HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2006-0003gRECEIVED A Coast Regiol '1' 2 0 NO STATE OF CALIFORNIA —THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWAPZENEGGER, Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST DISTRICT PO Box 1450 200 Oceangate, 10th Floor LONG BEACH, CA 90802-4416 (562) 590-5071 www.coastal.ca.gov 4'� .1114 Date: January 24, 2006 Permit No. 5-05-427 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT EFFECTIVENESS Please be advised that the Administrative Permit with the above permit number which was sent to you on December 21, 2005 and was reported to the Commission on Wednesday, January 11, 2006 is now fully effective. Development of your project is subject to compliance with all terms and conditions specified in the Administrative Permit. Should you have any questions please contact our office. Sincerely, PETER M. DOUGLAS Executive Pirector By: ALAURI DA OWENS Coastal Program Analyst dt CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office Permit Application No. 5-05-427 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 Date: December 20, 2005 - -- (562) 590-5071 Page 1 of 6 W3f ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT APPLICANTS: Douglas Foreman PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Demolish and remove existing "U" -shaped boat dock and replace with a single finger dock configuration consisting of: 8'x 50'dock, Xx 24' gangway, three (3) 18" concrete guide pilings and 10'x 14' pier including use of Douglas Fir and Trex composite materials for deck surface. PROJECT LOCATION: 836 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach (Orange County) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION: The findings for this determination, and for any special conditions, appear on subsequent pages. NOTE: P.R.C. Section 30624 provides that this permit shall not become effective until it is reported to the Commission at its next meeting. If one-third or more of the appointed membership of the Commission so request, the application will be removed from the administrative calendar and set for public hearing at a subsequent Commission meeting. Our office will notify you if such removal occurs. This permit will be reported to the Commission at the following time and place: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:00 a.m. Los Angeles Harbor Hotel 601 S. Palos Verdes Street San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 519-8200 IMPORTANT - Before you may proceed with development, the following must occur: Pursuant to 14 Cal. Admin. Code Sections 13150(b) and 13158, you must sign the enclosed duplicate copy acknowledging the permit's receipt and accepting its contents, including all conditions, and return it to our office. Following the Commission's meeting, and once we have received the signed acknowledgement and evidence of compliance with all special conditions, we will send you a Notice of Administrative Permit Effectiveness. BEFORE YOU CAN OBTAIN ANY LOCAL PERMITS AND PROCEED WITH DEVELOPMENT, YOU MUST HAVE RECEIVED BOTH YOUR ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT AND THE NOTICE OF PERMIT EFFECTIVENESS FROM THIS OFFICE. PETER DOUGLAS Executive Director By: Laurinda R. Owens Title: Coastal Program Analyst 5 -05 -427 -[Foreman] Administrative Permit Page 2 of 6 STANDARD CONDITIONS: Notice of Receipt and Acknowledwent. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date this permit is reported to the Commission. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Inten:)retation. 'Any questions of intent or interpretation of any term or condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 4. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee, to bind all future owners and possessors; of the subject property to the terms and conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: See pages four to six. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION (continued): The Executive Director hereby determines that the proposed development is a category of development, which, pursuant to PRC Section 30624, qualifies for approval by the Executive Director through the issuance of an Administrative Permit. Subject to Standard and Special Conditions as attached, said development is in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act of 1976 and will not have any significant impacts on the environment within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act. If located between the nearest public road and the sea, this development is in conformity with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3. FINDINGS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION: A. Pro*ect Description The subject site is located at 836 Via Lido Nord in the City of Newport Beach"(Exhibits #1 -2). Single- family residences characterize the subject site and the surrounding area. The proposed project (Exhibit #3) involves the demolition and removal of an existing "U" -shaped boat dock and replacement with a single finger dock configuration consisting of: 8' x 50' dock, 3' x 24' gangway, three (3) 18" concrete guide pilings and 10'x 14' pier including use of Douglas Fir and Trex composite materials for deck surface. The proposed project is located in the water next to the project site and no work is proposed on the existing adjacent bulkhead. 5 -05 -427 -[Foreman] Administrative Permit Page 3 of 6 The dock project will be used for boating related purposes to serve a single-family residential --- development. The site has been surveyed by the City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Division for eelgrass and no eelgrass was discovered with ' in 15 feet of the project area. In addition, Special Condition 3 requires a Caulerpa taxilfolia survey not more than 90 days prior to commencement of construction. The surveys are valid for a limited period of time (until the next growing season for eelgrass and 90 days for Caulorpa taxilfolia). If construction does not occur within the respective time periods, subsequent surveys will be required. Special Conditions 2 and 3 identify the procedures necessary to be completed prior to beginning construction in the case the surveys expire prior to commencement of construction. In addition, Special Conditions 2 and 3 identify post -construction eelgrass and Caulerpa taxifolia procedures. Public access is available five lots to the east of the project site at the park and open space area adjacent to the Lido Channel as well as all along the park (greenbelt area) adjacent to the waterfront seaward (north) of the project site. The proposed project has received an approval in concept from the City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Division. The Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) has determined that the proposed project will not adversely impact water quality if standard construction methods and materials are used. The applicants have applied for a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. B. Marine Resources The proposed recreational boat dock development and its associated structures are an allowable and encouraged marine related use. The project design includes the minimum sized pilings and the minimum number of pilings necessary for structural stability. There are no feasible less environmentally damaging alternatives available. As conditioned, the project will not significantly adversely impact eelgrass beds and will not contribute to the dispersal of the invasive aquatic algae, Caulerpa taxifolia. Further, as proposed and conditioned, the project, which is to be used solely for recreational boating purposes, conforms to Sections 30224 and 30233 of the Coastal Act. C. Water Qualitv The proposed work will be occurring on, within and adjacent to coastal waters. The storage or placement of construction material, debris, or waste in a location where it could be discharged into coastal waters would result in an adverse effect on the marine environment. To reduce the potential for construction related impacts on water quality, the Executive Director imposes special conditions requiring, but not limited to, the appropriate storage and handling of construction equipment and materials to minimize the potential of pollutants to enter coastal waters. To reduce the potential for post -construction impacts to water quality the Executive Director requires the continued use and maintenance of post construction BMPs. As conditioned, the Executive Director finds that the development conforms to Sections 30230 and 30231 of the Coastal Act. D. Local Coastal Prouram The LUP for the City of Newport Beach was effectively certified on May 19, 1982. The certified LUP was updated on January 9, 1990. As conditioned, the proposed development is consistent with Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act and with the certified Land 'Use Plan for the area. Approval of the project, as conditioned, will not prejudice the ability of the City of Newport Beach to prepare a Local Coastal Program that is in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3. 