDG. 1 34.3% 67858 SF 67610 SF 15,575 SF 4,289 SF 29250 SF 2ND 18' MAX AT 2ND FLR FLOOR 5% - PAVING % 60% - PARKING 155 TOTAL (7 ACC.) -# OF EMPLOYEES 4 (OUR SUITE) - NUMBER OF SEATS 6 (VERIFY) -HOURS OF OPERATION ® f1 -USE JUICE BAR Lj I F=F1_ CD O 4 � 4 PARKING LOT ACCESSIBILITY SIGN PARKING LOT ACCESSIBILITY SIGN 1 SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/16 " =1' -0" H SITE DATA (EXISTING TO REMAIN): -LOT AREA 109,440SF -LOT WIDTH 380' -LOT DEPTH 288' - SETBACKS (FROM PL) -FRONT 72' -SOUTH (SIDE) 6'1 -NORTH (SIDE) 11' -REAR 70' -GROSS FLOOR AREA 39,838SF -FLOOR AREA RATIO .364 - BLDG /LOT COVERAGE 34.3% - BUILDING HEIGHT 9' -10' 1ST FLR 18' MAX AT 2ND FLR - LANDSCAPING % 5% - PAVING % 60% - PARKING 155 TOTAL (7 ACC.) -# OF EMPLOYEES 4 (OUR SUITE) - NUMBER OF SEATS 6 (VERIFY) -HOURS OF OPERATION 7A -7P -USE JUICE BAR SCOPE OF WORK ,---(E) ACCESSIBLE P.O.T. EXISTING TRUNCATED DOMES PARKING LOT ACCESSIBILITY SIGN FOR REFERENCE ONLY - EXISTING SHELL AND PARKING TO REMAIN- TENANT IMPROVEMENT ONLY NET PUBLIC AREA -356SF PROJECT: ►1 FRESH LIVING 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANTIMPROVEMENT SEAL AND STAMP: CONSULTANTS: ISSUE DATES No. DATE DESCRIPTION BY \ 9 -3 -13 SPACE PLANNING MM 9 -16 -13 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MM 10 -25 -13 BUILDING SUBMITTAL MM OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by THE LAB are and shall remain it's property. Theyy are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohib'ds the reproduction, display, sale, or other disppoeition of this document without the express written consent of THE LABORATORY FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN. DATE: 9 -3 -13 DRAWN: MM REVIEWED: MM PROJECT NO: KRISP SCALE: SHEET TITLE SITE PLAN SHEET NO A0.2 LEGEND: Symbol Description Existing Wall Construction to Remain \ New Wall Construction RESTROOM � 104 1 I NOTE: I TWO OR MORE SWITCHES TO BE GANGED IN SINGLE FACEPLATE 6„ — WALL MAX. PHONE 6 SWITCH/ LIGHT SENSOR THERMOSTAT ]� 6„ — MAX. 00 Z x a -al"o n m m L-TYP. TELEPHONE JACK —TYP. DUPLEX OUTLET NOTES: -ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE CENTERUNE OF THE OUTLET /OPERABLE PART. -ALL VERTICAL DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN FROM FINISH FLOOR TO CENTERLINE. CLR. WALL MOUNTED F.L.S. STROBE DEVICE. DOOR HANDLE KEY CARD READER THERMOSTAT SWITCH DIMMER (WHERE OCCURS) ELECT. WALL OUTLET SCALE: NTS 111MIM CLEAN /PREP 102 I� I I � JUICE BAR 1 358 NSF /15 N F/ OCC I 24 C. I ENTRY- 100 I I� - PATIO I 106 KEY PLAN SCALE: NTS I I I 30 NSF /200 NSF/ O 0 2 OCC. NOTES: CONTROL ELEVATIONS ARE COMPRISED OF: THE THERMOSTAT AND CARD FINISH CEILING LEVEL (FCL) READERS SHALL BE LOCATED SO FINISH FLOOR LEVEL (FFL) THAT THE TOP OF THE OUTLET TOP OF SLAB (TOS) BOX IS NO MORE THAN 48" NOR ALL DIMENSIONS GIVEN ARE FROM FFL DATUM. LESS THAN 15" TO THE BOTTOM FINISH FLOOR MATERIAL IS ASSUMED TO BE 3/8" OF THE OUTLET BOX ABOVE THE THICK GLUE DOWN CARPET. FLOOR FINISH AND FINISHED FLOOR. CBC 1117B.6. THICKNESS WILL VARY FROM LOCATION TO LOCATION. REFER TO PLANS AND DETAILS FOR CERTAIN ELEVATION DIMENSIONS ARE SPECIFIC FLOORING INFORMATION. ASSOCIATED WITH CODE REQUIRED MAXIMUM OR MINIMUM MOUNTING NO ALLOWANCE HAS BEEN MADE FOR ANY HEIGHTS. SUCH DIMENSIONS SHOULD DEPRESSIONS OR ELEVATIONS IN THE SLAB. BE HELD DESPITE VARIATIONS IN THE ELEVATION HEIGHTS SHOULD TAKE INTO ACCOUNT SLAB. CODE DIMENSIONS ARE IN ANY VARIATIONS IN THE FLOOR SLAB PARENTHESIS WITH AN ASTERISK NEXT zU TO THE CRITICAL DIMENSION. E.G.: (* FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET. PAINT CABINET TO +15" MIN.) MATCH ADJACENT WALL. PROVIDE NEW FIRE EXTINGUISHER SUSPENDED IN CABINET. TYPICAL MOUNTING HEIGHTS n SCALE: NTS 111MIM CLEAN /PREP 102 I� I I � JUICE BAR 1 358 NSF /15 N F/ OCC I 24 C. I ENTRY- 100 I I� - PATIO I 106 KEY PLAN SCALE: NTS I I I 30 NSF /200 NSF/ O 0 2 OCC. II F/ OFFICE /STORAG'I= II x x II x 1 LI I 1• I 1• I I 1• I I 1• I OCCUPANT LOADS: - LOUNGE (6 SEATS) -STORAGE -PREP OCCUPANT LOAD (24 OCC. TOTAL) (1 OCC. TOTAL) (2 OCC. TOTAL) 27 OCCUPANTS EGRESS FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1 OPLAN NORTH PROJECT: KRISP FRESH LIVING 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANTIMPROVEMENT SEAL AND STAMP: CONSULTANTS: ISSUE DATES No. DATE DESCRIPTION BY A9-3-13 SPACE PLANNING MM A9-16-13 \ 9 -16 -13 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MM OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by THE LAB are and shall remain it's property. Theyy are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohib'ds the