HomeMy WebLinkAbout19 - Information about LEED CertificationCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 19 October 25, 2005 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager's Office Homer Bludau, City Manager 949 - 644 -3000 or hbludau @city.newport- beach.ca.us SUBJECT: Information about LEED ISSUE: What is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTDA) Green Building Rating System? How might LEED be applied to a proposed new civic center complex? RECOMMENDATION: Discussion only. DISCUSSION: As the City has considered constructing a new civic center complex, the Council and residents have been interested in learning more about "LEED" — "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design." LEED is a process by which the US Green Building Council (www.usgbc.org determines a building's environmental standards. The Council was formed to provide a national standard for "green buildings." The Green Building Council's intent is to improve occupant well- being, environmental performance and economic returns of buildings using established and innovative practices, standards and technologies. LEED uses a point -by -point rating scale, awarding credits for a building's design in six categories — these are: • Sustainable Sites; • Water efficiency; • Energy and Atmosphere; • Materials and Resources; • Indoor Environmental Quality; and • Innovation in Sustainable Design. A building project earns one or more points toward certification by meeting or exceeding each credit's technical requirements. All prerequisites must be achieved in order to qualify for certification. Points add up to a final score that relates to one of four possible levels of certification -- basic certification, silver, gold and platinum. Rick D'Amato of LPA, Inc will give a presentation to the Council on LEED and the likely ways that the proposed civic center complex may be able to attain LEED certification. No Council action is requested on this agenda item. Prepared by: Submitted by: 1:! -- V� - W,�,z zlic-� Dav <iff, Assistant City Manager Homer Bludau,gity Manager Attachment: LEED Credit Checklist for New Construction OLEEDI LEED -NC Version 2.1 Registered Project Checklist Yes ? No Prereq 1 Prereq 1 Erosion & Sedimentation Control Required Minimum Energy Performance Required Prereq 3 Credit 1 Site Selection 1 Optimize Energy Performance 1 to 10 Credit 21 Credit 2 Development Density 1 Renewable Energy, 10% 1 Credit 2.3 Credit 3 Brownfield Redevelopment 1 Additional Commissioning 1 Credit Credit 4.1 Alternative Transportation, Public Transportation Access 1 Measurement & Verification 1 Credit s Credit 4.2 Alternative Transportation, Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms 1 Credit 4.3 Alternative Transportation, Alternative Fuel Vehicles 1 Credit 4.4 Alternative Transportation, Parking Capacity and Carpooling 1 Credit 5.1 Reduced Site Disturbance, Protect or Restore Open Space 1 Credit 5.2 Reduced Site Disturbance, Development Footprint 1 Credit 6.1 Stormwater Management, Rate and Quantity 1 Credit 6.2 Stormwater Management, Treatment 1 Credit 7.1 Landscape & Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands, Non -Roof 1 Credit 7.2 Landscape & Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands, Roof 1 Credit a Light Pollution Reduction 1 Yes ? No Water Efficiency 5 Points Credit 1.1 Water Efficient Landscaping, Reduce by 50% 1 Credit 1.2 Water Efficient Landscaping, No Potable Use or No Irrigation 1 Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies 1 Credit 3.1 Water Use Reduction, 20% Reduction 1 Credit 3.2 Water Use Reduction, 30% Reduction 1 Yes 7 No Atmosphore 17 Points Prereq 1 Fundamental Building Systems Commissioning Required Prereq 2 Minimum Energy Performance Required Prereq 3 CFC Reduction in HVAC &R Equipment Required Credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance 1 to 10 Credit 21 Renewable Energy, 5% 1 Credit 2.2 Renewable Energy, 10% 1 Credit 2.3 Renewable Energy, 20% 1 Credit Additional Commissioning 1 Credit Ozone Depletion 1 Credits Measurement & Verification 1 Credit s Green Power 1 continued... Yes 7 No Yes 7 No Materials & Resources 13 Points Prereq 1 Storage & Collection of Recyclables Required Credit 1.1 Building Reuse, Maintain 75% of Existing Shell 1 Credit 1.2 Building Reuse, Maintain 100% of Shell 1 Credit 13 Building Reuse, Maintain 100% Shell & 50% Non -Shell 