HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/4/2010 - Civil Service Board (2)CIVIL SERVICE BOARD MEETING MINUTES   DATE: October 4, 2010 5:00 p.m. – 5:40 p.m. BOARD: Hugh Logan, Chairperson Debra Allen, Vice Chairperson Doug Coulter, Board Member James “Mickey” Dunlap, Board Member Maiqual “Mike” Talbot, Board Member STAFF: Lauren F. Farley, Acting HR Director David R. Hunt, City Attorney Christine Fox, HR Analyst Jyll C. Ramirez, Administrative Assistant to the HR Director 1. FLAG SALUTE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Board Member Coulter. 2. ROLL CALL Board Member Dunlap was absent. All other Board Members were present. 3. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 CIVIL SERVICE BOARD MEETING MINUTES A Motion was made by Board Member Coulter to approve the September 13, 2010 Civil Service Board Minutes. Vice Chairperson Allen seconded the Motion. It was approved 4 Ayes, 0 No. 4. TRAINING IN APPEAL PROCESSES AND HEARINGS – DAVID HUNT, CITY ATTORNEY Mr. Hunt handed out an informational document titled CSB Procedural Rules: Pre- Hearing Procedures and went over the handout thoroughly, which described the events that will occur prior and during the two upcoming appeal hearings. 5. MONTHLY REPORT FROM THE SECRETARY – LAUREN FARLEY, ACTING HR DIRECTOR a. Update on Employees Appeal Timeline/Possible Rescheduling Mr. Hunt reminded the Board Members it was decided at the September 13, 2010 CSB meeting to schedule the hearing for the non-Civil Service employee November 3, 4 and 5. Unfortunately, since that meeting, the employee’s representative notified the City CSB Minutes October 4, 2010 Meeting Page 2 of 4 Attorney’s Office that those dates would not work. The Board discussed holding the hearings December 8, 9 and 10, and would confirm the dates with Jyll Ramirez or Lauren Farley. The Civil Service employee was notified that the appeal hearing was scheduled for December 17, 2010. The City Attorney’s Office has not heard back from the employee or their representative; therefore, Mr. Hunt assumes the date is acceptable. Chairperson Logan asked Mr. Hunt what time the hearings will be held on the decided dates. Mr. Hunt recommended that the start time be 9:00 a.m., with a break for lunch, and conclude at 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. If people wish to go earlier or later that can be decided upon mutual agreement of the parties. b. Other Ms. Farley notified the Board that HR is in the midst of Open Enrollement for active and retired employees which concludes October 8. The Fire Chief recruitment is proceeding and staff is very busy. *Chairperson Logan requested to move item 10, Status Reports, up to item six (6) and move all of the items down one. The Motion was made by Board Member Coulter to move the Status Reports up to item six (6). Vice Chairperson Allen seconded the Motion. It was approved 4 Ayes, 0 No. 6. STATUS REPORTS* a. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Division Chief Ralph Restadius gave the status report for the Fire Department • Testing for the Lifeguard Battalion Chief is October 20, 2010. There are two openings. • Public Safety Day was October 3, 2010, and the Fire Department’s Station 2 and Station 3 held open houses with good turn-outs. • October 28 will be the City-wide Disaster Drill. • Chief Parker has offered employment to some of the Firefighter candidates who have finished their background process. Some are still going throught that process. • The Fire and Lifeguard Appreciation event, hosted by the Chamber of Commerce, will be held Thursday, October 14, 2010 at the Newport Dunes. b. POLICE DEPARTMENT Captain Gazsi delivered the Police Department’s status report to the Board: CSB Minutes October 4, 2010 Meeting Page 3 of 4 Recruitment Update • The Police Department is currently recruiting for Community Services Officers, Police Dispatchers, Lateral Police Officers and Custody Officers. They hope to open the recruitment for Senior Police Dispatcher soon, with the Board’s approval. • Thirty-three (33) oral interviews were conducted for Community Service Officer the week of September 20, 2010. • Twenty-eight (28) oral interviews were conducted for Police Dispatcher the week of September 27, 2010. • On October 23, the Police Department will conduct physical agility tests for forty-four (44) Lateral Police Officers candidates. • There have been 750 applicants for the Custody Officer position. Points of Interest • Police Recruit Officers Alex Maslin, David Seriega and Joseph DeJulio began the Orange County Sheriff’s Academy August 16, 2010. They are ranked in the top three of their class. 7. REQUEST FINAL RECOMMENDATION ON CIVIL SERVICE CHARTER UPDATE – CHIEF OFFICER RECRUIMENT PROCESS SECTION – DAVID HUNT, CITY ATTORNEY Mr. Hunt notified the Board that the only change requested at their September 13, 2010 meeting is Section 2.24.100 Fire and Police Chief Selection and their inclusion in that process. Another small change made was renaming the Employment List to Eligibility List, so that it is consistant with the Employee Policy Manual. A Motion was made by Board Member Coulter to recommend Section 2.24.100 Selection of Fire and Police Chiefs as modified and amended. Vice Chairperson Allen seconded the Motion. It was approved 4 Ayes, O No. Mr. Hunt informed the Board that their recommendation for the Civil Service Charter Update will be presented as an Ordinance, first (1st) reading, at the October 12, 2010 City Council meeting. 8. REQUEST TO APPROVE THE ELIGIBILITY LIST FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES OFFICER – POLICE DEPARTMENT *Chairperson Logan requested that items eight and nine be combined and action taken in one Motion. A Motion was made by Vice Chairperson Allen to approve the eligibility lists for Community Services Officer and Police Dispatcher. Board Member Coulter seconded the Motion. It was approved 4 Ayes, 0 No. CSB Minutes October 4, 2010 Meeting Page 4 of 4 9. REQUEST TO APPROVE THE POLICE DISPATCHER ELIGIBILITY LIST – POLICE DEPARTMENT *See item #8 10. REQUEST TO OPEN THE PROMOTIONAL RECRUITMENT FOR POLICE DISPATCHER, SENIOR – POLICE DEPARTMENT A Motion was made by Board Member Coulter to approve opening the promotional recruitment for Police Dispatcher, Senior. Vice Chairperson Allen seconded the Motion. It was approved 4 Ayes, 0 No. 11. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS None. 12. ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS None 13. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 14. ADJOURNMENT The Civil Service Board meeting adjourned at 5:40 PM.