HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - Minutes - 04-10-2007Agenda Report #1 04 -24 -07 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Study Session April 10, 2007 — 3:30 p.m. HULL CALL Present: Council Member Henn, Council Member Rosansky, Council Member Webb, Cotu Gardner Ar CURRENT BUSINESS 1. CLARIFICATION OF ITEMS ON P-4! City Manager Homer Bludau continued. DISASTER PRE City Manager Bludau stated hear about the Emergency M2 Fire Chief Loffis sented a Poi disaster's r to to N6wPort Beach. #7 (Radio Mayor Pro Tem. Selich, Mayor nber Daigle, Council Member Tower) will be he tho it woulfte beneficial for the new Council to presentation that explained how planning for Emergency Ind rdinator Fre an gave an overview of the three key roles of the Eme Ma m m: ty Preparedness, Community Preparedness and anageme jecta. She provided in -depth information on the mergency ge t Plan, the Emergency Operations Center, who proclaims a local emergency, the s a xercises the City has had, and the role of the elected officials in a disaster. Comm 'ty Pre dness informs and trains citizens on what they can do before, wring and afte a disas r occur. She also provided a list of Future Emergency nagement prof s. She stated that the City Manager is appointed as the Director of E envy Se s, the Fire Chief is the Deputy Director and the Mayor is the spoke son. A is.done yearly and a different scenario is selected each year. In response until Member Daigle, Ms. Freeman clarified that the Incident Commander I under the ity Manager. In response to Council Member Gardner's concern about the City's notification system, Emergency Service Coordinator Freeman stated that the notification systems are costly and the City would have to invest in a system that could be used in all disasters, which range from $400,000 to $900,000. City Manager Bludau stated that evacuation is a problem for the City because there is no way of letting people know who should evacuate and who shouldn't. Volume 58 - Page 103 City of Newport Beach Study Session Minutes April 10, 2007 Ken Drellishak requested that Council keep sirens in mind when deciding evacuation notification systems. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None. ADJOURNMENT - 5:06 p.m. The agenda for the Special Meeting was posted on April 4, 2007, at 2:25 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. Volume 58 - Page 104 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Regular Meeting April 10, 2007 — 7:00 p.m I. STUDY SESSION - 3:30 p.m II. CLOSED SESSION - 5:10 p.m III. RECESS IV. RECONVENE AT 7 :00 P.M. F( Q Council Member Gardner reported that parking and other issues have been resolved with the Coastal Commission staff for the Balboa Theater and the matter will finally be placed on the Coastal Commission's agenda for approval. Council Member Daigle said she received a letter from Patricia Zorn who lives near China Cove thanking Council for dredging of the China Cove area because it has added to the positive Volume 58 - Page 105 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes April 10, 2007 celebration of her 951h birthday. Ms. Zorn was the first female admitted to the Balboa Yacht Club and keeps a yacht in the harbor to this day. On May 121h a fundraising dinner for the aquatics club will be held at the Pacific Club during which Marian Bergeson will be honored. Council Member Webb spoke about his visit to Sister City Okazaki and found it remarkable that there were so many common goals between the two cities. In addition, he visited Kyoto and a rooftop "green" area on an 11 -story retail building. He was encouraged that Newport Beach might consider incorporating "green" rooftop areas on new buildingWach Mayor Rosansky reminded constituents about the Newport Film Festival April 19th through 29th and the John Wayne Festival commemorating th 00 year of his birth. On his visit to Okazaki, Mayor Rosansky found the citizens and offic' a very warm and inviting and said he was amazed at the parallels between the two citie . ayor nsky offered the "gift" statue to be housed at the library. A SII. CONSENT CALENDAR A. READING OF M 10 1. MINUTES OF THE AD NED REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 24, 2007 AND THE ADJOUR D REGULAR MEETING AND REGULAR MEETING 0 CH 27, 200 100- 2007]. Waive reading of subject minutes, approve as writt rder filed. 2. READING OF O DIN OLUTIONS. Waive reading in full of all ordinances and solution si ration, and direct City Clerk to read by 3. RT BEACH BWING COMPANY, REVIEW OF USE PERMIT NO. FWPOR OULEVARD (PA2006 -177) 1100 - 20071. Continue to 5. CO ONA L MAR STATE BEACH IMPROVEMENTS (C 3461) - MEN NO: 4 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT [38/100 200 Approve Amendm No.. 4 to Professional Services Agreement with Robbins Jor nsen Christohr Acts wn: as Rossetti Jorgensen) for an amount not o exceed $29,925 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk t oe xecute the 7. IO COMMUNICATION TOWER. LEASE AGREEMENT, REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT, BUDGET AMENDMENT (.0 -3928) [381100- 20071. Continue to April 24, 2007. 9. SMART CONTROLLER INSTALLATION AND SERVICES PROGRAM 1381100- 20071. a) Approve a budget amendment (07BA -063) appropriating $94,800 to Account No. 7251- C5106968 for the Weather Based Irrigation Controller Program and increasing revenue estimates by $94,800 representing rebate funding from Municipal Water District of Orange County ( MWDOC); and b) authorize expenditures of $186,306 from CALFED grant funds and MWDOC SmarTimer rebate program funds to install 176 weather -based irrigation controllers in Corona Volume 58 - Page 106 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes April 10, 2007 XIII. del Mar and Newport Coast by Hydropoint Data Systems. 10. TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE - APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH REPUBLIC ITS, INC. (C-3930)[38/100- 20071. Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Republic ITS, Inc. of Novato for annual maintenance of the City's traffic signal equipment at a not to exceed price of $210,000 per year and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. 11. NEWPORT COAST COMMUNITY CEN - AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGRE NT WITH PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. (C-3577) [38/1 2007] Approve Amendment No. 3 to Professional Services Agreement wit a Soils Engineering, Inc. for a not to exceed amount of .$5,156 and aut 'ze the or and City Clerk to execute the Amendment. D. MISCELLANEOUS 12. APPOINTMENTS T E TY COUNCILICITI COMMITTEE ON MARINA PARK DESI 00- 20071. Appoint the fo owing persons to the City Council/Citizens' Comm a on Marina Park Design: a) Randal Eling as the American on, Post 291, esentative; b) Bill Garrett as the Parks, Beaches & Recreation ssion's repre tative; and c) Tom Olivas as the Girl Scout Council of Oran represen e. S17. TRAFFIC IMPA T (F E) E UPDATE - APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL RVI A NT WITH RBF CONSULTINGS (C- 3 381100 -2007 D" staff to ecute a Professional Services Agreement ith R F Consulting pdating the City's traffic impact fee to be consistent with .the ne ly adopted Ci General Plan and authorize. the Mayor and City Clerk to xecu the.Agreement an amount not to exceed $102,900. on a em elich to approve the Consent Calendar noting the con nce m No. 3 22, 2007, continuance of Item No. 7 to April 24, 2007, and Items 8 an The motio rried a following roll call vote: Ayes: Coun Member. Henn, Council Member Curry, Mayor Pro Tem Selich, Mayor Rosan Council Member Webb, Council Member Daigle, Council Member Gardner ITEMS OVE FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR 4. CIT F UNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE PURPOSE AND RESPONSIBILITIES Dick Nichols recommended that finance items be discussed during Study Sessions, rather than being considered by only three Council Members. Council Member Daigle said the Finance Committee would meet on April 24th at 2:30 p.m. and April 25th at 9:00 a.m. and that the meetings were open to the public. Motion by Council Member Curry to adopt Resolution No. 2007 -21 to modify the purpose and responsibilities of the City Council Finance Committee. Volume 58 - Page 107 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes April 10, 2007 The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Henn, Council Member Curry, Mayor Pro Tem Selich, Mayor Rosansky, Council Member Webb, Council Member Daigle, Council Member Gardner 6. NEWPORT COAST DRIVE AND PELICAN HILL ROAD NORTH - APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RBF CONSULTING (C -3927) 1381100- 20071. Dolores Otting said she wanted to know the timefr for the conceptual plan that she understood was being done to prevent cement true to overturning. She understood that Pelican Hills Road South would be open before t project was done and felt the residents would want to know the impact of this project. Council Member Webb responded that can Hills would be open by May 1st per Council's action. Public Works Direc adum responded olores Otting that the timing of this project would depend on wh ptionAe Council selec Motion by Council Member b approve a Profession rvices Agreement with RBF Consulting of Irvine for provi engineering services For the ewport Coast Drive at Pelican Hills Road North Right -T mprovement project for a riot- taexceed price of $100,000 and authorize a Mayor and Clerk to execute the Agreement; and b) approve a budget amendment ( 64) approp ' g $100,000 from the unappropriated balance for Measure M Turnback Account 281- C5200974. The motion carried by the owing ro ote: Ayes: Co ember He cil Memb Curry, Mayor Pro Tem Selich, Mayor ans Council Mem ebb, Council Member Daigle, Council Member Gardner 8. Cl L CONCEPTU SITE PLAN AND RELOCATION OF OCTA TRAN R N CENTE INVESTIGATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES E D IGN (C -3929) [381100- 20071. Dick Ni s fel at because of the