5 -05 -427 -[Foreman] Administrative Permit Page 4 of 6 E. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA As conditioned, there are no feasible alternatives or additional feasible mitigation measures available that would substantially lessen any significant adverse effect that the activity may have on the environment. Therefore, the Executive Director finds that the proposed project, as conditioned to mitigate the identified impacts, is the least environmentally damaging feasible alternative and is consistent with the requirements of the Coastal Act to conform to CEQA. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Water Qualitv A. Construction Responsibilities and Debris Removal (1) No construction materials, equipment, debris, or waste will be placed or stored where it may be subject to wave, wind, or rain erosion and dispersion. (2) Any and all construction material will be removed from the site within 10 days of . completion of construction. (3) Machinery or construction materials not essential for project improvements will not be allowed at any time in the intertidal zone. If turbid conditions are generated during construction a silt curtain will be utilized to control turbidity. (5) Floating booms will be used to contain debris discharged into coastal waters and any debris discharged will be removed as soon as possible but no later than the end of each day. (6) Non -buoyant debris discharged into coastal waters will be recovered by divers as soon as possible after loss. B. Best Management Practices Program By acceptance of this permit the applicant agrees that the long-term water -borne berthing of boat(s) in the approved dock and/or boat slip will be managed in a manner that protects water quality pursuant to the implementation of the following BMPs. (1) Boat Cleaning and Maintenance Measures: a. In -water top -side and bottom -side boat cleaning shall minimize the discharge of soaps, paints, and debris. b. In -the -water hull scraping or any process that occurs under water that results in the removal of paint from boat hulls shall be prohibited. Only detergents and cleaning components that are designated by the manufacturer as phosphate - free and biodegradable shall be used, and the amounts used minimized. 5 -05 -427 -[Foreman] Administrative Permit Page 5 of 6 c. The applicant shall minimize the use of detergents and boat cleaning and maintenance products containing ammonia, sodium hypochlorite, chlorinated solvents, petroleum distillates or lye. (2) Solid and Liquid Waste Management Measures: a. All trash, recyclables, and hazardous wastes or potential water contaminants, including old gasoline or gasoline with water, absorbent materials, oily rags, lead acid batteries, anti -freeze, waste diesel, kerosene and mineral spirits will be disposed of in a proper manner and will not at any time be disposed of in the water or gutter. (3) Petroleum Control Management Measures: a. Oil absorbent materials shall be examined at least once a year and replaced as necessary. The applicant will recycle the materials, if possible, or dispose of them in accordance with hazardous waste disposal regulations. The boaters will regularly inspect and maintain engines, seals, gaskets, lines and hoses in order to prevent oil and fuel spills. Boaters will use preventive engine maintenance, oil absorbents, bilge pump -out services, or steam cleaning services as much as possible to clean oily bilge areas. Bilges shall be cleaned and maintained. Detergents will not be used for cleaning. The use of soaps that can be discharged by bilge pumps is prohibited. 2. Eelgrass Survey A. Pre Construction Eelgrass Survey. A valid pre -construction eelgrass (Zostera marina) survey shall be completed during the period of active growth of eelgrass (typically March through October). The pre -construction survey shall be completed prior to the beginning of construction and shall be valid until the next period of active growth. The survey shall be prepared in full compliance with the "Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy" Revision 8 (except as modified by this special condition) adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service and shall be prepared in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Game. The applicant shall submit the eelgrass survey for the review and approval of the Executive Director within five (5) business days of completion of each eelgrass survey and in any event no later than fifteen (15), business days prior to commencement of any development. If the eelgrass survey identifies any eelgrass within the project area, which would be impacted by the proposed project, the development shall require an amendment to this permit from the Coastal Commission or a new coastal development permit. B. Post Construction Eelgrass Survey. If any eelgrass is identified in the project area by the survey required in subsection A of this condition above, within one month after the conclusion of construction, the applicant shall survey the project site to determine if any eelgrass was adversely impacted. The survey shall be prepared in full compliance with the "Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy" Revision 8 (except as modified by this special condition) adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service and shall be prepared in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Game. The applicant shall submit the post -construction eelgrass survey for the review and approval of the Executive Director within thirty (30) days after completion of the survey. If any eelgrass has been impacted, the applicant shall replace the impacted eelgrass at a minimum 1.21 ratio on-site, or at another location, in accordance with the Southern 5 -05 -427 -[Foreman] Administrative Permit Page 6 of 6 California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy. All impacts to eelgrass habitat shall be mitigated at a minimum ratio of 1.21 (mitigation:impact). The exceptions to the required 1.21 mitigation ratio found within SCEMP shall not apply. Implementation of mitigation shall require an amendment to this permit or a new coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment or new permit is required. 3. Pre -construction Caulerpa Taxifolia Surve A Not earlier than 90 days nor later than 30 days prior to commencement or re -commencement of any development authorized under this coastal development permit (the "project"), the applicant shall undertake a survey of the project area and a buffer area at least 10 meters beyond the project area to determine the presence of the invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia. The survey shall include a visual examination of the substrate. B. The survey protocol shall be prepared in consultation with the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the Califomia Department of Fish and Game, and the National Marine Fisheries Service. C. Within five (5) business days of completion of the survey, the applicant shall submit the survey: (1 ) for the rev lew and approval of the Executive Director; and (2) to the Surveillance Subcommittee of the Southern California Caulerpa Action Team (SCCAT). The SCCAT Surveillance Subcommittee may be contacted through William Paznokas, Califomia Department of Fish & Game (858/467-4218) or Robert Hoffman, National Marine Fisheries Service (562/980-4043). D. If Caulerpa taxifolia is found within the project or buffer areas, the applicant shall not proceed with the project until 1) the applicant provides evidence to the Executive Director that all C. taxi/blia discovered within the project and buffer area has been eliminated in a manner that complies with all applicable governmental approval requirements, including but not limited to those of the Califomia Coastal Act, or 2) the applicant has revised the project to avoid any contact with C. taxifolia. No revisions to the project shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. - CKNOWLEDGIVIENT OF PERMIT RECEIPTACCEPTANCE OF CONTENTS: I/We acknowledge that I/We have received a copy of this permit and have accepted its contents including all conditions. Applicants' Signature Date of Signing EMdmin. Permits\2006\2005-01\5-05-427 (Foreman) NB Dock LO.doc 0- T M z Z 06 LTIJ 61 Cb oj COASTAL COMMISSION EXHIBIT # PAGE I OF 49-17 4-3-19 Cl A- 4Cy 'lK S'ly 0, "K AL "ESNOR UA r ely 77 Fo, 40' ASS SS voRD _9 .4 Z4 - A. Ith 14' bb -b.it U, rQ con Zymcff cNo.- ft 0 rn r-\4' (n 0 rn (A z 03 to kk w N rn - 70 0 r) N rn R (n 'b Z4' 14- ......... . .. .. L IDO SOUD VIA .10 n z C) 0 CA 0 11", G A fA to cn z 94 0 G I )a 10 t(�) IG �s I 0 oi -4 1 1 0 ;Q rn N. COASTAL COMMISSION .1 IN; 4c --4 U, Z b rn EXHIBIT # 47-27 OCT 2 0 PAGE I OF ti NEWPORT 8A Y CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH CITY OF NEWOU - SEW MY IORCIF-ZC OCEIRN VICINITY MRP ?am W, =wwun ,56'We Doc�/ x?, q'6A-i �AFIBOR RESOURC98 DIV. 'ITY OF NEW a -PORT BEACH 67k7,-1,6 t-74, 101,Y106 - �--omml:ssion ------------------ ---------------------- per J, mm PROF ILE V =. 40' 'EM NNINM FRE DREM IN FEET PIND DENOTE ELEVRTIONS WSED ON MEl:lN LOU LOW WRTER. , Ig X NO EEL GRASS WITHIN 15'OF PROJECT 0 EEL GRASS IN THE PROJECTARE4 v oruw V" SIGNATURE PERMIT# DATE COASTAL COMMISSION EXHIBIT # PAGE I OF I JAN -26-2006 14:42 FROM:SWIFTSLIPDOCK.0011 (949) 631-3122 TO:723o5eg DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 532711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053-2325 November 18, 2005 AMY TO ATTENTION OF: Office of the Chief Regulatory Branch Douglas Foreman c/o Swift Slip Dock & Pier Builders Attention: Beth Swift Permit Coordinator 2027 Placentia Avenue Costa Mesa, California 92627-W5 Dear Mr. Foreman - Reference is made to your request of October 20,2005 (File No. 200600130-SjH). Under the provisions of Section W of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3,1899 (33 U.S.C. 403), you are hereby authorized to modify an existing floating dock structure bayward of 836 Via Lido Nord, within Newport Bay, in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California, as shown on the enclosed drawings, P. 5 The owner or authorized responsible official must sign and date all copies. of this Lefter of Permission (LOP) indicating that he/sheagrees to the work as described and will comply with all conditions, One of the signed cop* of this Letter of Permission must be returned to the Corps of les Engineers (a pre -addressed envelope is enclosed). In addition, please use the two . at tac . hed postcards to notify this office as to the dates of commencement (within 10 days prior to the start of construction) and completion of the activity (within 10 days following the end of construction). Furthermore, you are hereby advised that the Corps of Engineers has established an AdrrdniWative Appeal Process which is fully described in 33 CPR Part 331. The . complete appeal process is diagrammed in the enclosed Appendix B. Thank you for participating in our regulatory program. Sincerely, Mark Durham Chief, South Coast Section Regulatory Branch & . -V-� - Y / -) // 9 Jar PF.RkUT�f DAtW -' - ' :7 - JAN -26-2006 14:43 FROM:SWIFTSLIPDOCK.COM C949) 631-3122 TO:7230589 N California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region Alan C. Lloyd, Ph.D. Agency Secrelary October 12, 2005 3737 Main Street, Suite 500, Riveiside, Califomia 92501-3348 Phone (951) 782-413.0 � FAX (951) 781-6289 — TTY (951) 782-3221 http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/santaano Beth Swift Swift Slip Dock and Pier Builders, Inc. 2027 Placentia Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627 P. 6 Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor PROPOSED REBUILDING OF BOAT DOCK, DOUGLAS FOREMAN, 836 VIA LIDO NOM'-NEWPORT-B'EA:CIHF,-ORANGEC'O'UNIY- Dear Ms. Swift: If standard dock construction methods and materials are utilized, this project should not adversely impact water quality. A statement has been submitted that there will be no wage discharged from the proposed project. Based on these assurances, clearance is provided. However, should the Army Corps of Engineers determine that this project requires a Section 404 permit, it will be necessary for the project proponent to obtain from this Board a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Clem Water Act. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (951) 782-3288. me J. Sharni Water Resources Control Engineer cc: California Coastal Commission, Long Beach Army Corps of Engineers — Erik Larsen County of Orange, County Property Permits Division — Patricia Bigger JIS/blutag259let California Environmental Protection Agency %0 Recyded Ppe, JAN -26-2006 14:42 FROM:SWIFTSLIPDOCK.CON (949) 631-3122 TO:7230589 P.2 "T HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034 / Fax 949-723-0589 Pier Permit Conditions October 14, 2005 Property Address: $36 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, CA 92663 With reference to the plans currently under consideration toreconfigure or modify the dock system, the following conditions will now be in effect on the above referenced pier. 1. The pier permittee is aware of the Harbor Permit Policies and Chapter 17 of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. The pier permittee understands that the above referenced pier is under the purview of these Policies and Codes. 2. Any future work on the above mentioned pier requires permits with the City of Newport Beach and any other applicable agencies. Painting, replacement of rub rails and work considered to be cosmetic in nature does not require a permit. 3. The conditions set forth in this document pertain to the current, proposed dock system under consideration. Any future modifications or alterations to the dock system may require new conditions which may override or change these conditions. These conditions supersede all past conditions associated with this property. 4. Only marine oriented uses are allowed on the pier, pier platform, gangway and float. Patio furniture, plants etc ... are not permitted. 5. Your side property lines extend in the water along their same bearing. The western property line extends exactly parallel to the eastern property line. 6. Vessels may not extend beyond the end of the finger by more than the width of their beam. 7. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted to side tie to the westernmost side of the finger is 10'. 8. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted to side tie to the easternmost side of the finger is 22'. Signature: 0(o Date Chris let, H r or so ces Supervisor &A To V S led AA _C4.5 �' /2- U Print Name ADblicanVli8nature' r) it Joint Pier Applicant Signature Print Name Date CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH CITY OF NUPORT BE. EST BRY M-11IR ,SAM ()ZRN PIER VICINITY MRP ?Dfw MT, OLHOWR PMFILE V = 40' EFGT SMINGS ARE DMSSED -IN FEET.AND DENOTE ELEVATIONS 13RSED ON MEAN L%4ER LOW WRTER. 17 -EL UKAZjS INSrECTItt -,�6-vp o�6,vff"f-, )9� NO EEL GRASS WITHIN 15'OF PROJEDC"l- 0 EEL GRASS IN THE P90JECTAR c4vx Doc,�/ �w SIGNATURE fq.�� E3 6 101tcde PERMIT# DAT E H'ARBOR RESOURCES DM C��-.JTY OF NEWPORT BEACH 6 21yz� llet�l lzb�l IPA( ( per 'A � oil0 Em Z-7-1 cc, 114 CIA PLAN VIEW I' = 40' FppLiw'S NRIE. 0 . B FIDDRESS do N�(�('JDATE �-6 -0 Po 4r7s HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034 / Fax 949-723-0589 Pier Permit Conditions October 14, 2005 Property Address: 836 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, CA 92663 With reference to the plans currently under consideration to reconfigure or modify the dock system, the following conditions will now be in effect on the above referenced pier. 1. The pier permittee is aware of the Harbor Permit Policies and Chapter 17 of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. The pier permittee understands that the above referenced pier is under the purview of these Policies and Codes. 2. Any future work on the above mentioned pier requires permits with the City of Newport Beach and any other applicable agencies. Painting, replacement of rub rails and work considered to be cosmetic in nature does not require a permit. 3. The conditions set forth in this document pertain to the current, proposed dock system under consideration. Any future modifications or alterations to the dock system may require new conditions which may override or change these conditions. These conditions supersede all past conditions associated with this property. 4. Only marine oriented uses are allowed on the pier, pier platform, gangway and float. Patio furniture, plants etc ... are not permitted. 5. Your side property lines extend in the water along their same bearing. The western property line extends exactly parallel to the eastern property line. 6. Vessels may not extend beyond the end of the finger by more than the width of their beam. 7. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted to side tie to the westernmost side of the finger is 10'. 8. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted to side tie to the easternmost side of the finger is 22'. Signature: Chris Miller, Harbor Resources Supervisor Date Applicant Signature Print Name Date Joint Pier Applicant Signature Print Name Date W P IF 0 W� HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034 / Fax 949-723-0589 APPROVAL IN CONCEPT APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH as required for permit application to the South Coast Regional Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code. Sections 13210 and 13211. General Description of Proposed Development: Remove entire existing dock structure. Install new 8'x 50'float with (3) 18" pile, 3'x 24'gangway and 1 O'x 14'pier. jAddress number must be stenciled on at least 1 bayward facing pile. jPier conditions must be signed by applicant prior to final approval. 