HomeMy WebLinkAbout88-21 - General Plan Amendment 87-3CRESOLUTION NO. 88 -21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE, CIRCULA- TION AND RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENTS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN ESTABLISHING LAND USE ,• PATTERNS, INTENSITY AND DENSITY LIMITS, ARTERIAL ROADWAY CONFIGURATION, DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS AND OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP- MENT IN DOWNCOAST NEWPORT BEACH (IRVINE COAST) [GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 87 -3(C)] WHEREAS, as part of the development and implementation of the Newport Beach General Plan, the Land Use, Circulation, and Recreation and Open Space Elements have been prepared; and WHEREAS, said elements of the General Plan set forth objectives, supporting policies and limitations for development in the City of Newport Beach; and WHEREAS, said elements of the General Plan designate the general distribution and general location and extent of the uses of land and building intensities in a number of ways, including residential land use categories and population projections, commercial floor area limitations, the floor area ratio ordinances, incorporation of Planned Community District standards, Specific Area Plans, and "trend growth" projections; and WHEREAS, the Land Use and Circulation Elements are correlated as required by California planning law in that the original adoption of the elements were based on correlation studies, and subsequent general plan amendments have included comprehensive traffic studies assessing the continued correlation of these elements; and WHEREAS, the studies prepared for the revisions to the Downcoast Newport Beach (Irvine Coast) Plan included detailed traffic studies to insure continued correlation between the elements of the Newport Beach General Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 707 of the Charter of the City of Newport Beach, the Planning Commission has held a public hearing to consider certain amendments to the Land Use, Circulation, and Recreation and Open Space Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan; and has recommended approval of said plan to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the plan adopted by the County of Orange and the Cali- fornia Coastal Commission is an environmentally superior alternative to the previous land use plan for the area; and WHEREAS, the adoption of the plan by the City of Newport Beach will insure continued consistency between the County and City plans for the • area; and WHEREAS, the County of Orange prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the previous project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the project currently being considered is within the scope of the project analyzed in the previous EIR, and that the EIR addressed all potential environmental effects of the project; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the informa- tion contained in the EIR in making its decision on the proposed amendments to the Land Use, Circulation and Recreation and Open Space Elements of the Newport Beach General Plan, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach that an amendment to the General Plan with related provisions and requirements as described in Exhibit "1" as recommended by the Planning Commission is approved. ADOPTED this 28th day of March , 1988. ATTEST: 0 CITY PLT/WP WP \CC \GPA87- 3C.RS1 - 2 - Attachments for: Resolution No. 88-21 & Resolution No, 88-22 Intro iO —n Downcoast Newport Beach Land Use Plan The City of Newport Beach Sphere -of- Influence includes approximately Be of the area between the City of Newport Beach and the City of Laguna Basch, of Orange has adopted a intensity sand known as the Irvine Coast. The ( the attern, Plan for the area establishing the development P this plan to density of development, arterial circul°ftiN system O t isaad adopting recreation and open space dedication program. The City here -of- Influence while art of the site in the Cityes Sin terms of open space • address the P the overall Plan maintaining the integrity of dedications, affordable housing and development Phasing' specific agencies of The plan currently identifies the County of Orange and for review and compliance requirements, and for receiving Should the area be annexed to the City of Newport the County artments. dedication of land. appropriate City deP en space dedication shall continue to be the Beach, these agencies shall be assumed 1:o be aPP The receptor agency for open ort Beach for areas within the be the City of Newp County and property County of Orange or may annexation area subject to the agreement of the City, owner, provisions some the City may wish to further gho hoode parks and fire Should annexation occur, Y of this plan, such as affordable housing, �' is accepting By the adoption of this plan the phasing, department facilities•densit and intensity limits, the Land Use Plan, y circulation element and road construction phasing. g• 4 L A N D U S E P L A N CHAPTER 1 MAIN ELEMENTS OF THE LAND USE PLAN The Land Use Plan for The Irvine Coast LCP consists of maps, • policies, and supporting teat organised under three subsequent chapter headings: Coastal Act Consistency and Overall Findings and Conclusions, Resource Conservation and Management Policies, and Development Policies. Zoning and subsequent actions by the County must be consistent with the policies contained in the adopted County of Orange General Plan. The Irvine Coast Land Use Plan is consistent with the General Plan, and contains some land use descriptions and policies which are more specific and apply exclusively to The Irvine Coast. The Land Use Plan for The Irvine Coast recognises the special qualities of the land, and the need for protection of the environment and sensitive utilisation of coastal resources. It proposes land uses, open space, and resource protection which, on balance, are the most protective of the environment, the public interest, and private property rights. As such, it meets the intent of Section 30007.5 of the California Coastal Act of 1976. I -1.1 • a LAND USE SUMMARY Type of Land Use RESIDENTIAL: Low Density Medium -Low Density Medium Density High Density SUBTOTAL COMMERCIAL: Tourist Commercial OPEN SPACE: Golf Course Recreation and Parks Conservation (Regional Wilderness Park) SUBTOTAL TOTAL - -ALL LAND USES Planning Gross Areas Acres(a) 3A,3B,6,7A,7B 526 5,9 202 1B,2A,2B,2C,4A,4B 954 IA,1C,8 240 1,922 ACRES 13A,13B,13C, 13D,13E,13F, 14,16A,16B 276 ACRES 10A,10B 367 11A,11B,12A,12B, 12C,12D,12E,17, 18,19,20A,20B,20C 4,878 21A,21B,21C,21D 1,989 7,234 ACRES rl ;rg -1A (a) All acreages are approximate and include roads and arterial highways. I -1.2 Exhibit E C °P_. _ : i 18 i3E z� - w � ni ' 10A, yt 13C i 130 1& xn Pdm 17 orymm W 2C 1C �('m . K r12E u \.. 21A PARK 21C 4 21B / 20A A = ary OF LAGUNA BEACH ILANID USE PLAN - F'irst A endiment The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program LEGEND Lazo USE DEMINAMON 0 LOW 1313413ITY RESIDENTIAL (0-2) 13B PLANNING AREA MILIMM MOM - LOW De4STY RESDernAL(2 -35) 0 MSIAd 01949W RESIMMAL (3.5 -" I-M DMUY FIESDFMIAL (8.5 -18) GOLF COURSE 0 TOLHST COMMERCIAL RECREAnOMI I -1.3 c NJSERvAnoN e; Exhibit F A. Open ice The centerpiece of the ,Land Use ]Plan to open space lands which comprise over 76% of the entire Irvine Coast. The Irvine Coast will have approximately 4,878 acres of land in recreation use, including Crystal Cove State Park, Buck Gully, Los Trancoa and Muddy Canyons, and sever- al smaller parcels. The California Coastal Commission has already ap- proved a separate Public Works Plan for Crystal Cove State Park which is consistent with this Land Use Plan. In addition, 1,989 acres of Conservation land, including the lower portions of Boat and Emerald Canyons, will be dedicated to the County of Orange in a phased program as part of the County's Irvine Coast Wilderness Regional Park, linked to the development of Residential, Golf Course, and Tourist Commercial uses. Of the 9,432 acres within The Irvine Coast, 7,234 acres are to be devoted to open space and recreation uses (see Exhibit G): o State Park (2,807 acres): Virtually the entire area on the ocean HOW of Pacific Coast highway and the watershed of Moro Canyon Inland of Pacific Coast Highway form Crystal Cove State Park. This area is now open to public use. (See Exhibit G, Legend Item 1.) o Wilderness Open Space Dedication Area (2,666 acres): As land is Mope fie oae , e program o p se medications will transfer large areas of undeveloped land to the County. These areas will remain in Conservation and Recreation uses. (See Exhibit G, Legend Item 2.) o Special Use Open Space Dedication /Recreation Areas (1,394 acres): Extensive areas of land within the development zone will remain in open space. A total of 1,155 acres, including Buck Gully, Los Trancos and Muddy Canyons, will be dedicated to the County as development proceeds; while 192 acres along the frontal slopes of Pelican and Wishbone Hills will have only limited improvements for Recreation use. (See Exhibit G, Legend Item 3.) o Golf Course (367 acres): Two 18 -ho:e golf courses at Pelican Hill form the centerpiece of the destination resort and provide a greenbelt buffer between overnight accommodations and Pacific Coast Highway. (See Exhibit G, Legend Item 4.) I -1.4 I B. Tourist Commercial Consistent with the strong Coastal Act emphasis on visitor - serving recreation, the lower slopes of Pelican Hill will be developed as a major destination resort area. The resort will consist of two 18 -hole golf _ courses, overnight accommodations, and recreational and commercial • facilities. The golf course will extend the open space of the State Park Inland across Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), creating a continuous greenbelt from Corona del Mar to Los Trancos Canyon. Visitor - serving uses are set back from the highway and are buffered by the golf courses. In addition, two visitor- serving facilities are partially screened from view by intervening landforms. - At Pacific Coast Highway and Muddy Canyon, adjacent to the inland portion of the State Park, a hotel and small retail area will provide additional visitor - serving uses at the coast. Two small sites in Laguna Canyon are intended for small -scale facilities. C. Golf Courses /Greenbelt Two 18 -hole golf courses are the focal point for the frontal slopes of Pelican Hill, providing approximately 367 acres of open space greenbelt adjoining Pacific Coast Highway. The golf courses /greenbelt complement the State Park and extend open space uses into the inland side of PCH, thereby preserving views of the coastal ridges from PCH and Crystal Cove State Park, and views toward the ocean from Pelican Hill Road. 1 -1.6 G D. Residential Residential development will be limited to a maximum of 2,600 dwelling units. Compliance with the County's Housing Element will be - demonstrated in a Housing Implementation Plan. Clustering of residential units will preserve open space, reduce grading impacts, and enhance the compatibility of private development with public open space. E. Circulation There is a hierarchy of roadways which will serve The Irvine Coast. These include the regional freeway and highway network, subregional arterial highway network, and local collectors. Two arterial highways are designated through The Irvine Coast in a general north /south direction: Pelican Hill Road and Sand Canyon Avenue. Pelican Hill Road is designated as a major arterial (six lanes) on the County of Orange Master Plan of Arterial Highways, as is Pacific Coast Highway through portions of The Irvine Coast Area. Sand Canyon Is designated as a commuter arterial highway (two lanes). Laguna Canyon Road, which exists along the easterly boundary of The Irvine Coast Area, is master planned as a primary arterial (four lanes). Outside the coastal zone, the regional network providing access to The Irvine Coast includes segments of both the State Interstate Freeway - System as well as the State Highway System. Presently, the only direct access is provided by Pacific Coast Highway (SR 1). PCH is currently subject to heavy levels of traffic during commuting hours. which is primarily a result of traffic diverting to avoid the congested I -5 and I- 405 Freeways. South of The Irvine Coast, in the City of Laguna Beach, Pacific Coast Highway connects to inland areas via Laguna Canyon Road/ Laguna Freeway (SR 133). North of The Irvine Coast, in the City of Newport Beach, Pacific Coast Highway connects to inland areas via MacArthur Boulevard (SR 73), Jamboree Road, and Newport Boulevard/ I -1.7 - 7 Costa Mesa Freeway (SR 55). These routes, in turn, provide connection to the San Diego Freeway (I -405) and the Santa Ana Freeway (I -5). Major additions to the regional network the extension of the Costa Mesa Freeway and the San Joaquin Bills Transportation Corridor which will provide direct access to the inland edge of The Irvine Coast planning _ area. F. Public WorksAlnfrastructure The Irvine Coast Planning Unit is entirely within the Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) except for a limited portion of the dedication area and two small residential areas which are within the Laguna Beach County Water District. The area generally west of Muddy Canyon is within IRWD Improvement District Number 141, while the area generally east of Muddy Canyon is within IRWD Improvement District Number 142. Sewer service will be provided by a combination of agencies. The area west of Muddy Canyon is within Orange County Sanitation District - (OCSD) Number 5. At the time that this area was annexed to OCSD Number 5, IRWD agreed to provide local sewer service and collection, and _ OCSD Number 5 agreed to provide regional sewage collection, transmis- ston, and treatment. The area east of Muddy Canyon will be served by IRWD through the Aliso Water Management Agency. I -1.8 0 CHAPTER 2 COASTAL ACT CONSISTENCY AND OVERALL FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Among the primary goals of the Coastal Act are the protection of coastal resources and provision of public access to the coast. The Legislature also recognized that conflicts might occur when carrying out all of the Act's policies. The Legislature, therefore, established a "balancing" test. This test allows the Coastal Commission to approve a plan which, although it may cause some damage to an individual resource, on balance to more protective of the environment as a whole (Public Resources Code Section 30007.5). Public acquisition of large, continuous open space areas is recognized as a superior means to guarantee the pre- - servatton of coastal resources such as vegetation, wildlife, and natural landforms, and to create new public access and recreation opportunities rather than preserving small pockets of open space surrounded by development. The Irvine Coast Plan strikes a balance in two ways which are con- sistent with the intent of the Act. First, a substantial portion of the area is designated for preservation in its natural state. Second, policies have been developed to address a wide range of issues in areas of The Irvine Coast designated for development and to mitigate potential adverse Impacts. (See also "California Coastal Commission Findings for LUP Certification ", November 4, 1981, in Appendix 1.) A. RESOURCES PROTECTION PROGRAM 1. Open Space Dedication Programs The purpose of the Open Space Dedication Programs is to - protect certain specified coastal resources and to offset adverse environmental impacts in residential development areas which will not otherwise be mitigated. Permanent protection I -2.1 Vd and preservation of major canyon watersheds, visually significant ridgelines, stream courses, archaeological and paleontological sites, riparian vegetation, coastal chaparral and wildlife habitat is provided by dedication to a public agency (the County of Orange or its designee). Environmental impacts to be mitigated by the dedication programs include habitat and archaeological impacts caused by residential development and road improvements on Pelican Hill, habitat impacts on Los Trancos Canyon, Buck Gully, and Muddy Canyon caused by the construction of Pelican Hill Road and Sand Canyon Avenue, - public view and use impacts caused by residential construction in the Cameo Shores area and adjacent to Crystal Cove State Park, and scenic resource impacts caused by golf course and tourist commercial development on the frontal slopes of Pelican Hill and wishbone Hill. Large -scale master planning and dedication programming for The Irvine Coast enables the permanent protection of large, contiguous open space areas rather than the protection of smaller, discontinuous habitat areas that might result from a project -by- project site mitigation approach. A much greater degree of habitat and open space protection can be achieved by dedication programs that assemble large blocks of habitat area contiguous to Crystal Cove State Park than would be possible with project by- project mitigation measures. (Coastal Commis- sion Appeal No. 326 -80, Broadmoor, Page 18.) - While specific mitigation measures are being included for potential impacts within or near the development areas (e.g., erosion control measures)„ the primary mitigation measure for impacts not avoided is the phased "wilderness" Open Space Dedication Program. In addition, significant additional habitat protection and development mitigation will be accomplished with the dedication of large areas of Los Trancos Canyon, Buck Gully, and Muddy Canyon through the "Special Use" Open Space I -2.2 to Dedication Program. Consistent with Coastal Act Section 30200, most of the more significant Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas (ESHA's) are located within, and will be protected by, conservation and recreation land use categories. The Land Use Plan recognizes that the preservation of these particular resources and the Open Space Dedication Programs are more protective of coastal resources than the protection of more isolated and relatively less significant habitat areas within designated residential and commercial development areas. Hence the potential loss of any - ESHA's through development is offset by the Open Space Ded- ication Programs. The potential loss of any ESHA's.through the construction of public facilities such as arterial highways is offset by the coastal access benefits derived from these road- ways as well as the Open Space Dedication Programs. In accordance with Section 30007.5 of the Coastal Act, the major Open Space Dedication Programs creates the balance which allows the completion of the residential and commercial land uses. 2. Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas For purposes of Section 30107.5 of the Coastal Act, natural drainage courses designated by a dash and three dot symbol on the USGS 7.5- minute series map, Laguna Beach Quadrangle, dated 1965 and photo- revised 1972 (hereafter referred to as "USGS Drainage Courses "), riparian vegetation associated with the aforementioned drainage courses, coastal waters, wetlands, and estuaries are classified as "Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas" (ESHA's). The habitat value along the length of individual drainage courses and among different drainage courses is not equal. The 1 -2.3 habitat value of the coastal waters to different from that for drainage courses. Based on biological studies, (see biological Inventory. Appendix H -1, Final EIR 237 and Pelican Hill Drainage Habitat, LCP Appendix Item 2) four categories of ESHA's have been created to differentiate habitat values as shown on Exhibit H. • a. ESHA Category A: USGS Drainage Courses with associated riparian vegetation which contain the most significant habitat areas in The Irvine Coast are designated as ESHA Category A, are subject to the most protection, and are located entirely within the Recreation and Conservation land use cate- gories. To assure their long -term protection and as a means of providing a unique park setting for future residents of The Irvine Coast and of the region, portions of Buck Gully and Los Trancos and Muddy Canyons, will be dedicated to the County of Orange in accordance with policies of this LUP. Public access to these areas will be via linkages with the Pelican Hill Road Trail System, Los Trancos parking lot, and the Crystal Cove State Park Trail System. I -2.4 IZ ary r OF 1B -- e�vynoar BEACH A Z 1 10A % 9 A% vexenvOW 17 1C 3A 2C 4A 4B 6 3B )B CRYSTAL COVE f 9T, 1'7 ENVIIRONIMEN'TALLY SENS T1VE MIN -M.T ARSE S - The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program LEGEND ��CATEGORY A— DRAINAGE COURSE/RIPARIAN VEGETATION CATEGORY B— DRAINAGE COURSE =CATEGORY C— COASTAL WATERS =CATEGORY D— DRAINAGE COURSE PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY I -2.5 13 21C 21B 21A CRY OF LACWA HEACM Exhibit H N Nine surface water sources have been identified (refer to EIR 237, Figure 25) in Buck Gully, Los Trancos, Moro, and Emerald Canyons. All nine water sources come from natural seeps, although two of the three sources in Buck Gully are probably augmented by percolating irrigation _ runoff from adjacent development. Flow from all nine seeps occurs all or most of the year during average rain- fall years, although downstream flow may be very limited. These USGS Drainage Courses are the most significant ESHA's in The Irvine Coast because they contain all of the following habitat characteristics: 1) standing or flowing water all or a significant part of the year; 2) a _ definitive stream bottom (i.e., defined banks with a sandy or rocky bottom); and 3) adjacent riparian vegetation lining the water course. b. BSHA Category B: USGS Drainage Courses which contain water flows only when it rains and support only small amounts of riparian vegetation, are designated as ESHA Category B. These areas have relatively less habitat value, and are located in Recreation and Conservation land use categories. c. ESHA Cat C: The coastal waters along The Irvine Coast -- ESHA Cate- gory C -- have been designated as both a Marine Life Refuge and an Area of Special Biological Significance. They contain near shore reefs, rocky intertidal areas and kelp beds, and are located primarily within Crystal Cove State Park. The State Department of Parks and Recrea- tion will be responsible for providing protection for ttdepools and other marine resources from park users. I -2.6 Protection of water quality is provided by the Runoff Policies. d. ESHA Category D: ESHA Category D designates OSGS Drainage Courses which are deeply eroded and of little or no riparian habitat value. They are located in Residential and Com- mercial land use categories and two specific Recreation sites. Typical vegetation includes elderberry, arroyo, coastal scrub, and annual grassland. These drainage courses are often incised as a result of erosion, resulting In rapid runoff and very steep narrow aldeslopes generally _ incapable of supporting riparian habitat. Development will impact most of these ESHA's. The Open Space Dedication and Riparian Habitat Creation Programs will mitigate development impacts. 3. Riparian Habitat Creation Program Golf course and visitor- serving development in PA 10A, PA 10B, PA 13A, PA 13B, PA 13C, PA 13D, PA 13E, and PA 13F will modify drainage courses that are presently degraded. Any habitat impacts resulting from drainage course modifications will be mitigated by the Riparian Habitat Creation Program and the Open Space Dedication Programs. 4. Erosion Control and Urban Runoff The primary measure for minimizing potential erosion and urban runoff impacts is the permanent preservation in open space of over 76% of The Irvine Coast. Additionally, specific development standards assure that, to the extent feasible, unavoidable impacts within the development areas are mitigated. 1 -2.7 is, The major objective of the Erosion and Urban Runoff Management Policies for The Irvine Coast is to assure that erosion and runoff rates do not significantly exceed natural rates, while at the same time assuring sand replenishment provided within the coastal watershed is maintained (The _ Irvine Coast littoral "cell" is limited and partially dependent • on the local watershed for sand replenishment.) Marine water quality will be protected by directing runoff to natural drainage courses such as Los Trances Canyon, Buck - Gully, and Muddy Canyon, through the use of landscaped drainages in the golf course (including the new riparian habitat area), and by means of erosion control techniques to slow runoff so that habitat areas are protected from flows _ significantly in excess of natural rates of flow. Additional control of non -point sources will be implemented if necessary to comply with State, regional and County standards. These measures may. include street- sweeping, catch basin cleaning, efficient landscaping practices, and control of chemical - applications. 5. ®fecal Qaality The Coastal Act requires that new development be sited and designed in such a way as to protect views to and along the ocean and scenic coastal areas (Section 80251). The visually significant lands and primary public views in The Irvine Coast are depicted on Exhibit C and Appendix Item 8. The policies and land uses of The Irvine Coast LUP reviewed below, in association with the State Park purchase and private donations, address "visual quality" in a comprehensive manner and protect views of each of the major landforms depicted on Exhibit C. Additionally, the creation of the golf course greenbelt enhances the visual qualities of the frontal slopes of Pelican Hill by providing year -round greenery and by providing a scenic 1 -2.8 I& foreground for the viattor- serving areas. a. Views from PCH toward the Ocean: The original 1976 Irvine Coast LCP had proposed visitor - serving uses on the coastal shelf between PCH and the ocean. In order to accommodate the objectives of the California Department of Parks and Recreation (State Parks) and in response to community concerns, the pro- posed overnight accommodations were relocated inland to the Pelican Hill area (PA 1SA and PA 13B). As a conse- quence, Crystal Cove State Park now comprises the most extensive area of open coastal shelf, visible from PCH, between Newport Beach and Camp Pendleton. Additionally, The Irvine Company is funding and imple- menting a landscape program under State Parks' direction that will attempt to screen views of the State Park park - ing lots from PCH while still preserving views of the ocean and enhancing the major entries into Crystal Cove State Park at Pelican Point and Reef Point. This land- scaping program has been implemented in conjunction with the coastal permit for The Irvine Company's Irvine Cove Crest development. b. Views from the Moro Ridge Area of Crystal Cove State Park Following the State Parks' acquisition of the coastal shelf and Moro Canyon, The Irvine Company donated Moro Ridge to State Parks. This gift to the State of California preserved the dominant backdrop for inland views from PCH and the coastal shelf, and also provided a major public recreation use area. I -2.9 17 • IS In addition to the scenic benefits of protecting the ridge Itself. dramatic downcoast views from the ridge toward Laguna Beach will be protected by the Open Space Dedication Programs. As a result, the downcoast viewshed visible from Morro Ridge will be preserved and _ direct views of the ocean from the ridge will be unobstructed. c. Views Inland from PCH and the Coastal Shelf The golf courses on the frontal slopes of Pelican Hill will play a central role in scenic protection, creating a greenbelt which mirrors the open space area of the coastal shelf on the ocean side of PCH. They will preserve the character of the lower knolls on the frontal slopes, the most visible landform and dominant feature of the hillside from PCH and the coastal shelf. They will provide a greenbelt setting for the viattor- serving use while at the same time serving as a setback for tourist - commercial areas from PCH. Finally, the golf courses will open views of the inland ridge between Cameo Highlands _ and Pelican Hill Road, and enhance the sense of arrival at the coast when emerging onto the coastal shelf from Corona del Mar. Views of the frontal slopes of Wishbone Hill are respected by the low density residential development. d. Views from Pelican Hill Road Views from Pelican Hill Road vary dramatically as the roadway begins to descend from the ridge toward the coast. The Plan has been designed to emphasize selected views of Los Trancos Canyon; views of the ocean upcoast toward Newport Beach and framed by the golf courses; I -2.10 and the sense of arrival at the destination resort and at the coast immediately across Pacific Coast Highway. B. DEVELOPMENT POLICIES 0 1. Tourist Commercial a. Viettor- Serving Functions: Section 30222 of the Coastal Act requires that "the use of private lands suitable for vlaitor- serving commercial — recreational facilities designed to enhance public opportunities for coastal recreation shall have priority over private residential, general residential or general commercial development...." Section 30223 of the Coastal Act provides that "upland areas necessary to support coastal recreational uses shall be reserved for such uses, where feasible." The Irvine Coast Plan carries out these policies by providing major day -use and overnight facilities in close proximity to Crystal Cove State Park and, in particular, at locations in close proximity to the major beach areas. The Plan also provides tourist commercial areas which not only will fill a long -term need but will provide facilities that cannot be provided by the State Park. Due to exist - ing mobile homes and cottage leases in the Moro and Cry- - stal Cove areas, recreational facilities required to support park use will be severely limited until the leases are terminated. The proposed Irvine Coast visitor- serving facilities will fill this gap in services. By providing substantial day -use services (e.g., restaurants, food facilities, etc.) within walking distance of the beach, the need for construction of extensive support services on I -2.11 141 State Park land seaward of Pacific Coast Highway will be substantially reduced. This not only carries out Section 30223 of the Coastal Act but also furthers the goals of - Section 30221 by diminishing the need for construction of facilities in the viewshed from the highway toward the _ ocean. In this way, more of the coastal bluff park area • can be used for actual recreational use pursuant to Section 30221 of the Coastal Act. b. Location of Visitor- Serving Uses: The Coastal Act provides for locating visitor- serving facilities at "selected points of attraction for visitors" (Section 30250(c)). In addition to day-use needs, _ projections of commercial recreation needs indicate a significant demand for new overnight facilities (e.g., the figures cited in the Dana Point Specific Plan) which will be fulfilled by the provision of overnight accommodations. On the entire Orange County coastline, - only one other undeveloped area remains with the significant potential for accommodating visitor- serving _ uses (i.e., Dana Point Headlands). Thus, The Irvine Coast to 'one of the few remaining areas where commercial recreation can be provided, and is the only site with convenient pedestrian access to a State Park. e. A Destination Resort: In furtherance of Coasted Act Sections 30222, 30223, and 30250(c), The Irvine Coast LUP is structured to create the setting for a "destination resort ". Unlike an individual hotel or a lodge oriented to attract a particular type of clientele, a destination resort is designed to provide a broad range of accommodations and recreational facilities which combine to create a relatively self- contained, self- I -2.12 ,0o sufficient center for visitor activities. By providing on- site recreational facilities, the destination resort will attract longer term visitors, as well as those staying only a few days. As a consequence, accommodations may range _ from hotel rooms to "casitas" and other types of lodging • containing kitchen facilities and room combinations to serve guests staying for a variety of time periods. (Casitas are overnight lodgings consisting of multiple bedrooms that may be rented separately and which may connect with a central living area that may include cooking facilities.) Traditional hotels with guest rooms will combine with individual studio, one bedroom and multiple bedroom units to offer a spectrum of accom- modations to suit varying lengths of stay, family sizes, and personal preferences. Recreational amenities within the resort will include golf course(s), beach access, swimming pool(s), tennis courts, health spa(s), and other facilities. Commercial retail uses and a variety of restaurants will serve the needs of guests and day -use visitors and help create a setting and sense of place for an active resort community. Meeting rooms and conference space and facilities will be included to serve group activities. The destination resort planned for Pelican Hill has the potential for serving a much broader range of visitors _ than hotel developments recently completed in southern Orange County and in other coastal areas such as Long Beach. By providing facilities capable of serving families and other types of users who may wish to stay for several days or more, the destination resort will function in a manner comparable to major resorts in Hawaii, Colorado ski areas, Lake Tahoe, Silverado in the Napa Valley, and Sun River in Oregon. The inclusion of overnight I -2.13 _. .11 T accommodations which can provide multiple bedrooms and also contain kitchen facilities allows for family use in ways that are not generally accommodated in traditional hotels. Because food costs are a significant aspect of family travel costs, the ability to prepare meals within the accommodation and to provide facilities for children • creates a type of overnight facility used in other settings _ on the California Coast such as Monterey Dunes Colony In Monterey County, Pajaro Dunes in Santa Cruz County, and Sea Ranch in Sonoma County. Likewise, these types of accommodations can be more attractive to other long -term visitors than are traditional hotel rooms. Presently there is no true destination resort on the Orange County coast _ which complements the visitor attractions provided by local beaches and the communities of Laguna Beach and — Newport Beach in a manner comparable to Pebble Beach in Monterey. _ The Pelican Hill destination resort will provide a golf course "greenbelt ", vistas of the ocean, access to the beach, and a wide variety of accommodations, all of which combine to carry cut the strong Coastal Act policies of supporting visitor use of the coast. d. Enhancement of Inland ® e- The creation of a destination resort at Pelican Hill also serves as a means of enhancing inland views. The combi- nation of Planning Areas PA 13A, PA 13B, PA 13C, PA 13D, PA 13B, and PA 13F as an integral component of the golf course /visitor- serving complex provides the development basis for shifting residential areas off the Pelican Hill foreslopes onto the Pelican Hill ridgetop. Thus, the shift in land use from estate residential uses, contained in the 1981 Irvine Coast Land Use Plan, to a I -2.19 Fina destination resort makes It feasible to locate the golf course /greenbelt so that it enhances much of the inland coastal viewshed. e. Traffic Benefits Deriving Fig Visitor-Support Facilitiea: • The location of visitor - serving facilities in the Pelican Hill- and Sand Canyon areas will decrease traffic Impacts on local communities by providing convenient overnight facilities for users of Crystal Cove State Park. Park users would otherwise be forced to find accommodations in Laguna Beach or Newport Beach, thus driving through those communities on their way to and from the State Park. The provision of extensive day -use facilities will also diminish automobile traffic. movement by providing food and other services readily available to park users. By concentrating development at the Pelican Hill and Sand Canyon locations, the use of existing transit facilities operating between Laguna Beach and Newport Beach along Pacific Coast Highway will be encouraged and enhanced. - The destination resort concept further reduces traffic impacts by providing a wide range of on -site recreational amenities. Traffic generation figures obtained from comparable destination resorts and set forth in the "Irvine Coastal Area Traffic Study" (February, 1887; see Appendices 3 a 4) indicate a much lower trip generation profile than for individual hotels. Shuttle service provided as part of normal hotel operations will also help to decrease new trips between John Wayne Airport and the site. 2. Public Access In furtherance of Coastal Act Section 30223, over 1,155 acres In Buck Gully and Los Trancos and Muddy Canyons will be I -2.15 a3 L� .aY committed to public recreational use and habitat protection. Public trails will connect Buck Gully and Los Trancos and Muddy Canyons to the State Park beach access trails, thereby enhancing public access, consistent with Coastal Act Sections 30213 and 30214, previously provided through the sale of the _ coastal shelf lands to the State Department of Parks and Recreation. As a result, the public will be provided with a rich diversity of recreational experiences, ranging from the pristine, secluded canyon setting of Los Trancos, to a sense of arrival at the ocean. Public views of the ocean will be provided from a park on a high knoll in Los Trancos, a public vista turn -out off Pelican Hill Road, and from public trails. - Finally, the new trail system will provide significant up -coast and dawn -coast views as it links with the vista point on the new trail in front of Cameo del Mar. 3. Residential Uses Consistent with the requirements of Coastal Act Section 30250, residential areas have been located "contiguous with (and) in close proximity to, existing developed areas able to _ accommodate it .... °. Development has been clustered in the areas of The Irvine Coast in close proximity to existing residential areas and near existing employment centers. In furtherance of Coastal Act Section 30240(b), residential development has been clustered on the ridges away from sensitive habitat areas in the canyon bottoms. 4. Circulation The construction of the arterial, highway system will be phased in order to meet traffic demands generated by development of The Irvine Coast. In addition, roadway capacity beyond the needs attributable to development of The Irvine Coast will be provided and will enhance public access to coastal recreation I -2.16 areas while mitigating any off -site transportation impacts. Pelican Hill Road will provide access to the visitor - serving and public park facilities, and relieve congestion on Pacific Coast Highway and other coastal access routes located northerly and • southerly of The Irvine Coast. In a regional context, this road becomes a direct access route for inland -generated traffic to the recreation areas of The Irvine Coast. - By connecting the State Park entry at Pelican Point to the coastal hills, and joining MacArthur Boulevard south of the -- University of California at Irvine campus, it reduces the need to use Pacific Coast Highway as a distribution route for inland _ traffic that would otherwise come from MacArthur Boulevard and Laguna Canyon Road. In particular, Pelican Hill Road in effect increases PCH capacity through Corona del Mar by providing a direct link between down -coast residential areas and major inland destinations, including employment centers and - the UCI campus. _ Because recreational traffic and commuter traffic generally flow In opposite directions in the morning and evening (i.e., morning commuter traffic flows toward the inland employment centers, while morning recreational traffic flows toward the coast; with reversed flow patterns in the evening), Pelican HUI Road will - provide significant new recreational access capacity. _ In addition to its recreational access functions Pelican Hill Road will provide direct access from The Irvine Coast to the commercial centers of Orange County. It will have capacity well in excess of that required to accommodate the develop - ment of The Irvine Coast, and as a result will reduce traffic levels through Corona del Mar. Thus, the circulation improvements provided for in The Irvine I -2.17 P5- Coast LCP provide sufficient capacity to "accommodate needs generated by development ", consistent with the requirements of Coastal Act Section :0254, while at the same time enhancing public recreational access. Sand Canyon Avenue will provide additional recreational access capacity, and will be processed at the time adjoining development is undertaken. I -2.18 at CHAPTER 3 RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT POLICIES This Chapter sets forth policies for the conservation and management of resources within The Irvine Coast Planned Community. • Policies are organized In the following sequence: -- A phased dedication program for 2,666 acres of public "wilderness" open space and interim management policies during program Implementation; -- A dedication program for approximately 1,155 acres of public "special use" open space; -- Recreation /open space management policies for The Irvine Coast Wilderness Regional Park, as well as for other open space /passive recreation areas within the community; -- Policies related to the four different types of Environmental Sensitive Habitat Areas (ESHA's) within The Irvine Coast; -- Specific programs for the protection of cultural (archaeological and paleontological) resources; and -- Policies to protect resources from erosion, sedimentation, and runoff, and to guide grading and the treatment of the interface edge between development and open space, including fuel modification programs required for fire safety. I -3.1 a7 A. DEDICATION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES 1. WILDERNESS OPEN SPACE The landowner shall dedicate Planning Areas PA 16, PA 19, PA 21A, PA 21B, PA 21C, and PA 21D to the County of Orange as development of • residential and commercial areas occurs, in accordance with the following policies and procedures. a. Lands to be Dedicated The Dedication Area includes approximately 2,666 acres in _ Planning Areas PA 16, PA 19, PA 21A, PA 21B, PA 21C, and PA 21D. In order to facilitate resource management, public access and acceptance by the County of portions of the dedication in phases, the Dedication Area has been divided into four Management Units. County acceptance of Management Units will be in numerical sequ- ence as shown on Exhibit I. In order to accommodate open space management objectives and the topographic characteristics of the Dedication Area, the boundaries of the Management Units may be adjusted by agreement of the landowner, the County, and the Coastal Commission and shall be treated as a minor amendment to this Plan at the direction of the Executive Director of the Commission. b. Procedures for- 29EMgance of Title 1) Recordation of the Offer a) Timing of Recordation: Sixty -one days after I.CP certification and the approval of a development agreement or other mechanism by the County and the landowner, the landowner will record an Offer of Dedication for a term of thirty (30) years for the I -3.2 as WILDERNESS DEDICATIOO N AREA 0 The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program LEGEND ® MANAGEMENT UNIT AND SEQUENCE NUMBER I -3.3 aq Exhibit I • 50 entire 2,666 -acre Dedication Area. The term "or other mechanism" means that if County or landowner determines not to enter into a Development Agreement then an "other mechanism" providing equivalent assurances of certainty of development will be entered into between County and landowner as a condition precedent to the recording of the offer; upon entering into such an agreement, (i.e. "other mechanism ") County and landowner shall jointly publish a public notice that the sixty-one day time period for recording the offer has commenced. b) Effect of Legal Challenge: In the event of a legal challenge to the certification of the LCP and /or the validity of a development agreement or "other mechanism," the landowner shall record the offer only at such time as the earlier of either of the _ following occurs: (1) the landowner proceeds to commence development (as defined in the Coastal Act of 1976) in the plan area pursuant to a Coastal Development Permit or (2) the County succeeds in _ obtaining a final court ruling, not subject to further judicial review, affirming the validity of the approval challenged in the litigation, thereby enabling the landowner to proceed with development on the basis of the LCP as approved by the Coastal Commission. — c) Recorded Offer as Pre - Condition to Development: _ The County will not approve (i.e., provide final authorisation to proceed with development) any Coastal Development Permit in the plan area or subdivision map, except large lot subdivisions for financing purposes, prior to recordation of the offer. — However, any subdivision map approved "for financing purposes" only may not be recorded prior to _ I -3.4 recordation of the offer. 2) Timing of Acceptance of Dedication Offer: The Offer of Dedication will provide that the title for each Management Unit shall be automatically conveyed upon acceptance, as specified in Section "3)" below, as follows: a) Management Unit I may be accepted upon the Issuance of the first Coastal Development Permit providing for grading in any residential or commercial planning area (as identified in Exhibit E) other than for a Coastal Development Permit providing for the construction of Pelican Hill Road; and b) One remaining Management Unit may be accepted as follows for each of the development increments listed below: (1) Ninety days following issuance of building permits for a cumulative total of 1,000 primary residential dwelling units; (2) Ninety days following issuance of building permits for a cumulative total of 2,000 primary residential dwelling units; and (3) Ninety days following issuance of building permits for a cumulative total of 1,500 overnight accommodations (as defined In LUP Subsection 4 -A -1 -a and 4 -A -2 -a and in accordance with the intensity formula specified in LUP, Subsection 4 -A -1 -b 4) or cumulative total of 80 percent of the 2.66 million square feet of development allowed In PA 13, I -3.5 3� whichever first occurs, pursuant to LUP Chapter 4- A -1 -b. 3) Designated Offerees: At such time as any Management Unit may be accepted as provided in 2 a) or 2 b) above, the County of Orange will have three (3) years to accept the offer as to such Management Unit, after which the State of California either through the California Department of Parks and Recreation or the California Coastal Conservancy will have three (3) years to accept -. the Offer of Dedication. If the aforementioned public agencies have not accepted the Offer as to such _ Management Unit(s), the Trust for Public Land or the National Audubon Society will have one (1) year to accept the Offer of Dedication. If none of these public or non - profit entities has accepted said offer(s) within these timeframes, the landowner will regain full title and - unencumbered use of the offered land constituting the Management Unit(s). _ 4) Effects of Legal Action Preventing Development and Proportional Dedication a) Effects of Legal Action: Acceptance of the four - Management Units identified in the Offer of Dedication pursuant to Subsection 2) above, is - qualified by the requirement that the conveyance of title to the Management Unit(s) shall not occur if the landowner is prevented from vesting the right to develop the cumulative residential dwelling unit /overnight accommodation levels as specified in Subsection 2) for such Management Unit(s) by operation of Federal, State or local law, or by any - court decision rescinding, blocking or otherwise adversely affecting the landowner's governmental _ I -3.6 3Z 0 33 entitlement to develop said units. At any time that the landowner is subsequently entitled to proceed with development in the manner specified in the approved LCP, all dedication requirements and provisions shall be automatically reinstated provided that the term of the offer has not been exceeded. However,, if the landowner is prevented from proceeding with development (i.e., legally unable to undertake any development for the reasons identified above) for a period of ten (10) years, the Offer of Dedication shall automatically terminate and the right to develop shall likewise be suspended as provided in Subsection b -1 -c) above. b) Proportional Dedication: In the event of legal Impediments to development as discussed in Subsection a) above, if the landowner has not been able to undertake the aforementioned development for a period of ten (30) years, the County may only accept a proportional dedication in accordance with the following ratio: For each unit for which the landowner has received a certificate of occupancy, the County may accept dedications in ratios of .76 acre for each such residential unit, and .31 acre for each visitor accommodation unit or per each 1400 square feet Increment of the 2.66 million square feet intensity allowed in PA 13, whichever intensity level is achieved first. Dedication areas accepted pursuant to the above proportional dedication requirement shall be located In accordance with the Management Unit sequencing Identified on Exhibit I with the precise location of I -3.7 the acreage to be specified by the accepting public or non - profit entity. c) Management Unit I Reversion: In the event that the landowner is prevented, as specified above, from completing (i.e., receiving certificates of use and • occupancy) the first one thousand (1,000) primary residential dwelling units, title to any lands accepted by County in Management Unit I in excess of the Proportional Dedication ratio as applied to completed - units shall revert to the landowner within six months of the occurrence of the specified legal impediments _ to development. 5) Dedication Commitments - Effect of Landowner Delay in Development: a) Areas Graded but Not Completed: For any development area that has been graded and remained unimproved (i.e. without streets, infrastructure, and permanent drainage systems) for a period of five (5) years, County may accept a dedication area in accordance with the proportional dedication formula In Subsection "4)" above with the application of the formula based on the number of development units specified/ authorized in the Coastal Development Permit which served as the governmental authorization for the grading activity. This provision shall not apply where the delay in vesting development rights on the land area in question has occurred as a result of the operation of Federal, State or local law or by any court decision rescinding, blocking or otherwise adversely affecting the landowner's governmental entitlement to develop the specified units on said land area. I -3.3 34 b) Fifteen Year Deadline for Completing All Dedications: All dedication increments that have not been eligible - for acceptance pursuant to the provisions of Subsection 2) above, may be accepted fifteen (15) years after the recording of the Offer of Dedication. Provided however, that in the event the landowner is prevented from proceeding with development (i.e. unable to proceed voluntarily) by operation of Federal, State, or local law or by any court decision rescinding, blocking or otherwise adversely affecting the landowner's governmental entitlement to develop, the fifteen (15) year timeframe for completing all acceptance of dedication increments shall be extended by a time period equal to the amount of time the right to proceed with development has been suspended. In the event the landowner is prevented from completing development by operation of federal, State or local law, or by any court decision which limits the allowable number of building permits that may be approved or issued each year (or within a given time period), the fifteen year timeframe for completing all acceptances of dedication increments shall be extended by a time period equal to the amount of time necessary. for the landowner to obtain the maximum allowed building permits per year to complete the total development allowed by the certified LCP. 6) Acceptance of Dedication Increments: The acceptance of dedication increments shall be conditioned on a requirement that the dedication lands may be conveyed subsequent to the initial acceptance only to other government agencies and only for purposes consistent with land uses allowed in the certified LCP. I -3.9 35' 7) Dedication Area Access: Access to the Dedication Area prior to any acceptance shall be allowed for County, its employees, licensees, representatives and independent contractors acting within the scope of their employment by the County solely for the purposes of surveying, _ mapping and planning activities related to future County • management of the Dedication Area and shall be subject to landowner entry permit requirements regarding personal liability and personal security. S. Property Description: A detailed property description for each Management Unit shall be set forth in the Offer of Dedication. 