HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 - Civil Service Board Unscheduled VacancyCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 17 December 13, 2005 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Clerk's Office LaVonne M. Harkless, City Clerk 949 - 644 -3005, Harkless@city.newport-beach.ca.us SUBJECT: UNSCHEDULED VACANCY ON THE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Confirm the nominations made by the Ad Hoc Appointments Committee to fill the unscheduled vacancy as a result of the death of Robert Badham (as listed below): Douglas Coulter Richard Goul Albert Graham DISCUSSION: At the Regular Meeting of November 8, 2005 the City Council declared the position vacant and directed the City Clerk to advertise the vacancy pursuant to Council Policy A -2. Mayor Pro Tern Webb and Council Members Selich and Daigle were appointed as the Ad Hoc Appointments Committee. The deadline to apply was Wednesday, November 23, 2005. At the conclusion of the application period the committee reviewed the nine (9) applications on file and scheduled interviews with five (5) of the applicants on Monday, December 5, 2005. The appointment is scheduled for January 10, 2006 and the successful applicant will serve the remainder of the current term, as well as a full four -year term, which will expire on June 30, 2010. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Not applicable Submitted by: LaVonne M. Harkless, City Clerk Att: Applications APPLICATION FOR APPOINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY T Residence District No. 7 verified by J < CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ' 3300 Newport Boulevard �F � [ T / RATort Beach, CA 92663 City Clerk (949) 644 -3005 Ci Y C LE,; ,' Fax (949) 644 -3039 C � PJRI B =�.CIi DIRECTIONS: One application can be used for all the appointive positions you are applying for. Applications should be filled out completely so that the City Council may fully evaluate your qualifications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of the position(s) applied %r. Detailed information outlining the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Clerk's office or on the City's website www.citv.newport- beach.ca.us (General In% /Citizen Participation. Info). Applications will be kept on file for two years for the position(s) applied for. If you are not selected for appointment during that period of time, it will be necessary for you to re- submit an application if you are still interested in being considered. NOTICE: Section 702 o£ the City Charter requires that members of Boards or Commissions appointed by the City Council shall be from the qualified electors of the City. This document is a public record and ma, be posted on the internet. NTANIE OF BOARD, COMMISSION. OR COMIAUTTEE: Civil Service Board Name: (Last) Residence Address (required): How long have you lived in Ne, Business Address: Business Phone Email Address dacoul tpr@p arthl i nk. net Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? Yes No X (If yes, please attach a separate sheet) Name and Location of Colleges/ Universities Attended Major Degree Last Year Attended Michigan State University, Economics B.A. 1956 East Lansing, Michigan Prior or Current Civic Experience (Include membership in professional, charity or community organizations) Office Held (if any) Dates of Membership Big Canyon Community Association Canyon Mesa Community Association President & Treasurer President 1987 -pres rpsa Oasis Garden Club Friends of Oasis BQard President 12002 -L98L-- 1992 - prese - 2Q05 American Legion Post 291 MSU Alumni Association of Orange County -- 1985 - prese (international Atlantic Economic Society -- 2002 - 2005 (OVER) it L t t t Occupational History. Begin with your present or most recent position. List all positions separately held for the last five years. Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment IBM Corporation Computers/ Regional Manager 1961 -1992 Info Systems References (include names of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City). 1. 2. Name Address Telephone No. Summarize why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a board, commission, or committee. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying (IF MORE SPACE IS NEEDED, PLEASE ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET). I have enjoyed living in Newport Beach for the past 32 years. My wife and I raised three daughters in this city, taking advantage of the excellent education, recreation, and community programs offered by the City. I believe that being part of a community means contributing to its future. As a member of the Civil Service Board, my experience would be of value. As a regional manager for the IBM Corporation it was my responsibility to adjudicate both internal and external misunderstandings. By implementing two key principles, I feel that any dispute can be resolved. Respect for the individual and an emphasis on quality of service allow any organization to function at its most effective. I offer the Civil Service Board an appreciation for detail as well as a gift for timely response. Situations are best when resolved fairly and quickly. Please note additional references: Bert Carson 8 Atoll Drive. CdM (949) 640 -5522 Paula Godfrey 314 Grand Canal, Balboa Island (949) 675 -1896 Steve Rosanskv 210 62nd Street N.B. (949) 631 -9975 I certify that all statements made on this knowledge. I have read and understand position(s) that I am applying foy and autho Signature application are true and correct to the best of my the duties and responsibilities of the particular 'ize the release of this information on the internet. y, Z' Die D4is -1 \Users \Clk \Shared \Boards, Commissions, Committees\Ziscellaneous \Appli cation NOV -22 -2005 1120 FROM LONG BEACH DA BRANCH TO 19496443039 P.01 t50ar0 ana t I)MMISSIUII npinlC:auv11 ...b.. _. - APPLICATION FOR APPOINTIVE POSITION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Residence District No. Verified by iA "05 N011 22 All 311 CITY Or, NEWPORT 3300 Newport B6ulcvdtd''' Newport Beach, CA 92663 CITY CLERK - 949 -644 -3005 FAX - 949 -644 -3039 DIRF.C.TIONS: A xep,mm application is required (car ech appoimive positlon far which you apply. Applications should be filled out completely ses [hat the Cily Council may Polly ev,lu:de yngr qualifications. Iris the rrrp,.cribiliq aJlhe app!lcan! ea /amf7iuriu d+a.+dvex with the dudes and •rrponsibilirirs r�lhr. prvidon(.V Wp /irdfar. pcmilyd inJormadou awfininglNr repnraihJidrs oJthrpasilioru the beoManedjraa. the C5ry 'rr1Y ap"re "an Mr eyp'7 rr6rirc wm, v .ri(y.eeyrnn- heuckan.us(General InfwUrims, Pudicp erien In /o). Applications will be kept on file for we years for the poFiti,n(a) atq,licd for. Ifyou am wi selected for appointment during IN,, perlyd of time, it will be neceseiry fury,, m m -suhmk an �pplicaan iryou are still;nI resi d in being considered, N0'1 lcr: Section 702 of the City Cl nrwr requires that members of Boards tr Cumminions nn<�i,ced M'the Cily Councl rlrall be frmn dte auoli0al elecuns a(rlx Ci[Y. This dccu.art it a nnhlic mnwd and msv be mated an the imernct NAME OF BOARD OR COMM[SSION: CIVIL. $Eiwi C R44AZ1 Have you ever been convicted of any crime or violation of any law or statute other than minor traffic violations? Yes _ No S (If so, explain on reverse side). Name and Location of Colleges /Universities Attended . Major Field Degree Last yr. Attended U IIPCV. sta A 1'419-3 �1�J o�.A L Prime e•!- �a��Le b 8' http: / /w,�vw.city.newport- beach. ca. us /ClerkNotices/application.html 11/2112005 NOV -22 -2005 11:20 FROM LONG BEACH DA BRANCH TO 19496443039 P.02 ovalu auu Prior or Current Civic Experience (include membership in Professional, Charity or Community Organizations) Office Held (if an )Membership Dates of collQ.CsiL. &ZkPAO t0 -r V-%3 2 Q-.f I 7=1 . -i85 t�ew�eri7 GtT7l�• a. mo+�! vZ- ..l�l2.N Qrr � C.Nv R C 02 7Z.A'N�cE c�tsM CCoGt� l a caS- a•�Rt,tA Al Rt 7'7altttaMJ de,. 