HomeMy WebLinkAboutS24 - Cordia Companies Legislation AdvocacyCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AGENDA ITEM NO. sea TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERSfTY COUNCIL FROM: Homer L. Bludau, City Manager DATE: October 19, 2001 SUBJECT: Council Approval of Contract with The Cordia Companies for Legislation Advocacy in Washington D.C. ISSUE: Would the City's efforts to obtain an extension of the JWA Settlement Agreement under favorable terms and conditions be enhanced by legislative advocacy in Washington D.C.? And if so, which firm should be hired? RECOMMENDATION: 1) Hire the firm of The Cordia Companies, located in Washington D.C., for the amount of $10,000 per month through March 2002, at which time the contract would be month to month, with a 30 day written termination provision and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. 2) Appropriate $55,000 (October at $5,000 and November -March at $10,000) from unappropriated revenue and place in account 0100- 0121 -8080. BACKGROUND: The JWA Settlement Agreement expires January 1, 2006. The process to extend the agreement under modified terms is well underway, with the Settlement Agreement Extension Draft EIR expected to be released during the week of November 12th. The schedule calls for Board of Supervisor certification of the EIR in February 2002. City Hall • 3300 Newport Boulevard • Post Office Box 1768 • Newport Beach, California 92659 -1768 Council Approval of Contract with The Cordia Companies for Legislation Advocacy in Washington D.C. Page 2 A number of federal agencies will be interested parties to the Draft EIR. The City Council's JWA Settlement Agreement Committee (Glover, O'Neil and Proctor) feel the City needs an ongoing presence in Washington D.C. to communicate with federal agencies and elected officials regarding JWA Settlement Agreement extension issues. The City Manager and City Attorney were asked to research Washington D.C. legislative advocacy firms that could assist the City in its efforts. Their contacts resulted in the firm of The Cordia Companies being asked to provide a proposed contract. The Cordia Companies is a small firm, able to provide a strong focus on this City's particular issue. Company principal Louis J. Cordia has an impressive listing of clients and personal contacts which will serve the City well. The City Manager and City Attorney concur in the recommendation to hire The Cordia Companies under the terms and conditions presented. The Cordia Companies Louis J. Cordia, President & C.E.O. 122 .South Royal Street Alexandria, VA 22314 -3328 (phone) 703/838 -0373 & (fax) 703/684 -8959 (e -mail) Lou aCordia.com Cordia and Associates -. government & communications cons�dting ' "CAMAL WATCH° Executive Brief -- newsletter & alerts CAPrrM. WEB -- nationwide govemment & communications networle of 150,000+ issue experts & worhing_grouPe Date: October 12, 2001 To: City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 (phone) 949/644 -3000 Attn: The Honorable Norma Glover Here are the terms and conditions of The Cordia Companies' contract with the City of Newport Beach, California, as amended based on the City's changes. Scope and Objective: The Cordia Companies shall represent the City of Newport Beach in Washington DC by providing government relations and communications services. We shall provide strategic counseling and tactical implementation of a plan of action that would involve working with the Congress, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Transportation Department, and /or White House. The objective is to extend the current John Wayne Airport settlement agreement under similar terms and conditions for as long as possible. The scope and objective may change based on the client's interests. Project Manager: Louis J. Cordia shall serve as the account manager. Only the principal, Lou Cordia, is assigned this project. Research and support staff will be tapped as needed. Other professional associates needed on the project must have prior approval by the client. Compensation, Duration and Billing: The monthly retainer will be a fixed $10,000 per month retainer for government relations and communications services, plus out -of- pocket expenses. Lou Cordia will bill against the retainer at his hourly rate of $375, and research /support staff at $100 per hour. On any given calendar month, should services exceed the allotted retainer, the client shall be billed that month's hours at the hourly rate on the 15' of the following month. Out -of- pocket expenses include for example: photocopying, faxing, long- distance telephone, materials, postage, transportation and meals, plus a standard twelve percent administrative fee for accounting services associated with the preparation Cordia /Newport Beach Agreement Page 2 of 2 of, and up -front outlays for, these out -of- pocket expenses. The contract is effective immediately and continues through March 31, 2002. From April 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002, the contract will proceed on a month -to -month basis, until either party terminates the contract with a thirty -day written notification. For billing purposes, the client shall immediately issue a check for $5,000 for the remainder of October. Subsequently, The Cordia Companies is to receive the monthly retainer by the first of each month for services to be rendered that month. For accounting purposes, please issue the October and November checks separately. The retainer shall be payable to "The Cordia Companies" (tax id 1154- 1699117). The client is responsible for all charges and out -of- pocket expenses incurred up to the final day of the contract. Confidentiality and Indemnification: The Cordia Companies shall hold in trust and confidence all information disclosed in the course of our work with the client. As materials are prepared for the public, they will be submitted to the client for final approval. It will be the client's responsibility to confirm that all representations are supportable by the client in fact and in