HomeMy WebLinkAboutM2003-0092P 6 Apr EE[�G% k E - S EEL GRASS IN' S,- e f—\-� Q o h cf / A SIGI Cf PERMIT # DATE HARBOR RESOURCES DIV. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ,- h �-(- ( (i �,j b 6 C4 / Z z /,,, I- i -45 -- - -- - -� S INSPECTION WITHIN 15'OF PROJECT � ECT AREA CT I ell j T---- VICI�JM- 5kETCH 5,04/ S e C/ ,�Irp � A ,,O�Fe 0,-tr e3iobl('5A.V,:� )�, 7 / California Coastal I South Coast Distriat APPRQ�TD Per � a -. Fx=�MVE Date: ....... I q, [� z� �SCOP(2 I) , fwork: Remove uxisting coi-Icre'te jj()jI( �111(1 JAC 11cw woo(I floV (Same cl I III LIlsi)-ns, I - , I, c) s UXIS III", with 3 - new 14" pile. Lise existilig gang)v"Iy, 6j 'C2 0 - PO - j )(0 /I (/ J f v South Coals'i SEP 2 5 2003 ZOASTAL C(D,, Linda Ix It Newp.ort Bcac�,,, 4003 raw* STATE OF CALIFORNIA - THE RESOURCES AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Govemor CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION South Coast Area OffiGe Permit Application No. 5-03-409 200 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802-4302 Date: November 20, 2003 (562) 590-5071 Page 1 of 6 (a Th 3e ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT APPLICANT: Jason Liu AGENT: Swift Slip Dock and Pier Builders PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replacement of an existing concrete dock with a new "U" shaped wooden dock with two 4' x 46' fingers, a 4' x 26' backwalk and three (3) 14" piles. Noworkis proposed to the existing cantilevered deck. PROJECT LOCATION: 56 Linda Isle, Newport Beach, Orange County EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION: The findings for this determination, and for any special conditions, appear on subsequent pages. NOTE: P.R.C. Section 30624 provides that this permit shall not become effective until it is r eported to the Commission at its next meeting. If one-third or more of the appointed membership of the Commission so request, the application will be removed from the administrative calendar and set for public hearing at a subsequent Commission meeting. Our office will notify you if such removal occurs. This permit will be reported to the Commission at the following time and place: Thursday, December 11, 2003 9:00 am Hyatt Regency 5 Embarcadero Center San Francisco, CA 94111 IMPORTANT - Before you may proceed with development, the following must occur: Pursuant to 14 Cal. Admin. Code Sections 13150(b) and 13158, you must sign the enclosed duplicate copy acknowledging the permit's receipt and accepting its contents, including all conditions, and return it to our office. Following the Commission's meeting, and once we have received the signed acknowledgement and evidence of compliance with all special conditions, we will send you a Notice of Administrative Permit Effectiveness. BEFORE YOU CAN OBTAIN ANY LOCAL PERMITS AND PROCEED WITH DEVELOPMENT, YOU MUST HAVE RECEIVED BOTH YOUR ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT AND THE NOTICE OF PERMIT EFFECTIVENESS FROM THIS OFFICE. PETER DOUGLAS Executive Director 8,nne lemker Title: Coastal Program Analvst 5-03-409 (Liu) Administrative Permit Page 2 of 6 STANDARD CONDITIONS: 1 Notice of Receipt and Acknowledgment. The permit is not valid and development shall not commence until a copy of the permit, signed by the permittee or authorized agent, acknowledging receipt of the permit and acceptance of the terms and conditions, is returned to the Commission office. 2. Expiration. If development has not commenced, the permit will expire two years from the date this permit is reported to the Commission. Development shall be pursued in a diligent manner and completed in a reasonable period of time. Application for extension of the permit must be made prior to the expiration date. 3. Interpretation- Any questions of intent or interpretation of any term or condition will be resolved by the Executive Director or the Commission. 4. Assignment. The permit may be assigned to any qualified person, provided assignee files with +1 h _n Coo m mi s. s i ow In a n a If If Id U­Vil t U, c c Ve p til n g a +I e r m s a no c o ndii t -ions oil It-! le permit. 5. Terms and Conditions Run with the Land. These terms and conditions shall be perpetual, and it is the intention of the Commission and the permittee to bind all future owners and possessors of the subject property to the terms and conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: See pages four to six. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION (continued): The Executive Director hereby determines that the proposed development is a category of development, which, pursuant to PRC Section 30624, qualifies for approval by the Executive Director through the issuance of an Administrative Permit. Subject to Standard and Special Conditions as attached, said development is in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act of 1976 and will not have any significant impacts on the environment within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act. If located between the nearest public road and the sea, this development is in conformity with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3. FINDINGS FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION: A. Proiect DescriDtion The subject site is located between the first public road and the sea within the private community of Linda Isle in the City of Newport Beach (Exhibits 1-2). Public coastal access is available near the site at Bayside Drive Beach. Single-family residential development characterizes the subject site and the surrounding area. The proposed project involves the replacement of an existing concrete dock with a new "U" shaped wooden dock with two 4'x 46' fingers, a 4'x 26' backwalk and three (3) 14" piles (Exhibit 3). The existing gangway will remain in place. No work is proposed to the existing cantilevered deck. The dock project will be used for boating related purposes to serve a single-family residential development. The site has been surveyed by the City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Division for eelgrass and no eelgrass was discovered within 15 feet of the project area. The site has not been surveyed for Caulerpa taxiffiblia, therefore a pre -construction Caulerpa taxilfolia survey must be conducted. These eelgrass and Caulerpa taxiffiblia surveys are valid for a limited period of time (until the next growing season for eelgrass and 90 days for Caulerpa taxiffiblia). If construction does not 5-03-409 (Liu) Administrative Permit Page 3 of 6 occur within the respective time periods, a subsequent survey will be required. If any eelgrass or Caulerpa taxilfolia are found on the project site, Special Conditions No. 2 and No. 3 identify the procedures necessary to be completed prior to beginning any construction. The proposed project has received an approval in concept from the City of Newport Beach Harbor Resources Division. The Regional Water Qua ' lity Control Board (RWQCB) has determined that the proposed project will not adversely impact water quality if standard construction methods and materials are used. The applicant has applied for a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. B. Marine Resources The proposed recreational boat dock development and its associated structures are an allowable and encouraged marine related use. The project design includes the minimum sized pilings and the minimum number of pilings necessary for structural stability. There are no feasible less environmentally damaging alternatives available. As conditioned, the project will not significantly adversely impact eelgrass beds and will not contribute to the dispersal of the invasive aquatic algae, Caulerpa taxifolia. Further, as proposed and conditioned, the project, which is to be used solely for recreational boating purposes, conforms to Sections 30224 and 30233 of the Coastal Act. C. Water Qualit The proposed work will be occurring on, within, or adjacent to coastal waters. The storage or placement of construction material, debris, or waste in a location where it could be discharged into coastal waters would result in an adverse effect on the marine environment. To reduce the potential for construction related impacts on water quality, the Commission imposes special conditions requiring, but not limited to, the appropriate storage and handling of construction equipment and materials to minimize the potential of pollutants to enter coastal waters. To reduce the potential for post -construction impacts to water quality the Commission requires the continued. use and -maintenance of post construction. B M Ps. As conditioned, the Commission finds that the development conforms to Sections 30230 and 30231 of the Coastal Act. D. Local Coastal Pro -gram The LUP for the City of Newport Beach was effectively certified on May 19, 1982. The certified LUP was updated on January 9, 1990. As conditioned, the proposed development is consistent with Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act and with the certified Land Use Plan for the area. Approval of the project, as conditioned, will not prejudice the ability of the local government to prepare a Local Coastal Program that is in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3. E. . California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) As