HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - Byers Residence Parking Modification - PA2014-219 o4�Ewr°Q COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT y PLANNING DIVISION u $ 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O.Box 1768,Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 c`�LfFOR�,P www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT February 26, 2015 Agenda Item No. 1 SUBJECT: Byers Residence Parking Modification - (PA2014-219) 224 Coral Avenue • Modification Permit No. MD2014-013 APPLICANT: John Morgan, Architect OWNER: Dan and Jill Byers PLANNER: Benjamin M. Zdeba, Assistant Planner (949) 644-3253, bzdeba@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN • Zone: R-BI (Residential Balboa Island) • General Plan: RT (Two-Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY A modification permit to allow a 21-percent addition to an existing nonconforming single- family residence where the code limits additions up to 10 percent of the existing gross floor area when the required parking dimensions are not provided. The garage currently provides a 17-foot 9-inch width and a 19-foot '/2-inch depth where 20 feet is required for both dimensions. At the time it was constructed, the garage dimensions were in compliance with the requirements of the Zoning Code. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- approving Modification Permit No. MD2014-013 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 V� QP �P Byers Residence Parking Modification Zoning Administrator February 26, 2015 Page 2 DISCUSSION • The subject property is located on Balboa Island which is characterized by a mix of single-story and two-story single-unit residences and duplexes. The property is "U shaped, 3,960 square feet in area and has a lot width' of 60 feet. • The property was developed in 1990 with a 2,917-square-foot, single-story residence and 369-square-foot attached garage which is constructed on a narrower portion of the lot that is 30 feet wide and adjacent to the alley. At the time of construction, the minimum clear interior dimensions of the two-car garage (17 feet 9 inches wide by 19 feet 1/2 inches deep) were compliant with the requirements of the Zoning Code. The garage has not been altered since the time of original construction. • The current Zoning Code requires the minimum clear interior dimensions for a two- car garage on lots wider than 40 feet to be 20 feet wide by 20 feet deep. Due to the change in the development standards related to minimum size of garage parking spaces required for lots 40 feet wide or more, the existing two-car garage is legal nonconforming. Additions to the existing residence are limited to 10 percent of the existing structure (Section 20.38.060(2)(a) and (b): Nonconforming Parking — Dimensions or Type of Parking Spaces). A larger addition can be permitted with approval of a Modification Permit (Section 20.52.050). • The existing width is substandard; however, the clear interior garage spaces will be maintained and are adequate to accommodate two vehicles. Furthermore, the garage is developed on a narrower portion of the lot which is 30 feet wide and would be compliant for a lot of that width (17 feet 6 inches wide by 19 feet deep). • The alternative would be to require the existing garage to be modified to provide the minimum 20-foot garage width and depth, which would require substantial alteration and modification of the existing structure above and beyond the proposed scope of work and would eliminate a third, partially covered parking space abutting the garage. • The proposed 684.35-square-foot addition and remodel project is comprised of a new elevator, updating and enlarging the kitchen within the existing footprint, remodeling the first floor bathroom, a new third floor covered roof deck area, an expanded master bedroom, and two new bedrooms on the second floor. • The proposed addition will result in a residence that maintains compatibility in size and scale to other single-unit residences in the neighborhood. The maximum floor area limitation for the property is 3,995 square feet. The applicant's proposed ..Lot width"is defined by the Zoning Code as the horizontal distance between the side lot lines,measured at right angles to the line that defines the lot depth at a point midway between the front and rear lot lines. Tmpit:10-15-13 Byers Residence Parking Modification Zoning Administrator February 26, 2015 Page 3 addition would create a residence with a total of 3,970.33 square feet including the garage. Pursuant to the Zoning Code (Table 3-10: Off-Street Parking Requirements), the addition will not result in a single-unit residence over 4,000 square feet of livable area; therefore, a third parking space is not required. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301, of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 1 (Existing Facilities)Existing Facilities). This exemption includes additions up to 10,000 square feet where public services and utilities are available and the area is not considered environmentally sensitive. The proposed project is a 684.35-square-foot addition to an existing single-family residence in a developed neighborhood and is not within an environmentally sensitive area. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of- way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: Be ja i M! eba As ' tant Planner GR/bmz Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Applicant's Justification ZA 4 Site Photos ZA 5 Project Plans TmpIt:10-15-13 J Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 V� QP �P RESOLUTION NO. ZA2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. MD2014-013 TO ALLOW A 21-PERCENT ADDITION TO AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 224 CORAL AVENUE (PA2014-219) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by John Morgan, Architect, on behalf of the property owner with respect to property located at 224 Coral Avenue and legally described as the Westerly 47 feet of Lot 23 and all of Lot 22, Block 7, Section 2 of the Balboa Island Tract, requesting approval of a modification permit. 