HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - Cucina Enoteca Resturant - PA2014-006COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 (949) 644 -3200 Fax: (949) 644 -3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT April 24, 2014 Agenda Item No. 1: SUBJECT: Cucina Enoteca Restaurant - PA2014 -006 951 Newport Center Drive Minor Use Permit No. UP2014 -002 APPLICANT: Cucina Enoteca PLANNER: Fern Nueno, Associate Planner ( 949) 644 -3227, fnueno @newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN • Zone: PC -56 (North Newport Center) • General Plan: CR (Regional Commercial) PROJECT SUMMARY The proposed project is a Minor Use Permit application for an eating and drinking establishment with late hours (after 11:00 p.m.) and alcohol sales (Type 47 ABC License — On Sale General). A restaurant that previously operated at this location was demolished, and a new 7,198- square -foot restaurant building with a 1,325- square -foot outdoor dining area is under construction. The proposed hours of operation are from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m., daily. No live entertainment or dancing is proposed. An Operator License application is being reviewed concurrently by the Chief of Police pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 5.25. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Minor Use Permit No. UP2014 -002 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 Cucina Enoteca (PA2014 -006) Zoning Administrator, April 24, 2014 Page 2 DISCUSSION • The subject property is located within the Fashion Island Shopping Center, which is developed with retail, service, and entertainment uses. Cucina Enoteca would occupy a restaurant building at the southwestern portion of Fashion Island near Nordstrom that is currently under construction. The building entrance is oriented away from Newport Center Drive towards the Fashion Island Shopping Center. • No sensitive land uses are located within Fashion Island. The proposed use is not located in close proximity to day care centers, park and recreation facilities, places of religious assembly, and schools. A hotel is located nearby, but the proposed use is not expected to disturb guests as it is separated by Newport Center Drive and a surface parking lot. Residential uses are allowed in San Joaquin Plaza at the northern portion of PC -56. The nearest residential uses located on Granville Drive and Santa Barbara Drive are not near the proposed use and are separated from the project site by parking lots, roadways, and other commercial uses. • The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the project site as Regional Commercial (CR), which is intended to provide retail, entertainment, service, and supporting uses that serve local and regional residents. The proposed restaurant with alcohol sales and late hours (after 11:00 p.m.) is a use that serves local residents and regional visitors and is consistent with this land use designation. • The project is located in the Fashion Island Sub -Area of the PC -56 Zoning District. Fashion Island is intended to be a regional retail and entertainment center and a day /evening destination with a wide variety of uses that serves visitors, residents, and employees of the area. The restaurant with alcohol sales and late hours is a commercial use that is intended to serve visitors, residents, shoppers, and employees in the area and, therefore, is consistent with the purposes of the PC -56 Fashion Island Sub -Area. • An Eating and Drinking Establishment is an allowed use within the Fashion Island Sub -Area of PC -56. Pursuant to the PC -56 Development Plan, the on- premise sale of alcohol in conjunction with an eating and drinking establishment is subject to the approval of a Minor Use Permit. • The subject property is located within Reporting District No. 39 (RD39) and the crime rate is higher in this district than adjacent districts due to the higher concentration of commercial uses and very low population within North Newport Center. The Newport Beach Police Department is aware of this and has no objection to the operation as described by the applicant. The Police Department believes that with adequate conditions of approval, the proposed project will not have a negative impact on the community and police services. The alcohol related statistics for RD39 are Tmp1t10 -15 -13 N Cucina Enoteca (PA2014 -006) Zoning Administrator, April 24, 2014 Page 3 incorporated into the factors for consideration in the draft resolution. The Reporting District map is available online: http: / /www.nbpd.org /crime /statistics /defauIt.asp. The proposed hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m., daily. The draft resolution includes a condition of approval that would allow the restaurant to open at 6:00 a.m. in case the operator decides to offer breakfast in the future. The Type 47 ABC license allows for the sale of liquor, beer, and wine. No dancing or live entertainment is proposed, which will help ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses and reduce any potential detriment or law enforcement action. Furthermore, an adequate security plan reviewed and approved by the Police Department is in place for the Fashion Island Shopping Center and conditions of approval are proposed to adequately manage the late hour and alcohol sales components of the proposed project. Due to the late hours of operation (after 11:00 p.m.) and alcohol sales, approval of an Operator License by the Newport Beach Police Department will be required should this Minor Use Permit be approved. An operator license required pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 5.25 may be subject to additional and /or more restrictive conditions to regulate and control potential nuisances associated with the operation of the restaurant. Pending this Minor Use Permit application, the Chief of Police is scheduled to make a determination on Operator License No. OL2014 -002 on or after May 9, 2014. • The proposed project complies with the development standards for on -sale alcohol sales and outdoor dining provided in Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Zoning Code. The project has been reviewed and conditioned to ensure that the purpose and intent of Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Zoning Code is maintained and that a healthy environment for residents and businesses is preserved. The service of alcohol is intended for the convenience of customers dining at the restaurant. Operational conditions of approval recommended by the Police Department relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages will help ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses and minimize alcohol related impacts. • Fashion Island has a parking requirement of 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet for all commercial uses, and currently excess parking is provided due to agreements with major tenants. Parking was analyzed during plan check review for the construction of the building, and the proposed project does not change or increase the parking requirement. • As demonstrated in the attached draft resolution, staff believes the proposed project meets the requirements of the Zoning Code and the findings for approval can be made. Tmp1t10 -15 -13 3 Cucina Enoteca (PA2014 -006) Zoning Administrator, April 24, 2014 Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301, of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 1 (Existing Facilities), which exempts minor alterations to existing facilities involving negligible expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. The construction of the subject building was previously determined to be exempt from CEQA. The proposed project authorizes alcohol sales for an eating and drinking establishment within the building that is currently under construction. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of- way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644 -3200. Prepared by: F r Nueno, Associate Planner JC /fn Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description ZA 4 Project Plans Tmp1t10 -15 -13 0 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE w RESOLUTION NO. ZA2014 -0## A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING USE PERMIT NO. UP2014 -002 FOR AN EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT WITH LATE HOURS AND ALCOHOL SALES LOCATED AT 951 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE (PA2014 -006) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Tracy Borkum, Cucina Enoteca, with respect to property located at 951 Newport Center Drive, and legally described as Lot S, Tract 6015, requesting approval of a Minor Use Permit. Ae 2. The applicant requests a Minor Use Permit for an eating and drinking establishment with late hours (after 11:00 p.m.) and alcohol sales (Type 47 ABC License — On Sale General). A restaurant that previously operated at this location was demolished, and a new 7,198- square -foot restaurant building with a 1,325- square -foot outdoor dining area is under construction. The proposed hours of operation are from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m., daily. An Operator License application is being reviewed concurrently by the Chief of Police pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 5.25. 3. The subject property is located within the North Newport Center Planned Community (PC -56 — Fashion Island Sub -Area) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Regional Commercial (CR). 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on April 24, 2014, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15301, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act) under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). 2. Class 1 exempts minor alterations to existing facilities involving negligible expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. The construction of the subject building was previously determined to be exempt from CEQA. The proposed project authorizes alcohol sales for an eating and drinking establishment within the building that is currently under construction. 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 2 of 10 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a Use Permit are set forth: Finding A. The use is consistent with the purpose and intent of Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales of the Zoning Code). Facts in Support of Finding In finding that the proposed use is consistent with Section 20.48.030 (Alcohol Sales) of the Zoning Code, the following criteria must be considered: i. The crime rate in the reporting district and adjacent reporting districts as compared to other areas in the City. 1. The proposed establishment is located within Reporting District 39, wherein the number of crimes is higher than adjacent Reporting Districts (RDs) and the City. The adjacent RDs (38 and 43) have a lower number of crimes as they are primarily residential. Due to the high concentration of commercial land uses and low population within RD39, the crime rate is greater than for adjacent residential Reporting Districts; however, the Newport Beach Police Department does not consider the number significant given the type of development within RD39. ii. The numbers of alcohol - related calls for service, crimes, or arrests in the reporting district and in adjacent reporting districts. 1. The crime statistics are summarized in the table below: 2. Due to the high concentration of commercial land uses, the calls for service and number of arrests are greater than in the adjacent primarily residential Reporting Districts. The Police Department does not consider the rate high because of the concentration of restaurants and other commercial uses within Fashion Island and the surrounding North Newport Center. The Newport Beach Police Department has not previously reported any calls for service to the subject property since the proposed use is part of a new development project. 10 -15 -2013 g Calls for Part I Part II DUI Public Location Service Crimes Crimes Arrests Intoxication Arrests RD39 7,103 166 208 26 21 RD38 1,296 23 18 1 0 RD43 797 24 31 5 2 2. Due to the high concentration of commercial land uses, the calls for service and number of arrests are greater than in the adjacent primarily residential Reporting Districts. The Police Department does not consider the rate high because of the concentration of restaurants and other commercial uses within Fashion Island and the surrounding North Newport Center. The Newport Beach Police Department has not previously reported any calls for service to the subject property since the proposed use is part of a new development project. 10 -15 -2013 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 3 of 10 iii. The proximity of the establishment to residential zoning districts, day care centers, hospitals, park and recreation facilities, places of worship, schools, other similar uses, and any uses that attract minors. 1. No sensitive land uses are located within Fashion Island. The proposed use is not located in close proximity to day care centers, park and recreation facilities, places of religious assembly, and schools. A hotel is located nearby, but the proposed use is not expected to disturb guests as it is separated by Newport Center Drive and a surface parking lot. Residential uses are allowed in San Joaquin Plaza at the northern portion of PC -56. The nearest residential uses located on Granville Drive and Santa Barbara Drive are not near the proposed use and are separated from the project site by parking lots, roadways, and other commercial uses. iv. The proximity to other establishments selling alcoholic beverages for either off -site or on -site consumption. 1. Several comparable restaurant establishments are located within the Fashion Island Shopping Center, including other pad restaurant tenants such as Roy's Hawaiian Fusion, Fleming's Steak House, True Food Kitchen, Red O, and Fig and Olive. Other similar restaurants within the interior of Fashion Island near the subject property include The Cheesecake Factory, P.F. Chang's, and California Pizza Kitchen. Several existing restaurants in the area have Type 47 ABC Licenses, and there is no evidence suggesting these uses have been detrimental to the neighborhood. An adequate security plan reviewed and approved by the Police Department is in place for the Fashion Island Shopping Center and the shopping center provides security. Furthermore, conditions of approval are proposed to adequately manage the late hours and alcohol sales components of the proposed project. v. Whether or not the proposed amendment will resolve any current objectionable conditions. 1. The proposed project is for a new restaurant, so it does not have any current objectionable conditions. Operational conditions of approval relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages will help ensure compatibility with the surrounding uses and minimize alcohol related impacts. In accordance with Section 20.52.020 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: B. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan. 10 -15 -2013 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 4 of 10 Facts in Support of Findinq: 1. The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the project site as Regional Commercial (CR), which is intended to provide retail, entertainment, service, and supporting uses that serve local and regional residents. The proposed restaurant with late hours and alcohol sales is a use that serves local and regional residents and is consistent with land uses in the CR land use designation. 2. The subject property is not located within a Specific Plan area. Findinq: C. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The project is located in the Fashion Island Sub -Area of the PC -56 (North Newport Center Planned Community) Zoning District. Fashion Island is intended to be a regional retail and entertainment center and a day /evening destination with a wide variety of uses that serves visitors, residents, and employees of the area. The restaurant with late hours and alcohol sales is a commercial use that serves visitors, residents, shoppers, and employees in the area and, therefore, is consistent with the purposes of the North Newport Center Planned Community District for the Fashion Island Sub -Area. 2. Eating and Drinking Establishments are allowed uses within the Fashion Island Sub - Area. Pursuant to the PC -56 Development Plan, the on- premise sale of alcohol in conjunction with an eating and drinking establishment is subject to approval of a Minor Use Permit. Finding: D. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Fashion Island Sub -Area of the PC -56 Zoning District allows a range of retail, dining, service, and entertainment uses. While the proposed establishment provides a component of late night dining services, the use is compatible with surrounding allowed commercial uses in the vicinity and no sensitive land uses are located nearby. 2. The establishment would occupy a restaurant building at the southwestern portion of Fashion Island, and the building entrance is oriented away from Newport Center Drive towards the Fashion Island Shopping Center. 10 -15 -2013 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 5 of 10 3. The operational characteristics of the proposed establishment would be that of a typical restaurant that would serve residents, visitors, shoppers, and employees in the area. No dancing or live entertainment is proposed as part of the restaurant operations. Therefore, the operating characteristics would be compatible with the allowed commercial uses in the vicinity. 4. The proposed hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m., daily. An adequate security plan is in place for the Fashion Island Shopping Center and conditions of approval are proposed to adequately manage the late hours and alcohol sales components of the proposed restaurant. 5. Due to the late hours of operation (after 11:00 p.m.) and alcohol sales, approval of an Operator License by the Newport Beach Police Department will be required. The Fashion Island Security Plan will be reviewed and approved provided as part of the operator license process for the proposed business. An Operator License required pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 5.25 may be subject to additional and/or more restrictive conditions to regulate and control potential nuisances associated with the operation of the restaurant. The Operator License will help ensure compatibility of the proposed business with the surrounding uses in the vicinity. Finding: E. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access and public services and utilities. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Fashion Island Shopping Center provides adequate parking and circulation within the surface parking lots and parking structures on site. The design, location, shape, and size have been suitable for the commercial uses on site. Adequate public and emergency vehicle access, public services, and utilities are provided within the existing property and the proposed project will not negatively affect emergency access. 2. The building is under construction and was designed for a restaurant use with sufficient means of ingress and egress. The Public Works Department, Building Division, and Fire Department have reviewed the application. The project is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City Building and Fire Departments and must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. Utilities are provided with all applicable requirements. Finding: F. Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, nor endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise 10 -15 -2013 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Pace 6 of 10 constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed use is similar to and compatible with other commercial uses in the vicinity, and complements the retail sales and service uses in the immediate area. The use will serve nearby residents, shoppers, employees, and visitors. 2. Fashion Island has a parking requirement of 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet for all commercial uses. Parking was analyzed and determined to be in compliance during plan check review for the construction of the building, and the proposed project does not change or increase the parking requirement. 3. The Police Department has reviewed the project and has no objection to the operation as described by the applicant. The Police Department believes that with the conditions of approval, the proposed project will not have a negative impact on the community and police services. 4. Fashion Island management has historically provided efficient on -site security and cooperates with the Newport Beach Police Department. The provision of an Operator License will further enable the Police Department to regulate the operation of the proposed use and address any objectionable conditions should they occur. 5. Compliance with the Municipal Code is required and will further ensure that the proposed use will not be detrimental. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Minor Use Permit No. UP2014 -002, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 24TH DAY OF APRIL, 2014. Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator 10 -15 -2013 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 7 of 10 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans, and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval, except as modified by applicable conditions of approval. 2. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this permit. 3. The Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission, or City Council may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Minor Use Permit, upon a determination that the operation which is subject of this Minor Use Permit causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 4. Any changes in operational characteristics, hours of operation, expansion in area, or modification to the floor plan, shall require an amendment to this Minor Use Permit, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Division. 5. Should the business, subject to the Minor Use Permit conditioned herein, be sold or otherwise come under different ownership or a change in operators, any future owners, operators, or tenants shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner, or the leasing agent. 6. The hours of operation shall be limited to between 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m., daily. 7. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City's Building Division and Fire Department for future building construction. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. 8. Every room or space that is used for assembly having an occupant load of 50 or more shall have the occupant load of the room or space posted in a conspicuous place near the main exit. 9. The operator as well as any future operators of the restaurant shall obtain an Operator License pursuant to Chapter 5.25 of the Municipal Code to ensure the business is operated in a safe manner. Operator Licenses are not transferable. The Operator License may be subject to additional and /or more restrictive conditions to regulate and control potential late -hour nuisances associated with the operation of the restaurant. 10. Approval does not permit the premises to operate as a bar, tavern, cocktail lounge or nightclub as defined by the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless the Zoning Administrator first approves an amended Minor Use Permit. 10 -15 -2013 i3 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 8 of 10 11. Food service from the regular menu shall be available to patrons up to thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled closing time. 12. No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on any property adjacent to the licensed premises under the control of the licensee. 13. No "happy hour" type of reduced price alcoholic beverage promotion shall be allowed except when served in conjunction with food ordered from the full service menu. There shall be no reduced price alcoholic beverage promotions after 9:00 p.m. 14. Petitioner shall not share any profits or pay any percentage or commission to a promoter or any other person based upon monies collected as a door charge, cover charge, or any other form of admission charge, including minimum drink orders or the sale of drinks. 15. The quarterly gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed the gross sales of food during the same period. The licensee shall at all times maintain records, which reflect separately the gross sales of food and the gross sales of alcoholic beverages of the licensed business. These records shall be kept no less frequently than on a quarterly basis and shall be made available to the Police Department on demand. 