2. SPECIAL USE OPEN SPACE The landowner shall dedicate Planning Areas PA IIA, PA 12A, and PA 12E to the County of Orange as development of abutting residential areas occurs. The landowner shall receive local park credit for not less than five (S) acres of special use open space dedication. Area(s) designated as special use park shall be made separate parcels suitable for transfer to any succeeding city or local park operating agency In accordance with the following policies and procedures. a. Prior to or concurrent with the recordation of the first final development map, other than a large -lot subdivision in PA 1A, PA 1B, or PA 2A, the landowner shall record an Offer of Dedication for PA 11A. b. Prior to or concurrent with the recordation of the first final development map, other than a large -lot subdivision in PA 1C, PA 213, PA 2C, PA S, PA 4A, or PA 3A, the landowner shall record an Offer of Dedication for PA 12A. I -3.10 36 C. Prior to or concurrent with the recordation of the first final development map, other than a large -lot subdivision in PA 3B, PA 4B, PA 5, or PA 6, the landowner shall record an Offer of Dedication for PA 12H. • d. The above offers shall be irrevocable continuing offers of dedication to the County of Orange or its designee for park purposes In a form approved by the Manager, BMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division, suitable for recording fee title. The offers shall be free and clear of money and all other encumbrances, liens, leases, fees, easements (recorded and unrecorded), assessments and unpaid taxes in a manner meeting the approval of the Manager, EMA Harbors, Beaches and Parks Program Planning Division. The offers shall be in a form that can be accepted for transfer of fee title at any time by the County. e. Notwithstanding the above procedures, offers of dedication may be made in a Parcel A and Parcel B sequence. Parcel A shall contain, to the greatest extent possible, the majority of the total area requirement and shall be offered for dedication at the time specified in Subsection a, b, and c above. The boundaries of Parcel A shall be determined through a review of the physical characteristics of the total planning area required for dedication. The boundaries of Parcel B shall be refined and offered for dedication upon the recordation of subsequent final maps for planning areas abutting the area to be dedicated. When appropriate, areas containing urban edge treatments, fuel modification areas, roads, manufactured slopes, and similar uses may be offered for dedication as scenic easements. 1 -3.11 37 E. INTERIM CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT POLICISS Most of the Conservation lands are currently under private owner- ship and will be transferred in increments to a public agency over time. Prior to transfer, the landowner will be responsible for maintenance and • management of these lands. The following policies provide an interim management program which will preserve natural resources for future public stewardship in an economically sound manner by maintaining the lands in their current con- dition. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Conservation category, the following policies shall apply to lands designated Conservation while they remain in private ownership. No new development will occur, except for Improvements to existing facilities, new fences, and fire, flood and erosion control facilities and as provided below: 1. The landowner may continue existing agriculture uses including cattle grazing and may construct and maintain any fencing, fire- breaks, fuel modification zones, water pipes, cattle- watering facilities, and access roads necessary for the continued use and protection of the property. 2. New fences will be designed so that wildlife, except large mammals such as deer, can pass through. 3. No alteration to existing stream courses or landforms in Emerald Canyon will occur except as necessary to provide fire protection. 4. No excavations of archaeological and paleontological sites will be permitted except as required by public safety and /or utilities fac ".sties and in accordance with the policies set forth In Sections G and H of this chapter. — 5. Landform alterations are allowed in the Conservation Area to the extent required to accommodate realignment, improvement, and /or I -3.12 V 0 widening of Laguna Canyon Road and associated improvements and shall conform with the requirements of LUP Section 1- 4 -E -20 for any such project. 8. No agricultural practice shall aggravate known or suspected land management problems such as the spread of non - native plants, soil erosion, or the deterioration of sensitive environmental habitats. 1 -3.13 89 C. RECREATION /OPEN SPACE MANAGEMENT POLICIES 1. Irvine Coast Wilderness Regional Park (PA 18, PA 19, PA 21A, PA 21B, PA 21C, and PA 21D) The Irvine Coast open space system will be preserved through • the Conservation and Recreation land use designations and Implementing policies. The intent of these land use categories Is consistent with the Orange County General Plan's "Recreation Element" (REC) which assigns wilderness regional park status to The Irvine Coast Wilderness Open Space dedication area. The Recreation Element defines "wilderness regional park" as: "A regional park in which the land retains its primeval character with minimal improvements and which is managed and protected to preserve natural processes. The park, (1) generally appears to have been affected primarily by forces of nature, with the imprint of man's work substantially unnoticeable; (2) has outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation; (3) is of sufficient size as to make practicable its preservation and use in an unimpaired condition; and (4) may also contain ecological, geological, or other features of scientific, educational, scenic or historical value." The Orange County General Plan's "Recreation Element" contains the resource management and development policy for such wilderness regional park facilities which is incorporated Into this Local Coastal Program. The policy (REC, p.4 -8) permits, (1) only restricted hardscape and domestication appropriate to provide access and enjoyment /observation of natural resources and processes, (2) interpretive programs, and — I -3.14 40 (3) park concessions. Park concessions within PA 18 and PA 19 will be limited to uses which support passive recreation activities such as riding, hiking, picnicking, and camping, and may be operated as a regional park concession by a limited commercial venture under contract to the public agency. Additional land use policies for subareas within the wilderness regional park are applicable to each specific planning area as follows: a. Planning Area PA 18 (Upper Emerald Canyon): 1) Principal permitted use includes riding and. hiking trails, picnicking, and passive recreation facilities such as viewpoints and rest stops. 2) Except for emergency and maintenance vehicles, vehicles will be prohibited in the canyon bottom. 3) where feasible, trails and roads will incorporate existing trails and roads. 4) No more than one (1) percent of the total land area will be developed with structures, pavement, or other impervious materials. 5) Stream courses in Emerald Canyon and significant riparian vegetation will be maintained or enhanced. b. Planning Area PA 19 (Upper Emerald Ridge): 1) Principal permitted use includes parking associated with park use, tent camping, stables, youth hostels, I -3.15 211 riding and hiking trails, and picnicking. 2) Where feasible, trails and roads will incorporate existing trails and roads. 3) Access roads will be limited to two lanes. • 4) No more than 10 percent of the total land area will be developed with structures, pavements, or other impervious materials. _ 5) Recreation improvements will allow wildlife movement across portions of Moro and Emerald Ridges. C. planning Alvas PA 21A, PA 21B, PA 21C, and PA 21D 1) Principal permitted use includes those uses which are of a passive recreational nature ( such as viewpoints) , of limited active recreational nature (such as riding and hiking trails), which are concerned with scien- tific study and interpretation, or involve public safety, facilities, and utilities. 2) Wildlife habitats will be preserved by controlling human access to Emerald and Moro Canyons. 3) Key areas of chaparral and coastal sage will be protected from human intrusion. 4) Stream courses in Emerald and Moro Canyons will be retained in a natural state or enhanced. 5) Significant riparian areas will be preserved as sources of shelter and water for wildlife. I -3.1.6 4z. 40 - 6) Improvements will be compatible with the natural environment and will not damage landforms, vegetation, or wildlife to any significant degree. 7) All archaeological sites and paleontological sites will be preserved except sites impacted by public safety and /or utilities facilities. S) Any buffer areas necessary for the protection of habitat are located within the Conservation category. _ 9) All existing trees will be preserved in Moro, Emerald, and Laguna Canyons except as required for new public trails, infrastructure, and /or roads. 10) Lands within 350 feet of Laguna Canyon Road and less than 30 percent slope may be used for trail heads, recreation staging areas, public utilities, - drainage, flood and erosion control facilities, and other similar public uses. Development of these areas for such uses shall not constitute a significant effect on landform, vegetation, or wildlife for purposes of Policy 2, 3, and /or 4 above. 11) Landform alterations are allowed in the Conservation Area to the extent required to accommodate realignment, improvement, and /or widening of Laguna Canyon Road and associated improvements and the requirements of LCP Subsection I- 4 -E -20 for any such project. 12) Access roads are permitted and will be limited to two lanes or a total of 20 feet in width. Where possible, trails and roads will use existing trails and roads (i.e., for park operations, maintenance, and I -3.17 Lf 3 IN emergency access vehicles). 2. Back (lolly. Los Trancos/ftddy Canyons, and Pelican /Wiabbone BM Areas - In addition to the Wilderness Open Space Dedication Area • (Irvine Coast Wilderness Regional Park), environmentally sensitive areas within the development zone, including Buck Gully, Los Trancos and Muddy Canyons, and portions of the Pelican and Wishbone Bill frontal areas will be preserved in ' open space, with opportunities for "special use" recreation within Planning Areas PA 11A, PA 12A, and PA 125. - a. Planning Areas PA 11A and PA 11B (Back lolly and the - frontal slopes of Pelican BM): 1) Principal permitted use includes passive parks, riding and hiking trails, bikeways, drainage control facilities, water and sewer facilities, access and - maintenance roads, and utilities. 2) Recreation lands in PA 11A shall be dedicated to, and owned and maintained by, the County of Orange or other designated public agency. Recreation lands in PA 11B may be owned and maintained by home - owner associations, adjoining property owners, special assessment districts, the County of Orange and /or other appropriate public agencies. _ 3) Residential lot lines from adjoining properties may - extend into PA 11B, but not into PA 11A. 4) Natural landforms will be retained by locating recreational facilities in the flatter portions of the canyon bottom, and so as not to interfere with I -3.13 yy natural stream courses or riparian vegetation. 5) A maximum of 2% of the total lands designated In PA 11A and PA 11B category may be developed with Impervious surfaces (i.e., trails, roads, recreation facilities, etc.). 6) Recreational facilities will be located on slopes generally less than 30 %. 7) Except for emergency and maintenance vehicles, vehicular access will be prohibited. 8) Archaeological and paleontological sites will be preserved except where necessary to provide public safety and /or utilities facilities. b. Planning Areas PA 12A. PA 12B, PA 12C, PA 12D, PA 12B - (Los Trencos /muddy Camiyons and the frontal slopes of Wishbone Hill): 1) Principal permitted use includes passive parka, riding and biking trails, bikeways, drainage control facilities, water and sewer facilities, access and maintenance roads, utilities, parking and staging areas. 2) Recreation lands in PA 12A and PA 12E shall be dedicated to, and owned and maintained by the County of Orange. Recreation lands in PA 12B, PA 12C, and PA 12D may be owned and maintained by momeowner associations, adjoining property owners, special assessment districts, the County of Orange and /or other appropriate public agencies. I -3.19 4S 3) A maximum of 1% of the total lands in PA 12A, PA 12B, PA 12C, PA 12D, and PA 12E may be developed with impervious surfaces (i.e., structures, roads, recreation facilities, etc.). 4) Recreational facilities will be located on slopes • generally less than 30 %. 5) Archaeological and paleontological sites will be pre- served except where necessary to provide public safety and /or utilities facilities. 6) Local roads and associated infrastructure connecting PA 3A, PA 3B, PA 4A, and PA 4B will be permitted through PA 12B and PA 12C. 7) Landform alterations are allowed in PA 12B, PA 12C, and PA 12D to the extent required to accommodate realignment and construction of local collector roads, _ San Joaquin Hills Road, and /or the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, as provided in a final Coastal Development Permit for any such road project. 8) Residential lot lines from adjoining properties may extend into PA 12B, PA 12C, and PA 12D, but not Into PA 12A or PA 12E. D. CATEGORY ®A° a %B' ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIOE HABITAT AREA POLICIES the following policies apply to Category A and B ESHA °s only, as delineated on Exhibit H. I -3.20 0 1. The natural drainage courses and natural springs will be preserved in their existing state. All development permitted in Category A and S ESHA's shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the edge of the riparian habitat except as provided for in the following subsections. If compliance with the • setback standards precludes proposed development which is found to be acted in the least environmentally damaging and feasible location, then the setback distance may be reduced accordingly. a. Where existing access roads and trails cross streams, where emergency roads are required by State or County fire officials, and /or where access roads are required to _ serve residential units in Muddy Canyon, the drainage course may be modified to allow the construction and maintenance of existing or new road or trail crossings. Such modification shall be the least physical alteration required to maintain an existing mad or to construct a new road or trail, and shall be undertaken, to. the extent feasible, in areas involving the least adverse impact to stream and riparian habitat values. b. Where drainage and erosion control and related facilities are needed for new development and /or to protect the drainage course, the drainage course may be modified to allow construction of such facilities. Modification shall be limited to the least physical alteration required to con - struct and maintain such facilities, and shall be under- taken, to the extent feasible, in areas involving the least adverse impact to the drainage course. Where feasible, drainage and erosion control and related facilities will be located outside the drainage course. C. Where the construction of Pelican Hill Road and Sand Canyon Avenue require filling or other modification of I -3.21 47 drainage courses substantially as shown in Exhibit L and N, drainage courses may be modified. d. Where the construction of local collectors connecting to Sand Canyon Avenue and /or San Joaquin Hills Road require filling or other modifications of drainage courses In PA 6, PA 12C, and /or the upper portion of PA 12A and • where the alignment is shown to be the least environ- mentally damaging feasible alternative, drainage courses may be modified. e. Where access roads and trails exist or where new emer- gency roads are required by State or County fire officials, vegetation may be removed in the maintenance or construction of such roads and trails. Any required vegetation removal will be minimized. f. To the extent necessary, existing riparian vegetation may be thinned or selectively removed when required for habitat enhancement and /or fire control. Existing vegetation which is not classified as riparian may also be removed. g. Where drainage and erosion control and related facilities are needed to implement the Master Drainage and Runoff Management Plan and related programs, vegetation may be removed in the construction and maintenance of such facilities. Vegetation removal will be limited to the least required to construct and maintain such facilities and shall be undertaken, to the extent feasible, in areas involving the least adverse impact to riparian vegetation. - I -3.22 qO Where feasible, drainage and erosion control and related facilities will be located outside areas containing riparian vegetation. 