2. The applicant proposes a modification permit to allow a 21-percent addition (684.35 square feet) to an existing nonconforming single-family residence where the code limits additions up to 10 percent of the existing gross floor area when the required parking dimensions are not provided. The garage currently provides a 17-foot 9-inch width and a 19-foot 1/2-inch depth where 20 feet is required for both dimensions. 3. The subject property is located within the R-BI (Residential Balboa Island) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is RT (Two-Unit Residential). 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone and is designated as RT-E (Two- Unit Residential — (30.0 — 39.9 DU/AC)) by the Coastal Land Use Plan of the Local Coastal Program. 5. A public hearing was held on February 26, 2015, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1 . This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the Guidelines for CEQA. 2. This exemption includes additions up to 10,000 square feet where public services and utilities are available and the area is not considered environmentally sensitive. The proposed project is a 684.35-square-foot addition to and remodel of an existing single- family residence in a developed neighborhood and is not within an environmentally sensitive area. Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 2 of 7 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.050(E) (Required Findings, Modification Permits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC), the following findings and facts in support of the findings for a modification permit are set forth: Finding: A. The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The neighborhood is comprised of a development pattern of one- and two-story single- unit dwellings. The Modification Permit will allow an addition to a single-unit residence within the subdivision, but will result in a home that is similar in bulk and scale to others in the neighborhood. 2. The applicant is proposing a 21-percent addition to the existing structure on the lot. The proposed addition will comply with all of the development standards, including floor area limitation, height, and setbacks. 3. The resulting residence will consist of approximately 3,970 square feet (3,601 square feet plus a 369-square-foot garage). Pursuant to Table 3-10: Off-Street Parking Requirements of the Zoning Code, it will not require the addition of a third garage parking space since the livable floor area (not including the garage) is less than 4,000 square feet. 4. The existing development on the property is a single-family residence. As such, there is no change to the density int6hsity under the proposed remodel and addition. Finding: B. The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The residences in this area were constructed with garages that were in compliance with the Zoning Code at the time of construction. The current Zoning Code requires minimum interior garage dimensions of 20 feet wide by 20 feet deep. The lot was permitted to be developed with a single-family residence and attached garage in 1990 as it exists currently. Therefore, the structure is considered legal nonconforming. 2. Although the existing garage does not provide the minimum clear interior dimensions required by the Zoning Code, it does provide two useable garage spaces and, 10-15-2013 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 3 of 7 therefore, meets the intent of the Zoning Code by providing adequate parking on the site. Approval of the Modification Permit allows the applicant to continue the use of the existing two-car garage, which has not proven detrimental to the occupants or neighbors. 3. The existing garage provides clear interior dimensions of 17 feet 9 inches in width by 19 feet Yz inch in depth. Given the design of the existing residence bringing the garage into conformance would require a significant expansion in the scope of work and would eliminate an additional parking area abutting the garage in the side yard. 4. The existing and proposed development will comply with the height limit, floor area limitation, and residential design criteria as shown on the proposed plans. Finding: C. The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s) of the property and/or structure, and/or characteristics of the use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The property is situated on a corner and is "L" shaped with two street frontages on Balboa Avenue and Coral Avenue. The narrower width towards the rear alley of the property is 30 feet for an expanse of 38 feet prior to widening to 60 feet for an expanse of 47 feet towards the front of the lot. The existing nonconforming garage is built facing the alley within the 30-foot-wide portion and is compliant with the required garage dimensions for that width (17 feet 6 inches wide by 19 feet deep). Expanding the garage to meet the 20 feet wide by 20 feet deep clear interior dimension requirement would remove usable areas in the side yards including a partially covered parking space afforded under the current configuration. 2. The clear interior dimensions of the existing two-car garage were in compliance with the Zoning Code at the time of original construction. However, as a result of amendments to the Zoning Code, the two-car garage is now substandard in size, and is therefore legal nonconforming. 