HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 - Mooring AdministrationCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. ;6 December 12, 2006 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Harbor Resources Division (City Manager's Office) Tom Rossmiller, Manager Harbor Resources, 949 -644 -3041 trossmillerOcity .newport- beach.ca.us Dave Kiff, Assistant City Manager, 949 -644 -3002 dk_ iffOcitv.newport- beach.ca.us SUBJECT: Extension of a Joint Powers Agreement for Mooring Administration ISSUE: Should the City authorize the extension of a Joint Powers Agreement (D89-035) with the County of Orange for mooring administration in Newport Harbor for two additional years? RECOMMENDATION: Approve the extension of the Joint Powers Agreement (D89 -035) with the County of Orange for mooring administration for two additional years. DISCUSSION: Background On January 6, 1987, the City and County first entered into a Joint Powers Agreement for mooring administration in Newport Harbor. The agreement was substantially revised on February 21, 1989 and is the underlying agreement for the proposed amendment. The purpose for the revised agreement was to "establish and define responsibilities of City and County owned and controlled tidelands in Newport Harbor ". Extension of a Joint Powers Agreement For Mooring Administration December 12, 2006 Page 2 Terms of Agreement Under this agreement; the City prepares billings and collects fees for mooring on City and County controlled tidelands. The City will also reimburse the County for related Sheriffs Harbor Patrol services; in the sum of $97,091 for calendar year 2006, . increased annually thereafter for two years at. the most recent Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) factor granted by the Board of Supervisors to the law Enforcement Bargaining Unit. The City. also "remits to the County all fees collected . annually for offshore moorings over County tidelands. The County will administer, regulate and control enforcement, all City and County ordinances pertaining to anchorage and mooring regulations. By the terms of this . agreement, the County is responsible for inspections of moorings (buoys, chains; fasteners, and anchors). and inspections of vessels to ensure proper mooring usage. Any change in the mooring area size and location requires the joint approval of City Council and the Board of.-Supervisors.. In addition, the County agrees to charge the same fee per linear foot per year as the City for its permanent moorings. Currently, this fee is $20.00 per linear foot of mooring per year. The agreement shall remain in full force for the two years and may be terminated by either party by notifying the other party not, less than ninety days prior to the anticipated termination. The Harbor Resources Division has evaluated the terms of this amendment and the original agreement and finds that the level of services performed by both jurisdictions and the reimbursement provided to the County for mooring administration is fair and equitable. Provided below is a discussion of alternatives. Environmental Review:. The City Council's discussion of this Agenda Item does not require environmental review. Public Notice: This agenda item may be noticed according to the Ralph M. Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the public meeting at which the City Council considers the item). Funding Availability: This agreement is funded in the current FY 2006/2007 budget. Alternatives: The only other feasible alternative is to hire additional staff and perform the administration of moorings over City Tidelands. It is estimated that City Administration of the Tidelands would require one Code and Water Quality Enforcement Officer and one Department Assistant at a minimum and would cost approximately $161,000 including salary and benefits. This alternative would only provide eight hours per day and five days per week coverage. The Harbor Patrol currently provides 24 Extension of a Joint Powers Agreement For Mooring Administration December 12, 2006 Page 3 hours per day, seven days per week contact with the public for mooring administration including short- term rental to transient vessels. Prepared by: Submitted by: 69;t.., Aen Tom Rossmiller, Harbor Resources Manager Dave Kiff, Assistant City Manager Attachments: Amendment No. 3 to the Joint Powers Agreement Joint Powers Agreement D89 -035 PROJECT: Newport Harbor Mooring Administration Agreement No.89 -035 AMENDMENT NO. 4 2 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT 3 THIS AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is entered into this day of 4 2003, at Santa Ana, California, between the County of Orange (hereinafter referred 6 to as "COUNTY ") and the City of Newport Beach (hereinafter referred to as "CITY "). 6 RECITALS 7 8 WHEREAS, on February 21, 1989, the COUNTY and CITY entered into a Joint Powers 9 Agreement (Agreement No. D89 -035, hereinafter referred to as "AGREEMENT ") for mooring 10 administration in Newport harbor through December 31, 1993; and 11 WHEREAS, the term of said AGREEMENT has been extended until December 31, 2006 by 12 subsequent amendments thereof; and 13 WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 01 -428 the COUNTY did amend the "Harbors, Beaches and 14 'Parks Fee Schedule - Permanent (Newport) Mooring as follows: 16 "Fees per linear foot per year shall be the same amount as set by the 16 City of Newport Beach for its permanent moorings in Newport Harbor "; and 17 WHEREAS, it remains in the mutual interest of CITY and COUNTY to continue the 18 previously defined responsibilities in conjunction with anchorage and mooring of 19 vessels on CITY and COUNTY owned and controlled tidelands in Newport Harbor; and 20 WHEREAS, CITY and COUNTY desire to extend the term of the AGREEMENT subject to 21 the following amendments. 