HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2002-0062t 7F,40 UIML- Cl r 9,e,4c,&l �2 ZZ' 3z, Z., �7 41V A" 4 go ecss 2 Z Li li 0.44 0 ft PIA Ce v VICIMITY SKETCH W441 Jorry Nowpoar DAY, CAL IFORNIA icrry (�7 Alt A7, liz= are ex'-w-csseal — irceffli ona A-FC017 WQF�Olr. are c rl LrL 6� �2 ZZ' 3z, Z., �7 41V A" 4 go ecss 2 Z Li CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR PERMIT i-ERMISSION IS HERE3Y URANTIED TO CONSTRUCT ANC MAINTAIN THE FACILITY SHOWN ON TFr- PEVERSE HEREOF %T THE SITE INDICAYED, SUOJECT TO THE P.-ROW.SJUNS 0- tHE ' HARBOR PERMIT POLiCIES OF NEWPOPIT BEACH AN! ANY SPECIAL CONDITIONS LISTED HEREON. THIS PERPAi IS NOT 7I?A#JSF�—IZAZLE WITHOUT THE WWTTEN CONSENT rj� tHE CITY HARBOR COORIDINIATOR OR CITY C0UNCcL. TV HIGHTS GIVIEN UNDER THIS PERMIT ARE PERMISSIVE ONL' AND THIS PERMIT 41AY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY COUNCII, IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 1177 -00 -THE MUNICIPAL CODE. i5TY SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Corps Of Engineers Permit OrP:I,-,e County PIrrait Other Se 12 1? PERMIT ISS(JED SLIBJECT 7-0 [)RtDGE MATERIAL BEING "AULEE) TO SEA -"CEDONDEACH 1 —1- ct — 9,3 (VV A, aA'c mo0e- PIC( (01 o m Sect Ltj6L io 2 A c 6107 '4PPL C -AA -j 7':5 7-- ess 4Lj5k I �51LITRA C )rCC F= T HARBOR p2lylplyl MAINTAIN Mum AT TF�w_ THE MAMMOU pNn�py ANY 15 NOT THE CITV RIGHTS amm upow: 1:61 AND IN Sf-i7l�",AL CONDIVDCAN�S: CC�T-3 "N B� State of California, George Deukmejian, Governor California Coastal Commission SOUTH COAST DISTRICT 245 West Broadway, Suite 380 P.O. Box 1450 Long Beach, California 90801-1450 (213) 590-5071_ N COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No.— 5-83-731 Page 1 of 2 On October 13, 1983 the California Coastal Commission granted to Robert Lewis, 626 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, this permit for the development described below, subject to the attached Standard and Special conditions. Revise'existing private boat dock. Site: 626 Via Lido Nord Newport Beach,.CA Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commi i f 1 -2 . M RLALIT- TWS PERMIT IS 1401 11P4.1 LINVII AND IM11L A COPY OF W"!TH THE SIGNED ACKPM0M-ED-,,-1 SEEN RETURNED TO WE COMWBS'M by 11 - Michael L. Fischer Executive Director and /SwS Staff Analyst ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit andagrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. Date Signature of Permittee Coast 11: 7/81 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. Page 2 of 2 4. STANDARD CONDrTrONS: 1. Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgement. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Construction shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. - 3. Compliance. All development must occur in strict compliance with the proposal as set forth in the application for permit, subject to any special conditions set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be r6viewed and approved by the staff and may require Commission approval. 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. S. Inspections. The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the development during development subject to 24-hour advance notice. 6. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual,�and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the term and conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: None. 5-83-731 Cl r Y, iry IT E 12 7o 4..g 6�acs, 117 < kX C, C) A Wei VICIMITY SKETCH Nawpojwr E31AY/ CAL [Fc;-RNIA irr,-r eep�A5 below 4-7co,7 Lower Law WoYcer. r0l)?& 10"zFe-.1 Ore J;7 -//7 /'S A'01? 0 1"MC W,4701- 45 ar. Distridt ottloo C -o PPROVAL Ferm�il No)(:.:;�7 " �-- 0 co oyl, V - P1 1� 1 1 r k I I tj L, + -0 A. - T MARINE DEPARTMENT ch 32100 NEWPORT KVIL NEWPORT BEACIL CA 9203 7 ------------ ............. I Lpi C -,4A-1 7:5 AI�4;16� tV V t4/66 �1-�RA C r4o A- L�-,-4 T V Ljii-Ox- s,� tA-��-Lj- C/ r Y, 6 I'T 117 k) . O.A'So X Peg bvcsr /Enrr VIC) M I TY SKETCH U. jerr Nxvvpogr 5AY/ CAL IFORNIA /F7 al)al o(dno/,. 