HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2008-0052 (2)Caulerpa Survey Reporting Form This form is required to be subrilitted for any surveys conducted for the ilivasive exotic aLwl Cilahvpa raxiJblia thatare required to be conducted under federal or state pennitsand authorizations issued by the U.S. Arilly Corps Of Engineers or Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regions 8 & 9). The forni has been desiened to assist irl controllintz the costs of rq)orthig while ensraing that the reclilired inforniation necessary to ident I ify Twd control ally potential impacts of the authorized actions on the spread of Caalvipa. Surveys required to be conducted for This species Ue subject to modification thr011-01 PUblicatioll of revisions to the Coulerpa survey policy. IT is incurnbeat upon the authorized pennittee to ell'sure that survey work is followilirg, thelattstprotocols� For filrther inforl"Otioll 01) these protocols, please contact Robert Hoffinna, National Marine Fisheries Service (NO.A.A Fiihtries)� (562) 980-4043� or lVilliaill Pqznokas. California. Department. of Fish & Glqjje� (858) 467-42 19). Report Date: -Nime of bay, estuary� lagoon, or harb or: Specific Location ame� C, 14, (+ tj N C.; L- AT (address or corninon N Lf � VJ �-b jq T L5 WI<, t4 refertlice) Site Coordinates- L.e�06r� —114.661k�2- (UTA4 -, Lat./Long., clatlilli, acclivacy leveL and all '33- 59e59 electronic survey area imp or hard copy of the inap inusk be inchided) sumey Contact: -TZWA U;M4Z-4F<) LyHjw. c6rk7. (narne, pbone, e-ineil) Personnel Conducting Survey (if other than libove): (narne, phone, e-nlail) Permit Reference.: (ACOE Permir No., R%7QCB Order oi- Cert. No) ls this the first or second survey for this project? -6p, Was Caiderpa Detected?: (if Caulaipa is found, pleFLse Yes, CA ulerp.9 -was found at this site and hnaii�diately contact NOAA Fisheries or CDFG personnel identified, above) has been conticted on date. XNo, -was Caulerpa not found at this site. Descx-iption of Pevinitted Work- cZ-50C r4-Ti-r�cd-Lra Sk6�TC-14 (de.�-Cribe bliefly tile work TO be condiacted at the site under the permits identified above) Description of Site, (desLiibe the ph�,sicai and biological Conditions Within the survey area at tile tilue. of the sin-veyand provide. insight into variabilir�y. if known. Pleava Depth range., to T --r T-0 Subst? ate. tyjm, SIL:r Ovc(z sn-mc) T�jj1pe?-,7tjj ;-0,, EEL provide units for all numerical inforillition), Exo tie spocIes etwountered (inalvding emy wher caulelpa spi,cres): Othersire. descrfpflon notes: Descriptiou of Survey Effort: (plcasa Aescribe the surveys conducted including tAwc of Survey date and thiseperiod., <>L -PT Ci e) PtA 2% cx-.) 1,4 HmIzontal Sia-vq), type. and merhods: suivey (SCTjBA, remoa: video. etc.) and slu-my methods employedt date of wo& andullvcYdelisity (estinnited percentage of the bottom actually viewed). Describe imy limitations encountered during the Survey efforts. s'Impo'Pers.0miek —rc)m we'�'sor% 2- 25 1 o Tom Sw-vey density: C Swv�y limitations: Ofllel� 111forguatioll: see, PA6-A- 34LA (-o,� �-cxa-nw.) (use this spm;c to provide addition, 91 infortuation or e>Kt:TL4�6r- WORK. references to attached 11IRP& reports, etc.) Uaulerpa "'luvey Keporting sion 12, 10!31/04) , korni (ver, Saafn T.vraSemer Svr�t 12210 CKWIEL City SLate FCA- Lungitude Latitvae F-117MI62 fH.S9&% click to got Mather Forecast Mapa for We point 20 bu rage 1 01 1 O -K HwIe I Advarretl Find j Farrous Pla�; web Servic� I About 07AWAxiismallif* 02210 Channel Rd, Newport Beach, CA 92661-1513 Newport Beeich, California, United states 10/3/1995 DWAA=d I IE 9 KWO I lefild I onfer Phow Size Aerial Photo Tow Map our 0 MEN SER a IN iol.W �y f the U-5- Gihoghad Stwy 0 V YOS 1100F. Mr� 35P Source=48422.Rurming Time 31.24 ms Q 2005 KCFOWR Cvrporab� JT�& of tj� �privayStatannan,, I Sp...�ed E�v 2 USGS msdNvir-tw[Earm .�arver=TK2TERRAWH3111 http://teffasmverusa.com/image.aspue.7T=I&S=l I&Z=l I&X=1045&Y--9294&W=I&qs--2... 9AR2008 rage i ot i S http:�,lwww6.citv.newport-bear-h-ca-usloutputlnb�_map_public_balboa78202962025,jpg 9/17t2008 STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AOrNCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL 506�H COAST b[STRICT OfFicf� P r) Box 14'to 20D QUANGATE 101 FLOoft. LONG DFAC14. CA 90502-4325 (5V),59045071 WENDMENT TO COASTAL DEVELOPIVI�ENT PERMIT IDWe'.March 4 2008. Permit A0plibation Nb.:6-00-421 -Al Issued V Erik Anderson for.. Rdmovjl,bf.ah existing s footby 60 foot dock float and.5 foot -by 24'foot ganjwak,� aficic.p.nsirudtfort of. a neW35 foot by, 4 foot gangway, 4 foot by 4-fdot lobe c9nnectingthe qlangwaTtOthe existing Pier, now4footbyllo foot la nding.at the base.0f ft now,gangway, and construction Of 6 new 'V'-sh4podfloat With two 8 MOM ,y 08 f0ortAingers andan 8 foot by 37 foot I)ao kwalk. The existing pier, Is proposed to remain in.place. Four 12.4nob diameter piles are prop removed. Fdur'nowlifLinch diameter concre . te, piles are Pr I oped to he oposed to anchor the Proposed float. at, 2210 Channel ZtreeI4 Newport Beach (Orange C unty) has been amended to include the following Changes: Tho�amendment proposes r6VIsIO"S' to thle,approved boat dock configuration and rePlacementof the existing Pier that previously was to remain. The currently proposed boat dock configuration will be a "U" shaped float with one 61 by 601 finger, one -51 by 60'finger and a 6' by 30' m4inwalk. Also proposed are a now 24' by 3' gangway, 4' by 41 lobe connecting the how pier and' -gangway, jnd*a 6, by 8, landing at.the bas -6 of the new gangway connecting it to the fl * o ' at.. -Alto Proposed under this amendment is --the removal of -the -existing 24' by 7' pier with solid docking and single 12", "T�' PHO Piet stipport,and replacement with a.new 261.by 7' pier with grated docking and two now lVdiameter, concrete "T* Pjles�. F I o.ur 12" diameter piles are proposed to -he removed with the existing float. The new "U" shaped floati will be anchored by fo.ur now 18" diameter concrete piles, T I his amendment was determined by the Executive Director to be immaterial, was duly noticed,, and no objections were received or tho. Commission concurred with the Executive Directors determination. of immatenaiity (Sec. 13166 (b)(2)). ' This amendment will become effective upon return of a signed copy of this fornn to the South Coast oistrict c)ffice'. Please note that the: original Permit conditions are SUN In effect. Date: March 25, 2008 Pernnif AppliCofien No�� 5�06-421-Al Page 2 of 3 Sincerely, PETER M. DOUGLAS Ex�ecaubUvq, Dirertor ly, WMeg "Vaugh Coastal Program Analyst ACKNOWLEDGMENT 11 have raEKandl understand the abov.e:.arhendmeht and agree to be bound by its Conditions 8ind the r6rhaining conditions; of Permit No: 5-06-421 -Al signature: Delte AL Date-MorCh 26., 2008, Permit Appica tion NO.- 5 -06 -421 -Al pOge 3 Of 3 81AYMBID.CONDITIONS: 1. N6tIce,ofLRSbeIgt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development �Shail net cownence; until ja. copy of the� oeirmjt� signed by the perm, i ackno ftee or authorized agent� wledging mcelpt of -the. permit and acceptance of'the terms and conditions, is returned to fitne:Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has. not comm nced, the, permit will ex a pire, two years from the date. on. which the. Commission Voted on this, application. Development shall be pursued in a.d.iligent Manner and comoleted In a, reasonable Oeriod,of time. Application for extension Of 06 pernilt Must be made prorIQ the: expiration date. --17 3. Iroiterpr6tat[Qn. Any:que8tion$ Of. infentor Interpretation of an con I n will be resolved y di jo by:th6.15x'.ecutIve Director or the CoMfInjisslon, 4. Assignment. The permit rn—ay be. alssignpd to anyquallfled person,, provided assignee files with the Commission anaffidavit doGepting off terms.and conditions of the permit. 5" Taimns and Gandiflonn Rion w�tt, +b- I These termsand conditions ghall be Perpetual, and it is thelintention ofthe Commission end. the pernifttee to bind all future owners ancl.possessors of the�suhiect ProPerty,to the terms and conditions. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS VENTURA FIELD OFIFICE 2151 ALESSANDRO DRIVE, -SUITE 110 ')P VENTURA,:CALIFORNIA93001 PGPLYTO. Apri t 31 2008 ATTEWT(ON OF� Office of the CJ -def Regulatory Division. HkAndersori c/o BhLeWa ter Desi6tq Group Titn.Bazley .2.510.0 Via Cabrillo MarinajSaite.z0o, SartPedro.Q.1-ifoynia 5031 .Dear IV[r. Anderson: Rcfereruce-is ruade to yoUrrcquest(C6rps File No, 2008-301-CLlvl) to replace the existing bOa(docL located at 2210 Channel Roa.di Ne�qcrt BLacj 1, California. Undet the provisions of Section 10 of [lie Rivers andHarbors, Act Of March 3,1899 (33 U.S,C. 405.), yon are lie b re DUthOrized to construsla replac�ifterit. dock in anew corifiguratioii.impacting 0.01 acno of open "'at -Lys of the United. States in Newport Bay, Orange Courity, California as show.n:on the encloseddrawings Specificedly,,younrLaitid w i7ed to: L, Remove an existing 10,5 -foot b 50-footflOating dock, an existing 5 -foot by M-foat ga"P\TaY, and four sLlypoi�'Lilig'12-iiich-diaiiieter piles; 2. Recleek-an existing aecesS pier; and 3. Construct a, new concrete dock ajad garigway consisting of a 4 -.foot by 4400t connectirLg lobe from the remaining a.ccoss. pier; aad.a 4-footby 24400t gangway leading to a 6-fookby 8-footgangway landitig connected to the new U-shaped floating dock. The new clock Would be comprised oftwo fingers 60 feet king of 5 feet and 0 feet in width, comiected by a 6 -foot by 80 -foot backwalk. The new dock would, be Supported by four 1.8-inch-djarnetel. piles. The owner or lutlaorized.responsible official must signand date all oo pies of. this Letter of Pera-681sion (LOP) indicating that lie/she agrees tathe work as described and will comply with all c I onclitions- One of the signed copies of thlq Letter of Permission inustbe returned to the Cw. I ps of Engineers (a pre -addressed erivelope is�tszclo8ed); hi addition, please use the,two attached postcards lo.notify thiaoffice as to fhe dates of 10 days prior to the start of Construction),and coin pletion of 0 e activity (within 10 days followhig the end of construction). Furthermore, You are hereby advised.fliat tl ie Corps of Enghieers has established.111 AdniiiListrobve AppeaLf'rocess wh0d ' lis fbUy descri bed in 33 CFR Part'331. ThL cornpletL:appea I processkq.dia.grannrned in the enclo�od Appendix B, -2- Th4nkY01:( for PIticiPAtifIg in on, regulatory program. PERMITTFE �ERIIJTIICI ANDERSON Sincerely, Bruce A. Henderson Senior Pr9ject-Menager North Coast Branch DATE When the&tTLIcft'xes or -work avdiorized by this petaut are stillhyexistellce -at d-Le,tire the PrOP", is b!mWerred, the terms and comWoms of tl-d8 LOP Wifl. continue to be binding.on the new ownor(s) offfie pyopej-ty. To validate the transfer of this perrrdt andthe liabilities associated with COMPIlarloe with fts4ermsand conditians, have the transferee sign and date below, TRANSFERE F Enclosurd(s) DATE -3 - PERMIT CONDITIONS General Conditioaq� I The..timejimit for cornpleting4he 4.uthoiized activity ends on April 2, 2010. If you find that you nee . ... a more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a tj ' meextension to. this office.for considers honat least one mor.tth before the above date is reached. 2. You mi-ist,m.aihtaiii.tli:e.:a�fivit.y authorized by this permit in good Condition and. -in conformance wift, the terms and.conditions.of ti'lls permit. You are. not relieved of tl!�'s reqgireinei.i.tify.ou.��'��doriithepern-dtted.-,lctivity,altLiOLIghyQti ayrn e od-f f m ak a go aith trans er to third party ijicomplianee,:with Gen -iould e1ral Condition 4 below. SI you wish to cease to maintain..U-je at'Lithorized. activity or should yqu desire to aband on it without a good, faithtnansfer, you must obtairL a mocifficatioll 0 f this permit from this office, w1-dcb may require restoration of the area. 1 If you discover any Previously 1,ulknown historic of archeological remains while accomplishing die activity 4 uthorized by this permi-t, you must immediately, notify dais off ' ice:of what you have fovnd. We will irtitiate.the Federal and state.coordination required to determirL,e if the rem ains Warninta recovery effort or if the site is eligible for, listing in the Natioijd Register ofmstoric Places. 4z If you sell the pyopel,ty associated with d -ds permit, you must obtain ti-te..signalure of the new Owner in the space provided andtforward a. copy of the Permit to this office to validate the transfer of t1tis authorization, 5. YOuMUSt-allow representatives�from this Office to inspeCttl'te authorized activitat emy time deemed necessary to ell.SLIV-0 thRtU is being or hasheen accomplished with the terms and Condit -ions of your pennit. Forttler"Ore, you must comply with the following non-discretionaryBpecial Conditions: L The permitted activity shall not, interfere witi-I the right Of the public to free navigation. oil. all I",Tvi.94�t��vatei'soft]-teUW,ted.�States,asdefi4iedby33.,C.F.R.Pa,v�t329� 2. No. earthwork is all thorized by -this Letter of Permission. 3. Creosote treate.dpilings:shall.notbe placed in navigable waters.unless ill ofth6fajjowing conditions are met A.) The proj!octinvolves the repair of edStil-19structLues that were Originally constructed using wood products; -4- B). The creosote treated pilings are wiapped. in� plastic; C) Measures are taken to preverit damage to Plastic wrapping fron-L boat use. Such Measures may include installation: of rub Strips or bumpers; D) The. plastic wrapping -is sealed at all joilits to preverit leakage; and E) The Plastic material is expected. to rhauitain it integrity for at least ten years, and plastic wrappings that. develop, ho es or leaks inust be repaired or replaced in a timely I mamer by tile Permittee, 4, No othormQdificadons or worl�.shall occur to the structure,perrnitted herein. 5� A pre-c.bi-Ls.ti+.Lic.tion.siine.y of the projectarea for Caulei-pa mxif�jia (Caulerpa) shall be conducted in accordance with the Caulerpa Control Protocol.( . see ,hMi//�Wi.ucsd,ed,Lllcd`/­c�c,2vl.h ) gqk,earlier ffian 90 calendar. days prior to pharried construction and.nolt latex ffiart 310 calendar days prior to construction. T - lie results of dhat survey shall, be fu . misbed to the Corps� NOAA Fisheries, and the California Depevtment of Fish and Ga �ast 15 caiendar days prior to ill ria 'or., 0 avi I gable waters. In IL i ti f, woi�k in n, �tl te even t tliat.Caulerpa is: detected within the project, area, the Pem . ittee shall not commence in work until such time as the infestaticinhas been isolated, treated, and the risk of spread is eliminated as confirmed in wilting by the Cbrps� inconsulta-tion wiffi NO.AA Fisheries ard CDFG. 6. FOR BOAT DOCKS and OTHER STRUCTURES PLACFD IN WATERS OF THE Us WITH THE POTENVAL TO 11UPACT EELGRASS: Once authorized imp acts, to navigable waters allthoriyed by this permit have cease thePe iteeshall rinit conduct* two �years of post- construction-eelgrass monitoring suj%reys.pex the dlappir.iggi�idelines in NOAAFislieries' Southern, California Felgrass MJtigdtiori Policy (Policy) 'icd/eel o�-tttn)..Allreqttiredpost-const�,uction.monitoringstirveys sl,iaUbesubiiiitted�bytlieFe.rniiLtee to theCorpsand NOAAFisheries wifhViWcalendar days ;of.each survey completion date, Based upon the post -construction monitoring survey results and hi accordance with the Policy� the, Corps�wffl cfetermir�e the need and/or arnourru of Essential Fisl-tHibitat (EFFI) mitigation requixed to offset -adverse irnpacts-to such habitat. TI -Le .Corps��viUliansirLitilsdeteTAiiit)a�'ohtati,tePetinittLe.i�iwiitiiag. Within 6Ucalondar days of receiving the Corps' deterniiiiation specifying the.need and amount of rinitigation, the Pertufttee s1hal]. submit a draft EF -H mitigation plan to tile Corps for revieW Lid approval. The EFH paitigation plai i shall be. prepared in accordance with, the Policy.and the Corps' Los Ancreles District Mitigation Guidelines and Monitoring Requirements, dated April 19, 2004. The Permittee shall fully irriplemerit the.f.inal EF H mitigation plan as approved by. tlie Corps. The -appIJ caift shall in -onitor light lev.els, below thegrate6 overwater structures to ensure that sufficient ligbt.is available for eelgrdss growt b. The methodologyand results from this mold,borirtgsliall be -provided to the�Corps.and NOAA Fisheries no later than 30 days from Ef�l,i.ghtcondlitiohs.,Tr�iiotsutficienttoaccGminodate -5- "Igrass growththen:a contiagencyptan skrall be adopted and implementedin cooperation ivith the.Corps and NOAA Fisheries. S. The Perroittee.shall discharge only clean construction Materlajs suitable for use in the oceanic environAftent. The Permittee shall ensure no debris, soil, silt sand, sawdust, rubbish, ceine . nt or concrete WaShings t1lereot oil or petroleum products,frorn construction shall be allowed to en.ter into or placed. where it maybe washed by rainfall or rurtoff into waters of the United Sttltes� UP011 completion.of the Pt.0jectauthorized herein, anyend all excess material or d6ris 4.1011 be completely rernoved.from the work area and disposed of ft -L an appropriate uplzrrid site. 9. TlieVeIrmittee ghall notify the Corps of the date. of coinliiencemQnt of operations notless thaa, 14 ca lendar da . s prior to cornmencing Woik, mid shall not�, the Corps of the date. of y compl0tion of , opetations a � least five calendar days prior to sudi. completion, 10. Tfi(�.Perinittee-shall notify the Co.mmander, Eleventh Coast Guard District, the coast and Guard Marine -Safety Office Group LA -LB, not less than 14 calejadar days prior to �work and as project orm commencing ml, ation changes. The notification, either by letter, fay, or e-mail, shall include as a, D-m-YU-Publi OIL following information: A) Project description including the type ofoperatkon (i.e, dredging"divin& construction, etc). B) Location of operation, including, latitude / Ion-itude NAD 83)� C) Work start and completion dates and th.e,expected duration of operations, D) Vel9sels involved in the opera tion (na . me, size and type), E) VHF -FM �adio frequencieS monitored by vessels on scene. F) Point of contact and 24-hQur phone number. G) Potential hazards to naviga[iont, 1-1) -Chart rturnber for the area of operation, Commander, 11th Coast Guard District (oan) Attn - Local Notice to Mariners Coast G nard Maori, Building 50-3 Alameda, CA 94501-5-100 TEL- (510) 437-2986 FAX:�(510) 437-3423 U.S.. Coast Guard Marine -Safety Office / Group LA -LB Attn,. WaberwaysMarfagment lQQf South.Sea�ide Ave., Bldg 20 San Pedro, CA 90731 TEL- (310) 73M020 FAX: (310) 732-2029 11, The Permittee and its contractor(,$) shall not remove, relocate, Obstruct, willfully darnage, rnikelast to, or interfere with any aids to navigation defined at 33 C.F.R ' chapter L sub,cli,apter C, part 66. The.NrniRtee shall ensure its contractor notifies the Eleventh Coast Guard -District in writing, WIM1.4 dopyto.the Corps, riot less t1lan equi 30. calendar days in advaace of operating arty , pment adjacent.to any aids to navig-ation which requires relocation Or removal. Should any 0 .federal aids tailavigation be:affectef i by this project, the. Permittee shall submit a request, in Writing, to the -Corps as well.ps the U.S. Coast Guard� Aids to Navigation office. The Perinittee and its contractor ate prohibited from relocating or removing any aids to navigation until .authorized to do so by the Corps and. the ug. Coast Guard. 12, Should the Perinittee determine the w6rl<, requires the placement and use of private aids to riaviga tion in navigable waters. of the U.S., the Permittee shall submit a request in writing to t . he Corps as well as the US, Coast. Guard, Aids to Navigation office. The Permittee is pro hibited from establishing private aids to rl� VigatJon in -navigable waters of the U.S. until authorized to do so by the! Corps and. the tj.S. Coast Guard. ,13.. Upon. notification to the U.S. Coast Guard as specified in Special Condition 10, the Permittee eopy.ofthenoidificad0lito t I �e Coast Guard Ci -Le Port (COTP). T�e p tain of U 'COTP Inlay Illoclify the deploymei*of mardle,construction equipillent or mooring systpins.,to safegu,,irdriavig,�tiopdLujiigp�!?ject.�oi�st3:ttction. TI -le Permittee shall direct questions cox�cei-iiijig.li,ghting;equip.iijeAtpl�c6ihent,ajidri'tooriii�totlieapptopri�ito(�OTP, 14., Wid-lin 30 calendar days Of Completion of the project authorized by this permit, the Permitteesball conduct a post�projectlsurvey indicating Changes to structures and other features in navigable "raters. 'Me. Perinittee shall fbrwaxd.a COPY Of the STATVey to tN'� Corps and to the National Oceanic and Almospheric Smice for chart -updating; Gerald E Mieatorl, NOAA Regional Manager, West Coastand Pacific Ocean DOD Center Monterey Bay, Room 5082 Seaside, CA 93955-6711. f5; The perinittee lixiderstands, And ag-rees that, if future operatfolls by the UnitLd States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of the structure at w ork h6reiii xarhorized,.or if, III ffie.npinion of the Secrptaxy of the Arnly, or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause Luir-L,�isoiiableLobst-iuctioi� to the, free navigation of the navigable waters� the perinittee will be required, upon du� noLice from tfie Corps of Engineers, to remoVe,.relocate,or alter the structural work or obstructibils CATSed t . hereby, withou texpense to the Ullit,ed States. No claim shall be made against the United States on account of any such removal or )Iteration. Further Inforination: i. Corlgre8sionalAuthori[ies: You, are authokized to undertake the activity dese ribed above Pairsumit to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of'1899 W U.S.C. 403). 2. Lindts,of 611s,autharizAbon -7- a. 'Mispermit does riotobyaa.te. thexteed to obtab.i.otl-,ier Federal, state, Or local authorizabons required, by Jaw� b. This permi t. does not g I�t f�rt ally PrOP�AY rights or exrJusive privileges. c� TIAS permit does not,authorize.,aiy irqury tothe property. or �ights of others, d. 71-tisperm es . 0 ti it.do n.t.A th6tize h1terfelenceWith MY existing or proposed Fed eril project, I LkI is of FMerg Liability. in issLihig flli� POrarit, the Federal Goverru-nent does not assume any - liability for the following - A. Damages to the perir�itted prqject�or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or Ltrtpermitted activities, OT, from natural causes; b. Dam agestoffie. ernu- e nlhereof as a resultof coxteot or future activities p. tted,proi Ct Ox use .Luiciertakeiib.ybkbtib6li,iffof-illeO.r.�.tedSta.t(�s:intliepi-tblicint-e.rest. c,- Qwnages to -persona, property-, or tbotlier, I 'perinitted or uriperinitted activities or stnicttires caused by tbe activit ', ,y authorized by tl-ds:peTrnit. 4. Design.or construction defici , endes associated widl the perrnitted work. e. Damage claims associated with,any future modification suspension, or revocation of this permit. 4. Relhince 01, Applicant's Data: TRe i office ffiat issuance of this pern itiB determination. of �tIL S u n0tc0RtrftrYtO thepublicintexesit was inade inrelianceon the i4fornaption you provided. 5. Reevalua-timi of Permit Demion. This office may t fte the circmmtanees wajTarl , t, Circumstances . . , reevalt Efte its decision on this petmit ata�oy not limited to, -th e followi . ng: . tha t cOW.d r6quirez reevaluation include, but ate a. YQU.fail tO Comply With-. the terms and �onditiibns of tl-ds permit� b. The ft-dormatioll provided by you in support Of y0br*peirnit, appEcation proves to have been -false, incomplete, by inaccurate (See 4 above), Ic. Significant new information-surfacQ6 wilich this office did not corLsider in reachin 010 original pttblic interest decision. .9 Such a reevaluation may resultin a detertninatiori that itis�appropriate to use the suspengioni, Mortification, and revoc-abon prowdirres contained int,53. CtR 325.7 or en-foxcernent pro�eduzes such -as those cOnt8in6d ha 33 CF`R 326.4. and 3Z6.5; Thereforertced enforcementprooedure�s Provide for 010 issuaiice of an adrniiiistrative'arder requiring you to coxr�ply W 0 ithth, terms -and conditions ofyour permit and for the ihitiatiorf of legataction where appropriEfte, You will be reqtAred to pay for any correqtive measure ordered by thi& Office, arLd if fail to,comply with such directive, this e:may iii certain�sitdatic)ns (mch as those specified in 33 CFR 205A70) -offic YOU t esby contract or otherwiscand bill you for Ifie cost. tr M 6. Ek�ensions.. . Gei)eral cond itiort I establishes a tirne lirnit for the completion of the activity au*or ed by tWs permit. Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion of of a reevaluation of the priblic interest decision, the Corpswill normalJ[y give youiavof-�jble consideration to a request for rai extension of tijis, ffi-ne limit, !'d'%R8OR RESOURCES DIV. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FIER BAU VICINITY MAP OCIE�A/ PIER .MIMI MY. .m. BAY PROJECT SITE )/�'PER I NEWPORT v 84Y I REMOVE EXISTING FLOATING DOCK. PILES. GANGWAY AND PIER. INSTALL NEW CONCRETE DOCK W/ 4-18" SO. PILES. INSTALL NEW 3'x24' GANGWAY, INSTALL NEW 4'x4' GANGWI8 SUPPORT PIER W1 1-12- SQ. PILE. INSTALL NEW 7'x2O' PIER W/ 2-14" "T' PILE, �ERTF LINE Ex7ENSim EELWASS PATCH (TIP) '8' PXE I'r,) E�T JEM EEL GRASS INSPECTION 0 Eelgrass within 15' of project )4 Eelgrass within 15 - 30'of project 0 No Fmal n project area S�gnature I nspecti Date & Time 70' 0. MI.LW IML�=l SCALE 1"=40' Fl EVATIO SOUNDINGS ARE EXPRESSED IN FEET AND DENOTE DEPTHS BELOW MEAN LOWER LOW WATER. MAXIMUM RANGE OF TIDE APROXIMATELY 10 FEET. HARBOR LINES ARE ESTABLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NEWPORT BAY. TYP. nl-<�RASS PAICH'A5 PER 07/1 E/O, E", REPORT. TYP. EELqMSS PATCH AS PER CITT OF NWORT OEACK DATABASE (NOT SVMM OURNC �E 07/16/06 SUR�). EPSTW GuWb u� . Hu" UNE VllcX' C4NOWAY 63 It IF ORA IEL? OCCKINU RE)A01W EfflST 24Ir7' R & R�CE W1 M-17- PER W1 GRA TW GEWN0 P ERTY LINE W1 MO 14- -T- ML TENRON N S`0 414 109C I/ I.A 10 ECO" W 'ME 12" 50 (E) 24'�- VNOWY (To W REWOWD) LJ �C) I &/ '�50' FLUA TWU VOCII' To 66 REVOWD) � I . , , , — — , � , , � � , ", U.a aEVITAD LINE TEL: (949) 202-9 - 3 , 49 IJOB ADDRESS: 2210 CHANNEL ROAD I DATE: 26 JULY 07 HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034 / Fax 949-723-0589 APPROVAL IN CONCEPT APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH as required for permit application to the South Coast Regional Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Sections 13210 and 13211. General Description of Proposed Development: Remove existing dock system. Install new concrete dock w/4-18" pile.New 3'X24'gangway. New 4'X4' lobe w/1 -12" pile. New TX20' pier w/2-14" "T" pile. Address number must be stenciled on at least 1 bayward facing pile. .Pier conditions must be signed by applicant prior to final approval. jProperty Address: 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA 92661 Legal Description: I Harbor Permit Number: 108-2210 IPlan Check Number: 1693-2006 / 162-0-2�WB —1 jApplicant: Erik Anderson Applicant's Mailing Address: 2210 channel Road Newport Beach, CA 92661 Phone Number: (949) 202-9349 I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application. P2ge 1 of 2 And find A They comply with the current adopted Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and any applicable specific or precise plans or, Ei That a variance of exception has been approved and final. A copy of any variance, exception, conditional use permit or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept and said approval has been written upon said plans, signed and dated. Should Newport Beach adopt an ordinance deleting, amending or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act or 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted hereunder, this development: 'K Has been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. o Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). o Has received a Final Environmental Impact Report (copy attached). All discretionary approvals legally required of Newport Beach prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in principal by Newport Beach unless a substantial change is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes and regulations of Newport Beach. See attached conditions to the pier permit. Lisa Walters, Harbor Resources September 11, 2007 Attachments: Worksheet for Building Permit Application Drawing Pier Conditions Page 2 of 2 HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-3034 / Fax (949) 723-0589 Special Conditions September 11, 2008 Property Address: 2210 Channel Road With reference to the plans currently under consideration at the above referenced address to reconfigure or modify the dock system or bulkhead, the following conditions will now be in effect: 1 . The project proponent is aware of the Harbor Permit Policies (Council Policy H-1) and Title 17 of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. The project proponent understands that the above referenced structure(s) is under the purview of these Policies and Codes. 2. Any future work on the above mentioned structure(s) requires permits with the City of Newport Beach and any other applicable agencies. Painting and work considered to be cosmetic in nature does not require a permit. 3. The conditions set forth in this document pertain to the proposed dock system and/or bulkhead under consideration. Any future modifications or alterations to the dock system and/or bulkhead may require new conditions which may override or change these conditions. These conditions supersede all past conditions associated with this property. 4. Only marine oriented uses are allowed on the pier, pier platform, gangway and float. Patio furniture, plants etc ... are not permitted. 5. In accordance with Municipal Code 10.08.030 A. the project proponent shall obtain the proper permits for equipment and materials storage. "Except as otherwise provided in this section, no person shall use any public street, sidewalk, alley or parkway or other public property for the purpose of storing or displaying any equipment, materials or merchandise, or any other commercial purpose. B. Public streets, sidewalks, alleys, or parkways may be used for the purpose of selling, storing, or displaying any equipment, material, merchandise or for other commercial purposes in the following cases: ... For the temporary storage of construction equipment or material provided a permit is issued pursuant to Chapter 12.62 of this Code and the storage is consistent with provisions of the Uniform Building Code." 6. The project shall be implemented in conformance with the Local Coastal Program - Coastal Land Use Plan. Page 1 of 2 7. In accordance with Municipal Code 10.28.040 the following noise regulations apply: "A. Weekdays and Saturdays. No person shall, while engaged in construction, remodeling, digging, grading, demolition, painting, plastering or any other related building activity, operate any tool, equipment or machine in a manner which produces loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a person of normal sensitivity who works or resides in the vicinity, on any weekday except between the hours of seven a.m. and six -thirty p.m., nor on any Saturday except between the hours of eight a.m. and six p.m. B. Sundays and Holidays. No person shall, while engaged in construction, remodeling, digging, grading, demolition, painting, plastering or any other related building activity, operate any tool, equipment or machine in a manner which produces loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a person of normal sensitivity who works or resides in the vicinity, on any Sunday or any federal holiday." 