HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 - Dove Street Condominium and Tentative Parcel Map - PA2013-024COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 (949) 644 -3200 Fax: (949) 644 -3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT May 15, 2014 Agenda Item No. 3: SUBJECT: Dove Street Condominium Conversion and Tentative Parcel Map - (PA2013 -024) 901 Dove Street • Condominium Conversion No. CC2014 -001 • Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2013 -005 APPLICANT: SIBS Dove Street Partners, L.P., Property Owner PLANNER: Jason Van Patten, Planning Technician (949) 644 -3234, Ivanpatten(o)newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT /GENERAL PLAN • Zone: PC -11 (Newport Place) • General Plan: MU -H2 (Mixed -use Horizontal) PROJECT SUMMARY A condominium conversion in conjunction with a tentative parcel map for nonresidential condominium purposes. The purpose of the Tentative Parcel Map is to create separate ownership units that will allow for the sale of office space within an existing two -story office building and enable reciprocal use of the common area lot for ingress, egress, and parking. The application also includes a request to waive the requirement that each unit within the building maintain separate water meters, and water and sewer connections. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Condominium Conversion No. CC2014 -001 and Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2013 -005 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 Dove Street Condominium Conversion Zoning Administrator May 15, 2014 Page 2 DISCUSSION Condominium conversion and tentative parcel map applications were filed by the property owner to convert an existing two -story office building to nonresidential condominiums for the purpose of creating approximately 20 separate ownership units and to allow reciprocal use of the common area lot for ingress, egress, and parking. The applicant has requested to waive the Title 19 (Subdivisions) requirement that each unit within the building maintain separate water meters, and water and sewer connections (Attachment No. ZA 4). A waiver is appropriate in this case because it will eliminate the need for street cuts that would otherwise be required for each new connection and will eliminate the need for re- plumbing and reconguration of existing connections which would require significant constructruction and cost. No other exceptions or waivers are proposed with this application. • The Municipal Operations Department has reviewed the request to waive separate water meters, and water and sewer connections for each condominium unit and will allow the waiver on the basis that the property owner ensures common water and sewer connection use will not be detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties (Attachment No. ZA 5). As a result, the property owner will be required to form an Association responsible for the payment of water and sewer fees. Any future development, modification or major construction of the property may revoke the waiver and require plans to be submitted to the City regarding water and sewer service. • The condominium conversion application for nonresidential units is necessary to meet the purpose and intent of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 19.64 (Conversion of Rental Units to Ownership). The purpose and intent of the Chapter is to regulate conversions and mitigate hardships while protecting the community, existing rental tenants, and the purchasers of the converted units. Section 19.64.030 (General Requirements) requires approval of a tentative parcel map for all condominium conversions. • Approval of the Tentative Parcel Map will allow the sale of commercial office space within the existing two -story building. • The property is located in Professional and Business Office Sites 1 and 2 of the Newport Place Planned Community (PC -11) Zoning District, and designated Mixed -Use Horizontal (MU -H2) by the General Plan, which is intended to provide for a horizontal intermixing of uses that may include regional commercial office, multi - family residential, vertical mixed -use buildings, industrial, hotel rooms, and ancillary neighborhood commercial uses. The existing office building is consistent N Dove Street Condominium Conversion Zoning Administrator May 15, 2014 Page 3 with these designations and a tentative parcel map for condominiums does not change the use. • This property is recognized as a housing opportunity site within the Housing Element of the General Plan. However, as demonstrated in the 2014 -2021 Housing Element, other housing opportunities exist within the City that can accommodate the City's share of regional housing needs. • For nonresidential condominium conversions, Title 19 requires that the number of parking spaces required at the time of original construction be provided on the property to be converted. At the time of original construction in 1974, 106 parking spaces were required (23,790 square feet / 225 = 105.7). This requirement may be reduced administratively by the Community Development Director when parking spaces are lost due to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements associated with tenant improvements. The office building underwent a tenant improvement in 2001 requiring the conversion of three parking spaces to loading zones for ADA purposes. The Community Development Director has determined in this case that 103 parking spaces meets the ratio required for the subject property. • The existing property to be converted to condominiums provides 102 on -site parking spaces. As conditioned, one additional parking space will be provided within the parking lot for a total of 103. • A special inspection for the purpose of identifying building safety violations was conducted on April 10, 2014 (Attachment No. ZA 6). The inspection identified safety violations associated with ADA accessibility, existing room and door signage, exiting signage, electrical panel labeling, existing stairs, handrails, and guardrails, as well as window and door glazing. All identified safety violations will be corrected prior to the building becoming condominiums. • Public improvements will be required of the applicant pursuant to Title 19 of the Municipal Code. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301, of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 1 (Existing Facilites). The Class 1 exemption consists of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. This includes but is not limited to the subdivision of existing commercial buildings where no physical changes occur which are otherwise not exempt. The proposed project will 3 Dove Street Condominium Conversion Zoning Administrator May 15, 2014 Page 4 convert an existing office building to nonresidential condominiums with no physical change to the building or expansion of use. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights -of- way and waterways) including the applicant and tenants of the existing building, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644 -3200. Prepared by: Jas Van Patten Planning Technician JM /jvp Attachments: ZA 1 ZA 2 ZA 3 ZA 4 ZA 5 ZA 6 ZA 7 ZA 8 Draft Resolution Vicinity Map Site Photographs Applicant's Request to Waive Separate Water and Sewer Municipal Operations Department Response Letter Condominium Conversion Inspection Report Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2013 -005 0 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE w RESOLUTION NO. ZA2014 -0 ## A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION NO. CC2014 -001 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. NP2013 -005 FOR NONRESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUMS LOCATED AT 901 DOVE STREET (PA2013 -024) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by SBS Dove Street Partners, L.P., property owner, with respect to property located at 901 Dove Street, and legally described as Parcel 1 in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map thereof, filed in Book 59, Page 22, of Parcel Maps, records of Orange County California requesting approval of a condominium conversion and tentative parcel map. 2. The applicant proposes a condominium conversion in conjunction with a tentative parcel map to convert an existing two -story office building to nonresidential condominiums for the purpose of creating separate ownership units and to allow reciprocal use of the common area lot for ingress, egress, and parking. 3. The applicant requests to waive the Title 19 (Subdivisions) requirement that each unit within the building maintain separate water meters, and water and sewer connections. No other waivers are proposed. 4. The subject property is located within Professional and Business Office Sites 1 and 2 of the Newport Place Planned Community (PC -11) Zoning District, and designated Mixed -Use Horizontal (MU -H2) by the General Plan. 5. The subject property is not located within the Coastal Zone. 6. A public hearing was held on May 15, 2014, at City Hall, 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). The Class 1 exemption consists of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. This includes but is not limited to the subdivision of existing commercial buildings where no physical changes occur which are otherwise not exempt. Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 2 of 14 2. The proposed project will convert an existing office building to nonresidential condominiums with no physical change to the building or expansion of use. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Condominium Conversion In accordance with Section 19.64.070 (Standards for Condominium Conversions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. The number of off - street parking spaces that were required at the time of original construction shall be provided on the same property to be converted to condominium purposes, and the design and location of such parking shall be in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 20.40 (Off - Street Parking). Facts in Support of Finding: A -1. At the time of original construction in 1974, 106 parking spaces were required (23,790 square feet / 225 = 105.7). Pursuant to Section 20.40.110 (Adjustments to Off - Street Parking Requirements), this requirement may be reduced administratively by the Community Development Director when parking spaces are lost due to Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements associated with tenant improvements. A -2. ADA upgrades in conjunction with a tenant improvement in 2001 resulted in a conversion of three parking spaces to loading zones. In this case, the Community Development Director determined that 103 parking spaces meets the ratio required due to a loss of parking spaces associated with ADA requirements. A -3. The existing property to be converted to condominiums provides 102 on -site parking spaces. As conditioned, one additional parking space will be provided within the parking lot for a total of 103. A -4. The design and location of parking is in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 20.40. Access to the shared parking area is taken from Quail Street and Dove Street, and adequate and safe maneuvering aisles are provided within the parking area. Finding: B. Each dwelling unit within a building shall have a separate sewer connection to the City sewer. I Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 3 of 14 Facts in Support of Finding: B -1. The applicant has requested to waive the requirement that each unit within the building maintain a separate sewer connection to the City sewer. Section 19.64.080 (Modification or Waiver of Conversion Standards) allows the decision making body to waive the requirement for separate connections if it finds that the waiver will not be materially detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties, nor to public health or safety. B -2. The existing property is serviced by three separate sewer connections. B -3. The applicant estimates the Condominium Conversion will result in approximately 20 separate ownership units. B -4. A waiver is appropriate in this case because it will eliminate the need for street cuts that would otherwise be required for each new connection and will eliminate the need for re- plumbing and reconguration of existing connections which would require significant constructruction and cost. B -5. Waiving the requirement for separate sewer connections will not be materially detrimental to the tenants, nor to public health or safety because the building has demonstrated that existing connections can adequately accommodate those utilizing the site. B -6. The Municipal Operations Department has reviewed the request to waive separate sewer connections for each condominium unit and will allow the waiver provided the property owner ensures common sewer connection use will not be detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties. Any future development, modification or major construction of the property may revoke the waiver and require plans to be submitted to the City regarding sewer service. B -7. The property owner shall form an Association responsible for the payment of sewer fees to ensure common sewer connection use will not be detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties. Finding: C. Each sewer lateral shall be retrofitted /fitted with a cleanout at the property line. Facts in Support of Finding: C -1. As conditioned, the project will comply with this requirement prior to recordation of the Tentative Parcel Map. Finding: D. Each dwelling unit shall maintain a separate water meter and water meter connection. 0 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 4 of 14 Facts in Support of Finding: D -1. The applicant has requested to waive the requirement that each unit within the building maintain a separate water meter and water meter connection. Section 19.64.080 (Modification or Waiver of Conversion Standards) allows the decision making body to waive the requirement for separate connections if it finds that the waiver will not be materially detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties, nor to public health or safety. D -2. The existing property is serviced by two separate water meters and water meter connections. D -3. The applicant estimates the Condominium Conversion will result in approximately 20 separate ownership units. D -4. A waiver is appropriate in this case because it will eliminate the need for street cuts that would otherwise be required for each new connection and will eliminate the need for re- plumbing and reconguration of existing connections which would require significant constructruction and cost. D -5. Waiving the requirement for separate water meter and water meter connections will not be materially detrimental to the tenants, nor to public health or safety because the building has demonstrated that existing connections can adequately accommodate those utilizing the site. D -6. The Municipal Operations Department has reviewed the request to waive separate water meters, and water meter connections for each condominium unit and will allow the waiver provided the property owner ensures common water connection use will not be detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties. Any future development, modification or major construction of the property may revoke the waiver and require plans to be submitted to the City regarding water and sewer service. D -7. The property owner shall form an Association responsible for the payment of water fees to ensure common water connection use will not be detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties. Finding: E. The electrical service connection shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 15.32 of the NBMC. 