HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2009-0026HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFER APPLICATION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3044 **Date of Applicaton: 3/3189 PermitNumber: "Property Address: LOU Wtrbor IS 10 ki d Dn U1 "Buyer's Names:.W� ccfrlh�n &i\)Ctk1(4A S12-CkoCtY- Billing Address: Telephone No.: Buyer's Signatures: "Seller's Names: Seller's Signatures: Joint Owner Signature: "Escrow Company: Arrmb-Mq C*fW Phone# GILIq - -718- L4-314 "Address (_A4pi 9ac!Lhi/-) cive- 34�_t_±-s 71 157-ILIP "Escrow Number: —T,2 (P 3 **Fax #: qqq - -7 1 Closing Date (Estimate): L4 *STARRED ITEMS -MUST BE COMPLETE TO -BEGIN THE PROCESS.-. Inspection Date: 31,402 Reinspection Date: Fee Paid: _+_L4__, Gtte4k No: C --r7 Application Complete:.(ZVU,_�C� :4j) -11 cn Harbor Resources SignaturelDate Special Conditions. - This permit is revocable by the City Council in accordance with Title 17 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. WPO March 11, 2009 Armstrong Escrow Fax# 949-718-4326 Re: Pier Permit #200-606 606 Harbor Island Dr. Escrow # 7263 Dear Armstrong Escrow, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 829 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92659 949-644-3044/Fax 949-723-0589 7 - The City of Newport Beach has inspected the above pier and found it to meet City standards. Once we receive the application signed by the buyer and seller the pier will be transferred. Thanks for your help and if you require further assistance in this matter please call. Sincerely, Am A&V Lisa Walters Harbor Resources Division HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFER APPLICATION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3044 **Date of Applicaton: 3/3/09 Permit Number: 5�00- 60(�, **Property Address: 606 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 "Buyer's Names: W. Carlton Spencer and Nancy B. Spencer, Trustees Billing Address: Telephone No.: Buyer's Signatures: **Seller's Names: William Jay, Hendricksen and Patrjci� yeyp - ck Seller's Signatures: Joint Owner Signature: **Escrow Company: Armstrong Escrow Corporation Phone# (949) 718-4341 **Address 6845 Brockton Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 **Escrow Number: 7263 -DC **Fax #: (949) 718-4326 Closing Date (Estimate): 4/7/09 * *STARRED ITEMS -MUST BE COMPLETE TO -BEGIN THE PROCESS. - Inspection Date: Fee Paid: Application Complete: Reinspection Date: Check No: Harbor Resources SignaturelDate Special Conditions: This permit is revocable by the City Council in accordance with Title 17 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. tees -A 002 04/02/2009 11:19 FAX 9516809325 ARMSTRONG ESCROW L WPI *-n Q V�- ZQ HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFER APPLICATION **Date of Applicallon. 3/3109 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3044 Permit Number: 6�?(00 -- 6 04� **Property AddreSS: 606 'Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 9266D 'Buyer's Names: W. Carlton Spencer and Nancy B. Spenc-er, Trustees Billing Address:,,.- Ale Telephone No.: Buyees Signatures: i1el, — "Sellers Names: William Jay Hendricksen and Patricia Hendricksen, Seller's Signatures: Joint Owner Signature: 'Escrow Company: Armstrong Escrow CorporationPhone# (949) 718-4341 "Address E5845 Brockton Avenue, Riverside, CA 192506 **Escrow Number: 7263 -DC **F;ax#: (949) 718-4326 Closing Date (Estimate) - 4/7/09 * *STARRED ITEMS -MUST BE COMPLETE TO BEGIN THE PROCESS. Inspection Date: Reinspection Date: Fee Paid: Check No: Application Complete: I-Jarbor Resources SignaturelDate Special Conditions: This perrnit is revocable by the City Council in accordance with Title 17 of the Newport Beach Municipal Ccde. Trustees Z -d Z90LZ099�9 (1N1'd30N3dS d/o:L0 60 go AV ARMSTRONG ESCROW CORP. 6845 Brockton Avenue Riverside, CA 92506 (951) 682-1135 - FAX (951) 680-9335 City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92659 949-644-3044 Pier Permit #200-606 606 Harbor Island Drive In connection with the above property, we enclose: Harbor Transfer Application executed by buyer and seller Our check in the amount of $444.00. Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions. Debbie Corbelli Escrow Officer encs �-i)(Aphczu Date: 04/16/2009 Escrow No.: 7263 -DC Escrow Officer: Debbie Corbelli Property Address: 606 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 INSPECTION FORM Harbor Resources Department Date: 3141 CP1 Inspection Requested By: o2if DC -1 Inspector: Don Duffy Pier Address: cccxo 4_Pi�erT�ransfer Reinspection GFI Present Yes Need None Needed Yes Need I I I Anti -Siphon / Backflow Present I Other Comments Eelgrass Date Time F] Eelgrass Within 15'of Project [] Eelgrass Within 15'- 30'of Project F] No Eelgrass in Project Area Pump Out Pier Location Yes No Operational I I Recommended Action Encroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Boat Description CF Number Location on Dock Comments / Observations Other Request Map Output Page I of I http://www6.clty.newport-beach.ca.uslservletleom.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=n... 03/04/2009 Worksheet for Building Combo Permit Application City of Newport Beach - Building Department k Please print 3 copies ��Building Grading [—...-Drainage F. Elec F Mech HARM RESOUR 0 1. Project Address (Not rnaili�ng address) PO - 06 11ho .. .... .... .. . ...... . ..... . ... . . ..... ..................... .......... ........ .. # Units (if Re idential) Tenant Narne(if Applicable) F777 �( .......... .......... .............. .................... pdc'&V uneCK ADDroDriate bOX Tor ADDlicant OFFICE USE ONLY ENERGY P/C FEE $ GRADING P/C FEE $ Rev 1118107 ELECIMECH/PLUM P/C PERMIT NO. PLAN CHECK NO. PLAN CHECK FEE $ 07/15/20010 13:00 9496313122 Cl 7- 114r4�0R;7- &25Xc/-Y' ry, e v AARBOR RESOURCES DIV .XY.OF NEWPORT BfKV 2 L �7- -/o,8 4 ODe 67ss'bo SIAIFTSLIPDOCKPIER PAGE 01/01 4Cd IC( o V I C M 1..TY SkEtCH I V�,Jper 377- IkA Yj c,�M4 1 fr�7;L Sir, V WA� G 010 rx 'd 7—,se.4 07/09/2008 10:08 [. I. - priht: 5WM Please print 3 copies 9496313122 SWIFTSLIPDOCKPIER Worksheet for Building Combo Permit Application City of Newport Banrh - BUilding Dep2rtrnent �:Rtfilriinu F GT2ding f—Prainago Zlec Mech Plum PAGE 02/02 1. Project Address (Not mailin!g address) Floor Tenant N@me(if Applicable) C /Z # Units (if ResidQrtial)! .. ...... .... 2, Description of Work Exist House SF Exist ('ar SF N evv F—. Add f A� . . ..... ... ... . . . . .................. . . ......... . ...... . .. ... .... Darno House SF . AddlReronstruct Hovse SF F .............. . .. . ........ Derno Garage SF F f7 Aller f— Demo Chr_­ck ApRFQPI-iat& Bux br ApplIC2nt . .......... ....... . .. ... ...... AddlReconstruct Garage SF TOTAL HOUSE SF TOTAL GARAGE SF 3. Owner's Name Last If/z 56,P1 First .. .... .... . Ovwer's Address r I Owner's E-mail Addross . ................. ........... ?5 .. . .... ...... .. ......................... ....................... Cjly State zip ....... ,-I/ TelephonL- ........... .. I ......... ....... Use Valuation 5 . . VIK - Cu YC1 Cut Cu Yd Fill # Stories F- 4. Arch itect/Designer's Name Last First Lic. No, .... ....... .................... ... F7777 '* * I ArchitecUDesigner's Address Architect/Designer's E-mail Address . . .. . . .. ......... .... .. . .... ...... ... .... State zip Telephone F 1777: 1. ... ... 1-1..: : F .............. .. ____ ; __ i J�-nginoor'-_ N2rne Lgst irst ... .... F Lic. No. . . .. ........ . ....... Engineer's Address Engineer's E-mail Address CA ,I- 6�4 nx_l� . .... . ... . state zip ......... . .. Telephone ...... ... . F3? G. Contra -_tui -:!i Name Last First Lic, N'% .. . . ..... ............... .... .. . ... F ...... ...... ...... ...... . .. ...... Cciitractor's Address Corltraotoru E mail Address 1\ R I ? �r C;ty .......... .... .. . State Zip Telephone . ........................... . . ...... .. ........... ................... . . .. ............... .... ... ....... OFFICE USE ONLY ENERGY PIC FEE $ fV L4__A UT -k R 0. GRADING PIC FEE$ PLAN CHECK NO, Rev 1118107 ELEC/MECH/PLUM PIC ------ PLAN CHF -CK, FFzF= S Map Output Page I of I http://www6.city.n��wport-beach.ca.us/serviet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceNa... 5/22/200-1 INSPECTION FORM Harbor Resources Department Date: Inspection Requested By: Inspector: Don Duffy Pier Address: (C�C(o q:��buat_s—1 . RM Pier Transfer Reinspection GFI Present Yes Need None Needed Yes Need F 7717 Anti -Siphon / Backflow Present Other Comments :Eeigrass i;;� Date!�01�_Time 0-730 Eelgrass Within 15'of Project Eelgrass Within 15'- 30'.of Project �NoEelgrass in Project Area Pump Out Pier Location Yes No Operational I I I Recommended Action Encroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Boat Description CF Number Location on Dock Comments / Observations Other Reqpest Map Output Page I of I http://www6.city.new-oort-beach.ca.uslservleticom.