HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2008-0017Walters, Lisa J 1 Jj4-1 1 OD From: Mark Sites <marklsites@yahoo.com> Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 11:42 AM To: Walters, Lisa Subject: Dredging outside of normal hours Lisa, Please let the NBPD and the Harbor Patrol know that I will be working at 1120 W. Bay Ave. on Saturday and Sunday, March 1st and 2nd, starting at 7 am. I don't expect any problems with the neighbors, as they've all had dredging done in the past month or two, but I thought it would be best to cover myself in case someone over on Lido complains. Thanks, Mark 949 675-1071 I DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOSIANGELES DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 532711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053-2325 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF Regulatory Division Steve Barnard 1100 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, California 92661 Dear Mr. Barnard: December 16,2013 This is in reply to your application (File No. SPL-2013-00857-AJW) dated October 10, 2013, for a Department of the Army Permit to conduct work in navigable waters of the United States and discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, in associat ion with the 1100 to 1120 West Bay Avenue Beach Nourishment Project. The proposed work would take place bayside of West Bay Avenue in Newport Bay within the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California (enclosed Figure 1). .011 Based on the information you have provided, the Corps of Engineers has determined that your proposed activity complies with the terms and conditions of Regional General Permit (RGP) No. 54 -Maintenance Dredging, Beach Nourishment, and Dock Maintenance. As long as you comply with the terms and conditions of RGP No - 54, an individual permit is . A not required. Specifically, you are authorized to conduct the following regulated activities: 1. Dredge up to approximately 410 cubic yards of sediment from approximately 0.075 acre of non -wetland waters of the United States using a six-inch hydraulic suction dredge (enclosed Figure 2) and 2. Discharge up to approximately 410 cubic yards of the dredged sediment onto the adjacent beach below the High Tide Line, temporarily impacting approximately 0.077 acre of non - wetland waters of the United States (enclosed Figure 2). Furthermore, you must comply with the following non -discretionary Special Conditions: 1. This letter of verification is valid through March 31, 2014. 2. Pursuant to 36 C.F.R. Section 800.13, in the event of any discoveries during dredging of either human remains, archeological deposits, or any other type of historic property, the Permittee shall notify the Corps'Archeology Staff within twenty-four (24) hours (Steve Dibble at 213-452-3849 or John Killeen at 213-452-3861). The Permittee shall immediately suspend all work in any area(s) where potential cultural resources are discovered. The Permittee shall not resume construction in the area surrounding the potential cultural -2— 'I the Corps Regulatory Division re -authorizes project activi 'es, per '16 C.F.R. resources unti I iti Sect -Ion 800. 13. 3 3 'Within 45 calendar days of completion of authonizedwork- i waters of the United States, the in Permittee shall submit to the Corps Regulatory Division a post -project implementation memo indicating the date authorized impacts to waters of the United States ceased. Z:� A general perrait does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileg s. Also, it does not Z:1 _—e authori�ze any injury to the property or rights of others or authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. Furthermore, it does not obviate the need to obtain other FederaL State, or local authorizations required by law. Thank you for participating, in our regulatory program. If you have any questions, please contact AndrewV,endt at 213-452-' )002 or via e-mail at Andrew.J.Wendta,,usace.army.mil. Please be advised that you can now comment on your experience with ReGuiatory Division by accessing the Corps web -based customer survey form- at: http:e�/per2.n,w-p.usace.=3�.mil/'sui-�ev.htni,!. Sincerely, Corice J. Farrar Chief. Orange and Riverside Counties Section. South Coast Branch Enclosure STATE OF CALIFORNIA - NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 200 OCCan�-atc, Suite 1000 Lon- Beach, CA 90802-4302 (562) 590-5071 Mr. Chrisimiller City of Newport Beach/Division of Harbor Resources 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Condition Compliance - Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117 & Conformance with Consistency Certification CC -031-06 - DREDGING Dear Mr. Miller: EDMUND G. BROWN, JR., Governor November 26, 2013 0 Commission staffhas received information submitted as evidence of compliance with Coastal Dcvelopment Permit 5-06-117, and/or as evidence of conformance with Consistency Certifications CC -031-06 for the following sites in the City of Newport Beach: Applicant Site Address Beach Ocean Cumulative Eclgi ass Present Comments Disposal Disposal "I otil poi 2013 bet—en 15 - 30 Feet Eelgress Survey Qty* (Cu,yds) Qtyl (cu.yds) ordisposal DateiExpi ration"; foot pi i nV Cauleripa Stirvey Date/Expiration' City of Newport Beach Via Lido Soud at Via Genoa 967 No Eel,grass Survey 7/25/2013 (EXPIRED NEW EELGRASS & cAULERPA SURVEYS REQUIRED 11/22/13)� Caulerpa PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF DREDGING Survey 7/29/2013 (EXPIRED 10/27/2013) City of Newport Beach Via Lido Nord at Via Genoa 944 No Eelgrass Survey 7/25/2013 (EXPIRED NEW EELGRASS & CAULERPA SURVEYS REQUIRED 11/22/13) ' Caulerpa PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF DREDGING Survey 7/29/2013 (EXPIRED 10/27/2013) Steve Barnard 1100 -'1) 20 W Bay Avenue 410 0 No Eel-rass Survey 10/18/2013 (Expires 3/1/2014)� Caulerpa Survey 10/18/2013 (Expires 1/16/20 4 Sub -total 2321 0 Year-to-date total 10649 0 1 10649 1 1 Commission staffflave reviewed the inforn-iation submitted and determined that the above referenced dreduiric, events conform with Consistency Certifications CC -03 1-06 and the Special Conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117. Please note that the eel-rass and Caulerpa taxifelia surveys completed are only valid for a limited time period and that additional surveys must be completed and submitted to Commission stafffor review if the dredging and beach nourishment events listed above do not commence prior to expiration of the initial survey. In addition, please note that ' . . n shall expire On March 31, 201A and that all authorized work must he completed prior to that date. Please be advised that only the pro ' jects described in the materials submitted for the sites listed above have been found to conform with Consistency Certification CC -031-06 and/or conform with the terms and conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117. Any change in the projects may cause them to lose their status as consistent with CC -031-06 and/or CDP 5-06-117. This Certification is based on information provided by the recipient of this letter. If. at a later date, this information is found to be incorrect or incornpletc, this letter will become invalid, and any development occurrino at that time must cease until a new determination regarding Conformance with CC -03 1-06 and/or CDP 5-06-117, is obtained. Not to Exceed 1,000 cubic yards per dred.-iii., and beach disposal event Not to Exceed 1,000 cubic yards per dred.-in.- and off -shore disposal event Not to Exceed 20,000 cubic yards per year If"Yes" then if eel-rass is present between 15-30 feet frorn the proposed dred,ge material disposal footprint (in any direction), then monitoring ofthe site for potential celgrass impacts from disposal operations shall be required. - All celgrass surveyhrapping efforts must be completed durin.- the active growth phase for the ve.-etation (i� pically March throu.-h October) and shall be valid for a period of 120 days with the exception Of Surveys completed in Au.-ust - October. A survey completed in ALI�L]St - October shall be valid 1,111tii the resumption ofactive ,growth (i.e., March 1). Caulerpa taxifolia Surveys are valid for 90 days frorn date of survey Condition Compliance - 5-06-117 Consistency Certification Compliance — CC -031-06 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions, please contact me at (562) 590-5071 or Mr. Mark Delaplaine at (415) 904-5200. Sincerely, Karl Schwing Supervisor, Regulation & Planning, Orange County Area Cc: Mr. Mark Delaplaine, California Coastal Commission Mr. Steve Estes, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -Ae j I, hIr OV -1 r .2 IK Lai cx bt "Ale It RL 000 q--4 V --f r4 In CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH CITT w mrw e4(lf ro "f& 6'A 7 e -6 -07 wmr PFK)F I LE MIKITY W M;r 0 <,L4 mm M, ouraw Eny SMM RE DMEM IN FEET R40 MWif ELEVRTIONS SM ON MAN LM LOW WrER. ID �7PA 0. 0 7 6a, -h,4 q'- T na,�eA I" [I .......... s -ft ^.k \A� 46" Ile 4 ..Q //o k tLAN VION I*; FPPLIaW'S mwSY'e,6) ITOB My'm s -v 14"1* ��,oll-5 1 . I IF CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH F �01 S � October 31, 2013 California Coastal Commission Attn: Karl Schwing 200 Oceangate, STE 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4416 Army Corps of Engineers Attn: Corice Farrar 915 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Attn: Adam Fischer 3737 Main Street, STE 500 Riverside, CA 92501-3348 Public Works Department Harbor Resources Division RE: Regional General Permit No. 54 — Dredging Application Submittals Enclosed is the recent monthly batch of dredging applications for your approval, per the California Coastal Commission Permit 5-06-117 & Federal Consistency Certification CC -031-06, the Army Corps of Engineers Permit No. 54 (File No. 200501233 -DPS) and the Regional Water Quality Control Board General Certification Permit, $77 Regional Water Board check included for each application. All of these applications have been checked for accuracy and completeness as evidenced by the attached Dredging Application City Checklist. Thank you for your time in reviewing these applications. Please do not hesitate to contact this office with comments or questions, 949-644-3044. Steve Barnard- 1100- 1120 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach Sincerely, Lisa Walters City Hall I:i 100 Civic Center Drive [i Post Office Box 1768 Newport Beach, California 92658-8915 E. www.newportbeachca.gov (949) 644-3001 Applicant Name: HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 718-1844 Fax (949) 723-0589 www.newport-beach.ca.us/hbr DREDGING APPLICATION CITY CHECKLIST Project Site Address: ttbb- K Applicant address, phone number N1 Agent & Contractor name, address, phone number (if applicable) D9 Project site address Assessor's parcel number Dredge site latitude and longitude Disposal site: 14 Beach disposal latitude and longitude El Ocean disposal LA -3 Purpose and final goal of dredging Method of dredging. Vessel and equipment description. Vessel(s) Captain, Dredging & Disposal Inspector Cubic yards dredged and disposed ( must be less than 1,000 cy.) Area impacted (in acres) If beach disposal, linear feet of affected beach area Dredging and Disposal Operations Schedule Scaled drawings (plan view and cross sectional view) Site address Location within the Harbor 829 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 PH: (949) 644-3034 FX: (949) 723-0589 *Website: www.newport-beach.ca.us/HBR`/ . �k Dredging Application City Checklist Page 2 Location of existing dock structures Location of existing dock structures on adjacent properties Location of Bulkhead, Pierhead and Project Lines Dredge depth (limited to -7 MLLW with a F allowable overdraft) Photo(s) of dredge and disposal areas at low tide (including 30' buffer area) Eelgrass Survey Survey for presence of eelgrass within 30' of the entire project area Yes No Eelgrass within 15' of entire project area. Proiect no permitted. El If ocean disposal and eelgrass is located greater than 15' from the project area, then no further monitoring required If beach disposal and eelgrass is not located within 30' of the project area, then no further monitoring is required El If beach disposal and eelgrass is located between 15' and 30' from the project area, then pre- and post -monitoring is required El Pre -monitoring survey attached El Post -monitoring survey attached. Date submitted: Eelgrass Stamp Caulerpa