HomeMy WebLinkAbout133-0017A�3—i7 CITY OF NEWPORTs COACH CITY OF NE WPORT EIERCN BRY IFR �1� BRY PRorFrc oCER PIER N VICINITY MRP MfKM 1W, CFLA ,32C-GL'Ci✓IgAlT CHOCK -� �CX/ST C3,dT TQM i i Dredging is not Permitted belo -�4 these contour elevarons_ ig PROFILE '10 =.10' UGT JETTY SaMINGS RRE EXPRESSED IN FEET FIND DENOTE ELEVRTIONS RiSED ON MEAN LOHM LOW WRTER. REVIEWED BY PUBLIC WORKS DEPART 1 NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN DATE Z 5 WORK SHALL BE DOPE IN ACCORDANCE WITH E STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WOCONSTRUCTION AND Is SiJi3JECT TO CITY INSPE The Harbor Permit for this facility shall be con itioned to allow berthir "'' �5 off 4.3 tr�4x.le k . 2 PO I,� L) 2L �L:Ac L�I� N r P/L //vG PLAN v I Law i.V. s0 i JOB RDl]RESS . /' L /1,/D,4 /SL L DRTE' / . 2 7.9 `9 skl39•17 l LM c lr . to spiral 1 V4" oharafor faur edg8a I a 1 � , 450 zhn. -for lotto: r 00 N-QRET E-------- $_gf_.cQnent_xer_aubic yn-r-' 6 00o a i a t28 transfer_— PRFSTEES:-- 2" dia_., 270K 'Luncoated stress �e ev ed a ey e n vt re - a trs.n d , 7-o 7w L -- lIlngth _ 270,o02 n s i -- -- — z .6 Xarki ng_ a tre to — — 1b 2�000—p a i +_�5�000�sl j 21 I Znl�ial �Qzce.-Y�r-_g�rr�nd.__-30�� the j Working_ e tre s e- _ - ' -'- ----16 2�no0 e i �41' ing force . pr;r otl-and._ __251110 the Y gta1 woriilg toz-co -0160601ba i i HARBOR PRECAST COMPANY LONG BEACO. CALIFOT?NIA PRESTRESSED CONC RE r E PILES 12 SQUARE I w N T r) - [:A r CNtCM CD APPn Ov CU — NO. ---- .�P.4�' S Marine Consulting & Design //V q / 7 Z- //v014 /SL Z- /-27-9Q -21 Gc=tiIreo io Or= _N I'RCS/S7'Z'NCL &,574 Z-/ i ZIL G o P--,z-7-4 N/ti0 3 7-TO Xj _ /- / 32 ( r1l 3, 3Z 107-AL WSA # 5s(0� i l� -�94Qrc joiles / �o SM46 h0 axial rroPer ids of S�c�ian � z /4/1-/ �h .SfG'i0n modL.L/kS a6O7•hr0ua/1 J S[C iOn /�ddu/uS Q��4Y CIlA�j6N4� GXiS f�roc.�i Cc�f: ai pile 1719/G Irz - 26y ih3 �USP� S, -� GooU ps,• , 2 5., a00 �si.and /63 o o 0 /vs/ Fps X zS',O0o = /S0,600 � F3 '/1 - /S-O,0oojyY - f /GS-o Ps/ Cor�P.rss ,o S%/'rSS dF l 2-6 Cl G s 6 - .Z'700 i2- - 28, oso F� /6s /'! = Zcy </�s-a -o)//z _ l72 /br /✓ za , to S8�)�Z - z7,'710 i (C ruCkllli0) cl, 7'- Z- /7 -Z: -/I/ IZ 7 17,12 IF7� //77 62 ... ....... L570 7/ 1 7C 971 6 2� 7 C,1 7 q� 79 C- - _ . - .... _.. - --- - - - SJ----- 7(, L) ui M Ey P * -1 - OCT F.Of C1WOF K_*VPORT BEACH FIRE MARINE DL.-}ARTMENT HARBOR: PERMIT APPLICATION (Please print all information) William Sparr, #17 Linda Is"le, Newport: Beach, CA 92660 (949) 673-7676 1 Applicant (Property Owner) Address Telephone # 17 Linda Isle �?f�j 7 2. Project Address-(StreefrAddre s) Harbor. Permit Number 3 - New,Construction Revision Maintenance x Dredging 4. 'Fee $ 351 .00 =CheckNo. 976'2 Date 1/13/99 5. Brief Description of Proposed Work: r.e.place 3 piles. , r: 6..;Submit 81/2" x11" DrlawJngsj@)),, Inclufe; 1. Location anddimensioniofiP99ppsedfistructure. 2. Location ofb.ulkhead. 3. Location of property lines and4ot size. 4. Location of chann61"I'martkenshw tft'020feet of=proposed project. 5 Existing ground profile;�dhndlanea and profile of any dredging with elevations showing depth relative to MLLW: 6. Elevations of lop and Vb.ttom of'pile,,s.and�bulkheads with respect to'MLLW. 7, Any special conditions4ffectiOg the -construction or affecting boating operations. 8 O,wrier Buildpr/06 ra ' or, D�eolalrattQ /Insxura[�cp Information. 