HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 - Hyatt Regency EIRCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 11 November 27, 2007 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Planning Department Jaime Murillo, Associate Planner (949) 644 - 3209, lmu rillo(&citv.newport- beach.ca.us SUBJECT: Contract for Environmental Consulting Services . Hyatt Regency Environmental Impact Report (EIR) APPLICANT: Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. ISSUE In accordance with Council Policy F -14 (Authority to Contract for Services), the City Manager shall provide notice of a permit application and a brief description of the proposed project to the City Council when a contract for professional services is paid for by funds in an applicant deposit account and the total cost for services exceeds $100,000. RECOMMENDATION Receive and File. DISCUSSION This report is intended to provide notice to the City Council of a contract for professional services between the City of Newport Beach and The Planning Center for the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) associated with a project to expand the existing Hyatt Regency hotel at 1107 Jamboree Road. The existing contract is in the amount of $171,300.00, which was paid for by the project applicant ( Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc.); however, the scope of work has been expanded to include additional analysis required to address biological resource and fuel modification issues related to the proposed timeshare buildings located in.the northern portion of the site. The estimated budget to complete this - additional analysis is $18,770.00, resulting in a total contract amount of $190,070.00. The applicant has been noted of the amended contract amount and has agreed to fund the amount. November 27, 2007 Page 2 The project includes the addition of 88 timeshare units, an expanded 11,032 square -foot ballroom, a 10,072 square -foot spa and new pool, and a new two -level parking garage. Implementation will require demolition of 12 existing hotel rooms and the Terrace Ballroom and removal of a nine -hole golf course. The expansion will require the following approvals from the City: 1. Use Permit - Expansion of hotel and an increase in permissible height to 35 -feet; 2. Development Agreement - Required for timeshare units; 3. Parcel Map - Subdivide the property into two parcels; 4. Certification of an Environmental Impact Report The DEIR is currently under preparation for the project and will analyze any potential significant effects resulting from project implementation and will identify any mitigation measures and reasonable alternatives to avoid such significant effects. Prepared by: Ime Murillo, Associate Planner Submitted by: Homer Bludau, C' y Manager FMSERSTLMSharedlProfessional Services Agreements S Contractsftatt - Planning CenteAHyatt Council ReportIdoc November 8, 2007 Mr. Jaime Murillo, Associate Planner City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658 Subject: Request for V Contract Amendment for Environmental Services for the Hyatt Regency Newport Beach Project (CNB- 09.OE) Dear Mr. Murillo This letter is to request a contract amendment for services by The Planning Center to modify the Screencheck EIR for the Hyatt Regency Newport Beach Project to address recent project description changes as proposed by the project applicant. These changes were made primarily to address biological resource (coastal sage scrub) and fuel modification issues related to timeshare building development in the northern portion of the project site. Modifications to the Screencheck EIR to address these changes and to document the findings of updated technical studies are beyond the scope of our original contract as amended in June 2007. Our existing contract as previously amended for this project is for a total of $171,300, including subconsultants and reimbursables. To complete the processing of this project, we are requesting $18,770 in additional labor fees for The Planning Center. No additional subconsultant or reimbursable costs are requested. Following is a description of the scope of work to be included for the additional fees. THE PLANNING CENTER SCOPE OF WORK Task it Initial Study/Notice of Preparation This task has been completed and there are no changes. Task 2: Public Seeping Meeting Subsequent to contract execution, the City decided that a public scoping meeting would not be necessary for the project. The budget for this task was subtracted in Contract Amendment No. 1. Task 3: Screencheck Draft EIR The following additional work is required to address the proposed revisions to the project: Project Description Revisions The project description will be updated to reflect the revised site plan and phasing (opening year of 2011). The description will require updating each of the exhibits in this section, and will also be November S, 2007 Page 2 supplemented to include a description of the proposed Fire Protection Plan. It is assumed that exhibits to update proposed infrastructure improvements (Conceptual Water and Sewer Plan, Drainage Concept Plan, etc.) will be provided by Fuscoe Engineering and Site Plan, Elevations, etc., will be provided by Lee and Sakahara Architects. Topical Analysis Proposed site plan revisions primarily affect the following EIR sections: Aesthetics, Biological Resources, Land Use and Planning, and Traffic (Parking). These sections will be updated to reflect the revised Site Plan and more detailed assessment of biological resource impacts, and related mitigation. The Land Use and Planning section will evaluate the revised building elevations relative to the City's height limitation requirements and also update the assessment of land use policies relative to coastal sage scrub. The traffic study update as included in Contract Amendment No. 1 will be updated to