Survey Survey for Caulerpa within 30' of the entire project area Grain Size Analysis (1) sample per 1/4acre and / or at least (1) sample at dredge site and (1) sample at beach disposal site (if applicable) Beach disposah Sample(s) must be at least 80% sand, or; At least 75% sand and within 10% of the sand content of the receiver beach El Ocean Disposal - El Sample(s) must be less than 80% sand Project is over (check one box): City Tidelands Dredging Application City Checklist Page 3 1:1 County Tidelands (State Lands Commission Dredge Lease Approval) El If applicable, check one box: El The Irvine Company owner's approved area El Bay Island owner's approved area El Dover Shores owner's approved area El Linda Isle owner's approved area 5d Check made payable to The City of Newport Beach Check for $77 made payable to Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Signed application Neighbor notification POST DREDGING El Post Dredging Report. Date submitted: El Post eelgrass monitoring (if applicable) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC, WORKS DEPARTMENT Harbor Resources Division Dredging Application Regional General Permit 54 Corps File No. SPL -2011 -00249 -SME CDP 5-06-117-A2 & CC -031-06 Water Board Consistency Permit Expires March 31, 2014 ,pplicant Name, Address, Phone Numb -en I/oo Wes� 13-,,/ 673 0/ CA 92,661 Agent & Contractor N-ame, Address, Phone Number: Mar k 'i -Y) 6 7,6-- 107 Po 66X 8 r, 1 6 o es- /Q C 19 92 4 ;z_ Project Site Address: Assessor's Parcel Number: 7�— Dredge Site: Latitude 3 3 3 6 �,41 -7LO Longitude 11-2 S -q. 137,5-0 7 2- C) Disposal Site: Latitude Longitude Beach Disposal Ocean Disposal (LA -3): Latitude 33 31'00"N Longitude 11� 53'30"W Purpose and Final Goal of Dredging (Effect an Bulkhead and Beaches), ke-S )�,,,e JIACL &11 Ab bc, 7 6 e4 -,c A -e ir- 1;'. &IkARCJS FM —et h J of Dredging (Hydraulic, Clamshell, Tractor, etc ... ): Jom, 0QrAAX?e- JVessel(s) & Captain(s): JDredging operations Inspector: IDIsposal operations Inspector: le S Harbor Resources Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 newportbeachca-gov/harborresources (949)644-3044 Cubic Yards Dredged and Disposed (Must be less than 1,000cy total): I q / 0 1 Area Impacted (in acres): I If Beach Disposal, Linear Feet of Affected Beach Area: Estimated Quantity of Material Dredged from or Disposed Onto the Site from Previous Activities: Dredging and Disposal Operations Schedule: t oerid. I^G! Please submit the following on a separate page. Use the check boxes to ensure a complete application is filed. Incomplete applications will not be processed. scaled drawings of the project and disposal areas (plan view and cross sectional view) Site address Location within the Harbor Location and physical dimensions of existing structures on site (e.g. float, pier, gangway, pile, bulkhead) Location and physical dimensions of existing structures of existing structures on adjacent properties. Er Location of Bulkhead, Pierhead, & Project Lines Dredge depth (limited to -7MLLW with a Vallowable overdredge) Photos of entire dredge and disposal areas at low tide (including 30' buffer area) with emphasis on Eelgrass Eelgrass Survey- Completed by a Certified Eelgrass Diver A. Survey for the presence of Eelgrass within 30' of the entire project area (dredge & dispose site) B. If Eelgrass is within 15'of project area, then the project will not be permitted via RGP 54. C. If ocean disposal: *Any eelgrass must be located greater than 15' from the project area *No further eelgrass monitoring is required D. If beach disposal: *If eelgrass is not present within 30' of the project site then no further monitoring is required. elf eelgrass is present 15'-30' of the project area then pre- and post -monitoring is required. Cauierpa Survey- Completed by Certified Caulerpa Diver *Survey for Caulerpa within 30' of the project area (dredge and disposal sites) Grain size analysis *(I) sample per 1/4 acre and/or at least (1) sample at dredge site and (1) sample at beach disposal site elf beach disposal sample must be at least 80% sand Project is over (check one): City Tidelands 13 County Tidelands (State Lands Commission Dredge Lease Approval) If applicable check one box: 13 The Irvine Company owner approved area 0 Bay Island owners' approved area [3 Dover Shores owners' approved area 13 Linda Isle owners'approved area Check for $1,690 made payable to City of Newport Beach Check for $77 made payable to Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Harbor Resources Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 newportbeachca.gov/harborresources �949)644-3044 Dredging is not authorized in certain areas of Newport Bay, including the Rhine Channel, portions of the West Lido Channel, areas west of Newport Boulevard, areas north of Dover Shores, portions of the Boyside Village Marina, Promontory Bay, and portions of the Balboa Yacht Basin, I,.. ' gar k --(Applicant / Agent), hereby certify that the information on this application Is accurate and complete. I also certify that I have read the California Coastal Commission Permit S -06-117-A2 & Federal Consistency Certification CC - 031 -06, the Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit No. 54 (SPL -2011 -00249 -SME) and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board General Certification for Regional General Permit No. 54 for maintenance dredging in Newport Harbor and that I will comply with all of the conditions in those permits. I also certify that by acceptance of this Permit, the applicant acknowledges and agrees that the site may be subject to hazards from waves and erosion. I will further hold the City of Newport Beach harmless from and indemnify the City against any claim for damages arising out of the exercise of these permits. In addition, I shall reimburse the City of Newport Beach for all attorney's fees and other costs expended by them in defending any claim, lawsuit, or judgment arising out of the activities of the applicant carried on under the authority of such Permit, I understand that any work authorized must be completed by March 31, 2014 after which a new authorization is required. I also understand that the applicant will submit a Post Dredging Completion Report no later than 30 calendar days after completion of each dredging project. All work scheduled to be completed before 7:00 AM or after 6:00 PM (Monday — Saturday) or on Sundays or holidays must be approved by Harbor Resources. Per the RGP Permit, all dredging applications will be processed by the various agencies through Monthly batch submittals Sent to them by Harbor Resources, Therefore, all dredging applications must be submitted to and received by Harbor Resources by the 1st Monday of every month. Applications submitted prior to this deadline are encouraged and appreciated. Updated January 2013 Harbor Resources Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 newportbeachca,gov/harborresources (949)644-3044 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY OF NEWPORT BEM:K elNUEORW my le.ff A) 44, DRY -7 P -6- I Lle " 1 7' OCERN A0 \A I - VICINITY MRP JEM PROF I LE MfM M, Mona SMINGS FW EWW-9SED IN FEET RG MOTE ELEVRTIONS BRSEU ON MM L%U LOK MTER. V e,3 -579h 0. 0 7 6o -e-- -e- EEL GRASS�,,'43PEGi, Is P 3 3 7,57il, A/ 0 - 0 7 7a- r- rc Ellselarass within I E-:'. ,,f project - 0 gk� 30' of project 70 v 7�� / --r 0 / S'--) - -C'- I I I rasswithin 15 , ' M"i*ItEURCES DIV. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ,ore 1�n �M ..- -'\\ �011 E516 Ice"f5-1122E, Inspedtion Date & Time od,,e,,h,4 /-, I vNe MBC SAMPLE ANALYSIS SUMMARY STATION LOCATION: 1112 W Bay Avenue SAMPLE COLLECTION DATE: 8/27/2013 TEST METHOD: Sieve Analysis: Method 2 (Plumb 1981) COLLECTED BY: Intracoastal Dredging ANALYSIS START DATE: 8/27/13 #1 #2 DREDGE SITE RECEIVING BEACH Total Dry Weight of Sample: 266.75 grams (g) 81.58 grams (g) Analysis Weight (Split Wt.): 72.58 g 81.58 g Visual Description: A grey/brown fine sand with A brown/grey fine sand with shell hash/ small gravel shell hash/ smal[2E2vel Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction Weight % of Total Weight % of Total Gravel [Shell Hash Fraction: 2.04 g 3% 6.37 g 8% >2.Omm (> -1t #10 Sieve Sand Fraction: 69.82 g 96% 74.20 g 91 % <2.Omm >0.063mm (< -1V 41) #230 Sieve Silt / Clay Fraction: 0.72 g 1 % 1.01 g 1 % <0.063mm (< 4 1b Outline of sample collection and analysis: COLLECTION Samples collected by a hand coring device driven into a representative area of the dredge site and receiving beach. Stored in plastic containers and immediately delivered to the lab. SAMPLE PREPARATION Entire sample transferred into 1 liter glass containers, deionized water added, and mixed to desalt and disperse the sediment. The sediment is allowed to completely settle and the clear water is removed by siphoning. The sample is placed in a drying oven at 50'C and occasionally stirred until the entire sample is completely dry. The dry sample is transferred to a desiccator for cooling. The sample is disaggregated and a Riffle sediment splitter is used to evenly split the sample to reduce the quantity of material to be analyzed to an allowable retention weight for the sieves. SAMPLE ANALYSIS The dry split fraction is processed through a # 10 U.S. standard sieve to remove the gravel/shell fraction of the sample. The material retained on the sieve is weighed and value recorded. The material passing through the # 10 sieve is wet sieved through a #230 sieve to remove the silt/clay fraction. The material retained on the sieve is transferred back into the glass container and placed back into the drying oven at 50*C. The remaining sample is allowed to completely dry and the material is weighed and recorded to yield the sand fraction. The silt/clay fraction is calculated by subtracting the gravel/shell and sand fractions from the total analysis weight. M BC Applied Environmental Sciences, 3000 Redhill Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 i I I -Tut", 4,; This form is required to be submitted for any surveys conducted for the eelgrass, Zostera marina, that are required to be conducted under federal or state permits and authorizations issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Coastal Commission. The form has been designed to assist in identifying eelgrass while ensuring that the required information is consistently documented. Surveys required to be conducted for this species are subject to modification through publication of revisions to the eelgrass survey policy. It is incumbent upon i W A k4a, W- I WOU "- i NMI& OWWROMMUSM, MWAIlle-1 HE WN111,D] &� MIWA 111 r1*10FIVY" Eelgrass Survey Reporting Form (April 2009) M +7'MLLW to 1 VMLLW ��Iml =1 I Xotic pecies Cher site .,escription notes: Neydate 10/18/13 1005-112U time EIE� Eelgrass Survey Repordng Form (Aptil 2009) K N am, urvey type id �70 -7.1,17-i-M iethods: .transects perpendicular to the bulkhead, per dock r a tota 24 transects. Additionally, 2 transects— ,parallel to the beach were made under the ends of the dock floats closest to the bulkhead (-Vto 4' �MLLW depth range). EM rk Sites Greater than 70% 9 Eelgrass Survey Repoding Form (April 2009) 61, NY 2k, t7 - VC v Ffrl )ZA. - /JZ 4 f 10P , AN Nuz o2 .4rf'l I ch '717 h VIC oe 'OD -4--a 17" a 2SZ� 7 024 I I li ollil"111111111 /I - ff /� -t L " BRY 4 -7' )e t:5,n —I -6 —T c"ww a a M E S 4 C- N pr I e� 'T"IMMISIGSIM.I. "IM j h 114 This form is required to be submitted for any surveys conducted for the invasive exotic alga Caulerpa taxifolia that are required to be conducted under federal or state permits and authorizations issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regions 8 & 9). The form has been designed to assist in controlling the costs of reporting while ensuring that the required information necessary to identify and control any potential impacts of the authorized actions on the spread of Caulerpa. Surveys required to be conducted for this species are subject to modification through publication of revisions to the Caulerpa survey policy. It is incumbent upon the authorized permittee to ensure that survey work is following the latest protocols. For ftirther information on these protocols, please contact: Robert Hoffman, National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries), (562) 980-4043, or William Paznokas, California Department of Fish & Game, (858) 467-4218). Report Date: Name of bay, estuary, Lower Newport Harbor lagoon, or harbor: Specific Location Name: 1100-1120 West Bay Ave., Newport