16. There shall be no on -site radio, television, video, film or other electronic media broadcasts, including recordings to be broadcasted at a later time, which include the service of alcoholic beverages, without first obtaining an approved Special Event Permit issued by the City of Newport Beach. 17. There shall be no live entertainment allowed on the premises. 18. There shall be no dancing allowed on the premises. 19. Strict adherence to the maximum occupancy limits shall be required. 20. No games or contests requiring or involving the consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be allowed. 21. There shall be no exterior advertising or signs of any kind or type, including advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages. Interior displays of alcoholic beverages or signs which are clearly visible to the exterior shall constitute a violation of this condition. 22. A comprehensive security plan for the proposed project or Fashion Island Shopping Center shall be reviewed and approved by the Newport Beach Police Department. 23. All owners, managers, and employees selling alcoholic beverages shall undergo and successfully complete a certified training program in responsible methods and skills for selling alcoholic beverages. The certified program must meet the standards of the California Coordinating Council on Responsible Beverage Service or other 10 -15 -2013 7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 9 of 10 certifying /licensing body, which the State may designate. The establishment shall comply with the requirements of this section within 180 days of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Records of each owner's, manager's, and employee's successful completion of the required certified training program shall be maintained on the premises and shall be presented upon request by a representative of the City of Newport Beach. 24. A Special Event Permit is required for any event or promotional activity outside the normal operational characteristics of this restaurant business that would attract large crowds, involve the sale of alcoholic beverages, include any form of on -site media broadcast, or any other activities as specified in the Newport Beach Municipal Code to require such permits. 25. All trash shall be stored within the building or within dumpsters stored in the trash enclosure (three walls and a self - latching gate) or otherwise screened from view of neighboring properties, except when placed for pick -up by refuse collection agencies. The trash enclosure shall have a decorative solid roof for aesthetic and screening purposes. 26. The operator of the food service use shall be responsible for the clean -up of all on -site and off -site trash, garbage and litter generated by the use. 27. Storage outside of the building shall be prohibited, with the exception of the required trash container enclosure. 28. The exterior of the business shall be maintained free of litter and graffiti at all times. The owner or operator shall provide for daily removal of trash, litter, and debris from the premises and on all abutting sidewalks within 20 feet of the premises. Graffiti shall be removed within 48 hours of written notice from the City. 29. The operator shall take reasonable steps to discourage and correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance in parking areas, sidewalks, and areas surrounding the alcoholic beverage outlet and adjacent properties, if directly related to the patrons of the subject alcoholic beverage outlet. 30. This Minor Use Permit shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.54.60 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 31. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Cucina Enoteca Minor Use Permit including, but not limited to, the Minor Use Permit No. UP2014 -002 and Operator License No. OL2014 -002 (PA2014 -006). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded 10 -15 -2013 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 10 of 10 against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. G� 10 -15 -2013 10 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 17 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 28 VICINITY MAP Minor Use Permit No. UP2014 -002 PA2014 -006 951 Newport Center Drive ?9 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 20 Attachment No. ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description 21 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 22 'ghareATE� December 12, 2013 Revised: March 25, 2014 Ms. Kimberly Brandt, Director Planning Department City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 Regarding: Minor Use Permit Application — ABC License, Type 47 Project: "Cucina Enoteca ", Fashion Island, 951 Newport Center Drive Pad D, APN 442- 021 -11, Tenant Improvement Dear Ms. Brandt: On behalf of our client, Tracy Borkum, owner of "Cucina Enoteca" Restaurant, please accept this request for a Minor Conditional Use Permit. The proposed project use is a Type 47 (On Sale General) Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) licensed restaurant use, with food and alcohol services and an outdoor dining patio. The proposed restaurant project in located in the Fashion Island Sub -Area of the Newport Center Planned Community and in consistence with the use allowed in the General Plan Land Use Element. The proposed restaurant will occupy an existing building consisting of 7,198 square foot (196 seats) and an existing patio of 1,325 square feet (90 seats). This building was previously occupied by the same use. The propose tenant improvements will include a new kitchen, bar, restrooms, plumbing, mechanical, electrical and a 2'a floor addition (638 sq.ft) for storage and staff changing rooms as you will see in the architectural plans provided. The project's proposed operating hours are from 9:00 am to 2:00 am. We are requesting consideration for extended hours of operation based on customer demand that exists at this upscale regional retail center consisting of shopping, tourists and business customers. The restaurant menu and casual environment caters to adults and families and the extended hours of operation that is requested is focused on food service demand opposed to alcohol service. "Cucina Enoteca's" menu offers expressions of Italian classics with the use of fresh local produce along with full bar service and wine shop. The owner will own a Type 47 license to serve alcohol from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control board. Cucina Enoteca has a policy for servers and bartenders to complete the training course offered by "TIPS ". "Cucina Enoteca" does not offer or propose to offer live entertainment or dancing. The proposed use of this occupancy will be in compliance with the Municipal Codes section 20.48.030 and the City Zoning Code Section 20.89.030 with the intent to preserve a safe and healthy environment for customers and tenants of Fashion Island. Also, this building is not in proximity to residential, schools, churches or other similar uses. 1450 North Tustin Avenue, Suite 103 Santa Ana, CA 92705 714.245.9760- office 714.245.9761- fax www.JLHarc.com 23 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE M, Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 25 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 20 L_ z7 m B A mark BAUBBACK RCMTECT BEENES M 1 CUCINA ENOTECA � �G o RESTAURANT TENANT IMPROVEMENT 951 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE sr Ren.O]l31 /15 o+ 4+ "%+ + +o NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 DEC BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTES FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES PROJECT DIRECTORY SHEET INDEX a nx R.1AAm.N. YON. CE,A1.BY. AP •. w WEEK q "°��`�° "m, — T. BRAiuEwpeup wieupELOUreOOxilawaLnw, < EXirDUr <XDprwDEOF,XEDpDPwAYB1E,BINprp WALSH° D OBLYMORFORML EEHEREANDFAU "SFREVRTIONMTOOLABEF °RE LAN ON EaLH a °pF °wANDARD,DI.L < C° EpFREI RIC TLE, Y,< E< °m�Ml CON..S ARST � TMLANOpxo � rxEBAwrAxrFAnpnEB .PERBE<r�prvA,l,.,l«. FORM "PUGHHBOR EYES RYRllMEMORas LETORDD'K. AEIE,x ET mA c0 FOPO B IT A. ELECTRICAL E. ImmALE eArrtweA. umi uLELERPiuLwDRPSxnu W. ttv ,nM THE m,acN,FORN,ELECfRpPiCODE A''�MwENBO NEON SUB GENERATOR MAVONS FAHK"m IMicWpHHI w AUTOMATIC S Z"WQ SET) OR µ GREEWED YLF LUMINOUS OUNCES THAT ROUGHLY uLDUMOORUUMUNG slue LCMPLV FOR IRE Cm pF NEWPORT FALL UTRINO rouumN ORGLANCE, x o. nc R Exrxus"wp BYSEMA A,AE.ENT WALTY AND CREATE FOR FI RE