HomeMy WebLinkAbout18 - Mobile Data Computers for Police PatrolCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 18 December 13, 2005 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Police Department Bob McDonell, Chief of Police, 949 644 3701, bmcdonell @nbpd.org John Desmond, Captain, 949 644 3650, jdesmond @nbpd.org SUBJECT: Approve Purchase of Mobile Data Computers for Police Patrol Vehicles RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve purchase of 35 replacement mobile data computers for use in marked police vehicles used by sworn police personnel from Dell Computer Corporation for $223,620.03 from existing budget appropriations. 2. Approve purchase of 31 replacement mobile data computer mounts and related electronic equipment consoles for use in marked police vehicles used by sworn police personnel from Dell Computer Corporation for $32,163 from existing budget appropriations. 3. Approve purchase of retrofit services to remove /install computer mounting equipment and consoles from Computer Deductions Incorporated (CDI) for `b15,000 from existing budget appropriations. 4. Authorize the Police Chief to execute any necessary purchase contracts /agreements consistent with this recommendation after review by the City Attorney. DISCUSSION: Background: The Police Department currently has Dell mobile laptop computers installed in all Of 'our marked vehicles used by sworn officers. The existing computers are nearly four and one -half years old, and their original warranty period expired 18 months ago. We were able to extend the warranty for 13 of those 18 months; however, Dell no longer makes parts for these computers and will no longer repair them under a warranty agreement. Approve Purchase of Mobile Data Computers for Police Patrol Vehicles December 13, 2005 Page 2 In anticipation of the need to replace these computers, the Department began a process of evaluating available mobile computing solutions approximately two years ago. With the unique police application and our use of advanced and demanding software in our patrol fleet, there is a need for reliable and ruggedized high -speed computers. However, additional problems needed to be addressed with any proposed replacement mobile computers. The sheer volume of equipment within a typical patrol sedan makes it very difficult for an average sized officer to fit comfortably in the vehicle. Our current laptop computers encroach into the driver and passenger seating areas and stretch the limits of airbag compliance. Therefore, the size and placement of any computer solution was a critical factor in our evaluation process. Another concern involving officer safety was the need for a backlit keyboard and the ability to dim or instantly shut off the computer screen. These features were key components of our computer staff's and the officer's evaluations of the tested computers. Report writing is an integral part of an officer's duties, and this function had to be taken into account in the evaluation process. Ergonomic considerations demanded a touch screen and the ability to position a user - friendly keyboard in a variety of positions to minimize the stress and strain associated with prolonged typing in an awkward position within the vehicle. All of these considerations resulted in a comprehensive process to find, compare, and field test a variety of mobile computing solutions. Evaluation: The evaluation process involved obtaining a variety of specific models of mobile data computers that met the minimum specifications needed to run our current systems (refer to Attachment A). Selected models were uploaded with our software programs and data; then we bench tested their performance to ensure it functioned as advertised. With the noted exceptions, the computer and appropriate mounting solution was then placed in a marked patrol vehicle and used by patrol officers who evaluated its performance under actual field conditions. The following laptop computer solutions were evaluated: 1. Dell Latitude D600 Laptop Computer ($2,342.22 per unit) - This was the first option we evaluated as a replacement to our current Dell laptop computers. - This laptop solution did not offer the features we deemed necessary for a viable replacement option. This computer did not offer a touch screen, backlit keyboard, instant off, or any ruggedized components. The size and Approve Purchase of Mobile Data Computers for Police Patrol Vehicles December 13, 2005 Page 3 limited placement options of a laptop solution did not address any of the ergonomic concerns of our officers. Due to its failure to meet our minimum requirements, a field test was not conducted with this computer. 2. Panasonic Toughbook T29 Mobile Laptop Computer ($4,976.90 per unit) This solution had many of the operating features of the Dell laptop but had the added features of a touch screen, a backlit keyboard, and ruggedized components. This laptop computer was able to handle our software and had sufficient processing speed. The system was deemed to have performed satisfactorily in bench testing. In field- testing, the ruggedized keyboard made it nearly impossible for our officers to type reports. The thick rubberized keyboard overlay required an excessive amount of pressure on the keys that made typing difficult at best. The touch pad cursor lacked sensitivity, and the touch screen was inconsistent and hard to use. The backlit keyboard was too dim. The size and limited placement options of this laptop solution did not address any of the ergonomic concerns of our officers. 3. Itronix GoBook 3 Mobile Laptop Computer ($4,312.00 per unit) This laptop computer had many of the operating features of the Panasonic laptop computer, including a touch screen, a backlit keyboard, and ruggedized components. This laptop computer was able to handle our software and had sufficient processing speed. The system was deemed to have performed well in bench and field- testing from a computer standpoint. The only drawback of this laptop computer was that its size and limited placement options did not address any of our officer's ergonomic concerns. The following mobile computer solutions were evaluated: 4. Data 911 Mobile Computer ($5,995.00 per unit) - This mobile computer consists of three separate components — a processor, a touch screen, and a backlit keyboard. A typical mounting solution is to place the processor in the trunk with the screen and keyboard in the center console area of the vehicle. This configuration would allow us to address the ergonomic concerns that we were unable to address with the laptop solution. - In bench testing this product, we encountered hardware failures and an inability to run all of our software. We encountered screen calibration Approve Purchase of Mobile Data Computers for Police Patrol Vehicles December 13, 2005 Page 4 issues and touch screen software failures that we were unable to resolve due to poor technical support from the manufacturer. From an installation standpoint, this solution required extensive computer cabling from the front of the cab to the trunk and posed additional possible points of failure. Based on our inability to get this product to function properly in bench testing, we elected to forego an installation and field- testing. 5. TACNET by Visteon ($10,149.00 per unit — totally integrated solution) - This mobile computer is a fairly new concept and billed as an all encompassing integrated solution for police vehicles. This cutting edge product is designed to remove all of the various control heads from the cab of the vehicle and moves them to the trunk where a complex controller handles all of the controls via the touch screen mounted on the dashboard. This configuration frees up a large portion of the area surrounding the driver and passenger seats and is airbag compliant. - Recommended and embraced by the California Highway Patrol who is in the process of converting their fleet to TACNET vehicles, we spent a considerable amount of time thoroughly evaluating this total concept solution. - The computer processor for this product was bench tested, and it was able to handle our software and data demands. The touch screen and backlit keyboard also met our specifications. We then field- tested the computer by utilizing a TACNET supplied test vehicle to obtain officer feedback on the concept. Initial feedback was positive, and the decision was made to purchase (with a money -back guarantee) and install one complete TACNET set -up utilizing all of our electronic equipment to determine if total integration could be achieved. - Despite a tremendous amount of staff time, we were unable to achieve a fully functioning and totally integrated system that we could adequately field test. Radio and mobile video system controls were unstable, and an intermittent loud tone remains unresolved. It should be noted that the Costa Mesa Police Department also attempted to install and test this system, but they were also unsuccessful. - Another major drawback to this system is limited customer support that resides in Detroit. 6. JLT Mobile Computers from Del ($5,929.60 per unit) - This mobile computer is a two -piece solution involving a display screen that houses the computer components within the same case and a separate backlit keyboard. The touch screen display /computer processor Approve Purchase of Mobile Data Computers for Police Patrol Vehicles December 13, 2005 Page 5 mounts directly into the dashboard and frees up a tremendous amount of space within the cab of the vehicle and is airbag compliant. This mobile computer has an extensive history in military applications and has ruggedized components that are easy to work on or replace. The manufacturer offers a five -year parts and labor warranty as their standard warranty. The Ontario (CA) Police Department has also conducted extensive testing of mobile computers and reported that the JLT Mobile Computer was the only computer they tested that did not fail. They are currently purchasing and installing JLT Mobile Computers in their patrol vehicles. The Garden Grove (CA) Police Department has also conducted mobile computer testing and is in the process of purchasing JLT Mobile Computers. Early in the evaluation process, we bench tested this computer with favorable results. We then field tested this computer in a temporary mount and received high praise from officers for its ease of use. After our inability to get the TACNET vehicle fully functional, we revisited the JLT computer to conduct more thorough testing. This time a field test was conducted with a mounting solution designed by Havis - Shields for the JLT Mobile Computer. The results of this field test were overwhelmingly favorable as this solution met all of our requirements. It has a touch screen instant -off monitor and a removable touch -type backlit keyboard. We did not experience any hardware - related issues with this product. NOTE: JLT Mobile Computers and Havis - Shields mounts are sold through the Dell Computer Corporation. CONCLUSION: The evaluations involving the various "laptop" computer solutions led us to the conclusion that these products did not meet our needs. The overwhelming issue was the difficulty in positioning these computers within the cab of the vehicle. They present an ergonomic problem for anyone trying to type in what is typically a contorted position. Laptop computers, despite having a lower purchase price, are only warranted for three years and typically must be replaced at that three -year interval. In reality, when amortized over the five -year warranted lifespan of a mobile computer, the laptop is actually a more expensive solution The evaluations of the mobile computer solutions revealed that our ergonomic concerns were addressed with the independent keyboard and monitor set -up. These solutions also met the needs of our officers with a touch screen and backlit keyboard. Based on approximately two years of comprehensive evaluating and testing, we are recommending the purchase of the JLT Mobile Computer and the associated mounting Approve Purchase of Mobile Data Computers for Police Patrol Vehicles December 13, 2005 Page 6 hardware by Havis- Shields Equipment Corporation from the Dell Computer Corporation. This was the only mobile computer to function properly and meet all of our specifications. It was the highest rated solution by our patrol officers as well as our computer staff. The mounting hardware meets our ergonomic demands and received high marks from all of the employees who evaluated the set -up. Other police agencies currently testing mobile computers have reached similar conclusions and are purchasing this reliable computer and mounting hardware. The ruggedized components of the JLT Mobile Computer, coupled with their five -year warranty, make this an economical selection as well. Therefore, we are recommending that you approve the purchase of 35 JLT Mobile Computers and 31 Havis Shield computer- mounting consoles from the Dell Computer Corporation. We are also asking that you approve the purchase of retrofit services to remove /install computer mounting equipment and consoles from Computer Deductions Incorporated (CDI) our current contract installer. Funding Availability: The recommended purchases will be made from existing budget appropriations and will not require a budget amendment. Prepared by: Submitted by: John Desmond, CAPTAIN Bob McDonell, CHIEF OF POLICE Attachments: A. 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