reproduction, display, sale, or other dispposition of this document without the express written consent of THE LAIIORATDNY PoR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN. DATE: 9 -3 -13 DRAWN: MM REVIEWED: MM PROJECT NO: KRISP SCALE: SHEET TITLE: EGRESS FLOOR PLAN SHEET NO A0.5 i-ri I P PATIO 105 IU O LL zU I o O I N� F/ OFFICE /STORAG'I= II x x II x 1 LI I 1• I 1• I I 1• I I 1• I OCCUPANT LOADS: - LOUNGE (6 SEATS) -STORAGE -PREP OCCUPANT LOAD (24 OCC. TOTAL) (1 OCC. TOTAL) (2 OCC. TOTAL) 27 OCCUPANTS EGRESS FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1 OPLAN NORTH PROJECT: KRISP FRESH LIVING 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANTIMPROVEMENT SEAL AND STAMP: CONSULTANTS: ISSUE DATES No. DATE DESCRIPTION BY A9-3-13 SPACE PLANNING MM A9-16-13 \ 9 -16 -13 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MM OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by THE LAB are and shall remain it's property. Theyy are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohib'ds the reproduction, display, sale, or other dispposition of this document without the express written consent of THE LAIIORATDNY PoR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN. DATE: 9 -3 -13 DRAWN: MM REVIEWED: MM PROJECT NO: KRISP SCALE: SHEET TITLE: EGRESS FLOOR PLAN SHEET NO A0.5 i-ri LEGEND: Symbol Description Existing Interior Wall Construction to Remain --------- Existina Non- Bearina Wall Construction to Removed 0 Existing Exterior Wall Construction to Remain Note: Doors which lack reference symbols, and occur in existing partitions or construction, are base building and are to remain. - REFINISH /STAIN INTERIOR SUITE SIDE AS REQUIRED TO MATCH NEW INTERIOR DOORS THROUGHOUT. PAINT (E) DOOR FRAME TO MATCH (N) ADJ. DOORS /FRAMES AS BEST AS POSSIBLE (NOTE -DOOR FACES INTO MAIN BUILDING AREAS SHALL REMAIN UNCHANGED) 1. ALL NEW DOOR PULL HARDWARE TO BE ACCESSIBLE APPROVED LEVER TYPE. 2. ALL NEW DOORS ARE TO T -0" WIDE MIN. UNLESS 2 1 OTHERWISE NOTED. 121wd,016111111*001 SYMBOL 2.1 DESCRIPTION Contractor to remove existing walls as indicated. take precaution to ensure none are load bearing. 9 Contractor to remove existing power and data receptacles and conduit back to main as noted with (d) designation. Carefully review (n) requirements on A4.1 to determine the potential reuse /relocation. 9 NOT IN SCOPE EXISTING TO REMAIN 2.6 F] I I 2.1 CPD 2.6 2.4 Remove (e) flooring throughout. 9 Contractor saw cut as required to access plumbing lines as required. 2.6 Remove (e) casework. Contractor to comply with LEED Cl IEQ 3.1 -3.2 credits as req. a 2.5 PARTITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V -0" PROJECT: KRISP FRESH LIVING 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANTIMPROVEMENT SEAL AND STAMP: CONSULTANTS: ISSUE DATES No. DATE DESCRIPTION BY A9 -3 -13 SPACE PLANNING MM 9 -16 -13 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MM D 0 0 A A 0 0 0 0 OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by THE LAB are and shall remain it's property. They are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohibits the reproduction, display, sale, or other dispposition of this document without the express written consent of THE UBORATORY FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN. DATE: 9 -3 -13 DRAWN: MM REVIEWED: MM PROJECT NO: KRISP SCALE: SHEET TITLE: DEMO PLAN SHEET NO: A1.1 LEGEND: Symbol Description Existing Wall Construction to Remain 9'-9" 6'— O" 11 ' — O" © New Wall Construction p oe – — — — – Existing Wall Construction to be Removed B B / TB FEC New Semi- Recessed Fire Extinguisher Cabinet Potter - Roemer duo vertical panel, model 7260- DV -2 -HB, 1/8" SMOKED panel, horizontal black text: 'FIRE EXTINGUISHER' Stainless steel finish (verify with manufacturer) A WALL TYPE "A" 5/8" TYPE'X' GYP BD EACH SIDE OVER 3 -5/8" METAL STUDS- SEE DETAIL BELOW 1 HOUR RATED PARTITION (where noted) UL #419 OR SIMILAR B WALL TYPE "B" (E) WALL OR TYPE "A" (INDICATED BY HATCH) WITH PAINTED GLASS INSTALLED IN FRONT W/ S.S. TOP AND BOTTOM CHANNELS -BACK PAINTED GLASS COLOR TBD C WALL TYPE "C" (E) WALL WITH THIN STONE VENEER ON TOP- REALSTONE SYSTEMS, BIRCH HONED (GC TO PROVIDE SUBMITTAL) Note: Doors which lack reference symbols, and occur in existing partitions or construction, are base building and are to remain unchanged. 1. ALL NEW DOOR PULL HARDWARE TO BE ACCESSIBLE APPROVED LEVER TYPE. 2. ALL NEW DOORS ARE TO T -0" WIDE MIN. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. DOOR LEGEND Symbol Refer to Door Schedule for additional information Back painted glass (white) menu board. DOOR NUMBER Contractor to coordinate with furniture vendor as required # to ensure all furniture systems are fitting tightly within (n) DOOR HARDWARE, THIS SHEET framing and walls. Inform THE LAB of any discrepancies. DOOR TYPE, THIS SHEET DOOR TYPE 2,g A. New Single Exterior Storefront Entry Door TYPE: HERCULITE FRAME: METAL FRAME (VERIFY W/ SUBMITTAL) WIDTH: 3' -6" HEIGHT: 8' -0" FOR ALL NEW DOOR LOCATIONS VERIFY HEIGHT AND Built in TV niche WIDTH OF DOOR, TYP. FINISH: STAIN AND FINISH B. New Single Interior Door TYPE: 1 3/4" SOLID CORE DOOR WITH WOOD VENEER(VERIFY W/ SUBMITTALS) FRAME: METAL FRAME (VERIFY W/ SUBMITTAL) WIDTH: 3' -0" HEIGHT: 8' -0" FINISH: STAIN AND FINISH C. New BI- SWING -DOOR TYPE: SOLID CORE W/ VENEER W/ VIEW WINDOW AND KICKPLATES FRAME: METAL FRAME (VERIFY W/ SUBMITTAL) WIDTH: 3' -0" HEIGHT: 8' -0" (VERIFY) FINISH: STANDARD D. New Single Metal Exterior Entry Door TYPE: Exterior Storefront Entry Door FRAME: METAL FRAME (VERIFY W/ SUBMITTAL) WIDTH: 3' -0" HEIGHT: 8' -0" FINISH: paint to match building facade MILLWORK LEGEND Svmbol Refer to Millwork Elevation and Details for additional information KEY NOTES SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 2.1 Custom undercounter ref. display unit 2.2 (N) Accessible R.R. 2.3 Back painted glass (white) menu board. 94 Contractor to coordinate with furniture vendor as required to ensure all furniture systems are fitting tightly within (n) SPACE PLANNING framing and walls. Inform THE LAB of any discrepancies. 2.5 New storefront glazing to match adj. (E). 2,g New exterior paint, stone or wood facia, and signage. 2,7 Infill at (e) door location. match adj. 2•g (E) Electrical panel to remain 2,g (E) Tele /Data box - relocate to office area as req. 3.0 Estimated (e) plumbing line tie in 3.1 Built in TV niche 3,2 Recessed glass shoe into counter top (sneeze guard) 3.3 Casework -see A7.1 C C 3.0 L 3.1 2.8 g,_g„ 6 SEATS TOTAL PATIO ii:>�iih'77 24" PREFERRED A❑ PLAN 42" GRAB BAR 48" MIN, WHEN FRONT ENTRY DOOR OR 60" MINIMUM WHEN SIDE ENTRY DOOR CLEARANCE NOTES: A. 28" CLR. BETWEEN LAVATORY AND EDGE OF WATER CLOSET TANK LID WHEN TANK WATER CLOSET OCCURS. B. 28" MIN. CLR. TO EDGE OF BOWL WHEN FLUSH VALVE WATER CLOSET OCCURS. (28" MIN. CLR. BETWEEN LAVATORY TO FURTHEST PROTRUDING EDGE OF WATER CLOSET, TYPICAL.) C\ CSI I 2.6 i SW TOILET SEAT DISPENSER (WHERE OCCURS) 1 -1/2 "0 DIAMETER GRAB BAR W/ PEENED FINISH & 250 LBS. CAPACITY 36 MAXIMUM 24n 12° CJ M M r7 � 17" TO 19" TO TOP OF TOILET SEAT ROLL PAPER HOLDER WITHOUT STOPS © ELEVATIONS f 3.3 O M N \\ C \CLEAN/PREP 102 2.7 C PATIO 0 PARTITION PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" 110 a� UNDERSIDE CEILING INSULATED INSULATION -FIBERGLASS NOISE BARRIER FRICTION FIT • GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES GYPSUM ASSOCIATION OR EQUAL AS PER I.C.C. # ESR -1338. • POWER - DRIVEN FASTENERS HILTI OR EQUAL AS PER I.C.C. #ESR - 1663, LARR #25646. METAL STUD SEISMIC BRACING AT 48'0.C. ALTERNATING EACH DIRECTION TO STRUCTURE ABOVE CEILING - SEE REFLECTED CEILING PLAN FOR TYPE AND HEIGHT 3 5/8'20 GAUGE TOP TRACK ATTACH KICKER ABOVE TO TOP TRACK WITH #10 TEK SHEET METAL SCREWS. DO NOT ATTACH TO GRID SYSTEM 3 5/8'X 20 GAUGE METAL STUD FRAMING AT 24" O.C. 5/8" TYPE'X' GYPSUM BOARD ON EACH SIDE METAL BOTTOM TRACK 3 5/8" x 20 GAUGE ATTACH TO SLAB WITH POWER - DRIVEN FASTENER MIN. 1 -1/4" EMBEDMENT AT 24" O.C. ! 1 1/4" DRYWALL SCREWS AT 12" O.0 MAX. SPACING METALSTUDS DIETRICH OR EQUAL AS PER I.C.C. # ESR - 4784P LARR 25128. WALL TYPE "A" PROJECT: KRISP FRESH LIVING 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANTIMPROVEMENT SEAL AND STAMP: CONSULTANTS: ISSUE DATES No. DATE DESCRIPTION BY 9 -3 -13 SPACE PLANNING MM 9 -16 -13 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MM \ 10 -25 -13 BUILDING SUBMITTAL MM OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by THE LAB are and shall remain it's property. The are to be used only with reaped to this project. Federal law prohib'ds the reproduction, display, sale, or other dispposition of this document without the express written consent of THE LABORATORY FOR SUSFNNPBLE DESIGN. DATE: 9 -3 -13 DRAWN: MM REVIEWED: MM PROJECT NO: KRISP SCALE: SHEET TITLE: PARTITION PLAN SHEET NO A2.1 LEGEND: FIXTURE Symbol Description LAMP TYPE N New suspended linear lightbar Mount Height at 9'- 6 "(VIF) LED FX -A LINEAR UPLIGHT /DOWNLIGHT R = Relocate Mfg: Pudentail Lighting FX -AE Symbol Spec: Snap Light (TBD) Wall Switch Single & Double Pole Mpg: Leviton New Recessed Can light Mount Height (varies) LED FX -C PATIO (Individual Offices) Wattstopper PW -200 Passive infrared dual relay wall switch /sensor (General Areas) use ceiling mounted option w/ same A/B switching capabilities 1 0 Install: +48" to top edge of box. A.F.F. U.O.N. Mfg: D❑ Wall Dimmer & Wall Switch (if adjacent to dimmer) Spec: Mfg: Leviton New Pendant Mounted LED Light fixture LED FX -D Dimming and switching as noted herein. white switch, Provided by Client - Installed by Contractor trim and cover plate. Install: +48 to top edge of box. A.F.F. U.O.N. * M� Occupancy Sensor Wall Switch (Building Standard) +' Mfg: TERZANI Spec: FRAME 2' Under Cabinet Light LED/ FX -H Mfg: TBD CFL Spec: TBD FX -F 2' x Peak Efficiency Recessed Direct/ Indirect Mfg. : LSI Lighting LED Spec: PEC 24 LED LPW HO CW LIE 1' x 4' Standard 2 lamp fluorescent strip light FX -J 0 Mfg: Lithonia Spec: #C -232- 120- GEB10RS LED Rope Light LED FX -B — — — — — — — Mfg: TBD Spec: TBD LED Wall Washer LED FX -E Mfg: TBD Spec: TBD LED Pinhole Spot LED FX -G + Mfg: ARTEMIDE Spec: TOPLITE 88 FIX LED New Exit Signs - Thermoplastic with green letters with directional arrows LED FX -X ® ® as indicated. Single or double face, arrow type by contractor county quanity and location as noted by Fire Marshall MAXILUME ELX -604 LIGHTING REP: Laura Edwards Studio Representative, Lightopia Studio 949.715.5575 1043 North Coast Highway Laguna Beach, CA 92651 CEILING CONSTRUCTION Description Suspended Gyp. Board Ceiling or Soffits 5/8" Type "X" Gyp. Board mounted to metal stud framing. Height as indicated SYMBOL DESCRIPTION (D:) - 3.2 - 3.3 3.4 Z' RESTROOM GYP OJC 0 51 WD ENTRY 100 OJC CLEAN /PREP ® 102 GYP PATIO G1 P 1 mD JUICE BAR 101 0 I OFFICE /STORAG� I J SUFFIX DESCRIPTION E = Existing light fixture device to remain. N = New Dash Line = Remove and relocate. R = Relocate LIGHT SWITCHING Symbol Description Wall Switch Single & Double Pole Mpg: Leviton Spec: PATIO (Individual Offices) Wattstopper PW -200 Passive infrared dual relay wall switch /sensor (General Areas) use ceiling mounted option w/ same A/B switching capabilities 1 Install: +48" to top edge of box. A.F.F. U.O.N. D❑ Wall Dimmer & Wall Switch (if adjacent to dimmer) Mfg: Leviton Spec: Nova -T #NTV -600 (or greater as required by application) Dimming and switching as noted herein. white switch, REFLECTED CEILING PLAN trim and cover plate. Install: +48 to top edge of box. A.F.F. U.O.N. SCALE: 1/4° = V -d' M� Occupancy Sensor Wall Switch (Building Standard) Install: +48" to top edge of box. A.F.F. U.O.N. REFLECTED CEILING PLAN NOTES 1. All items in suspended ceiling areas (such as downlights, exit signs, speaker grilles, sprinkler heads, etc.) shall be centered in the 2'x2' tiles ( +1 ") typical. 2. Contractor shall refer to details for all special areas of gypsum board ceilings, fascias, soffits, lighted cove ceiling, etc. 3. Contractor is advised that all items requiring access located above the areas of gypsum board ceiling be relocated: NO ACCESS PANELS shall be installed in gypsum board ceiling. 4. Sprinkler Heads: a. Suspended Ceiling Areas: Supply and install Building Standard recessed heads. Relocate as needed. b. Gypsum Board Ceiling Areas: Supply and install fully concealed heads with covers finished white. Relocate (e) as req. c. rework (e) sprinklers as req. throughout as required. 5. HVAC shall be designed to exceed Title 24 standards by min 15 %. 6. Balance room pressure, and provide reurn /supply vents in every room -typ. Also, provide CO2 sensors in all rooms to regulate HVAC system. 7. Ensure all lighting installed is Energy Star with high efficacy lamps. Verify specifications as needed. 8. Refer to General Note Sheet for additional reflected ceiling notes. 9. Contractor to design build as required regarding new thermostat locations, sprinkler head relocation, A/C supply /return griles, ect. 10. Exit ways shall be illuminated with at least one foot candle at the floor level at the floor level, CBC 1006.2 (EMERGENCY LIGHTING) Electrician to d/b emergency lighting as required. GYP EXISTING GYPSUM BOARD CEILING FINISH: PAINT TBD NOTE: PATCH AND REPAIR EXISTING PRIOR TO FINISH OJC NEW OPEN JOIST CEILING FINISH: EXPOSED RAFTERS AND INSULATION WD SUSPENSION ELEMENT FINISH: 3 -FORM PROJECT: KRISP FRESH LIVING 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANTIMPROVEMENT SEAL AND STAMP: CONSULTANTS: ISSUE DATES No. DATE DESCRIPTION BY 9 -3 -13 SPACE PLANNING MM 9 -16 -13 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MM A A 0 0 0 0 OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by THE LAB are and shall remain it's property. They are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohibits the reproduction, display, sale, or other disposition of this document without the express written consent of THE LABORATORY FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN. DATE: 9 -3 -13 DRAWN: MM REVIEWED: MM PROJECT NO: KRISP SCALE: SHEET TITLE: RCP SHEET NO: All LEGEND: SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 0 Wall Mounted Electrical Duplex Outlet 120 VAC. Wall Mounted Electrical Fourplex Outlet 120 VAC. Refer to Engineering dwg. for specs. Wall Mounted Electrical Duplex Outlet 120 VAC. OSC Separate circuit (copier, coffee maker, microwave, refrigerators, etc.). +SC Wall Mounted Electrical Fourpex (Separate Circuit) Outlet 120 VAC. Wall Mounted Electrical Junction Box 120 VAC. Wall Mounted Electrical Outlet 220 VAC(Copier). Electrical Pigtail 120 VAC power supply to Alko "Little Inch" under - cabinet light fixtures, To be switched from wall switch. N Wall Mounted Telephone Outlet - Only (Plenum- approved wire) - stub -out 3/4" conduit to above ceiling. Telephone systems supplier shall furnish and install cable, wiring devices and coverplates. Wall Mounted Telephone and Dedicated Data Line Combination Outlet Plenum- approved wire) - stub -out 3/4" conduit to above ceiling. elephone systems supplier shall furnish and install cable, wiring devices and coverplates. Wall Mounted Data Line Plenum- approved wire) - stub -out 3/4" conduit to above ceiling. elephone systems supplier shall furnish and install cable, wiring devices and coverplates. Wall Mounted Television & FM Cable Coaxial Cable OR HDMI Outlet Contractor to verify requirements with building 3/4" Thick fire treaded plywood for tenants telephone equipment Size to be determined by tenants telephone vendor ® Floor Mounted Telephone and Dedicated Data Line Combination Poke -Thru - Flush "Walker" Poke -Thru Floor Mounted Electrical Poke -Thru - "J" Box Flush "Walker" Poke -Thru EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 0 EQUIPMENT (Tenant will supply and install.) 0 O 4 1 O 0 2 0 KEY NOTES SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 4.1 New wall mounted TV- Coordinate power and data requirements with TV manufacturer- coordinate final location with Owner 4.2 _ 9 Appliances on Sep circuits typ. 4.4 New IT closet- see elevation 2/A4.1 for detail 4.5 _ SUFFIX DESCRIPTION E = Existing to Remain D = Remove Existing rr Remove existing receptacle (Symbol varies depending upon item as noted above: Dashed lines means to remove). N = New C = Cap Existing R = Relocate Existing P = Printer SC = Separate Circuit DC = Dedicated Circuit GFI = Ground Fault Interrupter POWER & TELEPHONE PLAN LEGEND 1. The CLIENT will supply certain equipment as noted. Contractor is responsible for installation /hook -up of all new equipment as noted under equipment schedule. 2. Contractor shall install all outlets and other items as noted on this drawing. Refer to General Note Sheet for additional information. 3. All electrical wall mounted power and telephone outlets shall be Leviton Decora Series unless otherwise noted. 20 Ampere: Levition Catalog No. 16353 White U.O.N. a. All switches, outlets and coverplates shall be White U.O.N. b. All switches, outlets and coverplates shall be Black when located in millwork. c. Contractor shall furnish and install gang switchplates at all multi- switch locations with two or more switches or dimmer switches. 4. Contractor shall supply samples of all exposed electrical items, such as outlets /recptacles switches, dimmers, coverplates, etc., in white for approval to designer and project manager prior to ordering. 5. All outlets shall be mounted at V -6" A.F.F. to centerline unless otherwise noted or as directed by inspector. See detail for mounting diagrams. 6. Contractor shall provide GFCI receptacles at all sink areas as required by codes. 7. The telephone /data vendor shall pull the necessary permits, provide the required supports and hangers for equipment and cables. 8. Contractor shall furnish and install electric hot 9. Contractor shall supply, install and connect Alko Little Inch under cabinet lights at all upper cabinets as indicated on millwork details. Contractor to verify lengths in field. Exact quantity and sizes of fixtures to be determined by Contractor to provide uniform continuous lighting across surface. Switching by wall switch ganged with room light switches. Color= white. 10. Contractor to provide conduit whips (verify lengths) attached to millwork elements (metal coverplates, provide couplers, attachments to whip and junction box). 