HomeMy WebLinkAbout26 - City Hall Site and Facilities Finance Review CommitteesCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No, 26 December 13, 2005 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Office of the City Manager Homer L. Bludau, City Manager 949 - 644 -3000, hbludaua ) city.newport- beach.ca.us SUBJECT: COUNCIL ESTABLISHMENT OF A CITY HALL SITE REVIEW COMMITTEE AND A FACILITIES FINANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE, ESTABLISHMENT OF. GUIDELINES FOR BOTH COMMITTEES, INCLUDING THE NEWPORT VILLAGE SITE AS A POTENTIAL CITY HALL SITE AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROCESS TO ACCEPT COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS ISSUE: Does the City Council want to: 1. Establish a City Hall Site Review Committee and a Facilities Finance Review Committee; 2. Establish the guidelines for these two committees to function; 3. Include the Newport Village site (on Avocado, immediately north of the Main Library) as a potential site for the City Hall Site Review Committee to consider; and 4. Establish the process by which applications will be accepted and committee members selected? RECOMMENDATION: 1. Establish the two committees and the guidelines for the committees to function, making changes to the recommendations as Council sees fit. 2. Include the Newport Village site as a potential city hall site for consideration. 3. Advertise that City Council is accepting applications for these committees until noon, January 6, 2006, with the intention of appointments being made at the January 241" regular City Council meeting. Establishment of Council Committees /Guidelines December 13, 2005 Page 2 BACKGROUND: At its November 22 "d meeting, the City Council approved, by a 5 -2 vote, the recommendations of the Council Building Committee to do the following: 1. Accept the Griffin Structures design development contract as fulfilled 2. Form a City Hall Site Review Committee composed of 7 -10 residents and 2 City Council ad hoc members to identify and assess potential sites within the community for a city hall, and submit a written report to the City Council with recommendations as to the best site or sites. The committee should be open to anyone willing to serve, but it would be desirable that the committee's makeup include residents who are knowledgeable about real estate development and real estate conditions in Newport Beach. 3. Form a Facilities Finance Review Committee composed of 7 -10 residents and 2 City Council ad hoc members to review the 20 year future facility needs of the City and assess the City's ability to best pay for those facilities. The committee should make recommendations to the City Council as to how best to plan to finance these needs. The Committee should be open to anyone wiling to serve, but it would be desirable that the committee contain some residents who are knowledgeable regarding the financing of major improvements or projects. 4. The Building Committee recommends these committees be advertised and appointments be made at the January 24, 2006 meeting, with the intent the committees report back their findings no later than May 15, 2006. The Committee recognizes these two committees would require substantial staff support; however, thinks this work is of a priority that staff needs to be made available so the deadlines for the committee can be met. The City Council directed the Council Building Committee submit its recommendations to the City Council for the parameters under which these two committees would function. It was the City Council's consensus that these guidelines be definitive in terms of those issues to be reviewed. DISCUSSION: City Hall Site Review Committee — The Council Building Committee makes the following recommendations regarding the purpose, process and considerations for the function of the Committee: A. MISSION STATEMENT FOR THE CITY HALL SITE REVIEW COMMITTEE: "To identify and assess all reasonable potential sites within the boundaries of Newport Beach for a city hall facility and provide a written and oral assessment report to the City Council, along with Committee recommendations as to the best location(s) for further City Council consideration no later than May 15, 2006." Establishment of Council Committees /Guidelines December 13, 2005 Page 3 Al. PROCESS: a) All Committee meetings are to be open to the public. Public comments and questions are allowed to be heard during each meeting, at the discretion of the Committee's Chair, as long as they do not hinder the Committee in making effective use of its time. b) City staff will be provided to take minutes of each meeting. Meeting minutes will be available no later than the beginning of each meeting. c) Any questions the Committee has, necessary to proceed with its work, will be addressed to the City Council ad hoc members or City staff. If unanswerable, the questions should be posed to the City Council in writing. d) The Committee should first review the space needs assessment document, which the City Council believes is valid in determining the space needs for city hall operations. e) While no budget is being provided for the Committee to do its work, Committee requests which involve costs should be conveyed