Beach (address or common reference) Site Coordinates: WEST END: N33 36.438' WI 17 54.920' (UTM, Lat./Long., datum, EAST END: N33 36.414' Wl 17 54.850' accuracy level, and an electronic survey area map or hard copy of the map must be included) Survey Contact: Mark Sites (949) 675-1071 markl sites@yahoo.com Was Caulerpa Detected?: (if Caulerpa is found, please immediately contact NOAA Fisheries or CDFG personnel identified above) 177TIT IINI'MMIT, has been contacted on date, XXX No, Caulerpa was not found at this site. Description of Permitted Work: (describe briefly the Dredge six boat docks and place sand against bulkhead. work to be conducted at the site under the permits identified above) Description of Site: Depth range: +7'MLLW to —1 1'MLLW Substrate type: Medium sand to mud over sand (describe the physical and biological conditions within the survey area at the time of the survey and provide insight into variability, if known. Please Tem erature: P 64 F Salinity: NA Dominantflora: Small amount of Corallina sp. provide units for all numerical information). Dominantfauna: Mussels on dock floats Exotic species None encountered (including any other Caulerpa species): Other site None description notes: Description of Survey Survey date and 10/18/2013 1005-1125 Effort: timeperiod: Horizontal 71 (please describe the surveys conducted including type of visibility in water: Survey type and Surveillance level SCUBA survey covering survey (SCUBA, remote video, etc.) and survey methods employed, date of work, and survey density (estimated percentage of the bottom actually viewed). methods: the entire project area. A total of 24 transects (4 under each dock) were made perpendicular to the bulkhead. Two transects parallel to the bulkhead were made in the - V to '4' MLLW depth range. Describe any limitations Survey personnel: Mark Sites encountered during the survey efforts. Survey density: Greater than 70% Caulerpa Survey Reporting Form (version 1.2, 10/31/04) Survey limitations: None Other Information: (use this space to provide Project drawing, photos, and aerial attached. additional information or +51 MLLW ebb tide references to attached maps, reports, etc.) Caulerpa Survey Reporting Form (version 1.2, 10/31/04) �,Cv /I fit Vj, It t1V rl g �17 ZI, v, X" 711 I" U !k." Ka wq ct, In oft /I I ff /Z) -t L " MIN r I eA t -,I E //zo 1 1116 -1 ///Z- I T,,o �e, S DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.0 BOX 532711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053-2325 September 25, 2008 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: Office of the Chief Regulatory Division 0 Scoft Barnard C/O: Lisa Walters Harbor Resources Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mr. Barnard: This is in reply to your application (File No. SPL -2008-00959) for a Department of the Army Permit to discharge fill onto waters of the U.S., in association with your boat ty dock replacement project. The proposed work would take place bayward of 1100 West Bay Avenue within Newport Bay in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California. Based on the information you have provided, the Corps of Engineers has determined that your proposed activity complies with the terms and conditions of Regional General Permit (RGP) No. 54: Maintenance Dredging, Beach Nourishment, and Dock Maintenance. As long as you comply with the general permit conditions of RGP No. 54, an individual permit is not required. Specifically, you are authorized to (as shown on enclosed figures): 1. Remove and replace the existing 18' x 36' float with a float of equal dimensions; 2. Remove and replace the existing 3' x 24' gangway with a gangway of equal dimensions; and 3. Retain existing piles and pier. 0 -2- A general permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. This letter of verification is valid until October 23, 2009. Also, it does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others or authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. Furthermore, it does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, State, or local authorizations required by law. Thank you for participating in our regulatory pro -ram. If you have any questions, 0 0 please contact)(vette Cardenas at 213.452.3418 or via e-mail at Yvette.L.Cardenas@usace.army.mil. Please be advised that you can novv comment on your experience with Regulatory Division by accessing the Corps web -based customer survey form at: httl2://12er2.nwl:).usace.army.mil/survey.html. Sincerely, Forrest B. Vanderbilt Project Manager 0 South Coast Branch Regulatory Division Enclosure It, B ki f Oc' Site Address: I 100 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92661 �07 CID ll," p: 67, pgl vr § 3 Map Output Palge I of 1 http://www6.clty.newpo--rt-beach.ca.uslservleticom.esn'.esn'map.Esrimap?ServiceName=n... 06/11/2008 l["I T Y 0 F N E.'W F6R T 8 E A C H CITY OF NEkPG�U B -79M LPPER RE:57 BRY IORC2�-,C VICINITY MRP ER JETTY W-ILE 1 40' /7, �SWNDTNIGS RRE DTRESSU IN -FEET RND DENOTE E�LE,9TTONS BASED ON t�EWL%UR WH WRTER. F�A 0 4- 1 Vri 57--7w I STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Govemor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 August 20, 2008 (562) 590-5071 Mr. Chris Miller City of Newport Beach/Division of Harbor Resources 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Condition Compliance — Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117 & Conformance with Consistency Certification CC -031-06 - DOCK CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Miller: Commission staff have received information submitted as evidence of compliance with Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117, and/or as evidence of conformance with Consistency Certifications CC -031-06 for the following sites in the City of Newport Beach: Applicant Site Address Existing Pier, Proposed Proposed Existing Proposed Additional Description Pier Platform, Float Gangway Piles Piles and Dock Dimensions and Pier Dimensions Eelgrass survey 3/6/2008 (expired 714/2008 - new eelgrass survey must be completed indicating no eelgrass within project area prior to procee ing) : Caulerpa survey 3114/2008 (expired 6112108 - new 10'x 14' Caulerpa survey must be 40' x 6' float; Tx 20' ganway; pier 8'x 42' float; 30'x 8' Pier; Tx 24' 2-14" T piles; 2-18" completed indicatina no Caulerpa within proiect area Hurd, Ken 832 Via Lido Nord plafform backwalk gangway piles r)rior to proceeding) Eelgrass survey 3/6/2008 (expired 7/4/2008 - new eelgrass survey must be completed indicating no eelarass within proiect area prior to proceeding); Caulerpa survey 3/14/2008 (expired 6/12/08 - new Caulerpa survey must be Tx 24' gangway and 8'x 40'float Add 20'x 8' completed indicating no erpa within Proi ct area Caul e prior to proceeding) Craig, Bill 25 Balboa Coves (to remain) section 3-12" piles Eelgrass survey 3/612b08 (expired 714/2008 - new eelgrass survey must be completed indicating no, eela ss within pr6iect area prior to procee I Caulerp I a survey 3/114/200� 10'x 14' (ekpired 6/12/08 -: new pier with 4' Caulerpa survey must be 76'x 6'float with 8'x 14' x 4' lobe; 3' x 24' completed indicating no Caulerpa within prolect area prior to proceeding) Schuman, Mike 7 Balboa Coves 10'x 22' lobe gangway 4-12" piles Condition Compliance - 5-06-117 Consistency Certification Compliance — CC -031-06 Page 2 of 2 Commission staff have reviewed the information submitted and determined that the above referenced dock construction projects conform with the submittal requirements established under Consistency Certification CC - 031 -06 the Special Conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117. Please note that the eelgrass and Caulerpa taxifolia surveys completed are only valid for a limited time period and that additional surveys must be completed and submitted to Commission staff for review if the proposed dock projects listed above do not commence prior to exftation of the initial survey. In addition, please note that this authorization shall expire on October 23, 2009 and that all authorized work must be completed prior to that date. Finally, please note there are ongoing obligations relative to water quality protection established in the authorization which must be implemented for the entire life of the approved development. Please be advised that only the projects described in the materials submitted for the sites listed above have been found to conform with Consistency Certification CC -031-06 and/or conform with the terms and conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117. Any change in the projects may cause them to lose their status as consistent with CC -031-06 and/or CDP 5-06-117. This certification is based on information provided by the City of Newport Beach. If, at a later date, this information is found to be incorrect or incomplete, this letter will become invalid, and any development occurring at that time must cease until a new determination regarding conformance with CC -031-06 and/or CDP 5-06-117, is obtained. If you have an questions, please contact me at (562) 590-5071 or Mr. Mark Delaplaine at (415) 904-5200. r ly, Sincerely, arl Schwingg Supervisor, Regulation & Planning, Orange County Area Cc: Mr. Mark Delaplaine, California Coastal Commission I Mr. Dan Swenson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Irregularly Eelgrass survey 7113/08 shaped (Expires 11/10/08); Caulerpa 12'x 35'float; approx. 32'x Tx 22' 34' (462 sq ft survey 5/30/08 (Expires Coyne,John - 315 Evening Star gangway total) Tx 22' 2-18"p��_ 8/28/08) Eelgrass survey 6/23/08 (Expires 10/21/08); Caulerpa 35' long 606 Harbor Island U-shaped 28' finger, 20'x 8 Repair survey 5/27/08 (Expires Hendrickson, Bill - Drive x 38' backwalk existing 2-10" Rqts 8/25/08) Eelgrass survey 7/7/08 (expires 10/5/08); Caulerpa qV OEM P'%:� "Barnard, J 100 West Bay Pier with 10' x 18'x 36' 3-14" No new survey 6/23/08 (Expires Scott Avenue 14' platform rectangular piles piles 9/21/08) Remove 8'x 20'section from Eelgrass survey 6/23/08 backwalk and add (Expires 9/21/08); Caulerpa L-shaped 8'x extensions to survey 3/26/07(Expired 103'-29'x 9' existing'float 7/24/07) -NEW CAULERPA w/ pier finger, one 2692 Bay Shore platform and 8'x10'and Retain No new SURVEY REQ'Q BEFORE Herbst, Jerry_ Drive gangway one 8'x 7'6" existing piles COMMENCEMENT OF WORK Eelgrass survey 7/2/2008 U-shaped 26' Add 2 new (expires 10/30/08);,Caulerpa 221 Via Lido x 52'; pier platform and 4'xl 0' sections to Retain Retain No new survey 7/21/08 (Expires Cline, David - Soud gangway existing float existing existing piles 10/19/08) _ Eelgrass survey 7/14/08 Retain (expires 11 /11/08); Caulerpa 4' x 50' long 715 Bayside finger; 23'x 5' existing survey 7/18/08 (expires Hall, Gregson -- Drive L-shaped foot lobe — gangway 2-12" piles 10/16/08) Commission staff have reviewed the information submitted and determined that the above referenced dock construction projects conform with the submittal requirements established under Consistency Certification CC - 031 -06 the Special Conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117. Please note that the eelgrass and Caulerpa taxifolia surveys completed are only valid for a limited time period and that additional surveys must be completed and submitted to Commission staff for review if the proposed dock projects listed above do not commence prior to exftation of the initial survey. In addition, please note that this authorization shall expire on October 23, 2009 and that all authorized work must be completed prior to that date. Finally, please note there are ongoing obligations relative to water quality protection established in the authorization which must be implemented for the entire life of the approved development. Please be advised that only the projects described in the materials submitted for the sites listed above have been found to conform with Consistency Certification CC -031-06 and/or conform with the terms and conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117. Any change in the projects may cause them to lose their status as consistent with CC -031-06 and/or CDP 5-06-117. This certification is based on information provided by the City of Newport Beach. If, at a later date, this information is found to be incorrect or incomplete, this letter will become invalid, and any development occurring at that time must cease until a new determination regarding conformance with CC -031-06 and/or CDP 5-06-117, is obtained. If you have an questions, please