HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 - Planning Commission AgendaCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 17 April 24, 2007 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Planning Department David Lepo, Planning Director 949-644-3228;dlepo@dity.newport-beach.ca.us SUBJECT: Planning Commission Agenda for April 19, 2007 Report of the actions of the Planning Commission Meeting: Item 1: The minutes of March 22, 2007 were approved as corrected. (5 Ayes, 1 Excused, 1 Abstain). Item 2: Mariner's Mile Gateway, LLC (PA2006 -279) 100 -600 West Coast Highway Approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program for the approved Bel Mare Shopping Center. The Planning Commission will also review the project's landscape plan. In addition, the applicant has also requested Planning Commission review of proposed changes to exterior elevations resulting from a redistribution of second floor building square footage. The Planning Commission will determine whether the proposed changes are in substantial conformance with the previously approved project design. This item was approved with an added condition that the Planning Director monitor lighting dispersion from the signs after installation to ensure that illumination is not spilling onto residential properties on the bluff above the shopping center. (5 Ayes, 2 Excused) Item 3: Balboa Inn LLC (PA2006 -270) Sienna Restaurant 105 Main Street Request to amend Use Permit No. 3158 to allow live entertainment and dancing in association with the existing restaurant use. Additionally, a waiver of the parking requirements related to the introduction of live entertainment is also requested. The property is located at 105 Main Street and is within the Retail and Service Commercial designation of the Central Balboa Specific Plan (SP -8) District. The Planning Commission addressed concerns about noise impacts on adjoining residential uses by limiting live entertainment and dancing to bona fide "private Page 2 events" occurring no more than 8 times per month, Fridays and Saturdays only, with all events ending no later than 11:00 PM. To minimize parking impacts during the "peak" season, no events are permitted during the months of July and August. Planning Commission will review the operation in one year for compliance with conditions of approval, or earlier, if verified complaints are received by the Planning Director. (5 Ayes, 2 Excused) Item 4: Orchid Plaza 3600 E. Coast Highway Planning Commissioners received a report on the construction scheduling status a 3,200 square -foot commercial center approved for this location by the Planning Commission in July 2005. Prepared and submitted by: Planning: sharodkPlanning CommissioMpoagentlarpt.doc Agenda Item No. April 24, 2007 NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers - 3300 Newport Boulevard April 19, 2007 REGULAR MEETING 6:30 p.m. HEARING ITEMS: CALL TO ORDER 6:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENTS: Public comments are invited on non - agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission. Speakers must limit comments to 3 minutes. Before speaking, please state your name for the record and print your name on the tablet provided at the podium. REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCES: ALL TESTIMONY GIVEN BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION IS RECORDED. SPEAKERS MUST LIMIT REMARKS TO THREE MINUTES ON ALL ITEMS. (Red light signifies when three minutes are up; yellow light signifies that the speaker has one minute left for summation.) Please print only your name on the pad that is provided at the podium. ITEM NO. 1 Minutes dated April 5, 2007 ACTION: Approve as written and order filed. ITEM NO. 2. Mariner's Mile Gateway, LLC (PA2006 -279) 100 -600 West Coast Highway SUMMARY: Approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program for the approved Bel Mare Shopping Center. The Planning Commission will also review the project's landscape plan. In addition, the applicant has also requested Planning Commission review of proposed changes to exterior elevations resulting from a redistribution of second floor building square footage. The Planning Commission will determine whether the proposed changes are in substantial conformance with the previously approved project design. ACTION: 1) Conduct public hearing; and 2) Adopt Resolution approving Comprehensive Sign Program CS2006 -012. 3) Adopt Resolution No, finding that: The proposed landscape plan is in conformance with the conditions of approval for the project and the landscape requirements of the Mariners Mile Specific Plan and the Mariner's Mile Strategic Vision and Design Framework. The proposed changes to the approved project design are in substantial conformance with the building design approved under Development Plan No. 2004 -001 and Use Permit No. 2004 -025. CEQA COMPLIANCE: This project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to "Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act," Class ITEM NO. 3. Balboa Inn LLC (PA2006 -270) Sienna Restaurant 105 Main Street SUMMARY: Request to amend Use Permit No. 3158 to allow live entertainment and dancing in association with the existing restaurant use. Additionally, a waiver of the parking requirements related to the introduction of live entertainment is also requested. The property is located at 105 Main Street and is within the Retail and Service Commercial designation of the Central Balboa Specific Plan (SP -8) District. ACTION: 1) Conduct public hearing; and, 2) Adopt Resolution approving an amendment to Use Permit No. 3158 to permit live entertainment and dancing within the existing restaurant and a waiver of 24 parking spaces required by the introduction of live entertainment. CEQA COMPLIANCE: This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). ITEM NO. 4. Orchid Plaza 3600 E. Coast Highway SUMMARY: Project update ACTION: Discussion Item only. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: a) City Council Follow -up b) Report from Planning Commission's representative to the Economic Development Committee c) Report from the Planning Commission's representative to the General Plan /Local Coastal Implementation Committee d) Report from the Planning Commission's representative to the Intensive Residential Occupancy Committee e) Matters which a Planning Commissioner would like staff to report on at a subsequent meeting f) Matters which a Planning Commissioner may wish to place on a future agenda for action and staff report g) Project status h) Requests for excused absences ADJOURNMENT: