HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2005-0065T 0 TA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 532711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053-2325 May 19, 2008 REPLY TO ATrENTION OF: Office of the Chief Regulatory Division Jim Spain C/O: Lisa Walters City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear Mr. Spain: This is in reply to your application (File No..SPL-2008-00433) for a Department of the Army Permit to conduct maintenance dredging, per Regional General Permit No. 54, seaward of 900 W Bay Avenue, in Newport Beach, Orange County, California. (as shown on enclosed maps). Based on the information you have provided, the Corps of Engineers has , determined that your proposed activity complies with the terms and conditions of Regional General Permit (RGP) No. 54- Maintenance Dredging, Beach Nourishment, and Dock Maintenance. As long as you comply with the general permit conditions of RGP No. 54, an individual permit is not required. Specifically, you are authorized to: 1. Dredge 115 cubic yards of sediment over a 0.02 -acre area using 6" hydraulic suction; and 2. Dispose dredged material on adjacent beach over a 0.08 -acre Area (90 linear feet). A general permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. This letter. of verification is valid until October 4, 2011.� Also, it does not authorizean i ''ry y 1714 to the property or rights of others -or authorize interference:-withan existing or y e proposed Federal project. Furthermore, it does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, State, or local authorizations required by law. Thank you for participating in our regulatory program. If you have any questions, please contact Yvette Cardenas of my staff at 213.452.3418 or Via e-mail at Yvette.L.Cardenas@usace.army.mil. Please be advised that you can now comment on your experience with Regulatory Division by accessing the Corps web -based customer survey form at: httl2:/112er2.nwl2.usace.army.mil/survey.html. Sincerely, Jae Chung Senior Project Manager South Coast Branch Regulatory Division Enclosure I.: I V 1 1 M L_ V V I I I J 1 11 P,< ect� b'\ "I L — ro rq L -v e- 7' AL RER (t�_ 013/, SCALE IN MILES VIC ' I - N -ITY SKETCH N.k..W'PORT BAY, CALIF. dos llb__�100 CDM EEL GRASS INSPECTION El Eelgrass within 15' of project El Eelgrass within 15 - 30'of projed %;N��E�,qllrass �ipm�,�ct_area Signature 1511— 1 'PT ;4� AlZit kPPLICANTS NAlVM _T1' - B -L -K 127-1. TRACT �2S' LOT - 0 B A D D R E Sr:L '�2 X. IL 7n. 1 11 P,< ect� b'\ "I L — ro rq L -v e- 7' AL RER (t�_ 013/, SCALE IN MILES VIC ' I - N -ITY SKETCH N.k..W'PORT BAY, CALIF. dos llb__�100 CDM EEL GRASS INSPECTION El Eelgrass within 15' of project El Eelgrass within 15 - 30'of projed %;N��E�,qllrass �ipm�,�ct_area Signature 1511— 1 'PT ;4� AlZit kPPLICANTS NAlVM _T1' - B -L -K 127-1. TRACT �2S' LOT - 0 B A D D R E Sr:L '�2 (A m STATE OF CALIFORNIA- THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Govemor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 April 28, 2008 (562) 590-5071 Mr. Tom Rossmiller .City of Newport Beach/Division of Harbor Resources 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Condition ' Compliance — Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117 & Conformance with Consistency Certification CC -031-06 - DREDGING Dear Mr.'Rossmiller: Commission staff have received information submitted as evidence of compliance with Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117, and/or as evidence of conformance with Consistency Certifications CC -031-06 for the following sites in the City of Newport Beach: Applicant SiWAddeess Beach Ocean' CurnulatiVe EiMgrass Comments Disposal Disposal Total* for Present Eelgrass; Survey QV Qtyt 2008 between 15 - bate/Expiration (cu.yds) (cu.yds) 3G Feet of Caulerpa Survey disposal Date/Expirationtt footpHnt?