SIONTER OnIAm sPRwxL PS AND YET ply �AY [—I V ALLix1ERI0"Up"nxp sysr[MSSxuLCOUPLVwUxuuFOwlu ExsxcvwMMiSZI °xyipNOnaos. srANWAEAHALDxsys —AMD m�aiol BAN SALAD& LEE EVENT OF MOSAME SOLELY FAILURE AN EARGENLY LEATROAL SUAIEM CAALL IuwwlarE ALL AREAS EA<XFU TSr LNO,EttEEDAW,r RFL°w RArtor 6z M WHEME DRCD"EMEMSs E°R SMEREpli D, RA In ACCORDANCE NArx EXTINGUISHING sysrFMS sxuL BE ALLEn E TEELI;CiR.m, TEL 21 Q EACH rDHErwwLEErxEUL *RAwww6xrvPE. LEN A.cxAwcpxmDDRS MAr SERVE CawPApccuvnxmES . ME 18. ELECTRICAL DRAW1wos FORDETA`LSWM AECnpxaa c ,mACV CDRrcu. Ac ..A n¢ SEEM gut EMANNAGE. FLAx IEELEVATONS -EI A^n'°AE V U Vp< ppMBaEprcEARw ,p1EBEmDnDEDAr..LXDBEflE. DIMAm APRwrcLER SYSTEMS 'oa: SHALL GO "` °tt H w rk w . „ rtANpEFlrA« EAADDDRBBERVINpDRDDPAD «DPAN<�EBVnix "' MDmrpREDWHERErXENDAIBEPpHBPRwHLERA�B D w A A1.111 EM a:I "7�N.," <nD�A 8. FLOOR FORCE ET,.; E "PR�EOwrt„RASA a ACTH <.EA.sOFIMAmAIN MAINTAINING TM, �PARrB <,mB. , ME D wA E AY EM AND ALIDFm M TEOORG opPU NORTHA IDxGAM �,:I��SAY, FlHpBE<np"A f o r AEALA R "ERA" HCE C�oNTM kOOMOR GA" <EWTURI...PLURRICFDI,'EN AREA rUS CR°_LIS^ a F 3 ABLY E GDPDRmA DL T NDARDA R ENERGY EEFIL ,PACE pBpN UBEOF Nn RD�D Ep.A LLD. DBmDxAR,»E .L^� � TI � SHAM HrwpwxroREM MOLECULES 0 i ARSUROMESSEC.I,A DA Imo, FOR F ERpR M FARM A EMERY mod ,;D CORD YES; ME BMEB. CIA FRDmwp CM.IHD. .wrl." D ol�U YALE ru;AnD F z rp HiNOEDgp E DF Apwp pR FOLwNp DODRB. <pMPE 9Aw BOORS AND Ap,IA GA REST THE.IN�MD. FXFRMAnON RECUREMENis PER ENEMY REp�EAM RIHT ARMS TO.AnGDMRDPEANDPMAYRENTER "' ° ] LAE.aNraHEOB.•�IA.E. RE,AMANr c °N°m °x ,OR iEAH TRIIR)ASI,ffi r°IEI�Oj.l'EA cI "N'R°XEL OFT, Fes] CTE. RELTOx S IR.I<Bwr LLIA,Plmalae AUGH OF N<E A ADMINISTRATION n IN.pWRp DErAiW F q y, It AT LOSING AND MONSOON A— BE FROLAID ACIENTERT WFIR THE EEflLiENDYArANDMwAEp „e.,m.,y.ANpfN<rAELEf°ABMRpPRIE EDIHRE.ENrA OF ENERGY MEETING 1 SECURED BY wA2 <nDN. N WHEDNE MEEnNp. <uL w<JE<nDx 61.sHOP NSTRU<nONBRUTE ,L E FINE GOES SYSTEMS SHOAL HE IN ACCORDANCE YAM M < °NLYRUrMILRCE TEL CES O "', vnWAMA1N81P ma Pp4DE . WW III44 4 12, ALL FACESO MEETME° ONTROLRMMREMENMCEENERGYEFPDENCYATARLAROSSM11 2. BE RECYCLED RGGLONBIT enoteca LLAAPmUEM "A AGE RYicEAPaE FRpR TO AND OUWUp nME ” M� <Aw .MP,imMwDP N CTAiLY �. ALL EQUISmAAAw NGLAC. TALL MEE,rxE REQUIREMENTS OFENERCY EFFpF,CY STANDARDS TAAVYCDOWPURCXANAFPRCVESUG HHEwRMEww Eart DROKUALLESSDDDRWAYCPC Iw,a. <OUSrxLOTTRICEED,AmxO^IN W, ANY t°CEL,, I, RIERERGAND �u ♦YXEDUIEs 14 A FIRE MATER READING OUTLETS AND EDUIFMENSURE MALAY mM ENERGY EEEiMENY BLANDISHER WEtt A9AWXOLENA9BEENMwOVEOBrrHE MFERREDrtEMAUSEDE NOT LESS THAN, PoO,GNOM AT THE WAKING SURFACE KRO B 1C BET.HT pry. WITH THE E #EFRONTHIS IOxI we.6UOWp ACf rc TEL1A VIEW'B'in� 15 FACTS EIAOViDEO Ar TUWLVaR W<rsof aRMOnHG SVaRMSSxcEEOwc miDCFA, DIM1O OF DETEMNSED ACAAE°UENnr By ARE E INGTHANNELOD MAN MANAGE) m v�xP FERZw°wcsc.am. ° :s,em °s we aL'iEiv vEnv 'uEL1KMA °Li °G"" LOOLFOPUM pEp w wcx MDD< raiD :soio`T�°ERS*ACioi'L":P"E *oNT� E u'i°Tiwx°T°,mioio rvou'v ANDAPPROVALPRIDRrpwArnLlAn wI<.F.c.Ew.z.1,<E.D.wazr A Dx AR FFREV "DE OGAME E ME LMNLUDErAILT s ieP"""INC oOM"A o °NaoexNrER tL AnONT =R:i r LA ll., ARt'nsoN Fnw?ro`KY`"D ,EGr, EPRDL 4o on• M.mE DWNasrcwrtxwrASwPAN <EBYr11E a,Y.,HAr APERw.LFDR AC. . BLLD�NDwwNAUDVExrREHMUAreRULSSHGL TH zDIOOMRC.AM0 THE AF9FROU PROPOSES YlLLBE WANTED SHALL BE OF AN ACAS COMPAG LE DUE �ANCES "STAN`"' ` ALL LARISSA..MM"rERiuLE Bxw. HE NAKED AVA. APPNDVED DRnm, ANGRAY. MGFGON THE CAREARETR °TEE lERE ��E°:°rR,D°VE,ED ANT"sECn FEET OF°°MMERUN. cD°mND BORCHELT LAST SOwI „;HT ­-7-C.1 sNmEB IS . FOR EUNDE SEoAR":EEOMESAA:�RSONS:"°"` STEC FLEGRAN: ,°'m°AND 1. Ez. ' 19. ALL SMALLER WATER HEAR NO E-I USENT SMAL. BE MOORE WITH AR RESOLVED URGE EARANCON TANK C. SIGNS SHALL OR OTHER CEO DESIGNED FOR BUFFECURGEE"r DFERAnoN FOR THERMAL MAHOURpN <GNTROL BUR mm ELL SESAMES. "GRUFF FOR REVIEwAND rsmpvu EGGS I ACCORARCY. G F. c.. 1 x" FC. EF' cAe ,rp EL.lAaalzm,wzA MUNDING g SECONDraAE GDNRDLTAnre IELp'.IMCAAM. LAB. ID. cPDRS tOxxECnpx SHALL PRDnDEO AT ALL NSATUN CH NF9UED MPUAU0E9 ANN EOUwMEw EmEnirosEe �PEaipCnwsUAROIUIUFORMATJNBLLETHIW. DR COMES AND "V Dvu PvoR AF ,.. COMPrvFD lD PRE µD UFE iD COUNTESS µ0 YECIflGnpn6 E AuEry EnRR wm T RG Q LASS .I. RATED HEATERT SHALL BEAN °H°REDORATTACHEDTORESISTH °RMENTA. R E ME m,.,.,r �PRNNNCPUw p PROJECT DATA MD,pxRRm,DRpBM.B,D.E PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTES , AE° AZIFUR NAnDNGE° RREAADURLEOFEMERDENWAWAY ROMWORSEE PDDDPEaWLE MA,ER�GBE,PD OMTHINADU<rORPLENUNI X LL< NIIPLYwNIOCM Sy ,BDI.,2. EI.<r INpBFORDETGLB °OTE LMLW."" ""< DRDA =EE IYACHMe,'SHALL NDr ME USED FOR wrEmm WATER SUPPLY PPwD PER SUCH RCPxµp <ANEDRmA'wpF iEXTINGUISHERS E DPr'i RED, s TH sT A.L.._MMCDDE AEC MINES. rvEwwPr RASGIN AMW - xuACEDNIP. ENrprew, reaxEAreRS VIUL <OMPLrwTHm,DLMC <H,P. s. o 'ioEO �NPER IPm Anr DORMS °NGIONATFLAROFIFIC AFT WEFFH DD EQUPEEN NTTHATMININGFFROUv"iurt"."AIN .EwNU PNESSREpASnFwps "uLAF1ABELEOEVERYflvE FEET HIMUCARGAINTERION OF- 11, LU:. IAR.D11 ArpwxEREO,PmsPECnLlausmucnal i "n`FPwuG: eeHnLLm EEDSPAIExr BLEVnnoxE "e m .EC1uxICAL vENw °c "i iE"sIU °P°wio F: MRi:AI° ou BRMRMMB AN. uux°xr RMMS AC 1325 "ry°� .3 E wEUPC1IAxcESRRxDURµDRPOURD xrewnpx oR Ds.oLmox BXAEL �wEIOwD. culnxD.µDOMERxOi WOPH A."TO LBLB Raro rHEUTEAf PELEA &: ° ace eou'iaMMiii`sFLm�llAOis DErAILs GOLAN, roMEExiEnioR. N. smpnoED S.AT — AM INCOrv.DRM.NDF,mMCPLCxAPrEHR. CALLS woo ARILS II AT RC FROMM IF IBM.Esee erolr:°"'°L'ERAnory DR OenlalnpH SMALL BE IN ACCORDANCE wirx m,° $9, WALL GAME AND CHILING LENBREW D MATERwA SHALL NOT ERCEEL THE R. CM eGG PIRGH"`i E�uLm FRAUD BUNS MAY GAME mm AND wIw..EEEa EEwME aulaBwa v"ILEEwwMENr Enw,sTHDDOPIANB W AD EM STALL —COADED FOR AULNERMANCIESISTING "IOHA,ia°am ir°C SO"w,L.:.iil EiEETwLAL FpuDYPma MME SmEm oR ROw FRONTING ME wDPERrv" Im °VIXEBCRYTEOF`NAM'HE MARAA""LMENT �1OSERATE DCGB,. MAN Q III .,E CAN IN, MEWSNBE oo. ATH TEL D CORGHTLE MATERIALS OR ALL BE MANNYHY ED IN A <AL<DDEREpT..rFi., :, MWMFNTATIONPRONDEDiO <AXpREE" mLF.H EGGS TWO m R PRDVpEORUAAwRDAw, E1BIwEAr RBTRIPI. NprDxuMERHDRDpDRAMNDmDTI Y VE�E9 GFEETO CO B SEo BWAµ pGE= PROJECT SCOPE w . ON COMERSTRELE CHICKEN SCATTER OR °LOCAE D IN A TYPE I I1A,.RUCTURE AEEARA,EL BY 10 GENER,LPIpNUTE "AC °.AOSTOL _ 31. �y EENT DOOR SHALL BE pPER,AIE FRJM ME INSDE MMDIrt ME DAF DEARLY. TOLL DR APE<NL CONTAINERS U YARD ANALOG IErAUWwp PUNNCflLF:RYm.N,: U) ANtlMEME °RERCm AUB,IALE MATERIALS OR EMNPLY FRORCTM DiP:riA GGIG"ADHAF MpvM,cr AzmETIAURAN NCOUNTRY. NO IN.I.En A" °B"RIRMATING.RH. MNE...E wB MA`": D ESUCrwuL w 32, HAND ATTLIATED MICRO SH SIT . REFORM SAM SEEM FREEST IRE HARLWASS ..I INURIGNIGH THE Flow GLAUGH THE OPENING HARGAGERE D o CATURFACLACTS � aroR 21 BATTLE EXT SON& FIRE ALASKA PANELS. MGM CONFIRM. Ene1UER GRACE NOT AEMMEGE DrcT NDFATDREB: ,wracpwDFLOORAUn.DRATDwA i X,i N oa°ivAE PERMH IMC wwrc F � E .x oA LIwArEp DOOR ti,RwpaESTUAEamEREDAiwEm wAMUMEooR w 1—. DR OTHR DFC.G.M MArETAL nPEDIGNAGG: xRtu Q W N EXCEPT SO fl "ESw "R FES SHAT, M. MR LOWER R- OF ALL DOORS BE WAGON AND UNINTERRUFRD, TO ALLOW THI OR BE SHARES A., A "EEL CHAIR FOOLLUDST. WITHOUT GFULARTHO A MAY OR MNDmpN.xRRRDWF.ME AMCAA— PERMITTED AS ME GM OF NEWPORT MINOR HARD MAC Me. _ DOORTMAYUBEAITHpXNAOD UMANTELONTMAYMBILEGAMMDR. BEMATSWAERwMAINFREEAGOCLEAROF °BATRU°R°NAAT ; „; „o,OOARA�"DNADEAREA VICINITY MAP PEGIBpXE THlEM >FUO9 PERUACE EIUN GROGGE Y& HARGARRIBE ANOCOP S SECTOR 'F E'REYA'OOl SURF w"AirXNUTAANY INr.1MININ °NE” >., 58Tf. .°Itt REACAH. MA EPTa _FlREYPnYE HVI BEixsiGlEDHx ACCDPNS,CE Wrtx cBCems uLDwAN.EMEa Q O9YTSUiE.65 IRCH, WARS, .LIiYRETUBIdIRAL D. "uxEp N"m,oF FIRE CiSTAUSS HALM FU °OR{EUWB AND ROOFRUH<S A"GL BE PROTECTED PB RED E Utt ED HECTM TO EYERV pUiOInA E PROVED IMAnOx ON THE E%TEPOR OF mA E&EARE �.' } BT"UCIIMAEf LS REOURIHNG FARM INSPECTION MUST BE CDM MM MPLEM1RS SmU G P� 9 $ ORC GO AN ARM usi BE AUBwIIED iD ME xsRCnpx SERVICES Ln'�( flTO BEN°PEMR` U"MRIr ODISTONFOREPFPPOVALPN PCiOFAAPCpi Ox. SY iNEA<XFO"PE�AHOAN AM 0'R AHNS, GO M CIESSAGNAL, IT, .-PLANA., .1 GESTATE eUnED rD THE INSTALLATION w� h 5$gcq� ASSERTION SERVHCER DVEO" POOR ro BRANCH OF PREFABRICATED LOMw"ENrs, LAS YOUSTAMSSHALL ” "` ` SITE n RAs w AT NO RMUS MAiEaus FULL a D OUAxx BSSTE x O'DC° TARUBBwI1pAN�D°1°r131.osE wlixx THE eU LOHw wxcx IXcEN TEL COI FREEEERNBECpxsiRULiEO NA<cORDnX<EVmXC %SECTONRQ Q AsNmEO all ALL Fl11spGEN BEOPExAAEEPOM NwOEwrtXOUirXE COME AXEVOPSFECGXNDWLEDCE ORE SICVUmm"OBSRCe 1" c,ona �` CT 12.