11. All flush mounted floor monuments to field verified by furniture dealer and /or designer prior to install. 12. All work stations to contain the equivalent of two(3) Duplex plus voice /data outlets as req'd. RESTROOM I �1 �p TRASH PRODUCT SHOWCASE RY 01 /s O l Co 11 L I rF- M 2O o II FIN-01 II I o J1 CLEAN /PREP PATIO IF CD JUICE BAR � 4.3 " I p _�il 11 / II OFFICE /STORAGE PX POWER/ SIGNAL PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V -0" PROJECT: KRISP FRESH LIVING 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANTIMPROVEMENT SEAL AND STAMP: CONSULTANTS: ISSUE DATES No. DATE DESCRIPTION BY 9 -3 -13 SPACE PLANNING MM \ 9 -16 -13 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MM OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by THE LAB are and shall remain it's property. Theyy are to be used only with reaped to this project. Federal law pr%ilots the reproduction, display, sale, or other dispposition of this document without the express written consent of THE LABORATORY FDR SUSFNNPBLE DESIGN. DATE: 9 -3 -13 DRAWN: MM REVIEWED: MM PROJECT NO: KRISP SCALE: SHEET TITLE: POWER /SIGNAL PLAN SHEET NO A4.1 LEGEND: WALLCOVERING PLAN LEGEND PAINT (P) NT 1. General Throughout U.O.N. 1 Mfg.: Dunn Edwards (NO VOC) Contact: - Color: DEW383 COOL DECEMBER Description: 1 coat primer, 2 coat finish Finish: FLAT 2 NT2. Accent Color Mfg.: Dunn Edwards (low VOC) Contact: - Color: DE6341 VULCAN Description: 1 coat primer, 2 coat finish Finish: FLAT 3. Accent color - Conference rooms Mfg.: Dunn Edwards (low VOC) Contact: - Color: 5820 POLISHED SILVER Description: 1 coat primer, 2 coat finish Finish: FLAT 4. Accent color - Conference rooms Mfg.: Dunn Edwards (low VOC) Contact: - Color: 5820 POLISHED SILVER Description: 1 coat primer, 2 coat finish Finish: FLAT FLOOR COVERING PLAN LEGEND TILE TL TL Tile -NSF APPROVED UTILITY TILE -TBD (OR EPC Mfg.: Contact: Pattern: GRID Color: GREY /WHITE Weight: Install: 4X4 TILE W/ MIN. GROUT LINE ON THINSET BPG 5. Back Painted Glass- tempered 1 Mfg.: Dunn Edwards (low VOC) Contact: - Color: DE6340 CANADIAN LAKE Description: 1 coat glass primer, 2 coat finish Finish: FLAT 6. Stone Tile - 1 Mfg.: Ann Sacks Contact: - Color: Athens Silver, or sim. Description: install per mfr's instruction Finish: MET 6. Metallic Laminate 1 Mfg.: Formica RESTROOM Contact: - 104 / \ Color: Decometal, Finish TBID ] CLEAN /PREP Description: install per mfr's instruction Finish: - / � 1 WD Wood TILE (CERAMIC) (WD) RB RUBBER BASE (RB Mfg.: General - At all tenant interior areas & cabinet toe kicks Contact: Mfg.: Burke Pattern: Size: 4" Color: Color: Platinum Metallic Weight: Type: Straight Install: FINISH PLAN NOTES 1. Contractor shall install all finishes and other items as noted on this drawing. Refer to General Note Sheet for additional information. 2. Contractor shall remove and replace all kitchenette /breakroom fixtures, sinks, and casework. - Sinks: Kohler -tbd - Faucets: Kohler -tbd - Base cabinets to be plastic laminate over med. density fiberboard at all exposed surfaces. Shelving to be Melamine or equal. -Base cabinets (FORMICA ESPRESSO PEAR), HP laminate tops (Nevamar Studio grey s6037T textured) - 4" pole type cabinet pulls typ. -GC TO PROVIDE LARGE SAMPLES FOR APPROVAL WALL COVERING PLAN NOTES 1. All partitions, columns, building core elements including perimeter gypsum board curtain wall covering shall be finished as P -1, Eggshell finish, unless otherwise noted. Gyp. board soffits and ceilings shall be finished as P -1, Flat finish, unless otherwise noted. 2. All Eggshell or Semi -gloss paint finishes shall receive USG First Coat. All costs associated with this individual item shall be presented to THE LAB separately from overall painting costs for this project. 3. This project requires a minimum of two (2) coats and /or finish to cover completely (no "telegraphing" will be accepted). 4. Surface preparation for all multicolor finishes shall meet specific material manufacturer's specifications. 5. N.I.U. 6. All hard surface base (wood, MDF or other equal) shall be finished Semi -gloss enamel, U.O.N. 7. All transitions between different finish materials shall be at inside corner, typical. where such transition is not possible, all outside corner conditions shall employ "J" mold, typical. All such metal material remaining exposed shall be finished to match adjacent paint material. 8. All surfaces receiving wallcovering must be primed per manufacturer's specifications. 