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=n... 04/11/2008 04/11/2008 11:52 9496313122 SIAIFTSLIPDOCKPIER PAGE 02/02 /vs*=� OR r 62!5�4cil-/ ol 0 ce- vicipirry SkEtCH t4 r Pit /0 I FF L; 7i I f /Vo c ery CIL Wk" i.,4 Poi c IL Cewr'rAc ro f'��o 4 Caulerpa Survey Reporting Form This form is required to be submitted for any surveys conducted for the invasive exotic alga Caulerpa taxifolia that are required to be conducted under federal or state permits and authorizations issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regions 8 & 9). The form has been designed to assist in controlling the costs of reporting while ensuring that the required information necessary to identify and control. any potential impacts of the authorized actions on the spread of Caulerpa. Surveys required to be conducted for this species are subject to modification through publication of revisions to the Caulerpa survey policy. It is incumbent upon the authorized permittee to ensure that survey work is following the latest protocols. For further information on these protocols, please contact: Robert Hoffinan, National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries), (562) 980-4043, or William Pamokas, California Department of Fish & Game, (858) 467-4218). Report Date: 27 May 2008 Name of bay, estuary, lagoon, or harbor: Newport Harbor Specific Location Hendrickson Residence Name: 606 Harbor Island Drive (address or common Newport Beach, CA 92660 reference) Site Coordinates: Approximately (UTM, Lat./Long., datum, 330 36'42" N accuracy level, and an 1170 53' 53" W electronic survey area map or hard copy of the See attached maps map must be included) Survey Contact: (name, phone, e-mail) Debbie Karimoto, (949) 887-7041 (cell) (949) 830-1173 (fax & office) debkarirriot.oacox.net Personnel Conducting Survey (if other than Same above):(name, phone, e- mail) Permit Reference: (ACOE Permit No., ACOE RGP #54 RWQCB Order or Cert. No.) Is this the first or second survey for this First project? Was Caulerpa Yes, Caulerpa was found at this site and Detected: (if Caulerpa is found, please has been contacted on date. immediately contact NOAA Fisheries or CDFG personnel identified above) xxxx No, Cauterpa was not found at this site. Description of Permitted Work: Remove existing dock structure. Install new float with 3 5' finger & 20' x 8' (describe briefly the work backwalk, 2 new 10" pipe piles. Re -deck and reuse existing gangway. to be conducted at the site under the permits identified above) Description of Site: Depth range: 3 -1 l' Tide varied between + .95' and +2.07' at (describe the physical and time of survey. Substrate type: Soft, silty sediment & compact, silty sediment biological conditions within Temperature: 71 " the survey area at the time ot the survey and provide insight into variability, if known. Please provide units Salinity: Normal bay range of 30-33 ppt Dominant ra: flo for all numerical information). none Dominantfauna: Unidentified light brown algal -looking masses that could be bryozoans attached to piles and floats. Tunicates, barnacles, mussels, 2 moon jellies. Fish fry Exotic species encountered None (including any other Caulerpa species): Other site description notes., None Description of Survey Survey date and time Effort: period: 27 May 2008,11:30 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. (please describe the Horizontal visibility in surveys conducted water: 1-2 feet Survey type and including type of survey (SCUBA, remote video, methods: Surveillance level SCUBA survey, etc.) and survey methods Diver swam transects throughout APE. Survey personnel: employed, date of work, and survey density Debbie Karimoto (949) 887-7041 (cell) Survey density: (estimated percentage of the bottom actually —' ) 0% of APE viewed). Describe any Survey limitations: limitations encountered None during the survey efforts. Other Information: (use this space to provide See map and site survey sketch any additional information or references to attached materials such as maps, reports, etc.) Caulerpa Survey Reporting Form (version 1.2, 10/3 1/04) Site Address: 606 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach CA 92660 Site Address: 606 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach CA 92660 Fuchsia outline reflects survey perimeter. All area within that perimeter was surveyed. Site Address: 606 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach CA 9266060 I Site A: eti Site A ddress: 606 Harbor Island Drive Newr)ort Beach CA 92660 Panoramic view of survey area from left to right Site Address: 606 Harbor Island Drive Newi)ort Beach CA 92M Site Address: 606 Harbor Island Drive NewDort Beach CA 92660 Site Address: ,1. Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach • 6t# 10 07/151120010 13:00 9496313122 SIAIFTSLIPDOCKPIER PAGE 01/01 ax lz le 7-- :71'.-j.. 7 —7— VICIMI.-TY SkET'CH L EEL GRASS INSPECTION Eelglrass within 15' Of PrOject Eelgmss within 15 - 30'.0f PrOJOd -d No Fe4mpKqproject area AvD ee- S'.5 o a 1 15 V. 06. ---1 f Z k fy c q� r /V ell, H40R RESOURCES D 0 Cl OF NEWPORT BEAC '71 30 r -:�:3 . Z-9 VJ ob s Nelhkcw, cr 7- j44,e, 7—gAc!r--? STATE OF CALIFORNIA- THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Govemor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 August20,2008 (562) 590-5071 Mr. Chris Miller City of Newport Beach/Division of Harbor Resources 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Condition Compliance — Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117 & Conformance with Consistency Certification CC -031-06 - DOCK CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Miller: Commission staff have received information submitted as evidence of compliance with Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117, and/or as evidence of conformance with Consistency Certifications CC -031-06 for the following sites in the City of Newport Beach: Applicant Site Address Existing Pier, Proposed Proposed Existing Proposed Additional Description Pier Platform, Float Gangway Piles Piles and Dock Dimensions and Pier Dimensions Eelgrass survey 3/6/2008 (expired 7/4/2008 - new. eelarass survev must be completed indicating no eelarass within proiect area prior to proceeding) ; Caulerpa survey 3/14/2008 (expired 6/12/08 - new 10'x 14' Caulerpa survey must be 40'x 6'float; Xx 20' 8' x 42' float; Pier; Tx 2-14" T completed indicating no ganway; pier 30'x 8' 24' piles; 2-18" Caulerpa within project area prior to proceeding) Hurd, Ken 832 Via Lido Nord platform backwalk gangway piles Eelgrass survey 3/6/2008 (expired 7/412008 - new eelgrass survey must be completed indicating no eelarass within -Project area prior to proceeding): Caulerpa survey 3/14/2008 (expired 6/12/08 - new Caulerpa survey must be Tx 24' gangway and 8' x 40' float Add 20'x 8' com leted indicating no Caulerpa within proiect area prior to proceedina) Craig, Bill 25 Balboa Coves_ (to remain) section 3-12"2�� Eelgrass survey 3/6/2008 (expired 7/4/2008 - new eelgrass survev must be completed indicating no eelarass within proiect area prior to proceeding); Caulerpa survey 3/14/2006 (expired 6/12/08 -� new 10'x 14' Caulerpa survey must be pier with 4' 76'x 6'float x 4' lobe; 3' completed indicating no with 8'x 14' x 24' Caulerpa within Proiect area prior to proceeding) Schuman, Mike 7 Balboa Coves 10'x 22' lobe gangway 4-12" piles Condition Compliance - 5-06-117 Consistency Certification Compliance — CC -031-06 Page 2 of 2 Commission staff have reviewed the information submitted and determined that the above referenced dock construction projects conform with the submittal requirements established under Consistency Certification CC - 031 -06 the Special Conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117. Please note that the eelgrass and Caulerpa taxifolia surveys completed are only valid for a limited time period and that additional surveys must be completed and submitted to Commission staff for review if the proposed dock projects listed above do not commence prior to expiration of the initial survey. In addition, please note that this authorization shall expire on October 23, 2009 and that all authorized work must be completed prior to that date. Finally, please note there are ongoing obligations relative to water quality protection established in the authorization which must be implemented for the entire life of the approved development. Please be advised that only the projects described in the materials submitted for the sites listed above have been found to conform with Consistency Certification CC -031-06 and/or conform with the terms and conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117. Any change in the projects may cause them to lose their status as consistent with CC -031-06 and/or CDP 5-06-117. This certification is based on information provided by the City of Newport Beach. If, at a later date, this information is found to be incorrect or incomplete, this letter will become invalid, and any development occurring at that time must cease until a new determination regarding conformance with CC -031-06 and/or CDP 5-06-117, is obtained. If you have an questions, please contact me at (562) 590-5071 or Mr. Mark Delaplaine at (415) 904-5200 Sincerely, Karl Schwing 0 Supervisor, Regulation & Planning, Orange County Area Cc: Mr. Mark Delaplaine, California Coastal Commission . Mr. Dan Swenson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Irregularly Eelgrass survey 7/13/08 shaped (Expires 11/10/08); Caulerpa 12'x 35'fioat; approx. 