3. Bringing the existing two-car garage into conformance with the clear interior dimensions required by the current Zoning Code would result in a significant increase in the scope of the project. Since the existing garage provides two useable spaces, the intent of the code is achieved. Finding: D. There are no alternatives to the Modification Permit that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or to the general public. 10-15-2013 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 4of7 Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The alternatives would require that the applicant bring the existing two-car garage into conformance by expanding or relocating the existing garage. The existing garage is not proposed to be altered. 2. The granting of the Modification Permit would not constitute a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other R-BI zoned properties as it allows the property owner to maintain equity with other homes on Balboa Island, where similar additions have occurred. The proposed project is consistent with historic development in the neighborhood. 3. Strict compliance with the 10-percent addition of the existing gross floor area pursuant to Section 20.38.060(2)(a) (Nonconforming Parking) of the Zoning Code limits the ability of the property owner to construct additions the home thereby depriving a substantial property right afforded by other R-BI zo lots. Finding E. The granting of the modification would not be detrimen o public health, safety, or welfare to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change in density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. Fact in Support of Finding 1. Although the proposed minimum clear interior dimensions will be less than the minimum required by the Zoning Code, it provides sufficient area for use as a two-car garage. The size of the spaces has not been detrimental to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, neighborhood, or City. 2. The approval of this Modification Permit is conditioned such that the applicant is required to obtain all necessary permits in accordance with the Building Code and other applicable Codes. The applicant/owner is required to obtain a building permit. The construction will then be inspected prior to building permits being finaled. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Modification Permit No. MD2014-013, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 (Planning and Zoning), of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 10-15-2013 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 5 of 7 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2015. 10-15-2013 22 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 6 of 7 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Division 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. Modification Permit No. MD2014-013 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 3. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of `proval. 4. The applicant shall comply with all federal, sta an local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Use Permit. 5. The Zoning Administrator may add to or modify the conditions of approval to this Modification Permit or revoke this Modification Permit upon a determination that the operation, which is the subject of this Modification Permit, causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort, or general welfare of the community. 6. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval (Exhibit "A") shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 7. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain approval of a certificate of compliance or lot merger to formally combine the lot and portion into a single parcel and building site. 8. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Modification Permit file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Modification Permit and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 9. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and 10-15-2013 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015- Page 7 of 7 expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Byers Residence Parking Modification including, but not limited to, the Modification Permit No. MD2014-013 (PA2014-219). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages, which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Buildinq Division 10. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable perMIts from the City's Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans mLot tdomply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. 10-15-2013 V� QP �P 2� Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 15 V� QP �P 2� 3051/2 #r; 302112 ' - - I imp I 10 MF 1 � Aim P 227 1/2 1005 1007 yy� ` r — '; .i { x227 `i a N 1 N N N u7 b . �J — 225 M ^ , N N V a . N . o, '� L N N IO�P.r C-4 1 N ILII I 2191/2 ® . 2191/r219�CN I 217 1/2 2171/2 y v Newport Beach Disclaimer: Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided,however,The City of GIS Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to ��E�'POgT any results obtained in its use. ° m 0 40 80 Imagery: 2009-2013 photos provided by Eagle a„ Feet Imaging www.eagieaerial.com �.IFOPN� 1/2712015 27 V� QP �P sg Attachment No. ZA 3 Applicant's Justification 19 V� QP �P �o PA2014-219 John T. Morman Jr ARCHITECT 18682 Beachmont Avenue,North Tustin, Ca 92705 ph(714)730-2723 fax(714)730-2724 December 11, 2014 City of Newport Beach Community Development Department Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Re: Byers Remodel 224 Coral Avenue Balboa Island, CA 92662 Dear Planning Department, My clients, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Byers own the above property. At this time we wish to submit this project for a modification approval as required by the zoning code. Zoning Requirements The current zoning for this property is R2 Required Setbacks Proposed Setbacks Front is 10'-0" ..........................................................10'-0„ Rear at the alley is 5'-0.. ...................................."'