law. Accordingly, the client and The Cordia Companies shall mutually indemnify each other against any liabilities or losses arising out of false or misleading information or defective products from the other. Please sign below, and FedEx a signed original back to The Cordia Companies for our records. Sincerely yours, Louis J. Cordia The Cordia Companies, and Homer Blu au Signature Date City Manager Newport Beach 9491644 -3000 Attachments (3 pages) - The Cordia Companies' Capabilities and Louis J. Cordia's Biographical Sketch The Cordia Companies Cordia and Associates - go.arnment td communieatiens wnsulting - "Ce \PIT: \L \Cie\ rCI1" l;xec uticc Brict - nauaIater & algid CAPITAL WE-13 - nationwide government communications networ6 uk 110 000+ issue experts & wor6ing groups Louis J. Cordia President and C.E.O. Lou Cordia formed The Cordia Companies with an eye toward helping businesses and individuals who had problems with government legislation and regulation. Lou has more than 20 years of experience in working with Republicans at the national and local level, as well as with conservative groups and individuals nationwide. With Republicans and conservatives in majorities at the federal and state level, Lou will continue to work closely with them in developing ideas and helping communicate initiatives across the country. With respect to The Cordia. Companies, one of three companies provides government relations consulting at the federal and state level, and communications counseling for broadcast/print media and ally development/coalition- building. A second company provides a forum for articulating and circulating policy positions. A third company maintains an extensive national network of issue experts in- and -out of government from whom advice is sought and with whom policies are advanced. Over the last 20 years, Lou has worked in government relations /public affairs /communications counseling /research /issues management/coalition- building. He is the founder of many national and state organizations designed to open better channels of communications with decision - makers and their affected "constituents." By example, Lou was a founder and currently serves as the executive director of the Congressional Leadership Council (comprised of 1,600 members on Capitol Hill), State Leadership Council (3,300 government officials as members), and both the Reagan and Bush Alumni Associations which are comprised of more than 8,000 former managers of government programs and presidential campaigns. For three previous years, Lou worked at Burson - Marsteller - -- the largest public relations company in the world. As a Vice President in the Washington Office, Lou counseled companies and trade associations on government relations, media relations, grassroots, strategic planning, corporate positioning, and many other public affairs matters. For five years prior, Lou worked with The Heritage Foundation - -- the largest free- market oriented think tank in the country. He oversaw three offices, as director of executive branch liaison, director of the Washington Executive Bank, and director of the national issues series for business executives, concurrently. He was extensively involved in developing national policy issues and promoting them before the Administration and Congress. He provided an executive search service, placing government - relations experts in Washington jobs. He also organized briefings for corporate executives on national policy issues. Prior to joining The Heritage Foundation, Lou was Special Assistant to the Administrator for Federal Activities at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He was a member of the Reagan/Bush EPA Transition Team. He was an Environmental Policy Analyst at The Heritage Foundation for two years, was a City Planner in Orlando, Fla., and worked in research positions with the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Department of Justice. He has authored several papers and articles on public policy, including chapters on the White House and U.S. EPA in Mandate for Leadership. In federal campaigns, he has worked in the last eight presidential campaigns and for his party's last five national conventions. Additionally, Lou has appeared extensively in the national and international media, both print and broadcast. The Coraia Companies Cordia and usociateg - government E,? communications consulting ' TAPITAL WATCH" Executive Brief - newsletter f1 alerts ' CAPITAL. WEB - nationwide government & communications networlz of 150,000+ issue experts & worizing groups ' STATEMENT OF CAPABILITIES Complementary Capabilities: The principal objective of The Cordia Companies' professional services is to complement the client's in -house capabilities in the areas of government relations, communications and research. With respect to TCC's government work, its effectiveness is greater with Republican and Conservative affiliations. Additionally with respect to media relations and coalition- building, TCC works more closely with "less - government" oriented advocacy groups and media outlets. With a core staff and the unique capability to tap issue experts throughout the country, the three companies provide clients a valuable extension of their operations to advance policy positions and products /sery ices. One company provides government relations consulting at the federal and state level, and communications counseling for broadcast /print media and ally development /coalition- building. A second company provides a forum through issue briefs and "alerts" to articulate and circulate policy positions. A third company maintains an extensive national network of issue experts in -and -out of government from whom advice is sought and with whom policies are advanced. Specifically, Capital WEB is a computerized resume of 150,000+ individuals (including issue expertise & job experience) and profiles of 50,000+ organizations (including their mission statements or products /services) so as to readily target those who could help with projects. Additionally, computer