32'x 3' x 22' 34' (462 sq ft survey 5/30/08 (Expires Coyne,John - 315 Evening Star gangway total) Tx 22' 2-18" piles 8/28108) Eelgrass survey 6/23/08 (Expires 10/21/08); Caulerpa 35'Iong 606 Harbor Island U-shaped 28' finger, 20'x 8. Repair survey 5/27/08 (Expires 'Hendrickson, Bill - Drive x 38' backwalk existing 2-10" piles 8/25/08) _' Eelgrass survey 717/08 (expires 1015/08); Caulerpa 1100 West Bay Pier with 10' x 18'x 36' 3-14" No new survey 6/23/08 (Expires Barnard, Scott Avenue 14' platform rectangular piles piles 9/21/08) Remove 8'x 20'section from backwalk and Eelgrass survey 6/23/08 add (Expires 9/21/08); Caulerpa L-shaped 8'x extensions to survey 3/26/07(Expired 103'-29'x 9' existing float 7/24/07) -NEW CAULERPA w/ pier finger, one 2692 Bay Shore platform and 8'x10'and Retain No new SURVEY REQ'Q BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK Herbst,�Jerry Drive gangway one 8'x 7'6" existing piles Eelgrass survey 7/2/2008 U-shaped 26' Add 2 new ]Retain (expires 10/30/08);,Caulerpa x 52'; pier 4'xl 0' :existin 221 Via Lido platform and sections to Retain No new survey 7/21/08 (Expires Cline, David -- Soud gangway existing float existing piles 10/19/08) Eelgrass survey 7/14/08 4'x 50' long Retain (expires 11/11/08); Caulerpa 715 Bayside finger; 23'x 5' existing survey 7/18/08 (expires Hall, Gregson - Drive L-shaped foot lobe gangway 2-12" piles 10/16/08) Commission staff have reviewed the information submitted and determined that the above referenced dock construction projects conform with the submittal requirements established under Consistency Certification CC - 031 -06 the Special Conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117. Please note that the eelgrass and Caulerpa taxifolia surveys completed are only valid for a limited time period and that additional surveys must be completed and submitted to Commission staff for review if the proposed dock projects listed above do not commence prior to expiration of the initial survey. In addition, please note that this authorization shall expire on October 23, 2009 and that all authorized work must be completed prior to that date. Finally, please note there are ongoing obligations relative to water quality protection established in the authorization which must be implemented for the entire life of the approved development. Please be advised that only the projects described in the materials submitted for the sites listed above have been found to conform with Consistency Certification CC -031-06 and/or conform with the terms and conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117. Any change in the projects may cause them to lose their status as consistent with CC -031-06 and/or CDP 5-06-117. This certification is based on information provided by the City of Newport Beach. If, at a later date, this information is found to be incorrect or incomplete, this letter will become invalid, and any development occurring at that time must cease until a new determination regarding conformance with CC -031-06 and/or CDP 5-06-117, is obtained. If you have an questions, please contact me at (562) 590-5071 or Mr. Mark Delaplaine at (415) 904-5200 Sincerely, Karl Schwing 0 Supervisor, Regulation & Planning, Orange County Area Cc: Mr. Mark Delaplaine, California Coastal Commission . Mr. Dan Swenson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers L4T 0" DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.0 BOX 532711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053-2325 September 25, 2008 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: Office of the Chief Regulatory Division Bill Hendrickson C/O: Lisa Walters Harbor Resources Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mr. Hendrickson: This is in reply to your application (File No. SPL -2008-00960) for a Department of the Army Permit to discharge fill onto waters of the U.S., in association with your boat dock replacement project. The proposed work would take place bayward of 606 Harbor Island Drive within Newport Bay in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California. Based on the information you have provided, the Corps of Engineers has determined that your proposed activity complies with the terms and conditions of Regional General Permit (RGP) No. 54: Maintenance Dredging, Beach Nourishment, and Dock Maintenance. As long as you comply with the general permit conditions of RGP No. 554, an individual permit is not required. Specifically, you are authorized to (as shown on enclosed figures): ,1. Remove and replace existing dock structure with a 4' x 35' float and 8' x 20' backwalk; 2. Redeck existing gangway with TREX composite decking; and 3. , Install two new 10" pipe piles. 1pa A general permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. This letter of verification is valid until October 23, 2009. Also, it does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others or authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. Furthermore, it does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal State, or local authorizations required by law. Thank you for participating in our regulatory program. If you have any questions, please contact Yvette Cardenas at 213.452.3418 or via e-mail at Yvette.L.Cardenas@us ace.army.mil. Please be advised that yoti can now comment on your experience wifth Regulatory Division by accessing the Corps web -based customer survey form at: httl2:/�2er2.nwl2.usace.army.mil/survey.html. Sincerely, Forrest B. Vanderbilt Project Manager South Coast Branch Regulatory Division Enclosure Site Address: 606 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach CA 92660 3 Map Output Page I of I http://�w-w6.city.newport-beach.ca.uslservletloom.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=n... 04/11/2008 I 07/ 2000- 13: -0-8 �4963,13122 SWIFTSLIPDOCKPIER PAGE 81/81 CIO, V'1 C I M. I.TY SkEtCH 4f /vew 570 v WA� EEL GRASS INSPECTION :of project of project Eelgrass; within 15 x Eelgrass wfthin 15 -:301 C No Eek p . roject area ra I lv6w Signature Inspection Uale /V ON RESOURCES D rA OF NE TR C1 WPORT. BFAC T7 vJ 75 (C I- A A J 7 -.5 -4 1-- z,.: f-, e_1 7 7-9A cr P�AvDza-ss 606 Re6:0ogaf- C-OA-IrRAC rb HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-3044 Fax (949) 723-0589 www.newport-beach.ca.us/hbr DOCK CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION CITY CHECKLIST Applicant Name: Bilk Project Site Address: Or -A �k-- W Applicant address, phone number Agent name, address, phone number (if applicable) Project site address Assessor's parcel number Project site latitude and longitude Description of proposed work (project must not deviate from the Standard Drawings) Type of construction material used (concrete, wood, steel etc... Scaled drawings (plan view and cross sectional view) M Site address 9 Location within the Harbor Location and dimensions of existing dock structure Location and dimensions ofproposed dock structure Location and dimensions of existing dock structures on adjacent properties Location of Bulkhead, Pierhead and Project Lines Photo(s) of project area at low tide (including 30' buffer area) 829 Harbor Island Drive, Newport -Beach, CA 92660 PH: (949) 644-3044 FX: (949) 723-0589 oWebsite: www.newport-beach.ca.us/HBR/ Dock Construction Application City Checklist Page 2 Eelgrass Survey M Survey for presence of eelgrass within 30' of the entire project area El Yes X No Eelgrass within 15' of entire project area. Project n permitted. F-1 If any eelgrass is located greater than 15' from the project area, then no further monitoring required. Caulerpa Survey M Survey for Caulerpa within 30' of the project area Project is over (check one box): M City Tidelands El County Tidelands (State Lands Commission Dredge Lease Approval) El If applicable, check one box: El The Irvine Company owner's approved area El Bay Island owner's approved area El Dover Shores owner's approved area El Linda Isle owner's approved area Completed Worksheet for Building I Fire Pennit Application and proof of payment of Building Department fees TK Check for $60 made payable to Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board X Signed application M AIC -City approved Approval in Concept HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION — 829 Harbor Island Drive v. 12-14-06 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 718-1844 Fax (949) 723-0589 N -v ww.newport-beach.ca.us/hbr r,v Z-1 -1 "CATION DOCK CONS I RUCTION APPI-A Regional General Permit 54 CDP 5-06-117 & CC -031-06 Corps File No. 200501233 -DPS Water Board Consistency Permit Valid Until October 23, 2009 This Permit applies to residential dock construction projects only and includes pier, gangway, float andpile repair / replacement. Bulkhead work is notpermitted under this Permit. IApplicant Name, Address, Phone Number: I Bill Hendrickson 909821 7680 606 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Agent Name, Address, Phone Number (if applicable): Swift Slip Dock & Pier Builders Inc. 949631 3121 2027 Placentia Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Project Site Address: Assessor's Parcel Number: �606 Harbor Island Drive 05042126 Project Site: Longitude: 1-117.90010 1 Latitude: 133.,61290 1 Description of Proposed Work (Project Must Not Deviate from the City's Standard Drawings): and replace floating dock and re -deck gangway Regional General Permit 54 Dock ConstructionApplication Page 2 Type of Construction Material Used (concrete, wood, steel including any chemical treatment etc ... ): Please submit the following on a separate page. Use the check boxes to ensure a complete application is filed. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Scaled drawings of the project (plan view and cross sectional view) Site address V Location within the Harbor Location and physical dimensions of existing dock structure (float, pier, gangway, pile and bulkhead) Location and physical dimensions ofproposed dock structure (float, pier, gangway, pile and bulkhead) Location and physical dimensions of existing dock structures on adjacentproperties Location of Bulkhead, Pierhead and Project Lines F/ Photo(s) of entire project area at low tide (including 30'buffer area), with emphasis on eelgrass F_/e V Eelgrass Survey - Completed by a Certified Eelgrass Diver A. Survey for the presence of eelgrass within 30'of the entire project area B. If eelgrass is within 15' of project area, then the project will not be permitted. (An Individual Permit must be sought.) C. Any eelgrass must be located greater than 15' from project area - No further eelgrass monitoring is required F\—.