HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC - Public Comments - Linda OrozcoLl �ay /O -7- 9u' I(c NEWPORT CITY OFFICIALS: Z 4 a- Q Y oz c o COWARDS, CONSPIRATORS OR INCOMPETENTS? Since 2003, hundreds of residents, homeowners, and citizens have active complained to Newport Beach city officials regarding violations of over - occupancy, traffic, noise, parking, service vehicles & other issues at residential property: 1810 W. Oceanfront, Newport Beach, CA - Residential Treatment Facility Single building with 3 apartments & 3 off - street parking spaces Complaints were filed with city officials in writing, during City Council meetings and public hearings using photos/videos and state dept. reports to document their complaints. The result? The city of Newport Beach issued a NEW Certificate of Occupancy and DOUBLED the occupancy to 49 PERSONS in this residential triplex in 2005. The prior legal Certificate of Occupancy (since 1994) listed 27 persons maximum. The city VIOLATED its own City Zoning Code 20.62.050 failed to require a Conditional Use Permit for any expansion, increase, & intensification. City attorney's office CLAIMED THIS WAS NOT AN INTENSIFICATION OF THE USE OF THIS PROPERTY! NEWPORT CITY OFFICIALS: COWARDS, CONSPIRATORS OR INCOMPETENTS? 1810 W. Oceanfront Newport Beach Triplex (3 condos /apts) Southern Calif. Headquarters for NARCONON, Inc. Property Owners are Carolyn/Gene Ross of Lido Island OCCUPANCY = 49 Parking Spaces = 3 Full time staff = 29 Page I of 3 You replied on 10/20/2005 9:58 AM. X=4 __\A IA 01' From: Harp, Aaron [aharp @city.newport- beach.ca.us] Sent: Mon 9/26/2005 11:31 AM Cc: Temple Linda; Clawson, Robin 1 �� Su Temple, Patty 2O Subject: RE: ILLEGAL EXPANSION Attachments: X /i' Hi Linda, /1 I understand your position; however, our office continues to disagree ap with your analysis that there is an intensification of use which would Q` reuve a Conditions Use Our office will continue to monitor the situation and wi adil vise the City Departments to take appropriate action if there are any violations of law at the property. is Aaron C. Harp, Assistant City Attorney 1� City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92658 -8915 aharp@city.newport-beach.ca.us Phone (949) 644 -3131 Facsimile (949) 723 -3519 Confidentiality Notice: This email may contain material that is confidential, privileged and /or protected by the attorney work product doctrine. This email is intended for the sole use of the addressee. Any review by, reliance or distribution by others or forwarding to others without express permission is strictly prohibited. If you receive this transmission in error, you are advised that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance upon the communication is strictly prohibited. Moreover, any such inadvertent disclosure shall not compromise or waive the attorney- client privilege as to this communication. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately. Thank you. - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Orozco, Linda [ maiRo :lomzco@Exchancie.FULLERTON.EDUI Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 7:44 AM To: Harp, Aaron; Clauson, Robin Cc: Orozco, Linda Subject: ILLEGAL EXPANSION City Attorney's Office City of Newport Beach Robin Clauson, City Attorney Aaron Harp, Asst. City Attorney, Subject: Residential Property 1810 W. Oceanfront (Narconon business) All city documents currently and legally confirm 27 as maximum TOTAL occupancy (staff and clients) at 1810 W. Oceanfront. These include City Certificate of Occupancy, City Fire Inspection Report and Letter from City Fire Marshall. This limit of 27 has been documented for years, even in light of consistent violations by Narconon. Narconon's http:// owaportal.fullerton.edulexchangeA orozcol drug% 20house /RE: %20ILLEGAL %20EXPANSI... 