4s9- �� ait� U.. oARD n� t�t7� pZ, Occupational History (Begin with your present or most recent position - List all positions separately held for the last five years.) Firm or Organization Type of Business Title Dates of Employment L o ccsTtoN P� References (include natnes of at least two residents of Newport Beach who are not officially connected with the City). Name Address Telephone No. In the space provided below, summarize briefly why you wish to serve the City of Newport Beach on a Board or Commission. Include any special qualifications you have which are particularly appropriate to the position for which you are applying: (THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT SECTION AND MUST BE COMPLETED FOR YOUR APPLICATION TO BE GIVEN CONSIDERATION. IF MORE SPACE IS REQUIRED PLEASE ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET.) http: / /www.city.nLwport- beach. ca. us /ClerkNotices /application.htrnl 11/21/2005 NOV -22 -2005 11:21 FROM LONG BEACH DR BRRNCH TO 194 %443039 P.05 uvaiu anu l UILUlllaMULL nFJnn.au..,, _ -d- - _ - : : t ' : 1 i ._-_.__.____-___._—___—___...._..........-._......-- _..- �_.._— __.— �_— .- .________. i I _ - -- - I certify that all statements made on this annlication are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. T have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the particular i ;position(s) that T am applying for and authorize the release of this information on the Internet. SignaturT e http: / /www. c ity. newport- beach. ca. us/Cl erkNotices /applica tion.btml //- 2z- ds Date 11/21/2005 TOTAL P.05 NOV-22-2005 1120 FROM LONG BEACH DR BRANCH TO 19496443039 P.03 Richard M. Goul Civil Service Board Application As an eight -year Newport Beach resident with three eight- year -old children, I am interested in serving as a member of the Civil Service Board. I bring to the Board experience interviewing, hiring, evaluating, investigating, disciplining and terminating employees as a member of the Cerritos College Board of Trustees (1979 -1985) and St. John Bosco High School Board of Directors (2002 -). As editor of Homebuycrs Guide magazine is Newport Beach (1981- 1983), I had similar responsibilities. At the same time, I am a Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney protected by civil service. This combination of experience on both sides of the table gives me a unique and I would hope fair and impartial perspective. Since 20021 have served as a manager during both Spring and Winter ball for Newport Beach Little League and as a Sunday School teacher at Our Lady Queen of Angels. On a broader level, I have served on tine St. John Bosco High School athletics board of directors since 2002, where I have been directly involved with the screening, hiring and firing of coaches; allocation of resources for sports; scheduling; releaguing; maintenance of facilities; and issues of liability. Elected as a member of the Cerritos Community College Board of Trustees in 1979,1 was reelected in 1983 and served as president before resigning in 1985 to attend law school. 1 was part of a five - member body responsible for directing educational policy, making personnel decisions, and approving a budget. T am proud of the fact that despite a reduction of our budget following the passage of Proposition 13 in 1978, we eliminated no classes and raised no fees on academic courses. We also applied civil service rules in evaluating employee performance. A Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney since 1989, I have served as Deputy In Charge of the Long Beach Branch Sexual Assault/Child and Domestic Homicide unit since 1998. I supervise five lawyers with responsibilities including prosecution of child abusers and enforcement of sex offender registration and the California Criminal DNA Databank. Last year I completed a six -year investigation by convicting Belmont Shore Rapist Mark Wayne Rathbun, and received the Los Angeles County Sexual Assault Council Distinguished Service Award. My experience taught me that a good board member must listen, cooperate, mediate, and be resolute and decisive. I understand that a Civil Service Board member must exercise sound judgment in application of civil service rules to Specific factual situations, and then make recommendations to the City Council which makes the ultimate decision. T believe my background as an elected trustee, private sector manager, high school director, and attorney prepare me for service on the Civil Service Board. NOV -22 -2005 11:21 FROM LONG BEACH DA BRANCH TO 19496443039 PROFESSIONAL HISTORY DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Los Angeles County -- Deputy -In- Charge, Sexual Assault /Child Abuse Long Beach Branch, 1998 - Present CERTIFIED LAW CLERK, Los Angeles City Attorney NEWSPAPER REPORTER /EDITOR -- Hearst Community Newspapers, 1978 -81 -- Homebuyers Magazine, 1981 -1983 - -The Tidings Newspaper, 1983 -1986 EDUCATIONAL HISTORY LOYOLA LAW SCHOOL, J.D. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, B.A. COMMUNITY SERVICE CERRITOS COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -- Elected 1979; President, 1982; Reelected 1983 HOLY FAMILY CHURCH, Artesia, volunteer teacher QUEEN OF ANGELS CHURCH, Newport Beach, teacher NEWPORT BEACH LITTLE LEAGUE, manager ST. JOHN BOSCO HIGH SCHOOL, athletics board SEXUAL ASSAULT RESPONSE TEAM, Long Beach GUEST SPEAKER /INSTRUCTOR July 1989- F 09-* 1988 1983 1979 -85 1975 -85 2002 - 2002- 2002- 1998- Forensic Science Society (UK) 2005 Long Beach City College, St. John Bosco High 1989 - School,California District Attorneys Association, California Parks and Recreation Association, South Bay Police Chiefs Association, Sexual Assault Crisis Agency, L.A. County District Attorney LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS 1992- -- Drafted legislation prohibiting parks from hiring convicted child molesters, enacted as Public Resources Code section 5164; increasing penalty for kidnap for rape to that of kidnap for robbeiy,life imprisonment. PERSONAL MARRIED to Karen Goul 4 -10 -92 CHILDREN Edward, Claire, Christopher DOB 2 -7 -97 gr. g ROM : MARTHA GRAHAM FAX NO. : 9496456770 May. 12 2005 10:19PM P1 41011IL' LVVV '." r APPLICATION POR APPO3h?T.IVPRIM�ITIGN FOR OFFICE Ulm ONLY 7 ReddegaD'.stTictNq. � Verified by -- �s JTY-Ok WPORTBEACH hint r 2�,r ewnort Buulevazd Newport Beach, CA. 926663 uE 'Tv C2#7,9ork (949) 646.3005 - _-S'PORT -EACH Fax (949) 644 -3039 DIRECTTONSc One application can be uad for all tba appointive poeitiona you sre applying for. P.,pplicatione should be McII d oat complete.)y so that the Cary CDuneU may fully avalualP your avaliSoationa. It ie she responsibility of. the applicant to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of theposiaon(c) applied for. Detailed information outUming the responsibilities of the positions can be obtained from the City Cler)e'a office or on she OiVs webaite wince.cc :}y.neuiDO - irraeh.ea.us (General Imfr✓Cittzem. partic parson Info), Appliratia ua vC be kept on- Me for Two years for the poaiti m(s) appbed:or L you are not aelsetrd for appointaent du::ng that pe sod of time, it will be neeeusry for you to re•eubi:it ar appUaaSon if you are siM iaterested in being considered. NOTIC$:. Section 102 of the City Csarter requires that me_bere of Boards or Commissions appoia;zd by t-%e Ciiy.Ccuacil ahaIl be from the gnali.Ebd elrctore of the City. This doeument is a public mme=' and rier be nomiad on the irate_ -net. NAV47E 0.7 Boar, .COM.�Ussi0x, OR COW3'61 m G VVV I L S C Y-m (k ' fai tn yrRTa7ae tZesicencxi Addraea (regvred) How long have you?ivad is ewp =t Beaob? Eiome t BvsiaoaeAdcses 1 ti= ^ Husnwar jo DP�l Addres �Qll)i 6y Fave yon eve: been convicted .of szv rye cr v olafinr. of aI v taw of staFa e�an 4n' Y tr. violetions ?. r Tea . No ' yes, please attscl a aeperate`shee i"" Nrnae .and Location of, Collezev Uaivewiiios.Attended Msjor..'.: Degree Last Tesr . Attead.ed 44 wbsv u)v ;$ s T3 Sim �S� (,�)V /`V- - l d Prior or Current 'Civio Experieaoe 0aclude membership is rofessioa 4 charity or "ramuni o eniaatiOno) Office Held I (if e.a Dates oC Membershi 44 T3 Sim �S� (,�)V /`V- iPovr - l d FROM MARTHA GRAHAM FAX NO. .`9496456770 May. 12 20 05 10: 19PM P2 ��PLrA-,r-?a'./v �2 A rV70t\; OC ^.11pe.tbp115i I•i351A1y. �P.`� VP1tFf jJIL pre.6�pL tl7' :1]:15: reCCrit pb6it7i7p. ;:.,LPL a!) 1G3!t1pnF 6Ct�iL *01,r,1P 1rP.ld Jar:' tbB Ins. t rNB y0ais, . .. i'lr[a OT OrgRJllLat107i I �I�'pe o: I �riLLF _ —DflLpS OF .n RiplO nE21t I 9��- v 2efe;eactB (include' nameB of et Ltzk two resdeatA of Xewport Beech who are not officially arwectsa with the City).. Nasr ✓�_ why yop wish to serve the City of Neu post 4.tac� e71 a board, cc=:saioa; or eornaittae. I"IDde qualifications you have whiob are ppstivAlarl� Appropriate to the position far which yoa. a"e MORE SPACI� IS. NEEDED, PLEASE ATTACK A SDPAFATE SiiFET). mll'et&w = oats read -e atii€ applfoatton are true and correct to the bees of cay o ed L ave ra8d: wad understated the duties kad responsibiliaee of the nArtScu)ar P ' 1on(e) ha' I am applying for and authorise tae relcasc of tihlF information or Lbe Internet. Date NiE.I \U carc \CJl\Snac > ?