�Caulerpa Survey - Completed by a Certified Caulerpa Diver A. Survey for Caulerpa within 30'of the project area VProject is over (check one box): rv—'-'City Tidelands F County Tidelands (State Lands Commission Dredge Lease Approval) F If applicable, check one box: F The Irvine Company owner's approved area F Bay Island owner' s approved area F Dover Shores owner's approved area F Linda Isle owner's approved area Regional General Permit 54 Dock Construction Application Page 3 Completed Worksheet for Building / Fire Permit Application and proof of payment of Building Department fees Check for $60 made payable to Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board 1, IJennifer Beserra (Applicant / Agent), hereby certify that the information on this application is accurate and complete. I also certify that I have read the California Coastal Commission Permit 5-06-117 & Federal Consistency Certification CC -031-06, the Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit 54 (File No. 200501233 -DPS) and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board General Certification for Regional General Permit No. 54 for construction in Newport Harbor and that I will comply with all of the conditions in those permits. I also certify that by acceptance of this Permit, the applicant acknowledges and agrees that the site may be subject to hazards from waves and erosion. I will further hold the City of Newport Beach harmless from and indemnify the City against any claim for damages arising out of the exercise of these permits. In addition, I shall reimburse the City of Newport Beach 15or all attorney's fees and other costs expended by them in defending any claim, lawsuit, or judgment arising out of the activities of the applicant carried on under the authority of such Permit. I understand that any work authorized must be completed by October 23, 2009, after which a new authorization is required. Per the RGP Permit, all dock construction applications will be processed by the various agencies through monthly batch submittals sent to them by Harbor Resources. Therefore, all dock construction applications must be submitted to and received by Harbor Resources by the I' Monday of every month. Applications submitted prior to this deadline are encouraged and appreciated. HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-3034 / Fax (949) 723-0589 APPROVAL IN CONCEPT APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH as required for permit application to the South Coast Regional Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Sections 13210 and 13211. General Description of Proposed Development: Remove existing dock structure. Install new float with 35'long finger & 20'X 8'backwalk. 2 -new 10" pipe pile. Re -deck & re -use existing gangway. lAddress number must be stenciled on at least 1 bayward facing pile. Pier conditions must be signed by applicant prior to tinal approval. 113roperty Address: 606 Harbor Island Dr. I Legal Description: lHarbor Permit Number: 200-606 jPlan Check Number: 0701-2008 1 jApplicant: Bill Hendrickson I Applicant's Mailing Address: 606 Harbor Island Dr., Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone Number: (949) 631-3121 I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application. Page 1 of 2 And find )6, They comply with the current adopted Newport Beach General Plan, Municipal Code, Title 17 and any applicable specific or precise plans or, Ei That a variance of exception has been approved and final. A copy of any variance, exception, conditional use permit or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept and said approval has been written upon said plans, signed and dated. Should Newport Beach adopt an ordinance deleting, amending or adding to the Municipal Code or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this Approval In Concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act or 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted thereunder, this development: 7;, Has been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. o Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). o Has received a Final Environmental Impact Report (copy attached). All discretionary approvals legally required of Newport Beach prior to issuance of a harbor permit and a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in principal by Newport Beach unless a substantial change is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes and regulations of Newport Beach. See attached Special Conditions. Lisa Walters, Harbor Resources July 23, 2008 Attachments: Worksheet for Building Permit Application Drawing Pier Conditions Page 2 of 2 10/07/2008 13:16 9496313122 SWIFTSLIPDOCKPIER PAGE 01/02 -- — -- 1-6�1 POVIZ/00� �-555 IOYH126N 9496310122 SWIFTSUPDOCKPIER t � HARBOR RESOURCES DIM= 4r $29 �arbor Island Drive Newpoft, Beach, CA 92660 �01 (949) 644.3;34 1 Fax (949) 723-0689 October 1, 2008 Special Conditions Prooerty AddreSS., 606 Harbor ItMand Dr, PAGE 02/03 WWI referenGe tO tile Plan$ OunterAly under c;onsideration at the abova refarane*d address to raconfigure or modify the dQck system or bulkhead, the following conditions will now bi� in effect: I . The project proponent is aware of tho Harbor Pormit Policic-. (Council PolicY H-1) and Title 17 Of the City of NQwport Beach Municipal Code, The project proponent understands that the above referenced ttructura(s) is under thig purview of these Policies c3nd Codos. 2. Any future work on the above mentioned stTucture(c) roquircs permitz with tht� City of Ni��wpvrt Bcauh and any othor applicable agehc�e$. Painting and work corisidered to be cosmetic in naiure does nat require a permlt. :3. Tho conditions t�et forth in thi5 docurnont pertain to the proposed dock systern and/or bulkhead under consideration. Any future Modifications or alterations to the dork system and/or bulkhead may requiro new conditions which may ovorrido or change these conditions. These conditions superrede all Past condRions associated with this property. 4- OMIY Marino orijontlg�eil utes are 0110WQd WTI thu piar, p1cr platf6tm, gangway and float. Patio furniture, plantS W ... are not permitted, 5, In accordance with Municipal Code 10-08-030 A, the proicrt pruponent shall obtaiM the proper permits for equipment and materials storage. "Except as otherwise providied in this tiactlon, no parigon shall us* any public etrect, �idcwaik, alloy or parkway or other public property for the purpose of storing or displaying any eqwipment, materials or merchandise, or any other commercial purpose. B. Public streets,. sidewalks, alleya, or parkways may be Uwd for the purpose of selling, storlug. or displaying any equIpment, material, merchandise or for other commercial purpnsps, In the following r.�-qes, ...For the temporary storagp of cNonstruction AquipmAnt or material provided a pormit fr. ftwod pursuant to Chapter 12.62 of this Code and tha storage is consistent with provisions of the Uniform Building Code,." 6, The pmiject shall he. Implemented in conformance With the Local Coastal Program - Coa%all Land Use Pl2n, page I of 2 10/07/2008 13:16 9496313122 Stj,1IFTSLIPDOCKPIER PAGE 02/02 __ _. -- __­ �Al­ FOW/0H E-555 10/03/2009 10,2f, 9405513122 SW1FT5L1PDDCKPjER PAGE 03�03 7, In accordance with Municipal Code 10,28,040 the following noise re9tilations apply, "A. Weekdays and Saturdays- No person shall, while engaged in canstructfon. remodeling, (jigging, grading, ffi�rnofftlon, painting, Piattering or any other related building activity, opor-3to inny tOQIj equipment or machine In a manner whirh Prodwues loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a person of normal sensitivity who works or re&ides In the vicinity, on 2ny weqkday except between the hours of seven a.m, and six-thirly P -M., nor on.any Saturday except between thp- hours of eight a.m. and six p.m. B, �Sundays and Hnlid;5yq� No person shall, while engagod In construction, remodeling, digging, grading, demolition, painting, plastering or any other related building activity, operate any tool, equipmt:nt or machine In a manner which produrag Intirl noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a ptrson of normal sensitivity who works or reSides in the vicinity, on any Sunday or any federal holiday-' 8. Your side property lines extend in the water along their same bearing. Vessels shalt not encroach upon the neiahboilt. oroperfy on oith�-_r -tide, 9, Vessels rrtay not extend beyond the end of the fingers by more than the width of its beam. 10. The rnaximurn bearn of a voi�tci that i_z, permitted to aidn. tie to the wastemmoet sicle:,uf thz float Is 19'. 