7. Owner-B.ulder., Declaration must be:completed (on re side of this sheet) 8.1 pplicant's/Agent's Slgat4: Dc' Date: 1 / 2 8 / 9 9 9. Work can begin once theCity h`as receivedfevidence-of>the following additional approvals and you have been; notified to :proceetl if you begun prior to: the notice you will be in violation of the Newport Beach Municipal Code andaubject to pe_nr alb s 10. Your permit will 'not bar final untilv.we have conducted an on site inspection once construction is completed as per Municipal :Code, S.ection,l7 24,:. we have not been contacted for a final inspection. OFFICE:USE ONLY Approval in Concept: Date Approval of the 0i0 oVNovKport Beach -Council. Date Approval of the Army Corps of Engineers Date Approval of the California CoastaUC-omrnission. Date P Approval of;ihe City's Public Works,, epartmer L Date Approval of the City's Building -Department: Date Approval of Countyof O,.range: -. Date Issued. (Permit-ls stamped drawing. Date Z' i2 -fR Site Inspection.; (call, 844-3045 for appointment) Date �a Site Re -Inspection Date Conditions.: � v I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the contractors license law for the following reasons: (Sec. 7031d.5, Business and Professions Code). Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior -to its issuance, also, requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provision of the Contractors License Law (.Chapter 9, commencing with; Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any .a applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty for not more than five hundred dollars ($500). I, as owner of -the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not. intended,or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License1awAo,es:not:apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale.. If, however, the building or improvement is: sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Busi ess;and,Professions;Codes The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects who builds or improves thereon, and who eontracts.for such projects with , a Contractor'(s) License pursuant to the Contractor's License Law"). am exempt under Sec. of Business and Professional Code for this reason: 4 C I r Owner's Signature: Date: Contractor: Shellma]ce,r :In.e.. Telephone: (949) 5.48-5359 875 B West ,., 15:th Street;, Newport Beach, CA 92663-2701 Address: I License class A&B State Qpard No., 561434 , City License Nr�.96002210 i LICENSED CONTRAC}TO.R'S;DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am ,,licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Contractor's Signature sions Code, and se is in full .force and effect. Date: 1/28/99 CITY �� MENRA Rag s���IdH ,x��. j CITY OF NO OU BFJn r WEST IPPf}Z o r1 a. - - A o 4 2L Clr. to � spiral v p o � " � 3/4 oharzfor i raux edges - 1 L aubic Ord-- �' 6 G00 jai at 28 o--� - �----_ - ------ Zci_ __-�— - L,000�ai.. At transfer_— . � 2" dia_., 270K.,_unc?eted streas —_ .relieved ©even re a tr^9nd , 7� 7-,4z_ II1 s.trnngth.. _ 27 ? psi �QrJ�.ng_r�treff�_-- 1,62�.000�ai +_�Sx000�si -tea- -----------------.Z--t_15� � n2 Irlt�ial S�zY;e-r_�rand-_- —�0, lbe Working- 8+_reaa 162 10J pei EQzking _force pax atizird.