contact me at (562) 590-5071 or Mr. Mark Delaplaine at (415) 904-5200. r ly, Sincerely, arl Schwingg Supervisor, Regulation & Planning, Orange County Area Cc: Mr. Mark Delaplaine, California Coastal Commission I Mr. Dan Swenson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-3044 Fax (949) 723-0589 www.newport-beach.ca.us/hbr DOCK CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION CITY CHECKLIST Applicant Name: a DcLr Project Site Address: 0o Oe� Applicant address, phone number Agent name, address, phone number (if applicable) Project site address Assessor's parcel number Project site latitude and longitude Description of proposed work (project must not deviate from the Standard Drawings) Type of construction material used (concrete, wood, steel etc... Scaled drawings (plan view and cross sectional view) X Site address Location within the Harbor Location and dimensions of existing dock structure E9 Location and dimensions ofproposed dock structure X Location and dimensions of existing dock structures on adjacent properties Location of Bulkhead, Pierhead and Project Lines Photo(s) of project area at low tide (including 30' buffer area) 829 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 PH: (949) 644-3044 FX: (949) 723-0589 *Website: www.newport-beach.ca.us/HBR/ Dock Construction Application City Checklist Page 2 Eelgrass Survey Survey for presence of eelgrass within 30' of the entire project area El Yes X No Eelgrass within 15' of entire project area. Project not permitted. El If any eelgrass is located greater than 15' from the project area, then no finther monitoring required. Caulerpa Survey Survey for Caulerpa within 3 0' of the project area Project is over (check one box): 54 City Tidelands EJ County Tidelands (State Lands Commission Dredge Lease Approval) El If applicable, check one box: El The Irvine Company owner's approved area El Bay Island owner's approved area El Dover Shores owner's approved area El Linda Isle owner's approved area Completed Worksheet for Building/ Fire Permit Application and proof of payment of Building Department fees Check for $60 made payable to Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Signed application AIC -City approved Approval in Concept HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive v.12-14-06 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 718-1844 Fax (949) 723-0589 www.newport-beach.ca.usihbr DOCK CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION Regional General Permit 54 CDP 5-06-117 & CC -031-06 Corps File No. 200501233 -DPS Water Board Consistency Permit Valid Until October 23, 2009 This Permit applies to residential dock construction projects only and includes pier, gangway, float andpile repair / replacement. Bulkhead work is notpermitted under this Permit. IApplicant Name, Address, Phone Number: i I Scott Barnard 9492238820 1100 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA Agent Name, Address, Phone Number (if applicable): Swift Slip Dock and Pier Builders Jnc. 949631 3121 2027 Placentia Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Project Site Address: Assessor's Parcel Number: Fil 00 West Bay Avenue 047261 11 Project Site: Longitude: 1-117.914712 Latitude: 133.606551 Description of Proposed Work (Project Must Not Deviate from the City's Standard Drawings): Remove and replace entire floating dock and gangway, dimensions to match existing. Regional General Permit 54 Dock Construction Application Page 2 Type of Construction Material Used (concrete, wood, steel including any chemical treatment etc ... ): Please submit the following on a separate page. Use the check boxes to ensure a complete application is filed. Incomplete applications will not be processed. FX- Scaled drawings of the project (plan view and cross sectional view) F,>( Site address rK- Location within the Harbor FX- Location and physical dimensions of existing dock structure (float, pier, gangway, pile and bulkhead) FK- Location and physical dimensions ofproposed dock structure (float, pier, gangway, pile and bulkhead) FX- Location and physical dimensions of existing dock structures on adjacentproperties FF Location of Bulkhead, Pierhead and Project Lines r,R Photo(s) of entire project area at low tide (including 30' buffer area), with emphasis on eelgrass DZ Eelgrass Survey - Completed by a Certified Eelgrass Diver A. Survey for the presence of eelgrass within 30' of the entire project area B. If eelgrass is within 15' of project area, then the project will not be permitted. (An Individual Permit must be sought.) C. Any eelgrass must be located greater than 15' from project area - No finther eelgrass monitoring is required FR' Caulerpa Survey - Completed by a Certified Caulerpa Diver A. Survey for Caulerpa within 30'of the project area Project is over (check one box): K City Tidelands F- County Tidelands (State Lands Commission Dredge Lease Approval) F If applicable, check one box: F The Irvine Company owner's approved area F7 Bay Island owner's approved area F Dover Shores ownef s approved area F, Linda Isle owner's approved area Regional General Permit 54 Dock Construction Application Page 3 F>—( Completed Worksheetfor Building lFire Permit Application and proof of payment of Building Department fees FX— Check for $60 made payable to Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board 1, liennifer Beserra (Applicant / Agent), hereby certify that the information on this application is accurate and complete. I also certify that I have read the California Coastal Commission Permit 5-06-117 & Federal Consistency Certification CC -031-06, the Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit 54 (File No. 200501233 -DPS) and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board General Certification for Regional General Permit No. 54 for construction in Newport Harbor and that I will comply with all of the conditions in those permits. I also certify that by acceptance of this Permit, the applicant acknowledges and agrees that the site may be subject to hazards from waves and erosion. I will ffirther hold the City of Newport Beach harinless from and indemnify the City against any claim for damages arising out of the exercise of these permits. In addition, I shall reimburse the City of Newport Beach for all attorney's fees and other costs expended by them in defending any claim, lawsuit, or judgment arising out of the activities of the applicant carried on under the authority of such Permit. I understand that any work authorized must be completed by October 23, 2009, after which a new authorization is required. Per the RGP Permit, all dock construction applications will be processed by the various agencies through monthly batch submittals sent to them by Harbor Resources. Therefore, all dock construction applications must be submitted to and received by Harbor Resources by the I' Monday of every month. Applications submittedprior to this deadline are encouraged and appreciated. or Agent Signature HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-3034 / Fax (949) 723-0589 APPROVAL IN CONCEPT APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH as required for permit application to the South Coast Regional Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Sections 13210 and 13211. General Description of Proposed Development: Install new float. Replace gang- way with Std. 604-L. Use existing pile in place. lAddress number must be stenciled on at least 1 bayward facing pile. Pier conditions must be signed by applicant prior to final approval. Property Address: 1100W.BayAve. I Legal Description: I Harbor Permit Number: 116-1100 1 jPlan Check Number: 1342-2008 1 jApplicant: Scott Barnard Applicant's Mailing Address: 1100 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach, CA 92663 Phone Number: (949) 631-3121 I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application. Page 1 of 2 And find )( They comply with the current adopted Newport Beach General Plan, Municipal Code, Title 17 and any applicable specific or precise plans or, o That a variance of exception has been approved and final. A copy of any variance, exception, conditional use permit or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept and said approval has been written upon said plans, signed and dated. Should Newport Beach adopt an ordinance deleting, amending or adding to the Municipal Code or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this Approval In Concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act or 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted thereunder, this development: )k Has been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. Ei Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). o Has received a Final Environmental Impact Report (copy attached). All discretionary approvals legally required of Newport Beach prior to issuance of a harbor permit and a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in principal by Newport Beach unless a substantial change is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes and regulations of Newport Beach. See attached Special Conditions. Lisa Walters, Harbor Resources July 23, 2008 Attachments: Worksheet for Building Permit Application Drawing Pier Conditions Page 2 of 2 HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-3034 / Fax (949) 723-0589 Special Conditions July 23, 2008 Property Address: 1100W.BayAve. With reference to the plans currently under consideration at the above referenced address to reconfigure or modify the dock system or bulkhead, the following conditions will now be in effect: 1 . The project proponent is aware of the Harbor Permit Policies (Council Policy H-1) and Title 17 of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. The project proponent understands that the above referenced structure(s) is under the purview of these Policies and Codes. 2. Any future work on the above mentioned structure(s) requires permits with the City of Newport Beach and any other applicable agencies. Painting and work considered to be cosmetic in nature does not require a permit. 3. The conditions set forth in this document pertain to the proposed dock system and/or bulkhead under consideration. Any future modifications or alterations to the dock system and/or bulkhead may require new conditions which may override or change these conditions. These conditions supersede all past conditions associated with this property. 4. Only marine oriented uses are allowed on the pier, pier platform, gangway and float. Patio furniture, plants etc ... are not permitted. 5. In accordance with Municipal Code 10.08.030 A. the project proponent shall obtain the proper permits for equipment and materials storage. "Except as otherwise provided in this section, no person shall use any public street, sidewalk, alley or parkway or other public property for the purpose of storing or displaying any equipment, materials or merchandise, or any other commercial purpose. B. Public streets, sidewalks, alleys, or parkways may be used for the purpose of selling, storing, or displaying any equipment, material, merchandise or for other commercial purposes in the following cases: ... For the temporary storage of construction equipment or material provided a permit is issued pursuant to Chapter 12.62 of this Code and the storage is consistent with provisions of the Uniform Building Code." 6. The project shall be implemented in conformance with the Local Coastal Program - Coastal Land Use Plan. Page 1 of 2 7. In accordance with Municipal Code 10.28.040 the following noise regulations apply: "A. Weekdays and Saturdays. No person shall, while engaged in construction, remodeling, digging, grading, demolition, painting, plastering or any other related building activity, operate any tool, equipment or machine in a manner which produces loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a person of normal sensitivity who works or resides in the vicinity, on any weekday except between the hours of seven a.m. and six -thirty p.m., nor on any Saturday except between the hours of eight a.m. and six p.m. B. Sundays and Holidays. No person shall, while engaged in construction, remodeling, digging, grading, demolition, painting, plastering or any other related building activity, operate any tool, equipment or machine in a manner which produces loud noise that disturbs, or could disturb, a person of normal sensitivity who works or resides in the vicinity, on any Sunday or any federal holiday." 