11. The Maximum beam of a veml that in permilted to side tie to the easteemmost side of ti -le float is V. A A�/ �7Z) 2 Liga altin� , H &rbRersr Zts, [A/ Uate " 4i ' .111 V_ 1 LY -1 m4t Y2 k e f;�r I Z) L Applicant Si Print Name Date, Joint Pier Applicant Signature (if npplicable) Print Name Date rage 2 Of 2 HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-3034 / Fax (949) 723-0589 Special Conditions October 1, 2008 Property Address' 606 Harbor Island Dr. With reference to the plans currently under consideration at the above referenced address to reconfigure or modify the dock system or bulkhead, the following conditions will now be in effect: 1 . The project proponent is aware of the Harbor Permit Policies (Council Policy H-1) and Title 17 of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. The project proponent understands that the above referenced structure(s) is under the purview of these Policies and Codes. 2. Any future work on the above mentioned structure(s) requires permits with the City of Newport Beach and any other applicable agencies. Painting and work considered to be cosmetic in nature does not require a permit. 3. The conditions set forth in this document pertain to the proposed dock system and/or bulkhead under consideration. Any future modifications or alterations to the dock system and/or bulkhead may require new conditions which may override or change these conditions. These conditions supersede all past conditions associated with this property. 4. Only marine oriented uses are allowed on the pier, pier platform, gangway and float. Patio furniture, plants etc ... are not permitted. 5. In accordance with Municipal Code 10.08.030 A. the project proponent shall obtain the proper permits for equipment and materials storage. "Except as otherwise provided in this section, no person shall use any public street, sidewalk, alley or parkway or other public property for the purpose of storing or displaying any equipment, materials or merchandise, or any other commercial purpose. B. Public streets, sidewalks, alleys, or parkways may be used for the purpose of selling, storing, or displaying any equipment, material, merchandise or for other commercial purposes in the following cases: ... For the temporary storage of construction equipment or material provided a permit is issued pursuant to Chapter 12.62 of this Code and the storage is consistent with provisions of the Uniform Building Code." 6. The project shall be implemented in conformance with the Local Coastal Program - Coastal Land Use Plan. Page 1 of 2 7. In accordance with Municipal Code 10.28.040 the following noise regulations apply: "A. Weekdays and Saturdays. No person shall, while engaged in construction, remodeling, digging, grading, demolition, painting, plastering or any other related building activity, operate any tool, equipment or machine in a manner which produces loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a person of normal sensitivity who works or resides in the vicinity, on any weekday except between the hours of seven a.m. and six -thirty p.m., nor on any Saturday except between the hours of eight a.m. and six p.m. B. Sundays and Holidays. No person shall, while engaged in construction, remodeling, digging, grading, demolition, painting, plastering or any other related building activity, operate any tool, equipment or machine in a manner which produces loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a person of normal sensitivity who works or resides in the vicinity, on any Sunday or any federal holiday." 8. Your side property lines extend in the water along their same bearing. Vessels shall not encroach upon the neighbor's property on either side. 9. Vessels may not extend beyond the end of the fingers by more than the width of its beam. 10. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted to side tie to the westernmost side of the float is 19'. 11. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted to side tie to the easternmost side of the float is 8'. Lisa Walters, Harbor Resources Applicant Signature Joint Pier Applicant Signature (if applicable) Print Name Print Name Page 2 of 2 Date Date Date INSPECTION FORM Harbor Resources Department Date: 3 Inspection Requested By: Inspector: Don Duffy Pier Address: /Kier Trans�fer Reinspection GFI Present Yes Need None NeegWd Yes Need 71 E_ Anti -Siphon Backflow Present 1 Other Comments Aj Eelgrass Yes No Presentl I Pump Out Pier Location Yes No OperationalF---7— Recommended Action Encroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Boat Description CF Number Location on Dock Comments / Observations Other Request ...................... ...................... HARBOR PERNHT 0 TRANSFER APPLICATTON PO Date of Applicaton: 11/12/03 Permit Number: Property Address: 606 Harbor Island Drive 'Newport Beach, C,A 92660 Buyer's Names: Stanley and Nina Jacobs Billing Address: Telephone No.: Z) Buyer s aignilLures:-- Seller's Names: Ronald and Carol Pqters�E 7 Seller's Signatures: ljt�l^ 5�1,, :P Dw $2- -e Joint Owner;Signature: Escrow Company: mariners Escrow Corp. Escrow Number: 25302 -BF Fax (949) 721-2309 Inspection Date: Reinspection Date: Fee Amount: Date Paid: Check Number: a��-%p� Application Approved: Harbor Resources SignaturelDate Special Conditions: This permit is revocable by the City Council In accordance with Title 17 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. d '�/ ce, nA 1W i" 'Ca. Mariners Escrow Corp. Fax 949-721-2309 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 829 Harbor island Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92659 949-644-3034/Fax 949-723-0589 Re: Pier Permit 200-606 606 Harbor Island Dr., Newport Beach, CA 92660 Escrow # 25302 -BF Dear Sirs: The City of Newport Beach has inspected the above property and found that it meets City standards. We will transfer the permit once we receive the application signed by seller, buyer and joint permittee (if applicable). Please make the buyer aware that there is one metal piling that is rusted through creating a hole 8 to 10" wide. If you require further assistance in this matter, please call 644-3034. Sincerely, ZLrrie Arcese Harbor Resources Division 10C C- PO CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 January 19, 1998 Mariners Escrow Corp P.O. Box 8808 Newport Beach, Ca. 9 2659 RE: Harbor Permit #200-0606-1, for 606 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach, Escrow #15375 -DM Sirs: Regarding a pier permit transfer for the above mentioned property, the structure was inspected on January 16, 1998, at which time it was determined that it conforms to City standards. Once we have the pier transfer card signed by both the seller and buyer, and remaining $163 for the transfer fee, the permit will be transferred. SirWere�iu, '/es Armand Harbor Inspector 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach MARINERS ESCROW CORPORATION January 13, 1998 City of Newport Beach Newport Pier Newport Beach, CA 92663 Attn: Wes Armand Re: 15375 -DM Dear Wes: 190 Newport Center Drive, Suite 250 Newport Beach, California 92660 Post Office Box 8808 Newport Beach, California 92659 Phone (714) 640-6040 Fax (714� 721-8157 Please find enclosed a check in the amount of $163.00 representing cost for pier inspection. Please complete inspection on the pier located at 606 Harbor Island Drive as soon as possible. Please fax inspection report to Mariners Escrow Corporation (714)721 8157. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you in this transaction. Should you have any questions, please call us at the telephone number(s) referenced above. Mariners Es^Corporation i oxcroft a c V Es ow ers i BF PERMIT # jDinRESS OF FACILITY: BUYERS' NAME(S.), CHECK NO. DATE TELEPHONE NO. MAILING ADDRESS -CATION IS HER BY MADE To T ANSFER HARBOR PERMIT APPROVED BY: DATE Ap� BUYERS' NAME(S) OCHD SE,LLERS.� NAME(S) ES TO BE TYPED) i (ABOVE NAM EKG 777777i0i� OF BUYER COUNCIL PU13LIC WORKS SIGNATURE Ur lsu,­x DEPT. SIGNAlutm ESCROW NA q,�E OF, INT� OWNER INSPECTION APP I TIO N APPROVED (DATE) CITY HARBOR COORDINATOR CCORDANC WITH TITLE 17 IN IT 16 REVOC BLh t�l I HE CITy COUNCIL sPECIAL Ns. THIS PERM OF THE UNI PAL CODE. WX FORM a$-lOi3 REV. OF NEWPORT BEACH- CALIF. CITY 0- /�z 09 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 June 13, 1990 Coldwell Banker 2121 East Coast Highway Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Attn: Evian Sirs: Regarding a pier permit transfer for the property located at 606 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach, City Pier Permit No. 200-606: The structure was inspected on June 11 1990, at which time it was determined that it conforms to City standards. When we have received the pier transfer card, signed by both the previous owner and the new owner, and the $275 transfer fee, we will transfer the pier permit. Sincerely, Tony"M/elum- Tidelands Administrator 3 300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach BUYERS' NAME(s) Rkmn-,- 41 "o.1to—A- ADDRESS' OF -FACILITY: NGW I ADDR' .4sS PERMIT # TgLEPH6__, 0- EE APPR OVED By , DATE OCHD YE APPLfCATION�,j H ERE 1� I NSF ER ARBOR 11lE:11:!M-T ------- EKG SELLERS NAM E(S) . COUNCIL . (XEYOVE NAMES BUYERS, NA14E S) TO BE TYPED), "PUBLIC WoRkS SIG.NATUR E OF SELLER ROW Ej j: -bIGNATURE OF BUYER �iNSPEC fiON' 'SELLER SIGMA -OF BUYEk"-, G NAT uji 0 F `J -'O f T APPLIC 0 /(DAT )–1 SPECIAL CONDITI OF THE ONS: T,, MUNICIPAL CODE. PERMIT I R V C I TY, H A DCA 0' RJOINATOR BLE BY THE"Cl ' Y 0 U N C I C:C �11 �TT, L I Ilk, 0 11 A , L, 1, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. WX FORM ag.jola RZV. _SfATUS SHEET ---MOOR PEMITS 4 TAMSfElt op law 2. Plumbing: 3. Electrical:_P�,tI, 4. Structural: 2 IM, tnpecter's loitis ADDRESS OF FACILITY BUYERS';,04"rOAr�. a IERMIT # MAILINC'AdDRESS '-iELEPHON*--,.,- FEE Ec CH K NO. DATE laxand ft4 ws M 7210-152's 1"Z 13, 16,0� APPROVED BY, DATE APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO TRANSFER HARBOR PERMIT OCHD chmal* Two= "am Mao J. Tsmmm WZ$ am= 0 SELLERS' NAME(S) BUYERS' NAME(S) ENG (ABOVE NAMES TO BE TYPED) COUNCIL WORKS F� SIGNATURE OF SELLER SIGNATURE OF BUYER �,.,JPUBLIC ESCROW SIGNATURE OF SELLER SIGNATURE OF BUYER 7 INSPECTION SIGNATURE OF JOINT OWNER PPLICATIONAPPROVED (DATE) CITY HARBOR COORDINATOR SPECIAL CONDITIONS: t�+I�i �ERMIT IS REVOCABLE BY THE CITY COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE.'-. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF. wx FORM as -101i imv. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ANNUAL PIER REGISTRATION FEE Fin Dept 04/01/74 Card I Card Code 'PIERI Pier Permit Number 9) —0 13) 14 Facility Address* 606 TIT-1-9--Tt—ree-fT 70--77T A,?-- TT- Z4 1-3 c2 �Z- - 42 Street Name Apt # Str *Right justify, (Or use Direction space fill for (N,S,E,W or Ex: - 1 2 3 -1, etc) blank) (zero fill Code 1 - non-commercial Number of slips or floats 43— 2 - commercial 4-4 T67 ex: 001 Amount to be billed 0 Joint Owner J Y - yes (zero fill -517 5-2 N - no ex: 010 00) Owner's Name (53 last, First, Mi-d-CInitials OFT �6) Type Form N -New Owner 77 C -Change Owner cc 78-80 leave blank Card Pier Permit Number cc 6 14 Card 2 Code 'PIEW Owner's Mailing Add ress 9.AP-0o-7Z- :US1-4,t/b Street Address 7 (39-56) Ci W & State 57 F5 T--"2 -'Yf -p blank 63-.68-)- Date' cc 69-80 Spaces (12) *June 1, 1987 BurroughLs Escrow 19719 MacArthur Blvd., #105 Irvine, CA 92715 Escrow I 7518J Dear Sir: The City of Ne ort Beach has received an application to transfer pier permit # W?100-606 f6r the property located at 606 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach, California. The structure was inspected on 5/29/87 at which time it was determined that the following deficiencies exist: 1. -No Deficiencies exist. When the transfer fee is paid and the transfer card completed 2. and returned to the Marine Department, the permit can be transferred. 3. 4. 4 In accordance with Section 10-D of the City Harbor Permit Policies: "All structural deficiencies must be corrected....,..", it will be necessary for these to be corrected. A permit for any electrical or plumbing work must be obtained from the Building Department of the City. Al I other work requires a. Harbor Permi t. Please advise this department when the above deficiencies have been corrected. If you have any questions', please contact me at 644-3044. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Tony t:lel7m, Tidelands Administrator City Hall - 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92663 Request for Inspection made by: E s c row Co Bate 4Escrow Off ir-e.r �scrow No. Address— (t '-� /W -5 Phtne: Date * Inspection made; Deficiency Letter sent: Deficiency corrected: Transfer completed: Date Inspection: 1. Location 2. Ptumbi n: 3. Electrical: 4. Structural: 5.OTHER: REMARKS: Inspected.by: STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFER r2 LOCATION PERMIT NO. Seller Buyer U Date Application Received: —ig�- -7 Date Fee Received: Request for Inspection made by: E s c row Co Bate 4Escrow Off ir-e.r �scrow No. Address— (t '-� /W -5 Phtne: Date * Inspection made; Deficiency Letter sent: Deficiency corrected: Transfer completed: Date Inspection: 1. Location 2. Ptumbi n: 3. Electrical: 4. Structural: 5.OTHER: REMARKS: Inspected.by: STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFER LOCATION PERMIT NO.. Seller— ___.Auyer Date Application Received: '3�a -7 Date Fee Received: Request for Inspection made by: Escrow Co. Bat e ufEscrow Offilce.r Escrow No. Address -7 Date. Inspection made: ...... ;-471 j�-' Deficiency Letter sent: DeficiOncy corrected: Transfer completed: Date 1GrT;r1zr14z MI, 1. Location 2. Plumbing:_/V 11/� I - I , :z , 4 3. Electrical:. 4. Structural: 5.OTHER: REMARKS: Inspected by: CITY OFVEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDING RECORDS STREET ADDRESS DATE OF ISSUE A LEGAL DESCRIPTION _J -_L(A_C_k 1�) ZONE CLASSIFICATION AUTHORIZED DWELLING UNITS EXISTING PARKING SPACES SPECIAL PERMITS 0,. _,rA INSPECTION COMMENTS AND/OR REQUIRED CORRECTIONS I INSPECTOR PERMIT INFORMATION DATE OF INSPECTION BLDG.PERMIT NO. DATE CONSTRUCTION I THIS REPORT EXPIRES 1!i - -7 7 j�e C- �5 7 1 CT-) r1_1 ISSUE White Original To be retained by _1� 1-4 1, -,,4 - -7 C', �-4 �,\j 7 ��Aj c�7-r eo T/ C) to Planning Department by Buyer Pink To be retained by Buyer 0 r a n,5,e, To be retained by Planning Department Note: This certificate discloses only those permits, zoning regulations, and land uses which are of record or were observed during the inspection of the premises on the above date. If illegal uses, occupancies or construction are discovered at any time, correction procedures will be instituted against the owner of record. The City of Newport Beach does not warrant.that the inspection of the premises revealed all building and zoning violations located thereon. Property owners are advised that zoning and land use laws change from time to time. While these changes are seldom retroactive, generally they apply to new construction and to properties undergoing extensive repairs and/or remodeling. Existing properties not meeting newly adopted zoning or land use regulations, but which were legal at the time.of construc- tion, then are classified as "legal nonconforming" and may be used as such until replaced or extensively remodeled. The "legal nonconforming" status may be lost if the use is dis- continued for an extended period. If any changes or additions are contemplated, or if there are questions regarding the nonconforming status, the transferee is advised to contact the Planning Department for Code requirements. PLANNING DEPARTIMIENT .1 JAMES, D. HU11ICKER, DJRECTqj� City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard By P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 I certify that a copy of the above report was delivered to me prior to the consummation of the agreement of sale or transfer of the above'described propqrty.'_ Signature of.Buyer or Transferee�,_._� Date. Address Authorized Agent (if other than buyer or transferee) Date Address REPORT NUMBER THIS REPORT EXPIRES SIX MONTHS FROM DATE OF ISSUE White Original To be retained by Seller Yel I ow To be returned to Planning Department by Buyer Pink To be retained by Buyer 0 r a n,5,e, To be retained by Planning Department REPORT NUMBER -7--,,.-v -6tPC 'February 20, 1985 CITY OFNFANTPORT BEACF-1 Huntington Escrow Service 18818 Brookhurst Huntington Beach, CA Re: Escrow 10434 Dear Sir: The City of Newport Beach has received an application to transfer pier permit # 200-606 for the property located at 606 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, California. The structure was inspected on 2/12/85 at which time it was determined that the following deficiencies exist: 1- No deficiencies exist. It will be necess=ary for a transfer fee to be paid and a transfer card to be completed. 2. 3. IM 5. In accordance with Section 10-D of the City Harbor Permit Policies: It All structural deficiencies must be corrected......", it will be necessary for these to be corrected. A permit for any electrical or plumbing work must be obtained from the Building Department.of the City. All other work requires a Harbor Permit. Please advise this department when the above deficiencies have been corrected. If you have any questions, please contact me at 640-2156. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Me7Tony 1 M, Tidelands Administrator I'll] - �MOO Newpol-I Boulv\ai"(L Ncwpot-i Beich. ('All(anla 92663 STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFER LOCATION PERMIT NO.c� Seller J,�' C"t Buyer 4-jM,,t Z. - Date Application Received: Date Fee Received: Request for Inspection made by - Escrow Co. Date Escrcw No. E s c r ow 0 f f i c e r eA Address Phone: Date Inspection made:—", Deficiency Letter sent: Deficiency corrected: Transfer completed: Date Inspection: 1. Location 2. Pl.umbing: 3. Electrical - 4. Structural: 5.OTHER: REMARKS: Inspected by: aFkW b.11111111118taft Bank F_ ESCROW CLOSING LETTER NPVVPQPT (�;ZNTTER n_.r:r=jCr= Off ice #1 Civil-, PLAZA SUITE 200 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 929,Cio —Calif. _1 city of Newport Beach, Marine Dept. 3300 Newport Boulevard P. 0. Box 1768 Newpprt Beach, Ca. 92663 Escrow No. 270- 1098 Date 4- 18- 83 RE: 606 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, Ca. Permit #200-606 L __j In connection with the above numbered escrow we enclose the following documents indicated by cross (X) Please acknowledge receipt on duplicate of this letter, if one is enclosed. F-1 Policy of Title Insurance No. F-1 Note for $ El Statement of account issued by , executed by _iV APR21198310- BEACH, CALIF. LJ Disc losu re/Settl ement Statement (Statement of Settlement Costs as required by RESPA Section 4) El Insurance Policy No. for $ issued by V-1 Check No. 147790 for $ 200.00 - Permit Transfer Fee on the above. Application on cards in quadruplicate. PLEASE USE THIS ADDRESS FOR NEW OWNERS UNTIL NOTIFIED: Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Troesken 9701 Aura Avenue, Northridge, Ca. EJ 91324 El Telephone: (213) 882-3434 (office) Notification re Encumbrances First instalment real property taxes: delinquent December 10 at 5 P.M.; second instalment: delinquent April 10 at 5 P.M. Failure to receive or secure tax bill does not relieve owner of penalties. Where city taxes are not included in county tax bill, obtain informa- tion from City Tax Collector. If bill is not received prior to November 