113roperty Address: 836 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Legal Description: lHarbor Permit Number: 175-836 1PIan Check Number: 2311-2005 jApplicant: Doug Foreman Applicants Mailing Address: 836 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Phone Number: (949) 631-3121 I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application. And find Page 1 of 2 )<They comply with the current adopted Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and anv applicable specific or precise plans or, ii That a variance of exception has been approved and final. A copy of any variance, exception, conditional use permit or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in conceot and said aor)roval has been written ur)on said olans. sianed and dated. Should Newport Beach adopt an ordinance deleting, amending or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act or 1970, and state and local quidelines adopted thereunder, this development: )<Has been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. o Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). o Has received a Final Environmental Impact Report (copy attached). All discretionary approvals legally required of Newport Beach prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to reiection in principal bv Newport Beach unless a substantial chancie is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes and regulations of Newport Beach. See attached conditions to the pier permit Tom Rossmiller, Manager, Harbor Resources ,Signature: - S 1-4t ,Chris Miller, Harbor Resources Supervisor October 14, 2005 Attachments: Worksheet for Building Permit Application Drawing Pier Conditions Page 2 of 2 WORKSHEET FOR BUILDING / FIRE PERMIT APPLICATION ; 'ARBOR RESOURCEES DIV, H CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH " My OF NFv"jP0RT BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT Pf FA-qF= PPIKIT t')P TV13P (9 ij "', 1. r-RO)jEC Tl ADDRESS (NOT MAILING ADDRESS) FLOOR SUITE NO. 3 61 t1i PH07 CHITECT/DESIGNER'S NAME LAST FIRST LIC. NO. 1 11 ARCH ITECT/DESI GNER'S ADDRESS -7 HITECT/DESIGNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION No. UNITS LOT BLOCK TRACT STATE LIC. NO. 0 2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A,!;; 4- 3 NEW ADD E] ALTER DEMO Check ADDroDriate Box for Applir-ant USE bj,&� A;2� # OF STORIES VALUATION $ /'�W' SQ FT (NEWIADDED/EXTG) Fi 3. OWNER'S NAME ----LAST FIRST OWNER'S ADDRESS S�3 V OINER'S E-MAII ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PH07 CHITECT/DESIGNER'S NAME LAST FIRST LIC. NO. 1 11 ARCH ITECT/DESI GNER'S ADDRESS -7 HITECT/DESIGNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. Ej 5. ENGINEER'S NA E LAST FIRST STATE LIC. NO. 0 g-e'v 7 ENGINEER'S ADDRES8 i14Vl4(1rl ri4�� ENGINEER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP C4-- PH_ONE NO. 5" -S i 3 L 6. CONTRACT S NAIN�� BU�INESS LIC. -7 STATE LIC. eT No. 7 70-�—?—ciass CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS CONTRACTOR'S EwMAIL ADDRESS STATE .,d ZIP C�?�/,��71PHQNAW cc� OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NO. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK NO. PLAN CHECK FEE $ au OCCUPANCY- GROUP PLAN CHECK ENG. OCT -6-2005 10:32 FROM:SWIFTSLIPDOCK.COM (949) 631-3122 TO:723o5eg P.2 836 Via Lido Nord Eelgrass,Survey Reporting Form (Version 1.0., June 20, 2003) This form is required to be submitted for any surveys conducted for the eelgrass, Zostera marina, that are required to be conducted under federal or state permits and authorizations issued by the U.S.. Army Corps of Engineers and the Coastal Commission., The form has been designed to assist in identifying eelgrass while ensuring that the required information is con'sistently documented. Surveys required to be conducted for this species are subject to modification through publication of revisions to the eelgrass survey policy. It is incumbent upon the authorized permittee to ensure that survey work is following the latest protocols. For further information on these protocols, please contact: Robert Hoffman, National Marine Fisheries Service, (562) 980-4043, or William Paznokas, California Department of Fish & Game, (858) 467-4218. DC -1-6-2005 10:32 FROM:SWIFTSLIPDOCK.COM C949D 631-3122 TO:7230589 P.3 Requir—I I for.mation. . I .— M Site Name: 836 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, CA (common reference) Survey Contact: Rick Ware, (949) 412-9446, rware.cftn@earthIink.net (name, phone, e-mail) Permit Reference: Permits Pending (ACOE Permit No., CCC Permit No.) Hydrographic System: Developed Harbor (bay, estuary, lagoon, or harbor) Specific Location: 836 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, CA (UTM, Lat./Long., datum, accuracy level, attach NAD 83 State Plane CA VI (X,Y): 6056051.67, electronic survey area map 2169942.7 if possible) Was EeWass Detected: Yes, EelgTass was foun d at this site. 30CY.X No, Eelgrass was not found at this site. Description of Removal of existing dock followed by construction of a Permitted Work: new gangway and floating dock. (describe briefly the work to be conducted at the site under the permits identified above) Description of Site! Depth range: Water depths range between (describe the physical and approximately +5 ft to -8 ft MLLW. biological conditions within the survey area at the time Fine silts and fine sands between 0.0 of the survey and provide Substrate insight into variability, if type: and -8 ft NILLW known. Please provide units for all numerical Water temperature was in the 65 degree information. Temperature: Fahrenheit range. Salinity: Salinity variable, from 20s to 35 ppt, depending on depth and the time of year. DCT -6-2005 10:32 FROM:SWIFTSLIPDOCK.CDM C949) 631-3122 TO:7230529 PA Description of Survey Dominant Dominant flora was Ova iniestinalis. Effort: flora: (please describe the surveys period. .Dominant Sponge (Haliclona sp.), mussels fauna: (Mytilus galloprovincialis), ectoprocts Horizontal (Zoohotryon verticillatum), hydroid.s video, etc.) and survey methods employed, date of (Corymorphapalma), tanicates (Ciona work, and survey density intestinalis), and bay gobies (estimated percentage of the (Lepqogobius lepidus). Exotic No exotics were observed. er survey was conducted The underwate' species and methods: using SCUBA. Transects were swam encountered: every three meters along the shoreline Other site out to the pierhead line. Transect description visual width was approximately 2-6 notes: Description of Survey Survey date October 3, 2005from 1100 to 1130. Effort: and time (please describe the surveys period. conducted including type of survey (SCUBA, remote Horizontal 1-3 feet on either side of the diver. video, etc.) and survey methods employed, date of visibility in work, and survey density water: (estimated percentage of the bottom actually viewed). Survey type er survey was conducted The underwate' Describe any Limitations and methods: using SCUBA. Transects were swam encountered during the every three meters along the shoreline -survey efforts. out to the pierhead line. Transect visual width was approximately 2-6 feet (1-3 feet on. each side of the diver). Bottom type, common. marine life, and the presence or absence of Zostera marina was noted. Depths were standardized to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) based -upon time of observation and tidal corrections for the Newport Bay Entrance, Corona del Mar NOAA tidal survey station. Survey The survey was conducted by Mr. personnel: Stephen Whitaker, Senior Marine Tec hnician of Coastal Resources Management. =-S-2205 10:32 FROM:SWIFTSLIPDOCK.COM C949) 631-3122 T0:72305eq P.5 Belgrass Survey Reporting Form (version 1.0, 6/20/03) Survey The total dock improvement project density-, area size within Area of Potential Effect Is 4,^U 12 sq ft. Of the sq 4,0332 ft in the APE, a rninimurn of 1, 176 sq ft -of seafloor were surveyed. This accounts for at least 29 % of the area within the dock improvement APE project area. Survey Variable water visibility. limitations: Other Information: See attached photos of project area (use this space to provide any additional information or references to attached materials such as maps, reports, etc.) Belgrass Survey Reporting Form (version 1.0, 6/20/03) �-1-6-2005 10:33 FRDM:SWIFTSLIPDOCK.COM C949) 631-3122 TO:7230589 P.6 Project Location on Lido Island (Nord). 836 Via Lido Nord 836 Via Lido Nord Dock .4; A� P . POST DREDGING COAVLETIONREPORT The permittee shall send one (1) copy of the post -dredging report for each completed individual dredging project to the Corps and the CCC documenting compliance with all general and special conditions defined in this permit The post -dredging report shall. be sent within 45 days after completion of the complete individual dredging project authorized in this permit The post -dredging report shall. include the following information for the completed individual dredging prcjeLt: PermitNumber. 175-836 175-840 StartDate: 6/20/05 Completion Date. 7/20/05 Total dredged material. to Beach: 224 to Sea (LA3): Total acreage impacted. 0 . 