9. All wallcovering shall be installed using centerline of the wall surface as the location for the start paint of a full panel of material, seams on sides to end of wall, U.O.N. 10. No wallcovering seams at outside corners. Overlap all corners by at least 6" beyond the corner before the seam. 11. Contractor shall submit a seaming diagram and seaming mockup (at least 2'x2') at the time of first submittal for review and approval by Bole. 12. Contractor shall order and deliver to tenant 10% of each wallcovering specified on the project as their attic stock for future use. 13. All acoustic tile surfacing being painted shall receive non - bridging (acoustic) paint in color specified herein. 14. All exposed concrete floor (or other concrete surfaces) shall be bead - blasted PRIOR to installation of specified finish. 15. All aluminum frames (doors, sidelights, etc.) requiring a painted finish shall be pre finished at factory. Refer also to the Door & Hardware Schedule for addtional information and details. 16. All hollow metal door frames (such as existing building core elements and any new product specified for the project shall be painted as noted herein; semi -gloss enable finish. Refer also the Door & Hardware Schedule for additional information and details. 17. All doors requiring an applied finish shall be shop finished. 18. All items of exposed trim (such as linear diffusers, speaker drills, etc.) located in areas of suspended acoustic ceilings shall be finished to match ceiling system grid color. Life safety speakers, exit signs and light fixtures excluded. 19. All Fire Extinguisher Cabinets (F.E.C.) shall be finished to match the adjacent wall finish, U.O.N. 20. Contractor shall provide three (3) finish samples /paint spray -outs (at least 8 "x10 ") to Bole for review and approval PRIOR to installation of same. 21. Contractor is advised that selected items of finish Hardware may require a painted finish (such as door closer covers, coordinators and their spacer, etc.); refer to the Door & Hardware Schedule herein for related details and information. 22. Contractor is advised that the installation of rubber base shall follow application of final paint/finish coat. Painting contractor shall coordinate work efforts with floorcovering contractor as required. 23. Installation for all specified products, materials and finishes shall be by manufacturer's specifications. 24. Provide window covering /shading as required by client. (reference building standards) GENERALNOTES 1. If greater than 40% of the material in any given aspect of the build are being reused /relocated the intent would be to match existing (unless otherwise noted) 2. If less than 40% of the material in any given aspect of the build are being reused /relocated the intent would be to install all new material per building standards. 3. It is the Contractors responsibility to verify the existence of re- usable /re- locatable materials when pricing jobs and also the contractors responsibility to take a common sense approach to the economics of re- usable vs. new materials. 4. Any wood used in the project shall be FSC certified (50% minimum total wood purchases) 5. Furniture, seating, and wood composites shall not exceed the formaldehyde concentrations listed in the LEED -CI reference guide. 6. Workstations and cabinetry shall be salvaged if possible. Contractor to price (n) cabinetry alternative with bamboo cabinet faces and recycled countertops. (N) furniture shall contain 20% post- consumer content. WD 1 PATIO 106 WD 1 ENTRY 100 I n TL 1 JUICE BAR :D ECE-41 O II II �J II II II II I �I TL 1 !OFFICE /STORAGE 103 � X X X X PATIO 105 FLOOR /PAINT FINISH PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V -0" PROJECT: ► 1 FRESH LIVING 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANTIMPROVEMENT SEAL AND STAMP: CONSULTANTS: ISSUE DATES No. DATE DESCRIPTION BY A9-3-13 SPACE PLANNING MM A9-16-13 \ 9 -16 -13 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MM OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by THE LAB are and shall remain it's property. The are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohib'ds the reproduction, display, sale, or other dispposition of this document without the express written consent of THE IABDRATORI' FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN. DATE: 9 -3 -13 DRAWN: MM REVIEWED: MM PROJECT NO: KRISP SCALE: SHEET TITLE: FLOOR/ PAINT FINISH PLAN SHEET NO A5.1 J u TRASH PRODUCT SHOWCASE RESTROOM ENTRY 0 n \ I � 1 \ zb M / � O PREP AREA JUICE BAR 101 I J� I L J � STORE EQUIPMENT LIST Item No. Manu. /Spec Description Size FINISH Drainage N1 TBD WORK TOP— QUARTZ Stainless Steel N2 EAGLE Wire Wall— Mounted Shelving 72 LF MIN. Stainless Steel N3 EAGLE Traditional Hand Sink, NSF