8. Your side property lines extend in. the water along their same bearing. Vessels shall not encroach upon the neighbor's property on either side. 9. Vessels may not extend beyond the end of the fingers by more than the width of its beam. Lisa \iy4ters, Harbor Resources Date Signature Print Name Date Joint Pier Applicant Signature (if applicable) Print Name Date Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Building Combo Permit Application City of Newport Beach - Building Department Please print 3 copies Elec F7 Mech F7 Plum V'Building I— Grading [7.Drainage r 1. Project Address (Not mailing address) Floor Suite No .. _io # Units (if Residential) Tenant Narne(if Applicable) F . .. ... 2. Description of Work use /"A/ r . .... ...... ... ........ .... .. ......... ............. ........................................................ Valuation$ Exist House SFF—Demo House'SF r Add/ReconstrLICt House SF Exist Gar SF Demo Garage SF SF # Stories Add/Reconstruct Garage 1771 TOTAL HOUSE SF Yd Cut New f—,, Add F. Alter f7,..Derno Cu ... .. . ..... TOTAL GARAGE SF Cu Yd Fill F Check Appropriate Box for Applicant 3. Owner's Name Last ............ First Owner's Address Owner's E-mail Address If .... .. ... ....... . . ... r ;�F Telephone city Zip 0 State . . .... .. .... .... ... ... ..... ...... ........ ... . .... ......... .. .... F- 4. Architect/Designer's Name Last First Lic. No. Architect/Designer's Address Arqbitect�gesignw'��-E7Ma-il'Address City 5. Engineer's Name Telephone State Zip J F Last FirstF i 1/pi Lic. No. ov, 1, --11, ... .. .... ... ... . 1 1-7 _ L_ .. . .... ...... ........ ....... r;F Contractor's Address Contractor's E-mail Address F-772--:7 ............. .. .......................... elephone city S State Zip i 1 77/ ................. ........................... OFFICEUSEONLY ENERGYP/CFEE$ PERMIT NO. GRADING P/C FEE $ PLAN CHECK NO. I G-� C) Facsimile Transmittal Harbor Resources Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-3044 Fax (949) 723-0589 Date: September 11, 2008 To: Prabin T. From: Lisa Walters Fax No: (310� 548-1924 No. of Pages: 3 (Including cover sheet) RE: AIC for 2210 Channel Road Attached is the. information that you requested. Thanks! Lisa Walters, Lisa From: erik anderson [erik.a@4afc.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 12:01 PM To: 'Jennifer Pettis' Cc: 'Marquez, Crystal SPU; 'BazT' Subject: FW: new dock layout Attachments: Jennifer. Pettis.vcf; Proposed over Exist 07-02-071.pdf Am in Jennlfer.Pettls.vcf Proposed over Exist (558 B) 07-02-071.... Thank you for the great news. I look forward to working with you on this submittal. Erik ----- Original Message ----- From: Jennifer Pettis (mailto:Jennifer.Pettis@ncaa.gov) Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 11:26 AM To: erik anderson Cc: Marquez, Crystal SPL; bryant.chesney Subject: new dock layout Hello Mr. Anderson, Bryant and I have had a chance to review and discuss your newest dock design (titled 'Proposed over exist 07-02-07-l'). We are satisfied with your minimization of overwater coverage and are comfortable proceeding forward with this design. Recommendations in our letter to the Corps regarding your permit application will include pre- and post- construction eelgrass surveys according to our policy �http://swr.nmfs.noaa.gov/hcd/policies/EELPOLrevll final.pdf) and monitoring light levels to assure that alternative construction materials are allowing sufficient light passage for eelgrass growth. if light conditions are not sufficient to eelgrass growth and/or eelgrass is directly impacted we will need to recommend mitigation. Thank you for submission of your design. Best, Jennifer 562-980-4046 I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT P.O.BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658, (949) 644-3288 FEE RECEIPT TARGETDATE: Date _J J3 -d, Plan Check No._LU__z9:d�0 Received by: '2,2�j Received from I_ . Job Address Building Plan Check ....................................................................... 2900-5002 Harbor Resource Plan Check (Building) ............ .......................... 2900-4627 ZoningPlan Check ......................................................................... 2700-5003 GradingPlan Check ...................................................................... 2900-5004 FirePlan Check .............................................................................. 2330-5055 Electrical Plan Check ...................................................... ............... 2900-4612 PlumbingPlan Check ..................................................................... 2900-4616 Mechanical Plan Check ........................ ........ 2900-4618 Harbor Resources Plan Check ............. ........ 2370-4654 00 Overtime Plan Check - Building .................................................... 2900-5023 Overtime Plan Check - Grading .................................................... 2900-5004 Overtime Plan Check - Planning ................................................... 2700-5003 Preliminary Code Compliance Review .......................................... 2900-5002 Reinspection B E M P/Special Inspection ..................................... 2900-5008 ReinspectionFire .... I .......... I ............................................... ............ 2330-5050 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy .................................. .......... 2900-5008 Underground Utilities Waiver ....................................................... 010-2225 Energy Compliance ........................... .......... Planning Department Fees ................................ V . NO -1 ............... 2900-5017 ............... %� ....... 2700-6000 Sale of Maps & Publications (Planning). � '� T ........... ok, - - . .. �%'� ............... 27 00-5812 Determination of Unreasonable Hardship ................ 130_6COO-5018 Public Works Plan Check .................................. ............. 5200-5002 Performance Deposits (Refundable) ..... lc"�� .......... 010-2201 ... ' ... ­­ ...... * .......... * Records Management Fee (Copies) ................................................ 010-2263 Other(Specify) ................................................................................ $ TOTAL FEES 00 For Plan Check status log on to: www.city.newnor+-hPnP1, select On -Line Services or call (949) 644-3255, Fee Receipt No. �1� NOTICE: PLAN CHECK EXPIRES 180 DAYS FROM DATE OF SUBMITTAL. (f\feerept, 6/05) FROM : Mark Sites FAX NO. : 949 675 1071 Jul. 19 2006 04:57PM P2 Caulerpa Survey Reporting Form This form is required to be submitted for any surveys conducted for the invasive exotic alga Caulerpa taxifolia that are required to be conducted under federal or state permits and authorizations issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regions 8 & 9). The form has been designed to assist in controlling the costs of reporting while ensuring that the required information necessary to identil)r and control any potential impacts of the authorized actions an the spread of Coulerpo, Surveys required to be conducted for this species are subject to modification through publication of revisions to the Caulerpa survey policy. It is incumbent upon the authorized permuttee to ensure that survey work is following the latest protocols. For further information on these protocols, please contact: Robert Hoffinan, National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries), (562) 980-4043, or William Paznokas, California Department of Fish & Game, (858) 467-4218). Report Date: July 19,2006 Name of bay, egtu2ryl lagoon, or harbor: Newport Harbor Specific Location Name: (address or common reference) 2210 Channel Read Site Coordinates: (UTM, Lat./Long., daturn, N33 35.8911 accuracy level, and an W 117 519391 electronic survey area map or hard copy of the map most be included) Survey Contact- (name.,phone, e-mail) Mark Sites (949) 675-1071 Perao,nuel Conducting Survey (if other than above); (name, phone, e-mail) same Permit Reference. (ACOE Permit No., RWQCB Order or Ced, No.) City buildina permit h this the first or second survey for this project? First Was Casderpa Caulerps was found at this site and Detected?: (if Caulerpa is found, please immediately has been contacted on date. contact NOAA Fisheries or CDFG personnel identified above) X)COM—No, C2U]erpa was not fob0d at this Site. FROM ; Mark Sites FAX NO. : 949 675 1071 Jul. 19 2006 04:57PM P3 Description of Permitted Work. (describe briefly the Remove existing float, replace with new configuration and new work to be conducted at the ramp and piles. site under the permits identified above) Description of Site- Depth range: -5' to -14' MLLW (describe the physical and Substrate Ve: Medium grain sand to mud over sand biological conditions within the survey area at the time of the survey and provide insight, into variability, if known. Please Temperature: 6SF salthy—, NA Dominantflora: pmvide units for all numerical information). None Dominantfiiruna: Mussels on dock floats Exotic species encountered (including any other Caulerpa None species): Other site description n0les: None Description of Survey Survey date and Effort: anteperw JtAy 18, 2006 1300-1345 (please describe the surveys Horizontal conducted including qV Of vk1bilitY in water' 3' survey (SCUBA, remote video, etc.) and survey of methods employed, dau ; work, and survey density Survey type and methods: Surveillance level SCUBA survey in the area of the proposed new float (estimated percentage of the bottom actually viewed). Describe any limitations SwTeypersonnel., encountered during the survey efforts. Mark S' Survey density., Over 60% Survey limitatiom Poor visibility due to surf and surge at 1 harbor entrance Other Information. (on this space to provide +4.0' NffiLW flood tide additional information or rciercaccs 10 attached maps, reports, etc.) I Drawing attached I R�Vurxiug Farm MiGR I.Z, LU1,111V41) FROM : Mark Sites FAX NO. : 949 675 1071 Jul. 19 2006 04:58PM P4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH , I� CITY p5 NEWPORT 66LC.4 FROM : Mark Sites FAX NO, : 949 675 1071 Jul. 18 2006 05:39PM P2 jul ),:) 06 0-;.45P Tim Doxleu jiun"MICIL'? I.. I CITYOF NEWPORT BEACH NE WWRYT (95EACR wm NEW= 0 AV occq /VM VICINITY Kv NZ SCALE V-40' CAP PROJECT GITE ATTY SCILINOM,% A7F Fypprw-n IN ffn ELEVATRW 4 ��IO* It- WPM= AM SCOPE Ow WOR)LI ur oxwv. MUM, REPLAC[� EKISTING FLOATING DOC4(. PILES AND GANGWAY VAIN NEW CONCRETE DOCK PH FS ANn GANGWAY. goo" � ~w,11 owam�&� ANTS N2AMF-' EIRIK AMPhWiUN 0$ ADDRESS: 2210 CHANNEL �ZOAD i DATE! 08FEE106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANTS N2AMF-' EIRIK AMPhWiUN 0$ ADDRESS: 2210 CHANNEL �ZOAD i DATE! 08FEE106 Sep 19 06 10:09a Tim Bazle!j 3105481924 P.1 BLUEWATER DESIGN GROUP FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: FROM; CHRIS MILLER/LISA WALTERS TONU METS COMPANY� DATE: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 19SEP06 HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION PAX NUNWER'. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: (949) 723-0589 5 PRONENUMBER: SENDEWS REFERENrE NVM13FR: (949) 718-1844 2064 -AIB RE: . YOUR 1USFERENCE NUMBER: ANDERSON RESIDENCE EELGRASS: SURVEY E]URGFNT 11 FOR REVIEW OPLEASE! COMMENT Rl PLEASE RrPLY 1:1 PLEASE RECYCLE NOTFS/COMMENTS: 2500 VIA CABRILLO MARINA, SUITE 200, SAN PEDRO, CA 90731 THLE; 310.548.31,32 / FAX: 310.548.1924 / EMAIL: BAZT@AOL.COM Sep 19 OG 10:09a Tim Bazle,,j SEP -12-2006 OR:07 PM MARK & MARY 3105481924 p.2 949 675 1071 P-02 Eelgrass Survey Reporting Form (Version 1.0, June 20, 2003) This fam is required to be submitted for my surveys conducted for the ealgtus� zostem tWHm, tI.A ta be a6stfusted undw f4doral op ctato platmitit and autharhillitiono Isswd by tho U.S. Anny Cuipb uf E. i4sid6trs and the Coastal Commission, 11w filtm. bus been designed to assist in identif�ing celgrass while ensuring that the required information is consistently documented. Surveys "uired to be conducted for this species am subjea to modification through publication of revisions to the cclgrass survey policy. It is incumbent upon the authorized permittec to ensure that survey work is following the latest protocols..For further jnfqTMjMqA VU IbW VjyjW?j!h please contact: Robcrt Hollinew, National Mariac I:ishcries S.-c�m7le,4% (.562) 40-ai.143. ,Ic VWTIOIOI'� (Wifill-fliA Dt�]VWTTUIII orn�ii & oame. (n5h.l 467-0 19). IttN Name: 2210 Channel Place, Newport Beach common refirr"C6) ommen urvey Contact. qm� Contact' name, phone, e-mail) e , phone' e_�) Mark Sites �94?1 675-1071 ermit Reference-. e "IL P ACOE Nnnil N0.1 RN%,'Q('R )r&I ,, City building permit rite ydrographle Syitem- y Mr estuary� Iwon. or IWM. or ry Lower Newport Harbor P;Ociflc Location: ec M 6' kf, L&LIUKi., Atears, U N33 "All, curacy level, stanch carsey W117 52.9391 lecuftic survey amma map if leelf,ml ey 'bit) gal Was Eetrasy Detectird: xxx Vex, Edgrass was found at this sitc. Eelgrass was not found at this site. Description of Permitted Wnrkf 611juv" "Juell" floaL Replace with now Configur3tion and ReA_ %flhoWnflyihavAnt-kin ow ramp and piles. conducted at the aitc undcr c permirs identified abov I a) Sep 19 06 10:10a Tim Bazle!:j SEP -18-2006 08:09 PM MARK & MARY 3105481924 p.3 949 675 1071 P.03 one I Depth range: dwnbo Ow OyvW wid -5'tQ-14'MLLW OID&BI CWWWOM Within e survey am at the time of FP a survey and pmvide insighl vsrisbinty, ifkwvnl, lu:nm esse proodic units for tal OrfCa) InfDrMWOn). Substrate rmw MeOlum graln sena to muo over Sana 168 F Salinity: NA. Dominant fibra., Eelgrass patch" Dominant fauna: Mussels on dock floats, piles, and seawall - Exotic species encountered: None site auripsta" otes., Notie 2 Sep 19 06 10:10a Tim Bazle!j SEP -12-2006 08:09 PM MARK M MARY 3105481924 p.4 949 675 1071 P.04 DoscrIption of SurvOY rvey date nd time July 16, 201016 1300-1345 Effort: (plea" deswribe ffic surveyl ew, conducted including type of y (SCUBA, remote We, cu.) ond survey mthods employed, date of icit, and survey density astirmto percentage of the ottom "ally viewed). )escribe imy limitations m6waved duving urvey Cftn& Flu, i4dluW visibility in 3' water: Survey type and methods., Surveillam�e level SCUBA survey using gidd pattem Vurvey Personnel. - Mark Sites unslLy: over Oulb U imilations: Poor visibility due to surf and surge at nmby harbor cntra=, er ' er Information; 0 0 thi5 SPOOO to provide asly thi5 +4.0'MLLW flood tide itio"al inibravdion or ("0" as to attached terialaauch as maps, r4=01 Drawing altached ons, etc.) Eelgrass Survey Repnrting Form (version I.Q. 6/17/Q3) 3 Sep 1-8 06 10:10a Tim Bazle�j 3105481924 p.5 SEP -18-2006 09:09 PM MARK & MARY 949 675 1071 P.05 Sep 14 us 01136F Tim Bazleki 3105481924 P.3 rRCK : Mark Slice Frx NO, t 949 675 1071 Jul. 19 2006 05:39M P2 Jul vo as Doi3Obp Tim Doolou JIU11*61044 C.ITTOF NEWPORT 8F.Ar,11-1 .W.w� , %'W. X w 4?— e, (I re -5 -s AINIONEW WO C~NEL R= j FAX: WFMM ,5(�wg CL ItZ 14 c Z%w VtClt4l'TV MAIt' P LOVEM PRDJC-CT GITC PILES Val DOCK. PIF% AM 9114011101T, .W.w� , %'W. X w 4?— e, (I re -5 -s AINIONEW WO C~NEL R= j FAX: WFMM ,5(�wg CL ItZ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Up ER N N --7 Ew ORT e a a tv c , W Q4 NEWPORT FIER BAY OCE 11ALBOA VICINIT P 'llvPlER N�n �Y, �MWA KST i PROJECT SITE SCOPE OF WORK: REPLACE EXISTING FLOATING DOCK, PILES AND GANGWAY WITH NEW CONCRETE DOCK, PILES AND GANGWAY. PRO1110M), LIVE Drlm-qcN ,)(,- ycd +11' 0' MLLW ELEVATION SCALE 1"=40' EAST I JETTY SOUNDINGS ARE EXPRESSED IN FEET AND DENOTE c — I ELEVATIONS EEL UHASS INSPECTIN rNOIERE LACE 4 UISTING 12' CONCRETE PIUS PLI` NE. 18" CONCRETE PILM 13 NO EEL GRASS WITHIN 15'OF EEWRASS IN THE PROJECT/ CONCRE'Ir DOCK -1 NEW 41x101 LANDING � NEW 35' GANG WAY I SID. 4�4 LOITE 10 PERMIT # PROM?7Y UNE EXTENSION EI(IS7ING RER TO �AIN M77NO 6.24' GANGWAY - EXISTING Blk!50' nOADNG DOCK NO ig` -�Z Eil�l 12'� , �4'�'�gvFal 141 NEW 78- PTLE (TvFg SITE PLA SCALE 1"=20 u PIERHEAD UNE APPLICANT'S NAME: ERIK ANDERSON TEL: (949) 202-9349 lJOB ADDRESS: 2210 CHANNEL ROAD DATE: 08FEB06 WORKSHEET FOR BUILDING / FIRE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. PROJECT ADDRESS (NOT MAILING ADDRESS) -Z 0 Q-Wev VE -j, (2-0 AQ t "u- �-wf -r te'4&i JAOOR SUITE NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK TRACT I No. UNITS PHONE NO. 9 L4q ��70� - (q -33 F] 4, ARCH ITECTIDESI GN ER�S NAME LAST FIRST 2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK e-E-PCACS 0,AkJ-Gr.)W, z4jp PiLe5 USE # OF STORIES ?ALUATION $ 20 00a SQ FT (NEW/ADDEDIEXTG) PHONE NO. F-1 5. ENGINEER'S NAME LAST FIRST STATE LIC. No. NEW,pj' ADD El ALTER DEMO E] I I Gheck Appropriate Box for Applicant F-1 3. OWNER'S NAME. LAST FIRST A10'UjV AJ OWN ER'S ADDRESS OWNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS --er� upit, I CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. 9 L4q ��70� - (q -33 F] 4, ARCH ITECTIDESI GN ER�S NAME LAST FIRST LIC. NO. ARCHITECT/DESIGNER'S ADDRESS ARCH ITECT/DESIGNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. F-1 5. ENGINEER'S NAME LAST FIRST STATE LIC. No. ZU4 Ley 0 c/ (2- S -6v--) 7-H t ENGINEER'S ADDRESS ENTNEER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS A00 Ll�d M411 , A,, W &-,700 -'7 I'M Z'7- c co'4^ CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. 5kv /7e,�IdWv C14 10731 71e) c1-i(JK3/3'L— F-1 6. CONTRACTOR'S NAME BUSINESS LIC. STATE LIC. No. Class CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS 70—NTRACTOR'S E-MAIL ADDRESS L=cl STATE, Jul- �j ZIP ONE NO. OFFICE USE ONLY �"ITY oF INV-'Y010H I O'� PERMIT NO. TYPE OF CONSTRUC�ION PLAN CHECK NO. 1,9 q:�5 02 PLAN CHECK FEE $ J06 OCCUPANCY- GROUP PLAN CHECK ENG Drms�viag_appicauon wztiu4 z HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034 / Fax 949-723-0589 APPROVAL IN CONCEPT APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH as required for permit application to the South Coast Regional Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Sections 13210 and 13211. General Description of Proposed Development: Replace existing floating dock,. piles and gangway with new concrete d ock, piles and gangway. Address number must be stenciled on at least I bayward facing pile. Pier conditions must be signed by applicant prior to final approval - ------------------- I Property Address: 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA 92661 1 Legal Description: lHarbor Permit Number: , 108-2210 1 [F���mber: 1693-2006 1 jApplicant: Erik Anderson I Applicant's Mailing Address: 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA 92661 Phone Number: (949) 202-9349 I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including. - 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application. Page 1 of 2 And find They comply with the current adopted Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and any applicable specific or precise plans or, o That a variance of exception has been approved and final. A copy of any variance, exception, conditional use permit or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps, On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept and said approval has been written upon said plans, signed and dated. Should Newport Beach adopt an ordinance deleting, amending or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act or 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted hereunder, this development: Has been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. o Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). o Has received a Final Environmental Impact Report (copy attached). All discretionary approvals legally required of Newport Beach prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in principal by Newport Beach unless a substantial change is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes and regulations of Newport Beach. See attached conditions to the pier permit. Tom Rossmiller, Manager, Harbor Resources nature: (�V(ScL- Lisa Walters, Harbor Resources October 3. 2006 Attachments: Worksheet for Building Permit Applicati—on Drawing Pier Conditions Page 2 of 2 HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034 / Fax 949-723-0589 Pier Permit Conditions October 3, 2006 Property Address: 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA 92661 With reference to the plans currently under consideration to reconfigure or modify the dock system, the following conditions will now be in effect on the above referenced pier. 1. The pier permittee is aware of the Harbor Permit Policies and Chapter 17 of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. The pier permittee understands that the above referenced pier is under the purview of these Policies and Codes. 2. Any future work on the above mentioned pier requires permits with the City of Newport Beach and any other applicable agencies. Painting, replacement of rub rails and work considered to be cosmetic in nature does not require a permit. 3. The conditions set forth in this document pertain to the current, proposed dock system under consideration. Any future modifications or alterations to the dock system may require new conditions which may override or change these conditions. These conditions supersede all past conditions associated with this property. 4. Only marine oriented uses are allowed on the pier, pier platform, gangway and float, Patio furniture, plants etc ... are not permitted. 5. Your side property lines extend in the water along their same bearing. Vessels shall not encroach upon the neighbor's property on either side. 6. Vessels may not extend beyond the end of the float by more than the width of their beam. 7. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted to side tie to the southernmost side of the finger is 5'. Lisa Walters, Harbor Resources Date Applicant Signature Print Name Date Joint Pier Applicant Signature (if applicable) Print Name Date STATE OF CALIFORNIA —THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Go�� CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION 9 SOUTH COAST DISTRICT PO Box 1450 200 OceangatD, 10th Floor LONG BEACH. CA 90802-4416 www.coastal.ca.gov Date: January 17, 2007 Erik Anderson Permit No. 5-06-421 300 South Harbor Blvd., Ste.#1 010 Anaheim, CA 92805 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT EFFECTIVENESS Please be advised that the Administrative Permit with the above permit number which was sent to you on December 22, 2006 and was reported to the Commission on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 is now fully effective. Development of your project is subject to compliance with all terms and conditions specified in the Administrative Permit. Should you have any questions please contact our office. Sincerely, PETER M. DOUGLAS Executive Director By: MEG VAUGHN Coastal Program Analyst cc: Local Planning Dept. Bluewater Design Group, Attn: Tonu Mets, P.E. (k CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Afea Office 200 Oceangats. Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 Me (562) 590-5071 Permit Application No.5-06-421 Date: December 20, 2006 Page I of 7 ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT APPLICANT: Erik Anderson PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Removal of an existing 8 foot by 60 foot dock float and 5 foot by 24 foot gangway, and construction of a new 35 foot by 4 foot gangway, 4 foot by 4 foot lobe connecting the gangway to the existing pier, new 4 foot by 10 foot landing at the base of the new gangway, and construction of a new "U" -shaped float with two 8 foot by 68 foot fingers and an 8 foot by 37 foot backwalk. The existing pier is proposed to remain in place. Four 12 -inch diameter plies are proposed to be removed. Four new 18 -inch diameter concrete piles are proposed to anchor the proposed float. PROJECT LOCATION: 2210 Channel Place, Newport Beach (Orange County) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION: The findings for this determination, and for any special conditions, appear on subsequent pages. NOTE: P.R.C. Section 30624 provides that this permit shall not become effective until it is reported to the Commission at its next meeting. If one-third or more of the appointed membership of the Commission so request, the application will be removed from the administrative calendar and set for public hearing at a subsequent Commission meeting. Our office will notify you if such removal occurs. This permit will be reported to the Commission at the following time and place: Hyatt Regency Long Beach 200 S. Pine Avenue Long Beach, CA 90802 Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10 a.m. IMPORTANT - Before you may proceed with development, the following must occur: Pursuant to 14 Cal. Admin. Code Sections 13150(b) and 13158, you must sign the enclosed duplicate copy acknowledging the permit's receipt and accepting its contents, including all conditions, and return it to our office. Following the Commission's meeting, and once we have received the signed acknowledgement and evidence of compliance with all special conditions, we will send you a Notice of Administrative Permit Effectiveness. PETER DOUGLAS Executive Director By: Meg Vaughn Title: Coastal Program Analyst 5-06-421 Anderson Administrative Permit Page 2 of 7 STANDARD CONDITIONS: Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date this permit is reported to the Commission. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any term or condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 4. . Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 5. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: See pages four to six EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION (continued): The Executive Director hereby determines that the proposed development is a category of development, which, pursuant to PRC Section 30624, qualifies for approval by the Executive Director through the issuance of an Administrative Permit. Subject to Standard and Special Conditions as attached, said development is in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act of 1976 and will not have any significant impacts on the environment within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act. If located between the nearest public road and the sea, this development is in conformity with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3. FINDINGS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION: A. Prolect Description The applicant proposes to remove an existing 8 foot by 60 foot dock float and a 5 foot by 24 foot gangway, and construct a new 35 foot by 4 foot gangway, 4 foot by 4 foot lobe connecting the gangway to the existing pier, new 4 foot by 10 foot landing at the base of the new gangway, and construct a new "U" -shaped float with two 8 foot by 68 foot fingers and an 8 foot by 37 foot backwalk. The existing pier is proposed to remain in place. Four 12 -inch diameter piles are proposed to be removed. Four new 18 -inch diameter concrete piles are proposed to anchor the proposed float. The proposed boat dock conforms with the U.S. Pierhead line. The subject site is located at 2210 Channel Street in the City of Newport Beach. The subject site is currently developed with a single-family residence and private boat dock serving the residential development. The site fronts on Newport Harbor. The majority of harbor front, residential 5-06-421 Anderson Administrative Permit Page 3 of 7 development in Newport Harbor is surrounded by private recreational boat docks. The proposed dock project is similar in function to other docks associated with residential development in the immediate vicinity. The boat dock will be used solely for boating recreation purposes. The site has been surveyed for eelgrass and patches ofeelgrass were discovered within the project area. No eelgrass was found within the proposed project's footprint. The eelgrass patches are located near the bulkhead and approximately 10 feet channelward of the proposed float (see exhibit B). Four new piles are proposed. The nearest proposed pile will be approximately 20 feet from any eelgrass. No eelgrass will be displaced by the proposed piles or any part of the proposed project. Thus, adverse impacts to eelgrass are not anticipated with the proposed project. In any case, Special Condition No. 3 provides procedures to follow should any unanticipated eelgrass impacts occur during project construction. The site has also been surveyed for Ca,ulerpa taxilfolia and none was found. These eialgrass and Caulerpa taxilfolia surveys are valid for,a limited period of time (until the next growing season for eelgrass; and 90 days for Caulerpa taxilfolia). If construction does not occur within the respective time periods, a subsequent survey will be required. Since eelgrass has been identified in the project site, Special Condition No.2 identifies the procedures necessary to be completed prior to beginning any construction. If any Caulerpa taxilfolia is found on the project site, Special Condition No. 3 identifies the procedures necessary to be completed prior to beginning any construction. The proposed project has received an approval from the City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Depatrtment (Permit #108-2210). The Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) has determined that the proposed project will not adversely impact water quality if standard construction methods and materials are used. The applicants have applied for a permit from the US. Army Corps of Engineers. B. Marine Resources The proposed recreational boat dock development and its associated structures are an allowable and encouraged marine related use. The project design includes the minimum sized pilings and the minimum number of pilings necessary for structural stability. There are no feasible less environmentally damaging alternatives available. As conditioned, the project will not significantly adversely impact eelgrass beds and will not contribute to the dispersal of the invasive aquatic algae, Caulerpa taxifolia. Further, as proposed and conditioned, the project, which is to be used solely for recreational boating purposes, conforms to Sections 30224 and 30233 of the Coastal Act. C. Water Qualit The proposed work will be occurring on, within, or adjacent to coastal waters. The storage or placement of construction material, debris, or waste in a location where it could be discharged into coastal waters would result in an adverse effect on the marine environment. To reduce the potential for construction related impacts on water quality, the Commission imposes special conditions requiring, but not limited to, the appropriate storage and handling of construction equipment and materials to minimize the potential of pollutants to enter coastal waters. To reduce the potential for post -construction impacts to water quality the Commission requires the continued use and maintenance of post construction BIMPs. As conditioned, the Commission finds that the development conforms to Sections 30230 and 30231 of the Coastal Act. 11 "'00 TV -;�7��, I 40 At - 14 COASTAL COMMISSIPN EXHIBIT #-L� V-1 RAGE--�,OF-L. Sep 14 06 Uli3Sp Tim Bi&21etf I 31OS491924 P.RCM : Msrk SlIca FAX NO, t 949 675 1071 Jul. A 2MG 09:39pm P2 Zvi 1:1 of 00145P Tim towleu slusquAJ44 P-1 C-,ITY'0F NEWPORT BEAC�M W� M= 0.