HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 - Department of Conservation Grant Funding Requesta Council Agenda Item No. 9 April 23, 2002 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: General Services Director SUBJECT: Department of Conservation Grant Funding Request Recommendation Approve the submittal of a grant request to the Department of Conservation Recycling Division in the amount of $40,840 and reconfirm the designation of the General Services Director as the City representative. Background Pursuant to Section 14581(a)(4)(A) of the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act, the Department of Conservation's Division of Recycling is required to distribute a total of $10,500,000 to eligible cities and counties for beverage container recycling and litter cleanup activities during the 2001 -02 and 2002 -2003 Fiscal Years. Beginning in 2000 and each year thereafter, the Department of Conservation (DOC) will provide the City with a Funding Request Form, which specifies the amount of funds the City is eligible to receive. Funding amounts for each jurisdiction are calculated by the DOC based on each jurisdiction's respective population. At this time, the City is eligible for $20,420 for each of the current and subsequent annual grant cycles for a grand total of $40,840. Discussion The available funds may be used only for programs with a primary emphasis on collection and recycling of beverage containers or litter abatement in public places or other related activities involving the recycling of beverage containers. To receive the appropriated funds, the City must submit a completed Funding Request Form including a description of the recycling and/or litter reduction activities for which the funds will be expended. The City is also required to adopt a resolution designating a City official to prepare and execute any necessary documents to implement the proposed activities. The City has participated in the funding program for two successive years. Each year the funds have been used to implement a beach litter abatement program. A resolution adopted by the Council in May 2000 authorizing the General Services Director to execute all forms necessary for the purposes of securing the grant payments will satisfy the FAUSERSMVNEIdridge�APRIL 02\ Council- DeptComs Rpt_Apri102- Prks.doc current resolution requirements. A new Funding Request Form for the new grant term is attached. The attached Funding Request Form proposes to use the funds to pay labor and some supply costs for litter abatement in public areas. The abatement areas will include the Newport and Balboa piers and Corona Del Mar Main Beach. Litter will be removed from these beach areas including the adjacent parking lots, sidewalks, grass areas, parks and commercial districts as well as some City park locations. The General Services Department will administer the program, which involves hiring a total of eight temporary employees to work full -time shifts during the summer months in either the beach or park maintenance roles. Some of the workers will be scheduled to work weekend shifts. The City is eligible for sufficient funding to employ the temporary workers for a period of approximately twelve weeks this summer. In previous years, the Department of Conservation has issued payment at the end of the fiscal year in which the activities are implemented (on or near June 30). This year, the DOC has combined two funding cycles. As a result of the change, the City is eligible to receive $20,420 at the end of the current fiscal year (June 30, 2002) and $20,420 at the beginning of the next fiscal year (July 2002). All funds must be spent by June 30, 2003. Very respectfully, David E. Niederhaus Attachment: (1) Department of Conservation City /County Funding Request Form FAUSERS\GSVWEIdridgeWPR1L 02 \Council- DeptConoe Rpt Apri102- P&.doc Funding . t01/2002 and 2002/2003 11 Please complete this form and return to the Department of Conservation by April 30, 2002. If your mailing or contact information is incorrect, please make the necessary changes. Field Representative: Janis Peacher City /County Name Eligible Funding Amounts Funding Cycles $20,420 FY 2001/2002 The City of Newport Beach ❑Airports ❑Restaurants/Bars $20,420 FY 200212003 City /County Mailing Address City County State Zip Federal ID or Tax ❑Governmental Buildings ❑Civic Centers ❑Businesses ❑College /University []Sports Complexes Reporting # P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach CA 92 658 ❑Apartments ❑Residential []Mobile Home Parks ❑Senior Housing ❑Collection Services 95- 6000751 City /County Contact Person Telephone Number Fax Number E -Mail Address David Niederhaus (949)644 -3055 (949)650 -0747 meidridge@ci.newport- beach.ca.us Please check if you are a: NSA Name of Lead Agency or JPA Submitting Form on Behalf of City /County Lead Agency ❑ or JPA ❑ ❑Recreational Areas [3S ports Complexes Lead Agency /JPA Mailing Address City County State Zip Federal ID or Tax Other [3 Utility Bill Insert ❑Direct Mail ❑Print Ads ❑Web Page Ad ❑Media (TV, Radio, Video) Reporting # Lead Agency /JPA Contact Person Telephone Number Fax Number E -Mail Address Identify your beverage container activity(ies) that you plan on implementing with your city/county payment program funds. Include estimated dollar amounts. Check all boxes that apply. 