HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-12-03_GP-LCPIC_Minutes_ApprovedCity of Newport Beach General Plan/LCP Implementation Committee Minutes Date: December 3, 2014 Location: Newport Beach Civic Center — 100 Civic Center Drive Crystal Cove Meeting Room (Bay D, Second Level, Room 2115) Members Edward Selich, Mayor Pro Tem (Chair); Nancy Gardner, Council Present: Member; Tony Petros, Council Member; Jay Myers, Planning Commission Secretary; Kory Kramer, Planning Commission Vice Chair; and Bradley Hillgren, Planning Commissioner Members Absent: Michael Toerge, Member -At -Large Staff: Kimberly Brandt, Community Development Director; Brenda Wisneski, Deputy Community Development Director; Leonie Mulvihill, Assistant City Attorney; and Patrick Alford, Planning Program Manager Public: More Song, James Mosher, and Thomas Mathews 1) CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 12:30 pm. 2) ROLL CALL Member -At -Large Michael Toerge was absent. 3) APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the August 27, 2014 meeting were approved as amended by a vote of 6-0. 4) CURRENT BUSINESS A. Coastal Commission Update Mr. Alford informed the Committee that the City was awarded a grant in the amount of $62,000 for the community outreach/public hearing phase of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) certification. Director Brandt informed the Committee that she is attempting to meet with Coastal Commission Deputy Director Sherilyn Sarb to discuss how to address sea level rise in the LCP Implementation Plan (IP). She added that the meeting will likely not occur until after the holidays. Deputy Director Wisneski informed the Committee that she will be attending a Coastal Commission workshop on lower cost visitor serving accommodations on December 10. She added that there may be a follow-up workshop in the Spring. General Plan/LCP Implementation Committee December 03, 2014, Minutes Page 2 Assistant City Attorney Mulvihill informed the Committee that she participated in a conference call between the Local Government Working Group and the Coastal Commission staff that covered the workshop and the sea level rise guidelines. A brief discussion ensued on how sea level rise is currently addressed in the Draft IP. B. Draft Implementation Plan Mr. Alford gave an introduction to the draft IP. He noted that it is complete, with the exception of Part 8 (Maps) and Appendix C (Eelgrass Mitigation Program). Council Member Gardner presented her comments and suggested edits to the Draft IP: • Section 21.16.040 — incorrect reference to Section 21.50.050; should it be Section 21.52.035? • Section 21.28.050 — confirm that this section uses the current canyon stringline method • Section 21.30.030.C.4. — reword to clarify intent • Section 21.30A.050.A.8.c — reduce the minimum access for vertical access from 10 feet to 6 feet • Section 21.30B060.G.2 — add habitat protection to dredging that is to be encouraged • Section 21.30C.050.H.2 — limit floating dry dock provision to non-residential • Section 21.30C.070.C.1 — too restrictive? Check against policies • Section 21.38.070.C.1.b — incorrect reference to subsection D. Is subsection D missing? • Section 21.40.030.D — check to see if it correctly reflects the Zoning Code • Section 21.52.015.E —confirm that notices include mailing and posting Council Member Petros asked staff to make sure that the IP is consistent with the work of the Balboa Village Advisory Committee (i.e., wayfinding, development standards, parking, etc.). Chair Selich asked if the Zoning Code definitions could be used, so future amendments would not have to go to the Coastal Commission. Following a question from Chair Selich about referencing the Zoning Code definitions, a discussion ensued about referencing a document that the Coastal Commission has not approved and the potential for the divergence between the Zoning Code and the IP. Following a question from Council Member Petros about segmenting the canyon areas out of the IP, a discussion ensued about the Permit and Appeal Jurisdiction Map and coastal zone boundary adjustments. General Plan/LCP Implementation Committee December 03, 2014, Minutes Page 3 Chair Selich commented on the need for extensive community outreach to canyon and bluff property owners. He then invited members of the public to comment on the Draft IP. Mr. Mosher commented on the availability of the Draft IP; the potential for divergence between the Zoning Code and the IP; and the location of appeal and permit jurisdiction boundaries. Mr. Alford responded to Mr. Mosher's comments. Chair Selich commented on the uncertainty regarding how the IP will be received by the public and the Coastal Commission. A discussion ensued about the relative simplicity of LCPs that were certified soon after the passage of the Coastal Act. Mr. Alford distributed a revised public outreach and hearing schedule, which was requested by Chair Selich. Chair Selich commented that the proposed schedule in the agenda took too long and that he wanted to get the Draft IP before the public and adopted as soon as possible. A discussion ensued about the organization of the community outreach workshops and how they will be noticed. The discussion then turned to methods of promoting the IP and community workshops. Chair Selich supported the revised schedule, but noted that once the IP is submitted to the Coastal Commission, the timing will be out of the City's control. A discussion ensued about the process for submittal and review by Coastal Commission staff. The discussion then turned back to the community outreach process. Chair Selich invited public comments on the. schedule. Mr. Mosher asked if there will be general community workshop and if the workshops will be open to the public or by invitation only. He also asked if the Committee will continue to meet during the community outreach process. Council Member Gardner and Chair Selich replied to Mr. Mosher's questions. A discussion ensued about the next meeting. It was agreed that at the next meeting would be in early January in the late afternoon and that the Committee would review the maps and a community outreach program. 5) COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON - DISCUSSION ITEM) None. 6) PUBLIC COMMENTS None. General Plan/LCP Implementation Committee December 03, 2014, Minutes Page 4 7) NEXT MEETING Wednesday, January 7, 2015, at 4:30 p.m. 8) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:40 p.m. Edward Selich, ai The agenda for the General Plan/LCP Implementation Committee meeting was posted on November 25, 2014, at 3:05 p.m. in the Chambers binder and on the digital display board located inside the vestibule of the Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive and on the City's website on November 25, 2014, at 3:06 p.m.