HomeMy WebLinkAbout119-0230Cl T r o,,o- Novpo�pr- dexcH + w. To Low roeh //71s'3 x � j 00 ti �r Law '�' NL✓teRr ? '� 6 r A r /IL+r R Ta 0 d�tdow D ,� L ''� I SL.INp of Oils Agc- O Z a[z w+w� VICINITY SKETCH -4srJ407ry EOYr W ITWAORT DAY CAI IFORRNA, y! t L Jerry A So[/d/n9s ore e�xpressed in feel and olsnofe dep tas below Moor! LOW&P Low Ldofer. /trloxr sr rov a o{ !o -ped4-Al shoe /.ices are ;eafob//Shed /:o s • secf o,? oemewpovf Sad: Itk rr elf IN 14, \�-teems P 4) Cr .✓c,B 0..4 AQDZCs5 f�, - Ca�vrl�Acro�e a TE 1 11 il 1111 71 111111 ; . i October 5, 2004 Paulette Pappas Sea Spray Boat Yard 226 21st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Subject: 226 21st Street - Multiple Berthing Permit Number HC2004-003 Dear Ms. Pappas: Il9-2301 On September 30, 2004, I received a letter addressing the issue of multiple berthing and other violations occurring at the above subject property. Due to the nature of the business, the correspondence stated that multiple berthing at the facility will need to continue. It is our understanding that vessels will be multiple berthed only during normal business hours. In the event of a vessel fire in the harbor, it is imperative to remove exposed vessels immediately. Employees shall be trained to respond without delay and take appropriate measures. After hours, all vessels will be arranged such that any vessel can be readily removed in an emergency without the necessity of moving other vessels. The action plan submitted is approved and required to be implemented by January 30, 2005. Please contact Nadine Morris at (949) 644-3105 if you have any questions. During the next reinspection of your facility, the fire extinguisher and dock maintenance violations will be verified for compliance. Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to achieving a fire safe harbor in Newport Beach. Sincerely, Timothy Rile Fire Chief Statement of purpose o fu i[ r rem��Qf tWUn�arrn'F�re bode Location -Sea Spray Boat bard 226 21 st Street Newport Beach California 92661 History Sea Spray Boat Yard, a limited service boat repairftestoration facility that has been in operation since 1946. Objectives - To maintain a safe work environment and conform to the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code. Berthing and Storage: Each berth shall be arranged such that a boat occupying the berth can be readily removed in an emergency without the necessity of moving others.(NFPA 303 Chapter 6 Section 5.1,1) Sea Spray specializes in the repair and restoration of traditional wooden sailing boats. 9(r/Q of the prdlects undertaken by this facilW are performe—d iR the water, 7 *%? QfVeIs bee Within the f ciiitjf WCSf1 L %e those in the process of ruin or restoration and timer super'isiGn. Occasionally it may become necessary to side tie or multiple -berth one or more vessels in order to haul or launch a vessel or pulp step a mast. The act of multiple berthing could occur several times a month, depending on project load, and only during hours of operation(7Al l-7PM Monday thru Saturday). _ At all other times vessels would be secured bow and stern to the dock. No vessels berthed in the inside lagoon shall exceed a beam that would prohibit their exit thru the current 21 foot channel that exists between the bulkhead and the southwestern corner of the Sea Spray dock. No vessel shall be berthed on the western most finger as to prevent the removal of vessels looted within the lagoon. Maintenance of Electrical Wiring and Equipment: Shore Power cable sets that lie across the surface of the pier watkways shah be protected from mechanical abuse and positioned to reduce tapping hazard.(NFPA 303 Chapter 3.21.1(4a). Shore power is required to power up tools and shall be protested from abuse and aligned in such a manner as to maintain a passable walkway and pose no threat of tripping. Maintenance of Fire Fighting Equipment: All fire �Tthis hting equipment and systems shall be inspected and tested at regular intervals. As part requirement, fire extinguishers shall be i ed at least annually and provided with a tag showing the last date of inspection. (NFFsr36y3: Chapter 2 Section 2.2.1) Sea Spray currently has four marine fire extinguishers, one located on the landing above the dorm, one on the dock near the western finger and two in the yard. None of these fire extinguishes has any type of lock a W are readily �ssiblet Annual service is provided by guanine Fire Prot tort and cursory inspec 'qn i. g rtgrrfiled mgnthly, , Conclusion Based on these objectives it can be concluded that standards would be maintained that conform to the intent of the fire code. CITE' OF NEWPORT BEACH CORRECTIONS INCOMPLETE HARBOR RESOURCES - 829 Harbor Island Dr., Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tom Rossmiller - 949-644-3041 / Chris Miller - 949-644-3043 FIRE DEPARTMENT - P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Nadine Morris - 949-644-3105 SEA SPRAY PAULETTE PAPPAS 226 21 ST ST. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Dear Commercial Pier Permittee, Issuance Date : 09/13/2004 Permit number: HC2004-003 Location : 226 21ST ST Status : OPEN This is an acknowledgement letter stating that you still have one or more outstanding violations to be corrected as part of the commercial fire code inspection program. Please see the attached report outlining the remaining violations. These violations must be completed within 14 days of the issuance of this notice. Once corrected, please call Chris Miller at (949) 644-3043 for re -inspection. If the deficiencies remain, the City may issue an Administrative Citation for each offense pursuant to the Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 1.05 Administrative Citations. The first citation is $100.00, the second is $200.00, the third and subsequent citations are $500.00. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter additional questions. ot, CHRIS MILLER - HARBOR RESOURCES SUPERVISOR NADINE MORRIS - FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR Please feel free to give us a call if you should have any Page I of 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CORRECTIONS INCOMPLETE HARBOR RESOURCES - 829 Harbor Island Dr., Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tom Rossmiller - 949-644-3041 / Chris Miller - 949-644-3043 FIRE DEPARTMENT - P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Nadine Morris - 949-644-3105 SEA SPRAY PAULETTE PAPPAS 226 21ST ST. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Issuance Date : 09/13/2004 Permit number: HC2004-003 Location : 226 21ST ST Status OPEN INSPECTION DATE COMMENTS Multiple Berthing 09/02/2004 Marinas with multiple berthing violations must submit an action plan to resolve the infractions by January 30, 2005. Action plans must be approved by Fire Chief Riley by the deadline posted on the cover sheet of this report. 09/02/2004 All boats shall be readily removed in an emergency without the necessity of moving other boats. At the time of the inspection, a vessel was parked in the public bulkhead area, which was (1) outside your property line and (2) impeded the removal of other vessels located at the dock. Also, rafting was occuring. NFPA 303 Chapter 5 Section 5.1.1 IFire Extinguisher Requirement 09/02/2004 Lock on fire extinguisher cabinet is rusted. Remove or replace. NFPA 10 Chapter 4 Section 4-3.2 (b) Maintenance 09/02/2004 Walkways, piers, and other parts of the facility shall be maintained free of obstruction at all times so as to provide access by emergency personnel and equipment. At the time of the inspection, electrical cords and lines obstructed pathways. NFPA 303 - Chapter 6 Section 6.13.6 CHRIS MILLER - HARBOR RESOURCES SUPERVISOR NADINE MORRIS - FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR Page 2 of 3 Cl CAI ra Las iffg=- At r 044 mg.. - 'My VICI M ITY. 59FETCH 04 &A-f, CAL WOUMIA *Odd Afdvm flower Law wbaAaw. -WeirAmco-P JLI� 'v 4aw-A A42rhigw loo'r5 are asrAofeW ,~-/ ASOr. !a mow !�.' L,'P"�Oo N' � � 1� 1 94.1, 0 Mon i ii m -Mftq 4 jowle -1 ft� 1,44 w LAO- so BUYERS' NAME(S) September 24, 2001 City Attorney Burnham City Hall 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Mr. Burnham: I am in receipt of a letter dated August 9, 2001 which states that I am in violation of section 21.A(see enclosed) of the Newport Beach Harbor Permit Policy, which states "Boats moored at private or public docks shall not extend beyond the projection of the property line of the property to which the dock is connected." I am the holder of pier permit #CP11902301 which is located at 226 21 st Street in a commercially zoned area known as the Sea Spray Boat Yard facility. This facility has been privately owned by my family since 1946. The area now in question has continuously and quite visibly been used as the primary staging and work area for the lift operations of the facility. At this time I would like you to consider an exception to the requirement to enforce, "Exceptions may be approved to any of the requirements and regulations set forth if there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the harbor installations that would impose undue hardship on the applicant," (Harbor Permit Policy, Exceptions). As stated in the harbor permit policies, it is my opinion that my situation would in fact constitute a special circumstance ruling, as the loss of this area by the enforcement of said policy would impose an undue hardship on the permit holder. Sea Spray Boat Yard is a full service boat building and repair facility