3/23/2007 violations have included 27 -40 beds over the past 2 years, and 29 full -time staff documented by Narconon. As many as 70 persons have been part of this business on this property. Written complaints by residents to the city over the past 2 years has failed to have the city enforce the legal limit of 27. If the city expands occupancy to 49 (27 clients and 22 full -time staff), this city action will violate our citizens' right to a full public hearing with the Newport Beach City Planning Commission as part of a required Use Permit application for ANY EXPANSION by Narconon. Newport Beach Zoning Code 20.62.050 -A, which states: "EXPANSION, INCREASE AND INTENSIFICATION OF NONCONFORMING USES A use normally permitted by right or by the approval of a use permit, but which is nonconforming by virtue of the required conditions of the district in which it is located, may be expanded, increased or intensified by way of a change in operational characteristics upon the approval of a use permit." We expect the city to enforce the current Zoning Code, and assure our rights to a public hearing and review of Use Permit application with the City Planning Commission prior to any expansion of occupancy at this location. Dr. Linda Orozco 1805 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 949 - 673 -5416 cc. Owners /residents 1800 block of Oceanfront & Balboa Blvd. California Coastal Commission Senator John Campbell From: Harp, Aaron [ mailto: aharo @city.newport- beach.ca.us) Sent: Thu 9/8/2005 5:07 PM To: Orozco, Linda Subject: RE: EXPANDING OCCUPANCY AT NARCONON? Hi Linda, Our office disagrees with vour analvsis that there is me if you have any questions. Aaron C. Harp, Assistant City Attorney City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92658 -8915 aharp@city.newport-beach.ca.us Phone(949)644 -3131 Facsimile (949) 723 -3519 - - - -- Original Message - - - -- Page 2 of 3 4g _ d feel O` http:// owaportal .fullerton.edulexchangellorozcol drug% 20house /RE: %20ILLEGAL %20EXPANSI... 3/23/2007 Page 3 of 3 From: Orozco, Linda [ mailto: lorozco @Exchange.FULLERTON.EDU] Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:35 PM To: Harp, Aaron Cc: Orozco, Linda Subject: EXPANDING OCCUPANCY AT NARCONON? Aaron Harp, Assistant City Attorney City Attorney's Office Newport Beach Aaron, Any expansion of 'occupancy' for Narconon's multi - million dollar rehab business operation at the residential address of 1810 W. Oceanfront, from 27 to 49 persons requires a Conditional Use Permit per the Newport Beach Zoning Code 20.62.050 -A, which states: "EXPANSION, INCREASE AND INTENSIFICATION OF NONCONFORMING USES A use normally permitted by right or by the approval of a use permit, but which is nonconforming by virtue of the required conditions of the district in which it is located, may be expanded, increased or intensified by way of a change in operational characteristics upon the approval of a use pen-nit." Please confirm that PRIOR to any city expansion of occupancy at this address - The city will direct Narconon to prepare and submit an application for a Conditional Use Permit, conduct a public hearing, and REQUIRE review and approval of the city's Planning Commission. Dr. Linda Orozco 1805 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 949- 673 -5416 http:ll owaportal .fullerton.edu /exchangellorozcol drug% 20house /RE: %20ILLEGAL %20EXPANSI... 3/23/2007 of Si be a a�- 44 W � w ON v ri w x U Q z h a ° z+u° z 93 H o o a .7 r� � Hhw a� � ., � ow y Z� �. k ' F-I 0 H c"3 ui j3xww x 0 c w vz E+ n U z z 0 H Lei E-� U w a z H a a H U L*3 cu U) A .S Ri w z 0 U a 0 a °H q m H V HO a� 5 pq a O w10 ? r � m 0 o Q ■ 44 W � w ON v ri w x U Q z h a ° z+u° z 93 H o o a .7 r� � Hhw a� � ., � ow y Z� �. k ' F-I 0 H c"3 ui j3xww x 0 c w vz E+ n U z z 0 H Lei E-� U w a z H a a H U L*3 cu U) A .S Ri w z 0 U a 0 a October 30, 2003 Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs Licensing and Certification Branch 1700 K Street Sacramento, CA 95814 -4037 Subject: Change in Capacity 1810 W. Ocean Front, Newport Beach, CA The attached Fire Safety Inspection Report from December 2001 has beer revised to reflect the Building Department's Certificate of Occupancy. This Certificate um occupant load of 9 persons per floor, with a total f 27 p rsons This facility shall be available for inspection any time a member of the Newport Beach Fire Department requests entry. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our office at (949) 644-3106 Thank you. Sincerely, Nadine Morris Fire Prevention Specialist 12/23/2003 00:50 9496758991 12/23/2003 12:03 7143892243 �nemeiy.�M PRE SAFETY INSpOMON REQUEST �sel�u�nsorrnevena PAGE 02 PACE 02 .o�aean�uaw� �� 6 322 Wll Aer�w . NorT AWrG a :. F10i iaT" ASS CM �, +.owraru. �.r+as�iwv AGEWY Department of Al ohW & DrUg Programs m�esrr rua MM Ftesidenfiat & Ou"Ur=nt Programs Compoerwe Branch starteaer t+wrrg5 1700 K Street, Third Floor +. CrNGRil CHAMW Sacrememo, Ca@fomia qw1+ 4037 Awsu�roRY lYOruwut.