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 5 of 14 Facts in Support of Finding: E -1. The electrical service connection for the existing office building complies with Chapter 15.32 (Underground Utilities) because all electrical service to the building is installed underground. Finding: F. The applicant for a condominium conversion shall request a special inspection from the Building Division for the purpose of identifying any building safety violations. The applicant shall correct all identified safety violations prior to approval of a final map for the condominium conversion. Facts in Support of Finding: F -1. A special inspection was completed by the Building Division on April 10, 2014. F -2. The inspection identified safety violations associated with ADA accessibility, existing room and door signage, exiting signage, electrical panel labeling, existing stairs, handrails, and guardrails, as well as window and door glazing. F -3. As conditioned, the applicant shall correct all identified safety violations prior to recordation of the Tentative Parcel Map. Finding: G. Permanent lot stakes and tags shall be installed at all lot corners by a licensed surveyor or civil engineer unless otherwise required by the City Engineer. Facts in Support of Finding: G -1. As conditioned, the project will comply with this requirement prior to recordation of the Tentative Parcel Map. Finding: H. For residential conversions, the project shall be consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan, particularly with regard to the balance and dispersion of housing types within the City. Facts in Support of Finding: H -1. The project is not for a residential conversion. H -2. The property is designated MU -H2 (Mixed -Use Horizontal) by the Land Use Element of the General Plan. which is intended to provide for a horizontal intermixing of uses that may include regional commercial office, multifamily residential, vertical mixed -use 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Pace 6 of 14 buildings, industrial, hotel rooms, and ancillary neighborhood commercial uses. The existing office building is consistent with these designations and a tentative parcel map for condominiums does not change the use. H -3. Although the property is recognized as a housing opportunity site within the Housing Element of the General Plan, there exists other housing opportunities within the City that can accommodate the City's share of regional housing needs. Finding: 1. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for shall not, under circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of person residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Facts in Support of Finding: 1 -1. The application of project conditions will ensure the health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood and the City. 1 -2. The proposed project to convert an existing office building to condominiums is located on a property site within the MU -H2 Zoning District which allows for commercial office uses. 1 -3. Safety violations identified during the special inspection will be corrected ensuring the building does not create a detriment to persons working at or around the subject property. 1 -4. Accessibility upgrades in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act will be required of the applicant for the purpose of ensuring the use of the building and subject property are not detrimental to persons working or residing in the neighborhood. 1 -5. Public improvements will be required of the applicant per the Municipal Code and Subdivision Map Act. Tentative Parcel Map The Zoning Administrator determined in this case that the Tentative Parcel Map is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and is approved based on the following findings per Section 19.12.070 (Required Findings for Action on Tentative Maps) of Title 19: 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 7 of 14 Finding: A. That the proposed map and the design or improvements of the subdivision are consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan, and with applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this Subdivision Code. Facts in Support of Finding: A -1. The Tentative Parcel Map is for nonresidential condominium purposes. The proposed subdivision of an existing commercial office building is consistent with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and the MU -H2 (Mixed -Use Horizontal) General Plan land use designation which provides for a horizontal intermixing of uses that may include commercial office uses. A -2. The project is not located within a specific plan area. Finding: B. That the site is physically suitable for the type and density of development. Facts in Support of Finding: B -1. The site is developed with a two -story office building and common area parking lot. B -2. The lot is physically suitable for the commercial office density and development as the site is relatively flat, and has demonstrated since original construction that it is able to adequately accommodate for the office use. B -3. The subject property is accessible from Dove Street and Quail Street and is adequately served by existing utilities. Finding: C. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, the decision making body may nevertheless approve such a subdivision if an environmental impact report was prepared for the project and a finding was made pursuant to Section 21081 of the California Environmental Quality Act that specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the environmental impact report. Facts in Support of Finding: C -1. The site was previously developed in 1974 with a two -story office building and on -site parking lot. The design of the subdivision remains generally the same today. 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Pace 8 of 14 C -2. The applicant has proposed one new parking space in a location previously used for parking. The proposed improvements will cause no significant environmental impact. C -3. The property is located in an urbanized area that does not contain any sensitive vegetation or habitat. C -4. The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301 (Article 19 of Chapter 3), of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines — Class 1 (Existing Facilities). Finding: D. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. Facts in Support of Finding: D -1. The Tentative Parcel Map is for nonresidential condominium purposes. No improvements to the building or public utilities are proposed. The addition of one parking space and correction of identified safety violations associated with the special building inspection will not create any serious public health concerns. D -2. If at any time improvements are proposed they will comply with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes, which are in place to prevent serious public health problems. Any public improvements required of the developer per Section 19.28.010 (General Improvement Requirements) of the Municipal Code and Section 66411 (Local agencies to regulate and control design of subdivisions) of the Subdivision Map Act shall comply with all ordinances of the City and all Conditions of Approval. Finding: E. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. In this connection, the decision making body may approve a map if it finds that alternate easements, for access or for use, will be provided and that these easements will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This finding shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction and no authority is hereby granted to the City Council to determine that the public at large has acquired easements for access through or use of property within a subdivision. Facts in Support of Finding: E -1. There are no existing easements acquired by the public at large for access through, or use of the property. Therefore the Tentative Parcel Map will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of property within the proposed development. In Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 9 of 14 E -2. Shared vehicular and pedestrian ingress, egress, and access to the properties at 901 Dove Street and 1001 Dove Street is provided via the existing driveway area off Dove Street pursuant to a reciprocal easement recorded March 14, 2001, as Instrument No. 20010148157. The Tentative Parcel Map will not conflict with this easement of record. Finding: F. That, subject to the detailed provisions of Section 66474.4 of the Subdivision Map Act, if the land is subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 (Williamson Act), the resulting parcels following a subdivision of the land would not be too small to sustain their agricultural use or the subdivision will result in residential development incidental to the commercial agricultural use of the land. Facts in Support of Finding: F -1. The property is not subject to the Williamson Act because the subject property is not designated as an agricultural preserve and is less than 100 acres in area. F -2. The site, developed for office use, lies in a zone that permits such a use. Finding: G. That, in the case of a "land project' as defined in Section 11000.5 of the California Business and Professions Code: (1) There is an adopted specific plan for the area to be included within the land project; and (2) the decision making body finds that the proposed land project is consistent with the specific plan for the area. Facts in Support of Finding: G -1. The property is not a "land project' as defined in Section 11000.5 of the California Business and Professions Code because the existing subdivision does not contain 50 or more parcels. G -2. The project is not located within a specific plan area. Finding: H. That solar access and passive heating and cooling design requirements have been satisfied in accordance with Sections 66473.1 and 66475.3 of the Subdivision Map Act. Facts in Support of Finding: H -1. Any future improvements are subject to Title 24 of the California Building Code that requires new construction to meet minimum heating and cooling efficiency standards 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 10 of 14 depending on location and climate. The Newport Beach Building Division enforces Title 24 compliance through the plan check and inspection process. Finding: That the subdivision is consistent with Section 66412.3 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 65584 of the California Government Code regarding the City's share of the regional housing need and that it balances the housing needs of the region against the public service needs of the City's residents and available fiscal and environmental resources. Facts in Support of Finding: 1 -1. Commercial office condominiums are allowed land uses within Professional and Business Office Sites 1 and 2 of the PC -11 Zoning District. Although the site is subject to a residential development overlay in PC -11 and is identified as a housing opportunity site in the City's Housing Element, other housing opportunities exist in the City that can accommodate the City's regional housing need of five units for the 2014- 2021 housing period. Therefore, the Tentative Parcel Map for condominium purposes will not affect the City in meeting its regional housing need. Finding: J. That the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into the existing sewer system will not result in a violation of existing requirements prescribed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Facts in Support of Finding: J -1. As conditioned, wastewater discharge into the existing sewer system shall comply with the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements. Finding: K. For subdivisions lying partly or wholly within the Coastal Zone, that the subdivision conforms with the certified Local Coastal Program and, where applicable, with public access and recreation policies of Chapter Three of the Coastal Act. Facts in Support of Finding: K -1. The project is not located within the Coastal Zone. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 11 of 14 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Condominium Conversion No. CC2014 -001 and Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2013 -005, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Director of Community Development in accordance with the provisions of Title 19 Subdivisions, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 15th DAY OF MAY, 2014. 0 Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator u 17 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 12 of 14 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Division 1. Prior to the recordation of the Parcel Map, a total of 103 parking spaces shall be provided on site. 2. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Use Permit. 3. Prior to the recordation of the Parcel Map, all safety violations identified during the special inspection and specified in conditions 6 through 14 shall be completed. 4. The Condominium Conversion and Tentative Parcel Map shall expire if the Map has not been recorded within 24 months of the date of approval, unless an extension is granted by the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.16 (Tentative Map Expiration and Extension) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code 5. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Dove Street Condominium Conversion including, but not limited to, Condominium Conversion No. CC2014 -001 and Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2013 -005 (PA2013- 024). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and /or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Building Division 6. Electrical panels shall be identified and appropriately labeled with a proper load schedule. AN Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 13 of 14 7. Room and door identification shall be replaced to meet the current accessibility requirements for Braille. 8. Exit signs shall be replaced to meet current requirement for lumens. 9. Existing guardrails shall meet current code requirements with a minimum height of 42 inches, and spacing between balustrades not to exceed 4 inches on center. 