serving the boating community of Newport Beach. The loss of use of the aforementioned area would drastically impede the operation of the facility. At this time I would like to make a formal request that the area directly adjacent to the existing pier permit and describer -'-is half the width of the street end at 21 st Street be added to my existing pier permit As area has historically been used by the shipyard and has never been used by the pul�,_�s a swimming area. I feel that it is most important that the City of Newport Beach support and be sympathetic to the needs of the marine industry, I trust that you shall reach a fair conclusion to this situation. Respectfully, Paulette Donald -Pappas cc:Wes Armand,Tony Mellum September 24, 2001 Dear Wes, Enclosed please find a copy of the letter you had written in reference to my pier permit and a copy of the letter I have written to City Attorney Burnham. I hope that I can count on your full support in this matter. ks, Paulette Donald -Pappas ". CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FINAL LETTER - COMPLETE HARBOR RESOURCES - 829 Harbor Island Dr., Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tom Rossmiller - 949-644-3041 / Chris Miller - 949-644-3043 FIRE DEPARTMENT - P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Nadine Morris - 949-644-3105 SEA SPRAY Permit number: HC2004-003 PAULETTE PAPPAS Location : 226 21 ST ST 226 21 ST ST. Status: OPEN NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Dear Commercial Pier Permittee, 10/14/2004 19- L3 01 This is an acknowledgement letter stating that you have successfully corrected the violations previously noted in the City report that was sent to you earlier this year. Your docks have met the minimum standards as set by The City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. Your actions will help reduce the potential for fire related injury and property damage in Newport Harbor. Please remember that it will be your responsibility to ensure that your docks maintain this level of safety in the years to come. The Harbor Resources and Fire Departments will be conducting routine inspections of your property in the future. Thank you for your compliance. Please feel free to give us a call if you should have any additional questions. CHRIS MILLER - HARBOR RESOURCES SUPERVISOR NADINE MORRIS - FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR Page 1 of 2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FINAL LETTER - COMPLETE HARBOR RESOURCES - 829 Harbor Island Dr., Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tom Rossmiller - 949-644-3041 / Chris Miller - 949-644-3043 FIRE DEPARTMENT - P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Nadine Morris - 949-644-3105 SEA SPRAY PAULETTE PAPPAS 226 21 ST ST. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 DATE COMMENTS Permit number: HC2004-003 Location : 226 21 ST ST Status : OPEN 10/14/2004 Multiple Berthing 09/02/2004 All boats shall be readily removed in an emergency without the necessity of moving other boats. At the time of the inspection, a vessel was parked in the public bulkhead area, which was (1) outside your property line and (2) impeded the removal of other vessels located at the dock. Also, rafting was occuring. NFPA 303 Chapter 5 Section 5.1.1 10/05/2004 Multiple berthing action plan approved. Implementation required by January 30, 2005. CHRIS MILLER - HARBOR RESOURCES SUPERVISOR NADINE MORRIS - FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR Page 2 of 2 4, P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 19! Paulette Pappas Sea Spray Boat Yard 226 21st Street Newport Beach Ca. 92663 ow Re: Harbor Permit 0119-0230 for Sea Spray Boat Yard. Dear Ms. Pappas: The City of Newport Beach Marine Department has received a request to transfer pier permit 0119-0230-1 for the property located at 226 21st Street, Newport Beach, CA. The facility was inspected on 10/5/93, 1014/93, and 11/16/93. Representatives from the City Fire Department, the Building Department, and the Marine Department inspected the facility. We cannot transfer the pier permit until the following deficiency has/have been corrected and WE HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED OF THE CORRECTION: 1. Electrical outlets should have twist lock receptacle and one box is missing and must be replaced. 2. Portions of the electrical conduit is broken. 3. Missing one fire extinguisher. ! ,.,''•; ?r 4. The fire fighting equipment on dock is an existing non- conforming to today's code. The current code requires the owner to upgrade the system to today's code if there is replacement of 50% of the dock. Since this is not occurring there is no enforcement for retroactive application of the code. However, this does not absolve the current owner from the legal liability. Jim Upton, Deputy Fire Marshall, found serious problems and related these to John Roberts, the Assistant Manager, during the inspection. if you would care to discuss this further with a representative of the Fire Department please call Wes Armand at 644-3044 and an appointment will be scheduled. The Newport Beach City Council Harbor Permit Policies state: 10.D. "At the time of transfer, all harbor structures shall be inspected for compliance with the City's minimum plumbing, electrical and structural requirements, and the 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach conditions of the existing permit. All structural deficiencies must be corrected prior to transfer of the permit." A permit for plumbing or electrical work may be obtained from the Building Department of the City. PLEASE ADVISE THIS DEPARTMENT WHEN THE ABOVE DEFICIENCIES HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. When we have been notified, the structure will again be inspected and when the requirements have been met the pier permit will be transferred. Included in requirements for transfer of the pier permit is the $300 transfer fee and the signed transfer card. You can telephone 4-6.44-3044 to request a reinspection of the structur 'If you/havp''questions, please call this number. 'Ve✓s !Armand, Marine Department -Dteff*6' NAME(S) ADDRESS OF FACILITY: PERMIT # & CC=, MIT= 226 21s'-,, Street MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. i FEE CHECK NO. DATE 511 Avenida Del Cleu�en'_-e I I A. 0, APPROVED BY: DATE APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO TRANSFER HARBOR PERMIT OCHD E*y Ralph Donald 3OWNBL.NAME(S) I,0%N A 11 ENG 0 E NAMEQr,,!r1-'T'- COUNCIL TL4 ISIGN�TURE OF -97� SIGNATURE OF DEPT. 1:9*91t PUBLIC WORKS ift. Lc- ys df c- ESCROW 0 SIGNATURE OF SELLER SIGNATURE OF BUYER INSPECTION F-1 SIGNATURE OF JOINT OWNER transUr 3/15/88 APPLICATION APPROVEP,a JOPAT F1 I fiq" � : o I CITY HARBOR C60-RDINAYIOR' / SPECIAL CONDITIONS- THIS PERM IS EVO A C CcAJNcIL IN ACCORDANCZE WIT �% TV PERMIT �IL B Y - E ITY OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE.. -ze CM OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF. VWX FORM 06-1013 REV. -4D Cl TY / f*poer eowcN S T let., ,o I s e E Ntww�r •*r h. �. C I T ML�oA D �,a �tw�M jL.ANy a O Pc it �6•oG �s•i.' �r �� •� P ors GONN. VIC' KH TY SKETCH i 1 tfrr . NewpeRr DAY,,.CAC tsoAMfA y , 5'041,07ds.,95 are: dPcO--CS td in fief„ ornd ofi..ofe ddpp fk a, ' - b elaw Meow Lo rvti G OW W420 : Moxr wcis ro.,9s of fide opprox�ao�f/y lQ +�irf. , Ho.bor /sires oie eafob/is sd �i�:s . secfios orMCW,~1 boy �I m F7 i I i J f Ln_ h I I i I i' I rs � L/CA.vTS Lar�ccr yQ��T r� �oT Iv ®GK, ZZO TRAcr A,PP✓oB AODZS 5 CaArArAc rope u+>+Y•i .s..'D. d-::>. <::.c ,u ..K. ;J.r,.y ..i_ppgvr?a..r 'r• Iff-FY OF NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR IT pEltMISSION IS HER-F-BY GRANTED TO :..ONSTRUCT. AND MAINTlAtS THE FACILITY S :G'.`i?f 011' e ti; 6` i%m'ECa c HEREOF, AT THE SfT- 6kDICA:ro, SUC-i CA"Ti? € i":":GV"r`siO?+S Off THE MBAR OR PEfi�€101T PCi�&� ::.'a L? A� 3 AMU Ills Amy SPECIAL CONTD• TS+,a,€s L i _'ra E ' id ��SS fiErT 01 + S FNOTT�iyi?6�e�@� SFEei�ABL Ai T; I+�. t." � s3 �°w.:p�v�O'.t�E�iTyrCg6� !HE Ci 1 !'Yi�yC£aR � 'i '� s n:o 0:1 �•a9}i W? 23�rwG�. ipl #GF 85 GWEN Eft' DE s: Fern G1�o `: AND THIS PERM17 WIAY BZ: Y ±TC"s:E� B- t14E CETY ii3UNC;L IN ACCORDANCE WiTH .tT€E I?�fi+,sTHE t�tlE�€iC6F°&i. 4:0.CITY VIM.. 00 INA, SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Cops Of Ir R;rs Permft Orange County Fermat Other PERM T ISSUED SUBjECr To "sii$ O MME MATERIAL 13EING K+.-1EC?TC- SEA ACED ON BEACH `z d r Y ev` Nwmoaer dexcl-I � Q T Lar roeA I/7+fJ' o r�r Ji° ae w®ws $r mee ss o R 7 0 • ocdoA Ol6a, cOa SGAArp f s f , ... "Imso. Ip —ARC, �y awc�wq JIV Nawpoar ISaY, CAL IFOaMaa y e a Jerrr S®t��d*»yes oro e�Xpress�d rn �ae� o»d de»o�o dip t h s b elcsaw 4faon tower Low W®sge►^ rsrla rl aoe✓.'s so»�+e of �^ad� crp�roxl•>»a�aafy !O �reaf •5'ar6or •<Isres Ore esA2J01 shed r» - /);.s , secfsors ove'New f 'Saar: d -- 0'._ , ®►.Y, .` t>cAar� %per s�- ��,['s����Z��✓�a 8 7.. �t-a. �. s' �'s-n v+�a... .. r-� �:. } : g. ��d�.Ta :. T TME sa_._. r THZ W $ � r pp is t''K�„� � � ,+.,..lea{.::.. � ... .. .. .. ... . z y h i _ T.,,......_t...'... ... t .•E ....... a77Z a =_ I ww 0 N p Sgq4ggd+Mi'a=mft Per Other �`� �' 3 � �,>:� _.__,� _ ; �..a......_...._.......�.....,.,,.�....