----25,110 11) Total work.tig i'orco / O !aG01ba ` XfootiYQ. p_--estrass 1 45' z-i.:fur HARBOR PRECAST COMPANY 1,to: to c LONG BEACO. CALIF0 1--i"71A PRESTRESSED CONC RE f E PI LE S 12" SQUARE U44 WN I11Ir AFIrn o/�CU G NO. CITY OF NEWPORTCCRCH CITY OF �� NEWPORT SERCH ,UPPER \ it j? - /Zvti (o STD �2C-;bL�!GMF�/T �- c>c,��; GANGuG4y L X . DOCK -� BRLDOA ISL.f�ID �— C3OT TGW1 PAC jF jC IER oc P� `�` �% ti -/4 ll U VICINITY MHP E r PROFILE '1" _ .10' HDOORI sir, U.rFORCR i JETTY SMINGS FM EXPRESSED IN FEET RND DENOTE ELFVRTIONS BRSED ON KERN LOWER LOW WRIER. -c 5 N 3 PLAN V I EN 1_'. _ ._..5.0': FM,ICANT'S NRME:13/LL SP,,42e JOB RDDRESS #/7 L/1/DA ISLE DRTE' / 07,99 il 3 C I TY OF NEWPORT .CCRCH CITY OF NEWPOU SERCH ; UPPER cXA�r, CAMG'yt/�4y �r hoar C X . DOCK BRr p rr Eeoace PIER T `— �; � � BRY '°�C w� IFIC oC PE L R ` r8 E PROFILE '1' = 10' VICINITY MRP EFGT aRr, rra + i SO MINGS RRE EXPRESSED IN FEET RND DENOTE ELEVATIONS BASED ON WAN LOWER LOW WRIER. J� 00, I� • po 6fl, J N • \ 3 2L= PC:4CL�s�IL NT P/L //vim f / PLAN V I EN 1_w. _ -=..50 RPPLhGANT'S NAME: B/LL SP,�122 JOB ADDRESS/7 L/,VD,U ISLL I�TE / 27.99 Marine Consulting ics Design IAnk Ijim il CL=Nreo /D 4F' RaVsr-4A1c4 I�u S-r,,?l / 4 -,'/S TA, QCG-- h/ 7 Z- iw0. 4 i /-27 P,47 } " , /x/r)0000' /s oossvML.:D r �orro/a►� h ,# eL-S/s7-,00 lGG JOTiAL 1414 • L�i� T LGAA 'rN /s X /S%vsWHX/`� C n/T,�oio C,7f 2r-sl 4; T7' rvC l�L NL:��T/oti I E �31.0_ 2 Z�34f x44, -?6 X ps �• !� �7- 3• 3z 1 Warine Consulting & Design —2 -- - -DI 2 cG ti�r20 �o Dr i i Rcs�sr��vc� _ __�__ 2 9 PiL r ti N L - .— Ir 12-318-m -v� T 2-- c Ir to spiral C) -0 y 3A chamfor —Y 45) 1,0 t to: r pB.i__at 2-8-dz�ys 4, QQQ -pp J.- At _Irar.ef e r V2w iia. _270K,imcoated atress J�g�evt(Lp.q7qn' vim.re_ptrand, C, 7-o-r,4z- Zth.. 2 70, —35 7 2 ...155 in Working stresm 162,1000 p8i W-QrldmZ Some. pqr gta-and.----25.,1Io 11)6 IQ-tza. work-Lig -force 2 t3 i HARBOR PRECAST COMPANY LONG BEACV. CALIFORNIA PRESTRESSED CONCREFE PILES 12" SQUARE AF-Pnovcr-) C L f T CD W G NO. Marine Consulting & Design _- 25 'Ir::IIL L cc=��r20 iv Oi= � r REsiSrANC� 2 9 P/L �G: Si5 r��C1CL= CCn/T-�=�oio c� 2�= c-�sT�J�yCC - Z ;Qi9 ROX-) ,4/ 7 L. I,,V0,4 -27.99 AS r JoTAL / FosIt 166 0 h = / 44 ' F - Jo,3 # b = /. QPOFE �Slp\�\ c� S 3812 LLJ �C P. 0 �TF OF a 0 D no r ti U ' r-i J L - - - I -- 12-3/8n —'-{ . .4 Q A. %10 clr. to spiral 1 _J 3/4 - 11-5/8° 0hamfor four -,T ^ .r r edges I 450ur tat tA:) — 0 I '2 6--aa-zk- of_ cenent_.p�r_cubic arc — ' 6 000 si_at 2$ Zo2----J- - 4-+- -ppi.- t Aransfer-- PRFST$F.. 11IG .5TKK1--_-- IZZI iia., -270K,_unc0eted stress .relieved seven y�re Strand, Co ToT,4L. no to _ e tre n,g t h -- z 70�000—� s i -- - — x .6 Working- a tre u- 162,000u a i +_351oo0 _Psi --------- -----.Z—t.� 5i n2 lbe Working s tre s S_ _- - - -t - 16 2,' 00 F S i �X'king force pez' oft-i~�nd----2�.,110 1t�6 r TQtal Ror Lig force - _ 1 O,Co601be FcfootiY9.. HAHBUR PRECAST COMPANY LONG BEACV. CALIFORNIA PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILES 12" SQUARE —T --CHCCKCD APPnOvCU DWG NO. NAKOUR rGR1Y11 1 Ar-t-LAA I IUN (Please print all information) f N. Wt lC la" S,OL ,K' 1. Applicant (Property Own&) Address Telephone /7 L/A/f3A 1 /3.� }-/7- 2. Project Address (Street Address) Harbor Permit Number 3. New Construction Revision Maintenance Dredging 4. Fee 3�I Check No. V0,7 47 Date 5. Brief Description of Proposed Work: Deck oye/' ex,5F n.-, lbryeeet- d k 6. Submit 81/21' x I V Drawings (3), Include: 1). Location and dimension of proposed structure including piles and location of existing structures. on adjacent properties. 2). Location of bulkhead, pierhead and project lines. 