5 beloW 11-7CO-7 LOW, -r ZOW o/- Y6r-ho,- /t;7,r-s ore ezioble,5hed 1"' -//715 -5 e c A -1t, ?72= �pjA- -601-V -&2 A --I %2 C,,qA-j 7- 5 /Q�4,t,;W - --------- qFWpORT BlEACH p, RMT To C.-jDWSTRUCT ANI JOF,4 is lwwnrw V, E,,j HEREOF _RSF .-ERMISS Ns ol� V; S -AA-,NTAIN TUE .T THE -1 AW A UE A C Uf t (3t;NC!.L. TV 15SIvtE OHL n E P, lF F CiTY COUNCI� A' ail ;�oo wol, 7! I WL PERM I NO. T T d - U CO -NST"' JIN PTERMIT DATE ....... Z�,%— CF2 — ............ SEE ATTACHED SHEET SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Corps Of Engineers Permit Oronge County Pe*rmit Other 14—A ez,woa-', . AVI,j; E3Y CITY CoUf4C,t 7., L + 14 lt4S PECTED e e,5 cr*v�, e- lee-, L I c lVecd, eL 13Y INSPECTED J�i Ovv By INSPECTED y e, Coe t CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR PER.IMIT PERMISSION is "E"By GRANTED TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINlrAIN THE FACILITY SjjoWpj ON THE Fj:p-vEj-j, AT THE SITE INDIr .�C, urmeoF, ,ATED, SWIJECT TO THE' r THE HARBOR PER141T PoLl r_ ANY SPECIAL - I F,- S OF f9ElVP,0,%T BEACH AN , v. CONDITIODir, ,,jy- ThIss pF IS NOT TRANSFERABLE- tvi-i-tit "Z' '� "� V, THE CITY HAR201? ONSE-N'T 0- Cliv Cr3fiticil.. TH, #tIG"TS G'VXN UNDER THIS ):'ErICUUT far,,FZ AND THIS PERMIT MAY rslj�. I;Zr "N"t"'SSIVE ONJL',, ,VOV,��r,-D Ey THE CITY COUNCm I , N ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 17 OF THE 111UNICIPAL CoDE. A �Un Cl HARBOR Coo— V F -5 -c Ile. .c�, -5�c �l 6 �OR E K FT -'—N L- �7Z� 'DATE 4 sHOMERAMD uv REVISIONMEW CONSTRUCTION STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERM -I TS LOCATIONJ�ii� /,/� Z -I-' Z..- ./I--,------------- New -------- _/�,O PERMIT NO. Revision APPLICANT NAME Dredging CONTRACTOR 'Jd ID 7 Date Rec'v Fee Amt. /Z.5— Fee Processed Da te Rev i ewed by Mari ne Dept. Approved—V' Denied Corection.Required Description City Council: Approved Denied Remarks DATE MATER1AL SENT/APPROVED C.O.E. SCRZCC- SARWOCB J-. H. C-� 0. R C Y 1. Application 2. Consent Ltr. 3. "Waste" Ltr. 4. Drawings 5. Staff Report 6. REMARKS DATE FI(IAL June 30, 1993 m1r. Ken Nelson Giii-S and Derby, Inc. 2806 Lafayette Avenue tiewport Beach, California 92663 Dear Mr. Rolsont r j /X'�'P�'A_�l z"�'! 0 D `0' A) Files Sb 83-06-22 for Mr. Robert lemis at )?rc�vosvd boaL berth A. 626 Via Lido Nord-, Newport Unath. The staff of the State Loads GImmmission 11WS rietelveo -your Letter dated juue 17, 194.3 arWd a topy of the permit dra-wing relative to the r.onstruction of your ellems docking facility in Nlel art, . INTP This is to ad0se thaL the tide and solmerg I ged landsL ovvr whi4zb the proposed grojj*ct will extend are sovereign lands of t1w State of California that tho Legislature 811tod in tromt to the �Qlty of Niew-port Beath. Theref*re, you need not apply t* the Stat�e Laads Coamitision for project outhorization. You sbv-uld, bowevers apply to tht. City of Newport rsoa4h for any neeesaar)- .7 permIts -or approvals.- You almu!4 alz* apply to all other agencies having approval authority. This actiou does not constitute, rt*r shall I't be construed as a w*iver of arty rigbt, title, or Interest by uhe Statt of California in any lands under its jurisdittiov* very trwy yours, RULTY LUA01WI 0 Granted Lands Representative (916) 445-7134 JL-.cl* CrZI, California Coa-5tal 'C-'owmiission South Coast D-liscrier, V,051 !Wesc Broadway Long -'Rmach., California 9080"Z *.0 �O�ert ". wlynn, CILty bllal) L ager C4 tYL of Dlv�ach City Hall 3300 Nowport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 82q5 bec: G 09-02 PECU PERMIT NO. DREDGING APPLICATION Project Location: 626 Via Lido Nord Cubic Yards to be Dredged: 333 Method of Dredging: Hydraulic Suction Nature of Dredged Material: Sand/Silt Disposition of Dredged Material: Haul to sea and dump at Latitude 33"31'42"N, Longitude 117*54'48"W Method of Material Disposition: Barge to sea Turbidity Control Method: Material to be contained in dump barge at dredge site. Effect of dredging on contiguou s bulkheading and beaches None I, LaVerne Harris _p hereby