conditioned, there are no feasible alternatives or additional feasible mitigation measures available that would substantially lessen any significant adverse effect that the activity may have on the environment. Therefore, the Commission finds that the proposed project, as conditioned to mitigate the identified impacts, is the least environmentally damaging feasible alternative.and can be found consistent with the requirements of the Coastal Act to conform to CEQA. 5-03-409 (Liu) Administrative Permit Page 4 of 6 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Water Quality A. Construction Responsibilities and Debris Removal (1) No construction materials, equipment, debris, or waste will be placed or stored where it may be subject to wave, wind, or rain erosion and dispersion. (2) Any and all construction material will be removed from the site within 10 days of completion of construction. (3) Machinery or construction materials not esse ntial for project improvements will not be allowed at any time in the intertidal zone. (4) If turbid conditions are generated during construction a silt curtain will be utilized to o 1 t u r Lkp;lu,4;1 LY - (5) Floating booms will be used to contain debris discharged into coastal waters and any debris discharged will be removed as soon as possible but no later than the end of each day. (6) Non -buoyant debris discharged into coastal waters will be recovered by divers as soon as possible after loss. B. Best Management Practices Program By acceptance of this permit the applicant agrees that the long-term water -borne berthing of boat(s) in the approved dock and/or boat slip will be managed in a manner that protects water quality pursuant to the implementation of the following BMPs. (1) Boat Cleaning and Maintenance Measures: a. In-watertop-side and bottom -side boat cleaning shall minimize the discharge of soaps, paints, and debris. b. In -the -water hull scraping or any process that occurs underwater that results in the removal of paint from boat hulls shall be prohibited. Only detergents and cleaning components that are designated by the manufacturer as phosphate - free and biodegradable shall be used, and the amounts used minimized. c. The applicant shall minimize the use of detergents and boat cleaning and maintenance products containing ammonia, sodium hypochlorite, chlorinated solvents, petroleum distillates or lye. (2) Solid and Liquid Waste Management Measures: a. All trash, recyclables, and hazardous wastes or potential water contaminants, including old gasoline or gasoline with water, absorbent materials, oily rags, lead acid batteries, anti -freeze, waste diesel, kerosene and mineral spirits will be disposed of in a proper manner and will not at any time be disposed of in the water or gutter. 5-03-409 (Liu) Administrative Permit Page 5 of 6 (3) Petroleum Control Management Measures: a. Oil absorbent materials shall be examined at least once a year and replaced as necessary. The applicant will recycle the materials, if possible, or dispose of them in accordance with hazardous waste disposal regulations. The boaters will regularly inspect and maintain engines, seals, gaskets, lines and hoses in order to prevent oil and fuel spills. Boaters will use preventive engine maintenance, oil absorbents, bilge pump -out services, or steam cleaning services as much as possible to clean oily bilge areas. Bilges shall be cleaned and maintained. Detergents will not be used for cleaning. The use of soaps that can be discharged by bilge pumps is prohibited. 2. Pre -Construction Eelgrass Surve A. Pre Construction Eelgrass Survey. A valid pre -construction eelgrass (Zostera marina) survey shall be completed during the period of active growth of eelgrass (typically March through October). The pre -construction survey shall be completed prior to the beginning of construction. and shall be valid until the next period of active growth. The survey shall be prepared in full.compliance with the "Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy" Revision 8 (except as modified by this special condition) adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service and shall be prepared in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Game. The applicant shall submit the eelgrass survey for the review and approval of the Executive Director within five (5) business days of completion of each eelgrass survey and in any event no later than fifteen (15) business days prior to commencement of any development. If the eelgrass survey identifies any eelgrass within the project area which would be impacted by the proposed project,.the development