HomeMy WebLinkAboutSS2 - Proposed Joint Use Mariners Library ProjectNEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660 To: Mayor Et Members of City Council From: Board of Library Trustees Re: Proposed Joint Use Mariners Library Project I. OVERVIEW OF PROPOSAL City Council Study Session 2 November 27, 2001 FAX 949.640.5681 PHONE 949.717 -3800 ww w.newportbeach I i bra ry.o rg This proposal details a new Mariners Branch Library which would be designed to serve both as the Mariners Branch Library and the school library for the Mariners Elementary School of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, providing enhanced services for both the community and the school. This year the City and the District have a unique one -time opportunity to request funding for a new library building from the Proposition 14 fund for building public libraries. The California Public Library Construction and Renovation Board, which has the jurisdiction for awarding these funds, has established the highest priority for "Joint Use" library projects which would combine a public library and a school library in one service unit. Funding from the Prop 14 bond funds will provide 65% of the cost of this type of project. The remaining 35% for construction and operating funds are to be provided locally. This is a unique opportunity to enhance library services for the school and the community. The grant application and accompanying documents need to be submitted in June 2002. The project provides the opportunity to maximize the use of public funds, with the opportunity of State grant funds for the building projects, and the synergy of providing joint services with public funds. The Newport -Mesa Unified School District Board Members, Library Trustees, respective staff and community members, have spent the past months developing this project. The Ad Hoc Committee sees the Mariners Joint Use Library as the cultural, educational and informational heart of the Mariners Community, providing a variety of exceptional services for all ages supported by state of the art library technology. This vision will be accomplished through dedication to serving both as the public library for the community and a school library for the students from kindergarten through sixth grade at the Mariners Elementary School. This project Will: • Allow for the maximum use of public funding. Forge productive school - library- family- community partnerships. Provide improved and expanded access to the collections of the school and the public library, avoiding unnecessary duplication of books and online resources. Offer continuous learning opportunities that are useful, timely, and engaging for all community members. • Foster literacy and nurture lifelong learning. • Provide a welcoming environment that accommodates a variety of learning styles and backgrounds. The Mariners Joint Use Library will be an asset for the school and local community. Proposed Joint Use Mariners Library Project Page 2 11. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The State of California, in March 2000, passed Proposition 14, the California Reading and Library Improvement and Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 2000 (Education Code section 19985- 20011), which provided $350,000,000 for the building of public libraries. The California Public Library Construction and Renovation Board was established to create regulations and priorities for the distribution of these funds. That process has now been completed and the date of June 14, 2002, established for the submission of applications for these bond funds. The priorities and requirements for the application are specific: • First priority — New public library facilities: ioint use proiects As specified in Education Code section 19994 (a) (1), first priority for new public libraries shall be given to joint use projects in which the agency that operates the library and one or more school districts have a cooperative agreement. [Sections 20440 (d) (1) and Appendix 2 on Cooperative Agreements.] • Second priority —New public library facilities: all others. As specified in Education Code section 19994, all other new public library projects shall be given second priority. • Community Needs Assessment for Library Services. Needs assessment, completed within the last five years. • Library Plan of Service. Plan of service identifying how the needs of the residents, as identified in the community needs assessment, will be met by the proposed project. • Library Building Program. Details of how the library service plan will be implemented in the project. • Conceptual Plans