�•mrty .aFDWUCrsw iii Aid E DAl bAi BOUT%} C--i<°�1J .. � G.1 � t71�11! ,a.re�a "70' sp� j tewlober Cir:laa�f "It 0.0 C— AACIIYY Of -11 1 NCLUUS STAFF AMb Ct.tEFS75. FD I%SPELTIMS 344ALL,K CONDUCTED AT FUS REi>Zt3ESr ANYTIME. " 09 GGOrl6Ento w 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ^I FM m FIRE DEPARTMENT MAW AM P.O. BOX 1768 APOPMU NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 -8915 L J NAbI ME MDVZ1.S A. Q0*ftthUMM C FOW ALAM 4raRarlCfl' OtlOMItYC1flr 6. afYar4,611C - i! Md�M6 3DOS9 R 10A K-Vft�LWARb CIa4ACtTy NCLIiDES STAFF AN CLIENT-S. 7Yr F% I uS1�ELTt D1J S S+{ALL BE COMDt)CTE1 AT Fb'S RIE QUEST A tJy rt) rle� t.Blt +d: . 02--I erp 'r"..d as November 25, 2003 Dr. Linda Orozco 1805 West Balboa Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: 1810 West Ocean Front and 1811 West Balboa Boulevard P b HMI Bo-., 17W . 4etaprtBearh CA9 5 B- tS.�'l Dear Dr.Orozco, Thank you for your letters dated October 22, 2003, and October 27, 2003, regarding occupancy- load and licensing_concems for the. subject addresses. - . On October 30, 2003, an inspection was conducted by Fire Prevention Staff at 1810 West Ocean Front, as required by the California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (CDADP). As a result of the inspection, and the maximum occupant load listed on the Certificate of Occupancy, a fire clearance has been granted to Nareonon Southern California Inc., for the address of 1810 West Ocean Front with the following conditions: 1. The previous ambulam ity of 32 persons shall. be amended to a total ambulatory capaci 27 ons, which includes staff and clients. 2. The facility shall be available for inspection at any time a request is made by a member of the Newport Beach Fire Department. The CDADP has been notified of the above required conditions. Fire Prevention Staff will continue to conduct inspections, as required by the California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, to ensure compliance with the conditions as listed above. On November 20, 2003, a letter was mailed to the CDADP requesting an inspection at 1811 West Balboa Boulevard. The letter states that we have been advised of a location in the City that maybe operating as an Alcohol and Drug Recovery facility without a license and have requested a report back regarding their investigative findings. Alcohol and Drug Programs facilities are required by the licensing agency to meet specific criteria. As requested by the licensing agency, the Newport Beach Fire Department conducts inspections and reports on the findings. The licensing agency for these types of facilities is the State of California, Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs. They are the only agency that can revoke or issue a license for operations for these types of facilities. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Fire Prevention Division at (949) 644 -3106. Sincere Dennis Lockard Fire Mazshal STATE OF CALFORN"FALTX AND HI M5EfMCES AGENCY .. n^,��,�//i����Q/�� � .6epa��AkcMl �o92ms AOPW1Al08M �` Y _ \` \J\ Lben and cwaf2fm Brach G.' 19mupsiFm�SaVamrslGatlsNlrwd _RLfim l/ V 170D K Sree1 swarcenro, CA 958161037 .,nt,re ne noc,n,ee.,ry An unannounced licensing compliance review was completed at the above address by Licensing and Certification Analyst David P. Galindo. An inspection of the facility premises and a review of policies, procedures, staff and resident files was conducted for compliance with Title 9, Chapter 5, California Code of Regulations (CCR) requirements. Present during this review were Shannon Nicks, Deputy Executive Director, and Larry Trahant, Executive Director. It is important that the licensee complies with regulations and the instructions of this Notice of Deficiency, Written verification of the correction of all deficiencies or a corrective action plan (CAP) must be submitted to the Department and postmarked no later than the dates specified in this Notice of Deficiency. Failure of the licensee to comply shall result In the assessment of civil penalties that may""k result in other possible enforcement actions, such as license suspension or revocation. 