HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2004-0040gT REPLY TO ATTDni ON OF: Office of the Chief Regulatory Branch Shellmaker, Inc. Attention: Norm C. Goodin C/o: Lisa Nfiller, President 2035-F Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa, Califon -da 92627 Dear Mr. Goodin: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 532711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053-2325 April 9,2007 Enclosed you will find a signed copy of your Department of the Army Permit (File # SPL - 2005 -268). Please retain this copy for your files. Thank you for participating in our regulatory program. If you have any questions, pleas -e contact Forrest 'Vanderbilt at 213-452-3289. Sincerely, ob, Mark Durham Chief, South Coast Branch Regulatory Division Enclosure(s) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY -MICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS LOS ANGELES MS P.0 BOX M711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA SM3-2= January 22,2005 REPLY TO ArTENTION OF: Office of the Chief Regulatory Branch Shellmaker, Inc. Attention: Norm C. Goodin C/o: Lisa Miller, President 2035-F Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa, California 92627 Dear Mr. Goodin: Reference is made to your request of December 2, 2004 (File No. 200500268-WJC). Under the provisions of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3, 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403), you are hereby authorized to to remove existing wood dock system and 6 12 -inch pilings and replace them with a concrete dock system in a different configuration consisting of one main slip and two side ties and install 12 26 -inch pilings (see enclosed drawings), in Newport Bay in Newport Beach, Orange County, California, as shown on the enclosed drawings. The owner or authorized responsible official must sign and date all copies of this Letter of Permission (LOP) indicating that he/she agrees to the work as described and will comply with all conditions. One of the signed copies of this Letter of Permission must be, returned to the Corps of Engineers (a pre -addressed envelope is enclosed). In addition, please use the two attached postcards to notify this office as to the dates of conunencement (wifl-dn 10 days prior to the start of construction) and completion of the activity (within 10 days following the end of construction). Furthermore, you are hereby advised that the Corps of Engineers has established an Administrative Appeal Process which is fully described in 33 CFR Part 331. The complete appeal process is diagrammed in the enclosed Appendix B. Thank you for participating in our regulatory program. Sincerely, Mark Durham Chief, South Coast Section Regulatory Branch DAfE/ When the structures or work authorized by this pen-rdt are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the tenns and conditions of this LOP will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this pennit and the liabilities associated with compliance with its tenns and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below. TRANSFEREE DAT E Enclosure(s) 4 - PERMIT CONDITIONS General Conditions: 1. The time limit for completing the authorized activity ends on April 9,2009. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a tl-drd party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historicor archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you I -lave found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished with the terms and conditions of your permit. Furthermore, you must comply with the following non -discretionary Special Conditions: Special Conditions: 1. The permitted activity shall not interfere with the right of the public to free navigation on all navigable waters of the United States as defined by 33 C.F.R. Part 329. 2. No earthwork is authorized by this Letter of Permission. N11 3. Creosote treated pilings shall not be placed in navigable waters unless all of the following conditions are met: A) The project involves the repair of existing structures that were originally constructed using wood products; B) The creosote treated pilings are wrapped in plastic; Q Measures are taken to prevent damage to plastic wrapping from boat use. Such measures may include installation of rub strips or bumpers; D) The plastic wrapping is sealed at all joints to prevent leakage; and E) The plastic material is expected to maintain its integrity for at least ten years, and plastic wrappings that develop holes or leaks must be repaired or -replaced in a timely manner by the Permittee. 4. No other modifications or work shall occur to the structure permitted herein - 5. A pre -construction survey of the project area for Caulerpa taxifolia (Caulerpa) shall be conducted in accordance with the Caulerpa Control Protocol (see h=:/Lswr.ucsd.edu/­h­­­cd/cq2vl,htm) not earlier than 90 calendar days prior to planned construction and not later than 30 calendar days prior to construction. The results of that survey shall be furnished to the Corps, NOAA Fisheries, and the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) at least 15 calendar days prior to initiation of work in navigable waters. In th tt ze the event that Caulerpa is detected within e project area, the Permi ee shall not commenL work until such time as the infestation has been isolated, treated, and the risk of spread is eliminated as confirmed in writing by the Corps, in consultation with NOAA Fisheries and CDFG. 6. FOR BOAT DOCKS and OTHER STRUCTURES PLACED IN WATERS OFTHE US WITH THE POTENTIAL TO IMPACT EELGRASS: Once authorized impacts to navigable waters authorized by this permit have ceased, the Permittee shall conduct two years of post - construction eelgrass monitoring surveys per the mapping guidelines in NOAA Fisheries' Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy (Policy) (http://swr.n-mfs.noaa.gov/hcd/`e-elpgl.htm). All required post -construction monitoring surveys shallbe submitted by the Permittee to the Corps and NOAA Fisheries within 30 calendar days of each survey completion date. Based upon the post -construction monitoring survey results and in accordance with the Policy, the Corps will determine the need and/or amount of Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) mitigation required to offset adverse impacts to such habitat. The Corps will transmit its determination to the Permittee in writing. Within 60 calendar days of receiving the Corps' determination specifying the need and amount of mitigation, the Permittee shall submit a draft EFH mitigation plan to the Corps for review and approval. The EFH mitigation plan shall be prepared in accordance with the Policy and the Corps' Los Angeles District'Mitigation Guidelines and Monitoring Requirements,, dated April 19,2004. The Permittee shall fully implement the final EFH mitigation plan as approved by the Corps. 52 7. FOR DREDGING PROJECTS WITH THE POTENTIAL TO IMPACT EELGRASS: Prior to each maintenance dredging event, a pre -project eelgrass survey should be conducted in accordance with the Southern California Eelgrass, Mitigation Policy (SCEMP) (http://swr.nmfs.noaa.govfhcd/eelpol.htm). If the pre -project survey demonstrates eelgrass presence within the project vicinity, a post -project survey should be conducted and impacts to eelgrass mitigated in accordance with the SCEMP. 8. The Permittee shall discharge only clean construction materials suitable for use in the oceanic environment. The Permittee shall ensure no debris, soil, silt, sand, sawdust, rubbish, cement or concrete washin-s thereof, oil or petroleum products, from construction shall be allowed to 0 enter into or placed where it may be washed by rainfall or runoff into waters of the United States. Upon completion of the project authorized herein, any and all excess material or debris shall be completely removed from the work area and disposed of in an appropriate upland site. 9. The Permittee shall notify the Corps of the date of commencement of operations not less than 14 calendar days prior to commencing work, and shall notify the Corps of the date of completion of operations at least five calendar days prior to such completion. 10. The Permittee shall notify the Commander, Eleventh Coast Guard District, and the Coast Guard Marine Safety Office / Group LA -LD, not less than 14 calendar days prior to commencin. g work and as project information changes. The notification, either by letter, fax, or e-mail, shall include as a minimum the following information: A) Project description including the type of operation (i.e. dredgin& diving, construction, etc). B) Location of operation, including Latitude / Longitude (NAD 83). Q Work start and completion dates and the expected duration of operations. D) Vessels involved in the operation (name, size and type). E) VHF -FM radio frequencies monitored by vessels on scene. F) Point of contact and 24 hour phone number. G) Potential hazards to navigation. H) Chart number for the area of operation. Addresses: Commander, 11th Coast Guard District (can) Coast Guard Island, Building 50-3 Alameda, CA 94501-5100 ATTN: Local Notice to Mariners TEL: (510) 437-2986 FAX: (510) 437-3423 -7 - U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office / Group LA -LB 1001 South Seaside Ave., Bldg 20 San Pedi o, CA 90731 Attn: Waterways Management TEL: (310) 7332-2020 FAX: (310) 732-2029 11. The Permittee and its contractor(s) shall not remove, relocate, obstruct, willfully damage, make fast to, or interfere with any aids to navigation defined at 33 C.F.R. chapter L subchapter C, part 66. The Permittee shall ensure its contractor notifies the Eleventh Coast Guard District in writing, with a copy to the Corps, not less than 30 calendar days in advance of operating any equipment adjacent to any aids to navigation which requires relocation or removal. Should any federal aids to navigation be affected by this project, the Pern-dttee shall submit a request, in writing, to the Corps as well as the U.S. Coast Guard, Aids to Navigation office. The Permittee and its contractor are prohibited from relocating or removing any aids to navigation until authorized to do so by the Corps and the U.S. Coast Guard. 12. Should the Permittee determine the work requires the placement and use of private aids to navigation in navigable waters of the U.S., the Permittee shall submit a -request in writing to the C� Corps as well as the U.S. Coast Guard, Aids to Navigation office. The Permittee is prohibited from establisbing private aids to navigation in navigable waters of the U.S. until authorized to do so by the Corps and the U.S. Coast Guard. 13. Upon notification to the U.S. Coast Guard as specified in Special Condition 10, the Permittee shall forward a copy of the notification -;to the Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP). The COTP may modify the deployment of marine construction equipment or mooring systems to safeguard navigation during project construction. The Permittee shall direct questions 0 concerning lighting, equipment placement, and mooring to the appropriate COTP. 14. Within 30 calendar days of completion of the project authorized by this permit, the Permittee shall conduct a post -project survey indicating changes to structures and other features in naviaable waters. The Permittee shall forward a copy of the survey to the Corps and 0 to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Service for chart updating: Gerald E Wheaton, NOAA, Regional Manager, West Coast and Pacific Ocean, DOD Center Monterey Bay, Room 5082, Seaside, CA 93955-6711. 15, The peirnittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be required, upon due notice from -8 - the Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States on account of any such removal or alteration. Further Information: 1. Congressional Authorities: You have been authorized to undertake the activity described above pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). 2. Limits of this authorization. a. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, state, or local authorizatioi is required by law. b. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. c. This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. d. This permit does not authorize iinterference with any existing or proposed Federal project. 3 a. Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: a.. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes. b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in -the public interest. Damages to persons, property� or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit. d. Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. -9- 5. reevaluation of Permit Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant- Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a. You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of thds permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (See 4 above). c. Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. Such. a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will -be required to pay for any corrective measure ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. 6. Extensions, General condition 1. establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by tl-ds permit. Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion of the auth, orized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision, the Corps will normally give you favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time Emit. Permit Number: -10 - LOS ANGELES DISTRICT U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT SPL -2005-268 Name of I-lermittee: Mr. Norman C. Goodin Date of Issuance: April 9, 2007 Upon completion of the activity authorized by ffiis permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: U,S- Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch ATTN'-. CESPL-CO-R-SPL-2005-268 P.O. Box 532711 Los Angeles, CA 90053-2325 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by an Army Corps of Engineers representative. If you fail to comply with this permit you may be subject to permit suspension, modification, or revocation. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of said permit. Signature of Permittee Date . .......... He Number: 200500268 Date: January 22, 2005 Attached is: See Section below x IN-ITIALPROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) A PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) B PERMIT DENIAL C APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION D PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION E A: INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization- If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit- Z:� OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly- You must complete Section 11 of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PE11,2\41T: You may accept or appeal the permit. a ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. 0 APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section H of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section H of this form and sending the form to the division engineer- This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received Z� by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. E: PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the Z� preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable, If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contactin,g the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements- You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the record of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, -vou may provide additional information to clarify the location of information that is already in the administrative record. If you have questions regarding this decision and/or the appeal process you may contact: DISTRICT ENGINEER Los Angeles District, Corps of Engineers ATTN: Chief, Regulatory Branch P.O. Box 532711 Los Angeles, CA 90053-2325 If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you may also contact: Douglas R. Pomeroy, Appeal Review Officer g U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, CESPD-ET-CO 333 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94015-2195 Tel- (415) 977-8035 FAX (415) 977-8047 Tel- (213) 452-3425 FAX (213) 452-4196 1 1 RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15 day notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportunity to participate in all site investigations. Date: of wDellant or Telephone number: _10 - Applicant Options With Initial Proffered Permit Initial proffered permitsentto� applicant ApplicantfCorps sign standard Does permit or applicant accepts applicant aqcept�the� letter of permission. terms and conditions of -the yes pro e nitial 5 red permit? The project -is authorized. Y :�� NO Applicant sends specific objections to district engineer. The district engineer will either modify the, - permit to remove all objectionabLe condffions,: remove somie Ofthe objectionable condidons.,.:or not modify the permit. A profFered permit is sent to the applicant fbr reconsideration mnth an.NAP and an RFA form. Applicant(Corps sign standard Does the permit or applicant accepts applicant accept the letter of perrriission. terms and conditions of The project is authorized. Yet the proffdr,ed NO Applica nt declines the proffered permit The declined individual permit, may be appealed by submittinga RFA to the division engineer vifthin, 60 clays of the date of the NAP (see Appendix AY Appendix B STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Govemor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office Page 1 of 9 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Date: March 28, 2007 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 (562) 590-5071 Permit No: 5-04-264 COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT On 7 June 2005, the California Coastal Commission granted to Norman C. Goodin Coastal Development Permit 6-04-264, subject to the attached Standard and Special Conditions, for development consisting of: Remove an existing wooden dock system consisting of 10 slips and replace it with a new concrete dock system in a different configuration consisting of 3 slips (one main slip and two side ties), twelve (12) 16" diameter concrete plies and an 80 -foot long gangway. In addition, use of one of the three slips for a charter boat ope ' ration with capacity of up to 150 passengers, with parking at off-site locations. Morespecifically described in the application file in the Commission offices. The development is within the coastal zone in Orange County at 2527 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission on March 28, 20 PETER DOUGLAS Co P a Executive Director Tit;le:Co tal P ram Analyst 719 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. The undersigned permittee acknowledges that Government Code Section 818.4 which states in pertinent part, that: "A public entity is not liable for injury caused by the issuance ... of any permit . . . " applies to the issuance of this permit. IMPORTANT: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY OF THE PERMIT WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMISSION OFFICE. 14 CAL. ADMIN. CODE SECTION 13158(a). Date I Signature of Permittee Please sign and return one copy of this form to the Commission office at the above address. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 2 of 9 STANDARD CONDITIONS 1 Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time., Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 4. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. 5. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to. the terms and conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: '11. CONFORMANCE WITH EELGRASS MITIGATION PLAN The applicant shall conform with the Marine Biological Resources Impact Assessment, Dock Renovation Project, Southshore Yacht Club, Newport Beach, California prepared by Coastal Resources Management dated June 1, 2004. Any proposed changes to the approved plan shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved plan shall occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required. 2. EELGRASS SURVEY A. Pre Construction Eelgrass Survey. A valid. pre -construction eelgrass (Zostera marina) survey shall be completed during the period of active growth of eelgrass (typically March through October). The pre - construction survey shall be completed prior to the beginning of construction and shall be valid until the next period of active growth. The COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 3 of 9 survey shall be prepared in full compliance with the "Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy" Revision 10 (except as modified by this special condition) adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service and shall be prepared in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Game. The applicant shall submit the eelgrass survey for the review and approval of the Executive Director within five (5) business days of completion of each eelgrass survey and in any event no later than fifteen (115) business days prior to commencement of any development. If the eelgrass survey identifies any eelgrass within the project area which would be impacted by the proposed project, the development shall require an amendment to this permit from the Coastal Commission or a new coastal development permit. B. Post Construction Eellgrass Survey. If any eelgrass is identified in the project area by the survey required in Subsection A of this condition above, within one month after the conclusion of construction,, the applicant shall survey the project site to determine if any eelgrass was adversely impacted. The survey shall be prepared in full compliance with the "Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy" Revision 8 (except as modified by this special condition) adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service and shall be prepared in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Game. The applicant shail submit the post - construction eelgrass survey for the review and approval of the Executive Director within thirty (30) days after completion of the survey. If any eelgrass has been impacted, the applicant shall replace the impacted eelgrass at a minimum 1.2:1 ratio on-site, or at another location, in accordance with the Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy. All impacts to eelgrass habitat shall be mitigated at a minimum ratio of 1.21 (mitigation: impact). The exceptions to the required 1.21 mitigation ratio found within SCEMP shall not apply. Implementation of mitigation shall require an amendment to this permit or a new coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment or new permit is required. 3. PRE -CONSTRUCTION CAULERPA TAXIFOLIA SURVEY A. Not earlier than 90 days nor later than 30 days prior to commencement or re -commencement of any development authorized under this coastal development permit (the "project"), the applicants shall undertake a survey of the project area and a buffer area at least 10 meters beyond the project area to determine the presence of the invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia. The survey shall include a visual examination of the substrate. B. The survey protocol ' shall be prepared,in consultation with the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the California Department of Fish and Game, and the National Marine Fisheries Service. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 4 of 9 C. Within five (5) business days of completion of the survey, the applicant shall submit the survey: for the review and approval of the'Executive Director; and ii. to the Surveillance Subcommittee of the Southern California Caulerpa Action Team (SCCAT). The SCCAT Surveillance Subcommittee may be contacted through William Paznokas, California Department of Fish & Game (858/467-4218) or Robert Hoffman, National Marine Fisheries Service (562/980-4043). D. If Caulerpa taxifolia is found within the project or buffer areas, the applicants shall not proceed with the project until 1) the applicants provide evidence to the Executive Director that all C. taxifolia discovered within the project area and all C. taxifolia discovered within the buffer area have been eliminated in a manner that comphes with all applicable governmental approval requirements, including but not limited to those of the California Coastal Act, or 2) the applicants have revised the project to avoid any contact with C. taxifolia. No revisions to the project shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 4. CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES AND DEBRIS REMOVAL The permittees shall comply with the following construction -related requirements: A. No construction materials, equipment, debris, or waste shall be placed or stored where it may be subject to tidal and wave erosion and dispersion. B. Any and all debris resulting from construction activities shall be removed from the site within 10 days of completion of construction. C. Machinery or construction materials not essential for project improvements shall not be allowed at any time in the intertidal zone. D. Sand from the beach, cobbles, or shoreline rocks shall not be used for construction material. E. If turbid conditions are generated during construction a silt curtain shall be utilized to control turbidity. F. Measures shall be taken to ensure that barges do not ground and impact eelgrass sites. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 5 of 9 G. Floating booms shall be used to contain debris discharged into coastal waters and any debris discharged shall be removed as soon as possible but no later than the end of each day. H. Non -buoyant debris discharged into coastal waters shall be recovered by divers as soon as possible after loss. Reasonable and prudent measures shall be taken to prevent any discharge of fuel or oily waste from heavy machinery, pile drivers, or construction equipment or power tools into coastal waters. The applicants and applicants' contractors shall have adequate equipment available to contain any such spill immediately. J. All stock piles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sides, shall be located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway, and shall not be stored in contact with the soil. K. All debris and trash shall be disposed of in the proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. L. The applicants shall use the least damaging method for the construction of pilings and any other activity that will disturb benthic sediments. The applicants shall limit, to the greatest extent practicable, the suspension of benthic sediments into the water column. 5. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES PROGRAM By acceptance of this permit the applicant agrees that the long-term water -borne berthing of boat(s) in the approved dock and/or boat slip will be managed in a manner that protects water quality pursuant to the implementation of the following BMP's. A. Boat Cleaning and Maintenance Measures: 1 In -water top -side and bottom -side boat cleaning shall minimize the discharge of soaps, paints, and debris. 2. In -the -water hull scraping or any process that occurs under water that results in the removal of paint from boat hulls shall be prohibited. Only detergents and cleaning components that are designated by the manufacturer as phosphate -free and biodegradable shall be used, and the amounts used minimized. 3. The applicant shall minimize the use of detergents and boat cleaning and maintenance products containing ammonia, sodium hypochlorite, chlorinated solvents, petroleum distillates or lye. B. Solid and Liquid Waste Management Measures: COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 6 of 9 1 All trash, recyclables, and hazardous wastes or potential water contaminants, including old gasoline or gasoline with water, absorbent materials, oily rags, lead acid batteries, anti -freeze, waste diesel, kerosene and mineral spirits shall be disposed of in a proper manner and shall not at any time be disposed of in the water or gutter. C. Petroleum Control Management Measures: 1 Oil absorbent materials shall be examined at least once a year and replaced as necessary. The applicants shall recycle the materials, if possible, or dispose of them in accordance with hazardous waste disposal regulations. The boaters shall regularly inspect and maintain engines, seals, gaskets, lines and hoses in order to prevent oil and fuel spills. Boaters shall also use preventive engine maintenance, oil absorbents, bilge pump -out services, or steam cleaning services as much as possible to clean oily bilge areas and shall not use detergents while cleaning. The use of soaps that can be discharged by bilge pumps is prohibited. 2. Sewage pumpout facilities shall be used to dispose of waste, and the overboard disposal of untreated sewage within the project area and surrounding waters shall be prohibited. 6. PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN A. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for the review and written approval of the Executive Director, a parking management plan for the development approved by Coasta� Development Permit No. 5-04-264. 1 The parking plan shall indicate that parking is designated on-site in the following manner: 25 parking spaces available on-site for the administrative operation of the charter service and yacht club and remaining on-site commercial/business uses during normal business hours (9am to 5pm) Monday through Friday. Except for their administrative operations, the charter operation and yacht club will only operate after 5pm, Monday through Friday and on the weekends. 2. The parking plan shall indicate that parking is designated on-site and off-site in the following manner: 43 tandem parking spaces will be available on-site and at least 50 parking spaces will be available at off-site lots located near the project site, on the north side of West Coast Highway between 2540 West Coast Highway and 2300 West Coast Highway after normal business hours (after 5pm) COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 7 of 9 Monday through Friday and on weekends. Where there is any overlap of parking demand between the charter/yacht club operations and the other on-site commercial/business uses, the charter/yacht club operation shall secure additional off-site parking to off -set the on-site parking demands. 3. The parking plan shall include, at a minimum, the following components: a. A signage plan, depicting the design (e.g., dimensions, wording, etc.) of the posted parking Signs. Signsshall be placed along West Coast Highway and at both the front and rear of the buildings. Signs be sized and sited such that they are clearly visible and legible to occupants of vehicles seeking parking to patronize the on-site uses. These signs shall clearly explain the availability of on-site and off-site parking and also locate the off-site parking locations.; b. A site plan depicting the locations where employee and customer parking signs will be installed; C. The directions and maps to the off-site parking locations to be given to the charter boat and yacht club patrons, d. When the charter/yacht club operation is serving patrons, the on-site and off-site parking lots shall have parking attendants to direct patrons to the designated parking areas (on and off- site). B. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved final plan. Any proposed changes to the approved final plan shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved final plan shall occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required. 7. OFF-SITE PARKING A. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit written evidence, acceptable to the Executive Director, which shows that at least 50 off-site parking spaces have been provided at'private operations at location(s) on the north side of West Coast Highway between 2540 West Coast Highway and 2300 West Coast Highway to meet the demands, of the on-site uses (Charter Yachts of Newport Beach and Pacific Coast Yacht Club),. No public parking spaces (e.g., on public streets or within public parking lots) shall be used to satisfy the parking requirements. The applicant shall submit a plan that identifies COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 8 of 9 the specific location(s) of the 50 required off-site parking spaces and shall submit a long-term (minimum 5 -years) lease or rental agreement(s), for the review and approval of the Executive Director, that secures the applicant's (and the stated uses' employees and customers) legal ability to access and utilize the proposed off-site parking supply during the hours when these respective business operations are active. In addition, the applicant shall submit an inventory of all other parking spaces in the parking lot(s) which are to be leased or rented off-site, and shall demonstrate that the parking spaces to be leased or rented off-site to support the development approved by this permit are not encumbered by a prior Commission action, or leased or rented by any other person or party in a manner that would conflict with the use of parking spaces necessary to support the development approved by this permit. B. The 50 required off-site parking spaces must be provided for the life of the charter and yacht club operation permitted in this action. The authorization to operate the approved charter and yacht club operation granted by this permit is contingent upon the continuing availability of the 50 required parking spaces to meet parking demands during all hours when the charter boat and yacht club is operating. Any expiration of or changes to any agreements required pursuant to part A of this condition shall be reported to the Executive Director. Any new agreement or changed agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director in accordance with the terms and conditions of this permit and may require a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required. 8. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT This permit is only for the development described in Coastal Development Permit No. 5- 04-264. Pursuant to Title 14 California Code of Regulations section 13253(b)(6), the exemptions otherwise provided in Public Resources Code section 30610(b) shall not apply to the development governed by Coastal Development Permit No. 5-04-264. Accordingly, any future improvements to the boat docks authorized by this permit and the project site that currently has uses on site consisting of a charter boat, a yacht club, a radar company, a mortgage company and a flooring company, including but not limited to repai.r and maintenance identified as requiring a permit in Public Resources section 30610(d) and Title 14 California Code of Regulations sections 13252(a) -(b), shall require an amendment to Permit No. 5-b4-264 from the Commission or shall require an additional coastal development permit from the Commission or from the applicable certified local government. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 9 of 9 9. DEED RESTRICTION PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit to the Executive Director for review and approval documentation demonstrating that the landowner has executed and recorded against the parcel(s) governed by this permit a deed restriction, in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director: (1) indicating that, pursuant to this permit, the California Coastal Commission has authorized development on the subject property, subject to terms and conditions that restrict the use and enjoyment of that property; and (2) imposing the Special Conditions of this permit as covenants, conditions and restrictions on the use and enjoyment of the Property. The deed restriction shall include a legal description of the entire parcel or parcels governed by this permit. The deed restriction shall also indicate that, in the event of an extinguishment or termination of the deed restriction for any reason, the terms and conditions of this permit shall continue to restrict the use and enjoyment of the subject property so long as either this permit or the development it authorizes, or any part, modification, or amendment thereof, remains in existence on or with respect to the subject property. GAPERMITS\2004 permits\5-04-264 goodin permit.doc CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH C I TT OF N E�i POZ7 8 EP0q 0 CERN P1 YICINITY MRP Fer, aLlrWA -4 My 08 MY 0 P 0 S "I —w 7- 2 o r It VC- R 77, 3 HEST jcm EFST XM SaKINGS Fff- DODWSSED IN FEE7 Pl,@ LEND-.- CLEVRTIONS BRSED ON W-F:N L04IR LOH WR7,--:; I LIAIL:- U - 9 L K L? IN 95 California Coastal Conymssion South Coast Dist i t �,�RO NJtPermit 2,611- -Z-- 4,00 51�-,/ EFFECrIv F - Date: IJ4 !P�.4 ......... loec) V L-',Yl.f 7- P� s- EEL GRASS INSPEc-nk 0 1 NO EEL GRASS WITHIN 15- OF-PROJE&7,4P//,/E- 1414 C* *1 EEL GRASS IN THE PROJECT AREA f� 1//Q, - P61, tZ 'L �C d i Ve 0- 1 //6 /01 SIGNATURE z -�Zq '51�710�. HARBOR RESOURCES DIV. PERMIT # DATE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ch,, -6 f,11 -LOA, 7 PLAN VIEvY -R, --�IVORM G 000w JOB RODRESS 2S -?7 W, COA5-r- DPT[ N I'K Z Qj LITY OF NEWPORT GERCH, C I TY OF N 04 Lpp03 EFY 5, 7' BRY 0 Pi 0 �07 YICINITY, MRP i -0PZ97 FZT. DUrg*CA XM MM I NGS AWE D?RESSED I N F=T R�@ DE NO ELEVATIONS BRSEI) ON tIERN LOIrER LOW WRT-L.�- 13k_ zz U -Y, 16 1. K w 45 0 6 200' California Coastal Co 'ssion oa South Coast D' I t ce Ist I t r YR RRO 2,6 --------- .......... 'Z_ --------------------- Date: --k/ /0 S� S 9. q-31 EEL GRASS INSPECTIK' 0 NO EEL GRASS WITHIN 15'OF-PROJE&!,4F/,",/c- 1411- c, EEL GRASS IN THE PROJECT AREA //low — Pe, 1z " c IC Ljj6Lq \le 0�, 1//6/04 SIGNATURE zl�Z9 fk710� HARBOR RESOURCES DIV. PERMIT # DATE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLAN VIBY I' =30 --'N T'S NRML IVORM G 000 OB RDD�ESS 2S27 W, CO,4.57- STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Govemor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION Soifth Coast Area Office Page I of 9 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beack CA 90802-4302 Date: March 28, 2007 (562) 590-5071 Permit No: 5-04-264 01:4% =1 COTO f4a 2::J - On 7 June 2005, the California Coastal Commission granted to Norman C. Goodin Coastal Development Permit 5-04-264, subject to the attached Standard and Special Conditions, for development consisting of: Remove an existing wooden dock system consisting of 10 slips and replace it with a new concrete dock system in a different configuration consisting of 3 slips (one main slip and two side ties), twelve (12) 16" diameter concrete plies and an 80 -foot long gangway. In addition, use of one of the three slips for a charter boat operation with capacity of up to 150 passengers, with parking at off-site locations- More specifically described in the application file in the Commission offices. The development is within the coastal zone in Orange County at 2627 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Issued on behalf of the California Coastal Commission on March 28, 20 PETER DOUGLAS t'y'; Executlive Director Titl . �Co �tal P �gram�Ana�lyst ACKNOWLEDGMENT The undersigned permittee acknowledges receipt of this permit and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions thereof. The undersigned permittee acknowledges that Government Code Section 818.4 which states in pertinent part, that: 'A public entity is not liable for injury caused by 'the issuance ... of any permit . . ." applies to the issuance of this permit. IMPORTANT: THIS PERMIT IS NOT " VALID UNLESS AND UNTIL A COPY OF THE PERMIT WITH THE SIGNED ACKNOWLEDGMENT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO THE COMMI I - OFFICE. 14 CAL. ADMIN. CODE SECTION 13158(a). 7" t,112-, /�) 7 F 6ate " of Permittee Please sign and return one copy of this form to the Commission office at the above address. COASTAL DEVELOPIVENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 2 of 9 STANDARD CONDITIONS 1 Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and -conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date on which the Commission voted on the application. Development shall be pursued in a d iligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. interpretation. Any questions of intent or interpretation of any condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 4. Assignment. The permit may be ass ' igned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with the Commission an affidavit accepting all terms and conditions of the permit. "I 5. Tprm--% and Conditions Run with the Lan These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to �,ind ail future owners and possessors of the subject property to. the terms and conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS CONFORMANCE WITH EELGRASS MITIGATION PLAN The applicant shall conform with the Marine Biological Resources Impact Assessment, Dock Renovation Project, Southshore, Yacht Club, Newport Beach, California prepared by Coastal Resources Management dated June 1, 2004. Any proposed changes to the approved plan shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved plan shall occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director deter -mines that no amendment is required. 2. EELGRASS SURVEY A . . Pre Construction Eelgrass Survey. A valid pre -construction eelgrass (Zostera marina) survey shall be completed during the period of active growth of eelgrass (typically March through October). The pre - construction survey shall be completed prior to the beginning of construction and shall be valid until the next period of active growth. The COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-0:4-264 Page 3 of 9 survey shall be prepared in full compliance with the "Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy" Revision 10 (except as modified by this special condition) adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service and shall be prepared in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Game. The applicant shall submit the eelgrass survey for the review and approval of the Executive Director within five (5) business days of completion of each eelgrass survey and in any event no later than fifteen (15) business days prior to commencement of any development. If the eelgrass survey identifies any eelgrass within the project area which would be impacted by the proposed project, the development shall require an amendment to this permit from the Coastal Commission or a new coastal development permit. 4.h B. Post Construction Eelgrass Survey. Ifany eelgrass is identified in Live project area by the survey required in Subsection A of this condition above, within one month after the conclusion of construction, the applicant shall survey the project site to determine if any eelgrass was adversely impacted, The survey shall be prepared in full compliance with the "Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy" Revision 8 (except as modified by this special. condition) adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service and shall be prepared in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Game. The applicant shali submit the post - construction eelgrass survey for the review and approval of the Executive Director within thirty (30) days after completion of the survey. If any eelgrass has been impacted, the applicant shall replace the impacted eelgrass at a minimum 1.21 ratio on-site, or at another location, in accordance with the Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy. All impacts to eelgrass habitat shall be mitigated at a minimum ratio of 1.21 (mitigation: impact). The exceptions to the required 1.21 mitigation ratio found within SCEMP shall not apply. Implementation of mitigation shall require an amendment to this permit or a new coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment or new permit is required. 3. PRE -CONSTRUCTION CAULERPA TAXIFOLIA SURVEY A. Not earlier than 90 days nor later than 30 days prior to commencement or re -commencement of any development authorized under this coastal development permit (the "project"), the applicants shall undertake a survey of the project area and a buffer area at least 10 meters beyond the project area to determine the presence of the invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia. The survey shall include a visual examination of the substrate. B. The survey protocol shall be prepared in consultation with the Regional Water Quality Controf Board, the California Department of Fish and Game, and the National Marine Fisheries Service. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 4 of 9 C. Within five (5) business days of completion of the survey, the applicant . shall submit the survey: for the review and approval of the Executive Director; and to the Surveillance Subcommittee of the Southern California Caulerpa Action Team (SCCAT). The SCCAT Surveillah 6e Subcommittee may be contacted through William Paznokas, California Department of Fish & Game (858/467-4218) or Robert Hoffman, National Marine Fisheries Service (562/980-4043). D. if Caulerpa taxifolia is found within the project or buffer areas, the applicants shall not proceed with the project until 1) the applicants provide evidence to the Executive Director that all C. taxifolia discovered within the project area and all C. taxifolia discovered within the buffer area have been eliminated in a manner that complies with all applicable governmental approval requirements, including but not limited to those of the California Coastal Act, or 2) the applicants have revised the project to avoid any contact with C. taxifolia. No revisions to the project shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. 4. CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES AND DEBRIS REMOVAL The permittees shall comply with the following construction -related requirements: A. No construction materials, equipment, debris, or waste shall be placed or stored where it may be subject to tidal and wave erosion and dispersion. B. Any and all debris resulting from construction activities shall be removed from the site within 10 days of completion of construction. C. Machinery or construction materials not essential for project improvements shall not be allowed at any time in the intertidal zone. D. Sand from the beach, cobbles, or shoreline rocks shall not be used for construction material. E. If turbid conditions are generated during construction a silt curtain shall be utilized to control turbidity. F. Measures shall be taken to ensure that barges do not ground and impact eelgrass sites. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 1 June 14, 2006 TO: HARBOR COMMISSION FROM: Harbor Resources Division (City Manager's Office) Tom Rossmiller, Harbor Resources Manager, 949-644-3041 trossmiller@city.newport-beach.ca.us SUBJECT: Commercial Dock Finger Width Exception at 2527 West Coast Highway ISSUE: Should the commercial dock replacement applicant at 2527 West Coast Highway be allowed to reconstruct a dock that will be used for charter passenger loading with a six foot finger width as an exception to the current and proposed commercial dock standards finger width of eight feet? RECOMMENDATIONS AND OPTIONS: Harbor Resources recommends that Option #1 be given consideration. 