-1 I X -x ee-Ycl-s-s ,5ek we CL k1Z A COASTAL COMMIS ION EXHIBIT PAQE,-�-,QF�/ SM. 4�4 LOSE 3. 3.5, PRQ�ERTY LINE NEW CONO?m DOCK NEW 4'�W' UNNNG NEW J5* GANGWA Y 4.7' 0GSnNG PIER 3. TO REAgkN EVSnNG 5W4' 5 .81 /� GANGWAY EXSMVG 8' 60' 5. aOAPNG VC�& 5.6, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH L;FORN'IA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WEST UPPER NEWPORT v SAY BALSOA ISLAND NEWPORT PIER CLAY ------------ C/JL /c V I C I N 11 Y MAP OCIE-4 PIER Z. 12' Mi.. w RAY. EST SCALE 1"=40' EAST JETTY PROJECT SITE SOUNDINGS ARE EXPRESSED IN FEET AND DENOTE ELEVATIONS NEW 16- PU (ryp) NOM' REPLACE 51TE PLA 4 EXISTING 12' CONCREfU PILES SCOPE OF WORK: W/ 4 NM IS- CONCREM PIUM EEL GRASS INSPECTION REPLACE EXISTING FLOATING DOCK, PILES 0 NO EEL GRASS WITHIN 15'OF Pf C.IECT AND GANGWAY WITH NEW CONCRETE DOCK, PILES AND GANGWAY. EEL RASS IN THE PROJECT AREA U.S. PIERHEAD UNE �PLICANT'S NAME: ERIK ANDERSON SIGAATIIE c Ci IjOe ADDRESS: 2210 CHANNEL ROAD DATE: 08FEB06 PERMIT DAT PRGMTY INE DrIINSON SM. 4�4 LOSE 3. 3.5, PRQ�ERTY LINE NEW CONO?m DOCK NEW 4'�W' UNNNG NEW J5* GANGWA Y 4.7' 0GSnNG PIER 3. TO REAgkN EVSnNG 5W4' 5 .81 /� GANGWAY EXSMVG 8' 60' 5. aOAPNG VC�& 5.6, Z. 12' Mi.. NEW 16- PU (ryp) 51TE PLA ALE 1 "=20' U.S. PIERHEAD UNE �PLICANT'S NAME: ERIK ANDERSON TEL: (949) 202-9349 IjOe ADDRESS: 2210 CHANNEL ROAD DATE: 08FEB06 o � m my O� � J U 1 O h 78' W 2 Q W a x0 I 1 C 0 rAF 13 1 2 Of b • O } a a y B B e V e al e O a U o .14 D 3 o Of b a a y B B e V e al e O a e o .14 e o J Z U,7N • [s Dux awp.� Ci ° C a FA W ui Qui W m Z }Ze Y ~ A CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH LIPPER M ��N PORT (/---) 1,—j EIAY SCOPE OF WORK: REPLACE EXISTING FLOATING DOCK. PILES AND GANGWAY WITH NEW CONCRETE DOCK, PILES AND GANGWAY. PROPERTY UNE EXTENSION NEW CONCRETE DOCK t I �- - - � IP EAST JETTY NEW 4 1 WO LANDING , NEW m'rmomy —A +I V 0 MLLN SCALE I"=40' SOUNDINGS ARE EXPRESSED IN FEET AND DENOTE ELEVATIONS SM 04 LOBE 3. 3.0 PROPERTY LAW EXIENSSION 4.r EVS77NO PIER 3. TO RE"N EfflSRNG 5'x24' 4.8' GANGWAY EVSIZNG 8'�60' ci FLOARVO DOCK NOTE REPLACE 4 EXISTiNG 12" CONCRETE PILES I' W/ 4 NEW 13- CZRIETE PILES. NEW 18- PAE (TW) IN SITE PLA Us SCAL—E 1—=12 -0' - APPLICANT'S NAME; ERIK ANDERSON —FJOB ADDRESS. 2210 CHANNEL ROAD DATE, 17 OCT 20D TEL: (949) 202-9349 F SAY LILA 0 BALBOA CE'Alv VICINITY MAP PIER At N�ff MY. C� EST VIM i 1= r,_r CI_r = PROJECT SITE SCOPE OF WORK: REPLACE EXISTING FLOATING DOCK. PILES AND GANGWAY WITH NEW CONCRETE DOCK, PILES AND GANGWAY. PROPERTY UNE EXTENSION NEW CONCRETE DOCK t I �- - - � IP EAST JETTY NEW 4 1 WO LANDING , NEW m'rmomy —A +I V 0 MLLN SCALE I"=40' SOUNDINGS ARE EXPRESSED IN FEET AND DENOTE ELEVATIONS SM 04 LOBE 3. 3.0 PROPERTY LAW EXIENSSION 4.r EVS77NO PIER 3. TO RE"N EfflSRNG 5'x24' 4.8' GANGWAY EVSIZNG 8'�60' ci FLOARVO DOCK NOTE REPLACE 4 EXISTiNG 12" CONCRETE PILES I' W/ 4 NEW 13- CZRIETE PILES. NEW 18- PAE (TW) IN SITE PLA Us SCAL—E 1—=12 -0' - APPLICANT'S NAME; ERIK ANDERSON —FJOB ADDRESS. 2210 CHANNEL ROAD DATE, 17 OCT 20D TEL: (949) 202-9349 F 00 i�i C) 2134 �j 1- 1 2136 r- ztqz Z124 21 2 It 2� 133 21322 F'- � 7-7 czlz y,Wq 4N A IJ- STA�E OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSI Sooth Coast Areim office 200 OceangatL, Suite 1000 Long 8each, CA 90a0Z-4302 (662) 590-5071 Page I of 7 Date: January 12, 2004 Permit No: 5-02-174 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT On August 7,2003, the California Coastal Commission granted to Erik Anderson Coastal Development Permit 5-02-174, subject to the attached Standard and Special Conditions, for development consisting of: Demolition of two existing single family residences and construction of a new, two story, 6,881 square foot, .29 foot high at maximum point, single family residence with an attached four car, 887 square font garage and a 391 square foot basement. In order to -accommodate the proposed basement, 148 cubic yards of grading is proposed. Also proposed is a parcel map to combine the multiple existing lots on which the development described above will occur, into a single legal lot. In addition, reinforcement of the seawall directly in front of the subject property and replacement of the approximately 30 foot long seawall at the adjacent City owned property (2204 Channel Road), is proposed. More specifically described in the application file in the Commission offices, The development is within the coastal zone in Orange County at 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach. Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission on January 12, 2004, PETER DOUGLAS Executive Director ACKNOWLEDGMENT By: Title: "Oestal Prog*rama, The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. The undersigned permittee acknowledges that Government Code Section 818.4 which states in pertinent part, that: 'A public entity is not liable for injury caused by the issuance . . . of any permit , , .' applies; to the issuance of this permit. IMPORTANT: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY OF THE PERMIT WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMISSION OFFICE, 14 CAL. ADMIN. CODE SECTION 13158(a). Date Signature of Permittee Fe LAR COASTAL DEVELO PMENT PERMIT No. 5-02-174 Page 2 of 7 Please sign and return one copy of this form to the Commission office at the above address. STANDARD CONDITIONS Notice of Recei2t and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy Of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time, Application for extension of the Permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Interpretation, Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission, 4. As�t The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 5. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and Possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1 , Final Bulkhead Reinforcement Plans PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for the Executive Director's review and approval, final design and construction plans for the bulkhead reinforcement. The final plans shall be signed and approved by the applicant's engineering consultant, 2. Basement Design and Construction A. Final design and construction plans for the basement shall be consistent with the geotechnical recommendation which requires that the basement will be designed to resist hydrostatic loading, to accommodate hydraulic COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 6-02-174 Page 3 of 7 uplift forces and to incorporate fail proof waterproofing. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for the Executive Director's review and approval, evidence that an appropriately licensed professional has reviewed and approved all final design and construction plans for the basement and certified that each of those final plans is consistent with the requirement identified above, The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved final plans. Any proposed changes to the approved final plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved final plans shall occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the 1�xecutive Director determines that no amendment is required. 3. Assurngtion of Risk. Waiver of Liability and Indemnity By acceptance of this permit, the applicant acknowledge and agrees 0) that the site may be subject to hazards due to excavation below ground water level on a water front site; 00 to assume the risks to the applicant and the property that is the subject of this permit of injury and damage from such hazards in connection with this permitted development; (iii) to unconditionally waive any claim of damage or liability against the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees for injury or damage from such hazards; and flv) to indemnify and hold harmless the Commission, its officers, agents, and employees with respect to the Commission's approval of the project against any and all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs (including costs and fees incurred in defense of such claims), expenses, and amounts paid in settlement arising from any injury or damage due to such hazards. 4. Conformance of Design and Construction Plans to Geotechnical Information A. All final design and construction plans, including grading, foundations, site plans, elevation plans, and drainage plans, shall be consistent with all recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Investigation prepared by Geofirm, dated March 12, 2002. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for the Executive Director's review and approval, evidence that the geotechnical consultant has reviewed and approved all final design and construction plans and certified that each of those final plans is consistent with all of the recommendations specified in the above -referenced geologic evaluation approved by the California Coastal Commission for the project site. B. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved final plans. Any proposed changes to the approved final plans shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved final plans COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-02-174� Page 4 of 7 shall occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive 5. Pre- & Post -Construction Eelgrass Surveys A, Pre Construction Eelgrass Survey. A valid pre-constructior) eelgrass (Zostera marina) survey shall be completed during the period of active growth of eelgrass (typically March through October). The pre - construction survey shall be completed prior to the beginning of construction and shall be valid until the next period of active growth. The survey shall be prepared in full compliance with the 'Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy" Revision 8 (except as modified by this special condition) adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service and shall be prepared in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Game, The applicant shall submit the eelgrass survey for the review and approval of The Executive Director within five (5) business days of completion of each eelgrass survey and in any event no later than fifteen (115) business days prior to commencement of any development. If the eelgrass survey identifies any eelgrass within the project area which would be impacted by the proposed project, the development shall require an amendment to this permit from the Coastal Commission or a new coastal development permit. B. Post Construction Eelprass Survey. Within one month after the conclusion of construction, the applicants shall survey the project site to determine the extent of eelgrass that was adversely impacted. The survey shall be prepared in full compliance with the "Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy" Revision 8 adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service and shall be prepared in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Game. The applicants shall submit the post -construction eelgrass survey for the review and approval of the Executive Director within thirty (30) days after completion of the survey, If any adverse impacts are identified, the applicant shall submit, for the review and approval of the executive director, a mitigation plan addressing the impacts. The mitigation plan shall reflect that the applicants shall replace all impacted eelgress at a minimum 1.2:1 ratio on-site, or at another location, in accordance with the Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy. The exception$ to the required 1.2:1 mitigation ratio found within SCEMP shall not apply. 6. Eelgrass Protection Plan COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-02-174 Page 5 of 7 A. All eelgrass at the project site shall be protected during all phases of construction, and specifically during the bulkhead reinforcement phase, to ensure no loss of eelgrass. The applicant shall identify all eelgrass present in the project vicinity pursuant to special condition 5 above. The applicant shall take all necessary measures to ensure that there is no disruption to the on site eelgrass. S. PRIOR TO THE IS$UANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for the Executive Director's review and approval, an Eelgrass Protection Plan, prepared by a licensed professional, outlining the specific measures to be employed to ensure no disruption of the eelgrass occurs as a result of the project. The Eelgrass Protection Plan shall specifically include measures to be employed during the bulkhead reinforcement phase of construction. 7, Pre -construction Caulerpa IgK!6�� A. Not earlier than 90 days nor later than . aO days prior to commencement or re -commencement of any development authorized under this coastal development permit (the "project"), the applicants shall undertake a survey of the project area and a buffer area at least 10 meters beyond the project area to determine the presence of the invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia. The survey shall include a visual examination of the substrate. B. The survey protocol shall be prepared in consultation with the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the California Department of Fish and Game, and the National Marine Fisheries Service, C. Within five (5) business days Of completion of the survey, the applicants shall submit the survey: for the review and approval of the Executive Director; and to the Surveillance Subcommittee of the Southern California Cavlerpa Action Team (SCCAT). The SCCAT Surveillance Subcommittee may be contacted through William Paznokas, California Department of Fish & Game (858/467-4218) or Robert Hoffman, National Marine Fisheries Service (562/980-4043). D. If CaulerPa taXifolia is found within the project or buffer areas, the applicants shall not proceed with the project until 1) the applicants provide evidence to the Executive Director that all C. taxifolia discovered within the project area and all C. taxifolia discovered within the buffer area have been eliminated in a manner that complies COA)'TAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT �o5�-02-17 Page 6 of 7 with all applicable governmental approval requirements, including but not limited to those of the California Coastal Act, or 2) the applicants have revised the project to avoid any contact with C. taxifoliff. No revisions to the project shelf occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES AND DEBLIS REMOVAL The permittee shall comply with the following conStruction-related requirements: (a) No construction materials, eQuipment, debris, or waste shall be placed or Stored where it may be subject to tidal and Wave erosion and dispersion. (b) Any and all debris resulting from construction activities shall be removed from the site within 10 days of completion of construction. (c) Machinery or construction materials not essential for project improvements shall not be allowed at any time in the intertidal zone. (d) Sand from the beach, cobbles, or shoreline rocks shall not be used for construction material, (e) If turbid conditions are generated during construction a silt curtain shall be utilized to control turbidity. (f) Measures shall be taken to ensure that barges do not ground and impact eelgrass sites. (g) Floating booms shall be used to contain debris discharged into coastal waters and any debris discharged shall be removed as soon as possible but no later than the end of each day. (h) Non -buoyant debris discharged into coastal waters shall be recovered by divers as soon as possible after loss. (I) Reasonable and prudent measures shall be taken to prevent all discharge of fuel or oily waste from heavy machinery, pile drivers, or construction equipment or Power tools into coastal waters, The applicant and applicant's contractors shall have adequate equipment available to contain any such spill immediately. Q) All stock piles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sides, shall be located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway, and shall not be stored in contact With the soil. (k) All debris and trash shall be disposed of in the proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. (1) The applicant shall use the least damaging alternative for the construction of pilings and any other activity that will disturb benthic sediments. The applicant shall limit, to the greatest extent COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-02-174 Page 7 of 7 practicable, the suspension of benthic sediments into The water column. 9. Location of Debris Disposal Site The applicant shall dispose of all demolition and construction debris resulting from the proposed project at an appropriate location. If the disposal site Is located within the coastal zone, a coastal development permit or an amendment to this permit shall be required before disposal can take place. '10. Deed Restriction PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for review and approval documentation demonstrating that the landowner has executed and recorded against the parcel(s) governed by this permit a deed restriction, in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director: (1) indicating that, pursuant to this permit, the California Coastal Commission has authorized development on the subject Property, subject to terms and conditions that restrict the use and enjoyment of that property; and (2) imposing the Special Conditions of this permit as covenants, conditions and restrictions on the use and enjoyment of the Property. The deed restriction shall include a legal description of the entire parcel or parcels governed by this permit, The deed restriction shall also indicate that, in the event of an extinguishment or termination of the deed restriction for any reason, the terms and conditions of this permit shall continue to restrict the use and enjoyment of the subject property so long as either this permit or the development it authorizes, or any part, modification, or amendment thereof, remains in existence on or with respect to the subject property. Dorument2 Printed on January 12, 2004 2094 S. C00st HIghway, #8 Lagvnd Beech, CA 92661 6 1 : 9 4 9 4 9 7 a 3 7 4 0 x ; 9 4 9 4 9 7 9 8 1 4 morris 5KOnderlan 8; Anoclates. A.I.A. A R r P I T V r' T C DATE: 1/23/2004 TIME: 8:33 AM TO. Tom Rossmiller COMPANY: City of Newport Beach PHONE: (949) 644-3041 FAX: ��) 723,05S9 CC. NIA FROM: Gall Farnworth for Charlie Williams Morris Skenderian & Associates Tel: 949-497-3374 Fax: 949-497-9814 PROJECT. Anderson Residence RE: Coastal Commission CDP PAGE$: (8) Including this cover page HARD COPY TO FOLLOW VIA MAIL- Yes x No cornments: For your review... !: 111m) "', .�` .,•?�''" i L_ n, �' 5- VIS'. �O L rill ll� 7�1 Val fEwwwoma! - I.t- - - — -;Ogg& CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3300 Newport Blvd. – P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, Ca 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION To: X — Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, Ca 95814 X_ County Clerk, County of Orange Public Services Division P. 0. Box 238 Santa Ana. Ca 92702 From: City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, Ca 92658-8915 (Orange County) Date Received for filing at OPR: Name of Project: Anderson Residence and adjacent City Beach Bulkhead Repair and Replacement Project Project Location: Newport Bay, Newport Beach Specific: 2210 Channel Road and "M" Street Beach Project Location -City: Newport Beach Project Location -County: Orange Project Description: The bulkhead (98') at 2210 Channel Road is proposed to be repaired in place. In order to protect the stability of the site, the highly corroded bulkhead (29') on the City Beach at M Street will also be replaced in its current location. Exempt Status: (check one) — Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(1);15268); — Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); — Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); _X_ Categorical Exception. State type and section number: 15301 Class I (d) — Statutory Exemptions. State code number: — General Rule (Sec. 15061(b)(3)) Reasons why project is exempt: Restoration or rehabilitation of deteriorated structures, facilities, or mechanical equipment to meet current standards of public health and safety. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: City of Newport Beach Date of Approval: 1-23-04 Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Eric Anderson Contact Person: Tom Rossmiller Title: Harbor Resources Manager Signature: Phone #(949) 644-3041 Date:1-23-04 2094 S. Coast Hlgh,,Y, #3 Laguna Be0oh, CA 9265 1 T e I : 9 4 9 - 4 9 7 - 3 � I A ANA Fax: 949-497-�8 1 4 Morris SkOndericin &Associates, A.LA, A R C H I T E C T 8 1 of 1 DATE: 1/8/04 PROJECT, Anderson Residence 2210 Channel Road Newport Beach ATTENDERS: Lloyd Dalton, City of Newport Beach Public Works (LD) Tom Rossmiller, City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources (TR) Ergun Kunter, AEC Associates (EK) Plazi Miller, Shellmaker, Inc. (PM) Charlie Williams, Morris Skanderian & Associates (CW) MEETING DATE: January 8, 2004 CC: Morris Skenderian (MS) and Erik Anderson (EA) BY: Charlie Williams The following items represent M$A's understanding of the Items discussed. Please comment an any items that May be Missing Or incorrect. --------------- - Lloyd Dalton expressed his concerns regarding the sequence of construction and measures r taken to prevent the sand from 2210 and 2204 sliding into the channel upon commencement of construction. An additional concern included sand Info seeping through the panel joints. Plazi addressed Lloyd's concerns by outlining his construction methods and sequencing as follows: Info Removal Of Panels - the soil behind the existing bulkheads will be laid back at a 3:1 slope prior to removing any panels Info preventing sand from sliding into the channeIr Additionally, the Panels Will be removed and replaced in groups so as not to leave the full length of the property line exposed to the channel. Joint Sealing — Each panel joint shall be constructed With a tounge and grove connection, which is then grouted to seal the joint. Additionally, a rebar frame with filter fabric sewn Info around the frame shall be jetted in place tight up against the bulkhead at each panel joint to prevent the Penetration of sand through the joints. Notes regarding the proposed construction sequence and joint Protection m"Sures shall be provided on the plariSr EK Ergun shall be provided with a written narrative describing the Construction sequence, To address the intersection of the new City bulkhead and the existing City bulkhead to the north a note shall be added to the plans stating that a connection detail shall be PM EK provided to the City upon field conditions being uncovered. Southern California Edison shall be contacted regarding the utility easement located on the City property adjacent to the Anderson CW property. All revisions, including Building Department corrections, shall be included upon resubmittsl, Tom Rossmiller shall be Provided with an update on the Revocable Encroachment Permit. EK/CW EAICW -End of Memo - 1 of 1 Eelgrass Survey Reporting Form (Version 1.0, June 20, 2003) This form is required to be submitted for any surveys conducted for the eelgrass, Zostera 1778rina, that are required to be conducted under federal or state permits and authorizations issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Coastal Commission. The form has been designed to assist. in identifying eelgrass while ensuring that the required information is consistently documented. Surveys required to be conducted for this species are subject to modification through publication of revisions to the celgrass survey policy. It is incumbent upon the authorized permittee to ensure that survey work is following the latest protocols. For farther information on these protocols, please contact: Robert Hoffinan, National Marine Fisherigs Service, (562) 9804043, or William Paznolcas, California Department of Fish & Game, (858) 467-4218). Required Information Site Name: 14 #�j " N EX - (common reference) Qawpole-t e4�A-e-l* C'm Survey Contact. rt Kname, P one, e-mail) Permit Referen e- (ACOE Permit No, .CCC Permit No.) Hydrographie System - (bay, estuary, lagoon, or harbor) Specific Location: (UTK Lat,/Long., datum, accuracy level, attach electronic survey area map if possible) 'Was Eelgrass Yes, Eelgrass was found at this site, I Detected: L — No, Eelgrass was not found at this site. - PDescription of /Q-T7Y1 C I -la S pe-r—mitted W-ork: 1(describe briefly the work to conducted at he site Ile under the Permits identified above) Description of Site: (desci ibe the physical and Depth range: LA --P, 1F7 -- biological conditions within the survey area at the time of OAT the survey and provide insightinto variability, if r3 IA -W known. Please provide units foralinumerical information). Substrate I L -T- 0 U Or.. AV tj v type: Tcmperature: 7 0 Salinity: Dominant flora: E6: -L Dominant fauna: 9,4KNA-CLES, Wvs�e,15 'T-14 11 % CA It, 5. e� r) etc V - Exotic Speer es encountered: Olhersi'e de,verl tion r1b n e— note'q. Description of Survey Survey dale ZOOB Effort: and time (please describe the surveys perio& A -t> 0 0 (2 M, conducted including type of survey (SCUBA, remote video, etc.) and survey methods employed, date of work, and survey density (estimated percentage of the bottom actually viewed). Describe any limitations encountered during the survey efforts. Eelgrass Survey Reporting Form (version I �0, 6/20103) Horizontal visibility in L4 water: Survey type *SCMgA -SQ"e-I and methods: T e>LA-, W&A tj $4-C—Ts ivwv,41�vko— nf 0C Survey *—F3rYj Pc,15on� personnel: Sul -Vey densio;: - _" Survey limitations: t r In "e formation 0 Other Information: (use this space to provide 0 '5T L4 cA any additional information or " ce a ac references to attached materials such as imnaps, F_ _", reports, ete.) U ete Eelgrass Survey Reporting Form (version I �0, 6/20103) v �. IA�6'1 Y INF I iTerraServer* USA The National map .2210 CHANNEL RD NEWPORT BEACH NZ:7 : W1. OUT 1, 0 M M S1.6 rage t ot i 02210 Channel Rd, Newport Beach, CA 92661-1513 NewPort Beach, California, United States 10/3/1995 Download I E-mail I Into I Print I Order Photo Aerial Photo .S98S9 IN FClick to 'at Weather F.recast RT M2PZ for this point IPewrod bY IUAatt� Image courtesy of tare U.S. Geological SU"ey 0 yds IgPl I � IF] T� I I I g T, J.DC -1 Q 2005 M1 . crosoft C o,p. at r. ITerms of Use lPrivaCy Statement I Sponsored By ELI= MMIlilliVaILVI Eartin http://terraserverusa.comlimge.aspx?t--I&s=10&Lon---117.88266100&Lat--33.59719l00... 9/17/2008 2094 5� Cocist H]Ghwoy, #3 Loguno UeOC�, CA 92�51 T 0 1 : 9 4 9 - 4 9 7 - 3 3 7 4 AINA Fox: 949-497-98 1 4 Morris Skenderion & Associates, A.I.A. A R C H I T E C T 8 DATE: 6/412003 TIME: 3:55 Pm TO. COMPANY: PHONE; FAX: CC: Tom Rossmiller 723-0589 FROM, Charlie Williams Morris Skenderian & Associates Tel: 949-497-3374 Fax: 949-497-9814 PROJECT: Anderson Residence (2210 Channel Rd.) RE: Bulkhead Alternatives PAGES: (4) Including this cover page HARD COPY TO FOLLOW VIA MAIL: Yes commants; Please call me to discuss further, X No VO/T0 39Vd S103ilHONV VSW VT85L6V6V6 g0:9T 60OZ/"/90 CITY BEACH —NEWO]TYaULKHEAE) PROV. R.Y.8,8, RED. R,Y.S, I �—EXST'Q, On BLIUKHEAD A CANTILEVERED PLANTER PATIO LAWN NEW 13ULKHEAD BELOW PROPOSED RESIDENCE no INLAND FACE OF E)<sTG, BULKHEAD P4NTR. Do.k PLNTR. LAWN P.u. PATIO F,8. ±7.30 POOL POOL EOP EM! PLANTER SHEET 1 OF 2 VO/ZO 39Vd S103iIHONV VSH VTBGLISV6�6 qo:9T cou/�0/90 06/04/2003 16:05 9494979814 MSA ARCHITECTS m PAGE 03/04 1 ------------------ Z L I 2 J w • 1--r----------------- ---- -- -_- 1---------� • . u9—,Z N LL 0 N w w w x cn CL J@U w Qv z Jui Q U) Z� X K 2N W R Q Nz 6 06/04/2003 16:05 9494979814 MSA ARCHITECTS 5 IJ 9 Lo PAGE 04/04 co J_ Q W N 0 N H w LU 0) w d aV J < zin sa No N 47 V, NZ to eo o w PAGE 04/04 co J_ Q W N 0 N H w LU 0) w d aV J < zin sa No N 47 V, NZ to 06/04/2003 13:44 A119A 9494979814 MSA ARCHITECTS 2094 5, Coast Highway, #5 Laguna Beach, CA 02657 7 0 1 9 4 9 4 9 7 3 3 7 4 F Q x 9 4 9 4 9 7 9 8 1 4 Morris Skenderiqn & Associctes, A.I.A, A R C H I T E C T S TO: Ergun Kunter COMPANY: AEC Associates PHONE: FAX, (949) 252-9198 CC: Plazi Miller (949) 548-5315 Tom Rossmiller (949) 723-0589 FROM. Charlie Williams Morris Skenderian & Associates Tel: 949-497-3374 Fax: 949-497-9814 PROJECT: Anderson - 2210 Channel Road RE: Bulkhead Changes PAGES� (3) Including this cover page HARD COPY TO FOLLOW VIA MAIL: Yes X No Comments: PAGE 01/03 MTE: 6/4/2003 TIME: 1:24 PM The following is a final draft of what I plan to submit to Coastal regarding bulkhead alternatives. Please review and contact me with your comments. 