22 23 24 26 26 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 71 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PROJECT: Newport Harbor Mooring Administration Agreement No.89 -035 NOW THEREFORE, COUNTY and CITY hereby agree as follows: 1. The following provisions of the AGREEMENT are amended to read as follows: I.B.i. For all onshore and offshore moorings over CITY tidelands, CITY shall annually reimburse COUNTY $97,091 for calendar year 2007, increased annually thereafter for the period of the amended agreement by the most recent annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) factor granted by the Board of Supervisors to its Law Enforcement Bargaining Unit, rounded to the nearest dollar. I.B.ii. For all offshore mooring over COUNTY tidelands, CITY shall annually collect and remit 100% of County fee per linear foot of the vessel per year. The fees per linear foot per year shall be the same amount as set by the CITY for its permanent moorings in Newport Harbor. 2. The first sentence of Section VI is amended to read as follows: This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for two (2) years, commencing January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2008. 3. All other provisions, terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 2 1 2 3' 4 5 6 7' i 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PROJECT: Newport Harbor Mooring Administration Agreement No.89 -035 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AMENDMENT NO. 3 to AGREEMENT on this day and year first hereinabove written. i A CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation FATTEST: City Clerk JAPPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD 10 Mayor COUNTY OF ORANGE, a political subdivision By DARLENE J. BLOOM Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California APPROVED AS TO FORM BENJAMIN P. DEMAYO COUNTY COUNSEL ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By Chairman of the Board of Supervisors 3 i PROJECT: 'Newport Harbor Mooring Administration AMENDMENT NO. 3 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT Agreement No. D89 -035 THIS AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is entered into this J Cd day of �'0'34�4at Santa Ana, California, between the County of Orange (hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY") and the City of Newport Beach (hereinafter referred to as "CITY -). RECITALS .WHEREAS, on February 21, 1989, the COUNTY and CITY entered into a Joint Powers agreement (Agreement No. D89 -035, hereinafter referred to as "AGREEMENT ") for mooring administration in Newport harbor through December 31, 1993; and WHEREAS, the term of said AGREEMENT has been extended until December 31, 2003 by ;ubsequent amendments thereof; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 01 -428 the COUNTY did amend the "Harbors, Beaches and ,arks Fee.Schedule- Permanent (Newport) Mooring as follows: "Fees per linear.foot pel- year shall be the same amount as set by the City of Newport Beach for its permanent moorings in Newport Harbor"; and WHEREAS, it remains in the mutual interest of CITY and COUNTY to continue the reviously defined responsibilities in conjunction with anchorage and mooring of essels on CITY and COUNTY owned and controlled tidelands in Newport Harbor; and WHEREAS, CITY and COUNTY desire to extend the terns of the AGREEMENT subject to he following amendments. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 26 [PROJECT: Newport Harbor Mooring Administration Agreement No. D89 -035 NOW THEREFORE, COUNTY and CITY hereby agree as follows: 1. The following provisions of the AGREEMENT are amended to read as follows: .I.B.i. For all onshore and offshore moorings over CITY tidelands, CITY shall annually reimburse COUNTY $89,785 for calendar year 2004, increased annually thereafter for the period of the amended agreement by the most recent annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) factor granted by .the Hoard of Supervisors to its Law Enforcement Bargaining Unit, rounded to the nearest dollar. I.B.ii. For all offshore mooring over COUNTY tidelands, CITY shall annually collect and remit 100W of County fee per linear foot of the vessel per year. The fees per linear foot per year shall be the same amount as set by the CITY for its permanent moorings in Newport Harbor.. 2. The first sentence of Section VI is amended to read as follows: This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for three (3) years, commencing January 1, 2004 and ending December Al, 2006. 3. All other provisions, terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 2 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 11PROJECT: Newport Harbor Mooring Administration Agreement No. D89 -035 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto. have executed this AMENDMENT N0. 3 to AGREEMENT on this day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation ATTEST By: City Clerk Mayor nF Ht'�4e TO FORM: COUNTY OF ORANGE, atpooll cal subdivision By�E,gil�, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD 4 erO O V By DARLENE J. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California (APPROVED AS TO FORM BENJAMIN P. DEMAYO COUNTY COUNSEL R ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA !/ �� / / / /�4&&/ /r WE W A 3 9 Sent by: HBP PROGRAM MGMT PtOjWt: Neapor£ Narla 1 2 8 4 b 6 7 E 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 2b 26 IN 714 8348812; 11/05/08 16:35; #602;Pege 7/10 .w✓.rV1..Y . VVJ �V.t, gooFing Afti.nistration 'mss AGFJMMM Wade and entered imo by and between CITY or NEWPORT REWR, a municipal oorporatioA, bereinaf ter referred to as `CITY', and COMITY OF CRUM, hereinafter referred to as 'COMITY". 