HomeMy WebLinkAbout19 - Central Library Carpet InstallationCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 19 December 13, 2005 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: LIBRARY SERVICES LINDA KATSOULEAS, LIBRARY DIRECTOR, 949 - 717 -3810 lindak@city.newport-beach.ca.us SUBJECT: APPROVAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF CARPET AT THE CENTRAL LIBRARY RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Approve the purchase and installation of new carpet at the Central Library by C &A Floorings in the amount of $255,113.27 from C & A Floor Coverings. 2. Approve a budget amendment in the amount of $15,113.27 from the unappropriated balance of the General Fund to Account No. 7019- C4050821. DISCUSSION: The worn, stained carpet throughout the Central Library needs to be replaced. The original carpeting was installed in the 54,000 square foot Central Library when it opened in 1994. The building is open to the public 71 hours per week and is the most heavily used building in the City. Over B60,000 people, including residents, City officials, and foreign dignitaries, walk through the doors annually. The seams are fraying, causing a public hazard in various areas. The appearance of the building is marred by the carpet's many faded, stained and worn areas, eliciting negative comments from the public. Specialty cleaners have been used, but they are unable to clean the stains because of the excessive wear. The scope of the contract with C & A Flooring will include the materials, installation and the complex task of unbolting and moving over 154 book stacks as well as furniture, desks and equipment. The proposed carpet has a 25 year warranty as opposed to the previous carpet which carried a warranty of only 10 years. Library, General Services, and Administrative Services staff met with several vendors and discussed the different methods that could be used to install the new carpeting. Libraries present a difficult installation since there are multiple book stacks and Installation of Carpet at the Central Library December 13, 2005 Page 2 furniture that need to be moved in the public areas. In the staff areas, there are many cubicles and other obstructions that make the installation of rolled stock carpeting cost prohibitive. A combination installation of both rolled goods and carpet tiles was chosen for the project. The actual carpet product was chosen by a group of Library staff with input from the general public. Carpet samples were on display and the opinions of our customers were solicited. The overwhelming choice was the Sonar MKI RS carpeting. This carpet has a 25 year warranty. In addition to the high quality of product offered by C & A, they also have professional movers that will remove and replace the furniture and book stacks. The project can be accomplished with one vendor contact who will be able to meet the Library's schedule for installation in mid- February 2006. An extra bonus provided by the vendor is the old carpeting will be recycled. The chosen carpeting is a product of C & A (Collins & Aikman) Floor Coverings. This is one of the two major manufacturers in the United States. This company competed in an open bid and was awarded a large contract with the County of Los Angeles (County Contract No. 41596, based on the results of Bid No. 206915). The format of this contract is "piggybackable" by other governmental entities with a guarantee of the same rate as the bid award. Staff is recommending Council approve the purchase from C & A Floor Coverings. Funding: The City approved $240,000 in the 2005 -2006 Capital Improvement budget to replace the carpet. An additional $15,113.27 will be needed for the project and Staff is recommending approval of a budget amendment adding this amount to the existing CIP account from the unappropriated balance of the General Fund. Prepared by Melissa Kelly Library Support Services Supervisor Attachment: Project Proposal Submitted by: Linda Katsouleas Library Director P PNOV.i LOM1I VPN♦ No\ enibcr 30. 