06/04/2003 13:44 9494979814 MSA ARCHITECTS PAGE 02/03 111. _XALE NT -6 NEWP DFACH.0A BAD$ SHEET 1 OF 2 06/04/2003 13:44 9494979014 M ZN� u z cuz mrn >0 m m -q PQ 0 MSA ARCHITECTS PAGE 03/e3 0 m ;u > Ell F -4 o hi (�j > co 1�j 00 z + 2'— 6 m z N\�/> cn �;gE m >MO ic HarbResources D a I I or IVISIOD FACSIMII E TRANSMITTAL 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 949-644-3034 Fax 949-723-0589 Date: 8 11 WO -S To: (�'howko– �WkaM5 From: —Iovy\ FAX #:' �-Jj] – 0 4 1 Harbor Resources Division FACr- TMILE TRANSMI17A' — ---------- 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 949-644-3034 Fax 949-723-0589 Date: Md To: JvWA VPILJ Y\ Ldlkmo� efflm:tal e&Mkm%1O'11\ From: TO,/V\ ROS'Gh�lk\e FAX #: # of Pages: �1 (including cover page) Comments: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Harbor Resources Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 May 8, 2003 California Coastal Commission Attn.: Meg Vaughn, Staff Analyst 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 Re.: Coastal Development Permit Application Number 5-02-174 Erik Anderson Residence 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, Orange County Dear Ms. Vaughn, The City of Newport Beach, Harbor Resources Division requested the City's Harbor Commission to consider a request from the homeowner at 2210 Channel Road to rebuild his bulkhead. After considering several options, the Harbor Commission approved on, February 12, 2003, issuance of an Approval in Concept for the project as presented to the Coastal Commission for further approval. We recognize that the bulkhead will be built in its present location which is 3 and Y2 feet bayward of the bulkhead line and which was previously permitted by the City of Newport Beach in the late 1950's. This position provides for alignment with adjacent bulkheads including a bulkhead on City property which is in poor condition. The homeowner has proposed to rebuild the bulkhead on the adjacent City parcel and the City has concurred with this proposal. The City is in the process of finalizing an Encroachment Agreement that will formalize this concurrence. A draft of the Encroachment Agreement is attached. The City is waiting to execute this agreement pending any special conditions that may be imposed by action of your Commission. The City of Newport Beach concurs in moving forward with this project and prefers to coordinate the project with the property owner through the terms of the Encroachment Agreement rather than sign the Coastal Development Permit Application as co -applicant. Thank you for your assistance in processing this Coastal Development Permit. If you have any questions, please call me at (949) 644-3041. Sincer,ely, Tom Rossmiller Harbor Resources Manager Attachment: Final Draft Encroachment Agreement Cc: Charlie Williams, Morris Skenderian & Associates Newport Beach Harbor Commission Staff Report February 12, 2003 TO: Harbor Commission FROM: Tom Rossmiller, Manager of Harbor Resources SUBJECT: Approval in Concept for 2210 Channel Road Bulkhead RECOMMENDATION: Select one of the following alternatives: 1. Deny the applicant's Approval in Concept (AIC); 2. Approve the applicant's AIC with modifications; 3. Approve the applicant's AIC; or 4. Take no action (which is, in effect, a denial of the AIC). BACKGROUND: Mr. Eric Anderson is planning to rebuild his home at 2210 Channel Road and upon submittal of plans found that the existing bulkhead did not meet current building codes and required replacement. A search of the Harbor Resources files found that the bulkhead is currently located two feet seaward of the federally established bulkhead line. Files also indicate that this seaward encroachment of the bulkhead was allowed by the City of Newport Beach in the late 1950's apparently in an effort to replace a failing wooden bulkhead that was built on the bulkhead line. The Anderson property is adjacent to a City -owned beach, easterly of "N" Street that is currently leased to the Balboa Peninsula Point Association for recreational purposes. Northwesterly and adjacent to this beach is another recreational bay beach and pier that is open to the general public. See aerial and oblique photos below. Page 2 Aerial Overview of Proposed Project Site The bulkhead fronting the parcel (2222 Channel Road) southerly and adjacent to the Anderson property also extends seaward two feet beyond the bulkhead line. This seaward encroachment of the bulkhead was similarly approved by the City of Newport Beach in the late 1950's. The applicant has requested that he be allowed to maintain the current two -foot seaward encroachment for the new bulkhead to enable him to tie into the adjacent bulkheads and avoid construction of wing walls to contain the fill on his property. The applicant has submitted the attached statement of special conditions and hardships (Aftachment A) that explain the practical difficulties of moving the bulkhead back two feet. In addition to his building and grading permits, the applicant needs a Harbor Permit for this bulkhead reconstruction project from Harbor Resources. He'll also need an "Approval in Concept" (or "AIC" also from the City) that he can take to the Coastal Commission for Coastal Commission consideration of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for this construction project. As the Commission is aware, Newport Beach does not have an approved Local Coastal Program (LCP). The City's LCP Committee is finalizing a draft of the proposed LCP for submittal to the Coastal Commission later this summer. Until there is an approved LCP, the Coastal Commission must consider all Newport Beach -area qualifying construction projects. Page 3 I - N79 - Applicant's Bulkhead Adjacent BPPA Bulkhead Applicable Excerpts from the Harbor Permit Policy and Municipal Code The City of Newport Beach Harbor Permit Policy, Section H, in reference to Bulkheads states that "All bulkheads in residential districts shall be installed on the established bulkhead line or at a location behind the bulkhead line that would preserve the design profile of the harbor." In addition the policy states, "Bulkheads shall be at the existing height established for the area and shall be connected to adjacent bulkheads. In cases where no adjacent bulkhead or bulkheads exist, a wing wall or wing walls shall be constructed from the bulkhead landward adequate to contain the fill behind the bulkhead. " The Harbor Permit Policy provides for exceptions as follows: "Exceptions may be approved by the Harbor Commission to any of the requirements and regulations set forth if there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the harbor installations that would impose undue hardship on the applicant, or a waterfront property owners access to the water is impacted by a public works project, or if it would be detrimental to the best interest of the City." Page 4 Section 17.24.050 of the Municipal Code states: "The Harbor Resources Director and Building Department are authorized to approve and issue permits for new structures and for revisions to existing structures that conform to the provisions of this Code, standard harbor drawings approved by the City Council, or harbor permit policy adopted by the City Council. A, The application shall be denied if., 1. The application does not conform to the provisions of this Code, standard harbor drawings approved by City Council, or the harbor permit policy adopted by the City Council... B. Appeals: Decisions by the Harbor Resources Director relative to Harbor Permit applications may be appealed to the Harbor Commission ... The Harbor Commission shall consider the appeal and render a decision within 45 days or the next scheduled meeting of the Harbor Commission." Section 17.24.070 of the Municipal Code states: "in granting any such application, the Harbor Resources Director may impose conditions in the permit which are deemed necessary to protect commerce, navigation or fishing or the use, operation or development of Newport Harbor." Conditions of the State of California Tide and Submerged Lands Grant Chapter 74, Section 1-b of the Statutes of 1978, relative to the granting of tide and submerged lands to the City of Newport Beach states "Except as otherwise provided in this section, the city or its successors shall not, at any time, grant convey, give or alienate the lands, or any part thereof, to any individual, firm or corporation for any purpose whatever; except that the city or its successors may ... lease the lands or any part thereof, for a period not exceeding 50 years for purposes consistent with the trust upon which the lands are held by the state and with the uses specified in this section. " Alternatives in Consideration of the Approval in Concept With consideration given to the Municipal Code, Harbor Permit Policy, State Tidelands Grant and adjacent property uses, following are the alternatives in response to the applicant's request: Deny the request for the AIC. Strict interpretation of the Harbor Permit Policy requires that all bulkheads be constructed at or landward of the bulkhead line. The late 1950's permission to extend beyond the bulkhead line was not consistent with the terms of the State Tidelands Grant. According to the Municipal Code, the Harbor Resources Director shall deny the request if it is not consistent with the provisions of the Harbor Permit Policy. In consideration to the applicant, this action was not taken because the Coastal Development Permit for his home reconstruction is scheduled for the March hearing of the Coastal Commission and the multirstep appeal process would cause the item to be delayed to a significantly later date. Page 5 2. Conditionally approve the AIC request to rebuild the bulkhead at its present location two feet seaward of the bulkhead line. The Harbor Commission may approve exceptions if there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the harbor installations that would impose an undue hardship on the applicant. Selection of this alternative would give consideration to the ability of the applicant to tie the new bulkhead into the adjacent bulkheads without the use of wing walls. The applicant has expressed a willingness to replace the failing bulkhead on the Peninsula Point lease parcel to make this alternative more feasible. If the failing bulkhead on the Peninsula Point parcel is not replaced, then a wing wall may be required on this side of the property to protect the applicant's fill. To meet the requirements of the State Tidelands Grant, this alternative requires execution of an encroachment agreement for the authority to encroach two foot beyond the bulkhead line. These encroachment agreements typically allow the City an opportunity to revoke them for any reason with appropriate notice to the permit holder. 3. Approve an AIC for reconstruction of the bulkhead on the federally established bulkhead line. This alternative would set the new bulkhead two feet back from the adjacent parcels and would require wing walls and related impacts on adjacent properties during installation. The applicant has not established the relative costs of alternatives 2 and 3. 4. Take no action. This alternative would result in the denial of the applicant's request and further processing through the appeal process. I recommend that the Commission approve Alternative #2, including requirements for replacement of the adjacent bulkhead and compliance with an encroachment permit's terms, consideration, and conditions. In my opinion, the applicant has established that special circumstances of this application will create a hardship if he is required to move the wall back two feet. The hardship would result not only to the applicant but also to the two adjoining properties because the applicant would have to create wing walls where none exist today and dig back into the property. The applicant's continued encroachment of the additional two feet does not significantly detract from Harbor uses, given its proximity to the Harbor entrance. The applicant proposes a public benefit of improving a public bulkhead and agreeing to pay reasonable fee (to be determined via a Harbor.Resources analysis of similar encroachments) for an ongoing encroachment, I look forward to the Commission's input and decision in this matter. Attachments: Hardship Statement Request for AIC Newport Beach Harbor Commission Staff Report February 12, 2003 TO: Harbor Commission FROM: Tom Rossmiller, Manager of Harbor Resources SUBJECT: Approval in Concept for 2210 Channel Road Bulkhead RECOMMENDATION: Select one of the following alternatives: 1. Deny the applicant's Approval in Concept (AIC); 2. Approve the applicant's AIC with modifications; 3. Approve the applicant's AIC; or 4. Take no action (which is, in effect, a denial of the AIC). t�at —T LC,�,, �-Ijfij 3�fr-l-e� a BACKGROUND: W 1"', 0 1 t h) I rj\(-, IC 03 1 1�1 -z- Mr. Eric Anderson is planning to rebuild his home at 2210 Channel Road and upon submittal of plans found that the existing bulkhead did not meet current building codes and required replacement. A search of the Harbor Resources files found that the bulkhead is currently located two feet seaward of the federally established bulkhead line. Files also indicate that this seaward encroachment of the bulkhead was allowed by the City of Newport Beach in the late 1950's apparently in an effort to replace a failing wooden bulkhead that was built on the bulkhead line. The Anderson property is adjacent to a City -owned beach, easterly of "N" Street that is currently leased to the Balboa Peninsula Point Association for recreational purposes. Northwesterly and adjacent to this beach is another recreational bay beach and pier that is open to the general public. See aerial and oblique photos below. Page 2 Aerial Overview of Proposed Project Site The bulkhead fronting the parcel (2222 Channel Road) southerly and adjacent to the Anderson property also extends seaward two feet beyond the bulkhead line. This seaward encroachment of the bulkhead was similarly approved by the City of Newport Beach in the late 1950's. The applicant has requested that he be allowed to maintain the current two4obt seaward encroachment for the new bulkhead to enable him to tie into the adjacent bulkheads and avoid construction of wing walls to contain the fill on his property. The applicant has submitted the attached statement of special conditions and hardships (Attachment A) that explain the practical difficulties of moving the bulkhead back two feet. In addition to his building and grading permits, the applicant needs a Harbor Permit for this bulkhead reconstruction project from Harbor Resources. He'll also need an "Approval in Concept" (or "AIC" also from the City) that he can take to the Coastal Commission for Coastal Commission consideration of a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for this construction project. As the Commission is aware, Newport Beach does not have an approved Local Coastal Program (LCP). The City's LCP Committee is finalizing a draft of the proposed LCP for submittal to the Coastal Commission later this summer. Until there is an approved LCP, the Coastal Commission must consider all Newport Beach -area qualifying construction projects. Page 3 Applicant's Bulkhead Adjacent BPPA Bulkhead Applicable Excerpts from the Harbor Permit Policy and Municipal Code The City of Newport Beach Harbor Permit Policy, Section H, in reference to Bulkheads states that "All bulkheads in residential districts shall be installed on the established bulkhead line or at a location behind the bulkhead line that would preserve the design profile of the harbor. " In addition the policy states, "Bulkheads shall be at the existing height established for the area and shall be connected to adjacent bulkheads. In cases where no adjacent bulkhead or bulkheads exist, a wing wall or wing walls shall be constructed from the bulkhead landward adequate to contain the fill behind the bulkhead." The Harbor Permit Policy provides for exceptions as follows: "Exceptions may be approved by the Harbor Commission to any of the requirements and regulations set forth if there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the harbor installations that would impose undue hardship on the applicant, or a waterfront property owner's access to the water is impacted by a public works project, or if it would be detrimental to the best interest of the City." Page 4 Section 17.24.050 of the Municipal Code states: "The Harbor Resources Director and Building Department are authorized to approve and issue permits for new structures and for revisions to existing structures that conform to the provisions of this Code, standard harbor drawings approved by the City Council, or harbor permit policy adopted by the City Council. A. The application shall be denied if., 1. The application does not conform to the provisions of this Code, standard harbor drawings approved by City Council, or the harbor permit policy adopted by the City Council... B. Appeals: Decisions by the Harbor Resources Director relative to Harbor Permit applications may be appealed to the Harbor Commission ... The Harbor Commission shag consider the appeal and render a decision within 45 days or the next scheduled meeting of the Harbor Commission. " Section 17.24.070 of the Municipal Code states: "In granting any such application, the Harbor Resources Director may impose conditions in the permit which are deemed necessary to protect commerce, navigation or fishing or the use, operation or development of Newport Harbor." Conditions of the State of California Tide and Submerged Lands Grant Chapter 74, Section 1-b of the Statutes of 1978, relative to the granting of tide and submerged lands to the City of Newport Beach states "Except as otherwise provided in this section, the city or its successors shall not, at any time, grant convey, give or alienate the lands, or any part thereof, to any individual, firm or corporation for any purpose whatever; except that the city or its successors may ... lease the lands or any part thereof, for a period not exceeding 50 years for purposes consistent with the trust upon which the lands are held by the state and with the uses specified in this section. Alternatives in Consideration of the Approval in Concept With consideration given to the Municipal Code, Harbor Permit Policy, State Tidelands Grant and adjacent property uses, following are the alternatives in response to the applicant's request: Deny the request for the AIC. Strict interpretation of the Harbor Permit Policy requires that all bulkheads be constructed at or landward of the bulkhead line. The late 1950's permission to extend beyond the bulkhead line was not consistent with the terms of the State Tidelands Grant. According to the Municipal Code, the Harbor Resources Director shall deny the request if it is not consistent with the provisions of the Harbor Permit Policy. In consideration to the applicant, this action was not taken because the Coastal Development Permit for his home reconstruction is scheduled for the March hearing of the Coastal Commission and the multi -step appeal process would cause the item to be delayed to a significantly later date. Page 5 Conditionally approve the AIC request to rebuild the bulkhead at its present location two feet seaward of the bulkhead line. The Harbor Commission may approve exceptions if there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the harbor installations that would impose an undue hardship on the applicant. Selection of this alternative would give consideration to the ability of the applicant to tie the new bulkhead into the adjacent bulkheads without the use of wing walls. The applicant has expressed a willingness to replace the failing bulkhead on the Peninsula Point lease parcel to make this alternative more feasible. If the failing bulkhead on the Peninsula Point parcel is not replaced, then a wing wall may be required on this side of the property to protect the applicant's fill. To meet the requirements of the State Tidelands Grant, this alternative requires execution of an encroachment agreement for the authority to encroach two foot beyond the bulkhead line. These encroachment agreements typically allow the City an opportunity to revoke them for any reason with appropriate notice to the permit holder. 3. Approve an AIC for reconstruction of the bulkhead on the federally established bulkhead line. This alternative would set the new bulkhead two feet back from the adjacent parcels and would require wing walls and related impacts on adjacent properties during installation. The applicant has not established the relative costs of alternatives 2 and 3. 4. Take no action. This alternative would result in the denial of the applicant's request and further processing through the appeal process. I recommend that the Commission approve Alternative #2, including requirements for replacement of the adjacent bulkhead and compliance with an encroachment permit's terms, consideration, and conditions. In my opinion, the applicant has established that special circumstances of this application will create a hardship if he is required to move the wall back two feet. The hardship would result not only to the applicant but also to the two adjoining properties because the applicant would have to create wing walls where none exist today and dig back into the property. The applicant's continued encroachment of the additional two feet does not significantly detract from Harbor uses, given its proximity to the Harbor entrance. The applicant proposes a public benefit of improving a public bulkhead and agreeing to pay reasonable fee (to be determined via a Harbor Resources analysis of similar encroachments) for an ongoing encroachment. I look forward to the Commission's input and decision in this matter. Attachments: Hardship Statement Request for AIC Jan -31-03 02:31P Sh�llnnakev Inc 949 548 5315 ERIK K, ANDERSON January 30,2003 Harbor Commission Uty ofNewport Beach XXX) Ncwpnrr H1vJ. 'Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Z210 Chatuicl Road, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Property Owners: Samantha and I �dk Anderson Applimfion for permit to tebuildscawall Dear Ladies and Cicnticmark: I = writing to you a personal letter to accompany my formal request for 2 pennit to reconstruct the sea wall in front of our howc, at 2210 Channel Road, Ile scawall currently protects my propetty against tides and wave action and, was pcmiittcd in 1958 by the City of Newport Beach, The City has discovered. in its files, a copy of the pennitted plans validating the seawall's current location. -1 am asking the Harbor Commission to simply let me continue the existing, permitted use in its cutneni loeatiod, in accordance, with previous approvals. Currently the seawall along my property and my neighbor's property to the south align. Another �eawgll that is adjacent to and contiguous to my ptopetty to the North is on land leaned by the City to the peninsula Point Association. My seawall contmetorShOlmAker I nc:�, has conducted a visual inspection of the Association's wall and foural it to be in N Mate of disrepair, The wall is severeiy rusted causing band to lcak into the bay. In light of that condition, it might be a liability to both the City and the A u5ociation, In addition to reconstructing my seawall, I am willing to expand the project to include rebuilding the. Association seawall. lWher than making a jagged will that is oul. of step with neighboring properties, rebuilding the iwo walls will create one attractive Reatulcu,s wall ilicning my property with both my neighbors. I think thin provides a significant benefit to the City; the City gets its own land improved and also avoids any hability and a safety havard in the ptoccss, Relocating my seawall will create adverse affccts on the existing Association wall. I This seawall his remained, undisturbed arid without interference. or concern by the City since it wa, s built, Seawalls not only protect Property, they can present an aesthetically ple"ing appearance and avoid potential safety concem� as wc,11.1bis wall will not block or impede au�one's view, not will it create an eyes<,te. I know that this Commission, urtdcr its rules, has the ability to Apptov4 my application for this harbor pennit and, to the =tmt that it needs to, advise the City Couna. I also know that this body has the ability to reew the City Manager's decisions. 57 JM1.r,()QRT DR3Y�,' NCWFURT HUACH, CA - 926(0 P110NE: (949) 76e,�1913 ER1K-SAM@Mi(:(;T.0HA2..NPT P � DE5 Jan -31-03 02:32P Shellmaker- Inc 949 54B 5315 P�07 —2— January 30, 2003 I AM Writing this lcttcr fv)cn it personal viewpoint, my contractor, Shtl1m2ker And my Architect, Morris Skenderion, can provide you with the technical jusdfications for why this seawall should remain where it is my letter is written from the point of view of A harbor u5m, a landownex mid someone who wants to benefit the City and make it A hener place by repairing and renovating t.wo seawalls. Pleasc take All of diege points into account when you consider my applicadoft. I ihank you in Advance for your courtesy. cooperation and attention. ERIK ANDERSON 57 HFLCMIRT DRIVR NPWPOkl' REACH, CA - 92660 PlIONP, (049) 706-193.1 PRIK-�AM43SOCCLOBAL.NET 10f - / e July 24, 2002 City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Aftn.: Tony Melurn 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re.: 2210 Channel Road Dear Tony, Per our telephone conversation and your request, the following will provide additional information regarding the reconstruction of the seawall at 2210 Channel Road. The project is located at the intersection of L Street and Channel Road adjacent to and directly to the west of the private beach. The City has required an analysis of the structural integrity of the existing wall, in conjunction with our application for the construction of a new house. From discussions and investigation by our consultant team and in order to insure future safety for the applicant, the neighbors and the beach going public, it is our judgment that the wall could be repaired, however, replacement would be the most prudent solution. As the wall is currently constructed, it extends approximately 3'-6" beyond and parallel to the ocean ward property line and in alignment with our westerly neighbor, It is estimated that the wall was constructed in the early fifties and has provided a substantial section of property the homeowner has maintained and come to enjoy for many years. We are requesting replacement of the wall in its current location. In relocating the wall behind the property line, a significant amount of soil (190 cubic feet) would need to be removed from the ocean ward portion of the site, which could compromise the stability of the adjacent property. It would also create a 3'-6" offset from the neighbors seawall. Our desire is to minimize any hazardous condition for the adjacent neighbor and also retain a consistent line of wall with the neighboring property. Should the wall be relocated, a 3'-6" return wall would need to be created to retain the grade of the adjacent property. The grading, shoring and construction of the new wall will not only impose additional cost, there may be other unintended consequences created by the offset, i.e., debris concentration, tidal disturbances, destabilization of the adjacent property etc. Enclosed are photographs and a site plan to provide further clarification of the existing condition. Upon your review please contact me to discuss this issue further and to clarify the process by which our request can be facilitated. We hope that your review will result in your concurrence that given the special circumstances unique to this site, the wall could remain in its present location. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Charlie Williams shellmaker inc. December 27, 2002 City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: Tony Melum Re: Anderson Residence, 2210 Channel Road Dear Tony, Enclosed are several photos of the seawall on city property north of the Anderson's property. The city's wall is constructed of steel interlocking sheet piles driven into the sand. Amongst the problems with the city's wall are: I . The wall is heavily corroded and has actually rusted through in the intertidal zone. The only thing keeping the wall from leaking sand is that the caked rust has not yet opened up and fallen. 2. The wall is obviously leaning seaward indicating that the tieback system has failed or is failing. 3. The seal between the city's wall and the Anderson property has failed and sand is leaking. The seal failure could cause loss of fill on the Anderson property. 4. The wood coping at the top of the city's wall is deteriorated as are the fastenings at the top of the wall. The city's wall is approximately 29' long. At $1,500.00 per lineal foot (today's approximate cost) it would cost approximately $43,500.00 to replace this wall with a modern concrete wall. This figure does not include the cost of design, permits, testing, and inspection. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, /,� " r, - Lorenzo C. Miller Vice President 875 B West 15th Street, Newport Beach, California 92663 Phone (949) 548-5359 Fax (949) 548-5315 General Engineering Contractors/License No. 561434/Marine Construction and Dredging f tj I vv� fa 0afthellmaker inclill December 6, 2002 City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: Tony Melum Re: Anderson Residence, 2210 Channel Road Dear Tony, I want to thank you for meeting with me and my client, Eric Anderson, on Wednesday. As you can see from the survey drawings of the lot, my client's seawall was built over his property line. He was unaware of this when he bought the property and only discovered it when he made plans to rebuild house and subsequently the seawall. The seawall as it currently stands does not comply with current building codes and needs to be replaced in order to meet current codes. My client is asking that he be allowed to rebuild his seawall along the existing alignment. Based on the 1957 document that you found in the City records the current placement of the wall was approved by the City. Next to the Anderson lot is a park that is owned by the City and leased to the Peninsula Point Association. It currently has a steel sheet pile bulkhead (that is also built over the property line) that is in extremely poor condition. The steel sheet pile wall has rusted completely thorough in the intertidal zone. We removed large concentrations of this rust in this area on only one panel and have determined that it is only a matter of time before the wall starts to leak sand from the recreation area into the bay. Additionally, considering the age and condition of the wall it is questionable as to the integrity of the tieback system. Should this wall fail, Mr. Anderson's property will also lose soil into the bay. On December 6, 2002, it was observed that the concrete seal between the Anderson's wall was leaking water as the tide dropped. Additionally, another area of the steel wall was observed to be leaking sand. Mr. Anderson is requesting that in return for the City's approval to keep his bulkhead in the current location that he will continue his wall and replace the City bulkhead (at his expense) with a new bulkhead that meets today's current code and height requirements. As you can see from the drawings we are actually proposing that in order to make the wall smooth and to avoid jogs we are looking 875 B West 15th Street, Newport Beach, California 92663 Phone (949) 548-5359 Fax (949) 548-5315 General Engineering Contractors/License No. 561434/Marine Construction and Dredging to pull the wall back on the north end of the property so there is no loss of tidelands, but actually a slight gain. I appreciate any help you can offer in this matter. Sincerely, Lisa E. Miller cc: Erik Anderson Harbor Resources Division Memorandum Date: December 20,2002 To: Robert Burnham, City Attorney From: Tony Melum Subject: 2210 Channel Place Bulkhead Replacement 1#417 Bob, as yol� recall,,?ppticant came in for a request to replace the existing meering as part of the remodel2W of the whole side, including rebuilding of the home. My first impression was, because the bulkhead was out beyond the bulkhead line approximately two to three feet, we should go -16tad and request that at this point in time, it weuW be the— I ad back, and as I mentioned to you, this situation also has occurred with the property to South of the subject property. In further research of the file, it turns out that both of these bulkheads were built with City approval in the late 1950's and were allowed to be Mut? !1"e f eet,bigger than U.S. Bulkhead line for whatever reason, I don't kno . Tfi6k'opti��nt` r ng that the bulkhead be able to b4puilt where it was originally or another reason he gets a little bit more land, but he hasn't really stated that. Number two, it will line up with the property to the South, which is the permitted bulkhead and it will also line up with the City's bulkhead to the North, which contains a city owned beach, which we lease to ? Homeowners Association. ? the applicant is willing to rebuild the City's bulkhead adjacent to his property? ? ? in place bulkhead, it is getting close to failing and he will be willing to rebuild it, if the City could see its way clear to let him go ahead and rebuild the bulkhead where it was permitted. I know we discussed this before, but it has sort of taken on a new wrinkle and I just wanted to know if this changes your opinion on whether we should allow him to replace it as it was originally permitted, or require him to pull it back. I 04,x , ANDERSON SEAWALL 2210 CHANNEL ROAD NEWPORT BEACH, CA AERIAL VIEW OF SEAWALL: VIEW OF SUBJECT SEWALL AND ADJACENT NEIGHBOR: Morris Skendenan and Associates I nH,3NNO rs AV y 4 ca 3 0 0 DETERIORATED WOOD COPING AND TOP OF WALL LEANING SEAWARD FASTENINGS AT TOP OF WALL INDICATING FAILING TIE BACKS SAND LEAKING AT JOINT BETWEEN STEEL WALL ON CITY PROPERTY AND CONCRETE WALL ON ANDERSON PROPERTY - lia'i rV9 > 2' 7'11. 