0 7 Mode of dredging and transportation, and method and frequency of disposah Hydraulic Suction transported through a pipeline onto adjacent beach. Tug or other vessel logs documenting contaLt with USCG MSO Long Beach before each tnp to the LA -3 ocean disposal site. USCG Contact Yes No Form of dredged materW: Slurry X Cohesive Procedure and location where the disposal barge or scow was washed: No washing.necessary. A certified report from the dredging site inspector and the captain of any tug or other vessel used to transport and dispose of dredged matmial at LA -3 indicating all general and special permit conditions were met Any violations of the permit shaR be explamed in detaiL All conditioning.permits were met Yes No Post -project surveys of Eelgrass beds potentially affected by the dredging: Not necessary as no eelgrass was identified in dredging area. The post -dredging report shaR be signed by a duly authorized representative of the p�rmittee. Me pemutteoYs representative shall. make the following certification: I certifij under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordmce with a system designed to ensure that qualiftwil personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage dw system, or those threctly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of vaj knowledge and belief, truelo complete. I am aware that them are significant penalties for su . 1�1 including the possibility offine and ftnprisonmentfor knowing violk Sianature Action DREDGING PERMIT Harbor Resources Division Address: 934, 1/0 Af Pier Permit#: Status Application Received Date: 71,:;;L.�P-le Eelgrass Inspection Eelgrass No Present ( Date: � d11 -110t4 H. R. Approval to Comments: Completed Date: Submit to Agencies 0 S(74 60 .-1&12401 Sent to Corps/Costal Date: 9-/C�- /o Yes No OK from Corps 6A 16 OK from Coastal Yes 5/1616 :�-- No Dredging Approval H. R. Initials: Date: Completion Report Date: Received Comments: June 17, 20005 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Army Corps of Engineers Attn: Cori Farrar 911 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Harbor Resources Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 RE: Extension Request for Approved Dredging Applications Dear Cori, Per your earlier instructions to this office via email, this letter requests your approval to extend the project completion deadline for the attached application, to July 23, 2006 (1 year after the permit expiration date of July 24, 2005.) Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. L-1 Chris Nfiller Harbor Resources Supervisor (949) 644-3043 cmillerP,city.nMort-b each. ca. us T TE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Govemor A CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 May 11, 2005 Long Beach, CA 190802-4302 0 (562) 590-5071 Mr. Tom Rossmiller City of Newport Beach/Division of Harbor Resources 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Condition Compliance — Coastal Development Permit 5-99-282, as amended & Conformance with Consistency Certification CC -078-99 & CC -077-01 Dear Mr. Rossmiller: Commission staff have received information submitted as evidence of compliance with Coastal Development Permit 5-99-282, as amended, and/or as evidence of conformance with Consistency Certifications CC -078-99 or CC -077-01 for the following sites in the.City of Newport Beach: city Harbor Permit # Site Address F Beach Disposal Qty (cu.yds) Ocean Cumulative Disposal Total� for 2004 Q cu. ds 175-836 -175- R4n 836 Via Lido Nord .224 0 1122-407 401, 403, 407 E. Edgewater 220 0 151 Emerald Avenue Public Dock North Bayfr6nt 40 0 171-941 941 Via Lido Soud & 944 Via Lido N�rd 210 0 117-1236 1236 W. Bay Avenue 125 0 Sub -total 819 0 Year-to-date total 2247 2764 5011 Commission staff have reviewed the information submitted and determined that the above referenced dredging events conform with Consistency Certifications CC -078-99 and/or CC -077-01 and that no further federal consistency review i's necessary from the Commission for the dredging components of the projects. In addition, the proposed beach disposal events have been reviewed and found by the Executive Director to be con.sistent,with. Special Conditions 1-3 and 9-12 of Coastal Development Permit 5�-99-282, as amended. No further review is necessary from the Commission for the beach disposal components of the projects. Please be advised that only the projects described in the materials submitted for the sites listed above have been found: to conform with Consistency Certification CC -078-99 and CC -077-01 and/or conform with the terms and conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-99-282, as amended. Any change in the projects may cause them to lose their status as consistent with CC -078-99 and CC -077-01 and/or CDP 5-99-282, as amended. This certification is based on information provided by the recipient of this letter. If, at a later date, this information is found to be incorrect or incomplete, this letter will become invalid, and any development occurring at that time must cease until a new determination regarding conformance with CC -078-99 and CC -077-01 and/or CDP 5-99- 282, as amended, i s obtained. If you have any questions, please contact me at (562) 590-5071 or Mr. Mark Delaplaine at (415) 904-5200. Sincerel r I Schwin Supervisor, Regulation & Planning, Orange County Area Cc: Mr. Mark Delaplaine, California Coastal Commission Ms. Cori Farrar, U.S. Arrn4 y Corps of Engineers i� Not to Exceed 500 cubic yards per dredging and beach disposal event t Not to Exceed 1,000 cubic yards per dredging and off -shore disposal event * Not to Exceed 20,000 cubic yards per year REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: Office of the Chief Regulatory Branch 0-- r% A r'%'rR N rf W 1-r ru%Er-IRn I IVIV-114 I 0%F THE A FRI 1101 ul LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS PO BOX 532711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053-2325 May 31,2005 City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Division Attention: Mr. Tom Rossmiller 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, California 92659 Dear Mr. Rossmiller: RECD Jtjlv 6 2004 This is in reply to your applications dated April 26, 2005 for Department of the Army Permits to conduct maintenance dredging, per Regional General Permit No� 54 in Newport Bay, Newport Beach, Orange County, California. This letter authorizes maintenance dredging and beach deposition at nine sites within Newport Bay (see below). USACE city Site Address Volume Affected Beach Ocean Base # Harbor (Cubic Area (est.; Disposal Disposal Permit # Yards) acres) 200500713 171-941 941 Via Lido Soud & 944 Via 210 0.05 Yes- No Lido Nord Supratidal Yes- No 200500714 117-1236 1236 W. Bay Ave 125 0.02 Supratidal Yes- No 200500715 151 Emerald Ave Public Dock @ 40 0.02 Supratidal North Bay Front Yes- No 200500716 .112-407 401, 403, 407 E. Edgewater 220 0.03 Supratidal 200500717-1 175-936 ViaLido" 224 0.07 Yes- Supratidal No 200500717-2 175-840 200501061 116-1132 1130-1140 W. Bay Ave 340 0.05 Yes- No Supratidal 200501406 132-515 507 & 515 Harbor Island Dr. 190 0.19 Yes - No Supratidal -2- USACE City Site Address Volume Affected Beach Ocean Base # Harbor (Cubic Area (est.; Disposal Disposal Permit # Yards) acres) 200501414-1 137-70 70 Beacon Bay (West, Nfiddle, 220 0.05 Yes- No 200501414-2 East Docks) 145 0.05 Supratidal 200501414-3 123 0.04 200501415 105-2525 2525 Ocean Blvd 500 0.05 Yes - No Supratidal Totals 2337 0.62 2337 cy 0 Based on the information you have provided, the Corps of Engineers has determined that your proposed activity complies with the terms and conditions of Regional General Permit (RGP) No. 54. As long as you comply with the general permit conditions of RGP No. 54, an individual permit is not required. This letter of verification is valid until July 24, 2006 to accommodate the requested year extension past the expiration of RGP No. 54. A general permit does not grant any property rights exclusive privileges. Also, it does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others or authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. Furthermore, it does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, State, or local authorizations required by law. Thank you for participating in our regulatory program. If you have any questions, please contact Corice J. Farrar of my staff at (213) 452-3296. Sincerely, Mark Durham Chief, South Coast Section Regu-1atory Branch Enclosure R"ECEIVED, South Coast Re �'t'w P 0 CAI iFLIR" COASTAC-(;�) Is, ON S F 0 VLt� STATE & FEDERAL AGENCY DREDGING APPLICATION PermitNo. 175-Y�6 4 -12.5 --NO Payment: 43�,�1010 (/qs-.on Check No: eqow Date: Project Location: �?H& L1,0o /JoR-D �JEL�Pe)p--r e �4 qg- Latitude/Longitude: 673 4o -'3 B40 T, 4- (5 330 36. 6 4F LA3 1170 64. lo4-0 1,7 o s-* � /..