10. Entry doors and windows shall be safety glazed by either being replaced with laminated glazing or tempered glazing. 11. Path of travel from the access parking spaces to the entrance to the buildings shall be upgraded to meet current code requirements. 12. A total of four accessible parking spaces are required. Existing accessible parking shall be upgraded to meet current code requirements. 13. Existing sanitary facilities shall be upgraded to meet current accessibility requirements. 14. Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the draft CCR's shall be submitted to the City for review. 15. The CCR's shall identify the common areas as it relates to exit path of travel and separate sanitary facilities for each sex and the associated maintenance. 16. The CCR's shall identify the maintenance of all disabled access elements such as but not limited to: parking, access, path of travel, sanitary facilities, stairs, and unit entrances. 17. The CCR's shall identify the common use of water and sewer. 18. The second floor may not be used for medical use without the installation of an elevator. 19. Prior to final of the building permit for the special inspection, the Parcel Map for condominium purposes shall be recorded and all conditions of approval shall be completed and verified by the Planning Division. Public Works Department 20. The Parcel Map shall be recorded. The Parcel Map shall be prepared on the California coordinate system (NAD88). Prior to recordation of the Map, the surveyor /engineer preparing the Map shall submit to the County Surveyor and the City of Newport Beach a digital - graphic file of said map in a manner described in Section 7 -9 -330 and 7 -9 -337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. The Parcel Map to be submitted to the City of Newport Beach shall comply with the City's CADD Standards. Scanned images will not be accepted. 19 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2014 -0 ## Paqe 14 of 14 21. Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the surveyor /engineer preparing the Map shall tie the boundary of the Map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in Section s 7 -9 -330 and 7 -9 -337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. Monuments (one inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set on each lot corner, unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project. 22. The applicant shall reconstruct the existing broken and /or otherwise damaged concrete sidewalk panels, driveways, and curb and gutter along the Dove Street and Quail Street frontages. 23. All existing drainage facilities in the public right -of -way, including the existing curb drains along the Dove Street and Quail Street frontages shall be retrofitted to comply with the City's on -site non -storm runoff retention requirements. 24. Dove Street and Quail Street are part of the City's Moratorium List. All work performed on said roadways will require additional surfacing requirements. See City Standard 105 -L -F. 25. Since no construction is being proposed at this time, an Association shall be established and responsible for the payment of water and sewer fees. Any delay in payments and any issues with the existing master meters will directly affect all units due to the fact that they do not have their own individual services. Any clogs and back- ups of the shared sewer lateral lines will directly affect all units served by that line. 26. Each existing sewer and water lateral shall be retrofitted /fitted with a cleanout at the property line. 27. An encroachment permit is required for all work activities within the public right -of -way. 28. All improvements shall comply with the City's sight distance requirement pursuant to City Standard 110 -L. 29. In case of damage done to public improvements surrounding the development site by any construction, additional reconstruction within the public right -of -way may be required at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. 30. All on -site drainage shall comply with the latest City Water Quality requirements. 20 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 21 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 22 23 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE M, Attachment No. ZA 3 Site Photographs 25 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 20 27 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 22 Attachment No. ZA 4 Applicant's Request to Waive Separate Water and Sewer 29 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 30 :1 �� _ • 901 DOVE STREET SUITE 270 NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA 926643039 949.7543200 FAX 949.7545777 November 6, 2013 Jason Van Patten City of Newport Beach Community Development Department 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 cO'yM �e� 0 2� MFNr °Rr BEPC" Re: 901 Dove Street — Request to Waive Individual Sewer and Water Dear Mr. Van Patten, Please accept this letter as our request to waive the City of Newport Beach (the "City ") requirement under Section 19.64.070)B) of the municipal code pertaining to separate sewer connections. Code Section 19.64.080(B) Modification or Waiver of Conversion Standards, authorizes waiver of such requirements if the City finds that the modification or waiver will not be material to residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties, nor to public health and safety. The building at 901 Dove Street is existing and is developed with multi- tenant office suites that all share common water and sewer lines in the common restrooms, with the exception of suites 120 and 270. With this application, we are requesting a condo overlay to allow for individual office condos. With the condo conversion the water and sewer lines will remain and will function as they do now. The water will be provided as a common area expense of the Owners association in the future. When an association is formed, we anticipate that a sub -meter will be installed so that the association would be able to charge the water expense accordingly to both Suite 120, and Suite 270, which are the only suites with water and sewer lines. The association will be responsible for the payment of the sewer and water fees to the City of Newport Beach. It is hereby acknowledged that any delay in payments and any issues with the master meter will directly affect all future condo owners due to the fact they are being serviced by one meter /service. Additionally, it is hereby acknowledged that any clogs and back -ups of a sewer lateral line will directly affect all condo owners being served by that line. Sincerely, ame tiram u orized Agent, Resco Properties For SBS Dove Street Partners L.P. PA2013 -024 forNP2013 -005 CC2014 -001 901 Dove Street 32 SBS Dove Street Partners, L.P. INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE S2 Attachment No. ZA 5 Municipal Operations Department Response Letter 33 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE M. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT April 30, 2014 James K. Biram Resco Properties 901 Dove Street, Suite 270 Newport Beach, CA 92660 -3038 RE: 901 Dove Street — Request to Waive Individual Sewer and Water Dear Mr. Biram, This letter is in response to your letter dated November 6, 2013, where your firm requested a utilities waiver under Section 19.64.080 (Modification or waiver of Conversion). After review of your request /proposal we have concluded the following: The Municipal Operations Department will allow the waiver of water and wastewater conversion providing the property owner(s) ensure that the common water and sewer connection use will not be detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties. An Association shall be formed and will be responsible for the cost of service provided by the City of Newport Beach. It is understood that no construction or modifications to the site is intended with this request, that a conversion of the services would require a major re- plumbing and construction. For these reasons, it is reasonable to continue with the existing configuration. Future development, modification or major construction of the property may revoke this waiver and require plans to be submitted to the City regarding water and sewer service. If you have any further questions regarding this matter please contact me at (949) 644- 3011. Sincerely, George Murdoch Utilities General Manager Corporation Yard: 592 Superior Ave, Newport Beach, CA 92663 - Telephone: (949) 644 -3055 Fax: (949) 650.0747 Utilities Yard: 949 West 16th Street, Newport Beach, CA 92663 - Telephone: (949) 644 -3011 Fax: (949) 646 -5204 Mailing Address: PO Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 - www. newportbeachca .gov /municipaloperations 2 5 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 3o Attachment No. ZA 6 Condominium Conversion Inspection Report 37 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE S2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 www.newportbeachca.gov (949) 644 -3200 CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION INSPECTION REPORT (CHECKLIST) Inspection Fee: $246.00 per unit No. Units Condo Conv. No. $11004 °0746 ($123.00(hr -2 hrs minimum) Address: r1 O1 V V 6 §� Date: 4 ' 9 Existing Occ: Grp Type of Construction: g Sf"A5hsl61�E lZ Owner: 5 IS t9ra +.!k V'AVtZrdTtVk Phone Number: 99'1 '756.3,00 Assigned to Inspector: mot' au L S*U % Date: °J-11b-14 Phone: (949) 644 -32 THE FOLLOWING CHECKLIST WILL BE USED DURING THE INSPECTION TO VERIFY EXISTING BUILDING CONDITIONS AND COMPLIANCE TO MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR THE CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION. A. EACH UNIT MUST COMPLY WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS OF THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. Does the unit meet minimum sanitation requirements? (y) (n) Com 2. Does the unit meet minimum structural and occupancy standards? (y) )X6 (n)_ Comment. MV0( tN£IEL aS VLY�$� L�tlCecaPrtti f ElQL�ai �r� a 3. Does the unit meet minimum exiting safety standards? qq (y) (n)_4_ Comment. boC L, S1� rdri�T iC`C t d iY+� tI 4. Does the unit meet minimum plumbing standards? (y) X.(n) Is there a garbage disposal installed on a dedicated circuit ?(y) N f; (n) N Us; Com 5. Does the unit meet minimum standards of heating and venting? (y)_4___(n)_ Merit Forms \Condominium Conversion Inspection Report 12/23113 7J° 6. Does the unit meet minimum standards for electrical safety? (y) _(n)_ Com .B. EACH UNIT MUST COMPLY WITH CURRENT MINIMUM LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. Do the existing stairs and handrails comply with minimum safety requirements of Chapter 10 UBC? (y) _(n)4- Did they comply when originally constructed? (y) =(n) 8. Do the existing guardrails comply with minimum safety requirements of Section 509 of the Uniform Building Code (y) _(n)�^ Did they comply when originally constructed? (y) X.(n) 9. Are smoke detectors installed in each bedroom and other required locatio s per section 310.9.1.1 of the UBC (y) (n) d Comment: 10. Is there a required occupancy separation rating? _�_ _ hr(s)(y) _(n) S, If so, does it meet the requirements of section 302 UBC? (y) _(n) 11. Is the roof a minimum Class C fire retardant roof? (y) X(n) Owner to submit letter of certification by a licensed roofing contractor of fire retardancy and remaining life of the roof. (y) °_(n) Comment 12. Is safety glazing installed in areas subject to human impact ?(y)X(n)_X____ Comment. V't,'t TiF4 lETgv;'t Gt n�zsyvr. J:S Other Comments Forms \Condominium Conversion Inspection Report 12!2$713 54P60 CIPZTW ', 40 C. EACH UNIT IS REQUIRED TO BE INDIVIDUALLY SERVED BY SEPARATE UTILITIES. Note: the City does not consider it feasible to separate sewer piping when existing units are integrally piped through lower units to units above. (Please demonstrate for the inspector that utilities serving the units are not connected.) 11 Is this unit served by its own water meter and piping? (y) _(n)_ Are the materials used in the system approved for the use? (y) )�—(n) Are there apparent cross connection hazards in the system? (y) .(n)X NOTE: New water service and water meter must go to the secondary unit. Existing water meter and service line must remain with original address. (Contact Water Meter Division with any questions: (949) 644 -3019) Comments: 14. Is this unit served by its own gas meter and piping ?. (y) _(n)_ Are the materials used in the system approved for the use? (y) ,)�_(n) Are there apparent safety hazards in the system? (y) _(n) �C Comments: tiIo 'try at! i Ne.'f_S S 1PN G h "s 'T , D . 15. Is this unit served by its own electric meter and wiring? (y) _(n). X Is the unit served by a minimum 100amp service? (y) X (n) Is a new or relocated service required to be fed underground ?(y) _(n)X Are there apparent safety hazards in the system? (y) X(n) 16. Is this unit served by its own sewer and piping? (y) _(n)� Are the materials used in the system approved for the use? (y) �_(n) Is there an approved cleanout installed at the property line? (y) _(n)_ Comments: ciwwy 6 �, t.eT Other Com Signed By:w Forms \Condominium Conversion Inspection Report Date: --9 .' i 0 " I It 41 v e,� - ity of Newport beacn - esuuaing vtvisivrr 11Iili lllllllll llllilln ll�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiII��I _ . _. -. -._ - _ __ . 5$ 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 X 2 0 1 4 0 7 9 6 ri Permit Counter Phone (949)6443288 Project No U A "°'''un�n" y� Combine ?ion Type - CIP Inspection Requests Phone (949)644 -3255 Job Address: 901 DOVE ST NB Issued Date: 03/31/2.011f Descriptlon:COMM - NON RESIDENTIAL CONDO CONV Inspector Area: 7 Legal Desc.: P BK 59 PG 22 PAR 1 Owner: SIBS DOVE STREET PARTNERS Contractor: OWNER/BLDR Architect: Address: 901 DOVE ST #270 Address: JACOBS DANIELLE Address: NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660'.° Phone: 949- 7563200 Phone: Phone: State Lic: Applicant: SBS DOVE STREET PARTNERS P ''-as$: 901 DOVE ST #270 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Phone: 949- 777 -9400 Code Edit: 201V/,� Type of Construction: j� J Occupancy Group: Added /New sq.ft. Bldg: 0 Added /New sq. ft. Garage: 0 No of Stories: ® Z No of Units: - 0 Bldg Height. 