15, obtain by writing or appearing in person at Tax Collector's' Office. Any recorded documents to which you are entitled will be forwarded direct from the office of the County Recorder Any Insurance in this escrow, not held by first encumbrance holder (if any) and not enclosed herewith, will be forwarded to you later. Date - N Thank you, Receipt of the above i\a satisfactory condition and in compliance with my instru\tions is hereby acknowledged Signature Street and No. City Zone ES -500 5/82 Fl RST I NTE IRSTATE BAN K OF CAL I FORN 1A B, 70 tnF ,N§ER B ASSIST OT KIV110 E P R �_:` S i D E r_0 IL 7'0�( ; — Ce CITY OF NEWPORT B!EACH CALIFORPMA CO Oarch 30, 1983 Residential Escrow 1470 Jamboree Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: Jan Dear Sir: The City of Newport Beach has received an a?plication to transfer pier permit #200-606 for the property located at 606 Harbor Island Drive., Newport Beach. The structure was inspected on 2/9/83 at which time it was determined that the structure conforms to the City standards, Upon receipt of the$200.00 transfer fee and the completed forns, this pier permit will be transferred as requested. Sincerely, Tony MOMM Tidelands Administrator MARINE DEPAMEN7 " 71: a k Coy Hall! '�v Area &Me 71,v, 640-2156 STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMITS TRANSFER r —1 �J_ 5 C co PERMIT LOCATION, Seller L q4- 4LIAL Buyer Date Application Rec'v: /0_1_'&_a_2 --""Date Fee Rec'v: Oral Request for -Inspection 9 L�-' E ow scr Co. 111Q61d4111_&;1e _dDate Escrow Officer Escrow 1/0 - 7 Date Inspection Made Date Deficiency Letter Sent (if applicable) Date Deficiency Corrected (ifapplicable) Date Orange County Noti'fied (if,applicable) Date Transfer Completed I . Location: SPLCO-N DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. 0. BOX 2711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053 Mr. Milton Lohr 2715 Bluewater Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Dear Mr. Lohr: 2 November 1977 Thank you for your letter of 5 May 1977 notifying us of your intent to construct a ramp, float and deck at 606 Harbor Island Drive, Lot 29, Tract 3867. Your drawings have been reviewed and generally conform to the provisions of General Permit GP 004 for —privately owned boat docks in —Newport Bay Providing you have complied with State and local laws� you may proceed with the work. Your proposed work has been assigned General Permit No. GP 004-006 . If you have any further questions please feel free to call our Navigation Branch at (213) 688-5606, and refer to this number. A copy of the General Permit is inclosed. 1 Incl As stated - � T71: It 17srvff�Es'_ ' eIA FL 5 37 Apr 77 Sincerely yours, R.P. YOUNt, P.E. Chief, Construction- Operations.Division . "OT10,V Ao 49/ 0 SPLCO-N DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. 0. BOX 2711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: General Permit GP004 Newport Bay 1 November 1977 The District Engineer, Los Angeles District, Cor's of Engineers announces p the issuance of a general permit covering the installation of privately - owned boat docks in Newport Bay, a Navigable Water of the United States, as required by Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 3 March 1899. This permit is issued in accordance with the provisions of 33 C.F.R. 320, 322, 325-26 and, 328-29, titled, "Regulatory Pro ! gram of the Corps of Engineers" which provides that the District Engineer may issue a general permit for activities which are substantially similar in nature, that cause only minimal adverse environmental impacts1when performed separately and have minimal adverse cumulative effect on the environment. Upon issuance of a general permit, all activities meeting the established cri- teria are approved and will not require the submission of individual permit appXications. This general permit also authorizes the modificatlionand replacement of existing boat docks but not the installation of new boat docks where none exist in Dover Shores and around the perimeter of Balboa Island. Under no circumstances will the general permit allow boat�dock construction requir- ing bulkheading, dredging, or filling below the Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) elevation or in wetlands. Construction of a boat dock will not be allowed across any beach designated for community or public use, unless the new dock will replace an existing dock and cause no additional encum- brances on beach recreation. Typical drawings, depicting the most common types of installations that are covered by this general permit, are included�lin this notice . along i with a map showing those Navigable Waters of the United States where the general permit is applicable. The general permit covers both existing and proposed facilities within any of the private property boundaries shown on the attached drawings. Individual boat docks that do not conform to the,established general criteria will require a separate permit. The general permit is not SPLCO _N General Permit GP004 1 November 1977 applicable to commercial or public marinas nor to structures extending bayward of the pierhead line. The general permit is issued for a period of five (5) years from the effective date of this permit. DEFINITIONS: a. The term "navigable waters of the United States" means those waters of the United States that are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide shoreward to the mean high water mark (mean higher high water mark on the Pacific coast) and/or are presently used or have been used in the past, or may be susceptible to use to transport interstate or foreign commerce. (See 33 CFR 329 for a more complete definition of this term.) b. The term "wetlands" means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration suffi- cient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a preva- lence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil condi- tions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas. c. The term "adjacent" means bordering, contiguous, or neighboring. Wetlands separated from other waters of the United States by manmade dikes or barriers, natural river berms, beach dunes and the like are "adjacent wetlands." SPECIAL CONDITIONS: a. The permittee shall notify the District Engin I eer in writing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the initiation of the work. This noti- fication shall include the dock length, location of the dock by lot and tract number, and the name, address, and telephone number of the per- mittee. b. The permittee shall comply with the City of Newport Beach and County of Orange or other local authority in the construction and place- ment of the dock. c. Docks shall not exceed 800 sq ft of float or pier surface. d. The permittee shall submit project plans to the state of California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region, and shall obtain approval from the Regional Board prior to initiation of any work authorized herein. 2 SPLCO-N General Permit GP004 STANDARD CONDITIONS: 1 November 1977 a. That all activities identified and authorized herein shall be con I - sistent with the terms and conditions of this general permit; and that any activities not specifically identified and authorized herein shall constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this general permit which may result in the institution -of such legal proceedings as the United States Government may consider appropriate, whether or not this general permit has been previously modified, suspended or revoked in whole or in.part. b. That the permittee agrees to make every reasonable effort to pro- secute the work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any adverse impact of the work on fish, wildlife and natural environmental values. c. That the permittee agrees to prosecute the work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any degradation of water quality. d. That the permittee shall permit the District Engineer or his authorized representative(s) or designee(s) to make periodic inspections at any time deemed necessary in order to assure that the activity being performed under authority of this general permit is in accordance with the terms.and conditions prescribed herein. e That the permittee shall maintain the structure or work authorized herein in good condition and in accordance with the drawings attached hereto. I f. That this general permit does not convey any property rights, either in real estate or material, or any exclusive privileges; and that it does not authorize any injury to property or invasion of rights of any infringement of Federal, State, or local laws or regulations, nor does it obviate the requirement to obtain State or local assent required by law for the activity authorized herein. g� That this general permit does not authorize the interference with any existing or proposed Federal Project and that the permittee shall not be entitled to compensation for damage or injury to the structures or work authorized herein which may be caused by or result from existing or future operations undertaken by the United States in the public interest. h. That this general permit may be summarily suspended, in whole or in part, upon a finding by the District Engineer that J= diate suspen- sion of the activity authorized herein would be in the general public interest. 