to the City Manager for his determination after receiving input from the two City Council ad hoc members. f) The City will provide the Committee with a real estate professional to obtain pertinent information on potential city hall sites for the Committee to use for site assessment purposes. This professional will be selected by the Council Building Committee. g) The Committee will disband after the Committee's oral presentation has been made, unless its life is extended by action of Council. A2. CITY HALL NEEDS: a) The site or structure needs to be able to accommodate a city hall of approximately 72,000 sq. ft, while providing for adjacencies which will foster close cooperation among the Planning, Building, and Public Works departments. b) The site needs to have parking or parking potential for approximately 230 City employees' vehicles and 70 public parking spaces. c) Sites recommended by the Committee should be surrounded by compatible land uses. d) Sites recommended need to be available to begin construction or move -in (in the case of occupying an existing structure) no later than July 1, 2007. Establishment of Council Committees /Guidelines December 13, 2005 Page 4 A3. CITY HALL CONSIDERATIONS: a) Cost considerations are an important factor in site assessments. b) The ease by which the public can travel to city hall is an important factor in site assessments. c) The Committee should plan for a city hall site which accommodates all current city hall staff members. d) Retain all current city hall departments at the same site. e) The Committee should not consider sites which would require the condemnation of private property. f) The Committee is to include in its consideration of sites, an existing structure which can be retrofitted to accommodate city hall's requirements. g) City Hall operational functions are considerations outside of the Committee's scope of focus. h) The Committee should assess the opportunities and challenges associated with selling the current city hall site and relocating elsewhere. That assessment should include the highest and best use of the property, agency permits required, EIR requirements, time involved to sell the site, Greenlight voting considerations, potential value of the site and any other issues the Committee believes could influence the decision to sell the site. A4. WRITTEN AND ORAL REPORTS: a) The Committee's written report should thoroughly define the strengths, and functional /operational constraints of each site given serious consideration. The written assessment of each site should include the following issues: cost considerations, ease of travel for the public, central location, timeliness in obtaining control over the site, current General Plan zoning of site and zoning /uses of surrounding properties, design constraints, adequacy of parking, site dewatering issues, unique construction issues, space sufficient to provide for adequate site landscaping, current site ownership, site size in square footage, and whether the site would require a Greenlight vote. b) The Committee's written report should be submitted to the City Council no later than May 15, 2006. The Committee is requested to complete its work in a thorou7h and complete manner, as soon as possible, and earlier than the May 151 date, if feasible. C) The Committee is asked to select a committee member to provide an oral presentation to the City Council covering the written report's considerations, findings and recommendations, after the written report is completed. Establishment of Council Committees /Guidelines December 13, 2005 Page 5 Facilities Finance Review Committee — The Council Budget Committee makes the following recommendations regarding the purpose, process and considerations for the function of the Committee: B. MISSION STATEMENT FOR THE FACILITIES FINANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE: "After reviewing the 20 year facility needs of the City and the City's financial capacity to meet those needs, make recommendations to the City Council on financing, budgeting and revenue methods which will allow those needs to best be addressed for the continuation of high quality City services to meet the community's needs." B1. PROCESS: a) All Committee meetings are to be open to the public. Public comments and questions are allowed to be heard during each meeting, at the discretion of the Committee's Chair, as long as they do not hinder the Committee in making effective use of its time. b) City staff will be provided to take minutes of each meeting. Meeting minutes will be available no later than the beginning of each meeting. c) Any questions the Committee has, necessary to proceed with its work, will be addressed to the City Council ad -hoc members or City staff. If unanswerable, the questions should be posed to the City Council in writing. d) The Committee should review the 20 year facility needs list and cost estimates prepared by staff for the Committee's consideration. e) Review the methods used by the City in the past for financing its facilities. f) The Committee should review the current and long term future financial status of the City, giving particular attention to the assumptions on which the long term financial projections