§ City of Newport Beach, Balboa Island: Park Avenue and East Bay 185 0 No.. E'elgrass survey Front 315/08 (expires 71310-8); Caulerpa A survey 3/11108 (expires 6/9/08) City of NdwP6ft`9&kK__ -Balboa Island: Onyx Avenue to Marina 395 0 No Eelgrass survey3/5/08 Avenue, South Bay Front .......... ... , e - "' J .i6P'1ir6sZ713/ 8); fiB�o survey �ii v68 pife s 6/9/08) City of Newport Beach Balboa Island: S. Bay Front, Collins Avenue 9.93 0 No Eelgrass survey3/5/08 to Sapphire Avenue (expires . - 7/3108), Ca�16 a. u survey M 1/0.8 (ekpires; City of Newport Beach Balboa Island: S. Bay Front, Turquoisb 184 0 No Avenue Caul4pa survey M I/b8 (expiret� 610/0 8 I 900,West Bay.AvonUe 1115� 0. No' Eelgrass'surve y ih4/66 i(�b:xpires 71U'/b8)­6W rpa. —7t,i I ------ — bo, Psi. R S. P 0-S : - A 777 7-7777= . xcee s per re g, ng- a sa even I Not to 000. cubi.c'�.ard d'' d I �.Wd:b6adh.di§ 1" po iff'.11, hil.111 Ndtld� )�66W cu' ic�'y'aids'!pdi` 6'edg1ni" I t gan ,,o -�s dredsposa even oft �­ kcde'd 000 du id y6rd' N 0 s 1160 itee grass is presen 5-'30 fdo' t d J ' 6 na erial digPosa[fdi !f "Y6 t b eitWbb h 'I t'r6rri t e propose 4 re g I. iil "' i- t a -op,er' t' h' 116 any dire.ciion)� onbrillid'okhe f&:0b 611ti6[ 6e grass Jmpab if ib:'disi06� 1 a lons,s a " -IJ e requir ad�.' I ' th `�'Wt PJI 661drdsss:. ff� 14 1 during. e ac ive gro phase for the u'rvey/rhapping . e o s mu s be c6rh'p I 6t6d (typ..ir;allyMar4j6,:th�6U.9h�Ott,6ber) �6hd:iWfb6 valid for 6 peri6d-of 1; 0 days With the ekobp.ion o, surveys', th.' res; mp 1 .0 completed in August - October. A survey comol6ied'in August - October shall be'vblid Until' e u ti6h f active growth (i.e., March 1). tt.Caulerpa tbxif6lia'sUrveyi�aro,�alid for 90 days from date of survey Condition Compliance - 5-06-117 Consistency Certification Compliance — CC -031-06 Page 2 of 2 Ayloush, Abbott 915 Via Lido Soud 107 0 No Eelgrass survey 3/14/08 (expires 7112/08); Caulerpa survey 3/14/08 (expires 6112/08) Lyons, Phil 36 Harbor Island 921 0 No Eelgrass survey 3114/08 (expires 7/12108); Caulerpa survey 3114/08 exp res 6/12108) Sub -total 2900 0 Year-to-date total 3100 Commission staff have reviewed the information submitted and determined that the above referenced dredging events conform with Consistency Certificationt.C.C-031 -�06, and the Special. Conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-06-�l 17. Please note that the eelgrass and Cauleroa taxifolia surveys completed are only valid for a limited time period and that additional surveys must be completed and submitted to Commission staff for review if the dredging, and beach nourishment events listed above do not commence prior to expiration of the initial survey. In addition, please note that this authorization shall expire on.October 23, 2011 and that all authorized work mutt be completed prior to that date. Please be advised that only the projects described in the materials submitted for -the sites listed above have been found to conform with Consistency Certification CC -031-06 and/or conform with the terms and conditions of Coastal Development Permit 5-06-117. Any change in the projects may cause them to lose their status as consistent with CC�031-06 andfor CDP 5-06-117. This certification is based on information provided by the recipient of this letter. If, at a later date, this information is found to be incorrect or incomplete, this letter will become invalid, and any development occurring at -that time must cease until a new determination regarding ,conformance with CC -031-06 and/or CDP 5-06-117, is obtained. If you have any qtystions, please contact me at (562) 590-5071 or Mr. Mark Delaplbine at (415) 9.04-5200. Sincerel Karl SchWing Supervisor, Regulation.& Planning, Or8nge.CoUnty Area cc: Mr. Mark Delaplaine, California Coastal Cbr-rimission Mr. Dan Swenson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. March 24, 2008 California Coastal Commission Attn: Karl Schwing 200 Oceangate, STE 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4416 Army Corps of Engineers Attn: Dan Swenson 915 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Attn: Adam Fischer 3737 Main Street, STE 500 Riverside, CA 92501-3348 HARBOR RESOURCES RE: Regional General Permit No. 54 — Dredging Application Submittals Enclosed is the recent monthly batch of dredging applications for your approval, per the California Coastal Commission Permit 5-06-117 & Federal Consistency Certification CC -031-06, the Army Corps of Engineers Permit No. 54 (File No. 200501233 -DPS) and the Regional Water Quality Control Board General Certification Permit, $60 Regional Water Board check included for each application. All of these applications have been checked for accuracy and completeness as evidenced by the attached Dredging Application City Checklist. Thank you for your time in reviewing these applications. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. Site addresses included Park Ave. & East Bay Front- City of Newport Beach Onyx Ave to Marine Ave. South Bay Front- City of Newport Beach Collins Ave. to Sapphire Ave. South Bay Front- City of Newport Beach Turquoise Ave. & South Bay Front- City of Newport Beach Spain- 900 W. Bay Ave. Ayloush- 915 Via Lido Soud Lyons- 36 Harbor Island Sincerely, Lisa Wafters Harbor Resources Technician (949) 644-3044 1 829 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 PH: (949) 644-3044 FX: (949) 723-0589 *Website: www.newport-beach.ca.us/HBR/ Applicant Name HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 718-1844 Fax (949) 723-0589 www.newport-beach.ca.us/hbr DREDGING APPLICATION Project Site Address: CITY CHECKLIST 0----* ,Jim S,00� 0 4 Applicant address, phone number Agent & Contractor name, address, phone number (if applicable) Project site address Assessor's parcel number Dredge site latitude and longitude Disposal site: 9 Beach disposal latitude and longitude El Ocean disposal LA -3 Purpose and final goal of dredging Method of dredging. Vessel and equipment description. Vessel(s) Captain, Dredging & Disposal Inspector Cubic yards dredged and disposed ( must be less than 1,000 cy.) Area impacted (in acres) If beach disposal, linear feet of affected beach area Dredging and Disposal Operations Schedule Scaled drawings (plan view and cross sectional view) R1 Site address NL Location within the Harbor 829 Harbor Island Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 PH: (949) 644-3034 FX: (949) 723-0589 *Website: www.newport-beach.ca.us/HBR/ Dredging Application City Checklist Page 2 Location of existing dock structures Location of existing dock structures on adjacent properties Location of Bulkhead, Pierhead and Project Lines Dredge depth (limited to -7 MLLW with a 1' allowable overdraft) Photo(s) of dredge and disposal areas at low tide (including 30' buffer area) Eelgrass Survey Survey for presence of eelgrass within 30' of the entire project area El Yes X No Eelgrass within 15' of entire project area. Proiect no permitted. El If ocean disposal and eelgrass is located greater than 15' from the project area, then no further monitoring required If beach disposal and eelgrass is not located within 30' of the project area, then no further monitoring is required El If beach disposal and eelgrass is located between 15' and 30' from the project area, then pre- and post -monitoring is required E] Pre -monitoring survey attached 1:1 Post -monitoring survey attached. Date submitted: Eelgrass Stamp Caulerpa Survey 9 Survey for Caulerpa within 30' of the entire project area Grain Size Analysis (1) sample per 1/4acre and / or at least (1) sample at dredge site and (1) sample at beach disposal site (if applicable) Beach disposal: M Sample(s) must be at least 80% sand, or; El At least 75% sand and within 10% of the sand content of the receiver beach El Ocean Disposal: El Sample(s) must be less than 80% sand Project is over (check one box): A City Tidelands Dredging Application City Checklist Page 3 El County Tidelands (State Lands Conunission Dredge Lease Approval) El If applicable, check one box: El The Irvine Company owner's approved area El Bay Island owner's approved area El Dover Shores owner's approved area El Linda Isle owner's approved area Check made payable to The City of Newport Beach Check for $60 made payable to Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board X Signed application 9 Neighbor notification POST DREDGING El Post Dredging Report. Date submitted: F-1 Post eelgrass monitoring (if applicable) HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION v.6-22-07 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-3044 Fax (949) 723-0589 www.newport-beach.ca.us/hbr DREDGING APPLICATION Regional General Permit 54 CDP 5-06-11.7 & CC -031-06 Corps File No. 200501233 -DPS Water Board Consistency Permit Valid Until October 4, 2011 Applicant Name, Address, Phone Number: -7/,n *&. J -,J 049 673-3*0,� ?oo w. So -Y A,,c IV,e La 0,0 r' f 8,9 5!& h , C A 9 2. 