shall require an amendment to this permit from the Coastal Commission or a new coastal development permit. B. Post Construction Eelgrass Survey. If any eelgrass is identified in the project area ,by the survey required in subsection A of this condition above, within one month after the conclusion of construction, the applicant shall survey the project site to determine if any eelgrass was adversely impacted. The survey shall be prepared in full compliance with the "Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy" Revision 8 (except as modified by this special condition) adopted by the National Marine Fisheries Service and shall be prepared in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Game. The applicant shall submit the post -construction eelgrass survey forthe review and approval of the Executive Director within thirty (30) days after completion of the survey. If any eelgrass has been impacted, the applicant shall replace the impacted eelgrass at a minimum 1.21 ratio on-site, or at another location, in accordance with the Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy. All impacts to eelgrass habitat shall be mitigated at a minimum ratio of 1.21 (mitigation:im pact). The exceptions to the required 1.21 mitigation ratio found within SCEMP shall not apply. Implementation of mitigation shall require an amendment to this permit or a new coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment or new- permit is. required. 5-03-409 (Liu) Administrative Permit Page 6 of 6 3. Pre -construction Caulerpa Taxifolia Surve A. Not earlier than 90 days nor later than 30 days prior to commencement or re -commencement of any development authorized under this coastal development permit (the "project"), the applicant shall undertake a survey of the project area and a buffer area at least 10 meters beyond the project area to determine the presence of the invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia. The survey shall include a visual examination of the substrate. B. The survey protocol shall be prepared in consultation with the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the California Department of Fish and Game, and the National Marine Fisheries Service. C. Within five (5) business days of completion of the survey, the applicant shall submit the survey: (1 ) for the review andapproval of the Executive D'IirectUor; dand (2) to the Surveillance Subcommittee of the Southern California Caulerpa Action Team (SCCAT). The SCCAT Surveillance Subcommittee may be contacted through William Paznokas, California Department of Fish & Game (858/467-4218) or Robert Hoffman, National Marine Fisheries Service (562/980-4043). D. If Caulerpa taxifolia is found within the project or buffer areas, the applicant shall not proceed with the project until 1) the applicant provides evidence to the Executive Director that all C. taxifolia discovered within the project and buffer area has been eliminated in a manner that complies with all applicable governmental approval requirements, including but not limited to those of the California Coastal Act, or 2) the applicant has revised the project to avoid any contact with C.1axitblia. No revisions to the project shall occur without a Coastal Commission approved amendment to this coastal development permit unless the Executive Director determines that no amendment is legally required. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PERMIT RECEIPT/ACCEPTANCE OF CONTENTS:- I/We acknowledge that I/we have received a copy of this permit and have accepted its contents including all conditions. Applicant's Signature H:lStaff Repods0ec0315-03-409(bu).doc Date of Signing 5.03' 409 Lo m3 )— V .4e LLI iL 00 N 0 Lu F- 10 '% 0.107 q) Al Ab cl .4,06 vp 61-6 'COASTAL COMMISSIONN EXHIBIT# OAGE OF i I .4e LLI iL 00 N 0 Lu F- 10 '% 0.107 q) Al Ab cl .4,06 vp 61-6 'COASTAL COMMISSIONN EXHIBIT# OAGE OF zi P -7- L .4,-, — . '-- i I _r I 't I �d I'd. Srr C- 0 ----------- T EELO INSPECTION NOE WITHIN 15'OF PROJECT -SSI ECT p 'a 0 EEL GRASS I ECT AREA I I , , A -7 e a .�ee Pv� q o h c4 oYawd 6ej d) il a) Vy SIGNATURE PERMIT # DATE V�C)NJITY 5�<ETCH '4 3 t �4 01pp ?A j *CIO"' A4,C017 40Wrr Zow HARBOR RESOURCES DIV. eo�q,-r vr /./,r "o ;Fey o'i ark. 5 ec CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ch.