3). Location of property lines. 4). Location of channel markers within 200 feet. 5). Lot sizes and lot numbers, if available. 6). Existing ground profile beneath proposed structure. 7). Elevation of top and bottom of bulkheads and piles with respect to M.L.L.W. 8). Area and profile of any proposed dredging with elevations showing depths with respect of M.L. L.W. 9). Any special conditions affecting the construction or affecting boating operations. 10).Complete all information required in information block, bottom of sheet. Note that the OWNER. of the property is the applicant. 11).Drawing size shall be 8 - 1/2" x 11". 12).Scale shall be adequate to clearly show the above information. 13).Existing structures shall be shown in light dashes. New work shall be shown in heavy solid lines. 7. Owner -Builder Declaration must be co pl ed (o r erse side of this sheet) GHQ 8. Applicant's/Agent's Signature: Date: Joint Permittee Signature (If appl' ble): Date: 9. Work can begin once the City has received evidence of the following additional approvals and you have been notified to proceed. If you begin prior to the notice you will be in violation of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and subject to penalties. 10. Your permit will not be final until we have conducted an on site inspection once construction is completed as per Municipal. Code, Section 17.24, if we have not been contacted for a final inspection. OFFICE USE ONLY Approval in Concept. Approval of the City of Newport Beach Council. Approval of the Army Corps of Engineers Approval of the California Coastal Commission. Approval of the City's Public Works Department. mow=- Approval of the City's Building Department. Approval of County of Orange. Electrical and/or plumbing permit (Building Department) ssued. (Permit is stamped drawing) Site Inspection. (call 644-3043 for appointment) Site Re -Inspection Conditions: Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date Date N Date Date OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the contractor's license law for the following reasons: (Sec. 7031d.5, Business and professions Code). Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provision of the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000, of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty for not more than five hundred dollars ($500). I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, _provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If,. however, . the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). - I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a Contractor(s) License pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). I am exempt under Sec. of Business and Professional Code for this reason: Owner's Signature: Contractor: 45 w 1 L Address: SD D t`' License class: State Board No. SCE A D License Contractor's Declaration Date: Telephone: ZA 3—S7SSA License I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Bus' s and Prof ions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. r� Contractor's Signature Date: .LS iY L1 C&L riuMs j7 -CH ',��••., ; "�� ° �t �� U i C ! !til 1 •r ;� S is c ! wtf/ �:•Yr � i `�C...r � y p1 ��C1;�a jJ;.nd�n95 ore �.r/�iCs'S�d in i�e� one c.r. �r� •����� � :.:ter. ronye of fide oop�•uaci�*fo��'y !� !ce-. r+fo�oci /. -•,-- y ore es�ob:i5/acd 1n dais ,S�Cfia.r of•Ne.voo�f [io G' ck © je ' cvock t !