4 4 1 Agent & Contractor Name, Address, Phone Number (if applicable): mh,e,k -51re.5 P0 JSOk AJJr B4 A .0-- 4 A, z Project Site Address: Assessor's Parcel Number: MOW-S&V Awe, &ewear�,SeoLg-A Eo 9 . :7 z o--? DredgeSite: Latitude LA1330.3(g..31f)" I Longitude 4111 7-� sy. ;P60 Disposal Site 1p Beach Disposal: Latitude Longitude 1'117PSY, 717 1 I AAAV,�Jila. 3 Af I f-; Ocean Disposal (LA -3): Latitude 33*31'00" Longitude 117*53'30" 'urpose and Final Goal of Dredging (Effect on Bulkhead and Beaches): Rt 1#'.ev-L -S9t--C1Q 101-i Id 14,0 a,,.ter�- otock f1d4 AS Ao L -P );�,e OJC� " � 10 Y) a- � ,;Aft-oc " PO- b I. � L pa� Regional General Permit 54 Dredging Application Page 2 Method of Dredging (Hydraulic, Clamshell, Tractor etc ... ), Vessel and Equipment Description: 4 '/ /-/,, Jo -at., /' � :5,x C' /1'O'n Vessel(s) Captain I /y7a e Ac 5, Zes Dredging Operations Inspector C fi) 8 Disposal Operations Inspector 1V'4 1 Cubic Yards Dredged and Disposed (Must be less than 1,000 cy. total): Flls-cubir- ydozis Area Impacted (in acres): If Beach Disposal Is Used, Linear Feet of Affected Beach Area: Acres Linear Feet Estimate of Quantity of Material Dredged From or Disposed Onto the Site From Previous Activities: 2 Dredging and Disposal Operations Schedule: Please submit the following on a separate page. Use the check boxes to ensure a complete application is filed. Incomplete applications will not be processed. P " Scaled drawings of the project and disposal areas (plan view and cross sectional view) 57�/ Site address Location within the Harbor Fy- Location and physical dimensions of existing structures on subject site (e.g. float, pier, gangway, pile and bulkhead) [�7� Location and physical dimensions of existing structures on adjacentproperties Location of Bulkhead, Pierhead and Project Lines Dredge depth (limited to -7 MLLW with a P allowable overdraft) F/ Photo(s) of entire dredge and disposal areas at low tide (including 30' buffer area), with emphasis on eelgrass Regional General Permit 54 Dredging Application Page 3 RZ Eelgrass Survey - Completed by a Certified Eelgrass Diver A. Survey for the presence of eelgrass within 30' of the entire project area (dredge and disposal site) B. If eelgrass is within 15' of project area, then the project will not be permitted. (An Individual Permit must be sought.) C. If ocean disposal: Any eelgrass must be located greater than 15' from project area No further eelgrass monitoring is required D. If beach disposal: If eelgrass is not present within 30' of the project area, then no further monitoring is required If eelgrass is present between 15' to 3 0' of the disposal proj ect area, then pre- and post -monitoring is required. See Harbor Resources website for pre - and post -monitoring requirements www.newport-beach.ca.us/hbr Caulerpa Survey - Completed by a Certified Caulerpa Diver A. Survey for Caulerpa within 30'of the project area (dredge and disposal site) Fv—/ Grain Size Analysis A. (1) sample per 1/4acre and / or at least (1) sample at dredge site and (1) sample at beach disposal site (if applicable) B. If beach disposal, sample(s) must be at least 80% sand Project is over (check one box): [_,p., -'City Tidelands C. County Tidelands (State Lands Commission Dredge Lease Approval) If applicable, check one box: F. The Irvine Company owner's approved area F___ Bay Island owner's approved area F Dover Shores owner's approved area E. Linda Isle owner's approved area Check made payable to The City of Newport Beach (See Harbor Resources website for appropriate fees) Check for $60 made payable to Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Project areas at the Rhine Channel, Newport Island, Promontory Bay, the West Lido Channel orfirom within 1, 000 feet in any direction from the 15'� Street public Pier are not eligible for dredging under this Permit. Regional General Permit 54 Dredging Application Page 4 (Applicant / Agent), hereby certify that the information on this application is accurate and complete. I also certify that I have read the California Coastal Commission Permit 5-06-117 & Federal Consistency Certification CC -031-06, the Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit No. 54 (File No. 200501233 -DPS) and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board General Certification for Regional General Permit No. 54 for maintenance dredging in Newport Harbor and that I will comply with all of the conditions in those permits. I also certify that by acceptance of this Permit, the applicant