are based. g) The Committee should review a complete listing and hear a thorough explanation of financing alternatives available to public agencies to finance public facilities. h) The Committee will disband after the Committee's oral presentation has been made, unless its life is extended by action of Council. B2. FACILITIES FINANCING CONSIDERATIONS: a) Take into consideration the potential rise and fall of interest rates and the effect those changes might have on short and long term cost of facility financing. Establishment of Council Committees /Guidelines December 13, 2005 Page 6 b) Take into consideration the short and long term costs of labor, construction materials, and other cost factors which have the potential to impact the City's ability to afford its facility needs. c) Consider revenue enhancement alternatives which are available to the City for financing its facility needs. e) Consider how the proposed Initiative to require a public vote for the City to enter into certain kinds of debt would affect the ability of the City to meet its long term facility needs and what the cost to the City might be under the Initiative's requirements. f) Consider how the timing of facility replacements or refurbishments over the next 20 years can best be staggered in terms of affordability. g) Use today's dollars in estimating future financing needs and costs. B3. WRITTEN AND ORAL REPORTS: a) The Committee's written report should list the facility needs and costs that it reviewed, make an assessment on the short and long term financial ability of the City to replace /refurbish its needed facilities, identify the assumptions that are key to making that financial assessment, assess the implications of the potential Initiative which would require a public vote for the City's issuance of certain debt, and make recommendations as to how the City should position itself to meet the community's public facility needs. b) The Committee's written report should be submitted to the City Council no later than May 15, 2006. The Committee is requested to complete its work in a thornh and complete manner, as soon as possible, and earlier than the May 15t date, if feasible. c) The Committee is asked to select a committee member to provide an oral presentation to the City Council covering the written report's considerations, findings and recommendations, after the written report is completed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROCESS USED IN THE ESTABLISHMENT AND SELECTION OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS: a) Once Council has decided on the committee guidelines, staff will prepare the needed resolutions establishing the committees for City Council approval at its January 10th meeting. b) Each committee should be composed of 11 members from the public, plus 2 ad hoc City Council members. c) Applicants for committee consideration should contact the City Clerk's office and submit an application on the same forms used for commission and committee applicants. Establishment of Council Committees /Guidelines December 13, 2005 Page 7 d) The closing date for committee applications should be noon, Friday, January 6, 2006. e) Based on the number of applicants, the City Council should decide the selection process at its January 101h Council meeting. f) It should be the intent of the Council to appoint committee members at its January 24th regular meeting. The City Manager recommends a deadline for applications be set for January 61h because if it had been the desire of the City Council to appoint committee members at its regular January 10th meeting, that date would require an application deadline no later than December 16th in order to provide a Council interview committee time to interview the applicants and develop its recommendations in time to be included in the January 10th agenda (finalized on January 4th). The City Manager believes that due to the importance of these committees, extra time should be given for accepting applications, especially given the fact of the Christmas and New Year holiday seasons. With a January 6th closing of applications, Council can decide a selection process on January 10th, and depending on which process is utilized, could be ready to make appointments at its January 24th meeting. With that schedule, the committees should be able to conduct their first meetings in early February and have February through May 151h to complete their work. Submitted by: omer L. Bluelau City Manager HARBOR VIEW HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 3810 East Coast Highway, Suite 4 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 (949) 675 -9522 December 8, 2005 Mayor Heffernan & Members of the City Council City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Mayor Heffernan & Members of the City Council: "RKEW D AFTER AGENDA At its meeting of December 7, 2005, the Harbor View Hills Community Association Board unanimously supported the following position regarding Newport Center Park: The City should retain the 12 -acre site behind the Central Library as a passive view park. It should not be developed with buildings. This rare open space across the street from a major residential area should not be destroyed to become the