��,,,�,;, 1 ,� „- � t$ ', CITY OF Nlc WPORT BEACH Marine Department December 21, 1993 TO: GLEN EVERROAD, REVENUE DEPARTMENT FROM: Marine Department SUBJECT: HARBOR PERMIT 119-230 - PREVIOUSLY IN THE NAME OF PENINSULA SHIPYARD AND NOW IN THE NAME OF SEA SPRAY-P.PAPPAS Glen, the above permit has been taken over by Sea Spray-P.Pappas from the previous permittee, Peninsula Shipyard. Attached is a copy of their most recent billing showing an amount due from previous billings for the property plus the past due penalty. As you can see, they paid the current fees of $1,296.00 on October 10, 1993, and would like to have the balance due taken off their billings since we had indicated to them that they would not be responsible for this amount. The responsible party is Mary Norby, aka Norby Acquisition Corp., aka Peninsula Shipyard, aka Peninsula Boatworks. A copy of their bankruptcy filings is attached for your information and also a notice of dismissal. I'm not exactly sure what the situation is at this point, possibly you could contact the debtor's attorney and find out. At any rate, the current permittee would like to have the balance due taken off of their permit. If you could do that for me I would appreciate it, and if you need more information, please give me a call at 3044. Tony Melun Deputy Director TM: la tmpappas.memo SEW Po CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REVENUE DIVISION III FOP, 3300 NEWPORT BLVD. P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 TIDEL.*iNDS- CMMERCIAL PIER PERINIT STMT ,SEA SPRAYo P.PAFFAS PIER NIER: Q 'I '19 2 75 0', - 1 226 21st Street RUN DATE: 1110 1 j 9 3 NEIAPCRT 8EACH CA 92663 I LOCATICN Of PIER: 226 21ST ST 5 4 SQ FT X .24 — DUE 03/01193 $1 f 2 9 t . PREVIOUS 8ALANCE PAYMENT RECEIVED 10 20 / 9 3 296.�Jj C3 '29""', C, PAST DLE PENALTY 8ALANCE DUE AS Cf 12/�)1/93: Z8,748.00, �;- �� due �m�►�- �s �� r��(�an�� bi I i� DIRECT ALL INQLI R 11 E S TO -1 HIE: MARINE DE PT AT ( 714 ) 644- 3C 44 PENAILTIES WILL BE ASSESSED AT 2141 OF FEE FOR EACH MONTk, PAYVENT IS DELINQUENT, UP TO AND INCLUDING IN, ACCORDANCE kITH NEWPORT BEACH YUAICIPAL R"ESCLUTICN ;8753. ---------------------------------------------------------- I ----------------------- (PLEASE RETURN Ti-ilS 1EAR-OFF 4ITFI YOUR PAYMENT) --- COMM PIER PERMIT DUE DATE: 12 1011 -9' 3 �-" 1 A SEA SPRAY. P-PAPFAS PIER NER: TOTAL .A CUNT DUE: ( $SD,748-Cl�li-`P' �Z'70Yj October 12, 1993 City of Newport Beach Revenue Department 3300 Newport Blvd. P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 Enclosed is Check #148 in the amount of $1296.00. This amount reflects the annual pier permit fee for the 1993 calendar year. It was my under- standing that Sea Spray Boat Yard would only be responsible for debts incurred after February 1993. The previous balance and past due penalty should be the responsibility of Peninsula Shipyard, as these fees were due and became delinquent while Peninsula was in possession of the pro- perty. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, _kk�� Paulette Pappas 226 21st Street- Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 (714) 675-3101 ' N � u ,k. �r n ■ *,L 7 f7 r t. iti3 � ri z 14. W- 0 z LL �. rn 7 1— C .Y _n u, sn ^7 Ut t` r-I I Ln U N (IS pl a) -N �4 -I-) Pa O S4 co 04r0-NQ U 04 �4 aJ (1) O z Q 04 0.1 44 (1) a) O +3 O �4 O �a)o ¢ �yoo� a) M Q) U%Mp z July 1, 1993 Tony Melum Deputy Director Marine Department 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Dear Tony, Forgive the timely response to your recent letter dated June 8 regarding deliquent Harbor Permit #119-230. Please note that 230 21st Street is a nonexistent address, so your letter had been lost in the system for several weeks. As per our conversation, I would be most willing to pay the permit fee that became due May 6, 1993. As far as any past due amounts and deliquency fees, these debts were incurred by the previous tenant, Peninsula Shipyard, and should not be my responsibility. I assume that these debts have been listed by Peninsula Shipyard when they went Chapter 7. Please send me the current billing statement and I will take care of this matter immediately. Paulette Pappas 226 21 st Street- Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 (714) 67 5-31 O1 po CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REVENUE DIVISION L 3300 NEWPORT BLVD. P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 TIDELANDS- COMMERCIAL PIER PERMIT STMT CANNERY VILLAGE INVEST 511 AVENIDA DEL VERDOR SAN CLEMENTE CA 92672 LOCATION Of PIER: f 230 21ST ST 3,400.SO FT X .24 fril/93 PREVIOUS $A ANCE PAST DUE P.IALTY BALANCE ZU AS OF 03101/93: PIER NER: 0119-0,230-1 RUN DATE: 04/07/93 $1 296.001 7,452.00 3214.00 $9,072.00 DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES TO THE MARINE KEPT AT (714) 644-3044. PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED AT 25X OF FEE FOR EACH MONTH PAYMENT IS DELINCUENT, UP TO AND INCLUDING 100Z, IN ACCORDANCE UITH NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL RESOLUTION 48753. ------ --------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------- (PLEASE RETURN THIS TEAR-OFf �i.ITH YOUR PAYMENT) COMM PIER PERMIT DUE DATE: 03/01IJ93 CANNERY VILLAGE INVEST PIER N;R: 01,19-0230-1 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $90072.00 July 29, 1993 TO: GLEN EVERROAD, FINANCE DEPARTMENT FROM: Marine Department SUBJECT: HARBOR PERMIT NOS. 119-223 AND 119-230 In researching the permit files for the above two Harbor Permits, I have found that the following has transpired: Harbor Permit No. 119-223 our records indicate that the upland property owner for this permit, property address 223 21st Street, is a Victor Swanson. The Harbor Permit was originally in the name of Victor Swanson and it was transferred in 1988 to Newport Harbor Shipyard and it currently remains in the name of Newport Harbor Shipyard. Harbor Permit No. 119-230 The property at 226 21st Street is owned by Ray Donald, the permit was originally in the name of Ray Donald, it was subsequently transferred to Cannery Investment Incorporated and currently is in the name of Cannery Investment Incorporated. Although, we don't know for a fact what has transpired as far as the business entities are concerned, it is our feeling, based on the documentation in our file, that the following occurred over approximately a ten year period, regarding both properties: 1. Sometime in the mid 1980's Mr. Swanson, owner of 223 21st Street, transferred his interest in the permit and leased the upland site to Newport Harbor Shipyard. 2. The property owner at 226 21st Street, Ray Donald, leased his interest to Cannery Investment Incorporated. Sometime after that, the two entities were combined into the Peninsula Shipyard Incorporated, which was subsequently purchased by Mrs. Norby. 3. Around 1990, both entities stopped making payments on their annual pier permits and the Marine Department attempted to correspond with both property owners, but because of the in- volved changes in the business entities and the harbor permittees, it was difficult for us to contact the responsible parties. After several letters from the Marine Department and the City Attorney's Office, Mrs. Norby responded with the letter, dated February 12, 1992, wherein she indicated that she had purchased Peninsula Shipyard, Inc. and subsequently the leasehold interest on the property at 226 21st Street. Mrs. Norby indicated in that letter that she was unable to bring the fees current for a number of reasons, essentially, that she was experiencing very difficult business conditions, and that she felt because these fees were outstanding to some degree, prior to her acquiring the leases, she was not totally responsible for the amounts due on both properties and the subsequent penalties. In December of 1992, Peninsula Shipyard, Inc., which was the lessee of both properties, filed for protection under bankruptcy Code Section Chapter 7. It is my understanding, that on February 3, 1993, the bankruptcy was dismissed. Subsequent to that, I was contacted by American Pacific Shipyard, who was one of the creditors of Peninsula Shipyard, and told that they had acquired the lease on the property at 223 21st Street. They had indicated that they had purchased the lease out of bankruptcy and would be willing to pay the current fees, but did not feel responsible for any previous fees owed. At that time, I recommended to Dennis Danner in the Finance Department, that we accept the current fees. That was done and the permit is still in the name of Newport Harbor Shipyard. Just recently, I received a letter from a representative of Mr. Ray Donald at 226 21st Street, who essentially is stating the same thing. They have recovered their lease, subsequent to the dismissal of the bankruptcy, and would also like to pay current fees, but have the previous fees waived. That is essentially the background, and I have provided all the correspondence that relates to this situation. once you have had the opportunity to review you this, if you would like to discuss it further with me, please give me a call and we will set up an appointment. Tony Melum Deputy Director BUYERS' NAME(S) ADDRESS OF FACILITY: PERMIT4 10119-0223-1 V 3�?c �' EBOR SH)-PYA';'il _ MAILING ADDRESS223 INC' 7ELEPHONENO. FtE� CH CK NO. ( DATE � 14 575-2550 1 7i �'�� 210 + •DATE APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO TRANSFER HARBOR PERMIT APPROVED BY:, OCHD ® 'VNM DJSS—l", Ejiy. ENG SELLERS' NAME(S) BUYERS' NAME(S) (ABOVE NAMES TO BE TYPED) Y. COUNCIL ® SI ATURE OF ER Ar"U$Fs OF BUYEE PUBLIC WORKS SIGNATURE OF SELLER SIGNATURE OF BUYER ESCROW ESCROW ® INSPECTION. SIGNATURE OF JOINT OWNER trans �F—r 3 / 15 / 8 8 APPLICATION PPRO E (DATE) �✓ CITY HARBOR CQOR NA R SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS PERMIT IS REVOCABLE BY THE CI CO