acknowledges and agrees that the site may be subject to hazards from waves and erosion. I will further hold the City of Newport Beach harmless from and indemnify the City against any claim for damages arising out of the exercise of these permits. In addition, I shall reimburse the City of Newport Beach for all attorney's fees and other costs expended by them in defending any claim, lawsuit, or judgment arising out of the activities of the applicant carried on under the authority of such Permit. I understand that any work authorized must be completed by October 4, 2011 after which a new authorization is required. I also understand that the applicant will submit a Post Dredging Completion Report no later than 30 calendar days after completion of each dredging project. All work scheduled to be completed before 7:00 AM or after 6:00 PM (Monday - Saturday) or on Sundays or holidays must be approved by Harbor Resources. Per the RGP Permit, all dredging applications will be processed by the various agencies through monthly batch submittals sent to them by Harbor Resources. Therefore, all dredging applications must be submitted to and received by Harbor Resources by the I'Monday of eve1y month. Applications submitted prior to this deadline are encouraged and appreciated. Applicant and /or Ageiit Signature 5-ps�� 7n 0 ., Z ,0/ 5,?OSA L — 0 710 0� L A0 e - 'P, 0", a VICINITY SKETCH k t-WO""O'''R, T B A Y, C A L I F. L -1 -i -s- P-M-,70J�- Ilk - 740 CDM N qEqL GRASS INSPECTION Eelgrads within 15' of project 0 D Eelgrass; within 15 - 30'of project N elgrass . n projec area t 3 517- F-40 Signature Inspection Date & Time IBOR RESOURCES DIV. I OF NEWPORT BEACH 4k-\r� -36/oa AR d 8 WPLICANTS NAVM.—Lm S )l q LOT-- -BL—K.La—f-l.- TRACT !25"4 0 B A D D R E S:S:— a,),, /-fo /--. < : I.— DA.T E STATION LOCATION: 900 W. Bay Avenue SAMPLE COLLECTION DATE: 3/6/2008 TEST METHOD: Sieve Analysis: Method 2 (Plumb 1981) COLLECTED BY: Intracoastal Dredging ANALYSIS START DATE: 317/2008 A B DREDGE SITE RECEIVING BEACH Total Dry Weight of Sample: 414.61 grams (g) 97.59 grams (g) Analysis Weight (Split WQ: 87.80 g 40.15 g Visual Description: A brown/grey medium sand A light brown/grey fine sanc with gravel & shell hash. with gravel & shell hash. Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction Weight % of Total Weight % of Total Gravel / Shell Hash Fraction: 3.16 g 4% 1.47 g 4% >2.0mrn (> -1�) #10 Sieve Sand Fraction: 82.17 g 93% 38.64 g 96% <2.0mrn >0.063mm (< -1� > 4�) #230 Sieve Silt I Clay Fraction: 2.47 g 3% 0.04 g 0 % <0.063mm (< 4 �) Outline of sample collection and analysis: COLLECTION Samples collected by a hand coring device driven into a representative area of the dredg site and receiving beach. Stored in plastic containers and immediately delivered to the la SAMPLE PREPARATION Entire sample transferred into 1 liter glass containers, deionized water added, and mixed to desalt and disperse the sediment. The sediment is allowed to completely settle and the clear water is removed by siphoning. The sample is placed in a drying oven at 500C and occasionally stirred until the entire sample is completely dry. The dry samp�e is transferred to a desiccator for cooling. The sample is disaggregated and a Riffle sediment splitter is used to evenly split the sample to reduce the quantity of material to be analyzed to an allowable retention weight for the sieves. SAMPLE ANALYSIS The dry split fraction is processed through a # 10 U.S. standard sieve to remove the gravel/shell fraction of the sample. The material retained on the sieve is weighed and value recorded. The material passing through the # 10 sieve is wet sieved through a #230 sieve to remove the silt/clay fraction. The material retained on the sieve is transferred back into the glass container and placed back into the drying oven at 500C. The remaining sample is allowed to completely dry and the material is weighed and recorded to yield the sand fraction. The silt/clay fraction is calculated by subtracting the gravel/shell and sand fractions from the total analysis weight. MBC Applied Environmental Sciences, 3000 Redhill Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 This form is required to be submitted for any surveys conducted for the eelgrass, Zostera m a rin a, that are required to be conducted under federal or