investment, the public should have an opportunity to look at th icker Dolores Ott g asked at the City was getting for its $42,000, when an appraisal would be done, and w t will happen with the traffic. teved an alternate site was needed because there were too many problems with n issues including public access to the site. This affects Harbor Pointe and get the full brunt of the noise. He preferred that the Newport Center site be through eminent domain. Barry Allen spoke in favor of the item because it would be a good idea to study the site for a possible. City. Hall location. He also suggested that Mayor Pro Tem Selich conduct outreach with the residents of Harbor Pointe. Ed Stevens also supported this item and felt the study should move forward because it would include a much - needed traffic study. Jan Vandersloot supported approval of the item and commended Mayor Pro Tem Selich for his outreach efforts. He felt it is a small price to pay for an alternate site for City Hall. Volume 58 - Page 108 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes April 10, 2007 13. Mayor Rosansky explained that this contract was being let for a site study only and did not involve noise or traffic studies. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Selich to a) direct staff to execute a Professional Services Agreement with DMJM Design of Los Angeles to provide for the investigation of a potential city hall site at the current OCTA Transportation Center site and the relocation of the OCTA terminal to the parcel immediately south of the existing site in Newport Center for a not -to- exceed price of $42,000 and authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute and Agreement; and b) approve a budget amendment (07 -065) appropriating $42,000 from General Fund unappropriated balance for FY 2007 -08 Account No. 7410- C2910545. The motion carried by the following roll Ayes: Council Member Henn, Council Rosansky, Council Member Webb, BUDGET AMENDMENT UNANTICIPATED OUTSIDE Bob Rush felt the Council nee City Attorney Burnham with 2004. m City Attorney Clauson to concern was a matter for t FP Dolores because City that The n felt there sA ng litigation- Mayor Pro Tem Selich, Mayor Wgle. Council Member Gardner SERVICES FOR der a potential conflict of Merest involving former the document approved by Council in September Gardner that the prior speaker's 000 budgeted for the City Attorney uson confirmto Mayor Pro Tem Selich that her recommendation was his concerns Ath the FPPC. e TAVebb to approve a budget amendment (07BA -066) from ral Fund unappropriated reserves to the City Attorney's ical account 0510 -8080. gie following roll call vote: Member Henn, Council Member Curry, Mayor Pro Tem Selich, Mayor Council Member Webb, Council Member Daigle, Council Member Gardner 'ARK DEDICATION FEE ADJUSTMENT - APPRAISAL OF EASTBLUFF HENRY PARK (contd. from 2/27/07, 3/13/07 & 3/27/07)1100- 2007]. Richard Nichols asked what this had to do with Conexant. Mayor Rosansky advised Mr. Nichols that. he was off -topic and the only consideration was whether or not to grant a continuance. Mr. Nichols felt there should be a one -on -one connection between facilities and parks. Council Member Henn explained that the applicant asked for a continuance and that was the only concern at this point. Mayor Pro Tem Selich said he would not support further continuances after the continuance to April 24th. Mayor Rosansky concurred. Volume 58 - Page 109 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes April 10, 2007 XV. Motion by Council Member Webb to continue to April 24, 2007. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Henn, Council Member Curry, Mayor Pro Tem Selich, Mayor Rosansky, Council Member Webb, Council Member Daigle, Council Member Gardner PUBLIC COMMENTS Cynthia Koller said she was concerned about her neighborhood d related a telephone conversation with an ADP state official regarding group homes and inc' nts that occurred during a previous IROC meeting. She asked the City Council to immediate1mcss the moratorium. Lori Morris asked who was making sure that o Koke:tat \FPPC. omes were conducting background checks on residents. Residents wh regarding this matter were threatened and admonished to stay on top' Deborah Calvert said that over two ye go sh uestionflict involving former City Attorney Bob Burnham and no one her contact t Mary Bryant spoke about a possible conflict o terest regarding group homes and hoped the City would be able to resolve this issug. Denys Oberman spoke about th has repeatedly stated that it is t the constituents and she. wanted Dolores OttYese out the change the rou from J� that the Co eoues d a ore Dick Nichols 7A of est regarding group homes. This Council zcil to 1 with this problem and provide relief to gh wi -their promise to their constituents. arning siren, the location of shelters, and the need to toad. Council Member Henn responded to Dolores Otting on an alternative notification system. and definitions of group homes. "ida Mart