0 Jovr�sle� Co,,f �ele A>ller - /0" 7hloA� 7TO � 0.00 -ci ARA C4 C' ^�R 80 n ce- Aj� < V1 C hV T)- k Cr TCL� Nsw�o�r .8�e, CALIrORNIA IzDk::, 0 jc-/Z- �c am 0 Iler zo 0' 20, -W, d�& expresred b7 fee,' a�a' al,-"o-�e T!�� 6elpw A,7ea" Zowerlow Wa;�er. GR4191WC SCALE ra�ge dy' 7tlale OlPproxbwa7�ely /V 7ee2l. Aa�ho.-- lz�>er /W AyEr a�e es7dhll��ed h7 Ml�- xecl-li2n of4lewlportBay. .�; le, C,11A /V/V -EL I?OA D 35' 26, /;7 j 7.5 /::�L A /V p V p 40 9LOC)' 0 2. 20 40 ca 23 20 1� 21 2� 23 7,eA cr N -e �F —P,,eh Z�b -,�Iood SZ, 2210 Channel ecal Bal6oa,,rall.6amlo. t AIA, e B 0, e eW7-,eA1VCZ- 9 -29 -S's ZN 39 ?8 2C." 39127' LOr A4 Y-FAWAI Z L117e ,-S-CrX9N �r Al-cw 14 S 10 8 co,,.,Cre71'& RRXIZcAD , �J S�ECF�V.&// -('/s 'Plves- /0') I�Ole L w rle SEA WALL Al�ll��I�l �F —P,,eh Z�b -,�Iood SZ, 2210 Channel ecal Bal6oa,,rall.6amlo. t AIA, e B 0, e eW7-,eA1VCZ- 9 -29 -S's ZN FEB 03 2003 1:36PH HP LASERJET 3200 P.2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY or MWMff @Lfn ww Maml.o my ee� %®r PROJECT ba7 TYPICAL BULKHEAD SECTION SITE JEM NTS CIS? VICINITY SOUNDINGS ARE EXPRESSED IN FEET AND MAP DONATE 9LEVATIONS BASED ON MEAN LOWER NTS LOW WATER EXISTING WALL TIE -BACKS TYP NEWSEAVVjl�.L DEAD"N N67'�1-51' E-100.00, SEAWALL NEMEXISTING DMMAN n TiE-BACKS P w z LLA iL 00) N 730 13'30- E 100,00. PLAN VIEW NTS I APPU ANTS NAME' ERIK ANDERSON I LOT: A OF LOT 2,2, LOTS 23 & 24, AND POR. LOT M BLOCK. P TRACT 51a JOBADDRESS: 221UUMANNUMOAD CONTRACTOR: ZHELLMAKERINC. DATE: NEWPORTSEA 875 8 WEST 16� STREET D2/05/03 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Jan -31-03 02:31P Shellnnak�� Inc 949 548 5315 P.05 WORXSH' POR BUILDING PERMIT APPLY TION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLEASE PRINT BUILDING & PLANNING DEPARTMENTS I,PR70JECT ADDRESS (�NOT MAILING IF2210 Channel ADDRESS) FLOOR SUITE NO. ZIP Roadr New�ort Beac�) 92661 61 LEGAL DESCRIPTION !=026 ETRACT LOT ��Z2�22, BLOCK P CT 5: 518 No. UNITS -DESCRIPTION OF WORK remove ane replace approx, 98' Of seawall and f6 I Of rElturn wall ESTI E E XISTING STRUCTURE SQ.FT. N7A G 'Sq [2 PROPOSED NEW / ADDITIONAL SQ. FT, N/A NE: W ADD ALTER DEMO OTHER U L)SE 0 S SE OF STRUCTURE R as j d e n c e No. OF STORIES 3.OWNERIS NAME LAST FIRST PHONE NO. Anderson ErDc (�149)706-1932 OWNER'S ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP 11, lu,:, Chateau Roya.10 Newport Beach CA 92663 4.APPLICANTIS NAME LAST FIRST PHONE No. ellma;cer T.1c. (949)548-5359 APPLICANT'S ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP 875 B We,,;t 15tb Street Newport Beach CA 92663 S-ARCHITECTIS NAME LAST FIRST STATE LIC. NO. Morris Skenderian & Associatus C5703 ARCHITECT'S ADDRESS CITY STATE IP PHONE NO. 2094 S. Coast F11,1hway Laguna BE�ac CA 2651 (949)497-33374 6.ENGINEERIS NAME LAST FIRST STATE LIC. No.— REC Assoc;ates Kunter Ergun 1878 ENGINEER'S ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE No, 269, Pichter Avenun, Suite 110 Irvine CA 92606 (949)2:�5?-9188 7.CONTRACTOR'S NAME LIC. CLASS STATE LIC, No. Tnc. A&P 561434 CONTRACTOR'S ADDR��SS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. 875 3 Wet;t 15th 91 reet N�I-w ort Pch CA 92663 (949)548-5359 UUjnPtuN1 kamh (ar clirferent) OFFICE USE ONLY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY - GROUP CLASS CODE NEWPORT BUS. LIC. NO. BT0009706 White; Sultding bopt Yatl6w: Cashier Pink: Applicant PERMIT NO. PLAN CHECK RO�.-- PLAN CHECK FEE $ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 BUILDING DEPARTMENT - (949) 644-3288 FEE RECEIPT Date Plan Check No.1 M�-260--� Received By:—b� z 3 C K Plt) �-rl L- r�-Z Received From I Job Address Building Plan Check ............. ........ ........... .................................. 2900-5002 Harbor Resource Plan Check (Building) ...................................... 2900-4627 Zoning Plan Check .......................... ............................................ 2700-5003 Grading Plan Check ................. ................................................... 2900-5004 FirePlan Check ............................................................................. 2330-5055 Electric Plan Check ....................................................................... 2900-4612 Plumbing Plan Check ........... ........................................................ 2900-4616 Mechanical Plan Check ................................................................. 2900-4618 Harbor Resources Plan Check ................ 1:.Sl .................................. 2370-4654 $ (L/ G Overtime Plan Check - Building ............................................ ...... 2900-5023 Overtime Plan Check - Grading ................................................... 2900-5004 Overtime Plan Check - Planning .................................................. 2700-5003 Preliminary Code Compliance Review ......................................... 2900-5002 Reinspection B E M P/Special Inspection ..................................... 2900-5008 Reinspection Fire ................................. ........................................ 2330-5050 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy ............................................. 2900-5008 Underground Utilities Waiver ...................................................... 010-2225 Energy Compliance ................................................................. 2900-5017 Planning Department Fees .................. ... ... I ............. I— ... I ..... I I ....... 2700-5000 Sale of Maps & Publications (Planning) ....................................... 2700-5812 Determination of Unreasonable Hardship ................... ............... 2900-5018 Copies/ Misc ........ ...................................................................... 2900-5019 Records Mana�ement Fee ............................................................. 010-2263 $ Other (Specify) � ............ ................................... PAID AUG 14 2002 67 .............. I ...... TOTAL FEES $ Fee Receipt No. NOTICE: PLAN CHECK EXPIRES 180 DAYS FROM DATE OF SUBMITTAL (f\feerept.11/00) 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach I Y UF NEWPORT BEACH TITY OF , �un P)�c IFIc— El occl�N pw --..Z F"9,p 3 E 4 T' vi rc _; TYPICAL BULKHEAD SECTION Z7Ty S*y N GS ARE EXPRE SSED IN F E E T AND f SOUNOJNGS ARE EXPRESSED IN FEET AND DONATE ELEVATIONS EASED ON MEAN LOWER LOW WATER 12. �0) g, A— TYPICAL BULKHEAD SECTION Z7Ty S*y N GS ARE EXPRE SSED IN F E E T AND f SOUNOJNGS ARE EXPRESSED IN FEET AND DONATE ELEVATIONS EASED ON MEAN LOWER LOW WATER PLAN VIEW NTS il CA NA E ERIKAIIDER _L707T: Y� OF LOT 2222, �LOCTS 23 � 24 AND FOR, LOT M D �N S )N TS M S� �IJDRI:Sb: 2210 �CHANNEJL RCOAD . ...... I Ont"MAM-N INC. NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92661 1 875 B WEST 15T�l STREET DATE: I NEWPORT BEACH CAWRill 08/07/02 g, A— I- �18 . . ..... ... PR�0$60 FWPRW ....... — 7�z. WT — 77, —t�— lop. PLAN VIEW NTS il CA NA E ERIKAIIDER _L707T: Y� OF LOT 2222, �LOCTS 23 � 24 AND FOR, LOT M D �N S )N TS M S� �IJDRI:Sb: 2210 �CHANNEJL RCOAD . ...... I Ont"MAM-N INC. NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92661 1 875 B WEST 15T�l STREET DATE: I NEWPORT BEACH CAWRill 08/07/02 I- �18 — 7�z. L — 77, —t�— lop. PLAN VIEW NTS il CA NA E ERIKAIIDER _L707T: Y� OF LOT 2222, �LOCTS 23 � 24 AND FOR, LOT M D �N S )N TS M S� �IJDRI:Sb: 2210 �CHANNEJL RCOAD . ...... I Ont"MAM-N INC. NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92661 1 875 B WEST 15T�l STREET DATE: I NEWPORT BEACH CAWRill 08/07/02 LEASE AGREEMENT BETW10,;N THE CITY''OUNOWPORT WCH AND THi BALBOA PENINSULA MAT AS36CIATION _01 street Q THIS LEASE AGREEMENT enteTed into this'12,_ day of 1969, by aid between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City" and the BAIZO)A PENINSULA POINT ASSOCIATION, a California non-profit corporation, hereinafter called "Association": RECITALS: City is the Owner of a certain parcei of land located in the City of Newport Beach on the Balboa Peninsula at the foot Of "N" Street, which property has been leased to the Balboa Peninsula Point Association by City pursuant to an agreement dated November 28, 1949, which will expire on November 30, 1969. The Association has constructed improvements on said property, and has complied with all terms of the existing agreement, The Association has requested that the City Council authorize an extension of the present lease, and.the City Council is willing to do an on the basis of the following terms and conditions: NOW, THEREFOM1,1T IS AGREED between the parties hereto as follows: TERM. City bureby leases to the Association all that certain rea 1 property lying in the City of Newport Beach, legally described as follows: Lot 43, Tract 756, City Of We port Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a.map recorded in Book 23, pages 7 and 8, Miscellaneous Maps, records o! Orange County, L for an indefinite term extending from year to year, subject to .termination at any time, without cause, by either party, said termination to be effective 90 days from the date of mailing written notice of cancellation. 2. USE. The Association agrees to use said land solely .... ..... for recreational purposes and riot to permit any commercial use of said land. However, the Association may charge its members a small , reasonable annual fee for use of the land.and improvements. The Association further agrees to permit any person who is a perma- neo�t.or temporary resident of the Balboa peninsula area extending easterly from Main Street to join the Association on identical terms with other members without regard to race, creed, nationality or whether they own, rent or lease their place of residence. 3. DRROVEMENTS. The Association agrees that it shall riot make, erect, cons . truct or otherwise place upon said land any improvement, building, structure or permanent facility of any kind, without first obtaining the written consent of the City. The Association further agrees that all improvements of a permanent nature which become affixed to the property shall become the property of the City. (P MAINTENANCE. The Association agrees to maintain said land and ail in*ip rove ments thereon in good condition and repair at all times during the term of this lease. 5. HOLD HARMLESS. The Association agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City-, it� officers and employees against and from arty and all claims, demands, actions, judgments or liability of every kind and nature arising out of or related to the Associatioi:,i's occupation and use of said property, and tile Association shall reimburse the City for any costs and expenses Incurred by City in defending any such claim, demand or action, including any attorneys' fees, court costs or other expenses incurred by the City. -2- 3 6. LIABILITY INSURANCE. The Association shall file with the City C16rk' 'and sifts�111'�hereafter during the term of the lease'maintain in full force and effect, at its own expense, a general comprehensive liability insurance policy which shall insure the City, ita officers and employees against liability ill the amount A $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. The policy shall name the City, its officers and employees as additional insureds, and shall contain a provision that a written notice of any eancella- tiun, modification or reduction in coverage of said policy shall be delivered to the City Clerk thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date thereof. 7. ASSIGNMENT. This lease shall not be subject to assignment. 8. CANCELLATION OF EXISTING LEASE. The lease agreement between the City and the Association dated November 28, 1949, is hereby canceled as of the'effective date of this agreement. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVED AS TO FORM, Mla r ATTEST: -f /41 UZ City e CI�y BALBOA, PENINSULAPOWNT ASSOCIATION By: ---------- I By: ja4-Ll— ASSOCIATION THS:dh 7 /1 A /6Q RECORDING REQUESTED AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Public Works Department City of Newport Beach Post Office Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Space above this line for Recorder's use only. ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT (EPN2003-0_) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 2003, by and between Erik Anderson, (hereinafter "OWNER"), and the City of Newport Beach, California, a municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of its Charter and the Constitution and the laws of the State of California, (hereinafter "CITY"). OWNER.is the owner of property located at 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA 92663, and legally described as (Multiple Lots, including a portion of one or more lots, Lot 22-24&M; Block: P; City: Newport Beach; Tract Number: 518; Recorder's Map Reference: MP17 PG33-36 recorded in Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California (hereinafter "PROPERTY"). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, OWNER desires to demolish and reconstruct an existing seawall/bulkhead, constituting non-standard improvements (hereinafter "PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS") within the western border of the main channel of Newport Bay, which constitutes tidelands owned by CITY in trust as granted by the State of California pursuant to Legislation authorized by Chapter 74 of the Statutes of 1978, (hereinafter "TIDELANDS".) The PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS occupy a portion of Newport Bay comprising dimensions of �feet and 'b inches, and more particularly described as follows (Needs legal description of area of bay that seawall encroaches upon as per survey) 1 WHEREAS, CITY owns beach property adjacent to the Property with a seawall continuou s to OWNER's existing seawall/bulkhead, ('CITY BULKHEAD") which seawall is in need of repair or replacement. WHEREAS, owner has need to "tie in" the PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS to either an adjoining seawall or a newly constructed wing wall along Property lines. WHEREAS, IN February 12, 2003, Newport Beach Harbor Commission approved OWNER's request to reconstruct the PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS as authorized CITY Council Policy H-1 provided that OWNER agree, and be permitted to reconstruct the on CITY BULKHEAD at OWNER's own cost and expense. WHEREAS, said PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS may interfere in the future with CITY'S ability to construct, operate, maintain, and replace CITY and other public facilities and improvements within TIDELANDS; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to execute an agreement providing for fulfillment of the conditions required by CITY to permit OWNER to reconstruct and maintain said PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 It is mutually agreed that PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS shall be defined as a seawall/bulkhead, together with all structural caissons, tiebacks, concrete footings and related walls and other revetments, in the right-of-way as shown on EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto and particularly described in plans dated_, approved by the Public Works Department. In addition, the proposed PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS may vary at the time of construction, Hence, any changes must be approved by the Public Works Department and shall be shown on the "As Built" plans. Z CITY will permit OWNER to construct, reconstruct, install, maintain, use, operate, repair and replace said PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS and appurtenances incidental thereto, within a portion of TIDELANDS, all in substantial conformance with plans and specifications on file in the CITY. CITY will further allow OWNER to take all reasonable measures necessary or convenient in accomplishing the aforesaid activities. F, 3. As and for consideration for the release of any liability for fair rental value of the applicable TIDELANDS area for the life of the PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS or 50 (fifty) years whichever comes first, Owner agrees to repair and reconstruct the CITY bulkhead contiguous to the PERMITTED IMPROVMENTS. All parties agree that the scope and extent of the repairs and reconstruction shall be at the expense of Owner, and designed and constructed according to plans and specifications approved by CITY. All parties further agree that any and all liability for injury, damage, destruction, or any other civil remedy shall inure to Owner on1v during the actual construction of the CITY bulkhead. Upon issuance of a final permit to Owner, CITY shall thereupon assume any and all liability of any ki ' nd or nature with regard to any injury or damage to any third party arising out of or in connection with the construction of the CITY bulkhead. Any and all further obligations to maintain or otherwise operate the CITY bulkhead shall thereupon transfer to CITY. 4. Rights granted under this Agreement may be terminated by CITY at any time by giving six (6) month's notice, specifying in said notice the date of termination. CITY shall incur no liability whatsoever in the event of the termination of this Agreement, and subsequent removal of improvements by CITY. 5. OWNER and CITY further agree as follows: a. OWNER may construct and install PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS and appurtenances incidental thereto, in substantial conformance with plans and specifications therefore on file in the CITY's Public Works Department, and as described on Exhibit "A" hereto attached. b. OWNER shall maintain the PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS in accordance with general prevailing standards of maintenance, and pay all costs and expenses incurred in doing so. However, nothing herein shall be construed to require OWNER to maintain, replace or repair any CITY -owned pipeline, conduit or cable located in or under said PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS, except as otherwise provided herein. C. If City or other public facilities or improvements are damaged by the h installation or presence of PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS, OWNER shall be responsible for the cost of repairs. 3 d. That should CITY be required to enter onto said TIDELANDS to exercise its primary rights associated with the TIDELANDS, including but not limited to, the maintenance, removal, repair, renewal, replacement or enlargement of existing or future public facilities or improvements, CITY may remove portions of the PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS, as required, and in sudh eveft (i) CITY shall notify OWNER of its intention to accomplish such work, if any emergency situation does not exist. (ii) OWNER shall be responsible for arranging for any renewal, replacement, or restoration of the PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS affected by such work by CITY. (iii) CITY agrees to bear only the cost of any removal of the PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS affected by such work by CITY. (iv) OWNER agrees to pay all costs for renewal, replacement, or restoration of the PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS. 5. OWNER acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement may in the future be superseded by Harbor Policies or other policies requiring a lease or other agreement for the PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS. OWNER agrees to enter into any such agreements applicable to the PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS. 6. OWNER acknowledges and agrees that the authority granted by this Agreement is subject to OWNER first obtaining an Encroachment Permit from Public Works Department and all other required building permits, Harbor Permits, or other permits from other local, state or federal agencies necessary to construct the PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS and the CITY BULKHEAD on CITY p roperty, CITY agrees to cooperate with OWNER to sign any required applications for any permits related to reconstruction of the CITY BULKHEAD. 7. In the event either party breaches any material provision of this Agreement, the other party at its option may, in addition to the other legal remedies available to it, terminate this Agreement, and, in the event the breaching party is OWNER, CITY may enter upon the TIDELANDS and remove all or part of the improvements installed by OWNER. Termination because of breach shall be upon a minimum of sixty (60) days' written notice, with the notice specifying the date of termination. In the event of litigation, commenced with respect to any term of condition of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred. 8. OWNER shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its City Council, boards and commissions, officers and employees from and against any and all loss, damage, liability, claims, suits, costs and expenses whatsoever, including reasonable attorneys' fees (when outside attorneys are so utilized), arising from or in any manner connected with the design, construction, maintenance, or continued existence of the PERMITTED IMPROVEMENTS. 9. OWNER agrees that this Agreement shall be recorded against the PROPERTY in the Official Records of the County Recorder of Orange County, California. OWNER further agrees to execute and record, contemporaneously with this agreement, a Request for Special Noticein favor of CITY, reflecting OWNER'S desire to give CITY notice of any foreclosure under private power of sale brought against PROPERTY. 10. OWNER agrees that this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from execution thereof; shall run with the land; shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, and assigns of OWNERS' interest in the land, whether fee or otherwise, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: City Attorney ATTEST: By: City Clerk CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a Municipal corporation 0 OWNER: M 61 City Manager ERIK ANDERSON OrderNo. @ Escrow No. @ Loan No. @ WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDERS USE Request For Notice Under Section 2924b Civil Code In accordance with Section 2924b, Civil Code, request is hereby made that a copy of any Notice of Default and a copy of any Notice of Sale under the Deed of Trust recorded as Instrument No. @, on @, 19@, in Book @, Page @, Official Records of @ County, California, and describing land therein as N executed by @, as Trustor, in which @ is named as Beneficiary, and @, as Trustee, be mailed to at @, (Number and Street) @ (City and State) NOTICE: A COPYOF ANY NOTICE OF DEFAULTAND OFANY NOTICE OF SALE WILL BE SENT ONLY TO THE ADDRESS CONTAINED IN THIS RECORDED REQUEST. IF YOUR ADDRESS CHANGES, A NEW REQUEST MUST BE RECORDED. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTYOF ME personally before me, personally known to me (or proved to me on die basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within.instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hiAer/their authorized capacity(ics), and that by hiAer/dieir signature(s) on the instrument the peison(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument WITNESS my hand and official sea]. Signature n1is area for official notarial seal) 1168(1/94) Iss @ n1is area for official notarial seal) 1168(1/94) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF ORANGE On 200, before me, personally appeared personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they has executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for said State STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF ORANGE On personally appeared 200, before me, (This area for official notarial seal) personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they has executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for said State (This area for official notarial seal) 2094 S. COOST H193hWay, #3 Loguna BeCloh, CA 92651 T e I : 9 A 9 - 4 9 7 - 3 5 7 4 ANA FOX: 949-497.9$ T4 Morris Skenderian &Associates, AJ -A, A R C H I T E C T S DATE; TIME: TO: Lloyd Dalton COMPANY, City of Newport Beach Public Works PHONE: 644-3328 FAX, 644-3318 CC: Tom Rossmfller (949) 723-0589 Lorenzo "Plazi" Miller (940) 548-5315 Ergun Kunter (949) 252-9198 FROM.' Charlie Williams Mords Skenderlan & Associates Tel: 949-497-3374 Fax: 949-497-9814 PROJECT, 221OChannelRoad RE- 1/8/04 Meeting PAGES: (2) Including this cover page HARD COPY TO FOLLOW VIA MAIL: Yes X No Comments: Please review the following... 118/2004 2:45 PM HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034/Fax 949-723-0589 APPROVAL IN CONCEPT APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH as required for permit application to the South Coast Regional Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Sections 13210 and 13211. .nnnsed Development: '[7,move- '3113 ITPRT LGan.eral Dqscril:)tion of Prop X I I \1k .ax�s . �z /11 In ii1jiA ZV a A011 &yx Propert�y Address: -'i-' A RRA Legal Description: Number: 102 -?,?J0 Applicant: AyicjQx---j0jv-\ Applicant's Mailing Address: Ph;qtea6 &Y�(Q Phone Number: (9qq) I -70(b - I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in ,.the application. And, find .... .. .......... * They comply with the current adopted Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and any applicable specific or precise plans or * That a variance of exception has been approved and final. A copy of any variance, exception, conditional use permit or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept and said approval has been written upon said plans, signed and dated. Should Newport Beach adopt an ordinance deleting, amending or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulation's in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted thereunder, this development: Has been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). * Has received a Final Environmental Impact Report (copy attached). All discretionary approvals legally required of Newport Beach prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in principal by Newport Beach unless a substantial change in it is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes and regulations of Newport Beach. 1��241�� Kirector Signature: Print Name/Title: Date: Attachments: I. z s6awfA 2. 3. 4. FEB 03 2003 1 :3E;PM HP LASERJET 3200 Car W Nor= SEKW PROJECT SITE 'I T- V MAP I WW 7 EW am TiE-SA&K5 ING WALL �,,!MAWA'Lt: NEW/EXISTING HARBORF CI OFNI Z. Z � �- 4 Z-1 P. 2 DIV. Page 1 of I Rossmiller, Tom Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: Per my client's conversation with Tom Rossmiller of the Harbors Department of the City today, I attach the final draft of the revocable Encroachment Permit. It reflects the City's changes limiting the life of the permit to 50 years or the destruction of the work of improvement; we have a.lsq.agreed to prepare and record a Request for Notice to advise the City formally in the event of a foreclosure, and we have added language requiring my client to obtain a Harbor Permit as well. I note that the document requires the signature of the City Attorney and the City Clerk rather than for Mr. Rossmiller. Perhaps he can either authorize the City clerk to sign it or simply sign it on behalf of the City Clerk. I thank everyone for their patience and cooperation; I will stand by to do whatever I can to facilitate this document getting signed. PAUL WEINBERG PAUL J. WEINBERG ATTORNEY AT LAW 18201 Von Korman Avenue, Suite 1160 Irvine, California 92612-1099 Phone. 