2005 Meli} >a Kelly Newport Beach Public Library 1000 Avaeado Avenue Canon. CA 90747 -000; RE: Lapel Prupo,al for: Dear Ms. Keliv: PROJECT PROPOSAL Newport Reach Public Library FAX: 949/640-5681 CFRL# SWH3021 C &A Pltxtrcoycring, i> plrucd 0.t procidc fate Cullutcing quutatiatt Cur the :dtmt rcicrcttcod loci) -') }'. Pricing ie hascJ un LA County Canl rata # 41596. SCOPE: OF Sl'ORK: (Rem ore & Replace Starks nn 2nd Floor Areas) Carpet Waterial .S(sde Color Name Color# Sonar MKI RS :1loholy Nagy 7401 1 4,704 Jr (? $ Cnmmodile Cndt # 3W.10 039S41) S011.lr Cu.hion Crpel -File Nloholt \':mq 74011 405 (v $ I Ci.rnou..lil\ Cod, #:60.10- C131M-17) Labor Cal pet 111mallm ion 1(i roll -1., 1 Fltxtrl Carpel him;dl:tion INroll -]nd F1...v Carpel Tile In,tallation Lill Method 1 I.( Fluor) ICommodim Cade # V6=- 46- 0398441 In,lall Stzm Trcad, & Riser, Tills '4 Stripe, Rcnnnv & Repint c Seri., 11,1 ihxtrl RClllu \e R RCpluec FUMIMIC 11,0 Flom') In,l :dl Ba,c Furni'll Banc RCmme & Rcploce }lack, and FLU M( IC 12211d Flunn Pmment /Pcrlbrmaiw, Bond, 1111i,lure KI(:, & Te,line Sc;un Scaler #99 - yl. C - 36 pt inrcr C-4(, III nlcr - 4 gad. OPTION # 1 Style .Sonar AIKI RS I Cnumiodin Cud, it-i60-10-039S41) Suuar Ql,hion Carpet Tile l Cams... .. lit' C'nJe # 360 -10 03054 3 ) Sonar ER3 RS Tile I C'mnmodin' Code # ?6(1. R) 0.+9842 ) 23.94 $ II16I3.76 25.97 $ 11.517. '"S 1,944 >/} 1? $ &75 j 17(110.00 '_.713 ,/c 0- $ ,,.7i S 21.7;8.75 3S5 ,/e 0- S 14.1111 $ 5.:91.011 71) Cd t•* 5 ;1.111) S 1.1111.101) 11, ca (n, $ 15.00 S 4110.011 ti 1'.,nn tuf '9 lit, (.2 S 1.00 y '.106.1111 . {]5() VI' v, S 0.60 S _',Sill on 4.750 IA In S 11]5 y .,5(,'_.50 j 411 4(111.011 $ 4'67.00 III ca 0. S 511.011 5 5011.01) 11) td ar 5 1).75 19501) ]fl ca (n ti 36.x0 \ 75600 5 cla tg $ 71.711 $ -,5 (,.00 S,,blotal $ 7414,18 2.86 Evim,tId Sulrt Tat 1 11.9-'11.41 TUT. ll. $ 355,113.27 (Cu( Around Slacks nn 2nd Floor Areas) Color Name Color# Mohol } -N'acc 74011 2.1112 ./c S Mohaly Vine 74011 407 /v (m $ hlnhuly -Na^_r 71011 2.745 S P2" I u' 3 23.u4 \ 4\.4066x ]5.97 $ 10.517.85 24.11 $ 66.788411 A''IOCR;p11 S LTI HIV Y �` pAlvN. Gin. GA 30721 ;Pa 800;41 4902 BFI PCo 259 2533 Labor Carprt InItallation W roll -Ist Hoot I C rpm Tito InAisI l at ion I'_nJ FIoln I Carprt Tile Ins I it lint i on I.i I1 Stet hind I ist Fl nnrl t Coo iniodite C'ude N 96'- 46- 0.498441 Inslnll Stair Tread, & Riser, Title 24 Stripes Remote & Replace Stacks I Ist Floon Remtr-o & Replace Furnuum 1 I,t 1:11kill Ibtall Base Furnish Base Labor to cut around sheleing Pa5mentTvi-formance Bond, 1101sture Kit;, & Tontine Seam Sealer k99 - III. C -36 printer - 4 gal. C -46 primer - 4 gal. NOTES: I. Field nlea,urvmenl procidod hr Po,e1 c „ill' Fluor Cl,lrrin;. Inc. 1.944 sly Ci' $ 5.75 _'.711 sly C- $ 9.75 385 s/y (n• .S. 14100 70 ea C' $ 32.00 16 ca (4' $ 25.041 1 ca @ $ 17.300.00 119 his C. $ 54.00 4.7517 1/1 l' $ 0.60 4.750 IM (e' $ 0.75 EXCLUSIONS kmIciis specirienllc included in iho chute <rnpe of unr61 10 ea C' $ 50.00 12 ea C. $ 9.75 lu rn g„ $ 36.50 35 ra C, $ 71.20 .Sublotal F.a'tiunticd .Sales Tax TOTAL Protection of Exi,(ine Floors Attic Snick NiehUU'rr6rnJ Labor Dunipsirr Cost Ruuding Cu,l Sim, Prefi. nlgrd C'orncr, Trip Clnlrec, Rrnwlal tC Di>po,al Rc ilil•nt Flooring Siaic N.aori;d, Lxn•neiw Flom Prrliailuion Turnimn• Minting A,N ,lu, Alo,if'lmm Sale, Tux Carpct Clranimt Cleu1nne/lC;lsn;_ nl R,-,thrni Border Carpet TLRSIS OF PA) "S IF.NT: ISuhjrcl in Cmdil Apprutall All M Avrialn and Labor - Krt 30 0.n> Auet' Im,iir 1. Change Orders: Ane tt il: roil inclutlyd in (11, ah.nc „upo nl worl, trill rrquno a ,lened change ordol beltwY tt urk ran hl' perli +rinccl. 2. Term of Quorr: PI'iu.., zilon are lil'm Inc .1%(, din, 1,„nl prupo..d t1mv. 3. lead Tinges: Pleaw no(r that C &A l, u nlddv in ( ruler t'aipcl will end yr cannot BF_GIN production of ant order until t%, have ,I ,igncd Ivurha,e ardor. nr it FI ELIE - ESECUTFO v,li au9 in hO1Lr. Note Thal normal lend limes are as fullugrs: • Fa,t Track Carpel,. rtco ltreks pill, shippin • Running Lilac Curprb. ,is u'reks plc, ,luppmg. • Comoro Carpets. night wvc ks pill, ,hipping: • Isad lino•, are appmsim;ne and do nis ,6779 lnil Idler Ihr purcha,c orJrr or lidlc- eseelnrd ranuaee i, rrceiwd. 23 "735.75 $ 5,390.011 S 6 S $ $ $ $ S $ $ 5 4. Fluor Preparation: Additional ILar prcpat Miun nine he rcLluned a, it reulh ill tilt uniurc,rea condition N, Ilse tlool'. Coil, il"(wiamd a'illl thi, floor prrpai ration a ill he ncg„(ialyd on .t jnh- ol-job ha,is. Our produce perlilrni, properly tchcn iu>(allyd on 0..ors dial no, Ill',' of DIRT. OIL. PAINT AND EXCESSIVE SIOI.STL RE. Fl,xxs thin lea C2 InoUinn, 1 "rading) PI'cwt,l illan :.I,1 Ill\ ht4 1.000 le"i ill '4 Iltltll, trill Noe me,-( >pecificaeiuu and trill rrquiri lurdwr runnc lime or Irtamlrnl prior Ill carpe( insrdlaeiun. C &A rreonnnend, only tact It'rapimt or Inech;mivaI ICI nk wit h kill ';dl nun - kawr hard ad Ile sit rs. ^.wc 2 va '"1.10.0(1 400.00 17.300.110 6.0'6.00 '.550.00 3.5Q.50 43AOk00 4A71 00 500.(111 117.00 ,Wii.0p 2.49'.00 255956.IR 11,301.59 267.257.77 -cd FL: :C :Bi,' V CPll:i,g i CL[YLLAbO II NY OAL-On GA i 1.31 .:b 5. Asbestos Abatement: This quote DOES NOT include zahe,los abatement. Ncidtp ClA wa u, installers ate responsible fill the kindling. removal or abat2nrcnt Of asbesan unnamed Iluar niamial ur adhesi%e. Further, C &A', policy is to request an Asbestos Hazard Emergency Respoust Act IAHERAI+'epal prior to Pnxecdia with am III knir material or lhwr adhesive renim-al. C &A and its installsl, consider it the os +ner's rc.ponsibilit� to produce this report prior to executing this axaracl. It any chemical stripping wents such as those comrnunly used in a.hesio> abawment hale bun msal, C &A and it, installers may require additional meosare.. be IaAcn prim, to instal fat i, in . if ;in e C &A product. These measure, mac affect the price of this quole. Please contact C&A -1 echnied Scrcite. Dep.millew ut 300?41. 4m102 ext. 21'_9 for more details. Please indicate Your acceptance of this pnipOSal by returning your siened purchase order. ur fully- cxctmed contract via fax [(1706.259.263& Please oddr'es, it ni me aRentluu. Should }uu hav< any gne.liun<. Please C,dl me at 800_241.4902. Thank VOU fur con.idcriniz C &A Floorcocering <. A Tundus Compa m. Sincel'civ. C & inv. $tracy U (itc stuc� \\'him• Reeiunal A:couot G "ololatur Source One CC: Tonyj Manske Rohert )huldos ]6A I LCCRCrivEnwGS %15 CI. V£LAHG H%V Y GALrOH GA pn:21 .:P; 800 2a 1 +902 Pa,e !.:13 .r; )06'50 2639 City of Newport Beach NO. BA- 06BA -031 BUDGET AMENDMENT 2005 -06 AMOUNT: $15,113.27 EFFECT ON BUDGETARY FUND BALANCE: Increase Revenue Estimates Increase in Budgetary Fund Balance Increase Expenditure Appropriations AND X Decrease in Budgetary Fund Balance Transfer Budget Appropriations No effect on Budgetary Fund Balance SOURCE: from existing budget appropriations from additional estimated revenues from unappropriated fund balance EXPLANATION: This budget amendment is requested to provide for the following: To increase expenditure appropriations for the purchase and installation of carpet at the Central Library. ACCOUNTING ENTRY: BUDGETARY FUND BALANCE Fund Account 010 3605 REVENUE ESTIMATES (3601) Fund /Division Account EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATIONS (3603) Description General Fund - Fund Balance Description Signed: City Council Approval: City Clerk Amount Debit Credit $15,113.27 Automatic $15,113.27 Date Dite Date Description Division Number 7019 General Fund - Capital Purchase Account Number C4050821 Central Library - Carpet Replacement Division Number Account Number Division Number Account Number Division Number Account Number Signed: J, ' -� . ^✓O �✓ /� ice -c Financial Approval: Administrativ ervices Director Signed: z- _ Administrative Appp6val: City Manager Signed: City Council Approval: City Clerk Amount Debit Credit $15,113.27 Automatic $15,113.27 Date Dite Date a-- 13-35 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Approve the purchase and installation of new carpet at the Central Library in the amount of $255,113.27 pursuant to a contract with C &A Floorcoverings to be approved by the City Attorney's Office, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract. 2. Stays the same.