1 Credit 2.1 Construction Waste Management, Divert 50% 1 Credit 2.2 Construction Waste Management, Divert 75% 1 Credit 3.1 Resource Reuse, Specify 5% 1 Credit 3.2 Resource Reuse, Specify 10% 1 Credit 4.1 Recycled Content, Specify 5% (post - consumer + % post - industrial) 1 Credit 4.2 Recycled Content, Specify 1.0% (post- consumer + % post - industrial) 1 Credit 5.1 Local /Regional Materials, 20% Manufactured Locally 1 Credit 5.2 Local/Regional Materials, of 20% Above, 50% Harvested Locally 1 Credits Rapidly Renewable Materials 1 Credit Certified Wood 1 Prereq 1 Minimum IAQ Performance Required Prereq 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control Required Credit 1 Carbon Dioxide (COZ) Monitoring 1 Credit 2 Ventilation Effectiveness 1 Credit 3.1 Construction IAQ Management Plan, During Construction 1 Credit 3.2 Construction IAQ Management Plan, Before Occupancy 1 Credit 4.1 Low- Emitting Materials, Adhesives & Sealants 1 Credit 4.2 Low - Emitting Materials, Paints 1 Credit 4.3 Low - Emitting Materials, Carpet 1 Credit 4.4 Low- Emitting Materials, Composite Wood & Agrifiber 1 Credit 5 Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control 1 Credit 6.1 Controllability of Systems, Perimeter 1 Credit 6.2 Controllability of Systems, Non - Perimeter 1 Credit 7.1 Thermal Comfort, Comply with ASHRAE 55 -1992 1 Credit 7.2 Thermal Comfort, Permanent Monitoring System 1 Credit 8.1 Daylight & Views, Daylight 75% of Spaces 1 Credit 8.2 Daylight & Views, Views for 90% of Spaces 1 Credit 1.1 Innovation in Design: Provide Specific Title 1 Credit 1.2 Innovation in Design: Provide Specific Title 1 Credit 1.3 Innovation in Design: Provide Specific Title 1 Credit 1.4 Innovation in Design: Provide Specific Title 1 Credit 2 LEED'"' Accredited Professional 1 Yes 7 No Project Totals • • Points; Certified 26 -32 points silver 33 -38 points Gold 39.51 points Platinum 52-69 points Project Name: Newport Beach City Hall LEED Project Analysis and Checklist l Leadersh"pt�Destgn" Sustainable Sites 14- Possible Points Add Pts. Cost Credit Description RP Comments: Yes Req Prereq j Erosion & Sedimentation Control (SSPI) 1 Credit 1 Site Selection (SSI) 1 Credit 2 Urban Redevelopment (SS2) 1 Credit 3 Brownfield Redevelopment (SS3) Yes 1 Credit 4.1 Alternative Transportation, Public Transportation Access (SS41) Define pmximaty to bus lines. No additional cost to project. Yes 1 Credit 4.2 Alternative Trans., Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms (SS42) Potential use of Fire Station shower/ changing facility. Will require slight design modification. No Additional cost to project. Yes 1 Credit 4.3 Alternative Transportation, Alternative Fuel Vehicles (SS43) Define percentage of alternative fuel vehicles planned for use by the city as fleet. Must be 3-h of FTE. No added cost Yes 1 Credit 4.4 Alternative Transportation, Parking Capacity (SS44) verify and define parking Counts. Provide van pool and car pool spaces. No additional cost to project. 1 Credit 5.1 Reduced Site Disturbance, Protect or Restore Open Space (SS51) PP 1 Credit 5.2 Reduced Site Disturbance, Development Footprint (SS52) PP:Define local requirements for open space. No atltltional Cost to project. PP 1 Credit 6.1 Stormwater Management, Rate and Quantity (5561) PP:PP:Potential to design within natural treatment systems within landscape areas. Moderate cost impact. PP 1 Credit 6.2 Stormwater Management, Treatment (SS62) PP:Potential to design within natural treatment systems within landscape areas. Moderate cost impact. Yes 1 Credit 7.1 Landscape & Ext. Design to Reduce Heat Islands, Non Roof (5571) Point achieved through the use of the parking structure. Yes 1 Credit 7.2 Landscape & Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands, Roof (SS72) Add Energy Star roof to project. Cost already added to project. PP 1 Credit 8 Light Pollution Reduction (558) PP:K -1 to determine potential of achieving this point. Should not add cost to project. Page 1 of 5 Project Name: Newport Beach City Hall Water Efficiency 5- Possible Points Add Pts. Cost Cost RP Credit Description PP 1 Credit 1.1 Water Efficient Landscaping, Reduce by 50% (WE11) PP: Discuss grey water use for landscape with city. Could contribute substantial cast for water filtration and collection. 1 Credit 1.2 Water Efficient Landscape, No Potable Use or No Irrig. (WE12) PP:DisCuss water filtration systems for grey water irrigation with city. Could add substantial cost project. 1 Credit Innovative Wastewater Technologies (WE2) Waterless urinals/ Low flow hxtures/ dual flush Moderate cost impact. [Yes 1 Credit 3.1 Water Use Reduction, 20% Reduction (WE31) Waterless urinals/ Low Flow fixtures/ dual flush Moderate cost impact. 1 Credit 3.2 Water Use Reduction, 30 % Reduction (W E32) Moderate cost impact already included (waterless urinals/ low flow fixtures) Energy & Atmosphere 17- Possible Points Add Pts. Cost Credit Description RP Comments' Yes Req Prereq 1 Fundamental Building Systems Commissioning (EAP1) Yes Req Prereq 2 Minimum Energy Performance (EAP2) Yes Req Prereq 3 CFC Reduction in HVAC &R Equipment (EAP3) Yes Credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance (EA1) Building envelope will be designed for maximum efficiency. Minimum cast impact. PP 1 Credit 2.1 Renewable Energy, 5% (EA21) PP:Provide photovoltaic panel installation on roof of parking structure. Major cast impact to project. 1 Credit 2.2 Renewable Energy, 10% (EA22) 1 Credit 2,3 Renewable Energy, 20% (EA23) 1 Credit 3 Additional Commissioning (EA3) Yes 1 Credit 4 Ozone Depletion (EA4) No significant cost impact to project. 1 Credit 5 Measurement & Verification (EA5) 1 Credit 6 Green Power (EA6) Page 2 of 5 Project Name: Newport Beach City Hall Materials & Resources 13- Possible Points Add Pts. Cost Cost RP Credit Description Yes Req Prereq 1 Storage & Collection of Recyclables (MRPI) 1 Credit 1.1 Building Reuse, Maintain 75% of Existing Shell (MR11) 1 Credit 1.2 Building Reuse, Maintain 100% of Shell (MR12) 1 Credit 1.3 Building Reuse, Maintain 100% Shell & 50% Non -Shell (MR13) Yes 1 Credit 2.1 Construction Waste Management, Divert 50% (MR21) Howard 5 Wright to commit. Cost impact to project to be determined by contractor. PP I Credit 2.2 Construction Waste Management, Divert 75% (MR22) PP:Howard 5 Wright to determine feasibility and cost. 1 Credit 3.1 Resource Reuse, Specify 5% (MR31) 1 Credit 3.2 Resource Reuse, Specify 10 (MR32) Yes 1 Credit 4.1 Recycled Content, Specify 5% (p.c. +1 /2 p.l.) (M R41) verify material selections and cost impact to project. Yes 1 Credit 4.2 Recycled Content, Specify 10% (p.c. +1 /2 p.i.) (MR42) verify cost impact to project. Yes 1 Credit 5.1 Local /Regional Materials, 20% Manufactured Locally (MR51) Yes 1 Credit 5.2 Local /Region Mat., of 20% in MRc5.1, 50% Harvest Local (MR52) Yes 1 Credit 6 Rapidly Renewable Materials (MRS) Minor impact to project cost. Linoleum flooring, wheatgrass cabinetry etc. Yes 1 Credit Certified Wood (MR7) Minor impact to project cost. Page 3 of 5 Project Name: Newport Beach City Hall Indoor Environmental Quality 15- Possible Points Add Pts. Cost Cost RP Credit Description Yes Req Prereq 1 Minimum IAQ Performance (EQP1) Yes Req Prereq 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control (EQP2) 1 Credit 1 Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Monitoring (EQ1) Yes 1 Credit 2 Ventilation Effectiveness (EQ2) Separation of high chemical areas with separate ventilation systems. Operable windows. Yes 1 Credit 3.1 Construction IAQ Management Plan, During Construction (EQ31) Howard S Wright to determin feasibility and cost to project. 1 Credit 3.2 Construction IAQ Management Plan, Before Occupancy (EQ32) Yes 1 Credit 4.1 Low - Emitting Materials, Adhesives & Sealants (EQ41) No cost Yes 1 Credit 4.2 Low - Emitting Materials, Paints (EQ42) Yes 1 Credit 4.3 Low - Emitting Materials, Carpet (EQ43) Yes 1 Credit 4.4 Low - Emitting Materials, Composite Wood (EQ44) Yes 1 Credit 5 Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control (EQ5) Yes 1 Credit 6.1 Controllability of Systems, Perimeter (EQ61) 1 Credit 6.2 Controllability of Systems, Non - Perimeter (EQ62) Yes 1 Credit 7.1 Thermal Comfort, Comply with ASHRAE 55 -1992 (EQ71) 1 Credit 7.2 Thermal Comfort, Permanent Monitoring System (EQ72) 1 Credit 8.1 Daylight & View, Daylight 75% of Spaces (EQ81) 1 Credit 8.2 Daylight & View, Views for 90% of Spaces (EQ82) Page 4 of 5 Project Name: Newport Beach City Hall Certified 26 -32 points iiLbB Silver 33 -38 points OX Gold 39 -51 points {rdjg Platinum 52 -69 points Page 5 of 5 Innovation & Design Process 5- Possible Points Add Pts. Cost Credit Description RP Comments: Yes 1 Credit 1.1 Innovation in Design (ID11) Signage and graphic educational program Yes 1 Credit 1.2 Innovation in Design (ID12) Exceeding intent of water efficiency credit Yes 1 Credit 1.3 Innovation in Design (ID13) Green Housekeeping Practices PP 1 Credit 1.4 Innovation in Design (ID14) PP:Exceeding intent of local materials credit Yes 1 Credit 2 LEED`- Accredited Professional (ID2) Multiple LEED Accredited Professionals Project Points .: 69 P+ossible:Points Proj. Pts. Project Cost LEED Rating 31 Certification Rating: Certified Potential Points Potential Potential Cost Potential LEED Rating 9 $0.00 Potential Certification Rating: Gold Totai.Pts 40 $0.00 Certified 26 -32 points iiLbB Silver 33 -38 points OX Gold 39 -51 points {rdjg Platinum 52 -69 points Page 5 of 5 COUNCIL PRESENTATION OCTOBER 25,2005 1'vi' 811:1:411% The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED1 -) Green Building Rating System represents the U.S. Green Building Council's effort to provide a national standard for what constitutes a "green building." Through its use as a design guideline and third -parry certification tool, it aims to improve occupant welbbeing, environmental performance and economic returns of buildings using established and innovative practices, standards and technologies. R'A,. 1 Why Design A LEER Certified Building? Limits Energy/ Material Consumption Reduction Of Operating Costs Environmentally Responsible Occupant Well Being Sets A Positive, Environmental Example Maintains Focus On Environmental Goals LEED Categories Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency — Energy And Atmosphere — Materials And Resources — Indoor Environmental Air Quality — Innovation In Sustainable Design 2 pl� why LPA? More LEED Certified Projects Then Any Other firm In The State 39 LEED Accredited Professionals Largest Gold Certified Project In Country Recognized Leaders In Environmental Design r� LPA [&I LEED Project Analysis and Checklist HIN U 1 s9.ss a id 19 y0.09 CWlla R": C.MW rumtlalum fttlfis: corona K SITE CONFIGURATION LEED16 C _ — - - -- C Sustainable Site Credits — Reduced Site Disturbance Reduction Of Footprints/ Increase In Public Open Space — Reduction Of "Heat Islands" Parking Structure/ Roof Structure — Effective Storm Water Management — Reduction Of Light Pollution Alternative Transportation Public Transportation Access Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms Car Pooll Van Pool Designated Parking 5 Water Efficiency Credits — Water Efficient Landscape — Water Use Reduction (30 %) Waterless Urinals/ Low Flow Fixtures/ Dual Flush Toilets Energy And Atmosphere Credits Optimize Energy Performance (Building Shell) Lighting Controls (Sails)/ North Light Elevation — Ozone Protection 11 Materials And Resources Credits V- - Construction Waste Management Recycled Content Of Materials Carpet) Steel/ Dry Wall / Millwork Local Manufacturing/ Harvesting Of Buildinl Tilt -Up Concrete - Certified Wood Products Cam: Indoor Environmental Quality Credits — Construction IAQ Management Low Emitting Paints, Sealers, Adhesives, Carpet, and Woods Controllability Of Systems Operable Windows Ventilation Effectiveness Ventilated "Sails" 7 Cam; BY USING THIS WATERFREE URINAL SYSTEM, YOU ARE HELPING TO CONSERVE Innovation Credits AN AVERAGE 0 F QBOB GALLONS OF MESH WATER PER URINAL, PER YEAR — Community Education ..-. — Exceeding The Intent Of A Credit Water Efficiency/ Locally Manufactured Products — LEED Accredited Professional Green Housekeeping Resource Collection MATERIALS ■ .. recycled •..o,.•... recyclahle' LEED Credits: 31 (Certified) Certified : + 26 Credits Silver : 33 - 38 Credits Gold : 39 - 51 Credits Platinum : + 51 Credits 9 LEED Credits Potential: 40 Renewable Energy Photovoltaic Panels Visible/ Identifiable j \ Ran. LEED Credits Potential: 40 Water Efficiency Grey Dater Irrigation System First LEED Certified City Hall In U.S. Only Silver/ Gold Certified in World LEED M 10 C7! How Can I Find Out More? The Following Documents Are Available On The City Web Site: www.city.newport- beach.cams -Town Hall Presentations 1 Through 4 -Space Utilization Assessment -Existing Facility Needs Assessment -Space Requirement Draft -White Paper Response To Council Inquiry - August 9 Council Presentation -August 23 Council Presentation -September 27 Council Presentation - October 11 Council Presentation -Presentation given to Council October 25 will be available later this week. For additional Information Contact: Homer Bludau At 949 - 644.3000 T H A N K - Y O U! 11