0 Bldg Sprinklers: Flood Zone: Construction Valuation: $0.00 Building Permit Fee: $0.00 Plan Check Fee: $0.00 Overtime Plan Ck: $0.00 Investigation Fee: $0.00 _Record Management: $0.00 iergy Compliance: $0.00 --A Seismic Safety : $0.00 Disabled Access : $0.00 Fee Increase: Fee: $0.00 Additional Fee : $755.00 Hazardous Mat: $0.00 Building Green Fee: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $755.00 Con State Lic: O/B Lic Expire: Bus Lic: Lic Exp Date: Worker's Compensation Insurance Carrier: Policy No: Expire: Building Setbacks Rear: / Front: / Left: / Right: I Excise Tax: $0.00 Grading PC Consultant: $0.00 Grading Permit Fee: $0.00 Grading PC Fee: $0.00 WQ Insp. Fee: $0.00 Electrical %: $0.00 Mechanical %: $0.00 Plumbing %: $0.00 Engineer: Address: Phone: Designer: Address: Phone: State Lic: Special Conditions: O/B AUTH ATTACHED Planning Department - Plan check Fee: Fair Share: SJH Trans Fire Inspection: In -lieu Housing Fee: $0.00 Public Works Department - Park Dedication : $0.00 PNV Plan Check: $0.00 San Dist: $0.00 NMUSD Fee: $0.00 d Zone : N $0.00 $0.00 Plan Check Fee: $0.00 Fee Due at Permit Issuance : $755.00 PROCESSED BY: Z PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL: ZONING APPROVAL: - PLAN CHECK BY: GRADING APPROVAL: APPROVAL TO ISSUE: PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUa7dCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION. 42 Fire Department $0.00 Fire Inspection: $0.00 $0.00 Fire Plan Rev _ $0.00 - $0.00 Demolition Fee - $0.00 Building, Dept Adm $0 -00 General Service $orop Refund Deposit $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Plan Check Fee: $0.00 Fee Due at Permit Issuance : $755.00 PROCESSED BY: Z PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL: ZONING APPROVAL: - PLAN CHECK BY: GRADING APPROVAL: APPROVAL TO ISSUE: PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUa7dCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION. 42 42 Attachment No. ZA 7 Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations 4-21 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE ME DRAWING LIST R1 A2 A3 A4 A5 COVER SHEET / SITE PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLANS SECOND FLOOR PLANS EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS VICINITY MAP BLDG. ADDRESS: NOTE: DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTY BEARINGS ARE TAKEN FROM INFORMATION SHOWN TENANT PARCEL MAP PREPARED BY WINZLER & KELLY DATED 05 -06 -2009. 901 DOVE STREET • ° ® °• ®�� ® ®, ®.- EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS NEWPORT BEACH, CA. SITE 73 (� "•® NORTH ®.• ®° _-- - - - - -- SCALE NONE 00#0 - BUILDING DATA ° ° _ _ _ _ ------ J • ® I / �= 88' 59'12" • OWNERS: blob ,_ U) o° ° / 10 1 8 R= 15.00' L= 23.30' ' SIBS DOVE STREET PARTNERS, LP Q (n m / ° I PROJECT CONTACT: JIM BIRAM T y Q N -� °.® • -1 �,' 901 DOVE STREET, # 270 Z w z CH " , � 6ti 1 . . . _. _ . . .. ' NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 p ° gIR / °° �� �00000 . .` I • LEGAL DESCRIPTION: / eye pp PARCEL 1 OF RESUBDIVISION NO. 429, IN THE CITY OF : i i �p�$ �1 .� •_ _ . °. _ NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 55 i ° �y • .��� :_: _ _ -: : __ ' ... I I I AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 59, PAGE 22 OF MESA / / ♦/ D ' ° • ° I I PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. COSTA / i '' • - • . -• - '- - I I I • BUILDING DESCRIPTION: FRS �, /// ♦ �// , '•• :' 'I _: - I I S / I ... I I TWO STORY BUILDING WOOD FRAMED AND EXTERIOR WOOD CLAD VENEER. �O�- / �/ ♦ / -�i'° F� " ° 0R� S % • , ♦� // °- 90, �s9s a. ° •'I g O E 3a oo' , E 31.25' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION PER 2010 CODE —VB (WITH FIRE SPINKLERED) I I I I I SITE AREA 1.723 ACRES 13" I I I . %zo 6" I I TOTAL BUILDING AREA 23,790 SQ. FT. ° ♦'. . °. 13 I I PARKING TABULATION BOTH OF THESE BUILDING PARCELS HAVE A RECIPROCAL PARKING AGREEMENT , / / / / ° - • ° • " I ; - - • ° ' ALLOWING PARKING SPACES TO BE USED BY TENANTS FOR BOTH BUILDINGS. `I ` 1. HANDICAP PARKING COUNT IS BASED ON THE TOTAL PARKING COUNT FOR / / ♦ / / ° . ... _ . ° . �: �?"�' BOTH BUILDING. . . . . PARKING FOR ON BUILDING 901 DOVE PARCEL RESUBDIVISION NO. 429 PARCEL MAP 59/22 - PARCEL 1: LEGEND 0 (E) STD. H.C. STALLS 2 STALLS : / / ♦ / .:.° O`O +'° t e-1 . . 1' I I (E) VAC H.C. STALLS 1 STALLS ®/ ♦/ . °.. . . .I o' (E) STD. STALLS 99 STALLS / / / w�� °, . „• ® • o ° NEW STANDARD 1 STALLS ° / / / •�.`. . .`. 5 °`I '° PARKING STALL / ♦ / �� : e. . . . °. ... ' ` O e •l P. °. .'/ I I I TOTAL NUMBER OF 103 STALLS : / / / .1;: �, _ _ . . . . PARKING STALLS / / ♦ / o ♦ / hog .. .'..' °- '•. °'• °;° ..�J I e I ..a..... ... .;� (E) ,,STAIRS / ♦ // �1,'fie ° /FJ ep. . -.'� -' ^ • °: . h u J . I TYP. •° v °• °.° 1 I 1 IDENTIFIES EXISTING LANDSCAPE AREAS. PLAN NOTES (E): 115.25' C. . 13 �.•. n n, d/ •I. �1 EXISTING CONCRETE WALKWAY FROM PUBLIC SIDEWALK TO THE BUILDING. / / ♦ / � � W M � -2 EXISTING CONCRETE DRIVE APPROACH. i ° , / / , / �` 6 9' ti' 9' ,^ 1 -6. 9� 16 8 I I I TYP. 0 18 1 Z I 1 INTERIOR UNCOVERED COURTYARD. / , / , 19a 1 T�'P• t5 2 I I I / ;' ,' 4 8' E 14 N 4 7 x F4 EXISTING POLE MOUNTED SITE LIGHTING FIXTURE. �' ♦ / / I I W I I XX ' I I EXISTING CONCRETE WALKWAY TO BUILDING SUITE ENTRIES. /: ♦ / �. �. ©EXISTING ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS AND ACCESSIBLE CURB ACCESS _ 20 20 20 f.•.•. I I I RAMP. . / �/ /• / ° _1 1 ' 1 F7 EXISTING ACCESSIBLE SITE SIGNAGE. / - ° ` I I / / I 1 8 EXISTING BUILDING ADDRESS SIGN. / / ♦ / - ° . �g EXISTING 20' SETBACK LINE. / / ♦ / / m a ? ° . ° • • ! 1 I 1 / ♦ / 10 EXISTING PUBLIC SIDEWALK. Q / s -. °. . . °. • _ •� I I I 11 EXISTING ON SITE CONCRETE DRAINAGE GUTTER. �V ♦/ 1 . ... ° : II 12 EXISTING TRASH ENCLOSURE. ° / / , / ; ° _ _ : _ I I I 13 EXISTING EXTERIOR STAIRS UP TO SECOND FLOOR WALKWAY ° / , / �r 14 TYP. ? • _ • : • . •' • . • : ° ? U-) IC I 4 EXISTING LANDSCAPE TREE WELLS. / I I I 15 EXISTING ASPHALT DRIVE AREAS / 04 1 16 REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE CURBING AND LANDSCAPE TO / / / ±_ _ v:° 0 I I I PROVIDE ONE NEW PARKING STALL. THE LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION IS e / ♦ / / i ° Z TO BE MODIFIED FOR LANDSCAPE CONFIGURATION. 17 CONSTRUCT NEW CONCRETE CURBING TO MATCH EXISTING . % • / / ♦/ / / 1 .0 15 15 5 ? • ° , • ! I I I q 1 18 NEW ASPHALT PAVING AND STRIPPING TO FOR NEW PARKING : / / ♦/ / 7. s . _ ° '.....:. .' : I ' I STALL. ' r WE MIN1100 IWA A' MA 'dill MAAM I M04 11= a 1,6100 NE M, A. 'IV 'I I P, FA I E Pas 1, APS, I I Eq IS I PAN " M IN ILV FA a SEA OWN 0 d Awl FAV EXISTING SITE PLAN ,2 nP. Na SCALE 1" = 20' -0" c: \ocoddwg \resco \newport beach \901 dove \condo converstion pions \r1 -1 siteplon.dwg PLOTTED ON: Morch 28, 2014 - 3:45 PM N 40' 38' 15" E L= 154.00' NORTH MAPMA Andy Perez & Associates 2070 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 102 Irvine, California 92612 Ph. (949) 756 -1363 Project Nome: EXISTING SITE PLAN for ■ 901 DOVE STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Owner: SBS DOVE ST. PARTNERS, LP 901 DOVE STREET # 270 NEWPORT BEACH, CA. Sheet Title: EXISTING SITE PLAN, Revisions: No. Description Date APA expressly reserves its common law copyright and other property rights in these plans. These plans are not to be reproduced, changed or copied in any form or monner whatsoever, nor ore they to be assigned to a third party without first obtaining the written permission and consent of APA. The owner agrees to hold harmless and indemnify APA against oil damages, claims and losses arising out of any reuse of the plans and specifications without the outhori- zotion of APA Job Number: Dote: SEPT. 20, 2013 Drown: Sheet No. R -1 0 RESCO - 901 DOVE SITE PLAN - NEWPORT BEACH 415 e WE MIN1100 IWA A' MA 'dill MAAM I M04 11= a 1,6100 NE M, A. 