state permits and authorizations issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Coastal Commission. The form has been designed to assist in identitiing eelgrass while ensuring that the required information is consistently documented. Surveys required to be conducted for this species are subject to modification through publication of revisions to the eelgrass survey policy. It is incumbent upon the authorized permittee to ensure that survey work is following the latest protocols. For further information on these protocols, please contact: Robert Hoffman, National Marine Fisheries Service, (562) 980-4043, or William Paznokas, California Department of Fish & Garne, (858) 467-4218). Site Name: 900 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach (common reference) Survey Contact: (name, phone, e-mail) IMark Sites (949) 675-1071 mark 1 sites@yahoo.com Permit Reference: (ACOE Pern, ft, No., RVVQCB Order or Cert. No.) ACOE RGP #54 Hydrographic System: (bay, estuary, lagoon, or harbor) kower Newport Harbor Specific Location: (UTK Lat./Long., datum, N 33 36.381' accuracy level, attach W 117 54.700' electronic survey area map if possible) Was Eelgrass Detected: ____�Yes, Eelgrass was found at this site. XXX No, Eelgrass was not found at this site escription of I Permitted Work: Maintenance dredging / beach restoration (describe briefly thework to be conducted at the site under the permits identified above) Description of Site: Depth range: (describe the physical and -6.5'to +6'MLLW biological conditions within the survey area at the time of he survey and provide insight into variability, if known, Please provide units for all numerical information). ubstrate type: Sand to silt over fine sand Temperature: 63 F Tlinity: NA Dominant 17ora: None Dominant fauna: Mussels on dock floats and pile. Exotic species encountered: None Pther site Flescription I Inotes: Description of Survey Survey date Effort: and time March 14, 2008 1517-1540 (please describe the surveys period: conducted including type of urvey (SCUBA, remote video, etc.) and survey methods employed, date of work-, and survey density (estimated percentage of the bottom actually viewed). Describe any limitations encountered during the survey efforts. Horizontal �visibility in, 31 ater: SurrTve type and methods: SCUBA survey utilizing two transects parallel to the bulkhead and four transects perpendicular to the bulkhead. Disposal site was -viewed dry at a minus ide on March 20, 2008, 1530 Survey personnel. Mark Sites Survey ensity: Over 60% lSurvey imitations: None pther Information: use this space to provide any +1.7' MLLW flood tide additional information or references to attached materials such as maps, Drawing and aerial attached reports, etc.) I Eelgrass Survey Reporting Form (version 1.0, 6/17/03) %�O 9 f 0 V i A V L— le V f - V;�� t I g. - - J- L� J-% �,.j U I � ��' S� `1 'k C-'a�� I n 'l 7- 1-7,77, 7 , 7 �777 7 77 TO LA- O�W9 D VICINITY SKETCH NEWPORT BAY, CALIF. M- Elm CDM m �PPLICANTS NAME 7-1 SI?. Z -L -K 127-1- TRACT �25,' DJ-)'-l';L LOT - 0 B A D D R E SSL -�l CD NO Aw tj 1z" " ��jr cl cu E FAF=� A pz:!-1 Ez � F-=-:� E--- '19 -k I // j This form is required to be submitted for any surveys conducted for the invasive exotic alga Caulerpa taxifolia that are required to be conducted under federal or state permits and authorizations issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regions 8 & 9). The form has been designed to assist in controlling the costs of reporting while ensuring that the required information necessary to identify and control any potential impacts of the authorized actions on the spread of Caulerpa. Surveys required to be conducted for this species are subject to modification through publication of revisions to the Caulerpa survey policy. It is incumbent upon the authorized permittee to ensure that survey work is following the latest protocols. For further information on these protocols, please contact: Robert Hoffman, National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries), (562) 980-4043, or William Paznokas, California Department of Fish & Game, (858) 467-4218). Report Date: March 15, 2008 Name of bay, estuary' lagoon, or harbor: Newport Harbor Specific Location Name: (address or common reference) 900 West Bay Ave. Site Coordinates: (UTM, Lat./Long., datum, N 