NCiL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. Wx FORM 04-1013 REV, LIDO PENINSULA MARINE CENTER NEWPORT HARBOR HIPYAN"0 April 20, 1987 Mr. Tony ivieium Tidelands Administrator City.:of Newport Beach P. 0. Box 1768` .Newport reach, CA. 92658-8915 r Dear Mr. vieluim: The owner of the:property at 226-21st, is Mr. Ray R. Donald. His address is P. 0. Box 491 Feathers Falls, Ca. 95940 Newport Harbor Shipyard, leases from Mr. Donald., Newport Harbor Shipyard, in turn sub -leases to Bob Beveridge, Marine Detail. As you can see there has been no change in ownership. Respectfully- L. R. Perkins General Manager two 1 151 SHIPYARD WAY, BERTH B, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 (714) 675-2550 the cost thereof may be recovered from the owner of such structure in a civil action. (Ord. 1090 (part), 1964; 1949 Code 10404)." If you have any questions regarding :the above, please call me at 714-644-3044. Sincerely, Tony Melum. Tidelands Administrator, Marine Department P E RMI T V' NO . DREDGING APPLICATION Project Location: 226 - 21st Street Cubic Yards to be Dredged: 244 Method of Dredging: Hydraulic Suction Nature of Dredged Material Sand/Silt Disposition of Dredged Material: Place material on adjacent beach. Method of Material Disposition: Pump through dischage pipe to disposal fill.area Turbidity Control Method Filter screen around discharge site Effect of dredging on contiguous bulkheading and beaches Will restore depleted beach if Wm. L. Harris , hereby state that I have read the U. S. Army (print name) Corps of Engineers permit for maintenance dredging in Newport Harbor, the City of Newport Beach and Orange County Harbors,Beaches and Parks District (if applicable) permit for maintenance dredging and that I accept all the provisions therein. Additionally I guarantee that the proposed dredging will not occur because of any altering of existing use of the affected zone. Lancer Yacht Corp. (Applicant -type name 3/9/87 (Date) Newport Dredging Co. (Contractor -type name) Signed: 41 retractor s Representative -tift OF NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR PERMIT PERMISSION IS HEREBY r-FIPANTED To AINC MAINTAM Tb%A&E FACILiTy Sjloy?-j HEREOF, AT THE Sja-E SUCx .C- TO T-" F�lzovlil-sloh;s or IrHE HAR81OR PERMIT as -,V Cn2AC - �.,�T 8H Amu ANY SPECiAL CONDMOKS Lil, T--D PERMI, 4S NOT TRANSFERA,--"mow: Gi THE i�.(ry ANAMOR %`uT-V CCU?LM''L. TW", '? -, OHL, --I�GF,i's GWEV VKIDEJ�� 4,WD THIS PERMIT MAY 13,`- BY THE CiTY COUNCm M ACCORDANCE WiTH TITLE 17 C- TFE P&UNICIPAL CODE. CITE" R SPECIAL COMMONS - Corps Of Ergineers Permft 4" ---t Orango County P� rmit Other 60 0, f-e t—w PERIMIT ISSUED SUBJECT To D-R. DGE NIATERIAL BEING K 4 _EDTT 0 SEA PLACED ON rEACH--j-y t T CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH v _ P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 April 13, 1987 Lancer Yacht Corp. µ 226 21st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 -- :' Dear Sir: A check of the City Harbor Permit files -has shown that the permit - for the pier and float at 226-21st Street (Permit 119-226), Newport Beach, is registered to-Seaspray, Inc. A transfer application must -be completed and a transfer fee paid each time the permit has changed ownership. Chapter 17.24.030 of the Municipal Cade addresses the transfer of a pier permit and reads as follows: "No person shall transfer a permit for a pier, float or similar structure granted under the provisions of this chapter without prior written approval of the City." Failure to pay the transfer fees can be grounds for revocation of. - the Harbor Permit in accordance with Chapter 17.24.090 of the. _ . Municipal Code. Your cooperation in bringing this permit up to date will.,avoid any action by_the City. Yours truly, . Tony ®Me. Tidelands drninistrator Telephone: 714-644-3044 TM:db 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach PORT ®� r ' � D CITY OF NEWPORT "'EACH = P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 Owl_ January 18, 1991 Cannery Village Investment 511 Avenida Del Verdor San Clemente, CA 92672 Re: Harbor Permit 0119-0230-1 for the facility at 230 21st Street Dear Sir: The Newport Beach City Finance Department has informed me that the annual Pier Administration Fee for 1990 for your harbor facility has not been paid. The Newport Beach Municipal Code states: 17.22.050. "Penalty for Failure to Pay Fees. Any owner or permit holder who fails to pay any fee required by this Chapter within thirty (3) days after same is due shall be subject to a penalty in the amount of 25 percent (25%) of said fee on the first day of each month after the due date thereof; provided, however, that the amount of such penalty to be added shall in no event exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the fee due. Failure to pay the fee plus any accrued penalty within one hundred and fifty days (150) after the fee was originally due shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit by the City Council (Ord.1801s1 (part), 1979; Ord 1667sl, 1976; Ord 1387 sl (part) 1971).B0 Therefore, you are hereby notified that this matter will be referred to the Newport Beach City Council with a. recommendation from the Marine Department that the Harbor Permit for your facility be revoked if the fee and any penalties have not been received by the City prior to February 15, 1991. Upon revocation of a Harbor Permit, action may be taken to remove the structure in accordance with Chapter 17.24.100 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code which reads: 17.24.100. "Structure Without Permit Declared a Nuisance - Abatement . Every structure maintained in or over the waters of Newport Harbor or the Pacific Ocean without a current valid permit existing therefore when required by this Chapter, or maintained in a manner or for a purpose other than or different from that provided in the permit, shall be immediately abated and may be removed. If upon written notice to remove any such structure the owner thereof fails, refuses or neglects to do so within a reasonable time specified in the notice, being not less than five (5) or more than thirty (30) days after such notice, the City shall abate or remove it and 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach PO CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U \_ ` ? P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 February 26, 1991 Cannery Village Investment Partnership Attn: Russ Fluter 2025 West Balboa Blvd Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Commercial Harbor Permit 0119-0230-1 For the facility bayward of 230 21st Street, Permittee's name: Cannery Village Investment Dear Mr. Fluter: Attached for your information is a.copy of the annual billing printout for commercial piers. The highlighted area shows the current balance due and last year's balance due for the above permit. These charges must be taken care of immediately. If you have questions please call me at 644-3044. -Sincerely,' Tony Meli�m Tidelands Administrator 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach PART 1 CITY OF NE PORT BEACH IX P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 July 25, 1991 Cannery Village Invest 511 Avenida del Verdor San Clemente, CA 92672 Re: Harbor Permit No. 0119-0230-1 Dear Permittee: The Finance Deprtment has indicated that the fee for above Harbor Permit for the year 1991 has not been paid and there is currently an outstanding balance due of 4,860.00. Failure to pay this fee within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of this letter will result in the Marine Department recommending that the pier permit be revoked as provided by Section 17.24.090 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which states: 17.24.090 "Any permit heretofore or hereafter granted for any structure or work in the waters of Newport Harbor or the Pacific Ocean may be revoked by the City Council upon the following grounds: (4) If the permittee has failed for a period of sixty (60) days to pay the fee or fees heretofore or hereafter imposed for the occupancy of tidelanhds, filled tidelands or submerged lands upon which such work or structure exists." If you have questions in this regard please call me at 714-644- 3044. , Sincerely, Tony Melum Tidelands Administrator 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach September 12, 1991 Tony Melum Tidelands Administration City of Newport Beach P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92609-1268 RE: Harbor Permit No. 0019-0223-1 Dear Mr. Melum; I have received Notice of the overdue permit fees referenced above. While the fee of $891.94 was due on March 1, 1991, penalty fees @ 25% per month have accumulated since that date so that the balance due is now $1,783.88. I have encountered hardship in making this payment and am requesting relief. from the City on account of the onerous penalty in the case I am able to pay the amount of the original permit fee $891.94 immediately. Further, in the event I am not able to make even such payment, my request is for relief of the fee itself and penalties on condition that I retain the property in its current use serving the City's needs as a shipyard. Sincerely, PENINSULA SHIPYARD, INC. Mary Lynn Norby, President MLN/sra letter\tonymelum. ltr'�, 1� 223 21st Street • Newport Beach, CA 92663 • (714) 673-0085 • FAX (714) 675-6679 k ��W P®OT f N r' CITY 1 4.1 V 1BEACH v - g P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 q�,FORN September 18, 1991 Mary Lynn Norby Peninsula Shipyard 223 