949.553.0500 Fox. 9A9.474.0529 E-mail. office@piwmadicttion.com Web site. www.piwmadiclion.com '06/2003 DRAFT California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region Aftn.: Adam Fischer, 401 Coordinator 3737 Main Street, Suite 500 Riverside, CA 92501-3348 Re.: 2210 Channel Road Dear Adam, Per our telephone conversation and your notice of incomplete application you had requested additional information regarding our submittal. Please review the following: CEQA Notice of Exemution Form As outlined in our Approval in Concept form. submitted with our initial submittal, the development has been determined to be categorically exempt by the City of Newport Beach per section 15304 "Minor Alterations to Land" and 15305 "Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations". However, at the present timelhe city has elected not to file th challenge for 180 days Storm and Pool Water Drainag Storm Water— The storm water accumulated on site shall be dispersed to permeable surfaces such as lawns and planters, Excessive storm water not absorbed by the permeable surfaces will be collected by area and trench drains that will carry water through drain lines, perforated were appropriate to allow additional absorption on site, to a pump located near the mid point of the South property line. The pump shall direct storm water to the street to prevent water from being discharged to the bay. Pool Water — The water discharged by the pool equipment shall be connected to the sewer to prevent water from being discharged to the bay. Additional fees The additional fees of $1,250 as requested shall be issued to you directly by the property owner via mail. The items as outlined above should address your concems and fulfill the remaining items required to complete our current appliration. Please contact me with any additional questions. Regards, I Deleted; it is not City policy to file a NoVce of Exemption from with CEQA or the County Recorder's office The City currently uses the Approval in Concept to" to document exemption. As a result I am unable to provide the form you have requested Should you need additional evidence of City policy pNease contact Patty Temple. City of Newport Beach Planong Director (949) 644-3228 r Formatted: Font: 10 fit 05/08/20133 12:27 9494979814 MSA ARCHITECTS PAGE 01 2094 S. Coust Highway, #3 Laguno Becch, CA 92651 T 9 1 : _ 3 3 9 4 9 4 9 7 3 3 7 4 AROA F 0 X : 9 A 4 9 7 9 6 1 4 Morris Skenderion & Associates, A.I.A. A R C H I T E C T 6 KDATE: 6/812003 TIME: 12:14 Pm TO: Meg Vaughn COMPANY. California Coastal Commission PHONE: (562) 590-5071 FAX. (562) 590-5084 Tom Rossmiller 723-0589 Erik Anderson 723-1750 - Call first FROM., Charlie Williams Morris Skenderlan & Associates Tel: 949-497-3374 Fax: 049-497-9814 PROJECT: 221OChanneiRoad RE, Bulkhead PAGES: (4) Including this cover page HARD COPY TO FOLLOW VIA MAIL: X Yes No Comments; The following is our response to your recent letter regarding outstanding bulkhead questions, To get you a COPY of the photo mentioned in my letter today I will issue an email with the photo attached. I will forward the hard copy of the letter and photograph via FedEx to insure it arrives at your office by 5/9/03 as requested. Tom Rossmiller will forward the City's correspondence via fax and follow by mail as well, 05/08/2003 12:27 9494979814 MSA ARCHITECTS PAGE 02 Morris Skenderldn Me & A890claites; A.I.A, y 8, 2003 A R C H 1 7 E C, I.$ CalifOrnia Coastal ComTiiss ion Attn.: Meg Vaughn; Staff Analyst 2094 S, Coast Hlghwoy Loguncl Beach, CA 92651 Tel.; 9A�._497-3374 FOX: 949-497-9�14' MsaQrchltec,s.CoM -200 Ocearigate,�Suite'1000 Long Beach, CA 908024302 Re,: Coastal Developme4 Permit A"pplicat�ion Number 5-02-174 Erik Anoerson Residence 2210 Channel Road" Newport Beach, OrInge County 'bear.Ms. Vaughn, The following is i� response to your letter dated May 1 2003 regarding . 'questions y6u have about the proposed bulkhead, rEngineerb Assessment de_locad�n of Sulkhead Inland: As currently constructed, and approv4d by The City of Newport Beach in the I �50'sl' the.bulkhead. alijns 'with the adjacent properties to the south and horth and is 3'-6" oceanward of the property I' ine measured from the property line to.. the , ocean side face of the bulkhead. To relocate the bulkhead inland'Of the property line would create a bulkhead line Out Of alignment with the adjaceni bulkheads and create several issues that make refo6ation un@61sable and undesirable. It is teo.hnically possible to relocate the bulk . head to the Property line,however, the relocation of the bulkhead inland of,its current location would I create a 3'-61, right angle return wall between the new bulkhead and the existing bulkhead of our neighbors. In constructing the, return wall, we would be' required to retain the,soil of . the adjacent Property. Retention of the soil issequired to prevent the soil from collapsing into the bay, thus desta6ilizing the adjacent lot and the stability of structures within proximity to the wall. The reiponsibilftyof retaining the soil and insuring the safety of existing structure&, during construction and throughout the Jife span of the proposed bulkhead would'fall upon the applicant and would be an unnecessary and burdensome risk, -Additionally,'the no'rthe rly bulkhead, also in a I lignmen . t, is in a ste to of disr8pair with -sand currently leaking into'the �4ay along with remnants of the bulkhead, Due' to. the existing. condition of the northerly bulkhead, relocati;j th� applicant's bulkhead inland would have adverse aff&cts on the City's bulkhead by creating a Precarious connection, TO miti�gate this condition, and reduce liability associated the with connecting to the -City's existing bulkhead, th pplicant he.% offered to replace the City"bulkhead at his expense as Ibng ase a conti it can be guous to his proposal. 05/08/2003 12:27 9494979814 MSA ARCHITECTS PAGE 03 Lastly, based upon aesthetic concerns of the City and adja . cent neighbors, it is., most desirable to construct 6 bulkhead that is aligned with adjao6nt properties creating la drifform. bulk ' head line, A uniform bulkhead line Will Prevent the creation, of small eddy pockets where debris May collect and. a'vold the, incongruo.us transition resulilng.froM the stepping �f.the bulkhead. to As outlined in the initial lett6r from our Structural Engi . neer the safe I ty factor . of stability for the existing bulkhead is less, than 1 .0, well below- the a6captal�le safety factor. A safety factor of 1.0 indicates a high likelihood. of failure. As a comparison to conventional retaining walls, the Minimum required safety factor per-t.he CalifoMia. Building Code is 1.5. Our Structural Erigineeir's calculations indicate the high likelihood Of failure, however, the actual'point or tlme'of failure cannot be predicted. The consequences associated with not replacing the'bulkhead would be the poterlti6l. for failure and thus destabilization of adjacent property an d structures., - The bulkhead as currently constructed i's a hazard to exi§ting� structures, flatwork and land within 30'-0' of the buikhead. When the bulkhead fails, the $oil within the failure. area will doll' apse into the bay threatening the stability of'the property, the loss of existing improvements and existing habitat within the bayi should the'fallure occur near the property lines the adjanent'pr6perties would also be threatened. R010ca 0— of ProPosed De��Ment: As designecf, the Proposed residence is outside 'the 301-01, impact area that would be effected by bulkhead failure, I The location of the Proposed development does, not dictate the nee8 for a hew bulkhead, The requirem6nt is diotaled by City of Newport:BeacfT Policg' that requires an Engineer certify the safety of all existing bulkheads where new development or a substantial remodel is proposed. In. our efforts to satisfy the City requirements we have; analyzed the existing bulkhead to determine how to meet current design standards. Becau I 8e of the. low safety factor, as noted above, repair of the !bulkhead is not feasible without destro�jng the wall or extending the existing wait furtherseaward with'attachments, With repaj� options exhausted, the onl Y Way to meet currant design standards is through the construction of a replacame� 'the existing residence nt bulkhead, if were proposed to remain, with a desired lifespan of more than a few years, it still would bE� advisable -6 replace the existing bulkhead, Currently there are minor improvements located on the City's beach P ropert I y to the north. -. As noted on the site survey' provided with our initial submittal, improvements include Ratwork, portabld sitting areas at the landward portion of the site, landscaping and 8. small portable storage shed. On the northerly portion of the City's propertya're a boat launch area and a boatdock.- 12:2t 94J4'J/J814 M�;A ANUHilEGIS HAUL U4 The City curr�ntly'leases th6 adjacent beach property to the Balboa Peninsula Point Association, the arba'§ Comm, Unity Association, The Association uses the property to Provide its members with beach and boaf lau hch access. De sign Alie �natj�LOI' The option to Place the proposed bulkhead behind the existing was dismissed because the damage that, would be incurred to the existing bulkhead during. congtruction' would be extensive, rendering the bulkhead, debilitated and Unsightly. The installation of a bulkhead requires that the'new panels be driven into the soil. The vibration. created by the install� atlon ofthe ryew panels would cause the existing panels to disintegrate and fall into the waterway. Those panels that do rem6in af* installatio ' I I M is Complete, would be unsightly, unstable and would continue. twdeteriorate at a rapid.pace into the bay. A!A—h�Orizaftn �frOmPrO �errt Owner The City is cur.rer7fly in the process of complati I ng an, Encroachment Permit which is the leol document that will provide Erik Anders'on,. th6,6pplIca ' - nt, the right to Perform �work over the property line and extend 30' onto the adll�cent CltV owned property, Per your discussions with Tom ROSsmiller, Director of Harbor Resources, the City,will issue tP`you a draft of the R . ncroachment Permit and a letter stating the City's intent to approve the project, The letter -will peovid rellminar� authorization to the applicant, to 'coi 8 P ntract to construct the bulkhead. on City owned property and subsequently offer it for dedication. BecaUse the City hai decided to Issuo an Encroa hment Permit to the applicant, they feel it is unnecessary to becor�e a co-appelicant. The forthcoming, letter frior� the City.shall in included as a 6o-applicaht I clud6 -a statement regarding* their decision not to be Jo assist in the understarIchng- of the current wall alignment I have provided an aerial photograph of t . he . existing bulkheads. Should you have questions or require additibnal information, please -contact me. Sincerely, Charlie Williams Morris Skenderlan an6 Associates Eno-: Bulkhead Aerial -Phot;9'raph May 8, 2003 California Coastal Commission Attn.: Meg Vaughn, Staff Analyst 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 Re.: Coastal Development Permit Application Number 5-02-174 Erik Anderson Residence 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, Orange County Dear Ms. Vaughn, The City of Newport Beach, Harbor Resources Division requested the City's Harbor Commission to consider a request from the homeowner at 2210 Channel Road to rebuild his bulkhead. After considering several options, the Harbor Commission approved on, February 12, 2003, issuance of an Approval in Concept for the project as presented to the Coastal Commission for further approval. We recognize that the bulkhead will be built in its present location which is 3 and 1/2 feet bayward of the bulkhead line and which was previously permitted by the City of Newport Beach in the late 1950's. This position provides for alignment with adjacent bulkheads including a bulkhead on City property which is in poor condition. The homeowner has proposed to rebuild the bulkhead on the adjacent City parcel and the City has concurred with this proposal. The City is in the process of finalizing an Encroachment Agreement that will formalize this concurrence. A draft of the Encroachment Agreement is attached. The City is waiting to execute this agreement pending any special conditions that may be imposed by action of your Commission. The City of Newport Beach concurs in moving forward with this project and prefers to coordinate the project with the property owner through the terms of the Encroachment Agreement rather than sign the Coastal Development Permit Application as co -applicant. Thank you for your assistance in processing this Coastal Development Permit. If you have any questions, please call me at (949) 644-3041. Sincerely, Tom Rossmiller Harbor Resources Manager Attachment: Final Draft Encroachment Agreement The option to place the proposed bulkhead behind the existing was dismissed because the damage that would be incurred to the existing bulkhead during construction would be extensive, rendering the bulkhead debilitated and unsightly. The installation of a bulkhead requires that the new panels be driven into the soil. The vibration created by the installation of the new panels would cause the existing panels to disintegrate and fall into the waterway. Those panels that do remain, after installation is complete, would be unsightly, unstable and would continue to deteriorate. Authorization from Property Owne The City is currently in the process of completing an Encroachment Permit, which is the legal document that will provide Erik Anderson the right to perform work over the property line and extend 30' onto the adjacent City, owned property. Per your discussions with Tom Rossmiller, Director of Harbor Resources, the City will issue a draft of the Encroachment Permit and a letter stating the City's intent to approve the project to you directly. The letter will provide preliminary authorization to the applicant to contract to construct the bulkhead on City owned property and subsequently offer it for dedication. Because the City has decided to implement the Encroachment Permit they feel it is unnecessary to become a co -applicant. The forthcoming letter from the City shall include a statement regarding their decision not to be included as a co - applicant. Should you have questions or require additional information, please contact me Sincerely, Charlie Williams Morris Skenderian and Associates Enc.: Page I of I Rossmiller, Tom From: Rossmiller, Tom Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 10:30 AM To: 'Charlie@msaarchitects.com' Subject: FW: 2210 Channel Road Charlie: I provided some recommended changes to your draft letter to CRWQCB. I sent this to Patty Temple to confirm my interpretation of CEQA policy. I'll let you know when I hear back from Patty. I also provided a draft letter to the Coastal Commission that coordinates with your CCC letter. Let me know if you think that letter is ok and I'll go ahead and send and/or revise it. Thanks, Tom ----- Original Message ----- From: Charlie Williams [mailto:Charlie@msaarchitects.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 4:38 PM To: trossmiller@city.newport-beach.ca.us Subject: 2210 Channel Road Tom, Per our telephone conversation the following are letters to Coastal and RWQCB regarding additional information they have requested. I would like you to review those sections that pertain to you and provide your comments. Those items I would like you to review have been highlighted in blue. Please contact me with your comments. Thank you, Charlie Williams Morris Skenderian & Assoc. 2094 South Coast Hwy., #3 Laguna Beach, CA 92651 www.rnsaarchitects.corn charlienmsaarchitects.com 949.497.3374 T 949.497.9814 F 05/08/2003 Page I of I Rossmiller, Tom From: Clauson, Robin Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 10:03 AM To: 'Paul Weinberg'; Kiff, Dave; Kiff, Dave Cc: Rossmiller, Tom Subject: RE: 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (Erik Anderson); Revocable Encroachment Permit Paul I am not sure either but I would rather not sign it til Coastal approves the Project. I think the Andersons wanted to make sure as well. I am assuming that as part of the response to the Coastal staff letter you sent me we could include the agreement and as part of a joint supplemental app say the same. Tom what do you suggest is the best way to handle it? ----- Original Message ----- From: Paul Weinberg [mailto:pjweinberg@pjwmediation.com] Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 9:57 AM To: 'Clauson, Robin' Subject: RE: 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (Erik Anderson); Revocable Encroachment Permit How does the City let Coastal know that it is satisfied with the terms of the agreement and supports the application? Aren't they going to want to see it signed by everybody? (I'm just asking, I'm not clear on this.) PAUL ----- Original Message ----- From: Clauson, Robin [mailto:RClauson@city.newport-beach.ca.us] Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 6:58 AM To: 'Paul Weinberg' Subject: RE: 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (Erik Anderson); Revocable Encroachment Permit I think we better submit it to Coastal first and represent in the joint application that the parties will sign and record if the project is approved. ----- Original Message ----- From: Paul Weinberg [maj Ito: pjweinberg@pjwmediation.com] Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 4:06 PM To: 'Clauson, Robin' Subject: RE: 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (Erik Anderson); Revocable Encroachment Permit Okay to run it in final, get the clients to sign it? ----- Original Message ----- From: Clauson, Robin [maiito:RClauson@city.newport-beach.ca.us] Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 3:42 PM To: 'Paul Weinberg' Subject: RE: 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (Erik Anderson); Revocable Encroachment Permit I am good with it. Thanks ----- Original Message ----- From: Paul Weinberg [mailto:pjweinberg@pjwmediation.comI Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 3:23 PM To: 'Clauson, Robin' Subject: RE: 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (Erik Anderson); Revocable Encroachment Permit 05/06/2003 DRAFT California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region Attn.: Adam Fischer, 401 Coordinator 3737 Main Street, Suite 500 Riverside, CA 92501-3348 Re.: 2210 Channel Road Dear Adam, Per our telephone conversation and your notice of incomplete application you had requested additional information regarding our submittal. Please review the following: CEQA Notice of Exemption Form As outlined in our Approval in Concept form, submitted with our initial submittal, the development has been determined to be categorically exempt by the City of Newport Beach per section 15304 "Minor Alterations to Land" and 15305 "Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations". However, at the present time it is not City policy to file a Notice of Exemption from with CEQA or the County Recorder's office. The City currently uses the Approval in Concept form to document exemption. As a result I am unable to provide the form you have requested. Should you need additional evidence of City policy please contact Patty Temple, City of Newport Beach Planning Director (949) 644-3228. Storm and Pool Water Drainage Storm Water — The storm water accumulated on site shall be dispersed to permeable surfaces such as lawns and planters. Excessive storm water not absorbed by the permeable surfaces will be collected by area and trench drains that will carry water through drain lines, perforated were appropriate to allow additional absorption on site, to a pump located near the mid point of the South property line. The pump shall direct storm water to the street to prevent water from being discharged to the bay. Pool Water — The water discharged by the pool equipment shall be connected to the sewer to prevent water from being discharged to the bay. Additional fees The additional fees of $1,250 as requested shall be issued to you directly by the property owner via mail. The items as outlined above should address your concerns and fulfill the remaining items required to complete our current application. Please contact me with any additional questions. Regards, DRAFT May 5, 2003 California Coastal Commission Attn.: Meg Vaughn, Staff Analyst 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 Re.: Coastal Development Permit Application Number 5-02-174 Erik Anderson Residence 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, Orange County Dear Ms. Vaughn, The following is in response to your letter dated May 1, 2003 regarding questions you have about the proposed bulkhead. Enciineers Assessment Relocation of Bulkhead Inland As currently constructed, and approved by The City of Newport Beach in the 1950's, the bulkhead aligns with the adjacent properties to the south and north. To relocate the bulkhead inland of the property line would create a bulkhead line out of alignment with the adjacent bulkhead and create several issues that make relocation unadvisable and undesirable. It is technically possible to locate the bulkhead at the property line. However, the relocation of the bulkhead inland would create a 3'-6" right angle return wall between the proposed bulkhead and the bulkhead of our southerly neighbor. In constructing the return wall we would be required to retain the soil of the adjacent property. Retention of the soil is required to prevent the soil from collapsing into the bay potentially destabilizing the adjacent lot and effecting the structural stability of off site structures. The responsibility of retaining the soil and insuring the safety of existing structures during construction and throughout the life span of the proposed bulkhead is an unnecessary and burdensome risk, imposed upon the property owner, if required to construct the bulkhead behind the property line. Additionally, the Northerly bulkhead, also in alignment, is in a state of severe disrepair causing sand to leak and remnants of the bulkhead to fall into the bay. Due to the existing condition of the Northerly bulkhead, relocating the proposed bulkhead inland would have adverse affects on the City's bulkhead making it technically infeasible to connect. To further address this issue and reduce the liability associated with the City's bulkhead our client has offered to replace the City bulkhead in conjunction with his bulkhead. Lastly, based upon aesthetic concerns of the City and adjacent neighbors it is most desirable to construct a bulkhead that is aligned with adjacent properties creating a uniform bulkhead line. A uniform bulkhead line will prevent the creation of small eddy pockets where debris may collect and become unsightly as would be created by a recessed bulkhead. Protection of Existing Structures: As outlined in the initial letter from our Structural Engineer the safety factor of stability of the existing bulkhead is less than 1.0, well below the acceptable safety factor. A safety factor of 1.0 indicates a high likelihood of failure. As a comparison to conventional retaining walls, the minimum required safety factor per the California Building Code is 1.5. Our Structural Engineer's calculations indicate the high likelihood of failure, however, the actual point or time of failure cannot be predicted. The consequences associated with not replacing the bulkhead would be the potential for failure. The bulkhead as currently constructed is a hazard to existing structures, flatwork and land within 30'-0" of the bulkhead. When the bulkhead fails, the soil within the failure area will collapse into the bay threatening the stability of the property and the loss of existing improvements. Should the failure occur near the property lines the adjacent properties would also be threatened. Relocation of Proposed Development: As designed, the proposed residence is outside the 30'-0" impact area that would be effected by bulkhead failure. The location of the proposed development does not dictate the need for a new bulkhead. The requirement is dictated by City of Newport Beach Municipal Code (Section XXX) that requires an Engineer to certify the safety of all existing bulkheads, where new development (OR SUBSTAIANL REMODELING?) is proposed. In our efforts to satisfy the City requirements we have analyzed the existing bulkhead to determine how to meet current design standards. Because of the low safety factor, as noted above, repair of the bulkhead is not feasible without destroying the wall or extending further seaward. With repair options exhausted the only way to meet current design standards is through the construction of a replacement bulkhead. If the existing residence was proposed to remain, with a desired lifespan of more than a few years, it would be advisable to replace the existing bulkhead. City Properly: Currently there are minor improvements located on the City's property. As noted on the site survey provided with our initial submittal, improvements include flatwork, portable sitting areas at the landward portion of the site, landscaping and a small portable storage shed. On the Northerly portion of the site are a boat launch area for small boats and a boat dock. The City currently leases the adjacent beach property to the Balboa Peninsula Point Association, the areas Community Association. The Association uses the property to provide its members beach and boat launch access. Design Alternative Page I of I Rossmiller, Tom From: Clausen, Robin Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 11:28 AM To: Rossmiller, Tom Subject: FW: 2210 Channel Rd., NB please review attached letter from Coastal on the 2210 Channel Road bulkhead project. I told them we would co-sign the application along time ago, right after the HC hearing. Don' t know why they didn't ask. Anyway, hope its okay I told them to contact you to co-sign. ----- Original Message ----- From: Paul Weinberg [mailto:pjweinberg@pjwmediation.com] Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 2:33 PM To: 'Clausen, Robin' Subject: FW: 2210 Channel Rd., NB 05/06/2003 STATE OF CALIFORNIA - JHE RESOURCES AGENCY GRAY DAVIS. QoyeM2C_ CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 May 1, 2003 (562) 590-5071 1 1 (a Charlie Williams Morris Skenclarian & Associates 2094 South Coast Highway, #3 Laguna Beach, CA 92651 RE: Coastal Development Permit Application No. 5-02-174 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, Orange County Dear Mr. Williams: A package amending the above referenced coastal development permit application to include replacement of the existing bulkhead at the subject site and at the adjacent, City owned site, was received in this office on April 11, 2003. The submittal raises the following questions. Engineer's Assessment Can the bulkhead be relocated inland to the property line? If not, please provide a detailed explanation. Are the bulkhead replacements required to protect existing structures? What would be the consequences of not replacing the bulkheads? Would the lots themselves be threatened? Could the proposed residential development be relocated in such a way as to avoid the need for a bulkhead? Do any structures exist on the City's property? What is the current use on the City's parcel? An alternative considered was "placement of new longer wall panels behind the existing." But this alternative was dismissed because "such an operation could not be possible without damaging the existing wall." If the existing wall is proposed to be removed, why would damaging it be a reason to dismiss this alternative? Authorization from Property Owner (City) No evidence of the applicant's (Erik Anderson) legal ability to perform the proposed development on property he does not own has been submitted. The State Tidelands Grant (included with the submittal) does not demonstrate such ability and neither does Harbor Permit No. 108-2210. In addition to providing evidence of the applicant's legal ability to perform the development, evidence that the property owner (City) has been invited to join in the application as co -applicant must be submitted. The property owner (City) is not required to become a co -applicant, but must be invited. Please submit the responses to these questions by May 9, 2003. Please do not hesitate to contact me at the above number with any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Meg Vaughn Staff Analyst 5-02-174 Anderson b1khd Itr 4.30.03 mv JMA Date 3-25-03 Number of pages including cover sheet 111110. Robin Clauson Assistant City Attorney Phone Fax Phone X 3139 CC: Hi Robin: City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Division El Urgent [A For your review From: Tom Rossmiller Manager, Harbor Resources Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 TRossmiller@city.newport -beach.ca.us Phone (949) 644-3041 Fax Phone (949) 723-0589 1 -- Reply ASAP El Please comment Charlie Williams faxed this attachment to Gil Wong and me for review. Technically, I do not seE any problems with this engineering contract. What is the proper protocol for the City to approve this, so the homeowner can get his plans and move on to the Coastal Commission? Apparently, the Engineer has completed the design; has been paid by the homeowner; but will only release the design after the property owner (the City) has executed a similar contract. Doec, Peninsula Point Homeowners Association also need to be signatory? Thanks for your help, Tom TO: COMPANY: City of Newport Beach PHONE. 