33 36.381' accuracy level, and an W 117 54.700' electronic survey area map or hard copy of the map must befficluded) Survey Contact: (name, phone, e-mail) Mark Sites (949) 675-1071 marklsites@yahoo.com Personnel Conducting Survey (if other than above): (name, phone, e-mail) same Permit Reference: (ACOE Permit No�, RWQCB Order or Cert, No.) RGP #54 Is this the first or second survey for this project? first Was Caulerpa Yes, Caulerpa was found at this site and Detected?: (if Caulerpa is found, please immediately has been contacted on date. contact NOAA Fisheries or CDFG personnel identified above) XXXX No, Caulerpa was not found at this site. I Description of Permitted Work: (describe briefly the Maintenance dredging work to be conducted at the site under the permits identified above) Description of Site: Depth range: +6' to —6.5' MLLW Substrate type: Sand to silt over sand (describe the physical and biological conditions within tl'e survey area at the time of the survey and provide insight into variability, if known. Please Temperature: 63 F Salinity: NA Dominantflora: provide units for all numerical None information). Dominant,fauna: Mussels on dock floats and pile Exotic species encountered (including any None other Caulerpa species): Other site descriptionnotes: None Description of Survey Survey date and Effort: timeperiod: March 14, 2008 1517-1540 Horizontal (please describe the surveys conducted includmig type of visibility in water., 3 survey (SCUBA, remote video, etc.) and survey methods employed, date of work and survey density (estimated percentagge of the bottom actually viewed). Survey type and methods: Surveillance level SCUBA survey utilizing two transects; parallel to the bulkhead and four transect perpendicular to bulkhead. Disposal site was viewed dry. Describe any limitations Survey personnel: encountered during, the Mark Sites sunrey efforts, Survey density: Over 60% within A01 Survey limitations: None Other Information: (use this space to provide +1.7'NffiLW flood tide additional information or references to attached maps, reports, etc.) Drawing and aerial attached Caulerpa Survey Reporting Form (version 1. 2, 10/31/04) Ni O'� CITY of NEWPORT.'3EACH 2-4 I 11 -P4 eo� i"\ Ul 7 �; i ��-1 -7 r=7 --- 40 VIC.INITY SKETCH NEWPORT BAY, CALIF. M e 'N X; Ilk", - - � � CDM LO T B LX alt- T -R A 0 T �2 5�4 -D-ATE Z421 0101, -- 'it Ail INV 15� et Ll - U T'l PIJ F -=d F I TIT Ivy; I CITY of NEWPOH I L: -'A C H TjO L,B. T R ER X P/c c OQ�IN DM 4 VICINITY SKETCH NEWPORT BAY, CALIF. APPLICANTS JOB ADDREM--.-..--'01=P0.- -....0 T.- --B L T R A C DXTE�7- (9 - �f4W.41 -K- r L /4'0 7,14 HARBOR RESOUR CES DIV. CITY OF NE ORT BEACH Y, % wie /vo APPLICANTS JOB ADDREM--.-..--'01=P0.- -....0 T.- --B L T R A C DXTE�7- (9 - �f4W.41 WORKSHEET FOR BUILDING / FIRE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLFASF PRINT OR TYPF 0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. PROJECT ADDRESS (NOT MAILINGADRESS) LOOR SUITE NO. CITY si ZIP /-1/5 C4- PHON&IT0, Q ;5 F-1 4. ARCH ITECT/DESIGNER'S NAME LAST FIRST LEGAL DESCRIPTION No. UNITS LOT BLOCK TRACT CITY STATE ZIP t I e 2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK 12,11 le 11/0 t9f' USE' f I r dle /72e -.:. i It izz- NEW [] ADD F� ,jAAA, J,l- i�l Check Amromiate Box ALTER E] DEMO F� # OF STORIES VALUATION $ 6teevl 69d SQ FT (NEW/ADDED/EXTG) 3. OWNER'S NAME i - F 5p//4 -i kl OWNER'�MSS w OWNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY si ZIP /-1/5 C4- PHON&IT0, Q ;5 F-1 4. ARCH ITECT/DESIGNER'S NAME LAST FIRST LIC. NO. ARCH ITECT/DESIGN ER'S ADDRESS ARCH ITECT/DESIGNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. F] 5. ENGINEER'S NAME /-AST FIRST STATE LIC. NO. c S�C90 ENGINEER'S ADDRESS 2�-!�—qgO Vj ENGINEER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS C�; 12:5--1 STATE ZIP PHONE NO. 3 (/ o 3 F� 6. CONTRACTOR'S NAME3 BUSINESS L C ?lNo.'7 �TATE : LIC T70 c-C—I a s s, - CONTRACTOR'S ADDR ? 6? -7 CONTRACTOR'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT NO. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK NO, PLAN CHECK FEE $ OCCUPANCY- GROUP PLAN CHECK ENG. P"i�MIT NO. DREDGING APPLICATION Project Location: 900 W. Bay Ave Cubic Yards to be Dredged: 110 Method of Dredging: ��iature of Dredged Material: Sand/silt Di-sposition of Dredged Material: '21pellre trqnslaort to beach reclaimation A?