1. Allow the applicant to reconstruct the dock with a finger width of six feet. 2. Require the applicant construct the dock according to existing and proposed standards. BACKGROUND: 2527 West Coast Highway is the former location of the South Shore Yacht Club and is currently owned and operated by Norm Goodin as the home to Charter Yachts of Newport Beach and the 150 passenger charter vessel Icon. 2 Some important events and dates include: • Issuance of an Approval in Concept for the dock reconstruction project on May 7, 2004 • AIC permit conditions requires easternmost side tie to have a vessel that does not exceed a beam of 24'. • AIC permit conditions requires westernmost side tie to have a vessel that does not exceed a beam of 30'. • Approval of 401 Certification by the Regional Water Quality Control Board on July 1, 2004. • Approval of Coastal Development Permit by the Coastal Commission on June 7, 2005. • Approval of Boarding Location at 2527 W. PCH on October 22, 2004. • Approval of an Off -Site Parking Agreement No. 2004-002 and Modification Permit No. 2004-067 by the Planning Commission on December 9, 2004. • Issuance of a Commercial Harbor Activities Permit on January 20, 2005. The current "Design Criteria & Standard Drawings for Harbor Construction" states in Section 2.15 "Dock (float) minimum clear width for commercial passenger use shall be 6 feet to 80 feet long and 8 feet for docks over 80 feet long." The proposed "Harbor Design Criteria — Commercial & Residential Facilities" Section 2 -C -5(b) states'. Table No. 1 Minimum Finger Widths Finger float Width Length of Berth (Feet) (Feet) Widths of more than that shown in this Figure may be necessaryfor specific site conditions andlor uses offingers over 70ftet In issuing the Approval in Concept, Harbor Resources staff considered the above criteria and space available to the applicant to carry out the intended operation and the stability afforded by the proposed Utility Vault design as shown below. In addition, the proposed project allows for the resolution of the charter vessel overhang into the main channel issue at this location and provides for ADA access. In Figure 1, the dock layout is shown. Two 120' charter vessels are indicated as well as two smaller vessels on the eastern side tie. The proposed dock finger lengths are approximately 105' in length and 6'feet in width. Four 16" prestressed concrete piles support each finger. The proposed dock system will be built by Utility Vault with their ring beam and steel rod and plate connection system shown in more detail in Figure 2. Based on our review of the dock system design, both Harbor Resources and the Building Department concur that the Utility Vault system provides sufficient stability to safely be used for commercial vessels of approximately 120' in length. However, it is also the opinion of both departments that passengers should not be queued or loaded from the fingers. We have agreed that a special condition on the permit should require the operator to install a physical barrier that precludes passenger access to the fingers but is movable to allow crew access to the fingers. Both departments also agree that there should be dock stenciling and signage that indicates "Passengers are not permitted beyond this point." The proposed special condition would also further clarify that passenger loading is allowed from the head walk only. The head walk varies from 8' to 14' in width as shown in figure 1. Even though both departments concur t ' hat the dock could be constructed to safely operate, as designed, with the proposed special conditions; we cannot issue final construction permits without allowance of the finger width exception by the Harbor Commission. Figure 1 Figure 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project has been previously found to be ministerial or categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA. PUBLIC NOTICE: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Ralph M Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the public meetings at which the Harbor Commission considers the item). Prepared by: Tom Rossmiller Harbor Resources Manager - - - - - - - - - - - - - FLOAT5 ----------------------- 53' -I I "x6' "T S qpM m —S" "AYAn" Figure 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This project has been previously found to be ministerial or categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA. PUBLIC NOTICE: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Ralph M Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the public meetings at which the Harbor Commission considers the item). Prepared by: Tom Rossmiller Harbor Resources Manager COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 5 of 9 G. Floating booms shall be used to contain debris discharged into coastal waters and any debris discharged shall be removed as soon as possible but no later than the end of each. day. H. Non -buoyant debris discharged into coastal waters shall be recovered by divers as soon as possible after loss. Reasonable and prudent measures shall be taken to prevent any discharge of fuel or oily waste -,from heavy -machinery, pile drivers, or construction equipment or power tools into coastal waters. The applicants and applicants' contractors shall have adequate equipment available to contain any such spill immediately. J. All stock piles and construction materials shall be covered, enclosed on all sides, shall be located as far away as possible from drain inlets and any waterway, and shall not be stored in contact with the soil. K All debris and trash shall be disposed of in the proper trash and recycling receptacles at the end of each construction day. The applicants shall use the least damaging method for the construction of pilingsand any other activity that will disturb benthic sediments. The applicants shall limit, to the greatest extent practicable, the suspension of benthiG sediments into the water column. 5. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES PROGRAM By acceptance of this permit the applicant agrees that the long-term water -borne berthing of boat(s) in the approved dock and/or boat slip will be managed in a manner that protects water quality pursuant to the implementation of the following BMP's. A. Boat Cleaning and Maintenance Measures: In -water top -side and bottom -side boat cleaning shall minimize the discharge of soaps, paints, and debris. 2. In -the -water hull scraping or any process that occurs under water that results in the removal of paint from boat hulls shall be prohibited. Only detergents and cleaning components that are designated by the manufacturer as phosphate -free and biodegradable shall be used, and the amounts used minimized. 3. The applicant shall minimize the use of detergents and boat cleaning and maintenance products containing ammonia, sodium hypochlorite, chlorinated solvents, petroleum distillates or lye. B. Solid and Liquid Waste Management Measures: No. 5-04-264 Page 6 of 9 All trash, recyclabies, and hazardous wastes or potential water contaminants, including old gasoline or gasoline with water, absorbent materials, oily rags, lead acid batteries, anti -freeze, waste diesel, kerosene and mineral spirits shall be disposed of,in a proper manner and shall not at -any time be disposed of in the -water or gutter. C. Petroleum Control Management Measures: Oil absorbent materials shall be examined at least once a, year and replaced as necessary. The applicants shall recycle the materials, if possible, or dispose of them in accordance with hazardous waste disposal regulations. The boaters shall regularly inspect and maintain engines, seals, gaskets, lines and hoses in order to prevent oil and fuel spills. Boaters shall also use preventive engine maintenance, oil absorbents, bilge pump -out services, or steam cleaning services as much as possible to clean oily bilge areas and shall not use detergents while cleaning. The use of soaps that can be discharged by bilge pumps is prohibited. 2. Sewage. pumpout facilities shall be used to dispose of waste, and the overboard disposal of untreated sewage within the project area and surrounding waters shall be prohibited. 6. PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN A. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit, for the review and written approval of the Executive Director, a parking management plan for the development approved by Coastal Development Permit No. 5-04-264. The parking plan shall indicate that parking is designated on-site in the following manner: 25 parking spaces available on-site for the administrafive operation of the charter service and yacht club and remaining on-site commercial/business uses during normal business hours (9am to 5pm) Monday through Friday. Except for their administrative operations, the charter operation and yacht dub will only operate after 5pm, Monday through Friday and on the weekends. 2. The parking plan shall indicate that parking is designated on-site and off-site in the following manner: 43 tandem parking spaces will be available on-site and at least 50 parking spaces will be available at off-site lots located near the project site, on the north side of West Coast Highway between 2540 West Coast Highway and 2300 West Coast Highway after normal business hours (after 5pm) COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 7 of 9 Monday through Friday and on weekends. Where there is any overlap of parking demand between the charter/yacht club operations and the other on-site commerciallbusiness uses, the charterlyacht club operation shall secure additional off-site parking to off -set the on-site parking demands. 3. The parking plan shall include, at a minimum, the following components: A signage plan, depicting the design (e.g., dimensions, wording, etc.) of the posted parking signs. Signsshall be placed along West Coast Highway and at both the front and rear of the buildings. Signs be sized and sited such that they are clearly Visible and legible to occupants of vehicles seeking parking to patronize the on-site uses. These signs shall clearly explain the availability of on�site and off-site parking and also locate the off-site parking locations.; b. A site plan depicting the locations where employee and customer parking signs will be installed; C. The directions and maps to the off-site. parking locations to be given to the charter boat and yacht club patrons; d. When the charter/yacht club operation is serving patrons, the on-site and off-site parking lots shall, have parking attendants to direct patrons to the designated parking areas (on and off- site). B. The permittee shall undertake development in accordance with the approved final plan. Any proposed changes to the approved final plan shall be reported to the Executive Director. No changes to the approved final plan shall occur without a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required. 7. OFF-SITE PARKING A. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit written evidence, acceptable to the Executive Director, which shows that at least 50 off-site parking spaces have been provided at private operations at locati,on(s) on the north side of West Coast Highway between 2540 West Coast Highway and 2300 West Coast Highway to meet the demands of the on-site uses, (Charter Yachts of Newport Beach and Pacific Coast Yacht Club), No public parking spaces (e.g., on public streets or within public parking lots) shall be used to satisfy the parking requirements. The applicant shall submit a plan that identifies COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. 5-04-264 Page 8 of 9 the specific location(s) of the 50 required off-site parking spaces and shall submit a long-term (minimum 5 -years) lease or rental agreement(s), for the review and approval of the Executive Director, that secures the applicant's (and the stated uses' employees and,oustomers) legal ability to access and utilize the proposed off-site parking supply during the hours when these respective business operations are active. In addition, the applicant shall submit an inventory of all other parking spaces in the parking lot(s) which are to be leased or rented ofic-site, and shall demonstrate that the parking spaces to be leased or rented off-site to support the development approved by this permit are not encumbered by a prior Commission action, or leased or rented by any other person or party in a manner that would conflict with the use of parking spaces necessary to support the development approved by this permit. B. The 50 required off-site parking spaces must be provided for the life of the charter and yacht club operation permitted in this action. The authorization to operate the approved charter and yacht club operation granted by this permit is contingent upon the continuing availability of the 50 required parking spaces to meet parking demands during all hours when the charter boat and yacht club is operating. Any expiration of or changes to any agreements required pursuant to part A of this condition shall be reported to the Executive Director- Any new agreement or changed agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director in accordance with the terms and conditions of this permit and may require a Commission amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is required. 8. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT This permit is only for the development described in Coastal Development Permit No. 5- 04-264. Pursuant to Title 14 California Code of Regulations section 13263(b)(6), the exemptions otherwise provided in Public Resources Code section 30610(b) shall not apply to the development governed by Coastal Development Permit No. 5-04-264. Accordingly, any future improvements to the boat docks authorized by this permit and the project site that currently has uses on site consisting of a charter boat, a yacht club, a radar company, a mortgage company and a flooring company, including but not limited to repair and maintenance identified as requiring a permit in Public Resources section 30610(d) and Title 14 California Code of Regulations sections 13252(a) -(b), shall require an amendment to Permit No. 5-04-264 from the Commission or shall require an additional coastal development permit from the Commission or from the applicable certified local government. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT No. -5-04-264 Page 9 of 9 9. DEED RESTRICTION PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, the applican t shall submit to the Executive Director for review and, approval documentation demonstrating that the landowner has executed and recorded against the parcel(s) governed by this permit a deed restriction, in a form and content acceptable to the Executive Director: (1) indicating that, pursuant to this permit, the California Coastal Commission has authorized development on the subject property, subject to terms and conditions that restrict the use and enjoyment of that property; and (2) imposing the Special Conditions of this permit as covenants, conditions and restrictions on the use and enjoyment of the Property. The deed restriction shall include a legal description of the entire parcel or parcels governed by this permit. The deed restriction shall, also indicate that, in the event of an extinguishment or termination of the deed restriction for any reason, the terms and conditions of this permit shall continue to restrict the use and enjoyment of the subject property so long as either this permit or the development it authorizes, or any part, modification, or amendment thereof, remains in existence on or with respect to the subject property. G:\PERMITS\2004 permits\5-04-264 goodin permit.doc NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR COMMISSION MINUTES City Council Chambers June 14, 2006 CALL TO ORDER 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Commissioners Seymour Beek, Tim Collins, John Corrough, Don Lawrenz, R*h Rodheim, and Marshall Duffield were in attendance. Paulette Pappas was aniKcused absence. Staff: Lorrie Arcese, Chris Miller and Tom Rossmiller. MINUTES:. The minutes for May will be approved at the next meeting. ACTION ITEM ITEM #1 Subject: 2115 Bayside Dr. — Dock Reconfiguration Summary: Chris gave a staff report on Mr.Tsong proposal to add (2) 40' sections to his eldsting fingers on his U-shaped float which currently extends past the U.S. PierheadUne and are considered 'existing non -confirming'. Unless otherwise noted in Council Policy H-1, dock structures are not permitted to extend beyond the Pierhead Line; there is not a provision for this address. Discussion: The dock is already over the pierhead line. The client or their representative was not present for questions. Public Comments: Action: Commissioner Rodeim made the motion to deny the proposal to add extensions to the existing float. The motioned was seconded and carried with all ayes. ITEM #2 Subject: 40 Linda Isle — Dock Reconfiguration Summary: Chris gave a staff report regarding Mr. Raymond of 40 Linda Isle, who proposes to replace his current dock system in the same general configuration. This residential dock was originally built with two slips in 1968 even though the council Policies (H-1) state that only one slip is permitted at residential properties. Mr. Raymond is asking for approval. Discussion: Public Comments: Action: Commissioner Rodheim made the motion to approve the proposal to replace the existing dock system in the same general configuration with two slips and to document this decision in the file. The motion was seconded and carried with all ayes. ITEM #3 Subject: Commercial Dock Finger Width Exception at 2527 West Coast Highway Summary: Tom gave a staff report on whether the commercial dock replacement applicant at 2527 West Coast Highway should be allowed to reconstruct a dock that will be used for charter passenger loading with a six foot finger width as an exception to the current and proposed commercial dock standards finger width of eight feet. Discussion: Tom said that the construction of the dock is very secure. There will be a condition for stern loading only. He recommended that this be approved for six feet. Commissioner Lawrenz added that this is an exceptional good dock. He noticed that fire suppression is not noted, but Tom said it is there and has passed fire requirements. Commissioner Rodheim said that by going with six feet wide, it would increase the size of boat that could fit in the slip. Commissioner Beek and Rodheim asked if we can put a restriction on the size boat that would go in that slip. It currently sticks out about 20 feet further than it will with the new dock system. Lisa Miller and staff were unaware of the eight foot rule on docks over 80 feet, so Building Dept. kicked it back at the end of the process. Building Dept. also agreed that this type of pier is a very strong product and it would be okay, but it still needed Harbor Commission approval. Commissioner Collins Rodheim asked the applicant if they would accept the condition that their vessel not exceed 120 feet, (which is a variance to current policy). The applicant feels this is unfair and no other marinas have this restriction, and this current issue is not about a future boat. Commissioner Rodheim said they will be restricting boat size in the future if they come before the Commission. Chris said this may be a consistency issue as other boats come in the harbor. Harbor Resources looks to the policies for direction and City Council has allowed the docks to be built to the pierhead line on Mariners Mile and the policy currently states they are allowed to extend past the end of the dock by the width of the beam. Roheim made the motion to approve with condition that any vessel cannot extend past six feet. Commissioner Lawrenz added that there must be throwable life preservers at the end of each finger. Lisa asked that the issue be tabled if this condition is imposed. If they go back to 8 feet it will not come back to this Commission, since it would be incompliance with the current rules. She was unprepared for the issue of the boat size to enter into this decision. Public Comments: Glenn Twitchell got a clarification that the length of the boat is LOA. Action: The motion was made to table the motion and carried with all ayes. ITEM #4 Subject: Mooring Rental Request on A-243 Summary: Chris gave a staff report on Mr. Vance's request to rent a mooring for his recreational sailboat from Mr. Moon (A-243) on a temporary basis for up to six months. Discussion: Mr. Vance said that this boat has lots of history. He wants to get it at 100% and sail it. Chairman Corrough said that Mr. Vance is asking the Commission to knowingly okay a derelict boat in the harbor. We may get complaints on it. Public Comments: Glenn Twitchell said that this is a big issue and opens up to a lot of exposure. According to the mooring agreements Mr. Moon cannot receive money for renting his mooring and this would be an exception. Action: Commissioner Rodheim made the motion, and it was seconded, to approve the request to allow mooring A-243 to be rented to Mr. Vance for up to six months with the following conditions: 1. Mr. Vance must show proof of ownership of the vessel prior to renting the mooring. 2. Mr. Vance must produce a progress report showing substantial progress in his effort to secure the restoration fund within 120 days of renting the mooring, or, if the funds are not secured, Mr. Vance must show progress in converting the vessel to non -derelict status. 3. Mr. Vance must secure a bond for the disposal cost of the vessel should any dispute arise concerning the ownership of the vessel. The motion carried with all ayes. ITEM #5 Subject: Consideration of Mandatory Boater Education - Comments to the Department of Boating and Waterways Summary: Should the Harbor Commission provide input to the California Department of Boating and Waterways on the topic of Mandatory Boater Education? If the Harbor Commission determines that comments to DBAW should be formulated, authorize staff to draft a letter for the Chairman's signature delineating the Harbor Commission's comments. Discussion: Public Comments: Action: The Harbor Commissioners saw no reason for this and chose not to take action or give any input on this item. PUBLIC COMMENTS: SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS: Chairman Corrough said that Title 17 is being wrapped up with final comments. Commissioner Lawrenz said that the Shoring Mooring subcommittee is sunset. HARBOR RESOURCE UPDATES: Tom Rossmiller harbor updates on the RGP-54 renewal, Balboa Island beach replenishment, sea lions, Upper and Lower Bay dredging projects, Channel Reef dredging, Corona del Mar beach replenishment, multiple vessel mooring systems and the harbor valuation study. A subcommittee was formed to help with the harbor valuation, headed by Commissioner's Collins and Lawrenz. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS OR HARBOR RESOURCES UPDATE: COMMISSIONER'S ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS TO BE PLACED ON FUTURE AGENDAS FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT: It was asked what had happened to the Rhine Channel Dock and the Commission was reminded that they were told they needed to speak to a City Councilman to push for this. The next City Council meeting will be the last time for input. Vessel Overhang — the Commission would like this as a priority and requested that staff do an inventory on the overhang in the harbor, look at risk factors, safety, the Municipal Code and those in the way even if they are in conformance. A subcommittee will then be formed. Tom said that it will take at least two months for staff to accomplish this on commercial docks. Residential will take much longer. I Z1 210101 J, I J, 121 Z 1114 Q ItQ :J 101.4 go] ZA Wil ILI] N ;IF_,Tci 4 ki I 01-II&A • Presentation of the Coast Guard Report on the Endeavor Accident (when released). • Vessel Overhang DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, July 12, 6:00 pm Council Chambers ADJOURNMENT Miller, Chris From: Rossmiller, Tom Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:59 AM To: 'Norm Goodin'; 'Lisa Miller' Cc: Miller, Chris Subject: Norm Goodin Dock Project Contacts: Norm Goodin Hi Norm: The Building Department is now willing to accept the 6'wide finger at your proposed dock provided we have the Harbor Commission approve the exception that we have been ok with since the beginning (Approval In Concept). We can take the approval to the Harbor Commission on June 14, if that works for you. Please let us know how you want to proceed. Thanks, I re 711 1 Page 1 of 2 Miller, Chris From: Jurdi, Faisal Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 3:55 PM To: Rossmiller, Tom Cc: Miller, Chris; Elbettar, Jay Subject: RE: 2527 W Coast Hwy. Harbor policy requires Harbor Commission approval for deviation from the standards. The Building Department have no objection to its approval. I will refer Lisa Miller to you. She called me twice today. From: Rossmiller, Tom Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 3:15 PM To: 3urdi, Faisal Cc: Miller, Chris; Elbettar, Jay Subject: RE: 2527 W Coast Hwy. Hi Faisal: Chris and I talked this issue over and we feel that the dock design provides enough stability that we could approve the modification. We would like to restrict passenger access to the fingers but we don't think that a gate is the proper barrier due to safety concerns. We would hate to see a crew member unable to get quick access to the finger while attempting to secure the vessel to the dock or to deal with some dock or vessel emergency. We would prefer to see a boldly painted message on the dock surface and on signs stating that "Passengers are not permitted beyond this point". We would also like to see some movable physical barrier that precludes passenger access but allows for relatively easy crew access. We agree that a condition in their license should state that they are allowed to load from the head walk only. Thanks, Tom From: Jurdi, Faisal Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:11 AM To: Rossmiller, Tom Cc: Miller, Chris; Elbettar, Jay Subject: 2527 W Coast Hwy. Are you willing to approve a modification which allows (2) 100 ft long fingers for this location provided they provide a barrier (gate) to prevent passengers from loading off the finger and condition their license to load from the head walk only. There would be a sign on the gate that the public is not permitted beyond the gate. Faisal Jurdi, PE, CBO 08/17/2006 vww.J� y CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH i E- FINAL LETTER - COMPLETE HARBOR RESOURCES - 829 Harbor Island Dr., Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tom Rossmiller - 949-644-3041 Chris Miller - 949-644-3043 FIRE DEPARTMENT - P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Nadine Morris - 949-644-3105 GOODIN FAMILY TRUST ATTN: NORM GOODIN P.O. BOX 2736 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 Dear Commercial Pier Permittee, Permit number: HC2004-019 Location : 2527 W COAST HWY Status: CLOSED 10/22/2004 11+ z 5 Z'? This is an acknowledgement letter stating that you have successfully corrected the violations previously noted in the City report that was sent to you earlier this year. Your docks have met the minimum standards as set by The City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. Your actions will help reduce the potential for fire related injury and property damage in Newport Harbor. Please remember that it will be your responsibility to ensure that your docks maintain this level of safety in the years to come. The Harbor Resources and Fire Departments will be conducting routine inspections of your property in the future. Thank you for your compliance. Please feel free to give us a call if you should have any additional questions. DATE COMMENTS CHRIS MILLER - HARBOR RESOURCES SUPERVISOR NADINE MORRIS - FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR Page I of 1 9 HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034 / Fax 949-723-0589 APPROVAL IN CONCEPT APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH as required for permit application to the South Coast Regional Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Sections 13210 and 13211. General Description of Proposed Development: Demolish existing dock system. Install 2 fingers to create 3 large slips. Install new 80'gangway. Install new pile. (Size and number of pile to be determined after calcs are complete.) Business address number must be stenciled on 1 bayward facing pile. Pier conditions must be signed by applicant prior to final approval. jProperty Address: 2537 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Legal Description: lHarbor Permit Number: 129-2527 11311an Check Number: 2531-2002 jApplicant: Norm Goodin Applicant's Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2736, Newport Beach, CA 92659 Phone Number: 949-283-1155 I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application. Page 1 of 2 And find tThey comply with the current adopted Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning rdinance, Subdivision Ordinance and any applicable specific or precise plans or, o That a variance of exception has been approved and final. A copy of any variance, exception, conditional use permit or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept and said approval has been written upon said plans, signed and dated. Should Newport Beach adopt an ordinance deleting, amending or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act or 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted thereunder, this development: 1— Has been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. o Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). o Has received a Final Environmental Impact Report (copy attached). All discretionary approvals legally required of Newport Beach prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in principal by Newport Beach unless a substantial change is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes and regulations of Newport Beach. See attached conditions to the pier permit. Tom Rossmiller, Manager, Harbor Resources nature: /- Chris Miller, Harbor Resources Supervisor May 7, 2004 Attachments: Worksheet for Building Permit Application Drawing Pier Conditions Page 2 of 2 HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034 / Fax 949-723-0589 Pier Permit Conditions May 7, 2004 Property Address: 2537 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, CA 92663 With reference to the plans currently under consideration to reconfigure or modify the dock system, the following conditions will now be in effect on the above referenced pier. the pier permittee is aware of the Harbor Permit Policies and Chapter 17 of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. The pier permittee understands that the above referenced pier is under the purview of these policies and codes. 2. Any future work on the above mentioned pier requires permits with the City of Newport Beach and any other applicable agencies. Painting, replacement of rub rails and work considered to be cosmetic in nature does not require a permit. 3. The conditions set forth in this document pertain to the current, proposed dock system under consideration. Any future modifications or alterations to the dock system may require new conditions which may override or change these conditions. 4. Only marine oriented uses are allowed on the pier, pier platform, gangway and float. Patio furniture, plants etc ... are not permitted. 5. Your side property lines extend in the water along their same bearing. 6. A vessel may not extend beyond the end of the fingers by more than the width of its beam. 7. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted to side tie on the eastern most finger is 24'. 8. The maximum beam of a vessel that is permitted to side tie on the western most finger is 30'. Signature: Chris Miller, Harbor Resources Supervisor Applicant Signature Print Name Joint Pier Applicant Signature (if applicable) Print Name Date: Inspection Requested By: Inspector: Pier Address: Pier Transfer INSPECTION FORM Harbor Resources Department Don Duffy 2s_:Sr� W, Caa,5+ HiE&�\A, soviv) svlot, Ya,,hf C(A Reinspection GF1 Present Yes Need None Needed Yes Need F____T F Anti -Siphon Backflow Present Other Comments CEeligrass ts 777 j - Yes No /_0 ot 'A?l Presentl I Pump Out Pier Location Yes No Operational I I Recommended Action Encroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Boat Description CF Number Location on Dock Comments Observations Other Request Nov 27 02 04:44p within 30 4ay.5 f0110W shall be s=ounded by jine,. CGvc:r -shall be rev The surface sedirncnts centimeters using "il 0 3) Material, including maint2ined as jk con= to opland disposal Of & 5. If dodged *Atcriul is envirctini,cat, then no SO disposal SiEc, during the swvcillmcc level skilve w,thin an existing EPA, ill be del ,eq.iscyzients wi 5 the treatment 2rea ,onji,,r,ation of w viability in tested core c .OntaijErient screca of no Vc4ler Porosily thm 0.5 nun =d ft hi. jh': contanatent area F .hal, be rcrnoved to a depth of 25 assisted suction dredgc- Vlater, hall be pUMPC4 intoo clilorization tank And tjon of 0.5% chlorine for a period Of *,, , that 6 hours Prior od 11.1x,crial or other 201110rizOd disPOSA "t=nat'Vcs' be removed fsom the ApE and pla0ad c1sewhare in the niartne mar Ilia n 60 day3 alker Co1nPIDtiOA Of the dredged ;'re'a and cXt 11ij:h SmWth period. the applicant shall c0uduct;a Of3D).4jspasaj-re2 except where Mataial is dispsed of mg)lai cd dczp McAn disPOW Site' The specific swvcy ,=inv I bj NMFS and CDFG an a case by O=c b2sis. This policy does Vat v=iea,,iy additiond lresll�CdOns 01% Tha handlin& MuVOrt, 'Or 2PPIY at the tittic of pe,'bit issaginet ar in the future- It i$ pa tb3 rna,'Y i5poSal of CAMIEr , b) comply with ,iny odw applicable Staxe or FcACW d d", incumbent uP011 the pem regulatiom, Mtn 'tions 4 ect at the time Of r Changes to the protocol that xPay be iDeff initiation of authorized t'v"'cs� Can erpa SurveY Reporting Form (V i&cj 1.0, September 18, 2001) This femis r*Q*VedtO 0 sl-lbfn'WA for =Y sfeysconducted forThe iDvasi'veexotic- required to be conducted under itilerAl Or statc Pcm'ts Wga cauterpa uxifolia ;av issued by tb c U.S. Amy COfPs Of EnSinmrs or RcgionW Water in and authorizations CIS Quality Control Boardss ( ef �100 9 & 9). The form has lica designed to assist gat tht lcquircA Wortnatioll —C4%sary controlling the COM of kig wbik ensuring the awhorized actiow 00 ft spread of to identify wd COMO an Caulerpa. Sur-ve—ys re -q- Lai PatimfiAl impacts of subject to niodification d to be conducted for this spades We upon The 't is 'ncmmbc*l ,tiQn of Ix"LOV ks to tho CaulerPa sulvey PQ"cy' throagb PuNicl ' ark is �ojlcvwing tbc latest Protocols- For autbofizcd permittee to e Lye Mat survey IN t: Robert klOfEymm, NAtioz^' M*dne contm further information = th p4mlocols, picase C�4 D49, or Willi= P=Pkas, CAUf6ftia D'Vart"tent of Fish Fisheries Service, (562) & 5S) 467-4219 Site Name., sole//, i/CL C 4L refortme Contact: P. I I -al 916S-eL9-6k6 G11;G ajoeujeE 4TV:i'D 20 L2 ^ON Nov 27 02 04:46p par -r 02 06/21/21DO2 94gs-313IL22 SwIFT 'Of. Fmail Spw.dk IA"dOlr- M�, Lfiamg� down, mccomy kva 6*Gh if 'beauric =Vey am& MOP coukripa 1h, 7is Zi 7c m -d was Caulape fieftow: ba bent coot*Cwd ON drAc. t & *met& aft aseggy P*Cd Ake calskma was not fus*d at thiq shr- V�Jcrjptjou of fd�wl x &OMM, bAay de Work w *a &C mikc of,, Sit a: md 17 2 7 � 77 P do pbyskxl comaigo wAis 'QA( 1., Ayiv if -I. V. If ;15 Zr JI(I C-1 rilw pl:;-i= 'm = f�;M:lal lkwm- Ils � ZZ kr a.cl 9 1 S -q- CL.13-. G*rG SIT;a C11*:I'D 20 L2 p. 2 Nov 27 02 04:46p .7.1 A4^ c, c , siw Olian cw�pdam Ofsumy V It I- 'Ow IC &9grIt th* MAVer ww larhmliq Inc of V (SCUBA. I - -, A, 0 0 I aw.) ad VAMY do eAV40yed. dotc Of md =Yyoy dool*y ded Pettepaw *fag y urcd dwing at lort; 0 .5 It7 iblilk), n ur" A, .5F VW /cco� L . --I P. I C -d 9 - G i - 6 do*:Ja ao 42 AD" Jo fl /off AOIC4 AAkr.Y(-4 Aw4o�ck 4ilY Ido 9 A or ^VY Dior Informatiou; : fti, Spam to pmvi& Addwmw infoammim rc"cs Ira aLftqcbm mals swh as nvq)4 m ac.) C&uk(Pa Swvay Reposi6ing (vcfj.. I 0 caul C20ifpn� 1-M, a[cieuieIg 42*:tD 20 La AOM cl Jq-�,:Jpo 20 La AOW er Quality Control Board 4�% California Regional Wat Santa Ana Region Terry Tamminen 3737 Main Street, Suite 500, Riverside, California 92501-3348 Arnold Schwarzenegger Secretaryfor 1(909)782 ' -4130 - Fax (909) 781-6298 Governor Environmental http://vrww.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcbg Protection July 1, 2004 Lisa E. Miller, President Shellmaker, Inc. 2035F Placentia Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627 PROPOSED REBUILDING OF BOAT DOCK, NORM GOODIN, 2537 W. COAST HIGHWAY, NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY Dear Ms. Miller: If standard dock construction methods and materials are utilized, this project should not adversely impact water quality. A statement has been submitted that there will be no waste discharged from the proposed project. Based on these assurances, clearance is provided. How ever, should the Army Corps of Engineers determine that this project requires a Section 404 permit, it will be necessary for the project proponent to obtain from this Board a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Should you have any questions, please contact J. Shami at (909) 782-3288. Sincerely, T, 10om eno (Jun) T. Martirez, Jr., P. Chief, Regulations Section cc: California Coastal Commission, Long Beach Army. Corps of Engineers — Erik Larsen City of Newport Beach, Marine Department - Tony Meller. JIS/blutag2l9let California Environmental Protection Agency Recycled Paper 05/24/2005, 17:43 9495151951 CHARTER YACHTS PAGE 02 STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Govemor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION Filed: 49th Day: December 17,2005 February 4. 2006 South Coast Area Office 180tKDay: June 15, 2005 200 OmrigatO. Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 908o2-4302 TU 9b staff: FSY-LB (562) 590-5071 Staff Report: May 19,2005 Hearing Date, June 7-10, 2006 Commission Action: STAFF REPORT: REGULAR CALENDAR APPLICATION NUMBER: 5-04-264 APPLICANT, Norman C. Goodin AGENT: Shellmaker Inc., Attn: Lisa Miller PROJECT LOCATION- 2527 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, Orange County' PROJECT PESCRIPTION: Remove an existing wooden dock system consisting of 10 slips and replace it with a now concrete dock system in a different configuration consisting of .3 slips (one main slip and two side bes), twelve (12) 16" diameter concrete plies and an 80 -foot long gangway. In addition, use of one of the three slips for a charter boat operation with capacity of up to 150 passengers, with parking at off-site locations. SUMMARY OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION-, The major issues of this staff report include unavoidable shading impacts to eelgrai�s and concerns relative to the availability of adequate parking to support the charter boat and YaGht club operation. Staff is recommending APPIR of the proposed proje ' ct subject to Nine (9) Special Conditions, which are necessary to assure that the unavoidable impacts are minimized, that appropriate mifigation occurs, that madne resources and water quality are protected, and that public access is not impeded. The special conditons are necessary in order to find the proposed project consistent with Sections 30230, 30231, 30233, 30212, 30213 and 30252 of the Coastal Act. Special Condition No. 1 requires conformance with the eelgrass mitigation plan. Special Condition No. 2 requires pre and post -construction eelgrass survey$ and if additional eelgrass is discovered within the project vicinity, that impacts be avoided and, if unavoidable, mitigated pursuant to the Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy. Special Condition No. 3 requires that a pre -construction survey for Caulerpa taxifolla be done and if its presence is discovered, the applicant shall not proceed with the project until 1) the applicant provides evidence to the Executive Director that all Caulerpa taxftlia within the project and buffer areas have been eliminated or 2) the applicant has revised the project to avoid any contact with Caulerpe taxifolia. Special Condition No. 4 requires the disposal of all demolition and construction debris at an appropriate location. Special Condition No,'S requires adherence to Best Management Practices to ensure the continued protection of water quality and m ' arine resources. Special Condition No. 6 requires submittal of a parking management plan. special Condition No. 7 requires the applicant to secure a long-term (5 -year) lease for the off-site parking location(s), Special Condition No. 8 requires acknowledgement of a future improvements condition, Special Condition No. 9 requires recordation of a deed restriction against the property, referencing all of the Special Conditions contained in this staff report. 05/24/2005 17:43 9495151951 CHARTER YACHTS PAGE 01 o^TATE OF CALIFORNIA —THE RESOURCeS AGE14CY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Governpr CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST DISTRICT PO SOX 1450 POD Ocearig". 10th FIcor LONG KAGH, CA 90802-4416 -,A,ww.coastaT.ca.gcv Page: 1 Date: May 20, 2005 IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEARINGNOTICE COASTAL PERMIT APPLICATION PERMIT NUMBER: 6-04-264 APPLICANT(Sh Norman C. Goodin PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Remove an existing'wooden dock system consisting of 10 slips and replace it with a new concrete dock system in a different configuration consisting of 3 slips (one main slip and two side ties), twelve (12) 1 IV diameter concrete plies and an 80-fDot long gangway. In addition, use of one of the three slips for a charter boat operation with capacity of up to 150 passengers, with parking at off-site locations. PROJECT LOCATION: 2527 West Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, (Orange County) (APN(s) 049-150-25, 049-150-24) HEARING DATE AND LOCATION: DATE: Tuesday, June 7, 2005 TIME: Meeting begins at 9:00 AM ITEM NO: Tu 9b PLACE: Sheraton Los Angeles Harbor 601 South Palos Verdes Street, San Pedro, CA PHONE'. (310) 519-8200 HEARING PROCEDURES: This item has been scheduled for a public hearing and vote. People wishing to testify on this matter may appear at the hearing or may present their 6oncerns by letter to the Commission on or before the hearing date. The Coastal Commission is not equipped to receive comments on any official business by electronic mail. Any information relating to official business should be sent to the appropriate Commission office using U.S. Mail or courier service, SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN MATERIALS: If you wish to submit written materials for review by the Commission, please observe the following suggestions, - We request that you submit your matedals to the Commission staff no later than three working days before the hearing (staff will then distribute your materials to the Commission). I Mark the agenda number of your item, the application number, your name and your position in favor or opposition to the project on the upper right hand corner of the first page of your submission. If you do not know the agenda number, contact the Commission staff person listed on page 2. dt CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION Sei:15 04 12:14P Rick Ware 7604511893 p.2 P:� 14 04 11:06a S h e 1 1 m a k e r I nc 9495485315 p.2 -mor ARNOLD scHWARZENF-GGER GovL STATE OF CALIFORNIA -THE RESOURCES.-,GENCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area Office 200 OCe2ngate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 (562) 590-5071 July 29, 2004 Shellmaker. Inc. Attn: Lisa Miller 2035F placefta Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Re: Dock work Norman Goodin, Applicant 2527 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach (Orange County), Location Coastal Development Permit Appi.cation 544-264 Dear Ms. Miller, Coastal Commission staff has reviewed your application to remove an existing wooden dock system and replace it with a new concrete dock system in a different configuration consisting of one main slip, two side ties, plies and an 80 foot long gangway� Commission staff has determined that further information is necessary td aid in the review of the project. 1. A biological study has been submitted. which evaluates impacts the proposed project will have upon eelgrass and any biological resources. In the study, it also states that the site was previously val of eelgrass. surveyed by request of the City of Newport Beach due to a reportedly illegal, remo The study determined that eelgrass on site had been adversely affected by some type of activity. Please explain and provide any other additional information regarding this activity- If there were are any previous impacts upon eelgrass, you would have been required to prepare appropriate surveys and mitigation plans in consultation with the Cal4brnia Department of Fish and Game and in conformance with the Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy. 2. You have contacted the California Department of Fish and Game, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NIVIFS) for their evaluation and determination regarding the proposed project. however they have not yet responded. Once received, please forward to Commission staff any correspondence you may have with them. 3. Please confirm the type of materials that will be used for the new dock and piles. 'Jes? These should be 4. KmwrnarsY Plew piles are proposed? WhaL are the dimensions crf these new pi shown and identified on the project plans. S. Please provide two (2) copies of pre- and post -project plans with.overlays that show the location of the identified eelgrass areas in relation to the pre- and post -project docks and piles. Please do not limit your submittal to the above-mentioned items. You may submit any information, which you feel may help Coastal Commission staff gain a clear understanding of the scope of your project. Upon receipt of the requested materials, we vAII proceed with determining the completeness of your application. Thank you for your attention to these matters. We took forward to working with you. Ifyouhaveany questions,yo may contact meat (562) 590-5071. ly, S1 rely, ie Sy I P Coastal P Analyst Hi\fsyletterM�ncomplete�5-04-264-(Goodin)NB September 23, 2004 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH California Coastal Commission Attn: Fernie Sy 200 Oceangate, STE 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 Harbor Resources Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 RE: Dock Work At 2527 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, Application 5-04-264 Dear Fernie, In your letter dated July 29, 2004 to Ms. Lisa Miller of Shellmaker, point #1, you had asked for any additional information relating to an alleged incident concerning eelgrass at 2527 W. Coast Highway. Since the complaint was investigated by Harbor Resources, I will outline the chain of events that took place to help answer any questions you may have. At 8:15 am on January 15, 2004, Harbor Resources received a call from Roger Henry, Port Captain of South Shore Yacht Club (SSYC, now former occupant of 2527 W. PCH) who said there was a diver pulling eelgrass from under his docks. I went out immediately with Don Duffy of Harbor Resources to investigate. We talked to Lee Goodin (Norm's son) who was in the process of driving to the Newport Dunes with a boat trailer to retrieve the inflatable that was currently in route from the property to the Dunes. Lee explained that he was taking depth readings to determine where future vessels could be berthed. He said that he was not pulling up any eelgrass and didn't know what it looked like. We then walked the docks with Roger Henry and Randy Marquis, both of SSYC. They said they saw three people in their marina and saw the inflatable drive away. They also noticed a clump of eelgrass floating near this inflatable. I examined this clump and noticed it may have been ripped out, although I am not a marine biologist to make a definitive claim. (See picture below.) The SSYC members said that the water was turbid where the diver was underwater. They also said they heard the diver claim that he would be able to get rid of the eelgrass. None of the SSYC members actually saw the divers pull up any eelgrass. Therefore, there is no proof or eyewitnesses of such an event. One member of SSYC claimed that he dove the site a month or two earlier and noticed that eelgrass did exist in the marina. We then went to the Newport Dunes to talk to Lee who had the inflatable in tow, ready to drive away (Icon tender, CF 0725SV). He and his partner, Josh Baum, repeated their same story. We called Bob Hoffman of National Marine Fisheries who advised us to ask Rick Ware of Coastal Resources Management to dive the site since he was already in the Harbor mapping eelgrass. 1 Rick dove the site the next day and noticed that the bay bottom did appear disturbed. Several smaller eelgrass sprouts were present. We contacted Michael McDermott of the Department of Fish and Game who investigated the incident over the next few weeks. He did not come to any conclusions and could not prove any wrongdoing. No report was generated. I hope this answers any questions that you may have in order to complete the application for a new dock system. Sincerely, ) f NA; Chris Miller Harbor Resources Supervisor (949) 644-3043 05/13/200S 21:17 9497233149 CHARTER YACHTS PAGE 01 2.527 West Coasf HWY P.O.Box'2736 Newport Beach, Ca 92659 949-515-1950 949-515-1951 Fax Send to. Fhow Norm Goodin Attention: Date: Office location: aky Office Locafion:.Afevort Beach FaxNumber: 7Aa—Q5 ?. I Phone Number. J,LJ 4,6 UP -1&: —!�Ljo Lj ly MbV Lie, AM— 0 Please roymnent Plemm Reviev 0 For vour I)IO-Iliarioll Total pages, Including cover; J,LJ 4,6 UP -1&: —!