3 SPLCO-N General Permit GP004 1 November 1977 i. That this general permit may be either modified, suspended or revoked, in whole or in part, if the Secretary of the Army of his author- ized representative determines that there has been aviolation of any of the terms of conditions of this permit or that such action would other- wise.be in the public interest. Any such modification, suspension, or revocation shall become effective thirty (30) days after publication of written notice of such action which shall specify the facts or conduct warranting same. J. That any modification, suspension, or revocation of this general permit shall not be the basis for any claim for damages against the United States. k. That no attempt shall be made by the owner to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the activity authorized by this general permit. 1. That if the display of lights and signals on any structures or work authorized herein�is not otherwise.provided for by law, such lights and signals as may be prescribed by the United States Coast Guard shall be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the permittee. m. That if and when the permittee desires to abandon the activity authorizedherein he must restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the District Engineerw_ n. That there shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the existence or use of the activity authorized herein. o. That permittee hereby recognizes the possibility that the struc- ture permitted herein may be subject to damage by wave wash from passing vessels. The issuance of this general permit does not relieve the per- mittee from taking all proper steps to insure the integrity of, the struc- ture permitted herein and the safety of boats moored thereto from damage by wave wash and the permittee shall not hold the.United States liable for such damage. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: "11UGH G. ROBINSON DATE Colonel, CE District Engineer 4 VAelAa�C- - - ---------- 10'MI41 CLEAR. c� FLOA-, 0,(" /9 MIA1. .4 L TC-RUA re RWAf.p LOCA-rlo" (RaF-11,Ql!k 4-UW6 PL A m 'ra", OF I i— CL -17 OFF A 7- FL4ev 9.011W4.1-av Ef-Ev 411,00 7 r -E -A" Col.1c. F.yLc- J D-6 /0 -L Nl� CQ :--5A4 A IV "Al 41cl-kAje. arr "V 4L WE DEzf& SOFR7- 4 W47EW41AlC- 3 40, t, I MAX. 7' OAI AU. rto47- IvS7,44t. . 0' -V 1-. W. ()VIII LOCA7ACKI OF PIU�5 /5 OPrIOAIA L Z. I-OcAtlml 0,r Pf-A7-.-='0rA1f A?.4A4R SLIP 4 ..=404rS /6, op7"Ic"44 PRO111,CmA" I'ROPE-R SC-46ACA-5 AR -1 ,Q,!g aV,4ZO ,4r,�00,va- 71AFZ70 �4. Wr�FeE -,5P-,=C14Z coAjr.>l 7-Af>".5. 7' WID-rH A,fA%-,- 8r 70 -IT' W.172Y A7-lpAoV,4L OF MC- PU&LiC W09k.'5 DC-PAX'r"EIV7.7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT '6T AMMARV REGIVEA17-1.41- A?-e,-- 6a 4,- 6 - DRAWN —!!!f, —IAf DATE, 3 L,7 APPROVED DRAWING, _�Z). 4::Zr4D 14 TY ZIV,- A;!4Aez7 13 4:: 7/ 7/'e 74, V. 4 /- C4 OVA 7r ".4 O,q 19A 4rZ,E-Y go Aa. Z -w. cm�;ww) 1-4'Afdr j _ Vdle1AA4ej _ YA91404E r�l a ,971- A V 1VT 0. )'y XA rE-, V :Zr .4A,:Zr-7 I V"14, ffZ 1 6 11--U /Va 40" r1OW -41MOL AiCA"40NMe 4MC j�,MAMS 1,6 CW"19WA4. .e. 4C7�.a;m� gaw - wAv e-drow mo -w AfAPff 4naA,4o.,.r1d:2vs Ammor w1,o7AfowAir aw W.,,VV C�w ~Aff .10p1w. J7 /V -taw7x v ak"%wo 4py, �0,0.144cmovr AW AMIAF~Ag 77APW&17 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPAgMeff Al"1019 sr-4,vio..4.100 AZ-40AF wlrw oplZe DRAWING -ztoA,e z.L.,wcAf1,v ,aLFGASIV Z3�-,07W; 1 Ml�j r4 FIM -4 30 MAAl PL. A Plew oRr1ouAL-,-17 PLA Al TOP OFHL&Hb ez-Ev CU) CUT OFF Ple - A — ELEV -0b',00 ".L.W. rwF- co"c. plf-e —MAI. 4- CLC:Ak- 8-07. -50FF17' WA7-ERL1&C-- MoU 7' W &L AL -047 1AlSrALt-A7-1oA1s -3-0' MIL -l -W (&hV. DC -649A/ L OCd 7'10A1 OF CAMP AAI -c QP7-10M4L. PROVIVIAIG PZOPER -J-E778'p,41= AA& ",41A1r,4bWD 5AZ>-609-1-1 "� 'X?"eF;e. .3.-44Z- CITY OF NEWPORT BEZCH ATE _ 73 DRAWN D 3 -1 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPRQVE�q_ S7A-A1n,A,Pn Z4c;qfTi=ii-Y-fAl WE6T )VEWcm-Wr Cq4AWEL6 STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMITS New LOCATION PERMIT NO. Revision APPLICANT NAME. Dredging CONTRACTOR Date Rec'v 7/ -7 -Fee Amt. Fee Processed Date Reviewed by Marine Dept. Approved Denied Corection Required - Description City Council: Approved Denied Remarks DATE MATERIAL SENT/APPROVED C.O.E. SCRZCC SARWQCB J.H.C. OR. CTY. 1. Application 2. Consent Ltr. _,5 -IK -72 A/ -'5_-1,-77X 3. "Waste" Ltr. 4. Drawings 5. Staff Report 6. 7. REMARKS DATE FINAL INSPECTION STATE OF CALIFORNIA EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMIS-S,ION SOUTH COAST REGIONAL COMMISSION 666 E. OCEAN BOULEVARD, SUITE 3107 P.O. BOX 1450 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90801 (213) 590-5071 (714) 846-0648 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERM -IT Application Number: A-5-24-77-973 Name of Applicant: Milton Lohr 2715 Bluewater, Corona del Ylar, CA 92625 Permit Type: Emergency Standard H Administrative Development Location: 600 Harbor Island Drive, NeiTport Beach, CA Development Description: Construct and install a 501 x 271 slip float 4 W-Lth cantilevered deck, ramp, and 3 piles. To U.S. Pierhead line. RWQCB approval. I. The proposed development is subject to the following conditions imposed pursuant to the California Coastal Act of 1976: None bc -Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 II. The South Coast Commission finds that: A. The proposed development, or as conditioned, is: 1. In conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act of 1976 and will not prejudice the ability of local government to prepare a local coastal program in conformity with said chapter. 2. If located between the nearest public road and the shoreline of any body of water' in the coastal zone is in conformity with public access and public recreation policies of ChaDter 3, California Coastal Act of 1976. 3. That there are/are no feasible alternatives, or -feasible mitigation measures, as provided in the California Environmental Quality Act, available which would substantially lessen any significant adverse impact that the development -as finally proposed may have on the environment. III. Whereas, at a public hearing, held on June 13,.1977 at (date) T n r rq -n r P. by a una-nimQiis IN vote permit application number A-5-24-77- 973 is approved. IV. This permit may not be assigned . to another person except a's provided in Section 13170, Coastal Commission Rules and Regulations. V. This permit shall not become effective until a copy of this permit has been returned to the Regional Commission, upon which copy all permittees or agent(s) authorized in the permit application have 0 acknowled-ed that they have received a copy of the permit and have accepted its contents. VI. Work authorized by this permit must commence within two years from the date of the Regional Commission vote upon the ap-p:llication. Any extension of time of said commencement date must be applied for prior to expiration of the permit. VII. Issued on behalf of the South Coast Regional Commission on June 15, 197_7 M. J. Carpenter Executive Director bc/gM permittee/agent, hereby acknowledge receipt of Permit Number A-5-24-77-973 and have accepted its contents. (HaLe) (signatur7e-- BUYERS' NAME(S) 401 No ADDRESS L - �.CILITY: *Qb PERMIT it, MAILING ADDRESS Nft FEE CHECK NO. DATE APPROVED BY: APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO TRANSFER HARBOR PERMIT El MA zorl* i CRD' '0 E . NG SELLERS' NAME(S) BUYERS' NAME(S) (ABOVE NAMES TO BE TYPED) -�C OUNCIL U13LIC WORKS �:,SlGbIATUR EOVSELLER' E,0 BUYER - SIdNATUR F., DEPT. ESCROW SIGNATURE OF SELLER SIGNATURE OF BUYER INSPECTION "0 7� APPLICATION APPROVED (DATE) -PEkmiT CITY HARBOR COORDINATOR SPECIAL CONDI�IONs- THIS is REI�oc:ABCEBY THE CITY COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 17 _CF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. WX FORM 66-1013 REV. APP4. CAA r a 7- xs 7 -RA Ll OA 71C December '14, 1976 CITY OF NEWPORTBEACH CALIFORNIA 92660 City Hall 3300 Newport Blvd. (714) 673)W9 640-2156 Mr. Milton Lohr 2715 BI uewater Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Dear tvIr. Lohr: A copy of the Corps of Engineers letter to you regarding permits for construction over waters of Newport Bay has been received by this office. In addition to a permit from the Corps of Engineers, a Harbor Permit from the City of Newport Beach must be obtained. Application for Harbor Permits may be obtained from the Marine Department at #70 Newport Pier. If you have any questions, please contact me at 640-2156. Sincerely, Glen E. Welden Tidelands Administrator Marine Department GEW:ll SPLCO-N Mr. Milton Lohr 2715 Bluewater Corona Del Mar, CA Dear Mr. Lohr: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. 0. BOX 2711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053 92625 30 November 1976 This office has been advised that you have applied to the Coastal Zone Conservation Commission for a permit to construct a cantilevered deck and boat dock at 606 Harbor Island Dr., Newport Beach, Reference P-9332. It appears that the work you are planning involves work within navigable waters and as such is subject to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' juris- diction. A permit will be required from this office. The attached brochure defines navigable waters and briefly describes the permit application procedure. Our Navigation Branch personnel at Area Code 213/688-5606 will be pleased to assist you with further information, if necessary. 1 Incl As stated ,/CF: City of Newport Beach Marine Safety Dept. ATTN: Glen Weldon 70 Newport Pier Newport Beach, CA 92660 F "!kt P Ilk, Sincerely yours, R.P. YOUNG, P.E. Chief, Construction - Operations Division 10 0,�ff ION 49/0. 1z 7776