. no change Maintain 36" to existing deck and storage area at 2nd floor Sides are 4,-0,' ......................................................... 4,-0„ Established grade elevation is 9.0 msl Height Limits are 29 foot maximum above established grade elevation, and 24 foot above established grade elevation to any roof pitches sloping less than 3:12. Buildable Area is........................................... 2,530 s.f. Buildable area of 2,530 times 1.5........................ 3,795 s.f. Plus 200 s.f for a provided garage +200 s.f. Maximum footage allowed is ............................ 3,995 s.f. Page 1 of 2 21 PA2014-219 Site Description The existing site has a three story single family residence that was constructed new in 1988. At that time, the new home was built with permitted plans. When the residence was originally built it observed the side setbacks of 4 feet which were required both in 1988 and today. The front 10 foot and rear 5 foot setbacks have never changed since that time. With a 30 foot rear lot width, the required 2 car garage at that time was required to be 17'-6"wide by 19'-0"deep and that's what was constructed. Within the 5 foot rear setback at the rear there is an existing 2"d floor deck and small storage room at the "alley side" of the home that are currently encroaching into the rear 5 foot setback+ 24" at this time, but were indicated on the permitted set of plans. There are two existing entry porch columns located at the front of the residence that were not indicated as encroaching in the plans but will be removed as a part of this scope of work for the remodel. There are no structural changes proposed at the rear of the existing home near this existing deck area or garage area and my clients wish to keep the garage the same size. Square Footage Calculations As designed the project has the following square footages at this time. Level Existing New Total I"Floor 1,605.08 s.f. + 2.45 s.f. = 1,607.43 s.f. 2nd Floor 1,200.64 s.f. + 667.20 s.f. = 1,867.84 s.f. 3`d Floor 111.24 s.f. + 14.70 s.f. = 125.94 s.f. Totals ............... 2,916.96 s.f. + 684.35 s.f. = 3,601.31 s.f. Residential Garage "No Change" 369.02 s.f. Total Structural ................................................ 3,970.33 s.f. 2"d Floor Decks ................................................... 375.92 s.f. 3`d Floor Decks 1,150.70 s.f. Total Decks ...................................................... 1,526.62 s.f. Modification Request We are requesting a modification approval for this project because when my clients add more than 10%new structural footage to this existing residence, this triggers the existing garage size to be reviewed and brought up to the current zoning code requirements of today. Because the lot width is considered greater than 40 foot wide, this would require a 20'-0"x 20'-0" interior garage size requirement. The existing garage at this time is +17'-8"wide x 19'-0" deep which met the current zoning requirement at the time the home was constructed. My clients do not wish to increase the size of the existing garage. It is for this reason that the modification is required. Site Difficulties Due to the unusual "L" shaped property with the front and rear property lines widths difference of 30'-0", one would reason that even the average lot width using 60 foot at the front and 30 foot at the rear would be 45 feet. Zoning code requires lots greater than 40 feet wide to have a 20 foot x 20 foot clear parking space in the garage. Page 2 of 3 22 PA2014-219 If the average lot width was not based on the above criteria, and instead, we used a standard 30 foot lot width consideration at the rear, then the garage requirements is required to be 18'-6" wide x 19'-0" deep interior space. The existing garage does not meet this requirement either. Approval Justification Due to the current garage and side yard configuration, my clients can currently park three cars on site by parking two in the garage and one in the side yard area of the existing garage as they own an electric vehicle which fits quite easily at the side of the garage. If the modification request was not granted and the existing garage size was required to be made wider,this would of course make the garage wider for two cars but would eliminate the ability to park the 3rd vehicle on the side in the existing side yard area. While the zoning code does not require three on site parking spaces, it does allow that side yard areas can be used for required parking. This is a bonus parking space for the owner's. We believe that the on site parking ability for three vehicles is important enough to justify leaving the existing garage size unchanged. The granting of this modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood as the project when completed is still a single family residence like many of the surrounding properties adjacent to this residence. I will be happy to answer any questions regarding this project. Please contact my office if I can be of any assistance. Thank You, John T. Morgan Jr. ARCHITECT Byers.015 Page 3 of 3 23 V� QP �P Attachment No. ZA 4 Site Photos 25 V� QP �P 1 % 11 11i DFJ�91 t � 1 I I I 1 yl 1 y{ aftI y 1w1`� r I n Ir I 1 !F l ! i L_ z z J, 5 22 I L. } rl j s Y EDF A9 f.. Li c a _ a 7 _ f� II e I p 6 � I jai• _ I *10 a A, .a `fes. - I � •YI r.� �- - � � I 1 l I e I , = I f V , .• _ � �• -,-- . ` ++� -ow _ Ski I j I� • I I 3D r L N - b t _ _ 2 -• - � -1R _ a,� �i• PFMI V� QP �P Attachment No. ZA 5 Project Plans 33 V� QP �P 31{ PA2014-219 Attachment No . ZA 5 - Project Plans REVISIONS LEGAL OWNER DAN BYERS U U (� 224 CORAL AVENUE Q �OALLEY ro �j ro �/ Q O BALBOA ISLAND, GA 92661 c99J c99J� �9J �9J PH ( 943 ) 610-2447 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 22 and 23 of BLOCK 7 of BALBOA ISLAND TRACT, EXCEPT THE EAST 38' OF LOT 23 QU �t9 ��/ �� Q �� �� v'/ Q �� O DESIGN DATA Q CQ (Q• CQ• t9• �• L6 U SETBACKS ( PROPERTY LINE 30.0') `9J `9J ( PROPERTY LIN 30.0 9J j Q so S..... .......... . ... �o ( NORTH 30.0' ) o ( NORTH 30.0' ) �'� REAR ....................... 