HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 - Big Canyn Reservoir Covering & Disinfection FacilitiesCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 8 October 25, 2005 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Public Works Department Michael Sinacori, P.E. 949 - 644 -3311 msinacofi@city.newport-beach.ca.us SUBJECT: BIG CANYON RESERVOIR COVERING AND DISINFECTION FACILITIES — COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT NO. 3037 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Accept the work. 2. Authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion. 3. Authorize the City Clerk to release the Labor and Materials bond 35 days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded in accordance with applicable portions of the Civil Code. 4. Release the Faithful Performance Bond 1 year after Council acceptance. BACKGROUND The Big Canyon Reservoir (BCR) is a 600 acre -foot (200 million- gallon) potable water storage reservoir located in Corona del Mar. The full capacity of the reservoir will provide the City with 10 days of average demand water storage. If an emergency takes place within the City, those 10 days could be extended by implementing water conservation measures. During the 1950's, the City owned wells in Huntington Beach began to experience saltwater intrusion. As a result, in the 1960's the BCR facility was constructed for the imported Metropolitan Water District supply and the City's wells were subsequently abandoned when the BCR was put into service. An open water reservoir was an acceptable facility in the 1960's; however, as water quality standards have become more stringent over the years, the Department of Health Services (DOHS) mandated the City cover its reservoir or abandon the facility. SUBJECT: Big Canyon Reservoir Covering and Disinfection Facilities - Completion And Acceptance of Contract No. 3037 October 25. 2005 Page 2 DISCUSSION: On February 10, 2004, the City Council authorized the award of the Big Canyon Reservoir Covering and Disinfection Facilities contract to Banshee Construction Company. The contract provided for the installation of a floating cover and new disinfection facilities that comply with the State mandate. The disinfection system converted the existing gaseous chlorine system to the much safer liquid system of sodium hypochloride and aqueous ammonia. The contract has now been completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. A summary of the contract cost is as follows: Original bid amount: $5,664,015.00 Actual amount of bid items constructed: $5,664,015.00 Total amount of Change Orders (6.1 %): $348,702.01 Early Completion Bonus Payment ($3,000 per day) $51,000.00 Final contract cost: $6,063,717.01 The final overall construction cost including Change Orders was 6.1 percent over the original bid amount. Five (5) Change Orders in the amount of $348,699.01 provided mostly for extra work requested by the City. The following is a summary of each change order: Change Order No. 1 ($81,037.71) — A majority of this work was for modifications to the surface preparation of the reservoir bottom directed by the City. The Contract documents called for the existing asphalt liner to be repaired in several locations for a cost $74,000. However, this was deleted and additional cement slurry paving was placed on the bottom for a cost of $154,350, which allowed for a better surface for the floating cover to be installed on. Change Order No. 2 ($27,198.88) — Provided for miscellaneous minor changes related to the cover installation and disinfection system modifications requested by the City. Change Order No. 3 ($136,088.86) — The major components in this change order provided for modifications to the floating cover and the associated drainage system. Also, the City requested additional road work around the existing Zone III pump station to allow for better access to the piping and pumps. This was done at the unit bid prices, which was very competitive, compared to today's asphalt market. Change Order No. 4 ($34,446.56) — Accounted for miscellaneous extra work requested by the City for cover cleaning, additional programming and electrical work related to the City SCADA system and additional piping modifications. SUBJECT: Big Canyon Reservoir Covering and Disinfection Facilities - Completion And Acceptance of Contract No. 3037 October 25, 2005 Page 3 • Change Order No. 5 ($69,930.00) — Provided for the installation of the City requested second 500 gallon ammonia tank to allow for longer operation between chemical deliveries. The original contract called for the installation of a 250 gallon tank. Based on extensive study, it was found that past chemical demands for the BCR were making once a week deliveries normal. The deliveries were very expensive because of the short notice and the small quantity needed. In addition, the contract documents allowed for 200 working days and a $3,000 per day bonus payment to the contractor for early completion. The contractor completed the project in 183 working days and will be paid $51,000.00 for completing the project 17 days early. This contract provision was requested by the City Council to provide an incentive thus minimizing the time that Big Canyon Reservoir was out of service for construction. Environmental Review: A Negative Declaration in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) has been prepared and approved by the City Council on June 27, 1994. An environmental document in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was developed by EPA as part of the implementation of the grant program. The NEPA document and associated Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was issued in December 2003. Funding Availability: Federal funding 'for this project provided $867,000.00 through an EPA Grant and - reflected in the Big Canyon Reservoir Covering CIP Account. The remaining funds were provided from the Water Enterprise Fund and were expended from the following accounts as follows: Account Description Account Number Amount Big Canyon Reservoir Covering (Water Fund) 7503- C5500690 $5,375,632.01 Big Canyon Disinfection Improvements (Water Fund) 7503- C5500689 $688,085.00 TOTAL $6,063,717.01 The project was deemed substantially complete on November 12, 2004. Remaining punch list items and the City requested second ammonia tank resulted in the delay for the Notice of Completion. Prepared by: ,\ Submitted by: . Si6bcori, P.E. Civil Engineer tal5fien G. Badum ublic Works Director