prepared. Plans prepared by a licensed architect justifying the architectural and engineering project, construction costs, etc. • Supporting Documents on Funding. Resolution certifying project budget, local funding commitment, supplemental funds, and public library operation. The applicant's governing body shall certify the following by resolution and submit a copy of the resolution with the Application Form. A. Commitment to provide the local matching fund amount identified in the Library Project Budget, as required by Education Code section 19995 (a), including and identifying any amounts to be credited to local matching funds pursuant to section 19995 (c) and (d). or, in the alternative B. Private funds - availability deadline and account certification — The application shall submit a copy of an account statement from the applicant's accounting system showing the amount of private funds designated in the Library Project Budget section of the Application Form. This account shall be submitted with the Application Form. Proposed Joint Use Mariners Library Project Page 3 • Lease Agreement For a site that will be secured through a lease, a legally executed lease agreement for the site that is in compliance with the conditions of section 20440, Appendix 6, and which may contain a provision making the lease agreement contingent upon funding of the project by the Board. • Cooperative Agreement for Joint Use Proiects All applicants for joint use project funding shall submit a copy of the cooperative agreement between the public library jurisdiction and the public school district(s) that shall include the elements listed in section 20440, Appendix 2. A 20 Year Commitment for Joint Cooperative Use Commitment of the parties to provide joint use library services for 20 years consistent with the intent of the cooperative agreement. A 40 Year Commitment to Operate a Public Library A commitment that the facility shall be dedicated to public library direct service use for a period of 40 years following completion of the project, regardless of any operating agreements the applicant may have with other jurisdictions or parties. • The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) The applicant, as lead agency, shall submit with the Application Form, evidence that the environmental impact documentation (EID) required by CEQA has been fully completed. [Public Resources Code sections 21000 -21177 and California Code of Regulations, Title 14, sections 15000 - 15387.] III. GUIDELINES FOR PROJECT BUDGET The total budget which can be approved for funding the new construction under the Bond Act is $202 per square foot, with the additional multiplier of 1.01 for the County of Orange, or $204.02 per square foot. In addition to this threshold for funding, other eligible costs include equipment, shelving, computers, furniture and site development (utilities, fill and rough grading, special foundation support, paving, curbs, gutters and sidewalks, retaining walls, landscaping, signage, lighting, traffic signals and demolition). • Caveat — All off -site costs beyond 100 feet utility tie -ins are considered local expenses, ineligible for grant funding. In addition, a 10% contingency can be added to the total budget eligible for funding. The proposed project is for a 12,000 to 12,500 two -story square foot facility. Thus, the baseline approved budget for this project would be $2,448,000 to $2,550,000. However, with additional approval costs associated with the project, as cited above, it is anticipated that the total project will be in the range of $3,000,000. Eligible state funds would be $1,950,000; local match $1,050,000, potentially to be raised by private funding, and held in escrow by the City during the application process. Proposed Joint Use Mariners Library Project Page 4 IV. ADDITIONAL COSTS AND CONCERNS A. Relocation of the Athletic Facilities The relocation of the Mariners Branch to the school site would require relocation of some athletic facilities at Mariners Park. They are currently identified as relocation of the lighted tennis courts, the batting cage, shifting of one ball field approximately 10 -12 feet, and relocation of the small soccer practice field. These costs can not be included in the application for funding and have been estimated as ranging from $150,000 to $250,000. A tentative site plan, sketched with assistance of City staff and an outside consultant, is attached. B. Costs for Preparation of the Conceptual Design Plan The costs for creating the required conceptual architectural plans have been estimated at $100,000 to $125,000. To date, the City has appropriated in the FY 2001/02 Capital Improvement Program budget only $24,0000, for initial design plans for a remodel/ rebuilding of Mariners Branch Library, a portion of which has been expended for the conceptual site plans. C. Field Act Applicability The proposed project triggers the additional requirements of the Field Act (Education Code sections 17281, 17365 and 81130), with required approvals by Office of State Architect and "Certified Field Act" inspectors during the construction. Further investigation is needed as to the District's role in these responsibilities. V. CURRENT LIBRARY BUDGET FOR MARINERS BRANCH LIBRARY A. Current Budget for Mariners Branch Library In FY 2001/02, the budget for the onsite operation of the Mariners Branch Library (budget no. 4009-4040) is $352,808. In addition Mariners Branch is supported by the overall general administration costs of $1,755,920 for running the entire library system (budget no. 4009- 4010), including technology, library materials, etc. The current Mariners Branch Library budget is attached. B. Library Service Hours Current - 54 hours /week Monday Noon - 9pm Tuesday 9am - 6pm Wednesday Noon - 9pm Thursday 9am - 6pm Friday 9am- 6pm Saturday 9am - 6pm Sunday Closed Total 54 hours /week Proposed for Joint Project - 67 hrs /week Monday - Thursday Sam - 8pm Friday Sam - 6pm Saturday 9am - 6pm Sunday Closed Total 67 hours /week C. Staff and Staffing Costs Current staffing at Mariners is 7.61 FTE. Additional staffing of 2.2 FTE would be required for the joint project, at an estimated cost (FY 2001/02) of $80,000, to be contributed by the District. D. Library Materials Budget The City library currently allocates a minimum of $76,000 from the overall City library materials budget (4010 -8260) to the Mariners Branch Library. Minimum additional funds of $20,000 for materials need to be contributed by the District. Proposed Joint Use Mariners Library Project Page 5 VI. POINTS FOR NEGOTIATION OF JOINT USE PROJECT A. Sharing of Initial costs for application process and for relocation of athletic facilities to be negotiated. (1) Conceptual architectural plans estimated, at $100,000 to $125,000. (2) Relocation of Mariners Park athletic facilities, estimated at $150,000 to $250,000. B. Lease Agreement Long -term lease for site of new City facility constructed on District land. C. Joint Use Cooperative Agreement Elements of the agreement must include: (1) Establishment of authority — The library remains a City public library under the administrative control of the Board of Library Trustees, as defined in the City Charter. Section 708. Board of Library Trustees. Powers and Duties. There shalt be a Board of Library Trustees consisting of five members which shalt have the power and duty to: (a) Have charge of the administration of City libraries and make and enforce such by -laws, rules and regulations as may be necessary therefor. (b) Designate its own secretary. (c) Consider the annual budget for library purposes during the process of its preparation and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City Council and City Manager. (d) Purchase and acquire books, journals, maps, publications and other supplies peculiar to the needs of the library, subject, however, to the limitations of the budget for such purposes. The expenditure and disbursement of funds for such purchases shall be made and approved as elsewhere in this Charter provided. (e) Approve or disapprove the appointment, suspension or removal of the Librarian, who shall be the department head. (f) Accept money, personal property or real estate donated to the City for library purposes, subject to the approval of the City Council. (g) Contract with schools, county or other governmental agencies to render or receive library services or facilities, subject to the approval of the City Council. (2) Free Public Library Service Library free to inhabitants and taxpayers, unless in violation of rules. Every library established pursuant to this chapter shall be forever free to the inhabitants and non- resident taxpayers of the municipality, subject always to such rules, regulations, and bylaws as may be made by boards of library trustees. Any person who violates any rule, regulations, or bylaw may be fined or excluded form the privileges of the library. [Education Code section 18960.] (3) Establishment of control of expenditures • The City /Board of Library Trustees has exclusive control of all expenditures of all moneys collected, donated, or appropriated for the library as well as exclusive charge, control and custody of the building. • The District shall be responsible for payment