HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/2012 - Harbor CommissionNEWPORT BEACH HARBOR COMMISSION MINUTES City Council Chambers February 8, 2012 CALL TO ORDER 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners Rodheim, West, Rhyne, McIntosh, Avery present. Commissioner Duffield absent. Council Liaison: Mayor Pro Tem Nancy Gardner Staff: Manager Chris Miller Supervisor Shannon Levin PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON - AGENDA ITEMS None. MINUTES Commissioner West motioned to approve the minutes and Commissioner Rhyne seconded. Motion carried. ACTION & APPEAL ITEMS ITEM #1 Subject: ExplorOcean. Abstract: A presentation on ExplorOcean from Rita Steinlund. Discussion: A presentation on the ExplorOcean design was given by Rita Steinlund, President. ExplorOcean will revitalize the Fun Zone area and expand from the existing Newport Harbor Nautical Museum. An economic analysis of the programming is being conducted. The facility will offer increased commercial and visitor opportunities. The plans for the facility can be viewed at http: / /explorocean.org. Action: Receive and File ITEM #2 Subject: Derelict Boats. Abstract: Discussion of derelict boats in Florida and Newport Beach. Discussion: The Harbor Commission discussed the possibility of composing a group of volunteers to help upkeep of derelict vessels. There is some money for derelict boat disposal but the City of Newport Beach's derelict problem doesn't fit into that category. The vessels covered by the grants are typically sunk and /or hazards to navigation. Commissioner West suggested that this issue should be further reviewed, the problem defined, and come back at another meeting to properly discuss the issue. Action: Receive and file. SUB - COMMITTEE REPORTS Cruising Guide: This is on track with weekly meetings. Publication is expected for February. Code Enforcement: Commissioner Avery commented staff did an excellent job handling the enforcement of MV Majestic. Visioning: Avery is reviewing the Harbor and Bay Element of the General Plan to include that in the Visioning. The Visioning Subcommittee will require increased public input and community outreach. Mooring: There will be an update next month. Commissioner Rhyne mentioned that the state government is attempting to re- budget DBAW again. A letter for signature should be sent by all interested to petition the Governor. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT: None. HARBOR RESOURCES UPDATE Manager Miller gave a PowerPoint presentation on harbor updates. The update is posted at http://www. ne wportbeachca. gov /index. aspx ?page =1777 PUBLIC COMMENTS Jim Mosher informed the Commission that the final appointees to the Harbor Commission will be announced on an upcoming Council Agenda once the Screening Committee makes a recommendation. Stanley Seplan addressed the concern that chase boats for rowing are creating large wakes and causing rocking on docks. RECOMMENDED TOPICS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS: • Ships to Reef • Eelgrass • OCC Sea Base DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday March 14, 2012 ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned around 8:00 PM. The agenda for the Regular Meeting was posted on February 4, 2012 at 4:45 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. i Harbor Commission Chair