21st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Harbor Permits 0119-223-1 for Peninsula Shipyard and 0119-230-1 for Cannery Village Investment Dear Ms. Norby: It is my understanding that the Peninsula Shipyard currently has under lease the uplands adjacent to the docks at 223 21st Street and at 226 21st Street. As we have discussed on the phone, the Commercial Pier Administration Permit Fees for 226 21st Street are delinquent in the amount of $4860.00. THis constitutes the 1990 fee plus 100% penalty and the 1991 fee plus 100% penalty. In addition the Commercial Pier Administration Fee for the docks bayward of 223 21st Street are delinquent in the amount of $1783.88. This fee consists of the 1991 annual commerical permit fee of $891.94 plus a 100% penalty of $891.94. The total due the City for both permits plus the penalties is $6643.88. The permit for the facility at 230 21st Street is in the name of Cannery-V -== ;a Investment. You now wish to place this permit in the name of Peninsula Shipyard, since you are the long term leasee. That will require a transfer of the Harbor Permit. You will need to complete the enclosed 3 x 5 card as indicated and return to us with the $300 transfer fee. Because of the overdue commercial pier administration fees and the penalties, we need to talk further about how this problem will be resolced. After you have received this letter, please call me and we will meet to discuss how the payment of these fees will be met. Please call me at 644-3044. Sincerely -' Tony ]slum `! Tidelands Administrator 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach k ?EW PORT D ClNEWPOR"T EACH F- n i3 - Z P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 Cq�r FORN�P r 15, 1991 Mary Lynn Norby President Peninsula Shipyard 223 21st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Harbor Permit 119-223 and 119-230 for the properties at 223 21st Street and 230 21st Street Dear Ms. Norby: In reviewing the above two harbor permits we find the following information: For Harbor Permit 119-223 the annual fee for 1991 of $891.94 is due and delinquent. There is a 100% penalty of $891.94, bringing the total due for that permit to $1783.88. For Harbor Permit 119-230 at 230 21st Street, the 1991 fee of $1,242.00 is due and delinquent with a 100%. penalty of $1242.00. The 1990 fee for this permit was not paid; it was $1188. This also went to a 100% penalty of $1188. The total due for 1990 was $2376.00. The total now due for permit 119-230 to include 1990 and 1991 fees and penalties is $4860.00. The total due for both pier permits is $6643.88. The City would like to have this matter resolved as soon as possible and will be willing to do the following: For Permit 119-223 we will accept the $891.94 + a 10% penalty of $89.20 bringing a total due that permit to $981.14. For Permit 119-230 we will accept for 1990 the $1188 + 10% penalty of $118.80 to make the total due for 1990 to $1306.80. For the 1991 fee we will accept $1242 + a 10% penalty of $125.20 making a total of $1366.20. Therefore the total due for 1990 and 1991 fees for 119-230 will be 2773.00. The total due for BOTH permits will be $3654.14. This matter needs to be approaching 1992 when new your earliest convenience. days it will be necessary City Attorney's office for Sincerely Tony Melum Tidelands Administrator resolved immediately. We are fast fees will be due. Please contact me at If we have not heard from you within 15 for us to turn this matter over to the followup. 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach ° CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH V S P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 vo December 9, 1991 Mary Lynn Norby President, Peninsula Shipyard 223 21st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Harbor Permit 119-223 and 119-230 for the properties at 223 and 230 21st Street Dear Ms. Norby: We have corresponded with you several times, attempting to resolve the delinquencies for the above two harbor permits. Unfortunately, as of this date, the permit fees have not been paid. I have no alternative but to turn this matter over to the City Attorney's office for legal follow up. This could possibly involve the revocation of your harbor permits and the removal of the docks bayward of the subject properties. The fees are so severely delinquent that we have no choice but to proceed as stated. Sincerely, Tony Melum Tidelands Administrator 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Marine Department December 9, 1991 TO: BOB BURNHAM SUBJECT: HARBOR PERMITS 119-223 AND 119-230 FOR THE PROPERTIES AT 223 AND 230 21ST STREET FROM: Tony Melum, Marine Department Bob, attached are copies of letters I have written to the owner of the Peninsula Shipyard, who is also currently the permittee for the above two permits. As the letters indicate; for one permit she is one year in arrears with a 100% penalty and on the other she is two years in arrears, again with a 100% penalty. My letter of November 15th indicates I was willing to waive a portion of the penalties in order to collect the delinquent fees. As of this date, although we have talked several times by phone, she has indicated she does not have the resources to pay the permit fees. We need to get this matter resolved. Her business is on hard times, but she must have the docks in front of her property in order to continue. The Municipal Code allows us to begin the procedure to revoke the permit. I cannot think of any other way to proceed, unless we go ahead for some kind of injunctive relief. I was hoping you could write her a letter and persuade her to pay. Please call if you need futher information. Tony Melum Tidelands Administrator CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Marine Department December 27, 1991 TO: BOB BURNHAM, CITY ATTORNEY FROM: Marine Department SUBJECT: HARBOR PERMIT 119-223 AND 119-230 FOR THE PROPERTIES AT 230 AND 223 21ST STREET Bob, as the attached Accounts Receivables show, the above two Harbor Permits are seriously in arrears. Both properties are currently under lease to Peninsula Shipyard. I have had several conversations with the operator of the shipyward, and they are either unable or unwilling to bring the accounts for these permits current, although I have suggested that I would waive the penalty and charge them only a 10% penalty on the amount due on each permit. The use of the docks is of paramount importance to this shipyard business; there fore we should have some leverage to get the bills paid. However, up to this time I have not been able to get them to pay. The Municipal Code suggests that the way to resolve this is to go to the Council and ask that the permit be revoked. In discussions in the past I recall that you thought it might be more productive to proceed to court rather than to the City Council. Please give me your thoughts, as I need your help to resolve this. If you have questions, please call me. Tony Melum Tidelands Administrator CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659-1768 (714)644-3131 February 3, 1992 Ms. Mary Lynn Norby Peninsula Shipyard 230 221st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Harbor Permit 119-223 and 119-230 230 and 223 21st Street Dear Ms. Norby: The Marine Department has advised me that fees have not been paid for Harbor Permit 119-223 and 119-230. The permit for 230 21st Street is in the name of Cannery Village Investment, but you apparently acquired the property in September, 1990. The fee for permit 119-223 is $891.94 and the Marine Department is willing to reduce the penalty to ten percent bringing the total amount due to $980.00. The fees for permit 119-230 are currently $3,618 and, again, the Marine Department is willing to reduce the penalty to ten percent of the amount owing, bringing the total to $3,974.00. As you know, the City Council believes it is very important to maintain our current level of Harbor side boat repair facilities. However, the City is not in a position to subsidize your business by waiving fees paid by your competitors. We are willing to set up a payment schedule or otherwise facilitate payment of the amounts due. Please contact me within ten days from the date of this letter so that we can discuss payment of the fees. Your failure to do so will leave me no option but to request City Council revocation of the permits. ;obert ry truly yours, H. Burnham City Attorney RHB•kmc L--cJ David Harshbarger, Marine Director 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach My business is still in extremely precarious financial condition. However, we are experiencing an upturn in volume of business due to heavy marketing efforts. If we were able to put our prices back to normal we would be doing well. However, we are still under heavy competitive pressure. It is helpful that the City recognizes the importance of boat repair facilities to the City of Newport Beach and we appreciate your understanding. Perhaps you could consider waiving permit fees of these commercial facilities to the extent of their sales tax contribution to the City economy or a similar formula. sincerely, PENINSULA SHIPYARD, INC. 7�� 4-A-- A41 Mary Lynn Norby, President MLN:kp CC: David Harshbarger, Marine Director -L-- Tony Melum, Harbor Dept. February 12, 1992 Robert H. Burnham City Attorney P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, Ca. 92659-1768 Re: Harbor permit 119-223 and 119-230 Dear Mr. Burnham: I am in receipt of your letter of February 3, 1992 wherein you generously offer to reduce fees as follows: 119-223 $980.00 119-230 $3,974.00 I am in agreement of the total of $980.00 for 119-223 and thank you for that arrangement. Regarding 119-230, first of all, that address of the property is 226 21st Street and with the 230 designation, I am not positive that this billing is correctly applied. Nevertheless, I have discussed this with Tony Melum of Harbor Department. I ex- plained that I had supposed the bill for 119-223 was for the two properties since I had not received any bill for the 226 property. He researched and found out that the hill was still listed to Cannery Village Investments (similar name to the previous owners at another address). I informed Tony of the date of my purchase of the leasehold interest and lease to Peninsula Shipyard as of September 13,1990. At that time I requested a separation of the billing at the point of sale. You must understand I am not responsible for my predecessor's fees as the business was an asset only sale. I note that the full total has been carried foward to your $3,618.00 fee. If this can be corrected, I could agree to your most generous offer of only aten percent penalty. Also, the opportunity to clear this fee by payments (at approximately $200.00 a month) would be appreciated. 223 21st Street • Newport Beach, CA 92663 • (714) 673-0085 • FAX (714) 673-2712 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Marine Department May 12, 1992 TO: CITY ATTORNEY FROM: Marine Department SUBJECT: HARBOR PERMITS 119-223 and 119-230 Bob, I have received a copy of the letter sent to you on February 12 from the Peninsula Shipyard, outlining Ms. Norby's positions on the above harbor permits. The fees for both those permits are now delinquent for 1992. _ Currently due with penalties for 119-223 is $3179.96. Currently due with penalties for 119-230 is $6804.00. In the second paragraph of the February 12 letter, she mentioned that she acquired the property in September, 1990 and that the bill was due and delinquent at the time she acquired the property. We have never pro -rated any of these bills based on the time properties change hands. It is a fee due the City from the property owner when she purchased it and I suppose she would assume the responsibiilty for current fees if they had not been paid. At any rate, even though we have not pro -rated these in the past, I suppose we could do so if we felt that based on the Municipal Code it would be appropriate. The fact remains that she has failed again to pay the annual fees, this time for 1992, and the fees have gone to penalty. Perhaps we should resolve the pro -ration issue and start her making some sort of payments before the entire sum gets too far out of reach. Please call•me with your thoughts. Thank you. Tony��7 3.. moo: �� e ��. / Z ZO I'-db Kt'JLI'lUr- ll 1 V 1ll` r LLB i y. i 1 r u. uu:D r. uo - iNl 1 r.V ,7 I A 1 r-b bAlVl%nWr 1 to T t iVUK 1 P60003424 {j CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA ANA DIVISION CHAPTER: 07 ` IN RE: CASE NUMBER: SA92-23734 aW PENINSULA SHIPYARD, INC., A CALIF CORP. SSN/ID: 223 -- 21ST STREET 33- 0432214 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 AKA: AKA NORBY ACQUISITION CORP., AKA PENINSULA SHIPYARD, AKA PENISULA BOATWORKS, \\ C U b CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3300 NEWPORT BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663-3816 NOTICE OF DISMISSAL THE ABOVE --MENTIONED CASE HAS BEEN DISMISSED UNDER 11 U.S.0 SECTION 109(G), AND THE DEBTOR 15 ENJOINED FROM FILING ANOTHER PROCEEDING OR CASE IN BANKRUPTCY FOR 180 DAYS WITHOUT PRIOR ORDER OF THE COURT. THE ORDER OF DISMISSAL -WAS ENTERED ON JANUARY 29, 1993 DATED F'EBRUARY 3, 1993 AT SANT'A ANA, CA FOR THE COURT JOHN J.WILSON,BANKRUPTCY JUD( 0 6/90 United Staten .4kruptcy court P60001901 15 U. :S. BANKRUPTCY COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFOinStA, $A TA NA DIVISION P. 0. BOX 12600 34 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA—RM. 506 SANTA'ANA, CA 92701-4025 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OF CASE IN RE (NAME OF DEBTOR)PENINSULA SHIPYARD, INC., A CALIF CORP BANKRUPTCY CODE,, UNDER CHAPTER 7 THE AKA/DBA: AKA NORBY ACQUISITION CORP., MEETING OF CREDITORS, AND FIXING OF DATES AKA. PENINSULA SHIPYA, AKA PENISULA BOATWORRDRD, (Corporation/Partnership No Asset Case) CASE NUMBER: FILED: SOC. SEC./TAX ID NOS. SA92-23734 JW 12/14/92 33-0432214 ADDRESS OF DEBTOR DEC,C �y�i` MEETING OF CREDITORS 223 — 21ST STREET DATE: JAN._19�.__,993 HOUR c�9.00 A.M. AT: U.S. TRUSTEE HEARING ROOM CIVIC CENTER PLAZA TOWERS 600 W. SANTA ANA BLVD., #530 SANTA ANA, CA DEBTOR'S ATTORNEY L. BAIRD LBERTSEN, ESQ. 1146 CIVIC CENTER WEST SANTA ANA, CA 92703-2230 TELEPHONE: 714-667-7105 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 TRUSTEE THEODOOR v. ALBERT BUCHALTER, NEMER,"FIELDS, ETAL P.O. BOX 7338 .:NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-7338 TELEPHONE: 714-759-6238 AT THIS TIME THERE APPEAR TO BE NO ASSETS AVAILABLE FROM WHICH PAYMENT MAY BE MADE TO UNSECURED CREDITORS. DO. NOT FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM UNTIL YOU RECEIVE NOTICE TO DO SO. COMMENCEMENT OF CASE. A petition for liquidation under chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code has been filed in this court by or against the debtor named above, and an order for relief has been entered. You will not receive notice of all documents filed in this case. All documents filed with the court, including .lists of the debtor's property and debts, are available for inspection at the office of the clerk of the bankruptcy court. CREDITORS MAY NOT TAKE CERTAIN. ACTIONS. A creditor is anyone to whom the debtor owes money or property. Under the Bankruptcy Code, the debtor is granted certain protection against creditors. Common examples of prohibited actions by creditors are contacting the debtor to demand repayment, taking action against the debtor to collect money owed to creditors or to take property of the debtor, and starting or continuing foreclosure actions or repossessions. If unauthorized actions are taken by a creditor against a debtor, the court may penalize that creditor. A creditor who is considering taking action against the debtor or the property of the debtor should review section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code and may wish to seek legal advice. If the debtor is a partnership, remedies otherwise available against general partners are not necessarily affected by the commencement of this partnership case. The staff of the clerk of the bankruptcy court is not permitted to give legal advice. MEETING OF CREDITORS. The debtor's representative, as specified in Bankruptcy Rule 9001 (5), is required to appear at the meeting of creditors on the date and at the place set forth above for the purpose of being examined under oath. Attendance by creditors at the meeting is welcomed, but not required. At the meeting, the creditors may elect a trustee other than the one named above, elect a committee of creditors, examine the debtor, and transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The meeting may be continued or adjourned from time to time by notice at the meeting, without further written notice to creditors. LIQUIDATION OF THE DEBTOR'S PROPERTY. The trustee will collect the debtor's property, if any, and turn it into money. At this time, however, it appears from the schedules of the debtor that there are no assets from which any distribution can be paid to the creditors. if at a later date it appears that there are assets from which a distribution may be paid, the creditors will be notified and given an opportunity to file claims. DO NOT FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM UNLESS YOU RECEIVE A COURT NOTICE TO DO SO p n .�- �. FOR THE COURT, JOHN J. WILSON, BANKRUPTCY JUDGE DATED DEC. 17, 1992 r-- �11^-zw " '` P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 June 8, 1993 Paulette Pappa s SeaSpray Boatyard 230 21st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Harbor Permit 119-230 for commercial property bayward of 230 21st Street Dear Ms. Pappas: As we discussed on the telephone, the Commercial harbor Permit Fees for the above property are severely delinquent. The current amount due, based on the most recent billing of May 6, 1993 shows an outstanding balance due of $9,396. This amount represents approximately four years past due billings at an annual fee of $1296 plus delinquency fees for that period of time. It is my understanding that the property owner has recently reacquired the property and plans to operate a shipyard from the site. To preclude further action by the Marine Department, these fees must be brought current as soon as possible. If you have questions, please call me at 644-3044. Yours truly, Tony Meluin Deputy Director 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach TELEPHONED - PLEASECALL ! RETURNED ,YOUR CALL, WILL CA,LL,AGAIN, CAM E.IN TO SEE YOU,;,,-,,;_; URGENT. ,_. , 5 i- B July 13, 1993 TO: DENNIS. DANNER, FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: Marine Department SUBJECT: HARBOR PERMIT 119-230 The above Harbor Permit, currently in the name of the Cannery Village Investment, is severely delinquent. Their annual billing is $1,296.00 and the amount currently due is $9,396.00, which represents approximately four years in arrears plus a one hundred per cent penalty for those years. The property has recently gone into bankruptcy, however, these debts were not discharged, and the property owner at 226 21st Street recovered the lease from the bankrupt permittee and is now operating the property under their own name, Sea Spray Boat Yard. They have recently corresponded with the Marine Department and a copy of that letter is attached. They are requesting that we waive the back fees on the property and allow them to pay the current fee due for 1993 of $1,296.00. It would be my suggestion that we accept the $1,296.00, which brings the permit current for 1993, and, if appropriate, have the City Attorney's Office pursue the previous permittee for the back permit fees. Please let me know how you wish to proceed and if the course of action I suggested is acceptable. ;/-Ao a� Tony Melum-7/0Deputy Director TM: la 6T S 3 7zl# 7ZO ' L S-,t�- ------------- --- -- -- -- ----- -- - 1 2�-- I s � � a C O'NI` It S -O N ER . 