of a minimum of $100,000 annually, including $80,000 for additional staff and $20,000 for the purchase of library materials. Proposed Joint Use Mariners Library Project Page 6 (4) Staffing • The City Library shall provide staff necessary to perform the public library mission of the combined library. • The School District shall provide a school library media clerk to perform the mission of the school library in the combined library. The clerk remains a District employee, but works under the supervision of the Library Branch Manager. The District shall be responsible for salaries and fringe benefits of all school personnel. The library shall provide overall supervision and evaluation of all staff. The School Principal will confer with the Library Branch Manager on the evaluation of the school library media clerk. • The City library shall be responsible for salaries and fringe benefits of all City library personnel. (5) Selection of Materials Library staff will be responsible for selection of all materials appropriate to meet the public library mission of the combined library. The library staff and the Mariners School staff will jointly be responsible for the selection of all materials relevant to meeting the mission for school library service. (6) Ownership of Assets • Ownership of all library materials, equipment and furnishings shall be retained by the City library and identified as such. • All library materials, equipment, and furnishings shall be available for use by the public, the students, and school personnel. • In the event of termination of the agreement at the end of the twenty -year period, library materials proportional to the total funds for materials provided by the District would be returned to the District. (7) Proposed Hours of Operation Monday - Thursday 8am - 8pm Friday 8am - 6pm Saturday 9am - 6pm Sunday Closed Total 67 hours /week (8) Documents to be Developed • Long Range Plan for library services which has been formulated by teachers, library staff and approved by the Board of Library Trustees and the District. • Collection Development Policy for the Joint Use Library (9) Attached Education Code section 20440: Appendix 2, Required Elements for Joint Use Cooperative Agreement. Proposed Joint Use Mariners Library Project Page 7 VII. TENTATIVE TIME LINE DRAFT Date Task/Project Responsibility Status November 5 - • Neighborhood meetings • City Staff Meetings held December 11, 2001 • Mariners School Foundation • NMU5D staff Promotional • Parks, Beaches & Recreation • Board of Library Trustees materials Commission distributed • Additional meetings to be scheduled November 20, 2001 Agenda item for approval of project Board of Library Trustees November 27, 2001 Presentation at City Council Study • City Council Direction needed Session • Board of Library Trustees from City Council. November 28, 2001 Initiation of draft library building Library staff with NMUSD Data available program staff Strategic plans • Compilation of Needs assessment for library services for both Newport Beach Public Library and District already prepared. December 4, 2001 Review of decisions, responsibilities Board of Library Trustees December 11, 2001 Agreements of intent approved by City Council both agencies (if required) NMU5D Board • Decision on division of application costs for proposal • Negotiation of long -term lease from District to City for construction of City library on school site. • Initiation of negotiations of City/ District cooperative agreements. Input from Board of Library Trustees regarding library services January 2, 2002 Launch of funding campaign Local Mariners Funding (estimated at $900,000- $1M), Committee January - June 11, 2002 • Initiate selection of architect City staff January 31, 2002 Completion of library building NBPL / NMU5D staff program Proposed Joint Use Mariners Library Project Page 8 Date Task/Project Responsibility Status February 12, 2002 Award contract to architect for City Council /City Staff conceptual design of facility Approval by City Attorney • Initiate negotiation of City Staff cooperative agreement NMU5D Staff March 15, 2002 Review of initial conceptual design NBPL staff /NMU5D staff April 16, 2002 Approval of conceptual design Board of Library Trustees April 28, 2002 Review of final Environmental Report City Council May 1 -30, 2002 Preparation of Grant Proposal NBPL /NMU5D staff May 28, 2002 Review of cooperative agreement City Council • Approval of final documents, NMU5D Board agreements, etc. by respective jurisdictions June 1, 2002 Issuance of Notice of Exemption from City Staff CEQA June 11, 2002 Completion of funding campaign