\6wcez Ccp..:y:ai�cs Cos+ r3: tq�a:Wiiscelt�p.•�tuWyylfrxfion FROM : MRRTHR GRRHRM A) 1'�k� 61\i `rJ )50 7�� - . r F1R1��XNO. : 9496456770 May. 12 2005 10:20PM P3 r J�C rT/ UU opu //(/, v0-J / i/6 ' r 1 11 t j1 �:,r,�1, '/ A) 1'�k� 61\i `rJ )50 7�� - . r On ��,�T- • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. November 8, 2005 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Clerk's Office LaVonne M. Harkless, City Clerk 949 - 644 -3005, Iarkless @city.newport- beach.ca.us SUBJECT: Unscheduled Vacancy on the Civil Service Board RECOMMENDATION: 1. Declare a vacancy on the Civil Service Board (City Council nominee) due to the death of Robert Badham on October 20, 2005 (term expires 6130/06); 2. Approve the extension of the term to June 30, 2010 (one full four -year term plus the remaining balance of the unexpired term); •1 Confirm the Mayor's appointment of and to serve on the Ad -Hoc Appointments Committee; and 4. Approve the process to be used for the selection of the replacement (select one method): a) Direct the City Clerk to advertise the vacancy pursuant to Council Policy A -2; OR b) Forego the advertising and application process and direct the City Clerk to forward the five (5) applications currently on file to the committee for them to review and conduct any necessary interviews. DISCUSSION: Background: Based on the length of time left on Mr. Badham's unexpired term at the time of his death and the time required to fill this vacancy, staff is recommending that the term of the new appointee be extended to June 30, 2010 (one full four -year term plus the remaining balance of the unexpired term). This is consistent with Council Policy A -2 and the way i • the Council has handled unscheduled vacancies that have occurred within one year from the expiration of the term. Unscheduled Vacancy on Civil Service Board November 8, 2005 Page 2 • Based on the fact that the Council concluded the appointment process for scheduled vacancies less than six (6) months ago, consideration may want to be given to foregoing the advertisement and application process and appointing from the applications currently on file in the City Clerk's office. This process would speed up the process and a replacement for Mr. Badham could be made sooner. If the Council chooses to use the process outlined in Council Policy A -2, applications will be accepted by the City Clerk's office until 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23, 2005. At the close of the application period, the current applications on file, as well as any new applications, will be forwarded to the newly- appointed ad -hoc appointments committee for them to review and conduct any necessary interviews. The three nominations made by the committee will be forwarded to the full Council for confirmation on Tuesday, December 13, 2005 with the appointment scheduled for Tuesday, January 10, 2006. Based on the timing for this process, the Board will not be at full membership until the February 2006 meeting. If the Council chooses to select the replacement from the applications currently on file, the applications will be forwarded to the committee on Wednesday, November 9, 2005. The nominations would be scheduled for confirmation on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 with the appointment to be made on December 13, 2005. This process will result in the • Board being at full membership prior to their January 2006 meeting. The applications currently on file are Douglas Coulter (interviewed & nominated- - 6/05), Aiten E. - Doby,- Albert Graham, Jr., Charles R. Gross (interviewed & nominated 6/05), and Christopher L. Thomas. The ad -hoc appointments committee will consist of three council members appointed by the Mayor. Once the final appointment is made by the City Council, the ad -hoc appointments committee will be dissolved. Environmental Review: N/A Submitted by: bmi LaVonne M. Harkless, City Clerk Cl