�Ljo Lj ly MbV Lie, AM— 05/13/2005 21:17 9497233149 CHARTER YACHTS PAGE 02 0 PENDING PERM IT, 11T.::,APPLICATION'FOR c c ASTALJ! ALIFORNIA 0' LIE` KIP,; 't 0"N" "Ap MW NT - 2M, od$ -060.00, 1.619101.,� 4 00.6 y yn Ilk v ln� ........ . . : -bi . . .... .,ran Now .1 -1 4y 3 4 ... .. ..... W' -1.1"....1,1.7 iw- ;:,r Afp -b'ATI55tNOT-10EPOSTIED: "':`7 . . . ....... . i ifi-iithi6rinthiri ation'tilease phone or wnt6 - - owj�- `8 W4hd 5 PNI, weekdays. CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST DISTRICT PO BOX 1460 200 Oceangate, 10th Floor LONG BEACH, CA 908024416 1562) 590-6071 mW111IIIIIIIIIII NOTICE OF 0 PENDING PERM IT, 11T.::,APPLICATION'FOR c c ASTALJ! ALIFORNIA 0' LIE` KIP,; 't 0"N" "Ap MW NT - 2M, od$ -060.00, 1.619101.,� 4 00.6 y yn Ilk v ln� ........ . . : -bi . . .... .,ran Now .1 -1 4y 3 4 ... .. ..... W' -1.1"....1,1.7 iw- ;:,r Afp -b'ATI55tNOT-10EPOSTIED: "':`7 . . . ....... . i ifi-iithi6rinthiri ation'tilease phone or wnt6 - - owj�- `8 W4hd 5 PNI, weekdays. CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST DISTRICT PO BOX 1460 200 Oceangate, 10th Floor LONG BEACH, CA 908024416 1562) 590-6071 mW111IIIIIIIIIII 05/13/200E- 21:17 9497233149 CHARTER YACHTS PAGE 03 STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY. GRAY DAMS. Gotomar CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION 111931N� South CMt AMU Office 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 I M, CA 90802-4302 Long Be= (562) 5W5071 Date: Re: Application/Appeal No S—e� &A — ?,6 &4 STATUS LETTER The status of this matter is noted below. Your application was filed on il, 11-110 t -t The public hearing is tent I atively schedule� on In This tentative scheduling infbrmation is being provided for your convenience and is subject to change. Written notification of final scheduling of the hearing, along with a copy of the staff report, will be mailed approximately 10 days prior to the hearing, IMPORTANT: The enclosed Notice of Pending Permit must be posted on .the site, in a conspicuous place, within 3 days of its receipt. This applicatior f' --i b . ;i . ncomplete and cannot be filed or processed until the items . r'; - listed on the attached sheet have been completed and submitted to the District Office. If these items have not been received by the date indicated, the entire package will be returned to you. Please be advised. that the items needed to complete,your application must be submitted to this off kd b' This file is being returned as the application submitted is deemed incomplete, This required substantive documents are missing, Please see the attached sheet. This appeal was received and has been determined to be a valid appeal. You will be notified of the place and date of the public hearing. This appeal was received after the expiration Of the appeal period, hence it is not a valid appeal. This appeal was received but has been determined invalid for the following reason: If yo.0 have an ques "ions, eas Staff An yst. n Rev00/lm contact this office at (562) 590-5071. Cl TK cc, 4�*PoAclr JA6�4cl-1 0, A/0 AlICAL WAS' -4z 'X C, 41-1 v VIC) &J I 7Y 5KETCH qffbwPPPPrr 5AY, CAL lProoLNIA mg Or& jr.5 eo, lee -1 omd a4emole .�lo -1-117A�l 36elow Afcor7 I-ovrr Zo-, Afox/�U— '-0'757e 0/' /0 /,�7e.5 Mi HARBOR RESOUR ES DIV CITY OF NEVVP BEACH rlj / L ee 83 S 7-:5 -,A C 7- _ A44;'--fe 16. c::f 0 7- -/c,5 4 ooeer ss '2 5 --?7 WYS 7-VC0,4S7- ��16AIWqy 1 -,7% P- /I ikc- CoAlrRA c ro a -41 Mar 16 04 04:07p P. I A11CONOY 3400 Via Oporto -Suite 99101 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Phone: (949) 723-314:8 www.cynb.com filarch 16, 2004 Marine Department City of Newport Beach! Fax: 949-723-0589 Attn: Chris P.0- Box 2736 Newport Beach, CA 92659 Fax: (949) 723-3149 E-mail: Charteryachts@aol-com Re: Letter from the Murrel Company to the South Shore Yacht Club Chris: This letter in my opinion does not give the South Shore Yacht Club permission to use the 12 feet of water access to their slips. Norman C. Goodin Tig-,MuRREL COMPANY June 10, 2003 Mr. Randall Marquis Port Capitan South Shore Yacht Club 2527 West Coast Highway Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Mariner's Mile Marine Center Newport Beach, CA Dear Randall: This letter shall provide authorization by VNIA Mariner's Nfile, LLC, a California limited liability compar�y (,,owneel) for South Shore Yacht Club ("SSYC") to have any unauthorized or illegally berthed boats found in Slip 1A (as shown on the attached site plan) towed by the Orange County Harbor Patrol on behalf of Owner. SSYC assumes all responsibility and liability for moving/towing of any illi-,gally berthed boats. SSYC hereby acknowledges that Slip 1A is leased to Pedigree Shipyard and shall use it's best reasonable efforts to communicate with Pedigree Shipyarc (via Alain Foret's cell (714) 496-9481 or office (949) 574-7933) prior to towing of a vessel berthed in Slip IA. This agreement may be cancelled by either Owner or SSYC at anytime. Sincerely, THE MURREL COMPANY, a California Corporation as autborized agent for VMA MARINER'S MILE, LLC, a California limited li�.bflity company t�ll Welton Vice President Agreed to by: Randall Marquis South Shore Yacht Club Date: 2439 WEE;r Co..%sr Hwy SUITr 200 Nkiwom, BLACH CALIFORNIA, 92663 TEL 949 - 722 - 1131 FAX 949 - 722 - 9244 ;3 - C1 dLO:iO 1,-0 91 JeW CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH-. 7 - CITY OF /-Z"') a/-- -'c; Y NEW 'SERCH LPPER WEST ND+WT 0 BRY J 7- rOM 7 /4 PRCI� IC OCERN PIER HEST VICINITY MRP EFST K3eCRT B:rr, Olff04-CA SOLNDI RRE DPRE= IN FEET P�0 DENOTE ELCY'ATI BASED ON LDrER LOH HATER. R 7- N� . ' 'NI qb Ll r -5 0 X�4 01-1,r cz ug C. ��Alk� �A/'-Qy 'Qu EXI_ T-) C)f /<51' Q, �j _4 Ole 77; -- EEL GRASS INSPECTION 0 NO EEL GRASS WITHIN 15' OF PROJECT ))k EEL GRASS IN THE PROJECT AREA ')[' / (� "ctc uvor? d �'vt crin lbi, /0't HARBOR RESOURCES DIV. SIGNATURE CITY OF NEWpORT BEACH 121 - 2, V) /()q MIT# DATE PLAN VIEW 1' =30' PPPLIMNT'S *r�ME /Vo,,C::'/A4 G 000W JOB RDDRESS F527 W, f OA5r IYWY I DATE /0 - HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034 / Fax 949-723-0589 APPROVAL IN CONCEPT APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH as required for permit application to the South Coast Regional Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Sections 13210 and 13211. General Description of Proposed Development: Demolish existing dock system. Replace with 2 large slips. Install 12 new pile and 80' gangway. Pusiness address number must be stenciled on 1 bayward facing pile jPier conditions must be signed by applicant prior to final approval. Z5 I Legal Description: lHarbor Permit Number: 129-2527 1 jPlan Check Number: 2531-2002 [Applicant: Norm Goodin I Applicant's Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2736, Newport Beach, CA 92659 Phone Number: 949-283-1155 I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application. Page 1 of 2 And find ')�- They comply with the current adopted Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and any applicable specific or precise plans or, Ei That a variance of exception has been approved and final. A copy of any variance, exception, conditional use permit or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept and said approval has been written upon said plans, signed and dated. Should Newport Beach adopt an ordinance deleting, amending or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act or 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted thereunder, this development: XHas been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. o Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). o Has received a Final Environmental Impact Report (copy attached). All discretionary approvals legally required of Newport Beach prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in principal by Newport Beach unless a substantial change is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes and regulations of Newport Beach. See attached conditions to the pier permit. Tom Rossmiller, Manager, Harbor Resources nature: ( nit,, Chris Miller, Harbor Resources Supervisor January 29, 2004 _ Attachments: Worksheet for Building Permit Application Drawing Pier Conditions Page 2 of 2 ej I I V41 /-Uvg+ 15; 14 r "JobDDtZue Fmb-02-04 Olt24P 5hallmakov- In= domp— I January 29, 2004 NUHM UUUDIN PAGE 01/01 949 546 5315 P-04 AV MARIBOR RESOURCES i 829 Harboll, Island C Newpoit Rea�h, CA 1, 949-644-30341 Itax 949. i Pier Fermij Condl Property Address, 2527 W, Coast Highway With reference to the plans currently under system, the following conditions will now be ition to reconfigure or modify the dock on the above referen4� Pier. I � The Pier permittee is aware of the Har iir Permit Porici Newport Beach Municipal Code. The pier pe�mittaa understandt pier is under the purview of these policies and codes. 2� Any future work an the sbove;:ntlo quires permiLs Beach and any other soplicable a a -5. 3. Only marine odentead uses on the pier, 'or phia"I 1 07 Patio fumd1jre, plantsetC.-ar4e otpermitted.'; 4. Your side property lines ext, a in the wat6r along their me 5. No vessel is ollowed to side to ths east6m side of the the ProPerty llnw 8. No vessel is allowed to side tie westiorn side of the w sl the prdoerty line. 17 of the City of above referenced the Cldy of Newport gangway and floW. bearing - finger. Fast finger lies on finger. West finger lies on 7. A vessel cannot omand beyond the on LL fer b re than the wift of Its beam. Chris Miller, nt Supervisor Name JQint Pier Applicant Signature (if applicable) Pdnt Name zold SIES evs 6V6 Z)UI -A0NeLULL0L1S dLS:ZO VO-ZO-C10A Jan 16 04 02:54p 3404 Via Oporto Suite 203 P.O.Box2736 Newport Beach, Ca 92659 949-72X3143 949-723-3149 Send to.- City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources From: Lee Goodin Attention: Chris Miller Date: 1-16-04 Office location: Newport Beach 0)f7ce Location: Newport Beach Fax Number. 949-723-0589 Phone Number: 949-644-3043 D f "'l-gelir 0 Rq.71Y ASAP 0 Neuse commen/ 0 Meuse Review C3 F01' VOW' h7fl)1'117e1fl017 Total pages, including cover. 7 Chris, I had Tony at Barnacle Billsfin me over the survey that -was done in November of 2002. In 1he survey there shows to be no any eel graTs ' round I'm not even sure ifSSYC was even aware that this survey was done, but I thought that it might be ofsome use to you. Sincerely Lee Goodin P. I jan 16 04 02:54p Within 30 days followit confirmation of no viability in usted cores, the ircaunent arm sball be suaomded by i G oritainmait scre-en of no greater porosity *m o.5 mm and the IiAer cover Shall be renu :d. The surface sediment v it%in the c*ntainumt area shall be removed to, depth of z5 centimeters using a dive,-zissi!aed sue"n dredge. 3) Material, including re U'n water, shall be pumped isits a chlariution tMk am maintained at a Concertly won of 0.5% chlorive for a period of ow less that 6 hours prior io upland disposal of woke d macrial or othcr autborizcd disposal alternatives. 5. If dredged materi4l is: bcs removed from the APE and placed elsewhere in the marim eavironnim then no m: -r than 60 dmys Aar completion of the dredged ama and disposal site, during the i1rar, ct high growth pe;riod. the zpplicant shall conduct a Survcillanrr, Icycl zwvcj. I of any dLipoW areas except whwc matmial is disposed of within an existing EPA 4 ipatodd—*=mdiWoWute.Tbcwccificswvcy requirements will be dct�= finW byNWS and CDFG on a case by c2se basis. This policy does not &e xty additional rechictions on the hwdliag, Wwwport, or disposal of Cauterpa tba rx Ay apply at the time of ptimit issuance or in the Mure. It is I *` incumbent upon the iti ce to comply with any offier applicable State or VrAeraJ regulatJons, rcstrictions r changcs to the Pmtocol that way be in c9ca as IM time of initimaion ofauthorized tivitics. Cau4erpa Survey Repordmg Form (VeOdon 1.0, -.,—.,,texnber 18, 2001) This form i tfZlilao - s ubmitted for any surveys. conducted for the iuvasivr- exatic 1! a I ga Co tj leo;nq k t - we rcq uii� to be co ndu d ed u W e r fc d e ral or s tate p erm i is and authorizations issucdjl�y the U.S. Asmy Corps of En&ccrs or Regional Water Quality Control Board's :q:iow 19 & 9). The Jbz= has liew designed to assist 'in controlling the cam of oojiing while cauring that the required infawmation necessary to identify Andcontrol in - p)tential impacts of the nudiori&pd wAous on the 3prand of Capierpm Surveys req d i a be conducted fiw this species are subject to modification dirough publication of -isi mro to the Caultrpa survey policy. It is i6cumbeW upon Ow autborizad pertaittac toolm -c fliar mmey work is following the latest protocols. For funher infwmation an thg ne protocols. please comact. Robert Floffilnm, Natiorial Marine Fisheries Service, (562) 9 1',0- 4043, or Wilhaw Pamx&as, Cah&mia Departrncnt of Fish & Game. (958) 467-4218'. � 11site N"W. 11(cumnim refixescO –'<zVr KV, -C' Rdereo= p. 2 ST13a Q10OUJOB 4se:ao *0 91 Uer Jan 16 04 02:54p 05/21/2002 1450 W%M 3122 PIE Pft=g No, 2 Qdff I W.0 == N rftrn*ic Systo wtmry, Imams, or 10. ific Locadeir. L LkLAA"j, dalmm icy kwj. dopch lxdt owvq fifth =mp im fOW4 plow MCDFG of ork: at work *0 ��Ol lk Pik to pettlib wo"Od 4DtSkC: soft Ibc phy" ad Awcal cou&u" mdus 'Swvey mu Am *c d= 0( mavty md PMVWO IM i0go v"il6ft. if mm Pkmt pia.Wic vmdo musufterkal SWIFT PAGE 012 oet 117 0 5-/' o ---�.—Ym Cmkrpa wm f000d at this site and —AM bm coutot" m datc. No, Cmlcrps was not f000d at Ods sjke- A C11 rmcsy A.Ad v,,e ,'A-lf rl - IV u P. 3 ?-Cl 91GS-EL9­6*6 sll;fl ajoew4vo AsetEo *o st uor jan 16 04 02:54p p.4 —lClOd' AA/ A61, e //o /) e, Irwoom fty "iff rt, 6ft &sonamt &Dam"" =W iu� W Of P (SCUSA.!cmwW etc.) mad " & ego&y4 doc of udswvoydovAgy OW pcmcomw offt lacamalywicW4 bqasy.b� �z 7 - 0 0 16�m nrat (Y in L fcvt,. 10T wan?x E: '01 Jan 16 04 02:55p etc... 30P tl� /Y to r t 'Clo F— 61ck ""or. t.;e Arog Ave. C.. 9.VA WAVY PUNY: WWY wiladow.- W Informt1m: � *a TMM to pfovi& 8"Wo" infoumb" tawel ft tAftcbc :095 mb " Sum M ew-) Cauk:tpe Smvey RepoftWx Faim ,vm%iou I A 9/18101) Caukom-a-Exadiration-ig S2Ujhcrp cablo a Sgothwest Re -pion Home Pare P. 5 49c:eo *o st ver Jan 16 04 02:55p Eelgrass Survey Reporting Form (Version 1-0. June 20, 2003) Ttus ADEM is required to be sx0mitted for any surveys conducted for the celpV=' Zavleriz Marna' that are Mquircd to be conduc ted under fedeml or state Pen . mts and authonzadons issued by the US. ArMY Corps of Engine= and the Coastal Connnission. 1 -he form hw been designed to assist in identifying ect8rdS5 While ensuring ffiat the required infommfion - consistently IS documented. Surveys rcquked to be conducted for this specics are subject to modification through publication of revisiol ks to the, celgrass survey policy. It is mcumbcat upon the aldhorized Pexmittee to ensure ft% sw'vey work is following the latest protocols. For further information On thcse Protocols, please contact: Robert HoffmM Nafional Adarine Fi&bmies Service, (562) 980-4043, or'William Paznokas, Califoniia Department of Fish & Ganw, (M) 467-4218). Required Information Rte Name: commarefe e) JL I -c-41 C1W 'Urvey Contact name, P11QDe1 "er"t Reference: kCOE Peirmt No.. VC Permit No.) lydrographic System: MY, es", 12goon, or vbor) Pecific Location: JTM, Lat,/Loug., datunk exs-'L.�' '-Z Xuracy level, attIch ee,tw= survey am mp if 00-cffic A/V A-1 331 0 '['ero- 'r'6" " 0 ClIel 'as Eekrass Yes, Eelgrass was - found at this site. No, Edgrass was Ant found 2t this site - tion of �rmitled Work: smbc brielly the work bD conducted at the site ltr the pernlim identified I P. 6 a9e:00 *0 91 Uee jan 16 04 02:55p lF[Description of site: Depth range: 1 �� �� I"cscribe the Physical and i-1051cal conditions within ti -C PMVOY drft at thC &iMC of q ..,,7( 41A the =My and provide - insigbt into Varimbdity if M Vm units for IL11 mmiricul , 'r 1 inf.hnmfinn� nj---- --Itloke7ly # Moir LJ want H naml - Fife 0 Odom P� AO 0 C 116v? C- p. 7 9 91SS-ELS- 6fP6 91 uOr Jan IS 04 02:55p P.8 I'Owcriptiolm of Survey jj&npipj�daje Effort: 16ad thme �,lcuc describc the surveys i,701. conducted including type of s S, urvey (SCUBA, riewiM video, ctc.) sod survey mathods- eMloyed, date of -Ork, and suvey density (estittated percenthge of the bottoni acmally vriewed). Drscribe any limitations encountered dwfug dic Lslyvey efrorts. /0 Water: swwy type n 6 TOM Ack YCO?k1sa" g-rnazlcy Ailke persopin, GZ-4, lPe OfV47S-3-V Ither Information: x to provide Y additional infortnation fercmes to attached 'Feriak such as xnzps� ports. etc.) Edgrass Survey Reporting Form (version 1.0, 6/20/03) 91 Uer Date: Inspection Requested By: INSPECTION FORM Harbor Resources Department 11 /7 /0-�. C f1_1 Inspector: Don Duffy Pier Address: Pier Transfer Reinspection GFI Present Yes Need None Needed Yes Need Anti -Siphon / Backflow Present Other Comments Eelgrass Yes No Presentl I I Pump Out Pier Location Yes No Operational Recommended Action Encroachmenet Address of Complaining Party Zzz Boat Description CF Number Location on Dock Comments / Observations ycrokl C.,IU6 101 0 dc, i43 Other Request 6 ba +S L--/ z. deceved cu Frur- R�� ko go,,CAI www.citymewport-beach.ca.us 41 C) I rl www.citymewport-beach.ca.us 0 I I Harbor Resources,DilviSjon FACSSIMILE TRANSMITTAL ---.Cit-y—o-f—N-ewp-o-r-t--B-ea-ch-----.----..- 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 949-644-3034 Fax 949-723-0589 Date: Z5, 3 To: From: FAX #: Armand, Wes From: Armand, Wes Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 1:06 PM To: Carney, Seanne Subject: transfer of pier permit Please transfer pier permit CP12925271 to the Goodin Family Trust, mailing address P.O. Box 2736n Newport Beach, 92659. Thank you. PID F0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 December 20, 2002 Norm Goodin P.O. Box 2736 Newport Beach, CA 92659 Re: Pier Permit CP12925271 for 2523-2539 West Pacific Coast Highway Dear Mr. Goodin: The City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Division has inspected the pier and floats for the above-mentioned property and has found that it meets the City standards. The pier permit will be transferred to the Goodin Family Trust. If you require further assistance in this mattdr–,-�17ea–g-e—call-64:4---3-0-43-.-- Sincerely, Wes Armand Harbor Resources Division FROM : .. L=t 24 02 01:39p 0 FAX NO. Jan. 07 199e 03:13AM-.,.Pl' HARBOR PERAHT TRANSFER APPLICATION Date of Applicaton; !C-24-2002 Permit Number-.-/ -7 Property Address: 2r23/2527/2535/2539 Pacific coast Highwai '7 ft-wp-o-rt Boggh. ca.. 92663 Buyees Names- -Coadin Family Trust Billing Address: E-0. BOX 2736 Newport Beach, cA. 92659 Telephone No.:-. (949) 723-3148 Buyer's Signatures: seuees Names: &*0MeM!-A&' Seller's Signatures:_ z age -- Joint Owner Signature: Escrow Company-, B4rrow's Escrow Number: C:) -11701 -PF Fikx#: (949)644-2825 Inspection Date: Reinspectlon Date: Fee Amount: �5 Date Paid: CheckNumber: Application Approved: Harbor ResourceS Sigi7aturWD&W Special Conditions: ThIs permA is revocable by the City Council in accopoonce with Vila I i of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. -HARBOR PERMIT TRANSFER APPLICATION Date of Applicaton: 10-24-2002 Permit Number: Property Address: 2523/2527/2535/2539 Pacific Coast Highway Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 Buyer'sNames: Goodin Family Trust BillingAddress: 1.0. Box 2736 Newport Beach, CA. 92659 Telephone No.: (949) 723-3148 Buyer's Signatures: Seller's Names: Seller's Signatures: Joint Owner Signature: Escrow Company: Burrow's Escrow Number: Co -11701 -PF Fax #: (949)644-2825 Inspection Date: Reinspection Date: Fee Amount: Date Paid: Check Number: Application Approved: Harbor Resources SignaturelDate Special Conditions: This permit is revocable by the City Council in accordance with Title 17 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. tYe_a&ffAy1Ae 120jiyAgdd "ICON" 34 00 Via Oporto -Suite # 10 1 P.O. Box 2736 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92659 Phone: (949) 723-3148 Fax: (949) 723-3149 www.cynb.com E-mail: charteryachts@aol-com October 12, 2002 City of Newport Beach Harbor Resource Division 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, Ca. 92660 Re: 2523125271253512537 West Coast Hwy. Newport Beach, California 92663 Attn: Tony Melum' Per our phone conversation and your instructions, of October 11, 2002, 1 am requesting that the Tidelands Lease be transferred into our name; Norman C. and Penelope F. Goodin. Please refer to enclosed copy of our Granr Deed, as per your request. Please retail all correspondence to the above P.O. Box address. I '�; il Thanking you in advance for,you prompt attention to this request. Norman C. Goodin enc: Grant Deed copy RECORDW REOUESTED BY- COLSIONWEALTH LAND TITLE AND VMEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ?Iorman C. Goodin a Pww4ope Fay Goodin Post Office Box 385S Park City, UT "ON Ordw No.: 2103497-3 Escrow No.: CO -111701 -PIF A.P.N.: 049 -150 -MS SPACE ABOVE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $4,180.00 x computed on full value of property conveyed, or computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. unincorporated area [ x I City of Newport Beach AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. receipt of which is hereby acknowiedged, John M. Wallace, Trustee and Ann C. Wallace, Trustee of John M. Wallace and Arm C. WaHace Revocable Trust dated March 22,2001, as to an undivided 116 Interest and Kathleen Christianson, a married woman as her sole and separate property as to an undivided 116 interest and Stanley A. Jorgenson, Co -Trustee and Kenneth V. Jorgensen, Co -Trustee of Stanley E. Jorgensen Trust and Walter E. Jorgensen, Trustee of Walter E. Jorgensen Trust hereby GRANT(S) to Norman C. Goodin, Trustee and Penelope Fay Goodin, Trustee of The Norman and Penelope Goodin Trust, dated January 4,1986 the follomfing described real property in the County of Orange, State of Caldbmia See Exhibit"K attached hereto and made a part hereof. Dated: May 17, 2001 THIS DOCUMM IS BEIM EXECUTED IN COURM-PART STATE OF49WQ%n. �"AOC ' COUNTY OF W IY' 7-- "-A- Ss. On 2-oA_�_befote me a Notary Public in arul for said State p naly appeared N'-. -/ a jc- 0 jr le/ personally knom to me (or proved to me on the basis of WtiSfaCtOfy WiderM) to be the P030n(S) WhOSe nM*S) islare subscribed to lite within insixurn-aM. and ackno-Awledged to me that he/sheAhey executed the same in hisibefftheir authorized c&pacjty0*-wxI.that by hisilw/their sigreture(s) on 4the person(s)OK the entity upon behaif of M*h f4e pefsw(s), acted, the instrurnent. and Signature John M. Wallace and Ann C. Wallace Revocable Trust dated March 22, 2001, By: John M. Wallace, Trustee By: Ann C. Wallace, Trustee Kathleen Christiansen StanlleSy,E. Jorgensen Trust 140100-1g-�- By: n By: Kenneth V.-Josguraen, Co-Truslee Walter E. Jorgensen Trust By: Walter E. Jorgenson, Trustee D --T7) -?nni 2ARA2*2 C.7.,J6-1 7-7 Va"� RECORDW REOUESTED BY COMWNVVEALTH LAND TITLE AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO- Honnan C. Goodin & Peralope Fay Goodin Post Office Box 3885 Pwk City, UT $4060 Order No.: 21OU97-3 Ewim No.: CO -11701 -PF A.P.N.: 049-150-24125 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE IS FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $4,180.00 X computed on full value of property conveyed, or computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. unincorporated area x City of Newport Beach AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, John M. Wallace, Trustee and Ann C. Wallace, Trustee of John M. Wallace and Ann C. Wallace Revocable Trust dated March 22,2001. as to an undivided 116 Interest and Kathleen Christiansen, a married woman as her sole and separate property as to an undivided 116 interest and Stanley A. Jorgenson, Co -Trustee and Kenneth V. Jorgensen, Co -Trustee of Stanley E. Jorgensen Trust and Walter E. Jorgensen, Trustee of Walter E. Jorgensen Trust hereby GRANT(S) to Nonnan C. Goodin, Trustee antl Penelope Fay Goodin, Trustee of The Norman and Penelope Goodin Trust, dated January 4,1985 the following described real property in the County of Orange, State of California See Exhibit *K attached herelo and made a part hereof. Dated: Mav 17 2001 THIS DOCUMENT IS BKM E)a=TED IN COMI'M—PAIla STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTYOF_Sf-)O DXC(ln SS on Aa M ft C)o before me 1zn �ry -'W a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared kAT-6L-C-:e'0 0- i4 PT: -5 -f penalally krNMM110IM(or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the personf"ose narne%)L Ware subscribed to the within instruar. t aM acknowledged execo I IL to me that W L— - in "rAhQiL— authorized capacity0es),and that by epV* signatureK, on the instrument the perswj* or the upon behalf of wNch the personK acted, executed trument. 