2. Where feasible, the separation of scrub and chaparral from ri- parian habitats will be avoided. Vegetation offering escape cower will be allowed adjacent to riparian areas wherever feasible. 3. Nothing in this section shall require the replacement or re- storation of natural features which are destroyed or modified by natural causes such as fire, flood, erosion, and drought. _ 4. Where golf cart and pedestrian path/bridge, and fairway tra- jectories for the golf course cross the USGS Drainage Course in PA 10B, vegetation may be selectively thinned, maintained, removed and/ or altered within areas of the setback to the extent necessary for golf course purposes. Any such vegetation removal or alteration will be minim12ed and mitigated by habitat enhancement measures in Los Trancos Canyon, and will be shown to be the least environmentally damaging feasible alteration. E. CATEGORY "C® ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE HABITAT AREA POLICIES The Category C ESHA, as delineated in Exhibit H, contains coastal - waters which have been designated a Marine Life Refuge and an Area of Special Biological Significance. The Category C ESHA area is encompassed within Crystal Cove State Park. The protection of water quality in marine resource areas is subject to the authority of the State Water Resources Control Board. Protection of water quality is provided by the LCP Runoff Policies and will be reviewed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board in I -3.23 401 conjunction with subsequent coastal development permits and related environmental impact reports (EIR's). A water quality monitoring program shall be submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board prior to initial implementing approvals for the golf course, for the purpose of monitoring runoff entering the ocean as well as the riparian corridors. Copies of the results of the monitor- ing program shall be forwarded to the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the County of Orange on a regular basis for their review to determine whether corrective action is required pursuant to the authority of said agencies. Use and application of chemicals on the golf course and other landscape areas shall be limited to those approved by State, County, and Federal agencies. The landowner shall be responsible for notifying tenants and /or prospective initial purchasers of this requirement. F. CATEGORY 'D" ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE HABITAT AREA POLICIES 1. PA 10A: All drainage courses will be modified. The Riparian Habitat Creation Program will mitigate any habitat values lost as a result of drainage course modification. 2. PA 1A, PA 1B, PA 1C, PA 2A, PA 2B, PA 2C, PA 3A, PA 3B, PA 4A, PA 4B, PA 6, PA 8, PA 9, PA 10A, PA 10B, PA 11A, PA 12A, PA 12B, PA 12C, PA 12D, PA 12E, PA 13A, PA 13B, PA 13C, PA 13D, PA 13E, PA 13F, PA 14, PA 16A, PA 16B, PA _ 20A, PA 20B, and PA 20C: Vegetation and drainage courses will be modified or eliminated by development. The Open Space Dedication Programs and Riparian Habitat Creation Program will mitigate any habitat values lost as a result of such drainage course modification or elimination. I -3.24 50 10 3. Construction of Pelican Hill Road, Sand Canyon Avenue, local collectors, and San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor will modify or eliminate vegetation and drainage courses. G. ARCHAEOLOGICAL POLICIES • 1. Arc cal Records Search and Prior to initial implementation level approvals (i.e., Coastal Development Permit, Tentative Tract, Site Plan, etc., with the exception of a large -lot subdivision for only financial /convey- ance purposes), a County certified archaeologist shall be retain- ed by the applicant to complete a literature and records search for recorded sites and previous surveys. In addition, a field survey shall be conducted by a County - certified archaeologist unless the entire proposed project site has been documented as previously surveyed in a manner which meets the approval of the Manager, County of Orange BMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division. A report of the literature and records search and the field survey shall be submitted to and approved by the Manager, County of Orange EMA- Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division. Mitigation measures may be required depending upon the recommendations of this report. 2. Archaeological Subsurface Test and Surface Collection Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a County - certified archaeologist shall be retained by the applicant to perform a subsurface test level investigation and surface collection as appropriate. The test level report evaluating the site shall Include discussion of significance (depth, nature, condition, and extent of the resources), final mitigation recommendations, and cost estimates. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit and based on the report recommendations and County policy, final I -3.25 51 mitigation shall be carried out based upon a determination as to the site's disposition by the Manager, County of Orange EMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division. Possible determinations Include, but are not limited to, preservation, salvage, partial salvage or no mitigation necessary. • 3. Archaeological 3 If salvage or partial salvage Is determined necessary by the Manager, County of Orange EMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division per subsection 2 above, prior to issuance of a grading permit, project applicant shall provide written evidence to the Chief, EMA- Regulation /Grading Section _ that a County - certified archaeologist has been retained to conduct salvage excavation of the archaeological resources In the permit area. A final report shall be submitted to and approved by the Manager, County of Orange EMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division prior to any grading in the archaeological site areas. 4. Archaeological Resource Surveillance If on -site resources surveillance is determined necessary during grading per subsection 2 above by the Manager, Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division, prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall provide written evidence to the Chief, EMA- Regulation /Grading Section that a County - certified archaeologist has been retained, shall be present at the pre - grading conference, shall establish procedures for archaeological resource surveillance, and shall establish, in cooperation with the project developer, procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit the sampling, identification, and evaluation of the artifacts as appropriate. If additional or unexpected archaeological features I -3.26 52 are discovered, the archaeologist shall report such findings to the project developer and to the Manager, County of Orange EMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division. If the archaeological resources are found to be significant, the archaeological observer shall determine appropriate actions, in cooperation with the project developer, for exploration and /or salvage. These actions, as well as final mitigation and disposition of the resources, shall be subject to the approval of the Manager, County, of Orange EMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division. Except as may be limited by a future Costal Development Permit, on -site resource surveillance shall be provided for development grading operations in Planning Areas PA 3A, PA 3B, PA 10A, PA 10B, PA 13A, PA 13B, PA 13C, PA 13D, PA 13E, PA 13F, and PA 14. H. PALEONTOLOGICAL POLICIES 1. Paleontological Records SearchjRg_SurveZ Prior to initial implementation level approvals (I.e., Coastal Development Permit, Tentative Tract, Site Plan, etc., with the exception of a large -lot subdivision map for financial convey- ance purposes), a County - certified paleontologist shall be re- tained by the applicant to complete literature and records search for recorded sites and previous surveys. In addition, a field survey shall be conducted by a County- certified paleonto- logist unless the entire proposed project site has been docu- mented as previously surveyed in a manner which meets the approval of the Manager, County of Orange EMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division. A report of the literature and records search and the field survey shall be submitted to and approved by the Manager, County of Orange EMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division. I -3.27 S3 Future mitigation shall depend upon the recommendations of this report. 3. Paleontological Pregrading Salvage • If pre - grading salvage is determined necessary per subsection 1 above by the Manager, County of Orange EMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parke /Program Planning Division, prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall provide written evidence to the Chief, EMA- Regulation /Grading Section that a County- certified paleontologist has been retained by the applicant to conduct preconstruction salvage of the exposed resources. The paleontologist shall submit a follow -up report on survey methodology and findings to the Manager, County of Orange EMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division for review and approval. 3. Pale2n4o1ogy Resource Surveillance If on -site resource surveillance is determined necessary per subsection 1 above by the Manager, County of Orange EMA- Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division, prior to issuance of a grading permit, the project applicant shall provide written evidence to the Chief, EMA- Regulationl Grading Section that a County - certified paleontologist has been retained to observe grading activities and salvage fossils as necessary. The paleontologist shall be present at the pre -grad- ing conference, shall establish procedures for paleontologist resource surveillance, and shall establish, in cooperation with the project developer, procedures for temporarily halting or re- directing work to permit sampling, identification, and evaluation of the fossils. If major paleontological resources are discov- ered, which require long -term halting or redirecting of grading, the paleontologist shall report such findings to the project developer and the Manager, County of Orange EMA - Harbors, I -3.28 5 tl Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division. The paleon- tologist shall determine appropriate actions, in cooperation with the project developer, which ensure proper exploration and /or salvage. These actions, as well as final mitigation and disposition of the resources shall be subject to approval by the • Manager, County of Orange LMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division. The paleontologist shall submit a follow -up report for approval by the Manager, County of Orange BMA - Harbors, Beaches and Parks /Program Planning Division, which shall include the period of inspection, an analysis of the fossils found, and present repository of the - fossils. Except as may be limited by a future Coastal Development Permit, on -site resource surveillance shall be provided for development grading operations in Planning Areas PA 3A, PA 3B, PA 10A, PA 10B, PA 13A, PA 13B, PA 13C, PA 13D, PA 13E, PA 13F, and PA 14. I. EROSION POLICIES The Erosion Policies which follow provide the framework for the preparation of a "Master Drainage and Runoff Management Plan ". This Plan shall be submitted to the County of Orange for review and approval concurrent with the first Coastal Development Permit application as required by LCP Subsection 11- 3 -B -11. 1. Post - development erosion rates shall approximate the natural or existing rate before development. 2. Areas of disturbed soil shall be reseeded and covered with vegetation; mulches may be used to cover ground areas temp- orarily; other mechanical or vegetative techniques to control erosion may be used where necessary. Native and /or approp- riate non - native plant material selected for vegetation shall be I -3.29 55" consistent with LCP Subsection I- 3 -L -6. 3. Erosion control devices shall be installed in coordination with clearing, grubbing, and grading of upstream construction; the Grading Plan shall describe the location and timing for the installation of such devices and shall describe the parties • responsible for repair and maintenance of such devices. 4. Erosion control measures for grading and construction done during the period from April 15 to October 15 will be Imple- mented by October 15 and maintained as necessary through. April 15. For grading and construction commencing in the period from October 15 to April 15, erosion control measures will be implemented in conjunction with the project in a manner consistent with the County of Orange Grading Code. Erosion control measures for areas not affected by grading and construction are not required. 5. Where new recreational trails are planned in open space areas, they will be located and constructed to minimize erosion. J. SEDIMENT POLICIES The Sediment Policies which follow provide the framework for the preparation of a "Master Drainage and Runoff Management Plan". This Plan shall be submitted to the County of Orange for review and approval concurrent with the first Coastal Development Permit application as required by LCP Subsection II- 3 -B -11. 1. Required sediment basins (e.g., debris basins, desilting basins, and /or silt traps) shall be installed in conjunction with the Initial grading operations and maintained through the develop- ment /construction process to remove sediment from runoff. 2. To prevent sedimentation of off -site areas, on -site vegetation - I -3.30 56 shall be maintained where feasible. Vegetation shall be re- planted from seed /hydroseed to help control sedimentation where necessary. Native and /or appropriate non - native plant material selected for vegetation shall be consistent with LCP Subsection I- 3 -L -6. 3. Temporary mechanical means of controlling sedimentation such as hay bales, earth berms and /or sand -bagging around the site, may be used as part of an overall Erosion Control Plan, subject to County approval. — 4. Sediment movement in the natural channels shall not be signifi- cantly changed in order to maintain stable channel sections and to maintain the present level of beach sand replenishment. 5. Sediment catch basins and other erosion control devices shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the County of Orange Grading Code. R. RUNOFF POLICIES The Runoff Policies which follow provide the framework for the preparation of a "Master Drainage and Runoff Management Plan ". This Plan shall be submitted to the County of Orange for review and approval concurrent with the first Coastal Development Permit application as required by LCP Subsection II- 3 -B -11. 1. Peak flood discharge rates of storm water flows in the major streams shall not exceed the peak rates of storm water runoff from the area in its natural or undeveloped state, unless it can be demonstrated that an increase in the discharge of no more than 10% of the natural peak rate will not significantly affect the natural erosion /beach sand replenishment process. 2. Drainage facilities shall be designed and constructed in accor- I -3.31 57 dance with the County of Orange Flood Control District Design Manual. S. Storm runoff water shall be directed to storm drains or suit- able water courses to prevent surface runoff from damaging faces of cut and fill slopes. 11 4. Adequate maintenance of retention basins shall be assured as a precondition to the issuance of grading permits. S. Natural drainageways will be rip- rapped or otherwise stabilized below drainage and culvert discharge points in accordance with County of Orange policies. 6. Runoff from development will be conveyed to a natural drain - ageway or drainage structure with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. L. GRADING POLICIRS 1. Prior to implementation level development approvals (i.e., tenta- tive tract, site plan, etc.), the applicant shall submit soils engineering and geologic (if appropriate due to slope condi- tions) studies as necessary to the Manager, County of Orange BMA Development Services Division (DSD). These reports will assess potential soil related constraints and hazards such as slope instability, settlement, liquefaction, or related secondary seismic impacts as determined appropriate by the DSD Manager. All reports shall recommend appropriate mitigation measures and be completed in the manner specified in the County of Orange Grading Manual and State /County Subdivision Ordinance. Pursuant to the Orange County Grading Code, the permit applicant shall provide a schedule slowing when each stage and element of the project will be completed, including estimated starting and completion dates, hours of operation, _. I -3.32 days of week of operation, and the total area of soil surface to be disturbed during each stage of construction. 2. Grading allowed between October 15 and April 15 shall be sub - ject to the Erosion, Sediment, Runoff, and Grading Policies herein and the provisions of the County of Orange Grading `• Code. 3. Temporary stabilization techniques may be used on areas which will be redisturbed during future construction. Permanent stabilization techniques must be used in all other areas. 4. Disposal of earthen materials removed during any development operations shall be as follows: a. Top soil for later use in revegetation shall be stockpiled on the site in previously designated areas approved by the permit - issuing authority. Runoff from the stockpiled area shall be controlled to prevent erosion. b. Other earthen material shall be disposed at locations approved by the permit issuing authority. C. Except for necessary drainage improvements and /or ero- sion control modifications, no materials shall be placed within the 100 year flood -plain of coastal waters and /or streams. 