��`a>`.TSB,AD ORLN.�D oITDO. R:'I N°- T" ADDART °RFMNNUmOOKEDDURINOBUwNFAB „TOAD MINIMUMCOMFGHPo,�pµDNURESSE DEFERRED SUBMITTALS �,L�NAEND,ECA p.N� AL °'"' E ®RNREA Fl LYSTAI LF.I. OR USSR NNNAIALB°BRA• LAE I EBILEACD�NREAFBBFL o TS RREFTI L_ z7 #20 CHANC RM 32S O.L.F. EXITI N REQ'D EXIT WIDTH 32" PROVIDE WIDTH 40" EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE LENGTH = 180'FEET (MAXIMUM ALLOWED 250' PER CBC TABLET 1016.1) EXITING FIRST FLOOR PLAN INTERIOR OCCUPANT LOAD TABLE ROOM # ROOM NAME AREA OCC LOAD FACTOR OCCUPANTS 101 ENTRY 216 SF A -2 5 43 102 HOST 56 SF B 5 11 103 SERVICE AREA 170 SF B 5 34 104 DINING 1,867 SF A -2 15 124 105 BAR 351 SF B 100 4 106 STANDING BAR 150 SF B 5 30 107 DINING 618 SF A -2 15 42 108 PANTRY BAR 167 SF B 100 2 109 PIZZA BAR 308 SF B 100 4 110 KITCHEN 1,411 SF B 200 8 111 RESTROOMS 480 SF B 100 5 201 CHANGING RM. 32 SF B 50 202 CHANGING RM. 32 SF B 50 203 STORAGE 196 SF S -2 200 204 LIQUOR STORAGE 72 SF S -2 200 205 STORAGE 233 SF S -2 200 TOTAL INTERIOR OCCUPANTS 307 1 EXTERIOR OCCUPANT LOAD TABLE ROOM # ROOM NAME AREA OCC LOAD FACTOR OCCUPANTS 12 PATIO DINING 1,327 SF A -2 15 89 3 1 TOTAL: 178 TOTAL PATIO OCCUPANTS 89 1 OCCUP LOAD TABLE SCALE SCALE 1/8" = 1' -0" PLUMBING CODE OCCUPANT LOAD SPACE AREA LOAD FACTOR OCCUPANTS INTERIOR DINING 3,973 SF 30 133 PATIO DINING 1,327 SF 30 45 3 1 TOTAL: 178 U REQUIRED RESTROOM FIXTURES COUNT OCC. REQU'D W.C. REQU'D URINALS REQU'D LAVATORIES MEN'S 89 2 1 1 WOMEN'S 89 3 1 PROVIDED RESTROOM FIXTURES COUNT W.C. URINALS LAVATORIES MEN'S 2 1 2 WOMEN'S 3 2 PLUMB FIX COUNT SCALE 1 3 m B A mark BAUSBACK ARCHITECT 3670 CLAIREMONT DRIVE SUITE #11 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 858.623.0557 �G tER % Q� 9GA�C 9\ 1 g x 24 83 , r ,,Ren. 07/31/15 e yT �0Q cA�x ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT ^s MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT W N� O 11 zAeq WWv O �zwa enote�a ♦ • ��y I • U W (J K D_ U) z J z X w 0 z O LL] U) 0 z Q Iii F- F- t- H- w w L L REVISIONS 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL n Date 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Job CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. o EX -1 22 - , Y\��\ O ?� .l \`' y.. yYFg N W,„ /4 Ae��,@4hS •NO eP`e o-¢'� @ e 4a o a ed m'g a v., o , V o � �� `O r ` I o e OC O \ G, O po O 0 ° y \� — o 4 • I I w za � DISABLED f ° ACCESSIBLE c PARKING r _ SPACES y < TIM px'p000G 60P90b0 ,. �l a. obo o Oo0o0op000' , � DISABLED OHO °tl000o 00000 p 0 0°40@ _ ,o,o,p °oppp p p a °pp ° - ��� ,� _ ACCESSIBLE _ SppgDOppop000p000 °o o °ors PATH OF / '• ` - @111 1// nao00, 000. ,Po,,pPP TRAVEL / ! /l4jm9 i X. Z. rM 1r • j// ;�a� !!�� �� nn GREASE • .�� �`r "����x` � A fail /� I$dard'.� • V1 +��` INTERCEPTOR • Qrr lul`�� i r, . a • •• �F ` V r UD1 O 1 s, •°` I — PATIO -� i VALET Q' "' � �"' -- `' ,/ STAND„. doe v � 1. o ente p I / I Oft G y / PROPERiYL `e\K . zy 4n 95 ! � e , ,. YARD #2 , —,. ; ► f `' � � `reJ ' 1 �" � , • r ®! ®�g111 I I f //B @111 II illyr �w ® } � • '6� I ! 1v • __• -- y ', v4 PROPERTY 179 [I- e11'phPO�J�i` � �, _ _ rr � ( � J J ` 17l - - - =yl lr ���, —Jf' 11 I�� -- PROPERTY LINE e\N r� _- -�—r L SERVICE YARD #1 /r — — — — RECYCLING _ J L STORAGE AREA COVERED TRASH As soo ENCLOSURE r l W 1 0 0 _ SITE PLAN SCALE FARCH/TEC7 A M ACK T MONT DRIVE A 92117 AR�'hr m 9 � 24;83 x Nr Ren.07/31/15 Q 9TF OF CAl \F0�2 ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT © MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT �o ZAP W W U W � M O r 1 �IW �zWa W dim enoie�a. w s e I s -rr � e e U w 0 0_ Q w LL]J f_ LU w w REVISIONS 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL /n� \\ /— Date 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Job CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. s P ::�9 B 74 FL�"_ 848 , 848 184 _ LIQUOR 204 n STORAGE 1848 1848 1848 6' -0" CLR. 6' -0" CLR. 19 I 2 2 2p CH G C NGE 1 M o R N I I I z 2 I 5 3 –I16" CLR. ® j ir) n Mni I STORAGE STORAGE 2 10 \/ 10' -0" V ToIII C4 3 A4 -1 F u CG� H J z AS -2 —W Y 2 1 17 A4 -2 A4 -1 TYP. a C D E 2 I I I I I E03 3B 4 -3 1'– on 3' -8" 3' -8" I I ^ 3A 1 2 RETAIL A4 -3 3 A4 -1 A4 -2 s EXISTING FIREPLACE E01 ENTRY PATIO LT 9 9 18 3 1 - 0" 3' -8" CLR. T -0" 3' -8" CLR. 1' 10" It flit N a a0 N 3 1 O L_____ J B A3 -1 c TYP. 8 2 Ty P. 8 HOST 5 1 OCID AS -1 a N I W N SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE I ❑ ,OS 1 I to ALIGN • 1 MY 1 1 1/4" = 1' -0" 3 WOMEN, 11' -3" v 23' -0" 8' -7" N K I ❑ 7 2 1 13' -5" PER NEW EQUIPMENT I — — — �/ \ ❑ �/ 2 \l \ ° M 1 15 6 i -4 , 2 T 2 I1° 1848 1824 1848 14- 17 LER REEZ f — — MEN'S A4 -2 w 19 TO acfi oa 8m 4 8 p p u _ t DISH SCULLERY WASH 3 1i1i,• I + . t 3 o � 107 X_Z 2 2 O I 1 13 1 - y \_ _ I z li PREP DISH WASH/ - - _ I �I ^�j7j ^\J A5 -1 V v L Y I "iCii + SCULLERY R "i T — -- -- - I A3 4 DINING I I i1 13A I 1 MAIN DINING -- -- I ❑ PAST � ❑ •o P ' - - -- A3 -2 1 8 -- -- —_ 7 Q I 1 -0 -- I � 11 I � I I -- -- E14PI O EE 1 I z Ni OM lI SER CE -J 1 15 ❑ I Ni 'may - C - -� L, A4 -3 8 "o 8 UP 4 10 I I I Q 104 w 1 I 13 (E) ELEC. –2— s'- s "v.l.F. A3 -3 6' -10" CLR. 10' -9" 4' -6" CLR. A3 5 - - - -- --------- - - - - -- — REP CO C* — — — — _ =F= -�� _ -- -- -�� �I - � _ _ _--- - - - --, — — — — T- - - - - -- — — — — — — — — �E> - - - -- - - - N - - - - i Ali Go 8 ❑� �� j �i PIZZA & CHARCUTERIE I 3 — —� � J— � —MAIN -COOK I 1 L� —� —�U O - -- - I — — — — - � I TYP. a O zasa zasa - 7' -3" CLR. _ �' 3j .CLR� — 3' Is 2' o w I 1 uans d // z 19 � .r ILL 9 o� 3 COOLER a - N 2 N IE1 2464 2454 2464 3 2 1 1 A4 -3 A4 -2 A4 -1 A5 -2 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1/4" = 1' -0" EXISTING WALL (EXPOSED WD. STUD) ❑ (E) ROOF ACCESS STAIR ❑ FIRE PLACE 17 TACTILE EXIT SIGN WITH THE 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND NOTIFY FLOOR TO UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE WALL (TO 16'- 6 "A.F.F.) KITCHEN WALL WORD "EXIT ". ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 6" 20 GA METAL STUDS @ 16 " O.C. 3 SEE BULLETING ON SHEET "GN" FOR TYPE &INFORMATION 2❑ EXISTING DOOR WITH 10 LINE OF 2ND FLOOR ABOVE 18 4 W/ 5/8" TYPE "X" GYP. BD. ON ONE SIDE PANIC HARDWARE THIRD PARTY WAS TESTING 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING EQUIPMENT, EXISTING WD. FRAME DEMISING WALL ❑ (E) SHEAR WALL, SEE STRUC. DWGS. tt (N) STAIR, REFER TO STRUC. DWGS. LABORATORY WILL BE REQ'D TO TEST FIXTURES, DOORS, WINDOWS, CEILING, FLOORING AND WALLS NOT NEW 5/8" TYPE "X" GYP. BD. OVER EXPOSED SIDE O C _ — _ — ::1 BAR'S DIE WALL (UNDER BAR COUNTERTOP) EXTERIOR INFILL LOW WALL 34" HIGH HOST COUNTER, (N) KITCHEN HOOD, REFER TO FOOD FIREPLACE TO APPLICABLE ANSI TEST DEMO. OWNER TO PROVIDE G.C. TO SERVICE DRAWINGS 6" 20 GA METAL STUDS @ 16 " O.C. PROVIDE 2x WOOD STUDS @ 16 " O.C. 4❑ 12 STANDARDS g FLOOR TO CEILING JOIST (TO 8 -0 rr A.F.F.) TO RELOCATED DOORS 19 5 BRACING AS REQUIRED. MATCH (E) WIDTH & EXT. FINISH INSTALL UPPER CABINET, FORMICA 3. FOR KITCHEN AND BAR EQUIPMENT SEE FOOD SERVICE DRAWINGS 13 3 5/8" 20 GA METAL STUDS @ 16 " O.C. WINE COOLER, REFER COLOR:GREY 4. FOR DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULE SEE SHEET A6 -1- 2 W/ 5/8" TYPE "X" GYP. BD. EA. SIDE NOT USED — — — — — — EXISTING STRUCTURAL WALL FOOD SERVICE DWGS 14 MIN 60 "x60" CLR SPACE 2A:SAME AS ABOVE W/ 6" 20 GA METAL STUDS <t> 10 NEW 5/8" PLYWOOD FOR ART WORK 6 LINE OF WINE RACK, BY OTHERS HIGH COUNTER COLOR: GREY 20 LOWER CABINETS, FORMICA 34" 5. FOR STRUCTURAL INFORMATION SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS ❑ 15 FURRED OUT WALL NEW STRUCTURAL WALL ❑ LINE OF SERVICE STATION 16 LOCATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL 3 5/8" 20 GA METAL STUDS @ 16 " O.C. PASTRY WALL PER STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS TO ALIGN WITH (E) SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY 3 W/ 5/8" TYPE "X" GYP. BD. ON ONE SIDE 3 -5/8" 20 GA METAL STUDS @ 16 " O.C. PROVIDE 8❑ (N) FIXED BANQUETTE SEATING 3A: SAME AS ABOVE W/ 6" 20 GA METAL STUDS 7 BACKING AS REQUIRED FOR UPPER CABINETS PARTITION LEGEND KEY NOTES GENERAL NOTES m B A mark BAUSBACK ARCHITECT 3670 CLAIREMONT DRIVE SUITE #11 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 858.623.0557 0`eD ARCy7 �G TER A m 9 24 83 aT Ren. 07/31/15 Q F OF CAL \FO ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT O MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITEC I O ZAP WWV O�Q zaa� �zwa VWF1Z� W enote�a. v� ♦ • U• W O 0_ a Z Q O O LL 0 O W 0 Q W WJ v , W w x REVISIONS 1 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL L Date 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Job CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. Al =1 30 O r, a I i RLAW I rill F FIXED SEATING IV D J E ��P f' dry; i I I I I E, ISTINC RETAIL `6 PATIO I � I X L. � I 4 O I / I I (G) H J 6' -7" FIXED SEATI — — 1 i A Is, I i I 9TNc 30 C ACE I I I I I I FIRE PLACEI I ii /I 3' -0" I I I I I I? Ila Ily i+1 o LI III I IIN B 3' -0" FIXED EATING 1 —9" FI ED SEATING HOST CD I t0 N ~' 1T -10" FIXED SEATIN WOMEN s� _ 3 (2) ROWS 3 +_ \ / \ 3 I I 3 I I 30X48 CLEAR 5 SPACE a \ T �� A I / � �/ - ! 