�D 0i W/� C o,Ses oFFL-I cnN s A DDo 3 s S ��BA�cca�ss r CITY OF iNEWPOR 1 �i.�lil� �ri�ii '1�1ci-1� I�il SECT N TR^ N PI<< A, N0. t r_D A i--s L �- _To � �JI f e 'r< I �� �. O d��dow i v I' �� Cr VIC1 h'E wvO RT SA 1 � c*3f Y CAL IFORtV(q � :E/:/ CP�>ir5 be 0i✓ "L-7- �- Ong 0��0fe on LOnre._ Low WO for. a,'ox:.,•,cin ronyP o{ fr"dc ppprc3x/.�•,oir;Y !O see:. 7 0 LI FDA ES° E ��+�F'a� '°�� �' ARCH ITE - - � — d 4 1p �v El.Plans N01. A p.or0ved PLAIN' F,P(r C')'.,. _ SU3 ECI TO: 4 N :, s M ils Sul rr,is%s.:ion O '-viscd Plans BY ..................... . . ............ DATE..IP....� ....� ...................................... F--- 7— Approved s 1-0 General Architectural, Landscaping, Eng-'r.eering Treatment, And Layout only. COMMENTS. :a �FPcicJ>uzs i'j Li►voc 15i,E 1Jewl-)02Z P'o'bGH %oE�A00C2L55 l F'• VlJ 5.PAA-ram 0"t3 1.1C)73 c®Qa�y H ed \� Apot �ppto�B -Vol N J� on P, 0 1 del\sed p1a Q��t�-riss�On 0 sub D'ated ................ \-ette( .........• ........,toct�ra\. e ,�ri O��rc..... fo Gan, titm0 p1�ps PP91o'4bd £n8 �n$rinB \ odscaP\nB 1.aYo�t an\y• GO L. c3c-94h / V MW;D Nt. Fto),T 0 cle- Vic I LAITY Sk E TC H c wpoc?r 5 A Y, CAL I$rOCXNIA SECT So--,7&,nqs o,e 107 i"Te:l 0,)V" c,.v-,? or ce�o eA.5 b 4:ovee Zow L-Vople-.-. .,; f,.;t rc7n? e of f/'&c ie,ly /0 li-cen A?16,-V=e 1;les are esiob"I'shere In 71Ais .5Ccitov Z3117/ E.WILL(ArA SPA2R oFpu'5 9 =11\10,b 15LG �jL2,Wj'�OV EO-bc zo C) L2 m ss -3by I.-f A o c 5 CITY OF NEWPORT REAC" HARBOR PERMIT CONST Uc[:c+ s: PERMISSION I$ HEl3ESY ItnPiTCD TO CONSTRUCT ARID DATE PERMISSION MAINTAIN THE FACILITY SPIC)WN Ott TIIL as VZC4gGe t'EREOF, AT THE SITE iNIVIC1t ED, Sj,,J-C `t' Tc�#: ;^i'iY;saScit�IS O: THE HARBOR PCIlUiI', OF ii'��i-�ti z=3' CiEACIN ANL ANY SPECIAL �C S3NDi3;{ G :i 1.> ;"�4�' N!w'; � -'ti 7•}3� 1'c�W.:' IS NOT TRAP:SFF•,t AHLi: Lis';:'';"tell t i::: L' '°;'ic "r. t NSjE_NT O: THE CITE! HARBORC��,:,g7,i�y C,^i 3�d�W51. TK£ RIGHT:3 GIVEN IJ:` LDW; R TKj r-Ls rd41' ARZ' P'---R KISSiY1: ONLY AND Ts -IS I'ErffiIT 61;3 Y E:': nE Olrt-rO OY THE CITY COUNCM IN ACCORDANCE W1 T,14 TtTLL 17 OF THL &JUlliCkPAL CODE. CITY HARBOR COORDINATOR PERMIT NO. PATE SPECIAL COIVDMONS: C®v p ,; of "Ungi seers Permit Orange Cau aiy Permit Other: SEE A�l� cii� SKft��j l� � ci7-y ©� ��� - �of�T ,� ,lJch' �,��� �o✓i /1jo/�L�l. iTjO/V �/Q . LINOA- ,r— NI�niOR oiG /3.25- I¢L. 1 S L Atv + 11. o C Of. - �� is _ rs rG"f 0 wewl-O ,plea W v X17 VIC_I NIT%/ SICS-rCH �,PiVATE �itjrJN.v�� 48 ZA I eIve L� o pA-0DC, IVd lb Y/ 61 LET P2ofJOSGU 6,dN71��3'YC:.t:: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 2711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053 Public Notice No. 74-22 25 February 1974 YOU ARE INVITED TO COMMENT ON THIS APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT APPLICANT: Mr. E. William Sparr 3935 Hollyline Sherman Oaks, California 91403 ACTIVITY: Proposed construction and installation of a deck, ramp and float to extend 48 feet bayward of the existing bulkhead wall in front of Lot 17, Tract No. 4003, Linda Isle, City of Newport Beach, Orange County, California, as shown on the drawing accompanying this notice. PURPOSE AND USE: To provide a private boat dock. FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL AUTHORIZATIONS: Approved by the City of Newport Beach; Application No. P-5-15-73-958 filed with the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission - South Coast Region. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Based on information received, it is not anticipated that the activity will require the preparation of an Environmental Impact -. Statement by this office. CRITERIA: Your written comments or objections should include the number of this notice and must reach this office within thirty (30) calendar days. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact of the activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the activity must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detri- ments. All factors which may be relevant to the activity will be considered; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental - concerns, historic values, fish and wildlife values, flood damage prevention, land use classification, navigation, recreation, water supply, water quality, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. Details of changed conditions on the final permit action will be provided upon request. FOR THE DISTRICT ENGINEER: JAMES Z. METALIOS LTC , CE Deputy District Engineer July 4, 1973 Mr. R. William sparr 17 Linda isle Drive r Liar. Spiv LusincT k and amp Installation Lot 171 Tract 4003 Isle The plate for the aiov®-referencedadditions to your reai me tau Linda Isle have been reviewed and approved by The Irvine Cam. All colors and materials shall aeatearm to the Lima .Isla Developvtout Standards. sinaerely, Tax IRV=z COMPANY William Z. Nader Manager Design Review 6 : CVD ftelowzre cat 0. Ur'banee J. Rood File. E WILLIAM UARR 3935 HOLLYLINE AVENUE SHERMAN OAKS, CALIFORNIA 91403 (213) 789-3720 December 20, 1973 City of Newport Beach, Marine Safety Department, 70 Newport Pier, Newport Beach, California 92660 Attention: Mr. Glen Walden, Marine Affairs Dear Mr. Walden: In line with your request herewith are two photo copies of the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission "Resolution of Approval and Permit" to construct a single family residence and boat dock at 17 Linda Isle, Newport Beach,. I assume that this, with the documentation submitted to you this date, constitutes all of the necessary forms for the application for permission to construct a five foot cantilever overhang and the boat dock facility at the above address. If there are any other requirements, please advise at once. Yours very truly, EWS/b �/ STATE OF CALIFORNIA RONALD REAGAN, Governor CALIFORNIA COASTAL ZONE CONSERVATION COMMISSION , SOUTH COAST REGIONAL COMMISSION 666 E. OCEAN BOULEVARD, SUITE 3107 P.O. BOX 1450 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90801 (213) 436.4201 (714) 846-0648 RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL AND PERMIT Application Number: P-5-15-73-958 Name of Applicant: E.. William Sparr 3935 Hollyline Ave., Sherman Oaks, CA -91403 Permit Type ..Standard Administrative Emergency Development Location: #17 Linda Isle,Newport Beach, CA Orange County Development Description: Construction of,a single-family residence and boat.dock. Commission.Resolution: I. The South Coast Conservation Commission finds that the proposed li development:. A. Will/mic-kk not have a substantial adverse environmental or ecological effect in that: The.enviornmental and ecologi- cal effects will be minimal in an area which is already developed with like structures. ;' P. Is/66amc& consistent with the Findings and declarations set .forth in Public Resources Code Sections 