City Hall. The opportunity for public open space and green grass in densely developed Newport Center is a priceless resource for our citizens and for future generations. Those who work in Newport Center can bring a lunch and enjoy the most beautiful views in the City. The location of this park adjacent to the Library will allow great opportunities for reading outdoors in an exceptional environment. The plans also call for an environmental interpretive area at the north end of the site. This will allow the urban dwellers and workers in the Newport Center area to enjoy nature within walking distance from their workplaces. Last, but not least, we understand the cost to develop the park and add some much needed 80+ parking spaces for the Library is about $1.5 million. The City is fortunate to have a donor who has agreed to underwrite the entire cost. It would be a great disservice to future as well as current generations of our City to throw away this gift by putting one more building on the site where the Newport Center Park is destined to go. Sincerely, Bud Volberding President HVHCA N Cc: Homer Bludau, City Manager Marie Knight, Director, Recreation & Senior Services S.J. Kahn, Editor, Daily Pilot ESTABLISHMENT OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES ■ City Hall Site Review Committee MISSION STATEMENT "To identify and assess all reasonable potential sites within the boundaries of Newport Beach for a city hall facility and provide a written and oral assessment report to the City Council, along with Committee recommendations as to the best location(s) for further City Council consideration no later than May 15, 2006." ■ City Hall Site Review Committee ■ Process Li Committee meetings open to the public ❑ City Staff will be provided to take minutes ❑ Committee review of space need assessment ❑No budget provided for Committee City will provide real estate professional Committee to disband after presentation to Council ■ City Hall Site Review Committee ■ City Hall Needs: Approximately 72,000 sq. ft. of space Parking for 230 employees & 70 for public Site should be surrounded by compatible land uses Sites should be available to begin construction or move -in by July 1, 2007 ■ City Hall Site Review Committee ■ Considerations Costs important factor in site assessments L Ease of public travel /access to site ❑ Site should accommodate all current staff ❑ Retain all current departments at same site n Sites should not require condemnation of private property ■ City Hall Site Review Committee ■ Considerations cont. Consider existing structures that could be retrofitted ❑ City Hall operations are outside the scope of the committee ■ City Hall Site Review Committee ■ Considerations cont. Constraints associated with selling current site • Best use of property • Permits required • EIR requirements • Time involved ■ Need for Greenlight vote ■ City Hall Site Review Committee ■ Report Include strengths & constraints of each site, costs, ease of travel, central location, timeliness of move, current zoning, design constraints, parking, construction issues, etc. Submit to Council by May 15, 2006 Committee member will provide oral presentation to Council ■ Facilities Finance Review Committee MISSION STATEMENT "After reviewing the 20 year facility needs of the City and the City's financial capacity to meet those needs, make recommendations to the City Council on financing, budgeting and revenue methods which will allow those needs to best be addressed for the continuation of high quality City services to meet the community's needs." Facilities Finance Review Committee ■ Process Committee meetings open to the public City staff will be provided to take minutes Committee review of 20 year facility needs list & cost estimates Review methods used in the past for financing facilities Facilities Finance Review Committee ■ Process cont. Review current & long term financial status of City ❑Review complete listing & hear explanation of financing alternatives available to public agencies Committee will disband after presentation to Council ■ Facilities Finance Review Committee ■ Considerations L Potential rise & fall of interest rates C Short /Long term costs of labor & materials F Revenue enhancement alternatives Proposed initiative to require public vote before entering into certain kinds of debt Timing of facility replacements over 20 years E- Use today's dollars in estimating future needs Facilities Finance Review Committee ■ Reports Include short /long term financial ability of City to replace /refurbish facilities, identify assumptions key to making financial assessment, implications of potential initiative, recommendations as to how the City should position itself to meet the community's public facility needs ■ Facilities Finance Review Committee ■ Report cont. Submit to Council by May 15, 2006 Committee member to provide oral presentation to Council ■ Selection of Committee Members • Each Committee will have 11 members of the public & 2 Council members • Applications available at City Clerk's Office • Closing date for applications is noon on JANUARY 6, 2006 • Selection process will be determined at the January 10, 2006 Council meeting ■ Council to appoint members January 24, 2006