Funding Committee • Transfer of matching funds to City escrow account • Required certification that City Council operational funds are available • Required certification of City Council matching funding of 35% for project available in escrow. June 14 Submittal of Grant Proposal to City /NBPL staff State Library October 2002 Anticipated response from State State Library Library expected November 2002 Selection and preparation of contract City staff with architect for schematic and construction drawings May 2003 Completion of construction City staff drawings • Public bidding process July 2003 Awarding of contract City staff September 2004 Completion of new library facility City staff • Dedication of new library City and staff and NBPL /NMU5D staff Attachments: 1. Summary of Required Elements of Joint Use Cooperative Agreement 2. Conceptual Site Plan 3. Mariners Branch Budget (no. 4009 -4040) 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 Affzu.c h m e n-I- 1 3188 3189 As required in section 20440 (d) (1), applicants with joint use projects shall submit a copy of the 3190 cooperative agreement between the public library and the public school distdct(s) that includes 3191 the following elements: 3192 3193 1. A definition of the roles and responsibilities of each party with respect to funding, staffing, 3194 supervision, operation, management, and others as applicable 3195 3196 2. A description of the ioint library services and how they will be provided 3197 3198 3. The library hours of service for the public and for students 3199 3200 4. The number and classifications of staff members 3201 3202 5. The use of volunteers, if any 3203 3204 6. IdeAUN- Identification of the location of the proposed ioint use proiect 3205 3206 7. Ownership of the site, facility, furnishings, equipment, and library materials 3207 3208 8. All sources and uses of fundinq 3209 3210 9. Responsibility for facility operation, maintenance, and management 3211 3212 10. Review and modification process for the conditions of the agreement 3213 3214 11. Field Act applicability to the project: 3215 3216 a. A statement that the project will or will not be subject to the Field Act 3217 3218 b. The rationale for the determination regarding the Field Act applicability 3219 3220 12. A 20 -vear commitment to providing joint use library services consistent with the intent of 3221 the cooperative agreement 3222 3223 Acknowledgment and incorporation of Education Code section 19999 and section 20440 3224 113. (e) (3) (G) of these regulations, which requires the provision of public library direct 3225 services for 40 years 3226 Modified Proposed Title 5 Library Bond Act Regulations 1,;hx 20,September 19, 2001 64 P N 0 a 0 u O F V W 7 0 a 0 0 ToU T+L h Y =N� 0 a g mN3 m o �z L K = J N W Z Q 3 ��4g C N � M O � d - o V f0 �0 M N u N 1 1 Q O 6 z a z N W = N r r ws � z m 6 — W £ ZF O M O O w wu in o 0 0 N Y O O Opt K JO 3 zr uw N � M O � d - o V f0 �0 M N u N 1 1 Q O 6 z a z N W = N r r C K � z m 6 — W £ ZF O M O O w wu in o 0 0 N Y O O Opt K JO 3 zr uw oz WO 0 J N— [l r W fp M N N 0 > r O M f0 OW? i 0 M in M M 3 r O 6 X > W N � M O � d - o V f0 �0 M N O 0 0 W � � N N = y ~ uN K K y W K K O N= 2 S Ll Ll Q 1 Ll Ll O Q Q W OfJ K K K K K K K K W w20 m m 0 0= m m j wuo z o O S W O £ r K oua zzW 4 LL W 0 A++uchmernt3 f 6_ Q W O J N W f N O u i A V N O N O W O z 0 6' N 1 1 Q O 6 O 0 0 W � � N N = y ~ uN K K y W K K O N= 2 S Ll Ll Q 1 Ll Ll O Q Q W OfJ K K K K K K K K W w20 m m 0 0= m m j wuo z o O S W O £ r K oua zzW 4 LL W 0 A++uchmernt3 f 6_ Q W O J N W f N O u i A V N O N O W O z Eg N Z Q 27 m N r N f N U a N A O O N W O 2 N 6 P m Q O S 6' Z 6 2 Q O Z W ¢ U �N 03 6 W ¢ 2 ¢ 2 ID 2 W M M M O O M P N P O � 6 N M •t O O b P �O ^ N N N rI N �� M N N N N M 6K •t0 N N 3 uw �z W p N r m J m iu f M M O O P 4 J CL m [p tp W .O M M $ < f •i N P P Z O 6 O O > W N p U W O O N N P O A •t P O _ M Cl P N O N ID p F M P O P M N Cl M N -t Cl Cl N N 6 U O N y1 •- f .p A � � •t � •t N N N •t P P •t 4 P � P 2 J = 6 Nn ¢ ¢ J N O 2 Z 2 W N £ J�P W wu W W � UO.i � J �• r r K s O r ¢ � J � � � r ¢ 6 ID ¢ [Ql O S S ¢ 2 p 6 S J p 3 Ll O £ O t \ °u¢ O O N Z Q 27 m N r N f N U a N A O O N W O 2 m Y W U J m y y y O W a N V N A W m O W O z � Q V � m W � O a' o a pa >s ow cz a a Q ^ y M M � y 2 u Q p z S F m Q C O y K y m W n y 3 6 W 6'Y C z W y •O M y_ •O !� r O O ^ 1l� N O O O P O u � v sr z� uw ¢o oz -o W O y - m J m - �� O h ✓• �t m P N !� O P P N N tp P m n a' W O y 6 V m N !� m !� P N ^ N ^ N •O 1l� � M 2 r [l P P L2 N •O m m $ p N z LLW Oa O O O X Y W N - O uw O •O !� N M M V !� m O p. 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