8. Your side property lines extend in the water along their same bearing. Vessels shall not encroach upon the neighbor's property on either side. 9. Vessels may not extend beyond the end of the fingers by more than the width of its beam. 10. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted to side tie to the westernmost side of the float is 5'. 11. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted to side tie to the easternmost side of the float is 19'. Lisa Walters, Harbor Resources Date Applicant Signature Print Name Date Joint Pier Applicant Signature (if applicable) Print Name Date Page 2 of 2 Please print 3 copies Worksheet for Building Combo Permit Application City of Newport Beach - Building Department Elec uilding F- Grading F—Drainage f 1. Project Address (Not mailing address) Tenant Name(if Applicable) A-0 C -A I— . ...... .. . ...... 2. Description of Work f7 Mech [7 Plum Exist Gar SF Demo Garage SF Add/Reconstruct Garage SF F77 F777 I ......................................... TOTAL HOUSE SF New 17 Ad d F.... Alter f7..,Demo ...... ..... .................. .............. ........ TOTAL GARAGE SF ... .......... .. . ............. .... .. .................. uneCK AM)rwnate IJCX Tor APIDlicant P0 Floor Suite No F7.................................. : # Units (if Residential) r .................................. Usel—&A-'f- 160 . . ......................................... ...... . Valuation$ [(If 000 00 ............................ I ................. F-.: 3. Owner's Name Last First ... ......... .... 0. � ................. : ........ . S" ..... .. ..... . . .......... ............................ # Stories F7 Cu Yd Cut Cu Yd Fill .. ............ Owner's Address Owner's E-mail Address I...................... ..................... ........... V. .... . . ........... .. ......... ..................................................... ........................................ .. ................................ zip Telephone City State Z� -31 ......................... ............................... ........... : F ............................. ............................. ................ .. . .. f—,,,'4. Arch itect/Desig ner's Name Last First Lic. No. ...................................................................................... ............... F .................................................... Architect/Designer's Address Arch itect/Designer's E-mail Address ....................................................... ...................................... .............................................................................. ........... ........... .... . . . ... . ... . . .. ... .... ... ... .. . ... ..... . City State Zip Telephone . ...... . ...... ... ......... ... .. ... .. ...... ....... ... ......... ................ .................. F ........................ city I ............... f ... .. ....... ........ .. . ... ........... State F�ip I .............................. ............. Telephone OFFICE USE ONLY ENERGY P/C FEE $ GRADING P/C FEE $ PERMIT NO. PLAN CHECK NO. Rev 1118107 ELEC/MECH/PLUM P/C PLAN CHECK FEE $ F�ITY OF INEO' 'R T BEACH CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH ST ZUT PRCI�-Zc n YMNITY MRP moftu BRr' cLDVNM EM7 TE JEM SCMING'S RRE EPRESSO IN FEET RNB DENOTE E 'VATI0tS BASU ON MERN LVVU �N HRTER. LE 51 761", (j, 5 3 B R RE OU 'CES 6N. C OF NE PORIT BU CH �fm 54-4 t IvevLl 4 - Flo A EEL G RASS INSPE�710N Eelgrass w thin 15' of project Eelgrass w thin 15 - 301 projed of , "No I s, ip rojec ar a 0 Signature 7 /7/1 /7/0, Ins"ion Date &'llme STV FFPLIW's ":�E: �S_FEUF_ 6A"AF-D JOB 00: W." C I TY L PRcl-t- Inn Q) OF NEO RT BEACH CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH LPPE VICINITY MRP rDfou BRr. aLya;t(m _S' BRY PIER WEST JMY PROFILE 1 40 /T -E JEM SWNDINGS ARE D?RESSED IN FEET RND DENOTE ELUVRTIOtZ BASED ON W_RN LNER OW HATER. f1ge H5A 0 Map Output Page I of I http://www6.city.newport-beach.ca.us/serviet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceNam... 6/11/2008 Site A ddress: I 100 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92661 WIiEA,0 LOIZE 42' Harbor Resources Department Date: Inspection Requested By: Inspector: Don Duffy �, I cc, Pier Address: Pier Transfer GFI Present Anti -Siphon / Backflow Present Other Comments ("_�Eelgrass Pump Out Pier Location Reinspection Yes Need None Needed Yes Need F I F_ I F77= Eelgrass Within 15'of Project Eelgrass Within 15'- 30'of Project D-W-8-Eelgrass in Project Area Yes No Operational I I I Recommended Action Encroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Boat Description CF Number Location on Dock Comments / Observations Other Request Map Output Page I of I http://www6.city.newport-beach.ca.uslservleticom.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=n... 06/11/2008 Caulerpa Survey Reporting Form This form is required to be submitted for any surveys conducted for the invasive exotic alga Caulerpa taxifolia that are required to be conducted under federal or state permits and authorizations issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regions 8 & 9). The form has been designed to assist in controlling the costs of reporting while ensuring that the required information necessary to identify and control any potential impacts of the authorized actions on the spread of Caulerpa. Surveys required to be conducted for this species are subject to modification through publication of revisions to the Caulerpa survey policy. It is incumbent upon the authorized permittee to ensure that survey work is following the latest protocols. For further inforination on these protocols, please contact: Robert Hoffman, National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries), (562) 980-4043, or William Paznokas, California Department of Fish & Game, (858) 467-4218). Report Date: 25 June 2008 Name of bay, estuary, lagoon, or harbor: Newport Harbor Specific Location Name: Barnard Residence (address or common I 100 West Bay Ave. reference) Newport Beach, CA 92661 Site Coordinates: Approximately (UTM, Lat./Long., datum, 330 36' 24" N accuracy level, and an 1170 54' 53" W electronic survey area map or hard copy of the See attached maps map must be included) Survey Contact: (name, phone, e-mail) Debbie Karimoto, (949) 887-7041 (cell) (949) 830-1173 (fax & office) Personnel Conducting Survey (if other than Same above):(name, phone, e- mail) Permit Reference: (ACOE Permit No., ACOE RGP 454 RWQCB Order or Cert. No.) Is this the first or second survey for this First project? Was Caulerpa Yes, Caulerpa was found at this site and Detected: (if Caulerpa is found, please has been contacted on date. immediately contact NOAA Fisheries or CDFG persoanel identified above) xxxx No, Caulerpa was not found at this site. Description of Permitted Work: Replace gangway with Std. 604-L. Re -deck existing float. Existing tl tl (describe briefly the work pier to remain as -is. to be conducted at the site under the permits identified above) Description of Site: (describe the physical and Depth range.- 0-9' Tide varied between + 1.72' and +2.60' on a falling tide at time of I " survey. 0- 12' Tide varied biological conditions within between +3.36 and +3.8' on a rising tide at time of the survey area at the time of the survey and provide insight into variability, if known. Please provide units for all numerical information). 2 d survey. Substrate type: Soft, silty sediment & compact, silty sediment Temperature.- 740 Salinity: Normal bay range of 3 )0-33' ppt Dominaniflora: none Dominant.fauna: Zoobotryon verticillatum, barnacles, mussels, tunicates, fish fry. Exotic species encountered Zoobotryon verticillatum (including an); other Caulerpa species): Other site description notes., None Description of Survey Survey date and time Effort: period: 18 June 2008, 1:15 p.m. — 2:3 0 p.m. (please describe the 23 June 2008, 12:3 ) 0 p.m. — 2:3 0 p.m. Horizontal visibility in surveys conducted including type of survey ivater., I foot Survey type and (SCUBA, remote video, etc.) and survey methods methods., Surveillance level SCUBA survey, employed, date of work, Diver swam transects throughout APE. Survey personnel: and survey density (estimated percentage of Debbie Karimoto (949) 887-7041 (cell) Survey density the bottom actually viewed). Describe any —30% of APE Survey limitations. limitations encountered during the survey efforts. None Other Information: (use this space to provide See map and site survey sketch any additional information or references to attached materials such as maps, reports, etc.) Caulerpa Survey Reporting Form (version 1.2, 10/31/04) Site Address: I 100 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92661 -D' ACL! N e.,,v p u rt B ch Z' -D' ACL! Site Address: 1100 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach., CA 92661 Fuchsia outline reflects survey perimeter. Area within that perimeter was surveyed. Site Address: 1100 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92661. Site Address: I 100 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92661 Panoramic view of survey area from left to right Site Address: 1100 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach; CA 92661 Site Address: 1100 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92661 Mr. Ben Nolan City of Newport Beach City Hall 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 i STEPHEN N.BARNARD 1100 West Bay Avenue Balboa, California 92661 STEPHEN N. BARNARD May 28, 1980 City of Newport Beach Marine Department 70 Newport Pier Newport Beach, California 92660 ATTN: Mr. David Harshbarger Gentlemen: In an attempt to consummate almost three years work to get the llth Street street -end dredged, I am hereby requesting the City to authorize the maintenance/replacement dredging of the beaches in front of 1042 W. Bay Avenue, the Ilth Street street - end and 1100 W. Bay Avenue. The owners of the two residences will compensate Shellmaker for their services and it is requested that the City pay Shellmaker for the work in front of the street -end. The street -end storm drain was just extended to the pier -head line and the dredging will complete the necessary maintenance/ replacement work. I am attaching a photo -copy of Shellmaker's price quite to substantiate the authorization of $1,100 for the maintenance work. I would appreciate the City's early approval of this request so that Shellmaker­,qa�n proceed with their work in that they are prepared to start immediately. Manythanks for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Stephen N. Barn�rd' SNB: kap Enclosure cc: Bob Wynn Ben Nolan SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OFFICE P.O. BOX 2025 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 (714) 644-0550 SHEL-1-MAKER, INC. DREDGING PORTSONOMA 250 SEARS POINT ROAD PETALUMA, CA 94952 9 January 1979 Mr.. Stephen N. Barnard 4350 Von Karman Ave., Suite 350 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mr. Barnard: JAN 111979 PORTSONOMA (415) 897-4107 CALIFORNIA STATE CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBER A-91675 In response to your letter of December 1, 1978 requesting a price for dredging at 1042 and 1100 West Bay Avenue and at the street end at llth Street. The estimated breakdown is as follows: 1) 1042 West Bay Avenue $ 355.00 2) Street End 1,100.00 3) 1100 West Bay Avenue 645.00 The total for all three locations would be $2,100.00 and would involve three days of dredging. All work would be done at high tide. If you have any questions or require any further information, please give me a call. Sincerely, SHELLMAKER, INC. William L. Harris Vice President WLH/lh Mr. Bob Wynn, City Manager City of Newport Beach City Hall 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 STEPHEN N. BARNARD 11oo West Bay Avenue Balboa, California 92661 STEPHEN N. BARNARD May 28, 1980 City of Newport Beach Marine Department 70 Newport Pier Newport Beach, California 92660 ATTN: Mr. David Harshbarger Gentlemen: In an attempt to consummate almost three years work to get the llth Street street -end dredged, I am hereby requesting the City to authorize the maintenance/replacement dredging of the beaches in front of 1042 W. Bay Avenue, the llth Street street" end and 1100 W. Bay Avenue. The owners of the two residences will compensate Shellmaker for their services and it is requested that the City pay Shellmaker for the work in front of the street -end. The street -end storm drain was just extended to the pier -head line and the dredging will complete the necessary maintenance/ replacement work. I am attaching a photo -copy of Shellmaker's price quite to substantiate the authorization of $1,100 for the maintenance work. I would appreciate the City.'s early approval of this request so that Shellmaker can proceed with their work in that they are prepared to start immediately. Many thanks for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Stephen N. Barna-rd SNB: kap , Enclosure cc: Bob Wynn Ben Nolan SOUTHERN CA LIFO RNIA OFFICE P.O. BOX 2025 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 (714) 644-0550 SHELLMAKER, INC. DREDGING PORT SONOMA 250 SEARS POINT ROAD PETALUMA, CA 94952 9 January 1979 Mr.. Stephen N. Barnard 4350 Von Karman Ave., Suite 350 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mr. Barnard: JAH I 11379 PORTSONOMA (415) 897-4107 CALI FORN IA STATE CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBER A-91675 In response to your letter of December 1, 1978 requesting a price for dredging at 1042 and 1100 West Bay Avenue and at the street end at llth Street. The estimated breakdown is as follows: 1) 1042 West Bay Avenue $ 355.00 2) Street End 1,100.00 3) 1100 West Bay Avenue 645.00 The total for all three locations would be $2,100.00 and would involve three days of dredging. All work would be done at high tide. If you have any questions or require any further information, please give me a call. Sincerely, SHELLMAKER, INC. William L. Harris Vice President WLH/lh Worksheet for Building Combo Permit Application M City of Newport Beach - Building Depart lHARBOR RESOURCES Please print 3 copies INA RX ry V,,Building MCITY RT B 61-1 Grading I—Drainage Elec ..... ..... Q_�V -1 . 