technology is used for mass mailings, or broadcasting e -mails or faxes as well as accessing hundreds of information databases. In serving clients, The Cordia Companies first clarifies the client's business goals; then determines specific policy objectives; develops strategy and tactics; and sets a timetable for action. In this way, the "what- why -with whom- where - when" are all clearly articulated in the coordinated effort to achieve the client's business objectives. Government Relations: directly and indirectly lobby federal and state /local governments to encourage elected and appointed officials to take action on behalf of clients: ► represent clients in Washington and State Capitals ► provide strategic counseling and issues management ► monitor issues, especially to detect "early warnings" ► prepare analysis of current issues and forecast future regulatory and legislative activities ► lobby federal regulatory agencies and Congress ► lobby state /local regulatory agencies and legislatures ► prepare testimony before legislative and regulatory rule- making proceedings ► train executives who testify, and conduct mock hearings ► draft legislation and regulatory initiatives Communications: develop and implement strategic plans to organize media and 3rd -patty support for clients' positions or products, relying initially on a unique national network of issue experts in -and -out of government. Additionally, incorporate computer technology such as broadcast e- mailing and faxing to help communicate quickly. ► Media Relations (broadcast and print): work closely with TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, wire services, syndicated columnists, trade journals, and other media outlets: ► get broadcast and print media placement, where appropriate ► provide background briefings to media ► organize media interviews, and media tours especially with editorial boards and talk shows ► arrange news conferences for major announcements ► train spokespersons ► manage crises by assisting the company in developing a crisis management plan, training a crisis management team and spokespersons, and anticipating worst case scenarios and preparing appropriate responses to the crisis. When a company is under attack by government, the media or public interest groups, we develop and implement a crisis management plan to quickly gain allies and defuse the storm of opposition. ► Ally Development /Coalition- building: identify, educate, recruit and mobilize groups /individuals in support of client's position; build coalitions and grass roots support among decision makers, opinion leaders and constituents -at- large; create an "echo- chamber" for client's interests through strategic partnering /alliances: ► once a client's interests are clearly defined, target senators, congressmen and /or elected officials at the state and local levels who should be buttressed if supportive or convinced if hesitant /opposing; ► secondly identify groups and individuals with a related business or public interest ► organize a combination of mailing, faxing or e- mailing information, telephoning and meetings to educate and enlist support; ► once engaged as supporters, encourage them to take several different actions to contact decision - makers and opinion leaders by mail, phone, mailgram or personal visits. Or encourage their participation in editorial briefings or news interviews. Additionally, draft letters and "op -eds" for their use; ► when a formal coalition is formed, consider "endorsements" through advertorials; and ► oftentimes, maintain the network of supporters for future activities. Research/Issue Analysis: conduct research and analysis, and prepare educational and informational materials: ► gather intelligence by tapping the expertise, knowledge and insight of those in the national network who have managed or extensively worked the specific issues, and by accessing information technologies ► develop messages and educational /informational materials for targeted audiences by ► designing information kits and brochures ► preparing fact sheets and talking points ► writing position papers, backgrounders, and "white papers or leave - behinds" ► writing articles or "op -eds" for newspapers, magazines or drafts for think tanks ► writing speeches ► conduct opposition research to monitor relevant public interest groups to detect what issues /actions may be antithetical to the client's interests. In such cases, educate those groups or others to preempt or mitigate opponent's positions City of Newport Beach BUDGET AMENDMENT 2001 -02 EFFECT ON BUDGETARY FUND BALANCE: Increase Revenue Estimates X Increase Expenditure Appropriations Transfer Budget Appropriations SOURCE: from existing budget appropriations from additional estimated revenues X from unappropriated fund balance EXPLANATION: NO. BA- 018 AMOUNT: $55,000.00 Increase in Budgetary Fund Balance AND X Decrease in Budgetary Fund Balance No effect on Budgetary Fund Balance This budget amendment is requested to provide for the following: Appropriate $55,000 from General Fund unappropriated surplus fund balance to enhance legislative advocacy efforts for the JWA settlement agreement in Washington DC. ACCOUNTING ENTRY: BUDGETARY FUND BALANCE Euad Account 010 3605 REVENUE ESTIMATES (3601) Fund /Division Account EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATIONS (3603) Description General Fund - Fund Balance Description Signed: Administrative Approval: 46ity Manager Signed: City Council Approval: City Clerk Amount Debit Credit $55,000.00 ' Automatic $55,000.00 10-19 -O 1 Date /0 ate/ Date Description Division Number 0121 Council Directed Airport Efforts Account Number 8080 Professional Technical Services Division Number Account Number Division Number Account Number Division Number Account Number Division Number Account Number Signed: ° Financial Approval: Administrative S s Difector Signed: Administrative Approval: 46ity Manager Signed: City Council Approval: City Clerk Amount Debit Credit $55,000.00 ' Automatic $55,000.00 10-19 -O 1 Date /0 ate/ Date