5. Where construction activities - during the rainy season would involve substantial foot or vehicle traffic, or stockpiling of materials in a manner that would prevent establishment of tem- porr y vegetation, alternative temporary stabilization methods _. shall be used. 6. All cast and fill slopes in a completed development involving 1 -3.33 51 grading shall be stabilized through planting of native annual grasses and shrubs, or appropriate non- native plants valuable for erosion protection. All cut and fill slopes shall be planted under the direction of a licensed landscape architect, sufficient to provide a mixture of deep rooted permanent plants and nursery crops valuable for temporary stabilization. 0 7. Removal of natural vegetation will be limited to graded areas, access /haul roads, and areas required for fuel modification. Construction equipment shall be limited to the approved area to be disturbed except for approved haul roads. 8. All residential Planning Areas: The visual effect of grading required for housing will be minimized and /or mitigated by contouring as follows: a. A smooth and gradual transition between graded and natural slopes will be maintained. b. A variety of different slopes will be used to reflect a _ natural appearance. 9. In PA 3A and PA 3B, houses adjacent to Pacific Coast Highway will be separated from Pacific Coast Highway by a change in grade. 10. In PA 9, cuts and fills will be balanced on -site. 11. In PA 10A and PA lOB, the visual effect of grading will be minimized and /or mitigated by contouring as follows: a. For final slopes, the angle of the graded slope shall be gradually adjusted to the angle of the natural terrain. I -3.34 60 b. For final slopes, sharp, angular forms shall be rounded and smoothed to blend with the natural terrain. 12. Grading shall be allowed in those portions of PA 5, PA 6, PA 12A, PA 12B, PA 12C, PA 12D, and PA 17 adjacent to Sand Canyon Avenue to the extent required to accommodate alignments, connects, and /or improvements of San Joaquin Hills Road and /or San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor as provided in a Coastal Development Permit for any such road project. 13. All grading will conform to the County of Orange Grading Ordinance. M. DEVELOPMENT /OPEN SPACE EDGES POLICIES The edge conditions throughout The Irvine Coast vary greatly and the lines shown on the Land Use Map show approximate development /open space boundaries which will be more precisely located with subdivision map submittals. Along appropriate edges of PA 11A, PA 12A, PA 17, and PA 21B, one or more of the following or other treatments will be used to protect open space and habitat values from development, protect public views, and /or provide fire safety. 1. Landscape screening (including low walls, shrubs, and /or trees) - and topographic screening (including berms and contour grad- ing) will soften development edges visible from public areas. 2. In PA 3A and PA 3B, to soften development edges, a portion of the exposed wall and roof visible from Pacific Coast Highway area of each house will be screened with vegetation, while maintaining views from each site. Ancillary buildings, tennis courts, and swimming pools will be screened. In PA 3A and 1 -3.35 6 i PA 3B, the building setback from Pacific Coast Highway will be 100 feet for landscaping and buffering purposes. 3. In PA 6, where dwelling units are proposed on ridgellnes and within 200 feet of the boundary of public recreation lands, set- backs, landscape screening, and topographic screening will be used to soften the visual impact of development as viewed from public lands. 4. {there development adjoins coastal scrub and chaparral in dense stands, an "ecotone" area will be created by thinning out woody plants in the buffer zone. Within the "ecotone" area grasses will be introduced or allowed to invade the open spaces. Such an "ecotone" will enhance and protect wildlife _ and reduce fuel for fires, and will utilize either native California or non - invasive non - native plants. The establishment and maintenance of the "ecotone" area shall conform to the requirements of the County of Orange Fire Marshall. S. Fuel modification, including selective thinning of natural vegetation, clearing and revegetation, introduction of fire _ resistant vegetation, installation of irrigation, may be required In order to ensure an appropriate transition from the natural area to urban development. o Reasonable efforts will be made in the siting of structures and selection of construction materials to minimize the need for fuel modification., - • Where feasible and consistent with habitat management objectives, fuel modification will be located toward the development side of the edge. • Grading or discing for fuel modification shall not be permitted. 1 -3.36 rem 6. A program of fuel modification zones and /or firebreaks shall be formulated as required. The width and type of the fuel modifi- cation zone will be determined by the siting of structures, access of firefighters, density of vegetation, terrain, direction of prevailing breezes, etc. • 7. Appropriate fire protection for structures in high fire - potential areas in The Irvine Coast Planned Community shall be provided by using fire - resistant building materials and adequate setbacks when required on natural slopes. The County- adopted "Fire Prevention Planning Task Force Report" shall be used as the - basis for fire- prevention, subject to the following standards and fuel modification descriptions: a. Fire hazard potentials shall be determined for projects proposed within the hillside areas by a landscape architect. Factors such as types and moisture content of existing vegetation, prevailing winds, and topography shall be used to determine areas of fire hazard potential. Areas shall be ranked and mapped to identify fire prevention treatments and fuel modification zones. (For example, low fire hazard areas are located where existing vegetation has a year - around high moisture content and the topography is relatively flat. Steep narrow canyons have a much higher fire hazard potential because heat and winds concentrate to drive the fire upwards much like a chimney.) b. A combination of techniques, including required building materials such as tile roof treatments, setback restrictions for combustible construction, irrigated buffer zones, and graduated fuel modification zones which entail selective removal of a percentage of the vegetative fuels, shall be used to lessen fire hazards. The minimum amount of native vegetation shall be selectively thinned to control I -3.37 63 the heat and intensity of wfldland fires as they approach a residential area while preserving to the maximum extent feasible the quality of the natural areas surrounding the site. • C. A Fuel Modification Plan shall be required and approved by the Director of Planning /EMA prior to obtaining any building or grading permits. The Plan shall identify appropriate setbacks and widths of fael modification, amounts and types of vegetation to be removed and retained, and specify proposed irrigation methods to reduce the risk of fire in hillside areas. The Plan shall be approved by the Orange County Fire Department prior to submittal to the Director of Planning /EMA. d. Fuel Modification Plans shall be prepared as a condition of development to protect as much of the existing native vegetation as possible while providing adequate protection for residential structures from fire hazards. In no event shall thinning of more then 30% of native vegetation extend beyond 170 feet from the outward edge of residen- _ Hal structures (or 150 feet from the 20 -foot backyard setback) in the extreme fire hazard potential areas. Fuel modification shall not occur beyond 250 feet from the 20- foot backyard setback in the extremely hazardous zones. Fuel modification in low fire hazard potential areas shall not extend more than 175 feet. Minimal irrigation during dry periods and fire represent sprinklers for native vegetation are preferred methods to reduce the width or area of fuel modification The intent of the Fuel Modification Plan is not to create a static 250 -foot wide band surrounding development, but rather an undulating width that reflects topography and - I -3.30 6°1 fire hazards potential. The band shall be as narrow as possible to protect proposed structures, but in no event wider than 250 feet in extreme hazardous areas. e. No combustible structures including, but not limited to, • houses, wood decks, sheds, gazebos, and wood fences shall be located within a 20 -foot backyard setback as measured from the outward property line. Irrigation systems must be installed and operated within this setback to ensure a reasonable moisture content in planted areas. f. Annual maintenance shall be addressed in the Fuel Modifi- cation Plan approved as part of the Coastal Development Permit Procedure specified in LCP Chapter II -10. A public hearing shall be required to assure compliance with fuel modification standards and guarantee that the least amount and correct species of vegetation are thinned in accordance with the approved Fuel Modification Plan. Fuel Modification Plans proposing vegetation alterations within the PC (CD) District Appeals Jurisdiction may be subject to appeal review by the California Coastal Com- mission as provided for in the PC (CD) District Regulations. g. As a condition of Final Tract Map approval, project developers shall record deed restrictions that acknowledge the fire hazard potential and assign responsibility for maintenance of fuel modification zones and programs. h. Access roads, trails, or fire roads may be located within fuel modification areas to reduce alteration of native vegetation. 1. The risk of fire adjacent to PA 9, the golf course, and other lower /landscape areas is substantially less than that I -3.39 0- • 6C. at the tope and upper slopes of ridges. Therefore, a limit for fuel modification in this area shall be 150 feet from any habitable structure. In no event shall grading occur In the Conservation Planning Areas, and any vegetative thinning and /or replanting shall be limited to within 150 feet of the structure. Likewise, this is the maximum distance for fuel modification and flexibility for narrower widths is appropriate. B. Where native specimen vegetation is retained within fuel modification areas, these areas shall be properly maintained to minimize fire risk. 9. Fuel breaks necessary for the protection of life and property as determined by the County Fire Marshall shall be provided for development areas. Fuel modification shall be limited to zones established adjacent to proposed development. Graduated clearing and trimming shall be utilized within these zones to provide a transition between undisturbed wildland areas and the development edge. Clearing or removal of native vegetation for fuel modification purposes shall be minimized by placement of _ roads, trails, and other such man -made features between the development and wildland areas. To minimize fuel modification area, other techniques (such as perimeter roads, design techniques, elimination of wood balconies and decks, fire retardant siding and the roofs) shall be incorporated In the — design and development of projects. 10. Adequate roads, water sources, and needed fire protection services shall be provided concurrent with development, located within or immediately adjacent to the developed area. I -3.40 CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPMENT POLICIES A. TOURIST COMMERCIAL POLICIES 1. Pelican Bill Destination Resort (PA 13A, PA 13B, PA 13C, PA • 13D, PA 132, and PA 13F) a. Principal permitted use for Coastal Act purposes includes overnight accommodations (such as hotel and motel rooms, castles, resort and time -share condominiums), and uses ancillary to and directly supportive of overnight accommodations, including retail commercial, service commercial, conference and meeting facilities ancillary to the accommodations, recreation and health facilities, golf courses, parking facilities in surface and /or subterranean _. structures, and other support facilities normally associated with resort hotels such as food preparation, housekeeping, maintenance, and manager's areas. b. Principal permitted uses and accessory uses, including accommodations, resort facilities, and the golf course clubhouse but excepting parking facilities and day -use commercial facilities specified in (c) below, shall be allowed up to a total of 2.66 million square feet. Within this total area, the following intensity of use criteria shall apply: 1) No one of the Planning Areas PA 13A, PA 13B, PA 13C, PA 13D, PA 13E, or PA 13F shall contain more than 60,000 square feet of single, continuous primary ballroom /exhibition apace. ('Single, continuous primary ballroom /exhibition space" denotes one large- scale meeting /convention area and does not include the square footage of conference facilities with I -4.1 67 smaller individual meeting rooms). 2) In these six Planning Areas, the total square footage of conference and meeting space, including primary ballroom /exhibition space and individual meeting • rooms, shall not exceed 140,000 square feet. 3) A total of 1,900 overnight accommodations are allowed . 4) Not more than 400 overnight accommodations may be Individually-owned. 5) Casitas (multiple bedroom, low -rise accommodations) _ owned and operated by hotels shall be counted as follows with respect to the maximum 1,900 permitted overnight visitor accommodations: a) Casitas with one or two bedrooms shall be considered one (1) overnight accommodation; and -- b) Casitas with 3 or more bedrooms shall be considered two (2) overnight accommodations. c. Day -use retail commercial facilities, in addition to those Included within hotels and other accommodations areas, are allowed, and will not exceed a total of 75,000 square feet of floor area. d. The architectural character of the resort area will be derived from Mediterranean hillside communities. Multi- storied structures will be varied in vertical and horizontal dimensions to reflect the hillside terrain. The building heights, setbacks, and site coverages forth below and I -4.2 6F on Exhibit J have been designed specifically to create this Mediterranean character. The combination of building height limits, site coverage limits, and building setbacks will create a terraced effect • by placing lower structures in front of higher structures, and will break up building masses by controlling the number and location of taller structures. 1) Maximum building heights are designated by Individual height zones on Exhibit J. 2) The following maximum building coverages are expressed as a percentage of each planning area's total gross acreage: a) The maximum building coverage (excluding parking structures) within each planning area: PA 13A: Overall coverage = 40% maximum PA 13B: Overall coverage = 28% maximum - PA 13C: Overall coverage = 25% maximum - PA 131): Overall coverage = 20% maximum - PA 13E: Overall coverage = 50% maximum - PA 13F: Overall coverage = 50% maximum b) The distribution of maximum building coverage by various height categories, for any structure or portion thereof, within the six planning areas is as follows: - PA 13A:The 40% maximum is distributed as follows: Structures up to 50 ft. in height = 22% maximum; I -4.3 69 • [PELOCAH HULL RESO 7 HEBOH4 MOO H O The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program - I -4.4 70 Exhibit J • '7 1 Structures up to 65 ft. in height = 10% maximum; Structures up to 85 ft. In height = 6% maximum; and Structures up to 105 ft. In height = 2% maximum. -PA 13B: The 28% maximum is distributed as follows: Structures up to 50 ft. in height = 20 %; and Structures up to 65 ft. in height = 8 %. -PA 13C: The 25% maximum is distributed as follows: Structures up to 40 ft. in height = 7% maximum; Structures up to 60 ft. in height = 10% maximum; and Structures up to 80 ft. in height = 8% maximum. -PA 13D: The 20% maximum is distributed as follows: Structures up to 40 ft. in height = 2% maximum; Structures up to 60 ft. In height = 10% maximum; and Structures up to 80 ft. In height = 8% maximum. -PA DE: The 50% maximum shall all be in structures up to 35 ft. in height (I.e., no further distribution by I -4.5 • 77- height) . -PA 13F: The 50% maximum shall all be in structures up to 35 ft. in height (i.e., no further distribution by height). 3) Minimum building setbacks from Pacific Coast Highway: PA 13A: All structures will be a minimum of 300 feet from PCH. Structures in excess of 30 feet in height and up to 85 feet in height will be a minimum of 350 feet from PCH. Structures in excess of 85 feet in height will be a minimum of 550 feet from PCH. PA 13B: Structures in excess of 50 feet in height will be a minimum of 1,350 feet from PCH. PA 13C/ Structures in excess of 40 feet in height PA 13F: will be a minimum of 1,600 feet from PCH. PA 13D/ Structures in excess of 40 feet in height PA 13E: will be a minimum of 2,800 feet from PCH. 4) Terracing Criteria: a) Planning Area PA 13A: Consistent with Exhibit J and the overall site design ultimately required for a Coastal Development Permit application, lower structures shall be located in front of higher structures so I -4.6 as to present an architectural terracing effect as structures step back from Pacific Coast Highway. b) Planning Area PA 13B: • Consistent with Exhibit J and the overall site design ultimately required for a Coastal Development Permit application, lower structures shall be located in front of higher structures so as to present an architectural terracing effect as structures step back from Pacific Coast Highway. 