1. Project Address (Not mailing address) F1 54 ................. ..... ...... W .............. ................................................................................... .............................. # Units (if Residential) Tenant Narne(if Applicable) 2. Description of Work Use I ............... ............. ................................................ : ... ....... ......... .......... . ..... . ...... .............. .. ...... .......... A,-. .......... z Valuation $ Exist House SF F7 Demo House SF Add/Reconstruct House SF Exist Gar SF ........... ...... . . . . . . ............... Demo Garage SF Add/Reconstruct Garage SF .............................................. # Stories F- New Add TOTAL HOUSE SIF r.7. Alter —..-Demo Cu Yd Cut TOTAL GARAGE SIF ........................................... .............. Cu Yd Fill Check Amwonriate Box Tor Applicant (7 5. Engineer's Name Last Engineer's Address State city First Lic. No. Engineers E-mail Address .......... ............................................................... ............ ... ............... ..... ......... ........... . .................. ............ Zip Telephone .......................................... F ......................... ............................ City State FTq;- zip Telephone ..... ....... ... ...... OFFICE USE ONLY ENERGY P/C FEE $ GRADING P/C FEE $ Rev 1118107 ELEC/MECH/PLUM P/C PERMIT NO. PLAN CHECK NO. PLAN CHECK FEE $ CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH CITY OF H"PORT SERCH UPPER vs REST ERST zc� BRY _TC n YINNITY MRP K3FW Mf, OLUU*aR PROFILE V = '40 JITTY SaMINGS PRE E)PRESSED IN FEET AND DENOTE El-EVATIM BASED ON MEAN L%ER LOW WATER. H5A-0 I -A �V�—_7 i4, OG/1'1/2008 14:21 9496313122 CITY OF NEWPORT-GERCH CITY OF' NEWORT SERCH UPPER REST Na+w slz�l PRCIF-rr MINITY MRP I PM W= JE -M 17-F, jr / A ---a SWIFTSLIPDOCKPIER PAGE 01/02 PRIF I LE 1- JmY SOUNDINGs Fw- ExTRE'an IN FEET HNB DENOTE o-EvATIONS ERSO ON HEM LOHM LOR WRTER. VV W9 p 'OF W� -declL Ex I' �,fi V� W('cl &&q I, JOB. RDDRESS 00. �s�va 6A W4444-. k q iv a: Apo PRIF I LE 1- JmY SOUNDINGs Fw- ExTRE'an IN FEET HNB DENOTE o-EvATIONS ERSO ON HEM LOHM LOR WRTER. VV W9 p 'OF W� -declL Ex I' �,fi V� W('cl &&q I, JOB. RDDRESS 00. �s�va 6A W4444-. k q iv WORKSHEET FOR BUILDING / FIRE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PI F=A-qF= PPINIT C)R TYPP: BUILDING DEPARTMENT S; 1. PROJECT ADDRESS (NOT. MAILING ADDRESW. 11069 FLOOR SUITE NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION' No. UNITS LOT BLOCK TRACT LIC. NO. 2. DESCRIPTION OF WO; 10, USE P*161970-- 130,4-r- 44� # OF STORIES VALUATION$ I/ EW M, ADD M ALTER DEMO SQ FT (NEW/ADDED/EXTG) Check Appropriate Box 3. OWNER'S NAME 4,�,ST FIRST OWNER'S ADDRESSZ4�0 OWNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STA ,�F ZIP A� PHONE NO. F] 4. ARCH ITECT/DES IGN ER'S NAME LAST FIRST LIC. NO. ARCH ITECT/DESIGNER'S ADDRESS ARCHITECT/DESIGNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. 5. ENGINEER'S NAME LAST FIRST STATE LIC. NO. I ENGINEER'S ADDRESS ENGINEER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. 6. CONTRACTOR'S NAM�E� f BgPN�IZC �13A STATE LIC. No. CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS ,V4M 7(4& CONTRACTOR'S E-MAIL ADDRESS ITY STATE,�,---) ZIPW? 7 IPHOrY/ OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NO. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK NO. UPANCY - GROUP PLAN CHECK FEE $ L —0 C—C PLAN CHECK ENG. LlLoA I IUN (Please print all intormation) - -1 -1 . . . . . 1. � f,.,- 1. Applicant (Property Owner) Xddress Telephone // 10 () W, 8 /1� Irl _11*1116-me 2. Project Address (Street Address) Harbor Permit Number 3. New Construction Revision Maintenance Dredging e? 4. Fee Check No. 6-1 Date 7 — z C-) I?CIPL�(Id 5. Brief Description of Proposed Work: Ale i ,J t 2- o v -le'_ &s, o A c oe 6. Submit 8 1/2" x 11" Drawings (3), Include: 1). Location and dimension of proposed structure including piles and location of existing structures. on adjacent properties. 2). Location of bulkhead, pierhead and project lines. 3). Location of property lines. 4). Location of channel markers within 200 feet. 5). Lot sizes and lot numbers, if available. 6). Existing ground profile beneath proposed structure. 7). Elevation of top and bottom of bulkheads and piles with respect to M.L.L.W. 8). Area and profile of anyproposed dredging with elevations showing depths with respect of M.L.L.W. 9). Any special conditions affecting the construction or affecting boating operations. 10).Complete all information required in information block, bottom of sheet. Note that the OWNER. of the property is the applicant 11). Drawing size shall be 8 - 1/2" x 11 12).Scale shall be adequate to clearly show the above information. 13).Existing structures shall be shown in light dashes. New work shall be shown in heavy solid lines. 7. Owner -Builder Declaration must be m leted (on erse side of this sheet) 8. Applicant's/Agent's Signature: Date: L� 30 Joint Permittee Signature (if apWficable): Date: 9. Work can begin once the City has received evidence of the following additional approvals and you have been notified to proceed. If you begin prior to the notice you will be in violation of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and subject to penalties . 10. Your permit will not be final until we have conducted an on site inspection once construction is completed as per Municipal Code, Section 17.24, if we have not been contacted for a fina[ inspection. OFFICE USE ONLY Approval in Concept. Date Approval of the City of Newport Beach Council. Date Approval of the Army Corps of Engineers Date Approval of the California Coastal Co, mmission. Date Approval of the City's Public Works Department. Date Approval of the City's Building Department. Date Approval of County of Orange. Date Electrical and/or plumbing permit (Building Department) Date Issued. (Permit is stamped drawing) Date A�1_ 1111i__ Site Inspection. (call 644-3043 for appointment) Date9W,9-;4�'-,9/' Site Re -inspection Date Conditions: f7c OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the contractor's license law for the following reasons: (Sec. 7031d.5, Business and professions Code). Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provision of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000, of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty for not more than five hundred dollars ($500). L as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, -provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If,, however: the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purposeof sale). L as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who, contracts for. such projects who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a Contractor(s) License pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). I . I am exempt under Sec. Owner's Signature: Contractor: S LA) I F-- -F Address: License class: —State Board No. of Business and Professional. Code for this reason: Date: License Contractor's Declaration I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the aBusiness Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect 0 Contractor's Signature Date: ZEE: 7 jo 7 of A'A;Z 7L OL' zz -7 �--7!_ py Ow 0, 7- 74' In t7! -7 41. 31, 1z. H�7 77-7- A SAN L�4 va 7�7 L ............. "11-2LL-2f; ijL WISA Ij :;11,1, j t-�-7,77 —i7, ........... ........... 44r :7 IN. Own.; 14 S?xz 77.1. 7" --7777 777j L IT Li Ll -7------ j7 4� -7' L _7 77 77 445; -4 . ....... L, 1-," ALLL fit' *201 LOW �7­ . ............. .. 7 Of aa,) zz- C-01 !1Y - _4 Lof OTT - ti N 7 t Ong" so VIA v 2, '77, . -­-;�­ ��­-. ­.-­ -/ I- -X! V__ CITY OF NEWPORT BUCH CITY OF KEWPORT BERCH BRY o BRY PRC_jf- .jC A PIER VICINITY MRP MfW MY, alff=aR VM-floo EFST PFK)F I LE 1w 40' 7-E jEm JEM SOLMINGS PARE DGWSSED IN FEET AND DENOTE ELEVATIONS BASED ON MEAN LOWER LOW WATER. -15 )� 3/6' 17 . IFPPLIW'S NAME S-FEUE- 6AP,�AOZ-10 m,' r1ce HeA D c 1 lve-- pier U, P'emov�- oy)(j fcpl�ee t'e r- (S -fd 6oq Shoc+tn pier V� 12 - PLM VIEN fff 401 JOB FMDRESS 11M W. Als fiv- portwT, A1111, P2 0, Of? EC-Rtav r AA0 - 11al-le-F 7o. h? "rl —11 . �w� —.1 1 : . I I I I. R. 14 1 1 1 kV A' CC, Q eq4g[OA Of mc P7. 0.4 1 —4m NJ I T Y v SkETCH wSsr /C,,rr N&VwPOsWr 5AY b, CAt ljroMNfA A,.1 Cld-nOle vbczcl� /911,L-017 Lo 6.r I -ow klopl'er. 07 /Pwo el�y /0 11�7e5 sec. 6, z:> o C_: I 'e� x Pempos-cpj 46ULle I�CA f;t P/4�- '740 49� A Ta A? Rl I I L INA 44" 411 Z_ o PR 0/00 S470 13 0 L -C X, V. 1638 W, 5,4y A li 14� IvzT wpo I? r ns, 0 7 - Z Stk. �Ak>' wlawll M" s lmr>sc.�" /V& A v il L& CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MARINE DEPARTMENT 640-2156 August 13, 1980 Mr. Joe Camera 1100 West Balboa Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Mr. Camera: This is to follow up our telephone conversation regarding your onshore mooring #P-91 and the City storm drain. As I stated to you at that time, Mr. Farber, on mooring #P-88, is not interested in leaving the area, however, he said he would be willing to exchange spaces with you. I feel that we could get the cooperation of the Harbor Department, but you gentlemen would have to bear any expense involved. If this sounds like a possible solution to you,,please give me a call. Sincerely, Tony Melum Tidelands Administrator TM: ak City Hall - 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92663 DATE TIME FOR— WHILE YOU WERE OUT M "IF OF PHONE No.- E.T TELEPHONED 1� PLEASE CALL 110, RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL AGAIN CAME IN TO SEE YOU URGENT By ---------- DATE TIME FOR— WHILE YOU WERE OUT M "IF OF PHONE No.