5'-0"AT ALLEY 4'-0"AT ADJACENT PROPERTY Q �' EXT'G ��� �� ZONING REQUIREMENTS QN o eO � \()� ZONING Is ............. R2 ti N JBUILDABLE AREA IS .................................................... 2,530 S.F. MAXIMUM BUILDABLE AREA IS 2,530 X 1.5 = 3,735 S.F. PLUS 200 S.F. FOR A GARAGE 200 S.F. M ��� E T'G �J MAXIMUM FOOTAGE ALLOWED ON SITE IS 3935 S.F. O ry C), EXTG CONC. a� r o CONC. 4'-0" 2ND FLOOR �J > CV r O W O CONC. # sEreacK J �� 4'-O" y (� rt9� �i91s• SCOPE OF WO1zK SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATIONS + J Z 1. TO REMODEL AND INCREASE EXISTING KITCHEN SIZE Q C'") SETBACK �J 1J LEVEL EXISTING + NEW = TOTAL O ON 157 FLOOR and ADD A NEW BUTLERS PANTRY. 137 FLOOR .................. 1,605.08 + 2.45 = 1,607.53 S.F. ( l S E U U �b 2. TO REMODEL EXISTING ENTRY PORCH. 2ND FLOOR ................ 1,200.64 + 667.20 = 1,867.84 S.F. v 0 S < p (7 U V 3 FAMILY0DDRNOEOW SLIDING GLA55 DOORS IN EXISTING 3RD FLOOR 111.24 + 14.70 = 125.94 S.F. W 6 U' TOTALS 2,916.96 + 684.35 = 3,601.31 S.F. � ° a� u}iN C6 z 4. TO ADD AN ELEVATOR TO RESIDENCE. W � X0 EXISTING E T'G X EXISTING GARAGE 369:02 S.F. _ CID v- to �jJ 5. TO REMODEL EXISTING IST FLOOR BATHROOM. TOTAL STRUCTURAL .......................................................... 3970.33 S.F. '' `` z c W U CONC.C. 6. TO REMODEL AND ADD NEW FOOTAGE TO EXISTING V ~ CID r J Ci cf) -- GA RAGE MASTER SUITE AREA ON 2ND FLOOR. EXISTING 2ND FLOOR DEGK5 .................................................... 121.00 S.F. U Q O 7. TO ADD TWO NEW BEDROOMS AND BATHROOMS ON NEW 2ND FLOOR DECKS 254.32 S.F. 0 O CID Q EXT'G W L0 TOTAL 2ND FLOOR DEGK5 ........................................................ 375.92 S.F. Z JEL CONC. w EXISTING LO 2ND FLOOR. W 8. TO ADD A NEW SERVICE ROOM AT 2ND FLOOR. EXISTING 3RD FLOOR DECKS ................_.................................. 375.32 S.F. a z U 3. TO ADD NEW 2ND FLOOR DECK AREAS AT FRONT OF NEW 3RD FLOOR DECKS 1,150.70 S.F. 1 STORY J Q NEW 2ND FLOOR. TOTAL 3RD FLOOR DECKS ....................................................... 1,526.62 S.F. W 10. TO ADD NEW 3RD FLOOR COVERED DECK AREA. W U 11. TO CHANGE ALL EXISTING ROOF MATERIALS RESIDENCE LL] Z Z 12. TO REPLACE ALL EXISTING EXTERIOR FINISH MATERIAL W y�9 �O� t9J �O6 a J O WH WITH NEWER MOISTURE RESISTANT FINISH MATERIALS. SHEET INDEX Q 9J 9J 9J U A-1 SITE PLAN and INFORMATION U' EXT'G A-2 AS-BUILT 157 and 2N1:) FLOOR PLANS V A-3 AS-BUILT BIRD FLOOR PLAN W X GONG' A 4 NEW IST and 2ND FLOOR PLANS W EXT'G O WA-5 NEW 3RD FLOOR PLANS and ROOF PLAN n, EXT'G A 6 NEW FRONT and LEFT ELEVATIONS CONC. 1JL Z a I CONIC A-7 NEW REAR and RIGHT ELEVATIONS 6 - �Sy , 9 �3.90J EXISTING TINGW � sEXTG J PLANTER,AREAS �W O 3 STORY ON SITE ................................:............................................. 210 S.F. �9Q cQ CONIC. �N 6 ( PROPERTY LINE % ORTH 30.0') RESIDENCE o c� P 00 s� GG o � P U) EXT'G Q o' �J res), ��J CONC. W p `�6' `<< �� wARC EXT'G �J EXT'G o z I'1 �SEo OFR? �+ SHADING INDICATES J `.! CONK. �t9 CONC. �J NEW IST FLOOR ADDITION v��� MORGq� �� I (SNo. C 22567 �J Expires O ® a 9�F 1/31/15 0 ti ❑ EXT'G SHADING INDICATES : . Q J pF CALIF U CONC. �� NEW IST FLOOR ADDITION Q ~ EXT'G ti�ys w P CONC. o, �O O� z %S• -9. M 9� � ,J W EXT'G SHADING INDICATES �� EXT'G CONC. OL I� \(-V-' NEW 1S7 FLOOR ADDITION o- CONC. �S �J 1>`yo .Y�0.J .(009 J 9J r,�9 J U (00 --v o CONC. ���J Q SHADING INDICATES ��( O�J Z NEW 137 FLOOR ADDITION � O s�6J ro (7.97TG) 14.0 4.0 �cQo `AJ P O EXT'G �J 4. o. z CONC. seTBACK �'! - 01 6.0 4 - rONEW BAY "> s WINDOW �6 Z o.J rc 0. ��`��9 9J �S dos'' ���! o ��cy ��(9. 0. �'I� dos' �� o w J N �J 6J U Q ( PROPERTY LINE NORTH 30.01) ( PROPERTY LINE NORTH 30.0') EXT'G EXT'G EXT'G EXT'G EXT'G � CONC. �� o CONC. CONC. CONC. �J CONC. �J CONIC �J scALE �> 9 cel AWNyo ` gO > Q J O CHECKED060') 9 O 9 10 -60. 9J U DATE JOB NO. Q SHEET CORAL AVENUE �sy�9 !tL9 9 !kg-- 9Jt9 �9J Q t Q ��s PA2014-219 Attachment No . ZA 5 - Project Plans REVISIONS EXISTING 157 FLOOR ......1,574.00 S.F. WITHOUT COLUMNS EXISTING 13T FLOOR .................................... 1,605.08 S.F. EXISTING 2ND FLOOR ................................ 1,200.64 S.F. EXISTING 3RD FLOOR 111.24 S.F. EXISTING 2ND FLOOR ............................. 1,305.3GS.F. EXISTING STAIRS BY GARAGE ..... 21.G7 S.F. EXISTING LIVABLE .......................................... 2,.91G.OG S.F. LESS STAIRS OF ......................................... - 61.05 S.F. LESS STAIRS OF - 50.67 S.F. EXISTING GARAGE 36.9.02 S.F. PLUS CHIMNEY + 6.40 S.F. BOTH EXISTING ENTRY GOLUMNS.......... 8.48 S.F. EXISTING 2ND FLOOR LIVABLE OF ... 1200.64 S.F. TOTAL STRUCTURAL FOOTAGE ............. 3,285.08 S.F. 3 EXISTING PATIO POSTS ........ .33 S.F. EXISTING 1S7 FLOOR LIVABLE ........ 1,ro05.08 S.F. PROPERTY LINE 30.00' PROPERTY LINE 30.00' Oy O N EXTG 2ND FLOOR DEGK OUTLINE EXISTING GARAGE .......... 