5) Landscape Screening: Landscape screening in the form of earth berms, edge planting along Pacific Coast Highway, golf course landscaping, and hotel landscaping will all combine to act as screening to soften building massing as viewed from Pacific Coast Highway. e. Access will be from Pelican Hills Road via a network of local roadways. f. Minimum landscaping for each site shall be 15% of the net area of the site. g. Minimum building setback from Pelican Hill Road will be 50 feet. Minimum setback for surface parking from Pelican Hill Road will be 10 feet. h. Grading of the Tourist Commercial sites will create a smooth and gradual transition between new and existing grades. 1 -4.7 73 1. Grading of Tourist Commercial aites may be done concurrently with grading for the golf course to balance cut and fill within the resort area and to reduce the total amount of time during which major grading operations will need to be conducted. — • j. The landscape treatment will reinforce the architectural elements of the Tourist Commercial sites within the natural and cultivated landscape of the golf course. k. A shuttle service for visitors will connect the visitor - serving areas with each other and with the John Wayne Airport. 2. Ekddy Canyon (PA 14) a. Principal permitted use includes overnight accommodations such as a hotel or motel, and uses ancillary to and directly supportive of overnight accommodations, including rooms, retail commercial, and service commercial uses, and Incidental and other support facilities normally associated with resort hotels such as food preparation, housekeeping, maintenance, and manager's areas. _ b. Incidental and accessory commercial development shall in- clude only uses supporting and directly relating to the adjacent park, overnight accommodations, and recreational visitor activities. c. Maximum number of overnight accommodations (Le., hotel or motel guest rooms) shall be 250. d. Principal permitted uses and accessory uses, including overnight accommodations and all directly supporting commercial facilities but excluding parking facilities and I -4.8 7q the day -use commercial described in (e) below, shall not exceed a total of 300,000 square feet. Within this total area, Planning Area PA 14 shall not contain more than 18,750 square feet of meeting space. • e. Day -use retail commercial facilities, in addition to those _ included within hotels and other accommodations areas, are allowed and shall not exceed 25,000 square feet of floor area. f. Maximum height of structures shall be 35 feet, except towers, gables, spires, flag poles, chimneys, mechanical equipment, and architectural features will have a maximum height of 47 feet. g. Maximum building site coverage (excluding parking structures) shall be 45% . h. Minimum site landscaping shall be 15% of the net area of the site. To minimize to the extent practicable any views of the hotel parking areas from inland portions of Crystal Cove State Park, landscape screening shall be provided parallel to the perimeter of parking areas in Planning Area PA 14 which border Muddy Canyon. 1. Minimum building setbacks (surface parking to permitted in setback area): 1) From PCH = 100 feet; 2) From internal access roadways = 20 feet; and 3) From exterior property lines = 10 feet. 3. Laguna Canyon (PA 16A and PA 16B) a. Principal permitted use includes retail commercial, service I -4.9 7S commercial, commercial recreation, and incidental and ac- cessory uses supportive of and directly related to permitted uses. b. Principal permitted uses and accessory uses shall not • exceed a total of 75,000 square feet of floor area directly related to and /or supportive of the nearby park and /or recreational visitor activities. C. Access to the tourist commercial facilities will be directly from Laguna Canyon Road. d. The maximum height of facilities will be one -story and thirty -five (35) feet. e. Vegetation and drainage courses in Category D ESHA`s will be altered or eliminated. f. Maximum building site coverage (excluding parking structures) shall be 45 %. g. Minimum setbacks: 1) Building from Laguna Canyon Road = 50 feet minimum; and 2) Surface parking from Laguna Canyon Road = 10 feet minimum. h. In the event that the entire development entitlement (i.e., 75,000 sq. ft.) in this LCP for PA 16A and PA 16B is transferred to either PA 20A or an alternate site within the City of Laguna Beach and all necessary permits are obtained to allow such transferred development to be constructed, then the landowner shall thereupon execute and record an offer to dedicate PA 16A and PA 16B. Such offer shall be subject to immediate acceptance by I -4.10 76 the County of Orange for a period of three (3) years. In the event that the County does not accept the offer during that time period, said offer shall be available for acceptance by the City of Laguna Beach for a period of three (3) years thereafter . B. GOLF COURSE POLICIES 1. Planning Areas PA 10A and PA 10B will contain golf courses that will serve both visitors and residents. At least 50 percent of all golf course play will be reserved for visitors, including guests staying in on -site accommodations. To the extent that golf course, tennis court, and other recreational facility usage is not required to serve the recreational needs of visitors to uses located in Planning Areas PA 13A through PA 13P and PA 14, golf course, tennis court, and other play shall be made available to the public on an advance reservation basis. In order to minimise conflicts and allow efficient scheduling, a visitor play area may be separate from a resident play area. 2. Principal permitted use includes golf courses, lakes, ponds, and associated drainage facilities, driving ranges, clubhouses, tennis courts, athletic clubs, and incidental and accessory commercial and non - commercial recreation facilities. Except for the golf course play area, driving range, and putting greens, all golf course related uses shall be included within the total square footage allowed for PA 13 uses. 3. Collector roads to serve visitor accommodations and other land uses will be located in PA 10A. 4. Golf courses will be subject to a permanent open space easement upon completion. 5. As part of the review and approval of a coastal development I -4.11 77 permit for the golf course in PA 10A and PA 10B, a "Riparian Habitat Creation Program" (RHCP) will be submitted in accordance with the following criteria and the standards set forth in LCP Subsection II- 6 -B -8: a. Drainage profiles will be re- constituted and new riparian habitat will be established in selected drainage courses In PA 10A and /or PA 11B totaling approximately 4,000 lineal feet and utilising one or more of the following enhance- ment concepts (see Pelican Hill Drainage Habitats, Larry Seeman Associates, September 1986, provided in the Ap- pendix to this LCP, for further definition of enhancement concepts): 1) Sycamore planting; 2) Willow planting; S) Willow /mulefat establishment; 4) Elderberry riparian establishment; 5) Grade control; 6) Pocket riparian establishment; 7) Arroyo enhancement /establishment; and _ 8) Pond establishment. b. The Riparian Habitat Creation Program will ensure that runoff from the golf course and the water features of the golf courses will be used as sources of year -round water supply for the support of riparian vegetation enhancement In drainage courses identified in PA 10A and PA 11B, and that any water supply required to supplement these sources for nourishment of riparian vegetation shall be provided. C. The Riparian Habitat Creation Program will specify an Implementation schedule phased with the construction of the golf course. - I -4.12 M d. The Riparian Habitat Creation Program will specify a minimum width of 15 feet on both sides of the drainage course. Therefore, the minimum width of the drainage course will be 30 feet. e. The riparian drainage course shall include an understory • similar to that found in Buck Gully and Los Trancos Canyon. Existing non - native plants shall be carefully removed only as necessary, to retain the integrity of the riparian corridor. f. Water quality in the riparian drainage course shall be monitored. The monitoring program shall be submitted prior to coastal development permit approval for the golf course. C. RECREATION /PUBLIC ACCESS POLICIES Land use policies concerning recreation and public access are applicable to specified planning areas only. Planning Area PA 17 contains 2,807 -acre Crystal Cove State Park. A Public Works Plan has already been certified by the Coastal Commission for this planning area obviating the need to include separate policies in this LUP. Planning Areas PA 18, PA 19, PA 21A, PA 21B, PA 21C, and PA 21D accommodate the County's Irvine Coast Wilderness Regional Park as described in LUP Chapter 3. Recreation Planning Areas PA 11A, PA 11B, PA 12A, PA 12B, PA 12C, PA 12D, and PA 12E adjoin residential land use areas and preserve archaeological /paleontological sites and Identified ESHA's in Buck Gully, Los Trancos /Muddy Canyons, and the frontal slopes of Pelican and Wishbone Hills. Policies for these Planning Areas are also described in LUP Chapter 3. I -4.13 77 Recreation Planning Areas PA 20A, PA 20H, and PA 20C are adjacent to Laguna Canyon Road: 1. Laguna Canyon (PA 20A and PA 2011): • a. Principal permitted use includes parking facilities, educational and cultural facilities, recreation support facilities, flood control and drainage facilities, and public utilities. USGS Drainage Courses will be filled in these sites. These two small parcels are adjacent to Laguna Canyon Road. b. Access will be provided directly from Laguna . Canyon Road. 2. Laurel Canyon (PA 20C): Principal permitted use includes educational and cultural facilities, parking facilities, recreation support facilities, commercial facilities, cattle grazing, and other agricultural uses. Natural drainage courses as designated by a dash and _ three dot symbol shown on the USGS map will be tilled. Although PA 20C is within the Coastal Zone, this parcel is part of the flat canyon floor of Laurel Canyon which extends outside the zone. D. RESIDENTIAL POLICIES 1. General Residential a. All of the residential categories are described in terms of character, dwelling units, and density per gross residential acre. b. Residential categories may include public and private facilities compatible with the residential uses, such as 1 -4.14 FAM schools, libraries, post offices, museums, art galleries, parks, recreation facilities, and neighborhood commercial uses. C. Neighborhood commercial facilities within specified • residential planning areas will be permitted up to a maximum of 10 acres, and -a maximum of 15,000 square feet per acre. d. Prior to, or concurrent with, the recordation of final subdivision maps, designated open space areas within the subdivision will be subject to easements, dedications, CC3R's, or other mechanisms to ensure permanent open space use. 2. Frontal Slopes of Wishbone Bill (PA 3A and PA 3B) a. In order to protect visual resources of the frontal slopes, residential development will be limited to a maximum of 85 single - family dwelling units. - b. Lot sizes will be a minimum average of 40,000 square feet. 3. Cameo Dal Mar (PA 9) a. Primary structures within Cameo Del Mar will be designed and supported so that the stability of such structures will not be affected by bluff erosion, assuming no shoreline protection, for a minimum of 50 years. Setbacks, deep foundation support, and /or other methods may be used subject to a geologic report and County approval. b. Oceanfront setbacks will be subject to an open space easement as a condition of development approval. C. Grading, as it may be required to establish proper drain- 1 -4.15 81 age, install landscaping, construct trails and related Improvements, protect adjacent development, repair bluff slopes, and improve bluff stability, may be permitted within the setback. • d. Cameo Del Mar will provide for a bluff top trail con- necting Crystal Cove State Park, where topographic and geologic conditions permit. e. A smooth and gradual transition between graded and existing slopes will be maintained. f. The golf course in PA 10A and PA 10B north of Pacific Coast Highway may be extended into PA 9 subject to the _ Golf Course Policies contained in the preceding LUP Section I -4 -B. Golf course usage may include related clubhouse and /or incidental and accessory golf course uses which shall be limited to a maximum of 10,000 square feet. Such golf course - related uses shall be included within the total square footage allowed for PA 13 uses, as provided for in Subsection A -1 -b of this Chapter. If the golf course is extended into PA 9, the clustering of residential development shall concurrently be permitted in PA 9. Clustered residential use may include residential planned developments, condominiums, and stock cooperatives, subject to the Residential Policies conformed in this Section, and a maximum building height of twenty - eight (28) feet. 4. Muddy Canyon (PA 6) a. In order to protect the visual and habitat resources of Muddy Canyon, residential development will be limited to - a maximum of 75 single - family dwelling units and shall require a,public hearing before the Planning Commission. — I -4.16 Eva b. Lot size will be a minimum average of 30,000 square feet. C. Access will be from Sand Canyon Avenue directly or from a network of local roadways. • d. Any necessary buffer or transition zones between PA 6 and PA 17 (i.e., Crystal Cove State Park) will be located within PA 17 in accordance with established easements. e. In order to maximize visual protection for public lands, structural height reductions may be required in combination with the utilization of landscaping (including nature vegetation), natural landforms, berming, and setbacks in siting new development (including fencing) along the north and west side of Moro Canyon in order to maintain the existing undeveloped visual qualities as viewed from the potential Moro Canyon Trail shown on Exhibit K. Night lighting shall be directed away from Crystal Cove State Park. The blending of slopes and use of variable slopes will be employed where feasible to restore the natural appearance to the transition between the open space and graded areas. I -4.17 e3 • BUILDING SETBACK - OCCASIONAL VARIABLE HEIGHT BERMS OR LANDSCAPE CLUS fERS PLANNING AREA 6 DEVELOPMENT EDG 73 TENTIAL. TRAIL CANYON BOTTOM � �G�C �4Gv�i C �l4=� ®► The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program Exhibit K 1 -4.18 - E. TRANSPORTATION /CIRCULATION POLICIES The Transportation Element of the County General Plan has as its primary goal to: • "Develop an integrated transportation system consisting of a blend of transportation modes capable of meeting the continuous need to y move people and goods by private and public means with maximum efficiency, convenience, economy, safety, and comfort; and a system that is consistent with other goals and values of the County and the region." A primary purpose of this Element is to provide an Arterial Highway System providing maximum efficiency, convenience, and safety, which is implemented in a manner that requires the provision of those roadways to keep pace with development. A key policy for arterial highway development is to assign a high priority for roadway Improvement /construction that would complete essential gaps in the Master Plan of Arterial Highways. The goals, purposes, and the policies of the Transportation Element of the General Plan have been reflected in this LCP. Capacity deficiencies already exist on Pacific Coast Highway and other roadways in the area surrounding the project. These deficiencies will increase to varying degrees with or without the project. However, the service levels will deteriorate to a greater degree without the project than with the project. With project implementation, there will be a substantial net increase in traffic capacity and a significant incremental Improvement in level of service on both roadway links and intersections in this area. Without implementation of the project, regional commuting traffic is not offered alternate routes around capacity - deficient areas, and levels of service in these areas will continue to deteriorate from traffic related to regional traffic growth. I -4.19 65- Thus, the .spirit and intent of the Transportation Element's policies to improve the level of service and operational characteristics In the area are met with this project. The Irvine Coast LCP requires a significant commitment of financial _. • resources early in the project to achieve these goals. In recognition of this financial burden to the landowner and the need to complete the project to amortise that investment, and of the importance of these traffic Improvements to the County, it is the intent of the County and the landowner to enter into a development agreement or other mechanism. The policies that follow identify the specific assurances that the goals of the Transportation Element of the General Plan will be Implemented: 1. Roadway Improvements: Pelican Hill Road is designated as a 6 -lane major arterial highway, while Sand Canyon Avenue is designated as a 2 -lane commuter -level arterial highway. Pacific Coast Highway is designated as a 6 -lane major arterial highway from immediately north of Pelican Hill Road to the southern boundary of PA 14; and a 4 -lane primary arterial highway from Pelican Hill Road to the City of Newport Beach, and south of PA 14 at the City of Laguna Beach. The conceptual alignments for Pelican Hill Road and Sand Canyon Avenue are shown on the Land Use Plan (Exhibit G) and Exhibits L and N. Some variations in alignment may occur In the final design process for these roads. The alignment for Pacific Coast Highway remains in its current location within the Plan, as shown on Exhibit G. Adjacent to The Irvine Coast Project, Pacific Coast Highway will be widened to its master planned width in conjunction with adjacent Irvine Coast development areas. Widening adjacent to State Park facilities is to be completed by others. I -4.20 M 4 +ice 9 ��•or� J .'