�4 Cubic Yards to be Dredged: Method of Dredging: HYDRAULIC SUCTION Nature of Dredged Material (Grain size data): REPORT ENCLOSED Disposition of Dredged Material: PUMP ONTO ADJACENT BEACH Method of Material Disposition: PIPELINE � Effect of Dredging on Contiguous Bulkheading and Beaches: I RESTORES BEACH AND REINFORCES BULKHEAD Project Begins: Project Ends: WILL SCHEDULE PROJECT WHEN WE RECEIVE PERMIT Page 2 Dredging Application 1, Lorenzo C. Miller (Applicant/Applicant's agent), hereby'certify that I have read the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit, RGP#54 and the California Coastal Commission permit #5-99-282 for maintenance dredging in Newport Harbor and that I will comply with all of the conditions of those permits. I will further hold the City harmless from and indemnify them against any claim for damages arising out of the exercise of these permits. In addition, 1, as the applicant shall reimburse the City of Newport Beach for all attorney's fees and other costs expended by them in defending any claim, lawsuit, or judgment arising out of the activities of the applicant carried on under the authority of such permit. Dq,o�L-ng Fa12E:Mf4,,,1- lotJ A-qRG�`5 Applicant — Please Print Shellmaker Inc. Contractor — Please Print J L) L-,4 =)- ( , 4 4D c) 4 Date Shellmaker Inc. Signed: Applicant/Agent L41 F, TY, -OFINEWPORT, S E R.C. 301 C I TT, OF R 89Y D 89Y Ic gToiC 8 o 7- ml Oct* PIOR �EST Y H I T� MRP PFff ILE I' 3�' EF67 Rf, Q:LJr0--MA SOLNDMS RRE EXOFEssEo IN FEET PRD'DCHOTE CLEYAT.IONS MSED ON �EPN LOHER LOP HATER. 2- FIG2 L I �-j L -- If EEL N P' . NO EEL GRASS WITHIN 15'OF PPOJECT 0 EEL GRASS IN THE PROJECT AREA TURE b C, -5,S) 33B 337 IT # DATE HARBOR RESOURCE DIV. CITY OF NEWPORT B;ACH v LIDO NO R D PLAN V I EW I'T lY ........ ..... 07/31/2004 19:06 FAX 9496752117 DOUG-FOREW 10002 Joly 28, 2004 City of Newport Seach Harbor Resources 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn- Chris Miller Dear Mr. Miller, I have reviewed the dredging application drawing for my neighbor located at 8W Via Lida Nord and I understand that they will be dredging their slip and placing the material against their seawall on the beach in front of their house. S cerel , in ;7 Neigh A,� Address g3'�- vr,,, d�% - A 'C2 T C- OdM4. 0 =-&. 0 � L.1 -1 j a v v w 7 7 0 U q JRi;Tn ihn RP Tnr June 8, 2004 Our Project X-04.100.00 SUBJECT: PE Grain Size Test Results for the Soil Samples Obtained from the Ayres & Foreman Properties located at 836 & 840 Via Lido Nord, Lido 'Isle, Newport Beach, California 92663. Dear Ms. Miller: Presented herewith are the results of our phi grain size analyses performed on the soil samples provided to us by your firm. The test procedures were in accordance with ASTM D 422-63 (1998) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineer s Report Number CETA 79-7 criteria. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions after you have reviewed the attached data. Respectfully submitted, u $ Karen Masterson Project Engmieer D H. NO. G EXR 3-31�06 C Reviewed by: David H. Lee Geotechnical Engineer Attachments: Plates 1.1-1.2 Grain Size Summary Plates 2.1-2.2 Cumulative Grain Size Distribution PHI Units Distribution: Addressee (1) 100.00\K0410000_PID�_GS L,11-d�, DAVID H. LEE & ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING -� ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Ms. Lisa Miller SHELLMAKER, INC. 2035-F Placentia Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627 June 8, 2004 Our Project X-04.100.00 SUBJECT: PE Grain Size Test Results for the Soil Samples Obtained from the Ayres & Foreman Properties located at 836 & 840 Via Lido Nord, Lido 'Isle, Newport Beach, California 92663. Dear Ms. Miller: Presented herewith are the results of our phi grain size analyses performed on the soil samples provided to us by your firm. The test procedures were in accordance with ASTM D 422-63 (1998) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineer s Report Number CETA 79-7 criteria. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions after you have reviewed the attached data. Respectfully submitted, u $ Karen Masterson Project Engmieer D H. NO. G EXR 3-31�06 C Reviewed by: David H. Lee Geotechnical Engineer Attachments: Plates 1.1-1.2 Grain Size Summary Plates 2.1-2.2 Cumulative Grain Size Distribution PHI Units Distribution: Addressee (1) 100.00\K0410000_PID�_GS L,11-d�, Sieve Opening Particle Diameter in U.S. Standard % Material Cumulative Percent (mm) Phi Units Sieve Size Retained by Weight Retained ----------------------------------------------------------- 38.1 -5.25 11/2" 0 0.0 19 -4.25 3/41; 0 0.0 Gravel 9.5 -3.25 3/81' 0.5 0.5 4.75 -2.25 4 0.7 1.1 2.38 -1.25 7 0.7 1.8 2 -1.00 10 0.6 2.4 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1.41 -0.50 14 1.3 3.7 1 0.00 18 3.6 7.3 0.71 0.50 25 8.1 15.4 0.5 1.00 35 25.1 40.5 0.35 1.50 45 22.6 63.2 Sand 0.25 2.00 60 16 79.2 0.177 2.50 80 8.1 87.2 0.125 3.00 120 4.5 91.7 0.088 3.50 170 2.1 93.8 0.075 3.75 200 0.4 94.2 0.063 4.00 230 0.3 94.5 ----------------------------------------------------------- Silt-Clay <0.063 <4.00 <230 5.5 100 A sample was provided to David H. Lee & Associates, Incorporated in a sample bag by Shellmaker. The sample consists of a POORLY GRADED SAND (SP): olive (5Y 4/3); wet; medium; with seashells and seashell fragments. The sample was obtained from the Ayres/Foreman Properties, 836 & 840 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, Newport Beach, California at a depth of -1.5 feet to -4.0 feet MLLW. INENER PHI GRAIN SIZE SUMMARY men "domml!'Mllmmmmmll limp am I 30001MINNIM1011 We CUENT: SHELLMAKER, INC. DATE. June,2004 Sieve Opening Particle Diameter in U.S. Standard % Matedal Cumulative Percent (mm) Phi Units Sieve Size Retained by Weight Retained ----------------------------------------------------------- 38.1 -5.25 11/2" 0 0.0 19 -4.25 3/4" 0 0.0 Gravel 9.5 -3.25 3/8" 0.2 0.2 4.75 -2.25 4 0.1 0.3 2.83 -1.50 7 0.1 0.4 2 -1.00 10 0.1 0.4 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1.41 -0.50 14 0.2 0.6 1 0.00 18 0.6 1.3 0.71 0.50 25 1.6 2.9 0.5 1.00 35 7.7 10.6 0.35 1.50 45 17.3 28.0 Sand 0.25 2.00 60 30.5 58.5 0.177 2.50 80 19.6 78.0 0.125 3.00 120 14.9 92.9 0.088 3.50 170 6.1 99.0 0.075 3.75 200 0.7 99.7 0.063 4.00 230 0.3 100.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- Silt-Clay <0.063 <4.00 <230 0.0 100 A sample was provided to David H. Lee & Associates, Incorporated in a sample bag by Shellmaker. The sample consists of a POORLY GRADED SAND (SP): olive (5Y 5/3); wet; medium; with seashells and seashell fragments. The sample was obtained from the Ayres/Foreman Properties, 836 & 840 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, Newport Beach, Califomia at a depth of +2.5 feet to 0.0 feet MLLW. no NUNN== lmmmmllP'�'IF DaAd H. Lee &Associates, Inc. PHI GRAIN SIZE SUMMARY 3011 Moulton Parkway, Suite D-1 1 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Telephone: 949-461-5690 Fa)c 949-461-7901 CLIENT. SHELLMAKER, INC. DATE, June, 2004 Date: Inspection Requested By: Inspector: Pier Address: INSPECTION FORM Harbor Resources Department L Don Duffy R �,,6 �6 x , / 0 V C Pier Transfer Reinspection GFI Present Yes Need None Needed Yes Need Anti -Siphon Backfiow Present Other Comments Eelgrass; Yes No Presentl I Pump Out Yes No Operational Recommended Action E.ncroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Boat Description ..CF Number Location on Dock Comments'/ Observations Other Request ,I$ it I- nN am e: kcbm'mon reference) Survey Contact: (name, phone, e-mail) jPermit Reference: No., r or Cert. No A [h(ar' :d gra� y ro ba es ydrographic Syst bor) eni: bay, estuary, lagoon, or ISpecific Location- a=ac'�t*vLong,, daturn, y le el, attach electronic survey area map if 0 possible) 640 (,0 Was Caulerpa Yes, Caulerpa was found at this site and Detected: (if Caulerpa is found, please has been contacted on date. ediately contact the permitting agency proj . ect staff and NMFS or CDFG No, Caulorpa was not found at this site. personnel identified above) IDescription of Permitted Work: (describe bri�fly the work to be conducted at the site -under the permits identified above) Description of Site: Depth range. - (describe the physical and biological conditions within the survey area at the time of the survey and provide insight into variability, if 1kn . p7,1,e:se provide units 'o 'um fo r a 171 rical inforrria�on). Caulerpa Sw-vey Reporting Fonn (version 1.0, 9/18/01) Caulerpa Eradication in Southern V Califon -Lia a Southwest Region Home Pag Survey personnel: j Survey density: 76 (Ij Survey limitations: V, 0 Other Information: (use this space to provide any additib ' nal information or references to attached materials such as maps, reports, etc.) Caulerpa Sw-vey Reporting Fonn (version 1.0, 9/18/01) Caulerpa Eradication in Southern V Califon -Lia a Southwest Region Home Pag (ACOE Permit No., RWQCB Order or Cert. No.) Hydrograp iC System (bay, estuary, agoon, or C" r harbor) Specific Location- (UTMI Lat./Long., daturn, accuracy level, attach electronic survey area map if possible) 2/ Was Caulerpa Yes, Caulerpa was found at this site and Detected: (if Caulerpa ik found, please has been contacted on date. ediatel contact the permifting agency project staff and NMFS or CDFG No, Caulerpa was not found at this site. personnel identified above) Description of Permitted Work: (describe bri�fly the work to be conducted at the site under the permits identified above) Description of Site: epth range: (describe the physical and biological conditions within the survey area at the time of the survey and provide insight into variability, if known. Please provide units for all munerical info=don). 