309.02 S.F. - - - - -- -- -- � o - - - - - - - - - - EXTG 88 S.F. EXTG 4'-0" DECK STORAGE SETBAGK j ` Ul 6 SETBAGK v T-8„ EIST ND FLOOR OUTLINE 4' D" I SETBAGK O S U � Cj 17'-9" I ^� L j EXISTING EXTERIOR AREACID I LJL O O USED FOR SMALLER VEHICLE z a X " INDICATES PARKING AT THIS TIME 4'-0" Up EXISTING SETBAGK EXTG ART STUDIO PARKING AREA IN GARAGE l� Z I --- DNN ZI (� I " I I w STAIRS IN j U EXT GARAGE _ – 21.67 S.F. Q BS DN WC -- i IL 6 EXTG Lav � BATH #2 I � � N we CABS O 6 U o EXTG UP Ya BATH LJL J W (N CID EXTG BEDRM #3 SERV. I I IIII _ -IF _ I III,IIIII�JI 4'-O" W II D I I IIII EXTG BEDRM #2 _ SETBAGK �j �w���fjj j PROPERTY LINE 30.00' PROPERTY LINE 30.00' I SLI L - - JL - - J I IIII JI E0 AR O Qc0 EXTG HALL #1 Q O Q[0 I I I I I�I O G���. MORO 1 JillN Q " off`' qti pA � EXT'G co � I I I � — — — — BATH #3 Z - - - - - - W No. C22567 A z DN ST IR U 610 S.F. I IIII z k Expires Q EXTG I L---J 9j� 1/31/15 OQ� V HALL #2 CALIF =7 I UP WC UP I I�vI I O � IL_J II d EXTG R251 h1 r1 I I ❑ ❑ r, r_______________1 �� MASTER I II LJ LJ LJ � I LJ I �� I o % BATH � II 1�11�� II Ir--1 I V I 11 1 WIOI EXTG DINING I I I I �h ILS JI I J WEXTG I I z EXTG PATIO � D BIW I I IIIL_-- J CAO Z Jill DEGK Inr— —R-1 SIJ IIII I In IIII I� rrrrr II 11 Q 4' O" OO F 94.88 III uI \fir I I I SETBAGK XWI� I S.F. lipIII I Jul L--=S II I Z W D O I IIP I L—TI I I I O I II� � II II II II � L II I�InI EXTG MASTER BEDRM. I I I I I I I I � Q � I O I I � jI II EXTG iI i � O I � jl I WLC. II 11 ZL _ — r----1 Z L--------------�� J r------I r---� ---� I J I I I I I I � II II I PAN. I I } I I I I I I I I I I I I II I S TBAGK O d I I I I k===41 W O I I I L1 I I I I L EXTG FAMILY ` II REF. I I I I I EXTG 2ND FLOOR OUTLINE ICTOP j EXTG I I KITCHEN 1–J I EXTG ENTRY I EXTG LIVING 4'-O" II L--------- �– I u II rr =rlr�DW�---- Ir–TI--iI II I I I L---� II S II S III r— I 11 I I LL, I I SETBAGK II I LL—jL r-- r_-----_€_ I II L_.LI_JL rr I II I I 1/1. F-1 L �JJ 11 Q W Y N v OL OL PROPERTY LINE 60.00' PROPERTY LINE 60.00' SCALE YW = T-0 DRAWN CHECKED AS-BUILT DEMOLITION 2ND FLOOR PLAN AS-BUILT DEMOLITION 1S7 FLOOR PLANDATE GONSTRUGTION LEGEND r rs;• r : .•a EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN 'x�a,�i�j;;r;%•�"Y.� JOB N0. EXISTING WALLS TO BE REMOVED 1 SHEET NEW WALL GONSTRUGTION NORTH ARROW �— PA2014-219 Attachment No . ZA 5 - Project Plans REVISIONS EXISTING 3RD FLOOR ............................. 184.10 S.F. LESS LOFT REMOVED .......................... - 102.76 S.F. STAIRWELL OF +20.90 S.F. EXISTING 3RD FLOOR LIVABLE OF .... 111.24 S.F. PROPERTY LINE 30.00' � � N � r r--- - T I I � I I EXISTING 31RD FLOOR LOFT Q r SQUARE FOOTAGE TO BE 4- REMOVED REMOVED ( -102.76 S.F. ) O \ x I ( \ c U I \J 6 111 m O 6 + r � CID CID 4-O.. Z a SETBACK r-------------------------� DN EXISTING W j UP (HALL U � U REMAINING WALLS AND LANDING Q 6 88.92 S.F. _ 13L I I d1U �° � Nm j I I CO I � EIG INC PROPERTY LINE 30.00' 176 S.F. , �`'Eo ARch'i MORCAtiT�� — - - - - WN No. C22567 DN z k Expires Q 9j 1/31/15 Q� WOF c DL I � ------------------ I I STAIRWELL ............. 75.57 S.F. f 1------, LESS STAIRS -45.67 S.F. NET STAIRWELL OF 29.90 S.F. I I I I I , I II I I , I , I , I I I � I , I , I , I I I z I Z L-------------- , J I I I QII o L I Ill a L J O 110 I I II o I I m m Q PROPERTY LINE 60.00' SCALE YW _ T-0.. DRAWN CHECKED GON3TRUG710N LEGEND DATE y� EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN 'x�a,�i�j;;r;%•�,^..,v, JOB N0. EXISTING WALLS TO BE REMOVED 1 SHEET NEW WALL GONSTRUGTION NORTH ARROW A---3 PA2014-219 Attachment No . ZA 5 - Project Plans REVISIONS REVISED 2ND FLOOR ............................. 1,335.63 S.F. 157 FLOOR .........................................................•. 1,607.53 S.F. LESS STAIRS OF ......................................... - 63.15 S.F. 2ND FLOOR ........................................................ 1,867.84 S.F. LESS STAIRS OF - 50.67 S.F. 3RD FLOOR 125.94 S.F. LESS ELEVATOR SHAFT - 24.93 S.F. NEW LIVABLE .................................................... .3,601.31 S.F. REVISED 2ND FLOOR LIVABLE OF ..... 1856.34 S.F. PLUS TWO DEGK COLUMNS OF ................ 4.50 S.F. EXISTING GARAGE 36_q.02 S.F. PLUS GHIMNEY AREA OF 6.40 S.F. TOTAL STRUCTURAL FOOTAGE ............. 3,370.33 S.F. 2ND FLOOR TOTAL FOOTAGE OF .... 1,867.84 S.F. PROPERTY LINE 30.00' PROPERTY LINE 30.00' O O W L M n1 CV EXTG EX G O x DEGK 88 S.F. ST RAGE J 7-8" 4-0 O ry 4-0 I U Cj Co L~ r s � CO Z Q EXT GARAGE EXTG ART STUDIO UP I I I I --- Z_ DN I I I I I I 1W` l� I STAIRS IN I ------ I21.67 S.F. U a -----J We -- -- I DN F _1 EXTG O N W DBATH #2 NEW L J j GABS H SERVICE UPshelf, Q Lu (N CID J >NEW I !,� EXTG BEDRM #3 I GABS I Q] NEW I I EXIT g EXTG BEDRM #2 NEW NEW PROPERTY LINE 30.00' we PROPERTY LINE 30.00' BAY DEGK WINDOW Nv- 122.09 O EXTG HALL #1 NEW O O 30" S.F. O ��SE�Oq Cy�T BATH �O, G w, co 30" � — — — — — 22567 � �•,'.< ;.:. �;,,,.. ;�,..�,= I I I I I 5-3` i — - - — EXT I I I _ Z '� HAG SAI S U f 6 1 S.F. Z N o. res — DN a Expires s 39 _ L #2 9j� 1/31/15 COQ? NEW PATIO 30 W NEW j NEW O \ EXTG PATIO BBQ ELEV. ANTRY DW j Q ELEV. a F CAS ELE 32.34 S.F. UP ` OUT 24.93 S.F. UP t i----- ----- . ., .... �..' h, :. * NEW WALL 30,.65 24 48" 21_ 3'-O, - - - - - - - - - - - - REF. NEW 30 nl 32° � _z 6 foot wide I I DEGK L----rNEW PATIO J NEW PATIO doors O II I I 32" 22"2 32„ - - - - _NEW 1Wm 360 WIG O36" 33" w1m�-386) 136° I - -- " - - 1 32" NEW KITCHEN O 31" �30 j W/D_11 I 111" WIND. 1 J NEW BA. #3 h BOOKS I I 109" 38" 1 1 30" O j 68" I DW SINK O 30 — — —y 94 — — — — z d wr_ 15'-10" x 15' O" r > 20" sq. W ``\ --------------- W EW BA. #4 `�° g I skylights d Z _Z L J obv. lays J J 82" 3'-5Ya" 4; x — — — — — — — 2 X 6 wall for k m cabinet noise (n a 1 '-4Y:2 d NEW � r cV above-1 W W 11 6" x 11'-2" 4 U vanity. MASTER n j NEW DINING 6.40 sf NEW BEDROOM #31 BEDROOM NEW r EXTG FAMILY NEW ENTRY EXTG LIVING chimney 32' MASTER l9L g J 20"gq Q skylights NEW BEDROOM #4 30' BATHROOM ' obv. loos (v 13-2" x 11'-6" ` 7 . :' 30" PR door NEW U FRENCH DOORS I NEW I m l9 l 30" PR DECK 2' NEW 2. 5 Q w c 4'-O" 36.. 36" 5_3` 27/e" 5'-6Y2' 6-3Y2' �, O O PROPERTY LI E 60.00' PROPERTY LINE 60.00' SCALE Y4" = T-O" DRAWN CHECKED NEW 137 FLOOR PLAN NEW 2ND FLOOR PLANDATE CONSTRUCTION LEGEND r rs;• r : .•a EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN 'x�a,�:�j;;r;%•�"Y.� JOB N0. EXISTING WALLS TO BE REMOVED 1 SHEET NEW WALL CONSTRUCTION NORTH ARROW �—� PA2014-219 Attachment No . ZA 5 - Project Plans REVISIONS ROOF PLAN NOTES 1. ALL ROOF MATERIAL ON SLOPING ROOFS SHALL BE A GLASS A" FIRE RATED TILE ROOF MATERIAL. COLOR and STYLE TO BE SELECTED BY THE OWNER AND INSTALLED PER MIANUFAGTURE'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 2. MAXIMUM ROOF MATERIAL WEIGHT PER 50UARE FOOT = 10 POUNDS. 