i nd 1 th- a7during the last meeting when the last speaker was talking about group ho the eo was scrambled. Council Member Henn assured the speaker that technical difficulti with th 'deo were unexpected and unintentional. uhlmann ask why there was no discussion about Mr. Rush's comments. Mayor Rosansky exp d that this as not the time for this type of discussion and that City Attorney Clauson rectum ded to Mr ush that he contact the FPPC. Mayor Rosa ted that IROC was scheduled to meet on Thursday from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the library and re sentatives from ADP in Sacramento would be present to address community concerns. XVI. ORAL REPORTS FROM CITY COUNCIL ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Mayor Pro Tem Selich announced that the General Plan Implementation Committee would meet on Wednesday, April 11th. The committee has an advisory group that includes local contractors and others. An additional meeting is scheduled for May 16th at 6:30 p.m. Council Member Daigle said she attended the Sanitation District meeting for Council Member Webb and reported that the district is embarking on a $320 million capital improvement project. The Aviation Committee meets on April 23rd at 8:00 a.m. at the library. Discussion will include the Volume 58 - Page 110 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes April 10, 2007 lease expiration for the golf course and family recreation area adjacent to the airport and the fact that the airport may be considering converting the area to a parking lot. XVII. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA AND ORAL STATUS REPORT 15. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA FOR APRIL 5, 2007 [100- 2007]. Planning Director Lepo reported on the following items that were. considered during the April 5, 2007 meeting: Use Permit No. 3158 for. Balb Inn LLC (PA2006 -270) Sienna Restaurant, 105 Main Street; and Advanced Real Est ervices (PA2005 -196), 201 & 207 Carnation Avenue and 101 Bayside Place. XVIII. CONTINUED BUSINESS 16. COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ENFORCEMENT ISSUES AND REI MEASURES TO INCREASE NEIGIY. S18. City Manager Bludau reported a about the enforcement on Ocean Council directed the City Manager to February 13th Police Chief Bob Mc will be in place in finding problematic and staff b ere future; and the two perso at effectiveness of the patr are h recommended that the patr be con security The Ayes: in place said he to provide OCEAN BOULEVARD LAW h TO IMPLEMENT FURTHER AND BW&CH SECURITY [100- 2007]. d g the January 23r dy session staff talked e d and in the Peninsula t beach area. The City k measures that would address these concerns. On Jo ll made three recommendations. The metal gate an ropriate low light camera system has been will be commendation to City Council in the near been in a since March and statistics regarding the in cil's report. City Manager Bludau e y 2nd to ensure enough time to have the onal in or to collect sufficient data. a number of residents that they appreciated the police to allow identified public safety measures to be trial tested in order to determine whether further i Boulevard residents with the security they deserve. following roll call vote: Member°' Henn, Council. Member Curry, Mayor Pro Tem Selich, Mayor ✓, Council Member Webb, Council Member Daigle, Council Member Gardner OF COUNCIL FOR A SPONSORSHIP OF THE JOHN WAYNE 1L CELEBRATION AND BUDGET AMENDMENT [100 - 2007]. Gary Sirwin, President, Newport Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau, spoke about the John Wayne Centennial Celebration press conference and requested City Council approval for participation and co- sponsorship of the event in the amount of $75,000 to supplement the Center's contribution. Gregg Schwenk explained that this would be a one -time request for funds, talked about the amount of work and cost involved to secure film rights, provide outreach, initiate marketing, share media transfer cost, etc. and hoped the Council would support the request for funds. Volume 58 - Page 111 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes April 10, 2007 Motion by Council Member Curry to approve the sponsorship and a budget amendment (07BA -067) transferring $75,000 from the unappropriated General Fund reserve to Account 0310 -8080. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council. Member Henn, Council Member Curry, Mayor Pro Tem Selich, Mayor Rosanaky, Council Member Webb, Council Member Daigle, Council Member Gardner XDL MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION— None XX- ADJOURNMENT - 8.45 p.m. in memory of Ewald The agenda for the Regular Meeting was posted o r' 007, at 2:25 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the City of wport B Administration Building. The supplemental agenda for the Regular Meeting posted on Ap 6, 2007, at 3:30 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outside of the Cit Newport Beach A stration Building. Mayor Volume 58 - Page 112