- E.T TELEPHONED 1� PLEASE CALL 110, RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL AGAIN CAME IN TO SEE YOU URGENT MESSAGE—��, By DATE TIME--- FOR— WHIL U WERE OUT OF Cqu PHONE No.. EXT. TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL AGAIN CAME IN TO SEE YOU URGENT 1 MESSAGE By MARINE DEPARTMENT July 14, 1980 ITEM NO.: H-16 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Marine Department SUBJECT: HARBOR PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBERS 173-113, 175-106, AND 116-1100 Recommendation: If desired, approve the maintenance dredging applications. Discussion: The applications require City Council approval under the conditions of, approval placed on the City of Newport Beach general permit for maintenance dredging is- sued by the U.S—Army Corps of Engineers, on February 12, 1974, and subsequently amended on May 10, 1977, to allow beach restoration. The locations and applicants for the proposed dredging and beach restorations are: 173-113 John'Neidlinger 113 Via Lido Soud 175-106 Stephen Elmore 106 Via Lido Nord 116-1100 City of Newport Beach 11th Street (Street End) The staff has reviewed the projects and has determined that the work will be done within the parameters of the Corps of Engineers permit. The dredging contractor will place a filter screen around the discharge site to control turbidity. There is no known eel grass in the vicinity of the projects. At 1100 Bay Avenue, the dredged material will be placed on an adjacent beach. This will aid in the restoration of a city street -end beach. At 113 Via Lido Soud and 106 Via Lido Nord, the dredged material will be hauled to sea and dumped. D. HARSHBARGER, DIRECTOR MARINE DEPARTMENT x &eel Tony Mei/�m Tidelands Administrator TM:ak PERMIT NO. DREDGING APPLICATION Project Location:— llth Street & West Bay Ave. Cubic Yards to be Dredged: 200 Method of Dredging: Hydraulic Suction Nature of Dredged Material: Sand/Silt Disposition of Dredged Material: Place material on adjacent beach Method of Material Disposition: Pump through discharge piRe to disposal fill area Turbidity Control Method: Filter screen around discharge site. Effect of dredging on 'Contiguous bulkheading and beaches Will resto re depleted beach it Wm. L.. Harris hereby state that I have read the U. S. Army (print name) Corps of Engineers permit for maintenance dredging in Newport Harbor, the City of Newport Beach and Orange County Harbors,Beaches and Parks District (if applicable) permit for maintenance dredging and that I accept all the provisions therein. �Additionally I guarantee that the proposed dredging will not occur because of any altering'of existing use of the affected zone. —City of Newport Beach Shellmaker, Inc. (Applicant -type name) (Contractor -type name) 4 7/8/80 Signed: VI (Date) Contrac Representative �/. o� I" / PERMISSION 15 HERZEY GRANTED TO CONSTRUCT Ak,r, MAINTAIN THE FACELiTY S4-uOl."�M 0IN, TH51Z REVERSE HEREG,`7 AT THE SITE 9NDIa::A-VZ-'c, TO ylliz-� v—pliovislems G"', THE HAPBOR F BEACH AW ANY SPECIAL D THIS PERMEE', IS NOT 0, THE CITY NAF,BQi�'� Cu" Y C'01JUICIL. TIJ; RIGHTS GlVr-N FE-Rri"HiSSIVE ONL� AND THIS OV 11-42 CiTY COUNCL. IN ACCORDANCE WIT14 TkTLE 17 OF THE F$lUNiClPAL CODE. CITY HARBOR COORDINATOR // 6 --// 0 a PERMIT NO. DATE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: corps of Engineers Permit S --lo 92� Gra.,lZDe County Permit Other,-,, AUTHORIZED BY CITY COUNCIL ON CITY OF NEWPORT BEAC;�� HARBOR PERMIT PERMISSION ES KCa"'ZOESY QrtA',klT7,,D- TO CONSTRucir A* . I -L g pZC A r0 MAINTAIN TK�e .7AC,-Zj.J'Fy oEAi mmeall /-a — ? -7 AT THE SITZ NO F',RE 'P'�20V�l ii J`-- THE HARBOR C4,F 6Q",,rWP,0RT ZZAC14 AN ANY SPLECIML "'N'SPERM Is NOT -7 7 THE CTTV NARIE,11101,;R� C�, G"I'ViTN Vl��LP57"R Vli*'14". 4LMVZ OW AND TRES PL-'RVV..,3T W;AIY R&S IN ACC01111ANICC INIT PERMIT NU.' DATE STEPHEN N. BARNARD June 9, 1980 Mr. David Harshbarger City of Newport Beach Marine Department 70 Newport Pier Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear David: I have spoken to Mr. John Jakosky and he and I would very much like to meet with you, Ben Nolan and Bob Wynn sometime at your convenience during the week of June 16 to discuss the maintenance dredging at the llth Street street -end. Please be good enough to,set this up and confirm that with me as soon as you have had an opportunity to do so. I will be gone the week of June 9 but you can leave a message at my office and you can confirm with John Jakosky at 548-8781. Many thanks for your help. Very truly yours, Stephen N. Barnard SNB: kap Enclosure STEPHEN N. BARNARD June 9, 1980 Mr. Barry Faber 1115 Venice Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90015 Dear Barry: It was enjoyable talking with you a few weeks ago regarding your onshore mooring at the llth Street street -end on the Balboa Peninsula. Since our conversation, I have spoken with the other.three mooring owners at this street -end. Mr. Freeman, who is. the gentleman who owns the mooring next to you, owns and lives in a duplex one door removed from the corner of 11th and Bay and has a boat that he generally uses on that mooring. The next mooring over is.owned by Mr. Leo Benedict, who also owns a duplex just one door to the west of there and the fourth mooring on the street -end is owned by Mr. Joe Camera. Mr. Camera owns the duplex at the corner of Balboa Boulevard and.11th Street and he and his family have an 8' outboard that they use very regularly. Consequently, if there is any way that we could convince you to allow your mooring to be moved to 12th Street, we would certainly very much appreciate it. I have spoken with Mr. ' David Harshbarger of the Marine Department.about this and he concurred with that thinking if that is a decision that you are willing to go along with. Please be good enough to give this your consideration. Please call Mr. David Harshbarger at 714/640-2156 or myself during the day at 714/752-9484 or in the evenings at home at 714/673-0194. Many thanks for your consideration. Very truly yours, 2" Stephen N.'Barnard SNB: kap cc: David Harshbarger CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MARINE DEPARTMENT June 9, 1980 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ITEM NO: H-14 FROM: Marine Department SUBJECT: HARBOR PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBERS 116-1100, 110-12129 113-507, 135-82 Recommendation If desired, approve the maintenance dredging applications. Discussion The applications require City Council approval under the conditions of approval placed on the City of Newport Beach general permit for maintenance dredging issued by the U. S. Amy Corps of Engineers, on February 12, 1974, And subse- quently amended on May 10, 19779 to allbwlbeach,restoration. The locations and applicants for the proposed dredging.and beach restorations are: 116-1100 1100 W, Bay Avenue Stephen.Barnard 110-1212 1212 E. Balboa Blvd. W. F. House, M. D. 113-507 507 W. Edgewater Nancy Oppenheim 135-82 #10 Beacon Bay Beacon Bay Association The staff has reviewed the projects and has determined that the work will be done within the parameters of the Corps of Engineers permit. The dredging contractor will place a.filter screen around the discharge site to control turbidity. There is no'knowh eel'grass in the vicinity of the projects. The dredged material.will be placed on adjacent beaches. This will aid in the restoration of beaches bayward of private residences. D. HARSHBARGLR, DIRECTOR MARINE DEPARTMENT Ton y7e lu Tidelands Administrator TM:ak Cl r K N a c 2 7L� 3 'o, 4. 1&/ OA'L 40.0 Coos VICI MI TY SkETCH i. Jerry NawpoRr E�,^Y, CAL iFostNiA 1 2 ---------- 6'0 U'n d' 5 Qrdr &ep�A.s be'low el'icron zower Zow 6/0)'C'nr. Aloitl., ro,?ge c;,/' il'&c Qp'proA/&"o./w/'Y Hcrrbo" are d a yablf'shed /;7 -/Alf*s sccl,0,7 Qjr'vcw'~1 J50r. 2 1 _/ra - "POP - AX� 4 4�: Z:: 149'fle 73 4.1, 9j. -47 CoAorqAc7oA,:f,�le-ll~ee,,-40A'r-' �/ j L2 PERMIT NO. A40 Disposition of Dredged Material: Place material on adjacent beach Method of Material Disposition: Pump through discharge pipe to disposal fill area Turbidity Control Method:— Filter screen around discharge site Effect of dredging on,c6ntiguous bulkheading and beaches Will restore depleted beach and reinforce bulkhead if Wm. L, Harris hereby state that I have read the U. S. Army (print name) Corps of Engineers permit for maintenanqe dredging in Newport Harbor, the City of Newport Beach and Orange County Harbors,Beaches and Parks District (if applicable) permit for maintenance dredging and that I accept all the provisions therein. �Additionally I guarantee that'the proposed dredging will not occur because of zone. any altering'of existing use of the affected Stephen Barnard (Applicant -type _n_a_me_T___ 4/11/80 (Date) Shellmaker, Inc. (Contractor -type name) Signed: or Is Representative 0 7- ocr AF r 45,6-.4 CI -1 40 dr 1p I lelt lk VICI"ITY -5;<ETCH W"r Jsrrr h?o V'PO'Vr P'lq Y, CAL 11FOR 4f rl-r NIA /,'&c /0 "Wei ,Ydrbor /,ne�5 are eaioblt'shed ,;7 Secl.,o,7 O�rVow Dy-,. I , ire A TS 4Doegss; X 7- h/ 91 '14K-lof 7-,qA C-ro //e PERMISSION is pp,r,,T,�;� _,G r MAINTAIN THE rAC,�_w.�Ty U 1. �, T; �a HSTPUCT AND AT THE SITE I R2,W,�RSE HEREOF, PRGvjSi0NS or THE HARB0,1z r-_Z� H AN r. ANY SPECIAL 15 NOT TRAi,­ZFERA.LtL,� C-CE'ASENT 0,�, I'llE CITY _'F-"'M4SSjvL Oml- AND THIS pr-.Rikjt'-j- pjAy E;- Z;Y CjTy COUNC�,� IN ACCORDANCE W�TH i';TLC 17 OF y�,LE ;12UNI-CIPAL CODE. CITY HA OR COORDINATOR PERMIT NO.- DATE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Corps of Engineers Permit 0-" 7 Grarige county Permit Othen-, AUTHORIZED BY CITY COUNCIL ON r K sire 3 r 00�1 AO 0 VICINJITY 5;<,ETCH Wgir 4rTy l wpoRr 5AY, CAI. IFORNIA 9 ib In OO)a Q4rnola below 4orver 10- klorldr. C/,c oy/maj&/�,- /0 7(�rgrj. Alarboe Ore c .7 5CCIfoj7 oorAlewpprl j5or. Y'e Z,229= Z po A9 1"��e-, A174A CTOA An, ?e,- �ffp� /CITY OF NEWPORT BEMil HARBOR PERMIT PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED To CONSTRUCT AM MAINTAIN THE FACILITY SHOWN ON 7HE REVERSE- HEREOF AT THE SITE THE HARBOR PGl-NC2Z5 CF NZW` 0-'T MEACH Arvil. ANY SPEICML T,,,,;S PERNWI =N T IS NOT THE C57Y HArRR'3GlP'-' �t�l z � ;�� � : C (.., U L T lei RIGHTS GNVE'7,,' Ui;,T'1='�l TX5-;� ONL% AND THIS PERPIRT MAY '4-rE REVOKE"D Z"d CSTY COUNCal.; IN ACCORDANCE WITH TtTLE 17 GF THE reaUiNN"C21.PAL CODE. CITY HARBOR COORDINATOR 116-1,1062 6 - /a -,fo PERMIT NO. DATE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: carps, of iEn,— ghnec- i's Permit -5/-'cl/-7 Oran -go County Permit other. 0-r- - 611qlf 0 STEPHEN N. BARNARD May 28, 1980 City of Newport Beach Marine Department 70 Newport Pier Newport Beach, California 92660 ATTN: Mr. David Harshbarger Gentlemen: In an attempt to consummate almost three years work to get the llth Street street -end dredged, I am hereby requesting the City to authorize the maintenance/replacement dredging of the beaches in front of 1042 W. Bay Avenue, the llth Street street - end and 1100 W. Bay Avenue. The owners of the two residences will compensate Shellmaker for their services and it is requested that the City pay Shellmaker for the work in front of the street -end. The street -end storm drain was just extended to the pier -head line and the dredging will complete the necessary maintenance/ replacement work. I am attaching a photo -copy of Shellmaker's price quite to substantiate the authorization of $1,100 for the maintenance work. I would appreciate the City's early approval of this request so that Shellmaker can proceed with their work in that they are prepared to start immediately. Many thanks for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Stephen N. Bar4r-d­ SNB: kap Enclosure cc: Bob Wynn Ben Nolan DATE - FOR o tv� WHIL , El YOU WERE OUT m OF PHONE No. 6 :7 ?� . (�' 3 EXT. - TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL RETURNED YOUR CALL JURGENT WILL CALL AGAIN, CAME IN TO SEE YOU DATE TIME FOR WHILE YOU WERE OUT M ! OF1114 PHONE No. EXT. TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL 7� I '0�/ "'i MESSAGE tl By RETURNED YOUR, CALL WILL CALL AGAIN CAME IN To SEE YOU URGENT 7� I '0�/ "'i MESSAGE tl By _U_ 77UWaPd, llowapd (6 Barnard, Inc. 4350 VON KARMAN AVENUE - SUITE 350 - NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 - (714 752-9484 March 5, 1980 Mr. Barry Faber 1115 Venice Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90015 Dear Mr. Faber: I A number of us who live on West Bay Avenue, on the Balboa Peninsula, are attempting to clean up the street and beach at 11th Street, where you are the Lessee on a mooring number 88 at the street end. As part of that clean up, my neighbors and I, along with the City, are desirous to see if we can free -up the water in front of the beach, so that it,can be of more use to those who want to swim off the street end there. In that regard, it would be most help- ful if your mooring could be moved from that street end down to 12th Street, where there are presently fewer moorings and much more space for you to keep a boat. I have spoken with Mr. David Harshbarger, who directs the Marine Department for the City of Newport Beach, and he endorses the relocation of that mooring to the 12th Street end if that is satisfactory with you. Very shortly there will be some work done on that beach that will require pulling the mooring out and we would like to have your permission to relocate the ' mooring if that is satisfactory with you. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to give me a call at my office which is indicated above, or at my home the evenings at 714-673-0194. If you would like to speak to Mr. David Harshbarger at the City, his telephone number is 714-640-2156. Many thanks for your consideration in this matter. SNB:jw Very truly yours, Stephen N. Barnard Wave MARINE 14AR "?19808, NEWPORT BEACIj CALIF. April 9, 1979 ITEM NO 0 ej� TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Marine Department SUBJECT: REQUEST BY STEPHEN BARNARD THAT THE tiTy, EXTEND A.STORM DRAIN AT 11TH STREET AND PARTICIPATE IN A DREDGING PROJECT TO RESTORE THE STREET AND BEACH, Recommendation If desired, a) approve or deny the request, and b) if approval is given, direct staff to prepare a budget amendment in the amount of $2,850 for Council approval on April 23rd. Discussion Mr. Stephen Barnard o . f 1100 West Bay Avenue has requested City participation in a project to restore the street -end and beach at llth Street on the Bay (attached) Mr. Barnard contends that sand eroded from the §treet-end and in front of two adjacent properties (1042 and 1100 West Bay) has removed support from the bulk- heads of these two properties causing the bulkheads to sustain cracks and thereby. jeopardizing the bulkheads. Mr. Barnard feels that the existing street -end and drain aggrevates the erosion because of the location of the end of the pipe. It is Mr. Barnard's feeling that extesion of the strom drain,and repTacement of the sand by dredging would allevaite the current situation. Estimates for dredging costs were obtained from Shellmaker Inc. based on soundings y of the location -t en �r-�Barnard. These costs are shown on an attached letter from Shellmaker, Inc. to Mr. Barnard and are as follows - 1042 West Bay 355 37,0 Ce A4 Pc llth Street -end $19100 71"0 Pe 1100 West Bay 645 Estimates for the cost of 12" CAP were obtained from the Public Works Department. This cost is $550. A design for the location and slope of the pipe has been prepared by the Public Works Department. Hiring a contractor to install the pipe would add approximately $1,200. The General Servi,ces Department,. at this time, does not have any surplus 12" CAP that could be utilized and also does not have the capability to install pipe in the depth of water desired for this project. The Public Works Department has indicated that their funds have been, committed for two projects to be completed this fiscal year. Funds for this type of project are not included in the Marine Department budget. Because of the situation outlined above, a budget amendment will be necessary to allocate funds for this project; should Council decide to roteed with City participation.. P 4) OeO4 S-141 ... P 3 C / r K aa- Nr�yo oe,- dc.4 cLl I , 7 R -r 49 'T 0 VIC11VITY SKETCH -Arjrr -lorry NXWPORr OAY, CALIPOstNIA 1KOM01- 510 eln di'" q 5 0 -re &AO, -c vs ecof P#v Aeel$ an"f OtFnv,1,p alep 0.4.7 &*low /I,-rcrO&7 Lowgro- 4oW _Wat'd-s-. A4cpzfwvm, rem"Pe 0/' le %&I( Alarhae /,;?Ci oicMe Wd~l 'Sar. '-5 7A4, R IAI exj 6ulkh d-4 C- 7;YPd. 1,d APP,L c-,4 -CA C7 - /L./ 5 Mv 21, �* 4 43 4,A-, 7, �Zoa AoDzess CoAlrvA c roc OA re STEPHEN N. BARNARD March 28, 1979 City of Newport Beach Marine Department 70 Newport Pier Newport Beach, California 92660 ATTN: Mr. David Harshbarger Gentlemen: The City beach at the 11th Street end and the two Adjoining residences have suffered heavy erosion over the past several years, and it is now necessary to dredge the bay in front of those areas and replace the eroded sand. It is particularly urgent that the repairs be made at this time in that there remains little strength for the bulkheads supporting the homes adjacent to each side of the 11th Street beach. The bulkheads have already shown cracks as the result of the erosion and the City's concrete planters have had to be partially removed for the same reason. Mr. John Jakosky, at 1042 W. Bay (to the east of the street end) and I, at 1100 W. Bay (to the West) are agreed that we will dredge and use the dredged sand against the bulkheads in front of our respective homes if the City will dredge the street end and replace the sand on the beach with the dredged material. Additionally, it will be necessary to extend the storm drain outfall to the pierhead line. The outfall extension is required to preclude further unnecessary erosion from the City beach. We have obtained the attached dredging price quotations from Shellmaker, Inc. for your approval. Their price was arrived at pursuant to specific soundings taken by us and the resultant attached bottom contour map. Therefore, the City's $1,100.00 portion of the Shellmaker bill reflects the specific amount of material to be moved on the City property as our share of the bill covers our own costs. It should also be remembered that the City's frontage is greater than either of the adjoining lots and that a greater proportion of the sand to be moved is at the street end. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OFFICE SHELLMAKER, INC. P.D. BOX 202 5 DREDGING NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 (7 14) 644 0550 PORTSONOMA 250 SEARS POINT ROAD PETALUMA, CA 94952 9 January 1979 JAIN 11-1979 PO RTSONOMA (415) 897-4 107 CALIFORNIA STATE CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBER A-91675 Mr. Stephen N. Barnard 4350 Von Karman Ave., Suite 350 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mr. Barnard: In.response to your letter of December 1, 1978 requesting 10A a price for dredging at and -1100 West Bay Avenue and at the street end at llth Street. The estimated breakdown is as follows: 1) 1042 West Bay Avenue $ 355.00 2) Street End 1,100.00 3) 1100 West Bay Avenue 645.00 The total for all three locations would be $2,100.00 and would involve three days of dredging. All work would be done at high tide. If you have any questions or require any further information, please give me a call. Sincerely, SHELLMAKER, INC. ,t,vv., William L. Harris Vice President WLH/lh r Tfr fFrr T -n t L 77' a T F T 77 f7 tr V, 7,. .7 4: F: ....... a T- s. L .71 L 4 tA 4-1 n-: Li In c 4f !T -97 77' 1— 7-: .7— QQ Lt. f-7 77 771 r w;.Le— V ra— .7' 7 17 r oj P 2A ra 0 -4 ENO OF r m z M17FALL io :z L 7 1— T--�7 i -4- 7; :r 'd IT t w. 4 -T F7 16 44;t7l: (Ti7i A 7 7 n., 1; 17' �r it LU _flt lam !-7 7 a Fl- 7+ - :4. �-7 71. T zv m _T7 A. _i. 1. 4 m _F '�7 1 7 :J 77' JL_ 7 4 JI T I L�4: -T-1, 7- tll Nrr Lf Ti Mt. 4-4 I I ON ' +; A Tri. 1. aagifl9girt R [Taffl-4 114m, 1* '�H +i tT..: VIM L., 10 ILI L fTR�_ll tl '7 '71 J4 t 4i. F"T T i tT' 71�� :LfL VID - 114 74 it -I-- 7t 1. 7. ... . ... -77. 41 4_1 7 Jt; -.4 ......... . 'T': 4TT a 41 4, Ll I E: I.-, -1 ig-". __ f'77 T-1 d"d - j -Wi, �i 4- I MPT if, WIF� i F: T: Ul -- -- ------- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OFFICE P.O. BOX 2025 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 (7 14) 644-0550 SHELLMAKER, INC. DREDGING PORTSONOMA 250 SEARS POINT ROAD PETALUMA. CA 94952 9 January 1979 Mr.. Stephen N. Barnard 4350 Von Karman Ave., Suite 350 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dear Mr. Barnard: JAN 11 V79 PORTSONOMA (415) 897-4107 CALIFORNIA STATE CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBER A-91675 In response to your letter of December 1, 1978 requesting a price for dredging at 1042 and 1100 West Bay Avenue and at the street end at llth Street. The estimated breakdown is as follows: 1) 1042 West Bay Avenue $ 355.00 2) Street End 1,100.00 3) 1100 West Bay Avenue 645.00 The total for all three locations would be $2,100.00 and would involve three days of dredging. All work would be done at high tide. If you have any questions or require any further information, please give me a call. Sincerely, SHELLMAKER, INC. William L. Harris Vice President WLH/lh MARINE DEPARTMENT November 14, 1977 ITEM NO.: H-14 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Marine Department SUBJECT: HARBOR PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBERS 116-1100, 116-1104, 151-1107, 109-1805 AND 109-1813 FOR MAINTENANCE DREDGING AND BEACH RESTORATION RECOMMENDATION If desired, approve the maintenance dredging applications. DISCUSSION The applications require City Council approval under the conditions of approval placed on the City of Newport Beach general permit for maintenance dredging issed by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, on February 12, 1974, and sub- sequently amended on May 10, 1977 to allow beach restoration. The locations and applicants for the proposed dredging and beach restoration! are: 116-1100 Stephen Barnard, 1100 West Bay Avenue 116-1104 Dr. 0. A. Dieterich, 1104 Way Bay Avenue 151-1107 Jerald Hampton, 1107 North Bay Front 109-1805 Howard House, 1805 E. Bay Avenue 109-1813 Willard Voit, 1813 E. Bay Avenue The staff has reviewed the projects and has determined that the work will be done within the parameters of the Corps of Engineers permit. The dredging contractor will place a filter screen around the discharge site to control turbidity. There is no known eel grass in the vicinity,of the projects. The projects will aide in the restoration of beaches bayward of fourprivate residences and on the public beach on Balboa Island. D. HARSH8ARGER, DIRECTOR MARINE DEPARTMENT e d e Tidelands Administrator GEW:ll Po" > r) FL .November 4, 1977 C I T Y 0 F N E W P 0 11R T B E A [Illn', CALIFORNIA .Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board 6833 Indiana, Suite 1 Riverside, CA 92506 Gentlemen: The enclosed permit drawing application(s) is being sent for your information in accordance with conditions of approval under the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers "blanket" permit for maintenance .dredging issued to the City of Newport Beach on February 12, 1974. The City Council of Newport Beach will hear the application at its November 14th meeting. If you have qny questions regarding this application, please contact the City of Newport Beach Marine Department at (714) 640-2156. Sincerely, D. HARSHBARGER, DIRECTOR MARINE DEPARTMENT Glen E. Welden Tidelands Administrator GEW: I I V!f cc: EPA, F&G, BSFW, NOAA, 116-1104, 116-1100, 151-1107 City Hall 3300 W. Newport Blvd Area Code 714 640-2156 PERMIT NO. DREDGING APPLICATION Project Location:— 1100,West Bay Avenue Cubic Yards to be Dredged: 177 Method of Dredging: Hydraulic Suction Nature of Dredged Material: -Sandzsilt Disposition of Dredged Material: Place material on adjacent beach Method of Material Disposition: PuM through discharge pipe to disposal fill area Turbidity Control Method: Filter screen around discharge site. Effect of dredging on contiguous bulkheading and beaches Will restore deDleted beach and reinforce bulkhead. - Wm. L, Harris hereby state that I have read the U. S. Army (print name) Corps of Engineers permit for maintenance dredging in Newport Harbor, the City of Newport Beach and Orange County Harbors,Beaches and Parks District (if applicable) permit for maintenance dredging and that I accept all the provisions therein. Additionally I guarantee that the proposed dredging will not occur because of any altering of existing use of the affected zone. Stelphpp Barnard name) Shellmaker, Inc. (Contractor -type name) Signed: Contract6r s Representative CITY OF HARBOR PERF14011T PERMISSION IS HERESY GWANTE" TO CCKGTkUZT AND MAINTAIN TWrL FAC0,42TY AT THE S�TE- kN&ICAs',f7-M, To 9, P W ml, THE NAPZ305?1 P49,,AVx�7 i�UkCH A�; corcns, E'.'n ANY SPEC2AL mt, v',,�,Turo eV Is NOT Th,z tivy Grange courity permft Quer.- AND THIS pl2nrip�v." '"441y sa BY IN ACCORDANCE Wj-fj2 WLE� 7 R�' OC� A C E. WfIVAR13ft UORDINATOR PERMIT VD Deputment of Community Development FO VL DATE: October l5s; 1975 TO: Marine Department Director FROM: Code Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: Sandblasting - 1100 West Bay., N-woort Beach Regarding sandblasting at 1100 West Bay, on this date (October 15, 1975) the undersigned inspected subject property. All efforts are being made to eliminate any bay contamination, including the use of tarps for overspray, trenching, catch traps, and water sandblasting. Therefore, at this time no further action will be taken. The party doing the work is Harold Anderson, ANCO,Sandblasting, 2310 Cottonwood, Santa Ana. Telephone No. 836-8848 - DVM License No. 21380A. JMS/kk Nv. CIT -0, MA' AP. 4r, To ol�t,4,ro"" el R�l CITY OF NEWPORT BEAf-",f HARBOR PERIM i -h - PERMISSION IS 4ER�Fay TO CONSTRUCT A W) MAINTAIN THE FACILET"i AT THE SITE �NIFMCATLO, . k�SJLc.-j- To """E"CV CF W�-- THt HARBOR PEM�-Ai*L ANY ZPE��,�Al CCKx-l',TiCNS IS NOT !RAN'SFFRA1,y,'U THE CiTy. RIGHTS GAIVEN ultllok2"'Rl TIEI-�.'� PR,: AND THIS PERMUT ItIgAY 9,E RLLVCI'Nlrio.]�� "IV THL, ACCORDANCE WITH TiTLE 17 OF YN-2: NIUNAiP;kL LGDL-.: clvwf H RBOR CIOORDUNATIOV PERMIT NO. DATE R A P-45iP K P R 6 1 ;RON.. yea