3. ALL NEW 2ND FLOOR and 3RD FLOOR DECK MATERIAL SHALL BE A GLASS 'A" ELASTOMERO ROOF MEMBRANE FINISH BY " POLYCOAT PRODUCTS " APPLIED OVER DECK SHEATHING PER MANUFAG7URE'5 REGOMMENDATION5. SLOPE ALL DECK AREAS AT Y4' PER FOOT MINIMUM PROPERTY LINE 30.00' PROPERTY LINE 30.00' UNLE55 NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE ROOF PLAN. ESR # 2785 — 4 ROOF PITCHES FOR THIS PROJECT ARE 3:12 AT 311 FLOOR SLOPING ROOFS. REFER TO ROOF PLAN O FOR OTHER ROOF PITCH DESIGNATIONS. rtl O r N 5. ALL ROOF TO ROOF OR ROOF TO WALL FLASHING SHALL BE COPPER. NO GALVANIZED r O IRON IS ALLOWED. EXTG 2ND 4'-0" 1 CV r FLOOR DECK Q6 � G. ALL NEW ATTIC VENTS SHALL BE LOCATED PER THE ROOF PLAN WITH BETWEEN Y8' MINIMUM TOL_J L_ } Y4° MAXIMUM SCREEN MESH AT VENTS. O \ X II I `J � \RIDGE- � N USC } � WO ,�� NEW SLOPING FUTURE OPENROOF MATERIAL O COAREA TO 2NDFLOOR BELOWZEXTG -0" 0:12 EXTG RIDGE EXISTING DN UP HALL i W EXTG EXTG 10:12 10:12 0 0 �' v NEW SLOPING ROOF MATERIAL �py� wvL I W P" WALLS AND G}�(00 F� N p N 9l 3rd FLOOR OF ................................81.33 S.F. LANDING < 6 a X O u X O D PLUS WALLS 81.33 S.F. HEIGHT w w AROUND ELEVATOR N AND ROOF 44.61 S.F. O 6 TOTAL 3RD FLOOR .............. 125.94 S.F. U O GER7FIGA7ONWN CID N REu IRED I .: . . I .. . . 18._1., • . � 4, G„ EXISTING EXISTING I bECK PROPERTY LINE 30.00' DECK •• PROPERTY LINE 30.00' ' 209 S.F. USED ARCM M o 1 O � RGq` TSCA 22567 NEW SLOPING I } per ' ^� f n NO C res 3' 0" SHAFTLE55 DN,, a Expires Q � ROOF MATERIAL 3 30 33 Ell -O 3-0" 9�F 1/31/15 0 N NEW 4. ✓�, F Z Z w NEW FAU OF CAS\ z o w 4-O a ELEV. 36" ROOM a %o N NEW(5:12 �Z I ` Cl p I I OUT2493 S.F. stolrs ou a Z �, � I -55.39 s. . II II II II II II II IL — — 0 " w+IIIII IIIrII -- IIIII IIIII — IIIII IIIII --�IIIII rIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII Z I II �(• I II I \9.6O7 S.Fr. \—I30 �, W P/A3 TI2O.6 8 5F withoutBBQ ry 1 1 (r) NEW SLOPING II DW I stairs Including wall s to ROOF MATERIAL right THIS SIDE S46 NEWNEW 3:12 1'-O" 3--0° 3.12 .,.. . .. I 0-6" PIDGE— – — EW I NEW PIIDGF w i 4'l NEW NEW -O" NEW PATIO / \ Z '`� �j NEW DECK I I I 3:12 ? 11-0 . O +x 4 w wL O R I , N <� ulNEW SKYLIGHT / \ L J W II II II II II II II W Z 01 Z Z j .i . J 2.2"F I___ J .+�.. ^^.' «+ r.ti\ ti KR. rt..•cn ^, Yy . Tm -- —_ ---- — — _ L 1JL W u u ul u u u u W 4.-0 NEW SKYLIGHT PATIO PATIO STORAGE Z Z � :;x,.• ;,!1: 3 cv 3 w cv Vit'•;. � – 4-1yc" 8-O„ I t� ROOM WITH LESS Z rl r' bl THAN 6 FOOT u w w 1 NEW DECK I I Z Z , CEILING HEIGHT J 0 NEW STANDING w I SEAM ROOF / \ 1'-3" Z , �Q NEW �L q I 1' " MATERIAL 312 -OICO II Z p zr ry �— ^ — ------------------- -----4Ik----------� Ik--- T- - - - z O O O O O O O O NEW SLOPING NEW STANDING ROOF MATERIAL SEAM ROOF MATERIAL AT 15T FLOOR ROOF OIL 09L PROPERTY LINE 60.00 PROPERTY LINE 60.00' SCALE Y4" = T-O DRAWN CHECKED GON3TRUG710N LEGENDDATE y� EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN xTa l j;;r;% ,^..,v, JOB NO. NEW ROOF PLAN NEW 3RD FLOOR PLAN `�� i � EXISTING WALLS TO BE REMOVED SHEET NEW WALL CONSTRUCTION NORTH ARROW �—� PA2014-219 Attachment No . ZA 5 - Project Plans 01 REVISIONS SHINGLES NOTE TYPICAL BOARD ALL SHINGLES SHALL BE A HAND SPLIT CEDAR SHINGLE WITH A 7 Y2' EXPOSURE and BATTEN TO WEATHER APPLIED OVER "TYVEK" BARRIER OVER ONE LAYER OF %" TYPE " X" SIDING TYPICAL SLOPING GYP. BOARD OVER %` MINIMUM EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD BAGKING. ROOF MATERIAL SHINGLES TO BE PRIMED AND SEALED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, SHINGLES TO RECEIVE A PAINTED FINISH, COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY THE OWNER. 29' HEIGHT LIMIT 29'-0" MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT — — — — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ABOVE 9.00 ELEVATION FLASHING NOTES NEW STANDING SEAMALL ROOF AND OR WINDOW, DOOR, DECK, ETC FLASHINGS SHALL BE SHALL BE ROOF MATERIAL 20 OUNCE COPPER, AND SOLDERED CONTINUOUS AT ALL SEAMS. Ln NO GALVANIZED IRON IS ALLOWED I 24 FOOT MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT LIMIT-ABOVE-Sq-.00 MSL ELEV. T R I M N 0 T E 5 ANY ROOF OVERHANGS PARALLEL TO SOUTH PROPERTY LINE AND LOCATED WITHIN 5 FEET OF THE SIDE PROPERTY LINES ARE REQUIRED TO BE TYPICAL CONSTRUCTED WITH 1-HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. SEE N SHINGLES ARCHITEGTURAL DETAILS. O r r aero _ NEW TOP PLATE VENEER NOTE > c r 11 111111 lim Jill 11 lillc ALL NEW BRICK VENEER SHALL BE A "USED BRICK " TO MATCH EXISTING V t APPLIED PER PER G.B.G. THICKNESS IS 1-1/2" AND THE WEIGHT IS 15 PSF L: 4- NEW NEW WINDOWS O \ x DOOR AND WINDOW NOT ES U E U EXISTING j TG TG TG TG ALL DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES SHALL RECEIVE A C" WIDE STRIP OF "BT' v1 6 S TG TG TYPICAL BOARD FIREPLACE MEMBRANE WHICH IS PLACED OVER THE WINDOW AND DOOR FRAME FLANGES W and BATTEN 6 Cl SIDING n NEW ROOFING NOTES T I77v WINDOW N ALL NEW SLOPING ROOF MATERIAL SHALL BE A GLASS "A " FIRE RATED, 1 \ N r �v j ROOF MATERIAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ^`J, CO t ALL NEW SLOPING ROOF MATERIAL SHALL BE A GONG. TILE ROOF MATERIAL i__ EXT'G 2ND F.F. % APPLIED PER MANUFAGTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. COLOR AND STYLE TO BE �LJL Q O EXTG TOP PLATE SELECTED BY THE OWNER. SEE ROOF PLAN FOR SPECIFICATION. z a Ly ❑ ❑ ALL NEW STANDING SEAM ROOF MATERIAL SHALL BE GLASS "A " FIRE RATED, and INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. SEE ROOF PLAN and ELEVATIONS FOR LOCATIONS. TYPICAL TG TG TG TO TO TO TG TO TYPICAL SIDING TG SIDING ALL NEW 2ND and 3RD FLOOR DECK AREAS SHALL RECEIVE AN "ELASTOMERIG MEMBRANE " MATERIAL WITH A SLOPE OF 1/4" PER FOOT MINIMUM. SEE ROOF PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. E.S.R. # 2785 BY "POLYGOAT SYSTEMS . W ESTABLISHED GRADE O ELEVATION of 9.00 MSL U — a L) 94L L k — n, PL W FIRE NOTES rrjl 01 1. EXTERIOR WALLS AT SOUTH SIDE of HOUSE EVEN IF 5PRINKLERED 6 �� u1 NEW BAY NEW0� �1 NEW D� ��l SHALL BE of ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE RATED CONSTRUCTION. ALL O 6 WINDOW DOORS `�' DOOR NEW DOORS ^� PL SIDE WOOD SIDING IS REQUIRED TO BE APPLIED OVER 5/8" TYPE "X" DOOR L' L 6 � PROPERTY WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD. — SIDE 4'-O" LINE N m PROPERTY SETBACK 4_O„ 2. NO OPENINGS SHALL BE PERMITTED IN THE EXTERIOR WALLS, LU LINE SETBACK INCLUDING VENTS. of GROUP R-3 8,: GROUP U OCCUPANCIES WHERE N FRONT ELEVATION THE EXTERIOR WALL 15 CLOSER THAN 3 FEET TO THE PROPERTY LINE. TABLE R 302.1(1) and TABLE R 302.1.