0 CITY OF N WPO T -Mrrotff-Es May 4, 1989 ROLL CALL INDEX Use Permit No 1922 (Amended)(Continued Public Hearine) Item No.5 Request to amend a previously approved use permit which UP1922A permitted the establishment of a boat repair and maintenance facility on property located in the Continued "Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of the Cannery to ' Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan. The proposed 5-18-89 amendment includes a request to'obtain the approval of a professional office use in the "Recreational Marine Commercial" area of the 'Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan. The proposal also includes: a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the use of tandem parking spaces in conjunction with -a new em to a customer Po ;and the parking area to be located atWeing review of the operation of an boat crane which exceeds the 26 foot basic height limit up to a maximum - height of 45 feet in the 26/35 Foot Height Limitation District. LOCATION: ' Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 79-732 (Resubdivision No. 644), located at"223 21st Street, on the northwesterly side of 21st Street between The Arcade and Newport Bay, and Lots 14 through 17, Block 220, Section A, Newport Beach, located at 226 21st Street, on the southeasterly side of 21st Street, between The Arcade and Newport Bay, in the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area. ZONE: SP-6 APPLICANT: Peninsula Shipyard, Inc., Newport Beach OWNER: Norman G. Schmitt, Newport Beach' James Hewicker, Planning Director, stated that the applicant has requested that this, item be continued to the May 18, 1989, Planning Commission meeting. Motion; Ayes <_ `+c3)fn' the May 18, 1989, Planning'' Commission Absent, meeting. MOTION CARRIED. -21- ..COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES May 4, 1989 ROLL CALL INDEX General Plan Amendment 88-2(C)(Continued Public Hearing) Item No.6 Re viset '�sTMi �^ esWIN GPA88-2C _ O G` as required by State Law. Resolution INITIATED BY: The City of Newport Beach 1190 Commissioner Debay referred to Program 4 of the Housing Approved Element, pertaining to mixed residential and commercial/industrial use developments that improve the balance between housing and jobs. Commissioner Debay requested a clarification of (a) which states that "the City and the developer of proposed major commercial/industrial projects shall assess the housing impact of such projects during the development review process. ..." Robert Lenard, Advance Planning Manager, explained that the foregoing section of the Housing Element has been in effect since 1984. He stated that a major project could be considered in the 500,000 square foot range. Mr. Lenard compared the assessment to an Environmental Impact Report inasmuch as the developer would fund it and the City would have the report prepared. Commissioner Debay addressed the location of housing, and Mr. Lenard explained that the housing would be provided on or off -site in cooperation with the developer. Mr. Lenard stated that the Program has been retained in the General Plan in the event there may be projects of a significant magnitude to include mixed use. Mr. David Dmohowski appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of The Irvine Company. Mr. Dmohowski stated that the adopted Housing Element would affect The Irvine Company's new housing, specifically the need to provide for lower income households, and he addressed the cooperative effort between staff and Irvine Company representatives in drafting the new Housing Element Programs. Mr. Dmohowski stated that the draft Housing Element highlights" the importance of economic feasibility in view of the lack of available government subsidies to make the provisions of such housing feasible and viable. He stated that the City must rely entirely on local incentives, primarily in the form of density bonus's so as to provide lower income housing. Mr. Dmohowski stated that The Irvine Company intends to meet the affordable housing requirements through the provision of rental housing. He maintained that The Irvine Company believes that rental housing by definition, is a -22- COMMISSIONERS �- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES May 4, 1989 ROLL. CALL INDEX form of affordable housing even though under the City's strict criteria they do not receive credit for that type of housing in every case. He said that compared to other forms of -housing, rental housing is considerably less costly than any other form of housing in the community, particularly when the targets for affordablility are based on fair market rent. He indicated that it is a significant private subsidy in terms of market rent vs. fair market rent on a per month per unit basis over the lifetime of a project. Mr. Dmohowski stated that density bonus is critical to make affordable housing feasible. Mr. Dmohowski stated that The Irvine Company is very optimistic that the Housing Element can be interpreted in a manner that will be flexible and applicable to the individual conditions of projects as they come forward, so they can in an economical and flexible way, make an attempt to implement the targets and objectives as stated in the Housing Element. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Edwards regarding full credit for rental housing, Mr. Dmohowski explained that projects, similar to Baywood are not restricted to lower income families. He said that the rents that the normal market would command would be within the median or moderate income limits defined by the State and by the County. He commented that most of the rents would fall within those categories, yet there is not an implication in the Housing Element that particular credit is being given. Mr. Dmohowski stated that rentals by definition, are a form of affordable housing, but not all of them receive specific credit under the Housing Element. Mr. Lenard explained that the Housing Element requires that a percentage of the units be affordable given a variety of circumstances and the target rents are at Orange County . fair market rents, which are substantially below the market. He said that the remainder of a project, even though it is not called affordable, is quite often at rates at approximately $1,000.00 a month for a two bedroom unit, which technically is affordable to a medium income family. Mr. Lenard referred to the North Ford project, and he explained that 25 percent of the project was required to be affordable; however, realistically, 70 percent of the project was affordable if higher income categories are considered. There being no others desiring to appear .and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. -23- COMMISSIONERS CITY OF N WPO T BEACH MINUTES May 4, 1989 ROLL CALL INDEX Motion * Motion was made to adopt Resolution No. 1190, recommending that the City Council approve in concept the revised draft Housing Element Amendment and accept the previously certified Environmental Document as adequate. Chairman Pomeroy commended the City's'success to provide affordable housing units based on the goals that were set several years ago and reported in the review of the Housing Element, and he said that the Planning Commission will work hard in achieving affordable housing goals in accordance with the drafted Housing Element. Ayes * * * * * * Motion was voted on to adopt Resolution No. 1190, MOTION Absent * CARRIED. x � � A General Plan Amendment 89-1(F)(Public Hearing) Item No.7 Request to increase the General Plan Intensity Limit for GPA89-1F Koll Center Newport Industrial Sites 1 and 2 by 39,000 (R1188) sq.ft. in order to allow the construction of a 65,000 A677 sq.ft. office building; and the acceptance of an (R1189) environmental document. TS56 AND R892 B. Amendment No. 677 (Public Hearing) Approved Request to amend the Koll Center Newport Planned Community District Regulations so as to combine Industrial Sites 1 and 2 into Light Industrial Site 1 and increase the development entitlement in Light Industrial Site 1 by 39,000 square feet so as to allow the construction of a 65,000 square foot office building. AND C. Traffic Study No. 56 (Public Hearing) Request to approve a traffic study so as to allow the construction of a 65,000 square foot office building. AND D. Resubdivision No. 892 (Public Hearing) Request to resubdivide two existing lots into a single parcel of land. -24- 670 W 17th, F-1 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 64.5-6812 Tony Mellum CIty of NB Marine Dept. 70 Newport Pier Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Mr. Mellum, Duffield Marine Handcrafted Electric Boats March 2411988 In planning for the Great Electric Boat Race, we have determined that the addition of a temporary dock adjoining the Cannery dock will be needed to accommodate the 50 boats expected to compete. We have enclosed a rough sketch of how the docks would be utilized with approximations of distances. We are confident the docks will not significantly impede the natural flow of traffic, and will be ready,, direct any congestion that does exist. I have enclosed details of the June 25 event, and have made our plans known to Captain Gage of the Harbor Patrol. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss our plans in further detail. Thanks for your consideration, Marshall Duffield Jr. DUFFIELD MARINE, THE CANNERY -RESTAURANT and the NEWPORT BEACH NAUTICAL MUSEUM Present The Second Annual GREAT ELECTRIC BOAT RACE... WHAT IS THE GREAT ELECTRIC BOAT RACE? 50 electric boats will gather at the Cannery dock at 9:30 a.m on June 25. Boats will be organized into heats of eight, and will recieve the clues to the course prior to the start. The clues must be solved, thus designating the course of the race. The boats which solves the clues, navigates the best course, and gets back to the Cannery with all the tokens will win the heat, (we throw in a couple of bogus clues to make the race interesting). The winner of the heats will then compete in a 200 yard drag race up the Rhine channel and back to the Cannery to deter- mine the Overall Champion! ADDITIONAL HIGHLIGHTS! When all the boats return to The Cannery there will be a beautiful Cannery brunch for the captain and crew of each boat. There will be race T-Shirts, trophies, a press boat... everything to make this a spectacular day! WHEN: January 25, Boats must be at the Cannery by 9 a.m. Entry form on back WHERE: THE CANNERY RESTAUTANT, on The Rhine Channel ENTRY FEE: This is a fund raiser for The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, see the donation sched- ule on the back. Donation includes brunch for four people, with a no -host bar. ($10 per extra person), T-shirt for the captain, trophies and prizes for the winners! (Set of new batteries, hand held VHF radio, and more!) HOW DO I SIGN UP? Fill out the entry form on the back of this flyer. THE RACE IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 50 ENTRIES! If you have any questions call Duffield Marine at 645-6812. Send entry forms to Duffield Marine 670 W. 17th st. C-4 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Or sign up at our Bayfront sales yard, 2806 Lafayette Ave, in the Cannery Villiage ...for Electric Boats Only! SG3EAT EL► ECT= BOAT RACE JUNE 26B `a &M �o 2pM D ELAN EYS ............... 'AAAAA A. 100, 00. WATER ® EXISTING DOCKS TEMPORARY DOCK The temporary dock would be set�early morning of the race, and removed before nightfall.. ESTABLISHED 1948 * 39TH YEAR * NUMBER 51 * (714) 631-8120 * NEWPORT BEACH'S ONLY HOMEBASED NEWSPAPER THURSDAY; JULY 30, 1987 rot n eraise' imres is -trilc elt ployees 71 ELECTRIC 10Or all ir�r, Electric 130 Reie, this end in ew it lia ` r. T race -which, was wen by bw Mouton, 111►e11 ' !ne dr. sad Mrs. Ron Young. llffo s t:w®40WAili I i I on omed barges, the ``Cap- "ISTORIV. HIDE --Sarah. Bird Wright, Other- of Ferries of to the 1'evitlten Fun Zone (hack round). Wright, wed that "1e "Admiral," and the America: A 6ulde to Adventurous Travel, takes a r®ss trip acthe Balboa Fern is one of the older lines in thus nallen, having adore," ferry -passengers Newport 'Bey on tho Balboa Ferry, which links Balboa Island ' begun service in 1904 PNoTit ey, $ii1M GANGWEe I forth .across the New- presentlo its past. services I've been on, but what's however, as far as Wright i, nnel, a passage not just "There's really nothing quite more important than the length concerned, "A ferry's historical boa Island to the Penin- like these ferries anywhere else of the trip is the trip itself." 'Even and recreational . appeal will from Newport Beach's in the` country," explained though Wright'sfavorite always mean much more to Wright, who had just this month ferry lines happen to reside in " people than its financial appeal. cast her eyes on Newport's the"state of Washington, she "The ferries here in Newpor, ferries for the first time. believes that, no matter the are not a terribly important lint "The carnival atmosphere of terrain; no matter the history, between two points as, say, tb :the Fun Zone together with the . and no matter the .condition of ", ferries in Alaska are. Peop' uxury of some of the homes the vessel, ferry services provide probably could, and do, g about the channel is really people with ,an experience that around the Peninsula, to gt unique; It's one of the, shortest brings the past a little closer. where they're going, but there "Your have to. zealtze that something special in crossing ferries. were a` .big partof the, bodya of water, it gives your tr 'Am�. S�`IVIG', westward mmr�tion: "without rrYer service iiran, towns more meaning." Advertising C4Vet. ' _have y would been inaecess'rble -River. uter Printoutsi� ric ��P �- travel is what opened up the a il*iis uit . Listing Member country ... I think Te feel that 1 Years In Newport Beach sense of history when we travel continuedfrom pagi art jr' F by ferry," exactly what he was doing at t d.1 A Wright, a resident of Virginia meeting. �ni� rsratf�*p"' and teacher at the UnivPm;' May 18, 1987 Bob Beveridge 226 21st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re; Vessel Resolution Dear Mr. Beveridge: It my understanding that the vessel "Resolution" is hoping to use your location as a permanent berthing spot for their chartering in Newport Harbor. As I pointed out to you on two ocassions, it will be necessary to modify the docks so that the "Resolution" can be moored at your location and not violate the Harbor Permit Policies. As an interim measure the "Resolution" has indicated that it would like to stay in the docks while you are proceeding with revisions to your structure. We have indicated to you and to the vessel that we would allow this to occur with two conditions. These conditions are (1) that the revision proceed as rapidly as possible so that the vessel is properly moored, and (2) that during the period the revision is being processed and built that the "Resolution" be berthed bow in to minimize the distance it is extending bayward into the channel. Up.until the date of this letter, the vessel is berthed stern in and we have received a number of complaints from the Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol regarding the hazard to navigation that this situation creates. If we have not heard from you within five days it will be necessary for us to turn this matter over to the City Attorney for followup. If you have any questions in this regard please contact me at 644-3044. Sincerely, Tony, Tidelands Administrator 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 April 13, 1987 Lancer Yacht Corp. 226 21st Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Sir: A check of the City Harbor Permit files -has shown that the permit for the pier and float at 226-21st Street (Permit 119-226), Newport Beach, is 'registered to Seaspray, Inc. A transfer application must -be completed and a transfer fee paid each time the permit has changed ownership. Chapter 17.24.030 of the Municipal Code addresses the transfer of a pier permit and reads as follows: "No person small transfer a.permit for a pier, float or similar structure granted under the provisions of this chapter without prior written approval of the City." Failure to pay the transfer fees can begrounds for revocation of the Harbor Permit in accordance with Chapter 17.24.090 of the. Municipal Code. Your cooperation in bringing this permit up to date will avoid any action by. the City. Yours truly, Tony Me m Tidelands dministrator Telephone: 714-644-3044 TM:db 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach i SEW PO Q C1qry OF NEWPORT BEACH U P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 t`110 FO atop April 23, 1987 Ray R. Donald P.O. Box 491 Feathers:Falls, CA 95940 Re: Harbor Permit 119-230 Dear -Mr. Donald: The records at the City of Newport, Beach Marine Department indicate that the property at 226-21st Street, Newport Beach is in the name of SeaSpray, Inc., addressed at 226-21st Street, Newport Beach. I have contacted the Newport Harbor Shipyard, Mr. L.R. Perkins, and he has indicated that you are the owner of the property listed above. My question to you; are you also the owner of Seaspray, Inc.? If you are in fact, the owner of both, we need some documentation from you indicating this. Otherwise, if there has been a transferofthe property from SeaSpray to you, the pier permit must also be transferred. Please contact me at 714-644-3044. The permit must be in the name of the upland property owner or long term lessee, so it is necessary to discuss this with you so our records will be accurate. S 1 n c e nely, Tidelands Administrator. 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach I a ' t L KT = .e y �q•p M � f d.. 17 9 f r h fY VIA 4 -10 D, 3 "Jr t.;m za �q o .= N CD R, n ac � t S •sir n i '',,� L 4. 'gi.it CD .; � ipp'J q 11 Z W , _ _ . rn co o J �a -z � = a) ( O .. r n 7J D7 W y to W W ONKR C ION CsONSITI- NITS, =D. CONSTRUCTION ENQNEE?S, Doaner=:e - ai.er;:a::;©-.a CONSi.i;.[^il'4 T S CSC s. 511 ,venida Del Gerdor 15, rue du Cendrer. PO, do*, 449 San Ctidornia 926-2 1211 Genteleva 1. Switzerland 48-5333 Tcl. 0221'32 70 Q6 ex 284 763 I:a cia r uj w z u 0 0 z co OD CS CN I cq CC O M LU IQ L, Lu Z--oa (z) 0 -:,-- < ­4 Z C) co C) ,r,