644-831V %04� FAX: 644-3311 -7;F0,4;5 CC: FROM:, Charlie Williams Morris Skenderian & Associates Tel: 949�497-3374 Fax; 949-497-9814 PROJECT: 221OChannelRoad RE: City's Seawall PAGES: (7) Including this cover page HARD COPY TO FOLLOW VIA MAIL: Yes X No Comments: DATE: 3/20/2003 TIME: 3:02 PM 7 —71 Per our telephone conversation the following is a copy of the contract I have regarding the reconstruction Of CitY'r Seawall adjacent to my client's property, As you will notice the contract Is currently address to my client. However, I think this is incorrect considering the City is the legal property owner. Please review and see how I should revise the contract to include the City. Per agreements negotiated with the City my client has agreed to pay for the construction of the wall, however, the City will have ownership and maintenance responsibilities. AEC Associates 2691 Richter Avenue, $VRO 110. Irving, CA 92605 Ar"1% Architecture EngIngerInW Construction E-mail 4100-ca@rnsn'com Telephone 949/252 9188 March 3, 2003 Fox 9491252 9196 Mr. & Mrs. Erik and Samantha Anderson 2210 Channel Road Newport Beach, CA 92661 Subject: Proposal for the Design of a 30 -foot Seawall on City Property Located at the Nortb of 2,210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA Dear Mr. & Mrs. Anderson: In response to the request of Charlie Williams of Morris Skenderian & Associates, we are pleased to propose ouT stLuccujal trigineering services for the design of a 30 -foot seawall on the City property located at the north of 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, California. ABC Associates' structural engineering job scope will include the following: Preparation of design calculations, drawings and specifications in the form of general notes for the new seawall consisting of a main wall and the return wall at the north of the property Signing and stamping of calculations and drawings 'Preparation of a report required by the Coastal Commission 4, Revision of drawings and calculations according to the plan check requirement$ of the City of Newport Beach ABC Associ.ates'job Scope Will exclude EMY service which is not included in the above job Scope and specifically the items listed below: Design mid drafting of handrails, if required by the City, and other items which are not part of the seawall structure 2. Any work extending in the property Of the north and South neighbors Cost estimating, construction Scheduling 4. Filing of calculations and drawings with the City and Coastal Commission and Payment of related fees )il AEC Associates Mr. & Mrs. Erik and Samantha Anderson Q7, Proposal for the Design of a 30 -foot Seawall on City Property Located at the North of 22 10 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA March 3, 2003 Page Two of Three 5. Preparation Of reports, revision of drawings for the Coastal Commission's request relating to matters other than structural safety concerns 6, Inspection of work during construction The below listed items need to be Provided to AEC Associates prior to commencement of the work: I , Soils report including the data necessary for seawall design 2, Site surveying plan (final updated copy) 3, Sounding of an about 30 foot wide area in front of the wall (Shelimaker Inc. can provide this information) AEC Associates proposes to perform this work for a lump -sum fee of $4,650.00 (four thousand six hundred -fifty dollars), AEC Associates design man-hour and coast estimates for this project are enclosed for your information (Attachment 1). About one third of this fee, a retainer in the amount of $1,500,00 is payable prior 10 conitriencernent of the work. A portion of the fee, $2,500-00 will be payable at the completion of the work for City submittal. The remaining $650,00 of the fee is billable at the completion of the work by the City and payable in 15 calendar days. Any additional work required will be performed only after authorized by you in writing and will be billed on an hourly rate basis according to the APEC Associates'rates listed in the enclosed job Classification and Hourly Rate Schedule (Attachment 11). Invoices for additional work (if my) will be payable in 15 calendar days, AEC Associates will complete its work in five weeks after authorized to commence the work, retainer fee is paid and all the above -required information is provided. Enclosed AEC Associates' Standard Terms and Conditions are an integral part of this proposal (Attachment 111). 14 AEC Associates Mr. & Mrs. Erik and Samantha Anderson Proposal for the Design of a 30 -foot Seawall on City Property Located at the North of 22 10 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA March 3, 2003 Page Three of Three Please call me if you have any question regarding this proposal. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you and took forward to working on this project. Y 'ru a Ergun (Ed) Kunter, S.E. Enclosures The undersigned hereby agree to the fees and conditions and authorizes AEC Associates to proceed with the work. Erik —Anders Pi P71�LO,30303 L030303a i22�lo rHANNELINEWPORT BEACH, CA JC�� Nlil, P71 AEC r'U.'ECT; TY SEA WALL DESIGN Associates DESIGN BY: 1. K. 11; 1. REVISE BY: AM DATE; reb-03 DATE. �Samantha D - &'Mrs. Erik & Anderuon Proposal for thp. Damign ni a 30 foot Soawall on City Property Located at the North of I 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA Attachment I r I __T DESIGN MAN-HOUR ESTIMATE FOR NEW WALL — PRINCIPAL -------- SENIOR AD ITEM I T E M STR. ENG, SYR. ENO.. OPE RATOR No. MH mu I MH 1.00 PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS INVESTIGATION OF SITE REVIEW OF DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 2.00 "00 2.00 WALL DESIGN W4.004.00 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. MAIN WALL STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF CAP BEA - M AND DEADMAN —_. 2.00 2.00 E$IGN OF DETAILS D E"'GN 0, DETAILS I n - 2.00 2,00 ECIFICATION9 G5 SPECIFICATIONS (GENERAL NOTES) _NERAL NOTE, N/C 3.00 DRAFTING — 9-1 GENERAL NDTES. LOCATION AND WALL PLANS 2"00 _6ASTAL Z00 16.00 4.00 COMMISSIONI! L III III I III I !!I — rkItrAtfA I ION OF A REPORT AND RELATED DOCUMENTS 2.00 5.00 REVISIONS PER CITY PLAN CHECK REQUIREMENTS HILVISIONS ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF 4,00 —2.00 CITY AND COASTAL COMMISSION TOTAL DESIGN MAN-HOURS 21.00 0.00 37.00 DE91t:N COST rSTIMATE ITEM I T E M RATE MAN-HOUR TOTAL NO., $/MH MH $ 1.00 PRINCIPAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 100.00 'STRUCTU 21.00 2,100.00 2.00 SE141OR RAL ENGINEER 100 8100 600.00 3.00 CAI) OPERATOR $0.00 37.00 11850,00 4,00 MISCELLANEOUS (PRINTIN ETC,) 100,00 TOTAL - DESIGN Q), ,� ME AEC Associates Mr. & Mrs. Erik and Samantha Anderson Proposal for the Design of a 30 -foot Seawall on City Property Located at the North of 22 10 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA March 3,2003 Attachment H CONFWENTIAL JOB CLASSIFICATION AND HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE JOB CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RATE $ Principal Structural Engineer 100.00 Senior Structural Engineer 75.00 CAD OPerator/Draftsperson 50.00 In addition, incurred direct non -Salary 8xPenses will be reimbursable and will include: a. Travel cost billable at direct expense for public conveyance or $ 0.45 per mile (Not applicable in Orange County.) b. Actual out -of pocket eXptnses, per dipm, car rentals, etc. (Not applicabele in Orange County,) All identifiabiv cost appli�ablc to the projuct, such as fllms, printing, reproduction, maiung, delivery cost, etc. d. Cost for special c0o5ultants and services as authorized by the Client The above rates tire guaranteed flrm through and Including December 31, 2003. Compensation invoiced according to this schedule Is payable in 15 calendar days. Late payments are subject to a 1,0% monthly interest charge, PV1,0303031L AEC Associates Mr. & MrIt. Rrik and Samantha Anderson eP11 Proposal for the Design of a 30 -loot Seawall (in City Property Located at the North of 2210 Channel Road, Newport Beach, CA March 3, 2003 Attachment IR AEC Associates Standard Terms and Conditions The following terms and conditions are pan of the AFC Associates proposal and will become pan of the agreement resulting from the proposal when It Is signed by both partics.in this text pthe Client" means the person or entity (partnership, corporation, etc.) who or whose repreAcmativc has signed the agreement. I All additions, changes and amendments to this agreement shall be in writing signed by both patties and shall be subject to general terms and conditions of this agreement. 21 Services rondeted pursuant to this agreement am for the exclusive use of the Client. This agreement shall not be assigned to Others without the prior written consent of both parties. 4. Completion dates for so�ices to be tendered are expressly conditioned upon AEC Associates receiving all requested pertinent information and cooperation from the Client or, the dates so requested. 5- Invoices submitted by AEC Associates In accordance with this proposal shall be paid within 30 days of invoice date unless otherwise noted In the proposal. Any sum not paid within 30 jays of invoice date shall be subject to 1% monthly interest charge- Should ABC Associates be required to retain a collection agency or initiate cowl proceedings to collect unpaid sums, the Client shall pay all collection fees, court costs and attorneys fees. Invoices unpaid after 60 clays shall be cause for termination of the agreement. The Client agrees to hold AEC Associates harmless for any darragc: whatsoever due to such termination. In such an event, all the services provided by AEC Associates until the tenuination date will become chargcab1c, to the Client. 6, Compensation for services shall not be contingeat upon the clie0s ability to collect from others, 7. Should the Client terminate flit services of AEC Associate& for my reason, all sums for COAL&tCd task shall be immediately due and payable uppolding to ABC Associatos'Job Classification and Hourly Rate Schedule. Notice of tellairstiOn mum be in writing and shall not be in effect Until received by AEC Associates. 8. AEC! Associates makes no repmecutation cQaccming soil conditions Unless specifically included fil writing in its proposal andis nut responsible for sty liability thet may arise out of the making or failure to make soil survey& or 5ulb-surface soil tests or general soil testing, 91 AEC Associates does not guarantee the accuracy of any statement of estimates of probable construction goats. 10, All services tendered pursuant to this agreement are AEC Associates professional opinion based upon facts communicated to AEC Associates by the Client No other warranty expressed or iftiplicd is contained in this proposal, 11 AEC Associates does not guare'dw that services tendered are free of emrs sort omissions, but the services tendered will fall within the standard of usual customary professional oAre of other moineers offierine eimilar servicea in the ,enc locality. ABC Associates shall conect its cr-rors; and omissions as integral part of the services provided during the construction phase of the work. 12. Should my disp"tc arise under Ws agrtcalcla. AEC Ansughtes and the Client agree to resolve it by mediation in Orange County- However. if any dispute arising under this agromcat results in legal Action, the prevailing party shall receive reasonable Ittionley fees, expert witness fees, and court coat from the other patty. 11, the event that litigation is instituted Under the terms and conditions of this agreement, the same is to be brought and tried in jurisdiction of Orange County. Cnln�'MiA- T110 Clic�lf w-!�eb the fight to have the suit brought or removed to any other county ofjudicial jurisdiction. 13, The Client andjor Client's representative and AEC Associates have discussed the risks, rowilrds, and benefits of the project and AEC Associates, compensation for services, The risks have been allocated such that the Client agrees that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, AEC Associates, total ability to the Client for any and all Injuries, claims, loses, expenses, damages or dalm expenses arlsing out of this agreement from any cause or causes, shall not evened the total amount of AEC Associate$, total compensation or Its lFrotessional Liability Insurance ooverpue which ever provides the uniximen, payment, Such causes include but are not limited to ADC Associates' negligence, orrors, omissions, strict liability, breach of contract or breach of warranty. The Client shall indemnify AEC Associates again3t third party dalms. 14, In the event any pAryision pursuant to this Agreement shall be held to be invalid and unenforceable, the Other flDvisions of this agremient shall be valid and binding the parties hqmto. 1`71\0300303S YJ X Ase eNns, Is ANA Morrts Skanderian & Associates, A.I.A. A R C H' I T E'C T.'S 2094 S. Coast HighWay Laguna Beach, CA 0651 Te 1.: 949-497-3374 Fax: 949-497-9814 1 J61Y 24,2002 City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Attn.: Tony Melum U9 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re.: 2210 Channel Road Dear Tony, Per our telephone conversation and your request, the following will provide additional information regarding the reconstruction of the seawall at 2210 Channel The project is. located at the intersection of L Street and Channel Road adjacent to and directly �o the west of the private beach. ' The City has required an, analysis of the structural integrity of the existing wall, in conjunction with our application for the congtru house. ction of a new From discussions and investigation by our consultant team.and in order to insure fu ture safety for the, applicant, the neighbors and the beach going Public, ifis our judgment that the wall could be repaired, however., replacement would be the most prudent solution. As the wall is currently constructed, it extends approximately Sw13" beyond and parallel to the ocean ward property line and in alignment with our westerly neighbor.. It is estimated that the wall was constructed in the early fifties and has provided a substantial section of property the homeowner has maintained and come to enjoy for many years, We are requesfing replacement of the,wall in its current location. In relocating the wall behind the'property line; a significant amount I of soil (190 cubic feet) would need to be removed from the ocean ward portion of the site, which could compromise the stability of the adjacent property. It would aJso create'a 3'-6" offset -from the neighbors seawall. Our desire is to minimize any hazardous condition for the adjacent neighbor and also retain a consistent line of wall with the neighboring property. Should the wall'be re.located, a T-6" return wall would need to be created to 6Mairi the gradeof the adjacent property. The, grading, shon - ng and construction o . f the new wall will not only impose additional cost, there may be other unintended.conseq�uenbes cre�ted b� the offset, i.e., debris concentration, tidal disturbarices,'destabilization of the adjacent property etc. Enclosed are photographs and a site plan to provide further clarification of the existing condition. Upon your review please contact me to discuss this issue. further and to'clarify -the process by which our request can be facilitated. We hbpe-that*y6ur review,will result in your concurrence that given the special circumstances Unique to this site, the wail could remain in its present.location. Thank.you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Charlie Williams I kto l,z6o?- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY OF NEWPOKT BERCH WMT UPPM NG4'ORT Lw BRY rz--� 4 'llcl�-lc B. PIER 4z C -r :rl rc VICINITY MAP NTS NIM M 4 LV�� TYPICAL BULKHEAD SECTION NTS ERST bUUNUINUS ARE EXPRESSED IN FEET AND Jum DONATE ELEVATIONS BASED ON MEAN LOWER LOW WATER q y�! �111�i!� F -17 - LAW If PR�SED F�VRW� 19�1�10E� 4�v PR—SE N- �T��M (All TO v lo ,y b 'fPAM LCF PLAN VIEW NTS I APPLICANTS AME: ERIK ANDERSON LOT: '/� OF LOT 22, LID I S 23 & 24 1 AND FOR. LOT M BL6&�CT 518 JOBADDRESS: 221�CHANNELROAD CONTRACTOR: I SHELLMAKERINC. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 875 B WEST 15 Til STREET DATE: NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 08/07/02 PLAN VIEW N I Zi I APFUUAN FS NAME: ERIK ANDERSON LOT: V� OF LOT 22, LOTS 21 A ?A Awn�pnp I OT M BLOCK: P TRACT 518 I JOB ADDRESS: 221 HANNEL ROAD uVNIKAUJUK: 6HELLMAKER:INFC. 0 Lo TH ST ODATE: NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 875BWEST15 STREET 8/0 4, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 7/02 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH BRY /Z r� 4 aiy F.y a "RCIFIC 0 13 CC% p I omR ?'a*v3c4c-r �CST TYPICAL BULKHEAD SECTION :s I rL5 ERST —NTS SOUNDINGS AR EXPRESSED IN FEET AND PA� VICINITY MAP DONATE ELEVATIONS BASED ON MEAN LOWER NTS LOW WATER 8 n it F —71 r . ..... -AAA -4A I PLAN VIEW N I Zi I APFUUAN FS NAME: ERIK ANDERSON LOT: V� OF LOT 22, LOTS 21 A ?A Awn�pnp I OT M BLOCK: P TRACT 518 I JOB ADDRESS: 221 HANNEL ROAD uVNIKAUJUK: 6HELLMAKER:INFC. 0 Lo TH ST ODATE: NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 875BWEST15 STREET 8/0 4, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 7/02 F.y a PA� -4A PLAN VIEW N I Zi I APFUUAN FS NAME: ERIK ANDERSON LOT: V� OF LOT 22, LOTS 21 A ?A Awn�pnp I OT M BLOCK: P TRACT 518 I JOB ADDRESS: 221 HANNEL ROAD uVNIKAUJUK: 6HELLMAKER:INFC. 0 Lo TH ST ODATE: NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 875BWEST15 STREET 8/0 4, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 7/02 Melum, Tony From: Wittmeyer, Wes Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 2:02 PM To: Melum, Tony Cc: Gunther, Robert Subject: bulkheads We measured from the street to the bulkhead in 2 locations at 2210 and 2218 Channel Road. The bulkhead is 5 feet bayward from the US BULKHEAD LINE, I think that it's in State property. I 2094 S. Coast Hlghwoy, #3 Laguna Beach, CA 9265 1 T e I : 9 4 9 - 4 9 7 - 3 3 7 4 AINA Fax: 949-497-98 1 4 Morris Skenderlan &Associates, A.I.A. A R C H r T E C T 8 DATE: 7/26/02 PROJECT: Anderson Residence 2210 Channel Road Newport Beach, CA ATTN: City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Tony Melurn cc BY: Charlie Williams WE TRANSMIT: METHOD OF DELIVERY: X Herewith Pick-up X US Post Overnight delivery Per your request Hand delivered Courier Under separate cover FOR YOUR: X Review&comment Approval Use & records Distribution COPIES DATE REV. NO, DESCRiPTION 2/4/02 Proposed Site Plan 7/24/02 Letter of Explanation - Photographs L I If enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. Remarks: F —r V Original Office Copy �z 109�222 \AY V� 117, /.v L -Z -W 7- 6 Z�,'977AIG S/,01/,Vo 0 10 , 20, ?0, 6,PARIVIC S)C,4LE -9�rC7-10AI ol�- NIEW gj&)(�Xe�AO 11A R, 3 0, e A All VIC(NITY 5KETCH NE�PORr BA-I� CAILIrOMNII Jzrry ZOW" Z�W /0 5eC/10� Soy. C",41VIVEL ROAD ,4t:>LAIV CRAP,9)C SC,4Z.,g 0 7- /W _Z—�'-X1r2—N6 410op 5_�,4W.41-L �7, L40716 /08 FOR �-IRAIIF IV�S-10�6 Jk�. Ll S, e,-9dl 1�7,1 ,t'= -A/ 7-RAAIC �C7 CO1VC.eE7-,- AIAW,�OR7- RAK IV -'W.4 'ORT 161CA CH, C.41 26' i 9' - , 3-15- J7, 5 3 '75, 19 Z/ 'o 2-221 23 ll -,4C7-' Alo, f 36-' 35' 26, 3 .2!7' ,4t:>LAIV CRAP,9)C SC,4Z.,g 0 7- /W _Z—�'-X1r2—N6 410op 5_�,4W.41-L �7, L40716 /08 FOR �-IRAIIF IV�S-10�6 Jk�. Ll S, e,-9dl 1�7,1 ,t'= -A/ 7-RAAIC �C7 CO1VC.eE7-,- AIAW,�OR7- RAK IV -'W.4 'ORT 161CA CH, C.41 DATE; 712.5102 TIME: 2:22 PPl TO, "rony mowrn ANY�� Of NG"vPort Beach Harbor Resources ONE! 64,3,'3041 FAX,*, 723-081,139 C C,, ErN, Anderson 706-1934 FROM, Chs.,,!rflo WlUiarns Moryt %enderian & Associates Tel: 949-497-3374 Fax: P JECT', 2."-�10 5h,,mnel Roacd RE-' Sem�6w�ill AGE& ("Z"'41fJuding this xwer page HARD COPY TO FOLLOW V1 MAIL. Yes No Comments: 'rhefollowing is a copy of the mentioned in the letter I shall conditions with the copy to be discuss the issue further. regaiTling the �VPIL4,08ment of an existing Seawall, As a Ph(ADS 1SIX" a PiOn to further clarify the oxisting d via mall. Phinse review the� letter and contact mp to 05/24/2002 11:50 ;�A T E 0F (�A0�01RNIA. TH CALIFORNIA COAST $m;M Cuubt Ar�a Otfice (%P.anqjl� 5wle 1000 CA �0802 4302 4q(;.5071 On 10 April 2002, the Coastal Development Conditions, for develo dock and install a ne will be installed, Tw dock. The floating d specifically described The development is Newport Beach. issued on behalf of PETER DOUGLAS Executive Director The undersigned perM and conditions thereof. 122 SWIFT PAGE 03 AGENCY GRAY DAVIS, 00,erinu! ;OMMISSIOW Page I of 4 Date: May 21, 2002 Permit No: 5-02-024 6TAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 14- 77-10 I .alifornia Coastal Commission granted to Erik Anders'aq ermit 5-02-024, subject to the attached Standard and SpeolaT- -nent consisting of; � Remove an existing 12' x 20' floating f 10' x 50' floating dock. In addition, two (2) new 12" piles (2) existing 12" piles will remain to anchor the new floating ck will only be used for boating related purposes, More the application file in the Commission offices. hin the coastal zone in Orange County at 2210 Channel Rd., California Coastal Commission on May 21, Title: Analyst acknowledges Fe�eipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all term� The undersigned pemltt�e acknowledges that Government Code Section 818A which states in pertinent part, that: "A ppolic entity is not liable for injury ca6sed by the issuance ... of any permit . . ." applies to th� issuance of this permit. IMPQETANT, THIS P=5 NO -F VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY OF THE PERMIT wiTH THE SIGNED AC LEDGMENT HAS BEEN RETIJ, NED TO T�E COMMISSION OFFICE. 14 CAL. ADmI . CODE SECTION 13155(a). Date Please sign and address. Signature of Permittee one copy of this form to the Commission office at the above 05/24/2002 11:50 9496313122 SWIFT PAGE 04 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 532711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 00534M SPLY TO ArreNTION OR March 5,2002 Office of the Chief Regulatory Brandi rric Anderson C/Oswiftslip Attention: Beth Swift 2027 Placentia Avenue Costa Mesa, Califorrtia 42627 RE: File No. Dear Mr-. Anderson: Reference is mad( to your request of Februaq 5,2002. Under the provisions of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3,1899 (33 U�S�C- 403), you are hereby authorized to replace an existing 12 -foot by 20 -foot floating dock wiih a 10 -foot by 50 -foot floating dock bayward of 2210 Charmel. Road, in Newport Bay in City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California, as shown on the enclosed Jrawings. Activities include the installation of two new 12 -inch diameter guide pile and would r �sult in approxima tely 0.006 acre of permanent impact to open waters of the U.S, The owner or an orized responsible official must sign and date all copies of this Letter of Permission (LOP) indic, iting that he/she agrees to the work as described and will comply with all conditions. One of the! igned copies of this Letter of Permission must be returned to the Corps of Engineers (a pre-addr(gsed envelope is enclosed). In addition, please use the two attached postcards to notify this office as to the dates of commencement (widiin 10 days prior to.the start of construction) and competion of the activity (within 10 days following the end of construction). Thank you for pa ticipating in our regulatory program. $incerely, Mark Durham Chief, South Coast Section Regulatory t;ranch 05/24/2002 11:50 9496313122 SWIFT PAGE 01 DATE: TELEF 5/21/02 SWIFT SLIP DOCK AND PIER BUILDERS, INC. 2027 PLACENTIA AVENUE COSTA MESA, CA 92627 HONE (949) 631-3121 - FAx (949) 631-:3122 FAx COVER LETTER PAGES TRANSMITTED TO: Tony INCLUDING COVER LETTER: 4 Melum COMPANY FAXNUMBER: NAME:_ (949) Newport Beagh, Harbor Resoiirces 723-Q589 SUBJECT: Plan checkk number 054-2002 MESSAGE: Tony -Me againi Here are the necessary approvals for the above -referenced plancheck no. Do you think you might get to this tod.ay'� Thanks in advance, Beth Swift PLEASE RESPONI IF YOU DO NOT —FOR YOUR INFORMATION xx VE ALL OF YOUR PAGES, OR IF YOU RECEIVE THIS FAX IN ERROR� PLEASE CALL US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 05/24/2002 11:50 9496313122 SWIFT PAGE 02 4'; "1 r"rNxCr04n California Regional Water Quality C o-ntrol Board Santa Ana Region Winston H. HICkox InternetAddresc http:/1�,Awt&ca,Zov/�c1cb2 Grity Davis Sacrelory,for 3737 Main 5ont. Suite 500, Riverside, Califomia 92501-3348 Governor Environmental Phone (W9) 782-4130 � FAX (909) 781-6288 Protection Via anergy ebaflongeJoeftg liformla is real, Every Califarniant needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption, far a. list o(simple wayr 9 can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our rvabsitE at February 7, 2002 Beth Swift Swift Slip Dock and Piet Builders 2027 Placea�a Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627 PROPOSED ALTERA�ION OF DOCX, 2210 CHANNEL ROAD, BALBOA, ORANGE COUNTY Dear Ms. Swift: If standard dock const�ction methods and materials are utilized, this project should not adversely impact water �uality. A statement has been submitted that there will be no waste discharged ft)6m the pro*sed project. Based on these assurances, clearance is provided, However, should the Ari�y Corps of Engineers determine that this project requires a Section 404 permit, it will be necessa�y for the project proponent to obtained from this Board a Water Quality Certification under SectiOn 401 of the Clean Water Act. Should you have any qu*tions, please contact Jane Qiu at (909) 320-2008. Sincerely, Plo Martitu,1r., P, E. chief of Regulations section rc: California Coast Co ission, Long Beach Army Corp of Engjnee:s- Erik Larsen City of Newport Beitob, Marine. Department — Tony Meller JQ1doeVsNvifter1c0220G2.doc California Environmental Protection Agency 0 RacycdedPapar BUYER'S NAME ' ADDRESS OF FACILITY- PERMIT H MAILING ADDRES-9 0 Ckla ric N F7 TELEPHONE NO. EE CHE K NO. D APPR&ED By DATE APPLICATION 15 HEREBY MADE TO A SFER HA BOR PER, OCHD ENS SELLERS NAME(S) BUYER S �NAME(Sj COUNCIL (ABOVE NAMES TO BE rYP PUBLIC WORKS S GNATU L DEPT, SIGNATURE OF BUYER ESCROW INSPECTTION, SI NATU OF SEL R SIGNATURE OF BUYER F-1 SIGNATURE OF J WNER APP to RO 0 (DATE) SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS PERMIT IS REVOCABLE 17 OR THE MUNICIPAL CODE By THE CITY COUNCIL IN ACCORDANC' E WITH TITL.E CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF WE F-- 66-1013 R� BUYE10S NAME L ADDRESS OF.- CILITY ERMrtJ ING ADDRESS4 13 APPROVED Ely� TEL ONE NO. F E ��_: CHECK NC A(T/E, =D DATE iAPPLII T10 E OCHD El ENG SEILERS NAMES) COUNCIL BUYER S NAM�E(Sl .(ABOVE NAMES TO BE TYPED PUBLIC WORKS DEPT, SIGNAT vul UR F R SIGNATURE OF BUYER ESCRow , �q INSPECnION SIG ATU REL CF SEL ') �UUNAI URE OF FUYER— CNTOWNUR – – – – – – – – – – APPLICATION APPROVED DATE) CITY HA ISPECTO SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS PERMIT IS REVOCABLE 13Y THE CITY C 77 OR THE MUNICIPAL CODE OUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE.WITH TITLE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF WX F". 66, ID13 R, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH August 23, 2001 P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658,8915 Strada Escrow 140 Newport Center Drive, #100 Newport Beach, Ca 92660 Re: Pier Permit 10822101 for 2210 Channel Rd., Newport Beach #1092 Dear Sirs: The City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Division has inspected the pier and float for the above-mentioned property and has found that it meets the City standards. The pier permit will be transferred once we receive the Transfer Application Form signed by both the Seller and Buyer and $198.00 balance for the transfer fee. If you require further assistance in this matter, please call 644-3043. Sincerely] Armand Harbor Resources 1, K IN , wo, 4 @ 2#4 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach f? Cl r Y- Nc�*Poer- de.4clv -��/ 0 ,--/ (-- 5- / " =36' / a 7— -z- -z— / "TIA7, A U Oct VICIAJ17'y S;dTCH QN—poottv SAY, C�jr,mm,, oI 'd, �,, rec,74 omY &Opp'Aa r, I -1A %J N i5 /- /�- 6,4 4) 36' S 5" ZT' 1 4 P4e 10 lod A,4-1 . a 32 8 0 IPPLIC',4A-Irs AI,4,4,f E ��SaaL-- I -:1-,40 AeA = 7- , -2- +- 5-1 -rILA07'W�Ofl-� /3,ZO3. /*a CIOAIrRAC ra�wl.4" T DA -r, e - All z I A20, i,—, r -��/ 0 ,--/ (-- 5- / " =36' / a 7— -z- -z— / "TIA7, A U Oct VICIAJ17'y S;dTCH QN—poottv SAY, C�jr,mm,, oI 'd, �,, rec,74 omY &Opp'Aa r, I -1A %J N i5 /- /�- 6,4 4) 36' S 5" ZT' 1 4 P4e 10 lod A,4-1 . a 32 8 0 IPPLIC',4A-Irs AI,4,4,f E ��SaaL-- I -:1-,40 AeA = 7- , -2- +- 5-1 -rILA07'W�Ofl-� /3,ZO3. /*a CIOAIrRAC ra�wl.4" T DA -r, e - All z STRADA 140 Newport Center Dr. #100 -Newport Beach, CA 92660 -Phone: (949) 721-5000 Fax: (949) 721-5010 Date: City of Newport Beach Marine Department 70 Newport Pier Newport Beach, CA 92658 Attention: Wes Armund Please be advised that we have an Escrow# process for the property located at Enclosed please find our check in the amount of $ M. ()0 representing your inspection fee. Kindly complete your inspection at your earliest convenience, and forward your written report to our office. We in turn will provide copies to the Buyer, Seller and Real Estate Agents. At the close of escrow, we will forward the completed pier transfer card to you, along with an additional check for s / 7,-�k- — - Please do not hesitate to call if you need any additional information. Thank you. Sincerely, 1W - r>,&i C 1,�vA Jolt Millan Esc&Officer, Manager 14 kv PC re7 � MBWA�OA No BA c� MA� VICINIT�- SA�ETC14 NRWPO�r BAK, C'AIIIORNIA SOV�Cll�YS d�W eYOreSred 1�7 )ree;� a�a' dP�O'le O,ep-1,12S below lwea� zower iow 14152�er mayl�wwn 4;� nde approxImave/Y lole&- Ac?ehv�- M?es a�e estabIlShee M th�S X&C7'1Cn e1.44W ,p,9,rt Bty, I?OAL) 26' /9' A:::� A A/ 175 1 1 W 20 ZO 40 .6 R/ Oc, p CRA~c 20 21 2� 2 3 24 rRACT I A�j LOT 1 /W — Zyls2yva *VOOP SSAWAkt. 7 1 1pe — — -f -- -- - :- -=�- — — , T S-z'CrION e L LK IVZ-W ICA D I/S' 1�1eheaa 1,�?e '2 AC-,(' P4k1wr /0.1; 7 _41S "SAD _91231_,� 5 A,eo,�Os,ez> CIONCeE 7W S_EAWALL 1VTW,c'O,e 7- SA V ~all - /8' /0 " 7hlcA- 3.0' 7",r",O �aeo,",,O zkj 44 r4i 0 ICYL E t4 lz:lk::, 0 /0, zo, 30, 0 Ge4PWC SCAZJ CI -IA AlIVEL 14 kv PC re7 � MBWA�OA No BA c� MA� VICINIT�- SA�ETC14 NRWPO�r BAK, C'AIIIORNIA SOV�Cll�YS d�W eYOreSred 1�7 )ree;� a�a' dP�O'le O,ep-1,12S below lwea� zower iow 14152�er mayl�wwn 4;� nde approxImave/Y lole&- Ac?ehv�- M?es a�e estabIlShee M th�S X&C7'1Cn e1.44W ,p,9,rt Bty, I?OAL) 26' /9' A:::� A A/ 175 1 1 W 20 ZO 40 .6 R/ Oc, p CRA~c 20 21 2� 2 3 24 rRACT I A�j LOT 1 /W — Zyls2yva *VOOP SSAWAkt. 7 1 1pe — — -f -- -- - :- -=�- — — , T S-z'CrION e L LK IVZ-W ICA D I/S' 1�1eheaa 1,�?e '2 AC-,(' P4k1wr /0.1; 7 _41S "SAD _91231_,� 5 A,eo,�Os,ez> CIONCeE 7W S_EAWALL 1VTW,c'O,e 7- SA V 0 0.1 z 4i 17 17, I"N - - /0 0\6 �0 nz:z --t'v I IV 17" IV �7, 41 \0 TV i7 AK, �J T IV .1 0 L33 14 kA �7 ley 17, V 67 �7 V GO V I'll I I IV,. I 0 ;W1 V �7' V Extsfing V7 realIdence, ?F, I,- 7q V _V1 V ;IV 7, - 3y J, J IV IV J\.� ,, , P, - V_ V, 14,0 V, - k I �'. drO �7 I V, _V IF V 71 1 V V -IV I - - I j7 IV \4 IV IV I -V F4 IV - Iv -17" I V � ... , I - . J 12 NY IV, I - IV 4, 1 -V 610 -Y VIA IV �7, Ck 5 r�p F _V v, 1, 117 1 Ij 'NA _V11 4, Iq I, I., - _.,; � - / I , - - , - V'. 1� V J j �00� 1, '17 IV V , V - I I - . , \ I� - - I - I V. Ex Is fing \W IV resIdence �7 V Iiv �7 J V, IV !W' 17 j7 I, V­ N� �N - A �71 N, i ce 13, 0. j V,I f 0- n' DATUM NOTE: SUBTRACT 4.23' FROM ALL ELEVATIONS TO ACHIEVE TRUE ELEVATION PER NAVD 88 DATUM SUBTRACT 6.70' FROM ALL ELEVATIONS TO 60' ACHIEVE TRUE ELEVATION PER NGVD 29 DATUM I m SCALE: 1 /8 " = 1 ' FA WIN m1m, Nfkrjw,mM�_1mt1 I I P. M I 1 ma 111m IV" m1w 17M EXISTING DRIVEWAY 0 BE REMOVED <I __j :E U e-%i-rr— ml AKI 01 1 L. I L-1—%1 § I I �10 9M 111-101, 9 ZC6 Wu� U� LLi 70 LOT 25 P NEW RESIDENCE F.Y.S.B. I .B. REQ.), LOT M 301-Z' PATIO FS 1053 EU LINE EXTI BUIL is POR, LOT 22 -qr.A.1 F 11811=11 R 0-% � UUF F10"LAN SCALE 1/8"=l' This document Contains Information proprietary to MSA and is furnished In confidence for the limited purpose of evaluation. bidding or re�low. This document or its contents may not be used for any other purpose and may not be reproduced Or disclosed to olheft; vAthout the pNor written consent of MSA� Written dimensions short take precedence over scaled dimensions and shall be verified at the job site. Any discrepancy shot[ be brought to the attention of MSA prior to the commencement of any work. Uj II FLA I KU,�< Uj 0 Dock Doc ry ul z W z CIL Z Uj Lij CL PLNTR. In z Z�- < Cr. LU T. C14 IL �ES z c):3: T, EXST o. 04 N Lij Z POR, LOT 22 -qr.A.1 F 11811=11 R 0-% � UUF F10"LAN SCALE 1/8"=l' This document Contains Information proprietary to MSA and is furnished In confidence for the limited purpose of evaluation. bidding or re�low. This document or its contents may not be used for any other purpose and may not be reproduced Or disclosed to olheft; vAthout the pNor written consent of MSA� Written dimensions short take precedence over scaled dimensions and shall be verified at the job site. Any discrepancy shot[ be brought to the attention of MSA prior to the commencement of any work. Uj II FLA I KU,�< Uj 0 Dock Doc 4� lb ul ce CIL Z Uj Lij 17 PLNTR. In z Z�- < Cr. LU T. C14 IL CL z c):3: T, "ll KA 04 N Lij Z ETR] z Z� 3: w W�Z- 0- 04 z < t -j to CL, it D- 0 It I +4 z PATIO fit F.S. 11-53 x POOL 0 z am. EQP I I F/P BSQ I , 7o,-� NOTE: ALL TOP OF RIDGE (T.O.R.) ARE TO FINISHED SURFACE PLANTERI N POR, LOT 22 -qr.A.1 F 11811=11 R 0-% � UUF F10"LAN SCALE 1/8"=l' This document Contains Information proprietary to MSA and is furnished In confidence for the limited purpose of evaluation. bidding or re�low. This document or its contents may not be used for any other purpose and may not be reproduced Or disclosed to olheft; vAthout the pNor written consent of MSA� Written dimensions short take precedence over scaled dimensions and shall be verified at the job site. Any discrepancy shot[ be brought to the attention of MSA prior to the commencement of any work. Uj 0 z Uj 0 ul ce 0- Z Uj Lij U) z In cc Z�- < Cr. LU T. 0 C) CL z c):3: T, "ll KA 04 N Lij Z M SCALE 9 SCALE 1/8!'