1) TWO 9, Section 10513, Adherence to the Express Conditions of Licensure, Class A Deficlency The above section states, A fx ensee shad not operate a fadly beyond the conditions and The licensee was deficient In meeting this regulation because during the re viea;Sha w I counted 37 beds. The bCOty Is licensed for 32 beds. The licensee removed the beds prior to my departure 2) Title 9, Section 10565, Personnel Records, Class C Deficiency The above section states, 'Personnel records shad be completed and main bed for each empbyee, ...and shad contain the folbving ....' The licensee Was deficient In meeting this regulation because during the compliance review employee's Glen Farnsworth and Shannon Flicks did not have Completed job applications, duty statements, and resumes. 3) TWO 9, Section 10561(c), (31 Reporting Requirements, Class C Deficiency The above section states, in part, "The dams bebw shag be reported to the department 05 ten (10) xork!V days Mowing the occurrance...'. The licensee was deficient h meeting this regulation because the department was not otitdaily nDtifled of the current factflty administrator. 4) TWO 9, Section 10564 (b), (3), Personnel Requirements, Class C Deficiency The above section states, Ad personnel shad be bathed... have experfwx uhtch ptviddes lanvWo ... requ red...' •Ou REVIEWER SIG RErOArE NT TELEPHONE LICENSEE NAME NARCONON INTERNATIONAL, INC. {DENTIFICAT{DN NUMBER: 30DD77AN FACILITY NAME NARCONON NEWPORT BEACH DATE OF REVIEW: JANUARY 26, 2DD0 ADDRESS: 1610 WEST OCEAN FRONT, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92663 TYPE OF REVIEW; DATE FIRE CLEARANCE APPROVED: 17 INITIAL r FOLLOW -UP Page 1 Unda CoOrds X COMPLIANCE REVIEW r COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION APPROVED CENSUS r DEATH INVESTIGATION TOTAL OCCUPANCY: 32 TOTAL OGCUPANCY:28 - TREATMENT CAPACITY: 32 TREATMENT CAPACITY: 26 LICENSING AUTHORITY: Health and Safety Cade Seeft 11634.01 and Title 9, Cardomb Code of ReWarnms (CCR), SwIlm 10592 An unannounced licensing compliance review was completed at the above address by Licensing and Certification Analyst David P. Galindo. An inspection of the facility premises and a review of policies, procedures, staff and resident files was conducted for compliance with Title 9, Chapter 5, California Code of Regulations (CCR) requirements. Present during this review were Shannon Nicks, Deputy Executive Director, and Larry Trahant, Executive Director. It is important that the licensee complies with regulations and the instructions of this Notice of Deficiency, Written verification of the correction of all deficiencies or a corrective action plan (CAP) must be submitted to the Department and postmarked no later than the dates specified in this Notice of Deficiency. Failure of the licensee to comply shall result In the assessment of civil penalties that may""k result in other possible enforcement actions, such as license suspension or revocation. 1) TWO 9, Section 10513, Adherence to the Express Conditions of Licensure, Class A Deficlency The above section states, A fx ensee shad not operate a fadly beyond the conditions and The licensee was deficient In meeting this regulation because during the re viea;Sha w I counted 37 beds. The bCOty Is licensed for 32 beds. The licensee removed the beds prior to my departure 2) Title 9, Section 10565, Personnel Records, Class C Deficiency The above section states, 'Personnel records shad be completed and main bed for each empbyee, ...and shad contain the folbving ....' The licensee Was deficient In meeting this regulation because during the compliance review employee's Glen Farnsworth and Shannon Flicks did not have Completed job applications, duty statements, and resumes. 3) TWO 9, Section 10561(c), (31 Reporting Requirements, Class C Deficiency The above section states, in part, "The dams bebw shag be reported to the department 05 ten (10) xork!V days Mowing the occurrance...'. The licensee was deficient h meeting this regulation because the department was not otitdaily nDtifled of the current factflty administrator. 4) TWO 9, Section 10564 (b), (3), Personnel Requirements, Class C Deficiency The above section states, Ad personnel shad be bathed... have experfwx uhtch ptviddes lanvWo ... requ red...' •Ou REVIEWER SIG RErOArE NT TELEPHONE I understand my appeal rights Date Signed: David P. Gemdo q„ (916) 445 -5(185 �q� / //J / /(� �/' I/ / Z 7/ Z 6dQ NAME OF SUPERVISOR TELEPHONE Page 1 Unda CoOrds (916) 327 -6508 `GROGRAM REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE SPATE OF CALIFORNIA — HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGEN Y V O ' DepaMlent of Alcohol and Drug Programs Licensing and Certification Branch 1700 K Street Sacramento, CA 958141037 LICENSING REPORT LICENSEE NAME: Narconon Southern California, Inc. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 300077AN FACILITY NAME: Narconon Southern California DATE OF REVIEW: October 22, 2003 ADDRESS: 1610 West Ocean Street, Newport Beach, California TYPE OF REVIEW: DATE FIRE CLEARANCE APPROVED: INITIAL COMPLIANCE REVIEW REQUESTED CENSUS DEATH INVESTIGATION TOTAL OCCUPANCY: TOTAL OCCUPANCY: INCREASE IN CAPACITY TREATMENT CAPACITY: 32 TREATMENT CAPACITY: 31 J WALK- THROUGH LICENSING AUTHORITY: Health and Safety Code Section 11834.01 and Title 9, Califomia Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 10502 On October 22, 2003, Licensing and Certification Analyst, Nadalie Martin conducted an unannounced walk- through at the above - mentioned facility. The walk- through was conducted because the Department had received information that the residential facility was over capaci excee a idential treatment capacity. On the day of the walk- through a tota of 31 residential treatment beds a counted in the facility. However, severa d frames and mattresses were In e a y in ront of the fact i The Program Director, Ms. Shannon I s a vise3 the anaVst -thiat -the- beds -ice X113 -P -17 IdTbed frames and mattresses that had been replaced with new bed frames and mattresses for their residents. Since the residential treatment facility did not have more treatment beds than authorized by the current license and the fire clearance dated December 18, 2001, a deficiency for an over Capacity violation was not issued. TELEPHONE (916) 445 -7771 Date Signed: Linda Brad eyPERVI50R I (16) 323-1 99 I PROGRAM REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE I Page 1 of 1 0i - i, ( `2o (3/ STATE Of CALWOffla"EALTN AND NLWAN SERVICES AGENCY DeparaneN of Alton$ and 1w GPro¢ams ADPOO15L (OMT) esi0er3ial and OuWieni Programs C a Branca 1700 K $Ireel Sawarnordo• CA W814.4037 NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY LICENSEE NAME Narconon Soutbem Canfomla IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 300077AN FACILITY NAME Narconon Southern California, Inc. DATE OF REVIEW: November Z , 2004 ADDRESS: 1810 West Ocean Front, Newport Beady, California 92663 TYPE OF REVIEW: T INITIAL C FOLLOW -UP T COMPLIANCE REVIEW XCOMPLAINT INVESTIGATION T DEATH INVESTIGATION DATE FIRE CLEARANCE APPROVED: APPROVED TOTAL OCCUPANCY: 27 TREATMENT CAPACITY: 27 CENS �k,..t TOTAL OCCUPAI „ . TREATMENT C ITY:'v'� LICENSING AUTHORITY: Health and Safety Code Section 11834.01 and Title 9. California Code of Regrdatons (CCR). Section 10502 An unannounced site visit was made on November 1— , 2004 by Dennis L. Dunn to investigate complaint #04-111. D,5ee1...s I��a r M:kal�bvt�> Jrh °�^"°ie contacted. The following allegation was discussed withhv. Ad�•++s)HY,1c bva�� r`Lr• 19 during the exit conference: A) The licensee may be operating beyond its maximum capacity for occupancy. The entire physical plant was inspected in order to investigate the above allegation. deficiency. Written verification of the correction of the deficiency, or a Corrective action plan (CAP), must be submitted to the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) and postmarked no later than the date specified in this notice of deficiency. Failure of the licensee to comply shall result in the assessment of civil penalties, which may result in other possible enforcement actions, such as license suspension or revocation. A) Title 9, Section 10513, Adherence to Express Conditions of Ucensure, Class B Deficiency. The above section states: uA licensee shall not operate a facility beyond the conditions and limitations specified on the license." Allegation W is substantiated, and the licensee was deficient in meeting the above regulation because of the following: T" 1; r-vvr.-Ar licc -^rre�. �I" n L� c•.an.Y e a I� wS -VVW A *%- aX:rNV z7 !i Qcrtnrw c , 1*1+,0 �-tic I(k VVQ of t 'VtA 11 14- ak eW-c�tvc aJtza dl'- OC+eior t°{ -7aov '•l.�1 '%'o b to —SAS y`E V i ow 'aA o. k C-X I C- O C C�J I� Q'-' cJ (` a �, r 4`4 twvx- c+, prolTy;Se � � � .� � .t6 (i w� - . w . § % § 4 u \ m@ ] ±§ \ - « U f• § j(( §§ U, j}§ § o LL . ALL . \ \ Ion §d § zMLu ( § z� 7A m RJR §o . 4 \2\ CO \ ) . \ . ] $ u z m 2 §2k § « § � � \ \ \ � \ / \ § §§