-i(mllbt' California Coastal qnmissi n South Coast District Office 'APPR C &TD Pennit cz r1j" e. c ion By: ------------------- S n0a 'le COASTAR SSION F FITECrIVE SEP 2 5 2003 rate: ------ A�1� I LK EXHIBIT# C A L! PAGE- OF r-CASTAL'C,—. -scupc ufwurk: Remove existing concrete Nat an(I pile 11st"111 11 ON N� ()()(I floil t (SaIlle (I Inlens'1011s �is uxistillu) Linda lxle Newport Bcach, Ca., Ith 3 - new 14" pile. Use exist,119 92119)vio. V10C -4 -C 'C)R465 19 4003 e4 0 C'< STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION .SOUTH COAST DISTRICT PO Box 1450 200 Oceangate, 10th Floor LONG BEACH, CA 90802-4416 www.coastal.ca.gov /' 1 &-I—� ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Governor plan c/Aecle-- jVo. Date: December 16, 2003 Permit No. 5-03-409 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT EFFECTIVENESS Please be advised that the Administrative Permit with the above permit number which was sent to you on November 20, 2003 and was reported to the Commission on Thursday, December 11, 2003 is now fully effective. Development of your project is subject to compliance with all terms and conditions specified in the Administrative Permit. Should you have any questions please contact our office. Sincerely, PETER M. DOUGLAS Executive Director y. AN L. BLEMKER Coastal Program Analyst 4 ft CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION 3jT Op DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 532711 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90053-2325 November 4,2003 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: Office of the Chief Regulatory Branch Jason Liu c / o Swift Shp Dock and Pier Builders Attention: Beth Swift 2027 Placentia Ave Costa Mesa, California 92627 Dear Mr. Liu: Reference is made to your request of October 7,2003 (File No. 200400068-SjH). Under the provisions of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3,1899 (33 U-S-C� 403), you are hereby authorized to replace an existing concrete floating boat dock with a wooden floating dock of the same dimensions: two 47 -foot x 4 -foot lobes, one 31 -foot by 4 -foot backwalk, replace three 14 -inch piles with three new 14 -inch dry -driven piles. Work will take place bayward of 56 Linda Isle, in Newport Bay, in Newport Beach, Orange County, California, as shown on the enclosed drawings. The owner or authorized responsible official must sign and date all copies of this Letter of Permission (LOP) indicating that he/she agrees to the work as described and will comply with all conditions. One of the signed copies of this Letter of Permission must be returned to the Corps of Engineers (a pre -addressed envelope is enclosed). In addition, please use the two attached postcards to notify this office as to the dates of commencement (within 10 days prior to the start of construction) and completion of the activity (within 10 days following the end of construction). Thank you for participating in our regulatory program. &+e' I -�� , L om- Sincerely, Mark Durham Chief, South Coast Section Regulatory Branch // /Z,3 /oa OATE ad California R(-'.-ional Water Quality )ntrol Board Winston Hickox Secrelatyfor Environmental Protection October 8, 2003 Santa Ana Region Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov 3737 Main Street, Suite 500, Riverside, California 92501-3348 Phone (909) 782-4130 FAX (909) 781-6288 Beth Swift Swift Slip Dock and Pier Builders 2027 Placentia Avenue Co,sta Mesa, CA 92627 PROPOSED REBUILDING OF BOAT DOCK, JASON LIU, 56 LINDA ISLE, NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY Dear Ms. Swift: If standard dock construction methods and materials are utilized, this project should not adversely impact water quality. A statement has been submitted that there will be no waste discharged from the proposed project.'Based on these assurances, clearance is provided. However, should the Army Corps of Engineers determine that this project requires a Section 404 permit, it will be necessary for the project proponent to obtain from this Board a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Should you have any questions, please contact J. Shami at (909) 782-3288. Sincerely, A i') . T, kl." ' " (Jun) T. Martirez, Jr�- E. Chief, Regulations Section cc: California Coastal Commission, Long Beach Army Corps of Engineers — Erik Larsen City of Newport Beach, Marine Department - Tony Meller JIS/blutagl 921et California Environmental Protection Agency 011 Recycled Paper P, E E 11 IN EL 11 'P' N() S WITHIN EL G �S INSPECTION S WITHIN 15'OF PROJECT I N �0 EELGRA 5 J ECT AREA -See 1A!Vrjr"d Lel, �,aVk-? SIGNATURE PERMIT # DATE + HARBOR RESOURCES Div. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH -4/1 7— T ,)KETCH 5AY" "Aj A�eco,7 Loewirr ,"a,tye jq Po o- YL ScOPe Ohvork: Remove existing concrete tl(),It jincl pile 'nst"ll "N' �")Ocl flWit (same dimensions is existillcr) with 3 — neNv 14" pile. Use existing gangTNy,,y. Newport Bcach,, C a —!i 4003 Qwo?