'IV 'I I P, FA I E Pas 1, APS, I I Eq IS I PAN " M IN ILV FA a SEA OWN 0 d Awl FAV EXISTING SITE PLAN ,2 nP. Na SCALE 1" = 20' -0" c: \ocoddwg \resco \newport beach \901 dove \condo converstion pions \r1 -1 siteplon.dwg PLOTTED ON: Morch 28, 2014 - 3:45 PM N 40' 38' 15" E L= 154.00' NORTH MAPMA Andy Perez & Associates 2070 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 102 Irvine, California 92612 Ph. (949) 756 -1363 Project Nome: EXISTING SITE PLAN for ■ 901 DOVE STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Owner: SBS DOVE ST. PARTNERS, LP 901 DOVE STREET # 270 NEWPORT BEACH, CA. Sheet Title: EXISTING SITE PLAN, Revisions: No. Description Date APA expressly reserves its common law copyright and other property rights in these plans. These plans are not to be reproduced, changed or copied in any form or monner whatsoever, nor ore they to be assigned to a third party without first obtaining the written permission and consent of APA. The owner agrees to hold harmless and indemnify APA against oil damages, claims and losses arising out of any reuse of the plans and specifications without the outhori- zotion of APA Job Number: Dote: SEPT. 20, 2013 Drown: Sheet No. R -1 0 RESCO - 901 DOVE SITE PLAN - NEWPORT BEACH 415 a x m 407 / �• 'tY''°. "f�'r�•-• • ¢ �w��Yar� �t;wpLL i�LY1►.f't� . j �( {� �f �, �; � ` `1 -•�t`" 11�"t�i0� �!� • % � R� '�\ ,�' --•- -_ __.... ... _ 3'3� lid _. _. _.. __..- . -,,�. 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G r ' �. �I�� SCI pt �v._� -\ y( ��Y 4� t .,' � Ra r .. ��� :�.�- __s.._. - -:. �' t'd �.. y - "'F" J� 1 t t N l � i � t..' R � ��-' p 1 !7`� t _ ...___— � 3-f°� �QN - !' � ��' • , ':mod �s , .c. . i ._. - • _ ` . - . _ _.__. _... __ _.. . ». _.. .._ .. .. _ ... -7= - .. ' Wit.,. »:. '' - , � • ., !�% .ray. • + °;' ...� '. s , xe $" : > ... ''ri. Y+.. • 1 C► 4 • x /710 I ./i Y I" -y� tog ! fff .2 ................. . . . . . . . . . EI:Wr.> -4- 'CR, PIS—, &iLsL 0 t ""mt QmF_ 'TL7j Xw, LLL II .-f-ft IN m I v O(o 74 co 0 z W. 0 LL .0 a1 0 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 150 Attachment No. ZA 8 Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2013 -005 51 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE 52 O2 PARCEL MAP 53 -17 Q ASPHALT JQ'� PARCEL MAP 47 -47 r� �b G� rid / j s, � S L �o 9 S� 0 o� S9 SPHALT lb �h Q c�C3 Iri °o 32. h SCALE 1 "= 30' 30 15 0 30 GRAPHIC SCALE g � TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 2013 -115 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - COUNTY OF ORANGE III II 34 i III I I I I w 2 -STORY BUILDING STRUCTURE '6 ICI I LI I� II I� ;II II II� II I� 7� 10 l� � o 0 d-= N O h ®N� / ov / N � w O O 34' m O z m rn n m w c.! 0 O h n ` h O qj rn d. v: n �v v FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 OF RESUBDIVISION NO. 429, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 59, PAGE 22 OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. BASIS OF BEARING THE BEARINGS SHOWN ON THIS MAP ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF QUAIL STREET BEING N 49'21'45" W AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF RESUBDIVISION NO. 429 RECORDED IN BOOK 59, PAGE 22 OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. BENCHMARK O.C.S. 3S -33 -77 (DATE REVISED: 4/7/2004) DESCRIBED BY OCS 2001 - FOUND 3 3 \4" OCS ALUMINUM BENCHMARK DISK STAMPED "3S- 33 -77 ", SET IN THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A 4.7 FT. BY 15.4 FT. CONCRETE CATCH BASIN. MONUMENT IS LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF MACARTHUR BOULEVARD AND JAMBOREE ROAD, 244 FT. SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF JAMBOREE ROAD AND 38 FT. SOUTHERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF MACARTHUR BOULEVARD. MONUMENT IS SET LEVEL WITH THE SIDEWALK. ELEVATION = 35.252 FEET (NAVD 88) PLOTTED EASEMENTS AS NOTED ON CHICAGO TITLE CO. TITLE REPORT 930022015 —U50 DATED 02 -28 -2011 SEE EASEMENT DOCUMENT FOR PURPOSE AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS SET FORTH IN DOCUMENTS BELOW. © 6. AN EASEMENT GRANTED TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. PURPOSE: UNDERGROUND LINES AND CONDUITS RECORDED: 11 -02 -1973 IN BOOK 10975, PAGE 351 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. O7 7. AN EASEMENT GRANTED TO PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. PURPOSE: UNDERGROUND LINES RECORDED: IN BOOK 11178, PAGE 1824 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ® 8. AN EASEMENT GRANTED TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES RECORDED: IN BOOK 11127, PAGE 1795 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 10 10. A RECIPROCAL EASEMENT GRANTED BY SBS DOVE STREET PARTNERS, L.P. A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. PURPOSE: GRANTOR DESIRES TO ESTABLISH RECIPROCAL, PERPETUAL EASEMENT RIGHTS FOR THE PROPERTIES IN THE DRIVE WAY AREA. RECORDED: MARCH 14, 2001 AS INSTRUMENT No. 2001 - 0148157 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. DAVID E. WOOLLEY DATE: 03 -06 -14 P.L.S. NO. 7304 EXP:12/31/14 VICINITY MAP WAY Q.• Sc. 'o Q�O�\G Ln m U N. BRISTOL ST. SE. BRISTOL ST. Q 0 \FOF NOT TO SCALE OWNER / APPLICANT SBS DOVE STREET PARTNERS, L.P. 901 DOVE STREET, SUITE 270 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 APPLICANT'S AGENT / CONTACT SHELDON GROUP 901 DOVE STREET, SUITE 140 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 PROPERTY ADDRESS 901 DOVE STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660 ENGINEER / SURVEYOR GHD INC. 16451 SCIENTIFIC WAY IRVINE, CA 92618 TEL (949) 585 -5200 LEGEND V. CENTERLINE ® GAS METER RETAINING WALL TREE ® WATER METER • INDICATES FOUND 2" IRON PIPE TAGGED "L.S. 3109" PER P.M. 59/22. • INDICATES FOUND 1" IRON PIPE TAGGED "L.S. 3109" PER P.M. 59/22 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. INDICATES FOUND STD. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MONUMENT (2" BRASS CAP IN WELL) PER P.M. 59/22. R &M INDICATES RECORD AND MEASURED ® INDICATES PLOTTED EASEMENT PER SCHEDULE B ITEM NUMBER PER CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY REPORT # 930022015 -U50 DATED FEBRUARY 28, 2011. REFERENCES INDICATES RECORD DATA PER RESUBDIVISION NO. 429, PARCEL MAP 59/22 ABBREVIATION GENERAL NOTES BK BOOK 1. EXISTING USE- COMMERCIAL CONCRETE FL FLOW LINE 2, PROPOSED USE- COMMERCIAL CONDOMINIUMS FL GPS GLOBAL POSITION SYSTEM 3. NEW IMPROVEMENTS PER NEWPORT BEACH CITY STANDARDS MM. MISCELLANEOUS MAP 4. UTILITIES ARE EXISTING NG NATURAL GROUND 5. LANDSCAPING PER NEWPORT BEACH CITY STANDARDS O.C.S. ORANGE COUNTY SURVEYOR 6. FLOOD HAZARD ZONE- ZONE "X" PG PAGE TC TOP OF CURB REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTIONS BY PROJECT ABBRESSJ 901 DOVE STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA '05 THOMAS BROS. MAP - ORANGE COUNTY PG. 889 -F1 PREPARED FOR: SHELDON GROUP v D. Woolley & Associates TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP LOJL VVHLIVU I h1Vr-IVUC, 3U1 I t Fi TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 734 -8462 FAX (714) 508 -7521 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH JOB NO. 71970001,00 1 DATE: 02 -13 -2012 SHEET 1 OF 3 FIRST FLOOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 2013 -115 SCALE 1 "= 10' 10 5 0 10 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 STAIR 0 F� uft 011111�T 1r < z WOMEN PLANTER BUTS 140 DAVID E. WOOLLEY DATE: 03 -06- P.L.S. NO. 7304 EXP:12/31/14 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FOR CONDOMINIUM _.114 1; E 1L= 1-11, 11 4 D. Woolley & Associates 2832 WALNUT AVENUE, SUITE A TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 734 -8462 FAX (714) 508 -7521 COUNTY OF ORANGE PURPOSES REVISIONS PROJECT ABBRESS, 901 DOVE STREET, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: SHELDON GROUP TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH JOB NE, 71970001.00 1 DATE: 02 -13 -2012 SHEET 2 OF 3