reflect an opening year of 2011. Although the number of units and the ballroom and spa square footage have not been modified, this update will alter traffic counts (ADTs) which will require updating our air quality and noise analyses. The noise analysis was conducted using the Federal Highway Administration's Traffic Noise Model (TNM). Changes to the traffic modeling year affect the number of vehicles on roadway segments in the project vicinity. The TNM will need to be updated to reflect the average daily number of vehicle on roadway segments in the traffic analysis. Moreover, due to recent direction regarding global warming analysis, we now recommend quantifying greenhouse gas emissions for this project. This scope of work, therefore, includes updating the air quality analysis based on the URBEMIS2007, version 9.2.2, computer model, and also quantifying project- related CO, emissions. Graphics Revisions to the Site Plan necessitate revisions to the majority of EIR exhibits and preparation of a few additional exhibits to provide clarification on biological resource impacts and the Fire Protection Plan. Approximately 25 exhibits will be updated. As noted above, the source images for these exhibits will be provided by the applicant's consultants. Alternatives Our scope of work assumes that the project alternatives as prepared for the Screencheck EIR as submitted to the City will not need to be revised. We do not anticipate additional significant impacts due to the modified plan or updated analysis that would require additional project alternatives. Task 4: Draft EIR This task has not been initiated and we are not recommending any changes. Task 5: Final EIR/Response To Comments This task has not been initiated and we are not recommending any changes. Task 6: Mitigation Monitoring Program This task has not been initiated and we are not recommending any changes. Task 7: Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations This task has not been initiated and we are not recommending any changes. November8,2007 Page 3 Task 8: Public Hearings/Meetings Our approved scope of work as amended in June 2007 includes participation in up to nine meetings and four public hearings. To date, we have participated in the following meetings: Date Meeting Purpose 4/21/06 Project kick -off meeting at City 5/23/06 Traffic scoping meeting at City 8/23/06 Traffic meeting at City 10/19/06 Meeting to review Initial Study at City 1/10/07 Site meeting w /California Department of Fish and Game 5/15/07 Traffic meeting at City 7/13/07 Team meeting at City 10/25/07 Team meeting at City Our approved contract, therefore, includes our attendance at one more meeting and up to four public hearings. Since we only anticipate attendance at one more meeting (to review Screencheck EIR review comments with the City), we are not requesting additional fees for meeting or hearing or attendance at this time. This task still assumes attendance by our project manager at up to four public hearings. Task 9:. Notice Of Determination This task has not been initiated and we are not recommending any changes. Task 10: Protect Management and Coordination Pursuant to the Statement of Offer in our proposal, The Planning Center may request a budget augment if completion of the Draft EIR is extended more than 60 days beyond the schedule presented in the proposal for reasons beyond the control of The Planning Center. The latest modifications have resulted in extending the delay beyond the time addressed in our previous contract amendment. Additional project management/coordination fees have been added in this amendment to cover additional coordination time. COST ESTIMATE THE PLANNING CENTER November 8, 2007 Page 3 Task 8: Public Hearings/Meetings Our approved scope of work as amended in June 2007 includes participation in up to nine meetings and four public hearings. To date, we have participated in the following meetings: Date Meeting Purpose 4/21/06 Project kick -off meeting at City 5/23/06 Traffic scoping meeting at City 8/23/06 Traffic meeting at City 10/19/06 Meeting to review Initial Study at City 1/10/07 Site meeting w /California Department of Fish and Game 5/15/07 Traffic meeting at City 7/13/07 Team meeting at City 10/25/07 Team meeting at City Our approved contract, therefore, includes our attendance at one more meeting and up to four public hearings. Since we only anticipate attendance at one more meeting (to review Screencheck EIR review comments with the City), we are not requesting additional fees for meeting or hearing or attendance at this time. This task still assumes attendance by our project manager at up to four public hearings. Task 9: Notice Of Determination This task has not been initiated and we are not recommending any changes. Task 10: Project Management and Coordination Pursuant to the Statement of Offer in our proposal, The Planning Center may request a budget augment if completion of the Draft EIR is extended more than 60 days beyond the schedule presented in the proposal for reasons beyond the control of The Planning Center. The latest modifications have resulted in extending the delay beyond the time addressed in our previous contract amendment. Additional project management /coordination fees have been added in this amendment to cover additional coordination time. COST ESTIMATE THE PLANNING CENTER COST ESTIMATE - CONTRACT AM EN DM ENT # 1 Task Cost THE PLANNING CENTER LABOR Task 1. Initial Stud /Notice of Preparation S 0 Task 2. Public Scoping Meeting 0 Task 3. Screencheck Draft EIR 17,020 Task 4. Draft EIR 0 Task 5. Final EIR/Response to Comments' 0 Task 6. Mitigation Monitoring Program 0 Task 7. Statement of Facts & Findings, Statement of Overriding Considerations 0 Task 8. Hearings/Meetings 0 Task 9. Notice of Determination 0 Task 10. Project Management and Coordination 1,750 TOTAL - ThePlannin Center 1 $18,770