1 9 Signature I I SIgnaNjW of Notary 0 — dbdM6d& I ROBEU L 3MMI. JL 1;Z61 � M "0'"" F C01111011110 1 3W 011190 CounlY John M. Wallace and Ann C. Wallace Revocable Trust dated March 22, 2001, By: John M. Wallace, Trustee By: nn C. Wallow Trust .4. kefthleen Chrieftmen Stanley E. Jorgensen Trust By: Stanley A. Jorgenson, Co -Trustee By- Kenneth V. Jorgensen, Cc -Trustee Walter E. Jorgensen Trust By: Walter E. Jorgenson, Trustm T)mq.-?-1riHnn- nranero rA nrvnTmont--Vo-ar T)nt-Tn NMI 'qdr%422 qo-lo-r-f-wl Paermq 1-7 P;qeTA 2 RECORDING REGMSTED BY: COMMONWEALTH LAND TnLE AND WHEN RECORDEO NIAIL TO: Nornum C. Goodin & PerWope Fay Goocon Post Offte so% 38116 Park City, UT 94090 Order Wo.- 2103497-3 escrow No.. CWMI-PF A.P.N.: 049-150-24126 Recorded in Official Records,County of Orange 1,,Ial L.,G n -lie, Clerk -Recorder 1111111 Jill III Jill 1111111111 38-00 20010345422 03:56pm 05/29/01 118 4 G02 7 2090.00 2090.00 20.00 0.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE IS FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANTIDEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $4,180.00 x computed on full value of property conveyed, or computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. unincorporated area x I City of Newport Beach AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, John M. Wallace, Trustee and Ann C. Wallace, Trustee of John M. Wallace and Ann C. Wallace Revocable Trust daW March 22, 2001, as to an undivided 116 Interest and Kathleen Christiansen, a married woman as her sole and separate property as to an undivided 116 interest and Stanley A. Jorgensen. Co -Trustee and Kenneth V. Jorgensen, Co -Trustee of Stanley E. Jorgensen Trust and Walter E. Jorgensen, Trustee of Walter E. Jorgensen Trust hereby GRANT(S) to Noffnan C. Goodin, Trustee and Penelope Fay Goodin, Trustee of The Norman and Penelope Goodin Trust, dated January 4,1985 the following described real prop" in the County of Orange, State of California See Exhibit "A* attached hereto and made a part hereof. Dated: May 17,2001 THIS DOCMEENT IS BEING EXECUTED IN COUNTER -PART STATE OF CAUFORNL'k COUNTYOF!�,ft- 'Zi6 SS. John M. Wallace and Ann C. Wallace Rev* dated March 22, 2001, On W-1 \ C' bddre me . . . . .......... By: j64 -n*. Wallace, Tmstee Notary Public in and for said Courdy and State, personally :ppeared A&*,., tl - Oftuom y— 3 A&^) C. c—e.1 &CL By. Ann C. Wallace, Trustee r proved to me on the basis of satisbctory evidence) to be 1he person(s) whose name(s) Ware subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged Kathleen Christiansen to me thattnilelWthey executed the same in Wafteritheir authorized a*acity#es) and that byl*Awftheir signature(s) Stanley E. Jorgensen Tmst on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s), acted, executed the instrument. VWTNESS; my hand and official seal. Signature --- Z-:� 7 Signature of Ndlary JASON PERRY NOTARY P1JBLIrCALIF(3FWA& COMM. NO. 7237465 L IIEC' 1031 -)AN �GCOLJNTY 0CT 10 21, By: Stanley A. Jorgenson, Co -Trustee By: Kenneth V. Jorgensen, Co -Trustee Walter E. Jorge" By: Wafter E. JorgeWen, Trustee 1-7 P.— I EXHIBIT "A!' PARCELI: THE NORTHWESTERLY 50 FEET OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY I ISO FEET OF LOT H OF TRACT 919, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 29, PAGES 3170 34 INCLUSIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SAID 1150 FEET BEING MEASURED ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT H AND THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE THEREOF BEING PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT H. EXCEPT THE NORTHEASTERLY T3.5 FEET OF THE NORTHWESTERLY 0.55 FEET THEREOF. PARCEL.2: THE N . ORTHWESTERLY 50 FEET OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY 1200 FEET OF LOT H OF TRACT 919 AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 29, PAGES 31 TO .34 INCLUSIM OF. MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SAID 1200 FtET 113gING MEASURED ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT H AND THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE THEREOF BEING PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT H. PARCEL3. a THE NORTHEASTERLY 73.5 OF THE N 0.55 FM JDFTHE SOUTHEASTERLY 1150 FEET OF LOT H OF TRACT 919, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 29, PAGES 31 TO 34 INCLUSIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SAID I ISO FEET BEING MEASURED ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINO OF SAN) LOT H AND THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE THEREOF BEING PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT H. 1-7 Vmrr� 7 jz, F7 �( Co - Ln Cl m 41vi Qj CCI, Dec 03 02 01:02p �e& oP49' rM--A� ,,,iC0Nyy 3400 Via OPCM-Suitg #101 P.O. Box 2736 Newport Bgetch, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92659 phone: (949) 723-3148 Fax: (949) 723-3149 www.c,tnb.com E-mail: charteryachts@aol.com November 29, 2002 South shore Yacht Clvb 2527 W. pacific Coast Hwy- P.O. Box 1174 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Follow-up writteli request, for a "BackFlow Device" to be installed The Marine DepaetnTant of Newport Beach just completed an inspection .on the docks and fouad that you do not have a "BackFlow Device." you need to install a "Backflow Device" immediately and notify Wes Armond at the Newport Beach Marine Department upon completion. We will also need a written notice of compliance for our records. Please forward it to the above P.O. Box. Yours _Trulyt�' Norman C. Goodin Enc: California Administrative, Title 17 Cadie requirement and installation instructi0"s. P. I 41*;VU 20 LZ -J Dec 03 02 01:03p A�,^ C, A.* C Apdom of sumy rt: icdcwxiMdw=vpys lcwd larbidin W af V (SCIMA, nmm I etc.) wA wway 48 egoplOY4 date of adsw"Ydolmily alad petowasAp Of The :kACRAUyviC%vd� b4 =Ybaw"aw Knod dwft We oiq v date n Fxe 7 - ox 4t:P? - ;A - 0 wiy Ary r .Ppe mue WM4; /A 1, p. 2 20 La AOM Dec 03 02 01:03p p.3 30 ff hr )rY to fit 'I u rvty 10,1c k 4A&r-vOn IS09 Ave. CW/6^,�--`�. 9-VA7 Cqv-q)x73--tv2l 90 /Att./77 J�n Aw) le (use tWs Spam to pmvi4c any addifiamw i&owndm OT rttaftem to au*dxd matawLs uKh 06 mapt, mpom mej CaukKpa Sumy Reponisa F� (v ajdan 1.0, 9/1&01) Caulnx Eradication in Somshm a] -fomnu M�e AZ*:t,,o 20 L2 AOM Dec 03 02 01:03p p. 4 pAr.-;r 02 9496323122 wIFT PE F"EW Ca Ordeg w CkrL rftraphic Sylww- OBTUATY, ISR00% or 38C Locadw. 6CY kw.L avwh W* Vo%%7 MCA A%IP 44e-cl- C. M �Ptwu of Sue: P4 "Ise. - Ma. at Ibc dzW Q( Ayiv waumyu4mvift wigwam vmmbft if Aj( 'r, A-,� "0.,T,4 ed obM PIC"t PMX uldis li oil AW=Nrkml G 2-d Cil*:*o 20 LZ AOW Coukrpa Wo foned at this site and C rl Me has bma Coutocud Got date. t k9oftly o0owt ining Rvt fcu*d At th's 21te- OYC) A 411C 1,,,,d oor lf"41f CM*M of MIUM Work: s%o br;cgy The work to Woo a lb pod9=4 at oc IM r I&M. pwoul-m idcafifAd �- M �Ptwu of Sue: P4 "Ise. - Ma. at Ibc dzW Q( Ayiv waumyu4mvift wigwam vmmbft if Aj( 'r, A-,� "0.,T,4 ed obM PIC"t PMX uldis li oil AW=Nrkml G 2-d Cil*:*o 20 LZ AOW Dec 03 02 11:35a P.1 —J�O'd wimml C X�Pllonofsurvey psurwydate rt: Imow la dcoodbe 60 gouwmvpr yok /I lewd b4bdios W af v (SCUBA. tcmm x1n o o 10�17 Cie.) and PJMY * employed. dalc of amd SKYOY density odcdpenemageafft a Acmuy vieWC4 be any homonliou mewd Maims the Wroraoxial 5 Acol /0 A,-,� 14 P27. �fy in !r. A SITIO Ja*:Vo 20 LZ ACH Dec 03 02 11:35a 06/2112OV2 Id:58 9496313122 SWIFT PE reffmit NO.. CB order ag cat 144 =phic sysics e5jusfy, kggo% or ff) , - - — Ac Locadw. i. LatAmg, 40wl% ikey kwj. A*ch gmic vwvcy AMA -AV k Iv 06 c Z,,v p. 2 of P4 Inge: w"Cium v6dim i��Iwvey Mcs w Ow firm Q( A./ /"OM so ammy no PMywr 110 Mizw idD vNiability if 2 S- 3,6 'P.Jr/ eud Obwa. Picot ;f;;X Uahm �r all awmar"i r dl*:Vo 20 La AON C*wkvpjj Was f9mild at thj% mite mad -pX C"Wpff --Yt& z4wemd is rGUA pltwc bid been coaftoed on date. Oftly 000MI the projed CATSICMS VrM 29t fgu*d St thl-q Ste - S at COM .i&btgcd Avrd OY. Y,4,1.f -.rrg,4 -14 Dwwmlbgk of .. ermined Work. j *,Klfbe brWy the k ,:LvMdqpw at dw pCM of P4 Inge: w"Cium v6dim i��Iwvey Mcs w Ow firm Q( A./ /"OM so ammy no PMywr 110 Mizw idD vNiability if 2 S- 3,6 'P.Jr/ eud Obwa. Picot ;f;;X Uahm �r all awmar"i r dl*:Vo 20 La AON Dec 03 02 11:36a t, - Cl i her Infornmdow. � om Spam to Fmvi4v ad&timw idow=t6u fmces I* st"Cw !Kwb wCb IN fi"4 ,m etc.) C.aukgpa Stuvey Reportiog ere— Jo fl ..? s Pi ,vz- rt /!r IrY to r t ,; OC 0 clu-my blCk AWCY-joe? IL Sup �ff Allly? Ca.lga� Erdicatiork in Sou �'4 forni 0 5 RL6wesi Lkep ion Home Pa&c 9 1 ss - C LS - 13i's p. 3 A��-j6n '2n 171 AOU Dec 03 02 11:36a Within 30 daYS 10110" shall be surrounded by jineT covcr sball be M The sUdace 30jirnentS cen6inc%t1r$ usIng a di, -'6" W*Ment woo confir: nation of to 'iability in WSW Cores ().5 mm and 111C. C.wt'i'x'0M1 screen of no Pester Porosilly *= 14()uplmd &SPOW Of "'t� 5 . If dredged MatclifIl is envilociocat. then UQ $0 d,SPOS31 Site, dur'ng Llie leve, sm'49 Vnthin an rMisting '�PA requirements will, be da This policy dom 1101 VM( disposal of CAMIerpa * incumbent upcm thr, per r18ulations, 110striction, initiation of 411thOrized (V thl: coatinMeat area ghgill be Ten*&Qv06 10 3 depth Of 25 ,Ssi!,tc d suction &edge- r shall be pwnpad ino acb1olination t=k and M.%VaLe , for a period Of not 1= tw 6 hoots pnor io", 01, 0. P/. chlorine od 10 terjj ,, L,,,, ,,pF I bc rc njorved ArOM the J , ..a pumd c1se-hem DMpIVtjO,& of be dredged oea "d ricr ft kn 60 dJ'Y5 alker 4' applicant "I Conduct a MI hiffi gmwth period. The areasex"ept whse n1&t=jSI is disposed of Of i0k,( di$POSR' disposal S"C- The specific SLUVCY tsignatcA dwP Occart rMined b� 100S and CD,;G on a casc bY oose baus. 04 the handlin& dditiona Irestlictions 1 *0 fulure. It i5 iy apply at the Me of permit issuanee; or In wpucabic stme or Federa) ZVI comply witb any i1a effect at thr. timc Of Ir 'slo the protocol hat way be rflicuvl This form i- req*vel I b 05A caulerpa Mona ti and authwizati9ri'- issued QU,Llity Con"I BoordS controlling the COS15 Of to jdantifY Slid COW*' " Cauletpa- surveysTooi khmu& publicaliGA Of " aurbari=d Pemilice '0' funher inforinati011 On 11 p-shcrics Semite, (562) � (;,Mc, (&58) 467-421 r4ame. contact: Ikefereace: Ila Survey aepowlillg Form io!a 1.0,, Sept,,�jubeir 18,,2001) ftw any ..,,eys Conducted ki the invas'vc exotic r stale ponni V rcquirC4 to bc Conducted WldCT f6do-al 0 oneers of Regior*4 '"ter. U.S. AMY Corps Of 'E" designed to assist in "El Ons 9). The tom has bten rewssary . wbile CrtsjuipS ow the required dof Rwing authori-zed ac;tiow QVI the sPlrcs . pc %critial imPzcts of thr. to ification a f be c4mdtictt ,, &is Speoes are 21bjCC1 cat upon lb-- ra C 5 V Y Policy. It is i0cUmb IP4 its 1. the Caulz� I.%. for ,lame that sW,,,y ok i. fallowinp, tbr- IIII P11"' conlact. Robe"' I"ff' 14aio'W Marine �jr ia Dopafbmcnt Offish . �rotocojs' plej" 1,0-4043, -a Willi= P'"*"'ClW�Or6 v4x C /--/C— A/ p. 4 I -C1 9169-EL9-6*6 611�9 aloeujefl al*:bo 00 La AOR Dec 03 02 11:3Ga rofi/, ay & x I I�Wa�WA Y� � L 0 49A � ��&J �W 4 mr- M rk V 6 J o 120j& y, a Wd "ICON" 3400 via Oporto -Suite #101 P.O. Box 2736 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92659 Phone: (949) 723-3148 Fax: (949) 723-3749 WWW.4,-),nb.COM E-mail: charteryachts@aol-com November 29, 2002 South shore Yacht C10 2527 W pacific Coast Hwy. P.O. Box 1174 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Follow-up writtgm request, for a "BackFlow Device" to be installed The Marine Departnicilt of Newport Beach just completed an inspection on the docks and fourd that you do not have a "BackHow Device." you need to install a "BackFlow Device" immediately and notify Wes Armond at the Newpert Beach Marine Department upon completion. We will also need a written notice of compliance for our records. Please forward it to the above P.O. Box. Yours Trulyi.—" Norman C. Goodin Enc: California Adniiiiistrative, Title 17 Cok requirement and installation in5,tructions- P.5 7, 3ET FOR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BUILDING & PLANNING DEPARTMENTS PLEASE PRINT 1.PROJECT AbbRESS (NOT MAILING ADDRESS) FLOOR SUITE NO. ZIP 2537 Coast Highway CITY STATE 92553 LEGAL DESCRIPTION No. UNITS LOT BLOCK TRACT .1 2.DESCRIPTION OF WORK Da-moli-sh existing dock system. Replace with fte-v of different configurat40z!-- ESTIMATED $ VALUATION 85, 0.00 - 00 EXISTING STRUCTURE SQ.FT. .. . PROPOSED NEW / ADDITIONAL SQ. FT. NEW ADD ALTER DEMO OTHER USE OF STRUCTURE No. OF STORIES 3.OWNER'S NAME LAST FIRST M.I. PHONE NO. Goodin Norm (94.9) 283-1155� OWNER'S ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP 4.APPLICANT'S NAME LAST FIRST PHONE -140. Shellmaker Inc. (Wq-)548-5359 APPLICANT'S ADDRESS CITY �E ZIP 875 B West 15th Street Newport Beach A 92563 5.ARCHITECTIS NAME LAST FIRST STATE LIC. NO. ARCHITECT'S ADDRESS CITY STAT -E ZIP PHONE NO. 6.ENGINEERIS NAME LAST FIRST STATE LIC. NO. WiliLia-ri Sjimpson Associates Jafari Masoud S 3812 ENGINEERIS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. 2222 New'pert 'Elvd. Newport Bch. CA 9.3663 (949)1575-6-110 7.CONTRAC TOR'S NAME C. CLASS STATE LIC. NO. Shellmaker Inc. M&B 561434 ONTRACTQR'S ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. 87 5 B We s t 15,th Stl-lzeat Newport Bch. CA 92653 (9413)548-5359 C , OMPANY NAME (if different) NEWPORT BUS. LIC. NO. 'BTC009706 l I White: BuRding Dept YeLlow: Cashier Pink: AppLicant OFFICE USE Qlj�lt 5 PERMIT NO. TYPE OF PO PLAN CHECK NO. A�- 7 0'2,- OCCUPANCSIN ROUP CLASS CODE PLAN CHECK FEE $ 2�52 -,20tlp IT Y 0 F NEWPO-R-T GERCH CITY OF WEST �� NEWPORT BERCH LFPER BRY r g6x, 19 80' MAO &-,Y1,S'7-' 8 0 7- 7 -OM HRY ,:,Rclrp,C OCE,% PER VICINITY MRP 0:6T mmw s3f, �aMINGS ARE E)R;ZEM IN FEET AND DENOTE OLLN19TIONS BASED ON WJ:N LOWER LOH WATER. 7- 11-7u,S PIS-IFI-4CE44D I- /�A� 200' G,4"G W,4 YS 5,� 'DOC C/ -yr cz- ae .�j 4N 'Rol 4EELGRASS INSPECTION ss" NO EEL GRASS WIT � 15'OF PROJ�pplN, �-,ps 1414,E -5�11p C 3 EEL Gy Oj T) ,,rINTi FFOJECTAR�r 0,3 -jq7-- HARBOR RESOURCES DIV. SIGNATURE CIT T JiE%H 12,0 -,2-52-7 -,o-e3 -- 0-z— Yx;r PERMIT # DATE PLAN VIEW 1w RPPLICRNT'S NAME 1\10,eM GOOL;)J�� ]JOB RDDRESS ES27W, C0,457- IYWYJ DATE 11,1,oa 7— Davi,s & Company AProfessional Corporation May 15, 2001 Via Fax (949) 673-3056 and Mail Tony Melum, Director Harbor Resources City of Newport Beach PO Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Dear Mr. Melum: Thank you for taking time to speak with me today. I thought it might be useful to you and any other city officials you involve to have some of the pertinent details as to both the South Shore Yacht Club and my current inquiry to the City concerning the Club's property. As advised, I am the current judge advocate for the Club. Right after we spoke, I was also able to speak with Council Member Glover about! this matter. The Club has been an important presence on the Newport waterfront for decades. hideed, established in 1957, it just had its forty-fourth "opening day". It has been at its current location for something in excess of thirty-five years. It is a member owned association and built all of its own facilities. It is located at 2527 West Coast Highway in Newport Beach. Its facilities include a large two-story clubhouse, junior clubhouse, storage outbuildings, and office and committee buildings. The Club has a small port with slips for approximately 30 boats, a launch area with a 4,000 lb. capacity hoist, dry storage for a number of small boats, and rack storage for Lasers, sabots, and other dinghies. It also has several commercial subtenants. It is also a great venue for family sailing. It is a member of US Sailing, Southern California Yachting Association, Yacht Racing Union of South California, and the Orange Coast Association of Yacht Clubs, and sponsors cruising, social, racing, and junior activities. It holds more than 25 club -sponsored on -the -water events each year, including the Crew -of -Two -Around - Catalina Race. The Club is open to the public and has, at present, about one hundred and fifty members. It has, in the past, had as many as several hundred members. The memberships are very reasonable and currently the Club's dues are sixty-five dollars a month with an initiation fee of only a few hundred dollars. Thus, the Club is likely the most affordable boating access club in the harbor, especially since it has so much storage for small boats. As you know from our conversation, the Club has been forced by external events to acquire the land and facilities that it currently leases or to go out of existence in the near term. As a result, it is forced to raise equity monies of approximately $1.5 rnillion, and that causes concerns that the historic affordability of the Club to existing and new members is likely in Attorneys at Law 333 So, Grand Avenue, Suite 4070 Los Angeles Los Angeles, California 90071-1544 Irvine (213) 253-5939 Fax (213) 253-9939 Tony Melum May 15,2001 Page 2 jeopardy. Accordingly, we thought it worthwhile to discuss with appropriate City officials the possibility of City ownership of our land and water access with the Club continuing on a long- term lease to be negotiated with the City — an arrangement similar, we believe, to some other clubs on the bay. This would ensure not only the continuation of the Club and its affordability, but would also guard against the fact that if forany reason the Club is unable to complete its purchase, public boating would be discontinued at that location on the bay. The back-up purchaser has already announced that he wishes to have the Club cease to exist at that location, and there are no alternate locations available that are suitable for the Club. Moreover, that purchaser has also announced that he plans to eliminate all of the slips and likely the dry storage also and instead dock a one hundred and thirty foot yacht there. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter further with City staff and contacted Council Member Norma Glover by telephone because she represents not only the area in which to Club is located, but is also is my council person as well. Many thanks for your courtesy when we spoke. Please also do not hesitate to call me should you have any questions. cc: Council Member Norma J. Glover Z-7 Davis & Company AProfessional Corporation May 15, 2001 Via Fax (949) 673-3056 and Mail Tony Melum, Director Harbor Resources City of Newport Beach PO Br -)x 1.768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Dear Mr. Melum: Thank you for taking time to speak with me today. I thought it might be useful to you and any other city officials you involve to have some of the pertinent details as to both the South Shore Yacht Club and my current inquiry to the City concerning the Club's property. As advised, I am the current judge advocate for the Club. Right after we spoke, I was also able to speak with Council Member Glover about this matter. The Club has been an important presence on the Newport waterfront for decades. Indeed, established in 1957, it just had its forty-fourth "opening day". It has been at its current location for something in excess of thirty-five years. It is a member owned association and built all of its own facilities. It is located at 2527 West Coast Highway in Newport Beach. Its facilities include a large two-story clubhouse, junior clubhouse, storage outbuildings, and office and committee buildings. The Club has a small port with slips for approximately 30 boats, a launch area with a 4,000 lb. capacity hoist, dry storage for a number of small boats, and rack storage for Lasers, sabots, and other dinghies. It also has several commercial subtenants. It is also a great venue for family sailing. It is a member of US Sailing, Southern California Yachting Association, Yacht Racing Union of South California, and the Orange Coast Association of Yacht Clubs, and sponsors cruising, social, racing, and junior activities. It holds more than 25 club -sponsored on -the -water events each year, including the Crew -of -Two -Around - Catalina Race. The Club is open to the public and has, at present, about one hundred and fifty members. It has, in the past, had as many as several hundred members. The memberships are very reasonable and currently the Club's dues are sixty-five dollars a month with an initiation fee of only a few hundred dollars. Thus, the Club is likely the most affordable boating access club in the harbor, especially since it has so much storage for small boats. As you know from our conversation, the Club has been forced by external events to acquire the land and facilities that it currently leases or to go out of existence in the near term. As a result, it is forced to raise equity monies of approximately $1.5 million, and that causes concerns that the historic affordability of the Club to existing and new members is likely in A f to r n eys at La w 333 So. Grand Avenue, Suite 4070 Los Angeles Los Angeles, California 90071-1544 Irvine (213) 253-5939 Fax (213) 253-9939 Tony Melurn July 19, 2001 Page 2 Please let me know if there is any information that I can supply to you or any steps that the Club might take that would cause the City to consider acquiring the Club's property and leasing it back upon a long-term basis to the Club. Enclosure cc: T 11-1 Council TviLember N orma . Uvr,.L Very truly yours, I _� Davis & Company A Professional Corporation May 15, 2001 Via Fax (949) 673-3056 and Mail Tony Melum, Director Harbor Resources City of Newport Beach PO Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Dear Mr. Melum: Thank you for taking time to speak with me today. I thought it might be useful to you and any other city officials you involve to have some of the pertinent details as to both the South Shore Yacht Club and my current inquiry to the City concerning the Club's property. As advised, I am the current judge advocate for the Club. Right after we spoke, I was also able to speak with Council Member Glover about this matter. The Club has been an important presence on the Newport waterfront for decades. Indeed, established in 1957, it just had its forty-fourth "opening day". It has been at its current location for something in excess of thirty-five years. It is a member owned association and built all of its own facilities. It is located at 2527 West Coast Highway in Newport Beach. Its facilities include a large two-story clubhouse, junior clubhouse, storage outbuildings, and office and committee buildings. The Club has a small port with slips for approximately 30 boats, a launch area with a 4,000 lb. capacity hoist, dry storage for a number of small boats, and rack storage for Lasers, sabots, and other dinghies. It also has several commercial subtenants. It is also a great venue for family sailing. It is a member of US Sailing, Southern California Yachting Association, Yacht Racing Union of South California, and the Orange Coast Association of Yacht Clubs, and sponsors cruising, social, racing, and junior activities. It holds more than 25 club -sponsored on -the -water events each year, including the Crew -of -Two -Around - Catalina Race. The Club is open to the public and has, at present, about one hundred and fifty members. It has, in the past, had as many as several hundred members.'The memberships are very reasonable and currently the Club's dues are sixty-five dollars a month with an initiation fee of only a, few hundred dollars. Thus, the Club is likely the most affordable boating access club in the harbor, especially since it has so much storage for small boats. As you know from our conversation, the Club has been forced by external events to acquire the land and facilities that it currently leases or to go out of existence in the near term. As a result, it is forced to raise equity monies of approximately $1.5 million, and that causes concerns that the historic affordability of the Club to existing and new members is likely in Attorneys at Law 333 So. Grand Avenue, Suite 4070 Los Angeles, California 90071-1544 (213) 253-5939 Fax (213) 253-9939 Los. Angeles Irvine E Tony Melum May 15, 2001 Page 2 jeopardy. Accordingly, we thought it worthwhile to discuss with appropriate City officials the possibility of City ownership of our land and water access with the Club continuing on a long- term lease to be negotiated with the City — an arrangement similar, we believe, to some other clubs on the bay. This would ensure not only the continuation of the Club and its affordability, but would also guard against the fact that if for any reason the Club is unable to complete its purchase, public boating would be discontinued at that location on the bay. The back-up purchaser has already announced that he wishes to have the Club cease to exist at that location, and there are no alternate locations available that are suitable for the Club. Moreover, that purchaser has also announced that he plans to eliminate all of the slips and likely the dry storage also and instead dock a one hundred and thirty foot yacht there. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter further with City staff and contacted Council Member Norma Glover by telephone because she represents not only the area in which to Club is located, but is also is my council person as well. Many thanks for your courtesy when we spoke. Please also do not hesitate to call me should you have any questions. Very trulyyours, 0 cc: Council Member Norma J. Glover 7-19-2001 2:42PM FROM DAVIS AND COMPANY 2132S35939 P.1 Davis & Company A Prcfessional Corporation I FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEETJ Date: July 19, Z001 TO: Tony Melurn, Director, Harbor Rewumes, City of Newport Beach, Fax No. (949) 673- 3056 FROW WilliaM J. Davis, Esq, Re, Soutb Sbore, Yacbt Club Number of pages including this cover page; 5 L,-,.ttcr 7/19/01 Please call (213) 253-5939 implediately if there are any problems with this transmission. ME Ccinfident.1ality Na;c- Tbe infort-nation contaiatxl in this facsimile, transmission is confidontial alld int ended for the addressee only, If the Yeader of this message is not the addressee or addwssee's agept, you are hc�xeby advised that any dissomination, distribution or copying of the information in this transinission is prohibited, lf you rective this fax in cTror, plcasE� call us collect inunediately upon receipt and rclurn the facsimile decurnents tO L% by fi.TSt CIZ%*, M61 to the addresicc below. Your T,)ostage will be Teimbursied. Thank vou for your cooDeration. 333 Sou0 Grand Avenue, Suite 4070 Los Angeles, California 90071-1544 213,253 5939 (Fax 213 253 9939) 7-19-2001 2:43PM FRCM DAVIS AND COMPANY 2132535939 E E F7, Davis & Company A Professional Corporction May 15, 2001 Via Fax --(9491673-3 056 and Mail Tony Melum, Director Harbor Resources City of Newport Beach PO Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Dear Mr, Melum: Thank you for taking tinie to speakwith me today. I thotight it might be useful to you and any other city officials you involve to have. some of the pertinent details a's to botb the South Shore Yacht Club and my current inquiry to the City concerning the Club's property. As advised, I am the current judge advocate for the Club, Right after we spoke, I was also able to speak with Council Member Glover about this matter. P-4 The Club has been an important presence on the Newport waterfront for decades. Indeed, established in 1957, it just had its forty-fourth "opening day". It has been at its current locaTion for something in excess of thirty-five years. It is a member owned association and built all of its own facilities. It is located at 2527 West Coast Highway in Newport Beach, Its facilities include a laxge two-story clubhouse,.junior clubhouse, storage outbuildings, and office and conunitteo-- buildings. The Club has. a small port with slips for approximately 30 boats, a launch area with a 4,000 lb. capacity hoist, dry storage for a number of small boats, and rack storage for Lasers, sabots, and other dinghies. It also has several commercial subtenants. It is also a great venue for family sailing. It is a member of US Sailing, Southern California Yachting Association, Yacht Racing Union of South California, and the Orange Coast Association of Yacht Clubs, and sponsors cruisiDg, social, racing, and j unior activities. It holds more than 25 club -sponsored on -the -water events each year, including the Crew -of -Two -Around - Catalina Race. The Club is open to the public and has, at present, about one hundred and fifty members - It has, in the past, had as many as sew,eral hundred rrembers.'The memberships are very - reasonable, aud clarwntly the Club's due$ are sixty-five dollars a month with an initiation fee of only a few hundred dollars. Thus, the- Club is likely the most affordable boating access club in the harbor, especially since it has so much storage for sinall boats. As you know from our conversation, the Club has bft.-n forced by external events to acquire, the land and facilities that it currently leases or to go out of existence in the -near term. As a result, it is forced to raise equity monies of approximately $1.5 million, and that causes concerns that the historic affordability of the Club to existing and new members is likely in A t t o r n e y s a t L a w 333 SQ. Qrana Aveni_;e, Suite 4070 Los Angetes �o& Angeles, California 90071-1544 Irvine (213) 253-6939 F(px (213' ) 253-9939 7-19-2221 2:44PM FROM DAVIS AND COMPANY 2132S3S939 P -S Tony Melum May 15, 2001 Page 2 j�,opardy, Accordingly, we thought it, worthwhile to discuss with appropriate City officials the possibility of City ownership of our land and water access with the Club continuing on a, lon'9- term lease to be negotiated with the City— an arrang6ment similar, we believe, to some other clubs on the bay. This N ould ensure, not only the continuation of the Club and its affordability, but would also guard against the fact that if fQr any reason the Club is unable to complete its purchase, public boating would be discontinued at that location on the bay, - The back-up purchaser has already announctd that he wishes to have the Club cease to exist at that location, and there are no alternate locations available that are suitable for the Club.' Moreover, that purchaser has also announced that he plans to eliminate all of the slips and likely the diy storage also and- instead dock a one hundred and thirty, foot yacht there, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter further with City staff and contacted Council Member Norma Olover by telephone because she represents not only the area in whicb -to Club is located, but is. also is my council person as well. Many thanks for your courtesy when we spoke. Plea" also do not hesitate to call me should you have any questions. 0 cc: Council Member Norma J. Glover 7-19-2001 2:42PIM FROM DAVIS AND COMPANY 2132535939 Dovis & Compony A Professional[ Corporation July 19, 2001 Via Fax ('949) 673-3056 and Mail Tony Melum, Director Harbor Resources City of Newport Beach P(D Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 9226-58-S915 Dear Mr. Melum: I Avrite first and fQremost to thank you for your previous efforts in assisting the South Shore. Yacht Club, JaJso want to inake you aware of the curreut status of matters concerning the Z7 Club's location beyond that which we discussed several weeks ago when we both first l�earned that the Club's. property had been transferred. As, expluined in my last letter of May 15, 2col (copy enclosed), the Club has the exclus;ive, right to purchase the Club property from the Jorgenwn interests from whom it leased its present location for approximately forty years. However, wWle the Club was putfing together the requisite financing -R)r its purchase and discussing this issue with you and other city officials, the Jorgensen interests apparently transferred the Club property to Norman and Penelope Goodin. This transfer/sale was in derogation of the Club*s right of first refusal. It is, therefore, a transfer that is sub ect to the Club's right to buy the property it leases. This means th4t neither the Goodirisnor any successor to them may take title clear of the Club's interest because all of them have actual knowledge of the Club's interest, both because it is in possession and because the lease under which it continues in possession describes the Club's rights. Accordingly, it is therefom possible for the Club to legally assert its right to purchase the propeTty at any time, While the current Board has chosen, for the moment, not to proceed with litigaii that option is far from foreclosed. As a result, the Club remains interested in the possibility of a City purchase of it,� facilities with a long-term lease assuring continued public access, for small sailing craft through the Club, Thus, should the City have an interestin acquiring the Club's property and therefore the morithly income from the Club, it would undoubtedly be willing to undertake clearing the title tQ facilitate that result. It is also worth noting that the Goodin interest,-,, have already announcedthat the Club has 110 10,19 -term future at their location of forty years, They apparently Own Or control the charter boat "Icon", a 125 -plus -foot yacht, and have advised that they wish to use the Club's� location as its permanent berth. Thus, while we are now preseilted with a more difficult si tuation on account of the transfer, the Club's interest in a long-term solution and the City's concerns ubout water access rel -pain the sarne, Attorneys ot Low 333 $0. GTand Avenue, Suite 4070 Los Anipeles Los Angeles, Collfcrinic 90071-1544 Irvine (213)253-5931� Fax �213)253-9"K P_ 2 7-19-2001 2�43PM FROM DAVIS AND COMPANY 2132S35939 Tony Melum July 19, 2001 Page 2 Please, let nie know if there i,,,, any infOl-matiOn that I can supply to you or any steps that the Club might take, that WoUld cause the. City to consider acquiring the Club's, property 4J)d leasing it back upon a long-term basis to the, Club. EnCIOSL[re CC., Council Member Norm-, I ',-,v Very truly yours, P- 3 MR. JAMES EVANS M�� ME bg= CENTER 2439 West Coast Highway Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Mr. Evans, -t Beach, California 92663 1 Port:.2527 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach iORE YACHT CLUB August 23, 1984 The Mariners Mile Marine Center is planning to install new docks in accordance with nMarine Consulting & Design" drawing with one of their docks twelve feet (12 feet) approxiirately east of the property line extension between their pro- perty and the South Shore Yacht Club property. In order that both "Mariners" and SSYC can both have easy access to their docks. near this property line extension the following agreemnt has been rmde between Jams Evans, representing Mariners Mile Marine Center and Giltner J. Knudson, representing South Shore Yacht Club. 1. SSYC will increase the width of their slips facing.towards ".Mariners" by reducing the spaces for boat storage from eight to seven. The wider slips allowing the boats to start or finish their turns within the slip when leaving or entering, thus reducing their encroachmnt on the property line. A layout of this change is shown on G.J. Knudson drawing dated 8/17/84. 2. The costs for the construction: in pa 'Mariners 3., : ricamn use ofl a,� small part of. each �c So. and essential to ' t Plariner. S1. bo:h -agraph 1. will be born by, c hers Waterway., is acceptable ,re, Yad t Cl, 7 1 �7- GJK/lk Agreeno-rit Acknowledged by jVP_P_7jT_7RS Y�J7 F YL7�p NE CF -1\7= SFERrF7S DEPARTMENT, OR44GE COUX-41 Santa Ana, California RE: South Shore Yatch Club has permission to raft up to 3 boats on their end tie on 4-23 and 4-24 for the Ensenada Boat race@ They are not to encroach into the navigable waters or adjacent properties access. Any problem's contact Tom Moore Port Capt 739-8157. SF F 6 (ReV4 8-N) /0 ro / */0 k-li-I a � /' O't') ( Z- /,Vc- 4TY OF NEWPORT BERCH UAIL CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH WST BRY a �G 7oR I iaiio &-lJS 77 0 7- 7-0/v7 SL� BRY ,:,Rc-rplc PIER OZRiV VC -9'7, 1.-,3() JETTY VICINITY MRP EFST KW= lRf, GUFa�aH M'Ty SaMINGS FM: D?RESSED IN FEET AND DENOTE ELEVATIONS 13RSED ON MERN LOWER LOH WATER. ICICR T 200, —7k/— �i GAM; WAYS -5,0 Ll r1-1 SLl OR E- cz- og .�j IS7 J6& r.40 (file ClW Of NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR PERMIT PIERMISSION IS HEIRERY QRANTrD TO CON'STnUCT AND. MAINTAIN THE FACILITY 614OV,,N, ON THE.RRVM�Zt 417REOF, AT THE SITE INDICATED, sus�Etn 're Tmz FizmsicNr� ow T14E HARBOR PSRVAiy CF Zjr;' GZA I CH ANY. ANY SPEC;�'AL ji fS NOT T flARS VFE"."4C ILE �'vfzti co�#sEwr CIT THE CITY HIAPSOR ColoR f#l?,j'A7-JR 01,`.� ��*,'Tli( TH(- RIGHTS Q'�VF-04 UMDFR 0NL'v AND TVIS PERMT WAY Be-- RtVOV�F-o DY TH4 C�TY COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TME 11 OF THE MUNECIPAL CODIE. CITY HARBOR COORDINATOR W 12 RIIW-N-0. DATE SPE.CiAL ('-';3NDllf IONS: Corps of Zpg�neers Perfnit Orange County PernAt 6then--Sc12?,-cC 9-2-7--� CONSTRUCTIONT "13EFUAIT DATE ATTA;E 'H Cl aw Nzmoogr de-4clv L-xn'r 'pz//VS < v bv At 7 - of -,V.' 0 7 -/OA/ VICIAJITY 5)(ETCH IV~ Jerry Wffwmo&vr SAY, CALIPOAMIA b Jerry A/0 PILIM6 WMW ReOl`POS-C--4r-;? 5,04mallm9ps ore exOrcirsed 1.1 *no, dwopa/c iVO 67411-"Z�4.P PVO,024(� c"o,"O" 4below /Ll, cop? At"w" zow 6/*P�-rp- - A-fojf.,mpc1mv 'O'Onpe, 0/' b'&C /0 '12004. 'Yaj-hoe 1'�Yes /../a &ew Doc,< -V/op-k, Oppe C.TjOb/f'3hdP& /;V 7'A;S ..SCC-.4,eDlp OfrlVCW,~I' ASO,-. k11K11V(g .57 FOR7- a.S, P1ZTRoL1LZ-449 41A/4 -r I- I/V4-7 ;F00, ATZ :0 12C-Loclqrz-=�p FllvalOu je N � 17C5;4-1OW1V ),*.4cHr CrM rm nu.. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HA15'a"BOR P!,ECRAMIT IS ANE, ilAMTAIN T�iE ij� c. N '%7L RUMF 7,C), SPECIAL c SVI zl� F4 O�' �X' Hyl� r 0 N . . . . ...................... ..... ........................... SPECIAL COMMONS: cclr'""s of Flamm 07.axr4�._ CsLgP.Aty Pirmit adlw E OF CALIFORNIA RONALD REAGA N, 'Govern or CALIFORNIA COASTAL ZONE CONSERVATION COMMISSION . . . . . . . . . . SOUTH COAST REGONAL COMNSSION 6�6 I- OCEAN BOULEVARD, SUITE 3107 RECEIVED 1� P.O. Box IA50 Community LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90801 Development (213) 4364201 VI4) U"648 Dept. AUG 2 219730 - RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL AND PEMIT CITY OF NEWpORT BEACH, CALIF. Application Number: —8-7-73-1644 Name of Applicant: Vincent A Jorgensen 2537 West Pacific Coast Highway, Newport�Beach 92660 Permit Type: Standard Administrative =X1 Emergency 'Development Location: 2537. West Pacifi� Coast Highway, NPIMort -Beach Development Description: Renew collapsed seawall and rebuilt zroun area behind the seawall Commission Resolution: I. The South Coast Conservation Commission finds that the proposed development: A. WdWwill not have a substantial adverse environmental or ecological effect in that: NA STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMITS LOCATION New Revision Dredging Date Reclv— Fee Amt. refe Processed 1 —73 Date Reviewed by M.S.D.—P-2�-73 Approved Denied Correction Req1d. Desc. City Council Approved Denied Remarks DATE MATERIAL SENT/APPROVED C.O.E. SCRZCC SARWQCD J.H.C. Or.Co. T.I.C. 1 Application 2. Consent Letter 3. "Was te" Letter 4. Drawings 5. Staff Report 6. 7. 8. REMARKS % 4 7xiK OF W za y A 77 8",u One ;[�`J IJ Jv, ILOL, V C,4 14: V 'Vic I IV rr y E , r. 5 A Y t!A& I Foal A FZ�c ------ ss ee, qo T.." _vr Neu) wc-", t.1 "I �e WY A6' F. -44 L is 'T& 04, Q9 Aft a, CITY OF NEWPOR'%—ZEACH CONSThUCTIONTERMIT HARBOR PERMIT DATE ON IS HEREBY GRANTED TO CONSTRUCT AND EEATTACHED,SflE THE FACILITY SHOWN 40H 71-1V WEREor, AT THE SITE INDICA".N-M, TO ��H:Z THE "ARBOR PERMIT PrW-t�CS OF ANV SPECIAL IS 740T TRANSFERABLE WM40�e,". THE C11"i HARBOR OR CITY CA—'AINCIL. TP RIGHTS GWEN UNDER TEV��, PEhWHT;:MZ PErNMAW-SIVE ONL- AND TF!5,PEftMJT MA* 8�� REVOKED SYTHE C,,TY COUNCR IN ACCORDANCE'WITH TITLE 17 OF THE MU%iCAPAL CODE. CITY HARBOR COORDINATOR 3 7 PERMIT NO. DATE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: C orps of Enggheers Permit Or(ange County Permit � Other: �;e 3 August 2nd. 1973 Marine Safety Department City of Newport Beach 70 Newport Pier Newport Beach, California, 92660 Gentlemen: On Saturday morning, July 28, 1973, a 551 portion of the sea wall fronting my property at 2537 West Coast Highway collapsed and slid into the bay. This property is under lease to the South Shore Sailing Club who use the fronting slips as well as the dry land behind the bulkhead for the storage of their members boats. Due to the collapse of the bulkhead the club is going to suffer a consider-, able loss of income.until the damage can be repaired. Club has approximately 200 member:'�families South Shore Sailing who enjoy the fac . ilities of the club. It is vital that permission be granted as rapidly as possible for the bulkhead to be rebuilt in order that the club may continue to enjoy the benefits of the facilities. I have given a contract to Dean Taylor of Gillis and Derby to construct a new wall. I will appreciate anything your office can do to expedite the granting of a permit tolaccomplish this contract as rapidly as possible. Yours truly, Vincent A. �Jensen 1S33 kntiguUWay Newport teach, Calif. 92660 VAJ: df M 4 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY RPS OF ENGINEERS LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CO p. 0. BOX 2711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053 Public Notice No. 73-69 28 June 1974 YOU ARE INVITED TO COMMENT ON THIS APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT APPLICANT: Mr. Vincent A. Jorgensen 2537 West Pacific Coast Highway Newport Beach, California 92660 ACTIVITY: Approval of completed work consisting of 75 feet of bulkhead wall inplace repair work and 20 cubic yards of backfill replacement, at 2537 West Pacific Coast Highway, City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, California, as shown on the drawing accompanying this notice. PURPOSE . AND USE: Preservation of property leased to the South Shore Sailing Club. FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL AUTHORIZATIONS: Approved by the City of Newport Beach; California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission - South Coast Region, Permit No. EME-8-7-73-1644; and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Ana Region, had no objections. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This office does not intend to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement on this activity unless significant detrimental effects are brought to our attention. PUBLIC HEARING: Any person who has an interest which may be adversely - Affected by the issuance of a permit may request a public hearing. The re quest must be submitted in writing to the District Engineer within thirty (30) days of the date of this notice and must clearly set forth the interest which may be affected and the manner in which the interest may be affected by the activity. Activities under Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (PL 92-532) and Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (PL 92-500) will be considered in conjunction with this notification. CRITERIA: Your written comments or objections should include the number and date of this notice and must reach this office within thirty (30) calendar days. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact of the activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from�the activity must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detri- ments. All factors which may be relevant to the activity will be considered; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental Public Notice No. 73-69 28 June 1974 APPLICANT: Mr. Vincent A. Jorgensen concerns, historic values, fish and wildlife values, flood damage prevention, land use classification, navigation, recreation, water supply, water quality, and, in general, the needs and welfare o ' f the people. Details of changed conditions on the final permit action will be provided upon request. XN V. FOLEY OL, CE ric g District Engineer 2 C)TY OF NEWPORT 13L�%CH HAR130A APPLICATA,44 NO. No. D r e 4 Z11 h 8 -Fi H by r�uc pl. ro ff? A'.? ro AN OF W. 7- T vi cle. VIC) M I TY SkETCH 1111-vr -'Err,, Foc. e -'i vi n Na uvpoFrr 5AY, CAL IFORNIA r I 5'0e/, -701/,757S . are L-ApreSS,-ol /P7 feeYl Onol Cl&nolL- OL-,� 1"A 5 belOW 'l'flr'0r7 ZOW&I- /-Om/ A9 "eL-1. A42. -bop- 4�7e-s Pc,.c s fi'lr— Coc�z* c7f-e d 5 iGhIt'sh&Q, /;7 .1h;5 Seelfo" oicAlew por / A5 c7r. Hwy. dl toe BoaLt wcbys '7S' W.11 Coljops,-� I New Conc.. 8%k%KhLad 0"\-e e.Yld-,lmd s 11 ps + buNke-t,45 viv) ceh* N. ARRZ-IC"749 AlAlwe west Hwy, i5it Wk4 LIE_ -r* U.S. 1-19 9 19 7,'e4C7' 8/l/ 73 DATE TO: E:l MAYOR 0 FIRE 0 COUNCIL E:l GENERALSERV. 0 MANAGER 1:3 LIBRARY 0 ASST. TO MGR. k' MARINE ED EXEC. ASST. ED PARKS & REC. 0 ATTORNEY ED PERSONNEL 0 BUILDING 0' PLANNING ED CITY CLERK E:l POLICE 0 DATA PROCESS. ED PUBLIC WORKS ED DUPLICATING ED PURCHASING E:l FINANCE ED TRAFFIC E:l UTI LITI ES FOR: �W`ACTION & DISPOSITION El FILE El INFORMATION El REVIEW & COMM ENT y EIRETURN _____ I I . — . 1- — I I — I . __ I � � 1 vc �­ . ,,, � I 11 I -1 I . � I I I � ., I I - - 1. �­ � � I � — �. 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I I I , - ;_ ,- � F , - � , , I I . - , � � � II I . � .1 I ­ I I -'. I I 1. ., � . I j ,� �, - "e - , , , - . - I I � '.1 . 11 I . . " . I . I , ' I . , � e � z , , " �,'.- s-�, : � � ,-- �, I - � I , I � . :� " � � cf, I : . . I I � I I I � I 1, I a � - I �� � , ", 1, I � ,� ! , , �� .-, � ,� � � I I t !, I I � � . � � I 11 � I I - � , - , , ' -, , -, I , �, I - I I ­ I . � . I I � - I , � , ,� , ,4 �- - ., - _ I I I 1 7� '' I . I . -_ - � I " - I - - � , I I � , � . , - . I . - - :1 I , 11 , I I I � , ,;� � ,,,,,, � , I � - � J� , , . , , " � � I I I I I � , � - . STRUCTURAL GENERALNOTES W.'. , -, ", - � , ''� I I I I ,;;, . I I - . � ''I'll,'' 11 -.11.1 I � I'll, 11 I '' � I . � ­ I I I "I , 1, 11 _'­A�;�,,­�,,�,, �­, - I , I ­� I I I ­ . _,;� 11 . ­ 11; � I I 11 � I I � . �, - � I - ­ � 't -1 I I., I I ­' I �, I- I., I � I I � I t I - I - ;, �­­ I I.,1 I - '1� � I �� I � ­ 1. ­­ - ..- ��_!_ �t; I ,:� ­ -1 I I'— -, I �­ ­ , I � I z I ,,'­','��_ I ,� 11 ­;,''', , 11 � ­ I _'_ --mi"'n ,� �­' ­: .I 1. , , I I— I __ I - � I , , � I - I � I _�_ , .. 11 I I ''I , :'�'f _ , , � I I I . . I I I . I -1 - � ­:_�_ I _1 1.� - "_ '' � : .1 . ­ I I I . ­ I . � . - I'll .. "l- �". "'' - I— ­ _ - � - �� ­ '� I , I I ­ - I I - . I'll �11 .: . I . � � -1 I'll .�,_ � - - : , � 11, 1- I � I . . ­ .­ � ­­­_ ��_ , I'll, 11 �_;:;� � I '. I ' , I ''I I 11 . .1 ''_'. - � " _­ ..1�1­ '' - _', I . I '' -1 I I .. ­ � I . .PRECAS , . ,,­ , ,_ " i I - , I., , L' ,-.., 'L SPECIAL INSPECT16NS I .- - �, . I I I �, ,. T CONCRETE PILES, � , - 1- 11-1 _­ '' L � -, � � I I � ,� �_ � 1, , I I . I - REQUIREMENTS11 I 1� '. -_ I I I I :1 � � - 11 .1 � ''. _. I 1�1 � -, �, ­� , I .. I . , "I 1� �, I - � , � I 1, . I I I � � I I I . . � I � I I I I IF � I . - I - I '� �,, �_, - I : ,:'I- , � � . I I - I , I I . � , , ,_ � I � � � � . - .__ , ,_ . I � 11 , , I , '' . ­ - SPECIFIED BELOW IS REQUIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH UBC I - I � � � I I 11 1� - I I �­ , �, , " I I I I I I I 11 . � , I 1- I " 1, _,._ , � ,,, :1 � ,:�. I - I I � . I - _". . I I � I , '. . , ­ - ,; , , , . : r I � �� . � '. I I . � ,SPECIAL INSPECTION AS I I . I i � _1� I I 'l-,", - I � - EDITION OF 1HE I � � � 1, � �, - , : : I , � I I I . CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN CONFORMITY WII)f IIIE LATEST I I � , � PILES 170 :­' a ' � I � I � '1_1� ' I 11 I 11 I 1. � � 1! SECTION 306. -. SF`Ecik� INSPECTIONS SHALL BE DONE BY ONE OR MORE REGISTERED . � I— � I 1. , P �; I I . , . -1 - E 12,_� SQUARE PRECAS ', AS, MANU ACTURED BY - UPLITY,'�,VA � � .. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (U.B.C.) AND ALL APPUCA13LE LOCAL AND STAlt � I - , - . ,r,,,,,,.,,.,., ,.F,,. . . ULT"� CO. , I . I I I 11, I - . , 7 . , �' , ,:" , - � , ,:, _, " -, ", I � � I . ., " 1. � I I .., TUENT AND PAID I � �, I � I I -OR,APP ' ' "' , , " , � � - - - I �� � I . I I . ROVED EQUAL' � � � � _-, ,� _ 1, I DEPUTY� (SPECIAL) INSPECTORS APPROVED BY THE BUILDING DEPAR . . , � ­ I � � , I - -, � , � , � �� �'. -1 . - � I., I I . I I I . _q- �, " , " I �, � � I � . I . -1 I 1� I � � . �� �.'�, "I ­ I � I 11 .: .: I . CODES AND ORDINANCES. - , , ,OMMERCI m , 7,, , " . , - � ­ - 11 1, � � I . - I � . � I I ­ . 12. ,CLASS SHALL BE. � AL� , . - I �1, 1 I � ''I I � -1 - ,FOR BY THE OWNER. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT JOB S17E . , I I `­, . . ,,,� - I I I . - � %` 1, - . . ,� � . �, " . I � I I .11 1� � . - �`_ , - I " " 11." CONCRETE ,' I - . I ­�, , i I . I � , � .1� I � I . NY DISCREPANCIES TO, THE I 1 3.� CONCRETE MIX SHALL BE - K-7.' ' ; I -11 :�.!_ I , 1, ,�. � ­., - � -, �z . I BEFORE COMMENCING WORK AND SHALL REPORT A , I I � - -1 I I ' ' � � I . I � - . 11 . I I -1 4. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE MINIMUM'28 ,DAY COMPRESSIVE � STRENGTH � I* 6000 'PSI, `- - I L � I A) CONTINUOUS INSPECTION IS REQUIRED AT ALL PILES, GRADE BEAMS AND ENGINEER. � . I I I - ' � ' I � 1� . I I � 1 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE BARRICADES AND PEDESTRIAN PROTECTION AS I I 1 - 1 5. COMPRESSIVE, STRENGTH Al"TRANSFER" SHALL., BE 4000 PSI.� -� , 1, � � 1 I � CAISSONS. , ' , - . � I I � I 11 � I � � . 1 6, -, STEEL STRANDS -SHALL BE 4-1/i-0 '2- 70. KSI., CONFORMING TO A.S.T. I M. A-416. � � � � I b) CONTINUOUS -INSPECTION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL BE IN � � , REQUIRED BY STATE AND LOCAL CODES. I I I I I I "" S 'T.M. A-��32. . I I . ' � . . I - . � I � 4. - CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSUL I . 11 . . . � . I I 1 2. REINFORCEMENT T WITH REPRESENTAIIVE OF NEWPORT HARBOR � 7. TEEL SPIRALS ,SHALL BE 5 GA. CONFORMING TO A.S I I . NO. 13 UNDER CONCRETE NOTES. YACHT CLUB CONCERNING AVAILABLE FACILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK � I 1 8. AREA OF t�!`EEL TO BE, 0.153,SQ. IN. x -4 --STRANDS. .' - "I �-_ I . I I - � 1. . � I I - . . I I . I . I A) ALL, REINFORCEMENT IN CONCRETE REQUIRING SPECIAL INSPEC71ON PER . . ­ I OR CONNECTING TO WRING, ETC., AND REPORT ANY PROBLEMS TO THE ' . I . ,� �, 9..-,. INITIAL FORCE: PER STRAND- TO BE �,'30,150,,LBS x ,4 � STRANDS." �', � � I I �., � � I 11 . NOTE #1 ABOVE SHALL 13E INSPECTED PRIOR TO THE CLOSING OF FORMS I � - 1� RCE AT AGHO'RAGE TO'BE 123,-000 LBS -/ 143, SQ-. IN. - 860 PSI. , . I � ENGINEER. � I I -_ I I I - ­ I � , I 11 I RETE TO THE JOB SITE. � I - I I . ­ I � I I . I 11 . . � . - I � I I - I . � 5. OMISSIONS OR CONFLICTS BETWEEN VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF THE DRAWINGS, � � ­ ­ I I 1� I I _. I " � '­��, I �_ : -1- I I I I I . I I I I , I I . - I I 1, � I I I , 3. WELDING . I I - � I NOTES, AND DETAILS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER . I . i � ,_ � ,� I ­� , I � 11 - . � � I " TI SL . . - I I I . I - . � 11 I I I I �, I _'� "I ��_. I I I I 11 . - . ALL FIELD WELDING UNLESS NOIED�OTIIERWISE BELOW SHALL BE CON NUOU Y E PROCEEDING W11H THE WORK. I I I I i . � � ., I � - � 1.11 �., � I I I I I I � I I . I I I . . . INSPECTED. I I � . I � 11 I . 6. NOTES AND DETAILS ON DRAWINGS SHA VER THESE GENERAL , 1. I STRUCTURAL STEEL '- , �, I . -1 �, ��, 11 I I I . I . I . I I . .11 -_1 . � ''I I ''I" I . � 4. ANCHOR BOLTS , ' . I I I I � I I . . I _., I I � � I NOTES. I , ' � .1 � I � SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTATI 7. TYPICAL DETAILS SHOWN SHALL APPLY WHERE NO SPECIAL DETAIL IS SHOWN. I � . . 1. STRUCTURAL STEEL I AND MISCELLANEOUS'. IRON SHALL CONFORM TO'A.S.T.M. - 1 5. TWO (2) PROPERLY COMPLETED AND SIGNED COPIES -OF THE SPEC1AL INSPECTION 8. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS (NOT SCALED DIMENSIONS) SHALL BE USED. � . A36. '� - 11 . . I �� ' ­_�",� � I 11 . I I . I I . � ­ - � AGREEMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO T'HE PERMIT SERVICES DIVISION PRIOR TO I ' I ' I 9. CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE I AND CO I 0 1 2. ALL BOLTS SHALL CONFORM',tO-.'A.'t'.'T.M.-'A307, UNLESSNOTED OTHERWISE. I I ISSUANCE OF THE PERMIT. . � - RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING 114E COURSE OF � � . - I WHERE ' HIGH STRENGTH (M.S.) SOLTS� CONFORMING TO A.S.TM. A325ARE . I I I . �. . . I I I I I SPECIFIED. INSTALLATION �,SHALL BE,44SPECTED 13Y A REGISTERED DEPUTY I I - I CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, 114CLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND I - i � I � . I � PROPERTY; THAT TIIIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE ' . I - INSPECTOR APPROVED� BY'.THE'. BUILDING �OEPA117MENT. ,, 11 I . I . �., I I I . LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, I � . I � .3. - FABRICATION AND ERECTION' SHALL CN C. SPECIFICATIONS. � I 11 I I INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND � 1 4.' ALL EXPOSED STRUCTURACAND MISC�LLANEOUS-SIEEL,SHALL RECEIVE ONE COAT' . I , I - , . ' I 11 I ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION Willi TIIE PERFORMANCE OF I I �,,OF STANDARD SHOP, PRIMER' PAINt '':1 1!_-� 1* - � ­ I I �, ,� I � I ; I I " � . ' - � I I I `� , �L: 5.- CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 1EMPORAR 6'B'A' - I ' . WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE , I AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS� FOR . Y, SHORING AN , R CING PER STATE � I I STRUCTURAL ABBREVIATIONS, NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. I I .1 . � I � � I ,,ERECTION-. OF STEEL FRAMES AND GIRDERS. . I I . � 11 u - � - ". .1 , I � - I I � 11 � ­ I � � , I . . . � . 11 I � - � I I . I I I, -, I I ­ , 11 11 1. � . A.B . . ............ ANCHOR SOLT K.0 . ............. KNOCK OUT . � � I � I I . 1� I . � � I � A.C.P . ......... ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING LO . .............. LONG . � z I . I I � I � � , I . - .1 .� I - I I- . � . � � �e I � .: � . . I � 11 I � . I � � � -11, . I - I I ALUM ........... ALUMINUM LUI .............. LONG LEG HORIZONTAL : I 11 - � I . � � ­ . I I I I . I � ­ I I - 11 I : I . I "_ ,- �, 1-1 � . ANOD ......... ANODIZED LLV .............. LONG LEG VERTICAL EXCAVATION I � _­ 1. 1� ­ I I I . I � � I � � I I 1. � �, I . I � - , ARCHT . ....... ARC1117ECIURAL LONGIT ........ LONGITUDINAL I I I . I - � . - � I I I REINFORCING STEEL �1 I � I- ­� � I . I � I I . � I B.S. ­ .......... BOTTOM OF BEAM L.P. � ............ LOW POINT I 1. EXCAVATE WITH CAUTION ALONG THE BULXHEAD WALL DO NOT DAMAGE THE I � . I . 1. - . I �__, � I , I . � I � BLKG . .......... BLOCKING . MAX ............ MAXIMUM I . CTING TO THE WALL I � . I ' . . 11. , -1 I - B -N . . ............ BOUNDARY NAILING . . , 1. ALL REINFORCING STEEL, UNLESS NOTED., OITIERWISE, SHALL CONFORM TO I M -B . ............ MACHINE BOLT I 1 2. ANY ANCHOR ROD EXPOSED IS TO BE TREATED PER REINFORCING STEEL NOTE 7. , I I I I .. � A.S.T.W,SPEcinCAlIONS A615 AND BEINIERMEDIAlE GRADE 86 FOR BARS . I I , BRAC'G ....... BRACING � MFG ............. MANUFACTURED � I . 3. NO MORE THAN EVERY THIRD ANCHOR ROD IS TO BE EXPOSED AT ANY ONE TIME. . I I I . I AND GRADE 40 FOR' BARS LESS 111AN f4 AND ALL TIES AND B.W . ............ BOTTOM OF WALL - .. MIN .............. MINIMUM I I . . I . T I I CANT .......... CANTILEVER M.F.0 . .......... METAL FRAMED OPENING � � I � I I DOWELS. ALL REINFORCEMENT 10�121E-,WELDED.SHALL CONFORM TO, A.S.TA. 1, I I c.J . ............... coNsmucliou mur MlL ............. METAL � I I I I I � I I A706,: UNLESS N01ED OTHERWISE. . � I I ' � - � CLG .............. CEILING , ' 'N.S . ............. I . � 2. REINFORCEMENT, MARKED CONTINUOUS MAY BE SPLICED BY LAPPING 30 BAR : CLR ............. CLEAR I N-T.S . .......... NOT TO SCALE � I . . BACKFILLING I � � � � m I � DIAMETERS IN'CONCRETE Willi, 24ANCII MINIMUM LAP IN EACH CASE, UNLESS, I � ' QM -U ... ......... CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT O -C . ............. ON CENTER . I TAILED, SHALL BE . i CONC . .......... CONCRETE , � O/C ............ ON CENTER � OTHERWISE. NOTED"ON PLANS. ALL".SPUCES, MIEN DE I � I � 1. UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL AND ANY OTHER BACKnLL MUST BE MECHANICALLY I I LOCATED - WHERE, SHOWN ON PLANS. I I I 11 . � CONN ...... � .... CONNECTION " OPNG ........... OPENING I I ' COMPACTED. JETTING AND FLOODING SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. I ­ ­ 3. EPDXY'COATING­ FOR STEEL REINFORCMENT SHALL CONFORM TO A.S.T.M. I � . CONT � ... .... ;. CON11NUOUS , � OPP. I 10 . ..... OPPOSITE HAND � 2. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL FILLS SHALL'BE COMPACTED, TO A MINIMUM � - ' . 11 i I . CONST . ....... CONSTRUCTION 1. I 10-S . ............. OVERFLOW SCUPPER I � I SPECIFICATION A775-90 (AT'CAANE-BASE REINFORCING ONLY). I CIR ............ CENTER O -S -F . .......... OUTSIDE FACE OF 90% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF. I I I 1� 4. 1 REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE'ACCURAlELY PLACED AND SECURED IN POSITION DIAG . .......... DIAGONAL PEN . ............ PENEIRATION . I I I I . . I .. . . U.B.C. APPENDIX SEC11ON 7010., - - ' WITH METAL OR CONCRETE'BLOCKS, CIIAIRS. SPACERS, ETC., BEFORE PLACING I � I . DET . ............ DETAIL ' PILAS . ......... PILASTER � I . I � , 3. BACKFILL AROUND PILES MUST WAIT AT LEAST TWO DAYS AFTER COMPLETION I I I . � CONCREIIE...' ,: , . I I ' � I - .� I � � I DIA . ............. DIAMETER � PLYWD ......... PLYWOOD - I I I � D.S . ............ DOWNSPOUT PREC . .......... PRECAST � OF THE PILE INSTALLATION. I 1 5. MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER FOR REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS, � � . I � 11 I . ' ' DWG'S ......... DRAWINGS , � I I - I I 1,� . . P -D . ............. ROOF DRAIN I UNLESS NOTED .OTHERWISE. CONCRETE BELOW GRADE *OR IN CONTACT VAT14 SOIL I i I � I I . . I _ I . I I � I - ' ' ' EA ............... EAC14 ' � RE13AR ...-....REINFORCING BAR � I ­ I I � . I WHEN POURED AGAINST EARTH 3 , WHEN FORMED 2". WALLS- ABOVE GRADE 11 EF . ............. EACH FACE , ' REINF .......... REINFORCING � , I I I , 11 I � � I � . . I � . EXTERIOR FACtA-1/2". INTERIOR FACE 1". PRECAST CONCRETE ELEMENTS: AS � I EL ,....; ..... _- ELEVA71ON �, . R.0 . . ........... ROUGH OPENING . . 1. I COMPACTION REPORT' � I � I . - � � . . - - - DETAILED. CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE: REINFORCING STEEL AT CENTER OF SLAB ELEV .. ........... ELEVATION, -, I � - SCI IED . . ...... SCHEDULE � - . I . ,. � 1 6. REINFORCEMENT DETAIUNG SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH U.B.C. SECTION , � , � EMBED . ....... EMBEDMENT,' EMBEDDED �. SECr . .......... SECTION � I I I � I I - , 1. -COMPACTION REPORT MUST BE", SUBMITTED 10 AND BE APPROVED BY THE BUILDING , , � - . -'2607. � z, � .1 � - 1 ­ I .� � 1� . . I I- I 1EQ . . . .......... EQUAL I WIT ............. SHEET �', - ­ - ___ _­ ___1 - . _', � � 7. ANCHOR ROD REPAIR � . I'- . i �, E -S.' : ... . ....... EACH SIDE SIM .............. SIMILAR ' - - . . I- DEPARTMENT -BEFORE FOUNDATION INSPEClION._, I I . I - . __ -__ ,.��, I __ANY, -ROD RUSTED TO LESS THAN� I 1/6"O SHALL- BE REINFORCED BY WELDING I J E.W . ............. EACH WAY S -J . ....... ....... SAWCUT JOINT . I , I " I � I . A) � " E)UST., .... . .. *. EXIS71NO SPECS . . ...... SPECIFICATIONS . I - . I I I . . I A 1*0 ROD FOR l' -O* MINIMUM BEYOND THE DEFICIENT AREA IN BOTH 11 " EXP.. BOLT .'-EXPANSION SOLT' SQ ............... SQUARE , I � I I . . . . � . I I . � ,�, . � - 11� I - I � � , DIRECTIONS., WELDS SHALL - BE � FULL 12" LONG Ylm FILLETS ON BOTH SIDES. - . I FDN ' .... . ...... FOUNDA11ON I STIFF ... . ..... sinFrENER � � � � I I � - I . ! I I � I I I I 11 � � B ) ANCIIOR ROO CLEANING: ' ALL RODS SHALL BE CLEANED BY CHIPPING, . I I � I F -F . ....... ...... FINISH FLOOR STL .... . ....... STEEL � I . I I I . x � FOUNDATIONS . . , I SCRAPING & WIRE BRUSHING OR. BY SAND BLAS71NG TO REMOVE RUST & i FIN. FLR. ..-.FIMSII FLOOR S -S . ............. SELECT STRUCTURAL I "I - I I I I I -1 I ; 1, SCALE. '..' '' I - I I . � 11 ­� . - 11 FIN. OP. .-...FIMSII OPENING STRUCT - - ----- STRUCTURAL � . . . I I I � . � I ' . . C) ANCHOR, ROD -WRAPPING: -ALL RODS TO BE WRAPPED WITH TWO LAYERS OF � : 11 F.J . . . ............ FLOOR'JOIST T.B. _.. I ......... TOP OF BEAM 1I . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH ALL CONSTRUCTION LINES AND PROCEED IMTH - I 1/ LAPPED FIBERGLASS TAPE SATURATED WITH KOPPERS - "BITUMASTIC SUPER I I � FLG ............. FLANGE � T.G. ..__.. TAPERED GIRDER THE EXCAVATION OF ALL FOOTINGS AS CALLED,FOR ON THE DRAWINGS. , I 1 _2 1. . I F.O.S. ...; ...... FACE OF STUD T) IK ......... _ NICK . - SERVICE BLACK" OR EQUAL ,, � � , , , . I I I � I . F -S . ....... �-­ FAR SIDE . 2. FOOTINGS SHALL BEAR ON NATURAL UNDISTURBED UNIFORM EARTH OR ENGINEERED . I I - I ''I I , ,- I � T -L -.-.--.TOP OF LEDGER . COMPACTED FILL ­ I .I,- � � I- I _. � - , - � I . I I I I I I . L I � I � .11 F-ro . ...... :..-. FOOTING T -0-S . .......... TOP Of STEEL I ' - . . , ­ I � I I I I I 1. - I I � I � I I - I � I �� I I I . . I � ! CALV ........... GALVANIZED I TRANS ­...... TRANSVERSE 3. NO REINFORCING STEEL AND NO CONCRETE SHALL BE PLACED IN ANY EXCAVATION � � I I I I I I - I � I 1, . � I 1� I I � . I . . : CA ............... GAUGE I T -S . ............ TOP Of SLAB . . � ., f PRIOR TO APPROVAL BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. . I � I I � I � � I I I I I r . G.1 . .............. GALVANIZED IRON - T.W. - --.-.....TOP OF WALL ' I I i . 4. l`HE TOP OF ALL EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST HEAVY SURCHARGE ' WELDING ,,,, .1 I I I I I .�, � 11 �� . I I I �� . � I I i I CL13 .......... �_. GLU-LAM BEAM I I 71P . ............ . MICAL I I I y � . - . LOADS AND FROM EROSION DUE TO RAINFALL OR SURFACE RUN-OFF DURING THE . . . -1 I � - I , �'. I I 1: , - cLP ............. GLU-LAM PURLIN U.N.0 . ..... . ... UNLESS NOTED CTIIERWISE I ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD.� I I . - 11 1. ALL WELDING' SHALL BE DONE USING THE SHIELDED- ELECTRIC ARC PROCESS BY, ' � . GYP. OD . ..... GYPSUM BOARD VERT ........... VERTICAL I " 5. PAD PREPARATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE TH � I .� CERTIFIED WELDERS, USING E70XkELECTROOtS. - , -1 I - - I - - HGR . ...... ..... HANGER � � � . .1 W/ ............... I I I I - � HORIZ .... :: .... HORIZONTAL I "TH PRACTICES. THE PAD SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY A SOIL ENGINEER 2. WELDING OF STEEL REINFORCING 13ARS - SHALL BE DONE WITH LOW HYDROGEN - � - I � WD . ............. WOOD I - I � I � H.P . ... ........ HIGH POINT � W -F . ............. WIDE FI_MGE PRIOR TO PLACING ANY CONCRETE. THE PAD SHALL BE KEPT MOIST PRIOR TO THE I �, I . ELECTRODES, A233, CLASS- E7OXk , SERIES. , - I I I 1. S. ... .*,* ..... .. HIGH SIRENGIII . W/O .. .......... WIT11OUT I I .1 I � i I I PLACING OF CONCRETE.- I ­ 1 3.1 WELDS. IDENTIFIED AS REQUIRING CON ' T - INUOUS OR PERIODIC SPECIAL INSPECTION � I - J-11 . ....... . .... JOIST HANGER. W.P. � .. . ......... WORK POfNT . I I � 1 6. FOUNDATION DESIGN, IS, BASED ON AN ASSUMED ALLOWABLE BEARING VALUE OF 1000 I I I- NEED, NOT HAVE SPECIAL INSPECTION MIEN WELDING IS - DONE IN AN APPROVED . , . ,JT., � ................. JOINT I 1, . . W.R . ............. WATER RESISTANT � I I I PSF. � I ­ FABRICATOR'S SHOP, HOWEVER. THE APPROVED FABRICATOR MUST SUBMIT A - - I.,- . 1. W.W.F. � . ........ WELDED WIRE FABRIC . I I . . . I I � . � I I I I I I I . I CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH U.B.C. SECTION 306 (F). .1 �- � . I . ,� . . � I . � . � I . I I . . 11 . � .- . � I . I I I i , � � I I . . I I I I - I I . I � � . I 1. . I - -1 ". I I I � I � I � I I � I . . .., �, . I 11. 1:1 � 1� � . I � - I I 11 I � , I - I 11 I � I I . I - � � �, I I I � I 11 1;.: I , , , � I � � . I I � I I . I � I CONCRETE - � � I - I I . 1. , I ,. 1. - I . I - I I I I 11 I � . � -1 I 1. I I . SEQUANCE OF - 1� I I I I � . � I - . � . AB CRANES I I � _1� . � I I . I I - . 1. ALL CONCRETE MIX. DESIGNS, CONFORMING TO UBC SECTION 2604, SHALL BE I . �, ''I I 1� . �, :1, I I I '. � I I I DEMOLITION AND RE- CONSTRUCTION: ' � I I , I . I � � I � I I I . SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE ANY CONCRETE I 1. REWORK EXISTING 2 TON --JIB CRANE AS NOTED IN 7HE,P'LANS. ANCHOR BOLT ' IS PLACED. ALL CONCRETE MIXES SIIALL HAVE A MINIMUM CEMENT CONTENT . PATTERN AND DIAMETER OF THE BASE PLATE ARt TO MATCH THE NEW CRANE. I I I 1. SAWCUT Exis I-ING, ASPHALT AND CONCRETE PAVING - AS SHOWN -IN SHADED AREA I I . - I T PER CUBIC YARD OF ' MIX. ALL CONCRETE MIXES SHALL I . 2. NEW JIB CRANE SHALL.BE 2 TON. -'CAPACITY, WITH 15�FOOT BOOkC SPAN AND 19 � ON SITE PLAN, SHT-. S- 1. - - � . . - BE CERTIFIED BY A CONCRE11E TES71NO LABORATORYAND SIGNED BY A CALIFORNIA ,_ I - I FOOT CLEARANCE UNDER,IHE BOOM.* JIB CRANE IS TO BE ACCO SERIES 513. � � � I I I I I I � I I . ­ I . REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER. I I , 360 BASE:MOUNTED, FREE STANDING, AS, MANUFACTURED BY ACCO INDUSTRIES �. � � 29 BREAKUP AND REMOVE AQ OR R.C. PAVING. I ' ­ I I I . I . � � I - I � �, - � I � � � :1 . 2. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 26 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENG711 GIVEN BELOW: . . INC. OR'.'APPROVED EQUAL : � , - ,: _: % I . I I � I . � I I I . . 1 3. -J113 CRANES ARE NOT.TO -BE LOADED UNTIL CONCRETE HAS � REACHED ITS DESIGN 1 3,. EXCAVATE EXISTING BACKFILL; FIELD VERIFY CONDITIONS OF EXISTING TIE -BACKS FOR � I � . .1 CRANE BASES ........ - .1 I I I � I - I - ..................... 2500 PSI � I I 1. � � .1 11 I . . . . � . I I I � I I � ' � I ,� I . .- I I STRENGTH. '' - I., . � I ,,, � 11 , , - I I , . L: BULKHEAD AND REPAIR, AS REQUIRED. I . � 11 I . I -1 � SLAB ON GRADE .......................... 2500 PSI I � I . 1 4. :JIB CRANES AREJO BE TIGHTENED 70'11HE FOOTING.,,,,AND , THE BOLTS ARE TO BE I - I I ' . � . �- - I I . - . 11. I I � I � � , ' ',-' . I � I �, , I 1 �4, -REMOVE EXISTING JIB CRANE - TO BE RE -INSTALLED. I � I TIGHTENED , AGAIN AFTER TWO DAYS. �' . I I I I I I . � - � � . � 1. I 1. 1: . I'll I I ­ � . I ' � . I ­ ­ I . I .1 � ­ I - I � , � I I � . I .1 � I I � I I , . . ­ I ­ I � , 1 5, BREAKUP AND REMOVE TOP OF EXISTING JIB CRANE BASE TO CLEAR NEW APRON. I - � I I � � I - �, I ­ I � � . I . � � I - � I ".-- � . I ­ I.. I � I I ­ . 11. I � "I _�. ­ � I I . I I . I � � I I . I SLUMP.SHALL NOT EXCEED 50. - � I - I � - I �, I I � - � 1, .. . - , I I -11 1- I , I I � I � I . . I I � I � I - 11 . 6, GRADE AREA OF WORK TO ELEVATION REQUIRED. . I I I " � . I � I I . �,­ 11 I I '' � I I I I 11 _,�'..,: 1, ­. "I . � . I I I I . I 1. 1;, I I I 11 3. GROUT UNDER JIB *CRANES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 28 -DAY STRENGTH THE SAME - � I . I I I . .�' � . I I �� 1� I I 11 � I I I � I - � I I . ,. ,� - I I � - I ,_ I 1 7, COMPACT SOIL TO 90% MAX. DRY DENSITY WHERE DISTURBED BY WORK IN PROGRESS, AS THAT OF 111E CONC. BASE. IIIE COfJCRElE GROUT SHALL BE A SUITABLE MIX- I ,� '. I 11 I I _. I , � 11�� , I I I I . I I . I � - :, I I I 11 I I � - I . �111 I . I ­ I I I I GRAVEL, SAND. CEME14T AND WATER. MAXIMUM SLUMP SHALL I - � 1�" , 11 I - � �� � � _ � I I I I � I . I I I , AND -INSTALL FILTER FABRIC B - � I . TI �, � � "Tt I I � � � � - � :, ­ �, � ­ 1� � I I I I EHIND EXISTING WALL. BE 5 INCHES. AN APPROVED SUPERPLASTICIZING ADMIXTURE MAY BE ADDED..To', STS��AND REPORTS :_ � ,%, I 11 11 � I � - I 11 I . -1 � I . ­ ., , . ��, I I I ,, -1, � .1 � . �, 1� I I � : I I � I 1� 8, ­ INSTALL PILINGS FOR NEW JIB CRANE BASES. MAXIMUM 7.5 INCHES. - ' - . � - ­ ,L, 1. I 1, _� I �. � ­, " �, I .1 - � . � � I . INCREASE THE SLUMP TO . � ­ . 1:� . � I ,� - I 11 11 . � . '' " ­ ' I . �� ­ I � 11 � � I I I I . � I . I .1 . 1 4. PORTLAND CEMENT SHALL BE TYPE 11. OR TYPE V WHERE. SPECIFIED, �, I � .1 I - I , 1. I MILL REPORTS AND LABORATORY. IESTS,"SlIALL INCLUDE �,IBUT. NOT BE UMITM­ - - , � j- 9,, PROVIDE FORM -BARS FOR NEW CAP PER DETAILS AT JIB CRANE. I �, � � I . I - - S AND RE CONFORMING TO A.S.T.M C150 AND SHALL BE TESTED. AGG �., I � . TO' -THE FOLLOWING V*iICH -WHERE REQUIRED SHALL BE SUBMITTEDFTO THE , " I , , � � I , I I , 1, � �! I . � � , . - � � ­ I I I I � NORMAL WEIGIIT (145 PCF) CONFORMING TO A.S.T.M. C33, WITH CONCRETE - I 1� ENGINEER FOR HIS RECORD: � � . 110, INSTALL ANCHOR BOLTS FOR JIB CRANE AND CAST BASE. AFTER CONCRETE'HAS SET. � I � � - I . I I � . � , I I � . I . 111. - . I I �, I 11. �� 1� �. � I I I I- . I I � . � % I I 1, , � I � I I . � - I 1, I I SHRINKAGE CHARACTERISTICS OF LESS I)IAN 0.053X , �_�� � � I 11 I I I " ' ' I I . I I .- 'I', 11 I I ­ � I 11 . I I . I � REMOVE FORMS AND BACKFILL COMPACT TO 90%. - , 5. CONCRETE TEST SAMPLES SHALL BE TAKEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S.T.M. AND I- ­ �� I - ­ I . ,� I . - � . I A CONCRETE CYUNDERS,-,' '' '," I , 1. I � . I � ,� � � U.B.C. STANDARDS. RESULTS OF THE 7 & 28 DAY'IESTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED 1 13 -REINFORCING STEEL I � I I � �11, " . 11 . I I 11, CAST 6" THICK CONCRETE APRON WITH #3 @18-0/C EA. WAY. I � . -_ , _�C I . 11 � -, 11. . I J "I � I - I ­ I . . � I . I I 11 � . TO THE ENGINEER FOR 141S RECORDS. SLUMP TESTS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL � . � I I - - ,STRUCTURAL STEEL I " 1: � I � I . . . I � � 1. � . � - ' I I I .1 I � '­ I � I . � 11 . � �L . I I I I MATCH EXISTING'SLAB ELEVATION AT NORTH END AND SLOPE TO THE TOP OF . TEST SAMPLES AND MUST ALSO BE REPORTED. � I 11 . . � I - 11 � I 11 - lvl 2 I . 11 �1 �, �., ., I - 1. - -11 I , . I _ I . I . I � . ''I � I ''I �, I " I . � I I t � I . I � I .., I . I . 11 � � I � 1 6. SIDES OF FOOTING PADS MAY BE POURED AGAINST STABLE EARTH. - I I . I . I 1, � -_ � � � . �­ I I � I I I 11 I-, __ .. �.- I I � � I I 11 I !- . EXISTING SEA WALL., . I . �. , I I . .. ': - I ` � I � , � ­ - � � SHOP- DRAWINGS, .: � _1 �1, I I I I i . I I I I I � . - I , , I I I A . - 7. ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE TO HAVE,A BROOM FINISH WITH NO TROWEL MARKS. . I � I , � I -1 . . � I � I � , � � � I � ­ I I 1�1 11 ''I 11 - 11 . I - � I I � � - . , I I . I 11 ,�, I . I I I . I I I I I � 8. CONCRETE FORM WORK TOLERANCES SHALL BE�21N ACCORDANCE,WITH U.B.C. AND � I 11 � :, -- I , I . I ­ I j I I � - - !� . I i . � ­ I . I ­ �t . I I : A.C.I. STANDARDS. I � I I. SHOP DRAWINGS � SHALL - INCLUDE� BUT NOT BE UM17ED. TO THE FOLLOWING. " FOUR I , I ,� I . - I - 9 9. ALL STEEL REINFORCING, ANCHOR'BOLTS, DOWELS AND ,OTHER INSERTS SHALL - I ,�. I - PRINTS OF. -WHICH '.41ALL -BE, SUBMITTED" TO WILLIA114M.. SIMPSON & ASSOCIATES 1-1 .1 � I � I . I I I . � . I I . - � , I . � x I BE SECURED IN POSITION AND INSPECTED BY THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT . I v I . - ,: 1, FORAEVIEV-AND -APPROVAL- -­ . '' . - ­.' I I 11 � . ,. . . I I I I I . . � I S � - I I I � I I I I I �1� I . - !� �., I 1: �, � I � -, , 11 � I _� �� � -, � � � � . ­ � - I I � . I � � , I I . I � ! I" _ I.z I - `�! I I � I � I I t1_ . INSPECTOR, PRIOR TO THE PLACING OF ANY CONCRETE. . � .1 I I . " 1� I -I- . - I � � ''I . � � I . I . � . I , - � 1. I I I I I - . � 1. ��. I ­ . � ` � � - 1, - A '- J8 CRANES'. � � �'-­ � I - ' � � I . � I . I � I � I I �1, 10. NO FLY ASH SHALL BE USED IN ANY CONCRETE. NO CALCIUM I CHLORIDE SHALL ,�, � I - �11 '_ I . �, I I '' I I � . I � . , - I i � � 8 STEEL ,SHOP, DRAVONGS � " �� " " : � ` � "I � ' _' ) . I � � � I . � I I I ;z . I BE USED IN ANY CONCRETE. ' � . I I " , , I C -'' � PREO&-T coNcRE-7E' PILES - � ' � -. I - "'. � I .1 I � - � . I I � 11 . CURED FOR A MINIMUM OF 3 DAYS BY A METHOD I 11 I I - 11 1- I . �_ I I � I . I I I I I ­ - I I , , ­ � 1� , I � �­� '' , I I I I - I � I - I 1-1 � I I uj � 11 . . I � ''I I . 1 I '_ ­ I - �1. -, , ­ I - - - �:-� .11 � ' - . � I I � . � - . ACCEPTABLE -TO THE ENGINEER. I I - , , , � . I . � . I ' - � NOTE." SEPIAS . � NOT K �ACCWU.[�, AS SHOP JORAIIIIIINGS. � , - � 11 - 1 11. TOP OF FOOTING UNDER JIB CRANE BASE PLATES SHALL -BE FINISHED SMOOTH - . ''' "I 11 . . .1 I - � . WILL, I � "I I .1 � . I � I- � i- .11 I . ­ L- � - - - .11, . I � I I I - � I < AND LEVEL FOR FULL BEARING. � I 11 I - 'I � - � I . , r� � , ��, . -1 I � . I I � � 1� .1, - I ; � ­.,� � �� - I � I � � I I " . . I... � I . �� - I lw­� I - �1' � 1- I , I � I : � . � I � I I . I . � I � I 1, 1 �. . � �, I 1-- . I . I � I � I I � -1 � � 13. PLACING OF ALL CONCRETE EXCEPT FOR SLA13 ON GRADE SHALL BE I I � I I . . � % -, �. I � 11 . � � ­_ � � � I I I I I � � - I _,� � � __� - , � I .. �, I I �, 1.� � I I I I I �. I 1_� . - I I ,, I . 1. �, . I wI . I , , ­ .11 - ­� I - CONTINUOUSLY INSPECTED BY A REGISTERED DEPUTY INSPECTOR PAID FOR BY , I , . I - � 1, � I ,� I I I 11 . 11 � 11 I I I r I I . I 11 I 1, I I � � I - � , ,: I � I � j, 1. � . I I .. �. I ''I � I I 1. ", I , I - I I I I 1, ��- � -_,�. , 1.11, . I 1, - -_ Is THE OWNER. � . , I . q - I � I � I ­�, � ­ : ! � 11 - � I I �, � I I � I . 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