% MA - le -hod of- Material Disposition: Pimeline transioort T,�,rbiditv Control Method: aurtain --�,-F,=ct Of dredging on contiguous bulkheading and beaches Reinforce/mroteat bulkhead -restore sand to -depleted beach Mark Sites hereby state that I have read the U. �,=J-nt name) ;-cr=s off Engineers permit 'cr maintenance dredging in I'lewport Harhcr, -,ile Ci-L,J,, of Newport Beach and Orange County Harbors,Beaches and Parks --ict applicable) permi .-I for maintenance dredging and th-at I acoeD, ail; the provisions there -in. Additionally I guarant-ee tha�. t the zpronosed Ul-redgJng will not occur because of any altering of existind use of the af�ected zone. 121/2/8-4 Mq R'M A I r' �7 In a ttorn-�t`ractor-, �-ype name) 4 -y -e Signed: Contractb�ls Representative Cl 46,C.4CH 19. V. oc AP Plea A. ofoso -le S.0 C% X, SIZE 3% VICIMITY SKETCH Nawpoorr &,^Y, Cou IrOALMIA 7- "Toondf."95 , c7pe CRX'Aressed f" Acl *,,,f ofporove alop '-4,s bel*W Weop7 lowirp- WOvC&P-. r-o"'Pe Ayraj-ho" /";Iei 2�1 IV< 7.7 011 4,P,O.L,l C,4A.1-rS AIAA--fC -Im /7 7 -AA C7 - OA Ameess 6� CaAlnmc roc n,:f do CjW oF NEWPORT SEACH HARBOR PERMIT ANK eif.-.FMISSION IT, Cr THE FAC115 �f _MNTAIM 7— kT THE SITE, 0 n"EACH AN REM is NCT TiIFE c"ll"'y lll'�-A."�L'll ":a 0.1 1. N AND THIS FZF,i'�'UT ACCOMP-MCE V-1�1!1 V" %�IITLE 1 F��—fv FCY2 RATE 8PECIAL CONDITIONS: Ena-Ineers Permit C.'aurity P�-nnit other C-7- -7 PERMIT ISSUED SUBjECT To 4MTERIAL BEING C, sp:4 C CITY of NEWPOH'f- LLZAGH I 7r, *y A BA -BOA Rl ER OcE74/v 04% VICINITY SKETCH NEWPORT BAY, CALIF. CD�� 0 Alc>�27 %SCALL45 APPLICANTS N A Me--� J JOB ADDRES-S 4�VPO-7 GILL,IS-.4'-DERBYI-DA-'TE:-.-�l- F;.V, CiTy OF �IEVtfl.MGRT BEACH H A R S 0 R p E R T A M pozallssloll IS N.V-qcp'y HE RavZRSE HERE09- W.1UN'TAIN 'ME FACUA'ry AT lVRE SITE THE HARBOR PERVAT FoLmus C7 �Alwpo= PEACH 0�41 Agq�" sk THE CVY-f "VFH 1,77 TAIT MY ITHAMM""M QNL G" 0 7 LA I 111 C 171 C 0 U M M A'M D E"F" V covE. Ncz VnTM C F, D A az,' o T7 -iv; SPECAL CYTS co y Engineers permit 0'rt"r, FarvMdt � - Ige other �%V 114��- ��6 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA City Hall 3300 W. Newport Blvd. Area Code 714 640-2156 March 1, 1977 Coldwell Banker .2161 San Joaquin Hills Rd. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: Linda Collins Dear Sir The City. of Newport Beach has received an application.to transfer pi it #116-900 ier permi for the property located at goo W. Bay Avenue The structure was inspected on February 25, 1977 at which time it was determined that the structure conforms to the City Standards. Upon receipt of the $150.00 transfer fee and the completed forms,,this pier permit will be transfered as requested. Sincerely Glen E. Welden Tidelands Administrator GEW: ts STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMITS TRANSFER Location Date Application Received / 16 - 4:1--> Permit # )/6—q,04D Fee Rec'd Oral Request for Inspection Escrow Co. xvlo -0- Date Z- )/etZ')jDate Inspection Made 4L,,�.LaD a t e Deficiency Letter Sent (if applicable) J,e4ZE,�2aDate Deficiency Corrected (if applicable). r Date Orange County Notified (if applicable) Date Transfer Completed 4 P J 6s,' Lk C t4i i ft CITY:OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA I ft February 11 , 1977 Coldwell Banker Escrow 2161 San Joaquin Hills Road Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: Linda Collins Dear Ms. Collins: The City of Newport Beach has received an application to transfer pier permit # 116-900for the property located at 900 West Bay. The structure was inspected on 2-9-77 at which time it was determined that the following deficiencies exist: City Hall 3300 W. Newport Blvd. Area Code 714 640-2156 Electrical service to float must conform to the 1975 National Electric Code Section #555 Boat Harbor wiring ie non -conducting conduit all 2. weather outlet. 3. 4. 5. In accordance with Section 10-D of the City Harbor Permit Policies, "All structural deficiencies must be corrected....." A permit for this work must be obtained from the Community Development Depart- ment. Would you please advise this department when this requirement has been met. If you have any questions, please contact me at 640-2156. Thank you for your cooperation. S, erely, CL_j ac Glen E. Welden Tideland Administrator Marine Department GEW: 11