0 all nu encal of S ite' hysIcal an IdItions wi e � f Fpth rang, -a at 7th Caulerpa Survey Reporting Fonn (version 1.0, 9/18/01) a' Caulerpa Eradication in Southem Califbn-�a 0 Southwest Region Home Page INSPECTION FORM Harbor Resources Department Date: Inspection Requested By: Inspector: Don Duffy Pier Address: Pier Transfer Reinspection GFI Present Yes Need None Needed Yes Need _J E_ Anti -Siphon / Backflow Present ther Comments Eelgrass Yes Presenti Pump Out Pier Location Operational I Yes I No -1 Recommended Action Encroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Boat Description .CF Number Location on Dock Comments / Observations Other Request 7 Z1. INSPECTION FORM Harbor Resources Department -71 Date: Inspection Requested By: Inspector: Don Duffy Pier Address: 9L Pier Transfer Reinspection GFI Present Yes Need None Needed Yes Need I I __1 E__ Anti -Siphon Backfiow Present Other Comments Eelgrass Yes ,-.No Pre ent .s Pump Out Pier.Location Yes No Operational] I ___] Recommended Action Encroachmenet Address of omplaining Party Boat Description _.CF Number Location on Dock Comments I Observations Other Request .......... 'T VA �P V�w x - -1 - 3 CL+ 1Y L x rLW, Q < 0 , vo, jJ Ck i17 C. p �3'y RAM, P 4-o! / 7,r -'? 3 lo OA -C> I 5,oA tJ 0 A,f C, / 0= / c t� , (0 C VIC)NITY SKF-TC14 rr, at o -s L A. Tj o T rz 0 EY, I Sr i P 7.-. r; i5 4 1 T, J'jo-re! NO 03C- V!A L -17,)o S I f—:-- Tz F- '5 L r -c-; n< �4 Ay ,B:3G VIA �— 00 X30,PC� Al 2-:500-A MAY -OS -03 13:25 FROM:COAST NEWPORT PROPERTIES ID:B497238700 PAGE 2/5 US-11-LUUL U3;atpflc MAR US 2000 8:44RH GTFA�g HERSTREET affimsm m - wwffl� "All -AM -189 24. rb4 pause, CmAsT NVAPORT Poop"TM PA= -Cdeq jff-4U0R.PJMVT A� T&MMM"FMAUDN GNP oafmofAw��. '51-7X3PomW j.. 1-75- W-3 6 0 W, 1-afl M!", 02, i 17 logo"" Daft Fee Amouivtt:'f' I omb Polv*. ApOicoonApp~ �A =Poo" Oft., Iftim MA i I a igAmad0b by -ft Q* Cavme k, �AM M 17 offt Abopm MOM Mm**W Cacb, sal.Laadoda MMOMLSM 1SWOnlHoad 8"' 0 August 6, 2003 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 829 Harbor island Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92659 949-644-3034/Fax 949-723-0589 '22 Mr. and Mrs. Doug Foreman 836 Via Lido Nord Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Escrow #1 8679 -DS Pier Permit #175-0836 836 Via Lido Nord Dear Mr. and Mrs. Foreman: Attached is a letter sent to your escrow company by the City. When a property is sold with a pier, the pier permit must be transferred also. The pier permit fee is $370.00, half due to order inspection. The inspection was completed with all OK. The other half of the fee was requested but never paid. Coast Newport Properties has informed me that their records are closed and the City must get the balance of the transfer fee from you. The balance of the fee is $185.00 and is due and payable immediately. Please make the check out to the City of Newport Beach and sent to the above address. Thanks for your help in this matter. Sincerely, Lorrie Arcese Harbor Resources Division MAY -OS -03 13:2S FROM:COAST NEWPORT PROPERTIES ID:S4S7238700 PAGE 4/5 cj,ry -%v t -%YT %-ji, NEWPORT BEA%..,L-1 P.O. BOX 1768, NEWP6RT BEACH. CA 9265&8915. A0 W, 3300 Newport BBou �Var , ewpm Bewh MAY -OS -03 13=26 FROM:COAST NEWPORT PROPERTIES ID:9497238700 PAGE 5/5 V &14 E3 *6 *=3 1 C3 9;z; Aa I- c MAR -22-02 09w42 lDc949?238700 COAST NEWPORT PROPERTIES -7 47S JE�. 311 lL.T " m m Z� I lll 3P C� N:L* lK ^ —V X Coo 24 TELEPHONE NUMBER NAME(ID NUMBER) START TIME PAGr:�S TRANSMITTED RESOLUTION SECURITY MACHINE ENGAGED 4-- C3 jz:) JE �2 1 t= - C3, X--- MAR-22-02 os.4i 0 ra 4 TRANSMISSION MODE SX0 REDIALING TIMES OFF MAILBOX 01,132 THIS TRAN$MISSION IS COMPLETrin- LAST SUCCESSFUL PAGE 084 Emm Be OFF unmoor& VnC),M: XUBI.A-1131 MlXAk104C'r (949)� '710-7--7a3 IF -4,W C949)0 '72,3-8-7010 met P r) C_' J.q CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH March 20, 2002 RO. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 Coast Newport Properties 3377 Via Lido Newport Beach, Ca 92663 Re: Pier Permit 17500361 for 836 Via Lido Nord Dear Sirs: The City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Division has inspected the pier and float for the above-mentioned property and has found that it meets the City standards. The pier permit will be transferred once we receive the Transfer Application Form signed by both the Seller and Buyer and $185.00 balance for the transfer fee. If you require further assistance in this matter, please call 644-3043. Sincerely, Wes and Harbor Resources 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME : 07/08/2001 03:38 DATEJIME 07/08 03:37 FAX NO./NAME 7238700 DURATION 00:00:30 PAGE(S) 01 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM Date of Applicaton: Property Address: Buyer's Names: Billing Address: Telephone No.: Buyer's Signatures: HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFER APPLICATION v.-,-�Seller's Names: 5��C, Seller's Signatures: Joint Owner Signature: Escrow Company: Escrow Number: Inspection Date: Fee Amount: kermit Num S Fax #: CIW4 Reinspection Date: Date Paid: Check Number: Application Approved: �f Harbor Resources SignaturelDate Special Conditions: This permit is revocable by the City Council in accordance with Title 17 of the Newpoft Beach Municipal Code. J�;Cqa,973d is 71 7 -Z& PO CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 q 3300 Newport Boul<evar -Newport Beach 771 -5 D :5 A, U- p F-- 0 I= I L- S—:- VIV Pp 0 rl_> 13'X PAM P ax P) p 3 4- -a Tz 4 ,' ji 7�L AN' VIC)NITY SKETCH S A7:� IS 24: A 4-0 "J, Tip, o T., p s 3�� 4c; 4-o Lk TJ ID v i '13 4 1 iP lf'�F -IOT �jr*rt-::A No V!A ll,", Ct t, 3 11, r--' p P -o p �-F D P> I C— F--. -5 L 1 T,- APPI.le-! Mw� .8--3e,SVIA —11 — Lr7 7, 7;;m=W -2 -,-q722o--z a Lit W X OUR Lv- CL + CL 771 -5 D :5 A, U- p F-- 0 I= I L- S—:- VIV Pp 0 rl_> 13'X PAM P ax P) p 3 4- -a Tz 4 ,' ji 7�L AN' VIC)NITY SKETCH S A7:� IS 24: A 4-0 "J, Tip, o T., p s 3�� 4c; 4-o Lk TJ ID v i '13 4 1 iP lf'�F -IOT �jr*rt-::A No V!A ll,", Ct t, 3 11, r--' p P -o p �-F D P> I C— F--. -5 L 1 T,- APPI.le-! Mw� .8--3e,SVIA —11 — Lr7 7, 7;;m=W -2 -,-q722o--z BUYER'S NAME SRS REAL ESTATE ADDRESS OF FACI ITY: PERMIT # MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. FEE A CHECK NO. DATE I '�� V /jg�/ 2�:� APPROVED BY: DATE APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO TRANSFEydgB0flWLMIT ESTATE OCHD im&e 7—ru-5r 5&La, J4e,,,5t,-,te-r ENG F] SELLER'S NAME(S) NAMES TO BE BUYER'S NAME(S) COUNCIL 1:1 PV / je4ez? W, �-X- - - PUBLIC WORKS SIGNATURE OF SELL91 F. ?SIGNATURE OF BUYER DEPT. ESCROW SIGNATURE OF SELLER SIGNATURE OF BUYER INSPECTTION SIGN/Ee.F JOI OW E APPL V D (XTE) El CITV '.TOR SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS PERMIT IS REVOCABLE BY THE CITY COUNCIL IN ACCORI:)ANCE WITH TITLE 17 OR THE MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. WX FORm 66-1013 REv. THE u�� 133473 COMPANY' NEWPORT BEACH TRUST ACCOUNT 123-4 ESCROW NO. CHECK AMOUNT 01/26/00 12812- JM Closed: 01/26/00 $ 163.00 Funds Due You Property: 836 Via Lido Nord Newport Beach, CA 92663 SELLER: The W. and D. Palmer Revocable'Trust Marine Inspection Department BUYER: Steven R. Hernstreet We appreciate your business! THE V 133961 COMPANY NEWPORT BEACH TRUST ACCOUNT 123-4 ESCROW NO. CHECK AMOUNT 02/25/00 12812- JM- Closed: 02/25/00 $163.00 Funds Due You Property: 836 Via Lido Nord Newport Beach, CA 92663 SELLER: The W. and D. Palmer Revocable Trust BUYER: SRS Real Estate Development, LLC Marine Department transfer fee We appreciate your business! J CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 February 23, 2000 Heritage Escrow Company 3 Corporate Plaza, Suite 120 Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 Re: Pier Permit 17508361 for 836 Via Lido Nord, Escrow 9 12812 -JM Sirs: The City of Newport Beach Marine Environmental Management Division has re- inspected the pier and float for the above mentioned property and has found that it meets City Standards. The pier permit will be transferred once we receive the Transfer Application Card signed by both the Seller and Buyer, and the balance for the transfer fee of $163. If you require ffirther assistance in this matter, please call 644-3043. Sincerely, Wes Armand Fire and Marine Department Marine Environmental Management 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach P0 15� rn CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH r) P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 February 8, 2000 Heritage Company 3 Corporate Plaza, Suite 120 Newport Beach, Ca 92660 Re: Pier Permit 17508361 for 836 Via Lido Nord, Escrow #12812 -JM Sirs: The City of Newport Beach Fire and Marine Department has received a request to transfer pier permit 17508361 above-mentioned property. The facility was inspected on February 6, 2000. We cannot transfer the pier permit until the following deficiency has/have been corrected and we have been notified of the corrections: 1 . A City -approved anti -syphon device is required at the water connection for the water to the pier and float. A sketch showing the approved type of device and its installation is enclosed. This requirement is in accordance with Title 17 of the California Administrative Code. The State of California Department of Health no longer accepts the device that is currently on the water line. 2. All electrical receptacles on the pier and float must be either GFI or Twist Lock for for use in a water environment. The Newport Beach City Council Harbor Permit Policies require that at the time of transfer, all harbor structures shall be inspected for compliance with the City's minimum standards, and the conditions of the existing permit. All structural deficiencies must be corrected prior to transfer of the permit. Please advise this department when the above deficiencies have been corrected. Call 644- 3043 if you require additional information in regards to this matter or to request a re- inspection. Sincerely, 0�;7;irne-- Z Wes Armand Fire and Marine Department Marine Environmental Management Division E � 1 41 - ms 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Date: City of Newport Beach Marine Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: Wes Armund Escrow Please be advised that we have an escrow in process for the property located at 3 Corporate Plaza, Suite 120 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 640-2225 Fax (949) 720-8012 N Enclo-i9d. pleasp find -our check in the amou of $163.00 re isenting your inspection fee. K-1 . ndly compl-ete our your inspection at your earliest convenience, a your. written report to our office. We in turn will a provide copies to the Buyer, Seller, and Real Estate Agents. At close of escrow we will forward the completed pier transfer card to you, along with an additional check for $163.00. Please do not oesit6te to call if you need any additional information. Thank you'. Sincerely, Julie McMillan Escrow Officer Branch Manager CITY C NEWPORT BEACH FIRE MARINL_ JEPARTMENT HARBOR PERMIT APPLICATION (Please print all information) William Palmer 836 Via Lido Nord, Newporb Beach 675-6975 1. Applicant (Property Owner) Address Telephone 836 Via Lido Nord, Newport; Beach /716-- '? 9 (1 Harbor 3. Now Construction Revision Maintenance x Dredging 4. Fee $351.00 Check No. 0362 Date 5. Brief Description of Proposed Work: dock repair- replace facia and some decking 2/8/99 6. Submit 8 1/2" x 11" Drawings (3), Include: 1. Location and dimension of proposed structure. 2. Location of bulkhead. 3. Location of property lines and lot size. 4. Location of channel markers within 200 feet of proposed project. 5. E.xisting ground profile, and area and profile of any dredging with elevations showing depth relative to MLLW. 6. 'Elevations of top and bottom of piles and bulkheads with respect to MLLW. .7. Any special conditions affecting the construction or affecting boating operations. 8. Owner Builder/Contractor Declaration/insurance Information. 7. Owner -Builder Declaration must be completed (on rev s, er,oide of this sheet) 8. Applicant'slAgent's Signature: '0�e c., 1�� Date: Feb. 10, 1999 J 9. Work can begin once the City has received evidence of the following additional approvals and you have been notified to proceed. If you begin prior to the notice you will be in violation of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and subject to penalties. 10. Your permit will not be final until we. have condu cte.d an on site inspection once construction is completed. as per Municipal Code, Section 17.24, if we have not been contacted for a final inspection. OFFICtO$E ONLY Approval in Concept. Date Approval of the City�pf Newport Beach Council. Date Approval of the Army Corps of Engineers Date Approval of the California Coastal Commission. Date Approval of the City's Public Works Department. Date Approval of the City's Building Department. Date �pproval of County of Orange. Date T; ,Xlisued. (Permit is stamped drawing. Date Z --l-2- Site Inspection. (call 644-3043 for appointment) Date 71 Site Re -inspection Date Conditions: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the contractor's license law for the following reasons: (Sec. 7031d.5, Business and Professions Code). Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provision of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of,Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty for not more than five hundred dollars ($500). — 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and -ewho does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.) — 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contractingWith licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a Contractor'(s) License pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 "I I am exempt under Sec. of Business and Professional Code for this reason: Owner's Signature., Date: Contractor: Shellmakdr Inc. Teiephone:(949) 548-5359 Address: 875 B T4esf;,15t;h Sbreeb, Newport Beach, CA 92663-2701 License class A&B State Board No. 561434 City License No. 9 6 0 0 2 2 10 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and P ssions Code, and nse is in full force and effect. Date: Feb. 10, 1 999 Contractor's Signature 47,01 sit ME Le -9 w w a lu 41L 40 t m k) OL C6 M.L..LAjL =O%v EX - :SAIJID -,-a -50 ap Ab- , '0 .1 �� " r J47 PIZ C> p L- E -:- LM ab E VICINITY SKEIC�m U.$. PJF- R 14e: AD LVVJ ra id 3e I P.: .24:)(4-0 i i U.S. lRot.KWEAC) M X PIER L Zid JIM, 14 4-o 4 IM SEAWALL L-1 A 14 a Q 342 341 40 -3 .9 3-38 PL AN 6) b 5CALr. t"=46 T IZ A C -r 907 4e 4d -4o 1 40s 1 40 p I rix rz L 10 p -A D E,%dP IS Ay,;, APP'Lle WILLIAM 'PAI-M4cf, 934 VIA LIDD'06d 'Toe .s.,-rE la3.& VIA LIDO #44RP qp - w 2 w kkl ui :1 40 m Map el 14�� p 0 I* ,? , � c- A L F -- a rr_w P a R -r Z3 A go 6 Od V ICINITY SKETC14 PISQ14kAt) LIME It rd, -2444-0 11 Sw tKNEAD A. SL 10 &KI ST I ip Q 7 3 NCR I-% PISR T I alt Pi P. j 41, oo, tL a O -C IL V I A 4-o S:X- SEA UJALL 1"'A JISLA t4 a - 10 -:3. 3.9 a 3 138 PLAN 7 5 r- A I'L r. I t) JZ A 16 -r N a 907 4-d IT'otS . 5i-rF-' ' 193 (6 V1 A. L I I +Of 1 40' r.��,i ra rz SLIP tj jjp- iAjl- Ll LUAM 'PAL M CA 83,6 VIA L11DO, N'OV STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERmIT TRANSFER LOCATION 764� PERMIT NO. / --7 Sel I er 0 DateApplicatton Received: q6 J,1;1/ Date Fee Received: Request for Inspection made by: Escrow Co, 'Wfl�4� Date Escrow Office.r Escrow No. Address L?l //7 6./ Phene: Date Inspection made: Deficiency Letter sent: Deficiency corrected: Transfer completed: Date Inspection: 1. Location 2. Plumbing: 3. Electrical: structural: 5.OTHER: REMARKS: Inspected by:�- BUYERS' NAME(S) DATE ADDRESS OF FACILITY: PE, f-j� .01— NilMAI OCHD �OAD I) ffmfr—:�k ENG PEN' NO. BUYERS' NAME(S) vl-'t W"*4 (ABOVE NAMES . ]tHECK COUNCIL [DATE APPRQV$D B�:. DATE APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO TRANSFER HARBOR _PERMIT OCHD ENG SELLERS' NAME(S) BUYERS' NAME(S) (ABOVE NAMES TO BE TYPED) COUNCIL 0 P C WORKSF� SIGNATURE OF SELLER- SIGNATURE OF BUYER A)EPT. ESCROW r SIGNATURE OF SELLEIi SIGNATURE OF BUYER INSPECTION a SIGNATUREW J0114T OWNER 940 RUSS APPLICATION APPROVED (DATE) CITY HARBOR COORDINATOR --- Wl— — — SPECIAL CONDITIONS: T S PERMIT 15 REVOCABLE_ BY THE OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 17 CITY.OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF. WX FOiR`M'96-1013 RFV. PO k 0 U 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 .May 4, 1998 William Palmer 205 via San Remo Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Sir: The City of Newport Beach Marine Department has recived a request to transfer pier permit, # 175-836 for the property located at 836 via Lido Nord, Newport Beach#, CA. We cannot transfer the pier permit until the following deficiencies have been corrected and we have been%notified: 1. A City approved anti -syphon device is required at the water connection to the pier and float. 3. The electrical line running to the dock must be enclosed in conduit and connected to a junction box at the end of the 4. ramp. Cap cover over plug on pier is missing. The structure was inspected on 5/4/88 and in accordance with Section 10-D of the Harbor Permit Policies it cannot be transferred until it meets City requirements. 10.D."At the time of transfer, all harbor structures shall be inspected for compliance with the City's minimum plumbing, electrical and structural requirements, and the conditions of the existing permit. All structural deficiencies must be corrected prior to transfer of the permit." A permit for plumbing or electrical work must be obtained from the Building Department of the City. PLEASE ADVISE THIS DEPARTMENT WHEN THE ABOVE DEFICIENCIES HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. When notified, the structure will again be inspected and when the requirements have been met the pier permit -will be transferred. �..PLEASE TELEPHONE, (714) 644-3044 TO REQUEST A REINSPECTION OF THE STRUCTURE. If you have questions please call this number. S�i ;nc e� 1 y M7Tony um Tidelands Administrator 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach 04 o 0 -6 1 0-M ow + .0 (L IL X�y K�. LV EX. :3AQD P F,? 0 0 A VIC)NITY.- SKETCH tl- i y -T� Ex I S'r �,�p r I ti. GN F. - j 4-P 5 LA T rZ 4 4n P. o r S IF: r-> V P n r�'Vf' r A'y -3 4 1 L-,7" M;?. r>Wr,�J' T A�J M F-P.S 000 Vll� LIDO 1k) Ok 0 _ID R 3-4�, V A F -- LV kAw CL -44-- k C�' 77' \j L) vj- , tj� < L �3 A, N) TD ----- ------------- ------ - / 7,r -'? 3 lo 0 A VICINITY SKETC14 t), 7P; 'E Y