- 49pe 0 cl< ov HARBOR RESOURCES DIVISION 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-3034 / Fax 949-723-0589 APPROVAL IN CONCEPT APPROVAL IN CONCEPT BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH as required for permit application to the South Coast Regional Commission pursuant to California Administrative Code, Sections 13210 and 13211. General Description of Proposed Development: Remove existing concrete float and pile. Install new wood float (same dimensions as existing) with (3) new 14" pile. Use existing gangway. Property Address: 56 Linda Isle, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Legal Description: lHarbor Permit Number: 133-56 IPlan Check Number: 2467-2003 Applicant: Liu Applicant's Mailing Address: 56 Linda Isle, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone Number: 949-631-3121 S1 I have reviewed the plans for the foregoing development including: 1. The general site plan, including any roads and public access to the shoreline. 2. The grading plan, if any. 3. The general uses and intensity of use proposed for each part of the area covered in the application. Page 1 of 2 And find " They comply with the current adopted Newport Beach General Plan, Zoning lac, Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and any applicable specific or precise plans or, o That a variance of exception has been approved and final. A copy of any variance, exception, conditional use permit or other issued permit is attached together with all conditions of approval and all approved plans including approved tentative tract maps. On the basis of this finding, these plans are approved in concept and said approval has been written upon said plans, signed and dated. Should Newport Beach adopt an ordinance deleting, amending or adding to the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations in any manner that would affect the use of the property or the design of a project located thereon, this approval in concept shall become null and void as of the effective date of this said ordinance. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act or 1970, and state and local guidelines adopted thereunder, this development: YHas been determined to be ministerial or categorically exempt. o Has received a final Exemption Declaration or final Negative Declaration (copy attached). o Has received a Final Environmental Impact Report (copy attached). All discretionary approvals legally required of Newport Beach prior to issuance of a building permit have been given and are final. The development is not subject to rejection in principal by Newport Beach unless a substantial change is proposed. This concept approval in no way excuses the applicant from complying with all applicable policies, ordinances, codes and regulations of Newport Beach. Tom Rossmiller, Manager, Harbor Resources Sianature: Chris Miller, Harbor Resources Supervisor September 22, 2003 Attachments: Worksheet for Building Permit Application Drawing Page 2 of 2 WORKSHEET FOR BUILDING/ FIRE PERMIT APPLICAT'O$ARBOR RESOURCES DIV. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 7 ZI RT BEACH lu'r ^r2 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. PROJECT ADDRESS (NOT MAILING ADDRE FLOOR SUITE NO. z '7 1 ;A - OWNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION No. UNITS LOT BLOCK TRACT PH5NE NO. 6;/ 2�ESCRIPTION OF WOR� gf~e- USE # OF STORIES VALUATION $ N W ADD F-1 ALTER DEMO SQ FT (NEW/ADDED/EXTG) Check Appropriate Box r-1 3. OWNER'S NAME ST FIRST OWNER'S ADDRE?! OWNER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY STATE CA- ZIP '� 2-�j� 0 PH5NE NO. 6;/ 4. ARCHITECT/DESIGNER'S NAME LAST FIRST LIC. NO. I ARCH ITECT/DESIGNER'S ADDRESS ARCHITECT/DESIGNER'S E-MAI.L ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NO. Ej 5. ENGINEER'S NAME LAST FIRST STATE LIC. NO. /9 ENGINEER'S ADDRESS ENGINEER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS F s ZIP PHONE NO. 310 swl 6. CONTWTOR'$ NAM BU$INESS LIC. �yel �, J v STATE LIC. 2 Nd 17 ?L,��,2-class ,PONTRACTOR'S ADD;T��V";q_ COITR CT0l'S A E-MAIL ADD�ESS 4� F cn S I AT F, C--* PHONE NO OFFICE USE ONL Y TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY- GROUP CM ()F NEYV?OH I t��" SEP 1 iz PERMIT NO. PLAN CHECK NO. clwutlb-7:�� PLAN CHECK FEE $ PLAN CHECK ENG. Forms\Bldg.applicafion 1 G-1 B-02 5� ot#/- Eelgrass-Survey .. Reporting Form (Version 1.0, June 20., 2003) 4 This form is required to be submitted for any surveys conducted for the eelgrass, Zostera marina, that are required to be conducted under federal or state permits and authorizations issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Coastat Commission. The form h ' as been designed