� ..4. Y II I '" X . 1 / \ y l f a ✓ al Fi `j b ✓' // 127 I - -�til \ CC:� �:. ,✓rte-- '..= _v�7,r �•. 8'j I .r r i N y. I 'ti...JC/' i IA `7� _ / � �J4 I ,�/ / � r f. ✓J.,l'lr./ i _ fir- F y � c 9 � I rr dA , s ,✓ me r o reduced rewmue al an PELOC AH HOLL ROAD COHCCEP? PLM �® The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program Exhibit L SO I -4.21 ' 19' • BASIC SECTION ' 1 13' (VARIES I 1 eI 120' Left turn lane 91 _, 19' 1 12' , 13' , 10',4', 13' 1 12' 1 19' 9' SECTION WITH LEFT TURN LANE 130' Left turn lanes 9' 19' 1 12' 1 13' 1 10' , 10' SECTION WITH DOUBLE LEFT TURN LANE PELICAN HILL ROOAD- Typical sections 13' , 12' 1 19' The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program I -4.22 M 1 Exhibit M _ Typical sections for these roadways are shown on Exhibits M, O, and P. 2. Roadway Phasing- The construction of Pelican Hill Road, Sand Canyon Avenue, • and Pacific Coast Highway widening improvements shall be Implemented in a manner which is consistent with policies adopted in the 1981 Irvine Coast LCP. Pelican Hill Road shall be phased such that four travel lanes from Pacific Coast Highway to MacArthur Boulevard shall be completed prior to Issuance of the certificate of occupancy for development inland of Pacific Coast Highway which generates in excess of 4,560 Average Daily Trips (based upon daily trip generation from 100 low density residential units, 350 hotel rooms and 25,000 square feet of directly - related support commercial facilities approved In the previous LCP). Additional lanes of Pelican Hill Road within the project boundaries up to the maximum size of 6- lanes, shall be constructed at the time that Irvine Coast development adjacent to Pelican Hill Road requires additional road capacity beyond the initial 4 -lanes to serve traffic generated by such development. Sand Canyon Avenue shall be constructed to 2 -lane commuter arterial road standards in conjunction with adjacent development. Similarly, Pacific Coast Highway will be widened consistent with 6 -lane major arterial standards in conjunction with adjacent development. Transitions on Pacific Coast Highway from 6 -lane major arterial standards to 4 -lane primary arterial standards shall occur immediately north of Pelican Hill Road to the City of Newport Beach, and south of PA 14 to the City of Laguna Beach. - A summary of the arterial roadway phasing policies for The Irvine Coast development is provided on Exhibit Q, "Irvine Coast Arterial Roadway Phasing Summary." I -4.23 r, I 11S N� A, pf-A J�W ? , /r This Is a reduced faceimlle of an original i'. Sw scale Blddbit SMO C M00 WE UI - 0140 The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program Exhibit w I -4.24 m ZO' 20' 81* 8' 12' I ' I 12' 8' 81*: BASIC SECTION 72' 201 329 I Climbing 4i 8' tgr I4r 12' 12r ...� BrOI I I SECTION WITHN CLIMBNG LANE f 78' Left turn Lane 8' o . 12' 1 12' i 10' . 4, 12' SECTION AT INTERSECTION WITH LEFT TURN LANE, RIGHr TURN LANE AND ACCELERATION LANE The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program I -4.25 91 *UNPAVED PARKWAY Exhibit O 120' 9 " 44' 14' 44' 20' 12' 12' 12' 12' 20' • 8' L 8' I Improvements by Others Irvine Coast (Except Adjacent to'PA 9) Improvements BASIC SECTION TRANSITION /EXISTING SECTION The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program I -4.26 C? 7- *UNPAVED PARKWAY Exhibit P _ IRVINE COAST ARTERIAL ROADWAY PHASING SUMMARY Roadway Inmrovement Trlaaerina Mechanlm 2 lanes o4 San ,baquin Hills Road- existing Pelican Hill/Pe11can terminus to Pelican Hill Road Ridge Development . generating up to 4 lanes of Pelican Hill Road - from San 4560 ADT* (PAIA, PAIS, Joaquin Hills Road to Development Area access _ PAIC, PA2A, PA26, PA2C) 4 lanes of Pelican Hill Road - Pacific Coast Occupancy of Highway to MacArthur Boulevard development inland of Pacific Coast Highway generating in excess of 4560 ADT* 2 additional lanes on Pelican Hill Road Adjacent Pelican (6 total) between Pacific Coast Highway Hill Frontal and San Joaquin Hills Road Slope Occupancy (PA13A, PA138) 1 additional southbound lane on Pacific Adjacent Cameo Del -' Coast Highway - PA9 Frontage Mar Occupancy W cY _ (PA9)+* I additional northbound lane on Pacific Adjacent Pelican _._ Coast Highway from Sand Canyon to Pelican Frontal Slope Hill Road Occupancy (PA13A, PA13B) 1 additional northbound lane on Pacific Coast Adjacent Pelican Highway between: 1)Crystal Cove State Park Hill Ridge /Pelican and Send Canyon; and Hill Frontal Slope 2)Pelican Hill Road and Development and Corona Del Nor adjacent Muddy Canyon Occupancy (PA13C PA13D PA14) 2 lanes of Sand Canyon Avenue - Pacific Coast Adjacent Wishbone Highway to Development Area access Frontal Slope Occupancy** (PA3A PA38) - 2 lanes of Sand Canyon Avenue from Wishbone Adjacent Wishbone Frontal Slope access to PA 4A, 4B access Hill Occupancy P cy (PAU PA48) 2 lanes of Sand Canyon Avenue - Wishbone Hill Adjacent Wishbone access to Coastal Zone boundary Ridge occupancy -- - PAS PA6) * Initial development inland of Pacific Coast Highway shall be limited to a 4560 ADT total trip ceiling prior to the implementation of Pelican Hill Road to MacArthur Boulevard, which equates to development allowed inland of Pacific Coast Highway In the 1981 LUP approval. Said initial development inland of Pacific Coast Highway shall be allowed in Planning Areas PAIA, PAIS, PA1C, PA2A, PA2B, PA2C, PA3A, and PA38, as long as the total cumulative trip generation does not exceed the 4560 ADT calling. ** Implementation of Planning Areas PA3A, PA3B, and PA9 is not oy-y subject to the applicable restrictions discussed in the previous footnote but Is further limited to allow Issuance of building in those - areas only when the grading of Pelican Hill permits Road has started. Further, the amount of development, on a cumulative basis, for Planning Areas PA3A, PA3B, and PA9 is to be limited so that the 101st occupancy permit cannot be issued prior to the opening of Pelican Hill Road through to MacArthur Boulevard. I -4.27 43 Exhibit Q 8. Typical sections for entry roads, collector roads, residential streets, and private driveways are shown on Exhibit R. Modifi- cations to meet special site conditions or safety needs or to reduce impacts may be approved by the County of Orange. 4. Access to arterial highways from development will occur by means of primary, secondary, and emergency access points. S. Access points on Pacific Coast Highway will be located in a manner to ensure safe and efficient traffic flows. Anticipated signalised access points serving development areas are shown on Exhibit Y. Any additional access points shall be minimized to the extent feasible. 8. Residential areas may be served by private streets. 7. Arterial highways will provide access for public and private buses. Because of topographic constraints, no exclusive bus or HOV lanes are to be provided. 8. Commercial areas and /or the State Park will provide parking space for private (charter) buses and transit stops for public buses where feasible. 9. A regional Class II (on -road) bike trail will be located along . Pacific Coast Highway and Pelican Hill Road. 10. Roadway design will generally reflect a rural rather than urban _ character. Where feasible, precise roadway alignments shall preserve the natural topography and avoid environmentally sensitive areas. 11. Modifications to existing roadway standards will be carefully considered where justified by safety and circulation conditions. I -4.28 44 i 8' 20' 20' 8' 40' 56' ENTRY ROAD ENTRY ROAD 10' 8' 12' i 12' 8' 10' i R/W .30' 30' R% COLLECTOR ROAD R/W 26' 26' R/W 20' RESIDENTIAL STREET <500 ADT PRIVATE DRIVES ESODEH70AL EH7RV ROADD 7VPk: a0 8 @@20ofla it The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program Exhibit R I -4.29 R`i 12. where appropriate, sidewalks will not be required in Low Density and Medium -Low Density residential areas that abut open space areas. 13. Public vistas to the ocean will be afforded along Pelican Hill • Road where feasible. 14. Roadway grading shall be blended into existing topography by contour grading, where feasible. Retaining walls and other structures may be used to minimise grading impacts. 15. Visibility of terrace drains will be minimized to the greatest extent feasible through landscaping. 16. Any landscaping on public roads will make a gradual transition to native vegetation where applicable. 17. Improvements to accommodate widening of Pacific Coast High- way shall be allowed, and constitute a principal permitted use In PA SA, PA 3B, PA 9, PA 10A, PA JOB, PA 14, and PA 17. 18. In 1979, the County certified final EIR 267 for the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor (State Route 73) and selected a locally- preferred route which would involve grading and con- struction in a small portion of the most inland area of coastal zone. This alignment will be under further review in a joint EIRNIS currently being prepared with CalTrans as the lead agency for CEQA purposes and the FHwA as the lead agency - for HEPA purposes. The following policy provides for the grading area identified pursuant to RJR 267: I -4.30 q4 a. San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor: Improvements in the grading area identified in Orange County $HI 267 required to accommodate grading and construction for the San Joaquin Hills Transportation • Corridor (SJHTC, Rt 73) may be located in PA 2C and PA 6 when found consistent with the LCP in a Coastal Development Permit for the SJHTC, Rt 73. 19. The policies below provide for grading and construction required for the following projects: a. San Joaquin Hills Road: Improvements required to accommodate the grading and construction for San Joaquin Hills Road may be located in portions of PA 2C, PA 6, PA 12D, PA 8, and PA 11A when found consistent with. the LCP in a Coastal - Development Permit for any such road project. b. Laguna Canyon Road: Improvements to accommodate the widening and /or relocation of Laguna Canyon Road shall be allowed in PA 16A, PA 16B, PA 20A, PA 20B, PA 20C, PA 21A, and PA 21B, provided that any such project is the least, environmentally damaging feasible alternative, as _. determined and approved by the California Coastal Commission. 20. The typical section for Sand Canyon Avenue may be modified to include 13- foot -wide lanes in order to accommodate a raised median. I -4.31 ME 21. Traffic management program measures, including but not limited to the following, shall be encouraged by the landowner, operators, and lessees as appropriate at all stages of project development and buildo t. Each Coastal Development ]Permit within an individual planning area shall be accompanied by a _ • description of specific traffic management program measures, as appropriate, which shall be carried out in furtherance of this policy: a. Vanpool and carpool programs which encourage and assist people in forming rideshare groups; b. Setting aside preferred parking for people who, share rides; C. Operating shuttles to transit stops, airports, and selected points of visitor attraction from overnight accommoda- tions. The use of shuttles should be correlated with the bufldout of visitor areas and real demand for shuttle ser- vices. Additionally, project hotels shall make cars avail- able for guest use in accordance with guest needs and accepted hotel management practices; d. Setting up "transportation stores" to disseminate Information on bus schedules and ridesharing; e. Construction of pedestrian and bicycle paths connecting areas of interest, in accordance with County management _- policies and golf courselresort management needs; f. Establishing efficient signal timing to speed traffic flows; g. within the policies of the appropriate transit provider, encourage increased frequency and range of public transit, and; — I -4.32 C18 h. Providing bus - related transit facilities, where appropriate, such as bus shelters, bus pullouts, and bus turnarounds. 22. Recognising that Pacific Coast Highway is subject to complex regional impacts, the Growth Management Program is defined In IAP General Provision Subsection II- 3 -A -9. Therefore the AMR procedure In relationship to this project's traffic impacts focuses only on the link traffic volumes of Pelican Hill Road and Sand Canyon Avenue within the Coastal Area. For each year that the Orange County Annual Monitoring Report Indicates that segments of Pelican Hill Road or Sand Canyon Road located within The Irvine Coast Planned Community are shown to be operating at traffic conditions worse than Level of Service "C" daring commuter A.M. /P.M. peak hours (i.e., an .80 We ratio or greater for an average peak hour weekday condition), the landowner shall prepare and submit a report to _ the County EMA to be approved by the Planning Commission containing the following information: a. An analysis that determines the source of the trips on the roadway links) in question by quantifying: 1) the number of trips which are directly attributable to development located within Planning Areas PA 1 through PA 10, PA 13, PA 14, PA 16 and PA 20; and 2) the remaining number of trips which are regional, through traffic, or traffic generated from other sources; and - b. If the analysis determines that the amount of trips generated by the above - referenced Irvine Coast Planning _ Areas is 10% or more in excess of the trip generation projections estimated for equivalent levels of development In the "Irvine Coastal Areas Traffic Analysis" (Austin - Foust Associates, Inc., February 1987) then the report shall include an analysis of the traffic mitigation measure currently being Implemented and recommend additional I -4.33 19 feasible mitigation measures which would be implemented within the LCP development area to farther reduce project generated trips. The highway improvements and phasing as defined in this _. Section E and on Exhibit Q, which are required by this LCP, have been determined to be of significant public benefit beyond normal project requirements so as to meet the objectives of the County's Growth Management Policy. Consistent with this LCP, highway improvements and _ Implementation of the Growth Management Program identified above will be incorporated into subsequent agreements, if any, between the landowner and County. 23. To the maximum extent feasible, heavy construction traf- fic (i.e., dirt moving equipment. dump trucks, and cement trucks) will access the Irvine Coastal properties of Pelican Hill from the Coyote. Canyon Landfill and /or other inland area. Construction traffic for Cameo Del Mar, - Wtsbbone, and Pacific Coast Highway widening requiring access from Pacific Coast Highway will be restricted on _ Pacific Coast Highway to periods of non -peak traffic. The applicant shall provide on -site parking for construction vehicles working adjacent to the Pacific Coast Highway as soon as possible to minimise impacts on PCH. F. PUBLIC WORIKSIINFBASTEUCTUBE POLICIES 1. All public works /infrastructure collection, distribution, and _ drainage facilities within residential and commercial areas necessary to support designated land uses from these systems are principal permitted uses under this Land Use Plan. I -4.34 .• 2. Exhibits $, T, and U illustrate the concept plans for backbone water service, sewer service, and drainage facilities, respec- - tively. These concept plans were prepared with the most cur - rent information available but are subject to refinement at more detailed stages of planning. Necessary aboveground • public works, infrastructure, and utility facilities will be located and designed to minimize visual impacts. 3. All necessary water service improvements, including pipelines, booster stations, and other facilities will be designed in con- junction with the final tract maps. 4. The water system will be designed to provide adequate fire flows. Water reservoirs may be located above ground. 5. Two water storage and transmission facilities will be located in Conservation areas to serve fire and domestic needs of adjoin- ing development, both existing and proposed. One is currently located on the lower portion of one of the ridges in PA 17. The other will be located on the lower portion of the ridge in PA 21, 6. All necessary sewer service improvements, including pipelines, pump stations, and other facilities will be designed in con- junction with final tract maps. 7. All necessary drainage improvements, including storm drains, detention basis within drainage courses, and other facilities will be designed in conjunction with final tract maps. I -4.35 _.. /p PACIFIC OCEAN = AC,K = 0O NIE WATER C 0 ► C,CP�i� The Irvine Coast Local Coastal Program LEGEND 0 RESERVOIR 0 PUMP STATION EXISTING 33° PIPELINE ® WATER MAIN I -4.36 102, Exhibit 8 — Radd PACIFIC OCEAN R r M { CRY OF m H L R TC TC PeBen L "" CRYSTAL STATE PARK _v I L ! / J Tq - PAM C PACIFIC OCEAN M"Cave N, Aeorono \` L L r CT' OF LABIINA BEACH resv�a�.�PVrvp® The Irvine Coast local Coastal Program LEGEND FW--j STORM DRAIN ENERGY DISSIPATORS — c °� DHTEPMN BASINS Exhibit U I -4.36 loy