27001 and 27302 in. that: It will not hinder reservation of coastal zone resources for future planning. C. Is subject to the following other resultant statutory provisions and policies: �. .i i� ��• n z� iso d D. Is/consistent with the aforesaid other statutory pro- visions and policies in that:. Cit has issued a buildinZ permit. E. The following language and/or dr. aiangs clarify and/or facilitate carrying out the intent of the South Coast Regional Zone Con- servation Commission: Site 'location maps & other documents. II.. Whereas, at a public hearing held on 27 August 1973 at , Long Pea ch date �iocation) by an unanimous vote hereby ap roves/ti =. P=0=1_1 the appiication for 7e_7Fit a 1Oer P-m5-1.5-73-958 pursuant to the California Coastal Zone Conservation Act of 1972, sub- ject to the followang `conditions imposed pursuant to the Public Resources Code Section 27403'. None kiesOluG i.Gn Ua ilk j? :'o t��;r"liaa U t;, s zige j III. Said teams and conditions shall be perpetual and bind all future owners and possessors of the property or any part thereof unless otherwise specified herein. IV. Section 560 of the Regulations of the California Coastal Lone Conservation, Commission specifies that no structure. or area of land or wager shall be used. or occupied in the mwiner authorized. by the permit or in any other manner until the Executive Director has issued a Certificate of Compliance with the terms and -con- ditions of the permit. V. The grant of this permit is further made subject to the follovdnga A. That this permit shall not become effective until the verifi- cation Alias been returned to the South Coast Regional Consex- vat.i.on Coliamission upon vihich copy all permi.ttees have 'acknoi,r ledged that they have -received a copy of the permit. and under`-- stood its contents. Said acknowledgement should be returned within ten working days following;. a_ssuance of this per7r,it. B. That upon completion of the activity suthorrized by .this permit the permittee(s) shall promptly complete the "Notice .of Coinpleti.on" .and file it. with the , Executive Director of this Regional Coimriss:ion. C. That said development to be commenced on or before 120 days after effective date of approval® VI. Therefore, said Permit (Standards a;jLR��x } , Number P--5®15-73-958 is hereby granted/dwxx- i for the above described development only, subject to the above conditions and subject to all terras and provisions. of the Resolution of Approval by the South Coast Regional Conservation Commission. VII. Executed at Long Beach , California on behalf of the South Coast Regional Conservation Commission on 11 Se-2t ® ,. 197 3 . M.J. Carpenter cwe Lx-ec-at ive Director 4 i STATUS SHEET HARBOR PERMITS LOCATION -X1/7 ��� � Zj L e -New �- Y Revision Dredging Date Rec'v /2-20-7_3 Fee Amt. �py �- Fee Processed Date Reviewed by M.S. D . Z Approved `� Denied Correction Req'd. - Desc. City Council: Approved Denied Remarks DATE MATERIAL SENT/APPROVED C.O.E. SCRZCC SARWQCD J.H.C. Or.Co. T.T.C. 1. Application 12,ZI/ %'_/�.� 3 (7 4 73 2. Consent Letter /2 -2!/ 3. "Waste" Letter 12-2// / 12-2! 4. Drawings I Z_21 5. Staff Report 6. 7. 8. REMARKS rj) ' • UI Z U cd .. ,A W YI 0 4 .. - > O E H D a Q) o U Q O a ti y o Q. U .,-I U 4-1 v Z al H } cd ) W rn ~ O O o Cd Z L H U -N O c Cd o ® � a W O O (1) E-+ CUE W p cd M a� a. +j a� to J = ON cn i N o O +' U U ++ CL a.. O a4 W'^ �V ej .. iFry O v _