1848 1824 1848 — — MEN'S ri LER REEZ '' _ — -- 4 7I V I / _ I I I I I + -6" 3+ —Q" ,q, u i I DISH WASH / C '� SCULLERY — 3' -9" 3' 0" 1 848 :. 88 o _ I I I MIL T I � � � - - .p � . I DISH WASH/ - -- A. __ II I I SCULLERY -I - y i I I i I `� -- -- II DININ ' + AFB MAIN DINING - -- -- o �) D 6 PAST I II �� -0 / o -- -- --- - / EfG -PLO EE - - - - - - PAS I M — — R S2, OM III T I " I Z�4 / \ I I EI I' + 1' -7" .1. (E) ELEC. F RM. ; ,i - -- 1 — --A — — 3'`0" CLEAR 3 R _ _ I �'• — — _ —' - - - -- — I — r- --- - - - - - -- - - - - -� ILJ T 3OX48CLEAR SPACE C7 SPACE ILLLLLLJ- M / I 71-7 30 48 CLEAR I SP CE — — — — Da I\ M74FPI £OOf� HA E I I 1 III � — II 42' -9" XED EATING F7 F; 24.54 2454 M OR OCHRE LL I 0 r � z ' m COOLER 9 2454 2454 2454 10 - - - - I I I I I SCALE FIRST FLOOR FINISH PLAN I R 42" WIDE MAIN ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL MAXIMUM HEIGHT 34" ACCESSIBLE RECEPTION COUNTER 1. FOR ACCESSIBLE COUNTERS AND TABLES KNEE SPACE = 27" HIGH, 30" IrMIN (MAIN AISLES) WIDE AND 19" DEEP. PER SECTION 1122B.3 FIG11 B -13. l� o EI ACCESSIBLE BAR COUNTER HEIGHT AT 34" HIGH MAX. 2. s El UNDER COUNTER CONTINUOUS LINEAL L.E.D., LIGHT 3 POER SECTION ACCESSIBLE B TABLE TOPS = 28 TO 34 HIGH AND 30 WIDE MIN. " FIXTURE TYPE "G ", REFER TO ELECTRICAL DWGS. N 1 MAE9910LE Pe,HOF avwuFL o I , — /'— 36" WIDE ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL KNEECLFARANCE TDECIPARANCE• �¢. - (AISLES ACCESS WAY) R•NIN. 4. FOR ACCESSIBLE COUNTER TOPS = 28" TO 34" HIGH MAX. AND 60" WIDE MIN. 1)'NIN, 'NCW IM1mmbnum9inG"e KNIN, I neynlawN.a,ane is M - Paaaea. a ma.im.m ms larn.a 4 � - SIDE ELEVATION +ate " ° "I,.a.I 0C I..,a m•Y PLA vm 5. ACCESSIBLE SEATING WILL BE PROVIDED PER SECTION 1122B.1 ..bnN imo Me:x,Pay. , e9 I. � I 30 "x48' WHEEL CHAIR CLEAR 6. WHEELCHAIR ACCESS SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN ALL AREAS WHERE A THESE DAGRM15 ILLUSTRATE THE SPECIFIC RE W IREMENT6 OF THESE REGULATIONS AND ARE (MERGED ONLY A4 AN AID FOR - -- k R, FLOOR SPACE DIFFERENT TYPE OF FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY OCCURS PER SECTION eulLnm¢DESIGN AxocoNSmual¢N. N I I (11046.5.3). 30X48 CLEA FIGURE 11 &ID —KNM CLEARANCE NN SPACE SCALE SCALE FI¢¢ RE,: R:, �,:" :NDNDLEARANDES FOR .F.,"D AND TADLE SCALE DOOR THRESHOLD 4 KNEE CLEARANCE 3 ACCESSIBLE SEATING 2 FLOOR LEGENDS KEY NOTES GENERAL NOTES N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. m B A mark BAUSBACK ARCHITECT 3670 CLAIREMONT DRIVE SUITE #11 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 858 - 623.0557 USED ARCy/ o CGS A A 9 24 83 aT Ren, 07/31/15 Q F OF CAL0, ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT O MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITEC I sp O ZAP WWV Wax zaa� �zwa enote�a. — v U• w O K D_ I..L Z Lu Q CO 0 LL O w J H r w w x REVISIONS 1 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL L Date 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Job CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. 1 31 g C F +7'-6" nG H J -6" A.F.F. - — — — — 1 OEM 4� Q X1 I nD E ® ®Q �P 2 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SCALE 1 1/4" = 1' -0" L LINE OF COUNTERTOP, BELOW 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND NOTIFY 8. FLASHING, REVOLVING, OR INTERMITTED EXTERIOR LIGHT VISIBLE FROM ANY ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PROPERTY LINE OR STREET SHALL BE PROHIBITED, EXCEPT IF APPROVED AS AN GYPSUM BOARD CEILING WOOD PLANKS, LINE OF FIXED SEATING, BELOW 2. ALL SUSPENDED CEILING SHALL COMPLY W/ CBC 808 AND SEISMIC ACCESSORY FEATURE ON A TEMPORARY BASIS IN CONJUNCTION WITH A SPECIAL SIZES VARIES DESIGN ASCE 7-05, EVENT PERMIT. I LINE OF SERVICE STATION, BELOW 3. SUSPENDED CEILING SHALL BE DESIGN & INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE 9. A PHOTOMETRIC STUDY MAY BE REQUIRED AS PART OF AN APPLICATION FOR A ZONING W/ ASTM C635, ASTM C636 AND THE CISCA CLEARANCE IF IT IS DETERMINED THAT THERE IS POTENTIAL FOR A NEGATIVE IMPACT 4'X8' METAL STAGGERED WALL PAPER LINE OF HOOD, BELOW 4. G.C. TO PROVIDE MANUFACTURER, PRODUCT & ICC ES REPORT TO SURROUNDING LAND USES OR SENSITIVE HABITAT AREAS PANELS CLASS "A" RATING NUMBER FOR THE SUSPENDED CEILING SYSTEM. STEEL LIGHT BEAM 5. HEAVY DUTY T -BAR GRID SYSTEM WILL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED BY 10. IF IN THE OPINION OF THE DIRECTOR EXISTING ILLUMINATION CREATES AN 5❑ ASCE 7 -05 UNACCEPTABLE NEGATIVE IMPACT ON SURROUNDING LAND USES OR SENSITIVE EMERGENCY LIGHTS LINE OF WINE SHELVES, BELOW 6. SOFFIT TOP CONNECTION & LATERAL BRACING TO COMPLY PER HABITAT AREAS THE DIRECTOR MAY ORDER THE DIMMING OF LIGHT SOURCES OR 2'x4' T -BAR CLNG. WITH 2'x4' 7. ALL OUTDOOR LIGHTING FIXTURE SHALL DE DESIGNED, SHIELDED, AIMED, LOCATED, OTHER REMEDIATION UPON FINDING THAT THE SITE IS EXCESSIVELY ILLLUMINATED. CLEANABLE TILES AND MAINTAINED TO SHIELD ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND TO NOT PRODUCE GLARE ® EXITING SIGNS ONTO ADJACENT PROPERTIES OR ROADWAYS. PARKING LOT LIGHT FIXTURES AND LIGHT FIXTURES ON BUILDINGS SHALL BE FULL CUT -OFF FIXTURES. CEILING LEGEND KEY NOTES GENERAL NOTES m B A mark BAUSBACK ARCHITECT 3670 CLAIREMONT DRIVE SUITE #11 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 858.623.0557 0`eD ARCy� ��o CGS A A 9 s x 24 83 mT Ren, 07/31/15 Q F Op CAL \FO ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT O MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITEC I sp W O ZAP WWVE� �zwa W�z�W aH�z enote�a M v� U- LU 0 O K o_ ui U w w ry 0 z O U cn W z (n Q J n Q (D F___ z w U) J_ J '1' H ED H LU W C) REVISIONS 1 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL Date 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Job CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. oA2 -1 S2 m B A mark BAUSBACK ARCHITECT 3670 CLAIREMONT DRIVE SUITE #11 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 858.623.0557 C,SED ARCy/ �G TER %� o CGS A m 9 s x 24 83 mT Rel07/31/15 Q F Op CAL \FO ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT O MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITEC I SIP W O ZAP WWV zaa� �zwa enote�a v� U w O Of 0_ VJ Z O W W VJ Z O rr W^ U) 0L O_ LL // w WJ I— H w Z w REVISIONS 1 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL late 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Job CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. o A4 -1 33 KEY NOTES 1❑ WOOD WINE SHELVING ❑2 METAL WINE SHELVING WOOD & METAL SERVICE STATION ® GRAFFITI WALL ❑5 (N) FIXED WINDOW - SEE WINDOW SCHEDULE © INFILL AREA BELOW (N) WINDOW TO MATCH (E) FINISHES �7 DRY WALL, "P -1" REFER TO FINISH SCHEDULE ® METAL FRAMED SOFFITS W/ 5/8" TYP. X GYP. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS 5/8" TYP. X GYP. O/ EXISTING FRAMING 10 HOSTESS STATION 11 (N) PIVOT DOOR - SEE DOOR SCHEDULE BANQUETTE SEATING METAL SOFFIT 1� 4" METAL BASE DRYWALL SOFFIT. I I 8 8 5 0 I o o PANTRY N & GENERAL NOTES PAS z X ao \tj3 I 4 A3 -4 INTERIOR SECTION / ELEVATION SCALE 1/4 " =1' -0" r 1 rr rr r7 �r rr r7 r %r h rr 7 r h �r r r #^ %rr r r r r r7 7 h 7 h r h r r r rr r1 r1 r i 7 7 3' -0" T -0" 5 15 0 7 ' 1 1 P Id ENTRY o N 10 � [LL 6 Z 4K le 4' -0" MAX OPENING 11 INTERIOR SECTION / ELEVATION SCLE 3 INTERIOR ELEVATION 2 1/4"=V-0" 1/4"=V-0" m B A mark BAUSBACK ARCHITECT 3670 CLAIREMONT DRIVE SUITE #11 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 858.623.0557 C,SED ARCy/ �G TER %� o CGS A m 9 s x 24 83 mT Rel07/31/15 Q F Op CAL \FO ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT O MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITEC I SIP W O ZAP WWV zaa� �zwa enote�a v� U w O Of 0_ VJ Z O W W VJ Z O rr W^ U) 0L O_ LL // w WJ I— H w Z w REVISIONS 1 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL late 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Job CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. o A4 -1 33 i • STORAGE zzz KITCHEN °' 'S \ M 'S ` ;PANTRY \ \ INTERIOR SECTION / ELEVATION 15 t INTERIOR ELEVATION T -0" O N 0 C. v SCALE 1/4 " =1' -0" T PLEASE REFER TO SHEET A4 -1 FOR KEYNOTES i i a AM fry Li u i i '25' A3 -2 E SCALE 1/4 " -1' -0" INTERIOR SECTION If ELEVATION SCALE 1/4"=170" L m B A mark BAUSBACK ARCHITECT 3670 CLAIREMONT DRIVE SUITE #11 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 858.623.0557 0`eD ARCy� ��o CGS A A 9 s x 24 83 mT Rel07/31/15 Q F Op CAL \FO ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT O MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITEC I SIP W fYi � ZAP WWV O�Q zaa� �zwa W�z�W aH�z enote�a _ v� U W O Of 0_ VJ Z O W W Z O U W U) O_ ry W WJ F F- H W Z W Q) REVISIONS 1 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL gate 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Job CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. o A4 -2 m B A mark BAUSBACK ARCHITECT 3670 CLAIREMONT DRIVE SUITE #11 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 858.623.0557 0`eD ARCy� ��o CGS A A 9 s x 24 83 mT Rel07/31/15 Q F Op CAL \FO ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT O MARK BAUSBACK Al I SIP W O ZAP WWV O�Q zaa� �zwa enote�a v� U W O Of 0_ Z O J W Z O U U) O w WJ I— H LU Z W co REVISIONS 1 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL gate 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Job CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. 1AA44 35 PLEASE REFER TO SHEET A4 -1 FOR KEYNOTES r rr r r � �` � r � t` � r rr r - - - - -- $ I -- ------ - - - - - - o PIZZA BAR C M. 1 uimnv� 14 12 DINING I I KITCHEN KITCHEN{ 4 A3 -3 INTERIOR SECTION / ELEVATION SCALE 8 0 O — // // 12 14 14 Ilk 4, / - co INTERIOR SECTION / ELEVATION 2 �// CHANGE STORAGE 1/4"=V-0" STAIR ROOM / / / 5' -0" 2'_6" CO N M O N O N Ilk �1 B BUILDING SECTION 4 FIRE PLACE ELEVATIONS SE 3 14�A�o„ 1/4"=V-0" m B A mark BAUSBACK ARCHITECT 3670 CLAIREMONT DRIVE SUITE #11 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 858.623.0557 0`eD ARCy� ��o CGS A A 9 s x 24 83 mT Rel07/31/15 Q F Op CAL \FO ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT O MARK BAUSBACK Al I SIP W O ZAP WWV O�Q zaa� �zwa enote�a v� U W O Of 0_ Z O J W Z O U U) O w WJ I— H LU Z W co REVISIONS 1 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL gate 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Job CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. 1AA44 35 m B A mark BAUSBACK ARCHITECT 3670 CLAIREMONT DRIVE SUITE #11 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 858.623.0557 �5So ARC 1<1 TER o �A Y x 24 83 NT Ren.07/31/15 Q 9p �? F Op CA1-��0 ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT C MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT W I'ry�J� 0 1� �N V W W U H �VU O °=0 �zwa enote�a dmwI v� U� W O 0_ d U) Z O W W N I f O N I f W X w wJ H W LU LU REVISIONS 1 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL 0 Date 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Job CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. so KEY NOTES (N) EXTERIOR LIGHTS SEE LIGHTING PLAN (N) LIGHTED MENU 0 SIGNAGE LOCATION (SIGNAGE TO BE SUBMITTED UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT) ® (N) PIVOT DOOR �5 PROVIDE (N) FIXED SHUTTERS MATCH (E) © RELOCATE (E) DOORS MODIFY OPENING AS REQUIRED �7 (N) DOORS TO MATCH (E) ® (N) FIXED WINDOW INFILL AREA BELOW (N) BI -FOLD WINDOWS MATCH (E) FINISHES 1� REMOVE AREA UNDER (E) WINDOWS BEING REMOVED I IML I11 PATIO UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT 6 6 3 10 10 EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 �l I I GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL NEW EXTERIOR FINISHES TO MATCH EXISTING 3 1 1 1 E2 � EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE n L 1/4 " =1' -0" m B A mark BAUSBACK ARCHITECT 3670 CLAIREMONT DRIVE SUITE #11 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 858.623.0557 �5So ARC 1<1 TER o �A Y x 24 83 NT Ren.07/31/15 Q 9p �? F Op CA1-��0 ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT C MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT W I'ry�J� 0 1� �N V W W U H �VU O °=0 �zwa enote�a dmwI v� U� W O 0_ d U) Z O W W N I f O N I f W X w wJ H W LU LU REVISIONS 1 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL 0 Date 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Job CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. so PLEASE REFER TO SHEET A5 -1 FOR KEYNOTES EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE 11/4"=11-0" L '+ -v L MAX OPENING EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE 1/4 " =1' -0" 1 2 m B A mark BAUSBACK ARCHITECT 3670 CLAIREMONT DRIVE SUITE #11 SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 858.623.0557 0`eD ARCy� ��o CGS A A 9 24 83 (p T Ren, 07/31/15 Q F Op CAL \FO ALL ARRANGEMENTS, CONCEPT, IDEAS, AND DESIGNS DEPICTED ON THESE DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERTY OF MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITECT. THEY ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS SPECIFIC PROJECT ONLY AND SHALL NOT OTHERWISE BE USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. NO CHANGES OR DEVIATIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ARCHITECT. COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE SUBJECT PROJECT WILL BE FURNISHED TO AUTHORIZED PARTIES ONLY BY THE ARCHITECT. COPYRIGHT O MARK BAUSBACK ARCHITEC I sp W O ZAP WWVE� �zwa W�z�W aH�z enote�a v� v� 0 U) z O LL] w ry O ry w x w wJ I— ~ W W LU in REVISIONS 1 02.05.14 CITY RESUBMITTAL 01.21.14 Scale AS NOTED Drawn RB Jab CUCINA ENOTECA Sheet No. o A5 -2 37 To: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Subject: ADDITIONAL MATERIALS RECEIVED Item 1a: ADDITIONAL MATERIALS RECEIVED ZONING ADMINISTRATOR — APRIL 24, 2014 CUCINA ENOTECA RESTAURANT (PA2014 -006) From: Paul Christ [ mailto :omchristCabearthlink.netl Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 10:20 AM To: Thulin, John Subject: Project File No PA 2014 -006 / Activity No UP2014 -002 and OL2014 -002 Importance: High Hello Detective Thulin: I received a copy of the City of Newport Beach Notice of Zoning Administrator regarding the subject Project and I would like to formally submit this objection to the Application. 1) 1 don't believe that the city of Newport Beach can benefit from approval of the subject application. My particular objection is related to the late hours provision that would enable to Cucina Enoteca Restaurant Operator to remain open until 2 am. One of my concern is that the restaurant may begin night club operations that will include loud music and bring potential problems to the site by virtue of its late hours. I am thinking specifically of the restaurant in Santa Ana where the young Vietnamese girl was attacked and killed as she waited for admittance to a place that provided opportunity for later closure hours. 2) The Marriott hotel is directly across Newport Center Drive and its guests may suffer from the later hours of operation in the sense of noise, revelry, drunken patrons leaving, etc. The same potential problems should be considered by the Police Dept relative to residents of the nearby Big Canyon and Granville residential communities. Thank you, Paul Christ 1143 Granville Drive Newport Beach CA 92660 (949) 644 -7308 IMPORTANT WARNING and CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail (and any attachment) is only intended for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. All recipients, including employees of the City of Newport Beach, are obligated to maintain this communication in a safe, secure and confidential manner. Unauthorized disclosure or failure to maintain confidentiality is strictly prohibited and may be a violation of state and/or federal law(s) and carry criminal and/or civil penalties. Additionally, the unauthorized disclosure or failure to maintain confidentiality this e-mail (and any attachments) by employees of the City of Newport Beach may be a violation of City of Newport Beach and /or Newport Beach Police Department policies. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this message from your computer without making a copy or distribution.