1/02 ❑Theme Parks Subtotal $ ❑Recycling Bins ❑Schools ❑Airports ❑Restaurants/Bars ❑Gas Stations ' ❑Curbside Collection Services []Special Events ❑Shopping Mall ❑Drop -Off Collection Services ❑Public Transit ❑Hotels ❑Theatres ❑Governmental Buildings ❑Civic Centers ❑Businesses ❑College /University []Sports Complexes ❑City/County Parks ❑Other Subtotal $ ❑Other ❑Commercial ❑Apartments ❑Residential []Mobile Home Parks ❑Senior Housing ❑Collection Services ❑Condominiums ❑ Recycling Bins Osupp lies/Liners/Gloves Beach ❑Roadway Subtotal !3p 911A LjOther ❑Events ®Public Parks Adopt -A -: ❑School ❑Volunteer Incentives ❑Recreational Areas [3S ports Complexes d . . , . =-, - , , . Subtotal $ Promotional Items ❑Billboard/Signs ❑Newsletter /Brochures Other [3 Utility Bill Insert ❑Direct Mail ❑Print Ads ❑Web Page Ad ❑Media (TV, Radio, Video) ❑Local Media Ads With The Department's Assistance in Media Bu s . , Subtotal $ LjOther []School Education ❑Recycling Hotline ❑Brochures/Flyers ❑Workshops ❑Exhibits/Demos ❑Fairs ❑Bulletin Board ❑Assemblies ❑Educational Packets ❑Public Education [3Recycling Guide ❑Pu Show /Live Production et a , Subtotal $ Lj Recycling Coordinator ❑Contractor /Consultant ❑Other ❑Grant Administration I ❑Staff 1/02 • Describe the goals or outcomes (versus outputs) to be achieved. (Examples., f) Change in volume of beverage containers recycled,- 2) Change in beverage container recycling awareness.) ... - sidewalks, and commercial districts. Subtotal $0. Facilitate c7assisting []Buy or use products made ❑In rural areas -share cast for • Has your cdy /county prohibits the sib g o a supermarket site, caused a supermarket ❑Yes No recycled matem recycled beverage back hauling recycled materials to explanation. (Provide a copy of any policy or ordinance relating to beverage new products ntainer material market, share purchase of fiscal year 1999/2000 (first cycle). ( Examples: 1) Change in volume of beverage containers recycled as measured by to establish a equipment or initiate co-op for container recycling on beaches. However, it is estimated that 24,450 pounds of al business urchase of le d materials SELF- CERTIFICATION I (name) (title) General Services Director Subtotal $ ❑Vehicle/TruLiners/Bags ®Safety Equipment (gloves etc.) Other ❑Recycle BinEquipment ❑Storage Container (The total of the two Eligible Funding Amounts listed on the front of this page) GRAND TOTAL $ 40, 840 • Describe the goals or outcomes (versus outputs) to be achieved. (Examples., f) Change in volume of beverage containers recycled,- 2) Change in beverage container recycling awareness.) Change in beverage containers recycled on public beaches and adjacent piers, parks, sidewalks, and commercial districts. • Explain how the projected outcomes will be measured and measurement data collected. Waste collected in the designated litter abatement areas will be measured in tons and recorded. MRF recycling rates will then be applied to the total tonnages to.determine HIP • Has your cdy /county prohibits the sib g o a supermarket site, caused a supermarket ❑Yes No site to close its business or adopted a land use policy that restricts or prohibits the siting of a supermarket site within its jurisdiction since 1/1/2000? If yes, please provide an explanation. (Provide a copy of any policy or ordinance relating to beverage container recycling.) • PrograinlPTOfect Evaluation: Briefly describe the outcomes (effectiveness of your project(s) funded in fiscal year 1999/2000 (first cycle). ( Examples: 1) Change in volume of beverage containers recycled as measured by prerpost tonnage reports; 2) Change in beverage container recycling awareness as measured by pre /post consumer surveys.) No data previous to the FY 99/00 project exist to determine changes to beverage container recycling on beaches. However, it is estimated that 24,450 pounds of al aluminum and plastic beverage containers were recycled through the grant funded litter abatement program during FY M /02.r SELF- CERTIFICATION I (name) (title) General Services Director certify that the city or county of has expended $0,000,000.00 from the Department of Conservation's 199912000 citylcounty payment program for beverage container recycling activities. THE SUBMISSION OF FALSE INFORMATION WITH INTENT TO DEFRAUD IS A CRIME PUNISHABLE BY SUBSTANTIAL FINES, UP TO THREE YEARS IMPRISONMENT, OR BOTH. KNOWING THIS, I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE FACTS REPRESENTED HEREIN ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Signature of Representative or Designee Authorized to Expend Funds Title (Named on Resolution) General Services Director Printed Name of Above Representative or Designee Date David E. Niederhaus This form must be received by April 30, 2002. Send to: Department of Conservation. Division of Recycling, Community Outreach Branch, City /County Payments, 801 K Street, MS 20 -24, Sacramento, CA 95814 -3533, fax (916) 322.8758 or e -mail it to your field representative. If you need assistance please call (916) 322 -0613 or 1- 800 - RECYCLE and ask for your field representative. 1102