state that I have read the U. S. Army (print name) Corps of Engineers permit for maintenance dredging in Newport Harbor, the City of Newport Beach and Orange County Harbors,Beaches and Parks District (if applicable) permit for maintenance dredging and that I accept all the provisions therein. Additionally I guarantee that the proposed dredging will not occur because of any altering of existing use of -,--.he affected zone. Robert Lewis (Applicant -type name) 8/2/83 (Date) Newport Dredging Company actor -type name) Signed: Contractor's Representative C I r N~,,waer Je,4clv ------- ro 4-0�".Co.h Vi 4110A T, ---------- D -C Polio' PIA MOC I-V VICIMITY� SKETCH AMY c4ff NaWPORr 5AY, CAI. 1,VOIaNIA Jsfry ,510urldi-qs Oro &,4,-,rc.Fscd 07 rdrel 00)0( apnolc OIjv,- 5 below A-jCOI7 10WOr LOW 61004-11. oy"maArly /0 AlQrbor 4ncs Ao?,s f i77 -7-- I F LrL 'Ln 612 3z zel 306 VQ 44, 9�� 7 A...J.0 -S go e e 55 2 e CaW7-,fA C-r*A LEL2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HAR13OR PERMIT PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN TlIE FACILITY SHOWN ON THr FEVERSC HEREOF. AT THE SITE INDICATED, SUBJECT TO 'rrrf!E p-%ZOVSIONS of THE HARBOR PERCAIT POLICIES OF N-'�:WPWRT 13EACH ANr ^NY SPUCtAL CONDiT,-ONS LISTED THIS PERM,. IS NOT TRANSF-RA-,!�LF WITHOUT THE Wz-,�-,-� THE CITY �IARBOV, COOPIDIUATOR Op (�;171 ' " ONSENT 0' IMPHTS GIVEN UNDEJJ 7HIS PERMIT AFZI- Y 1,0E)MCIL. TH "f' AMD TJl,'S PERMIT MAY BE REV f� ONLI W ACCORDANC9 WITH TITL OKED a V c 0 y c 0 mn c I 1� OF THE 10 -C"PAL Coog, ;!�� �,- -1 4� ,7A c ('Orpe of Engineers perrnit I — orange County Perrnit Other 'y e_n PERMIT ISSUED SUBJECT To DRE5bGE UATERIAL BEING HAULEDTOSFA — 4� �31 PLACED ON 13EACUI q C r K Ncjwlo og r de4 c1v 4V 2 0 I ft 09A VICIMITY SKETCH Nawposwr 5Ay NIA CAL 1j;osa mg-" o"Ve 5 be/Ow WCQ.7 lower low L,/Qpi dw. ea,79,e 0/^ moia/,v /0,'ve-A Horbo,- /,;7c.5 are c iablr'sh'r olrAlOW ASOr. -T ------ Ti- r IT- F-I I In Y -L 4� VASA.& ,4 ea-, ca .4 &1 A4JAd4-.i ��306 =Ze,b 14aope-ss: 42e L 14*- ��14 5), e -al CC Ae XfA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR PERMIT PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN THE FACILITY SHOWN ON THE REVERSE HEREOF. AT THE SITE INDICATED, SUBJECT TO TtIF- PROVISIONS O� THE HARBOR PERM IT. POLICIES OF NEWPORT BEACH ANt- ANY SPECIAL C01-10iTIONS LISTED HEREON. THIS PERMI-- IS NOT TRAWSF!ZRAZLF WITHOUT THE WRiWEH CONSENT 0! rHE CITY HARBOR COORDINATOT'Z OR CITY COUNCIL. TH, RIGHTS GIVEN UNDER THIS PERMIT ARE PERIMIISSIVE ONLN AND THIS PERMIT MAY Bt REVOKED BY THE CiTY COUNCR ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 17 OF THE MUNtC6PAL CODE. ov z C.TY WXFrW/e&WMNAT0ff 7 -in Well SPECIAL CONDITIONS: COrPsOlEnginep,rs Permit Orange County Pirmit Other Sck �-� 5--- 1- 7 PERMIT ISSUED SU13JECT TO PREDGE MATERIAL 13EING 0AULED To SEA 93 PL410ED ON BEACH STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMITS TRANSFER Location 1 61 Z � CIO Permit # Date Application Received �7 Fee Rec1d 2, A QE7 Oral Request for Inspection Escrow Co. Alt, Date /o -(q -%/Date Inspection Made Date Deficiency Letter Sent (if applicable) Date Deficiency Corrected (if applicable) Date Orange County Notified (if applicable) Date.Transfer Completed 0— 7r MARINERS ESCROW (714) 645-8111 MARINERS SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION (714) 642-4000 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF 92663 WESTCLIFF AT DOVER F Date 10-17-75 City of Newport Beach City Hall Escrow No. 202-3745 3300 W. Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California Your No. Attn: Glen Welden We are enclosing the following in connection with our above numbered escrow: ( � Pier Transfer. Our check # 86194 in the amount -of $110.00, which represents your transfer fee for 626 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach. Original Policy of Title Insurance No. dated Copy issued by C�riginal Fire Insurance Policy No. for $ copy expiring issued by JS: sg encl: M -080 -ESD Very truly yours, ackie Skarstedt, k Escrow Officer