(2) ADDRESS NOTE THE STREET ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE SIZED AND 3. ONE HOUR WALL ASSEMBLIES SHALL EXTEND FROM THE HEIGHT LOCATED ON THE RESIDENCE PER N.B.M G. SECTION FOUNDATION UP TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF ABOVE. R 3023 13.12.210 SEE "NORTH ELEVATION" THIS SHEET. GERTIFIOATION SEDAR REOUIRED � COA TYPICAL SLOPING ROOF MATERIAL TYPICAL SLOPING v 'O�No. C 225679 TYPICAL ROOF MATERIAL SHINGLES TAExpires Q\ EXISTING 9j� 1/31/15 O= RIDGES 29HEIGHT LIMIT 29'-O" MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT op CALF — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 111111 Hill Hill ABOVE 9.00 ELEVATION Jill I) IIIIIIIII'" " 'I I 111111111 11111 1111 1 111 11111 TYPICAL BOARD p Dull ULIII Will 111111 111111 11 11 11 H 11 1111 it 1111 11 11 and BATTEN U) SIDING E- ------- 24 FOOT MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT LIMIT ABOVE 9.00 MSL ELEV. mill 111111 111111 111111 fill I I TYPICAL BOARD Ex G I I I I TYPICAL SLOPING and BATTEN ROOF MATERIAL SIDING If i ii ii im If 11 ITII Ill 11 111 I II Ill 11 Ill 11 Hill 11 111111 Hill II I I I I I I I I TYPICAL BOARD EXTG EXTG EXTG 11 j TGand BATTEN SIDING (� I II I I I I I z j NEW 0 O j WINDOW O E3CTG ry I I j � i I I N Q I I I W IT It III T 11 I I J W fill TYPICAL Q SIDING I� I I I TG TG I V I TYPIGAL SIDING P NEW BAY ExTG ExTG I I WINDOW I I I W I I I I AREA ESTABLISHED GRADE —— — —— —— — — — — — — — — — ELEVATION of 9.00 MSL z PL G Q[ REAR L'V EXTG LL PROPERTY > 5'-O" DOOR ��1 rye �� NEW ��1 �� �, PL LINE SETBACK 00 Qom, L� ^�Q Qom, DOORS ��� 0)00�1�, PL L��� `(0�4J FRONT PROPERTY EXISTING LINE FIREPLACE LEFT SIDE ELEVATION SETBACK SCALE Y4" = 1'-0.. DRAWN CHECKED DATE JOB NO. SHEET 1{�i PA2014-219 Attachment No . ZA 5 - Project Plans REVISIONS TYPICAL SLOPING ROOF MATERIAL DECORATIVE TRELLIS LOWER THAN ELEMENT HEIGHT LIMIT FOR EXS ISG NEW RIDGE MATERIAL R DOES RIDGE 20-0" MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT 20-0" MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT — — —— —— —— — — — — — — — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — — — — —In —— —— —— — — —— — — — ABOVE 9.00 ELEVATION ABOVE 9.00 ELEVATION TYPICAL SIDING Ln Ln I NEW TOP of 24 FOOT MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT__ __ _ _ I — — — —GUARDRAIL— — — — 24 FOOT MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT r LIMIT ABOVE 9.00 MSL ELEV. I LIMIT ABOVE 9.00 MSL ELEV, O II ii TT � NEW 3RD FLOOR 1 \ U DECK F.S.11 1111 11 1111 11 IIIH 11 1111 11 111 11 Hill lull] \J a _ _ _ _ _ NEW TOP PL WHIIIIJII UHII Hull Hull Hull I H 11-III'Vill Hill, — U TYPICAL SLOPING I 111111111111 11 NEW WINDOW HGTS ry ROOF MATERIAL I TYPICAL BOARD �" ( l � (v ~ O EXTG ExrG I N W N W N W and BATTEN v co } 000R DooR i SIDING O IICO O j I TYPIGAL cy Z a j1 CV I SIDING II II I I NEW 2ND F.F. II I I NEW TOP PL II it TYPICAL NEW r NEW DOOR HGTS HORIZONTAL j W SIDING i 1 � � � � i � i TG TO TO TG TO ' I I ESTABLISHED GRADE I I I 1JL > ELEVATION of 9.00 MSL I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — = — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — • I I EXTG 1S7F.F. � SIDE PROPERTY PL LINE BUJ, /040 EXISTING AGI 11�' IN CQ SECTIONAL Oj � NEW NEWSIDEWINDOW DOORS _j44'-OGARAGE DOOR `(p�Q 42-0" < PROPERTY SETT BAGIK 'I SIDE\_ SETBACK LINE PROPERTY H G H T LINE REAR ELEVATION GER71FIGA71ON C� U I D TYPICAL SLOPING gED ARC LOWER THAN ROOF MATERIAL Q, MOR y�T EXISTING G '�' Gq,� FC TYPIGAL SLOPING HEIGHT LIMIT FOR NEW RIDGES ROOF MATERIAL RIDGE MATERIAL RIDGE No. C 22567 TYPICAL SLOPING k Expires Q NEW STANDING SEAM TYPICAL SLOPING N ROOF MATERIAL ROOF MATERIAL Y 2 ROOF MATERIAL 1/31/15 OQ. 29-0" MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT _ 29' HEIGHT LIMIT CF CA\-\� _ _ _ _ 29'-O" MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT ABOVE 9.00 ELEVATION ABOVE 9.00 ELEVATION NEW TOP PLUU 11 11111111 Ill 11 O TYPICAL EXISTING it1 STUCCO � I IIIII Ill IIIIII 1 11 it 11 Hill 11 Hill 11 Hill 11 IIIH 11 111 RIDGE 24 FOOT MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT 24 FOOT MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT — — — � ' — - LIMIT ABOVE 9.00 MSL ELEV. LIMIT ABOVE 9.00 MSL ELEV. aHill TYPIGAL TYPICAL wNc: SHINGLES SKYLIGHTS NEW 3RD FLOOR EXTG TOP PLATE DECK F.S. NEW TOP PL Im liltIIIIIIIIIIII, IIIIIIIII L =�_______________________ TYPICAL SIDING TYPICAL BOARD TYPICAL TG T O and BATTEN STUCCO NEW SIDING DOOR i co TYPICAL �0 I CV fl STUCCO G 1 I I . .• ' I I . . I N I .. I . I. I • L, I I W W NEW 2ND F.F. j I i 1 Ic .. NEW TOP PLATE c _ `' I EXTG 2ND F.F. I I - I EXTG TOP PLATE 2. O„ 3. O" ' TG TO TYPICAL RAISED T PANEL COLUMNS �J TYPICAL TYPIGAL STUCCO. STUCCO'. TYPIGAL Q SIDING ro -O N EW WINDOW 1 1 i ESTABLISHED GRADE 6 EXTG 15TF.F. — �. — — - - — — 8B1 FF ' " 8.31 FF EXTG TOP of ELEVATION of 9.00 MSL Q[ 1 CURB W PL �9O TYPICAL (�� NEW DOORS �2, NEW DOOR Oj1 1 1 �1 WSJ SIDING p� 4� �� '��4 �S L(p• 10' O.. SETBACK FRONT PROPERTY > REAR LINE PROPERTY DIGHT SIDE ELEVATION LINE Oil SCALE 4 = T-O" DRAWN CHECKED DATE JOB NO. SHEET A-7 �1