=l* 0123 OF 1 SHEETS 0 DATUM NOTE: SUBTRACT 4.23' FROM ALL ELEVATIONS TO ACHIEVE TRUE ELEVATION PER NAVD 88 DATUM SUBTRACT 6.70' FROM ALL ELEVATIONS TO ACHIEVE TRUE ELEVATION PER NGVD 29 DATUM 0\6 ro,49f C04 lAAOo �j;: 59 .7 lv� /0 V," Z.0 x <V 9 V > V, 67.21 -51 E 1 -0 m ro -V "V V Y, VN. 40 V Q. 0. jg� IV V I O� J, I 0 IV, 0* Iv V V, vo 1 �31 ed V efer -7 \Nb Zr rn - 101433 V_ 7 �7 V I IV V :zv, V v r2 Ll v C, Ilk I V MI , q, I - -A -\o IF - - 6 - V e VI, IV V., V VV 17 �a, I . xi residence 7V IV q V iIV V, v /_0 jr� J, I, 0. VIv 16, �7 19, 71 d V, str ro V 71 "V 0- 7 - I -:-" IV IV V j7 q V v Op IV- z �7 A V- 0 v! 'VV, v �7 q7, j, IV IV, tv -PARCRA' �A .6 V e' 1 5 frtp dfoltl�� V v , -5 1 .5, 1? - , IN V - j-1 7 �v V_ - Z I _.- - ­ - I I I - I.- _/ I __ - I I I IF - 5 Z .7 V 17 1 IV I 1� F 11 5 V IV c) Y - iF, V' c-, V Oo\ 17 1 17. V 'o Exfsting IV �V 17 residence VP .v Vj IV Y IV It 6" 47 IV - I . , I V - I , I v I IV' �7 V, I V- `7 �l IR, --- r,7 V N� ------- 7 v - A j�, V. V IV 1D �,VA \0 ec I Frreplace PRP -i <v 14 0 \ "� I - - 1,2 77, V V, J '5, �, I , - _.- - r - 60 w E)ock 0 SCALE: 1/8"=l' DRUMM MIT fflu�tl I c SHEEr 1 OF JOB NO. 10527 Nov P, Torn Daly County Clerk -Recorder P. 0. Box 238 Santa Ana, CA 92702 Office of the Orange County Clerk -Recorder Memorandum SUBJECT: Environmental Impact Reports Amendment of oPublic Resources Code, Secdon 21092. The attached notice was received, filed and a copy was posts - -- - It rennined posted for 30 (THIRTY) days. Torn Daly County Clerk -Recorder in and for the County of Orange By: 1UGAINE M�EEABO —Deputy Public Resource Code 21092.3 The notices required pursuant to Sections 21080.4 and 21092 for an environmaaW In3pad Mod $hall be posted In the office of the County Clerk of each county � In which the projeol will be located and shall remain posted for a period of 30 days. The notice reguired nursuant to All nolloss filed pursuant to this section shall be available for public Inspection. and shall be posted *"within 24 hours of recelpf In the office of the County Clark. Each notice shall remain posted for a period of 30 days. ***Thereafter, the dark shall return the notice to the local JeAd agency ***'MthIn a notaflon of the period it was posted. The local-kiLd agency shall retain the notice for not less than nine months. Additions or changes by underline deledons by *" Name of Project: Anderson Residence and adjacent City Beach Bulkhead Repai"M Replacement Project Project Location: Newport Bay, Newport Beach FEB 0 3 Specific: 2210 Channel Road and "M" Street Beach TOM DALY, CLEA� Project Location -City: Newport Beach Project Location -County: Orange Project Description: The bulkhead (98') at 2210 Channel Road is proposed to be repaired in place. In order to protect the stability of the site, the highly corroded bulkhead (29') on the City Beach at M Street will also be replaced in its current location. Exempt Status: (check one) — Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(1);15268); — Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); _X_ Categorical Exception. State type and section number: 15301 Class 1 (d) Statutory Exemptions. State code number: General Rule (Sec. 15061 (b)(3)) Reasons why project is exempt: Restoration or rehabilitation of deteriorated structures, facilities, or mechanical equipment to meet current standards of public health and safety. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: City of Newport Beach Date of Approval: 1-23-04 Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Eric Anderson, 11� K46, 00. �a Contact Person- Tom Rossmiller Title: Harbor Resources Manager q, tlol Signature: Phone #(949) 644-3041 Date:1-23-04 V !on4 V ECOADER _* DEPUTY CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 0 C=� POSTED 3300 Newport Blvd. – P. 0. Box 1768 0 C'.i C= Newport Beach, Ca 92658-8915 i�' ­:- E q FEB 0 3 2004 (949) 644-3200 0 �� 0 -n: =—= C, TOM DALY, Cftft0Efl NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Uj V ai�� Di 29i Z�; C5 01 To: From: City of Newport Beach Ei_= co • Office of Planning and Research Planning Department 0 0 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 3300 Newport Blvd. Sacramento, Ca 95814 P. 0. Box 1768 'a N 0 Newport Beach, Ca 92658-8915 '00 ,a • County Clerk, County of Orange (Orange County) 0 u E Public Services Division 0 0 P. 0. Box 238 Santa Ana, Ca 92702 Date Received for filing at OPR: Name of Project: Anderson Residence and adjacent City Beach Bulkhead Repai"M Replacement Project Project Location: Newport Bay, Newport Beach FEB 0 3 Specific: 2210 Channel Road and "M" Street Beach TOM DALY, CLEA� Project Location -City: Newport Beach Project Location -County: Orange Project Description: The bulkhead (98') at 2210 Channel Road is proposed to be repaired in place. In order to protect the stability of the site, the highly corroded bulkhead (29') on the City Beach at M Street will also be replaced in its current location. Exempt Status: (check one) — Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(1);15268); — Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); _X_ Categorical Exception. State type and section number: 15301 Class 1 (d) Statutory Exemptions. State code number: General Rule (Sec. 15061 (b)(3)) Reasons why project is exempt: Restoration or rehabilitation of deteriorated structures, facilities, or mechanical equipment to meet current standards of public health and safety. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: City of Newport Beach Date of Approval: 1-23-04 Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Eric Anderson, 11� K46, 00. �a Contact Person- Tom Rossmiller Title: Harbor Resources Manager q, tlol Signature: Phone #(949) 644-3041 Date:1-23-04 V !on4 V ECOADER _* DEPUTY STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME I ENVIRONMENTAL RUNG FEE CASH RECEIPT 238523 DFG 753.5a (8-03)/_ Lead Agency: �u o�- (A Date:,�,)­ 3 - County I State Agency of Filing,: Document NZ'SLLC&2__7 �4 Project Titlhlii (/r'�A-n 1 4- TA) J Phone aNdr— crz Project Applicant Name,04xc Project Applicant Address: -la Lou kk, �(A cA�e­ Project Applicant (check appropriate box): Local Public AgencyE]) School DistrictEl Other Special District I/ J StateAgencyF] Private Entity CHECK APPLICABLE FEES: Environmental Impact Report $85000 $ Negative Declaration $1,250.00 $ Application Fee Water Diversion (State WaterResources Control Board Only) $850.00 $ Pro tsS b t t C rtiled Regulatory Programs $850.00 $ u qec o e o qu unty Administrative Fee Project that is exempt from fees TOTAL RECEIVED $ Signature and title of person receiving payment: (41P0 WHITE -PROJECT APPLICANT YELLOW-DFG/FASB PiNK-LEAD AGENCY GOLDENRODZTATE AGENCY OF FILING CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3300 Newport Blvd. – P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, Ca 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION To: X — Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street, Room 121 Sacramento, Ca 95814 X County Clerk, County of Orange Public Services Division P. 0. Box 238 Santa Ana, Ca 92702 From: City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. P. 0. Box 1768 Newport Beach, Ca 92658-8915 (Orange County) Date Received for filing at OPR: Name of Project: Anderson Residence and adjacent City Beach Bulkhead Repair and Replacement Project Project Location: Newport Bay, Newport Beach Specific: 2210 Channel Road and "M" Street Beach Project Location -City: Newport Beach Project Location -County: Orange Project Description: The bulkhead (98') at 2210 Channel Road is proposed to be repaired in place. In order to protect the stability of the site, the highly corroded bulkhead (29') on the City Beach at M Street will also be replaced in its current location. Exempt Status: (check one) — Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(1);15268); — Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); — Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); _X_ Categorical Exception. State type and section number: 15301 Class I (d) — Statutory Exemptions. State code number: — General Rule (Sec. 15061 (b)(3)) Reasons why project is exempt: Restoration or rehabilitation of deteriorated structures, facilities, or mechanical equipment to meet current standards of public health and safety. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: City of Newport Beach Date of Approval: 1-23-04 Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Eric Anderson Contact Person: Tom Rossmiller— Title: Harbor Resources Manager Signature: Phone #(949) 644-3041 Date:1-23-04 Office of the Chief Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PC Box 6a2711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053-2325 January 22,2004 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NATIONWIDE YEAMIT AUTHORIZATION Mr. Erik Anderson c/o Morris Skenderian & Associates, AIA Attention: Mr. Charlie Williams 2094 S. Coast Highway, #3 Lag-una Beach, California 92651 Dear Mr. Anderson: This is in reply to your letter (No. 200300948-CJF) dated April 8, 2003, cQncernmg our permit authority under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3,1899 (33 U.$.C. 40��) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972 (33 U,S.C. 1344) over your proposal to discharge fill material in order to remove and replace up to 130 feet of an existing seawall located bayward of 2204-2210 Channel Road, in Newport Bay, within the city of Newport Beach, Orange County, California, as shown on the enclosed diagrams. 'Ihe Corps of Engineers has determined that your proposed activity complies with the terms and conditions of nationwide pern-dt NW03 as described in enclosure 1. Furthermore, you must comply with the attached non -discretionary Special Conditions. This letter of verification is valid for a period not to exceed two years, January 29, 2006, unless the nationwide permit is modified, reissued, revoked, or expires before that time. Presently, all nationwide permits are scheduled to expire on March 18, 2007. It is incumbent upon you to remain informed of changes to the nationwide permits. We will issue a public notice announcing the changes when they occur. Furthermore, if you commence or are under contract to commence this activity before the date the nationwide permit is modified or revoked, you will have twelve months from the date of the modification or revocation to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions of the nationwide permit. A nationwide perinit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. Also, it does not authorize arty injury to the property or rights of others or authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. Furthermore, it does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, state, or local authorizations required by law. -2 - Thank you for participating in our regulatory program. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Cori Farrar of my staff at (213) 452-3296, Sincerely, Mark Durham Chief, South Coast Section Regulatory Branch Enclosure cc: Bob Hoffman, NOAA Fisheries, Habitat Conservation Division, 501 W. Ocean Blvd., Suite 4200, Long Beach, CA 90802-4213 Marilyn Fluharty, California Department of Fish and Game, South Coast Region, 4949 Viewridge Ave., San Diego, CA 92123 Jill Terp, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Office, 6010 Hidden Valley Rd-, Carlsbad, CA 92009 Rick Ware, Coastal Resources Management, 638 Camino de los Mares, Suite C-240, #627, San Clemente, CA 92673 -3 - SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR PERMIT NO. 200300848.CJF- 1. Essential Fish Habitat— Compliance with the Southern CaliforniaBelgrass Mitigation Policy (National Marine Fisheries Service, 1991) 1. 1, Prior to initiating construction, the perniittee shall conduct a pre -construction survey to map the location and areal extent of aelgrass resources located within 15 feet of the project area. Pennittee shall provide the pre -construction report to the Corps, within 15 days after initiating construction, 1.2. The permittee shall a post -construction survey of eelgrass resources within 30 days after completion of construction. 1.3. All eelgrass mapping, including survey methodology and timing, shall comply with the requirements of the Southern Califomia Eelgrass Mitigation Policy. 1.4. The permittee shall mitigate for all direct and indirect, construction -related impacts to eelgrass (Zostera tnarina) resources as described in the Marine Resources Impact Assessment (Coastal Resources Management, March 2003) and at a 1.2:1 Mitigation ratio as required by the Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy. 1.5. To avoid the imposition of penalties for temporal losses WFAFH, the perMitteC shall initiate work mitigation within 45 days of completion of in -water construction for on- site mitigation (per section 6 of the Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy). 1.6. Delays in the implementation of the mitigation shall result in a seven percent increase in areal extent of the required mitigation, accrued monthly for each month of delay (per section 7 of the Southem California Eelgirass Mitigation Policy). 1.7. The permittee shall wtify the Corps when the mitigatioTi/transplant begins. 1 -8. As required by section 8 of the Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy, the permittee shall provide scheduled maintenance and monitoring of the eelgrass mitigation site for a period of no less than rive years for on-site mitigation and a period of no less than seven years for off-site mitigation - L9. Additionally, the permittee shall submit monitoring reports to the Corps of Engineers and the resource agencies within 30 days of the required monitoring period, 1.10. All the required reports shall be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch, ATTN: CESPL-CO-R-200200896-CJF, PO Box 5327 11, Los Angeles, CA 90053-2325. 2. The permitted activity shall not interfere with the right of the public to free navigation on all navigable waters of the United States. 3. No dredging orearthwork is authorized by this Nationwide Permit 3, 4. No new pilings are authorized by this permit. -4- 3. No debris, soil, silt, sand, sawdust, rubbish, cement or concrete washings thereof, oil or petroleum products, from construction shall be allowed to enter into or placed where it may be washed by rainfall or runoff into waters of the United States. 5.1. Therefore, the permittee shall employ all standard Best Management Practices to ensure that toxic materials, silt, debris, or excessive erosion do not enter waters of the United States during project construction. 5.2. Upon completion of berthing improvements, any excess material or debris shall be removed from the work area and disposed of in an appropriate upland site. 6. The permittee shall discharge only clean construction materials suitable for use in the oceanic environment. 7. The permittee shall notify the Army Corps of Engineers of the date of commencement of operations and the date, of completion of operations at least five days prior to such completion. 8, Prior to the commencement of construction, the permittee shall notify the US Coast Guard in writing. Please include: name of company conducting the operation, work to be completed, project location, hours of operation, duration of project, equipment being used, and an on-site point of contact, This information will be used in the Local Notice to Mariners (LNM) to notify the maritime community of activities affecting navigation, Please send the notification letter to: US Coast Guard, 1 Vh District, Attn: QM2 Rachel Mentz, Staff Symbol: can, Coast Guard Island, Bldg. 50-6, ISC Alameda, CA 94501-5 100 9. Should any federal aids to navigation (AtoN) be affected by this project, the permittee shall contact the US Coast Guard AtoN office at (510) 437-2982. 10. If the work requires that private aids to navigation be established, the permittee or contractor should contact Mr, Brian Aldrich of the US Coast Guard at (510) 437-2981 11. Upon the US Coast Guard's receipt of the notification to start work, a copy of the appli=t's letter will be sent to the Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) of Los Angeles/Long Beach forreview. The COTP may modify the deployment of marine construction equipment or mooring systems to safeguard navigation during the project. Questions concerning lighting, equipment placement, and mooring should be directed to the COTP at (310) 383-1600. 12. The permittee shall send a post -project survey to the National Ocean Service for chart updating: Attn: Gerald E. Wheaton, NOAA Regional Manager, West Coast and Pacific Ocean, DOD Center Monterey Bay, Rm 5082, Seaside, CA 93955-6711 - -5 - LOS ANGELES DISTRICT U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NATIONWIDE PERMIT Permit Number: 200300848-CJF Name of Permittee: Erik Anderson Date of Issuance: famiary 22, 2004 Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: U& Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch ATTN: CESPL-CO-R-200300848-CJF P.O. Box 532711 Los Angeles, Califon -da 90053-2325 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by an Army Corps of Engineers representative. If you fail to comply with this nationwide pern-dt you may be subject to permit suspension, modification, or revocation procedures as contained in 33 CFR 330.5 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CPR 326-4 and 326.5. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced perrrdt has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the pern-dt condition(s). Signahire of Permittee Date S 'p RIPE �4 1 2 1 1 1 1 qg � i 1 11 1 1 - i , I AIR, A Ell 1 21 1 1 114W go TWO 21 F 11 All fair 2 Ali 11 a 11 % I III I y g ell, 4.0 11 410 011:11 �v g Al. 11 '11 R I "p, 4111N X1111".1 -omit, Is t I I I I I b I t 16 1 11 1 1 i , I HIM 111� I q, I 1A a i I Net, At a 11121 1 1 I 'l I III 1I i I �6' I ; I o I I I I w list It 1 11 41 p , qhl ire 16 1 11 1 1 1 j I � 0 4 1 0 d E] - --�zm -T-. -I.? r 7A �- - - —1 — , , —1—vou -I-:,I-N N v w 0 N I U ZOGN di. n.. oq'1v43wHx) I - i n a NVId V 3ON3018-IM NUSHUCNV S3-LON 1VH3NM3 S 'p RIPE �4 1 2 1 1 1 1 qg � i 1 11 1 1 - i , I AIR, A Ell 1 21 1 1 114W go TWO 21 F 11 All fair 2 Ali 11 a 11 % I III I y g ell, 4.0 11 410 011:11 �v g Al. 11 '11 R I "p, 4111N X1111".1 -omit, Is t I I I I I b I t 16 1 11 1 1 i , I HIM 111� I q, I 1A a i I Net, At a 11121 1 1 I 'l I III 1I i I �6' I ; I o I I I I w list It 1 11 41 p , qhl ire 16 1 11 1 1 1 j I � 0 4 1 0 d E] - --�zm -T-. -I.? r 7A �- - - —1 — , , —1—vou -I-:,I-N N v w KV -Id 11VM"S I S3-LON IVNIN39 g U. 6 b gy 88 lit �1 �"g 111 jai I I j� 11 91 1� I I 2 W1, 00 1 11 i, d di, 4, 1 '4�� w Z:421 It I REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. 0. BOX 2711 LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90053 August 24, 1983 SUBJECT: Build New Dock, Ramp, and Pier for Laura Lee Woods Mr. Sam Kniss Trautwein Brothers 2410 Newport Blvd.. Newport.Beach, California 92663-3798 Dear Mr. Kniss: Thank you for your letter of August 11, 1983 notifying us of your intent to construct a boat dock, ramp, and T)ier at 9210 Channel Road, T,ots 22, 23, and 24, Block P. -.Tract 518 Your drawings have been reviewed and generally conform to the provisions of General Permit GP004 for -privately QLMed boat docks in Newport B v Providing you have complied with State and local laws you may proceed with the work. Your proposed work has been assigned General Permit No. GPO04-160 if you have any furthur questions, please feel free to call our Regulatory Branch at (213) 688-5606 and refer to this number. A copy of the General Permit is enclosed. Sincerely, _ 7 J. P. Fast Chief, Construction - Operations Division Enclosure TA FL 537 May 83 State of Cafforria, Ge cW DeLkrneW, cawrnw C�WorniaCoast&!Covnn sion SOUTH COAST DISTRICT 24S West Broadway, SLite 38D P.O. BOX 14SO Lorg Beach. Calfoff" 90601-1450 (213) 590-SO71 STAFF REPCRr AEMMISMATIM nEM 5-83-754 Filed: 10 49th Day: 12 i8Oth Day: —42 staff Rewrt: —11 ?beting of: Staff: _D APPLICANT: Laura Lee Woods AGENT: Trautwein Brothers PROJECT IXATTON: 2210 Channel Rd. Newport Beach, CA Orange County /83 33 F4_ 33 -1979'� -kens/sws PROJECT DESCR=CN: Construction of a private boat dock in conjunction with a single-family residence. IM AM N. A. ;AMSCM OMMUM N.A. PPO= DEN= N.A. 71I.Me *Do i Ll r -r 11 a E=rrrvF nTPFMM'1z tMEWMAIMM. Pursuant to PRC Sec. 3D624. the Ezecvtive Director hereby issues a perydt for the proposed development, subject to Standard Ccrdlticris adopted by the C=dssion and Special CandItIons below. on the Vvts-d3 that, as condItIoned, the developoe., -is In canfomity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of to�— Cmstal Act at' 1976, will not prejudice the ability of the local Ipvez.van, to'prepaiv a Local Coastal hvVwn that is In confmdty with the provisions of Chapter 3. and will not have " slVifIcant adverse Inpacts an the envirxxrent within the aeanlM of the California Dwirwriental "lity Act. Any developnent located between the nearest public road and the see Is in confbmity with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3. e Pame I of 2 State of California,George Ieukmejian, Governor California Coastal Commission South Coast District COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 245 West Broadway, Suite 380 P.O. Box 1450 Long Beach, California 90801-1450 (213) 590-5071 on_ November 17, 1983 W'45 5-83-754 Page I of 2 the California Coastal Commission granted to Laura Lee Woods, 10801 Ambazai Way, Los Angeles, CA 90077 this permit for the development described below, subject to the attached Standard and Special conditions. Construction of a private boat dock in conjunction with a single-family residence. SITE: 2210 Channel Rd. Newport Beach, CA Issued on behalf of the California Coa ME= THIS PERM is NOT UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY CF T; -,'E N.T­g' WITH THE SIGM BEEN RETURNED TO THE COVIMV-SKIN V D - ' ne't C1 3J�- /Ve Or WPORYSCACH, Executive Director and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AS DHP The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. Date Signature of Permittee 5/81 Coastal Development ermit No. 5-83-754 Page 2 STANDARD CONDITIONS: 1. Notice of Rogjl aFd Ac:nR!� The permit is not valid and construction shall not comwnce until a copy of We permit , na Y pe authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions. is returned to the Cosimission office. I - � 2. Expiration. If construction has not commenced. the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Construction shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Compliance. All construction must occur in strict compliance with the proposal as set forth in the application for permit, Subject to any special conditions set forth below. Any deviation from the approved plans must be reviewed and approved by the staff and my require Commission approval. 4. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 5. Insigtigns- The Commission staff shall be allowed to inspect the site and the development during construction, SUB 24-hour advance notice. 6. A ' T t - The permit my be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an ME aM —vilit accepting all terms and conditions o f the permit. 7. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms &W conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: None. Al' Z+' 73 /0 43�0' �Q I ILI 7c—)e I s -r L— c- aw " o 36' 11 4A 5-03-754 1� -V C, .9 ? � VICIMITY SkETCH W"r Jsrry� NgwPO� 5AY, CALIFOMNIA J rrr MARINE DEPARTMENT C/4 CITY kUL SOeIA011495 ale in Ac"t O'd don"i, o,o,-,,A5 be/ow �7eo" Lower Low 30 NEWF"T KILVIL ro"spe C/' AA�rh,, NEWMAT KAM GA sm ore eziobl�'.shcal //RW7;� �,r ") 1983 36' 36" coxsrAL COMMISSION Z 5' SOUTH �OAST DISTRICT 1 1-31-1 1 th coast.D lat ofjoic a/ Z- 24 Z3. of, 19, fame J6,5 Akl. prAt / c -.4A.1 r s A44" 10 CPAvVVL 1?-oAD cl 579 Cl r), o,,-- Nr;,1,=ovr dar4cw. UI vt /0 zs 30' �f -- A -I,+ &i Aj-,c e - 35 At z PA, 0 LIL) 0 f�K 517?5,� lo 7— 7�-2—/D -14-A VICIAJITY SKI�TCH Nawpogr DAY, CAZIFORNIA 5'0z,tnd"95 alk a erPressed In Yqre,4 an& below A-Ico� Lower Low Woree. A4,,x� rO�qe 0/- h'orl AlalhOe 11�7eS Ore dZiChItShOOf 1;7 7/,4;5 . SC�Y10" oy�,VCW ,�/ Bar. 12 e),4 D 1 z4 73, P140 )0 550 'WA 20 J6,5 Ale,. 83280 orc- W��,mp� 71, ao -TXAU7,416qI-) r:�"ZO5. ui.c -16a, Aagge ss ' -2 2- X) C Y,4WWV�- 1,2,AE> CoAzr4rAc roa,5;4* I", sT ki CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR PERMIT PERMISSION IS HERESY GRANTED TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN THE FACILITY SHOWN ON7;!� REVENZ�4 HEREOF, AT THE SfTE ONWCArEO, SU2M.-T To Tw`lr� C�Z'01V�SIONS OF THE HARSOR PF.%M�T Or nr;.-CH AND ANY SPECIAL. CCNrITR�74'5 L-ST"D Ni T��ls PERMIT IS NOT THE CITY C C N ",'-NT OF GWEN p, RIGHTS A.. THE ONLY AND THIS PER?"" 1I COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WfTV TiTLE 13-,rF i', PAI CODE 6TY 10-7-72-X-10 CONSTRUC FION i DATE ..... sg-wAe�� SPECIAL CONE)ITIOMS. COrPs Of Engineers Permit O"a"ft County Pirmit Other STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMITS L 0 CA T 10 N_Z Z/ 0 Ae-� New I/ PERMIT NO. P;7 - Revi s ion APPLICANI NAME__/,�. Dredging (11,1IRACTOR Date Rec'v—. Fee Alplt� I�ee Processed Date Reviewed by Marine Deot. Approved Denipd Corection Required - Description City Council Approved Deni e� Remarks DATE MATERIAL SENT/APPROVED C.O.E. SCRZCII� I . -ation I App I i c 2. Consent Ltr. 3. "Waste" Ltr. 4. Drawings 5� Staff Report 6. 7. a. REMARKS 1 NA L t,l� � , INSPECTIO J, H . C. 0;R . C �Y 14aa4aaa B4aAeoU WATERFRONT CONSTRUCTION To: Laura Lee Woods 10801 Amba�&c Way Los Angeles, Ca. goo24 71 Re: New dock at 2210 Channel Rd., Newport Beach Dear Mrs. Woods: 2410 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663-3798 Telephone (714) 673-1960 Contrceors Licenm No. 322996A August 1, 1983 For your convenience and to expedite the processing of the permits, etc. that are necessary to the above project, I can sign for you as your agent on all such documents. If this is your desire, please endorse below. Please retain one copy for your files. Sincerely, TRAUTWEIN BROTEERS WAT:ERFRO CONSTRUCTION I authorize you to act as my agent on the above project. Signature Date J, RF—qQRPIN.rP it9QUESTUP F AND WN9N asco"aso MAIL we r Leland K. Whittier Street d'"I 1600 Huntington Drive IT & Stale Lsouth Pasadena, a 91030 MAIL TAX 4TATaNMN, To Leland K. Utittier 1600 Huntington Drive ;y & Jaie I LSOuth Pasadena, CA 91030 82-409008 Recorded'at-the request of TITLE INSURANCE & TRUST CO. 8:00 NOV 221982 A.M. Official ka,,,o, Orange County, Califomii L M "I'll mom. FuND FEE $10.0o D SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Individual Grant Deed TO 1923 CA 112-74) THIS FORM FURNISHIZO BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS A.P.N.048-301-08 ir9 The undersigned grantor (a) declare (I;) P41D %Documentary transfer tax is $ .2,200.00 Doe t1e, "EE ti'tR z (X computed on full value of property conveyed, or A 8RANC, CO. 8 Lr computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. RECZ"'. too Unincorporated area; (x ) City of pt.-ar-h A Nagip= and 31 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, LELAND K. WHITTIER bY ARLO G. SORENSEN and EILEEN MC INEIRNEY as his he ., attorneys—in—fact. r y GRANT(S) to LEWID K. WHITTIER, an unmarried man, for life, remainder to LAURA—LEE WHITTIER MODS, a married woman as her sole and separate property the following described real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange State of California: SEE EXHIBIT A HERETO U) EXCLUDED F'RCM REAPPRAISAL UNDER REVENUE AND TAXATION SECTION 62. THIS DOCLMU RESERVES A L ESTATE IN FAVOR OF THE CRANTOR. 3 I Dated July 27, 1982 4? 0 0 Z�5�. '4 Leland K. Whittier by Arl(5'0. Sorens 3� —_ as his attornney=ixi.—fact STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS". 4V "�'CZ2�e COUNTY OF a4q On before me, the under- Lielancl R. Wtuttier by Eileen Wfierx'_A signed, a Kotary F�ubfic in and for said State, personally appeared as his attorney—in—fact known to me to be the perwn--whose name subscribed to the within inatrumentand acknowledged that_—executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official Beal. Signature IT10. r,�, tur mw wtaria m.i) Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No ---- I DESCRIPTION: 82-4o.goli .PARCEL 1: LOTS 22,, 23 AND 24p BLOCK f'P" OF TRACT NO. 518, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH., COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECORDED IN BOOK 17 PAGES 3-T TO 36p INCLUSIVE., OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT THEREFROM THE SOUTH HALF OF LOT 22 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 22; THENCE' NORTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 22.. A DISTANCE -OF 19.135 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY TO A POINT IN THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2-2, DrSTANT,NORTHERLY THEREON 17.5 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 17.5 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER THEREOF;- THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: THAT PORTION OF LOT lfMlv� BLOCK "P" OF TRACT NO. 518, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACHo COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA.. AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOCK 17 PAGES 33 TO 36, INCLUSIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS.. IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, BOUNDED SOUTHEASTERLY BY THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHERLY HALF OF LOT 22 AS DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 1 ABOVE, AND BOUNDED NORTHWESTERLY, BY THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 24 AS DESCRIBED IN PARCEL I ABOVE.