1?_ITN88SS�R WHBPRAS, CITY and COMITY entered into a Joint Powers Agreement for Mooring Administration in Newport Harbor dated Oannary 6. 1487# and N08, purpose of said Mooring Administration Agreement was to, *establish and define responsibilities of Crrr and COMITY in conjunction with anoborage and mooring of vessels on CrTT and CO=r owned and controlled tidelands in NeVWt Harbor•: and W BAS, in accordance with Agreement Clause III, the term of Mooring M"Aistratioa Agreement will expire December 31, 1988# and INIZEMP it is in the mutual interest of CITY and COMITY to 000tinue the previously defined responsibilities in conjunction with anchorage and mooring of vessels aA CITY and COMITY rimed and controlled tidelands in Newport zarbor. WWI TWEPM, for and in Consideration of covenants herein contained to be antaally performed by parties hereto, said parties agree as follower I. CITY shall: A. Prepare necessary billings and bill each mooring permit holder annual mooring fee, for moorings located over CITY owned and controlled tidelands and COUNTY owned and controlled tidelands. 8. Reimburse COMITY as follows: I. Por all onshore mooring and offshore moorings over CITY tidelands, ¢52,945 for calendar year 1909, plus 68 for normally anticipated oust inareases each year tb"eafter for the period of this agreement. ii. For all off shore mooring over CONY tidelands, 100a of COMFIT Des per vessel. -per year; 515 Sent by: "BP PROGRAM W-AT 914 8348812; 11/05/03 16:38;'P.Byoa.waa 1 2 3 4 5I 811 7 8 10 11 12 18 14 I 351 16 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ffi it 28 C. Reimburse COMMY on or before and of March, each year during terra hereof. A. Should there be delinquencies in papment by a permit balder of annual mooring lee, reimbarsemsnt by CM to Comm for services reudered over CITY tidelannds $hall not be affected. and CITY shall pqy coumr said lull fees as Ptovidad irc Paragraph B. L. above. eowever sboaid said woorlug fees be delinquent from a Pe=t balder over C9OMY tidelandsr teiahorsomegt by CITY to CWMn shall be reduced proporticnat -IY for each deliwpmt fee. COMMZ shall he responsible for collecting delinquent mooring fees over CoVm tidelands, which fees are nose than ninety (90) days in arrears. B. Allow the CotMff to rent any vacant mooring over 01T7 tidelands and retain all rents collected tbetefrom. II. COWPFY shells AWnister, regulate amd control eRfotoement of all CITY and C ordinance8 dealing with anchorage and mooring reg�tions. including, but not limited to iMpautiom of moorings* their chains and €esteniM, and inspection Of Vessels to detexadne whether they are moored properly and to apropriate mooning bacy(9)- III .# Any change in sire and/or location of sooting areas shall be racomeuded by Harbors. 8aaahes and Parks COmi.ssios• and Shall be mcord jointly by -City Council and Board of Sapervisora. IV. Neither CITY nor any officer or QMIOyee thereof shall be tespousible for any damage or liability axnrtin9 by reason of anything done or quitted to be done by COMM Ueeer or in connection with any work or activity under this Agreement. it is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Covataaent Code section 895.4, C shall fully _2- .. Sent bY: HBP PROGRAM MW x 1! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 16 16 17 18 19 201 211 22' ?$ i Ai 25 281 27 28 714 8346812; 11/05/03 16:36; &M #602;Page 9110 .ay�csvroxa� *w. vor- as indemnify and hold CM harmless from any liability imPosed for injury (as defined by Government Code Section 810.8) oacarring by reason of anything done or aaftted to be done by COMM under or in connection with any Monk or activity under this Agreement. V. Neither COMM nor any officer or ,emplOrm thereof shall be respousible for any dawage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by CITY under or in conaeaticm with any work ac activity under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that. pursuant to Goverrm m+t Code section 895.t* CITY shall fully indemnify and hold COMM harmless from any liability loomed fwc injury Cas defined by Coveramont Code Section 810.8) occurring by reason, of anything donne or 'omitted to be done by CITY under or in connection with amp work or activity under this Aa*ement. vi. This agreement shall remain in forms and effect for five (5) Yes* oammen.ing January Ls 1989 and ending December 310 1993. Either patty m W terminate this Agreement by notifying the Other of terminatiai in Writing tut less than ninety (90) days prior to date of anticipated termination. Because billings authorimed pernaant tO COO= and CITY regeatiuna an an annual basis* it is contemplated that this Agreement* abmaa it be terminatios should be terminated cu last day of any calendar year. Sbeuld it be in the interest of one party hereto to terminate this Agreement at as other date* parties agree that cost to be related by CITY to CbONy as provided above* will be Appropriately pro rated for that portion of year in which CITY womLd be obligated to undertake duties performed by CEO M related to iaspeation of moorings end vessels* as provided above. -3- Sent by: HOP PROGRAM MBMT 3 4 B 7 a 10 11 12 13 15 I6 17 18 20 211 22 28 24 8.5 27 28 ... 714 8348812; 11/05/03 18:38; ja fns._ #802; Page 10/10 Agreesent No. D09 -035 lx NTT=S WMMWO the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this and year fleet hereinabove written. i CIJIT OF Umm BSUMO it uuniatpal corporation of state of Calif=nia r COUM of am ,. vt/ /,q 914 Cbalwan of the Board of sor9 County of Orange, State of California nV As TO FC01ct Sr: Signed and certified that a CM of this. 9 3QVM Comm COULMM Document bas been delivered to the 08 OKUM, CALMKINrA Chair of the Board VL ! By. . Aepnty Linda D. Rixth Clerk of the Hoard of Supervisors -4-