Approved 18" x 18" x 37" Stainless Steel direct N4 EAGLE 3— Compartment Sink, NSF Approved 88" x 26" x 33.375" Stainless Steel indirect N5 OWNER SELECT Mop Sink 24" x 24" x 6" Stainless Steel direct N6 Adraft RF -2D Refrigerator 54" x 32" x 82.5" Stainless Steel N7 TRUE — TSSU- 48 -18M —B FOOD PREP TABLE 48 -3/8" x 34 -1/8" x 40 -3/8" OWNER SELECT N8 TRUE TUC -27 —ADA U/C FREEZER 27.5" x 28" x 28" OWNER SELECT indirect N9 OWNER SELECT Cash Register OWNER SELECT N10 N11 OWNER SELECT Floor Sink OWNER SELECT direct N12 OWNER SELECT Floor Drain OWNER SELECT direct N13 NORITZ TANKLESS WATER HEATER (ABOVE) 24" x 6" x 24" OWNER SELECT N14 TRUE TUC -48F —ADA U/C REFRIGERATOR (VEGGIE STORAGE) 48 -3/8" x 30 -1/8" x 29 -3/4" OWNER SELECT N15 VISIDIPPER (CUSTOM) ICE CREAM DISPLAY 46.5" x 26.75" x — OWNER SELECT N16 ICE— O —MATIC CEU220A ICE MAKER 24.54" x 26.27" x 39" (issue) OWNER SELECT N17 CUSTOM DISPLAY UNIT — CUSTOM UNDER COUNTER OWNER SELECT N18 NORWALK JUICER COUNTER TOP 18" X 18" OWNER SELECT N19 OWNER SELECT EMPLOYEE LOCKERS (KEYPAD LOCK) — OWNER SELECT N20 VITAMIX REGULAR BLENDER COUNTER TOP 18" X 18" Stainless Steel N21 VITAMIX QUIET BLENDER COUNTER TOP 18" X 18" Stainless Steel indirect N22 — OWNER SELECT N23 — OWNER SELECT N24 OWNER SELECT GLASS CONTAMINATION SHEILD CUSTOM N30 OWNER SELECT PREP SINK W/ DRAIN BOARD 36" X 18" X " OWNER SELECT indirect N32 N33 o II IRS II o CLEAN /PREP 4LN 6 N6 N2 OFFICE /STORAGE \ 19 / X X X PATIO 0 EQUIPMENT PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V -0" PROJECT: KRISP FRESH LIVING 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANTIMPROVEMENT SEAL AND STAMP: CONSULTANTS: ISSUE DATES No. DATE DESCRIPTION BY 9 -3 -13 SPACE PLANNING MM \ 9 -16 -13 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MM OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by THE LAB are and shall remain it's property. Theyy are to be used only with reaped to this project. Federal law prohib'ds the reproduction, display, sale, or other dispposition of this document without the express written consent of THE LABORATORY PoR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN. DATE: 9 -3 -13 DRAWN: MM REVIEWED: MM PROJECT NO: KRISP SCALE: SHEET TITLE EQUIPMENT PLAN SHEET NO A5.2 J EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8" = V -0" (N) STONE FACIA -TBD LOUNGE ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8" = 1' -0" F 3 -FORM SUSPENSION ELEMENT G TO GO REF. GLASS SNEEZE GUARD (5'AFF) WORK ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8" = V -0" F-- MENU WALL F-- 18" SQ. CUBBIES CO3 G TO GO REF. GLASS SNEEZE GUARD (5'AFF) WORK ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8" = V -0" F-- MENU WALL F-- 18" SQ. CUBBIES WORK ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8" = V -0" F 3 -FORM SUSPENSION ELEMENT GLASS SNEEZE GUARD (5'AFF) El El El E WORK ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8" = V -0" F 3 -FORM SUSPENSION ELEMENT WORK ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8" = 1' -0" PROJECT: a I IZ FRESH LIVING 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANTIMPROVEMENT SEAL AND STAMP: CONSULTANTS: ISSUE DATES No. DATE DESCRIPTION BY A9-3-13 SPACE PLANNING MM A9-16-13 \ 9 -16 -13 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MM OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by THE LAB are and shall remain it's property. Theyy are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohib'ds the reproduction, display, sale, or other dispposition of this document without the express written consent of THE LAI30RATONY FDR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN. DATE: 9 -3 -13 DRAWN: MM REVIEWED: MM PROJECT NO: KRISP SCALE: SHEET TITLE: INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET NO AT1 GLASS SNEEZE GUARD (5'AFF) WORK ELEVATION SCALE: 3/8" = 1' -0" PROJECT: a I IZ FRESH LIVING 1651 WESTCLIFF NEWPORT BEACH, CA TENANTIMPROVEMENT SEAL AND STAMP: CONSULTANTS: ISSUE DATES No. DATE DESCRIPTION BY A9-3-13 SPACE PLANNING MM A9-16-13 \ 9 -16 -13 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MM OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by THE LAB are and shall remain it's property. Theyy are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohib'ds the reproduction, display, sale, or other dispposition of this document without the express written consent of THE LAI30RATONY FDR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN. DATE: 9 -3 -13 DRAWN: MM REVIEWED: MM PROJECT NO: KRISP SCALE: SHEET TITLE: INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHEET NO AT1