HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/2014 - Civil Service Board This comm agenda be items befo Commissio (5) minutes It is the inte as an atten of Newport at least 72 (949-644-30 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Civil Serv Hugh Log Debra Alle James “M Jeff Herdm Maiqual T CI Co Mo S ittee is subject posted at least ore the Commi on. The Commis per person. ention of the Ci dee or a partici Beach will atte hours prior to t 005 or lbrown@ CALL ME ROLL CA FLAG SA PUBLIC C Public com to be with limit comm you to sta extend or the time l turn cell p ADJOUR A. Conti discip § 549 RECONV ADJOUR DECEMB vice Board M gan, Chair en, Vice Chai Mickey” Dunla man, Board M Talbot, Board IVIL SERV ouncil Cham onday, Nove SPECI to the Ralph M t 72 hours in a ssion and item ssion may limit ty of Newport B pant at this mee empt to accomm the meeting to i newportbeachc EETING TO ALL ALUTE COMMENTS mments are hin the subje ments to thr ate your nam r shorten the limit adjustm phones off or RN TO CLOS inuation of pline/dismis 957 that w VENE (3:15 RNMENT T BER 1, 201 Members: ir p, Board Mem Member Member ICE BOAR bers – 100 C ember 17, 201 IAL ME M. Brown Act. A advance of each ms not on the public commen Beach to comply eting, you will n modate you in ev inform us of yo ca.gov). ORDER (10 S e invited on a ect matter jur ree (3) minu me for the re e speakers’ ment is appl r set them in SED SESSIO f Closed S ssal/releas was previo 5 PM) TO NEXT R 14 mber RD AGENDA Civic Center D 14, 10 AM EETIN mong other thin h meeting and e agenda but a nts to a reasona y with the Ame need special ass very reasonable our particular ne 0:00 AM) agenda and risdiction of utes. Before ecord. The time limit on lied equally n the silent m ON Session reg se pursuan usly adjou REGULAR M Staff Membe Terri L. Cass Hum Lauren Farle Jason Guyse Jyll Ramirez A Drive, Newpo NG ngs, the Brown that the public are within the able amount of t ricans with Dis sistance beyon e manner. Plea eeds and to det d non-agenda the Civil Se speaking, w Civil Service n agenda or to all speak mode. garding Pu nt to Califo urned on O MEETING O ers: sidy, Secretar man Resource ey, Deputy HR er, Assistant C z, Administrati ort Beach, 92 n Act requires th c be allowed to subject matte time, generally abilities Act (AD nd what is norm ase contact Leil termine if accom a items gene ervice Board we invite, bu e Board has r non-agenda kers. As a ublic Empl ornia Gove October 27 OF MONDA ry to the Boar es Director R Director City Attorney ive Specialist 2660 hat the Commis comment on a er jurisdiction either three (3) DA) in all respe ally provided, t lani Brown, City mmodation is fe erally consid d. Speakers ut do not req s the discreti a items, pro courtesy, pl loyee ernment Co 7, 2014. AY, rd, Deputy Ci t to the Deput ssion’s agenda of the or five ects. If, he City y Clerk, easible dered must quire, ion to vided lease ode ty Manager/ ty City Mgr