to assist in identifying eelgrass while ensuring that the required information is consistently documented. . Surveys required to be conducted for this species are subject to modification through publication of revisions to the eelgrass survey policy. It is incumbent upon the authorized permittee to ensure that survey work is following the latest protocols. For further information on these protocols, please contact: Robert Hoffinan, National Marine Fisheries Service, (562).980-4043, or William Paznokas, California Department of Fish & Game, (858) 467-4218)'. Required Inforrnation Site Name: renc (commonrefezEj Survey ontact: (name, phone, e-mail) Permit Reference: (ACOE Permit No., CCC Permit No.) Hydro a hic System: (bay, estuary, lagoon, or harbor) Specific Location: (UTM, Lat/Long., datun-4 ZIA C(O' I's/e accuracy level, attach electronic survey area map if possible) Ile 4// 0 0 Was Eelgrass Yes, Eelgrass was found at this site. Detected: /JO No, Eel . grass was not found at this site. Description of PermittedWork: (describe briefly the work to be conducted at the site under permits identified above) - Description of Site: i�descnbe the physical and biological conditions within the survey area at the time of the survey and provide insight into variability, if known. Please provide units Ifor all numerical range: 11 * '�' ;-."A .. species encounter Other site descriptio Ax 9 C), Ivor" e *Vo r[Description of Survey Survey date Ef Effort: and time (pleas!edescrnibe the surveys eriod: co ucte cl D u escr* P tio" f fort plra - descnl sr inducted mcluding type of con Survey (S A, remote r E video, etc.) and survey methods employed, date of c w work, and survey density s nat p (es . thnated pe�rcentage of the bottom actually -viewed). Describe any limitations lencountered during the Isurvey efforts. orizontal ----------- A visibility in i1i Y water: Survey Ope and methods: Survey ersonnel.- C/d ??Mlf A 4, Survey 142-1 density: '9 o 7" Survey limitations: 0 ' th!er Information: (use this space to provide any additional information or references toattached materials such as maps, reports, etc.) helgrass Survey Reporting ForIn (version 1.0, 6/20/03) 3 NCE NEWPORT CENTER ESCROW, INC. City of Newport Beach Date: May 3, 1997 P.O. Box 1768 Escrow No. 3655-J Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Subject Property Address: 56 Linda isle Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: Wes Armand/Harbor Inspector In connection with the above numbered escrow, enclosed herewith please find the following: Check for $26.00. Remainder owed. Report order March 6, 1997 ... I didn,t think the increase went into effect until March 12, 1997 ... if so ... please send back check ... if not .... its yours to keep. Thank You!!! I will enclose an envelope ... please send some pier transfer cards, if you get a chance. Thank You. If there is anything else you may require please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. nc. P CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PO. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 9265&8915 May 2, 19.9 7 Newport center Escrow. 2430 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach, Ca. 926-53 RE: Harbor Permit# 133-0056-1, for, #56 Linda isle, Newport Beach, Escrow N0.3655 -,.T Sirs: Regarding -a pier permit transfer for the above mentioned property, thEi StrUCtUY'e WZIS inspected On April 28, 1997, at which time it was determined that it conforms to City standards. Once we have $26 to complete the transfer fee, the pezTdt will be transferred. S, Fin ;ce r; e We$ Amand Harbor inspector 33C* Newport Boulevard, Newport Bearh PO CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RO. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 FO VLXA\V' AN OLD] May 2, 1997 Newport center Escrow. 2430 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach, Ca. 92653 RE: Harbor Permit# 133-0056-1, for, #56 Linda Isle, Newport Beach, Escrow No.3655-J Sirs: Regarding a pier permit transfer for the above mentioned property, the structure was inspected on April 28, 1997, at which time it was determined that it conforms to City standards. Once we have $26 to complete the transfer fee, the permit will be transferred. Sinq re Wes Armand Harbor Inspector 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH March 26, 1997 RO. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 Newport Center Escrow 2430 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach, Ca. 92653 Re: Harbor Permit 133-0056-1 for #56 Linda Isle, Newport Beach Escrow # 3655-J Sirs: The City of Newport Beach Marine Department has received a request to transfer pier permit 133-0056-1 for the above mentioned property. The facility was inspected on March 26, 1997. We cannot transfer the pier permit until the following deficiency has/have been corrected and WE 1MVE BEEN NOTIFIED OF THE CORRECTION: 1. A City -approved anti -syphon device is required at the water connection for the water supply to the pier and float. A sketch showing the approved type of device and its installation is enclosed. This requirement is in accordance with Title 17 of the California Administrative Code. The Newport Beach City Council Harbor Permit Policies state: 10.D. "At the time of transfer, all harbor structures shall be inspected for compliance with the City Is minimum plumbing, electrical and structural requirements, and the conditions of the existing permit. All structural deficiencies must be corrected prior to transfer of the permit." PLEASE ADVISE THIS DEPARTTY= WHEN THE ABOVE DEFICIENCIES HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. Please call 644-3044 to request a re -inspection. Wes Armand Harbor Inspectov X,/�777/r:� 70�5_ 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach ��e 4�1/1_0 APPLICATION FOR DOCK INSPE ,-;,N CITY OF ND�PORT BEACH MARINE DEPARTMENT 3300 West Newport Blvd. PIO. BOX 1768 NEWPORT BEACH, CA- 92665-3884 (Please typd or print) March' 6, 1 : 997 FILING DATE: ESCROW CLOSING DATE: 4-15- 97 STR.EET A-DDR.ESS 56 Lin . da Isle,. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Lot 56 tract 4003 Book'188 Pages 13 to 19 LEGAL DtSCPIPTION: PROPERTY OW1�ER: G. William.Wi.ssman.& Helen Y:. Wissman, Trustees KAILING A-DDRESS, 56 Linda Isle; Newport Beai::h, CA 92660 Street City zip. +OHE PHONE: WORK PHONEi. AUTHORIZED AGENt OR BROKER; Edie Olson, Coldwell Banker (if other than own�r) NA.HE OF, PERSON TO CONTACT FOR INSPECTION: Edie Olson. ADDRESS: 2121 E. Coast Highway,.Ste.- 180, Cofona de.1 Mar, CA 92625 Street City Zip HO,"LE PHONE: 759-9182 —WORJ� PHONE: .644�9060 Hand delivered at time of inspection. x Newport'Center Escrow, Inc, Name 2430 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach,,,'�2663 Address city Z�p C] n a S C, R 0 .714-631-5863 PO 'k 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Marine Department 640-2156 April 20, 1978 Coldwell Banker 2161 San Joaquin Hills Rd. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: Jan Dear Sir: The City o f Newport Beach has received an application to transfer pier permit # 133-56 for the property located at 56 Linda Isle. The structure was inspected on April 19, 1978 at which time it was determined that the structure conforms to the City standards. upon receipt of the $150.00 transfer fee and the completed forms, this pier permit will be transferred as requested. Sincerely, 7 Ray Garver Tidelands Aide GEW:nn 'j Q'Ity Hall 3300 Newport Botilcvard, Newport Beacb, California 9266' P J Q. P I Lz "L A AJ lb. - elo �A C, CIE, wror J,;rrr "'Tr VICIMITY SkETCH C A �fflr J'r rr r NIEWPosTr 5AY, CAL 11FORNIA 5,04/,-7 01/ (7 5 Ore eAR'-CS-Sed '7 0,)o aep OIA bCIOW "COr7 LOWer ZOW Q -,r b'&, ly'6r-bor 4�7e5 Gre e iablf'shed (;,y -1h;5 . 5ecboo 01"Mawoorl 501 -- law 4�1 17 Ae Al) I)rr-W -4— Ze 7-- 'A� 141-f -20 C.;C)yA/C L /.0 Higson Construction Company, Inc ARPLIC-41V7-.�9 IVAYd' -5-7-Linda Isle �;ewport Beach, Calif. 4003 J. Higson 7 Z7 -4 1? IVA.- /7 v 3,/' MARINERS ESCROW (714) 645-8111 MARINERS SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 4 WESTCLIFF AT DOVER - NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF 92663 - (714) 642-4000 City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Date 1-9-76 Newport Beach, California Escrow No. 202-3741 Attention: Glen E. Welden Your No. We are enclosing the following in connection with our above numbered escrow: (X) Pier transfer, for 56 Linda Isle, Newport Beach. Original Policy of Title Insurance No. dated Copy issued by Original Fire Insurance Policy No. for $ Copy expiring issued by Very truly yours, ',""""j kie Skarstedt'.11 1—'� scrow Officer JS: sg encl: M -080A -ESD I PORZT EZACH ClIFY OF NNNE7 . 14WRIBOR PEF M�T PERMISSID14 IS HES.,ESY GRANTEn TO CONMTRUCT AND MAINTAIN TH . E FACILITY SHWA!N O'N THE KEWMSE v4EXECF, AT THE SITE INDICATED, SUR;ECT TO T4�v OliOViS"ONS Or -- THE HARBOR PERIMiT Pr,-,LlCM-S oF N21WPORT CZACH ANG ANY SPECIAL CONDIVOKS L�STED HrREVIq- Tf*§,`,S PERMW6' IS NOT THANSFERABLE W�THOUT'MC-,, WiIT-NEN "NSENT OF' THE C;TY HARBOR COORDiWATOR OR CITY CGUNCtL. TWL RIGHTS G�VEr4 UNDER THIS ARE PE;�IMSSWE 0,KL%- AND THIS PEWIT MAY SE FEVOKED BY THS CpTy COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH -TITLE 17 OF THE: MUNII;IPAL HARBOR COOR 70- PFRPAIT "gi DATE -23 FROM. Tog